影片剪辑元件就是大家平时常说的MC(Movie Clip),是一种可重用的动画片段,拥有各自独立于主时间轴的多帧时间轴。用户可以把场景上任何看得到的对象,甚至整个时间轴内容创建为一个MC,而且可以将这个MC放置到另一个MC中,用户还可以将一段动画(如逐帧动画)转换成影片剪辑元件。
图1-11 Flash教学课件
ResearchDownload User GuideVersion: 1.2.5DocCode: SW-BASE-UG-0051Date: 2011-04-21重要声明版权声明本文档中的任何内容受《中华人民共和国著作权法》的保护,版权所有© 2008,展讯通信有限公司,保留所有权利,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。
相关文档目录第1章概述................................................................................................................................................ 1-11.1 系统概述 ......................................................................................................................................... 1-11.2 文件组成 ......................................................................................................................................... 1-11.3 运行环境 ......................................................................................................................................... 1-2 第2章程序说明........................................................................................................................................ 2-12.1 界面说明 ......................................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.1 主界面 ................................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.2 工具栏说明 ........................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.3 状态窗口说明 ....................................................................................................................... 2-22.2 简要操作步骤 ................................................................................................................................. 2-32.2.1 运行程序 ............................................................................................................................... 2-32.2.2 设置下载参数 ....................................................................................................................... 2-32.2.3 开始下载 ............................................................................................................................... 2-42.2.4 下载完成 ............................................................................................................................... 2-52.2.5 退出程序 ............................................................................................................................... 2-5 第3章使用指南........................................................................................................................................ 3-13.1 程序设置 ......................................................................................................................................... 3-13.1.1 设置界面 ............................................................................................................................... 3-13.1.2 普通设置 ............................................................................................................................... 3-23.1.3 NAND Flash设置 .................................................................................................................. 3-33.1.4 Calibration 设置..................................................................................................................... 3-53.1.5 Flash Operations 设置 ........................................................................................................... 3-63.1.6 Multi-Language 设置............................................................................................................. 3-93.1.7 LCD Configure 设置 ........................................................................................................... 3-103.1.8 MCP Type设置 .................................................................................................................... 3-103.2 打包 ............................................................................................................................................... 3-113.3 设置配置文件 ............................................................................................................................... 3-123.3.1 添加产品 ............................................................................................................................. 3-12-i-3.3.2 增加新的备份项.................................................................................................................. 3-153.3.3 添加私有配置文件.............................................................................................................. 3-163.3.4 在私有配置文件中隐藏产品.............................................................................................. 3-17 附录A Revision History ............................................................................................................................ A-1-ii-图目录图2-1 ResearchDownload主界面........................................................................................................ 2-1 图2-2 状态窗口 ................................................................................................................................... 2-2 图2-3 “Passed”窗口............................................................................................................................ 2-3 图2-4 “Failed”窗口 ............................................................................................................................ 2-3 图2-5 “Waiting”窗口.......................................................................................................................... 2-3 图2-6 参数设置界面 ........................................................................................................................... 2-4 图2-7 程序下载界面 ........................................................................................................................... 2-4 图2-8 程序下载成功 ........................................................................................................................... 2-5 图2-9 程序下载失败 ........................................................................................................................... 2-5 图3-1 程序设置页面 ........................................................................................................................... 3-1 图3-2 串口设置 ................................................................................................................................... 