

2d 3d软件介绍

2d 3d软件介绍

动画软件,3D动画软件和网页动画软件2D动画软件包括:ANIMO、RETAS PRO、USANIMATION3D动画软件包括:3DMAX ,MAYA、LIGHTWAVE网页动画软件包括:FLASH编辑本段动画软件介绍2D动画软件:ANIMO、RETAS PRO、USANIMATIONANIMO:ANIMO 是英国Cambridge Animation公司开发的运行于SGI O2工作站和Windows NT平台上的二维卡通动画制作系统,它是世界上最受欢迎、使用最广泛的系统,众所周知的动画片>、>、> 等都是应用animo的成功典例。






" Phil Barrett, Cambridge Animation Systems 公司首席技术总监说道。


" Cormac Slevin, Cambridge公司产品支持经理赞同道,"它更加快速、功能更强,并包括了大量基于用户要求的非常有用的新功能。



Visualization of Simulink based applications, clockwise from bottom left: self-balancing robot, aircraft over terrain, automotive vehicle dynamics, and wind farm.Authoring and Importing 3D WorldsSimulink 3D Animation provides two editors for authoring and importing virtual reality worlds: V-Realm Builder and 3D World Editor.Building 3D WorldsV-Realm Builder in Simulink 3D Animation is a native VRML authoring tool that enables you to create 3D views and images of physical objects using VRML. 3D World Editor offers a hierarchical, tree-style view of VRML objects that make up the virtual world. It contains a set of object, texture, transform, and material libraries that are stored locally for reuse.3D World Editor showing a hierarchical, tree-style view (left) and scene preview (right) of components of a lunar module.Importing 3D Content from the WebYou can build 3D worlds with several3D authoring tools and export them to the VRML97 format for use with Simulink 3D Animation. In addition, you can download 3D content from the Web and use it to assemble detailed 3D scenes.Importing CAD Models3D World Editor lets you manipulate 3D VRML objects imported from most CAD packages for developing detailed 3D worlds that animate dynamic systems modeled in Simscape™,SimMechanics™, and Aerospace Blockset™. Simulink 3D Animation enables you to process VRML files created by CAD tools such as SolidWorks®and Pro/ENGINEER®. You can use the SimMechanics Link utility to automatically create SimMechanics models from CAD tools and add associated Simulink 3D Animation visualization to them.3D animation of the dynamics of an internal combustion engine modeled in SimMechanics (top) and trajectory trace of an aircraft computed using coordinate transformations from Aerospace Blockset (bottom).Animating 3D WorldsSimulink 3D Animation provides bidirectional MATLAB and Simulink interfaces to 3D worlds.MATLAB Interface to 3D WorldsFrom MATLAB, you can read and change the positions and other properties of VRML objects, read signals from VRML sensors, create callbacks from graphical tools, record animations, and map data onto 3D objects. You can use MATLAB Compiler™to generate standalone applications with Simulink 3D Animation functionality forroyalty-free deployment.MATLAB based 3D application compiled as an executable using MATLAB Compiler and deployed on an end-user machine running MATLAB Compiler Runtime.Simulink Interface to 3D WorldsYou can control the position, rotation, and size of a virtual object in a scene to visualize its motion and deformation. During simulation, VRML object properties in the scene can also be read into Simulink. A set of vector and matrix utilities for axis transformations enables associations of Simulink signals with properties of objects in your virtual world. You can adjust views relative to objects and display Simulink signals as text in the virtual world. You can also trace the 3D trajectory, generated using Curve Fitting Toolbox™, of an object in theassociated virtual scene. For example, you can perform flight-path visualization for the launch of a spacecraft.Modeling and simulation in Simulink of a multi-agent system animated with Simulink 3D Animation. The virtual world is linked through the VR Sink block (middle) and viewed with the Simulink 3D animation viewer (bottom).Viewing and Interacting with 3D WorldsSimulink 3D Animation provides VRML viewers that display your virtual worlds and record scene data. It also provides Simulink blocks and MATLAB functions for user interaction and virtual prototyping with 3D input devices, including 3D mice and force-feedback joysticks.VRML ViewersSimulink 3D Animation includes viewers that let you navigate the virtual world by zooming, panning, moving sideways, and rotating about points of interest known as viewpoints. In the virtual world, you can establish viewpoints that emphasize areas of interest, guide visitors, or observe an object in motion from different positions. During a simulation, you can switch between these viewpoints.Integrating with MATLAB Handle GraphicsThe Simulink 3D Animation viewer integrates with MATLAB figures so that you can combine virtual scenes withMATLAB Handle Graphics®and multiple views of one or more virtual worlds.Example of a graphical interface authored with MATLAB Handle Graphics. The screen shows a car suspension test on a race track that combines multiple 3D views (top), including speed data and visualizations of the steering wheel and force triads, with 2D graphics for trend analysis (bottom).Recording and Sharing AnimationsSimulink 3D Animation enables you to record scene data and share your work.Recording Scene DataSimulink 3D Animation enables you to control frame snapshots (captures) of a virtual scene, or record animations into video files. You can save a frame snapshot of the current viewer scene as a TIFF or PNG file. You can schedule and configure recordings of animation data into AVI video files and VRML animation files for future playback. You can use video and image processing techniques on frame snapshot and animation data. These approaches enable the development of control algorithms using a visual feedback loop through the link with a virtual reality environment instead of physical experimental setups.Enabling Collaborative EnvironmentsSimulink 3D Animation lets you view and interact with simulated virtual worlds on one machine that is running Simulink or on networked computers that are connected locally or via the Internet. In a collaborative work environment, you can view an animated virtual world on multiple client machines connected to a host server through TCP/IP protocol. When you work in an individual (nonnetworked) environment, your modeled system and the 3D visualization run on the same host.Visualizing Real-Time SimulationsSimulink 3D Animation contains functionality to visualize real-time simulations and connect with input hardware. You can use C code generated from Simulink models using Simulink Coder™to drive animations. This approach enhances your hardware-in-the-loop simulations or rapid prototyping applications on xPC Target™and Real-Time Windows Target™by providing a visual animation of your dynamic system model as it connects withreal-time hardware.Product Details, Demos, and System Requirements/products/3d-animationTrial Software/trialrequestSales/contactsalesTechnical Support/support Components of an xPC Target real-time testing environment that includes Simulink 3D Animation for rapid prototyping (top) and hardware-in-the-loop simulation (bottom).ResourcesOnline User Community /matlabcentral Training Services /training Third-Party Products and Services /connections Worldwide Contacts /contact。









