105“Friends in Friends”流程
101 試播The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot-The Uncut Version)102 參加助產訓練班The One With the Sonogram at the End103 飛來橫財The One With the Thumb104 (克林頓親信助手)喬治·史特噴那彼拉斯先生The One With George Stephanopoulos105 洗衣服The One With the East German Laundry Detergent106 屁股秀The One With the Butt107 停電The One With the Blackout108 (祖母)娜娜死了兩回The One Where Nana Dies Twice109 氣球飛了The One Where Underdog Gets Away110 猴子The One With the Monkey111 賓太太(錢德之母)The One With Mrs Bing112 十二碗麵條The One With the Dozen Lasagnes113 看胸脯The One With the Boobies114 情人節糖果The One With the Candy Hearts115 大麻客The One With the Stoned Guy116 雙胞胎兩部曲(一)The One With Two Parts,part 1117 雙胞胎兩部曲(二)The One With Two Parts,Part 2118 玩撲克The One With All The Poker119 猴子被送走The One Where the Monkey Gets Away120 風流牙醫The One With the Evil Orthodontist121 假莫妮卡The One With The Fake Monica122 倒人胃口的約會The One With the Ick Factor123 本出世The One With the Birth124 瑞秋恍然大悟The One Where Rachel Finds Out201 羅斯的新女友The One With Ross' New Girlfriend202 母乳The One With the Breast Milk203 海先生之死The One Where Mr Heckles Dies204 菲比的丈夫The One With Phoebe's Husband205 五塊牛排和一根茄子The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant206 寶寶落在巴士上了The One With the Baby on the Bus207 羅斯發現瑞秋對他有意思The One Where Ross Finds Out208 清單The One With the List209 菲比的爸爸The One With Phoebe's Dad210 納斯(羅斯翻版)The One With Russ211 同志婚禮The One With the Lesbian Wedding212 超級杯後(第一集)The One After the Superbowl213 超級杯後(第二集)The One After the Superbowl214 高中舞會錄影帶The One With the Prom Video215 羅斯和瑞秋生米煮成The One Where Rachel and Ross.. You Know 216 喬伊搬走了One Where Joey Moves Out217 艾迪搬入The One Where Eddie Moves In218 瑞摩瑞醫生之死The One Where Dr Remore Dies219 艾迪賴著不走The One Where Eddie Won't Go220 獵狗之死The One Where Old Yeller Dies221 兩個小流氓The One With the Two Bullies222 一個頭兩個大The One With the Two Parties223 出水痘The One With the Chicken Pox224 巴厘和明蒂大喜之日The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding301 (星際大戰中的)莉亞公主The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy 302 沒人準備好The One Where No-one's Ready303 果醬The One With the Jam304 戰勝自我,不再害怕承諾The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel 305 菲比的弟弟小福蘭克The One With Frank Jr306 時光倒轉,昔日重現The One With The Flashback307 賽車床The One With the Race Car Bed308 戳他一下The One With The Giant Poking Device309 橄欖球比賽The One With The Football310 瑞秋辭職The One Where Rachel Quits311 錢德想不起勾搭了喬伊的哪個妹妹The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister312 嫉妒The One With All The Jealousy313 莫妮卡和裏查德只做朋友The One Where Monica and Richard Are Friends314 菲比的舊搭檔The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner315 羅斯和瑞秋分手The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break316 次日清晨The One The Morning After317 滑雪之旅The One Without The Ski Trip318 催眠錄音帶The One With The Hypnosis Tape319 小小T恤The One With The Tiny T-shirt320 玩偶屋The One With The Dollhouse321 小雞和小鴨The One With A Chick And A Duck322 尖叫的湯米The One With The Screamer323 羅斯長了怪東西The One With Ross's Thing324 終極搏擊比賽The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion325 在海灘The One At The Beach401 水母驚情The One With The Jellyfish402 轉世靈貓The One With The Cat403 手銬遊戲The One With The ‘Cuffs404 社交舞The One With The Ballroom Dancing405 喬伊的新女友The One With Joey's New Girlfriend406 ‚灰‛姑娘The One With The Dirty Girl407 錢德橫刀奪愛The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line408 錢德到箱子裏過節The One With Chandler in a Box409 參加派對The One Where They’re Gonna PARTY410 帕基普希來的姑娘The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie411 菲比被‚借雞生蛋‛ The One With Phoebe’s Uterus412 受精卵The One With The Embryos413 瑞秋墜入情網The One With Rachel’s Crush414 喬伊臭臭的一天The One With Joey’s Dirty Day415 橄欖球The One With All The Rugby416 假派對The One With The Fake Party417 免費成人電影The One With The Free Porn418 瑞秋的新裝The One With Rachel’s New Dress419 忙中出錯The One With All The Haste420 婚紗The One With All the Wedding Dresses421 邀請The One With The Invitation422 史上最不稱職伴郎The One With The Worst Best Man Ever423&424 羅斯的婚禮(第一集)The One With Ross's Wedding501 羅斯說漏嘴以後The One After Ross Says Rachel502 來吻別吧The One With All The Kissing503 三胞胎(總第一百集)The One Hundredth504 菲比討厭PBS(美國廣播公司)The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 505 我不想當Kip The One With All the Kips506 雪男The One With The Yeti507 羅斯入夥The One Where Ross Moves In508 感恩節大回顧The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks509 羅斯的三明治The One With Ross's Sandwich510 兄妹‚情‛ The One With The Inappropriate Sister511 新年新氣象The One With All The Resolutions512 錢德例行公事的假笑The One With Chandler's Work Laugh513 喬伊背包包The One With Joey's Bag514 恍然大悟The One Where Everyone Finds Out515 敲打喬伊的女孩The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey516 員警來了The One With A Cop517 瑞秋的無心之吻The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss518 瑞秋開始吸煙The One Where Rachel Smokes519 羅斯不會放電The One Where Ross Can't Flirt520 一起去巡邏The One With The Ride Along521 擲球遊戲The One With The Ball522 喬伊的大好機會來了The One With Joey's Big Break523 拉斯維加斯之旅(上集)The One In Vegas524 拉斯維加斯之旅(下集)The One In Vegas601 離開拉斯維加斯The One After Vegas602 羅斯擁抱瑞秋The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel603 羅斯死不認帳The One With Ross’s Denial604 喬伊沒買保險The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance605 喬伊的保時捷The One With Joey’s Porsche606 他們的最後一夜The One The Last Night607 菲比跑步The One Where Phoebe Runs608 羅斯洗牙The One W ith Ross’s Teeth609 羅斯興奮起來The One Where Ross Got High610 狂舞The One With The Routinue611 一張桌子The One With The Apothecary Table612 笑話The One With The Joke613 瑞秋的妹妹The One With Rachel’s Sister614 錢德哭不出來The One Where Chandler Can’t Cry615 假想篇外篇(上集)The One That Could Have Been616 假想篇外篇(下集)The One That Could Have Been617 臨危不懼,處變不驚The One With The Unagi618 羅斯約會學生The One Where Ross Dates A Student619 喬伊的冰箱The One With Joey’s Fridge620 《麥克和奇思》The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E621 羅斯和未來岳父會面The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth’s Dad 622 Paul的故事The One Where Paul’s The Man623 訂婚戒指The One With The Ring624 求婚(上集)The One With The Proposal625 求婚(下集)The One With The Proposal701 莫妮卡的風頭被搶了The One With Monica’s Thunder702 瑞秋的書The One With Rachel’s Book703 菲比的餅乾配方The One With Phoebe’s Cookies704 瑞秋請助理The One With Rachel’s Assistant705 訂婚照The One With The Engagement Picture706 小睡的夥伴The One With The Nap Partners707 羅斯在圖書館The One With Ross’s Book708 錢德不喜歡狗The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs709 糖果The One With All The Candy710 節日犰狳The One With the Holiday Armadillo711 酪餅The One With All The Cheesecakes712 一夜未眠The One Where They’re Up All Night713 Rosita 之死The One Where Rosita Dies714 三十歲The One Where They All Turn Thirty715 喬伊換腦The One With Joey’s New Brain716 我知道你在倫敦幹了什麼The One With The Truth About London 717 婚紗大減價The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress718 喬伊獲提名The On e With Joey’s Award719 羅斯和莫妮卡的表親The One With Ross and Monica’s Cousin 720 瑞秋的同性之吻The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss721 宣誓The One With The Vows722 錢德之父The One With Chandler’s Dad723 莫妮卡與錢德的大喜日子(上集)The One With Chandler and Monica’s Weddi ng724 莫妮卡與錢德的大喜日子(下集)The One With Chandler and Monica’s Wedding801 婚禮之後The One After "I Do"802 紅色毛衣The One With The Red Sweater803 告知羅斯The One Where Rachel Tells…804 錄影帶風波The One With The Videotape805 瑞秋的男友The One With Rachel’s Date806 萬聖節派對The One With The Halloween Party807 有污點的那個The One With The Stain808 脫衣舞娘The One With The Stripper809 謠言The One With The Rumor810 摩妮卡的靴子The One With Monica’s Boots811 羅斯邁步向前行The One With Ross’ Big Step Forward812 喬伊跟瑞秋約會The One Where Joey Dates Rachel813 