and Don’t be ashamed - His House Ministries




• Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh And no matter what (I feed him he always seems to grow), oh oh He sees (what I see) and he knows (what I know), oh oh So don't forget as you ease on down my road He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part Trouble is a friend, yeah
Enjoy the song
Fill the empty part
• Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh No matter (if you're fast), no matter(if you're slow), oh oh The eye (of the storm) wanna cry in the morn, oh oh You're fine for a while but you (start to lose control) He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart He (waits in the wings), he's gotta play a part Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine

巨人捕手杰克 双英字幕台词

巨人捕手杰克 双英字幕台词

不要问雷电何时鸣响Ask not whence the thunder comes.不要问牧群去向了何方…Ask not where the herds have gone.也不要问鸟儿为何停止了歌唱Nor why the birds have ceased their song.回家去吧,不要逗留太长…When coming home, don't take too long.有妖怪在阿尔比安(英格兰)闲逛For monsters roam in Albion.杰克,你还醒着啊Jack, you're still up.Sorry, Father.巨人吓醒了我The giants woke me.杰克,只是雷暴雨罢了 - 妈妈以前说过…是巨人发出的雷声Jack, heh, it's a thunderstorm. - Mother used to say... the giants made the thunder.瞧Look.你从哪儿找到的?Where did you find that?从妈妈的一些旧事物里Along with her old things.你能为我读一下剩余的部分吗?Will you read the rest to me?好吧All right.我们从哪儿开始呢?Where're we up to?僧侣们为了发现上帝,于是他们造出了魔法…The monks were trying to find God, so they made magic...魔法豆子是的Magic seeds. Aye.我想起来了I remember now.利用从一个魔法豆荚取出的种子…"With seeds they pulled from a magical pod...僧侣们种出了一条天路去寻找他们的上帝the monks grew a pathway to seek out their God.当他们来到他们以为是天堂之门时…When they came to what they thought was heaven's gate...结果遭遇了可怕而又恐怖的命运they met with a terrible, grisly fate.在天堂和凡间之间是一个…可怕的地方For between heaven and earth was a... perilous place.甘图瓦,残忍的巨人族的领地Gantua, home to a fierce giant race.因为在它们面前有一座桥通向人类世界…With a bridge now before them to the world of men...巨人族把灾难带了下来a plague of giants descends.从最富有国王那里得到一个启示…Taking a cue from the richest of kings...它们通过掠夺东西尝到了甜头…they acquired a taste for acquiring things.但是有一种甜头让它们完全失控了But the one taste that caused them to lose all control"这个甜头来自于人类…血液、骨头和所有的部分"Was a taste for the mankind... blood, bones and all.真让人恶心Well, that's revolting.太可怕了是吗,伊莎贝尔?Too scary, Isabelle? Giants aren't scary.甚至它们的恐怖首领也不可怕吗,一个怪异巨人有两个头颅Not even their terrifying leader, a monstrous giant with two heads?读下去,妈妈只是个故事而已Keep reading, Mother. It's just a story.是吗?Is it?国王艾瑞克…吩咐僧侣们返回到黑魔法中…寻找某种方法来控制巨人的心灵"King Erik bade the monks return to dark arts to find some way to rule giant hearts.于是他们融化了一个豆子…So they melted one down...混入很多的魔法…mixed in magic and more...打造出了一个前所未有的王冠and they crafted a crown unlike any before."国王艾瑞克的魔法王冠King Erik's magic crown.这是我最喜欢的章节This is my favorite part.只要国王把王冠拿在手中…"As soon as the king took the crown in hand...巨人们就成了奴隶…服从他的所有命令the giants were slave... to his every command.国王把巨人们送回了它们出生的地方He sent them back to the place of their birth.它们在天堂与凡间之间的家成了一座监狱Their home now a prison between heaven and earth.艾瑞克切断了巨人族和人类之间的连接Erik severed the link between giants and men."和平再次回到了他的国土"And peace returned to his kingdom again.这个神秘的圣物…被完整保留下来The mystical relics were all that remained.在艾瑞克统治的年代里一直安然无恙safe with Erik through the years that he reigned.当到了国王艾瑞克最终要长眠的时刻…And when time came at last for King Erik to sleep...他带走了王冠并留在他身边…为了永久的保管he took crown and seed with him... for permanent keep."随着这位国王的尸骨最终化为灰烬…"And as the king's bones slowly crumbled away... 真相成了传奇truth became legend."或许人们会说Or so people say.当巨人回来了怎么办呢?What will happen when the giants come back?它们不会的,儿子They won't, son.但假如它们回来了呢? - 杰克But what if they do? - Jack.我估计国王的侍卫会把它们切成两段Well, I guess the king's Guardians will have to cut them down to size.我要当守护人I wanna be a Guardian.你有那种精神毫无疑问的You have the spirit. No doubt about that.国王的侍卫必须生来具有高贵的血统The king's Guardians must be born of noble blood.那不是在咱们这种老百姓当中的There's not much in ours but dirt and sweat.只是个故事,杰克It's only a story, Jack.巨人不是真的Giants aren't real.但是国王艾瑞克是真的But King Erik was real.他是He was.某种意义上说,他一直是存在的In some ways, he still is.你就是他的后裔 - 我知道他埋在哪里- You're of his blood. - I've seen where he's buried.在皇室陵园?听起来你好象已经亲自做过一些探险In the royal catacombs? Sounds like you've been having some adventures of your own.我遇到麻烦了吗? - 当然没有Am I in trouble? - Not at all.我想让你去经历一番I want you to have adventures.我们让你成为更好的皇后 - 你要怎么做?It'll make you a better queen. - How?因为你将会看到这个世界是如何运作的Because you'll get to see how the world works. 当你成为了皇后你就有能力让这个世界变得更好you'll have the power to make the world a better place.现在闭上眼睛睡觉吧。


• The Isles of Greece 是拜伦的著名长诗 《唐璜》第3诗章的一个部分。原来并无标 题,只是后人为了方便,权且把第1节第1 行当作标题。该章完成于1819年,发表于 1821年。The Isles of Greece 集中体现了 拜伦对希腊哀其不幸、怒其不争的特殊情 怀,为历来传颂的名篇。
• 不闻希腊生人声,但闻鬼啸作潮鸣。 • 鬼曰生者一人起,我曹虽死犹助汝。 • 吁嗟乎!希腊之人口尽喑,鬼声相答海天阴。
• 叩弦为君歌一曲,沙明之酒盈杯绿。 • 万枪齐举向突厥,流血死耳休来复。 • 吁嗟乎!愿君倾耳听我歌,君不应兮奈君何!
• 君今能作霹雳舞,霹雳军陴在何处? • 舞仪军式两有名,军式已亡舞仪存。 • 吁嗟乎!试读先人卡母书,谁则教君今为奴。
• 一朝宫社尽成墟,可怜国种遂为奴。 • 光荣忽傍夕阳没,名誉都随秋草枯。 • 岂无国士生列岛,追念夙昔伤怀抱。 • 我今漂泊一诗人,对此犹惭死不早。 • 吁嗟乎!我为希腊几颦蹙,我为希腊一痛哭。
• 止哭收泪挺身起,念汝高曾流血死! • 不信赫赫斯巴达,今日无一忠义士。 • 吁嗟乎!三百勇士今何之,退某倍黎草离离。
• You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet, Where is the Pyrrhic phalanx gone? Of two such lessons, why forget The nobler and the manlier one? You have the letters Cadmus gave--Think ye he meant them for a slave?
• 劝君莫信佛郎克,自由非可他人托。 • 佛郎克族有一王,狡童心深不可测。 • 可托惟有希腊军,可托惟有希腊刀。 • 劝君信此勿复疑,自由托人终徒劳。 • 吁嗟乎!突厥 译

estatic fear 《A Sombre Dance》歌词

estatic fear 《A Sombre Dance》歌词

Lost in a dream I beheld a maiden dance
And when she sat down by a sliver stream
Plunging her feet in the shallow waves
A mist descended, kissed her and fled
I closed my eyes in ecstasy
7. Chapter VI
Unveil yours eyes, see the special moon gone
Leaving not a single ray of joy to rest upon
Feast on those that crave thy kiss with a ghastly wail
Praise this rage and the only eyes will see
Thy love abandoned mirrors image, thy only company
8. Chapter VII
As the stars like ludicrous fauns,
Join the grim reapers dionystic glance
And all that's before been just and fair
Shattered in a rain of crystal shards
Each of them a cry, a dream, a tear
Nunquam submergiove aut diffugo
Ira inflammata mea vita ad salutem nominarit






闻香识女人的台词1) 而查理他也走到了十字路口,他选择了对的路,充满原则,通往个性之道。


《闻香识女人》2) 我还没讲完!来这儿得时候,我听到类似“领袖摇篮”的字眼,嗯,枝干断掉时,摇篮就垮了,它已经垮了,已经垮了!“人类制造者”,“领袖创造家”,当心你创造的是哪种领袖!我不知道,查理今天的缄默是对还是错,但我可以告诉你,他决不会出卖别人以求前程!而这,朋友们,就叫正直!也叫勇气,那才是领袖的要件! 《闻香识女人》3) 我告诉你什么叫过分!你根本不知道什么叫过分!我想示范,但我太老太累又瞎,如果是五年前,我会带喷火枪来这儿!你以为你在跟谁说话?我是见过世面的,明白吗?有一度,我还看得见,我见过很多很多,更年轻的男孩,臂膀被扭,腿被炸断,那些都不及丑陋的灵魂可怕,灵魂不可能有义肢,你以为你只是把这好青年象落荒狗似的送回家,我说你是处死了他的灵魂,为什么?因为他不是博德人,博德人!?伤了这男孩,你就是博德孬种! 《闻香识女人》4) 如今我走到人生十字路口,我知道哪条路是对的,毫无例外,我就知道,但我从不走,为什么?因为他妈的太苦了! --史法兰中校《闻香识女人》5) 麦克认为探戈很可笑。



你想学探戈么,唐娜? 现在? 我愿为您效劳,免费。


《闻香识女人》6) 而这,朋友们,就叫正直!这就是勇气!这才是领袖的要件。



但我从不走,你们知道为什么吗? 因为妈的太苦了。



《肖申克的救赎》杜福雷先生Mr.Dufresne,describe...……你太太被杀当晚,你曾和她谈过些什么?...the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered.一些很伤感的话It was very bitter.她说她很高兴我已知道,她不想再偷偷摸摸了She said she was glad I knew,that she hated all the sneaking around.她说她想离婚And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno.-你当时有什么反应?-我对她说我不会在乎的-What was your response?-I told her I would not grant one.“在我看见你在雷诺市前,在地狱见吧!”"I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno."你的邻居曾听你说过这些话吧?Those were your words,according to your neighbors.随他们怎么说If they say so.我当时很不开心,什么都不记得了I really don't remember.I was upset.你和太太争吵后发生了什么事?What happened after you argued with your wife?她收拾好行李She packed a bag.到昆汀先生家里去了She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr.Quentin.格伦·昆汀,职业高尔夫球员Glenn Quentin,golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club...你知道他是你妻子的情人...whom you had discovered was your wife's lover.你跟踪她了吗?Did you follow her?我先去了几间酒吧找I went to a few bars first.接着,我开车去了昆汀家,但他们不在家里Later,I drove to his house to confront them.They weren't home.我把车停在街角I parked in the turnout...等在那里...and waited.有何企图吗?With what intention?我不太确定I'm not sure.我非常困惑I was confused...还有点醉...drunk.我觉得I think...我只是想吓一吓他们...mostly I wanted to scare them.他们到家后,你就进屋杀了他们When they arrived,you went up to the house and murdered them.没有,我控制了自己I was sobering up.我开车回家睡觉来忘记一切I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off.在回家的路上,我把枪扔进了河里Along the way,I threw my gun into the Royal River.我很肯定这一点I've been very clear on this point.但我感到奇怪的是,第二天早上清洁女工发现……I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning...你太太和她的情人死在床上...and finds your wife in bed with her lover...致死的子弹是出自点38口径的手枪...riddled with.38-caliber bullets.杜福雷先生,你和我一样都觉得那是巧合吗?Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence,or is it just me?是巧合来的Yes,it does.你仍坚持说你在凶案发生前Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river...已经把枪扔进河里了吗?...before the murders took place.这对你很有利That's very convenient.这是事实It's the truth.警察在河里找了三天,但他们没有找到你的枪……The police dragged that river for three days,and nary a gun was found...所以无法鉴定 no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets...死者身上的子弹是否出自你的枪...taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims.这对你来说And that also...也非常有利,不是吗,杜福雷先生? very convenient.Isn't it,Mr.Dufresne?因为我是无辜的……Since I am innocent of this crime...所以我发现找不到枪对我非常不利...I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found.各位先生女士,你们听到了所有的证据Ladies and gentlemen,you've heard all the evidence.我们有他犯罪的动机,我们找到他的脚印We have the accused at the scene of the crime.We have footprints.留有他的指纹的子弹头Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints.打碎的酒瓶上也留有他的指纹A broken bourbon bottle,likewise with fingerprints.最重要的是And most of all...我们知道他的妻子和她的情人...we have a beautiful young woman and her lover...双双倒卧在血泊中...lying dead in each other's arms.他们是犯了错They had sinned.但他们所犯的错严重到……But was their crime so great...……需要用死来赎罪吗? to merit a death sentence?当你们考虑时While you think about that...请想想这个……...think about this:一个弹匣只能装六颗子弹,而不是八颗A revolver holds six bullets,not eight.我肯定这不只是一时冲动而犯下的罪行I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion.那至少是可以理解的,即使不能宽恕That at least could be understood,if not condoned.不!No.这是复仇This was revenge...一个冷血者的复仇,看看这些:...of a much more brutal,cold-blooded nature.Consider this:每个死者都身中四枪Four bullets per victim.总共是八枪而不是六枪Not six shots fired,but eight.那表明子弹打完后That means that he fired the gun empty...他还停下来装子弹...and then stopped to reload...以便再次向他们开枪 that he could shoot each of them again.每人多加一枪An extra bullet per lover...就在头部...right in the head.杜福雷先生,我觉得你非常冷血You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man,Mr. Dufresne.看着你都令我毛骨耸然It chills my blood just to look at you.我以本州赋予我的权利By the power vested in me by the state of Maine...判处你两项终身监禁...I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back...分别为两位死者,退庭! for each of your victims.So be it!坐下来Sit.你因被判终身监禁己在此二十年?We see you've served20years of a life sentence?-是的,先生-你感到后悔吗?-Yes,sir.-You feel you've been rehabilitated?是的,绝对有,先生Yes,sir.Absolutely,sir.我是说,我得到了教训I mean,I learned my lesson.我敢说我已经完全改变了I can honestly say that I'm a changed man.我不会再为害社会I'm no longer a danger to society.这是神的真理That's God's honest truth.“不合格”嗨,瑞德Hey,Red.怎么样了?How'd it go?不同的日子,同样的结果Same old shit,different day.我知道你的感受的Yeah,I know how you feel.我下星期又要被否决了I'm up for rejection next week.对,我上星期也被否决了Yeah,I got rejected last week.一向如此It happens.嗨,瑞德,给我一包烟Hey,Red,bump me a deck.滚开!你已欠我五包烟了Get out of my face,man!You're into me for five packs already.-是四包!-五包!-Four!-Five!我想在美国的每个联邦或州监狱里都有像我一样的人物There must be a con like me in every prison in America.就是能够给你搞到东西的家伙I'm the guy who can get it for you.定制的香烟,一包大麻……Cigarettes,a bag of reefer,if that's your thing...为庆祝你儿子或女儿高中毕业的一瓶白兰地,只要你喜欢...bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation.或者几乎所有东西……Damn near anything within reason.是的,先生,我是个冷酷的人Yes,sir!I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck.所以1949年当安迪·杜福雷来找我So when Andy Dufresne came to me in1949...问能否弄张丽塔·海华丝的图片进来时(丽塔·海华丝:Rita,Hayworth,美国艳星)...and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him...我告诉他没问题...I told him,"No problem."安迪·杜福雷在1947年来到肖申克监狱Andy came to Shawshank Prison...罪名是谋杀他的妻子和她的情人 early1947for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging.入狱以前,他是波特兰银行的副总裁On the outside,he'd been vice president of a large Portland bank.对他来说是年青有为Good work for a man so young.好啊,瑞德Hi,Red你会说英语吗?You speak English,butt-steak?跟着这个长官走You follow this officer.我一生中从没见过这么差劲的人I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot shit in all my life.过来啊!到这里来Hey,fish!Come over here!今天要赌吗,瑞德?Taking bets today,Red?赌烟还是赌钱?Smokes or coin?Bettor's choice.香烟,我赌两根Smokes.Put me down for two.好吧,你买哪一个?All right,who's your horse?那个又矮又瘦的That little sack of shit.-排在第八的,他会是第一个的-妈的!我也想买他-Eighth.He'll be first.-Bullshit!I'll take that action.你输定了,孩子You're out some smokes,son.该你下注了If you're so smart,you call it.我买那边的那个胖子I'll take that chubby fat-ass there.排在第五的那个,我赌四根香烟The fifth one.Put me down for a quarter deck.今天又有新人Fresh fish today!我们又有的玩了We're reeling them in!我承认我初次见到安迪的时候,没什么特别的感觉I admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him.他看起来似乎风一吹就会倒Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over.这就是我对他的第一印象That was my first impression of the man.你买谁?What do you say?那个高个子That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass.那个人?不可能的That guy?Never happen.-我赌十根香烟-那可是大赌注-10cigarettes.-That's a rich bet.谁来证明我看错了?Who's going to prove me wrong?黑伍德?济格?Heywood?Jigger?史基?Skeets?弗洛德?Floyd!四个胆小鬼Four brave souls.回囚房去,要查房了Return to your cellblocks for evening count.所有犯人都回囚房去All prisoners,return to your cellblocks.向右转Turn to the right!往前看Eyes front.这是哈德利先生,他是这里的看守长This is Mr.Hadley.He's captain of the guards.我是诺顿,这里的典狱长I'm Mr.Norton,the warden.你们都被判有罪了You are convicted felons.因此被送到这里来That's why they've sent you to me.规则一Rule number one:不得污言秽语No blasphemy.我不想在我管的监狱里听到这些I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison.其他的条例……The other rules...其他的条例,你们慢慢就会知道了,还有问题吗?'ll figure out as you go along.Any questions?何时吃饭?When do we eat?我们叫你吃的时候你就吃You eat when we say you eat.叫你去厕所你就去厕所You shit when we say you shit,and piss when we say you piss.明白吗?笨蛋?You got that,you maggot-dick motherfucker?站好On your feet.我只相信两样东西I believe in two things:纪律和圣经Discipline and the Bible.在这里,你们两样都有Here,you'll receive both.信任上帝Put your trust in the Lord.但你们属于我Your ass belongs to me.欢迎来到肖申克监狱Welcome to Shawshank.解开他们Unhook them.转过身Turn around.够了That's enough.到笼子边上去Move to the end of the cage.转身,给他消毒Turn around.Delouse him.转身Turn around.出来,去领你们的衣服和圣经Move out of the cage.Pick up your clothes and Bible.下一个!Next man up!往右走To the right.右边,右边Right.Right.左边Left.毫无疑问,第一晚是最难熬的The first night's the toughest.No doubt about it.赤裸裸的进囚笼,就像刚出生时那样They march you in naked as the day you were born...消毒药粉令皮肤像被火烧一样 burning and half-blind from that delousing shit.他们把你丢进囚笼And when they put you in that cell...关上铁门...and those bars slam home...那时你才感到这是真实的...that's when you know it's for real.瞬间过去的一切都离你而去Old life blown away in the blink of an eye.剩下的只有对过去的回忆Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.很多新来的人在第一晚都几乎发疯了Most new fish come close to madness the first night.有些人甚至还痛哭流涕Somebody always breaks down crying.一向都如此的Happens every time.唯一的问题是The only question is...谁会是第一个呢?...who's it going to be?我想那是用来赌博的最佳玩意It's as good a thing to bet on as any,I guess.我把赌注押在杜福雷身上I had my money on Andy Dufresne.熄灯Lights out!我还记得我在这里的第一晚I remember my first night.似乎是很久以前的事了Seems like a long time ago.嗨,新来的Hey,fish.新来的Fish,fish.你怕黑吗?What are you,scared of the dark?我打赌,你希望你爸和你妈从没把你生下来Bet you wish your daddy never dicked your mama!蠢猪!Piggy!Pork!I want me a pork chop.他们总是喜欢逗新人The boys always go fishing with first-timers.不达目的,誓不罢休And they don't quit till they reel someone in.嗨,胖子Hey,Fat Ass.胖子!Fat Ass!聊天吧Talk to me,boy.我知道你在那里,我能听见你的呼吸声I know you're there.I can hear you breathing.别理别人怎么说,你听到吗?Don't you listen to these nitwits,you hear me?这地方没那么差劲This place ain't so bad.这样吧Tell you what...我介绍你认识他们,就像一家人...I'll introduce you around,make you feel right at home.我知道有几个人I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just...会很乐意认识你的...Iove to make your acquaintance.尤其是你那又白又嫩的屁股Especially that big,white,mushy butt of yours.天啊!God!我不属于这里I don't belong here!-嗨,有人赢了-我要回家-We have a winner!-I want to go home!是胖子And it's Fat Ass by a nose!新人!Fresh fish!我要回家I want to go home!我要见我妈妈I want my mother!我操过你妈妈!她不怎么样I had your mother!She wasn't that great!发生了什么事?What the Christ is this horseshit?他讲粗话,我要告诉典狱官He blasphemed.I'll tell the warden.告诉他我操你屁股吧You'll tell him with my baton up your ass!让我出去Let me out!胖子,你想怎么样?What is your malfunction,you fat barrel of monkey spunk?求求你!我不该在这里的Please!I ain't supposed to be here.不该是我Not me!我不会警告你的I won't count to three.Not even to one.马上你闭上你的臭嘴,否则有你受的!You shut up,or I'll sing you a lullaby!-闭嘴,闭嘴-求求你……-Shut up,man.Shut up!-Please...你不明白的,我不该在这里的You don't understand.I'm not supposed to be here.把囚笼打开Open that cell.我也是!这里被他们弄得就像监狱Me neither!They run this place like a fucking prison!狗娘养的Son of a bitch!长官,算了Captain,take it easy!如果我今晚听到有半点声音If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight...我对天发誓,你们会吃不了兜着走...I swear by God and Jesus,you will all visit the infirmary.所有的人都不会放过的Every last motherfucker in here.把他抬到医疗室去Call the trustees.Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary.杜福雷第一晚就让我输了两包烟His first night in the joint,Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes.他整晚一言不发He never made a sound.北仓三楼,出来Tier3north,clear count!北仓二楼,出来Tier2north,clear count.南仓三楼,出来Tier3south,clear.准备出来放风Prepare to roll out.出去!Roll out!你准备吃那个吗?Are you going to eat that?不,我没这打算I hadn't planned on it.你介意吗?Do you mind?你真不错That's nice and ripe.杰克说谢谢你Jake says thank you.它从巢里掉下来了Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop.我要照顾它直到它会飞为止I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly.不!他过来了Oh,no!Here he comes.早上好,各位Morning,fellas.不错的早晨,不是吗?Fine morning,isn't it?你们知道我的意思的,对吗?You know why it's a fine morning,don't you?把它们拿出来,我想把它们排成……Send them down.I want them lined up...非常诱人的一行...just like a pretty little chorus line.看看这个Look at that.-我真受不了了-天哪-I can't stand this guy.-Oh,Lord!瑞查德、维吉尼亚……Yes!Richmond,Virginia.嗅嗅我的屁股Smell my ass!再嗅嗅我的After he smells mine.很遗憾,你下注的那个输了That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all.但我很喜欢我下注的那个人But I sure do love that winning horse of mine,though.我见到他就要亲他一下I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him.你为何不把香烟分给他点?Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead?Lucky fuck!嗨,利奥Hey,Tyrell.这周你在医疗室当值是吗?You pull infirmary duty this week?我下注的那个怎么样了?How's my horse doing anyway?死了Dead.哈德利打爆了他的头Hadley busted his head up pretty good.晚上医生都回家了Doc had gone home for the night.可怜的家伙就在那里躺到早上Poor bastard lay there till this morning.可是那时我们已经无能为力了By then,there wasn't nothing we could do.他叫什么?What was his name?你说什么?What'd you say?我只是想问有人知道他的名字吗?I was just wondering if anyone knew his name.关你屁事,新来的?What the fuck do you care,new fish?他叫什么都无所谓了,他已经死了Doesn't fucking matter what his name was.He's dead.嗨,有人和你一起吗?Anybody come at you yet?有人罩着你吗?Anybody get to you yet?嗨,在这里我们都需要朋友Hey,we all need friends in here.我可以做你的朋友I could be a friend to you.很难得手Hard to get.我喜欢I like that.安迪一开始很自闭Andy kept pretty much to himself at first.我猜他在想办法I guess he had a lot on his mind...接受牢里的生活...trying to adapt to life on the inside.一个月以后他才开口Wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth...和某人谈话 say more than two words to somebody.就像你们所看见的As it turned out...那个人就是我...that somebody was me.我是安迪·杜福雷I'm Andy Dufresne.杀妻的银行家Wife-killing banker.你为何要杀你的妻子?Why'd you do it?我没有杀她I didn't,since you ask.你会很适应这里You're going to fit right in.这儿每个人都是无辜的,你不知道吗?Everybody in here's innocent.Didn't you know that?-你为何入狱的?-我什么都没做,律师骗了我-What you in here for?-Didn't do wyer fucked me.听说你很冷酷Rumor has it you're a real cold fish.你以为自己很了不起,对吗?You think your shit smells sweeter than most.Is that right?你怎么认为呢?What do you think?说实话,我还不知道To tell you the truth,I haven't made up my mind.我知道你能拿到违禁品I understand you're a man that knows how to get things.我能搞的I'm known to locate certain things from time to time.你能给我个手槌吗?I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer.手槌A rock hammer.-要干什么?-你关心这个干吗?-What is it and why?-What do you care?如果是牙刷我就不会问你,我会开个价钱For a toothbrush,I wouldn't ask.I'd quote a price.但是牙刷没有杀伤力,对吗?But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object,isn't it?足够了Fair enough.一个手槌有六至七英寸长A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long.-看起来像个小锄子-锄子?-Looks like a miniature pickax.-Pickax?打石用的For rocks.-石英-石英?-Quartz-Quartz?还有云母、页岩……And some mica,shale...石灰岩……...limestone.这么说吧So?我收集石头So I'm a rock hound.起码我回到了从前的生活,我喜欢那样At least I was in my old life.I'd like to be again.或许你想用它们攻击某人Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull.不,我在这里没有敌人No,I have no enemies here.不会?等着瞧吧No?Wait a while.话说回来Word gets around.那对姐妹花很喜欢你The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you.特别是伯格斯Especially Bogs.就算跟他们说我不好此道也没用Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual.他们也不是Neither are they.首先得是人才行,他们没资格You have to be human first.They don't qualify.水牛喜欢用暴力,不管他人喜不喜欢Bull queers take by force.That's all they want or understand.如果我是你,我会加倍小心If I were you,I'd grow eyes in the back of my head.-谢谢你的忠告-这是免费的-Thanks for the advice.-Well,that's free.你知道我担心什么You understand my concern.就算我有麻烦也不会用手槌的If there's trouble,I won't use the rock hammer.那我猜你想挖个洞逃出去Then I'd guess you want to escape.Tunnel under the wall,maybe.我说漏了什么?什么东西这么好笑What did I miss?What's so funny?等你看见手槌你就明白了You'll understand when you see the rock hammer.买这个东西一般要多少钱?What's an item like this usually go for?七美元,五金铺的零售价Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop.我一般要加20%My normal markup's20percent.但这东西很特殊But this is a specialty item.风险越大,价钱越高,一口价,10元吧Risk goes up,price goes up.Let's make it an even10bucks.就10元吧Ten it is.那是浪费金钱Waste of money,if you ask me.为什么?Why's that?这里的人喜欢突击检查Folks around this joint love surprise inspections.他们找到手槌就会被充公They find it,you're going to lose it.被他们发现的话,你别把我供出来If they catch you,you don't know me.否则的话就别想再和我做生意了,你明白了吗?Mention my name,we never do business again. Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum.Now you got that?我知道了I understand.谢谢你,你叫……Thank you,Mr...瑞德Red.我叫瑞德Name's Red.这名字怎么来的?Why do they call you that?可能因为我是爱尔兰人吧Maybe it's because I'm Irish.我现在明白他们为何看中他了I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.他不太说话He had a quiet way about him...一举一动都不像普通的人...a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here.他漫步着He strolled...就像公园里与世无争的人 a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.他像穿了隐形的外套Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.可以说I think it'd be fair to say...开始我对安迪就有好感...I liked Andy from the start.快点!我赶时间的Let's go!Some of us got a schedule to keep.快点Move it!Come on,move it!怎么样?你太太对你好吗?How you doing?How's the wife treating you?安迪说得很对Andy was right.我最终拿到那玩意I finally got the joke.用这东西来挖隧道It would take a man about600years...起码要花六百年 tunnel under the wall with one of these.-要书吗?-今天不用了-Book?-Not today.要书吗?Book?送到杜福雷那里去Delivery for Dufresne.这是你要的书Here's your book.谢谢Thanks.又不够用了,你再去拿点来We're running low on hexite.Get on back and fetch us up some.这可以弄瞎你的眼睛This will blind you.亲爱的Honey,hush.就是这样That's it.You fight!这样打好吗?Better that way.我很想说安迪打赢了I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight...令姐妹花放过他...and the Sisters let him be.我希望能这么说I wish I could tell you that...但是监狱里没有神话...but prison is no fairy-tale world.他从没提起是谁干的He never said who did it.但我们都很清楚But we all knew.事情就这样持续了一段时间Things went on like that for a while.监狱里的生活都是些例行公事Prison life consists of routine...越来越多的例行公事...and then more routine.安迪的脸上经常出现新的伤痕Every so often,Andy would show up with fresh bruises.姐妹花不断地骚扰他The Sisters kept at him.有时候他能逃脱Sometimes he was able to fight them off.但有时不能Sometimes not.对安迪来说And that's how it went for Andy.这已经成了他的例行公事That was his routine.我相信最初的两年是最糟糕的I do believe those first two years were the worst for him.我也相信事情再继续这样下去And I also believe that if things had gone on that way...这儿会令他脱胎换骨...this place would have got the best of him.但是,在1949年的春天But then,in the spring of1949...头头们决定……...the powers that be decided:工厂的屋顶需要重修The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing.我需要12名自愿者工作一星期I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work.你知道的As you know...有义务就也有福利...special detail carries with it special privileges.这是户外劳动It was outdoor detail...五月是户外劳动的好时机...and May is one damned fine month to be working outdoors.排好队Stay in line there.超过100人报名参加劳动More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.威勒斯·E·安戈……Wallace E.Unger.艾力斯·瑞丁……Ellis Redding.你知道吗?Wouldn't you know it?我和几个我认识的都被选中了Me and some fellows I know were among the names called.安德鲁·杜福雷……Andrew Dufresne.这只花了我们每人一包烟的代价It only cost us a pack of smokes per man.我当然也像往常一样赚了20%I made my usual20percent,of course.德州的律师打长途给我So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas.我说,“喂?”I say,"Yeah?"他说,“很遗憾,你弟弟死了”He says,"Sorry to inform you,but your brother just died."-我很难过-我并不难过,他是个混蛋-I'm sorry to hear that.-I'm not.He was an asshole.离家多年,早就当他死了Ran off years ago.Figured him for dead.这个律师对我说So this lawyer fellow says to me:“他死的时候很富有”,有价值超过百万的油井"He died a rich man."Oil wells and shit.Close to a million bucks.超过百万的?A million bucks?-人的运气是很难想像的-有你的份吗?-Incredible how lucky some assholes get.-You going to see any of that?我的那份是三万五千元Thirty-five thousand.That's what he left me.-美元?-对-Dollars?-yeah你的运气真不错That's great!That's like winning the sweepstakes.不是吗?Isn't it?笨蛋,你想政府会如何对我?Dumb shit,what do you think the government will do to me?他们会取走很大一部分Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what.可怜的巴朗Poor Byron.真是非常走运Terrible fucking luck,huh?Crying shame.有些人觉得很糟糕Some people really got it awful.安迪,你傻了吗?Andy,are you nuts?继续干活吧Keep your eyes on your mop,man!虽然要交点税,但你还可以……You'll pay some tax,but you'll still end up...也许够买辆新车,但接着呢?Yeah,maybe enough to buy a new car,and then what?你必须为新车上该死的税,维修和保养I got to pay tax on the car.Repair...该死的小孩子会纠缠着你带着他们兜风...maintenance,kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time.如果年底算错了税金,还要掏自己的腰包Then if you figure your tax wrong,you pay out of your own pocket.告诉你!山姆叔叔I tell you!Uncle Sam!他只是假仁假义He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple.他在找死,继续干活吧-Getting himself killed.-Keep tarring.什么兄弟,去死吧Some brother.Shit!哈德利先生Mr.Hadley...你信任你太太吗? you trust your wife?这很有趣Oh,that's funny.你给我吹萧的话也许更有趣You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth.我是说,可曾想过她会对你不忠?What I mean is,do you think she'd go behind your back?让开点,米特,他马上会出点小意外Step aside,Mert.This fucker's having himself an accident.他会把他推下去的He'll push him off!如果你信任她,你就能……If you trust her,you can keep...……拿到三万五千元...that35,000.-你说什么?-三万五千元-What did you say?-Thirty-five thousand.-一分不少。