3-2 图3-3 选择产品 ................................................................................................................................... 3-3 图3-4 选择文件 ................................................................................................................................... 3-3 图3-5 FLASH操作设置....................................................................................................................... 3-3 图3-6 NAND Flash设置界面.............................................................................................................. 3-4 图3-7 Calibration设置界面 ................................................................................................................. 3-5 图3-13 Packet设置界面..................................................................................................................... 3-12-i-表目录表1-1 文件组成 ................................................................................................................................... 1-1 表2-1 ResearchDownload软件主界面说明........................................................................................ 2-2 表2-2 状态界面说明 ........................................................................................................................... 2-2 表3-1 设置界面说明 ........................................................................................................................... 3-2-i-第1章概述1.1 系统概述ResearchDownload工具软件的用途是通过串口将手机软件写进硬件模块中。
变形操作面板。这里的变形,主要是指旋转(Rotate)、透视(Skew),以及大小改变三种操作,你只需在相应的输入框内填入合适的数字,再点按最下排两个按钮的第一个按钮(Copy And Apply Transform)就可以了,其功能相当于操作菜单中的 Modify (变形)命令。如图三:
4.Stroke Panel(描边面板):
此面板又叫作轮廓面板,主要用来处理物件的轮廓属性。这些属性包括:Stroke Styles(轮廓样式)、Stroke Height(轮廓高度,即轮廓的厚度)、Stroke Color(轮廓颜色),而最下面是个结果预览框,轮廓样式,轮廓厚度及轮廓颜色等信息,都可以在这个预览框中看到。如图四:
提示:简单的颜色只需直接在采样面板上进行就可以了,但对于复杂的、有多种色值变化的填充,则需借助前面我们讲到的 Fill(填充面板)来进行。有了 Fill 属性设置面板的帮助,你可以创造出各种各样的色彩!在后面的实战章节中你将体会到这点。
提示:这个面板有什么作用?很简单,当你要用 Flash 制作一个指定大小的组件时,就得先利用此面板获取详细的物件信息,然后再进行制作。
2.Fill Panel(填充面板):
共有填充样式(FillStyle)与填充颜色(Fill Color)两种设置功能,其中,填充样式又分为没有填充(None)、实心填充(Solid)、线性渐变填充(Linear Gradient)、球性渐变填充(Radial Gradient)、位图填充(Bitmap)五种填充方式。如图二:
关于闪电侠的英文介绍Today,I want to tell you an American drama called the Flash. It’sthought that when a hero like Batman is bestowed with great power, he or she must endure loneliness and suffering as a result. The Flash Grant Gustin, however, makes a fun, lightning-quick and optimistic superhero. Like Spiderman Peter Parker, who gained the ability to sling webs and climb walls after being bitten by a spider, Barry Allen wasshocked into superhero-status by accident. A strike from a lightning bolt put Allen into a nine-month coma, and when he emerged, he found himself endowed with super speed.Naturally, Allen slips on a colorful suit and becomes the Flash, a hero who uses his extreme speed to fight super-powered villains. But the Flash also has other motives, namely finding out the truth behind his mother’s death and his father’s unjustimprisonment.When he is 11,Barry Allen’s mother was killed in a bizarre horror accident,and his father was incorrectly considered to be the murderer.But his friend,Joe West adopted him.After he grew up,Barry Allen has become a smart, motivated, lovable CSIforensic analyst.During this time he also experience the advancedtechnology.1/ 2Although Allen has gone through childhood traumas like Batman’s Bruce Wayne, he’s not a lonely hero that every one admires but noone really knows. Instead, in this lighthearted show, he grows into a superhero whose powers include optimism.He’s got close friend and longtime crush Iris West on his team as well as STAR Labs, a group of scientists that not only save his life, but also provide him emotional support and the gadgetry necessary to fight crime.A big surprise for me was that The Flash cast Prison Break star Wentworth Miller as supervillain Captain Cold, who wields a gun that can turn anything into ice.From this drama,we can learn many thing.the most important thing is that we should always be confident and brave.2/ 2。
Today,I want to tell you an American drama(美剧)called the Flash. It’s thought that when a hero like Batman is bestowed with(被寄予)gr eat power, he or she must endure loneliness and suffering as a result(忍受住寂寞和痛苦的结果). The Flash Grant Gustin, however, makes a fun, l ightning-quick and optimistic superhero.Like Spiderman Peter Parker, who gained the ability to sling webs(吊索网) and climb walls after being bitten by a spider, Barry Allen was shocked into superhero-status(地位、身份)by accident. A strike fro m a lightning bolt(闪电)put Allen into a nine-month coma(昏迷), an d when he emerged(从困境中摆脱、苏醒), he found himself endowed (拥有)with super speed.Naturally(顺理成章地、自然而然地), Allen slips on(一下子穿上)a c olorful suit and becomes the Flash, a hero who uses his extreme speed t o fight super-powered villains(恶棍、反派). But the Flash also has other motives, namely(也就是)finding out the truth behind his mother’s deat h and his father’s unjustImprisonment(冤狱).When he is 11,Barry Allen’s mother was killed i n a bizarre (离奇的)horror(恐怖的)accident,and his father was incorre ctly considered to be the murderer.But his friend,Joe West adopted him.A fter he grew up,Barry Allen has become a smart, motivated(积极的), lo vable(招人喜爱的)CSIforensic (法律的)analyst(分析人).During this t ime he also experience the advanced technology.Although Allen has gone through childhood traumas(心灵创伤)he’s n ot a lonely hero that every one admires but noone really knows. He’s go t close friend and longtime crush(迷恋)Iris West on his team as well a s STAR Labs, a group of scientists that not only save his life, but also pr ovide him emotional support and the gadgetry(小工具)necessary to fig ht crimeFrom this drama,we can learn many thing.the most important thing is that we should always be confident and brave.。
The Flash闪电侠
(portrayed by Grant Gustin) ,
He is a forensic scientist(法医科学家) in central city.14 years ago, his mother was killed by the Reverse Flash ,and his father went to prison for her murder,then Barry was adopted by Detective Joe. One day he was struck by lightning. Then he owned superhuman speed.
The Flash premiered in North America on October 7, 2014. It has received generally positive reviews , and Harvest a lot of fans .
