The beauty of the dress 汉服英文ppt




如意襟(Ruyi jin) jin)
斜襟(slanting Jin)
high collar low collar
无领 collarless
Representative figures
• 张爱玲 Eileen Chang (19201995) A well-known writer, be addicted to cheongsam.
It is recorded that cheong-sam began in the Qing Dynasty. 据记载,旗袍始于清代。
The Chinese cheongsam looks rich arid magnificent. 中国旗袍,雍容华丽。
Qipao (Chinese-styled long gown) is a common dress for a woman.
The Chinese traditional culture –
The definition of cheongsam The origin of cheongsam The structure of cheongsam Representative figures Pictures appreciating
• In 1920s
In the early Republic of China, the cheongsam began to be popular again. 民国
From the 1930s to 1940sGolden Era

汉服介绍 英文PPT

汉服介绍 英文PPT

The Shang Dynasty developed the rudiments of Hanfu; it consisted of a yi, and chang, worn with a bixi,. Vivid primary colors and green were used, due to the degree of technology at the time.
• Since Song and Yuan, official record used Hanfu to indicate garments Hans wear • During Liao dynasty, the emperor of Liao and Han officials wear Hanfu, and Empress and Khitan(契丹) officials wear their national clothing. • During Yuan dynasty, when editing History of Liao, the officials especially made an entry for Hanfu
Formal dress
• Xuanduan (玄端): a very formal dark robe; equivalent to the Western white tie • Shenyi (深衣): a long full body garment • (曲裾): diagonal body wrapping • (直裾): straight lapels • Yuanlingshan (圓領衫), lanshan (襴衫) or panlingpao (盤領袍): closed, round-collared robe; mostly used for official or academical dress



The Zhou Dynasty
• Hanfu became looser, with the introduction of wide sleeves and jade decorations hung from the sash which served to keep the yi closed.
Hanfu was made from silk, supposedly discovered by the Yellow Emperor’s wife, Leizu.
It was worn by Han people from the Xia Dynasty (c. 21st century BC - 16th century BC) all the way to the Ming Dynasty (13681644).
zhiqun(直 裙)
ruqun(襦 裙)
the Qin and Han Dynasties
warriors 武士
Tang Dynasty
the Middle of Tang Dynasty
A new style “banxiu(半袖)” or “banbi” appeared.
Ming Dynasty aoqun(袄裙)
Ming Dynasty
Men’s clothing yesa(曳撒)
Qing Dynasty
• In the 17th Century, the Manchu Qing Dynasty began to rule China,they created a policy which was called Barber & Changing clothes(剃发易 服).


facing outside.
• 穿皮毛服装时裘毛朝外
6、The male kept the habitude of wearing walking sabres without blades for decoration only.
• 男子保持佩刀习俗,但所佩之刀有形无刃,因此 失去了实际价值,主要是显示仪容
• HanFu has a big and complicated system. People wear different dresses on different occasions.
• Here, we can roughly divide it into 3 groups:
Ceremonial Dress Formal Dress Casual Dress
襕衫 也叫圆领袍始现于唐,兴于宋明, 古时多为士人所服
玄端自天子至士皆可穿,为国家的法服 天子平时燕居之服。
汉服的一种,对襟,两侧从 腋下起不缝合,多罩在其 他衣服外面穿着。在宋、
道袍是明代士人主要的 便装款式,是指交领、 大袖、衣身两侧有内摆
7、Waistband was very
exquisite. Belt hook was made
of gold in various lively and
interesting animal figures.
腰带极为考究,所用带钩以金制成各种兽形, 如螳螂形或琵琶形。形象十分生动有趣。一般 长度在一寸半至六寸之间,是衣裳中间显要的 装饰物。汉带钩从形、色和工艺上都达 到了极 高的水平,较比西周和战国时期,在设计和制 作方面都要精美得多。因此颇受男人们的喜爱, 佩戴者很多;

汉服——汉民族服饰_英文介绍ppt (1)

