








1. Question 1: (录音)A. He is quiet.B. He is active.C. He is honest.2. Question 2: (录音)A. Ask lots of questions.B. Pay attention in class.C. Be honest all the time.听第二段材料,回答第3-4题。


3. Question 3: (录音)A. At the airport.B. Al the office.C. At the restaurant.4. Question 4: (录音)A. See a guest.B. Read a report.C. Have a meeting.听第三段材料,回答第5-6题。


5. Question 5: (录音)A. It’s famous for fried fish.B. It’s the one of the biggest.C. It has many delicious dishes.6. Question 6: (录音)A. Fried chicken.B. Seafood salad.C. Fried fish.第二节回答问题(共4小题,每小题2分,满分8分)听下面一段材料,然后回答问题。


7. What does the speaker think healthy foods include?________________________________________________________8. What helps you stay strong?________________________________________________________9. How long docs the speaker suggest people swim each lime?________________________________________________________10. What is the speaker’s way to stay healthy?________________________________________________________第二部分阅读(共两节,满分40分〉第一节阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分〉阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。




(10分)    (1)日月之行,;__________,若出其里。







请你写出连续两句表达思乡之情的诗句________ _______,___________________。









3.古诗文默写(8 分)(1)__________,志在千里。








2010年佛山市普通高中高三教学质量检测(二)理科综合能力测试2010.4 本试卷共12页,满分300分.考试时间150分钟.注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考号填写在答题卡上.用2B铅笔将答题卡试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡上,并在答题卡右上角的“试室号”和“座位号”栏填写试室号、座位号,将相应的试室号、座位号信息点涂黑.2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案答在试题卷上无效.3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答卷上各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.考试结束后,将答卷和答题卡一并交回.第一部分选择题(共 118分)一、本题共 16小题,每小题 4 分,共 64分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求,选对的得 4 分,错选、不选得 0 分.1.下列有关细胞中元素和化合物的叙述,正确的是A.氨基酸脱水缩合产生水,水中的氢都来自氨基B.纤维素与脂肪都是由C、H、O元素组成的C.蛋白质是组成生物膜的主要成分,可被苏丹III染成紫色D.组成RNA和DNA的元素种类不同,碱基种类相同2.下列说法错误..的是A.种群是生物进化的基本单位B.突变和基因重组决定生物进化的方向C.生物多样性是共同进化的结果D.生物进化的实质是种群基因频率的改变3.培育原理相同的一组是A.太空椒和抗虫棉B.无子番茄和“番茄—马铃薯”C.高产优质杂交水稻和青霉素高产菌株D.无子西瓜和八倍体小黑麦4.以下为人体的体温与水盐平衡调节示意图,abcd各代表激素。

有关叙述不.正确的是ArrayA.下丘脑与垂体之间既有神经联系,又有血液联系B.当受到寒冷刺激时,a、b、c的分泌均会增加C.大量饮水后d的分泌增多,肾小管和集合管对水的重吸收增强D.体温和水盐平衡的维持都是神经调节和体液调节协调作用的结果5.以下与人体免疫有关的叙述,正确的是A.抗体是由浆细胞产生的免疫活性物质B.记忆细胞由造血干细胞直接分化而来C.吞噬细胞不参与细胞免疫过程D.免疫系统有防御功能,而没有调节功能6.利学家已成功地利用人体表皮细胞制造出了具备胚胎干细胞功能的细胞(即类胚胎干细胞),有关叙述错误..的是 A .表皮细胞是高度分化的细胞 B .类胚胎干细胞能够分化成多种细胞C .表皮细胞和类胚胎干细胞具有相同的基因组D .表皮细胞在形成过程中丢失了某些基因 7.下列说法正确的是A .油脂属于高分子化合物B .可以用分液漏斗分离水和乙醛C .酯化反应和酯的水解反应都属于取代反应D .乙烯能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液和溴水褪色,二者反应原理相同8. 若N A 表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是[M (O)=16,M (Fe )=56]A .20g 重水(2H 2O )含有10N A 个电子B .常温常压下,1摩氦气含有2N A 个原子C .100mL 1mol/L NaHCO 3溶液含有0.1N A 个HCO 3-D .5.6g 金属铁与足量稀盐酸反应完全反应时,失去0.3N A 个电子 9.下列说法正确的是A .氢键属于化学键中的一种B .酸式盐的水溶液不一定显酸性C .丁达尔效应是胶体的本质特征D .Na 2O 属于碱性氧化物,CO 属于酸性氧化物 10.下列反应的离子方程式中,正确的是A .氯化亚铁溶液中通入硫化氢气体:Fe 2+ + H 2S = FeS↓ + 2H +B .向氯化铝溶液中加入过量氢氧化钠溶液:Al 3+ + 3OH -= Al(OH)3↓C .硫酸亚铁溶液中加入酸化的双氧水:Fe 2+ + 2H + + H 2O 2 = Fe 3+ + 2H 2OD .向苯酚钠溶液中通入少量的二氧化碳:CO 2+H 2O +C 6H 5O -= C 6H 5OH +HCO 3-11.下列所示的实验装置中,能达到实验目的的是12.下表是元素周期表的一部分,有关说法正确的是(2)六种元素中金属性最强的是c(3)a、f两种元素氢化物的稳定性:f > a(4)a、b、f三种元素最高价氧化物对应的水化物的酸性最强的是b(5)六种元素中,a元素形成的化合物种类最多A.(1)(3)(4)B.(2)(3)(5)C.(2)(4)(5)D.(1)(3)(5)13.下列叙述正确的是A.奥斯特实验说明电流能产生磁场B.卢瑟福α粒子散射实验的结果说明原子很小C.胡克发现弹簧弹力大小总与弹簧长度成正比D.在国际单位制中,力学的基本单位是米、牛顿、秒14.近年我国高速铁路技术得到飞速发展,武广高铁创造了世界最高营运时速390/km h的记录.下列说法错误..的是A.减少路轨阻力,有利于提高列车最高时速B.当列车保持最高时速行驶时,其牵引力与阻力大小相等C.列车的最高时速取决于其最大功率、阻力及相关技术D.将列车车头做成流线形,减小空气阻力,有利于提高列车功率15.滑雪运动员由斜坡高速向下滑行过程中其速度—时间图象如图乙所示,则由图象中AB段曲线可知,运动员在此过程中A.做匀变速曲线运动B.做变加速运动C.所受力的合力不断增大D.机械能守恒16.欧洲天文学家发现了可能适合人类居住的行星“格里斯581c”.该行星的质量是地球的m 倍,直径是地球的n倍.设在该行星表面及地球表面发射人造卫星的最小发射速度分别为12v v、,则12v v的比值为AB. m n CD二、本题共 9小题,每小题 6分,共54分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有两个选项符合题目要求,全选对的得 6分,只选一个且正确的得3分,错选、不选得 0 分.17. 下列叙述正确的是A.相对湿度越大,空气中水蒸气越接近饱和B.物体从外界吸收热量,其内能一定增加C.一定质量的气体,温度升高时,其压强有可能减小D.凡是不违背能量守恒定律的实验构想,都可以实现18.下列说法中正确的是A.当原子从低能级跳到高能级时辐射光子B.原子核的放射性现象,说明原子核内部有更深层次的结构C.核反应堆是人工控制链式反应的装置D.放射性材料存放时间越长,放射线的穿透力越弱图乙19.右图为远距离输电的示意图,若电厂输出电压1Vu tπ=,电流11000AI=,不计变压器损耗,则下列判断正确的是A.1U=B.21000AI<C.6224.410WI U=⨯D.用户得到的交流电频率为100Hzπ20.A、B两带电小球,质量分别为A Bm m、,电荷量分别为A Bq q、,用绝缘不可伸长的细线如图悬挂,静止时A、B两球处于同一水平面.若B对A及A对B的库仑力分别为A BF F、,则下列判断正确的是A.A BF F<B.OC细线的拉力()C A BT m m g=+C.AC细线对A的拉力2A AT m g=D.同时烧断AC、BC细线后,A、B在竖直方向的加速度相同21.如图甲,在虚线所示的区域有竖直向上的匀强磁场,面积为S的单匝金属线框放在磁场中,线框上开有一小口与磁场外阻值为R的小灯泡相连.若金属框的总电阻为2R,磁场如图乙随时间变化,则下列说法正确的是A.感应电流由a向b流过小灯泡B.线框cd边受到的安培力指向左C.感应电动势大小为002B S RtD.ab间电压大小为002B S t22.在容积固定不变的密闭容器中加入1mol N2和3mol H2发生反应:N2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g) △H= -92.4 KJ/mol,下列结论正确的是A.该反应达到平衡时,放出的热量等于92.4KJB.达到平衡后向容器中通入1mol氦气,平衡不移动C.降低温度和缩小容器体积均可使该反应的平衡常数增大D.若达到平衡时N2的转化率为20%,则平衡时容器内的压强是起始时的90%23.右图中,两电极上发生的电极反应分别为:a极:2Ag++2e-=2Ag b极:Fe-2e-=Fe2+下列说法不正确...的是A.该装置一定是电解池B.a、b可能是同种电极材料C.装置中电解质溶液不一定含有Ag+D.装置中发生的反应方程式一定是Fe+2Ag+=Fe2++2Ag24.甲型H1N1流感病毒是一种RNA病毒,药物“达菲”通过抑制该病毒中神经氨酸酶(NA)的作用,使病毒不能从宿主细胞中释放出来,从而减少病毒的传播。






