








二、功能:1. 提供安全工作平台:脚手架爬梯能够为施工人员提供一个稳固且安全的工作平台,有效减少高空作业的风险。

2. 提高工作效率:脚手架爬梯的高度可调节,可以根据施工需要进行升降,大大提高了工作的效率。

3. 灵活移动:脚手架爬梯配备有脚轮,便于移动,方便施工人员在施工区域内自由移动。

4. 重量承载能力强:脚手架爬梯能够承载多名施工人员及工具设备,保证工作过程中的安全性。

三、特点:1. 结构稳固:脚手架爬梯采用优质金属材料制造,结构牢固可靠,能够承受工作过程中的荷载。

2. 高度可调节:脚手架爬梯具有高度可调节的功能,可以根据施工需求进行灵活调整,同时也方便存放和携带。

3. 安全防护:脚手架爬梯配备有扶手、脚踏、安全护栏等设施,有效提高施工人员的安全性。

4. 易于维护:脚手架爬梯结构简单,易于维护和保养,使用寿命较长。

四、正确使用脚手架爬梯的方法:1. 确保脚手架爬梯的稳定性:在使用前要仔细检查脚手架爬梯的支撑结构是否稳固,并确保脚手架爬梯与地面接触均匀。

2. 检查脚手架爬梯的外观和设施:使用前要检查脚手架爬梯的各个部位是否完好无损,确保设施完备,如扶手、脚踏、安全护栏等。

3. 控制脚手架爬梯的移动:在移动脚手架爬梯时,要确保没有人员或障碍物在其上方,同时控制脚手架爬梯的移动速度,避免发生意外。

4. 使用安全防护设备:在进行高空作业时,施工人员应佩戴安全帽、安全绳等个人防护设备,确保自身安全。

5. 均匀分布重量负荷:在脚手架爬梯上进行施工时,应将重量负荷均匀分布,避免一侧过重导致脚手架爬梯倾斜。






























GB 4053.3 固定式钢梯及平台平安要求第3 部分:工业防护栏杆及钢平台GB 50057 建筑物防雷设计规范GB 50205 钢结构工程施工质量验收规范1.3术语和界说1.3.1固定式钢直梯fixed steel ladder:永久性装置在建筑物或设备上,与水平面成75°~90°倾角主要构件为钢材制造的直梯(见图1)。



1.3.4护笼(平安护笼)cage(cage guard):装置在梯梁或固定结构上,封闭梯子周围攀登空间避免人员坠落的框架结构。



1.3.7内侧净宽度inside clear width :两梯梁内侧平行于踏棍丈量的距离,简称梯宽。

1.3.8梯段高度height of the ladder:梯子上端基准面至下端基准面间的垂直距离,简称梯高。




-电梯全套资料目录1特别注明:每一项前面加一页“报验申请表”目录2报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001电梯安装工程分部(子分部)工程验收记录(GB50300-2001)表F.0.1 编号:报验申请表电力驱动的曳引式或强制式电梯分部(子分部)工程验收记录(GB50300-2001)表F.0.1 编号:报验申请表设备进场验收分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:设备进场检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表 4.1、5.1 编号:131220001报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001土建交接检验分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:土建交接检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表4.2 编号:031220001报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001驱动主机分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:驱动主机检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表 4.3 编号:131220001报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001导轨分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:导轨检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表 4.4 编号:131220001报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001门系统分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:门系统检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表 4.5 编号:报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001轿厢、对重(平衡重)分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1轿轿厢、对重(平衡重)检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表4.6(4.7)编号:报验申请表安全部件分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:安全部件检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表 4.8 编号:131220001报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001悬挂装置、随行电缆、补偿装置分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:悬挂装置、随行电缆、补偿装置检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表4.9 编号:131220001报验申请表电气装置分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:电气装置检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表 4.10 编号:131220001报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期编号:131220001整机安装验收分项工程质量验收记录表(GB50300-2001)表E.0.1 编号:整机安装检验批质量验收记录(GB50310-2002)表4.11 编号:131220001报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期开箱检验记录报验申请表工程名称:长城花园二期隐蔽工程检查验收记录报验申请表电梯电气接地电阻测试记录报验申请表。