歌词 玛丽亚凯莉 泰勒斯威夫特

歌词 玛丽亚凯莉 泰勒斯威夫特

Obsessedmariah careyAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don't even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin' I'm up in your carBut you in LA but I'm out at Jermaine'sI'm up in the A you're so so lameand no on here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin hood you get it poppin'Ooh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin' that you're sexin mewhen everybody knows it's clear that you're upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn't impressLast man on the earth still couldn't get thisYou're delusional you're delusionalBoy you're losing your mindIt's confusin yo you're confused you knowWhy you wasting your timeGot you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you're bathin' in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job you hittin' hardAin't gon feed you gon' let you starveGraspin for air I'm reservationYou out of breath hope you ain't waitinTellin' the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin'You a mom and pop, I'm a corporationI'm the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin' that you're sexin mewhen everybody knows it's clear that you're upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn't impressLast man on the earth still couldn't get thisYou're delusional you're delusionalBoy you're losing your mindIt's confusin yo you're confused you knowWhy you wasting your timeGot you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you're bathin' in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin' that you're sexin mewhen everybody knows it's clear that you're upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn't impressLast man on the earth still couldn't get thisOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin' that you're sexin mewhen everybody knows it's clear that you're upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn't impressOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singboy why you so obsessed with meRedTaylor SwiftLoving him is like driving a newMaserati down a dead end streetFaster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly Loving him is like trying to change your mindonce you're already flying through the free fallLike the colors in autumn, so bright, just before they lose it allLosing him was blue, like I've never knownMissing him was dark grey, all aloneForgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never metBut loving him was redloving him was redTouching him was like realizingAll you ever wanted was right there in ront of you Memorizing him was as easy as knowingall the words to your old favorite songFighting with him was like trying to solve a crosswordAnd realizing there's no right answerRegretting him was like wishingyou'd never found out that love could be that strongLosing him was blue, like I've never knownMissing him was dark grey, all aloneForgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never metloving him was redBut loving him was redRemembering him comes in flashbacks, in echoesTell myself it's time now, gotta let goBut moving on from him is impossiblewhen I still see it all in my headBurning redLosing him was blue, like I've never knownMissing him was dark grey, all aloneForgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never metloving him was redBut loving him was redAnd that's why he's spinning around in my headHis love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end streetBye ByeMariah CareyThis is for my peoplesWho just lost somebodyYa best friend ya babyYa man or ya ladyPut ya hand way up highWe will never say byeMamas daddys sisters brothersFriends and cousinsThis is for my peoplesWho lost their grandmothersLift ya head to the skyCause we will never say byeAs a child there were them timesI didn't get it but you kept me in lineI didn't know why you didn't show up sometimesOn Sunday mornings and I missed youBut I'm glad we talked throughAll them grown folk thingsSeparation bringsYou never let me know itYou never let it show becauseYou loved me and obviouslyThere's so much more left to sayIf you were with me todayFace to faceNever knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it's true that you'veReached a better placeStill I'd give the worldTo see your face (bye)And be right here next to you (bye) But it's like you're gone too soon (bye) Now the hardest thing to doIs say bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye byeAnd you never got a chanceTo see how good I doneAnd you never got to see meBack at number oneI wish that you were hereTo celebrate togetherI wish that we could spendThe holidays togetherI remember when you used toTuck me in at nightWith the teddy bear you gave me That I held so tightI thought you were so strongYou'd make it through whateverIt's so hard to accept the factYou're gone foreverI never knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it's true that you'veReached a better placeStill I'd give the worldTo see your faceAnd be right here next to youBut it's like you're gone too soonNow the hardest thing to doIs say bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye byeThis is for my peoplesWho just lost somebodyYa best friend ya babyYa man or ya ladyPut ya hand way up highWe will never say byeMamas daddys sisters brothers Friends and cousinsThis is for my peoplesWho lost their grandmothersLift ya head to the skyCause we will never say byeNever knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it's true that you'veReached a better placeStill I'd give the worldTo see your face (bye)And be right here next to you (bye) But it's like you're gone too soon (bye) Now the hardest thing to doIs say bye byeBye bye, bye bye, bye byeBye bye, bye bye, bye byeBye bye, bye bye, bye byeBye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye byeBye bye, bye bye, bye byeBye bye...good byeI Stay In LoveMariah CareyOh baby Baby I stay in love with youDying inside cause I can't stand it Make or break upCan't take this madnessWe don't even really know whyAll I know is babyI try and try so hardTo keep our love aliveIf you dont' know me at this point Then I highly doubt you ever willI really need you to give meThat unconditional love I used to feel It's no mistakingWe're just erasingFrom our hearts and mindsAnd I know we said let goBut I kept on hanging onInside I know it's overYou're really goneIt's killing meCause there ain't nothingThat I can doBaby I stay in love with youAnd I keep on telling myselfThat you'll come back aroundAnd I try to front like Oh wellEach time you let me downSee I can't get over you nowNo matter what I doBut baby babyI stay in love with youNa na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na naBaby, I stay in love with youIt cuts so deepIt hurts down to my soulMy friends tell meI ain't the same no moreWe still need each otherWhen we stumble and fallHow we gon' actLike what we hadAin't nothin' at all nowHey what I wanna do isRide shotgun next to youWith the top down like we used to Hit the blockProud in the SUVNow We both know our heart is breaking Can we learn from our mistakesI can't last one moment aloneNow go I knowWe said let goBut I kept on hanging onInside I know it's overYou're really goneIt's killing meCause there ain't nothingThat I can doBaby I stay in love with youAnd I keep on telling myselfThat you'll come back aroundAnd I try to front like Oh wellEach time you let me downSee I can't get over youNow no matter what I doBaby babyI stay in love with youWe said let goBut I kept on hanging onInside I know it's overYou're really goneIt's killing meCause there ain't nothingThat I can doBaby I stay in love with youAnd I keep on telling myselfThat you'll come back aroundAnd I try to front like Oh wellEach time you let me downSee I can't get over youNow no matter what I doBut baby baby babyI stay in loveLoveOh I stay in loveI stay in loveI Still believeMariah CareyYou look in my eyesAnd I get emotional InsideI know it's crazy butYou still can touch my heartAnd after all this time You'd think that IWouldn't feel the sameBut time melts into nothingAnd nothing's changedI still believe, someday you and meWill find ourselves in love againI had a dream, someday you and meWill find ourselves in love againEach day of my lifeI'm filled with all the joy I could findYou know that I am not the desperate type If there's one spark of hope left in my grasp I'll hold it with both handsIt's worth the risk of burningTo have a second chanceNo, no, no, no, no, nooo I need you babyI still believe that we can be together Ooooohoh no no noooIf we believe that true love never has to end Then we must know that we will love again OoooohohI still believe, someday you and meWill find ourselves in love againOh baby, yeah yeahI had a dream, you and meWill find ourselves in love Again(I still believe)Oh baby I do(Someday you and me)Just give me one more time And love Again I had a dream, someday you and meWill find ourselves in love AgainWe Belong Together歌手:Mariah CareyI didn't mean itWhen I said I didn't love you soI should have held on tightI never should've let you goI did nothing I was stupidI was foolishI was lying to myselfI could not fathom that I would everBe without your loveNever imagined I'd beSitting here beside myselfI didn't know you I didn't know meBut I thought I knew everythingI never feltThe feeling that I'm feeling nowNow that I don't Hear your voiceOr even touch or even kiss your lips Cause I don't have a choiceWhen you left I lost a part of meIt's still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseWe belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho's gonna talk to meTill the sun comes upWho's gonna take your placeBaby nobody else We belong together I can't sleep at nightWhen you're all on my mindBobby Womack's on the radio Singing to meIf you think you're lonely nowWait a minuteThis is too deep, too deepI gotta change the stationSo I turn the dialTrying to catch a breakAnd then I hear BabyfaceI only think of youAnd it's breaking my heartI'm trying to keep it togetherBut I'm falling apartI'm feeling all out of my elementI'm throwing thingsCrying Trying to figure outWhere the hell I went wrongThe pain reflected in this songAin't even half of whatI'm feeling inside I need youNeed you back in my life babyWhen you left I lost a part of meIt's still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseWe belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho's gonna talk to meTill the sun comes upWho's gonna take your placeThere ain't nobody else We belong togetherDisturbiaRihannaBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum (What's wrong with me?)Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum (Why do I feel like this?)Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum (I'm going crazy now)Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumNo more gas in the rigCan't even get it startedNothing heard, nothing saidCan't even speak about itAll my life on my headDon't want to think about itFeels like I'm going insaneYeahIt's a thief in the nightTo come and grab youIt can creep up inside youAnd consume youA disease of the mindIt can control youIt's too close for comfortThrow on your break lightsWe're in the city of wonderAin't gonna play niceWatch out, you might just go underBetter think twiceYour train of thought will be alteredSo if you must faulter be wiseYour mind is in disturbiaIt's like the darkness is the lightDisturbiaAm I scaring you tonightDisturbiaAin't used to what you likeDisturbiaDisturbiaBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumFaded pictures on the wallIt's like they talkin' to meDisconnectin' your callYour phone don't even ringI gotta get outOr figure this shit outIt's too close for comfortIt's a thief in the nightTo come and grab youIt can creep up inside youAnd consume youA disease of the mindIt can control youI feel like a monsterThrow on your break lightsWe're in the city of wonderAin't gonna play niceWatch out, you might just go under Better think twiceYour train of thought will be alteredSo if you must faulter be wiseYour mind is in disturbiaIt's like the darkness is the light DisturbiaAm I scaring you tonightDisturbiaAin't used to what you likeDisturbiaDisturbiaBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum Release me from this curseI'm trying to remain tameBut I'm strugglingYou can't go, go, goI think I'm going to oh, oh, ohThrow on your break lightsWe're in the city of wonderAin't gonna play niceWatch out, you might just go under Better think twiceYour train of thought will be alteredSo if you must faulter be wiseYour mind is in disturbiaIt's like the darkness is the light DisturbiaAm I scaring you tonightDisturbiaAin't used to what you like DisturbiaDisturbiaBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumBum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bumI Knew You Were TroubleTaylor SwiftOnce upon a time, a few mistakes ago,I was in your sights, you got me all alone.You found me.You found me.You found me.I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that,And when I fell hard, you took a step back.Without meWithout meWithout meAnd he's long gone, when he's next to me,And I realize the blame is on me.'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in.So shame on me nowFlew me to places I'd never been.So you put me down.Oh, I knew you were trouble when you walked in.So shame on me nowFlew me to places I'd never been.Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground.Oh, OhTrouble, Trouble, Trouble.Oh, OhTrouble, Trouble, Trouble.No apologies, he'll never see you cry,Pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why. You're drowningYou're drowningYou're drowningNow I heard you moved on, from whispers on the street, A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be.And now I see,Now I see,Now I see.He was long gone when he met me,And I realize the joke is on me.HeyI knew you were trouble when you walked in,So shame on me nowFlew me to places I'd never been,So you put me down.Oh, I knew you were trouble when you walked in,So shame on me nowFlew me to places I'd never been,Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground.Oh, OhTrouble, Trouble, Trouble.Oh, OhTrouble, Trouble, Trouble.And the saddest fear, comes creeping in,That you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything, yeaaaa.I knew you were trouble when you walked in,So shame on me nowFlew me to places I'd never been,So you put me down.Oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in knew right thereSo shame on me nowFlew me to places I'd never been.Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground.Oh, OhTrouble, Trouble, Trouble.Oh, OhTrouble, Trouble, Trouble.I knew you were trouble when you walked in.Trouble, trouble, trouble.I knew you were trouble when you walked in.Trouble, trouble, trouble.歌名:Everything Has Changed歌手:TAYLOR SWIFTAll I knew this morning when I wokeIs I know something now, know something now I didn't before.And all I've seen since eighteen hours agoIs green eyes and freckles in your smileIn the back of my mind making me feel rightI just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better nowI just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better nowI just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now I just wanna know you, know you, know you'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."And your eyes look like coming homeAll I know is a simple nameEverything has changedAll I know is you held the doorYou'll be mine and I'll be yoursAll I know since yesterday is everything has changedAnd all my walls stood tall painted blueAnd I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for youAnd all I feel in my stomach is butterfliesThe beautiful kind, making up for lost time,Taking flight, making me feel right likeI just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better nowI just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better nowI just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better nowI just wanna know you, know you, know you'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."And your eyes look like coming homeAll I know is a simple nameEverything has changedAll I know is you held the doorAnd you'll be mine and I'll be yoursAll I know since yesterday is everything has changedCome back and tell me whyI'm feeling like I've missed you all this time, oh, oh, oh.And meet me there tonightAnd let me know that it's not all in my mind.I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better nowI just wanna know you, know you, know youAll I know is we said, "Hello."And your eyes look like coming homeAll I know is a simple nameEverything has changedAll I know is you held the doorYou'll be mine and I'll be yoursAll I know since yesterday is everything has changedAll I know is we said, "Hello."So dust off your highest hopesAll I know is pouring rain and everything has changedAll I know is a new found graceAll my days I'll know your faceAll I know since yesterday is everything has changed。