关键字:三维动画;艺术和技术;动画制作Abstract3D animation is one of the emerging technologies with the development of computer technology in recent years. 3D animation is an art and technology in close connection with the work. In the production process, on the one hand, the full realization of the technical creativity. On the other hand, to the screen color, composition, shading, the lens design team then, grasp the rhythm, and other aspects of the art of re-creation. Compared with the plane, 3D animation must consider the time and space. It needs to draw on some of the graphic design rules, but more is in accordance with the laws of T elevision Arts for creativity.This paper discusses the development, Prospects, soft tools and methods of a 3D animation, And expressing my personal views on 3D animation development prospects. At the same time, from a practical point of start to 3D animation film production as an example, described the whole process of animation production. Including script, modeling, animation, editing, rendering, and synthesis. This paper will be Based on the understanding of 3D animation to the realization of animation,the theory will combine with practice in the paper,so we will master the technology of 3D animationKey words:3D animation; art and technology; Animation production目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 三维动画概述 (1)1.2.1 三维动画概念 (1)1.2.2 三维动画的优势 (1)1.2.3 三维动画的发展 (2)1.3 本课题的主要工作 (3)第2章三维动画的开发环境 (4)2.1 硬件支持 (4)2.2 软件支持 (4)2.2.1 三维动画软件的发展 (4)2.2.2 常见的3D软件 (5)2.2.3 制作软件3DSMAX介绍 (7) 3DSMAX简介 (7) 3DSMAX的界面及功能 (7) Vray-for-3DSMAX (11)第3章动画的具体实现 (12)3.1 剧本 (12)3.2 角色模型制作 (12)3.2.1 人物草图 (12)3.2.2 人物建模 (13)3.2.3 材质 (21)3.3 场景制作 (22)3.4 编辑动画 (23)3.4.1 制作骨骼蒙皮 (23)4.4.2 人物动画及镜头 (24)3.4.3 灯光 (25)3.5 渲染输出 (26)3.6 后期合成 (27)第4章结束语 (28)致谢语 (29)参考文献 (30)ContentsChapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Introduction (1)1.2 A summary of 3D animation (1)1.2.1 The concept of 3D animation (1)1.2.2 The advantages of 3D animation (1)1.2.3 The development of 3D animation (2)1.3 The main topic of the work (3)Chapter 2 3D animation development environment (4)2.1 Hardware support (4)2.2 Software support (4)2.2.1 3D animation software development (4)2.2.2 Common 3D animation software (5)2.2.3 3DSMAX Introduction (7) 3DSMAX Introduction (7) The interface and features of 3dsmax (7) Vray-for-3DSMAX (11)Chapter 3 Implementation of The animation (12)3.1 Script (12)3.2 Production the model (12)3.2.1 Draft the figures (12)3.2.2 Production the model (13)3.2.3 Material (21)3.3 Production the scene (22)3.4 Editor the animation (23)3.4.1 bone & role skin (23)4.4.2 edit action figures (24)3.4.3 Lighting (25)3.5 Rendering (26)3.6 Composition (27)Chapter 4 Conclusion (28)Acknowledgement (29)References (30)第1章绪论1.1引言三维动画业是新兴行业,综观三维动画的发展历程,相信不久的将来,三维将进入千家万户,不再是大电影厂和专业影视制作公司的垄断的专利。