1.Expanded Metal Mesh钢板网防护网材质:选用优质钢材。


用途:用于公路、铁路、市政的防护及各种机械设备的防护等Commodity :Expanded Metal MeshMaterials: Low carbon stainless plate(低碳不锈钢板), Aluminum plate(铝板), Stainless steel plate(不锈钢板), Al-Mg alloy plate copperplate(铝马合金板铜板), nickel-plates.(镍板)Using: Expanded metal mesh is used in construction of railway, roads, buildings; also protection of machines, electrical appliances(电器), windows and aquatic products breeding(水产品的养殖).2.铁艺护栏Craftwork Fencing Wire Mesh用于围墙护栏的金属网:强度高,刚性好,造型美观,视野宽阔,安装简单,代替了过去的大砖墙和一些粗笨的护栏。


Commodity(品名): Craftwork Fencing Wire MeshMaterials: Low carbon steel wire, Al-Mg alloy wire and high galvanized PVC coated werewolves .It can resist the corrosive (抗腐蚀)and ultraviolet radiation very strongly(抗辐射). Using: Prevention for road, railway, airport, residence district(住宅), seaport, garden, feeding and husbandry(农事).3.护栏网-刀片刺绳网Razor Barbed WireMaterials: Choice galvanized low carbon steel wire, galvanized, PVC coated or sprayed. Processing: Twisted; galvanizingFeatures: Strong & beautifulApplication(应用): Razor Barbed wire mainly serves in protecting of industry, agriculture, grass boundary, railway, highway, etc.Specification: 12#-16# (wire diameter(直径)1.6mm to 2.5mm) while the length varies according to our customers' requirements.Packing: can be made according to our customers' requirements.SpecificationSpecification Type ThicknessWireDiameter Length WidthWireDistanceBTO-12 0.5±0.05 2.5±0.1 12±1 15±1 26±1 BTO-15 0.5±0.05 2.5±0.1 18±1 15±1 33±1 BTO-22 0.5±0.05 2.5±0.1 22±1 15±1 34±1BTO-30 0.5±0.05 2.5±0.1 30 18 45±1 BTO-60 0.6±0.05 2.5±0.1 60±2 32±1 100±2 BTO-65 0.6±0.05 2.5±0.1 60±2 21±1 100±2刺绳:Barbed Iron Wire:材质:优质低碳钢丝,镀锌、涂塑、喷塑编织工艺:拧编而成;镀锌特点:坚固、美观用途:用于工业、农业、畜牧业、高速公路、林场防护IOWA type barbed wire in quality steel wire. 2 strands, 4 points, barbs' distance is 3-6 inches (with a tolerance +/- 1/2”)Galvanized Barbed Iron Wire is suitable for fences in industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, dwelling house, plantation and other places.Length(km)Wire SizeWire Distance3" Wire Distance4" Wire Distance5" Wire Distance6"12X12 6.0617 6.7590 7.2700 7.637612X14 7.3335 7.9051 803015 8.5741 12-1/2X12-1/2 6.9223 7.7190 8.3022 8.722112-1/2X14 8.1096 8.814 9.2242 9.562013X13 7.9808 8.899 9.5721 10.055313X14 8.8448 9.6899 10.2923 10.714613-1/2X14 9.6079 10.6134 11.4705 11.855314X14 10.4569 11.6590 12.5423 13.1752 14-1/2X14-1/2 11.9875 13.3671 14.3781 15.1034 15X15 13.8927 15.4942 16.6666 17.5070 15-1/2X15-1/2 15.3491 17.1144 18.4060 19.3386Materials and specifications can be made according to customers specific requirements.4. Diamond Wire Mesh勾花网:材料:优质低碳钢丝、不锈钢丝、铝合金丝、PVC丝。

ANSI A14.3-2000(梯子)

ANSI A14.3-2000(梯子)