汉服——汉民族服饰_英文介绍ppt (1)
Or just say “Sorry, we haven’t. We are only wearing T-shirts in our big days?”
❖History and Features of Hanfu ❖Pattern 1 of Hanfu ❖Pattern 2 of Hanfu ❖Ceremony of Hanfu ❖Festival of Hanfu
❖ Hanfu(汉服) is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi(黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).
------The traditional clothes of Chinese Han People
If someone asked “What is Han People’s traditional clothes?”
Cheongsam(旗袍)? Then what does Manchu wear?
Pattern of
❖ Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men. It’s a kind of gown(长袍) which kicks pleat(开叉)on both sides. It’s popular among intellectuals(书生) in Ming Dynasty.And now it’s still worn by Taoist(道士) so far.So it also can be colled Daopao(道袍).



到了春秋战国时期,由于各国之间文化、政治、思想和经济上的不同,再加上 百家学说对于服装的影响,这时候衣裳的款式空前的丰富,并且出现了明显的 差异。
秦统一中原以后,制定了一系列的制度,其中就包括了衣冠制度。但是由于秦 帝国的短命,所以这种衣冠制度就被汉朝传承,并且加以完善,形成了现在所 尊崇的汉服。
到了魏晋南北朝时期,由于受到当时的政治、经济、思想等方面的影响。衣冠 制度也受到了南北朝时期各民族的相互影响、相互吸收、渐趋融合。
在魏晋南北朝之后,到了隋唐时期,汉服发生了变化,在传统的基础上发展出 了新的脉络,也就是我们常说的唐装。并且之后的宋朝和明朝的服装也多有特 点
秦统一中国以后,建立 了各项制度,其中也包 括衣冠制度。西汉男女 服装,仍沿袭深衣形式。
至东汉明帝,参照三代 和秦的服饰制度,确立 了以冠帽为区分等级主 要标志的汉代冠服制度。
魏晋南北朝时期的服饰, 仍循秦汉旧制发展到南 北朝时期各民族的相互 影响、相互吸收、渐趋 融合。
唐代服饰承上启下,法服和常服同时并行。法服是传统的礼服,包括冠 冕、衣、裳等;常服又称公服是一般性正式场合所着服饰。宋代服饰大 体上沿袭了隋唐旧制。但由于宋朝长年处于内忧外患交并之中,加上程 朱理学等因素的影响,这一时期的服饰崇尚简朴、严谨、含蓄。
一些古籍的观点认为,汉族(及其先民)已有独特的服装体系了。例 如《史记》认为“华夏衣裳为黄帝所制”“黄帝之前,未有衣裳屋宇。 及黄帝造屋宇,制衣服,营殡葬,万民故免存亡之难。”在未有考古 实物支持的年代之前,汉服最早的出现应该是殷商时期。
约五千年前,中国在新石器时代的仰韶文化时期,就产生了 原始的农业和纺织业,开始用织成的麻布来做衣服,黄帝的 妻子嫘祖发明了饲蚕和丝纺,人们的衣冠服饰日臻完备。


许多东亚国家的服装,如日本的和服,韩国的韩服还模仿了汉服基本风格, 这些国家在历史上很大程度的受到中国文化的影响。
和服 Kimono
New words
+ significant + Civilization + the ruling class + Influence + Garment + Casual
然而,汉服被清朝统治者禁止(史称剃发易服),取而代之的是他们自己的服 装。这就是为什么今天的中国民族服饰而是众所周知的旗袍,一个满族风格 的服装。
The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left. There are casual wear and formal wear of it. For the casual wear such as Coat skirt(袄裙) and Ru skirt (襦裙). Formal garments may include: Song Ju(曲裾),Yuan-Lin Shan(圆领衫) and so on.
汉服是汉民族的传统服装。它是中华文明的重要的文化象征,它有近4000年的悠 久的历史。
However, the ruling class of Qing Dynasty (清朝,满族统治的王朝) banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today‘s Chinese national costume was widely known as Chi-pao .



