Stent Implantation of the Arterial Duct in Newborns with a Truly

%Angioplasty and perfusion of the distal limb is the key points of the treatment of arteriosclerosisobliterans of lower extremities. The way of angioplasty includes openvascular operationsand endovascular treatment. Endovascular treatment represents the high and new technology, which has gradually become the first choice ofits treatment, evenunder some complex conditions. The endovascular treatment can achieve better clinical outcomeand make less trauma.In this article, we reviewed the current situation and prospect of endovascular treatment for arteriosclerosisobliterans of lower extremity.【期刊名称】《中华老年多器官疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(015)003【总页数】4页(P161-164)【关键词】动脉硬化闭塞症;腔内治疗;球囊;支架【作者】郑月宏;廖鹏志【作者单位】中国医学科学院北京协和医院血管外科,北京 100730;中国医学科学院北京协和医院血管外科,北京 100730【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R543.5下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(arteriosclerosis obliterans,ASO)指由于动脉硬化造成的下肢供血动脉内膜增厚、管腔狭窄或闭塞,病变肢体血液供应不足,引起下肢间歇性跛行、皮温降低、疼痛、乃至发生溃疡或坏死等临床表现的慢性进展性疾病,常为全身性动脉硬化血管病变在下肢动脉的表现。

基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费(2042021kf0132)通信作者:蒋学俊,E药物涂层球囊在冠状动脉慢性完全闭塞病变介入治疗中的应用菲尔凯提·玉山江 蒋学俊(武汉大学人民医院心内科武汉大学心血管病研究所心血管病湖北省重点实验室,湖北武汉430060)【摘要】药物涂层球囊(DCB)已成为冠状动脉介入治疗的有效手段之一,目前在支架内再狭窄、小血管病变、分叉病变中得到了广泛的应用。
【关键词】药物涂层球囊;慢性完全闭塞病变;经皮冠状动脉介入治疗【DOI】10 16806/j.cnki.issn.1004 3934 2024 01 016ApplicationofDrug CoatedBallooninInterventionTreatmentofChronicTotalCoronaryOcclusionFeierkaiti·Yushanjiang,JIANGXuejun(DepartmentofCardiology,RenminHospitalofWuhanUniersity;CardiovascularResearchInstitute,WuhanUniversity;HubeiKeyLaboratoryofCardiology,Wuhan430060,Hubei,China)【Abstract】Drug coatedballoon(DCB)hasbecomeoneofthemainmethodsforcoronaryarteryinterventiontherapy,andiswidelyusedinin stentrestenosis,smallvessellesions,andbifurcationlesions.ThereislimitedresearchontheuseofDCBinthetreatmentofchronictotalocclusion(CTO)lesions.Therefore,thisarticlewilldiscussthepotentialroleofDCBinCTOlesionsbycombiningtheirmechanismofactionandrelevantstudiesconductedinCTOpatients.【Keywords】Drug coatedballoon;Chronictotalocclusionlesions;Percutaneouscoronaryintervention 慢性完全闭塞(chronictotalocclusion,CTO)病变被认为是介入心脏病学中最复杂的冠状动脉病变。

临床研究早期与晚期支架内血栓致4b型急性心肌梗死患者临床结局比较李晓卫1,2,高静1,2,3△,刘寅1,高明东1,肖健勇1摘要:目的 比较早期与晚期支架内血栓(ST)致4b型急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者院内及出院1年生存及预后情况。
方法 入选2015年1月—2018年2月冠状动脉造影确定ST致4b型AMI患者共302例。
根据ST发生时间分为早期ST组(≤30 d)26例和晚期ST组(>30 d)276例,对比2组患者住院期间及出院1年内的终点事件。
结果 住院期间2组主要研究终点事件发生率差异无统计学意义(7.7% vs. 3.3%,P=0.243);早期ST组院内心力衰竭发生率高于晚期ST组(11.5% vs. 1.4%,P=0.016),其他次要终点事件发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
平均随访1年,早期ST组主要(20.0% vs. 5.9%,P<0.05)及次要(36.0% vs. 11.5%,P<0.05)研究终点事件发生率均高于晚期ST组。
Cox回归分析表明高血压、冠状动脉旁路移植术史是4b型AMI患者发生主要终点事件的独立危险因素,术中植入主动脉内气囊泵(IABP)、缩短支架内血栓至球囊扩张(ST to B)时间是其发生次要终点事件的独立保护因素。
结论 与晚期ST致4b型AMI患者相比,早期ST患者院内结局相似,长期预后差。
术中植入IABP、缩短ST to B时间可能改善4b型AMI患者预后。
关键词:心肌梗死;主动脉内气囊泵;支架内血栓;靶病变血运重建中图分类号:R541.4 文献标志码:A DOI:10.11958/20230488Comparison of clinical outcomes in patients with 4b acute myocardial infarction caused by earlyand late stent thrombosisLI Xiaowei1, 2, GAO Jing1, 2, 3△, LIU Yin1, GAO Mingdong1, XIAO Jianyong11 Department of Coronary Care Unit, Chest Hospital, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300222, China;2 Tianjin Medical University;3 Tianjin Cardiovascular Diseases Institute△Corresponding Author E-mail:*******************Abstract: Objective To observe and compare in-hospital and 1-year survival and prognosis of patients with 4b acute myocardial infarction (AMI) caused by early and late stent thrombosis (ST). Methods A total of 302 patients with 4b acute myocardial infarction caused by ST were enrolled in this study from January 2015 to February 2018. ST patients were confirmed by coronary angiography. These patients were divided into two groups: the early ST group (n=26) and the late ST group (n=276) according to the time of ST occurrence. Endpoint events during hospitalization and one year of follow up were compared between the two groups of patients. The primary endpoint events included cardiac death and recurrent AMI. The secondary endpoint events included target lesion revascularization (TLR), re-stent thrombosis, heart failure and stroke. The incidence of no endpoint events was compared between two groups of patients by Kaplan and Meier survival analysis. Cox regression analysis was used to analyze risk factors for endpoint events in patients with type 4b AMI. Results There was no significant difference in the incidence of the primary endpoint events during hospitalization between the two groups (7.7% vs.3.3%,P=0.243). The incidence of heart failure was higher in the early ST group than that of the late ST group (11.5%vs.1.4%, P=0.016). There was no significant difference in the incidence rates of other secondary endpoint events between the two groups (P>0.05). After a mean follow-up of 1 year, the incidence rates of primary endpoint events and the secondary eendpoint events were higher in the early ST group (20.0% vs. 5.9%,P<0.05 and 36.0% vs. 11.5%,P<0.01)than that of the late ST group. Kaplan and Meier survival analysis showed that the 1-year cumulative incidences of non-primary (P= 0.022) and non-secondary events (P<0.001) were lower in the early ST group than those of the late ST group. Cox regression 基金项目:天津市卫健委重点学科项目(TJWJ2022XK032);天津市卫健委科技基金项目(TJWJ2021MS027);天津市科技计划项目(22JCZDJC00130);天津市科委重点项目(20YFZCSY00820);天津市医学重点建设学科项目(TJYXZDXK-055B) 作者单位:1天津大学胸科医院冠心病监护病房(邮编300222);2天津医科大学;3天津市心血管病研究所 作者简介:李晓卫(1982),男,副主任医师,主要从事急性心肌梗死相关研究。

Complication Number % III°AVB 63(8) 0.72% TI 60 0.60% Residual shunt (6 month) 36(8980) 0.40% Hemolysis 25 0.27% Device migration 16 0.17% Outlet stenosis of RV 14 0.15% AI 9 0.10% Cardiomegaly 6 0.07% Tamponade 5 0.05% Stroke 2 0.02% MI 1 0.01% Death 5 0.05% Total 242 2.60%
Laser valvotomy with balloon valvoplasty for pulmonary atresia
评 价
1, PH with right cardiac failure. 2, Arrhythmia (LBBB, II-III°AV-B; Pacemaker-6m) 3, Cardiomegaly with heart failure. 4, Device migration . 5, Tamponade ( Occluder Erosion ). 6, Right ventricular outlet stenosis . 7, Valvular damage (AI ,TI, MI )
先天性心脏病 年患病率:7-15‰(15万/年). 至目前全国累计200万。 瓣膜病 年患病率:2-3 ‰. 至目前全国累计250万 肥厚型心肌病 年患病率:1- 2‰ . 总数约:100万.
镶嵌治疗(Hybrid Procedure)