第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话或独白, 每段对话或独白后有几个小题。





1. How does the man usually go to school?A. By bike.B. On foot.C. By bus.2. What does the woman worry about?A. That Jack’s mother’s illness will become more serious.B. That Jack will not do well in the coming exam.C. That Jack will be late for school.3. What can we learn from the dialogue?A. Jack’s father is in another city.B. Jack often does well in his studies.C. Jack’s own bicycle is broken.请听第2段对话,回答第4至第6题。

4. What is the program that the woman is watching most probably about?A. Global warming.B. Traveling abroad.C. Fashion.5. What does the man think people can do?A. Wash clothes less often.B. Stop using the fridge.C. Wash clothes by hand.6. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a sitting room.B. On the phone.C. In a classroom.请听第3段对话,回答第7至第9题。



2010年佛山市普通高中教学质量检测高一政治试题本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共 5 页,满分100分,考试用时90分钟。












A.精神文明建设 B.建设和谐社会C.新农村建设 D.党的建设2.2009年12月20日,正式就任澳门特别行政区第三任行政长官。

A.崔世安 B.董建华C.何厚华D.曾荫权3.3.2009年10月23日,首批28家上市公司集中在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市,标志着该市场正式进入实质交易阶段,也标志着我国多层次资本市场体系建设迈出了重要一步。

A.地产板B.概念板C..金融板 D. 创业板4.2009年10月1日上午,首都各界庆祝中华人民共和国成立周年大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行,20万军民以盛大的阅兵仪式和群众游行欢庆伟大祖国的这一盛大节日。

A.70 B.60 C.50 D.405.2009年10月29,我国首台千万亿次超级计算机系统——“”由国防科技大学研制成功。

A.银河一号B.嫦娥一号C.天河一号 D.神州一号6.当市场上某种商品出现了“物以稀为贵”的现象时,这就出现了所谓的A.买方市场 B.卖方市场C.资本市场 D.消费市场7.小李在商场看中了一件标价300元的衣服,最终以八折的价钱购买了该商品。



佛山一中2009学年度(下)期末考高一级英语答案I.听力(共两节,满分35分)第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1-5 BABBA 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 BCCAB第二节听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)16. pop 17. sports 18. News broadcasts 19. 160 20. 18Ⅱ语言知识及应用:(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项选择(每小题1分,满分10分)21-25 CAADB 26-30 BCAAC第二节:完形填空(每小题2分,满分20分)31-35 DABBD 36-40 AAABCⅢ阅读(共两节,满分35分)第一节:阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)41-45 BCADC 46-50 CBDCD 51-55 BCDCC第二节:信息匹配(每小题1分,共5分)56-60 BDEAFⅣ词汇、句型与写作(共4节,满分50分)第一节:语法填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. as 62. which 63. was changed 64. however 65. myself66. the 67. until/till 68. solved 69. unfortunately 70. to complete第二节:单词拼写(每小题1分,满分10分)71. quantity 72. behave 73. pavement 74. average 75. ferry 76. consequences 77. argument 78. ambassador 79. ashamed 80. admired第三节:完成句子(每小题2分,满分10分)81. He was addicted to chatting online day and night82. There is no doubt that; appeal to /attract83. It is said that he has been helping84. Li Hua was aware that there were many children dropping out of school orLi Hua was aware that many children dropped out of school.85. got stuck/caught in traffic jam on his way to work.第四节:基础写作(满分15分)One possible version:Nowadays our mother earth has suffered a great deal from pollution. As social members, teachers and students in our school should take our responsibility to reduce pollution against the earth. For example, saving some paper by printing on both sides, turning off the lights when no one is in the room and recycling waste are necessary measures. We should also buy enough food so as not to increase waste. Using environmental-friendly material instead of disposable ones is what everyone can do.。



2023-2024学年佛山市普通高中教学质量检测(一)高三英语2024. 1本试卷共8页, 满分120分, 考试用时120分钟。

注意事项:1. 答题前, 考生务必用黑色钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡上, 将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”, 因笔试不考听力, 选择题从第二部分的“阅读”开始, 试题序号从“21”开始。

2. 作答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑:如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案, 答案不能答在试卷上。