The methods employed to ensure compliance with this standard shall be determined by the proper regulatory or administrative authority.• Pitch:This standard covers fixed ladders within the pitch range of 60 to 90 degrees from the horizontal.°Preferred Pitch: The preferred pitch of fixed ladders shall be considered to be within the range of 75 to 90 degrees from the horizontal.°Substandard Pitch: Fixed ladders shall be considered substandard if they are installed within the substandard pitch range of 60 to 75 degrees from thehorizontal.°Pitch Greater Than 90 Degrees: Ladders having a pitch in excess of 90 degrees from the horizontal shall not be permitted.• Exceptions: This standard is intended for application to the types of structures depicted and described in the standard (i.e. buildings, wells, and shafts). It sets forth the criteria (what is needed) necessary to build a fixed ladder in a certain way and manner (how to build). The standard does not contemplate special or unique (as to where and when) applications of the requirements or a combination of requirements may apply universally.This standard establishes requirements for fixed ladders in order to promote agreater degree of standardization. In cases where difficulty is encountered incomplying with the standard, or where there are special service conditions, it isexpected that the administrative authority will grant exceptions from the literalrequirements of the standard, or will permit the use of alternative designs orfeatures, if equivalent safety is thereby secured. The word “equivalent” in thisstandard shall be interpreted to mean alternative design, feature, construction,connection, or material providing equal performance.Purpose:The purpose of this standard is to provide safety for life, limb, and property by establishing minimum standards for the design an installation of fixed ladders. Definitions:•Cage - A barrier, which may be referred to as a cage guard or basket guard that is an enclosure mounted on the side rails of the fixed ladder or fastened to thestructure to enclose the climbing space of the ladder in order to safeguard theemployee climbing the ladder.•Carrier - The track of a ladder system consisting of flexible cable or rigid rail, which is secured to the ladder or structure by mountings.•Connector - A component used to connect and disconnect between the harness and the ladder safety sleeve (examples include snaphooks and carabiners). •Fastening - Means attaching a ladder to a structure, building or equipment using a positive means such as bolt, weld or other type of fasteners.•Fixed Ladder - A ladder permanently attached to a structure.•Harness, Full Body - A component with a design of straps which is fastened about the person in a manner so as to contain the torso and distribute the fall arrest forces over at least the upper thighs, pelvis, chest and shoulders.(Over)(cont’d)•Ladder Safety System - An assembly of components whose function is to arrest the fall of a user, including the carrier and its associated attachment elements (brackets, fasteners, etc.) safety sleeve, full body harness and connectors, wherein the carrier is permanently attached to the climbing face of the ladder or immediately adjacent to the structure.•Mounting - A means for attaching a cage or a ladder safety system to a ladder. •Pitch - The included (acute) angle between the horizontal and the ladder, which is measured on the opposite side of the ladder from the climbing side. The pitch is usually expressed as H/L, which is the horizontal distance, H, from the base of the ladder to the supporting surface divided by the working length, L, of the ladder. •Platform - A landing surface that is used as a working or standing location. •Safety Sleeve - The part of a ladder safety system consisting of the moving component with locking mechanism that travels on the carrier and makes aconnection between the carrier and the full body harness.•Well(Shaft)- A walled enclosure around a fixed ladder that provides the person climbing the ladder with the same protection as a cage.This standard also describes:General Design CriteriaDesign Details for Fixed LaddersDesign Details for Cages, Wells and PlatformsLadder Safety SystemProtectiveFinishesMaintenance and Use of LaddersNote: See next page for fixed ladder illustrationThis bulletin contains a summary of excerpts taken from the Standard, for general information purposes only. This bulletin is not reflective of the complete requirements that the Standard prescribes.Refer to ANSI A14.3 Safety Requirements for Fixed Ladders.“A” Required distance 3.5 feet (1.07 m) excluding arch.“B” Minimum 7 inches (18 cm)“C” Maximum 12 inches (30 cm) between centres, all rungs.“D” From centre of rung 27 inches - 30 inches (68.5 cm - 76.25 cm) and shall not be less than 27 inches( 68.5 cm) in width“E” Minimum 16 inches (40 cm) clear width between side rails"F" Maximum 12 inches (30 cm)“G” Hooping shall begin at a height of 8 feet (2.44 m) from grade"H" Lockable blank doors to extend high enough to prevent unauthorized access"I" Maximum spacing between hoops 4 feet (1.22 m)"J" Bands shall be spaced a maximum 40 degrees on centre around the circumference of the cage. This will result in a maximum spacing of 9.5 inches (24 cm)The surface of the parapet between the handrails of the ladder shall be covered by expanded metal decking having a minimum width of 2ft (O.6m), or other non-skid surface acceptable to the inspecting authorities. For multi-level buildings, a fixed ladder is required to provide access to every level that is more than 13 feet above the preceding level.Note: Manitoba Regulation M.R. 217/2006 Section 1.4 inconsistency:If there is an inconsistency between this regulation and a requirement contained in a publication, code or standard referenced in this regulation, the provisions in thisregulation prevail.。