- 180 -*基金项目:宜昌市2021医疗卫生项目(A21-2-032)①三峡大学附属第二人民医院(宜昌市第二人民医院) 湖北 宜昌 443000通信作者:杜丹输尿管狭窄常见的治疗方法*赵仲寅① 杜丹① 胡忠贵① 张志① 贺子秋① 李新宇① 【摘要】 输尿管狭窄可由先天性或继发性原因引起,包括开放或内窥镜手术、结石、创伤等,其中医源性损伤是引起输尿管狭窄的主要原因,可能导致诸多后遗症如上尿路扩张和肾脏区域疼痛等。
【关键词】 输尿管狭窄 输尿管支架 球囊扩张 口腔黏膜 doi:10.14033/ki.cfmr.2024.05.043 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2024)05-0180-05 Common Treatment Method for Ureteral Stricture/ZHAO Zhongyin, DU Dan, HU Zhonggui, ZHANG Zhi, HE Ziqiu, LI Xinyu. //Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 2024, 22(5): 180-184 [Abstract] Ureteral stenosis can be caused by congenital or secondary causes, including open or endoscopic surgery, calculi, trauma etc. Iatrogenic injury is the main cause of ureteral stenosis, which may lead to many sequelae such as upper urinary tract dilation and kidney pain. If not effectively treated, it can eventually lead to hydronephrosis, urinary tract infection, chronic renal insufficiency, and even renal failure. The treatment of ureteral stricture is a complex challenge for urologists, which can be treated by ureteral stent implantation, balloon dilation etc. In addition, except for the above treatment, ureteral stenosis can also be repaired by end-to-end ureteral anastomosis, bladder flap ureteroplasty etc. Meanwhile, ureteral reconstruction using self patch has become increasingly popular in recent years. And with the advancement of laparoscopic technology, urological surgeons can combine laparoscopic ureteral repair and reconstruction, with the advantages of early recovery, reducing blood loss and pain. This article reviews the common surgical methods in clinic. [Key words] Ureter sterosis Ureteral stent Balloon dilatation Buccal mucosa First-author's address: The Second Affiliated People's Hospital of China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443000, China 输尿管狭窄的修复对泌尿科医生来说是一个复杂的挑战。

药物涂层球囊治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症短期效果分析*蔡瑶① 余朝文① 官泽宇① 【摘要】 目的:观察紫杉醇药物涂层球囊治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的短期效果。
【关键词】 下肢动脉硬化闭塞症 药物涂层球囊 短期疗效 doi:10.14033/ki.cfmr.2022.30.003 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2022)30-0010-05 Analysis of Short-term Efficacy of Drug-coated Balloon in the Treatment of Lower Extremity Arteriosclerosis Obliterans/ CAI Yao, YU Chaowen, GUAN Zeyu. //Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 2022, 20(30): 10-14 [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the short-term efficacy of Paclitaxel drug-coated balloon in the treatment of lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans. Method: A total of 104 patients with initial symptomatic lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans in the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from January 2018 to September 2020 were selected and divided into the experimental group and the control group according to treatment method, 52 cases in each group. The experimental group was given Paclitaxel drug-coated balloon dilatation and the control group was given vascular bare-metal stent implantation. The Rutherford grade, ankle-humeral index (ABI), intermittent claudication distance, primary patency rate, restenosis rate and incidence of adverse events were compared between two groups in different stages before and after surgery. Result: The differences between two groups in Rutherford grading before and 6 months after surgery were not statistically significant (P>0.05); however, the Rutherford grading of two groups at 6 months after surgery were improved compared with those before surgery, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The differences between two groups in intermittent claudication distance before, 1 week and 1 month after surgery were not statistically significant (P>0.05); there were statistically significant differences in the distance of intermittent claudication between the two groups at different time points before and after operation (P<0.05). The differences between two groups in ABI before, 1 week and 1 month after surgery were not statistically significant (P>0.05); but ABI in the experiment group at 6 months after surgery was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05); there were statistically significant differences in ABI between the two groups at different time points before and after operation (P<0.05). The difference between two groups in first-stage patency at 6 months after surgery was not statistically significant (P>0.05); the difference between two groups in restenosis rate at 6 months after surgery were statistically significant (P<0.05). During follow-up, 1 patient died in each group, and the direct cause was acute cardio-cerebrovascular accident, no amputation occurred in two group. Conclusion: The short-term effect of Paclitaxel drug-coated balloon dilatation is comparable to that of bare-metal stent, but ABI is higher and restenosis rate is lower after 6 months. [Key words] Lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans Drug-coated balloon Short-term efficacy First-author’s address: The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu 233004, China*基金项目:安徽省蚌埠医学院自然重点项目(2020byzd088)①蚌埠医学院第一附属医院 安徽 蚌埠 233004 下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans,LEASO)是动脉泛血管疾病在下肢动脉中的表现,是由于动脉自发形成斑块,使得该处管腔狭窄直至闭塞[1]。

阿司匹林和氯吡格雷双联抗血小板治疗心脏介入术后患者在社区随访的意义姜虹;毕宪初【摘要】目的研究阿司匹林和氯吡格雷双联抗血小板治疗在社区卫生服务中心就诊患者中的依从性、并发症及其在社区卫生服务中心应用的意义.方法选取2012年3月至2013年3月在上海市虹口区欧阳路街道社区卫生服务中心(社区中心)门诊就诊的服用阿司匹林和氯吡格雷双联抗血小板治疗的患者120例,社区中心给予口服拜阿司匹林每日1片(100 mg/片),同时加服氯吡格雷每日1片(75 mg/片),进行随访分析.结果 120例随访患者中男83例、女37例,年龄44~90(69.3±6.4)岁,在随访的人群中出血率和再入院率仅为3.33%,出血主要为消化道出血(3例)和脑出血(1例),120例随访患者社区中心随访1年用药费用显著低于本市三级医院一年用药费用[(1845.55±1064.89)元vs(3029.27±826.94)元],差异有统计学意义(=8.749,P<0.001).结论经过三级医院对心血管疾病患者的治疗后,转至社区中心继续进行阿司匹林联合氯吡格雷双联抗血小板治疗,依从性好、费用经济、并发症低,值得推广.【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2014(020)013【总页数】3页(P2489-2491)【关键词】阿司匹林;氯吡格雷;双联抗血小板;社区随访【作者】姜虹;毕宪初【作者单位】上海市虹口区欧阳路街道社区卫生服务中心全科,上海200081;上海市虹口区欧阳路街道社区卫生服务中心全科,上海200081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R554根据《抗血小板治疗中国专家共识》,抗血小板治疗是减少慢性稳定性心绞痛患者再发事件和死亡的重要用药之一,阿司匹林75~150 mg/d可用于冠心病患者的长期预防[1]。
同时与单独使用阿司匹林相比,经皮冠状动脉介入术(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)后抗血小板药物的联合应用氯吡格雷与阿司匹林可进一步降低冠心病及支架置入后患者的血栓事件风险[2]。

[关键词]冠脉内旋磨术;稳定性心绞痛;前降支钙化病变;效果[中图分类号]R12 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2096-1782(2023)06(a)-0119-04Clinical Prognostic Study on the Treatment of Calcified Lesions in the An⁃terior Descending Branches of Stable Angina Pectoris by Intracoronary Rotary MillingLI Zhining, PAN Zhiqiong, XU Qingbo, LI Guode, HAN Kedong, LAI ZhangchaoDepartment Ⅱ of Cardiovascular Medicine, Maoming People´s Hospital, Maoming, Guangdong Province, 525000 China[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical prognostic effect of intracoronary rotary milling for the treatment of calcified lesions of anterior descending branches in stable angina pectoris. Methods From March 2022 to March 2023, 100 patients with calcified lesions in the anterior descending branch of stable angina pectoris admitted to Maom⁃ing People´s Hospital were selected as the research object and divided into an observation group and a control group according to the random number table method, with 50 cases in each group. The control group was treated with bal⁃loon dilation and stent implantation, while the observation group was treated with intracoronary rotational milling on the basis of the control group. Compared the pathological changes, cardiac function indicators, surgical time and hospi⁃tal stay, and total incidence of complications between the two groups before and after surgery. Results After surgery, compared with the control group, the smallest lumen diameter of the observation group was significantly larger, the most severe stenosis rate was significantly lower, the left ventricular ejection fraction was higher, and the left ventricu⁃lar end diastolic diameter was narrower, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Compared with the con⁃trol group, the observation group had a longer surgical time and shorter hospital stay, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The total incidence of complications in the observation group (2.00%) was significantly lower than that in the control group (16.00%), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.396, P<0.05). Conclusion In⁃[基金项目]茂名市科技计划项目(210331104550558)。

【关键词】低温等离子喉部良性病变癌前病变疗效【Abstract]Objective To investigate the effect of low temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of benign laryngeal lesions and precancerous lesions.Methods58cases of laryngeal benign and precancerous lesions were treated.There were30cases in the observation group,which were treated by low temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation;28cases in the control group were treated w让h laryngeal forceps.The operation time, bleeding volume,postoperative laryngeal symptoms,pharyngeal discomfort(VAS score),postoperative complications and recurrence were compared between the observation group and the control group.Results The bleeding volume,operation time,wound healing time,laryngeal symptoms and pharyngeal discomfort scores in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05)In the observation group,1case had delayed bleeding,and in the control group,3cases had complications,including acute laryngeal edema,secondary bleeding and wound infection. The patients were followed up for6months to2years.In the observation group,1case had recurrence;in the control group,3cases had recurrence. There was no significant difference in complication and recurrence rate between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Low temperature plasma radio&equency ablation can treat benign and precancerous lesions of the larynx minimally,with short operation time,less intraoperative bleeding,less postoperative pharyngeal discomfort and laryngeal symptoms,quick postoperative recovery,less complications.It is worth popularizing in primary hospitak. [Key words]Low temperature plasma Benign lesion of larynx Precancerous lesion Treatment低温等离子射频消融技术是近年来国内耳鼻咽喉科广为开展的一项微创技术,本科应用此项技术治疗喉部良性及癌前病变,取得了较好的疗效,现报道如下。