回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。

第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

AIrish Writers Centre Novel Fair 2024The Novel Fair is an annual competition initiated by the Irish Writers Centre(IWC). Described by The Irish Times as "A Dragons Cave for writers", each year the Fair aims to introduce up-and-coming writers to top publishers and literary agents.The PrizeThe twelve winners will have the opportunity to present the summary of their novel directly to industry professionals. Leading publishers and agents will be invited by the IWC to meet these writers in person or through a series of online meetings. To get fully prepared for the meeting with publishers and agents, the winners will receive a place in a workshop on "How to Promote Your Novel", two weeks in advance. Also, applicants who are longlisted (初选) but do not make it to the shortlist of twelve will have their works evaluated and criticized by the judging panel.How to Enter•Entry fee for application is £55 (Members of IWC can enter for a discounted fee of £45).•This competition only accepts manuscripts(原稿) for novels.•Applicants are required to send a summary within 300 words and up to five chapters of their novel, which should be 10, 000 words(+/-10%).•Manuscripts should be submitted online.•There is a limit of one entry per applicant.Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world. Before entering the competition, please ensure that you have read the Novel Fair Terms & Conditions 2024 very carefully as the Fair is open to only novelists who have never published work previously. If you have any questions about the application **************************************************.21. What’s the purpose of the Fair?A. To advertise local stories.B. To encourage literary reading.C. To serve as a platform for writers.D. To arouse enthusiasm for writing.22. What can the workshop help the winners do?A. Deal with the judging panel.B. Improve their writing skills.C. Learn about publishing process.D. Present their novels attractively.23. Which of the following meets the requirement of the Fair?A. A summary of 200 words.B. A novel published in 2023.C. A paper manuscript by post.D. A submission of seven chapters.B75-year-old hip-hop(街舞) grandma Stephanie Walsh has gained worldwide attention with her intense dance moves and incredible energy. Better known as "Ms. Stephanie" online, Walsh has been featured on social media accounts with some videos drawing more than II million people to watch.Walsh believes the videos gained popularity because she is 75. "It's because I'm a senior, "said Walsh. "You don't usually see someone my age doing hip-hop and moving like that. "But actually, it's more than that. Just as her profile claims, Walsh's videos are "inspiring the world to dance like no one is watching. ""Dance isn't just your body, it's what you're feeling inside about the dance and it's what comes out here in your face, " Walsh said. "What I want to put through my movement is how much fun it is and how much joy it gives you. "From a young age, Walsh loved to dance but her family didn't have the money for classes. When she was nearly 30, she got her daughter ballet lessons, which her daughter hated. So, she took her daughter out and started classes herself right away.Walsh believes her lifelong passion for dance is what motivates her today. "Everybody has to have a passion in their life, " she said. "It's like that saying, 'A life without passion is a life half lived. 'I believe that. "Walsh dances for fun and fitness, but also for therapy(心理治疗). She struggled through countless hardships, and she has more than enough reasons to keep her down. But they don't. She turns to her faith, her friends and of course, dance, to shine as an inspiration to those around her.Gilbert, one of Walsh's followers, says she inspires him every day. "She's a beautiful soul who teaches me that it doesn't matter about your age or your size. As long as you feel good, that's all that matters, "says Gilbert. "I am truly thankful that Walsh is teaching me at the age of 32 to live my life full and stop being so scared. "24. What motivates Walsh to do hip-hop?A. Its great social benefit.B. Its growing popularity.C. Her enthusiasm for dance.D. Her hunger for reputation.25. What contributes to her videos' popularity according to Walsh?A. Her advanced age.B. Her smooth moves.C. Her endless energy.D. Her confident claim.26. What will Walsh's story probably inspire Gilbert to do?A. Be active in social media.B. Set a good example to others.C. Take full advantage of his talent.D. Adopt a positive approach to life.27. Which is a suitable title for the text?A. Optimistic About Life: The Way to SurviveB. Forever Young in Dance: An Inspiring FigureC. Embracing Social Media: The Key to SuccessD. Dancing with the Young: An Amazing JourneyCA China plane struck a bird after taking off in Chengdu, Sichuan, and had to immediately return to the airport last October, and it wasn't the first accident between an aircraft and a bird last year.In fact, more than 20, 000 wildlife strikes with aircraft were reported worldwide in 2023-the vast majority of those animals being birds. The strikes can also include run-ins with bats or creatures on the ground, such as deer or turtles. Expanding wildlife populations, increases in number of aircraft movements, and a trend toward faster and quieter aireraft all have contributed to the increase in wildlife strikes.Bird strikes are a hazard not just to commercial airplanes, but to all sorts of aircraft. However, historical data shows that damage is reported in a small percentage of incidents. Last year, 95% of the global strikes involved some kind of damage- and only 5% of those caused "substantial" damage.Some of the most disturbing types of strikes can happen when one or more birds go into a plane's engine, which might cause a lot of damage to the aircraft. The pilot would need to return to the airport or find a safe place to land.In last October's China plane incident, the Beijing-bound flight was able to land normally in Chengdu after taking into account what the airline described as security concerns. Senior captain Chen Jianguo said pilots are trained on how to respond if they have a bird strike in flight. The pilot in this case did exactly what he was trained to do."There are lots of things that are being used by airports to try to manage the habitat and birds around the airport, "said Chen Jianguo. Airports need to manage bird habitats to reduce or get rid of trees and plants that shelter birds, or address wetlands that can attract birds. Collecting data on what kinds of birds are involved in strikes is equally important so the risks can better be managed. Many airports also use audible signals to scare birds away, such as the sounds of fireworks.28. What is a cause of the increase in wildlife strikes?A. The poorly designed aircraft.B. The growing number of birds.C. The destruction of wildlife habitats.D. The absence of environmental awareness.29. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Danger.B. Delay.C. Accident.D. Reminder.30. What does the historical data tell us about bird strikes?A. They are a rare occurrence.B. They usually damage engines.C. Most of them cause slight damage.D. Most of them involve one single bird.31. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Ways to study bird behavior.B. Measures to drive birds away.C. Efforts to restore bird habitat.D. Attempts to take care of birds.DSuppose you come across two doctors. One is handsome while the other looks plain. Who would you trust with your surgery? Most people would probably want to get treated by the handsome one. And most people are likely to be wrong about that.When you look at the sun, you sometimes see it clearly. But sometimes you'll see it shining way bigger than its actual shape. That circle of light called a halo makes it look bigger. This effect, known as the halo effect, also happens when a person, product, or company shines like the sun. Then we don't see them clearly and associate all sorts of unrelated qualities to them.The halo effect was once studied by the psychologist Edward Thorndike, who asked flight commanders to evaluate their pilots in various distinct aspects such as physical appearance, intelligence, and leadership. He found that the pilots who got high scores for their physical appearance, also got rated high on intelligence and leadership skills-a link that seemed wrong. It appears that the commanders were unable to evaluate specific qualities independently of others. They thought of their pilots in broad terms, either "good" or "bad", and allowed this general feeling to influence the specific qualities they credited to their pilots. Some pilots profited from their halo.The halo effect also explains why some teachers give better-looking students higher grades. One study looked at the grades of 4, 500 pupils, who were sorted by volunteers into three groups: below- average, average, and above-average looking. The researchers then compared students' grades between classes taken in conventional classrooms with those taken online where there was no face-to-face interaction. The researchers found that students who were rated as good-looking earned significantly lower grades in online courses compared to conventional classrooms.Since the physical appearance of good-looking people seems to naturally make them also appear intelligent, strong, and trustworthy, here is one good rule. If you meet with an accident and have to choose between two equally qualified doctors, ignore their halo and choose the less handsome one. He might have worked twice as hard to gain the same reputation and is likely better at his job.32. What is the purpose of the second paragraph?A. To explore a natural wonder.B. To spread scientific knowledge.C. To explain a psychological tendency.D. To interpret social rules at the workplace.33. How did the commanders tend to evaluate their pilots in Thorndike's study?A. In a general way.B. With common sense.C. From a specific aspect.D. By an objective criterion.34. What does the 4500-pupil study find about better-looking students?A. They were fairly treated by their teachers.B. They were less attentive in online courses.C. They probably had natural learning abilities.D. They were overvalued in conventional classes.35. What can be learned about the halo effect?A. It relieves appearance anxiety.B. It leads to inaccurate judgments.C. It causes trust crisis among people.D. It intensifies workplace competition.第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2024届广东省佛山市高三上学期普通高中教学质量检测(一)英语试题一、听力选择题1.A.He has found a good job.B.The job search is frustrating.C.His resume is well designed.D.He has ten jobs to choose from.2.A.He isn’t allowed to tell the student her grade.B.He doesn’t know how to find the student’s grade.C.Dr. Wilson hasn’t finished grading the mid-term exam.D.Dr. Wilson doesn’t want to be contacted while he’s away.3. What does the woman want to be?A.A businesswoman.B.A university teacher.C.A university student.4. What does the woman think of cloning?A.It has no side effect at all.B.It should be strictly forbidden.C.It may cause trouble for humans.5.A.It doesn’t take long to drive there.B.He has memorized every part of the drive.C.He doesn’t want to drive anymore.D.The road to Bridgeport has just been opened.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Interviewer and interviewee.B.Boss and employee.C.Customer and waiter .2. Why does the woman want to leave her present company?A.She hasn't had a promotion.B.The company isn't doing well.C.She can't display her abilities there.3. When can the woman start her new job?A.At once.B.In about a week .C.In about a month.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。