Barry Allen
DC漫画公司(Detective Comics)是美国 与漫威漫画公司( Marvel Comics )齐名 THESE HEROES ARE CREATED BY THE 的漫画巨头,创建于1934年。1938年6月, SAME COMPANY… 公司在《动作漫画》创刊号上创造出世 界上第一位超级英雄——超人,从此改 写了美国漫画史。1939年5月,公司在 《侦探漫画》第27期上创造出世界上第 一位没有超能力的超级英雄——蝙蝠侠。 自此超人和蝙蝠侠作为DC的招牌角色, 各自拥有自己的连载漫画,也开始了长 期搭档,被称为“世界最佳拍档”。 1967年公司正式定名为DC漫画并沿用至 今。1969年DC被时代华纳集团收购,目 前是华纳兄弟的子公司。旗下拥有超人、 蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、闪电侠、绿灯侠、 海王、神奇上尉、绿箭侠、康斯坦丁等 超级英雄和正义联盟、少年泰坦等超级 英雄团队。
闪电侠英文开场白求《闪电侠》电视剧第二集以后的开场白,不要上网找,和《绿箭侠》的开场白(英文)《闪电侠》My name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive.When i was a child,i saw my mother killed by something impossible.My father went to prison for her murder.Then an accident made me the impossible.To the outside world,i am an ordinary forensic scientist,but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like me.And one day,i will find who killed my mother and get justice for my father.I am The Flash.《绿箭侠》My name is Oliver Queen.After five years in hell,i have come home with only one goal To save my city.Now others have joined my crusade.To them,i am oliver queen.To the rest of starling city,i am someone else.i am something else.纯手打,请采纳,谢谢求闪电侠第二季的开场白就是my name is barry Allen…的那一段My name is Barry Allen,and I am the fastest manalive.To the outside world,I'm an ordinary forensicscientist,butsecretly,with the help of my friends at bs,I fight crime andfind other meta-humans like me.I hunted down the man who killed mymother,but in doing so,I opened up our world to new threats.And I am theonly one fast enough to stop them.I am The Flash!闪电侠开场白中文版My name is Barry Allen.I'm the fastest man alive.My story is pretty simple.My whole life,I've been ually from bullies.Sometimes I escape.Sometimes I did not.我的名字是巴里艾伦,我是世界上速度最快的人。
Flash 5.0动画制作神童教程——其他面板
Flash 5.0动画制作神童教程——其他面板在 Flahs 5.0 中,还有几类设置面板,它们往往是进行物件设置的关键,因此我们必须熟练地掌握它们的运用。
这些设置面板可以由 Window/Panels (窗口/面板)下相应的命令打开。
一.形状类面板: Panel(信息面板):选定物件的长宽高,以及鼠标处的颜色值、坐标值的显示面板。
如图一:图一提示:这个面板有什么作用?很简单,当你要用 Flash 制作一个指定大小的组件时,就得先利用此面板获取详细的物件信息,然后再进行制作。
2.Fill Panel(填充面板):共有填充样式(Fill Style)与填充颜色(Fill Color)两种设置功能,其中,填充样式又分为没有填充(None)、实心填充(Solid)、线性渐变填充(Linear Gradient)、球性渐变填充(Radial Gradient)、位图填充(Bitmap)五种填充方式。
在那里,我们通过简单的填充,却能产生类似于滤镜的神奇效果!3.Transform Panel(变形面板):变形操作面板。
这里的变形,主要是指旋转(Rotate)、透视(Skew),以及大小改变三种操作,你只需在相应的输入框内填入合适的数字,再点按最下排两个按钮的第一个按钮(Copy And Apply Transform)就可以了,其功能相当于操作菜单中的 Modify (变形)命令。
如图三:图三4.Stroke Panel(描边面板):此面板又叫作轮廓面板,主要用来处理物件的轮廓属性。
这些属性包括:Stroke Styles(轮廓样式)、Stroke Height(轮廓高度,即轮廓的厚度)、Stroke Color(轮廓颜色),而最下面是个结果预览框,轮廓样式,轮廓厚度及轮廓颜色等信息,都可以在这个预览框中看到。
其实,这主要是因为Flash 插件版本过低或者与浏览器不兼容导致的。
2.15 模数递减计数器控制寄存器(MCCTL)..............................................................30 2.16 输入脉冲累加器控制寄存器(ICPAR) ...............................................................31 2.17 输入覆盖控制寄存器(ICOVW)..........................................................................31 2.18 输入系统控制寄存器(ICSYS)............................................................................32 2.19 脉冲累加器B控制寄存器(PBCTL) ....................................................................33 2.20 脉冲累加器B标志寄存器(PBFLG) ....................................................................34 2.21 脉冲累加器保持寄存器(PA3H-PA0H) .........................................................34 2.22 模数递减计数器工作寄存器(MCCNT) .............................................................35 2.23 IC保持寄存器(TC0H-TC3H)......................................