中华消化外科杂志2021年4月第20卷第4期 Chin J Dig Surg, April 2021, Vd. 20, No. 4• 445 •论著•外科天地腹腔镜保留十二指肠胰头切除术的应用价值刘学青梁云飞秦建章徐晓云邢中强徐晨段佳悦李昂刘建华 河北医科大学第二医院肝胆外科,石家庄050000 通信作者:刘建华,Email : ljh @me (lmail 扫描二维码观看配文视频【摘要】目的探讨腹腔镜保留十二指肠胰头切除术(LDPPH R )的应用价值。
方法采用回顾 性描述性研究方法:收集2016年I 1月至2020年11月河北医科大学第二医院收治的25例行LDPPHR 病人的临床病理资料;男7例,女18例;中位年龄为29岁,年龄范围为14〜66岁:25例病人均施行观察指标:(丨)手术情况:.(2)术后组织病理学检查情况(3)随访情况采用门诊和电话方式进行随访,了解病人恢复情况随访时间截至2021年3月,偏态分布的计量资料以M (范围)表示, 计数资料以绝对数表示结果(1)手术情况:25例病人均完成LDPPH R ,其中23例行全胰头切除 术,2例行胰头次全切除术=25例病人手术时间为310 min (207〜540 min ),术中出血量为200 mL (50-800 mL ) 25例病人中,1例输注红细胞4 U 、血浆400 mL , 1例输注血浆500 mL , 1例输注血架 600 mL ,22例未输注红细胞和血浆_ 25例病人中,3例发生B 级胰瘘,充分引流后出院;4例发生胆瘘, 2例行内镜逆行胰胆管造影胆总管支架植人术后症状消失,1例充分引流后恢复良好,1例术后肝周积 液行穿刺引流+胆总管支架植人术后症状消失,丨8例无并发症发生.25例病人术后住院时间为17 d (9〜 27 d )。
(2)■术后组织病理學检查情况:25例病人肿瘤体积为6.0 cm x 5.0 cmX 2.0 cm (丨•0 cinx 2.0 cmx 1.5 cm ~丨0.0 cmx 9.0 cm x 8.0 cm >;术后组织病理学检查结果示胰腺实性假乳头状瘤12例,胰腺导管内 乳头状黏液性肿瘤4例,胰腺浆液性囊腺瘤3例,胰腺黏液性囊性肿瘤2例,胰头神经内分泌肿瘤、胰 腺真性囊肿、胰腺肿瘤结节中央胆固醇结晶及钙化.胰头海绵状血管瘤各1例:(3)随访情况:25例病 人均获得随访,随访时间为4~48个月,中位随访时间为27个月t 随访期间,25例病人中1例发生术后 糖尿病,规律注射胰岛素控制血糖在正常范围;1例发生脂昉泻,口服补充胰酶制剂,症状改善;1例术 前以间断头晕伴双下肢无力,低血糖为主要表现,术后未行特殊治疗血糖恢复正常;其余病人无代谢 性并发症发生25例病人无肿瘤癌变、复发和死亡,无胃排空障碍、胆管结石或狭窄等远期并发症发 生。

【关键词】冠脉支架植入术;房颤;冠心病;二联;三联抗凝[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of dual and triple anticoagulant therapy after coronary stent implantation in patientswith atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease. Methods 78patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease admittedto our hospital from July 2021 to June 2022 were enrolled in the study. They were pided into control group (39 cases) and observation group(39 cases). Results C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, platelet count and D-dimer in the observation group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05); The incidence of adverse cardiovascular events was5.13%, lower than 20.51% in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease, triple anticoagulation therapy with coronary stent implantation is safe, but inpidual anticoagulation therapy should be implemented according tothe patient's own conditions.[Key words] Coronary stent implantation; Atrial fibrillation; Coronary heart disease; Two copies; Triple anticoagulation在临床上,心房颤动(简称房颤)是常见的心律失常,随着老龄人口的增多,发病率出现不断增高的趋势。

从1例反复支架内血栓伴抑郁患者探讨舍曲林与抗血小板药物的相互作用张青霞;闫素英;裴斐;李丹丹【摘要】1例反复支架内血栓的老年男性患者,因确诊“冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病,不稳定型心绞痛,陈旧性下壁、前壁心肌梗死”入院,入院后给予阿司匹林肠溶片(75 mg,qd)+替格瑞洛片(90 mg,bid)+西洛他唑片(50 mg,qd)强化抗栓治疗和其它常规治疗后患者仍然反复发作心绞痛症状。
神内科医生会诊后诊断为抑郁症而加用盐酸舍曲林(25 mg,qd)。
临床药师重点关注舍曲林与抗血小板药物间的相互作用,密切关注患者皮肤、黏膜等出血情况,发现在合并使用舍曲林10 d后患者牙龈出血,考虑为舍曲林与替格瑞洛、西洛他唑的相互作用所致,立即停用舍曲林并经凝血酶冻干粉漱口、云南白药胶囊口含后出血停止。
%One elderly male patient with repeated in-stent thrombus was hospitalized for unstable angina pectoris, inferior and anterior old myocardial infarction. Triple intensive antiplatelet therapy (aspirin 75 mg, qd+ticagrelor 90 mg,bid+cilostazol 50 mg, qd) and other routine treatment were performed simultaneously after admission, but the patient still felt attacks of reoccurrent angina. The patient was diagnosed as depression by the neurologist and was given sertraline hydrochloride (25 mg, qd). Clinical pharmacists paid more attention to the drug interaction between sertraline and antiplatelet drugs. Gingival bleeding happened 10 days after combination use of sertraline and antiplatelet drugs. Considered as theinteraction between sertraline and antiplatelet drugs, ticagrelor and cilostazol, sertraline was immediately stopped, meanwhile thrombin and Yunnan baiyao capsules were applied on gum locally. Gingival bleeding was stopped till the next day. Because sertraline and some antiplatelet drugs would interact with each other, the two categories of drugs shouldbe selected cautiously and monitored closely.【期刊名称】《中国药物应用与监测》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【总页数】3页(P85-87)【关键词】舍曲林;抗血小板药物;替格瑞洛;西洛他唑;相互作用【作者】张青霞;闫素英;裴斐;李丹丹【作者单位】首都医科大学宣武医院药剂科,北京 100053; 解放军总医院药品保障中心,北京100853;首都医科大学宣武医院药剂科,北京 100053;解放军总医院药品保障中心,北京100853;解放军总医院心血管内科,北京 100853【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R969.2焦虑抑郁成为冠心病独立的危险因素越来越受到人们广泛的重视。

单纯球囊扩张与联合药物涂层支架置入治疗膝下动脉闭塞性疾病的效果比较吴中俭;谷涌泉;齐立行;郭连瑞;崔世军;李建新;杨盛家;佟铸【摘要】Objective To compare and analyze the efficacy of balloon dilatation alone and combination with drug eluting stent implantation in the treatment of infrapopliteal arterial occlusive disease.Methods The clinical data of 126 patients (139 limbs) with infrapopliteal arterial occlusive disease and underwent the endovascular treatment from March to 2013 and October 2015 in Xuanwu Hospital,Capital Medical University were retrospectively analyzed.All the cases received balloon dilatation therapy at first,and 32 limbs among them received the drug-eluting stent implantation in infrapopliteal artery.After the surgery,the improvement of symptoms,the change of ankle brachial indexes,changes of vascular ultrasonic images,the limb salvage rate and recent patency rate and so on were observed.Results 8 patients (10 limbs) failed,and the ankle brachial index (ABI) of successful cases increased from before surgery (0.39±0.13) to 3 days after the surgery (0.82±0.16) (P < 0.05).Overall infrapopliteal arterial patency rate 6 months after the operation was 83.5%(101/121),and 12 months after operation was 69.5% (57/82),the patency rates of those with balloon dilatation alone were 83.3% (75/90) and 71.0%(44/62) respectively,the patency rates of those with stent implantation were 83.9% (26/31) and 65.0% (13/20) respectively,there were no statistical difference in efficacy between balloon dilation alone and stentimplantation 6 months and 12 months after operation (P >0.05).Conclusion Both endovascular interventional therapy with drug eluting stent implantation and balloon dilatation alone can be used to treat infrapopliteal arterial occlusive disease and they are with similar short-term efficacy.If there are severe complications that affect the blood flow in the treatment of infrapopliteal arterial disease,stent implantation should be considered to improve limb blood flow,avoid the complications and improve the limb salvage rate.%目的对比分析单纯球囊扩张与联合药物涂层支架置人治疗膝下动脉闭塞性病变的效果.方法回顾性分析2013年3月~2015年10月首都医科大学宣武医院收治的126例(139条肢体)行腔内治疗的膝下动脉闭塞性疾病患者的临床资料.所有病变均先行球囊扩张治疗,其中32条肢体在膝下动脉内增加了药物涂层支架置入治疗,术后观察患者症状的改善,踝肱指数的变化,血管超声下的影像学改变,保肢率以及近期通畅率等.结果 8例(10条肢体)手术失败,成功者踝肱指数(ABI)由术前的(0.39±0.13)提高至术后3d的(0.82±0.16)(P<o.05).总体的膝下动脉血流通畅率在术后6个月为83.5%(101/121),术后12个月为69.5%(57/82),其中单纯行球囊扩张术的通畅率分别为83.3%(75/90)和71.0%(44/62),行支架置入术的通畅率分别为83.9%(26/31)和65.0%(13/20),单纯行球囊扩张与行支架置入术后的疗效比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论伴有药物涂层支架置入的腔内介入治疗与单纯球囊扩张均可应用于治疗膝下动脉闭塞性疾病,两者的短期疗效是相近的.在治疗膝下动脉病变过程中若有严重的影响血流的并发症时还应考虑行支架置入,以改善患肢血运,避免并发症,提高保肢率.【期刊名称】《中国医药导报》【年(卷),期】2017(014)022【总页数】3页(P66-68)【关键词】腔内介入治疗;膝下动脉;支架置入;球囊扩张【作者】吴中俭;谷涌泉;齐立行;郭连瑞;崔世军;李建新;杨盛家;佟铸【作者单位】首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053;首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053;首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053;首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053;首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053;首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053;首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053;首都医科大学宣武医院血管外科首都医科大学血管外科研究所,北京100053【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R542.22近年来我国下肢动脉硬化闭塞症累及膝下的患者逐年增加,对其保守治疗效果不佳[1-2],介入治疗要优于保守治疗[3-6],并较旁路移植治疗并发症少[7],现普遍认为经皮腔内血管成形术在膝下动脉硬化闭塞症的治疗中疗效安全、确切[8],而药物涂层冠脉支架置入在球扩不理想或球扩后出现动脉夹层等并发症的情况下逐渐得到较多应用。