1.下列细胞中没有核膜的是A、酵母细胞B、原核细胞C、动物细胞D、植物细胞2.最基本的生命系统是A、碳链B、蛋白质分子C、病毒D、细胞3.下列关于三肽的描述正确的是A、有三个肽键的化合物B、由三个氨基酸分子缩合而成的化合物C、由三种氨基酸分子缩合而成的化合物D、由三条肽链构成的化合物4.下列物质中,不属于...氨基酸的是A、 B、C、 D、5.胰岛素分子有两条多肽链,共由51个氨基酸组成,胰岛素分子中肽键的数目是A、48个B、49个C、50个D、51个6.下列哪一项不属于...细胞膜的功能?A、作为系统的边界,维持细胞内环境的稳定B、控制物质出入细胞C、将胰岛细胞形成的胰岛素,分泌到细胞外D、提高细胞内化学反应的速率7.检验奶粉中是否含有蛋白质,可选用的试剂是A、碘液B、苏丹Ⅲ染液C、双缩脲试剂D、斐林试剂8.携带遗传信息的物质是A、脂质B、蛋白质C、核糖D、核酸9.DNA的基本组成单位是A、核苷酸B、核糖核苷酸C、脱氧核糖核酸D、脱氧核苷酸10.细胞生命活动所需的主要能源物质是A、ATPB、葡萄糖C、乳糖D、纤维素11.活细胞中含量最多的化合物是A、水B、无机盐C、糖类D、蛋白质12.海豹皮下含量丰富的储能物质是A、脂肪B、葡萄糖C、淀粉D、糖原13.剧烈运动大量出汗后,应多喝A、开水B、淡盐水C、茶水D、汽水14.细胞学说主要阐明了什么?A、植物细胞与动物细胞的区别B、细胞的多样性C、生物界的统一性D、一切生命活动离不开细胞15.与植物细胞渗透吸水或渗透失水密切相关的细胞器是A、线粒体B、高尔基体C、溶酶体D、液泡16.科学家说“碳是生命的核心元素”,其原因是碳原子A、参与所有化合物质组成B、是细胞中含量最多的C、构成生物大分子的骨架D、是生物界特有的17.观察移除了细胞核的变形虫,发现其高尔基体、内质网等细胞器退化,变形虫很快会死亡,这说明细胞核控制了细胞的A、分裂B、生命活动C、形态D、遗传18.下列哪种物质是通过右图所示的运输方式进入细胞的?A、O2B、葡萄糖C、氨基酸D、K+19.唾液淀粉酶在人体小肠内被彻底消化后,得到的物质是A、氨基酸B、二肽C、多肽D、葡萄糖20.植物细胞中,ADP向ATP转化的主要场所是A、细胞质基质B、线粒体C、叶绿体D、线粒体和叶绿体21.下列关于ATP的描述正确的是A、ATP分子的结构简式为A—P—P~PB、ATP中的T代表三个高能磷酸键C、ATP中的A代表腺嘌呤D、直接给细胞主动运输提供能量的物质是ATP22.下列各图,纵坐标表示烧杯中的淀粉量,横坐标表示反应条件的变化。



























1. What was broken in the party?A. A bowl.B. A glass.C. A plastic bag.2. Who played magic tricks?A. Keith.B. Amada.C. Emily.3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.C. Waiter and customer.听第2段材料,回答第4至6题。

4. Why is the man asking for help?A. He lost his train ticket.B. His wife is going to kill him.C. He failed to catch the train.5. How much does a hard seat cost?A. 100 Yuan.B. 610 Yuan.C. 420 Yuan.6. How will the man most probably travel to Shanghai?A. In a soft sleeper.B. In a hard seat.C. In a hard sleeper.听第3段材料,回答第7至9题。


robbers dug their way into the basement of a bank in Paris and emptied almost 200 private safes(保险箱). They entered the Credit Lyonnais branch using building 31 (equip) to dig holes and destroy walls 32 Saturday night. They tied up a security guard and spent 33 next nine hours robbing the bank. One investigator described the robbery 34 a ―professional job‖. The robbers came in at about 22:00 on Saturday 35 left at 07:00 on Sunday. They entered through the basements of the neighbouring building, digging through a series of tunnels and making a hole into a wall of 80 cm thick to get into the bank, 36 was having building works at the time. When they left, the robbers set the place on fire to remove any trace of evidence, ‪ 37 (switch) on the anti-fire system and flooding the building. 38 (fortune), the guard escaped unharmed. 39 is difficult to estimate(估计) the total value of what 40 (steal) as only the bank‘s clients(储户) know the content of their private safes.