话剧《最后的晚餐》The last supper旁白:时间Time:公元33年33 ad逾越节(Passover)地点Location:耶路撒冷Jerusalem人物Characters:第一幕The first act:祭司长(The chief priests)、士兵Soldier、旁白Narrator第二幕The second act:耶稣( Jesus )、犹大(Judas )、安德烈(Andreas )、腓力(Philippus)、彼得(Petrus)、西蒙(simon)、旁白、士兵(客串Guest appearances)第一幕:祭司长派人逮捕耶稣Chief priests sent to arrest Jesus旁白:(教堂里,祭司手里捧着一本书,嘴里正大念着圣经,威严的坐在凳子上,突然,一声急促的敲门声打破了大厅的沉寂。

)(In the Church, the priest, holding a book in hishand, reading the Bible loudly, sitting on chairseriously, and suddenly, a rapid knock broke the silence in the Hall. )士兵:祭司长,我已经遵照你的命令,跟踪他到家门口,果然不出你所料,耶稣那小子竟然真的想和你对着干,为了利益,他打算招兵买马,要与你一决雌雄。


The Chief priests, I have already followed your commands, and tracked him to his door secretly, it wasjust what you had expected, Jesus was really against withyou for the profit, and he intends to recruit, to fightwith you desperately. (Pause) you can use his apprentice jewish.祭司长:什么?好啊,看来他小子是活的不耐烦了。



And where are you from, Mr. Brown? 你是哪里人布朗先生Sheldon, sir. I'm a retired police officer. 谢尔登先生我是退休警员Well, then I can only imagine that Sheldon must be 那谢尔登一定是全州one of the safest places in this state. 最安全的地方了We do our best. 我们尽力而为吧But my son, he's a marine, stationed at Camp Dwyer. 但我儿子他是海军陆战队派驻在德怀尔营He keeps our country safer than I do. 他比我更能保护我们国家Me and my wife were wondering, 我和我妻子想问if he got sent over to the Jordan Valley, 如果他被派去约旦河谷will that really keep us safer? 这真能保护我们的安全吗Because it sure seems like the whole peacekeeping mission 因为看起来整个维和行动is only making things more dangerous. 只让局势更加危险了Thank you for that. May I? 谢谢提问可以给我吗Well, first of all, let me say 首先容我说how grateful I am for your son's service. 我十分感激你儿子的奉献I know we all feel exactly the same way. 我知道大家都很感激And now, uh, let me try to answer your question. 现在我回答你的问题Have we run into some difficulties with the Russians? 俄方是否与我们产生了矛盾Yes, we have. 是的Is there tension between the Israelis and the Palestinians?以色列和巴勒斯坦之间是否关系紧张Absolutely. 没错But, that is the very reason that this mission is so important.但这正是此次行动如此重要的原因We have gathered together a coalition of seven nations 我们集结了一支七国联合军队to bring stability to a region 稳定一个数十载that has suffered from unrest for decades. 动荡不安的地区It will take time. 这自然需要时间And there may be lives that will be lost. 可能会有人牺牲But this is not just important for the Middle East's security, 但这不仅仅事关中东安定it's important for the security 也关系到美国of the United States and the rest of the world. 和整个世界的安全And I hope that I've answered your question. 希望你的问题得到了解答Now, who was next? 下面谁来Uh, let's see here. 我看看Well, how about this young woman right here? 这位年轻的小姐吧Now, I'll give you my microphone, 我把麦克风给你but only if you promise to give it back. 但你得答应会还给我He seemed to want to hang onto it for a while. 他似乎不怎么想给我呢- There you are. - Um, my name is Annie Wietz, -给 -我叫安妮·怀茨and I'm also worried about what the officer was just saying. 我也担心那位警官所说的事I want a safe world for my grandkids-- 我希望我孙辈能生活在安全的世界里Give me back the mic - and I'll answer your question. 把麦克风给我我回答你No, sir. I haven't asked my question yet. 我还没提问呢Apologies. I'm ahead of myself. Go ahead. 抱歉我着急了请The covert operation, the one that caused the Israelis to invade. 那项秘密行动导致以色列入境的Was that us? Because that really seemed 是我们吗因为看起来to make a mess of everything. 那事把情况搞得一团糟- May I? - Please. -可以给我吗 -请Thank you. Now, Annie? 谢谢安妮- Is that your name, yeah? - Yes, sir. -是安妮吧 -是先生Now, I have said this on this matter before, 这事我已经说过了and I know it may be frustrating, but it is the truth. 我知道大家或许有不满但事实如此When it comes to covert operations by any nation, 对任何国家的秘密行动or matters of intelligence, for security purposes, 或情报问题出于安全考虑including the security of our own soldiers, 也包括我们本国战士的安全I simply cannot comment on these issues. 我实在不能发表评论But, sir, I'm sorry, 但是先生抱歉but what is the point of having us ask questions 如果你不肯回答- if you won't answer them? - Well, she's got me there. Uh... -我们还何必提问 -被她说着了I can answer any question but that one. 除了这个问题我都能回答In fact, I hope that we can ask some questions about 事实上希望大家能问问how we're gonna focus on things right here at home. 我们要如何解决国内的一些问题How about someone up there in the cheap seats? 楼上二等座的人来问吧Anyone have a question there? 有人想问吗The situation in Jordan Valley, 约旦河谷的局势it threatens to bleed across the border. 可能会引起境外流血冲突We already have refugees requesting to enter Jordan. 已经有难民请求进入约旦了Forgive me, Prince Ryad. 抱歉里亚德王子You may be dealing with a few hundred refugees, 你们虽然要应付几百个难民but we are facing mortar attacks. 但我们可是要面对迫击炮袭击Fourteen in the last two weeks. 这两周就发生了14起None of your people have died yet. 你们还没死人呢The last one came within 50 meters of a school. 最后的一次离一所学校只有50米Your troops have killed over a dozen Palestinians in house raids. 你们的军队袭击民宅杀死了十数名巴勒斯坦人You expect us not to fight back? 你还指望我们不还击吗We need the violence to stop. 暴力冲突必须停止If it continues, the peacekeeping mission will fall apart. 如果继续下去维和任务会分崩离析And it's our best hope for long-term stability. 而维和任务是长久稳定的最佳机会Can you speak to Hamas and Hezbollah? 你能跟哈马斯和真主党沟通吗Get them to agree to a cease-fire? 让他们同意停火Israel has twice as many troops in the region 以色列自维和任务开始后as before the peacekeeping mission began. 在当地的驻军翻了一番No, it is we who are defending ourselves. 不我们才是在自卫You agreed to remove two thousand troops. 你答应撤离两千士兵了If there's a cessation of mortar attacks, 如果迫击炮袭击停止and if the Russians leave. 如果俄军离开A one-third troop reduction. 派军削减三分之一That should be enough to convince your people, no? 这足以说服你们的人了吧Once the troops leave, I engage them, but not before. 等以军离开我再去找他们之前不行Show some goodwill. You'll still have 4,000 troops there. 显示点诚意吧就算到时你还有四千士兵呢Because we cannot accomplish anything 因为这样下去将毫无进展unless we have proof of de-escalation on both sides. 除非能证明双方都愿缓和局势What about Russia? 那俄国呢That's a separate issue. We will tackle that another time. 这是另外的问题了我们改日再解决Can you convey to Jerusalem 你能向耶路撒冷转达the importance of this troop reduction? 此次部分撤军的重要性吗Yes, but no promises. 可以但结果无法保证All right. Thank you, everyone. 好吧谢谢各位We'll meet again tomorrow morning. 我们明早再会面Thank you, madam. 谢谢夫人Eliana. 伊莉安娜We need to discuss the no-fly zone. 我们得讨论禁飞区的问题It's only for the Russians, not the peacekeepers. 那是给俄国人定的不是维和军They can't stay if they have nothing to eat. 他们如果断了粮就待不下去What are you going to do, shoot down a supply plane? 你打算怎么做把供给货机打下来吗We hope they won't make us face that choice. 希望他们不会逼我们做这个选择They'll ignore it. 他们会无视的And you're just going to antagonize Moscow. 你这样只会激怒莫斯科I'm sorry, but the no-fly zone is above my pay grade. 抱歉但禁飞区的事是上方定下的Perhaps your husband can talk to the prime minister. 或许你丈夫可以去跟总理谈谈When are we looking at? 什么时候开始Could be tomorrow, could be a week. 或许是明天或许一周后I'm not a part of those conversations anymore. 那些事已经轮不到我插嘴了We could vet the questions. 我们可以审查问题That doesn't work in Iowa. It'll piss people off. 那在爱荷华州行不通只会激起民愤Even if we did, it wouldn't make a difference. 即便如此也无济于事The country is preoccupied with the Jordan Valley. 整个国家的心思都在约旦河谷上We're off message. 话题完全跑偏了In the meantime, 现在we can put the town halls on hold. Just do the stump. 我们可以暂停市政厅集会只做巡回宣传I think we should also postpone the debate. 我觉得辩论也最好延迟Dunbar'll hit you hard for that. Say you're dodging. 邓巴会为此狠狠攻击你说你在回避Have Jackie request the postponement. 那让杰姬提出推迟- What's her reason? - I don't care. -什么理由 -我不管Just as long as it isn't coming from us. 只要不是我们提出来就行Talk to her. Thank you, gentlemen. 跟她谈谈谢谢了各位What's next? 接下来什么事Uh, you're slated for fundraising calls until 4:15, 为竞选筹款打电话直到4点15then a DOD briefing. 然后是国防部的简报Also, your friend from The Sentinel called, Tim Corbet. 另外你桑蒂诺的朋友蒂姆·科贝特打来了Thank you. 谢谢You know, I can fold my own clothes. 我自己会叠衣服Took me two seconds. 不费事You remember when we shared a room my senior year? 记得我大四那年我们睡一间房吗And if I left, like, one sock on the floor, you'd freak? 我要是把一只袜子丢在地板上你就会抓狂Yeah, I started doing that on purpose, just to see you flip out. 我后来开始有意那么做好看你发火Yeah. I remember. 嗯我记得Come on, leave it. Be a rebel. 得了别管了随意点Hey, sweetie. 亲爱的Well, tell her if it wiggles, it means it's gonna fall out. 告诉她如果动了就是要掉了Okay. Let me talk to her. 好让她听Uh, now, listen to me. You-- 听我说I know your mom doesn't want you playing with it, 我知道你妈妈不让你动so you have to do what she says. 你得听她话Well, because the tooth fairy doesn't want fingerprints all over it.因为牙仙不喜欢上面沾满指纹Okay, I'll do it, but you have to promise me 好我答应但你保证that you and your brother will stop playing with your tooth. 你和你弟弟都不会再摆弄牙了Okay, you ready? 好准备好了吗Are you super ready? 真的准备好了吗Boogala, boogala, boogala, boogala, boogala. 咪咪喵咪咪喵咪咪喵Okay. Put your mom back on. 好了让妈妈听How much of a postponement? 推迟多久Until we get this crisis resolved. 直到我们解决危机Dunbar will see right through that. 邓巴一眼就看穿了Not if it's coming from you. 除非是你说Say you want to focus on meeting people face to face, 就说你现在想当面接触民众not a televised debate. 而不是电视辩论We'll back you up. 我们会支持你All right, I'll talk to my staff. 好我跟我手下谈谈We'll draft some language and I'll run it past you. 我们起草一下言辞再给你看一下Jackie? 杰姬I want to talk to you about what happened a couple weeks ago. 我想跟你谈谈两周前的那件事- I crossed a line. - Remy, you don't have to. -我越界了 -雷米你不用解释I want to. I want to explain myself. 我想解释一下I still have strong feelings, I'm not gonna deny that. 我对你还有感觉这我不否认Maybe a different job... A different time, different place. 如果情况不同我不做这个But, uh... 可是...Look... 听我说I've loved people before, and I've learned to let 'em go. 我以前也放下过曾经爱过的人I'm not gonna put you in that position again. 我再不会让你为难了It's been hard for me, too. 对我也不容易You've got work. 你还有工作I'm glad you said something. 我很高兴你说出来了Hello? 喂Tim, it's Frank. 蒂姆是弗兰克I'm sorry it took me all day to get back to you. 抱歉这么晚才回你电话Ah, no worries. Your plate must be pretty full. 没事你现在一定忙死了Well, more than I'd like at the moment. 我的确希望能没这么多事Is this a bad time? 打扰你了吗I think I can spare a few minutes 我还是能腾出点时间for the President of the United States. 跟美国总统通话的- Are you good? - Yeah. -你好吗 -挺好Good. Uh, last kid got off to college, 最后一个孩子也去大学了so Beth and I are on our own. 家里就剩贝丝和我了Finally. Yeah, the business is strong. 总算生意不错I'm actually, uh, I'm thinking of expanding to Glenwood Canyon.我还打算扩张到格伦伍德峡谷呢That's great. 那好啊Listen, I called because that, 听我说我打给你是因为that writer reached out to me. 那个作者来找我了You know, the one doing your book. 给你写书的那个Said, uh, he wanted to talk about The Sentinel. 说要跟我谈谈桑蒂诺的事What'd you say? 你怎么说的I said I was in a rush and I'd call him back later. 我说我有点急事回头打给他I didn't want to say more without talking to you first. 没跟你商量过我不想多说什么Well, he should've checked with me beforehand. 他应该先问我的I don't want him harassing my friends. 我可不希望他去骚扰我的朋友He wasn't harassing me at all. He's a nice guy, actually. 他倒是没有骚扰我他人不错I mean, I'm happy to talk with him if it'll help your book. 如果对你的书有用我乐意跟他谈Well, the book isn't really about The Sentinel, 这书不是讲桑蒂诺的so I don't know why he'd bother, 真不知他是何必but I'll talk to him and I'll let you know. 但我会跟他谈谈回头给你回复Whatever you need, Mr. President. 随你总统先生Stop that. 你够了Hey, listen, uh, we run a half-price special for Commanders-in-Chief. 听我说我们给三军统帅打对折So, uh... if you're ever in Colorado 你什么时候来科罗拉多州with some time on your hands... 又有时间Well, I hope the same goes for ex-presidents, too. 希望前总统也有这待遇Nope. Only sittin' ones. So you better win that damn election. 不行只针对在任总统你最好拿下选举I'll do my best. Nice talking to you, Tim. 那我尽力跟你聊天真愉快蒂姆You too, Frank. 我也是弗兰克I want to set aside time for Tom Yates, in person. Tomorrow. 单独安排汤姆·耶茨明天来见我Yes, sir. 是先生Yes. 嗯Francis? 弗兰西斯I just got off the phone with Cathy. 我刚跟凯茜打完电话The Israelis are instituting the no-fly zone. 以色列要实施禁飞区了I'm scheduled to have a call tomorrow with the prime minister. 我安排了明天跟总理通话呢They want to cancel the call. 他们要取消通话Let me see if I can get him on the phone now. 我看看能不能现在接通他They just sent out a communiqué to all embassies. 他们已向所有大使馆发布了公告Good morning. 早上好As you-- 诸位...Excuse me. It's been a long night. 抱歉昨晚很繁忙Thank you. 谢谢Israel instituted a no-fly zone over the Jordan Valley, 以色列于当地时间今早6点在约旦河谷上空6:00 a.m. today, Israeli time. 实施了禁飞区And while I disagree with this action, 我虽然反对此举I understand the reason behind it, 我能理解其初衷and we must stand with our ally. 我们必须与同盟同一阵线Our chief goal remains de-escalation in the region. 我们的主要目标仍是缓和当地局势Ambassador Underwood and the State Department 安德伍德大使和国务院are working with all interested parties toward that end. 在与各相关方为此目标进行努力Our utmost priority is guaranteeing civilian safety. 我们的优先考虑是保证平民安全- And Israel has confirmed -When are you off to Des Moines? -以色列已经证实... -什么时候去得梅因[爱荷华首府]A couple of hours. I have to make some donor calls first. 两小时后还得先给几个资助人打电话You have surgery today? 今天有手术吗A double bypass. Triple tomorrow. 两个搭桥手术明天三个But nothing scheduled for almost a week after, 但之后一周几乎没什么安排so maybe I can come out to Iowa and we can-- 所以或许我可以去爱荷华州我们...- Russian aircrafts that ignore this... - What's going on? -俄国飞机如无视... -怎么了...could potentially be subject to military action... 可能遭受军事打击This Jordan Valley thing's a mess. 约旦河谷真是一团糟He's in big trouble. 他有大麻烦了...any such actions... ...此类举动And then there's the whole AmWorks thing. 还有《美就法》那档子事All the baggage from last year. 去年留下的包袱- You having doubts? - I don't know. -你后悔了吗 -不知道Maybe. 或许吧That sounds serious. 这好像挺严肃啊If there was an ideal time to walk away, now is it. 如果说有抛弃他的理想时机就是现在了And then what? 然后呢Focus on Congress. 专心于国会Yeah, but you want more than that. 但你的野心不止如此啊I could spend more time with you and the kids. 我可以多陪陪你和孩子Well, I don't want a wife who's miserable 我不希望妻子because she turned her back on the White House. 因为放弃了白宫而怨念不已Look... 听我说The thing about surgery is, once you're in, you're in. 手术一旦开始就不能停下There's a beating heart in front of you. Someone's life. 你面前是一颗跳动的心脏别人的生命There's no room for doubt. 不能有迟疑So, whatever goes wrong... 不论出了什么问题say hemorrhage or a blood clot, you deal with it. 比如大出血或者血块也只能去应付You don't get to walk away. 你不能放弃But that's life or death. This isn't. 但那是生死大事这不是It is for you. 对你来说是的 maintain international peace and security. 维持国际和平和稳定The United States is committed to defusing this situation. 美国决心解决当前事态We are here for Israel, we are here for Palestine, 我们会支持以色列支持巴勒斯坦we are here for Russia. 也支持俄罗斯And we are here for-- 我们会...- Ready to go to your meeting? - Yeah. -可以去参加会面了吗 -嗯Come on. 走吧I was thinking... 我在想you know how a while back, 你前一阵you mentioned the kids coming out from Ohio? 说要让孩子从俄亥俄州过来You want them to visit? 你希望他们来吗Well, maybe you don't want them to see me like this? 或许你不希望他们看到我这样- Doing my 60 days? - You've been doing great. -复健戒酒 -你表现一直很棒I'd be thrilled for them to come out here and meet their uncle, 我当然乐意让他们来看叔叔if that's something you want to do. 如果你真想的话I could hit the couch for a few nights. 我可以在沙发上睡几晚You guys can have the bedroom. 你们睡卧房I'll call Sarah. 我打给萨拉I say to Israel, keep your airspace. 我要对以色列说留着你们的领空吧Keep your no-fly zone. 留着你们的禁飞区吧I will be flying through it, nevertheless. 我还是会飞过去Shoot me down, if you wish, 你要是想就把我打下来because nothing can stop me 因为什么都别想阻止我from standing side by side with my countrymen. 去跟我的同胞站在一起I will embrace the men who serve this country, 我要去拥抱为国奉献的士兵because I am Russian, 因为我是俄国人and Russians... do not abandon their own. 俄国人不抛弃自己人Russian TV. 俄国电视台Forty-five minutes ago. It could be hot air. 45分钟前可能是大话Petrov wants the world to see this. 佩特罗夫想让全世界都看到He wouldn't put it out there unless he meant it. 如果不是真心的就不会公开放话Israel says they're prepared to enforce the no-fly zone. 以色列说他们打算执行禁飞区令They'll never shoot down a head of state. 他们不会把一国元首打下来的Yeah, which means they'll lose face 那他们就会丢面子and compensate by increasing their ground presence. 进而增加派军来挽回这个面子I got Jerusalem to agree to a pullout. 我让耶路撒冷同意部分撤军了- Two thousand troops. - Not if Petrov flies there. -两千士兵 -如果佩特罗夫飞过去就没戏了If we downplay Petrov's move as political theatrics, 如果我们把佩特罗夫的行为说成政治作秀I might be able to convince the Israelis to follow through.我或许还能说服以色列人按原计划走No, we need to respond to Russia directly, 不行我们得直接回应俄罗斯not waste our time with Israel. 而不是跟以色列浪费时间Israel is our ally. We're far more likely 以色列是我们的同盟跟他们谈to have a productive dialogue with them than with Russia. 比跟俄罗斯谈更可能产生结果Yes. What's our main objective here? 对但我们的主要目标是什么To get Russian troops out of the Jordan Valley. 让俄军撤离约旦河谷Let's stop poking around from the sides. 我们别再拐弯抹角了We need to tackle this head on. 我们得正面面对问题Open up a line of communication with Moscow. 跟莫斯科取得联系Tell them I'm coming to the Jordan Valley myself. 告诉他们我要亲自去约旦河谷Sir, I-- 先生I'm gonna meet with Petrov face to face, on the ground. 我要在当地跟佩特罗夫面谈- Mr. President, the risk factors of - I'm well aware. -总统先生这么做的风险 -我知道I want to be notified the moment that Petrov is on his way. 佩特罗夫一动身就通知我You work with the CIA and DOD 你跟中情局和国防部合作to figure out any logistics and security you have to. 解决一切必要后勤和安全问题Talk to Seth. Let's start drafting our message. 找赛斯开始起草措辞Cathy, I want to sit down with you and Defense, 凯茜我要跟你和国防部谈谈and work out bargaining chips. 看我们有什么筹码Thank you all very much. 谢谢各位I meant now. 马上行动- I'm not to be disturbed. - You have a meeting with Mr. Yates. -不得打扰我 -您安排了跟耶茨先生的见面Have him wait and tell him it might be a while. 让他等告诉他我得好一会儿Yes, sir. 是先生You're on with Ambassador Moryakov. 莫里科夫大使为您接通了- Alexi? - You're wasting your time, Claire. -亚历克西 -你在浪费时间克莱尔We can't let Petrov go. 我们不能让佩特罗夫去I'm powerless. 我无能为力Then tell me who we can speak to who can influence him. 那告诉我能找谁去说动他His mind is made up. No one would dare challenge him on this. 他心意已决没人敢为此跟他唱反调All right, then I'll come to New York. Let's meet with Caspi. 好吧那我去纽约我们见见卡斯皮We'll ease Jerusalem's fears together. 我们一起安抚耶路撒冷的担心I can't. I'm on my way to Washington. 不行我正要去华盛顿- What for? - The embassy sent for me. -为什么 -大使馆召我去I'm being recalled. 我被召回了- Is it because...? - I don't know. -是因为... -我不知道Alexi, if you need anything-- 亚历克西如果你需要什么The ambassador has ended the call, Mrs. Underwood. 大使已经挂断安德伍德夫人- Mrs. Underwood. - Hello. -安德伍德夫人 -你好- Edward? - Wait here a moment. -艾德华 -稍等Yes, ma'am? 是夫人What's he doing here? 他来干什么The president wanted to meet with him. 总统要见他He asked me to have him wait upstairs. 他叫我安排他去楼上等着- Thank you. - Yes, ma'am. -谢谢 -夫人If he wants the same terms as we had before, 如果他的要求还跟此前一样I'll smooth it over with our NATO allies. 我会努力说服我们北约的盟国It's tough to lose Poland, but I think that we can compensate 失去波兰的确不妙但我觉得芬兰海with anti-missile subs on patrol here in the Finnish Sea.这里巡逻的反导弹潜艇可以起补偿作用Francis? Do you have a moment? 弗兰西斯有空吗I'll be right back. 我就回来Give us a minute. 让我们单独谈谈I think this is a mistake. You're chasing him. 我觉得这是个错误你这是追他- Let me work with Israel. - You've been working with Israel. -让我去做以色列的工作 -你一直在做Now there's a no-fly zone. One step forward, two steps back. 结果现在闹出个禁飞区进一步退两步Diplomacy takes time. 外交需要时间Iowa is in two months. 爱荷华两个月后就投票了You can't let the campaign drive our foreign policy. 你不能让竞选决定外交政策If I don't win in Iowa, there is no foreign policy. 如果我拿不下爱荷华就没什么外交政策可言了Excuse us, Mr. President. 抱歉总统先生Let's not talk out here. 我们别在这儿说了If you go to the Jordan Valley, 如果你去了约旦河谷you have to walk away with a solution. 就必须谈出个结果来And he knows that, which means he gets all the leverage. 他也知道这样筹码就都在他手里了Well, it's not as if we have much leverage at the moment. 我们现在也没什么筹码啊He's going to want the peacekeeping mission out. 他会希望中止维和任务That's right. And the missile defense system, too. 没错还有拆除导弹防御系统And I'm prepared to give him both if necessary. 如果有必要我两样都会满足他What are you talking about? 你说什么呢Don't toss the mission aside, Francis. 别放弃维和任务弗兰西斯Claire, you're too invested in this. 克莱尔这事你太动感情The mission is dead. 维和任务已经完了It was dead the moment those troops got blown up. 那些士兵炸死的时候就完了Your plan failed. I'm sorry. 你的计划失败了很抱歉It's my fault. I approved it. 是我的错是我批准了But now, I have to fix it. 但现在我得去挽救Why won't you place faith in a diplomatic solution? 你为什么不肯相信外交手段This is diplomacy. 这就是外交Sometimes it comes down to two men in a room. 有时候就得靠两个人在一个房间里谈I have no faith in the UN anymore. 我现在对联合国已经不抱希望了I do have faith in my ability to negotiate with this man. 但我相信我可以跟此人谈妥Francis, I know you value my opinion. 弗兰西斯我知道你看重我的想法Absolutely, above all others. 当然超过一切We have both put a great deal of effort 我们对如何处理俄罗斯and thought into how to handle Russia. 都耗尽心思和努力I'd like for this to be a decision we make together, 我希望这次我们能共同做决定instead of an impulsive response-- 而不是冲动地回应...- Not right now. - Petrov's in the air. -待会儿的 -佩特罗夫起飞了Get Admiral Dale on the line. 接戴尔海军上将Claire, I value your opinion. 克莱尔我看重你的想法I just don't agree with it this time. 但我这次不认同你Mr. Yates. 耶茨先生The president's gonna have to reschedule. 总统只能重新安排了Thomas. 托马斯You give us a few moments, Edward? 能让我们谈谈吗艾德华Yes, ma'am. I'll be by the stairs. 是夫人我就在楼梯处How's the book coming? 书写得如何了I've hit a bit of a roadblock. 我有点遇到障碍了There's a big piece missing. 缺失了很大一块- What is it? - You. -是什么 -你He hasn't... mentioned me at all? 他完全没提我吗Plenty of times, but... it's not enough. 提过很多但不够What has he said? 他怎么说的You're putting me in an awkward position, Mrs. Underwood. 你这让我很难做啊安德伍德夫人You don't want to betray his trust. 你不想背叛他的信任He and I have an agreement. 他和我有协议I understand. I shouldn't pry. I'll leave you be, then. 我理解我不该打听我不打扰你了He said he loves you more than anything. 他说他爱你超过一切That there wouldn't be a White House without you. 说没有你就不能入主白宫He showed me your first house... in Gaffney. 他带我去了加夫尼你们第一个家Where you planted the tulips. 你种郁金香的地方And he said he was ashamed. 他说他很羞耻Of what? 为什么That you married him. Because you deserve better. 你嫁给了他因为你能找更好的You should really be in this book, Mrs. Underwood. 你真的应该出现在这本书里安德伍德夫人I've got a lot of stories from his perspective. 我有很多从他视角出发的故事Not a single one from yours. 但没有一个是你的视角Well, he's the one running for president, not me. 是他要竞选总统啊不是我Yeah. 嗯I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. 我也说不好或许是我错了I think people need to hear your voice to hear his.我觉得人们要听听你的声音才能听到他的话Can we set up a time to meet? 我们可以安排一次见面吗I'll think about it. Thank you, Thomas. 我想想吧谢谢你托马斯Okay. 好吧Seth, this is good, but downplay expectations even more. 赛斯这不错但再把期望降低一些There's no telling what we'll walk away with. 结果还很难说呢- Yes, sir. - We shouldn't inform the press -是先生 -出于安全考虑until after you land, for security purposes. 我们应该等您着陆再通知媒体Donald... 唐纳德- If anything should happen to me - I'm prepared. -如果我出了事 -我准备好了- But nothing will. - God help us. -但不会有事的 -上帝保佑Danton will walk you through the full brief. 丹顿会给你完整的情况报告Everything's set up in the Situation Room. 战况室都准备好了- Good luck, Mr. President. - Thank you. I'll be right back. -好运总统先生 -谢谢我就回来Now, listen, I know you have reservations about all this. 听我说我知道你对此有反对You're doing what you think is best. 你在采取你认为最好的办法Please be careful out there. 一定小心I will. 我会的- I love you. - I love you, too. -我爱你 -我也爱你Let's go. 走吧Hello? 有人吗Hello! Wow! You guys really look alike! 你好天呐你们还真像Okay. 好吧We're a hugging family. 我们一家人喜欢抱抱I see. 看出来了Hi, you must be Francine. 你是弗朗辛吧- No, I'm not! - She likes Franke better. -才不是 -她喜欢叫弗朗琪Nice to meet you, Franke. 认识你很高兴弗朗琪- No. - Yep. -不要 -没错- I told you! - Careful. -我说了吧 -小心点- It's your Uncle Doug. - Hey, who's that? -这是道格叔叔 -这是谁啊Do you want to give your Uncle Doug a hug? 要去跟道格叔叔抱抱吗Come here, you. 过来We'll land in Tel Aviv, 我们会在特拉维夫市着陆then take a special forces convoy 然后由特种部队护送from there to the perimeter of the valley. 至河谷边界The Israelis will provide air support until we get to the valley, 到达河谷之前以色列都会提供空中支援then our helos will take over. 然后我们的直升机接手Once we get to the camp, 达到营地后the Russians insist on ground units only. 俄国人坚持我们只保留地面小队We'll pass through a checkpoint-- 我们会通过一个检查点How secure is this location? 这里有多安全The position is not fortified to our liking. 该地点的防守我们并不满意It's not blast-proof. 不能防爆Sir, we're going to ask that you wear your Kevlar and helmet. 长官我们要请您穿防弹衣戴头盔Sir? 先生Mary. 玛丽Why were no press allowed to go? 为什么没有让记者随行Given the security situation, 鉴于安全局势we didn't want to put any press in harm's way, 我们不想让记者涉险or risk any hostile elements knowing in advance. 或冒险让敌方提前得知消息So the president has already landed? 那么总统已经着陆了吗About 90 minutes ago. 大概90分钟前Mark. 马克What exactly does the president hope to achieve? 总统究竟希望达成什么目的Ideally, we'd like the Russians to vacate the region. 理想情况是俄方离开该地区We can't promise that they will. 但这无法保证But the president hopes 但总统希望that we can make progress toward a withdrawal. 我们能就撤兵取得进展Kate. 凯特。