冠状动脉内可吸收金属支架的研究进展刘艳青【摘要】冠状动脉内支架植入是目前广泛应用的冠心病治疗手段,但支架内狭窄和晚期血栓形成影响冠状动脉支架远期疗效和安全性,长期应用抗血小板药物所带来的不良反应以及经济上给患者造成的负担,这些都限制了冠状动脉支架的进一步应用.生物可吸收金属支架具有与裸金属支架相当的支撑力及良好生物相容性,可有效降低再狭窄率和血栓形成,临床应用前景十分广阔.%Currently, coronary stents are widely used in the treatment of coronary heart disease. However, the major limitations of stents are in-stent restenosis and late thrombosis. These , which effect the long-term efficiency and safety of the stents. Moreover, prolonged antiplatelet therapy can have many adverse effects and economic burdens for a patient , and these factors limit the further development of stents. The use of a bioabsorbable metal stent which could provide the same mechanical properties compared to the bare metal stent and but with good bio-compatibility, could reduce the rate of restenosis and thrombosis. It owns a bright future in clinical coronary stents.【期刊名称】《心血管病学进展》【年(卷),期】2012(033)005【总页数】3页(P638-640)【关键词】可吸收支架;金属支架;再狭窄;血栓形成【作者】刘艳青【作者单位】昆明医科大学第一附属医院心内科,云南昆明 650032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R815药物洗脱支架(DES)的应用是冠心病介入治疗史上的第二次革命,与金属裸支架(BMS)相比,DES显著降低冠状动脉介入治疗术(PCI)后再狭窄的发生率。

急性心肌梗死后延迟支架植入的临床研究进展高旸*杨继娥*张峰**(复旦大学附属中山医院心内科上海 200032)摘要急性心肌梗死患者接受直接经皮冠状动脉介入治疗植入支架后的微血管栓塞和无复流现象一直是影响患者预后的主要因素之一。
关键词急性心肌梗死 直接经皮冠状动脉介入治疗延迟支架植入中图分类号:R542.22;R654.3文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2019)01-0008-04Deferred stent implantation for acute myocardial infarction:a review of recent studiesGAO Yang*, YANG Ji’e*, ZHANG Feng**(Department of Cardiology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China) ABSTRACT Microvascular obstruction and no-reflow after stent implantation in patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction and undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention are strong predicting factors of adverse events and unfavorable prognosis, especially when it comes to patients with greater age, longer occlusion or strong thrombus burden. To deal with this situation, some specialists come up with a deferred stent implantation method. Deferred stent implantation with adjunctive antithrombotic therapy is an effective method to alleviate the thrombus burden, partially restore vascular function and reduce the risks of microvascular obstruction, no-reflow phenomena and short-term angiographic events. However, several randomized controlled trials and related meta-analysis indicate that deferred stent implantation did not reduce mortality, major adverse cardiac events or other severe clinical outcome. The advantage of deferred stent implantation is in controversy and its application is limited due to the widespread usage of second-generation drug-eluting stents. More clinical trials are necessary to confirmed the effect and safety of deferred stent implantation on specific subgroup of patients with acute myocardial infarction.KEy WORDS acute myocardial infarction; primary percutaneous coronary intervention; deferred stent implantation在急性心肌梗死的直接经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(primary percutaneous coronary intervention, PPCI)中,成功恢复血流后植入支架已成为常规治疗方法。

2018年第22卷第17期实用临床医药杂志Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice•15 •高同型半胱氨酸血症与颅内动脉狭窄支架置入术后再发症状性脑梗死的相关性研究汪洋1,吴磊2,尹博文1,庞燕1(河北省秦皇岛市第一医院,1.神经内科;2.神经外科,河北秦皇岛,066000)摘要:目的探讨高同型半胱氨酸血症(HHcy)与颅内动脉狭窄支架置人术后再发症状性脑梗死的关系。
方法选择10脑梗死患者,均行颅内动脉狭窄支架置人术,根据血浆同型半胱氨酸(Hey)水平分为HHcy组62例(血HC yS=15 pmol/L)和非HHcy组58例(血Hcy<15 pm〇l/L),并在术后给予抗血小板治疗。
Logistic回归分析显示,脑梗死复发与HHcy有显著相关性(P<0.05, 0R = 1.112, 95%C I为1.084〜1.211)。
关键词:脑梗死;复发;高同型半胱氨酸血症;死亡率;颅内动脉狭窄;支架中图分类号:R743 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-2353(2018)17-015-03 D0I: 10.7619/jcmp.201817004Relationship betweenhyperhomocysteinemia andrecurrent symptomatic cerebral infarction afterstent implantation for intracranial arterial stenosisW A N G Y a n g1,W U L e i2,Y I N B o w e n1,P A N G Y a n1(1. Department of Neurology ;2. Department of Neurosurgery,The First Hospital ofQinhuangdao, Qinhuangdao, Hebei,066000)A B S T R A C T;O b j ective T o investigate the relationship b e t w e e n hyperhomocysteinemia(H Hc y)a nd recurrent symptomatic cerebral infarction after stent implantation nosis.Me t l i o d s A total of120 patients with cerebral infarction w e r e treated with stent implantationfor intracranial arterial stenosis.A c c ording to p l a s m a homocysteine(H e y)level,the patients w e r e divided into H H c y g roup(n= 62,blood H e y^15(x m o H.)a n d n o n-H H c y group(n= 58,blood H e y <15(x m o l L),a n d all the patients w e r e given anti-platelet therapy after surgery. follow-u p,the recurrence rate a n d mortality o f cerebral infarction w e r e c o m p a r e da n d the risk factors affecting the recurrence of cerebral infarction w e r e analy rence rate a n d mortality o f H H c y group w e r e significantly higher than thos^ of n o n-H H c y 0.05).Logistic r egression analysis s h o w e d that the recurrence of cerebral infarction w a s significantly related to H H c y(_P<0•05,O R= 1•112,95%C I; 1•084〜1•211).C o n c l u s i o n H y p e r h o m o c y steinemia c a n significantly increase the r isk of recurrent cerebral infarction after stent implantation for intracranial arterial stenosis.K E Y W O R D S:cerebral infarction;recurrence;h y p erhomocysteinemia;mortality;intracranial arterial stenosis;stent颅内大动脉狭窄是脑梗死的重要危险因素,而经皮腔内血管成形支架置入术可用于治疗颅内大动脉狭窄脑梗死患者[1]。

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82170342);国家自然科学基金青年基金(82200381)通信作者:沈雳,E mail:shen.li1@zs血管支架植入对血管平滑肌细胞的影响周昌颐 王瑞 沈雳(复旦大学附属中山医院心内科上海市心血管病研究所,上海200032)【摘要】支架植入是冠心病的一种重要治疗方式,植入过程伴随着血管壁的损伤和机械性能的改变,进而导致血管平滑肌细胞进行一系列复杂的表型变化,包括从中膜向内膜的迁移和增殖,以及从收缩表型转变为合成表型等,从而导致新生内膜的增殖和支架内再狭窄的发生。
【关键词】血管平滑肌细胞;药物洗脱支架;生物可吸收支架;表型转换【DOI】10 16806/j.cnki.issn.1004 3934 2023 04 003ImpactofVascularStentImplantationonVascularSmoothMuscleCellsZHOUChangyi,WANGRui,SHENLi(DepartmentofCardiology,ZhongshanHospital,FudanUniversity,CardiovascularDiseaseResearchInstituteofShanghai,Shanghai200032,China)【Abstract】Asanessentialtreatmentofcoronaryarterydisease,stentimplantationalwaysaccompaniesdamagingtothevascularwallandmechanicalpropertiesaltering,whichinturnleadtocomplexchangesofphenotypicswitchinginvascularsmoothmusclecells,includingitsproliferationandthemigrationfrommediatotheintimal,aswellastheswitchingfromthecontractilephenotypetosyntheticphenotype,causingtheoccurrenceofneointimalhyperplasiaandin stentrestenosis.Theultimategoalofpercutaneouscoronaryinterventionistorestorevascularhemostasisandmaintainthestablecontractilephenotype.Therefore,exploringthebiologicalresponseofvascularsmoothmusclecellsaftervascularstentingwillpromotethedevelopmentofanewergenerationofcardiovasculardevicesandhelpmakeclinicaldecisions.Thisarticleaimsatreviewingthebiologicaleffectsofvascularstentimplantationonvascularsmoothmusclecells.【Keywords】Vascularsmoothmusclecells;Drug elutingstent;Bioresorbablestents;Phenotypeswitch 药物洗脱支架(drug elutingstent,DES)在经皮冠状动脉介入治疗中的应用,显著降低了血运重建后不良事件的发生率,但支架内再狭窄和支架内新生动脉粥样硬化等晚期并发症仍旧影响支架植入患者的远期预后[1]。