Android中并没有提供直接做3D翻转的动画,所以关于3D翻转的动画效果需要我们自己实现,那么我们首先来分析一下Animation 和Transformation。



下面是具体实现:1.public class Rotate3dAnimation extends Animation {2.//开始角度3. private final float mFromDegrees;4.//结束角度5. private final float mToDegrees;6.//中心点7. private final float mCenterX;8. private final float mCenterY;9. private final float mDepthZ;10.//是否需要扭曲11. private final boolean mReverse;12.//摄像头13. private Camera mCamera;14. public Rotate3dAnimation(float fromDegrees, float toDegrees,15. float centerX, float centerY, float depthZ, boolean reverse) {16. mFromDegrees = fromDegrees;17. mToDegrees = toDegrees;18. mCenterX = centerX;19. mCenterY = centerY;20. mDepthZ = depthZ;21. mReverse = reverse;22. }23.24. @Override25. public void initialize(int width, int height, int parentWidth, int parentHeight) {26. super.initialize(width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight);27. mCamera = new Camera();28. }29.//生成Transformation30. @Override31. protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {32. final float fromDegrees = mFromDegrees;33.//生成中间角度34. float degrees = fromDegrees + ((mToDegrees - fromDegrees) * interpolatedTime);35.36. final float centerX = mCenterX;37. final float centerY = mCenterY;38. final Camera camera = mCamera;39.40. final Matrix matrix = t.getMatrix();41.42. camera.save();43. if (mReverse) {44. camera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, mDepthZ * interpolatedTime);45. } else {46. camera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, mDepthZ * (1.0f - interpolatedTime));47. }48. camera.rotateY(degrees);49.//取得变换后的矩阵50. camera.getMatrix(matrix);51. camera.restore();52.53. matrix.preTranslate(-centerX, -centerY);54. matrix.postTranslate(centerX, centerY);55. }56.}其中包括了旋转的开始和结束角度,中心点、是否扭曲、和一个Camera,这里我们主要分析applyTransformation函数,其中第一个参数就是通过getTransformation函数传递的差指点,然后我们根据这个差值通过线性差值算法计算出一个中间角度degrees,Camera 类是用来实现绕Y轴旋转后透视投影的,因此我们首先通过t.getMatrix()取得当前的矩阵,然后通过camera.translate来对矩阵进行平移变换操作,camera.rotateY进行旋转。


构图知识、广告造型艺术、光线与包彩知识、摄像机知识等。 3.从事“游戏开发、制作”等行业方面工作 “游戏开发、制作”行业,除了对动画制作技术要求比较高
外,还需要具有较强的艺术功底、图形、图像编程基础、广 告画面的构图知识,并且要有较强的二维动画制作手绘能力。 4.从事其他行业方面工作(如工业模拟、环境模拟、产品 展示等)
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◦ 3D动画及其发展史 ◦ 三维动画设计流程 ◦ 三维动画主要设计软件 ◦ MAYA介绍 ◦ MAYA常用工具
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◦ 拉丁文字根anima意为灵魂,动词animare指赋予生命, 引申为使某物活起来,animation可以解释为经由创作者 的安排,使原本不具生命的东西像获得生命一般地活动。
◦ ……
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◦ 是初学者的最佳选择 ◦ 官方提供了大量的自习资料。 ◦ 有大量的学习同伴,通过论坛交流 ◦ 但它仍是一个复杂的软件,不可能短期内精通,需要花时
◦ 在游戏和建筑等方面比较流行。 ◦ 在高端图形处理方面有待提高,比如影视渲染,但相信今
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1923年迪斯尼兄弟动画制作公司成立,这一年是 动画历史上最伟大的一年,从此迪斯尼公司逐步将 动画影片推向巅峰。
迪斯尼出品的电影“轮船威利号(Steam Boat Willy)”介绍了米老鼠的故事,成为第一部有声卡 通电影。
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20世纪80-90年代,大量3D软件开发公司成立, 3D技术研究和软件开发在高校和公司不断开展。
角色动作设定 灯光动画设定 摄影机动画设定 材质动画设定 任务旁白录制









Softimage XSI、MAY A、Flint 等软件在SGI平台上可以发挥最好的性能。


光有超强的硬件平台还不够,电影电视中那些逼真的形象还是得靠各种各样的超级3D 图像软件来实现。





这一状况直到软件业的巨人——Microsoft染指3D 动画业才得到了彻底的改变。





关键词:三维动画,后期合成,制作方法3D Animation Short Subject THE NIGHT PARTYABSTRACT:This text is from the 3D animation short subject THE NIGHT PARTY of the visual effect set out, expect the special effect creation's method to carry on to elaborate in detail towards involving in the animation short subject of 3D animation creation, behind, and analyzed to induce to be applicable to a short subject animation of, related and 3D animation and afterward expect the creation method for handle, tally up for attain that visual effect of the animation short subject viable creation bine the characteristics of that short subject, put forward for attain treatment that direct expectation effect's usage.KEY WORDS: 3D animation, expect to synthesize behind, create a method1 《夜店惊魂》的视觉效果目标1.1 影片视觉风格定位这部三维动画短片《夜店惊魂》,作为毕业设计,我们给自己制定了较高的影片质量目标。