《烟雾弥漫 (JAZZY REMIX)》歌词 蛋堡

《烟雾弥漫 (JAZZY REMIX)》歌词 蛋堡

烟雾弥漫(JAZZY REMIX)蛋堡- 烟雾弥漫(JAZZY REMIX)作词:蛋堡作曲:蛋堡专辑:收敛水LRC:朱古力制作烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了~烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了期待着好像有点不对everybody knows但这种感觉你不想let it go尽管你不知道要向谁或怎么order 或桌上那张纸要怎么roll呢啊那是最棒的香味那是好事或坏事只是相对比较规则里禁止的将会让喜欢邪恶的人绝对想要这罪状不及red rum 试着解释只是为了解放就像那魔鬼在你身边演唱的more than drunk 也有多一点的vapors 所以我们为了燃烧准备lighter以免不抽烟的也终於都想开了那些最普通的人都不再乖了说bye bye跟妈咪说bye bye~烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了期待着「wanna chill」你说你wanna chill 太多人太多压力你wanna kill拜托又拜托我tell you how I feel说「请你救救我请你请你救救我」就我所知那像脑中所思靠的所有琐事都变得有趣喝水像喝果汁东西变得好吃说了十句话里废话有九句每一秒你从下一秒里醒来要说时间多慢都可以然后再次沉入那流里不断前进在滚动的球里烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了期待着大家都乱闹新闻都乱报豪宅被冲康委屈中恒庹宗康从节目中被strike out 从这社会外貌你猜不出这right now 在台湾有多少人正点燃抓包了没有谁敢一人承担所有压力最后留给艺人承担多少人吓得尿湿床单全台湾看着新闻多少人正点燃烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了烟雾弥漫我们开始fun有抽就有抽从来没有烟雾淡押韵不断让你不断拍案着说「喔干」你会胡乱的迷幻着习惯了期待着以上就是关于烟雾弥漫(JAZZY REMIX)的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。



72>- His lordship's dressed. - William! 73>Will you stop talking and take this kedgeree up. 74>And mind the burners are still lit. 75>Yes, Mrs Patmore. 76>- Is it really true? - Afraid so. 77>Nothing in life is sure. 78>Good morning, Carson. 79>Good morning, my lord. 80>Is it true what they're saying? 81>I believe so, my lord. 82>I'm afraid we'll know some people on it. 83>I don't suppose there are any lists of survivors yet? 84>I understand most of the ladies were taken off in time. 85>You mean the ladies in first class? 86>God help the poor devils below decks. 87>On their way to a better life. 88>What a tragedy. 89>When Anna told me, 90>I thought she must have dreamt it. 91>Do we know anyone on board? 92>Your mother knows the Astors, at least she knows him. 93>We dined with Lady Rothes last month. 94>There are bound to be others. 95>I thought it was supposed to be unsinkable. 96>Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it, 97>so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks. 98>- Good morning, Papa. - Good morning. What's that? 99>Just arrived. Telegram. 100>- Is her ladyship awake? - Yes, my lord. 101>- I'm just going to take in her breakfast. - Thank you. 102>Hello. 103>May I come in? 104>Isn't this terrible? 105>When you think how excited Lucy Rothes was at the prospect. 106>It's too awful for any words. 107>Did J.J. Astor get off?



Sia《Underneath The Christmas Lights》中英文歌词圣诞彩灯下,听到洗牙仙气十足的《Underneath The Christmas Lights》。

难道只有我一个人看到sia歌唱的歌词还没从过去走出来吗…差点听哭,sia好像透过橱窗看见别人的幸福,但是自己还在雪地里抱着快融化的雪人一样,好伤感……Underneath The Christmas Lights中英文歌词Where the snow fall for me?世上何处雪花能为我坠落Christmas night, oh love亲爱的那一定是圣诞夜We were the ones sat by the Christmas bar我们一起在酒吧欢庆圣诞La la la la la la laOh, ohYou are all I need tonight今夜我别无他求只渴望你Oh, ohHere above the Christmas与我一同享受这圣诞佳节Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Happy presents for the girls who have grown 美好的礼物要献给年岁增长的女孩La la la la la la laHappy nap is all recent till we die在逝世长眠前甜蜜的小睡总是短暂La la la la la la laOh, ohYou are all I need tonight今夜我别无他求只渴望你Oh, ohHere above the Christmas与我一同享受这圣诞佳节Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath the Christmas lights在圣诞彩灯之下Underneath The Christmas Lights同名专辑介绍略带沙哑慵懒的声线,极具爆发力的唱腔,优质的创作水准让Sia 备受推崇,从早起的民谣,爵士乐到现象级流行热单,她的歌曲,MV 及现场夸张诡异的舞台演绎方式一直让其散发着浓郁的艺术气息,在商业中保留了小众审美和强烈的自我标签。