5.顶部支撑 单梯顶部放置时应使两 梯框同时与支撑面靠近。 当梯子顶部支撑是柱、 灯杆、建筑墙角或靠在 树上作业时,可采用单 梯框支撑附件进行加固。 6.避免侧向承载 便携梯子不允许用来侧 向承载,应保持身体靠 近梯子工作。
1.移动顶端和边 缘的物体时要注 意保持身体平衡 和梯子的平衡
1.不要站立或坐在踏步梯的顶 部或桶架上
额定载荷/kg 单梯 木梯长度/m 踏板折梯 双面折梯
— —
金属梯长度/m 延伸梯和单梯
100 110 135
2.5-6.0 2.5-9.0 2.5-9.0
0.9-3.6 0.9-6.0 0.9-6.0
2-7 0.9-6.0 0.9-6.0 2-9 2-9
GB4053.1-2009 固定式钢梯及平台安全要求 第1部分:钢直梯 GB4053.2-2009 固定式钢梯及平台安全要求 第2部分:钢斜梯 GB4053.3-2009固定式钢梯及平台安全要求 第3部分:工业防 护栏杆及钢平台 GB 7059-2007 便携式木折梯安全要求 GB 12142-2007 便携式金属梯安全要求 GB/T 17889.1-1999梯子 第1部分:术语型式和功能尺寸 GB/T 17889.2-1999梯子 第2部分:要求试验和标志



操作规程编号:LX-FS-A70358软梯、桥板、舷梯和安全网操作须知范本In The Daily Work Environment, The Operation Standards Are Restricted, And Relevant Personnel Are Required To Abide By The Corresponding Procedures And Codes Of Conduct, So That The Overall BehaviorCan Reach The Specified Standards编写:_________________________审批:_________________________时间:________年_____月_____日A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑软梯、桥板、舷梯和安全网操作须知范本使用说明:本操作规程资料适用于日常工作环境中对既定操作标准、规范进行约束,并要求相关人员共同遵守对应的办事规程与行动准则,使整体行为或活动达到或超越规定的标准。


1. 软梯Rope ladder1.1. 普通软梯的安全索,必须与船体联接牢靠,软梯上方入口处,应配有安全扶手。

Ordinary ladder safety cable must connect with the hull firmly, and safety armrest shall be equipped with the ladder above the entrance.1.2. 普通软梯应能有效地供船员、工作人员安全登船和离船。

Ordinary ladder should be able to effectively for the crew, the personnel safetyboarding and off the ship.1.3. 普通软梯的搭设由值班水手负责,操作时要有足够的人员配合,上端应先系定在甲板或舷墙上。