闪电侠Flash 第一季 13字幕
My name is Barry Allen, 我叫巴里·艾伦and I am the fastest man alive. 是现今世上速度最快的人When I was a child, I saw my mother killed 我年幼时看到自己的母亲by something impossible. 被令人难以置信的东西杀害Run, Barry, run! 快跑巴里My father went to prison for her murder. 我父亲因为谋杀母亲进了监狱Then an accident made me the impossible. 但是一场事故让我也变得令人难以置信To the outside world, 在外人看来I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, 我只是个普通的鉴证专员but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime 但我秘密地用自己的速度打击犯罪and find others like me. 寻找跟我一样的人And one day, I'll find who killed my mother... 终有一天我会找到杀害母亲的凶手- Mom! - And get justice for my father. 妈妈 -让我父亲沉冤得雪I am The Flash. 我就是闪电侠Previously on The Flash... 《闪电侠》前情回顾Ronnie was vaporized in the accelerator 在加速器达到临界状态时when it went critical. 罗尼被蒸发了Ronnie's alive. 罗尼还活着I saw him, Cisco. 我看到他了西斯科Firestorm. 火风暴I wanted to talk to you about Firestorm. 我想跟你谈谈火风暴We had some rudimentary success 在使用砂砾的情况下with our stage one testing. 我们在第一步测试中有了微小的成功 Professor Stein-- - Professor Martin Stein? 斯泰因教授 -马丁·斯泰因教授He was our team leader. 他是我们的组长I know what really happened to him that night. 我知道那晚他究竟发生了什么事In the mass of energy. Looks like-- 在巨量能量中看起来就像Ronnie. - And Professor Stein. 罗尼 -以及斯泰因教授The dark matter merged them together. 暗物质把他们融为一体So how does a superhero get ready for a date? 超级英雄要怎么为约会做准备呢Same as everybody else. 跟其他人一样All right. 好了Everyone tells you to just be yourself. 每个人都跟你说做自己就行But who is that really? 但自己到底是什么样的呢If you change one more time, I'm gonna shoot you. 你再换一次我就开枪打你了Punctual. 很准时Yeah, yeah, that is what my friends call me: 是啊我朋友都这么叫我Mr. Punctual. 准时先生Is that lonely-looking flower for me? 这朵孤零零的花是给我的吗Is this dumb? 是不是很愚蠢I thought about getting a full bouquet, 我本来想拿一整束的but then I thought that was weird. 但后来我觉得那很怪No. 不会It's awesome. 很棒All right. 好吧Okay. 不行了Yes! 太棒了Victory. 我赢了I told you these were the spiciest tacos in Central City. 我跟你说了这些是中城最辣的炸玉米饼Oh, I thought you were bluffing. 我以为你在唬我I never bluff. 我从不唬人Just say it, I am the champion of all things spicy. 承认吧我是麻辣之王You are the spice champion of Central City. 你是中城的麻辣之王Well, this requires soap and water. 这得用肥皂和水才能洗掉- I'll be right back. - Mm-hmm. -我马上回来 -好Robbery at the convenience store 布兰德路和保尔森路上的便利店on Brand and Paulson. 发生了抢劫案Man, come on. Kind of on a date. 不是吧我在约会Can't the cops get this one? 警察不能去处理吗Fine, but when you read in the paper tomorrow 好但你明天看报纸时about that poor little old lady getting robbed... 会看到一个可怜的老太太被抢劫了How do you know it's a little old lady? 你怎么知道是个老太太Please, it's always a little old lady. 拜托总是老太太Okay, all right. 好好吧No little old lady. 不是可怜的老太太Your move, Allen. 看你了艾伦What's next? 接下来干嘛So what's wrong with you? 你发生什么事了Why hasn't someone snatched you up yet? 为什么现在还没人把你钓走It's work. Just a sec. 工作上的事稍等一会Hello. 你好I know you're on a date, but we got a jumper 我知道你在约会但在52街和韦德路处on 52nd and Waid. 有一起跳楼事件要处理Sir, please, you have everything to live for. 先生求你了有这么多事值得你活着No, I don't. 不我没有Are you gonna let me go back up there? 你会让我再回到上面去吗No. 不会Well, thanks. 谢谢What was that for? 这是怎么回事To see if I wanted a second date. 看看我是不是还想再来一次约会And? 那你想吗Let me see one more time. 让我再试一次Definitely. 绝对的Quentin Quale. 昆汀·奎尔Can I help you, young man? 有什么能帮你的吗年轻人Haven't been called that in quite some time. 好久没被别人这么叫过了I'm sorry, do I know you? 抱歉我认识你吗We went to school together. 我们一起上过学You're one of my students. 你是我的一个学生No, classmates. 不是同学University of Chicago, class of 74. 芝加哥大学 74级We protested the war. 我们一起进行反战抗议Make love, not napalm, remember? 乱搞反凝固汽油弹还记得吗Look, I don't know if this is some kind of practical joke-- 我不知道这是不是什么恶作剧I know about your brother. 我知道你弟弟的事The truth is, he committed suicide. 事实是他自杀了You found the body. 你发现了尸体I never told anyone about that. 我从没跟其他人说起过这个You told one person. 你告诉过一个人Martin? 马丁I need you to help me. 我需要你帮助我Dude, you are a crime-fighting 兄弟你就是打击罪犯机lady-slaying machine. 兼美女捕获机Oh, God, it was so cool. 天哪太酷了She was so cool. 她太美了We're going on another date tonight. 我们今晚要第二次约会Tonight? Really? 