Hanfu in the festival

Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.It‟s usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.
Hanfu in the

According to the Han people‟s tradition,there are many important days.Such as wedding ceremony.
婚礼(昏礼)Which are hold in the evening.It‟s usually once for the couple.There are three kinds of Hanfu for couples.

Hanfu(汉服) is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi(黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).
三月三 上巳节 又称女儿节 A day for girls,aslo a good time to enjoy the spring!
Hanfu in the festival
五月五端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.It‟s usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.



汉服英语演讲稿(配P P T)Good morning everyone, I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech.1. As we all know, China has 56 nationalities and each nation has its own specific traditional costumes, like Korean,Tibetan,Hui,Mongolian and Manchu. Han nationality has the largest number of the Chinese people. So what is Han People’s traditional clothes?”2. Cheongsam? Or the nowadays T-shirt?No! We have our clothes.3. It’s called Hanfu . It's the traditional costume that has been worn by Han people .4. However, it’s sad to know that a lot of people don’t know Hanfu nowadays. Whena person who is dressed in Hanfu walked down the street , some people may think it is a kimono or a Hanbok. What’s more, there were even some people who asked the person to take off the clothes and burned it with fire. How ridiculous!5. Now let me introduce our Han people’s traditional clothes to all of you. Hanfu, means "Clothing of the Han people "in Chinese. It refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese .It has the history of more than 3000 years. And it influenced Japanese kimono and Kroean hanbok.6. Hanfu is wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, which just looks like the letter ‘y’ when seen from the front. But there are also other kinds of collars.Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns. Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.7. When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).8. If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙).9. When it is classified by its height of the skirt,we can called it qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.10. Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the chest .11. There is another kind of Hannfu. When its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju(曲裾)12. As we can see, Hanfu has many features , like curve, graceful ,elegant, generous and unfettered.13. According to the Han people’s tradition,there are many important days. One the day you are 15(for girls) or 20(for boys).We will hold a ceremony to celebrate to be an adult. And remember the responsibility.14. Nowadays, many people love our traditional culture , so they wear Hafu, found clubs, hold activities and so on. This summer, Chengdu’s Cherry Blossom Festival, a little girl who dressed in Hanfu left a deep impression on visitors . Here are some pictures of her. She is really cute, isn’t she ?15. Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" . "Hua" means the beauty of the dress anddecoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia"("Shia") is the grandeur of rites and social c onduct. And Hanfu reflects the philosophy of Chinese people: Living elegantly and poetically.I like Hanfu, so today I’m not just telling you a type of clothing called Hanfu. I hope more and more people focus on our traditional culture and don’t let such precious and beautiful things disappeared. OK , that’s all what I want to say, thank you.。