三维设计英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a common 3D modeling software?A. AutoCADB. SketchUpC. PhotoshopD. Blender2. The process of creating a 3D model is known as:A. RenderingB. ModelingC. TexturingD. Lighting3. What does UV mapping refer to in 3D design?A. The process of applying colors to a 3D modelB. The process of mapping a 2D image onto a 3D modelC. The process of creating a wireframeD. The process of adding details to a 3D model4. Which of the following is NOT a type of 3D printing material?A. PLAB. ABSC. InkD. Resin5. In 3D animation, what does 'keyframe' mean?A. The starting point of an animationB. A point in time where an object's position is setC. The end point of an animationD. The speed at which an object moves6. What is the term for the process of making a 3D model appear more realistic by adding surface details?A. SmoothingB. SubdivisionC. DisplacementD. Extrusion7. Which of the following is a unit of measurement used in 3D design?A. PixelB. MeterC. KilogramD. Bit8. What does LOD stand for in 3D modeling?A. Level of DetailB. Line of DefenseC. Light of DayD. Long Overdue9. In 3D design, what is the purpose of a 'rig'?A. To create a skeleton for a characterB. To set the lighting of a sceneC. To define the camera's viewD. To apply textures to a model10. What is the term used to describe the process of converting a 3D model into a 2D image?A. ProjectionB. ExtrusionC. TexturingD. Rendering二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. The ________ is a tool in 3D modeling software that allows you to move objects around in the workspace.(答案: Move Tool)12. When creating a 3D model, the first step is usually to create a basic shape known as a ________.(答案: Primitive)13. The process of adding color and texture to a 3D model is called ________.(答案: Texturing)14. In animation, the ________ is the main character or object that the story revolves around.(答案: Protagonist)15. The ________ is the process of adjusting the camera angle and position to frame a scene.(答案: Camera Setup)16. To create a 3D model of a complex object, you may need to use a technique called ________.(答案: Boolean Operations)17. The ________ is the process of adding motion to a 3D model.(答案: Animation)18. In 3D printing, the ________ is the layer-by-layer process of building an object.(答案: Additive Manufacturing)19. The ________ is a tool in 3D modeling software that allows you to modify the shape of a model by dragging points. (答案: Sculpt Tool)20. When a 3D model is complete, it is often saved in a file format that ends with the extension ________.(答案: .obj)三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between a 'polygon mesh' and a'NURBS' in 3D modeling.(答案: A polygon mesh is a collection of vertices, edges, and faces that form a 3D shape. It is commonly used in video games and animation. NURBS, on the other hand, stands for Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines and is a mathematical model used to create smooth, curved surfaces. It is often used in industrial design and automotive applications.)22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a'real-time rendering' engine in 3D animation?(答案: Advantages of real-time rendering include theability to see the final product as you work, which can save time and provide immediate feedback. It is also computationally less intensive than pre-rendering. Disadvantages include potential limitations in visual quality compared to pre-rendered scenes, and the fact that it may。

第八章 三维基础动画制作

第八章 三维基础动画制作

8.2.4 动画渲染技术
3.“渲染输出文件”对话框 使用“渲染输出文件”对话框可以为渲染输出的文件指定名称,还可以决定要渲染的 文件类型。根据选择的文件类型,还可以设置一些选项,如压缩、颜色深度和质量。
8.2.5 案例应用—制作家具安装步骤展示动画
1.动画制作步骤: 步骤 1 打开“生长的家具.max”模型文件。
8.2.3 生长特效
1.渐隐渐现生长特效 选择一个或多个对象,单击鼠标右键,在 弹出的快捷菜单中选择“对象属性”命令,打 开“对象属性”对话框,在“常规”选项卡的 “渲染控制”组中设置“可见性”为“1”。可 见性的值为1时,对象在渲染时完全可见;可见 性的值为0时,对象在渲染时完全不可见。默认 值为1。
3.时间配置 “时间配置”对话框提 供了帧速率、时间显示、播 放和动画的相关设置,使用 此对话 框可以更改动画的持续时间 ,还可以设置时间轴上被选 中的片段的开始帧和结束帧 。
8.1.3 案例应用—制旋转展示动画
步骤 1 把名为“装饰品.max”的模型文件合并入场景。
8.1.3 案例应用—制旋转展示动画
1. 了解动画中帧与时间的关系;2. 掌握动画控件和时间控件工具;3. 利用所学工具制作简单的三维动画。
1824年,皮特·马克·罗杰特(Peter Mark Roget)发现了“视觉暂留”现象。 人类的眼睛看到一幅画或一个物体后,影像会保留0.1~0.4秒。否则,我们就不会有 一系列影像之间的连贯不断的感觉,也就不会有现如今的电影或动画。其实,不是电 影在动,而是一些静止的影像通过连贯地放映让人产生了它们在动的感觉。 1828年法国人保罗·罗盖(Paul Rogay)发明了留影盘,这是一个 被绳子在两面穿过的圆盘,盘的一 面画了一只鸟,另一面画了一个空 笼子。当圆盘旋转时,鸟在笼子里 出现。留影盘为动画的诞生提供了 理论依据。