今晚真的吗Aren't you worried about moving too fast? 你不担心会太快了吗No. What do you mean? 不什么意思It's a second date. 只是第二次约会No, no, no, no, I meant going too fast, hurrying. 不不我是说太快了太急了Look, I mean, you're fast, 你很快but there's fast, and then there's fast. 这个快的话那也会快的Am I being subtle enough? 我说得还不够隐晦吗- You're really not. - Cisco's right. -你没有 -西斯科说得对With your increased blood flow and increased heart rate, 你血流加速心跳加快theoretically, your speed could cause you to... 理论上你的速度会导致...You're gonna need to think about a lot of dead puppies. 你一定要抑制住自己的渴望Like, we're talking a whole kennel. 一定要很努力地克制And baseball. 或者想想打棒球Cold showers. 洗个冷水澡You know what? Nuns. 还有修女Okay. It is just a second date. 就是第二次约会而已A second date? With who? 第二次约会跟谁With Linda Park, the sports reporter. 跟琳达·帕克那个体育记者Hello? 你好That's great. 太棒了Linda seems great, and you're great. 琳达看起来人很好你也很好So... great. 所以棒极了Hey, I gotta go. I gotta help out a friend. 我得走了要去帮一个朋友Everything okay? We just got here. 出事了吗我们才刚来呢Yeah, I'll see you guys later. 等下见Quentin Quale was attacked near his lab 昨晚昆汀·奎尔at Concordance Research last night. 在一致性研究实验室附近遇袭There were several unsubstantiated reports 未经证实的消息表明of the so-called "Burning Man" 当时所谓的火人in the area following the attacks. 也在袭击现场附近出现了Burning man? 火人Caitlin, weren't you asking about him a few weeks ago? 凯特琳你几周前不是还问起过这个人Thanks for meeting me. 谢谢你来见我Sure. 小事What exactly are we doing here? 我们在这是要做什么That's Barry's old house. 那是巴里以前的家Where his mother was murdered? 他母亲就是在这里被谋杀的I have a theory about who might have been involved 关于谁和巴里母亲的死有关in Barry's mother's death. 我有个想法I thought you and I could reexamine the crime scene, 我想着我们能再检查下现场you could apply your technical expertise 你能用你的高科技and help me prove who really did it. 帮我找出是谁干的For sure, we should get Dr. Wells 我们应该让威尔斯博士and Caitlin in on this. 还有凯特琳都来No, we should keep this between us for the time being. 不行我们暂时还是不要告诉别人If too many people know, Barry will find out, 太多人知道的话巴里也会知道and I don't want to involve him 在我们找到确凿证据前until we know something definitive. 我不想把他扯进来Hello, ma'am. 女士你好I'm Detective West. 我是韦斯特警探This is Cisco Ramon. 这位是西斯科·拉蒙Oh, please, it's Sherry, like the drink. 我叫雪莉雪莉酒的雪莉What can I do for you, Detective? 警探我能为你做什么I don't know if you were aware, 我不知道您是否了解过but there was a homicide in this residence 不过大约15年前approximately 15 years ago. 这房子里发生了一起谋杀案Oh, I know. 我知道We've reopened the investigation. 我们要重新调查此案Do you mind if we come in 您介意我们进来and take another look around? 四处看看吗Oh, not at all. 完全不介意Thank you. 谢谢Do you live alone? 您一个人住吗Yes, I'm divorced. 是的我离婚了Well, it appears letting Ronnie roam free 看来让罗尼一个人四处游荡is no longer an option. 已经不行了He's not even Ronnie anymore. 他甚至不再是罗尼了He's Martin Stein walking around in Ronnie's body, 他是占据罗尼身体的马丁·斯泰因like a vampire. 就像吸血鬼一样Is there a reason that Stein's brain 为什么斯泰因的大脑is in control of Ronnie's body, 控制着罗尼的身体not the other way around? 而不是反过来Simple Darwinism, I suspect. 简单的进化论吧A brand-new organism will select 全新的生命体会选择the strongest parts of itself in order to survive. 自身最强的部分以存活下来Survival of the fittest. 适者生存In this case, Ronnie's body, Stein's mind. 所以这回是罗尼的身体斯泰因的大脑In any event, he badly hurt an innocent man, 不管怎么说他重伤了一个无辜的人and we have hunted meta-humans for less. 罪比这轻的超能力者我们都抓了Caitlin, we need to know that you're on board 凯特琳我们需要知道with what needs to be done here. 不管发生什么你会站在我们这边How do we find him? 要怎么找到他Quentin Quale, the scientist that Ronnie attacked, 昆汀·奎尔罗尼袭击的科学家is a former colleague of Martin Stein. 他是马丁·斯泰因的前同事If Martin is indeed in control of Ronnie's body, 如果马丁真的控制了罗尼的身体he may be trying to figure out exactly what's happening to him. 也许他正试着搞清楚自己身上发生了什么What do we know about him? 关于这个人我们都知道什么I don't even know what Stein looks like. 我甚至不知道斯泰因的长相Martin Stein. 马丁·斯泰因That's Stein? 那是斯泰因It is. 没错I've seen him before. 我以前见过他When? 什么时候On the train, the day the accelerator exploded. 粒子加速器爆炸的那天在火车上见过Super cool, isn't it? 很棒不是吗S.T.A.R. Labs, I mean. 我说的是尖端科研实验室Yes, it's... super cool. 没错是很不错Trust Harrison Wells 哈里森·威尔斯to build a particle accelerator with a bit of style. 