GUO Fu ̄qiang 2 ( 1. Chengdu Shuangnan HospitalꎬChengdu 610072ꎬChinaꎻ2. Sichuan Academy of Medical
Conclusion The decrease of NSEꎬMMP9ꎬS100B and CO after stent implantation for severe carotid artery stenosis can be used to eval ̄
uate the protection of cerebral perfusion improvement and the increase of postoperative HO ̄1 can be used as an index for evaluation of
高( P<0 01) ꎮ 结论 重度颈动脉狭窄支架植入术后 NSE、MMP9、S100B、CO 降低可评估术后血流灌注改善对脑的保护ꎻ术后
HO ̄1 升高可做为血流灌注改善程度的评估指标ꎮ
【 关键词】 神经元特异烯醇化酶ꎻ基质金属蛋白酶 9ꎻS100B 蛋白ꎻ血红素加氧酶 1ꎻ一氧化碳ꎻ血流再灌注ꎻ颈动脉支架植
实用医院临床杂志 2020 年 7 月第 17 卷第 4 期
杨 嵩1 ꎬ王建红2 ꎬ杨 树2 ꎬ袁晓帆2 ꎬ邱文娟2 ꎬ郭富强2
(1.成都双楠医院ꎬ四川 成都 610072ꎻ2.四川省医学科学院四川省人民医院ꎬ四川 成都 610072)

药物涂层球囊在糖尿病患者冠状动脉小血管病变治疗中的应用研究汤克虎;高峻峰;任尽平【摘要】目的:分析药物涂层球囊(DCB)在糖尿病(DM)患者冠状动脉小血管病变应用中的疗效.方法:选取因心绞痛或其他不典型症状行冠状动脉造影检查患者65例,随机分为DCB组和DES组,比较两组靶病变最小管腔直径(MLD)、晚期管腔丢失(LLL)、主要不良心血管事件(MACE)发生率.结果:两组术后即刻MLD均较术前显著增加(P<0.01),且DES组高于DCB组[(2.06±0.24)mm对(1.62±0.38)mm,P<0.001];术后9个月DCB组靶病变LLL小于DES组[(0.06±0.43)mm对(0.37±0.47)mm,P=0.02];两组术后9个月内MACE发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:DCB可减少DM患者冠状动脉小血管病变LLL,MACE发生率与DES相似,展现出良好的应用前景.【期刊名称】《陕西医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2019(048)004【总页数】3页(P432-434)【关键词】药物涂层球囊;冠心病;小血管病变;糖尿病;药物洗脱支架;疗效【作者】汤克虎;高峻峰;任尽平【作者单位】北京怀柔医院北京101400;北京怀柔医院北京101400;北京怀柔医院北京101400【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R541.4糖尿病(Diabetes mellitus, DM)是冠心病的等危症[1],DM患者冠脉血管损害较早且进展快,常呈多支、弥漫性、小血管样改变。
目前多项研究将冠脉直径<2.8 mm[2]的病变定义为小血管病变(Mall vessel disease, SMD),SMD多位于冠状动脉中远段,约占冠脉介入治疗的30%~50%[3],在DM患者中较为常见。