本科毕业论文3D动漫游戏设计-―场景设计3D animation game design-- Scene Design 姓名:学号:学院:软件学院系:软件工程专业:软件工程年级:指导教师:年月目录摘要 (3)第一章引言 (1)第二章开发工具 (3)3dmax与3dmax 8 (3)3dmax (3)2.1.2 3dmax 8 (4)PHOTOSHOP (4)第三章需求分析 (6)游戏剖析 (6)软硬件需求 (8)接口控制 (8)第四章总体设计 (9)概述 (9)术语表 (9)模型 (10)设计概述 (12)4.4.1简述 (12)4.4.2人物模型与游戏编程 (12)对象模型 (13)动态模型 (13)4.6.1场景的变换 (13)4.6.2人物与场景相匹配 (13)第五章详细设计 (14). DARKPORTAL 模型 (14)5.1.1模型创建 3dmax 8中建模 (14)5.1.2制作效果图 (16). 小房屋模型 (17). 农家小院模型 (19). 手推车1 模型 (21)第六章系统的实现(运行)结果 (23)第七章结论 (26)第八章致谢 (27)参考文献: (28)附录: (29)摘要 (3)第一章引言 (1)第二章开发工具 (3)3dmax与3dmax 8 (3)3dmax (3)2.1.2 3dmax 8 (4)PHOTOSHOP (4)第三章需求分析 (6)游戏剖析 (6)软硬件需求 (8)接口控制 (8)第四章总体设计 (9)概述 (9)术语表 (9)模型 (10)设计概述 (12)4.4.1简述 (12)4.4.2人物模型与游戏编程 (12)对象模型 (13)动态模型 (13)4.6.1场景的变换 (13)4.6.2人物与场景相匹配 (13)第五章详细设计 (14). DARKPORTAL 模型 (14)5.1.1模型创建 3dmax 8中建模 (14)5.1.2制作效果图 (16). 小房屋模型 (17). 农家小院模型 (19). 手推车1 模型 (21)第六章系统的实现(运行)结果 (23)第七章结论 (26)第八章致谢 (27)参考文献: (28)附录: (29)摘要目前我国游戏玩家日益增多,而游戏开发人员的相对较少,而且游戏开发人员的队伍不够完整,尤其是游戏场景开发人员,所以掌握最新的游戏开发技术是很有必要的。




关键词:Role Animation Skeletal Animation Morphing Animation Skinned MeshAbstract:Introduce 3D Game Role Animation, for example Skeletal Animation and Skinned Mesh etc.目录:一概述3D角色动画的应用二3D游戏动画基础------基于时间的运动三3D游戏角色动画1 介绍微软的X文件2 骨骼蒙皮动画的原理与实现3 增加场景数据4 简介渐变动画四结束语正文:一概述3D角色动画的应用3D角色动画是计算机动画技术的一个重要组成部分,也是计算机图形学的一个分支。



动画电影制作中所使用的3D 角色动画技术的一个重要特点是动画数据量大,渲染需要耗费大量时间,因此动画作品必须预先制作,渲染,然后转化成视频文件播放。





第一类是关节动画(Skeletal Animation)。






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1. 动画(Animation):动画是一种通过快速播放连续的静态图像来产生运动效果的技术和艺术形式。