錢德泡澡記The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath814 秘密衣櫃The One With The Secret Closet815 生產錄影帶The One With The Birthing Video816 喬依告訴瑞秋The One Where Joey Tells Rachel817 茶葉算命法The One With The Tea Leaves818 馬沙皮卡市The One In Massapequa819 專訪喬伊The One With Joey’s Interview820 寶寶歡迎會The One With The Baby Shower821 烹飪課程The One With The Cooking Class822 遲來的寶寶The One Where Rachel Is Late823 瑞秋生產記(上)The One Where Rachel Ha s A Baby Part Ⅰ824 瑞秋生產記(下)The One Where Rachel Has A Baby Part Ⅱ901 無人求婚The One Where No One Proposes902 愛瑪哭不停The One Where Emma Cries903 兒科醫生The One With The Pediatrician904 鯊魚The One With The Sharks905 菲比的生日宴The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner906 男保姆The One With The Male Nanny907 羅斯的饒舌歌The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song908 瑞秋的二妹The One With Rachel's Other Sister909 他要走了瑞秋的電話號碼The One With Rachel's Phone Number 910 在Tulsa過耶誕節The One With Christmas In Tulsa911 瑞秋復工The One Where Rachael Goes Back to Work912 菲比的老鼠The One With Phoebe's Rats913 Monica 飆歌The One Where Monica Sings914 相親記The One With The Blind Dates915 打劫The One With The Mugging916 隆胸The One With The Boob Job917 葬禮The One With The Memorial Service918 博彩The One With The Lottery919 瑞秋的夢The One With Rachel's Dream920 肥皂劇派對The One With The Soap Opera Party921 生育能力檢查The One At The Fertility Clinic922 精子捐獻人The One With The Donor923 巴巴多斯島之行(1) The One In Barbados Part Ⅰ924 巴巴多斯島之行(2) The One In Barbados Part Ⅱ1001 喬伊親了瑞秋之後The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss1002 羅斯不難過The One Where Ross Is Fine1003 羅斯日光浴The One With Ross's Tan1004 愛瑪的生日蛋糕The One With The Cake1005 瑞秋的妹妹帶孩子The One Where Rachel's Other Sister Babysits 1006 羅斯的科研經費The One With Ross's Grant1007 家訪The One With The Home Study1008 遲到的感恩節The One With The Late Thanksgiving1009 BB的親生母親The One With The Birth Mother1010 錢德的風流事The One Where Chandler Gets Caught1011 脫衣舞男之淚The One Where The Stripper Cries1012 菲比的婚禮The One With Phoebe's Wedding1013 喬伊說法語The One Where Joey Speaks French1014 康斯韋拉公主The One With Princess Consuela1015 埃斯特拉之死The One Where Estelle Dies1016 瑞秋的歡送派對The One With Rachel's Going Away Party1017&1018 大結局The Last One。
A friend in need ppt
Warm-up q’s:
1. In you mind, what is a good friend? 2. Could you describe one example that your friends touches you most?
3. Have you ever been deceived or hurt by
hard to talk to close thoughtful active heartless organized smart cautious and timid Friend
cruel helpful strict stubborn decent
Yu boya and Zhong ziqi (俞伯牙与钟子期)
Yu boya was very fond of music from childhood .his tweedle was dulcet, like High Mountain and Flowing Water. though there are many people praising his skill, he didn't think these people understood his tweedle. He was looking for his bosom friend.
Maugham, W(illiam) Somerset: 1874~1965
Birthplace: Nationality: Achievements: Of Human Bondage (1915) The Moon and Sixpence (1919) The Painted Veil (1925) Cakes and Ale (1930) Christmas Holiday (1939) The Hour Before the Dawn (1942) England British
130>>We'll be good.
131>>Chandler,do you promise to be good?
132>>You can come in,but your filter-tip buddy stays outside!
1>>- Hi,guys. - Hey,Phoebe.
更多字幕www.52en.me qq3550672899
2>>- How did it go? - Not so good.
3>>He walked me home and said, "Let's do this again."
4>>He said,"Let's do this again." That's good,right?
124>>- if they never get to meet the guy. - I know.
125>>- Can't I whimper a little bit? - Whimper.
126>>Okay,I'm done.
127>>Let it go,Ross.
128>>You didn't know Chi-Chi.
28>>Warden,in five minutes my pain will be over.
29>>But you'll live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die.
人教PEP版四年级英语上册《Unit 3 My friends》单元教学课件PPT优秀课件
• long hair • He/She has … • short hair • He/She has …
Say and draw
教师描述一位学生的特征,让学生进行 画。 等学生结束画画后,选学生的作品到台 前来展示,和其他学生一起评价。 学生两人一组,—位学生描述,—位学 生 画,最后展示自己的作品。
• What's his name? • His name is Zhang Peng. • He,s tall and strong. • Who,s he? • He has glasses and his shoes are blue.
Read and draw
I have a friend. He is a boy. He has a big face, a small nose, a big mouth and small eyes. He has short hair. He is tall and strong. His name is ______.
(1) Listen to and repeat “Let 怎 talk”. (2) Describe your best friend to your parents. (3) Make a new dialogue about your best friend with your partner.
( )5. What colour is it?
E. I like computer game.
( )6. What's her name? F. It's on the desk. H.
( )7. What do you like?
人教版英语九年级上册Unit 10 知识点详解
人教版英语九年级上册Unit 10 知识点详解知识点梳理1. That's how people in Japan are expected to greet each other.这就是在日本人们应该互相问候的方式。
⑴greet v.问候,打招呼;迎接(= welcome / say hello to)常与with ... 或by doing ...搭配,表示“以…方式问候/打招呼”It's a friendly way to greet each other. 这是一种互致友好问候的方式。
She rose to greet her guests. 她起身迎接客人。
⑵expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事be expected to do sth. 被期望某事His parents expect him to see them in a short time. 父母期望他马上来看望他们。
She is expected to finish the job on time. 期望她按时完成工作。
※练一练①The host ________________________ at the gate. 主人在大门口迎接我们。
②He _______________________________ "good morning". 他向她打招呼说“早上好”。
③She _________________________ a friendly smile. 她向我微笑致意。
2. Where I'm from, we are pretty relaxed about time. 我来的那个地方对时间非常放松。
Just stay where you are. 就留在你原来的地方。
间接引用当事人所说的语句,即用我们的角 度来引用别人在那个时候所说的语句,其时 态、时间状语、人称均要根据我们的需要加 以变换。如:
Dr Ma said that he missed his family when he was away. Mother told me that I should finish my homework first and then I could go out and play with my friends. 2024/7/15 They said they wanted to have a rest.
Grammar: Indirect Speech
• Direct Speech
• 直接引语
Indirect Speech
"I'm going to the cinema,"
he said.
He said he was going to the cinema.
"我将要去 电影院,"
Unit 2 Family and Friends
Language iபைடு நூலகம் Use
Contents • Review • Grammar: Indirect Speach • Practice
• Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. Change the form if necessary.
I can speak three languages.
The One With All The Haste Written by: Wil Calhoun & Scott Silveri Transcribed by: Eric Aasen 419 忙中出错对窗唱歌的男人、家禽的气味以及狭小的空间,都促使瑞秋和莫妮卡想赢回自己的公寓;她们企图用尼克斯队本赛季的球票贿赂钱德和乔伊,但那两个家伙拒绝搬屋,于是她们另生一计……并再度失败。
The One With All The Haste The singing man, the bird smell, and the lack of space drive Rachel and Monica to new attempts to get their old apartment back; when they fail to bribe Chandler and Joey with season Knicks tickets, they try making another bet... and lose again, so they have neither the tickets nor the apartment. However, while Joey and Chandler are at a game, Rachel and Monica switch apartments. Chandler objects but Monica and Rachel offer to kiss each other for a full minute if they can keep the apartment.老友记笔记总结第2篇The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot) thepilot:美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集试播 Written by: Marta Kauffman and David Crane Transcribed by: guineapig Additional transcribing by: Eric Aasen (Note: The previously unseen parts of this episode are shown in blue text.) 101 试播瑞秋在教堂抛弃未婚夫巴利、逃婚到莫妮卡处。
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据书信、讲话致辞、规章制度、策划方案、句子大全、教学资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample texts for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, document letters, speeches, rules and regulations, planning plans, sentence summaries, teaching materials, other sample texts, etc. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!友谊英文句子简短句子加翻译(共178句) 友谊英文句子简短句子加翻译共125句1.择友宜慎,弃之更宜慎。
Yu boya was very fond of music from childhood .his tweedle was dulcet, like High Mountain and Flowing Water. though there are many people praising his skill, he didn't think these people understood his tweedle. He was looking for his bosom friend.