Portable Ladder Safety 便携式梯子安全

Portable Ladder Safety 便携式梯子安全

PORTABLE LADDER SAFETY1 IntroductionAccidents involving ladders are common in the workplace because this tool is often abused and/or used improperly. The following section is intended to provide some guidelines and requirements for the safe use of ladders.2 ScopeThis safe work procedure relates to portable and fixed ladders, including stepladders, straight ladders, extension ladders and fixed ladders.Legislation3 ApplicableThe requirements for the safe use of ladders are covered in Part XVI of the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations under regulations Sections 252 to 256.Standards4 LadderPortable ladder design, construction, and use must conform to the requirements of one or more of the following internationally accepted standards:• Canadian Standards Association CSA standard CAN3-Z11-M81, “Portable Ladders,” or• American National Standards – ANSI A14.1-1990 – “Safety Requirements for Portable Wood ladders,” or• American National Standards – ANSI A14.2-1994 – “Safety Requirements for Portable Metal ladders,” or• Any other standards acceptable to Saskatchewan Labour, Occupational Health & Safety5 PortableLaddersPortable ladders are available in several models, the most common of which are stepladders, single ladders, and extension ladders, which are the main types discussed in this procedure. Ladders are made out of three main types of materials (e.g. aluminium, wood or fibreglass). Each model and/or type of material has certain advantages and disadvantages. Selection of the correct ladder for the type of work activity is important to ladder safety.PORTABLE LADDER SAFETYLadders5.1 SingleSingle ladders consist of two side rails and evenly spaced rungs. They do not have any moving parts, are non-self-supporting and are not adjustable in length. They are limited to a single section. Their size is defined by the overall length of the side rail, excluding any foot or end caps. Their rung width is at least 300 mm (12 in) for ladders up to 3 m (10ft) in length. Rung width will increase 1 mm for each additional 100 mm of length (0.125 in/ft). The maximum length of single ladders must not exceed:Type 1 – Heavy duty – 9 m (30 ft)Type 2 – Medium duty – 7.3 m (26 ft)Type 3 – Light duty – 5 m (16 ft)5.2 ExtensionLaddersExtension ladders are non-self-supportingportable ladders that are adjustable in length.They consist of two or more sectionstravelling in guides or brackets and arrangedso as to permit adjustment.Their size is defined by the sum of thelengths of the side rail of each section,excluding any foot or end caps. However,because extension ladders must maintain aminimum amount of overlap betweensections, their effective use length is reducedfrom their size (e.g. when properly extended,a “20 foot extension ladder” is only 17 feetlong).The rung width of the fly (top) section of anyextension ladder must be is at least 300 mm(12 in). Rung widths of the other sections willbe larger, and vary; depending on thenumber of sections of the ladder, but in allcases must comply with the applicablestandard to which the ladder is certified.PORTABLE LADDER SAFETYTable 1. Maximum Length of Extension Ladders(Wooden and Metal Ladders): Maximum Length of LadderGrade of Ladder Number of Sections Metres FeetHeavy Duty – Type I 2 3 18 22 6072Heavy Duty – Type II 2 3 15 18 4860Light Duty – Type III 2 9.5 325.3 StepladdersA stepladder is a self-supportingportable ladder, non adjustable inlength, with flat steps and ahinged back.The length (size) of a stepladderis determined by the length of thefront side rail, including the topcap and foot.The slope of stepladders isdesigned so that when the ladderis properly opened and secured,the angle of inclination of thefront section is not more than 75º.5.4 Ladder MaterialsAs mentioned, ladders are made out of three main types of materials (e.g. wood, aluminium, or fibreglass).5.4.1 WoodAdvantages• Are non-conductors of electricity, when dry;• Best natural insulator against heat;• Durable and strongPORTABLE LADDER SAFETYDisadvantages• Age very fast, and are very susceptible to drying and splitting with age or exposure to weather;• Need a clear, protective finish (e.g. varnish) to preserve the wood and extend the useful life;• The protective varnish finish would be redone annually to ensure protection of the wood;• Some manufacturers use an oil finish to preserve the wood, unfortunately this oil preservation material will conduct electricity5.4.2 AluminiumAdvantages• Strong and durable material, which withstands routine use without damaging;• Will not crack when subjected to a sever impact;• Do not require a protective coatingDisadvantages• Conduct electricity and therefore should never be used around electrical equipment;• Conduct heat very rapidly;• Can be bent/damaged and still be used, eventually failing without warning5.4.3 FibreglassAdvantages• Are non-conductors of electricity, when dry;• Even though some fibreglass ladders are aluminium, there is no metal connecting the rungs, and therefore are still considered to be a non-conductor of electricity;• Generally comparable to wood in characteristics and performance; • Does not dry out and split when exposed to sunlight or stored near heat source, but surface colours may fade;• Dense material and does not conduct heat very well;• Does not require a protective finishDisadvantages• Generally heavier or equal weight than aluminium or wooden models(i.e. no significant weight advantages);• Tends to chip and crack under severe impact;PORTABLE LADDER SAFETY• Although not subject to deterioration form sunlight, the surface of the fibreglass may fray or peel thin fibres with age;• Not a malleable material and behaves similar to wood whenoverloaded;• Does nor bend when overloaded, but will rather crack and fail suddenly5.5 Ratings and TypesManufactured ladders are rated to the duty or service to which they will be putand the working load under which they will be used in a standard inclinedposition. The following table provides the different grades of ladders and loadsthey are rated for:Table 2. In-Line Load Ratings & Duty Type(Wooden and Metal Ladders)Duty Rating & Type Working Load (pounds)Extra Heavy Duty – Type IA 300Heavy Duty – Type I 250Medium Duty – Type II 225Light Duty – Type III 200Work6 Electrical• Metal ladders (e.g. aluminium) should NEVER be used for electrical work, or in close proximity to overhead power lines and/or electrical circuits;• Wooden ladders with metal reinforcing rods shall NOT be used for electrical work, due to the danger of inadvertent electrical contact;• Wooden ladders or fibreglass ladders are acceptable for using near or during electrical work, however they must be completely dry;• Wooden ladders that are damp or wet can conduct electricity and should NOT be used when working on, with or around electrical equipment or electrical powersourcesInspections7 Ladder• Ladders should be inspected before each use for loose or damaged rungs, steps, rails or braces and to detect other obvious signs of damage or deterioration. Ifthey can be moved by hand, they are too loose;• Check the ladder rungs to be sure that they are free of any slippery material;PORTABLE LADDER SAFETY• Ensure that stepladder spreaders are sturdy, tight and can be properly locked in place;• Check all ladder hardware, nuts, bolts, spreaders, etc. for tightness and good repair with particular attention to locking mechanisms;• Check pulleys on extension ladders for good condition and proper lubrication. If pulleys are damaged, they should be replaced;• Check ropes on extension ladders and replace any frayed or worn ropes;• Check for damaged or excessive wear on the non-slip feet;• Check ladders for twisted or distorted rails. Do not attempt to straighten, or allow to remain in use, any bent or bowed metal ladder;• In wooden ladders, check for rot, decay, or warped rails;• Check for missing identification and/or warning labels;• Where damage to or deterioration of any ladder is encountered, a qualified person must determine whether or not the ladder can still be used;• Ladders cannot be safely repaired. If the damage is significant enough to affect the safety of the unit, the ladder must be immediately removed from service,destroyed, and replaced as soon as possible;• Ladders should also be thoroughly examined/inspected once every three (3) months and a record of those inspections should be kept on file for futurereferenceMaintenance8 Ladder• The feet of ladders, especially straight or extension ladders, should be equipped with slip-resistant surfaces;• Untreated wooden ladders should be stored in dry areas to prevent moisture or water absorption;• Wooden ladders must not be painted, since this may hide serious defects that may develop. A wood preservative or clear finish coating (e.g. varnish) should be used to protect the ladder;• Avoid painting the rungs/steps with anything, even clear coatings, unless a non-slip material has been added to prevent slipping;• Ladders constructed from fibreglass should be cleaned and sprayed lightly with a clear or pigmented lacquer or paste wax once every three (3) months to reduce deterioration (weathering);• When transported on a vehicle, ladders should be properly supported and secured using proper “tie down” straps. Avoid using rubber “bungy cords” unless the travel distance is short;PORTABLE LADDER SAFETY9 Proper Ladder Use9.1 General• Place the ladder on a solid, firm, flat surface. The feet of straight, extension or stepladders should always be level. A board may be necessary to ensure thatit’s level or to prevent it form sinking into soft ground;• NEVER place a ladder against an unstable surface;• Keep the area around the base of the ladder