2010年佛山市普通高中高三教学质量检测(一)理科综合能力测试 2010.2第一部分 选择题 (共 118分)一、本题共 16小题,每小题 4 分,共 64分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求,选对的得 4 分,错选、不选得 0 分. 1.不属于...细胞工程基本技术的是 A .细胞培养技术 B .细胞融合技术 C .细胞核移植技术 D .转基因技术 2.关于细胞的叙述不正确...的是 A.浆细胞产生抗体的过程需要氨基酸、核苷酸等原料 B.细胞的衰老和凋亡都受基因调控 C.物质是顺浓度梯度进入细胞的 D.A TP 是细胞代谢的直接供能物质 3.有关种群叙述正确的是A .右图中种群的K 值为aB .用标志重捕法调查某草原东亚飞蝗卵的密度C .山毛榉种群和它所在的群落一样具有明显的垂直分层现象D .理想状态下,在达到K 值前种群呈J 型增长 4.光合作用是生物界最基本的代谢,下列叙述不正确...的是 A .光合色素和酶是决定光合作用强度的两个重要内因 B .外界因素都是通过影响暗反应来影响光合作用的 C .光合作用进行中突然停止CO 2的供给,C 5含量上升 D .当光合作用强度大于呼吸作用,植物体积累有机物5.图示由①②两个水稻品种分别培育出④⑤⑥三个品种的过程,下列叙述正确的是A .步骤Ⅲ中通常使用花药离体培养法B. 步骤Ⅳ中通常用物理或化学的方法进行诱变处理 C .由③经步骤Ⅲ、Ⅴ培育出⑤的方法属于多倍体育种 D .由①和②经步骤I 、Ⅱ培育出⑤,育种时间最短 6.下列各图所示细胞均来自同一生物体.下列叙述正确的是④Ab①AABB III V③AaBb ⑤AAbb②aabb IV⑥AAaaBBbbA.属于有丝分裂过程的图是③④⑤B.细胞①的形成过程:④→③→⑤→②→⑥→①C.图①和图②可能来自同一初级精母细胞D.图③④⑤⑥中都具有同源染色体二、双选题24.2,4—二氯苯氧乙酸即2,4—D,有关它的说法正确的是A.与赤霉素、乙烯等物质一样,属于植物激素B.用于麦田除草的原理是高浓度时抑制杂草生长C.一定浓度时可促进黄瓜幼苗的根的生长D.使用于水果保鲜时的优点是无毒、无残留25.在肺炎双球菌转化实验中,将R型活细菌与加热后杀死的S型细菌混合后注射,小鼠死亡,从小鼠体内可分离出S型活细菌.PCR技术是一项在生物体外复制特定DNA片段的技术.从这两个实验可知A.加热后杀死的S型细菌中有转化因子,将R型细菌转化成S型细菌B.转化因子是与荚膜合成有关的酶C.与蛋白质相比,DNA具有较高的热稳定性D.所有的蛋白质遇到高温(90℃)时都会失活第二部分非选择题(共182分)26.(16分)甲的细胞可产生抗体,乙表示正在出芽的酵母菌.(1)甲和乙的细胞都属于细胞.从图中看,与叶肉细胞的结构不同的是:甲和乙的细胞都.(2)甲的细胞可以由分化而来.用数字标号和箭头,依序写出参与了抗体合成与分泌全过程的细胞结构:.(3)酵母菌产生酒精的场所是,产生CO2的场所是.(写出数字符号及结构名称)(4)甲的细胞比乙的细胞代谢速率快,从结构方面找出两条原因:①;②.27.(16分)Ⅰ.当寒冷刺激幼儿时,其血液中甲状腺激素含量升高.(1)皮肤冷觉感受器感受到刺激,兴奋部位膜内电位变化是.兴奋经过突触时,突触部位的组织液中明显增加.(2)下丘脑接受兴奋后,释放激素,作用于上.血液中的甲状腺激素含量增加到一定程度时,对下丘脑的作用是.这种调节存在着机制.Ⅱ.下图是两个农业生态系统的结构简图.鸡猪牛农作物a图(3)a图中表示生态系统能量流动的箭头是___ __(填数字代号).(4)b图中属于分解者的生物是______ __.(5)b农业生态系统比a更科学合理,是因为①;②.28.(16分)I.以下是沃森和克里克构建DNA模型的过程,参考下列材料作答.材料一、当时已有的认识是:DNA分子是以4种脱氧核苷酸为单位连接而成的长链,呈双螺旋结构,碱基位于螺旋的内部,数量巨大,于是他们设想:A与A、T与T、G与G、C与C 配对.材料二、1952年他们得到了一个重要信息:A的量总是等于T的量,G的量总是等于C的量.材料三、后来进一步分析得知:碱基A和G是双环化合物(分子直径大),而碱基C和T 是单环化合物(分子直径小).于是他们改变配对方式,让A与T配对,G与C配对,最终构建出正确的DNA模型.该模型两条链之间的距离相等,分子结构稳定.(1)“碱基之间以相同碱基进行配对”的设想为什么不合理?(2)用一句话阐明基因与DNA的关系:.(3)DNA为什么能够作为遗传物质?Ⅱ.人的抗维生素D佝偻病遗传普遍存在着“父亲患病女儿一定患病”的现象,而苯丙酮尿症没有这种现象.(4)苯丙酮尿症是突变基因不能表达所致,即肝细胞不能通过和过程合成苯丙氨酸羟化酶.这说明基因可以通过控制来控制生物性状.Array(5)表现正常的妻子与只患有抗维生素D佝偻病的丈夫,生下一个两病兼发的女孩.如果他们再生一个孩子,其表现正常的概率是.这种现象体现了遗传的定律.29.(16分)用马铃薯和洋葱做下列实验,回答相关问题.(1)质壁分离实验:制作洋葱鳞片叶内表皮的临时装片,从盖玻片一侧滴入胭脂红溶液(植物细胞不吸收的红色染料),在另一侧用吸水纸吸引,重复几次,使材料浸润在胭脂红溶液中.显微镜观察结果如右图.A、B处的颜色分别是、.将上述玻片放在80℃下处理一段时间后观察,发现B处颜色发生变化,原因可能是.(2)研究生物体维持pH稳定的机制:向等量的自来水、缓冲缓、马铃薯匀浆中,各滴加0.1mol/L 的HCl或NaOH溶液,pH变化如下表.论是:.(3)观察有丝分裂:用洋葱根尖制作临时装片,步骤是:解离→.五位同学同时进行实验,采用相同方法各自统计50个细胞,计数不同分裂时期的细胞总数,发现结果有差异.产生这种差异的具体原因可能有:①;②.(4)用马铃薯或洋葱作材料,还可以完成哪一个生物学实验?2010年佛山市普通高中高三教学质量检测(一)26.16分。



2010年佛山市普通高中教学质量检测高一化学试卷2010.1 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共8页,满分100分,考试用时90分钟。








可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Mg 24 Al 27 Cl 35.5 Ca 40 Fe 56第I部分(选择题共40分)一、选择题(本题包括15小题,只有一个选项符合题意。

每小题2分,共30分)1.某物质在灼烧时透过蓝色钴玻璃看到火焰呈紫色,说明该物质中一定含有A.钾原子B.钾离子C.钾元素D.钾的化合物2.下列物质中,不属于合金的是A.硬铝B.水银C.黄铜 D. 钢铁3.将下列各种单质投入或通入CuSO4溶液中,能产生铜单质的是A.Fe B.Na C.H2 D.Ag4. 下列实验操作或事故处理正确的是A.实验结束后,用嘴吹灭酒精灯B.把水加入到浓硫酸中来配置稀硫酸C.金属Na着火,立即用水扑灭D.实验桌上的酒精灯倾倒了燃烧起来,马上用湿布扑灭5.“纳米材料”是指粒子直径在几纳米到几十纳米的材料。

如将“纳米材料”分散到液体分散剂中,所得分散系的有关说法正确的是A.是纯净物B.有丁达尔现象C.能通过过滤的方法得到纳米材料D.所得物质一定为悬浊液或乳浊液6.分类是学习和研究化学的一种重要方法,下列分类合理的是A.K2CO3和K2O都属于盐B.H2SO4和NaHSO4都属于酸C.KOH和NH3·H2O都属于碱D.Na2O和Na2SiO3都属于氧化物盐酸 空气中燃烧7.下列实验操作正确的是A .B .C .D .8.有NaCl 、NaOH 、AgNO 3三种溶液,只用一种试剂就可把它们鉴别开来,该试剂是A .FeCl 3溶液B .Na 2CO 3溶液C .MgCl 2溶液D .盐酸 9.下列各组物质中,所含的分子数相同的是A .10g H 2和10g O 2B .5.6L N 2和0.25mol CO 2C .0.5 N A 个H 2O 和0.5mol I 2D .32g O 2和32g O 310.下列变化能发生且不属于氧化还原反应的是A .Fe FeCl 3B .Na Na 2O 2C .CuSO 4溶液 CuD .Fe(OH)3 Fe 2O 3 11.能用H ++ OH -== H 2O 来表示的化学反应是A .Cu(OH)2和稀H 2SO 4反应B .NaOH 溶液和HNO 3溶液反应C .KOH 溶液和NaHCO 3溶液反应D .Ba(OH)2 溶液和稀H 2SO 4反应12.2009年9月25日,我国成功发射“神舟七号”载人飞船。



佛山一中2009-2010学年(下)期末考高一级英语试卷I. 听力(共两节,满分35分)第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)每段播放两遍。




1. When will the woman hold the party?A. On SundayB. On SaturdayC. On Friday2. Why is the woman going to hold a party?A. To celebrate finishing her paper.B. To express her thanks to the man.C. To ask the man for help3. Who is Elizabeth probably?A. Alan’s friendB. The man speaker’s wifeC. The woman’s teacher听第二段对话,回答第4至6题。

4. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?A. WorkmatesB. Husband and wifeC. Doctor and patient5. Why does the man decide to give up eating meat?A. He realizes meat is bad for his health.B. He loves to eat vegetables.C. He wants to lose weight.6. According to the man, Why did the man stop jogging to work?A. He was always late for work.B. He hurt himself in the leg.C. He felt too tired to keep doing so.听第三段对话,回答第7至9题。









I 听力(共两节,满分35分)第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)每段播放两遍。




1. What do we know about the woman?A. She loves New York.B. She's never been to New York.C. She knows Littleport well.2. What did the woman use to do in New York?A. Play tennis.B. Go to a football club.C. Go to a health club.3. When will the woman become a member of the health club if she wants to?A. As soon as she fills in a form.B. In about one year.C. Once she pays 24 pounds.听第二段对话,回答第4-6小题。