3. Have you ever been deceived or hurt by
your friends?
4. How important is the friendship for you?
Think of as many possible words and phrases about friend. sociable friendly chummy frank amiable humorous Friend warm-hearted intimate sophisticated and vicious cordial
Maugham, W(illiam) Somerset: 1874~1965
Birthplace: Nationality: Achievements: Of Human Bondage (1915) The Moon and Sixpence (1919) The Painted Veil (1925) Cakes and Ale (1930) Christmas Holiday (1939) The Hour Before the Dawn (1942) England British
72>>How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.
73>>I always knew he lookedfamiliar,but..
74>>I had to get out of there, and I started wondering..
127>>Ross,areyou okay? Do you want me to stay?
94>>Or a hat?
95>>No,Idon't want you to buy me a hat!
96>>It's ametaphor,Daddy!
97>>You can see where he'd have trouble.
98>>Look,Daddy, it's my life.
99>>Well,maybeI'll just stay here with Monica.
80>>"Tuna or egg salad! Decide!"
81>>"I'll have whatever Christina's having."
82>>Daddy,Ijust I can't marry him.
83>>I'm sorry. I just don't love him.
84>>Well,itmatters to me!
Unit1 Let's Be Friends.知识清单
【同步100分背默】Unit1 Let's Be Friends.知识清单考点拓展be动词包括am,is,are。
用法如下:She is my sister.她是我妹妹。
We are at home.我们在家。
考题预测—Hello, how __________ your mother(妈妈)?—She fine, thank you.A. is;areB. are;isC. is;isD. are;are二.不定冠词a,an的用法A. an;anB. a;aC. an;aD. a;an三.Good morning! 早上好!考点辨析good,wellHe often exercises so he is well. 他经常锻炼,所以他很健康。
一言辨异They are good students and they learn English well. 他们是好学生并且他们英语学得很好。
考题预测—Do you speak English__________?—Yes. My English is very .A. good;goodB. well;wellC. well;goodgood morning的用法—A. Good morningB. Good afternoonC. Good eveningD. Good night四.Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。
用法分析Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
常用于初次见面的问候语,对方也用此句回答.通常在句尾加“, too”。
同义句有:Glad to meet you.Pleased to meet you.考点拓展My name is Tim. This is my first time(第一次)to be here.— .A. It’s all rightB. Nice to meet youC. That would be very nice五.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?— .A. Just call me Jack B She is Lucy C. That’s all right D. Oh, no六.How are you? 你好吗?—Hey, Jane. are you feeling now?—Much better(好多了). Thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. HowD. When七.no的用法难点突破no做形容词时,“no+单数可数名词”=“not/a/an+单数可数名词”;“no+不可数名词/可数名词复数= not any+不可数名词可数名词复数”。
【Season1Index】Episode101:TheOneWhereMonicaGetsANewRoommate(Pilot) Episode102:TheOneWithTheSonogramAtTheEndEpisode103:TheOneWithTheThumbEpisode104:TheOneWithGeorgeStephanopoulosEpisode105:TheOneWithTheEastGermanLaundryDetergentEpisode106:TheOneWithTheButtEpisode107:TheOneWithTheBlackoutEpisode108:TheOneWhereNanaDiesTwice Episode109:TheOneWhereUnderdogGetsAway Episode110:TheOneWithTheMonkeyEpisode111:TheOneWithMrs.BingEpisode113:TheOneWithTheBoobiesEpisode117:TheOneWithTwoParts,Part2 Episode118:TheOneWithAllThePokerEpisode119:TheOneWhereTheMonkeyGetsAway Episode120:TheOneWithTheEvilOrthodontist Episode121:TheOneWithTheFakeMonica Episode122:TheOneWithTheIckFactorEpisode123:TheOneWithTheBirthEpisode124:TheOneWhereRachelFindsOut 【101】TheOneWhereMonicaGetsaNewRoommate antique’sNO.1TheOneWhereMonicaGetsaNewRoommate发现了⼀个⽤Friends"TheOne****",后来总算搞清楚了,原来它是的意思,有时候甚⾄简写成TOW,第⼀集是试播(Pilot)卡和调酒师(WineGuy)保罗约会,IceCream这⼀集绝对是整个Friedns的基⽯,所谓"幼兽"Joey(嘿嘿,"商贩"Chandler,Phoebe….1.这是Chandler挖苦Paul的话,意思2.这段话是不是很熟悉呀?对,《⼤话西游》⾥⾯⼀开始孙猴意思不⽤我解释了吧,这⾥Ross⽤来形容妻⼦Carol 是Lesbian3.Ross:这句话很实⽤,意思是为什么你们总是提起那件事呢?因为Joey⼜提到了Ross妻⼦Carol是lesbian的事⼉,Ross⾮常恼⽕,于是冒出这样⼀句,我们平常⽣活中也可以⽤⼀下。
cocktail a mixed alcoholic drink spicy interesting (often partly from being slightly improper) spacious wide namesake someone in the same name as someone else instinct natural feeling (in human beings), a form of behavior which one may follow without thinking about it uncanny very mysterious, extremely strange
Language points
1. For my own part I find that the longer I know people the more they puzzle me. for my own part: as far as I am concerned, speaking for myself E.g. For my own part, I don’t mind having one more lesson on ecosystem. For my own part, I’m in favor of using some euphemisms to avoid confronting the pleasantness of daily life.
e.g. She is a kind old woman. (She is a kind—hearted and sympathetic old woman.) She is a kindly old woman. (She is a friendly and amiable old woman.) His kind criticism at last made her realize the seriousness of her mistakes. She is very delicate and sensitive but I think she will accept kindly criticism. ‘kind criticism’ denotes the criticism which is well— intentioned but the attitude may not be very mild; whereas ‘kindly criticism’ lays emphasis on the manner and attitude of making the criticism.