中医序贯疗法改善急性心肌梗死患者介入术后心功能临床研究林晓烁;寇兰俊;潘国忠;孙飞;刘畅【摘要】目的观察中医序贯疗法对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者介入术后心功能的康复作用.方法将100例AMI介入术后患者随机分为康复组和常规组,各50例.常规组给予PCI术后标准化药物治疗及心理辅导;康复组在常规组基础上,加予中医序贯疗法(包括中药茶饮和"中医导引操"),为期3个月.在术后、术后3个月分别检测两组患者6 min步行试验(6MWT)、左室舒张末期内径(LVEDd)、左室收缩末期内径(LVESd)、左室射血分数(LVEF)、脑利钠肽(BNP)等,比较两组术后及应用不同治疗3个月后各项观察指标的变化情况.结果应用不同治疗方案3个月后,两组心率、收缩压、舒张压、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、丙氨酸氨基转移酶、天门冬酸氨基转移酶、6MWT及BNP较治疗前均有显著改善(P<0.05);与常规组比较,康复组对心率、收缩压、6MWT,LVEF作用更为显著(P<0.05).结论中医序贯疗法在改善AMI患者介入术后心率、收缩压、6MWT,LVEF等方面的疗效优于常规治疗组.%Objective To observe the rehabilitation effect of sequential therapy with traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) on cardiac func-tion of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) patients after percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) . Methods Totally 100 AMI patients af-ter PCI were selected and randomly divided into the rehabilitation group and the conventional group, 50 cases in each group. The con-ventional group was treated with the PCI postoperative standardized drug and given psychological counseling, on this basis, the rehabilita-tion group was given sequential therapy with TCM, including Chinese herbal tea and Chinese medicine guide gymnastics for three months. The 6MWT, LVEDd, LVESd, LVEF, BNP were measured afteroperation and 3 months after operation, the changes of the observa-tion indexes in the two groups were compared after operation and 3 months after operation. Results After 3 months of different treat-ment plans, the heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, ALT, AST, 6MWT and BNP in the two groups were significantly improved compared with those before treatment ( P < 0. 05 ) , the heart rate, systolic blood pressure, 6MWT and LVEF in the rehabilitation group improved more obviously than those in the conventional group ( P < 0. 05 ) . Conclusion The effect of sequential therapy with TCM on improving the heart rate, systolic blood pressure,6MWT, LVEF and other aspects of AMI patients is superior to the conventional group.【期刊名称】《中国药业》【年(卷),期】2017(026)011【总页数】4页(P34-37)【关键词】急性心肌梗死;经皮冠状动脉介入治疗;中医序贯疗法;康复;心功能【作者】林晓烁;寇兰俊;潘国忠;孙飞;刘畅【作者单位】北京中医药大学东直门医院东区,北京 101100;北京中医药大学东直门医院东区,北京 101100;北京中医药大学东直门医院东区,北京 101100;北京中医药大学东直门医院东区,北京 101100;北京中医药大学东直门医院东区,北京101100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R247.9;R542.2+2急性心肌梗死(acutemyocardial infarction,AMI)是临床常见的急危重症,全国发病率呈逐年上升高趋势,2008年全国有18.2万患者行经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)术,2010年《中国心血管病报告》报道2011年增至34万。
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C 2010,Wiley Periodicals,Inc.DOI:10.1111/j.1540-8183.2010.00576.xStent Implantation of the Arterial Duct in Newborns with a TrulyDuct-Dependent Pulmonary Circulation:A Single-Center Experiencewith Emphasis on Aspects of the Interventional TechniqueDIETMAR SCHRANZ,M.D.,INA MICHEL-BEHNKE,M.D.,RAJKA HEYER,M.D.,MELANIE VOGEL,M.D.,J¨URGEN BAUER,M.D.,KLAUS V ALESKE,M.D.,HAKAN AKINT¨URK,M.D., and CHRISTIAN JUX,M.D.From the Department of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery,Pediatric Heart Center,Justus-Liebig-University Giessen,GermanyIntroduction:Ductal stenting for pulmonary blood supply in newborns with cyanotic congenital heart disease(CHD)might be a low risk and safe alternative to the surgical aorto-to-pulmonary artery(AP)shunt in dual-sourcelung perfusion.Ductal stenting in truly duct-dependent pulmonary circulation has not been evaluated.Methods:Prospective interventional and clinical follow-up trial.Ductal stenting based on variable accesssites,a2-wire technique when crossing a tortuous ductus,and use of premounted coronary stents.Primaryoutcome measures were procedural success and complication rates presented as early and mid-term results.Results:From2003–2009,58duct-dependent newborns underwent ductal stenting;27of them were truly ductdependent,20had pulmonary atresia(PA)/ventricular septum defect or complex CHD,4had PA/intact ventricularseptum,2had PA with Ebstein anomaly,and1had PA with tricuspid atresia.Ductal stenting was performedwithout procedure-related mortality;3of27required an acute surgical AP-shunt(stent migration in1,acute ductobstruction in2).During mid-term follow-up,4of24needed an AP-shunt and two others stent redilation.Threepatients died prior to follow-up surgery(1unexpectedly at home and2due to syndromatic disease).Fifteen patientsreceived staged univentricular palliation,8had a biventricular repair,and1is awaiting follow-up operation.Conclusion:Ductal stenting is a feasible,safe,and effective palliation in newborns with truly duct-dependentpulmonary circulation irrespective of duct morphology.Vasucular access from various locations is important fortechnical success rate.Ductal stenting is a minimally invasive procedure to achieve adequate pulmonary arterygrowth for subsequent palliative or corrective surgery.(J Interven Cardiol2010;23:581–588)IntroductionDuctal stenting for pulmonary blood supply in new-borns with cyanotic congenital heart disease(CHD)is utilized alternatively to a surgical aorto-to-pulmonary artery(AP)shunt,particularly in low-income coun-tries,such as Malaysia1and India.2The objective of stenting the patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)is to avoid or delay surgical AP-shunts in neonates and young in-Address for reprints:Dietmar Schranz,M.D.,Pediatric Heart Cen-ter,Justus-Liebig University,Feulgenstrasse12,35385Giessen, German.Fax:496419943469;e-mail:Dietmar.Schranz@paediat. fants.Stent implantation of the PDA for restrictive, dual-sourced pulmonary bloodflow is an accepted ap-proach with relative low risk.3–9Controversy exists with respect to ductal stenting in neonates with a truly duct-dependent pulmonary circulation,where the pro-cedure is complicated by the PDA morphology with its vertical position mostly originating from the inner curve of the aortic arch,often associated with duc-tal tortuosity.5,7,9,10Based on our institutional expe-rience of percutaneous ductal stenting in more than 200newborns with various forms of a duct-dependent circulation,11the aims of this prospective study were to evaluate the feasibility and the technical aspects, and to report the results of primary ductal stenting inSCHRANZ,ET AL.newborns with cyanotic CHD and a truly duct-dependent pulmonary circulation.MethodsThis is a prospective interventional and clinical follow-up study at a tertiary referral center.The pri-mary outcome measures were procedural success and complication rates presented as early and mid-term re-sults.The study was undertaken under the guidelines of the hospital investigation review board.Parental writ-ten informed consent for the procedure and agreement on the management with the cardiac surgeon were al-ways obtained.4Patients.Between January2003and December 2009,stent-implantation of the PDA was performed in58newborns with cyanotic CHD as an alternative to surgical palliation on an intention-to-treat basis;an-alyzed were27newborns with a truly duct-dependent pulmonary circulation.Echocardiographic evaluation was used to select suitable patients for ductal stenting by confirming the cardiac diagnosis and PDA anatomy and morphology.In four patients,additional cardiac magnetic resonance imaging was performed to con-firm the ductal morphology prior to delineating the anatomy angiographically during cardiac catheteriza-tion.Based on PDA morphology or origin,there were no exclusion criteria for ductal stenting.Only one pa-tient with azygos continuation of the inferior vena cava was excluded,an antegrade approach was impossible and the ductal angle from the aorta was judged as in-appropriate for a retrograde approach.Table1sum-marizes the clinical data of the27patients that were included in the study.Based on previous experiences4 PDA stenting was used as an alternative to the sur-gical AP-shunt,bridging the patient toward an early cavo-pulmonary anastomosis in univentricular physi-ology or a biventricular repair where possible.All pa-tients had pulmonary valve atresia(PA)and received postnatal prostaglandin E1(PGE1)as a continuous in-fusion(5–10ng/kg per min).PA was either associ-ated with a ventricular septum defect or complex CHD (n=21)or with an intact ventricular septum in which catheter valvotomy was not indicated(n=4).Two other patients had Ebstein anomaly with PA,in which transcatheter valve opening was also not indicated at-tributed to the risk of pulmonary to right ventricular run off.In most patients,the PDA was arising from the inner curve of the aortic arch with a tortuous course, either left or right sided.Cardiac Catheterization and Stent Placement. Cardiac catheterization was performed under general anesthesia in two patients and in25under conscious sedation utilizing diazepam and ketamine in repetitive single dosages of0.2–0.5mg/kg and local anesthe-sia as described elsewhere in detail.4,11In7patients with wide-open PDAs but a short ductal length PGE1 was discontinued2–4hours prior to the procedure with the aim to reduce the ductal diameter to facili-tate stent implantation and achievefirm adherence to the ductus wall.However,in tortuous or stenotic PDAs PGE1infusion was stopped only after successful stent placement.Based on the origin and shape of the PDA, vascular access was attempted from the femoral vein, femoral artery,and right or left axillary artery favoring the straightest course toward the ductal take off from the aorta.The PDA morphology,its size,and length were assessed angiographically,if necessary in multi-ple projections.When the decision for ductal stenting was confirmed,a premounted coronary stent(mono-rail system)was implanted through a4Fr45-cm long guiding sheath(Cook,Bjaeverskov,Denmark)placed through the right or single ventricle in the anteriorly positioned ascending aortic arch if venous access was chosen.In the case of femoral artery access,a25-cm 4Fr sheath(Terumo Corporation,Tokyo,Japan)was used,and in the case of an axillary artery access a7-cm 4Fr sheath(Terumo),was used.In all patients,the ves-sel access was obtained by percutaneous puncture,with placement of a2Fr arterial cannula(Vygon,Aachen, Germany)prior to exchange for the4F introducer.An-giography of the aortic arch in anterior-posterior and 90◦lateral projection was performed to get an anatomi-cal overview of the aortic arch and PDA position.Tech-nical details of the interventional procedure have been previously described11–13and are demonstrated in Fig-ures1A–D.Afloppy of0.014-inch coronary guidewire (Balance Middleweight,Abbott,IL,USA)was atfirst advanced through a4Fr right Judkins or4Fr Cobra catheter and maneuvered carefully through the PDA in all patients,and placed distally in the right or left pulmonary artery or within the pulmonary trunk,if ex-isting.For stent delivery,a0.014-inch coronary extra support guidewire(S’port,Abbott,IL,USA)was used. The stiffer wire was advanced additionally besides the primarily placed super softfloppy wire(Fig.1B). The double-wire technique facilitated the placement of the relative stiff support wire and avoided ductusSTENT IMPLANTATION OF THE ARTERIAL DUCT IN NEWBORNSTable1.Data of Patients and MethodsAge Early Catheter Patient(Days)at Weight Stent Used Reinterventions No Stenting(kg)Diagnoses Width/Length(mm)(5<Days) 15 2.7PA+UVH,upside-down stomach Tsunami4×15Redilation 23 2.9PA+VSD Tsunami4×15None35 2.9PA+VSD,HRH,rAOA Nir-flex4×16,4×12None45 3.6PA,Ebstein anomaly Nir-flex4×19None53 3.5PA+VSD,DORV Nir-flex4×12None68 3.5PA+IVS,HRV,coronaryfistulae Tsunami4×10Redilation 79 3.1PA,dextrocardia,UVH,TGA Tsunami4×15None 811 2.7PA+IVS,HRH,ASD Driver4×9None96 3.2PA+VSD,ccTGA Driver4×15None 105 2.2PA+VSD,Alagille,biliary atresia