2010年佛山市普通高中教学质量检测高一数学本试卷共4页,20小题,满分150分.考试用时120分钟.注意事项:1.答卷前,考生要务必填写答题卷上的有关项目.2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答案涂在答题卡的相应位置上.3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.考生必须保持答题卷的整洁.考试结束后,将答题卷和答题卡交回.一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合{1,2}A =-,{}02B x Z x =∈≤≤,则AB 等于A .{0}B .{2}C .{0,1,2}D .φ2.函数()lg(1)f x x =+的定义域为A .[1,3)-B .(1,3)-C .(1,3]-D .[1,3]- 3.已知向量(1,3)a =,(3,)b x =,若a b ⊥,则实数x 的值为A .9B .9-C .1D .1-4.已知}3,2,1,21,1{-=M ,则幂函数y x α=(M ∈α)的图象均不经过 A .第一象限. B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 5.如图所示,角θ的终边与单位圆交于点(,55P -, 则cos()πθ-的值为 A.5-B.5- C.5D.56.函数sin 2y x =的图象经过变换得到sin(2)3y x π=+的图象,则该变换可以是A . 所有点向右平移3π个单位 B. 所有点向左平移3π个单位 C. 所有点向左平移6π个单位D. 所有点向右平移6π个单位7. 在平行四边形ABCD 中,点E 为CD 中点,,AB a AD b ==,则BE 等于A .12a b -- B .12a b -+ C .12a b - D .12a b + 8.若0.5422,log 3,log (sin)3a b c π===,则第5题图第10题图A .a b c >>B .b a c >>C .c a b >>D .b c a >> 9.在边长为3的等边三角形ABC 中,2CD DB =,则AB CD⋅等于A .-B .3-C .3D .10.如图,半径为1的圆M 切直线AB 于O 点,射线OC 从OA 出发绕着O 点顺时针方向旋转到OB ,旋转过程中OC 交⊙M 于点P ,记PMO ∠为x ,弓形ONP 的面积()S f x =,那么()f x 的大致图象是二、填空题:本大共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)11. 计算:021.10.5lg 252lg 2-+++=________.12. 已知(,)2παπ∈,且3sin 5α=,则tan α的值为_______. 13. 函数2()|1|f x x =-的单调递减区间为____________.14.若函数()f x 的图像在区间[,]a b 上连续不断,给定下列的命题:① 若()()0f a f b ⋅<,则()f x 在区间[,]a b 上恰有1个零点; ② 若()()0f a f b ⋅<,则()f x 在区间[,]a b 上至少有1个零点; ③ 若()()0f a f b ⋅>,则()f x 在区间[,]a b 上没有零点; ④ 若()()0f a f b ⋅>,则()f x 在区间[,]a b 上可能有零点. 其中正确的命题有_________(填写正确命题的序号).三、解答题:本大题共6小题,满分80分,解答须写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本题满分12分)已知向量a 和b 满足(2,0)a =,||1b =,a 与b 的夹角为120︒,求|2|a b +.A .B .C .D .16.(本题满分12分)已知函数()sin()f x A x ωϕ=+(其中0,0,02A πωϕ>><<)的周期为π,其图象上一个最高点为(,2)6M π.(Ⅰ) 求()f x 的解析式; (Ⅱ)当[0,]4x π∈时,求()f x 的最值及相应的x 的值.17.(本题满分14分)已知函数2()f x a x=-. (Ⅰ) 讨论()f x 的奇偶性;(Ⅱ)判断()f x 在(,0)-∞上的单调性并用定义证明.18.(本题满分14分)医学上为研究某种传染病传播过程中病毒细胞的发展规律及其预防,将病毒细胞注入一只小白鼠体内进行实验,经检测,病毒细胞在体内的总数与天数的关系记录如下表.已知该种病毒细胞在小白鼠体内的个数超过810的时候小白鼠将死亡.但注射某种药物,将可杀死此时其体内该病毒细胞的98%.(Ⅰ) 为了使小白鼠在实验过程中不死亡,第一次最迟应在何时注射该种药物?(精确到天)(Ⅱ)第二次最迟应在何时注射该种药物,才能维持小白鼠的生命?(精确到天)(参考数据:lg 20.3010=,lg30.4771=) 19.(本题满分14分)已知二次函数2()(0)f x ax bx c a =++≠的图像过点(0,1),且有唯一的零点1-. (Ⅰ)求()f x 的表达式;(Ⅱ)当[2,2]x ∈-时,求函数()()F x f x kx =-的最小值()g k .20.(本题满分14分)已知集合M 是满足下列性质的函数)(x f 的全体:在定义域D 内存在0x ,使得)1(0+x f )1()(0f x f +=成立.(Ⅰ)函数xx f 1)(=是否属于集合M ? 说明理由; (Ⅱ)若函数b kx x f +=)(属于集合M ,试求实数k 和b 满足的约束条件; (Ⅲ)设函数1lg)(2+=x ax f 属于集合M ,求实数a 的取值范围.x A B C 2b2010年佛山市普通高中教学质量检测 高一数学试题参考答案和评分标准 一、选择题(每题5分,共50分)二、填空题(每题5分,共20分) 11.3 12.34-13.(,1)-∞-和(0,1)14.②④ 三、解答题:本大题共6小题,满分80分,解答须写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本题满分12分)已知向量,ab 满足(2,0)a =,||1b =,a 与b 的夹角为120︒,求|2|a b +. 解析:法一、设(,)b x y =,依题意,221x y +=,……………………………………………………2分21cos12022||||a b x a b ⋅︒===-,…………………………………………………………………………5分解得1,2x y =-=,……………………………………………………………………………………8分 ∴2(2,0)(1,(1,a b +=+-=10分∴22|2|1(3)2a b +=+±=……………………………………………………………………………12分 法二、依题意||2a =,…………………………………………………………………………………………2分 1||||cos12021()12a b a b ⋅=⋅︒=⨯⨯-=-7分 ∴22|2|444(2a b a a b b +=+⋅+=+=…………………………………………12分法三、如图所示,…………………………………………………………………………………………………6分 在平行四边形OACB 中,OA a =,2OB b =,2OC a b =+,且||||2OA OB ==,120AOB ∠=︒,故平行四边形OACB 为一个内角为60︒的菱形, ∴|2|2a b +=.……………………12分16.(本题满分12分)已知函数()sin(),f x A x x R ωϕ=+∈(其中0,0,02A πωϕ>><<)的周期为π,且图象上一个最高点为(,2)6M π.(Ⅰ)求()f x 的解析式; (Ⅱ)当[0,]4x π∈,求()f x 的最值.2010 . 1解析: (Ⅰ) 由T π=得222T ππωπ===,……………………………………………………………………… 1分 由最高点为(,2)6M π得2A =,且2sin()23πϕ+=即sin()13πϕ+=…………………3分所以232k ππϕπ+=+故2()6k k Z πϕπ=+∈……………………………………………………………4分又(0,)2πϕ∈,所以6πϕ=, 所以()2sin(2)6f x x π=+………………………………………6分(Ⅱ)因为[0,]4x π∈, ∴22[,]663x πππ+∈………………………………………………………………8分 所以当266x ππ+=时,即0x =时, ()f x 取得最小值1;…………………………………10分当262x ππ+=即6x π=时, ()f x 取得最大值2.……………………………………………………12分17.(本题满分14分)已知函数2()f x a x=-. (Ⅰ) 讨论()f x 的奇偶性; (Ⅱ)判断()f x 在(,0)-∞上的单调性并用定义证明之. 解析: (Ⅰ)函数()f x 的定义域为{|0}x x ≠关于原点对称. ……………………………………………1分方法1、2()f x a x =-,2()f x a x -=+………………………………………………………………………2分 若()()f x f x =-,则40x=,无解, ∴()f x 不是偶函数; …………………………………4分若()()f x f x -=-,则0a =,显然0a =时,()f x 为奇函数………………………………6分 综上,当0a =时,()f x 为奇函数;当0a ≠时,()f x 不具备奇偶性. ………………7分 方法2、函数()f x 的定义域为{|0}x x ≠关于原点对称. …………………………………………1分当0a =时,2()f x x =-,2()f x x-=,∴()()f x f x -=-,∴()f x 为奇函数; ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………4分 当0a ≠时,(1)2f a =-,(1)2f a -=+,显然(1)(1)f f -≠±∴()f x 不具备奇偶性. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………7分 (Ⅱ)函数()f x 在(,0)-∞上单调递增; …………………………………………………………………………8分 证明:任取12,(,0)x x ∈-∞且12x x <,则2121122222()()()()f x f x a a x x x x -=---=-21122()x x x x -=……………………………………11分∵12,(,0)x x ∈-∞且12x x <, ∴120x x >,210x x ->,从而21122()0x x x x ->, 故21()()f x f x >,……………………………………………………………………13分 ∴()f x 在(,0)-∞上单调递增. ……………………………………………………………………………………14分18.(本题满分14分)医学上为研究某种传染病传播中病毒细胞的发展规律及其预防,将病毒细胞注入一只小白鼠体内进行实验,经检测,病毒细胞的增长数与天数的关系记录如下表.已知该种病毒细胞在小白鼠体内的个数超过810的时候小白鼠将死亡.但注射某种药物,将可杀死其体内该病毒细胞的98%.(Ⅰ) 为了使小白鼠在实验过程中不死亡,第一次最迟应在何时注射该种药物?(精确到天)(Ⅱ)第二次最迟应在何时注射该种药物,才能维持小白鼠的生命?(精确到天) (参考数据:lg 20.3010=,lg30.4771=)解析: (Ⅰ)由题意病毒细胞总数y 关于时间x 的函数关系式为12x y -=(其中*x N ∈), …………………………………………………………………………………………3分则由18210x -≤,两边取常用对数得(1)lg 28x -≤,从而8127.58lg 2x ≤+=…6分 即第一次最迟应在第27天注射该种药物. …………………………………………………………………7分 (Ⅱ)由题意注入药物后小白鼠体内剩余的病毒细胞为2622%⨯, ……………………8分 再经过x 天后小白鼠体内病毒细胞为2622%2x⨯⨯,………………………………………………10分 由题意26822%210x ⨯⨯≤, …………………………………………………………………………………………11分 两边取常用对数得26lg 2lg 22lg 28x +-+≤,解得 6.2x ≤………………………………13分 故再经过6天必须注射药物,即第二次应在第33天注射药物.……………………………14分 19.(本题满分14分)已知二次函数2()(0)f x ax bx c a =++≠的图像过点(0,1),且有唯一的零点1-. (Ⅰ)求()f x 的表达式;(Ⅱ)当[2,2]x ∈-时,求函数()()F x f x kx =-的最小值()g k解析:(Ⅰ)依题意得1c =,12ba-=-,240b ac -=…………………………………………………3分 解得1a =,2b =,1c =, 从而2()21f x x x =++;…………………………………………5分(Ⅱ)2()(2)1F x x k x =+-+,对称轴为22k x -=,图像开口向上当222k -≤-即2k ≤-时,()F x 在[2,2]-上单调递增,此时函数()F x 的最小值()(2)3g k F k =-=+;…………………………………………………8分当2222k --<≤即26k -<≤时,()F x 在2[2,]2k --上递减,在2[,2]2k -上递增,此时函数()F x 的最小值224()()24k k kg k F --==-;…………………………………11分 当222k ->即6k >时,()F x 在[2,2]-上单调递减,此时函数()F x 的最小值()(2)92g k F k ==-;………………………………………………14分综上, 函数()F x 的最小值23,24(),26492,6k k k kg k k k k +≤-⎧⎪-⎪=--<≤⎨⎪->⎪⎩.………………………………14分20.(本题满分14分)已知集合M 是满足下列性质的函数)(x f 的全体:在定义域D 内存在0x ,使得)1(0+x f )1()(0f x f +=成立.(Ⅰ)函数xx f 1)(=是否属于集合M ? 说明理由; (Ⅱ)若函数b kx x f +=)(属于集合M ,试求实数k 和b 满足的约束条件;(Ⅲ)设函数1lg )(2+=x ax f 属于集合M ,求实数a 的取值范围.解析:(Ⅰ)),0()0,(+∞-∞= D ,若M xx f ∈=1)(,则存在非零实数0x ,使得111100+=+x x ,即01020=++x x …………………………………………………………………2分 此方程无实数解,所以函数M xx f ∉=1)( ………………………………………………………3分(Ⅱ)R D =,由M b kx x f ∈+=)(,存在实数0x ,使得b k b kx b x k +++=++00)1(,解得0=b ………………………………………………………5分 所以,实数k 和b 的取得范围是R k ∈,0=b …………………………………………………6分 (Ⅲ)依题意0>a ,R D =.由M x ax f ∈+=1lg)(2得,存在实数0x ,2lg 1lg 1)1(lg 2020a x a x a ++=++, 即)1(21)1(20220+=++x a x a …………………………………………………………………………………9分 又a >0,化简得0222)2(020=-++-a ax x a当2=a 时,210-=x ,符合题意.……………………………………………………………………11分当0>a 且2≠a 时,由△0≥得0)1)(2(842≥---a a a ,化简得0462≤+-a a ,解得]53,2()2,53[+-∈ a . …………………………………13分综上,实数a 的取值范围是]53,53[+-.…………………………。