英语阅读觉知策略一、英语阅读觉知策略的中文翻译与英文解释1. 中文翻译“英语阅读觉知策略”:English reading awareness strategies。
2. 英文解释Awareness in English reading strategies refers to the conscious understanding and perception that readers apply during the process of reading English texts. It involves being aware of various elements such as the text structure (e.g., beginning, middle, and end; different paragraphs' functions), the purpose of the reading (whether it is for general understanding, finding specific information, or analyzing the text), the language features (vocabulary usage, grammar patterns, and rhetorical devices), and one's own reading process (such as comprehension difficulties, areas of confusion, and the speed of reading). By being aware of these aspects, readers can better adjust their reading methods, improve reading efficiency, and enhance comprehension.二、运用英语阅读觉知策略的情况及例子1. 情况一:初读文章确定主旨大意时- 例子1:When reading a news article about a scientific discovery. For instance, an article titled “New Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment”. By using awareness strategies, the reader first looks at the headline, which gives a clue about the main topic. Then, quickly scanning the first and lastparagraphs can help identify the overall message, like whether it's about a new treatment method, its potential impact, etc.- 例子2:Reading a short story. In a story called “The Lost Key”, the reader can be aware of the setting and main characters introduced at the very beginning. By skimming through the initial paragraphs, one can get a sense of where the story takes place (e.g., in an old mansion) and who the key characters are (maybe a young detective and the owner of the mansion), which helps in understanding the general plot.2. 情况二:寻找特定信息时- 例子3:When looking for a particular date in a historical document. Say, in a text about World War II, if one needs to find out the date when a certain battle started. Using awareness of the text structure, the reader might know that dates are often mentioned along with events in a chronological order. So, they can quickly scan the relevant parts of the text (such as sections dealing with military operations) to find the specific date.- 例子4:Searching for a product's price in a shopping catalogue. In a catalogue full of various products and descriptions, the reader, being aware of the common layout where price information is usually placed near the product name or description, can efficiently locate the price of the item they are interested in, for example, a new smartphone.3. 情况三:遇到不熟悉的词汇时- 例子5:While reading a literature passage with some archaic words. For example, in a passage from a Shakespearean play, when coming across words like “thou” and “thee”. By being aware of the context (the overall theme of the play, the relationship between characters) and the historical period of the writing, the reader can make an educated guess about the meaning. If the play is about a conversation between two friends in a love triangle, and “thou” is used by one character to address another, it can be inferred that it i s a form of “you” in an old - fashioned way.- 例子6:Reading a scientific research paper with specialized terminology. In a paper about genetics, terms like “allele” and “genotype” may be unfamiliar. The reader can use awareness of the subject area (genetics) and the overall flow of the paper. If the paper is discussing inheritance patterns, and “allele” is mentioned in the context of different forms of a gene, the reader can start to understand its meaning based on that context.4. 情况四:分析文章逻辑关系时- 例子7:In an argumentative essay. For example, an essay arguing for or against the use of renewable energy sources. The reader can be aware of the logical structure, such as the introduction stating the thesis (the main argument), the body paragraphs presenting supporting evidence or counter - arguments, and the conclusion summarizing the main points. By understanding this structure, the reader can betterevaluate the strength of the argument. If the body paragraphs lack relevant evidence or if the counter - arguments are not properly addressed, the reader can identify these flaws in the logic.- 例子8:Reading a mystery novel where the plot is full of twists and turns. By being aware of the logical connections between events, the reader can start to piece together the mystery. For instance, if a character's strange behavior is mentioned early on, and later on, a missing item is discovered, the reader can suspect that the character may be involved in the disappearance. The awareness of these logical relationships helps in predicting the outcome of the story.5. 情况五:理解文章文化背景时- 例子9:When reading a story set in a different culture. For example, a folktale from an African tribe. The reader needs to be aware of the cultural values, traditions, and beliefs of that tribe. If the story involves a character performing a certain ritual, understanding the cultural significance of that ritual (maybe it's a rite of passage or a way to appease the gods) helps in fully grasping the meaning of the story and the character's actions.- 例子10:Reading a travelogue about a foreign country. In a travelogue about Japan, when the author mentions concepts like “omotenashi” (the Japanese spirit of hospitality), the reader, by being aware of Japanese culture, can better understand the experiencesdescribed in the travelogue, such as the high - quality service in Japanese hotels and restaurants.三、个人观点English reading awareness strategies are extremely important for English learners. They not only help in improving reading comprehension but also enhance the overall reading experience. By being conscious of various elements in the reading process, readers can become more efficient and independent learners. These strategies can be developed over time through practice and exposure to different types of English texts. Teachers should also focus on teaching these strategies in the classroom, guiding students to be more aware of their reading habits and how to adjust them according to different reading tasks.。
friends in life教案
friends in life教案教学目标:一:语言知识目标1、学会单词:fat、thin、short、tall、lovely、funny、cool、pretty2、学会运用句型“He’s/She’s …。
朋友英语演讲稿《My Friends》Friends, they are like the stars in the sky of our lives. You know, I have this one friend, let's call him Tom. Tom and I go way back, all the way back to our elementary school days.I remember this one time in the third grade. It was a sunny day, but for some reason, I was feeling really down. I don't even remember exactly why now, maybe it was because I got a bad grade on a test or something stupid like that. Anyway, I was sitting all by myself on the bench during recess, just feeling sorry for myself.Tom, he comes over, bouncing a basketball. He's got this big grin on his face, like he doesn't have a care in the world. "Hey," he says to me. "What's up, you look like someone stole your ice cream." I just shrug my shoulders and mumble something about not feeling good.But Tom, he doesn't just leave me there. He plops down on the bench next to me and starts talking. "You know," he says, "that test was just one little thing. It doesn't mean you're not smart. I bet you'll ace the next one." And he starts telling me all these silly jokes. Like, "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!" I can't help but laugh a little.Then he grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Come on," he says. "Let's play some basketball. Forget about that dumb test." And we run off to thebasketball court. That day, Tom didn't have to come over and cheer me up. But he did, and that's what friends are for.I also have a group of friends from high school. There were four of us, me, Tom (yes, he's still around), Sally, and Jack. We were like a little gang, always getting into some kind of adventure.One weekend, we decided to go camping. Now, I'm not the most outdoorsy person, but with these guys, it was always fun. We get to the campsite, and Jack is trying to set up the tent. He's all confused, with the poles going every which way. Sally is just standing there, laughing at him. "Jack, you're supposed to be the outdoors expert!" she teases.Tom and I jump in to help, and of course, we're just as clueless as Jack at first. But together, we figure it out. Then we start a campfire. We sit around it, roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories. Sally tells this really spooky story about a haunted forest. She makes it so vivid, with her eyes all wide and her voice low and creepy. "And then," she says, "you can hear the footsteps getting closer and closer, but when you look, there's nothing there." Jack is so into the story that he jumps when a twig snaps in the forest. We all laugh at him, but then we're a little spooked too.In the middle of the night, it starts to rain. Our tent isn't exactly waterproof, and we all end up huddled together in one corner, trying to stay dry. It's a mess, but we're laughing so hard. "This is the best camping trip ever," Tom says, and we all agree.Friends like these are the ones that make life worth living. They're there for you when you're sad, like Tom was for me on that bench. They go on adventures with you, like our camping trip. They share the good times and the bad times. They make you laugh when you want to cry.So here's to all my friends out there. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. You're the ones who color my world and make every day an adventure.《我的朋友们》朋友啊,他们就像我们生活天空中的星星。