大战将近结束托明尼亚军At the end of the World War已经逐渐出现劣势Tomainia weakened.国内爆发了革命尽管它的外交官Revolution had broken out,为了结束这次战争拚命地活动her diplomats sued for peace但是前线的托明尼亚军while Tomainia's army fought on,却是坚信他们有巨大的威力confident its war machine足可以摧毁敌军would smash the enemy's lines.因而仍在继续作战Big Bertha, able to fire 100 miles,为了震慑敌人was to make its appearance on the Western Front, 西部战线上第一次使用了and strike terror射程达100英里的大炮胖蓓塔into the enemy.目标是前方距此75英里处的75 miles away was her target:巴黎圣母院the cathedral of Notre-Dame.射程95.452Range: 95,452.预备Stand clear!放Fire!喂把炮栓预备好Stand by your trigger!改正射程为95.455Range correction: 95,455.是Breach secured.准备完了Stand clear.预备放Ready... Fire!不发火的炮弹查一查吧去Defective shell. We'll examine it.检查炮弹的引信Check the fuse.是引信Yes, the fuse.危险快回来Look out! Run!这是干什么What's that?-空袭 -他们想炸毁胖蓓塔-Air raid. -After Big Bertha.用高射炮打它The anti-aircraft gun!快开炮To the gun!喂你在干什么Have you gone crazy?下来Come down!胡搞了些什么你神经错乱啦What do you think you're doing? Have you gone crazy?他说敌军冲上来啦请部队全部出动Sir, the enemy have broken through. Every man to the front. 炮兵集♥合♥Muster the gun crew!每个人都要带上手榴弹Get your hand grenades, soldiers.你拿到手榴弹了么Where's your hand grenade?给他一个Give him one.快动啊Keep moving. Come along, hurry up!我问一下这怎么使Pardon me, but to work this...拉开保险栓数到第十个数的时候Pull the pin, count to ten就把它抛出去and throw it!喂快来Let them have it!什么时候啦你还挠痒痒This is no time to scratch.混♥蛋♥ 你打起精神Pull yourself together.拿起枪来Take this.准备冲锋Forward!好都排好Fall in!喂你也赶快来Hey you, come on!立正Order arms!准备出击Prepare to attack.前进Forward!啊你们都在这儿哪There you are.是敌人我们抓住他The enemy! Come on, let's get him!您好我可以进来么May I come in, sir?-你是谁 -咱们是一伙的-Who is it? -Friend.-你是哪个部队的 -第21炮兵队-What division? -21st artillery, sir.你使这个干我出去一趟就回来Take this and keep firing. I'll be back.救命啊快来救命啊Comrade! Help!你怎么啦What is it?我不能动啦你把我扶到飞机上去吧I'm exhausted. Quick, help me to my plane. 谢谢您凭您这个功劳Thank you. I'll see you一定会得到托明尼亚国十字勋章啊get the Tomainian Cross for this.没什么这是分内事嘛Only too willing to oblige, sir.你是我的救命恩人哪谢谢你You saved my life. Thank you.给你束上带子吧I'll strap you in.不行我一个人无论如何I can't make it也不能驾驶alone.你也上来吧You'll have to stay with me.你会驾驶Can you fly?不会I can try.你赶快让我抓住舵杆我一点儿力气也没有Lift my hand to the stick. I haven't the strength. 守住这挺机♥枪♥Take charge of that gun!敌人上来啦把油门打开The enemy! Quick, lift my hand to the throttle. 我们正好比他们快了一步We'll fool 'em!你带着这些重要文件Hold on to these dispatches.你如果能把这些文件交给修美罗菲尔将军If we get them to General Schmelloffel,托明尼亚还能打胜Tomainia may yet win.我一阵阵地神志昏迷I'm going to faint.你可要打起精神来Don't say that.对不起Sorry.这是到了什么地方Where am I?你不知道么Don't you know me?不知道怎么回事儿我觉得舒服多了Yes, I feel better now.好像血液往头上集中似的The blood's returning to my head.下边的情况怎么样What's below?太阳The sun?太阳在下面放射光芒呢Shining upwards.真奇怪盖斯(油门)呢Strange. How's the gas?搞的我整晚上都睡不好Kept me awake all night.我不是问那个盖斯No,我问的是盖斯林(汽油)the gasoline in the tank!差不多光啦Almost empty.快到了吧现在几点We must be nearly there. What time is it? 大概是差一分十二点Approximately one minute to twelve.真奇怪Strange.好像重力法则没用啦We seem to be defying the laws of gravity. 给我水我快要晕过去啦Water. Quick, I'm going to faint.请你等一等Wait a while.你要是晕过去那可糟啦We'll get into trouble if you faint any more. 拿着Just hold it.我想我现在I think I... Now...拿着Take it!出错了Something's wrong.我喝不着I can't reach it.没水了It's all gone.怎么啦What's the matter?带子束得太紧啦Belt too tight.那么松一松吧Loosen it.我在尽力松开I'm trying to!我们是头朝下哪We're upside down.怪不得I know it!把舵杆给我The stick!不行啊Impossible.啊完啦汽油光了There it goes. We're out of gas.这回我们等死吧Well, I suppose this is the end. Cigarette?不要Not now!那么剩下的用不着啦I shan't need this any more.今天是几儿What month is it?哦四号♥ 眼下正是托明尼亚的春季April. Spring in Tomainia.希尔达现在一定在院子里Hilda will be in the garden,收拾水仙哪tending the daffodils.她非常喜欢水仙How she loves daffodils!舍不得掐一枝She'd never cut them for fear of hurting them.谁要掐一枝水仙就像要了她的命一般It was like taking a life to cut a daffodil.啊可爱的希尔达呀Sweet, gentle Hilda.她心地是那么善良A beautiful soul.她心地是那么善良She loved animals, and little children, too. 着陆啦文件呢We've landed! Dispatches!我的战友你在哪儿Comrade, where are you?重要文件呢在哪儿The dispatches... Where are they?受伤了么Are you hurt?你们快带我去见修美罗菲尔将军Take me to General Schmelloffel.要不把这些文件给将军送去If we don't deliver these,我们国家就要吃败仗啦we're defeated.-战争已经结束啦 -什么-The war's over. -What?我们打败了We lost.停战和平田布西被威拉特击败林白横渡大西洋经济恐慌托明尼亚发生暴♥动♥兴格尔党掌握政♥权♥的时候Hynkel takes power. The Jewish soldier犹太人理发师完全丧失了记忆suffered a loss of memory and长时期住在陆军医院里remained in hospital for years,托明尼亚国发生的重大变化ignorant of the他是毫无所知的change in Tomainia.独♥裁♥者兴格尔以残酷的手段Hynkel ruled the nation统治了这个国家with an iron fist.在新的双十字党徽之下自♥由♥被蹂躏Under the double-cross emblem liberty was banished.言论自♥由♥遭到压制Only the voice of Hynkel was heard.人们听到的只是兴格尔一个人的叫嚣而已Adenoid Hynkel said,民♥主♥完全是胡说八道"Tomainia was down but today has risen."民♥主♥是不足为训的"Democracy is fragrant."自♥由♥是胡说八道"Liberty is odious."言论自♥由♥也是胡说八道"Freedom of speech is objectionable."言论自♥由♥不好"Tomainia has the greatest army."托明尼亚有世界上最强大的陆军"The greatest navy."但是为了使它成为一个伟大的国家"But to remain great我们必须不断地扩张we must sacrifice."我们必须勒紧裤带"We must tighten our belts."总统现在正和He now speaks to Field Marshal Herring, Minister of War. 陆军元帅赫林谈话Now Herr Garbitsch, Minister of the Interior.总统想起了他年轻的时候和他的两位He remembers his early struggles,忠实的同志卡比奇shared by his two与赫林在一起奋斗的往事loyal comrades.总统现在谈到犹太人的问题A reference to the Jewish people.总统的结论是The Phooey remarks that for the world他非常希望世界和平he has peace in his heart.转播暂时告一段落We now pause for station identification.兴格尔在双十字党大会上的This is the Pari-Mutual network,演说实况录音已播送完毕bringing you英语翻译的是兴格尔专任私人翻译Hynkel's address to the children of the double-cross. 很明显The interpreter翻译是照着is Hynkel's personal translator,事先预备好的讲演稿念的reading from a prepared manuscript.现在继续转播大会实况Stand by for further commentary. Go ahead, Tomainia. 总统现在正走下台阶His Excellency is about to descend the stairs.噢阁下您没有受伤么Your Excellency, are you hurt?你坐别的车Ride in the other car.总统His Excellency对于托明尼亚国♥母♥子会向他seems pleased as he is greeted所表示的热烈欢迎似乎很高兴by Tomainian children.现在他站在母子两人跟前He pauses before a woman with a child.拍照Camera!即使婴儿也体会到Even the baby is thrilled总统温厚的情怀而喜不自胜and seems all smiles at the attention.总统现在离开了会场His Excellency leaves走过兴格尔大街直奔总统府the scene总统走过的大街陈列着许多and will return along现代托明尼亚艺术作品Hynkelstrasse,这些艺术作品有今天的维纳斯where he'll pass Tomainia's modern masterpieces: 未来的沉思者the Venus of Today and the Thinker of Tomorrow. -怎么样 -你问的是演说么-How was it? -The speech?啊非常好Very good.不过谈到犹太人时如果激烈一些的话Your reference to the效果就更好些Jews might have been more violent.为什么What?我们必须把群众的愤怒的情绪煽起来To arouse the people's anger.这个时候如果狠狠地对付犹太人Violence against the Jews might那就会促进群众的自觉make the people forget their stomach.也许吧最近对于犹太人居民区You're right.并没有采取什么措施吧Things have been quiet in the ghetto lately.这早晨多好啊贾克尔先生Good morning, Mr. Jaeckel.有什么好的What's good about it?当然也许情况愈来愈坏Conditions could be worse.你还担心变坏何必白操心呢If you think so, you have a great imagination.你听过兴格尔的演说了么You heard Hynkel's speech.我根本就没听家里的事就够我忙的啦I heard nothing. I've got my own troubles.那说明你的日子比别人好过You're better off than a lot of people.喂理发师有什么消息么What about the barber?他还在住医院哪Still in hospital.从战争开始以来那房♥子一直闲着He's been there since the war.你把理发馆那几问门面租出去怎么样Why not rent his barbershop for him?那家伙不肯退租两三个星期就来封信He won't let me. Every few weeks he总说不久就回来writes to say he's coming back.理发师也怪可怜呀A pity it should be idle all these years.为什么担忧Why worry?隔不了多久政♥府♥一定会把The government will soon他的生财家具没收抵充税款take it from him.也许事情就像你说的那样Perhaps you're right.看起来早晨并不好啊Not such a good morning after all.你才明白Now you said it.哈娜Hannah.焙炉上有我的烟口袋给我拿来好不好On the mantelpiece is my tobacco pouch. Will you get it? 不论是谁都有满肚子苦水呀Everyone is full of troubles.是的每个人看看可怜的汉娜一个小姑娘Yeah, everyone. Look at Hannah, poor girl.干起活来真是把能手可是找不到工作A hard worker, can't get a job.爸爸阵亡母亲也在去年去世Father was killed in the war, mother died last year.因为没有工作所以房♥租也交不起Can't earn enough to pay her rent.虽然这样但是也不能赶她出去呀What can I do? I can't throw her out.给您买♥♥点儿烟来吧You need some more.-你上街么 -我去送洗的衣服去-Where are you going? -Mrs. Shoemaker's laundry.那么你把钥匙带走吧You'd better take the key.我也和你干妈一起出门Mrs. Jaeckel and I are going out.我可要把门关紧I'm locking up党卫军那些家伙们in case the storm troopers要是进来胡闹的话可就糟啦start their monkey business again.喂你们看哪这儿有番茄和马铃薯Look, fellows! Tomatoes and potatoes.我们去要他一筐I'll take a box home.老爷Hey, the lorry.求求您不要拿我的东西吧Hold it there, will you?你没有这个权力You have no right!你别害怕不给钱记我的帐吧Just charge it to my account!都是熟透了的番茄呀Nice ripe tomatoes.你们为什么不想个办法Why don't some of you do something?我要是个男人决不这么一声不响If I were a man I'd show you.小大姐你想干什么What would you do, pretty?你们仗着人多势众觉得没人敢惹你们Not one of you has the guts to stand up alone and fight!要是一个人的话就成窝囊废啦Is the lorry in case someone hits back?住口Shut up!你抓抓试试看那样的话Come and take me.你一定会领到很多勋章You'll get medals for it.你们的本领也就是抓抓女人You pick on women and从老实人那里抢点儿什么rob defenseless people.拿她这么些东西也实在没啥油水Don't rob the poor girl, boys.把番茄还给她吧Give her back her tomatoes.还得重新洗I'll have to do it again.这群畜生Pigs!-把33号♥患者带进来 -是-Patient 33! -Yes, sir.这里有一个很有意思的病例An interesting case:这个病人得的是记忆丧失症amnesia.他是一个犹太人士兵从战争结束Jewish soldier.一直是住在医院里Been here since the war.然而他却肯定认为自己在医院里He thinks it's才不过待了两三个礼拜only been weeks.连住院期间的一些事情也一点记不起来啦Does he know what's happened?不错好像他只是对于No. His one interest seems自己那个理发铺记得to be in his barbershop,他相信是几个星期前离开的which he believes he left a few weeks ago. 出了院一看花花世界He'll have many恐怕净是让他吃惊的事啦surprises.可能就是这样I'm afraid so.-什么事 -33号♥病人跑啦-Yes? -Number 33 is gone.跑啦下一个就轮到给他看啦He was to be examined.不过始终没有找到他But he's disappeared.找不着Disappeared?随他去得啦并不是什么不得了的大病Let him go. It isn't a serious case.况且我们也不打算给他治There's little we can do for him.快走开Come on, get out of here!你在干什么What are you doing?你看不懂吗I don't know.不许擦掉Leave that alone.-我那么好说话吗 -我也不好说话-Don't be silly. -I'm not silly!那很好I appreciate that.和我讲话以前首先要喊When you talk to me,兴格尔万岁表示礼貌"Hail Hynkel"!到底你是谁呢Who are you?当然我要告诉你我是谁啦I'll show you who I am!可是你先到部队来一趟Come down to headquarters!那是我的店铺That's my shop.我才不管那是什么I don't care if it is or not.难道你还打算反抗么Going to put up a fight, are you? Come to headquarters. 给你说个事Let me tell you something.您是警♥察♥么Policeman?那个家伙犯了暴行罪请您把他抓起来Arrest that man for assault.-喂回来 -别管我-Come here, you! -Leave me alone.袭击纳粹党人Attacking a storm trooper!你会收到我律师的传♥单♥You'll hear from my lawyer.他打的我的手指He bit my finger!请原谅我看错了人啦Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you.你真有胆量I enjoyed that.可是你在这里待着不行赶快逃走But you'd better beat it.不我去喊警♥察♥来I'll call a policeman.不行那就糟啦No!-为什么 -你疯啦-Why not? -Are you crazy?他们又来啦More are coming!-谁 -你等一等-More what? -Wait!你赶快进来Come in here.啊怎么搞的让谁打的What's wrong with you? Don't be foolhardy.记不得了What's this? Who hit you?我想一定是这帮家伙干的I think it was a gang.算啦先回去治一治吧搜查以后再说You'd better get fixed up. We'll investigate later. 现在几点What time is it?没事儿啦车定啦All right, they've gone.谢谢你我非常感动Thanks, mister. That did me a lot of good.你真勇敢You've sure got some nerve.我们必须都向你学习We should all fight back.虽然个人力量弱可是团结起来We can't fight alone,就能够打败他们but we can lick 'em together.我们做的真是太差的We didn't do so bad.您是理发师吧您一直是住在医院里You're the barber, who was in hospital!贾克尔先生常常提到您Mr. Jaeckel has talked about you.大家还以为您不再回来呢We didn't think you'd come back.党卫军正在抓您哪The storm troopers will be after you.还是藏起来好你等一下You'd better hide.我去给你拿地下室的钥匙I'll get the key to the cellar.-是这个家伙吗 -就是他-Is this the man? -That's him.兴格尔万岁Hail Hynkel!你说的这个人是谁Who's he?少开玩笑喊兴格尔万岁Don't fool with me. Hail Hynkel!两手伸出来Your hands.等一等先把这个家伙弄到外边去Just a moment. Not here. Bring him outside.把你带走以前先让你写写这个First you'll finish this. Here.写吧Go on, paint that!写吧Wait a minute, boys. I've got a bright idea.司令官先生来啦Commander Schultz!第一中队长First in command.第二中队长Second in command.你们在这儿净干些什么哪Oh, never mind. You!谁下过命令让你们把人吊在路灯上Who told you to hang people from lampposts?有什么事吗What was the trouble?犹太人袭击我们A Jew attacking storm troopers.-袭击你们的人在哪儿 -那边-Where is he? -There.解散Break ranks.啊是这个人哪让他站起来So there you are. Stand him up.起来Get up.原来是你你还记得我么You? Don't you remember me?还记得你在战时曾救过我的命么You saved my life.我Me?奇怪我一直认为你是阿里安种Strange. And I always thought of you as an Aryan. 我是纯粹的素食主义者I'm a vegetarian.你忘了么我们不是坐飞机一起逃跑的么Don't you remember? We got away in my plane. 坐飞机Plane?后来我们又掉下来啦Then we crashed.对对我想起来啦Now I remember.你好Well, how are you?我的朋友作了什么不相宜的事啦What's my friend done?我们在他们的窗户上写犹太人的时候He resisted my men这家伙竟敢抵抗painting his windows.勇敢的人才抵抗哪Any brave man would resist.把你搞成这个样子实在对不起I'm sorry for this.没什么No harm.以后你就不会再有麻烦了In future you will not be molested again.如果你和你的朋友需要任何帮助If you or your friends ever need help...这是谁干的Who did that?我的朋友One of my friends.兴格尔的总统府是大企业的中枢总部Hynkel's palace was the centre所谓企业就是制♥造♥世界上of the world's最强有力的武器greatest war machine.此项计划是靠阿登记以德·兴格尔Behind it was the dynamic旺盛的精力来实现的Adenoid Hynkel,兴格尔的天才在国内是尽人皆知的whose genius他那不知疲倦的活动ran the nation,一天的计划之中安排得whose ceaseless activity kept him连一分钟的空闲也没有occupied every moment of the day.赫林元帅求见您阁下Marshal Herring is waiting.停Enough!惊人的发明成功了I believe we've got something now.就是跟您提过的避弹衣A bulletproof uniform.是用绸子那样轻的材料制♥作♥的The material is as light as silk.在哪儿Where?在休息室里已经作好准备等候您试验I've arranged for a demonstration.两分钟就完It will only take two minutes.一分钟内结束I can spare one.这位是契比采恩教授Professor Herr Kibitzen.耳闻不如一见这就是避弹衣Actions speak louder than words. A bulletproof uniform. 百分之百的安全One hundred percent perfect.请您开枪吧Shoot!这算什么安全Far from perfect.-秘书在哪里 -外边的办公室里-Where's my secretary? -In the outer office.把她叫来Call her.我要发一封信请你给我速记一下Take a letter.我是赫林元帅我现在在塔上的屋子里Herring here in the tower room.惊人的发明成功了We've got something marvelous.知道啦我马上去I shall be up.是降落伞世界上最小的降落伞A parachute. The most compact in the world.跟普通的帽子一般大小Worn like a hat.在距地面二十五英尺的高度打开It will open in 25 feet.你表演一下给我们看看吧教授Demonstrate, professor.赫林你怎么老是浪费我的时间Herring, why do you waste my time like this?把卡比奇给我叫来Send Garbitsch here.卡比奇先生正在等您Herr Garbitsch is waiting.停Enough!卡比奇这是怎么啦What's the meaning of this?军费不够时你为了建集中营25 million for prison camps?还做了2500万马克的预算这We need to manufacture munitions.因为逮捕了一些人We've made a few arrests.一些多少人How many?每天平均也就是Five or ten thousand...五千到一万上下吧a day.-每天 -都是些对政♥府♥心怀不满的分子-A day? -Just a few dissenters.他们还有什么不满的Dissenting about?延长劳动工时降低薪水Working hours, wage cuts,此外他们还埋怨面包里the synthetic food, the quality of掺了锯末子the sawdust in the bread.岂有此理那种锯末子What more do they want?是我国最好的木村厂调拨去的It's from the finest lumber!情况相当危险人♥民♥劳动过重Nevertheless, the people are overworked.他们都要求心情舒畅一些They need diversion.人♥民♥么The people, bah!我认为最好是对犹太人再狠一点儿We might go further with the Jews.放火烧掉他们的住房♥Burn some of their houses.如果大规模袭击犹太人居民区An assault可以把人♥民♥对我们的不满转移on the ghetto.没有更戏剧性的措施是不行的Something more dramatic.你看需要多长的准备时问When can we be ready to invade Osterlich?需要三个月Three months.我们等不了拿帕隆尼会比我早I can't wait. Napaloni's army进攻奥地鲁现在就动手might invade first.现在就要动手We must strike now.那样的话我们需要大批的经费We'll require foreign capital.借借嘛Borrow it!银行家都拒绝借给我们The bankers have refused.只有一个人打算借给我们One man might make us a loan:就是那个爱普修坦Epstein.-爱普修坦他是犹太人吧 -对-Epstein? He's a Jew, isn't he? -Yes.我看就不用拘泥啦干脆从爱普修坦那里借Well, let's be big about it. We'll borrow from Epstein.从我们对犹太人的政策来看It might be difficult in view of这笔借款是很难办的our policy towards his people.那么就改变我们对犹太人的政策吧Then we'll change our policy.告诉修尔兹司令对犹太人的镇♥压♥ Tell Schultz all persecution今后全部停止of the Jews must cease.这只是在这笔借款At least till达成协议之前才这么办we've negotiated this loan.我真不明白最近这一带特别平静I don't understand it. The whole ghetto is so quiet.你在住院期间你想都想不到You can't imagine究竟发生过什么事情what was going on.这个可恨的兴格尔This Hynkel business.你住了医院You weren't here, you were in the hospital,失去记忆unconscious.那是多么幸福You don't appreciate what a good time you were having. 情况再坏下去的话我们就到奥地鲁去吧If things get worse we can go to Osterlich.那里还是一个有自♥由♥的国家That's still free.可能是早晚非去不可Sooner or later we'll have to go.啊你回来了这是一件喜事Anyway, it's nice to see you back.现在看来好像恢复了以前的秩序啦It's like the old days again, eh?生意怎么样How's business?越来越好啦Very slow.男人们都送到集中营去啦The men are in concentration camp.你还是开始学习美容术比较好You should fix up the women.开美容院可是赚The beauty parlor business.可是你会美容术么Know anything about it?学一学就会你可以拿哈哪来练习You can learn. You can practice on Hannah. 哈娜你坐在这个椅子上Hannah, get in that chair,马上把你打扮很漂亮we'll make you look beautiful.为什么What for?理发师先生你该用她学习美容术啦He's going to practice on you.概总不会往我脸上抹泥吧Not with mud on my face?正相反把你脸上的泥弄掉No, we'll take some off.真能把我打扮漂亮一些么Make me look beautiful?当然他这把手艺绝不致于Sure. He can't make把你打扮得比现在还脏吧you look any worse!这是催我送洗的衣服哪Mrs. Shoemaker's laundry!算啦我给送去得啦你就在这儿I'll give it to her. You sit here舒舒服服地谈会儿心吧and enjoy yourself.我知道我一看你的眼神就明白I know. I've seen you making eyes.你可别相信贾克尔先生的话哪Don't pay any attention to him.从打扫这个铺子那天起我就喜欢这儿I like your shop since it's fixed up.我也想学这行I wish I had a business like this.管理家务真没意思There's no future in housework.等我将来积攒些钱也开个理发铺Maybe if I save my money I can have a barbershop some day. 可是总也攒不下钱赚几个钱很快就花光But I can never save. Money slips through my fingers.总而言之赚多少花多少I've always lived up to的确不是过日子的好办法every penny I've earned.为什么要把它都花光呢Why shouldn't I?今天在这里不知道明天到哪里You're here today and gone tomorrow.你信神么Do you believe in God?我可信神要是没有神I do. But if there wasn't one,你是不是采取另外的生活态度would you live any different?我可是和现在一样I wouldn't.如果人不干涉别人的话Life could be wonderful人的生活一定是更有意义if people'd leave you alone.不知道什么缘故最近几天这一带平静多了Things are looking brighter now.大概是因为你救过修尔兹司令官的缘故吧Maybe because of you saving Schultz.真奇怪党卫军最近连来都不来啦Funny how they've left us alone.简直让人都不大相信Too good to be true.你有过沉浸在幻想中的时候么我可是有Do you ever daydream? I do.我That's the only time I'm really happy: dreaming. 有时梦中的一切占据了我的心Sometimes I get so carried away结果我都不知道在干什么I don't know what I'm doing.你也会有这样的时候吧Aren't you like that?我们俩性情很相似We're very much alike.对我们俩都是死心眼儿的呀Both absent-minded.你是这么想的么You think so?我就是喜欢死心眼儿的人I like absent-minded people.你听说过拿鸡蛋当手表Like the man who put his watch在手腕上戴的故事in boiling water and held the egg!伟大的人物都是死心眼儿的呀All great men are absent-minded.所以你的头脑很聪明It's a sign you're smart.我的父亲和母亲他们可不这么想My folks didn't think so.你是因为打仗的时候受过伤You have an excuse.所以有时候头脑不大清楚You were injured in the war.可是我一生下来就是这样I was born that way.真奇怪女人为什么不长胡须呢I wonder why women never grow whiskers.你看我这个人真糊涂Isn't that foolish of me?简直糊涂得走路快要踢着自己了I could kick myself in the shins, I could...好洗头发吧I'll give you a shampoo.啊倒是真漂亮啦Ain't I cute?你怎么就能把人打扮得这么漂亮How did you do it?你怎么自己不打扮打扮自己You should try it on yourself.你要是打扮打扮话准是个美男子Fixed up, you'd look handsome.一英镑四加仑新鲜马铃薯啊Four pecks a pound, new potatoes!卖♥♥马铃薯的来啦我可得赶快走The potato man! I have to go.买♥♥一夸脱Take it easy there.真危险没跌伤么Did you hurt yourself?-以后可得加小心啊 -这里还有一个-Careful next time. -Here's another one.您好How do you do?一定有什么缘故对Something's happened.要不党卫军为什么对我这么亲切呢The storm troopers helped me up.不过如果他们真的不再憎恨我们How wonderful if they stopped hating us,不晓得他们是不是能够像从前那样if they let us go about让我们心情舒畅地劳动our business like we used to.如果用不着离开这里也不必到外国去的话How wonderful if we didn't have to go to another country. 我哪里也不愿意去I don't want to go.虽尝尽了苦头受尽了迫♥害♥With all the persecution,但是我还是喜欢这个地方I still love it here.大概用不着到别的什么地方去啦Perhaps we don't have to go.真好如果能在这永远住下去Wouldn't it be wonderful还像以往那样幸福的话if they'd let us live and be happy again?打上句点Full stop.什么都这么糟糕连钢笔都是这副怪样子Nothing works! Not even a sharp pencil.我周围的都是无能低能I'm surrounded by incompetent, stupid,没用的秘书sterile stenographers.我去给您拿笔来I'll get you a pen.算啦这样的信不发啦Don't bother! I won't send it.滚出去滚Get out, get out!我们刚刚发明了最好的毒气We've just discovered the most wonderful poison gas. 一下子都能把人杀光It will kill everybody...知道啦All right. Later.B76号♥来啦B76 to see Herr Herring.我的部下一个女间谍A lady. My secret agent.你的间谍告诉她马上到这儿来Your secret agent? Tell her to come here.让B76号♥马上到这儿来Have B76 come right in.爱普修坦有什么回信没有Any news from Epstein?非常有希望因为董事们Our agent reports that all都是阿里安种族的。



中英文对照学习版Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire《哈利波特与火焰杯》Chapter TwelveThe Triwizard Tournament第12章三强争霸赛Through the gates, flanked with statues of winged boars, and up the sweeping drive the carriages trundl ed, swaying dangerously in what was fast becoming a gale. Leaning against the wind ow, Harry coul d see Hogwarts coming nearer, its many lighted wind ows blurred and shimmering behind the thick curtain of rain. Lightning flashed across the sky as their carriage came to a halt before the great oak front doors, which stood at the top of a flight of stone steps. Peopl e who had occupied the carriages in front were already hurrying up the stone steps into the castle; Harry, Ron, Hermione and Nevill e jumped d own from their carriage and dashed up the steps too, l ooking up only when they were safely insid e the cavernous, torch-lit Entrance Hall, with its magnificent marbl e staircase.马车穿过两边带翅膀野猪雕塑的大门,顺着宽敞的车道行驶,由于狂风大作,马车剧烈地摇晃着。

杰克逊 监狱版歌词

杰克逊 监狱版歌词

hey Don't Care About Us 《他们不在乎我们》skinhead,deadhead,everybody gone bad.人面兽心,行尸走肉,所有人.变坏. situation,aggravation,everybody allegation见风使舵,投机倒把,所有人.起诉.in the suite,on the news,everybody dog food在庭上,新闻里,所有人.一文不值.bang bang,shock dead,everybodys gone bad.嗙嗙!吓死.所有人.愤怒了.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们..beat me,hate me,you can never break me打击我,憎恨我,你永远无法.击垮我.will me,thrill me,you can never kill me利诱我,威胁我,你永远无法.杀死我.chew me,sue me,everybody do me我是犹太人,你就要告我,一个不剩.都想整我. kick me,hike me,don't you black or white me踢我,我是犹太人.你颠倒是非黑白.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们..tell me what has become of my life告诉我我的生活变成了什么?i have a wife and two children who love me我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子.i am the victiom of police brutality, now.我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了.i'm tired of being the victim of hate,我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者.you're rapin' me of my pride你在掠夺我的自豪.of for god's sake噢究竟为了什么.i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy....我这是想把人间变为天堂....set me free放过我..skinhead, deadhead, everybody gone bad人面兽心.行尸走肉.所有人.变坏了. trepidation, speculation, everybody allegation恐慌.投机.所有人.指控.in the suite, on the news, everybody dog food在庭上.新闻里.所有人.一文不值.black man, black mail, throw the brother in jail 小人.告密.患难同胞.投入监狱.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们..tell me what has become of my rights告诉我什么是我的权力?am i invisible cause you ignore me?你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗?your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由.i'm tired of being the victim of shame我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者.they're throwing me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤.i can't believe this is the land from which i came. 我无法相信这就是养育我的那片土地.you know i really do hate to say it你知道我真的不想这么说.the government don't wanna say政府也不想看到这.but if roosevelt was livin',he would't let this be, no no.但罗斯福活着,他绝不会让这一切发生.不.不.. skinhead,deadhead, everybodys gone bad人面兽心.行尸走肉.所有人.变坏了. situation,speculation,everybody litigation见风使舵.投机倒把.所有人.互相告.beat me,bash me,you can never trash me打击我.怒殴我.你永远无法.击废我.hit me,kick me,you can never get me绊倒我.践踏我.你永远无法.打垮我.some things in live they just don't wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的.but if martin luther was livin'但如果马丁路德金活着的话.he wouldn't let this be他绝不会允许它发生.skinhead,deadhead, everybody's gone bad人面兽心.行尸走肉.每一个人.在变坏. situation,segregation,everybody allegation 见风使舵.种族隔离.所有人.告来告去in the suite,on the news, everybody dog food 在公堂上.在新闻里.所有人.分文不值. kick me,hike me,don't you wrong or right me 绊倒我.毁谤我.你指手画脚.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们.all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们..all i wanna say is that我只是想说.they don't really care about us有谁在乎我们......。