2. 帧(Frame):帧是动画的基本单位,指的是一张静态图像。


3. 关键帧(Keyframe):关键帧是动画中的重要帧,它定义了动画中的主要位置和运动路径。


4. 插帧(Interpolation):插帧是指在关键帧之间插入额外的帧,以平滑过渡和创建动画的连续性。


5. 帧速率(Frame rate):帧速率是指每秒播放的帧数。



6. 2D动画(2D Animation):2D动画是指在二维平面上创建的动画。


7. 3D动画(3D Animation):3D动画是指在三维空间中创建的动画。


8. 帧动画(Frame-by-frame Animation):帧动画是一种通过逐帧绘制来创建动画的技术。


9. 骨骼动画(Skeletal Animation):骨骼动画是指通过在角色模型上设置骨骼并控制其运动,来创建动画的技术。


10. 增量动画(Tweening Animation):增量动画是一种通过定义起始帧和终止帧之间的差异,并根据差异在中间插入中间帧来创建动画的技术。



一、File〈文件〉New〈新建〉Reset〈重置〉Open〈打开〉Save〈保存〉Save As〈保存为〉Save selected〈保存选择〉XRef Objects〈外部引用物体〉XRef Scenes〈外部引用场景〉Merge〈合并〉Merge Animation〈合并动画动作〉Replace〈替换〉Import〈输入〉Export〈输出〉Export Selected〈选择输出〉Archive〈存档〉Summary Info〈摘要信息〉〈文件属性〉View Image File〈显示图像文件〉History〈历史〉Exit〈退出〉二、Edit〈菜单〉Undo or Redo〈取消/重做〉Hold and fetch〈保留/引用〉Delete〈删除〉Clone〈克隆〉Select All〈全部选择〉Select None〈空出选择〉Select Invert〈反向选择〉Select By〈参考选择〉Color〈颜色选择〉Name〈名字选择〉Rectangular Region〈矩形选择〉Circular Region〈圆形选择〉Fabce Region〈连点选择〉Lasso Region〈套索选择〉Region:〈区域选择〉Window〈包含〉Crossing〈相交〉Named Selection Sets〈命名选择集〉Object Properties〈物体属性〉三、Tools〈工具〉Transform Type-In〈键盘输入变换〉Display Floater〈视窗显示浮动对话框〉Selection Floater〈选择器浮动对话框〉Light Lister〈灯光列表〉Mirror〈镜像物体〉Array〈阵列〉Align〈对齐〉Snapshot〈快照〉Spacing Tool〈间距分布工具〉Normal Align〈法线对齐〉Align Camera〈相机对齐〉Align to View〈视窗对齐〉Place Highlight〈放置高光〉Isolate Selection〈隔离选择〉Rename Objects〈物体更名〉五、Views〈查看〉Undo View Change/Redo View change〈取消/ 重做视窗变化〉Save Active View/Restore Active View〈保存/ 还原当前视窗〉Viewport Configuration〈视窗配置〉Grids〈栅格〉Show Home Grid〈显示栅格命令〉Activate Home Grid〈活跃原始栅格命令〉Activate Grid Object (活跃栅格物体命令〉Activate Grid to View〈栅格及视窗对齐命令〉Viewport Background〈视窗背景〉Update Background Image〈更新背景〉Reset Background Transform〈重置背景变换〉Show Transform Gizmo〈显示变换坐标系〉Show Ghosting〈显示重橡〉Show Key Times〈显示时间键〉Shade Selected〈选择亮显〉Show Dependencies〈显示关联物体〉Match Camera to View〈相机与视窗匹配〉Add Default Lights To Scene〈增加场景缺省灯光〉Redraw All Views〈重画所有视窗〉Activate All Maps〈显示所有贴图〉Deactivate All Maps〈关闭显示所有贴图〉Update During Spinner Drag〈微调时实时显示〉Adaptive Degradation Toggle〈绑定适应消隐〉Expert Mode〈专家模式〉六、Create〈创建〉Standard Primitives〈标准图元〉Box〈立方体〉Cone〈圆锥体〉Sphere〈球体〉GeoSphere〈三角面片球体〉Cylinder〈圆柱体〉Tube〈管状体〉Torus〈圆环体〉Pyramid〈角锥体〉Plane〈平面〉Teapot〈茶壶〉Extended Primitives〈扩展图元〉Hedra〈多面体〉Torus Knot〈环面纽结体〉Chamfer Box〈斜切立方体〉Chamfer Cylinder〈斜切圆柱体〉Oil Tank〈桶状体〉Capsule〈角囊体〉Spindle〈纺锤体〉L-Extrusion〈L形体按钮〉Gengon〈导角棱柱〉C-Extrusion〈C形体按钮〉RingWave〈环状波〉Hose〈软管体〉Prism〈三棱柱〉Shapes〈形状〉Line〈线条〉Text〈文字〉Arc〈弧〉Circle〈圆〉Donut〈圆环〉Ellipse〈椭圆〉Helix〈螺旋线〉NGon〈多边形〉Rectangle〈矩形〉Section〈截面〉Star〈星型〉Lights〈灯光〉Target Spotlight〈目标聚光灯〉Free Spotlight〈自由聚光灯〉Target Directional Light〈目标平行光〉Directional Light〈平行光〉Omni Light〈泛光灯〉Skylight〈天光〉Target Point Light〈目标指向点光源〉Free Point Light〈自由点光源〉Target Area Light〈指向面光源〉IES Sky〈IES天光〉IES Sun〈IES阳光〉SuNLIGHT System