uncluttered;• Unless a ladder us designed for the additional weight, only one (1) person should be on a ladder at any one time;• Do NOT overload any ladder;• Obtain assistance when handling a heavy or long ladder; always make sure that a ladder is not placed in front of a door that opens toward the ladderunless the door is locked, blocked, or guarded;• Never deliberately allow a ladder to fall to the ground, or drop one from height;too much damage may result;• Before using a ladder always check your shoe soles and ladder rungs (or steps) to ensure that they are free of any slippery material (grease, oil, paint,snow, ice, etc.);• Do not climb/use a wet ladder;• Do not use straight ladders or stepladders in a horizontal position as a platform or scaffold, they are not designed for it;• Go up and down a ladder facing the ladder, taking only one (1) step at a time.Hold onto either the side rails or rungs with both hands when climbing up ordown a ladder.;• NEVER climb a ladder “one-handed” while carrying something in the other hand. Carry tools in a tool belt and use a hand line to raise or lower largeobjects, parts, tools, etc;• When working on ladders keep your body centered between the rails of the ladder and NEVER over-reach to the side or attempt to reach too high as youmay lose your balance;• NEVER use makeshift items such as a chair, barrel, or box, etc., as a substitute ladder;• NEVER position a ladder on top of a table, box, chair, or other potentially unstable surface;• NEVER place a ladder against an eaves trough, windowpane or sash. Fastena board (do not use nails) across the top of the ladder to give a bearingsurface at each side of the window;• NEVER use any type of ladder during strong winds or storms except in emergencies, and then only; when they are securely “tied-off”;PORTABLE LADDER SAFETY• Carry ladders in a horizontal position, with the feet to the rear and the top of the ladder to the front and slightly higher than the back. Where the ladder is long, use two people to carry it, one at either end;• NEVER place any ladder (straight or stepladder) on tables, boxes, or other item that is not designed to take such weight or loading;• Do not leave an erected ladder unattended, unauthorized people may attempt to use it;• NEVER attempt to “walk,” “hop,” or laterally move a straight ladder or extension ladder while standing on it;• If you need to work with both hands, lock one leg around a rung (provided the ladder has been tied off);9.2 Stepladders• When using a stepladder, make sure that it is fully open and that its spreader bar is securely locked;• NEVER stand on the top two (2) steps of stepladders;• NEVER stand on the to step or platform of a stepladder;• NEVER stand on the “paint shelf” or bucker holder of a stepladder;• Make sure that the stepladder is placed on a firm and level footing to ensure that it doesn’t slip;• If you need to reach a height in excess of twenty (20) feet, use a straight ladder or an extension ladder;• When using a stepladder for access to high places, always have a second worker support the stepladder or “tie-off” the stepladder to prevent it formslipping;• Do not place a stepladder close to, or against pipes containing acids, chemicals, sprinkler systems;• NEVER attempt to “walk” or move a stepladder while standing on it;• NEVER use a stepladder while leaning it against a wall or other vertical surface; use a straight ladder or extension ladder instead.PORTABLE LADDER SAFETYLadders9.3 Straight/Extension• When erecting straight or extension ladders, check for overhead hazards, including power lines;• Both railings of the top section of a straight or extension ladder must be resting on a firm support;• When using an extension ladder, the sections must overlap by at least 1 m (39”) for ladders up to 11 m (36 ft) in length; 1.2 m (4ft) for ladders between 11 m (36 ft) and up to 15 m (48 ft); 1.5 m (5ft) for ladders between 15 m (48ft) and up to 22 m (72 ft);• With straight or extension ladders, use the “4 to 1” rule to determine the necessary length and placement. This simply means that the ladder should be placed (1) foot away from the base of the object for every four (4) feet inheight to the place where the top of the ladder rests;• Make sure that the locking device is fully secured on extension ladder before using;• When a ladder is used to climb onto a platform or roof make certain that it extends at least three (3) feet (90 cm) above the platform or roof edge contact point, to provide for support to the worker when getting off/on the ladder;• When using a ladder for access to high places, always securely “tie-off” the ladder to prevent it from slipping;• When working with power equipment from a ladder, regardless of the height, make sure it is firmly secured or “tied-off” at the top;• NEVER attempt to “walk” or move a straight or extension ladder sideways while standing on it;• NEVER slide down the side rails of ladders;• For long ladders, get assistance when raising or lowering them. It basically requires at least two people to do it safely (see below);• Ensure that two workers are present when a ladder is being secured or released;• Do not stand higher than the fourth rung from the top on straight or extension ladders;• The sections of extension ladders are to be used together as a unit and are not to be taken apart and used individually as single ladders.9.4 Specialty/Multi-purpose LaddersThese are ladders that are designed to allow use in several different configurations, aw well as being able to fold for storage. Because of their design, regular inspection of their locking mechanisms is critical. It is essential that the manufacturer’s instructions are read and followed before using.PORTABLE LADDER SAFETY9.5 Raising a Long LadderRaising a long extension ladder requires a minimum of two people, following a standard procedure. Raising very long and heavy ladders may require additional people.First, lay the ladder on the ground at a right angle to the wall or object to be climbed. The fly section should be against the ground (i.e. the ladder face down). The foot end of the ladder should be situated near the point where it will be located away from the wall or object to be climbed (i.e. proper 4:1 distance away).One person should brace the foot end of the ladder to prevent movement.Next, the second person will lift the top end and walk underneath the ladder, raising it while moving forward to the other person.An alternate method is to turn the ladder on its edge and walk underneath the side rail, raising it while moving forward towards the other person.Once the ladder is in a vertical position, and braced by both people, the extension (fly) section should be raised using the rope provided. Once the ladder has been extended to the required length, the ladder should be slowly lowered against the surface to be climbed.The ladder should then be secured (tied) in place at the bottom (if applicable). If only to be secured (tied) at the top, one worker shall steady the ladder while the other climbs and ties off the ladder.PORTABLE LADDER SAFETY10 Which Ladder to ChooseSelecting the correct size and type of ladder is essential to safety when working off the ground level. The following table will assist in selection.Table 3. Ladder Selection GuideLadder TypesExtension Ladders StepladdersMaximum height you need to reach Size of extensionladder requiredMaximum height youneed to reachSize of stepladderrequiredMetres (approx) FeetMetres(approx.)FeetMetres(approx.)FeetMetres(approx.)Feet2.7 9 4.8 16 1.8 6 0.6 24 13 6 20 2.1 7 1.2 45.2 17 7.3 24 2.4 5 1.5 56.4 21 8.5 28 2.7 9 1.8 67.6 25 9.8 32 3.0 10 2.1 78.5 28 11 36 3.4 11 2.4 89.5 31 12.2 40 4 13 3.0 10 Another “rule of thumb” to use to help you select the correct ladder length is:For extension ladders:Up to 25 feet in height, choose a ladder length seven (7) feet longer •• • Over 25 feet in height, choose a ladder eight (8) feet longerFor stepladders:Choose a ladder three (3) feet less than the height you wish to reachPORTABLE LADDER SAFETY11 FallProtectionA person may work from a portable ladder without fall protection, provided that:The work is a “light duty” task of short duration at each location; and •• • • The worker’s centre of gravity (body mass) is maintained between the ladder side rails; andThe worker will generally have one hand available to hold on to the ladder or other support; andThe ladder is not positioned near an edge or floor opening that would significantly increase the potential fall distance.12 WarningLabelsNewly manufactured ladders are properly labelled to meet the requirements of the respective code/standard that applies to the ladder. These labels are usually found on the side rails or under the steps of a stepladder. These labels are NOT to be removed. Older ladders maybe no longer have the appropriate labels, but the same requirements apply. Where possible, if labels become worn or damaged, they should be replaced. Following are some sample labels that may be encountered.PORTABLE LADDER SAFETYPORTABLE LADDER SAFETY• • • • • • • • • • • 13 Common Causes of Ladder AccidentsOver-reaching from ladders, rather than moving them Standing ladders on boxes, etc., to gain additional height Too much haste in climbing or descending Climbing one-handed while carrying something in the other hand Standing at the very top of a short ladder, rather than getting one long enough for the jobHanging tools from ladder rungs, or leaving tools on the top of the stepladder Throwing tools to a fellow worker on a ladder Placing the ladder at an improper angle Using metal ladders in locations where contact with electric wires is possible Using worn or damaged laddersFailure to secure (tie) the ladder in place。



