informal的缩写定义与释义单词:informal1.1 词性:形容词1.2 释义:非正式的;不拘礼节的;口语体的;非正规的。
1.3 英文解释:Not formal; relaxed and friendly; not following strict official or traditional rules.1.4 相关词汇:同义词:casual, unofficial, relaxed反义词:formal, official派生词:informally(副词,非正式地),informality(名词,非正式;不拘礼节)2 起源与背景2.1 词源:源自拉丁语“informalis”,其中“in-”表示“不”,“formalis”表示“形式的”,所以合起来就是“没有形式的,非正式的”。
2.2 趣闻:在一些文化中,如在古希腊的哲学讨论中,除了正式的讲学场所,学者们也常在非正式的聚会场所,如花园、广场等地方进行思想交流。
3 常用搭配与短语3.1 短语:informal meeting:非正式会议例句:We had an informal meeting in the coffee shop to discuss the new project.翻译:我们在咖啡店开了个非正式会议来讨论新项目。
informal dress:便装例句:The party has an informal dress code, so you can wear jeans and a T-shirt.翻译:这个派对有着便装要求,所以你可以穿牛仔裤和T 恤。
informal conversation:闲聊;非正式交谈例句:We had an interesting informal conversation about our hobbies.翻译:我们就我们的爱好进行了一次有趣的非正式交谈。
2024年四级必背范文In modern society, social media has become an inescapable part of our lives. It's like a double edged sword when it comes to its impact on interpersonal relationships.On one hand, social media has brought us closer in some ways. For example, we can easily keep in touch with friends and family who are far away. I remember my cousin went to study abroad last year. Before social media, we might have only written letters or made expensive long distance phone calls. But now, through platforms like WeChat or Facebook, we can see her pictures, know about her daily life immediately, and even have video chats as if she were just next door. It's also a great way to make new friends. People with similar interests can gather in various groups, chatting about their hobbies, like a bunch of movie buffs discussing the latest blockbusters or bookworms sharing their favorite reads.On the other hand, social media can also cause some problems in relationships. Some folks are so addicted to it that when they are having a face to face meeting with others, they still keep looking at their phones, checking out the latest posts or messages. It makes the people around them feel ignored. It's like you're sitting with a friend having coffee, and instead of talking to you, they're more interested in what's going on in the virtual world. Moreover, sometimes the information on social media can be misleading. You might see someone's carefully curated "perfect" life on Instagram and start to feel envious or inferior, which can put a strain on your real life relationships unconsciously.In conclusion, social media has a huge influence on our interpersonal relationships. We should make good use of it, enjoy the convenience itbrings to keep our relationships warm and close, but also be aware of its downsides and not let it ruin the real connections we have with others.Hey, you know what? College students doing part time jobs is quite a hot topic these days.Let's talk about the advantages first. One big plus is that it can give us some pocket money. I mean, who doesn't want a little extra cash? For example, you can use that money to buy some cool books, or have a nice meal out with friends. It also gives us a taste of the real working world. You learn how to deal with different kinds of people, like your boss who might be a bit strict, and your co workers who could be from all walks of life. It's like a mini rehearsal for our future careers. I have a friend who worked part time at a coffee shop. He learned how to make all kinds of coffee drinks and how to serve customers with a smile. Now he's much more confident in social situations.But, of course, there are some downsides too. Time management can be a nightmare. College students already have a lot of classes and homework to deal with. If you take on a part time job, you might find yourself running around like a headless chicken. I know a girl who took a part time tutoring job. She was so busy that she sometimes couldn't finish her own study tasks on time. And some part time jobs can be really tiring. After a long day at work, you might be too exhausted to study effectively. Also, there are some bad part time jobs out there that might even cheat you out of your hard earned money.So, in general, college students doing part time jobs has its pros and cons. We should think carefully before we jump into it and make sure we can balance work and study well.Well, let me tell you, a healthy lifestyle is super important, like the key to a happy life.First of all, eating healthy is crucial. Forget about all those junk foods like greasy fried chicken and sugary sodas all the time. I used to be a junk food junkie myself. I would munch on chips while watching TV every day. But then I started to feel sluggish and my skin was getting bad. OnceI switched to more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, I felt like a new person. Fruits are like nature's candies, full of vitamins. Vegetables give you all the fiber you need to keep your digestion going smoothly. And whole grains, they keep you full and energetic.Exercise is another must have in a healthy lifestyle. You don't have to be a fitness freak and go to the gym every day. Just find something you like. For example, dancing is a great way to get moving. You can dance like nobody's watching in your own room. Or go for a walk in the park. It's not only good for your body, but also for your mind. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are like little happiness pills. They make you feel good and reduce stress.Sleep is often overlooked, but it's a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.I know some people who like to stay up late, partying or just bingewatching shows. But if you don't get enough sleep, you'll be like a zombie the next day. Lack of sleep can affect your concentration, your mood, and even your appearance. You might get dark circles under your eyes.In a nutshell, a healthy lifestyle with good eating habits, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep is the secret to a great life. So, start making those healthy changes today!。
三年级英语节日庆祝活动筹备与流程安排练习题40题1.We eat mooncakes on this festival.A.ChristmasB.Mid-Autumn FestivalC.Halloween答案:B。
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,人们在这个节日吃月饼。
Christmas 是圣诞节,通常有圣诞树、圣诞礼物等,不吃月饼。
Halloween 是万圣节,有南瓜灯、糖果等,也不吃月饼。
2.People give presents on this festival.A.Thanksgiving DayB.Children's DayC.Christmas答案:C。
Christmas 圣诞节,人们在这个节日送礼物。
Thanksgiving Day 感恩节,主要是吃火鸡等庆祝,一般不是以送礼物为主。
Children's Day 儿童节,主要是孩子们的节日,没有普遍送礼物的习俗。
3.We wear costumes on this festival.A.EasterB.HalloweenC.New Year's Day答案:B。
Halloween 万圣节,人们会穿各种服装。
Easter 复活节,主要有彩蛋等,不穿特别的服装。
New Year's Day 元旦,一般不会穿特别的服装庆祝。
4.People eat turkey on this festival.A.Thanksgiving DayB.Mother's DayC.Valentine's Day答案:A。
Thanksgiving Day 感恩节,人们会吃火鸡。
Mother's Day 母亲节,通常送礼物给妈妈等,不吃火鸡。
Valentine's Day 情人节,主要是送花、巧克力等,不吃火鸡。
5.We give flowers to our mothers on this festival.A.Mother's DayB.Father's DayC.Teachers' Day答案:A。
老友记第一季第五集中英对照剧本y Detergent