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1. What was broken in the party?A. A bowl.B. A glass.C. A plastic bag.2. Who played magic tricks?A. Keith.B. Amada.C. Emily.3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.C. Waiter and customer.听第2段材料,回答第4至6题。

4. Why is the man asking for help?A. He lost his train ticket.B. His wife is going to kill him.C. He failed to catch the train.5. How much does a hard seat cost?A. 100 Yuan.B. 610 Yuan.C. 420 Yuan.6. How will the man most probably travel to Shanghai?A. In a soft sleeper.B. In a hard seat.C. In a hard sleeper.听第3段材料,回答第7至9题。

7. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Things they fear.B. Extreme sports.C. Fear of heights.8. What did the man do yesterday?A. He walked to the top of the stairs.B. He went skydiving.C. He did something silly.9. Why does the woman sometimes get frightened at home?A. Because her door is unlocked.B. Because her things are stolen.C. Because she is alone.听第4段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. How far is the apartment from Nanjing Xi Lu?A. 15 minutes by bike.B. 15 minutes by car.C. 15 minutes on foot.11. What is the total monthly cost for each roommate?A. 1830 Yuan.B. 1700 Yuan.C. 130 Yuan.12. What kind of roommate is welcome?A. A roommate without pets.B. A non-smoking roommate.]C. A kind and friendly roommate.听第5段材料,回答第13至15题。

13. How can people treat animals better?A. Grow more crops for them.B. Stop eating them.C. Let them go.14. What can kids do in a zoo?A. Do animal experiments.B. Raise their pets.C. Get close to animals.15. Where has the woman given money to help animals?A. To the zoos.B. To the charities.C. To the labs.第二节: 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段材料,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为16至20的空格中。