它广泛应用于各种工业和建筑领 域,如电力、石油化工、造船、 桥梁等。
国家标准《固定式工业防护梯安全标准》对爬梯平台的制造、安装和使用进行了详 细的规定。
爬梯平台的制造应符合相关设计规范,采用耐腐蚀、耐磨损的材料,确保结构稳定 、安全可靠。
定期对爬梯平台进行清洗,保持其外 观整洁、干净。
定期对爬梯平台的各个连接部位进行 检查和维护,确保其紧固、安全。
定期对爬梯平台的踏板、护栏、扶手 等进行检查和维护,确保其完好、牢 固。
定期对爬梯平台的润滑系统进行检查 和维护,确保其正常运行、减少磨损 。
02 03
经过调查发现,该事故主要是由于爬梯平台的施工不规范,没有按照相 关规范进行施工,导致爬梯平台的稳固性不足,作业人员在使用过程中 发生意外。
在进行爬梯平台的施工时,应严格按照相关规范进行施工,确保爬梯平 台的稳固性和安全性。同时,在施工过程中,应该加强质量监督和管理 ,确保施工质量符合要求。
根据设计要求,制作基础结构 ,确保其稳定性和承载能力。
在钢架构上安装支撑和固定件 ,确保爬梯平台的稳定性和承 重能力。
熟悉设计图纸和相关规范,准 备相关材料和施工设备。
按照设计图纸,安装钢架构, 确保其稳定性和承重能力。
按照设计要求,安装梯段和护 栏,确保其符合使用要求和安 全标准。