Dress culture is introduced服饰文化介绍Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese Han -the predominant ethnic group of China.汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰;It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years since China originally began.她从中华文明开端时就已经存在,至今已有近4000年的历史;当然如果你喜欢你可以说成5000However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty the Manchu minority ruled dynasty in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao Chi-Pao, a Manchu style of clothing. Our effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public awareness.The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left.There are casual wear and formal wear of it.汉服的主要特点是交领右衽,包含礼服和常服两种;For the casual wear such as Shenyi Shen-Yee: a long full body garment; Ruqun Zu-Chin: a top garment with a separate lower skirt, etc. Formal garments may include: Xuanduan Shyan-Duan: a dark robe, this dress is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state occasions; Yuan-Lin Shan: a closed, round collared robe, mostly used for official or academic occasions.Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" "Hwa-Shia". "Hua""Hwa" means the beauty of the dress & decoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia""Shia" is the grandeur of rites and social conduct.中华文明又被称为“华夏”,华代表服饰之美,夏代表礼仪之大;Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu, as historically these nations were largely influenced by Han Chinese culture.东亚许多民族的传统服饰,比如日本的和服、韩国的韩服,都是在汉服的基础上发展而来; Costume in the Han Dynasty汉服China's complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han Dynasty 206BC-220AD. The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processingtechnologies developed rapidly in the period, s中国完整的服装服饰制度在汉朝确立的;汉代染织工艺、剌绣工艺和金属工艺发展较快,推动了服装装饰的变化;purring changes in costume and adornments.汉时劳动女子总是上穿短襦,下穿长裙,膝上装饰长长垂下的腰带;劳动男子常服是上身穿襦,下身穿犊鼻裤,并在衣外围罩布裙;这种装束不分工奴、农奴、商贾、士人都一样;The costume code of the Western Han Dynasty 206BC-8AD followed the one established in the Qin Dynasty 221-206 BC. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, people in black had to wear purple silk adornments to match their clothes. People usually wore costume with a long hat at grand ceremonies offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors. The dress of the queen in these ceremonies consisted of dark-purple frock and black trousers. The silk dress of the queen consisted of cyan frock and buff trousers.西汉建立时基本上沿用秦朝的服制;东汉时期穿黑色衣服必配紫色丝织的装饰物;祭祀大典上通用的是“长冠服”;皇后的祭祀服是:上衣用绀色,下裳用皂色;皇后的蚕服,上衣用青色,下裳用缥色浅黄色;汉文帝当政时比较俭朴,自己穿黑色丝织衣、皮鞋;一般官员要穿禅衣,又名“祗服”;The Western Han Dynasty implemented the Shenyi long coat system, which featured a cicada-shaped hat, red clothes and "田"-shaped collar. In addition, people of that time wore jade articles and red shoes. The frock and skirt were sewn together in the Shenyi system. Underpants for memorial ceremonies were decorated with black brims, and those for court dress in feudal China were decorated with red brims. All the garments were collectively called as Chanyi unlined garment.在西汉时期二百年之中,服饰实行“深衣制”,它的特点是象蝉一样的头冠帽子、红色的衣服、象田字状的领子、戴玉、红色的鞋;深衣形制是上衣下裳相连接缝在一起,做祭服的中衣,要缘黑色边,作为朝服的中衣,需缘红色边,当时男女服用极为普遍;服饰总称“禅衣”;禅衣是单层的外衣;禅衣里面有中衣、深衣,其形与禅衣无大区别,只是袖形有变化,都属于单层布帛衣裳;官员在上朝时都要穿黑色禅衣;Costumes in the Han Dynasty fell into two categories according to Yijin one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket or grown. There were two types of garments: the curving-front unlined garment with buttons deviously down from the collar to the axilla; the straight-front unlined garment with buttons were straightly down from the collar to the lower part. Curving-front garment originated from the Shenyi long coat prevalent in the Warring States Period, and was still in use in the Han Dynasty. But few people wore the Shenyi garments during the Eastern Han Dynasty.汉衣款式以衣襟分类,可以划分两种:一为“曲裾禅衣”,即开襟是从领曲斜至腋下;一为直裾禅衣,是开襟从领向下垂直,此种禅衣又称“”;曲裾,即为战国时期流行的深衣;汉代仍然沿用,到东汉,男子穿深衣的已经不多了,一般为直裾衣,但并不能作为正式礼服;这种服式既长又宽,从款式上官民服用基本没有差别,但从原料和颜色上,却可明显显示等级的不同;There were specific stipulations on colors of court garments in the Han Dynasty. Officers must wear garments according to the five time periods, i.e. cyan garments in the spring, red in the first two months of the summer, yellow in the last month of the summer, white in the autumn and black in the winter.汉代朝服的服色有具体规定,一年四季按五时着服,即春季用青色;夏季用红色;季夏用黄色;秋季用白色;冬季用黑色;Costumes of the Han Dynasty had 7 features: 汉代着衣有七个特点:1. Wearers must expose underpants' collar form , as the collar was big and curving;1、穿外衣时,由于领大而且弯曲,穿衣时必需暴露中衣的领型;2. Clothes must use white cloth as lining;2、穿衣必用白色面料做里;3. The width of sleeve was 0.4 meters;3、袖宽为一尺二寸;4. The blouse had no sleeve;4、衫无袖;5. Wearers of fur clothes should have the fur facing outside;5、穿皮毛服装时裘毛朝外;6. Waistband was very exquisite. Belt hook was made of gold in various lively and interesting animal figures;6、腰带极为考究,所用带钩以金制成各种兽形,如螳螂形或琵琶形;形象十分生动有趣;一般长度在一寸半至六寸之间,是衣裳中间显要的装饰物;汉带钩从形、色和工艺上都达到了极高的水平,较比西周和战国时期,在设计和制作方面都要精美得多;因此颇受男人们的喜爱,佩戴者很多;7. The male kept the habitude of wearing walking sabres without blades for decoration only.7、男子保持佩刀习俗,但所佩之刀有形无刃,因此失去了实际价值,主要是显示仪容;Female laborers of the Han Dynasty always wore short jackets and long skirts, and their knees were always decorated with long hanging waistbands. dressing style at that time.汉代祭服延用“大制度”,遵从古礼穿冕服佩绶、佩玉;皇帝、公卿、诸侯均用大,只是在所系玉石的串珠或丝绳的质地上加以区别;皇太后、太后、公卿夫人等的祭服谒庙服、亲蚕服、朝见服和婚礼服的形式都采用深衣制;Male laborers often wore jackets and calf-nose trousers with aprons around the garments. Farmers, workers, businessmen and scholars were all in the same汉时劳动女子总是上穿短襦,下穿长裙,膝上装饰长长垂下的腰带;劳动男子常服是上身穿襦,下身穿犊鼻裤,并在衣外围罩布裙;这种装束不分工奴、农奴、商贾、士人都一样;Clothing is the spirit of the age, ethnic 服饰是时代精神,民族的反映。