用自己的方式造好了粒子加速器Most scientists don't have an appreciation 大部分科学家for the value of aesthetics. 都不会欣赏美Albert Einstein said, "Once you can accept 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦说过 "一旦你明白the universe as being something expanding 宇宙是个向虚无扩张的物体into an infinite nothing which is actually something... 而这所谓虚无并非真正的虚无wearing stripes with plaid becomes easy." 那么穿苏格兰短裙也没什么好奇怪的"I thought people your age 我以为你这个年龄的人didn't read actual books anymore. 都不读真正的书了Oh, I'm the only one. 我是特别的那个Physics. Hobby or endeavor? 物理自己喜欢还是尽力尝试而已Both, actually. 两者都有I'm a CSI. 我是犯罪现场鉴证员I work for the Central City Police Department. 我在中城警局工作Really? You look too young for that. 真的吗你看起来太年轻了That is what they tell me. 他们也是这么说的Are you gonna watch the accelerator turn on tonight? 你今晚会去看他们开启加速器吗I wouldn't miss it. 肯定会去的They say it's going to change the world. 据说这会改变世界I hope so. 希望如此Carson Station. Carson Station. 卡森站到了卡森站到了Oh, this is my stop. 我要下车了- It was nice talking to you. - You too. -和你聊天很高兴 -我也是Maybe I will see you there tonight. 也许今晚还会再见面Excuse me. 不好意思I'm taking a girlfriend. 我准备带女朋友去Not my girlfriend, she's just... 不是女朋友她只是sorry, she's just a female friend 抱歉她只是一个女性朋友who I'm not dating yet. 我还没和她约会The doors are about to close. 车门快要关了Yeah. 是啊Don't turn it on! 不要启动Don't turn it on! Don't turn it on! 不要启动不要启动Don't turn it on! Don't turn it on! 不要启动不要启动Caitlin, whatever happens... 凯特琳无论发生什么Of course I've heard of S.T.A.R. Labs. 我当然听说过尖端科研实验室Martin was always vocal about the competition. 马丁对竞争总是直言不讳S.T.A.R. Labs is actually helping the CCPD 尖端科研实验室其实正在帮助中城警局looking into your husband's disappearance, Mrs. Stein. 调查您丈夫的失踪事件斯泰因夫人Oh, please. Call me Clarissa. 别客气叫我克莱丽莎吧The Conway Prize for Scientific Advancement. 康威科技进步奖Martin was very proud of that one. 马丁非常引以为傲I'd always hoped to win one of these myself. 我一直希望自己也能得一个Oh, and look at that. He won it three times. 哦快瞧他得了三次Takes a special kind of person 好不容易才有人to make Dr. Wells jealous. 能让威尔斯博士嫉妒Well, Martin had a talent for making people jealous. 马丁有特别的惹人嫉妒技巧Even me. 我也不能幸免I sometimes think Martin loved his theorems and experiments 有时候我觉得马丁爱他那些理论和实验more than he did me. 胜过爱我I'm sure that's not true. 我相信这不是真的And you haven't heard from your husband 在你丈夫失踪后since he disappeared. 你一直没有他的消息No. 没有Mrs. Stein, could I show you a photograph? 斯泰因夫人我给你看张照片吗Have you seen this person before? 你之前有见到过这个人吗Yes, I have. 是的我见过Who is he? 他是谁He's just a person of interest in your husband's case. 他只是你丈夫案子的一个嫌疑人When did you see him? 你什么时候见到他的I started getting the feeling that someone was watching me, 我开始感觉到似乎有人在暗中监视我and sometimes I still do. 有时候我仍然能感受到And about a month after Martin disappeared, 大约在马丁失踪的一个月后that young man showed up here. 那个年轻人出现在这里What happened to me? 我这是怎么了{\an8}尖端科研实验室灾难一个月后A month... 一个月Clarissa. 克莱丽莎Clarissa. 克莱丽莎Who are you? 你是谁How did you get in here? 你怎么进来的Under the loose stone. You leave a key for me there. 在松动的石头底下你给我留了一把钥匙I'm always losing mine. 我的钥匙老是丢Losing my keys. Losing my mind. 丢掉钥匙失去理智I'm going to call the police. 我要报警了Losing my mind. 失去理智Where is my body? 我的躯体在哪里I see my life, but I can't reach it. 我看到我的生命却无法触及Please send someone. 请派人过来There's an intruder in my house! 有人闯进了我家里So it appears Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond 看来马丁·斯坦因和罗尼·雷蒙德have something in common besides sharing a body. 所共有的不只是一具躯体They both feel the need to protect the women they love. 他们都感受到保护自己心爱的女人的需要Clarissa said she feels like she's being watched. 克莱丽莎说她感觉到自己被监视Well, then, 这样的话this has all the makings of a stakeout. 这就满足了监视具有的一切特点But Barry's got a date tonight. 但巴里今晚有个约会I'll cancel. 我会取消的No! No, go. 不不去吧If we need you here, something tells me 如果我们需要你我预感到we can get you back in a hurry. 我们能随时把你叫回来I'm not picking up anything. Not even with The Super Light. 什么都没感应到就算我用了超级射线Super Light? 超级射线Well, technically it's a multi-spectrum, 从技术角度上说它是个多光谱的ultraviolet laser-enhanced scanner that detects 紫外线激光加强版的扫描仪molecular schisms in the 600 mega-volt range, 可以检测出600百万伏特范围内的分子分裂but I figured "Super Light" was easier to say. 