InformationLinda has worked in a company for 16 .could make 17 talks with looking for an oral teacher from 18 countries.An oral teacher will give talks 19 a week.will be paid 20 RMB an hour.第二部分语言知识及运用(共一节,满分15分)完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

In every country there are times to celebrate, weddings, birthdays, religiousfestivals. Although the U.S.A is a multi-cultural society, where different groups celebrate their own traditional 21 , Christmas is the most popular holiday in the U.S.A. Some of the 22 of Christmas time are old and others are newer.Already in the late 18th and the 19th centuries, people felt sentimental (眷恋的) about Christmases of the past. The American 23 , Washington Irving, wrote in 1819 about the old-fashioned Christmas he experienced in England. He was taken in a stagecoach (驿站马车) full of happy people, food and presents, to an old house in the 24 . There, he found a crowd of happy farmers, lots of food and dr inks, snow, games and ghosts.The first Christmas card, which was printed in England, showed people eating and drinking 25 . It was sent in 1846, but Christmas cards did not become really 26 until the 1860s, when color printing became possible.By this time, stagecoaches had 27 running, replaced by the railroad. More and more families 28 the country and were living in towns and cities, but the dream of the 29 Christmas remained. The loaded stagecoach driving along the country road through the snow still 30 on many Christmas cards today.21. A. festivals B. weddings C. parties D. birthdays22. A. foods B. traditions C. cards D. decorations23. A. writer B. singer C. designer D. farmer24. A. city B. country C. town D. hill25. A. dangerously B. happily C. equally D. generously26. A. usual B. famous C. popular D. regular27. A. started B. kept C. stopped D. continued28. A. left B. preferred C. admired D. reached29. A. amazing B. new C. merry D. old-fashioned30. A. turns B. appears C. puts D. gets第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

ASingapore Flyer was launched in 2008 and states to hold the current title for the world's biggest observation wheel, full 30 meterstaller than the London Eye observation wheel in London!Soaring 165 meters, Singapore Flyer offers a whole viewof Singapore's important tourist attractionsincluding the scenic Marina Bay.Singapore Flyer is also popular for providing anattractive range of shopping and dining choices. Amongits greatest dining choices is the Singapore Flyer SkyDining, one of the most exciting dining experiences you will ever come across.Singapore Flyer Sky Dining is the first ever in the world to offer a full servicein the sky. To top it all you are presented with best menus created by award-winning cooks from all over the world.The sky dining doesn’t stop from there. You will gain fast boarding flights, in other words, no more waiting in line to board an observation capsule (机舱). You can enjoy the service of an in-flight host along with a nice three-course fine dining menu.Be ready to enjoy yourself in the air-conditioned glass capsule where you will be served a welcome drink, an appetizer (开胃品) along with the main course. From the capsule you will see the night skyline of Marina Bay, Merlion Park, Raffles Place, Empress Place and Padang, bathed in exciting colors. And not just once but you will get to see these very interesting sights twice, during your almost one hour long special dining experience.Up to five couples can book a small room and there are even choices to book an entire room for you and your partner. The sky dining experience begins from the VIP waiting room where you will be served with tasty desserts and drinks of your choice. You can see the Singapore Flyer conveniently from one of the top hotels in Singapore like M Hotel Singapore.31. At Singapore Flyer, tourists can ___________.A. do some shopping and have dinnerB. enjoy some interesting sights just onceC. enjoy a wonderful 30-minute dining experienceD. get a whole view of all the Singapore's tourist attractions32. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Singapore Flyer?A. It is the second biggest observation wheel in the world.B. The menus are created by native cooks.C. It provides fast boarding service.D. There are no special rooms for couples.33. The underlined phrase in the third paragraph probably means “___________”.A. What’s moreB. At the top of itC. What’s worseD. From top to bottom34. The three-course dining menu at Singapore Flyer usually includes the following EXCEPT___________.A. a welcome drinkB. the main courseC. an appetizerD. tasty desserts35. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A. Virtual TourismB. A Guide to Singapore FlyerC. Eating at Singapore FlyerD. The future of Singapore FlyerBOne of the most exciting and attractive fields of work today is the fashion industry. Some of the most well-known people in this industry are the fashion designers with unbelievable financial (金融的) Kingdoms. But most of the clothes that you wear have been designed by people that the world has never heard of. Although these unknown fashion designers will never make a very large amount of money as theirfamous workmates, most still would not think of changing their careers. They are doing what they love.If you spend hours looking through fashion magazines and like making your own clothes, a career as a fashion designer might be right for you. You do not have to go to design school to become a fashion designer, but many people who want a career in this field do. One of the most famous places to study is the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. It is located in the heart of the “garment” district on Eighth Avenue, also known as Fashion Avenue.Becoming a fashion designer is not just a matter of classroom education. Students know that they cannot just leave school and start designing on their own. Many think that they need at least four years’ experience working for someone else after they graduate. The best schools encourage students to work closely with the fashion industry while they are still studying.You need ambition (抱负) and hard work to get a career in fashion. Students often work 12 hours a day. They are encoura ged to have realistic ambitions and not to expect success overnight, if ever. Success means finding a job in the fashion industry and more years of hard work.36.What can we learn from the first paragraph?A. Some famous fashion designers can make a lot of money.B. Most of the clothes are designed by famous designers.C. Most fashion designers don’t like their own jobs.D. Unknown fashion designers can earn a large amount of money.37.In order to have a career in fashion design, one had better ___________.A. look through magazinesB. go to New York CityC. study in a design schoolD. graduate from high school38.The following can lead to the success of a fashion designer EXCEPT___________.A. working with the fashion industryB. realistic ambitionsC. hard workD. expectation of success overnight39.Which of the following old sayings shows the writer’s opinion about learning fashion design?A. Better late than never.B. Experience is the best teacher.C. Well begun is half done.D. Seeing is believing.40. What can be inferred from the passage?A. To be a fashion designer, design school education is a must.B. All famous design schools are located in New York City.C. Design school students had better do some prac tice while studying.D. All students have to work with famous designers first.CThere are many colors in nature. But do you know if a color has weight? I think you’ll say “no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. If you don’t believe, you may do a small experiment.First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes. Then cover the box. Third, wrap one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper. OK. Now hold the boxes with your hand one by one. It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.Why do you think so? A scientist found that different colors have different weight in a man’s mind. So he did man tests and at last he got the result. That is to say, every color has its own weight in our mind and their order is the same. The heaviest color is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and white.The scientist told us that colors also have smell. Can you smell the color? Of course not. Then why did the scientist say so? That is because every color stands for a kind of light with a certain wavelength. It reaches our brain through sense organs (感觉器官).According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept the colors they like, and refuse the colors they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colors you like. Or you’ll be nervous or even get ill. For example, if you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, you’ll feel you have been there for four hours. But if the room is blue, you’ll feel you have been there for only an hour. Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his temperature will fall. That means our body temperature will change with different colors.41. The purpose of the second paragraph is to tell us ___________.A. a red box is heavier than a white oneB. a color has weight in one’s mindC. white paper is lighter than red paperD. you can know the weight of a color by holding it42. Why did the scientist say colors have smell?A. Because people can sense the light from colors.B. Because we can smell colors with our nose.C. Because every color has its own sweet smell.D. Because every color can give off light of the same length.43. If a person walks from a blue room to a red room, his body temperature will ___________.A. riseB. fallC. stay the sameD. change now and then44. It can be implied from the text that ___________.A. colors have orders in weightB. colors can change the weight of an objectC. people would stay longer in a room with red windowsD. colors can affect our mood and health45. This passage is probably a ___________.A. book reviewB. fiction novelC. fairy taleD. sciencereport第二节: 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。