Driver4×9None 1116 3.7PA,TGA,UVH Driver4×24,4×15None 128 3.8PA+IVS,HRH,coronaryfistulae Driver4×24,4×15None 135 2.3PA+VSD,catch22Driver4×18None 144 5.4PA,TGA,UVH,situs inversus Driver4×15None 153 3.3PA+VSD,hypoplastic PA’s Driver4×18,4×12None 1611 3.1PA,Ebstein anomaly Driver4×154×24None 172 5.2PA+VSD,rAOA,LPA-S Driver4×18,4×12None 1813 3.4PA,UVH,dextrocardia,Azygos-C Driver4×15,4×12None 193 2.5TA IIa(TGA+PA+VSD)Driver4×18,4×9None 2031 5.5PA+VSD Driver4×18None 216 2.5PA+IVS,HRH,ASD Driver4×12,4×15Driver4×15 223 3.5Situs inversus,complex UVH+PA Driver4×18None 2327 3.2V ACTERL-S,PA+AS,EA-IIIc Driver4×18None 2416 3.1Trisomie21,PA+VSD,rAOA Liberte4×20,Driver4×18None 259 3.2PA+IVS,HRHS,coronayfistulae Driver4×18None 267 3.2Dextrocardia,PA,MA,UVH Driver4×18,4×9None 2725 2.1Premature,heterotaxy,PA+UVH,Driver4×24,4×12,4×18NoneTAPVD,common atriumAOA=aortic arch;A VSD=atrial-ventricular septal defect;Azygos-C=continuity;ccTGA=congenital corrected transposition of the great arteries;DORV=double outlet right ventricle;EA=esophageal atresia;HRHS=hypoplastic right heart syndrome;IVS=intact ventricular septum;LPA-S=left pulmonary artery stenosis;r=right;MA=mitral valve atresia;PA=pulmonary atresia;TA=tricuspid atresia; TAPVD=total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage;UVH=univentricular heart;VSD=ventricular septal defect.perforation or creation of a false lumen.The soft wire was removed when the stiffer guidewire reached a sta-ble position useful for PDA stenting.The stronger sup-port wire straightens the PDA and necessitates reevalu-ation of the length of the PDA to calculate the required stent length,particularly if it were previously tortuous. Small amounts of contrast medium were administered by hand injections through the sidearm of the hemostat ventilfixed at the guiding or Judkins/Cobra catheter. To prove catheter access through the tortuous PDA or in case of predilation,a3-mm balloon catheter(Apex, Boston Scientific,Marlboro,MA,USA)was advanced in patients with a minimum ductal diameter of<2mm. Premounted coronary stents(width=4mm),but dif-ferent lengths(9,12,15,18,24mm Driver[Medtronic, Louisville,Colorado,USA]),Tsunami(Terumo),or 20-mm Libert´e(Boston Scientific)were used in all patients.Ductal stenting with a monorail premounted coronary stent was always performed with four hands; while one hand wasfixing the delivery sheath within the aorta,the stent was advanced through the long sheath and PDA in a“push-pull technique”by con-tinuously observing the position of the guidewire.If required,contrast injection was performed through the delivery sheath to adjust the premounted stent po-sition immediately before its deployment.Following balloon inflation,satisfactory stent placement was also assessed by repeated angiographies.In some patients, ductal lengths necessitated the use of2or3stents (Figs.1C and D,2A–D).The additional stents were delivered by telescopic placement tailoring the over-all stent length to the individual PDA anatomy in theSCHRANZ,ETAL.Figure 1.(A-D)Ductal stenting as a live case intervention (7th Workshop IPC&ISHAC Joint Meeting Milan 2009).(A)Angiography performed by hand injec-tion of contrast medium through a right Jud-kins catheter,which is advanced through a 4Fr long Cook sheath positioned in the as-cending aorta.Pulmonary arteries are sup-plied by a vertical,tortuous duct,which arises from the inner curve of a right-sided aortic arch next to the left-sided head-neck vessels.(B)The exact insertion of the duct at the pulmonary artery bifurcation by placement of 2floppy guidewires to both,the left and right pulmonary artery,and by an additional contrast medium application through the Judkins-catheter advanced al-most to the middle of the duct.(C)Place-ment of a second stent to cover the duct in total.(D)Angiogram through the Cook sheath demonstrates the final result of duct stenting in this newborn with truly duct-dependent pulmonary blood flow.same or in a second procedure.Heparin (100U/kg)was given at vessel entry and continued for 24hours at a dose of 300U/kg/day without further adjusting the dosage.Aspirin was not given routinely;patients with 2or 3stents in place were treated with antiplatelet drugs,either with aspirin (2–3mg/kg per day)or,since 2006,with clopidogrel (0.2mg/kg per day)(Picolo study).14Follow-up Protocol.After stent implantation,pa-tients were assessed by continuous measurement of oxygen saturation (pulse-oximetry),repetitive blood pressure measurements,and echo-and electrocardio-graphy.Repeat cardiac catheterization was performed when a significant drop in oxygen saturation suggested restenosis or prior to planned palliative or correc-tive surgery.Redilation of the stents was performed with a balloon equal in size to the one used during the initial stent placement.Growth of the pulmonary vasculature was assessed cine-angiographically using the McGoon index.Outcome measures were a suc-cessful palliative or corrective surgery and seque-lae after ductal stenting.Results are expressed as medians or means,and range (minimum to max-imum values)and standard deviation (SD)of the mean.ResultsPatients.The demographic data are listed in Table 1.The patient’s median age was 6days (2–31)and the median weight was 3.2kg (2.1–5.5).On admission,all patients were treated with PGE1.The mean oxygen saturation was 85%(60–93,SD:7.4).Transthoracic echocardiogram showed a tortuous elon-gated PDA morphology arising anywhere from the in-ner curve of aortic arch in all patients with complex PA (n =21).The median PDA length was 17mm (9–28).The narrowest parts were at the pulmonary artery site or anywhere within the curved and tortuous course of the PDA;the median diameter measured 2.5mm (1–3).The aortic end was measured at a median of 4.5mm (3.0–6.5).Twenty-five patients were investigated un-der sedation;2neonates were intubated and ventilated for other noncardiac reasons.Cardiac and noncardiac anomalies are presented in Table 1.STENT IMPLANTATION OF THE ARTERIAL DUCT INNEWBORNSFigure 2.(A)The angiography of an extremely tortuous duct supplying the left and right pulmonary artery.A floppy guidewire is positioned in a left lower lobe artery.Angiography was performed by hand injection of contrast medium through a right Judkins catheter,which is advanced through a 4Fr long COOK sheath (arrow)positioned in the ascending aorta.On (B)placement of a first Driver stent (4×24mm,arrow)within the duct,directed to its pulmonary insertion,is shown in anterior-posterior projection.(C)Demonstrates telescopic stenting in lateral projection (arrows mark the 2stents).(D)Angiography of the final result is shown.Placement of 3stents (each marked by an arrow)in series shows a fully duct covering from its pulmonary insertion to aortic site;left and right pulmonary arteries are perfused by the stented duct despite a pulmonary coarctation (Pt 27).Procedural Complications.Acute stent migra-tion occurred in 1patient during removal of the deflated balloon (No.9).Acute hemodynamic deterio-ration occurred in 2patients during a second catheter-ization for acute reobstruction on the first day after the primary approach (No.18,25).One of these pa-tients deteriorated during the procedure and was suc-cessfully resuscitated by locally administered PGE1as bolus in addition to continuous PGE1-infusion prior to performing an AP-shunt.In the other patients,a sec-ond stent placement was attempted to cover a residual nonstented part of the PDA.He also deteriorated and needed continuous infusion of PGE1,catecholamines,and intermittent cardiac massage before going onto cardiac bypass and surgical AP-shunt application.Acute Follow-Up.Ductal stenting was achieved in all patients.No procedural deaths occurred.Mean fluo-roscopy time was 13.8minutes (4.8–37.2,SD:±8.1).Severe tortuosity of the PDA did not preclude trans-catheter stent implantation.Based on the origin and shape of the PDA,vascular access was gained from the femoral vein (n =10),femoral artery (n =12),right axillary (n =2),or left axillary artery (n =3).In 5pa-tients predilation of the narrowed PDA was necessary to achieve free passage of the stent.Two stents were required in 11patients and three in 1patient (Fig.2).A total of 39coronary stents were implanted in 27pa-tients during the first procedure (Table 1).In 2patients,an uncovered part of the PDA was observed immedi-ately after guidewire removal,when the stented duct shaped back to its natural course.After discontinuation of PGE1,the PDAs were diagnosed as patent,when there was no decrease in oxygenation,and sufficient left-to-right shunt through the stent was demonstrated on transthoracic echocardiography.Patients with in-creasing cyanosis suggesting reobstruction of the PDASCHRANZ,ET AL.(n=3)were treated with reintervention.Early reob-struction within thefirst5days after the interventional procedure was treated with balloon dilatation(n=2) or placement of a further stent(n=1)(Table1).In late obstruction(4/24;16.6%),a redilation of stents was performed only in cases where ductal patency was required for>1month until further surgery.Ductal tissue obstruction due to a partially nonstent-covered PDA was the main reason for immediate restenosis within thefirst5days.However,endoluminal tissue growth of various degrees without significant influ-ence on oxygenation was found accidentally at the time of the preoperative diagnostic cardiac catheterization, but not analyzed systematically.In2patients,in-stent tissue growth necessitated redilation and in1for place-ment of a second stent prior to surgery.Mid-term Follow-Up.The follow-up period ranged from2months to7years.The stents remained patent from1to243days(Table2).Reevaluation or interventions more than5days after the initial proce-dures were necessary in7of24patients(29%).Growth of the pulmonary arteries was proven in all patients. The median McGoon index at time of surgery was1.9 (1.6–2.2).The median body weight was3.2kg(2.1–5.5)at the time of intervention,with an increase to 5.3kg(3.5–8.5)at the time of palliative or corrective surgery.Fifteen patients with univentricular physiol-ogy received a bidirectional Glenn shunt(BCPC),1 patient died,and9completed total cavo-pulmonary connection.Corrective surgery was successful in eight patients,1is awaiting surgical repair.Seven patients received an AP-shunt,2of them underwent an addi-tional intervention for an obstructed shunt—stenting in one and a new shunt with left pulmonary artery (LPA)augmentation in the other.The4deaths were not associated to the catheter intervention:1infant with PA and intact ventricular septum died unexpect-edly at home(obstructed coronary arteries were found on autopsy);the second death was related to hepatic dysfunction in a patient with Alagille-syndrome;the third was related to respiratory failure due to lung hy-poplasia in a patient with V ACTERL-syndrome;and the fourth occurred after surgical repair of Ebstein anomaly.At the time of surgery,the PDA stents were removed or ligated and transected by the surgeon without any difficulty.Thrombus formation was not found,but there were various degrees of in-stent stenosis.The degree of ductal tissue in-growth showed neither correlation to the stent type nor to the(type of)antiplatelet medica-Table2.Follow-Up DataDurationof Stent SurgeryPatient Patency at Stent Follow-up Final No(days)Removal Surgery Outcome 140AP-shunt Glenn,TCPC Alive 212AP-shunt BVR Alive 393Glenn TCPC Alive 468Glenn Postsurgical Diedheart failure5158BVR Alive 6115Glenn TCPC Alive 7108AP-shunt Glenn,TCPC Alive 823Sudden death Died 91AP-shunt Glenn,TCPC Alive 1021Bile atresia Died 11116Glenn TCPC Alive 12243Glenn TCPC Alive 13110BVR Alive 1491Glenn TCPC,LPA/AliveRPA-Patch1575BVR