and Daylight〈太阳光及日光系统〉Camera〈相机〉Free Camera〈自由相机〉Target Camera〈目标相机〉Particles〈粒子系统〉Blizzard〈暴风雪系统〉PArray〈粒子阵列系统〉PCloud〈粒子云系统〉Snow〈雪花系统〉Spray〈喷溅系统〉Super Spray〈超级喷射系统〉七、Modifiers〈修改器〉Selection Modifiers〈选择修改器〉Mesh Select〈网格选择修改器〉Poly Select〈多边形选择修改器〉Patch Select〈面片选择修改器〉Spline Select〈样条选择修改器〉Volume Select〈体积选择修改器〉FFD Select〈自由变形选择修改器〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择修改器〉Patch/Spline Editing〈面片/样条线修改器〉:Edit Patch〈面片修改器〉Edit Spline〈样条线修改器〉Cross Section〈截面相交修改器〉Surface〈表面生成修改器〉Delete Patch〈删除面片修改器〉Delete Spline〈删除样条线修改器〉Lathe〈车床修改器〉Normalize Spline〈规格化样条线修改器〉Fillet/Chamfer〈圆切及斜切修改器〉Trim/Extend〈修剪及延伸修改器〉Mesh Editing〈表面编辑〉Cap Holes〈顶端洞口编辑器〉Delete Mesh〈编辑网格物体编辑器〉Edit Normals〈编辑法线编辑器〉Extrude〈挤压编辑器〉Face Extrude〈面拉伸编辑器〉Normal〈法线编辑器〉Optimize〈优化编辑器〉Smooth〈平滑编辑器〉STL Check〈STL检查编辑器〉Symmetry〈对称编辑器〉Tessellate〈镶嵌编辑器〉Vertex Paint〈顶点着色编辑器〉Vertex Weld〈顶点焊接编辑器〉Animation Modifiers〈动画编辑器〉Skin〈皮肤编辑器〉Morpher〈变体编辑器〉Flex〈伸缩编辑器〉Melt〈熔化编辑器〉Linked XForm〈连结参考变换编辑器〉Patch Deform〈面片变形编辑器〉Path Deform〈路径变形编辑器〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉*Surf Deform〈空间变形编辑器〉UV Coordinates〈贴图轴坐标系〉UVW Map〈UVW贴图编辑器〉UVW Xform〈UVW贴图参考变换编辑器〉Unwrap UVW〈展开贴图编辑器〉Camera Map〈相机贴图编辑器〉*Camera Map〈环境相机贴图编辑器〉Cache Tools〈捕捉工具〉Point Cache〈点捕捉编辑器〉Subdivision Surfaces〈表面细分〉MeshSmooth〈表面平滑编辑器〉HSDS Modifier〈分级细分编辑器〉Free Form Deformers〈自由变形工具〉FFD 2X2X2/FFD 3X3X3/FFD 4X4X4〈自由变形工具2X2X2/3X3X3/4X4X4〉FFD Box/FFD Cylinder〈盒体和圆柱体自由变形工具〉Parametric Deformers〈参数变形工具〉Bend〈弯曲〉Taper〈锥形化〉Twist〈扭曲〉Noise〈噪声〉Stretch〈缩放〉Squeeze〈压榨〉Push〈推挤〉Relax〈松弛〉Ripple〈波纹〉Wave〈波浪〉Skew〈倾斜〉Slice〈切片〉Spherify〈球形扭曲〉Affect Region〈面域影响〉Lattice〈栅格〉Mirror〈镜像〉Displace〈置换〉XForm〈参考变换〉Preserve〈保持〉Surface〈表面编辑〉Material〈材质变换〉Material By Element〈元素材质变换〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉NURBS Editing〈NURBS面编辑〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉Radiosity Modifiers〈光能传递修改器〉Subdivide〈细分〉*Subdivide〈超级细分〉八、Character〈角色人物〉Create Character〈创建角色〉Destroy Character〈删除角色〉Lock/Unlock〈锁住与解锁〉Insert Character〈插入角色〉Save Character〈保存角色〉Bone Tools〈骨骼工具〉Set Skin Pose〈调整皮肤姿势〉Assume Skin Pose〈还原姿势〉Skin Pose Mode〈表面姿势模式〉九、Animation〈动画〉IK Solvers〈反向动力学〉HI Solver〈非历史性控制器〉HD Solver〈历史性控制器〉IK Limb Solver〈反向动力学肢体控制器〉SplineIK Solver〈样条反向动力控制器〉Constraints〈约束〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Link Constraint〈连结约束〉LookAt Constraint〈视觉跟随约束〉Orientation Constraint〈方位约束〉Transform Constraint〈变换控制〉Link Constraint〈连接约束〉Position/Rotation/Scale〈PRS控制器〉Transform Script〈变换控制脚本〉Position Controllers〈位置控制器〉Audio〈音频控制器〉Bezier〈贝塞尔曲线控制器〉Expression〈表达式控制器〉Linear〈线性控制器〉Motion Capture〈动作捕捉〉Noise〈燥波控制器〉Quatermion(TCB)〈TCB控制器〉Reactor〈反应器〉Spring〈弹力控制器〉Script〈脚本控制器〉XYZ〈XYZ位置控制器〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Rotation Controllers〈旋转控制器〉注:该命令工十一个子菜单。