Dress culture is introduced服饰文化介绍Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese Han -the predominant ethnic group of China.汉服是中国汉民族传统服饰.It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years since China originally began.她从中华文明开端时就已经存在,至今已有近4000年的历史.当然如果你喜欢你可以说成5000However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty the Manchu minority ruled dynasty in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao Chi-Pao, a Manchu style of clothing. Our effort is to re-promote and advocate Hanfu to the public awareness.The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left.There are casual wear and formal wear of it.汉服的主要特点是交领右衽,包含礼服和常服两种.For the casual wear such as Shenyi Shen-Yee: a long full body garment; Ruqun Zu-Chin: a top garment with a separate lower skirt, etc. Formal garments may include: Xuanduan Shyan-Duan: a dark robe, this dress is mostly used in sacrificial ceremonies and state occasions; Yuan-Lin Shan: a closed, round collared robe, mostly used for official or academic occasions.Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" "Hwa-Shia". "Hua""Hwa" means the beauty of the dress & decoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia""Shia" is the grandeur of rites and social conduct.中华文明又被称为“华夏”,华代表服饰之美,夏代表礼仪之大.Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu,as historically these nations were largely influenced by Han Chinese culture.东亚许多民族的传统服饰,比如日本的和服、韩国的韩服,都是在汉服的基础上发展而来. Costume in the Han Dynasty汉服China's complete code of costume and trappings was established in the Han Dynasty 206BC-220AD. The yarn-dyeing, embroidering and metal-processing technologies developed rapidly in the period, s中国完整的服装服饰制度在汉朝确立的.汉代染织工艺、剌绣工艺和金属工艺发展较快,推动了服装装饰的变化.purring changes in costume and adornments.汉时劳动女子总是上穿短襦,下穿长裙,膝上装饰长长垂下的腰带.劳动男子常服是上身穿襦,下身穿犊鼻裤,并在衣外围罩布裙;这种装束不分工奴、农奴、商贾、士人都一样.The costume code of the Western Han Dynasty 206BC-8AD followed the one established in the Qin Dynasty 221-206 BC. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, people in black had to wear purple silk adornments to match their clothes. People usually wore costume with a long hat at grand ceremonies offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors. The dress of the queen in these ceremonies consisted of dark-purple frock and black trousers. The silk dress of the queen consisted of cyan frock and buff trousers.西汉建立时基本上沿用秦朝的服制.东汉时期穿黑色衣服必配紫色丝织的装饰物.祭祀大典上通用的是“长冠服”.皇后的祭祀服是:上衣用绀色,下裳用皂色.皇后的蚕服,上衣用青色,下裳用缥色浅黄色.汉文帝当政时比较俭朴,自己穿黑色丝织衣、皮鞋.一般官员要穿禅衣,又名“祗服”.The Western Han Dynasty implemented the Shenyi long coat system, which featured a cicada-shaped hat, red clothes and "田"-shaped collar. In addition, people of that time wore jade articles and red shoes. The frock and skirt were sewn together in the Shenyi system. Underpants for memorial ceremonies were decorated with black brims, and those for court dress in feudal China were decorated with red brims. All the garments were collectively called as Chanyi unlined garment.