105 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent[Scene: Central Perk, all six are there.]Monica: Would you let it go? It's not that big a deal.Ross: Not that big a deal? It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam, a bra right out the sleeve. All right, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close. Am I right? Rachel: Come on! You guys can pee standing up.Chandler: We can? All right, I'm tryin' that.Joey: Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me.Phoebe: Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care.(Long pause.)Ross:Multiple orgasms!Opening Credits[Scene: Central Perk, all are there.]Chandler:So, Saturday night, the big night, date night, Saturday night, Sat-ur-day night!Joey: No plans, huh?Chandler: Not a one.Ross: Not even, say, breaking up with Janice?Chandler: Oh, right, right, shut up.Monica: Chandler, nobody likes breaking up with someone. You just gotta do it. Chandler:No, I know, but it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up the courage to do it, and there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note.Joey: Why do you have to break up with her? Be a man, just stop calling. Phoebe: You know, if you want, I'll do it with you.Chandler: Oh, thanks, but I think she'd feel like we're gangin' up on her. Phoebe: No, I mean you break up with Janice and I'll break up with Tony. Ross: Tony?Monica: Oh, you're breaking up with Tony?Phoebe:Yeah, I know, he's sweet, but it's just not fun anymore, you know? I don't know if it's me, or his hunger strike, or, I don't know.Rachel: (waitressing) Does anybody want anything else?Ross: Oh, yeah, last week you had a wonderful, nutty, chocolatey kind of a cakey pie thing. (Rachel gives him a dirty look) Nothing, just, just, I'm fine. Phoebe: (to Rachel) What's the matter? Why so scrunchy?Rachel: It's my father. He wants to give me a Mercedes convertible.Ross: That guy, he burns me up.Rachel: Yeah, well, it's a Mercedes if I move back home. Oh, it was horrible. He called me young lady.105洗衣服别再争好吗?这又没什么大不了的没什么大不了?这简直是太神奇了只不过是用手伸进去,轻轻一碰就把胸罩解开从袖子里抽出来据我所知,男生即使靠的再近也做不到我说得对不对?拜托,男生可以站着尿我们行吗?我倒要试试看知道什么最令我嫉妒?女人随时都可以看自己的胸部低头就看到真搞不懂你们怎么会有心工作知道我搞不懂什么吗?男人可以做许多下流的事却能毫不在乎多重高潮了不起,周末夜重要的夜晚,约会的夜晚周末夜!周末夜!没有计划是吗?一个都没有.连和珍妮丝分手的打算都没有?对…闭嘴钱德,没有人喜欢分手但你还是要做呀.我知道很难.我的意思是你坐在她身旁而她却一无所知最后你鼓起勇气在这实在尴尬的时刻当你将纸条拿给她•,干嘛分手?争气点,不再打电话就行了如果愿意,我和你一起做谢了,但这样她会认为我们是联手来对付她你和琼妮分手我和东尼分手东尼?你要和东尼分手?对,我知道他人很好.Chandler: Ooh, I hate when my father calls me that.Monica: Did he give you that whole "You're-not-up-to-this" thing again? Rachel:Oh, yeah, yeah. Actually, I got the extended disco version, with three choruses of "You'll never make it on your own".Phoebe: (rhythmically) Uh-huh, uh-huh.(Angela, a beautiful woman in a tight dress, enters.)Angela: Hi, Joey.Joey: My god, Angela.(Angela takes a seat at the counter.)Monica: Wow, being dumped by you obviously agrees with her.Phoebe: Are you gonna go over there?Joey:No, yeah, no, ok, but not yet. I don't wanna seem too eager. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. That seems pretty cool. (he walks over to her) Hey, Angela.Angela: (casually) Joey.Joey: You look good.Angela: That's because I'm wearing a dress that accents my boobs.Joey: You don't say.(Cut to Ross and Rachel, talking next to one of the tables.)Ross: So, uh, Rachel, what are you, uh, what're you doing tonight?Rachel: Oh, big glamour night. Me and Monica at Laundorama.Ross:Oh, you uh, you wanna hear a freaky coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too?Rachel: Who?Ross: Me. Was that not clear? Hey, why don't, um, why don't I just join you both, here?Rachel: Don't you have a laundry room in your building?Ross:Yes, I do have a laundry room in my building, um, but there's a.... rat problem. Apparently they're attracted to the dryer sheets, and they're goin' in fine, but they're comin' out all.... fluffy. Anyway, say, sevenish?Rachel: Sure.(Cut back to Joey and Angela at the counter.)Angela: Forget it Joey. I'm with Bob now.Joey: Bob? Who the hell's Bob?Angela: Bob is great. He's smart, he's sophisticated, and he has a real job. You, you go on three auditions a month and you call yourself an actor, but Bob... Joey: Come on, we were great together. And not just at the fun stuff, but like, talking too.Angela: Yeah, well, sorry, Joe. You said let's just be friends, so guess what? Joey: What?Angela: We're just friends.Joey:Fine, fine, so, why don't the four of us go out and have dinner together tonight? You know, as friends?Angela: What four of us?Joey: You know, you and Bob, and me and my girlfriend, uh, uh, Monica. [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment, Joey is there, trying to convince Monica 但是我对他再没新鲜感了.我不知道问题是在于我还是他的绝食抗议还有人需要什么吗?我,上星期你做了有核果,巧克力之类的派没事,我还好怎么啦,怪怪的是我爸他要买奔驰敞篷车给我那家伙真叫我生气如果想要奔驰,我就得搬回家.太可恶了他称我为”年轻的女士”我最受不了我爸这样叫我他是不是又说你年纪太轻之类的话对,这次是迪斯科加长版,带着三重唱说”你永远不能自立”嘿,乔伊天呀,安琪拉.被你甩掉对她大有好处你想过去吗?不想...想...不想待会再说,我不想显得太急于见她了.一个密西西比,两个密西西比,三个密西西比,这样显得比较酷安琪拉乔伊你的样子真好.因为我的衣服突显出我的胸部看得出来瑞秋,你今晚有何节目?精彩丰富我要和摩妮卡去洗衣店想知道有个巧合吗?猜猜谁也要去洗衣店?谁?我难道还不够清楚?何不让我加入你们?你的公寓没有洗衣间吗?有,我的公寓有洗衣间不过,那儿有老鼠.它们显然对to pose as his girlfriend. His plan is to hook Monica up with Angela's boyfriend Bob and then take Angela back for himself.]Joey: Monica, I'm tellin' you, this guy is perfect for you.Monica: Forget it. Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet.Joey: Come on. This guy's great. His name's Bob. He's Angela's... brother. He's smart, he's sophisticated, and he has a real job. Me, I go on three auditions a month and call myself an actor, but Bob is...Monica: (looking out window) Oh, god help us.Joey: What?Monica: Ugly Naked Guy's laying kitchen tile. Eww!Joey:Eww! Look, I'm asking a favor here. If I do this for her brother, maybe Angela will come back to me.Monica: What's going on here? You go out with tons of girls.Joey: (proud) I know, but, I made a huge mistake. I never should have broken up with her. Will you help me? Please?[Scene: Ross' apartment, Chandler is over.]Ross: (on phone) Ok, bye. (hangs up) Well, Monica's not coming, it's just gonna be me and Rachel.Chandler:Oh. Well, hold on camper, are you sure you've thought this thing through?Ross: It's laundry. The thinking through is minimal.Chandler: It's just you and Rachel, just the two of you? This is a date. You're going on a date.Ross: Nuh-uh.Chandler: Yuh-huh.Ross:So what're you saying here? I should shave again, pick up some wine, what?Chandler: Well, you may wanna rethink the dirty underwear. This is basically the first time she's gonna see your underwear—you want it to be dirty?Ross: (sheepish) No.Chandler: Oh, and uh, the fabric softener?Ross:Ok, ok, now what is wrong with my Snuggles? What, it says I'm a sensitive, warm kinda guy, you know, like a warm, fuzzy bear. Ok, I can pick something else up on the way.Chandler: There you go.[Scene: A fancy restaurant, Joey and Monica are there, meeting Angela and Bob, who Monica thinks is Angela's brother.]Monica: Thank you. So what does this Bob guy look like? Is he tall? Short? Joey: Yep.Monica: Which?Joey: Which what?Monica: You've never met Bob, have you?Joey: No, but he's...Monica: Oh my god, Joey, for all we know this guy could be horribly... (Angela and Bob walk in. Bob is good-looking.)Angela: Hey, Joey.烘干机里的香香纸感兴趣进入时还好出来是却毛绒绒的7点左右见?好吧免了,乔依我现在和鲍伯交往鲍伯?谁是鲍伯?鲍伯简直是棒透了聪明,成熟,又有真正的工作你每个月面识三次就称自己是演员但是鲍伯我们在一起时很开心不只是寻欢作乐我们也聊得来没错,不过抱歉你曾说我们当朋友就好,那么什么?我们只是朋友行,我们四个何不一起出去吃晚饭?就像朋友一样哪四个?你和鲍伯我和我的女友…摩妮卡摩妮卡,他绝对适合你算了吧从你那会啧出字母块的表兄后我再也不敢领教了没骗你,他真的很棒他叫鲍伯,安琪拉的哥哥鲍伯简直是棒透了聪明,成熟,又有真正的工作我呢?我每个月面试三次就称自己是演员,但是鲍勃...我的天哪什么?丑陋的裸男在铺厨房磁砖我在求你帮忙如果我能为她哥哥做点事或许她会回到我身旁你是怎么了?你和千百个女人约会我知道我犯了天大的错误Monica: ...horribly attractive. I'll be shutting up now.[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Phoebe are there, both ready to break up with their significant others.]Chandler: Where are they? Where are they?Phoebe: This is nice. We never do anything just the two of us.Chandler:It's great. Maybe tomorrow we can rent a car and run over some puppies.Phoebe: Eww, I don't wanna do that.(Janice and Phoebe's boyfriend, Tony, walk in.)Chandler: Here we go.Phoebe: Ok, have a good break-up.Chandler: Hey, Janice.Janice: Oh, my god, I am so glad you called me. I had the most supremely awful day.Chandler:Hey, that's not good. Can I get an espresso and a latte over here, please?Janice: We got the proofs back from that photo shoot, you know, the one with the little vegetables. Anyway, they pretty much sucked, so, I blew off the rest of the day, and I went shopping...(looks through her bags)... and I got you, I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking, I got you...(Chandler sees Phoebe breaking up with Tony. She talks to him for a few seconds, hugs him, and then he leaves. Chandler is amazed how easy it was for her.)Chandler: What?Janice: What?Chandler: (covering) What... did you get me there?Janice: I got you...these. (pulls out a pair of socks)Chandler: Bullwinkle socks. That's so sweet.Janice: Well, I knew you had the Rockys, and so I figured, you know, you can wear Bullwinkle and Bullwinkle, or you can wear Rocky and Rocky,or, you can mix and match, moose and squirrel. Whatever you want.Chandler: That's great.