Treasure Island《金银岛(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本

Treasure Island《金银岛(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本

The squire and Dr. Livesey...长官和利夫西医生…... having asked me to write down the particulars of Treasure Island...…一直嘱咐我把金银岛的细节写出来…... leaving nothing out but the bearings of the island itself...…除了它的位置外什么都不要遗漏…... and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted.…毕竟还有些财宝尚未起获…I go back to the time when my mother and I kept the Admiral Benbow Inn... 回首往事那时我和母亲经营着"本鲍将军"旅店…... and the brown, old seaman with a saber cut...…那位褐色皮肤、脸上有一道刀疤的老水手…... first took up lodging under our roof.…也就在那时住进了我们店里Open the door, will you? Open the door!开下门!开门!Go away! We're closed.走开!我们已经打烊了Open the door, you lubberly swab, or by thundering...开门你这个蠢女人遭天谴的…Throw that cutlass away this instant.马上扔掉你的刀What do you want?你想干什么?Good evening, missus.晚上好太太Lad.年轻人Will you not put up your musket?你能不能把枪放下?I'm just a simple sailor seeking lodgings.我只是个普通的水手想找个住的地方Just so?没别的吗?This looks like a conveniently situated grogshop.你这里看起来位置不错很方便You have much company here, lad, do you?年轻人生意不错吧No, sir. No one hardly ever comes in here since Father died.不先生自从家父过世以后已经很少有人光顾了Shh. Ha, ha.嘘!哈哈Then this here's the place for me, matey.这么说来这里正合适我朋友!And what might we call you, sir?怎么称呼你先生?If we're to put up with the likes of you under our roof.似乎我们得忍♥耐我家招牌上那种人了You may call me captain, ma'am.你就叫我船长好了夫人Captain Billy Bones at your service.比利·伯恩斯船长为你效劳I'm a plain man, ma'am.我这人很随和夫人Rum, bacon and bread's what I want.朗姆酒、熏肉加面包足之够也And that headland down the road there to watch ships off of.再逛逛海边看看船来船往Here, matey.接着!朋友Tell me when I've worked my way through that, will you?要是花光了只管招呼一声便是He stayed with us long after his gold had run out.那以后他一直赖着我们那些钱很快就花光了But none of us had the courage to ask for more.可是我们谁都不敢向他开口要All day, he hung around the cove or upon the cliffs with a brass telescope... 他成天拿着黄铜望远镜到小海湾和悬崖上去... gazing out over the waves...…直勾勾地盯着海面…... as if he feared something were coming for him from the sea.…仿佛担忧海的那头会有些什么冲他而来…All evening, he would drink rum and water very strong...每个晚上他都拼命喝酒…... looking up fierce when spoken to.…跟人说话时眼露凶光…His stories and songs were all about hanging and piracy...他讲的故事哼的歌♥ 都是些绞刑啊海盗啊…... and wild deeds on the Spanish Main.…以及那些西属美洲的疯狂往事…None of us suspected then, of course...当然我们那时谁都没有想过…... how our lives would be changed by them forever.…我们的生活会因此而永远地改变Jim, here. Have you seen a seafaring man...吉姆过来你有没有见过一个瘸腿的水手?...with one leg, Jim? - No, sir.先生我没见过BONES: Keep a weather eye open, Jim, for a seafaring man.吉姆帮我留心一个瘸腿的水手I will give you a silver fourpenny each week, you understand that?每周我就给你四便士的银币懂吗?Aye. See, you've told me, captain, but I haven't seen one yet.是的船长您倒是说过不少次了可是我现在一个子儿都没见过Dr. Livesey. Hello, Jim.利夫西医生您好你好吉姆Ah. Dr. Livesey.啊利夫西医生Good evening, Mrs. Hawkins.晚上好霍金斯太太Evening, doctor.您好医生And how are you feeling, Mrs. Hawkins? Better, I trust.感觉如何霍金斯太太?相信您好些了Oh, yes, doctor. Thanks to your visit.噢是的医生您的光临让寒舍蓬荜生辉Fifteen men on a dead man's chest棺材岛上还活着十五个家伙Drink to the devil And had done for the rest其他人都死于酗酒和恶魔了Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum哟嗬嗬嗬哟嗬嗬再来一瓶朗姆酒Give me rum, you hear?来一瓶酒听见没有?Give us rum, goddamn you!拿酒来该死的!Rum, it's feed and drink to the likes of me! Rum, good laddie.我拿朗姆当饭吃拿酒来年轻人!Mrs. Hawkins, I once prescribed a draft for Squire Trelawney.霍金斯太太有一次我给特里劳尼长官开了药方He had the gout, you know. And his man, Joyce, swore he would see him take it. 他有痛风症他的仆人乔伊斯发誓要督促他服下去But the squire... Silence!但这位长官呢… 安静!Silence between decks to here.从吧台到我这儿都给我安安静静的!Were you addressing me, sir?先生你在说我吗?I was indeed, sir.你还挺有自知之明先生Have you something to say about that?有什么意见吗?I have only one thing to say to you, sir.先生我只奉劝你一句If you keep on drinking rum...如果你一直这么喝下去…...the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel.…很快这个世界就会少一个无赖了You're a whistler.你个乌鸦嘴Captain.船长I'll take none of that from the likes of you nor any other lubberly swab.我才不买♥♥你这种人的账你们这些蠢货You call me "captain" or I'm gonna pin you to the wall with this cutlass...乖乖叫我一声我船长不然我就用这把刀把你钉在墙上…...and hang you from the yard by your thumbs and use you for musket practice. …吊在院子里给我当枪靶Now, you hear me.你给我听好了If you do not put down that cutlass this instant...奉劝你马上放下刀否则的话…...I promise you, upon my honor that I'll have you drawn up at the next assizes. …我用我的名誉担♥保♥ 下一次巡回审判一定把你揪出来I am not a doctor only, but a magistrate.别忘了我不只是个医生我还是这里的治安官And now I know there is such a fellow in my district.而现在我发现了我的辖区里有一只害群之马And if I catch so much as a breath of complaint against you...但凡我听到有人说你半个不字…...I'll have you hunted down and hanged like t he dog you are.…我一定会穷追猛打让你永无翻身之地Let that suffice.好话不说第二遍Well, I say, Mrs. Hawkins, the squire is a clever fellow.接着说霍金斯夫人长官是位明白人What might I get for you, sir?您需要什么先生?Rum, sonny.朗姆酒小家伙Rum will do.朗姆酒就行Is this here a table for my mate, Bill?是不是给我的比尔兄弟留的位子?I don't know your mate Bill, sir. This table's for the captain. 我不认识您的比尔兄弟先生这是留给船长的Ah.哦Right, because now Bill would be called "captain," aye.对比尔现在叫"船长"了Now...那么… my mate, Bill, in this here house?…我的比尔兄弟现在在吗?No, sir. He's out walking.不在先生他出门散步去了Back soon?是否很快回来?Yes, sir.他会的先生Where's your mother, boy? She's not here.孩子你母亲呢?她不在She's in the village. To market.她到集市上去了买♥♥东西去了Just as well.很好All right.唔This'll be a pleasant surprise for my mate, Bill.对我的比尔兄弟来说这肯定是个惊喜Good as drink.像酒一样令人惊喜You know, I have a young nipper of my own.告诉你我也有个小子It's like you is two blocks.跟你像一个模子刻出来的And he's all the pride of my yards.他是我的骄傲But a great thing for boys...但对小孩子来说最要紧的是… discipline.…要循规蹈矩Discipline?…循规蹈矩?Aye.没错Discipline.循规蹈矩Right. Would you step in here and surprise old Bill. 好啊!你过来我们来给老比尔一个惊喜Billy Bones.比利·伯恩斯!Come, Bill, you know your old shipmate, surely.比尔还记得你的老搭档吧Black Dog? Aye.你是黑狗?没错Black Dog as ever was.一如既往的黑狗Come for to see his old mate, Bill.看望老搭档比尔来了Now, look here.看看你You've run me down here.不远千里追到这里来Here I am.我不就在这里么Now, what you want, Dog?黑狗你想要什么?You speak up, will you?说来听听啊?Ah? That's you, Bill.嗯?你还是老样子I'll just have a glass of rum from this dear child here. 我向这个好小子要一杯朗姆You'll join me, won't you?一起喝一杯如何?Now, we'll sit down and talk square, like old shipmates.咱们坐下来叙叙旧重温旧时光嘛Where's the chart, Bill?比尔那张图在哪儿?No. No, no!别妄想别妄想!We'll swing. Swing once, swing all, say I.我们会发大财的大财要大家一起来发That weren't Flint's way, no sir.那不是弗林特的风格不Flint's dead, God damn him. Aye.弗林特死了这就是上帝的诅咒没错Aye. That he is, mate, dead and damned.没错兄弟他是死了他该死All I want's the chart, Bill.比尔我只想要那张图All I'm asking's what's rightfully ours.我只想要回属于我们的东西Our lawful shares.我们合理合法的那一份Damn your lawful shares and damn you too.去你的合理合法去你的!Rum, Jim.拿酒来吉姆!Rum, boy.孩子拿酒来!Oh, God.噢天哪Are you hurt?你受伤了吗?It's rum I need, Jim.吉姆我要酒!Give us rum, will you?拜托你拿酒来Ah. I needed that.唉酒是我的命啊I must get away from here, Jim before they have the black spot on me. 吉姆在他们给我黑券之前我得离开这里了That black what? Spot, Jim.什么券?黑券It's a summons.那是个最后通牒The lubbers will be going around by now to get their wind of me.那些痞子会开始到处找我What lubbers are those, captain?船长那些都是什么人?Ah, it's Flint's men, as like as not. Black Dog, Blind Pew.十有八♥九♥是弗林特的人比如黑狗瞎子皮尤It's my old sea chest they're after, macky.他们想要我的水手箱Now, you look here, Jim.吉姆你听好了If they should slip me the spot, you get on a horse...如果他们真的送来黑券你赶紧骑马…...and you go and fetch that infernal swab of a doctor.…去找那个讨厌的鬼医生You tell him why I'm the only one that has it.告诉他为什么只有我有那个箱子Has what? Oh.有什么?噢Flint gave it to me as he was lying, dying in some island.当年在一个岛上弗林特临死前给我的For the love of God, boy, give me some rum, will you?看在上帝的份上孩子给我拿点儿酒来Will you?拿酒来啊Who's there?谁?Jim Hawkins. What do you want?吉姆·霍金斯您有何吩咐?Would some kind friend tell a poor, blind man...好心人我又老又瞎能不能告诉我为什么命运偏偏…...what's lost the sight of his eyes in the service of King George, God bless him... …让我失明毫不怜悯我多年效忠乔治陛下…噢!天佑吾皇… what part of the country he might now be?…能否告诉我我现在在什么地方?You're at the Admiral Benbow Inn.这里是本鲍将军旅馆Oh, yes.噢来对地方了Give me your hand, my kind young friend.过来扶我一把好心的年轻人Lead me in.领我进去吧Now, boy, you take me to the captain. I daren't.小子现在你带我去见船长!我不敢You take me in straight, and as soon as I'm in view, you cries out. 你直接带我去就行一旦他看见我你就大喊Here's a friend of yours, Bill.比尔你的老朋友来了Yes, yes, oh, yes.来了来了噢!我来了Captain Bones.伯恩斯船长Blind Pew. Yes.瞎子皮尤!正是Come for you at last, Billy.比利终于找到你了Now...如今… is business, Mr. Bones.…伯恩斯先生咱们公事公办Sit right where you are.你坐着别动!Hold out your hand.伸出你的手Boy, take his left hand and bring it near my right.孩子抓着他的左手递给我的右手Yes.好了And now that's done.这样就行了Oh, yes.噢行了It's a spot, Jim.吉姆黑券来了It's the black spot, lad.孩子这就是索命符"You have till 10:00."你的大限 10点整That's two hours.只剩下两个小时了We'll have them yet, Jim.吉姆我们还有时间Get me a top of rum, will you?给我一瓶朗姆酒好吗?Here, lad, it's...给你孩子这个就是…It's for the sea chest.水手箱的钥匙For the old sea chest, boy.就是那个旧的水手箱孩子What chest? Mother.什么箱子?母亲!What's been happening here, Jim?发生什么事了吉姆?Is he dead?难道他死了?Aye, dead.是的死了Being in his cups again, I shouldn't wonder.准又是喝得烂醉Now, what about this chest?现在告诉我箱子是怎么回事?He owes me money.他还欠我钱呐!Mother, the captain said we have the devil to pay and no pitch hot. 母亲船长说会我们马上会有恶人来访They tipped him the black spot.他们给他送了一个索命符That what?什么符?Stop talking nonsense and open the chest.不要废话了开箱子吧If there's money in there, we'll have what's own us and no more. 如果这里面有钱我也只要欠我的部分多余的我才不要Mother, listen to me, please. They're coming for him at 10.母亲拜托你听我说他们10点钟会过来要他的命It's almost 10 now.现在就快10点钟了Who's coming, Jim? The lubbers.吉姆谁要过来?一帮无赖They're coming for the captain. They can have him. That's broken. 他们是过来杀船长的让他们杀吧这个早坏了!What lubbers?什么无赖啊?Blind Pew and Black Dog. Flint's men.一个叫瞎子皮尤一个叫黑狗都是弗林特的人The captain said they were after his sea chest.船长说他们想要他的箱子Said he was the only one had it.还说只有他才有一样东西Had what?有什么东西?Aha!啊哈!We'll have what he owes us and not a penny more.我们只拿他欠着咱们的钱余下的我分文不取Mother, we must go to the village and get Sheriff Dance.母亲我们必须马上去找丹斯警长Shh.嘘!What's that?什么东西?Blind Pew. He's come back. Come on, Mother. They'll cut our throats. 瞎子皮尤!他回来了!快点母亲!他们会杀了我们!Come on, Jim.吉姆赶快!No! No!不要!不要!Let him go. No, you leave him.放了他!不要!放了他!No.别!No.不要啊!Get out.滚出去!Jim. Quickly, come on. Jim. Come on.吉姆赶快赶快吉姆快点儿!It won't open.打不开啊!It won't open, Jim.打不开啊吉姆!No.No!不要!Stop it. Mother! Shake his...住手不要… 母亲!打他…It's Billy. Someone's done for it.是比利已经有人杀了他Search him.搜他的身!Run for the woods.到树林里去!He's been overhauled already.有人已经搜得底儿朝天了Aloft. Find the chest.上楼!找箱子!There's the chest.箱子在这里The lady, you shucking lubbers.去追那个女人你们这些蠢货!Catch the boy. He's got it, you fools.抓住那小子他抢走了那图你们这群废物Pew, they've ransacked the bloody thing.皮尤他们已经抢走那张该死的图了!It's gone. So's the money. And the money.图丢了钱也没有了!钱也没了!Come below and follow the boy. All I want's to put his eyes out. 下来追那个小子我要把他的眼珠子挖出来Scatter and find them.分开找They can't have gone far.他们不可能跑多远What the devil?来了什么人?Hey, who's that? Sheriff Dance.你们是谁?丹斯警长来了!Hey, let's go there, lads.喂兄弟们躲一边去Come on, let's get out of here.赶快离开这里Black Dog, don't.黑狗不要丢下我啊伊斯莱尔You won't leave old Pew, mate. Not old Pew.你不会丢下我的兄弟你不会丢下老皮尤的Damn your eyes.你会有报应的!No.不要啊!Leave him like that. After them. Aye, aye, sir.别管这个老东西去追那些人遵命长官After them.去追他们Get up there.过去Oh, dear.噢天哪Sheriff Dance saw a scooner standing off and on in the cove.丹斯警长看见陌生船只在小海湾晃来晃去Rather suspicious. He reported it to me. Drink that.多个心眼没坏处他马上就告诉我了喝点酒压压惊I said we should roust up his men and ride hard for the Admiral Benbow. 我叫他叫醒手下快马加鞭赶来本鲍旅馆It were a lucky chance we came when we did.说来也是运气好我们正好赶上了It were none too soon either.你们来得刚刚好!They got the money, I presume.想必他们抢走了钱吧They did not.没有Excuse me, doctor. Yes, Jim?医生恕我直言怎么了吉姆?I don't think they're after the money.他们并不是图财What in fortune were they after then?那他们图什么?I think they were after this.我想他们要的是这个东西It should be put in a safe place.我们得找一个地方妥当保管To be sure, boy. Quite right.没错年轻人你所言极是We must go at once to Squire Trelawney and open it in his presence. 我们应该马上去找特里劳尼长官当着他的面打开He'll know what to do.他知道如何处置Jim, there's not a moment to lose. Can you ride?吉姆刻不容缓你会骑马吗?I tell you, I have some business with the squire.我有要事向长官禀报Wake him up. No.把他叫醒不行You must do it. We must wake him up. Please do it. Please? Thank you. 我们必须得叫醒他拜托你了谢谢你Livesey. Squire.利夫西?长官是我Well, where is it? Come on, man.东西呢?赶紧拿过来朋友Hawkins, you had quite the night, I hear. Yes, sir.霍金斯听说你这个晚上可不轻松啊是的长官Your coffee, sir. Thank you, Joyce.大人您的咖啡谢谢乔伊斯Hot and hot.还烫着呢Squire?长官?Scotch, Livesey? Yeah, okay.苏格兰威士忌行吗利夫西?好的Master Hawkins? That'll do, Joyce.霍金斯大人呢?没事了乔伊斯!Uh, milk, sir? All right. Thank you. Thank you.呃来杯牛奶吗大人?好啊谢谢谢谢Uh, sugar, sir? No.呃加不加糖大人?不用That'll do, Joyce.够了!乔伊斯!Yes, sir.是的大人Well, now, squire.唔来吧长官First of all, we'll try the book. Yes.我们先看看书里有什么好的"W. Burns, master's mate. Off Palm Quay, he got it.""W·贝恩斯主人的副手于棕榈码头取走"Some sort of an account.应该是个账本"Bones his pile.""伯恩斯的份额"Can't make head nor tail of this.这没头没尾的Oh, Livesey, this is as plain as noon to a seafaring man.噢利夫西这对船员来说已经是一清二楚的了This is the black-hearted scoundrel's account book.这无非是那些流氓的黑心账本Look, here. Now, look here.瞧瞧这里唔瞧瞧这里This is a list of the town's sacked or the ship's voyage...这是遭洗劫的镇子的清单这是航海日志…...and here, the sums of Bone's share of the loot.…这里!这是伯恩斯分到的战利品Right you are. You see what it is to be a traveler.没错冒险家都是这种货色Now, and the other...现在看看另一样…Treasure Island.金银岛Bulk of treasure here.这是藏金分布图Oh, God.噢上帝呀It must be...一定是了…"Tall tree, Spyglass shoulder, bearing north northeast by north. "望远镜山的山肩有棵大树向其东北偏北前进"Skeleton Island, east southeast and by east. Ten feet."到骷髅岛往东南偏东再往东十英尺"The bar sil..."银…"The bar silver is in the north cache..."银条藏在北边…" 10 fathom south of black crag. Signed J. F.""…位于黑岩崖往正南方向十英尺处署名是J·F"For God's love, man.老天有眼啊朋友You know what this is? Pray enlighten me, sir.知道这是什么吗?愿闻其详先生J. F. John Flint.J·F 就是约翰·弗林特This is Flint's map.这是弗林特的藏宝图!Bulk of treasure here.这里是金山银山啊That's Flint's treasure, man.这是弗林特的财富朋友Who's this Flint?弗林特是谁?Billy Bones said he was Flint's first mate.比利·伯恩斯说自己是弗林特的大副He was the blood-thirstiest buccaneer that ever sailed.弗林特是航海史上最残忍♥的海盗Well, Blackbeard was a child of Flint.这么说吧黑胡子跟弗林特相比只能算小巫见大巫Ha, ha. Even the Spaniard was so prodigiously afraid of him. 嘿嘿就连西班牙人也要敬他三分I must own, I was proud he was an Englishman.我得承认我为他是一个英国人而感到骄傲Sir, would this treasure be worth much?先生这些财宝价值多少?Worth mu...?价值多少…?Worth much.价值连城啊Ha, ha. Why, lad, here's the sight of it.哈哈唔朋友们这是我们的计划The finest vessel in England...驾驶全英格兰最好的船…...and then we'll sail for the Spanish Main within a month. …一个月之内到达西属美洲You, Hawkins, shall come aboard as cabin boy.霍金斯你到船上来作侍应生Livesey here shall be surgeon, and myself, admiral, of course. 利夫西就是队医我嘛当然就是舰队司令了!And then we'll take along Joyce, my man and, oh, great...我们再带上我的亲信乔伊斯噢太好了…Well, that's capital, squire, capital but there's only one man I'm afraid of. 好主意!长官好主意我只对一个人有顾虑Name the dog. You, sir.谁?正是您大人For you cannot hold your tongue, as well you know.您自己应该也清楚您管不住您的嘴We aren't the only men to know about this.我们不是唯一知道这个秘密的人From first to last, none of us must breathe a word.所以我们自始自终一个字都不能声张Well, you're in the right of it, doctor, as usual.医生所言极是你一贯在理You may depend upon me.你要相信我I shall be as silent as a grave.我一定会守口如瓶Goodbye, Jim.再见了吉姆Now, you take care of yourself.你一定要好好照顾自己And mind you, do what your squire tells you.记住乖乖听长官的话Jim.儿子!Bye, Mother.再见了母亲The doctor and old Redruth, the squire's gamekeeper...那天傍晚医生和长官的猎场总管老雷德鲁斯…... came for me at dusk on the Bristol mail.…依照长官从布里斯托尔来信的要求接我动身Next morning, we had turned the corner my home was out of sight.翌日清晨当我们转过弯去我的家消失在了视线里And in no time at all, Bristol laid bustling before us.很快熙熙攘攘的布里斯托尔出现在我们眼前What is that?什么东西?Come on, lad. The squire will keelhaul us if we're late.年轻人赶紧的如果晚了长官会发火的Oh, Redruth, stop dawdling, man.噢雷德鲁斯不要再磨磨蹭蹭的了Come on. Stay away.跟上走开There she is, Jim. The Hispaniola.吉姆到了那就是"伊斯帕尼奥拉"号♥Bring the bag, Redruth.把袋子拿过来雷德鲁斯Ahoy, Hispaniola!啊嘿!伊斯帕尼奥拉!Ahoy, on boat!啊嘿登船了!Come on. Welcome aboard the Hispaniola, doctor.来吧!医生欢迎光临伊斯帕尼奥拉号♥You're late. Better late than never, admiral.你迟到了迟到总比不到好舰长阁下The roads were muddy, sir.路上稀泥烂滑的大人工We got stuck three times on the way to Bristol.来布里斯托尔的路上我们被堵了三次TRELAWNEY:Did you? Did you?真的吗?有这等事?Yes, come on, Redruth, come on. Don't hang back, man. 好吧赶紧的雷德鲁斯赶紧的不要东张西望的了Mr. Arrow, here, look after your tonnage. Aye, aye, sir. 埃诺先生注意观察吨♥位是的!遵命大人Will you take a glass of port with me in my cabin?能不能送一杯红葡萄酒到我的船舱来?Nothing would please me better, sir.为您效劳是我无上的荣耀大人So when do we sail? Sail?我们何时出发?出发?We sail tomorrow, boy. Ha, ha.年轻人我们明天就起航哈!To the good ship Hispaniola, gentleman.敬伟大的伊斯帕尼奥拉号♥ 先生们A sweeter ship you could not imagine.它的豪华舒适超过你的想象I give you joy over her, sir.愿您因它而心情愉快大人To the Hispaniola. Hispaniola.为伊斯帕尼奥拉干杯!伊斯帕尼奥拉!Mm. A child could sail her, doctor.医生小孩子都可以驾驶它出海You know, I had a devil of a job finding a crew for her.不过你知道吗为了找到合适的船员我被弄得焦头烂额Hard to find half a dozen who knew the difference...懂得区分桅杆和龙骨的人…...between the main top and the keelson.…真是寥寥无几Are there no good seaman in Bristol then?这么说来布里斯托尔就没有中用的水手了吗?Oh, well, doctor, I shall tell you met this fellow on the dock.告诉你吧医生码头上有个家伙Ahem. Old navy man.嗯哼一个老水兵了Fought the French under Admiral Hawke, lost a leg in action.他是霍克将军的手下在与法国的战争中失去了右腿Kind of man who makes England feared at sea.他是那种让英格兰的敌人闻风丧胆的人物Well, he found me a company of the toughest old salts imaginable.他是超出你想象的不折不扣的硬汉I declare, we could fight a frigate with them.我可以宣称我们现在的战斗力可以媲美护卫舰了Ha, ha. I'm glad to hear it. What is the man's name?哈听上去很不错这个人叫什么名字?Uh, John Silver.约翰·西尔维They call him Long John Silver.人们都叫他高个子约翰·西尔维He's even volunteered to come aboard the ship's cook.他还自告奋勇上船做大厨呢Remarkably civil of him. Indeed. What a youthful man.真是个公民楷模真有干劲啊You know, while I think of it, young Jim you cut ashore in the gig...我的想法是让吉姆坐小划艇上岸…...and give my compliments to Mr. Silver and tell him civil-like, mind you... 找到西尔维先生转达我的问候一定要注意礼貌 be aboard by the evening gun.…等降旗炮后再回到船上来We sail tomorrow with the tide.明天我们趁着涨潮起航!Yes, sir. Oh, you'll find him...遵命大人噢你可以… the side of the Spyglass.…去一个叫望远镜小酒馆的地方找他Tall fellow, one leg. Can't miss him.高个子独腿侠很好认的I'm begging your pardon, sir. Could you tell me where I could find John Silver? 打扰一下先生能否告诉我约翰·西尔维在哪?Long John?高个子约翰?He'll be somewhere in the back. Bug us not.他在后面别烦我们Mr. Silver, sir.西尔维先生您好Such is my name to be sure.正是鄙人And who might you be, lad?年轻人敢问尊姓大名?Jim Hawkins, sir, ship's boy of the Hispaniola.阁下我是吉姆·霍金斯伊斯帕尼奥拉号♥的侍应生Squire Trelawney's compliments says you're to come on board tonight...向您转达特里洛尼长官的问候请您今晚登舰…...if you please.…若得欣允不胜感激We sail at dawn.我们明日破晓出发Jim Hawkins, is it? Pleased I am to meet you.吉姆·霍金斯是吧?很高兴认识你Come, lad. I expect you're hungry.过来年轻人想来你已经饿了A person like you is always hungry as sharks.你这个年龄饿得快I remember when I was just a reefer in the king's navy.想当年我在皇家海军只是个收帆员We was fighting the Dutch off Batavia at war.我们跟丹麦人开仗把他们赶出了巴达维亚Black Dog. Stop him, that's Black Dog, that's one of Flint's men.黑狗!拦住他!那是黑狗!弗林特的人!I don't care two coppers who he is. He ain't paid his bill.我不管他是哪路神仙但他没付酒钱!You are Morgan.你是摩根!You was drinking with him.你在和他喝酒You never clapped eyes on this Black Dog...黑狗从来是神龙见首不见尾…...before now, did you? - No, sir.这之前你并没见过他吧?是的先生You never heard of him neither, did you? No, Barbecue, on my mother's grave.以前也从未听说过他对吗?是的烧烤架(西尔维绰号♥)以我母亲的名义发誓…You never had a mother.你就是个没妈的人What was he saying to you anyway? He was saying...他跟你说了什么?他说…Well, we was jawing of keelhauling.呃…我们只不过随便扯扯罢了Yeah. Mighty suitable topic too.是啊你们就会胡吹海聊而已Back to your place for a lubber, Tom.汤姆一边儿呆着去蠢货Come. Set yourself down. Out of there.来吧坐下来歇一歇…滚开!Black Dog.黑狗Let's see. Yes, I've seen that swab before.我想想没错我见过那个无赖He used to come in here with a blind man.他常跟一个瞎子来这里I knew that blind man. His name was Pew.我知道那个瞎子他的名字叫皮尤It were. He looked like death.没错他看上去像快死了Sheriff Dance ran him down back at Admiral Benbow.他在本鲍旅店被丹斯警长的人踩死了You see here, Hawkins, you're smart. Smart as paint.告诉你霍金斯你很聪明非常聪明I seen that right off.我一眼就看出来了This here's a blessed hard thing for an honest man like me.像我这样诚实的人也会遇到这种跳进黄河也洗不清的倒霉事Here I've got this confounded son of a Dutchman...如今这个荷兰人的混账儿子(黑狗)…...sitting under my roof, drinking my rum. What will Squire Trelawney think?…坐在我家屋檐下喝着我的朗姆酒特里劳尼长官作何感想?。