在西汉时期二百年之中,服饰实行“深衣制”,它的特点是象蝉一样的头冠帽子、红色的衣服、象田字状的领子、戴玉、红色的鞋.深衣形制是上衣下裳相连接缝在一起,做祭服的中衣,要缘黑色边,作为朝服的中衣,需缘红色边,当时男女服用极为普遍.服饰总称“禅衣”.禅衣是单层的外衣.禅衣里面有中衣、深衣,其形与禅衣无大区别,只是袖形有变化,都属于单层布帛衣裳.官员在上朝时都要穿黑色禅衣.Costumes in the Han Dynasty fell into two categories according to Yijin one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket or grown. There were two types of garments: the curving-front unlined garment with buttons deviously down from the collar to the axilla; the straight-front unlined garment with buttons were straightly down from the collar to the lower part. Curving-front garment originated from the Shenyi long coat prevalent in the Warring States Period, and was still in use in the Han Dynasty. But few people wore the Shenyi garments during the Eastern Han Dynasty.汉衣款式以衣襟分类,可以划分两种:一为“曲裾禅衣”,即开襟是从领曲斜至腋下;一为直裾禅衣,是开襟从领向下垂直,此种禅衣又称“”.曲裾,即为战国时期流行的深衣.汉代仍然沿用,到东汉,男子穿深衣的已经不多了,一般为直裾衣,但并不能作为正式礼服.这种服式既长又宽,从款式上官民服用基本没有差别,但从原料和颜色上,却可明显显示等级的不同.There were specific stipulations on colors of court garments in the Han Dynasty. Officers must wear garments according to the five time periods, . cyan garments in the spring, red in the first two months of the summer, yellow in the last month of the summer, white in the autumn and black in the winter.汉代朝服的服色有具体规定,一年四季按五时着服,即春季用青色;夏季用红色;季夏用黄色;秋季用白色;冬季用黑色.Costumes of the Han Dynasty had 7 features: 汉代着衣有七个特点:1. Wearers must expose underpants' collar form , as the collar was big and curving;1、穿外衣时,由于领大而且弯曲,穿衣时必需暴露中衣的领型;2. Clothes must use white cloth as lining;2、穿衣必用白色面料做里;3. The width of sleeve was meters;3、袖宽为一尺二寸;4. The blouse had no sleeve;4、衫无袖;5. Wearers of fur clothes should have the fur facing outside;5、穿皮毛服装时裘毛朝外;6. Waistband was very exquisite. Belt hook was made of gold in various lively and interesting animal figures;6、腰带极为考究,所用带钩以金制成各种兽形,如螳螂形或琵琶形.形象十分生动有趣.一般长度在一寸半至六寸之间,是衣裳中间显要的装饰物.汉带钩从形、色和工艺上都达到了极高的水平,较比西周和战国时期,在设计和制作方面都要精美得多.因此颇受男人们的喜爱,佩戴者很多;7. The male kept the habitude of wearing walking sabres without blades for decoration only.7、男子保持佩刀习俗,但所佩之刀有形无刃,因此失去了实际价值,主要是显示仪容.Female laborers of the Han Dynasty always wore short jackets and long skirts, and their knees were always decorated with long hanging waistbands. dressing style at that time.汉代祭服延用“大制度”,遵从古礼穿冕服佩绶、佩玉.皇帝、公卿、诸侯均用大,只是在所系玉石的串珠或丝绳的质地上加以区别.皇太后、太后、公卿夫人等的祭服谒庙服、亲蚕服、朝见服和婚礼服的形式都采用深衣制.Male laborers often wore jackets and calf-nose trousers with aprons around the garments. Farmers, workers, businessmen and scholars were all in the same汉时劳动女子总是上穿短襦,下穿长裙,膝上装饰长长垂下的腰带.劳动男子常服是上身穿襦,下身穿犊鼻裤,并在衣外围罩布裙;这种装束不分工奴、农奴、商贾、士人都一样.Clothing is the spirit of the age, ethnic 服饰是时代精神,民族的反映。