GBT 17889—1999 梯子 第1部分:术语、型式和功能尺寸 梯子 第2部分:要求、试验和标志

GBT 17889—1999 梯子  第1部分:术语、型式和功能尺寸 梯子  第2部分:要求、试验和标志

梯子第1部分:术语、型式和功能尺寸GB/T 17889.1—1999国家质量技术监督局1999—10—18批准 2000—10—01实施前言本标准是等效采用欧洲标准EN 131—《梯子术语、型式、功能尺寸》制定的,是GB 17888—1999《机械安全进入机械和工业设备的永久性设施》系列标准的配套标准。


本标准与EN 131—1:1993的主要差别是,取消了EN 131—1:1993的前言和引言。






1 范围本标准规定了梯子的一般术语、定义及设计特征。




2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成本标准的条文。



GB/T 17889.2—1999 梯子第2部分:要求、试验和标志3 术语序号术语定义图示1 梯子ladder 包含有踏棍或踏板,可以供人上下的装置。


2 便携式梯子portable ladder 可以用手而不借助机械搬运和安放的梯子。

3移动式梯子mobile ladder 借助移动支承将其搬运到使用场所的梯子。

4 踏棍式梯子 rung ladder 具有前后宽度小于80mm 的踏棍的便携式梯子。

5依靠式踏棍梯子 leaning rung ladder只有一个部分构成的踏棍式梯子,使用时梯子依靠在相应的物体上。

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