但我觉得"超级射线"比较上口Right, but what does it tell you? 是啊它告诉你什么了Nothing we didn't already know about that night. 只有关于那晚我们已经知道的事Okay, keep looking. 好吧接着找吧Can I get you boys something to drink? 你们要来点什么饮料吗Water? Soda? 水苏打Wine? 酒We're fine. Thank you. 不用了谢谢Well, if you change your mind, I've been told 如果你们改变了想法my strawberry daiquiris are sinful. 我的草莓代基里酒可是有口皆碑I will not judge you. 我不会评判你的Okay, Barry's mother's body was found here, 好吧巴里母亲的尸体是在那儿找到的knife beside her, 她身旁有把刀blood spatter on the wall belonged to Nora. 溅在墙上的血属于诺拉Joe, I think... 乔我觉得I just think maybe it's been too long, 我觉得也许过了太久and everything's different. 而且一切都不一样了Except that mirror. 除了那面镜子Sherry must have bought it at the estate sale. 一定是雪莉在房产拍卖的时候买的Oh, my God. 哦天呐Silver nitrate. 硝酸银The compound used in photography. 这种混合物用于摄影It was often used to back vintage mirrors. 也常用于加在老式镜子背面If there were two speedsters there that night, 如果那晚有两个速度能力者the sparks from their movement would have generated 他们的运动所产生的电火花可以生成enough flashes to actually expose images 足够的闪光来曝光图像onto the silver nitrate. 于硝酸银之上You saying what I think you're saying? 你所说的是我想的意思吗This mirror might contain photographs 这面镜子可能含有of what actually happened that night. 那晚发生的情景的照片You look great. 你看上去真美Well, I have a big date tonight, 那当然我今晚可是有约在身and I kind of wanted to impress the guy. 而且我想给他留下好印象I think I can speak for that guy 我觉得我可以替他说and say that he is super impressed. 他对你的印象非常深刻So is this your place? It's awesome. 这里就是你家吗真酷Yeah. Well, not entirely. I grew up here. 也不完全是我在这儿长大的Is it really lame that I live at home? 我住在家里是不是很逊Not at all. I still live with my parents. 一点也不我还和父母住在一起Really? 是吗No. That would be so lame. 不要是那样也太逊了All right, so here's the plan. 好吧计划是这样的First, a dinner reservation at Paper Clip. 首先在纸夹餐厅的预约晚餐Then a round of mini-golf, 然后再来一轮迷你高尔夫followed by Mal Duncan, 接着去听马尔·邓肯唱歌who is playing at an underground jazz club. 他在一间地下爵士俱乐部演出But my foster dad has a connection there, 不过我的养父在那里认识人so he hooked us up. 他能介绍我们去And if you're not sick of me by then, 如果你那时候还没厌倦我的话we can get fro-yo. 我们可以喝酸冻奶Or... 或者...Want some of my fries? 要炸鸡吗No, thanks. 不了谢谢Why would he come back here? 他为什么要回来Because this is his home. 因为这里是他的家I don't mean the actual house. 我指的不是这间房子I mean Clarissa. She's his home. 我是指克莱丽莎她就是他的家We all want to go home again. 我们都希望能再次回家You know, where we feel safe. 就是让我们感觉安全的地方Where we feel loved. 感觉到爱的地方Ronnie's your home. 罗尼是你的家Not anymore. 现在不是了Remember what I told you on your first day at S.T.A.R. labs? 还记得你来尖端科研实验室第一天我说的话吗A scientist's work is never finished" 科学家的工作是永无止境的A scientist's work is never finished. 科学家的工作是永无止境的Well, my work did this to Ronnie 是我的工作让罗尼和马丁·斯泰因and did this to Martin Stein. 变成现在这个样子的But it's not finished, and it won't be 但这不是终结而且也不会终结until we bring them both home. 直到我们将他们送回彼此的家中So I'm assuming you have Barry on speed dial? 我想你手机的快速拨号上有巴里的号码吧Whoa! What's wrong? That felt amazing. 怎么回事那感觉好棒I just got a little excited. 我刚才有点激动I would hope so. 这正是我所希望的Sorry, Linda, I'm just, 抱歉琳达我只是a little worried about, 有一点担心moving too fast. 我们进展太快了It's okay. 没关系I hate slow. 我不喜欢拖沓I'm sorry, I should check 对不起我应该看一下just in case it's an emergency. 看是不是紧急情况Ah! Okay. 没事{\an8}凯特琳·斯诺火风暴I'm so sorry. 实在对不起It's important. 是很重要的事Not that this isn't important. 不是说刚才那事不重要It's just that, this other thing 只是这件事is time sensitive! 必须赶时间Otherwise there's no way that I would be leaving you. 否则我是无论如何都不会离开你的No one in their right mind would leave you. 正常人都不会离开你的Your shirt's on backwards. 你的衬衣穿反了Yeah, I got it. Okay. 是啊我知道了好的I will text you, all right? 我会发短信给你好吗No, I'll call you. I'll call you. 不我会打电话给你给你打电话Or how about I just, I’ll just do both, okay? 或者两样都做好吗I'll do both. 两样都做I'm so sorry. 太对不起了Professor Stein. 斯泰因教授Hey, I'm not here to hurt you, 我不会伤害你的and I know you don't want to hurt anyone else, 而且我也知道你不想伤害任何人so if you could just not-- 所以你是否可以不要flame on. 烧起来No! 不Well, that was terrifying. 