赴汤蹈火美国土著居民北美印第安人的一族北美洲南部墨西哥人数最多的一支印第安人美国家居连锁店别出声快开门快点Quiet. Open the door, open the door.干什么What?你们到底要做什么What in the devil?女士能请您站起来Can you please stand up并把放钱的抽屉指给我们看吗and take us to the cash drawer, ma'am?我不会这么做的I will not.我们没问你的意愿We ain't asking.现在抽屉里还没有钱There's no money in the drawers yet.钱都在保险箱里我没有保险箱密♥码♥ It's in the safe and I ain't got the code.证明给我看看抽屉在哪Prove it. Drawer!在这里Here.打开抽屉Open the drawer.- 我需要钥匙 - 把钥匙拿过来- I need the keys. - Keys.退后Step back.我♥操♥ 该死Shit. Damn it!我猜你们都是刚开始干这行吧Y'all are new at this, I'm guessing.钱在哪里Where's the money?我说过了在保险箱里面I told you, it's in the safe.那谁有保险箱的密♥码♥Well, who has the code?克劳森先生Mr. Clauson.他很快就会到这里的我建议你们最好赶紧走He'll be here soon and I suggest you fellas don't be.你们现在所犯的罪还仅仅止于愚蠢All you're guilty of right now is being stupid.现在离开你们就不会犯下更大的罪了Just leave and that's all it'll be.再说一遍我愚蠢试试Tell me I'm stupid again.克劳森先生什么时候会到这里女士看着我What time does Mr. Clauson get here? Ma'am, look at me. 克劳森先生什么时候会到这里What time does Mr. Clauson get here?每天早上八点半8:30 every morning.我们往这边走We're walking.然后坐下And sit.你想往哪里走Where do you think you're going?坐地上Sit on the floor!你才是愚蠢的那一个You're stupid.这与你无关亲爱的This ain't about you, darling.埃尔西你还好吗Elsie, you all right?早上好Good morning.你没必要打他You didn't have to hit him.- 开慢点 - 我又没超速- Slow down. - I ain't speeding.看见没有老弟完全没必要担心See, little brother, not a worry in the world.计划这件事和真正去做这件事是两回事Planning this and doing it is two different things. 没准我们应该提早直接去奥尔尼镇Maybe we should get there ahead, get up to Olney. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃Early bird gets the worm.- 开慢点 - 我没超速- Slow down. - I ain't speeding.我在谷仓里找到了这些硬币I found these coins in the barn.鬼才知道它们被放在那里多久了Lord knows how long they've been sitting there. 我一直吃得和囚犯一样惨I've been living off an inmate's diet,然而有了这些钱and had all these coins我就要像坐在一堆饲料袋下面一样了sitting right underneath a bunch of feed sacks.这个上面写着是1953年的This one says 1953.1953年1953?我怀疑这些是不是收藏者的藏品I wonder if any of these is collector's items.那你可就坐在一大笔财产上了You could be sitting on a fortune here.但愿如此I hope so.同志们早上好打开抽屉Good morning, folks. Open the drawer!快他妈打开抽屉Open the motherfucking drawer!一块五块十块二十块的Ones, fives, 10s, 20s,不要上百的不要成捆的no hundreds, no bundles.你们是在抢劫银行吗You boys robbing the bank?闭嘴Shut up.- 把你的手放在柜台上 - 放柜台上- Put your hands on the counter. - On the counter.- 好的先生 - 就是这样快点- Yes, sir. - That's it, come on.真是疯狂你们甚至都不是墨西哥人That's crazy, y'all ain't even Mexicans.不要成捆的散钞就好No bundles. Just loose cash.好的Okay.你们应该为自己感到耻辱You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.把手放到让我能看见的柜台上Hands on the counter where I can see them! 好的先生Yes, sir.你身上有枪吗老头You got a gun on you, old man?我身上当然他妈的有枪啊You're damn right I got a gun on me.- 你能把他的枪拿走吗 - 好- Are you gonna get his gun? - Yeah.认清现在的情况好吗Keep up with the circumstances, okay?好的我明白了Yeah, I got it.所以你们要把我的枪也抢走吗So y'all gonna steal my gun, too?我有我自己的枪I have my own gun.我们是要抢银行We ain't stealing from you.不是要抢你We're stealing from the bank.多谢了Much obliged.我们走吧Let's go!我们对此表示抱歉We're sorry about this, folks.讨人厌的混♥蛋♥们Dirty, rotten sons of bitches.我♥操♥ 老头Fuck you, old man!跑快跑Go, run, go!把枪放在柜台上Put the gun on the counter.你不想给我们留活路怎么的You trying to get us killed?我不能偷那个老头的东西I ain't stealing from some old man.我们只偷一个地方的东西而已就是这样We're stealing from one place, that's it.你会变成一个可怜的罪犯You're turning out to be a poor-ass criminal.去你♥妈♥的♥Fuck you.看到早起的鸟儿得到什了吗See what the early bird gets?没准我们应该去杰顿的那个分银行Maybe we should hit that branch in jayton?不我们不去No, we ain't. We hit those banks我们在早上当那些银行first thing in the fucking morning,还没有人的时候去抢劫when they're empty.在银行还没有人的时候懂了么When they're empty, god damn it.好吧All right.这一定是我最后一次担心会不会被枪打到了It's the last time I care to be shot at.我们得放聪明点刚刚差点就没命了We got to be smart. We're a ways from being finished. 太爽了这样的事我能干一整周Shit, I can do this all week.我们会的We're gonna.我们就像那些科曼奇人一样老弟We're like the comanches, little brother,想去抢劫哪里就去抢劫哪里raiding where we please让整个德州追着我们的影子跑with the whole of Texas hunting our shadow.平原之王啊Lord of the plains.手拿开滚开Hands off. Fuck off!你有听说这些银行抢劫案吗You hear about these bank robberies?你为什么总穿得和我一样Why are you always dressed like me?这是我们的制♥服♥啊This is our uniform.我们可没有什么制♥服♥We ain't got no uniform.你明明可以随便挑选不同颜色的衬衫You can wear whatever color shirt you choose.你偏偏要挑我穿的颜色You just keep choosing mine.里格斯骑警说只能穿白色Ranger Regs say white,蓝色或者棕褐色的衬衫blue, or tan dress shirts.所以在一段时间里Stands to reason every once in a while我们只能穿同一个颜色了we're gonna be dressed the same.你知道人们是怎么形容模仿这个行为的吗Well, you know what they say about imitation,阿尔贝托Alberto.你是想听听这些银行抢劫案You wanna hear about these bank robberies,还是你想坐在那里然后得老年痴呆or you just sit there and let Alzheimer's run its course. 这些抢劫案发生在哪里Where are they at?德州米兰德银行Texas Midlands.一部分在阿彻城一部分在奥尔尼Branch in Archer City and the branch in Olney.是联调局需要协助吗FBI want an assist?米兰德银行在德州外没有分银行Midlands ain't got any branches outside Texas.而且他们只是从抽屉里抢个几千块钱而已Plus, they're just hitting the drawers for a few thousand. 联调局不会管他们的FBI don't want it.这样你在被他们You may get to have some fun送到摇椅上退休之前还能给自己找点乐子before they send you off to the rocking chair yet.你需要保持清醒I need you sober.谁他妈喝啤酒还会喝醉啊Who the hell gets drunk off a beer?这地方烂得像屎一样Place looks like shit.你还有其它要说的吗You got anything else you wanna say?这里都没有像样的牛排There's not a decent steak我倒真可怜这里的这些混♥蛋♥们in the whole lot of them, the sorry sons of bitches.当时你可是被关在监狱里Yeah, well, while you were busy in jail,我才是那个忙着照顾咱妈的人I was busy looking after mama,所以你♥他♥妈♥可以闭嘴了so you can go fuck yourself.她是在那张床上躺过一阵子吗Was she in that bed a while?三个月Three months.最后那段时间真的很痛苦The end there was pretty rough.如果她跟我说我其实能帮到一些忙的I could've helped out a little if she asked.我可以帮忙喂喂小牛之类的I could've fed them skinny cows.我们也没东西可以喂它们We had nothing to feed them.那我也可以帮忙收拾一下房♥子啊Well, I could've helped clean up the house a bit.我可一直不觉得你是那种可以打扫房♥子的人I never took you for the go-to guy for house cleaning.没错我只会抢银行No. Just robbing banks.是啊Yeah.去她的反正她从来没在乎过我Fuck her. She never wanted nothing to do with me anyway. 她有留遗嘱吗She leave a will?有Yeah.和我有关系吗Am I in it?不重要了The will don't matter.她把所有东西都留给我了She left everything to me.周五以后就都归我儿子们了By Friday it all goes to my boys.她可不是这个意思She didn't mean nothing by it.她当然就是这个意思了She damn sure meant it.她一直都因为我反抗他而讨厌我She always hated me for standing up to him.我们都受到了惩罚We all got punished.你不明白You never understood that反击让所谓的惩罚持续得更久fighting back makes the beating last longer.不我明白No, I understood.所以我才停止了反抗拿枪打死了那个混♥蛋♥ That's why I stopped fighting and shot that son of a bitch. 发生什么了Hey, what's going on?今天早上有人抢劫了银行Somebody robbed the bank this morning.有人干了什么Do what?如果你有见到看起来有点不太正常的人If you see anyone looking a little sideways,打电♥话♥告诉我give me a call.不正常的人不会想见我的Sideways don't wanna meet me.他会发现自己站错了边的Find itself on the wrong end of a short rope.那样倒是减少了除你之外所有人的事Well, that would simplify things for everyone but you. 前提是你得找对那棵树Maybe, if you can find the tree.老天我好喜欢德州西部God, I love west Texas.- 骑警 - 你好- Ranger? - Hi there.倒不是什么正经的抢劫案Wasn't much of a robbery,只抢走了不到七千块钱got off with just under $7,000.抢的只有抽屉里的钱二十块以下的Took the drawer money, 20s and under,只有散钞only loose bills.- 没有用染料标记过吗 - 没有- No ink pack? - Nope.这可真是够聪明Smart. That was smart.我们可以看一下监控录像吗Can we get a look at the video?我带你去见银行经理克劳森先生Let me introduce you to the bank manager, Mr. Clauson. 这位是汉密尔顿骑警This here is ranger Hamilton.- 骑警你好 - 先生好- Ranger. - Sir.我们可以看一下监控录像吗Can we get a look at the surveillance video?我们的确有摄像头We got cameras,但是我们的监控被调到了but they're switching us over to a digital system传入电脑中的数字系统that feeds into the computer.这些新的摄像头连不上我们的老式录像机These new cameras don't hook to our vcrs.把那些年轻的县治安官叫来Call over the young county sheriffs.问问他们能不能把这些摄像头Ask them if they thought to hook their cameras连到什么记录装置上to some sort of recording device.- 有带武器吗 - 有的先生单膛室手♥枪♥ - Armed? - Yes, sir. Pistols.有戴面罩吗Faces covered?滑雪面罩运动衫宽松裤Ski masks, sweatshirts, baggy pants...就像达拉斯的那些暴徒一样Like them thugs in Dallas.会是吸毒的人吗Tweakers maybe?可能吧Maybe.对于吸毒的来说有点太早了A little early in the morning for tweakers.吸毒的人不睡觉他们只吸毒Tweakers don't sleep. They just tweak.他们会去抢药店和停在一边的车而不是银行They rob drug stores and parked cars, not banks.我可以看看里面吗Can I take a look inside?当然先生Yes, sir.是的玛格丽特我在这边Yeah, I'm here, Margaret.所以他们打了你鼻子一拳是吧So they bopped you on the schnozzola?是啊先生Yes, sir.非常的不友好Not very nice.我知道他们的脸是遮住的I know their faces was covered,但你能不能看出他们的种族but could you tell their race?是黑人还是白人Black, white?你说的是他们的肤色还是灵魂Their skin or their souls?我们先放过他们的灵魂吧Let's leave their souls out of this for now.白人White.从他们的口音来说From around here somewhere is my guess,我猜应该就是这附近的人you know, from their voices.年轻县治安官也是这么形容Young county says same deal奥尔尼分银行的抢劫犯的with the branch in Olney.稍等我一下Excuse me.他们有录像吗Do they have video?和这边一样没有能录像的设备Same deal all the way around.难道沃尔玛里不能买♥♥到这些电子设备的吗Doesn't Walmart sell all sorts of electronic equipment?说真的把你的手拿下来My word. Get your hands off that.我跟你们说这两个人还没抢完呢Well, these boys, they aren't done yet, I'll tell you that.- 你怎么看出来的 - 他们很有耐心- How come? - Well, they're patient.只抢抽屉里的钱Just sticking to the drawers,不抢一百块的那些是银行的钱not taking the hundreds, that's the bank's money,不然我们可以追踪到他们we can trace that.我猜他们是想抢到一定数目的钱They're trying to raise a certain amount, that's my guess. 可能还需要再抢几个银行才能达到目标It's gonna take a few banks to get there.你儿子们知道他们会变得多富有吗Your boys know how rich they're gonna be?他们现在还什么都不知道呢They don't know anything yet.你要带他们去葬礼吗You take them to the funeral?就像我刚刚说的他们还什么都不知道呢Like I said, they don't know anything.你上次见到他们是什么时候When's the last time you saw them?你刚出狱我们一起去斯坦福德When we all went to the看牛仔竞技表演那次rodeo in Stamford right after you got out.那都是一年前的事了That was a year ago.我会跟他们打电♥话♥I talk to them on the phone.你只跟他们讲电♥话♥而已啊You talk to them on the phone?- 你想要建议吗 - 不了我不需要- You want a little advice? - No. No, I don't.明天去看看他们吧Go see them tomorrow.你知道在养孩子这方面我欠了黛比多少钱吗You got any idea how much I owe Debbie in child support? 你现在兜里的钱可足够You've got enough in your front pocket立刻就解决这个问题的to fix that problem right now.我们不能分出这部分钱你是知道的We can't spare it, you know that.没准我们应该再抢一家银行Maybe we should hit another branch.你说得好像我们怎么都逃不掉了一样You know, you talk like we ain't gonna get away with this. 我从没遇到过任何一个人可以全身而退的I've never met nobody who got away with anything, ever. 难道你能行吗You?那你当初到底为什么要答应这件事Then why in the hell did you agree to do it?因为你找了我帮忙啊老弟Because you asked, little brother.我得去个厕所上个大号♥I got to shit like an old goat.拿着支票前门等我Grab the check, meet me out front.如果那都不是暗示Well, if that isn't a hint,真不知道算什么了I don't know what is.牛排好吃吗You like your steak?好吃女士Yes, ma'am.但你要吃好久吧Well, you've got a ways to go yet.是啊你要等我一天我才能吃完Yeah, you'll be waiting around all day for me to finish this. 无论你吃不吃完我都在这里所以...I'll be here whether you finish it or not. So...你慢慢来You take your time.这里很安静啊It sure is quiet in here.打开抽屉只要五块十块二十的Open the drawer. Fives, 10s, 20s.像扑克牌一样铺开Fan them out like a deck of cards.你做什么的What do you do?上一份工作在...Last job was for a...天然气公♥司♥natural gas company.听起来薪水很高Sounds high-dollar.不钻井可赚不了多少钱No, there ain't nothing high-dollar about drilling.现在都没人钻井挖天然气了No one seems to be drilling for gas now, anyway.他们挖石油还是要钻井啊They sure drilling for oil.一个地方不会钻两次井吧I mean, ain't one drill the same as the next?我就是这个意思That's my take on it.我得让其他人相信我I guess, I got to get someone else to believe me.狗♥杂♥种♥Son of a bitch!我们要换个厨师We could use a cook.只是想想Just a thought.上菜了珍妮·安Order's up, Jenny Ann.再见Bye.开车Start the car!该死Shit.妈的该死Fuck! Shit!走走走Go, go, go!你的子女抚养费应该不缺了吧I bet you don't owe this much in child support.我一定是傻了才拜托你帮忙I must be out of my goddamn mind to ask you for help. 你想让我们被杀了吗You wanna get us killed?那又不是米德兰That's not a Midlands branch.不是我们计划的一部分That's not part of the plan.这下我们必须得回牧场把车埋了妈的Now, we got to go back to the ranch and bury the car. Fuck! 不不用啊我们都快到俄克拉荷马州了No, we do not. We're over halfway to Oklahoma.我是不会开一辆偷来的逃逸车I'm not driving a stolen getaway car去印度赌场的to a fucking Indian casino.我们又得推迟了You just put us a goddamn day behind.今天早上我们提前了一天应该扯平了Well, I got us a day ahead this morning, so I guess we're even. - 不用谢 - 去你的- You're welcome. - Fuck you.你就不能自己接电♥话♥吗Can't you answer your own phone?我在开车你坐在那I'm driving. You're just玩自己的粗手指sitting there twiddling your fat fingers.骑警汉密尔顿Ranger Hamilton's phone.这真是太鲁莽了...It's reckless is what it is...我跟你说了他们就是瘾君子It's tweakers. I'm telling you.我觉得这些人不该这么鲁莽I don't think these boys is reckless.肯定不是瘾君子Damn sure ain't tweakers.他们知道自己在干什么They know exactly what they're doing.我都不知道不和别人比聪明I don't know how you're gonna survive你是怎么活下来的without somebody to outsmart.你要找个爱好和寄托You need a hobby, and quick.一匹马怎么样How about a horse?玛丽·贝丝曾是个骑手Mary Beth was the rider.马♥会♥让我想起她A horse would only remind me of her.你喜欢钓鱼吗You like to fish?每天去钓鱼多没意思Not enough to do it every goddamn day.等我退休了Yeah, when I retire,我和埃斯米就搬到加尔维斯顿去I'm gonna move Esme and me down to Galveston. 买♥♥艘渔船Buy a fishing boat.就靠那个该死的码头为生了Gonna live on that son of a bitch right at the pier. 谁知道呢Who knows?也许这些抢银行的人之一Maybe one of these bank robbers就是想要来一场枪战呢is gonna want a gunfight,我就可以在一片火光里光荣退休了and I can dodge my retirement in a blaze of glory. 我见过你开枪Well, I've seen you shoot.可没什么好自豪的There won't be much glory in it.我很幸运Well, I'm lucky我旁边有个混血儿会给我报仇I got a half-breed by my side to avenge me.如果你清醒点If you can stay sober long enough.就知道你们印第安人目光是多么短浅Knowing how you Injuns like the bottle.你们在干嘛Hey. What you all doing?你烧了这片牧场吗You burning this field?我们为什么要这么做Why in the shit would we do that?这是从公路上烧起来的This kicked up on the highway,一直在追着我们烧been chasing us ever since.真想帮帮你们Wish we could do something for you.就应该让它把我烧死Ought to just let it turn me to ashes这样我就不会感到难过了and put me out of my misery.把栅栏弄开Cut that fence.二十一世纪了21st century,我还带着一群牛和火灾比赛谁先跑到河边I'm racing a fire to the river with a herd of cattle.我之前还奇怪And I wonder为什么我的儿子们不愿意靠这活为生why my kids won't do this shit for a living.快走快Move it. Come on.走走走Go, go, go.你要上报吗You wanna call it in?等它烧到布拉索斯河就会灭的It's gonna burn out when it hits the Brazos.反正附近也没人能通知No one to call around here, anyway.就靠他们自己了These boys is on their own.我还是不清楚问题托比I still don't see the problem, Toby.你还是没有...You still don't...问题是托你的福Well, the problem is, thanks to you我们明早得找另一辆车we have to spend tomorrow morning getting another car,所以周三我们得抢两家银行so we'll have to hit two banks on Wednesday.我们今天都抢了三家了We already done three today.别担心Stop worrying.这是谁的地盘Whose land is this?杰瑞米·查克Jeremy chalker.我帮他杀土狼他让我住在这He lets me stay here in exchange for shooting coyotes. 冰箱里有冰啤酒Cold beer in the fridge.你偷了我的帽子You stole my hat.我借的I borrowed it.你对它做了什么What the fuck you do to it?- 这是什么 - 我的生活- What's this? - My livelihood.我们不需要这些We don't need all this.不能把枪连着几天都藏在拖车里Can't keep the guns in the trailer days on end.去银行可不带这个That's not coming with us in the bank.和银行职员谈谈Just spoke to the teller.她有点吓到了She's a little shook up.罪犯拿走了她的驾照Perp took her driver's license,如果她报♥警♥ 就对她家人下手threatened her family if she talked to us.小姐能告诉我你的名字吗Mind if I ask you your name, young lady?娜塔莉·马丁内斯Natalie Martinez.娜塔莉希望你知道Well, Natalie, I want you to know我们会派人we're gonna have some officers监视你的家抓住那些人之前watching your house, extra careful,都会有人守着你家till we catch these buggers.我向你保证You have my word on that.不止一个人吗There's more than one?只有一个人抢银行吗Only one man robbed the bank?- 没错 - 他长什么样子- Yeah. - What'd he look like?他穿着像个牛仔除了戴着滑雪面具He was dressed like a cowpoke except for the ski mask.他应该跑向I think he ran to a car停在餐厅前的一辆车上了that was parked out front of the diner.你看见车了You saw the car?是绿色的It was green.- 什么时候产的 - 我不懂车先生- How old? - I don't know cars, mister.是辆好车是辆普通的车Well, was it a nice car or an okay car,还是辆破车or a real piece of shit?一辆破车It was a real piece of shit.好的我们有点收获了All right. Now, we're getting somewhere.看起来那个人能取消房♥子的赎买♥♥权啊That looks like a man who could foreclose on a house.失陪娜塔莉Excuse me, Natalie.打扰一下银行家先生Excuse me, Mr. Banker.娜塔莉你父亲来之前Natalie, I'm gonna have the officer stay with you我都让警官陪着你好吗till your father arrives, all right?好的Okay.今天早上你的监控Didn't happen to have your surveillance cameras应该没出问题吧on this morning, did you?当然Of course.所以你有抢劫的录像咯So you have the robbery on video.当然有Of course we do.没有监控录像的银行What kind of bank would we be算什么银行啊if we didn't have video surveillance?你该去去德州米德兰银行You'd be a Texas Midlands bank.好了我们有录像All right, we've got video.我去汉堡店转转你帮我盯一下这里Care to give it a watch while I wander over to the burger joint? 你去那儿的话Would you order me something帮我带点什么吃的来吧我饿了while you're there? I'm starving.他们应该有干肉饼I doubt they serve pemmican.你知道我有一部分墨西哥血统You know I'm part Mexican, too.行吧等我讽刺完印第安人之后Yeah, well, I'm gonna get to that我就讽刺一下你这点when I'm through with the Indian insults,不过还得一会but it's gonna be a while.你们骑警真是奇怪You rangers are an odd bunch.不只有他奇怪让我看看那段视频No, just him. Let's take a look at that video.好的就在后面Yeah, it's right back here.你好Howdy.女士你应该知道那家银行发生了什么吧Ma'am. Guess you know about the goings-on at the bank. 我注意到了I did notice.今天有镇子外的人来吗Any out-of-towners come through today?珍妮·安招待了两个非本地人Jenny Ann waited on a couple of boys, ain't from here.我去找她I'll go get her.非常感谢Appreciate that.大家好Boys.你们来了很久吗Y'all been here for a while?久到看到了那家抢劫了我Well, long enough to watch a bank getting robbed三十年的银行被抢劫了that's been robbing me for 30 years.意思是你看见他们了You say you've seen them?我很确定他们曾I'm pretty sure they were sitting坐在那里吃午餐right over there having lunch.其中一个很高One of them was tall.另一个很矮The other one was short.他们都瘦得像个牛仔They's both lean like cowboys.你问我的话我觉得像兄弟Looked like brothers if you ask me.你是那个德州的骑警You the Texas ranger?是的女士Yes, ma'am.和我说说那两个Tell me about those handsome你招待的帅气的年轻人young strangers that you waited on.谁说了帅气Who said handsome?我说的I did.因为你没有在停车场见我Based on the fact that you didn't meet me in the parking lot, 大喊着两个外地人hollering about the two out-of-towners抢劫银行前在这吃过饭eating here right before a bank robbery.他们也没提自己抢劫银行Well, they didn't mention they was robbing the bank.他们付现了吗They pay cash?那也是犯罪吗That a crime now?他们留下了多少钱How much did they leave?多少钱How much?两百美元$200.在银行被抢前他们留下的所以...And they left it before the bank was robbed. So...在银行被抢前Before this bank was robbed.我想看看他们留下的钱I'm gonna need to see them bills.女士Ma'am.女士那笔钱是证据Ma'am, them bills is evidence.他们是抢劫犯的话那才是证据It's evidence if they're the bank robbers.在那之前这是我的小费Till then, it's my tip.我一半的房♥贷抵押And half my mortgage.所以你快出去拿到逮捕令So, you go out there and you get a warrant,再回来拿钱and come after the money那笔我要给我女儿租♥房♥♥子的钱that I will be using to keep a roof over my daughter's head.一个人抢的银行就像她说的一样One man hit the bank, just like she said.- 嗯 - 录像显示- Yeah. - Checkered button-down shirt,方格扣领衬衫牛仔裤滑雪面具jeans, ski mask. It's on the videotapes.方格衬衫就是他Checkered shirt. That was him.他们曾坐在这里They were sitting right over there.给了她两百美金小费Tipped her $200.去和厨房♥里那个野蛮胖妞Go wrestle a description from that big sassy girl核对一下外貌吧in the kitchen.你自己没问吗You didn't get it yourself?然后拿到那笔钱我们要检查一下And get that tip from her. We're gonna check them bills.祝你好运Good luck.没错可能会有些难Yeah, I'd expect some resistance.还有阿尔贝托And, Alberto,打电♥话♥给287号♥公路上的旅馆订间房♥ call that motel on 287, get us a room.我们要在外面呆一晚吗We're gonna stay the night?这可是案发现场Well, this is where the action is.看起来很傻Seems foolish.什么What's that?靠抢劫银行The days of robbing banks花钱度日维持生存的日子and trying to live, spend the money.已经走远了They've long gone.荡然无存Long gone for sure.等贾斯汀长大了他想干嘛What does Justin want to do when he's grown?目前他想在德州农工大学打橄榄球Right now he's dreaming of slinging a football for A&M. 他和你很像He's a lot like you.你一定很嫉妒I bet that puckers your red eye.嫉妒死了More than you know.三十九年的人生Thirty-nine years of life,十年在监狱如果他和我走了不同的路10 in jail. If he turns left where I turned right,就会没事的he'll be okay.跑调了Yaw.跑调了Yaw.想要点什么You want anything?胡椒博士[碳酸饮料] 云斯顿[香烟]Dr. Pepper, Winston Lights.没事的来吧It's okay. Come on.怎么了What?怎么了傻♥逼♥What, bitch?你在找事吗傻吊You looking for trouble, motherfucker?那你找对地方了You came to the right place.小子你面对的是十个我Boy, you'd think there were 10 of me.是吗Yeah?你还这么嚣张吗傻♥逼♥Not so fucking tough now, are you, bitch?伙计他自找的Hey, man, he had it coming.他自找的他自找的He had it coming. He had it coming.你还剩了点当年的气概嘛You got some spunk left in you.你还记得他有枪You remembered the gun!你现在越来越熟练了You're getting to be old hat at this.那个混♥蛋♥可能会杀了你的Asshole could've killed you.事情不会到那个地步的小兄弟Not the way it would have gone, little brother. 十个我我告诉过你了Ten of me, I told you.你是想气我吗Are you trying to make me mad?我说了要胡椒博士这是皮伯先生I said Dr. Pepper, this is Mr. Pibb.他们就只有这个That's all they had.只有傻♥逼♥才会喝皮伯先生Only assholes drink Mr. Pibb.喝你的吧Drink up.你好Hello.。