(The drinks arrive, and Chandler downs his espresso in one gulp.)Chandler: Well, I'm gonna get another espresso. Can I get you another latte? Janice: (holding the full cup) No, no, I'm still working on mine.(Chandler walks over to the counter where Phoebe is, and is asking her about the break-up.)Chandler: That's it?Phoebe: Yeah, it was really hard.Chandler: Oh, yeah, that hug looked pretty brutal.Phoebe: Ok, you weren't there.[Scene: The Launderama, Rachel is there, waiting for Ross. An old woman takes Rachel's clothes off the machine and begins loading it with her things.] Woman: Comin' through. Move, move.Rachel: Oh, 'scuse me. I was kinda using that machine.Woman: Yeah, well, now you're kinda not.我不该和她分手愿意帮我吗?求求你好,再见摩妮卡不能去了现在只剩我和瑞秋等等,老兄你确定自己仔细想过只是去洗店没仔细想过你是说只有你和瑞秋两个?对这叫约会,你们要去约会不对没错的.你说我该怎么办?该再刮刮胡子或挑瓶美酒?或许你该再考虑你那肮脏的内衣裤为什么?因为将她首度见到你的内衣裤想让她看见你那肮脏的内衣裤吗?不想还有衣物柔软精我的熊宝贝又怎么了?这代表我敏感,贴心就像一只毛绒绒的熊宝贝好吧,我在路上买就是了这才对路谢谢,鲍伯长什么样?到底是高还是矮?是的什么?什么什么?你没和鲍伯见过面,对不?对,可是…拜托,这家伙可能相当…嘿,乔伊.相当吸引人.我闭嘴就是了他们在哪儿?感觉真好,我们俩从未独处过对,或许明天我们可以租辆车撞几只小狗我不想那样她来了祝你有个愉快的分手珍妮丝真高兴你打电话给我Rachel: But I saved it. I put my basket on top.Woman:Oh, I'm sorry, is that your basket? It's really pretty. Unfortunately, I don't see suds.Rachel: What?Woman: No suds, no save. Ok?(Ross arrives.)Ross: What's goin' on?Rachel: Hi, uh, nothing. That horrible woman just took my machine.Ross: Was your basket on top?Rachel: Yeah, but, there were no suds.Ross: So?Rachel: Well, you know, no suds, no save.Ross:No suds? Excuse me, hold on a second. (to woman) That's my friend's machine.Woman: Hey, hey, hey, her stuff wasn't in it.Ross: Hey, hey, hey, that's not the rule and you know it.(The woman and Ross stare at each other. Finally she takes her stuff out of the machine and leaves.)Ross:(to the crowd in the laundromat) All right, show's over. Nothing to see here. (to Rachel) Ok, let's do laundry.Rachel: That was amazing. I can't even send back soup.Ross:Well, that's because you're such a sweet, gentle, uh...Do you, uh, do you...Oh, hey, uh you must need detergent.(Ross pulls out a huge box of laundry detergent.)Rachel: What's that?Ross:Uberveiss. It's new, it's German, it's extra-tough.(Rachel starts to load her clothes.)Ross: Rach, do you uh, are you gonna separate those?Rachel: Oh god. Oh, am I being like a total laundry spaz? I mean, am I supposed to use like one machine for shirts and another machine for pants?Ross: Rach, have you never done this before?Rachel: Well, not myself, but I know other people that have. Ok, you caught me. I'm a laundry virgin.Ross:Uh, well, don't worry, I'll use the gentle cycle. Ok, um, basically you wanna use one machine for all your whites, a whole nother machine for colors, and a third for your uh, your uh, delicates, and that would be your bras and your under-panty things.Rachel: (holds a pair of panties in front of Ross) Ok, Well, what about these are white cotton panties. Would they go with whites or delicates?Ross: (visibly nervous) Uh, that, that, that would be a judgment call. [Scene: Fancy restaurant, Monica, Joey, Angela, and Bob are seated at the table.] Monica:(to Joey) He is so cute. (to Angela and Bob) So, where did you guys grow up?Angela: Brooklyn Heights.Bob: Cleveland.Monica:How, how did that happen?我从来没这么悲惨的一天不妙能端杯浓缩咖啡和拿铁来吗?我们刚在摄影小站拍了照有几颗蔬菜的那个总之那些蔬菜烂透了我的整个下午就这样毁了我去逛街购物然后就为你买了…让我找找…让我找找我为你…什么?你帮我买什么?我帮你买…这个布文哥袜真可爱我知道你已有洛基所以我想你可以穿一双布文哥或穿一双洛基或混着穿,随你高兴我再去叫一杯浓缩咖啡想再来一杯拿铁吗?不用了,我的还没喝完就这样?对,真的很难哦,是么,那个拥抱看起来还真绝情呢你又不是当事人!借过,让开…抱歉,我似乎用这台洗衣机是吗?不过现在"似乎"不是了但是我占位置了,我放了篮子在上面.抱歉,这是你的篮子吗?对真漂亮,但是我没看到肥皂水.什么?没肥皂水就不算保留,行吗?怎么了?没什么这位凶婆娘抢了我的洗衣机你有把篮子放上面吗?有,但是没有肥皂水?然后呢?没肥皂水就不算保留没肥皂水就不算保留抱歉,等等Joey: Oh my god.Monica: What?Joey: I suddenly had the feeling that I was falling. But I'm not.Commercial Break[Scene: Fancy restaurant, Joey and Bob are talking.]Joey: So, you and Angela, huh?Bob: Yep. Pretty much.Joey: You're a lucky man. You know what I miss the most about her? That cute nibbly noise when she eats. Like a happy little squirrel, or a weasel.Bob: Huh, I never really noticed.Joey: Oh, yeah, yeah, listen for it.Bob: Monica, Monica is great.Joey: Yeah, but it's not gonna last. She's too much for me in bed. Sexually. [Scene: The ladies' bathroom at the restaurant, Monica and Angela are talking.] Monica: I've gotta tell you, Bob is terrific.Angela: Yeah, isn't he?Monica:It is so great to meet a guy who is smart and funny, and has an emotional age beyond, like eight.Angela: You know what else? He's unbelievable in bed.Monica: Wow. My brother never even told me when he lost his virginity. Angela: Huh. That's nice.[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is coaching Chandler on how to break up with Janice.]Phoebe: Ok, you can do this. It's just like pulling off a Band-aid. Just do it really fast, and then the wound is exposed.(Chandler walks back to couch, where Janice is.)Chandler:Janice. Hi, Janice. Ok, here we go. I don't think we should go out anymore. Janice.Janice: All right. Well, there you go. (she gets extremely wound up, and begins to try and calm herself down) Stop it, stop it, stop it.[Scene: The laundromat.]Rachel: Ok, I know this is gonna sound really stupid, but I feel that if I can do this, you know, if I can actually do my own laundry, there isn't anything I can't do.Ross: That does not sound stupid to me. You know, it's like the first time I had to make dinner for myself, after Carol left me? (the buzzer on the washer goes off) I'm sorry, that's all the time we have. Next on Ross...(opens up the washer) Uh-oh.Rachel: What uh-oh?Ross:(not wanting to tell her) Uh-oh, uh-oh, the laundry's done. It's, uh, it's a song. The laundry song that we sing.(singing) Uh-oh the laundry's done, uh-oh, uh-oh.Rachel: Ross, what's the matter?Ross: Nothing, nothing. Lee-lo, the laundry's done.Rachel: Come on, show me.Ross: All right, all right, it's just that you left a red sock in with all your whites,这是我朋友用的机器她的东西没在里面你明知规矩不是这样的表演结束没什么好看的洗衣服吧这简直是太神奇了我连汤都不敢退因为你是个即温柔,又可爱的你得用洗衣粉那是什么?乌伯怀斯,来自德国的新产品洗净力超强瑞秋,你准备分开洗吗?我像个洗衣大白痴我得用一台洗衬衣用另一台洗裤子吗?你没洗过衣服?没有,但我认识这样洗过的人好吧,被你发现了我"第一次"衣服别担心,我会用"轻柔"循环你得用一台洗你全部的白衣白衣另一台洗其他颜色的衣服其他颜色的衣服第三台洗贴身…胸罩和内裤之类的这些棉质的白色内裤呢?与白衣还是贴身衣物一起洗?随便你罗他好可爱你们在哪儿长大?布鲁克林克里佛兰怎么会这样?哎哟.我突然有种...坠落的感觉但是没有.你和安琪拉在一起?差不多你真幸运and now, everything's kinda pink.Rachel: Oh, everything's pink.Ross: Yeah, uh, except for the red sock, which is still red. I'm sorry, please don't be upset, it could happen to anyone.Rachel: Except it didn't. It happened to me. Oh, god, I'm gonna look like a big marshmallow peep. What am I doing? What am I doing? My father's right. I can't live on my own! I can't even do laundry!(The woman who had tried to steal the washing machine walks by, and laughs.) [Scene: The fancy restaurant, Angela has her hand in Bob's shirt, and Monica is very uncomfortable.]Monica: Something went wrong with Underdog, and they couldn't get his head to inflate. So anyway, um, his head is like flopping down Broadway, right, and I'm just thinking... how inappropriate this is. Um, I've got something in my eye, uh, Joey, could we check it in the light, please?(Her and Joey walk away from the table.)Monica: Oh my god.Joey: What?Monica: Hello! Were we at the same table? It's like... cocktails in Appalachia. Joey: Come on, they're close.Monica: Close? She's got her tongue in his ear.Joey: Oh, like you've never gotten a little rambunctious with Ross.Monica: Joey, this is sick, it's disgusting, it's, it's—not really true, is it?Joey: Well, who's to say what's true? I mean...Monica: Oh my god, what were you thinking?Joey: All right, look, I'm not proud of this, ok? Well, maybe I am a little. Monica: (hits him lightly) Oh!Joey: Ow!Monica: (leaving) I'm outta here.Joey: Wait, wait, wait. You want him, I want her. He likes you.Monica: Really?Joey: Yeah. I'm thinking, if we put our heads together, between the two of us, we can break them up.[Time lapse, Monica accidentally spilled her drink on Bob's shirt and is wiping it off. Joey is making eyes at Angela.]Monica:I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did this, but I couldn't stop laughing at your Norman Mailer story.(Angela is eating chicken wings and making the weasel-like noise Joey had told Bob about.)Joey: Uh, waiter, one more plate of chicken wings over here.