关键词:Role Animation Skeletal Animation Morphing Animation Skinned MeshAbstract:Introduce 3D Game Role Animation, for example Skeletal Animation and Skinned Mesh etc.目录:一概述3D角色动画的应用二 3D游戏动画基础------基于时间的运动三 3D游戏角色动画1 介绍微软的X文件2 骨骼蒙皮动画的原理与实现3 增加场景数据4 简介渐变动画四结束语正文:一概述3D角色动画的应用3D角色动画是计算机动画技术的一个重要组成部分,也是计算机图形学的一个分支。



动画电影制作中所使用的3D 角色动画技术的一个重要特点是动画数据量大,渲染需要耗费大量时间,因此动画作品必须预先制作,渲染,然后转化成视频文件播放。





第一类是关节动画(Skeletal Animation)。




3D动画论文 -

3D动画论文 -



通过对3ds max等设计软件和剧本创作的学习,本人编写了《成功需要行动》这个故事,并把它设计制作成了动画。






关键词动画角色设计场景设计动作设计后期制作Abstract In recent years, 3D animation has been noticeably accelerated the pace of development, quality of work has also been significantly improved, 3D animation technology matures. Many institutions offering the animation professional. By design software such as 3ds max, and script writing to learn, I prepared a "success requires action," the story and put it into animation design. Story about two young people looking for work mainly as a process in which one sees the opportunity to be carefully prepared, get up early the day of the interview; and another to see the opportunity to start daydreaming, and what is not prepared to interview the same day as a dream , overslept, the outcome can be imagined. Although the story is written, but there is no lack in our lives who do not work hard to see the opportunity, do not watch as the opportunity slip away to pay a little action, when others succeed, his only regret. This paper describes the design of three-dimensional animation production process and attention to key points, and "Success requires action", for example, from the initial idea of the animation script creation, through the role, the scene of the art design, the choreography, to the last editor of Synthesis add voice to complete the whole animation. Through a set of independent producers, aware of software technology before learning some of the deficiencies, and studied carefully by looking for information on character design, scene design, motion design and a series of pay attention. While also summarizing the use of the software skills.Keywords animation character design scene design motion design post-production目录摘要 (1)第1章绪论 (4)1.1引言 (4)1.2软件介绍 (4)1.2.1动画制作软件 (4)1.2.2图片处理软件 (5)1.2.3 视听合成软件 (5)1.2.4 特效添加软件 (5)第2章动画设计与创作 (6)2.1动画设计 (6)2.1.1动画设计原则 (6)2.1.2动画设计预期目的 (6)2.1.3设计思路简要说明 (6)2.2动画创作 (7)2.2.1三维动画制作流程 (7)2.2.2 成功需要行动的剧本创作 (8)第3章美术设计 (11)3.1角色造型设计 (11)3.1.1动画角色造型的定义 (11)3.1.2动画角色造型制作的原理 (11)3.1.3《成功需要行动》中角色造型设计 (11)3.2动画场景设计 (12)3.2.1动画场景的功能 (13)3.2.2《成功需要行动》中场景设计 (13)3.2.3色彩在动画场景中的作用 (15)第4章动作设计 (17)4.1动作设计的定义 (17)4.2动作设计风格的主要类型 (17)4.3影响动作设计的因素 (17)4.3.1《成功需要行动》中的动作设计 (17)第5章3D动画后期制作 (20)5.1动画渲染 (20)5.2剪辑合成 (20)5.3动画配音 (21)5.1.1声音在动画中的作用 (21)5.1.2《成功需要行动》中的声音 (21)结束语 (23)参考文献 (24)致谢 (25)第1章绪论1.1引言3D是一个艺术的表现形式,从本质上来说和我们所熟知的油画国画水彩版画雕塑没有什么区别,所不同的是现代尖端的技术赋予了它更广阔的创造力,使它能动,能更清晰更直接地把人们的思想表达出来。



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动画英语口语Animation is a fascinating art form that brings stories to life in a unique way. From classic cartoons to modern 3D films, animation captivates audiences of all ages. One of the most significant aspects of animation is its ability to convey emotions and messages through colorful characters and imaginative worlds.One of my favorite animated films is "Toy Story." This film not only entertains but also teaches important lessons about friendship, loyalty, and growing up. The characters, like Woody and Buzz Lightyear, are relatable and show how friendships can evolve over time. The animation is vibrant, and the storytelling is engaging, making it a timeless classic.Another great example of animation is Studio Ghibli’s films, such as "Spirited Away." These films often blend fantasy with reality, exploring deep themes like identity and the environment. The stunning visuals and intricate details in the animation create an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression on viewers.In addition to entertainment, animation is also a powerful tool for education. Educational cartoons can simplify complex topics and make learning fun for children. For instance, shows like "Sesame Street" use animation to teach kids about numbers, letters, and social skills in an enjoyable way.In conclusion, animation is more than just entertainment; it is a medium that inspires creativity, teaches valuable lessons, and connects people. Whether through laughter or tears, animated stories have a unique ability to resonate with us and make us feel. That is why I believe animation holds a special place in our hearts.中文翻译:动画是一种迷人的艺术形式,以独特的方式将故事呈现出来。

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