贝多芬的双耳失聪坚持创作的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Beethoven was a great musician who created beautiful music even though he was deaf. Can you believe that? He couldn't hear anything, but he still wrote amazing music that we still listen to today.He started losing his hearing when he was only in his 20s. Imagine not being able to hear your favorite music or the sound of your friends' voices. It must have been really hard for Beethoven. But instead of giving up, he kept on composing music. He would feel the vibrations of the piano to help him create his melodies.Even though he couldn't hear his music being played, he knew it was good because he could feel the emotions in his heart. He was so determined and passionate about his music that nothing could stop him.Beethoven's story teaches us to never give up on our dreams. Even when things get tough, we should keep pushing forward and believe in ourselves. Just like Beethoven did. He didn't let hisdeafness hold him back from creating beautiful music that moves people to this day.So next time you face a challenge, remember Beethoven and his determination to keep creating music. Who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to overcome your own obstacles and achieve greatness, just like him.篇2Title: Beethoven's Unwavering Creativity despite DeafnessHey guys, do you know that famous composer Beethoven? He had a really tough time because he lost his hearing. But guess what? He didn't let that stop him from following his passion for music!Beethoven started to notice his hearing loss when he was just in his late 20s. Can you imagine how scary that must have been for him? But instead of giving up, he decided to keep composing music. He would even feel the vibrations of the piano to help him keep track of the notes.Even though he couldn't hear the beautiful melodies he was writing, Beethoven's music continued to inspire people all overthe world. His symphonies, like the famous "Symphony No. 9," are still performed in concert halls today.Beethoven's determination and perseverance teach us an important lesson. No matter what challenges we face, be it in school or in life, we should never give up on our dreams. Just like Beethoven, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve great things if we believe in ourselves.So let's all take inspiration from Beethoven and keep working hard towards our goals. Who knows, maybe one day we'll make a difference in the world just like he did!篇3Title: Beethoven's Determination to Create Despite Losing His HearingHey guys! Do you know the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven? He was a super duper talented musician who wrote awesome music like the Ninth Symphony and Moonlight Sonata. But did you know that Beethoven faced a big problem in his life?Beethoven started to lose his hearing when he was just a young dude. Imagine that, a musician losing his ability to hear! It must have been really tough for him. But you know what?Beethoven didn't give up. He was super determined to keep creating music even though he couldn't hear it anymore.Beethoven used to play the piano with his ear close to the keys so he could feel the vibrations. He even cut the legs off his piano so he could put his head on it and feel the sound better. How cool is that? He also wrote letters to his friends explaining his condition and asking them to clap loudly after his performances so he could feel the applause.Even when Beethoven couldn't hear at all, he still composed amazing music. His Ninth Symphony, which he composed when he was completely deaf, is considered one of the greatest pieces of music ever written.So, what can we learn from Beethoven? We can learn that no matter what challenges we face, we should never give up on our dreams. Beethoven's determination to create music despite losing his hearing is truly inspiring. Let's all be brave and never stop chasing our dreams, just like Beethoven did!That's the end of my story about Beethoven. I hope you guys feel inspired by his determination. See you next time!篇4Beethoven, he's like super famous composer guy, right? Well, did you know he kept writing music even when he couldn't hear anymore? Crazy, right?So, like, Beethoven was this really awesome composer back in the olden days. He wrote all these cool songs and stuff. But then, when he was still pretty young, he started losing his hearing. Can you imagine being a musician and not being able to hear the music you're making? That's like a nightmare!But Beethoven didn't let that stop him. He was like, "I'm gonna keep making music no matter what!" So, he would like listen to the music in his head and write it down. And guess what? His music was still totally amazing!Even though he couldn't hear his music being played, he could still feel it in his heart. He even wrote his most famous piece, the Ninth Symphony, when he was completely deaf. How crazy is that?So, Beethoven showed us that you should never give up on your dreams, no matter what obstacles come your way. If he can keep making beautiful music without even being able to hear it, then we can do anything we set our minds to!Beethoven, you're a real inspiration! Thanks for showing us that nothing can stop us from following our passions.篇5Once upon a time, there was a great musician named Beethoven. He was really awesome because he could make amazing music! But you know what? Beethoven had a really tough time because he started losing his hearing. That's right, he couldn't hear well and eventually he became completely deaf.But guess what? Beethoven didn't give up! Even though he couldn't hear the sounds of the world anymore, he could still hear the music inside his head. So he kept composing music and playing the piano, making beautiful melodies that touched people's hearts.Some people might have thought that losing his hearing would stop Beethoven from making music, but he showed everyone that nothing could stop him from doing what he loved. He was so determined and passionate about his music that he continued to create masterpieces even when he couldn't hear them himself.Beethoven's story teaches us an important lesson – never give up on your dreams, no matter what challenges or obstaclesyou face. Just like Beethoven, we should believe in ourselves, stay strong, and keep moving forward. Who knows, maybe one day, we can create something as incredible as Beethoven's music!篇6Beethoven was a really cool guy! He was a super talented musician and composer. You know what's even more amazing? He kept on making music even when he couldn't hear anymore! How crazy is that?So, Beethoven was living his best life, making awesome music and stuff, when all of a sudden he started losing his hearing. Can you imagine being a musician and not being able to hear the beautiful sounds you were creating? But did Beethoven give up? Nope, not at all!Instead, Beethoven decided to keep on making music no matter what. He listened to the music in his head and wrote it all down on paper. He even conducted orchestras even though he couldn't hear the music! That's some serious dedication right there.Beethoven's music was so powerful and moving that it touched the hearts of people all over the world. He didn't let his disability stop him from doing what he loved and sharing his giftwith others. And that's why he's remembered as one of the greatest composers of all time.So, the next time you're facing a challenge and feel like giving up, just remember Beethoven. If he can keep on making music with no hearing, then you can definitely conquer whatever comes your way. Be brave, be strong, and never stop believing in yourself. You've got this!篇7Beethoven is a very famous musician who lived a long time ago. He was very talented and loved to play the piano and compose music. But when he was still a young man, he started to lose his hearing. It must have been really hard for him because he couldn't hear the beautiful music he was creating.But Beethoven didn't give up! He kept on composing music even though he couldn't hear it. He would feel the vibrations of the music through the piano and imagine the sounds in his head. Can you imagine how hard that must have been? But he didn't let his deafness stop him from doing what he loved.Beethoven's determination and passion for music are really inspiring. Even when things got tough, he didn't give up. He wrote some of the most beautiful and powerful music in history,like the Ninth Symphony and the Moonlight Sonata. People still listen to his music today and are amazed by how incredible it is.So, if you ever feel like giving up on something because it's too hard, just think of Beethoven. Remember how he kept on going even when he couldn't hear the music he was creating. If he can do it, so can you! Believe in yourself and keep pushing forward, just like Beethoven did.篇8Title: Beethoven's Deafness and Determination to CreateHey, guys! Today let's talk about Ludwig van Beethoven, a super famous composer from a long time ago. You know what's amazing about him? He was deaf, but he still kept on making awesome music!So, Beethoven was born in 1770 in Germany. He loved music so much and started playing the piano when he was really little. But when he was only in his 20s, he started losing his hearing. Can you imagine not being able to hear the music you're playing? That's so sad!But Beethoven didn't give up. He still composed lots of great music, like the Ninth Symphony and the Moonlight Sonata. Hewould put his ear to the piano to feel the vibrations and figure out the notes. How cool is that?Even when he couldn't hear the audience clapping after his concerts, Beethoven never stopped creating beautiful music. He just kept on going and inspired so many people with his determination.So, the next time you're feeling like giving up on something, just remember Beethoven. If he can keep making music with no ears, you can do anything you set your mind to! Keep on rocking, guys!篇9Once upon a time, there was a super famous composer named Beethoven. He was super cool and awesome, but one day something really bad happened – he lost his hearing! Can you believe it? Losing your hearing is like losing your superpower!But you know what? Beethoven didn't give up. He kept on writing music, even though he couldn't hear what it sounded like. He would feel the vibrations of the music through the floor with his feet, and he would write down the notes that he imagined in his head. How amazing is that?Even though he couldn't hear his music with his ears, he could still hear it in his heart. And because of that, he was able to create some of the most beautiful and powerful music ever written. People still listen to his music today and feel all kinds of emotions when they hear it.So, the next time you feel like giving up on something because it's too hard, just remember Beethoven. If he can keep on creating music even when he can't hear it, then you can do anything you put your mind to!篇10Once upon a time, there was a famous musician called Beethoven. He loved music more than anything and worked really hard to become a great composer. But there was something different about him - he couldn't hear very well. In fact, he ended up losing his hearing completely!At first, Beethoven was really sad and thought his life was over. How could he be a composer if he couldn't even hear the music he was creating? But Beethoven was determined to not give up. He found a new way to listen to music through vibrations and feeling the notes with his hands. It was like magic!Even though he couldn't hear with his ears, Beethoven could still hear the music in his heart. He continued to compose beautiful symphonies and sonatas that touched the souls of everyone who heard them. People were amazed at how he could create such incredible music without being able to hear it himself.Beethoven's perseverance and dedication to his craft inspired many others to never give up on their dreams, no matter what obstacles they may face. He showed the world that even in the darkest of times, music can light up our lives and bring us joy.So remember, just like Beethoven, we should never give up on our passions and dreams. No matter what challenges may come our way, we can overcome them with hard work, determination, and a little bit of magic. Be like Beethoven - let the music in your heart guide you to greatness!。



烦人邻居作文英语My neighbor is driving me nuts. Every morning, without fail, he blasts his music so loud it feels like I'm living inside a nightclub. The worst part? It's not even good music. It's like he's intentionally trying to torture us with his terrible taste.Last week, I caught him red-handed stealing my newspaper. Can you believe the audacity? I swear, if he wanted the news that badly, he could've just asked nicely. But no, instead he sneaks around like a raccoon raiding trash cans.I'm convinced my neighbor's hobby is to host impromptu demolition derbies in his backyard. It's a symphony of revving engines and crashing metal, complete with the occasional profanity-laden outburst. I've started wearing noise-canceling headphones to bed just to get some peace.Speaking of peace, forget about ever finding it withthis guy around. He's like a walking alarm clock, always chirping away at the crack of dawn. I don't know how anyone can be so chipper at such ungodly hours.And let's not even get started on his gardening skills. Or lack thereof. It's like he's trying to grow a jungle in his front yard. I half-expect to see a family of wild monkeys swinging from the trees next time I walk by.But you know what's the icing on the cake? His dog.That little furball has the bark of a thousand thunderstorms. I'm pretty sure it's part howler monkey. Either that or my neighbor's been teaching it to communicate with the spirits.In conclusion, living next to this guy is like starring in a never-ending reality show titled "The Neighbor from Hell." If I believed in karma, I'd say he must have been a professional nuisance in his past life to deserve this fate.。

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Shame Off You (supplement)
TEXT: LK 5:3-11 Go away from me Lord I am a sinful man...Shame pushes Jesus away when He steps near...
SHAME OFF YOU! Be Naked (figuratively) and Don’t be ashamed... Be genuine and honest, comfortable in your own skin.
Where does shame come from? The Serpent – Gen. 3:7-11
∙Shame comes from the Devil never from God. Rom. 8:1
∙His intent is to control you and separate you from God with shame.
Good News: Though a Serpent brings shame a Lamb and a Goat take it away
∙Jn 1:29, BEHOLD the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World.
∙Goats...Lev. 16:8-22 All their sins and shame were vicariously placed on its head and confessed over it then it was sent to the wilderness never to be heard from or seen again.
∙This was God’s way of showing us in a tangible way that our sins were forgiven and forgotten.
∙Jesus Christ the SECOND ADAM took away our sin and shame.
Through our faith in Jesus God sees us through His righteousness
∙God can see through fig leaves...He has x-ray vision, you can’t hide from God....
∙He loves me in my imperfections....He loves me anyway....even your imperfections and limitations ∙ 2 Cor. 12:8-10 My grace is sufficient....when I am needy His Grace enables me.
∙Shame says clean up and then you can come to God
∙Grace says come to Him as you are and He will clean you up.
Two Ways to be Free from Shame
First, Believe You are Forgiven and Receive it by Faith.
∙Rev. 12:11 You overcome Satan’s accusations by the Blood of Lamb and the Word.
∙ 1 Jn 1:9 Confess or bring it to Him and He WILL FORGIVE AND CLEANSE
∙Be naked before Him about our needs and behavior and He will respond in mercy and grace.
∙I accept this by faith and it becomes an experiential reality.
∙Ps 32: Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven..whose sin is covered...
∙Ps 103:8-14 Confess this one: “the Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. AS FAR AS THE EAST IS FROM THE WEST SO FAR HAS HE
∙God has the ability that we don’t have...The ability to forgive AND TO FORGET
Second, Fight against Shame with the Word of God.
∙Refuse shame and Fight him with the Word of God.
∙Heb 12:2 Despise the shame.....kataphroneō......fight mentally against it.
∙When Satan attacks with Shame begin to confess your forgiveness and the defeat of the enemy by the Blood of Jesus. He hates the Blood because that is what defeated him.
∙Take those Captive Thoughts and Feelings and make them captive to Jesus making them obedient to The Word.
Go into the presence of Jesus as you are where you are and receive His healing grace.。