[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler is still trying to ease things over with Janice, and there are about a dozen empty Espresso cups in front of him. He is extremely wired.]Chandler: Here's the thing, Janice. You know, I mean, it's like we're different. I'm like the bing, bing, bing. You're like the boom, boom, (Chandler flails his hand out and hits Janice in the eye)... boom.Janice: Ow!知道我最想念她什么?她轻啃东西的声音好像是快乐的小松鼠或是鼬我倒是没注意过以后注意听摩妮卡,摩妮卡很好没错,不过不会维持很久.我心有余而力不足…在床上我得告诉你鲍伯简直是太棒了可不是吗能遇上聪明幽默心智年龄超过八岁的人真棒知道吗?他的床上更是一流我哥从未告诉我他何时失去童贞真好你能办到的这就像是拔绷带一样快速拔起露出伤口快走珍妮丝…管他的我想我们不该再交往下去了珍妮丝我知道了…停下来,停下来....我知道这听起来很可笑我想我可以洗衣服的话我就没有办不到的事我一点都不觉得可笑太好了就像卡罗尔离开后我第一次动手做晚饭抱歉,时间到下集再来谈罗斯怎么了?衣服洗好了这是一首歌我们唱的一首洗衣歌衣服洗好了罗斯,到底怎么了?Chandler: Oh, my god, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?Janice: Ow. Um, it's just my lens. It's just my lens. I'll be right back.(She leaves.)Chandler: (to Phoebe) I hit her in the eye! I hit her in the eye! This is the worst break-up in the history of the world.Phoebe:Oh my god. (Chandler downs another espresso.) How many of those have you had?Chandler: Oh, I don't know, a million?Phoebe: Chandler, easy, easy. Go to your happy place. La la la la la la la. Chandler: I'm fine.Phoebe: All right.(Janice returns from the bathroom.)Chandler: I'm not fine. Here she comes.Phoebe: Wait here. Breathe.(Phoebe goes over to speak to Janice. She talks to her for a few seconds, and then Janice immediately smiles, hugs her, waves to Chandler, and leaves.) Chandler: How do you do that?Phoebe: It's like a gift.Chandler: We should always always break up together.Phoebe: Oh, I'd like that.[Scene: The Launderama. Rachel is sorting her now-pink clothes.]Ross: You got the clothes clean. Now that's the important part.Rachel: Oh, I guess. Except everything looks like jammies now.(The same woman walks over and takes Rachel's laundry cart.)Rachel: Whoa, I'm sorry. Excuse me. We had this cart.Woman: Yeah, well, I had a 24-inch waist. You lose things. Now come on, get outta my way.(Rachel looks at Ross, who motions to her to get the cart back.)Rachel: I'm sorry, you know, maybe I wasn't being clear. Uh, this is our cart. Woman: Hey, hey, hey there aren't any clothes in it.Rachel: Hey, hey, hey, hey, quit making up rules!Woman: Let go!(They struggle for the cart. Finally, Rachel climbs inside of it.)Rachel: All right, listen, missy. If you want this cart, you're gonna have to take me with it!(She thinks it over, and then walks away.)Rachel: (to Ross) Yes! Did you see that?Ross: You were incredible! Brand new woman, ladies and gentlemen. Rachel: I could not have done this without you.(Rachel stands up and kisses Ross. He is stunned. A moment of silence follows.) Ross: Ok, um, uh, more clothes in the dryer? (Ross turns and bangs his head on an open dryer door.) I'm fine, I'm fine.Rachel: Are you sure?Ross: No.Closing Credits[Scene: Central Perk, Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe are there. Ross has an icepack to 没事,衣服洗好了…罗斯,快给我看…好吧,你把一只红袜放到白色衣物里面了所以白衣全变成粉红色全变成粉红色?对,但红袜还是红袜抱歉,千万别伤心任何人都可能发生这种事不,它只发生在我身上我穿这些看来会像一只粉红猪我爸说得对,我无法独立生活我连洗衣服都不会狗气球出了意外他的头无法膨胀于是他的头就落在百老汇我心想这实在太不像话了有东西跑进我眼睛乔依,能到灯下帮我看看吗?我的天呀!怎么啦?我们是坐在同一桌吗?这太离谱了拜托,他们姐弟感情很好感情很好?她舌头都伸进了他的耳朵你和罗斯就不会有小动作?乔伊,这是病态,太恶心了这不是真的,对不?谁说是真的?你到底在想什么?好吧,我也不喜欢这样或许有一点我要走了等等,你喜欢他我要她,他喜欢你真的?没错.我想只要我们一起想办法就能让他们分开真是抱歉没想到我会这样你的故事让我笑得嘴巴合不拢服务生,再来一盘鸡翅珍妮丝我们是不同类型的人我的声音就好像丁丁丁his head.]Rachel: Oh, are you sure you're ok?Ross: Yeah.Rachel: Does it still hurt?Ross: Yeah.Phoebe: (seeing Rachel's clothes) What a neat idea. All your clothes match. I'm gonna do this.(Monica and Joey enter.)Monica: Hi.Phoebe: Hey, how'd it go?Joey: Excellent.Monica: We ripped that couple apart, and kept the pieces for ourselves.Ross: What a beautiful story. Hey, I'm fine by the way.Monica: (notices his head) Oh, I'm sorry.Rachel: Where's Chandler?Phoebe: Oh, he needed some time to grieve.(Chandler runs by the window outside, joyous.)Chandler: I'm free! I'm free!Phoebe: That oughta do it.End 你的声音就好像梆梆梆糟了,抱歉你没事吧没事,只是我的隐形眼镜等会儿就没事了,我马上回来我打中她的眼睛这是有史以来世上最糟糕的分手我的天你到底喝了几杯?我也不知道百万杯?钱德,放轻松快回到你的快乐天堂我没事的…不妙,她回来了在这儿等着,深呼吸你是怎么办到的?我有天赋.我们每次都应该一起"分手"我乐意之至你已把衣服洗净现在是重要部份大概吧只是衣服都成了睡衣抱歉,推车是我们的是吗?我的腰围也曾是一尺八但是时过境迁请让道.抱歉,或许我没说清楚这是我们的推车这上面没有衣服你又再乱编规矩了放手车是我的,我先看到的好吧,想用这辆车你就得推着我一起走我赢了,看见没?你真是太神奇了各位,一位脱胎换骨的新女性多亏了你我才能办到烘干机里还有衣服?我没事...没事你确定没事?嗯还疼么?真是聪明,衣服颜色都一样我也要这么做嘿,怎么样啦?我们把那一对佳人掰成两半一人一半真是美丽动人的故事我已经没事了.钱德在哪儿?他需要一点时间疗伤我自由了…他应该复原了。
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Season 1 Episode 5 The one with the East German laundry detergentStep 1a.Introduce yourself?b.Tell us When did you first watch 《Friends》?c.If 《Friends》has amazed you and tell us what is it that you liked?d.Step 2Video Time (Please pay attention, we will discuss many topics around this episode.) Step 3Topic 1. What do you think the difference between the men and the women?Topic 2. Every weekend, what do you like to do?Topic 3.Do you have the experience of break with someone?Topic 4. Did you have met someone make your life difficult in work or study? But you depend on your ability to change this situation?Topic 5. Have you ever help your friend get rid of dilemma?Topic 6.Do you intentionally change the subject when you chat with your friends? Topic 7.Did you have do something, you worked hard but didn't work out?Topic 8.Do you have some special gift?Topic 9. What is feeling when you're single, free or lonely?Step 4 Study TimeStep 5 Show TimeChoose one of the figures and try to play it with your own emotion or your understanding or just imitate the speech sounds and intonation.Scene 1Chandler: So, Saturday night, the big night, date night, Saturday night, Sat-ur-day night!Joey: No plans, huh?Chandler: Not a one.Ross: Not even, say, breaking up with Janice?Chandler: Oh, right, right, shut up.Monica: Chandler, nobody likes breaking up with someone. You just gotta do it. Chandler: No, I know, but it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up thecourage to do it, and there's the horrible awkward moment when you'vehanded her the note.Joey: Why do you have to break up with her? Be a man, just stop calling.Phoebe: You know, if you want, I'll do it with you.Chandler: Oh, thanks, but I think she'd feel like we're gangin' up on her.Phoebe: No, I mean you break up with Janice and I'll break up with Tony.Ross: Tony?Monica: Oh, you're breaking up with Tony?Phoebe: Yeah, I know, he's sweet, but it's just not fun anymore, you know? I don't know if it's me, or his hunger strike, or, I don't know.Rachel: (waitressing) Does anybody want anything else?Ross: Oh, yeah, last week you had a wonderful, nutty, chocolatey kind of a cakey pie thing. (Rachel gives him a dirty look) Nothing, just, just, I'm fine.Phoebe: (to Rachel) What's the matter? Why so scrunchy?Rachel: It's my father. He wants to give me a Mercedes convertible.Ross: That guy, he burns me up.Rachel: Yeah, well, it's a Mercedes if I move back home. Oh, it was horrible. He called me young lady.Chandler: Ooh, I hate when my father calls me that.Monica: Did he give you that whole "You're-not-up-to-this" thing again?Rachel: Oh, yeah, yeah. Actually, I got the extended disco version, with three choruses of "You'll never make it on your own".Phoebe: (rhythmically) Uh-huh, uh-huh.Scene2Woman: Coming through. Move, move.Rachel: Oh, Excuse me. I was kinda using that machine.Woman: Yeah, well, now you're kinda not.Rachel: But I saved it. I put my basket on top.Woman: Oh, I'm sorry, is that your basket? It's really pretty. Unfortunately, I don't see suds.Rachel: What?Woman: No suds, no save. Ok?(Ross arrives.)Ross: What's goin' on?Rachel: Hi, uh, nothing. That horrible woman just took my machine.Ross: Was your basket on top?Rachel: Yeah, but, there were no suds.Ross: So?Rachel: Well, you know, no suds, no save.Ross: No suds? Excuse me, hold on a second. (to woman) That's my friend's machine. Woman: Hey, hey, hey, her stuff wasn't in it.Ross: Hey, hey, hey, that's not the rule and you know it.(The woman and Ross stare at each other. Finally she takes her stuff out of the machine and leaves.)Rachel: Ok, I know this is gonna sound really stupid, but I feel that if I can do this, you know, if I can actually do my own laundry, there isn't anything I can't do. Ross: That does not sound stupid to me. You know, it's like the first time I had to make dinner for myself, after Carol left me? (the buzzer on the washer goes off) I'm sorry, that's all the time we have.。