Alive 16112Glenn TV-reconstruction,AliveVSD17142BVR Alive 182AP-shunt Glenn,TCPC Alive 19124Glenn Alive 2088BVR Alive 21125Glenn Alive 22111Glenn Alive 2348AP-shunt PA-Patch Diedaugmentation2490BVR Alive 251AP-shunt Glenn Alive 26120Glenn Alive 2791Awaiting Glenn Alive AP=aorto-pulmonary shunt;BVR=biventricular re-pair;Glenn=bidirectional cavo-pulmonary connection; E-AIIC=esophageal atresia withfistulae;PA=pulmonary artery; TCPC=total cavo-pulmonary connection;TV=tricuspid valve; VSD=ventricular septal defect.tion and was observed at various time-points of follow-up.DiscussionIn neonates with cyanotic CHD,adequate pul-monary blood supply is essential for survival.Hence, the surgical AP-shunt is still used as the treatment of first choice.15,16Considering advances in surgery for CHD and a trend toward early primary biventricular repair or univentricular palliation,a reliable and safeSTENT IMPLANTATION OF THE ARTERIAL DUCT IN NEWBORNSalternative to a surgical AP-shunt might be percuta-neous ductal stenting.1–9At some institutions,duc-tal stenting is the procedure offirst choice to palli-ate newborns with duct-dependent pulmonary blood flow(Alwi M.,personal communication,PICS,World Congress2009,Cairns,Australia).However,contro-versy exists as PDA stenting is technically difficult5,9,10 Based on our previous experience of ductal stenting in newborns with cyanotic CHD,4the aim of this study was to report the current results in another27neonates with emphasis on the technical aspects,complications, and outcomes.Percutaneous PDA stenting is not an approach that “MUST”be but“CAN”be performed in selected pa-tients.After birth,while maintaining ductal patency with PGE1infusion the decision for stenting might be made as an alternative to a surgical AP-shunt.With regards to the PDA morphology there are no exclusion criteria for an interventional procedure,although if ad-ditional surgery were required a catheter stent place-ment was not considered.Cardiac catheterization can be electively planned when postnatal adaptation of the pulmonary vascular system is observed by echocardio-graphy using the pressure gradient across the PDA.In addition,the vascular access is determined by morpho-logical criteria obtained by echocardiography and/or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.Right axillary access is considered when the origin of the PDA is positioned opposite to the brachiocephalic artery,and venous access through the ventricle is impossible or unfavorable,that is,in the presence of ventricular fail-ure or significant atrioventricular valve regurgitation. Left axillary access is preferred when femoral artery access and the retrograde PDA stenting seem to be more difficult than a procedure from the left arm with a subclavian artery positioned exactly oppositely to the PDA arising from the inner curve of the aortic arch.13From the technical point of view,the two-wire technique is important for a successful interventional approach,particularly in newborns with complicated PDA morphology.In this context,it is essential to re-member the rule:“Never give up a wire already placed through the PDA”before the next step of the procedure is completed.Predilation with a low profile balloon catheter is recommended in case of preexisting ductal obstruction at the aortic or pulmonary artery site to al-low safe stent deployment.We favor the use of an Apex 3×20mm(Boston Scientific).Crossing the PDA with aflexible balloon catheter improves the examiner’s ap-praisal for the stenting approach.A PDA with a tortu-ous course and/or stenotic part shouldfirst be passed with a3-mm balloon catheter to prove wire stability and to test the feasibility of the stent-balloon passage through the PDA to the pulmonary artery.12Crossing the PDA and positioning the balloon catheter in the pul-monary arteries allows easy wire exchange,which can be facilitated by balloon inflation within a pulmonary artery branch.Once a stiff support wire is positioned, the passage of the premounted coronary stent through the PDA is generally easily possible.Whenever tech-nically possible,the stiff wire should be safely placed and looped within the pulmonary trunk(if present), or to the side of a preexisting stenosis,in case of a significant pulmonary branch obstruction,for the fol-lowing reasons:First,a stent directed to the pulmonary trunk optimizes perfusion to both lungs;second,ductal stenting curved to a congenitally obstructed pulmonary branch is an option for augmentingflow to the affected lung whereas bloodflow through the struts allowsflow to the unobstructed pulmonary branch.If insufficient, dilatation of the struts might be an additional treatment, as done in1patient in this series.It is important to ac-knowledge that after placement of a stiff wire the ductal shape may change from a tortuous to a straight mor-phology,which can affect the length and morphology of the PDA and lead to a misinterpretation consider-ing stent length.Stenting should always be started at the distal point of the PDA with covering the insertion of the pulmonary part in total.This was not achieved in2patients in our series and complicated the proce-dure with regards to advancing a second stent through thefirst one,causing friction of the2implants during positioning.Hence,in an extremely long and tortuous PDA it is more appropriate to advance two or three shorter stents within the PDA using a telescoping tech-nique rather than to utilize a bulky long premounted stent,which might be impossible to deliver through a PDA with tortuous morphology.Despite optimal stent placement removal of the deflated balloon may be chal-lenging without causing stent migration.In this con-text,a tortuous and stenosed PDA allowsfirmfixa-tion and stable positioning during balloon extraction in comparison to a straight,short,unobstructed PDA connecting the proximal descending aorta to the roof of the main pulmonary artery near to the left pulmonary artery branch.The best results for uncomplicated re-moval of the deflated balloon were achieved by using a stiff guidewire.Aiming for optimal deflation of the bal-loon,different types of premounted coronary balloonSCHRANZ,ET AL.stents were used;we are currently favoring the Driver stent.The procedure of ductal stenting can be performed within60–90minutes,withfluoroscopy times between 5and20minutes.After an observation period of about 8days without further PGE1therapy and adequate arte-rial oxygenation(aiming for80–85%)the patients are discharged home without aspirin.Only in telescopic stented PDA utilizing2or3stents was antiplatelet medication prescribed.The aim of this study was to analyze our results regarding strengths and weaknesses of an interven-tional approach of ductal stenting in neonates with truly PDA-dependent pulmonary bloodflow.In an optimal setting,aiming for follow-up surgery at3–6months, ductal stenting is a feasible and an efficient approach to replace a surgical AP-shunt not only as shown in dual-sourced pulmonary perfusion,17but also in true duct dependency.Successful ductal stenting can only be achieved by a sufficient stock of equipment in the cardiac catheterization laboratory and operator skills. Hand-crimped stents carry the risk of stent emboliza-tion by slipping off the balloon,particularly during retrieval through the delivery sheath,and should not be further utilized.Ductal spasm during continuous PGE1infusion is rare,the described wire technique is extremely important for success.We did not observe any ductal injury in our series.However,in the case of duct dissection or aneurysm formation a covered coro-nary stent needs to be available.It is crucial to confirm stent coverage of the entire PDA before removal of the wire.If,in a curved PDA,the aortic insertion is not fully covered,reintervention is problematic,with a risk for major complications and the necessity for immediate surgical AP-shunt placement.Hence,reintervention,if considered,requires surgical stand-by and a second in-tervention has to be weighted against the decision for a surgical AP-shunt instead.In conclusion,with advancements in minimal inva-sive interventional cardiac catheterization procedures neonatal ductal stenting with truly duct-dependent pul-monary circulation is a reliable and safe procedure.It is a unique technique with low complication rates that will continue to evolve into an important alternative to the surgical AP-shunt.Implementing the results pre-sented in this study may reduce the need for a surgical AP-shunt,and prolong the patency of a stented PDA by improving technique and avoiding strategic mistakes.A randomized multicenter study to compare percuta-neous ductal stenting with a surgically performed AP-shunt is warranted.References1.Alwi M,Choo KK,Latiff HA,et al.Initial results and medium-term follow-up of stent implantation of patent ductus arteriosus in duct-dependent pulmonary circulation.J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;44(2):438–445.2.Mahesh K,Kannan BR,Vaidyanathan B,et al.Stenting thepatent arterial duct to increase pulmonary bloodflow.Indian Heart J2005;57(6):704–708.3.Schneider M,Zartner P,Sidiropoulos A,et al.Stent implan-tation of the arterial duct in newborns with duct-dependent circulation.Eur Heart J1998;19(9):1401–1409.4.Michel-Behnke I,Akit¨u rck H,Thul J,et al.Stent implantationin the ductus arteriosus for pulmonary blood supply in congen-ital heart disease.Catheter Cardiovasc Interv2004;61(2):242–252.5.Gewillig M,Boshoff DE,Dens J,et al.Stenting the neonatalarterial duct in duct-dependent pulmonary circulation:New techniques,better results.J Am Coll Cardiol2004;43(1):107–112.6.Alwi M,Kandavello G,Choo K,et al.Risk factors for augmen-tation of theflow of blood to the lungs in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum after radiofrequency valvotomy.Cardiol Young2005;15(2):141–147.7.Santoro G,Bigazzi MC,Cainiello G,et al.Transcatheter pallia-tion of congenital heart disease with reduced pulmonary blood flow.Ital Heart J2005;6(1):35–40.8.Qureshi SA.Catheterization in neonates with pulmonary atre-sia with intact ventricular septum.Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2006;67(6):924–931.9.Santoro G,Gaio G,Palladino MT,et al.Stenting of the arterialduct in newborns with duct-dependent pulmonary Circulation.Heart2008;94(7):925–929.10.Gibbs JL.Ductal stenting for restricted pulmonary bloodflowin neonates:15years on but still a very limited place in clinical practice.Editorials Heart2008;94(7):834–835.11.Schranz D.Stenting the arterial duct.In Hijazi ZM,FeldmanT,Cheatham JP,Sievert H,plications during percu-taneous interventions for congenital and structural heart rma Healthcare UK Ltd.,London,2009,pp.131–144.12.Boshoff DE,Michel-Behnke I,Schranz D,et al.Stenting theneonatal duct.Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther2007;5(5):893–901.13.Schranz D,Michel-Behnke I.Axillary artery access for cardiacinterventions in newborns.Ann Pediatr Cardiol2008;1(2):126–130.14.Li JS,Yow E,Berezny KJ,et al.Clinical outcomes of palliativesurgery including a systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt in in-fants with cyanotic congenital heart disease.Does aspirin makea difference?Circulation2007;116(3):293–297.15.Al Jubair KA,AlFagih MR,Jarallah AS,et al.Results of546Blalock-Taussig shunts performed in478patients.Car-diol Young1998;8(4):486–490.16.Yuan SM,Shinfeld A,Raanani E.The Blalock-Taussig shunt.J Card Surg2009;24(2):101–108.17.Santoro G,Capozzi G,Caianiello G,et al.Pulmonary arterygrowth after palliation of congenital heart disease with duct-dependent pulmonary circulation:Arterial duct stenting versus surgical shunt.J Am Coll Cardiol2009;54(23):2180–2186.。