汉服文化英语The beauty of Chinese traditional costume, known as Hanfu, lies in its rich cultural heritage and profound historical significance. Hanfu, the traditional dress of the Han Chinese people, has been a symbol of Chinese identity and cultural pride for centuries. This captivating garment not only reflects the artistic and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese civilization but also serves as a tangible representation of the country's deep-rooted traditions and values.The origin of Hanfu can be traced back to the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, where it was initially worn by the ruling elite and gradually adopted by the common people. Over the centuries, Hanfu evolved, incorporating various regional and dynastic influences, creating a diverse tapestry of styles and designs. From the elegant and flowing robes of the Tang Dynasty to the intricate embroidery and vibrant colors of the Ming Dynasty, Hanfu has continuously captivated the hearts and minds of both Chinese and global audiences.One of the most striking features of Hanfu is its attention to detail and symbolism. Each element of the garment, from the cut and fabric to the embroidery and accessories, holds profound meaning and significance. For instance, the use of specific colors, such as red,yellow, and blue, often represented the wearer's social status, political affiliation, or personal aspirations. The intricate designs and patterns woven into the fabric were not merely decorative but also carried deep-rooted cultural and philosophical meanings, often reflecting the harmony between nature and humanity.Moreover, the donning of Hanfu was not just a matter of fashion but an integral part of the Chinese cultural and social fabric. The rituals and etiquette associated with wearing Hanfu were deeply embedded in the country's traditions, reflecting the respect for hierarchy, propriety, and the harmonious balance between the individual and the collective. The act of dressing in Hanfu was seen as a means of honoring one's ancestors, upholding cultural values, and maintaining a sense of identity and belonging.In recent years, the resurgence of interest in Hanfu has been a testament to the enduring appeal and relevance of this cultural treasure. Young people, in particular, have been at the forefront of this movement, rediscovering the beauty and significance of Hanfu and incorporating it into their daily lives. This renewed enthusiasm has not only sparked a revival of traditional craftsmanship and artistry but also fostered a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of Chinese history and culture.As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the preservation andpromotion of Hanfu have become even more crucial. The unique and captivating nature of this traditional Chinese costume has the power to bridge cultural divides, promote cross-cultural understanding, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human civilization. By embracing and sharing the beauty and significance of Hanfu, we can contribute to the preservation of this invaluable cultural heritage and ensure that it continues to captivate and inspire generations to come.In conclusion, the Hanfu culture is a testament to the enduring spirit and artistic genius of the Chinese people. From its humble beginnings to its current resurgence, Hanfu has remained a powerful symbol of Chinese identity, a living embodiment of the country's rich history, and a testament to the enduring power of cultural expression. As we continue to explore and celebrate the beauty and significance of Hanfu, we can gain a deeper understanding of the universal human experience and the shared values that unite us all.。

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If its collar likes the number“11”, we can called it duijinruqun (对襟襦裙) . When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).
When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun (齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.
There are fifty-six ethnic groups in China, and fifty-five of them have their own national costume.
The history of HanFu

Hanfu(Hanbiuk) clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China). 汉服是中 国汉民族传统服饰。 It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 5000 years since China originally began. 她从中华文明开端时就已经存在, 至今已有近 5000 年的历史。 It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi (黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).
In Seoul airport Hanbok show
Hanfu Partner:take from《诗经· 秦风· 无衣》岂曰无衣,与子同袍。

Hanfu is essentially wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, in a style known as right collar(in Chinese 交领右 衽), which just looks like the letter ‘y’ when seen from the front. Only when dressing the dead for burial would it be reversed(只 有当埋葬死者的尸体它会被扭转,即左衽).But there are also other kinds of shape of collars.
Shenyi(深衣)is usually worn as a full dress(礼服),which we can wear on Chinese holiday and some important ceremonies. If its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju (曲裾).

However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty (the Manzu minority ruled dynasty) in about 300 years. The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today’s Chinese national costume was widely known as Chi-pao ,a Manchu style of clothing.
Although someone laughed, someone didn’t understand, Wang Letian calmly through the crowd, walked in the streets. He strengthened the determination of Hanfu, he hoped to use their limited power to influence others. 尽管有人嘲笑,有人不解,王 乐天还是坦然地穿过人群,走 在郑州最繁华的街道上。这一 行,愈加坚定了他推广汉服的 决心,他希望用自己有限的力 量去影响他人。
Aoqun(袄裙), is the China ancient women wearing a coat, wearing a skirt called(上身穿 袄,下身穿裙的统称). From the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there were clothes scattered records, to the Republic of china. Now talking about Aoqun refers to the Ming Dynasty dress coat.
The beauty of the dress
——HanFu 汉服
Cheongsam(旗袍Chi-pao)? Then what does Manchu wear? Tangzhuang(唐装)? Ancient Costume(古装)? The Han Dynasty clothes? Or just say “Sorry, we haven’t. We only wearing T-shirts in our big days?”
It happened after the event, Japanese joked us : “What a poor country, they don’t know their own nation’s clothes!”
In this 13 years, Hanfu Partners(同袍) wore the Hanfu to travel around the world,founded Hanfu club and held Hanfu activities, so that more and more people know the Hanfu.
kimono As we know ,Japan kimono and Korea Hanbok are copy China Hanfu.

Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas,ually,it’s white or other plain colour.
I was walking in the streets of Nagoya, saw many Japanese girls dressed in beautiful kimono to Sensoji temple.(浅草寺)
I hope one day we can wear our own Hanfu, enjoy the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, the Qixi Festival, Chongyang Festival, even wear the Hanfu to go to school, go shopping.
November 22, 2003 at noon, China
in men of Han nationality in daily life disappeared for 358 years of the Han fu, returned to the streets of China. Wang Letian is an electronic engineer, he wore the Hanfu what made by himself, walked in Henan, the provincial capital of Zhengzhou city square, parks, shopping malls and pedestrian street. 2003年11月22日中午时分,在中国汉族男子日常 生活中绝迹了长达358年之久的汉族服装,重现神 州街头。王乐天是电力工人,穿着由自己制作的 汉服曲裾和外袍,在河南省会郑州市区的广场、 公园、商场还有步行街穿街走巷。 But when he passed by a store, hear the door people shouted: “come ah, Japanese, wear kimono (和服) Japanese!” After the corner of the street, a few children saw him, also laughed and shouted “energy-saving”. (八格牙路)
Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the chest .
The Song Dynasty popular Beizi(褙子).The style with straight collar breasted, armpit and developed, waist with silk line Le beam, under the knee. (其样式以直领对襟为主,腋下开胯,腰间用勒帛系束,下长过膝。 )
If its edge is straight,it’s called Zhiju(直裾).