这可真吓人I sent Sherry to the movies. 我让雪莉去看电影了Trust me, the best show in town 相信我城里最好的演出is going to be in here tonight. 将会在今晚上演So you're telling me you can get actual photographs 你是在告诉我你真的可以用这个东西from this thing? 拍出影像来吗The science is solid. 科学是可靠的It works exactly like an old film camera. 它的工作原理和老式摄影机一样I developed the mirror backing, 我把倒后镜改进了一下and fortunately for us, 幸运的是the lightning went off about ten times that night. 那晚发生了大约十次闪电Multiple exposures. 多次曝光Now you're getting it. 现在你明白了吧I went ahead and enhanced them digitally 我继续加工增大它们的数位and, just for kicks, 只是为了好玩decided to extrapolate a 3-D hologram 决定把原始的2D全息图from the original 2-D. 外推成3D的Cisco. 西斯科Lights. 灯Camera. 摄影机Action. 开始Can you play it again? Slower? 能再放一遍吗慢一点There, there. You see that? 那里你看见了吗Next frame. 下一个画面This wallpaper's new. 这个壁纸是新的Oh, man. Is that blood? 天呐那是血迹吗We had a husband who was holding 因为丈夫当时拿着the same weapon that killed his wife. 杀害妻子的凶器We weren't looking for any other suspects. 我们再没寻找别的嫌疑人That blood belongs to one of the two speedsters 那血迹属于那晚出现在这里的that was here that night. 其中一个高速者Maybe the one that killed Nora. 也许血迹属于杀害诺拉的凶手I'll get a sample kit. 我去拿样本采集包I got you. 抓到你了{\an8}中城图片新闻社- That's great. - Linda, hey. -那很好 -琳达So I hope it's cool that I came by. 希望你不介意我过来Yeah, of course. 当然不介意I was just writing a column on the Combines. 我刚才正在写关于曲棍球联盟的专栏Oh, sweet, how are they doing? 很好他们战况怎么样Well, they were up two goals to none last night, 他们昨晚本来领先两个球but then they blew it. 但是最后他们还是输了Wait, we're not talking about hockey anymore, are we? 等等我们不是在谈论曲棍球吗No. We're not. 是的不是谈那个Look, I am so, so sorry that I left you like that. 我真的很抱歉昨晚把你自己留在那里I'm-I'm not that kind of guy. 我不是那种人Well, let me tell you what kind of girl I am. 让我告诉你我是什么样的女孩吧I work in a hard business, and I work hard in it. 我在竞争激烈的行业工作而且我很努力And so I'm very picky about who I choose 所以我挑选陪伴我度过闲暇时光的对象to spend my free time with. 十分挑剔I chose to spend some of it with you, so... 我选择和你待在一起所以...tell me, Barry Allen, did I make the right choice? 告诉我巴里·艾伦我的选择正确吗Yeah, you did. 是的很正确It just that something important came up. 昨晚真的有很重要的事发生And not more important than you, 但没有你重要it's just sort of, like, an equal level of importance 只是差不多跟你一样重要的type situation... 情形...And--and usually I can do both, 通常我可以兼顾两者but it's just that I have to-- 但是我必须...I have to go to work. I'm so sorry. 我必须回去工作了真对不起It's a police emergency. 是警署的急事Can we talk later tonight? 我们今晚再谈好吗I'm not going anywhere...yet. 我哪里也不去... 暂时Okay, thanks. 好的谢谢Sorry, gotta go. Uh-- 抱歉得走了Hey! What's up? 怎么了Bye. 再见Hey, can I ask you a question? 能问你个问题吗Yeah, sure. 当然可以So, um, you and Barry are like BFFs, right? 你和巴里是最好的朋友对吧The best of BFFs. 最好的最好朋友Has he ever actually dated anyone before? 他之前有和人约会过吗Because he's simultaneously surprisingly good at it 因为他好像一方面表现得很好and really, really bad at it. 但同时又表现的非常非常差I don't know. He's...Barry. 我不知道他是巴里What was his last girlfriend like? 他上一位女友什么样You know, he hasn't really had a girlfriend in a while. 他有段时间没有女友了I don't know, maybe he's just not ready yet. 我不知道也许他只是没准备好What do you mean? 你什么意思You know, I mean, he was into someone, 我是说他之前对某人有意思an unrequited love thing. 是一种暗恋You know, he had feelings for someone, 他对某人有意思and they weren't really reciprocated, so... 但是那人却完全没感觉所以... Yeah, maybe just give him time. 给他点时间就好了吧Sure. 好的There he is. 他在那Looks like the tracker Barry placed on worked. 看起来巴里放的跟踪器起作用了Professor Stein? 斯泰因教授Ugh, I told you to stay away from me. 我告诉你离我远点了And I will, but there's someone else 我会的但是有别人who wants to talk to you. 想要和你谈谈Martin? 马丁Do you know who I am? 你知道我是谁吗Clarissa. 克莱丽莎Is it really you? 真的是你吗I don't know. 我不知道I hear the other inside of me. 我听到身体里的另一个我He wants to go home to her. 他想回家去找她But we can't. I want to be me again. 但是我们不能我想重新找回自我Martin... what's my favorite color? 马丁我最喜欢的颜色是什么You could-- you could never decide, 你没法你一直没做出决定so you chose stripes. 所以只能选条纹You shouldn't see me like this. 你不应该看到我这样I see you. 我看到了你I see you, Martin. 我看到了你马丁These people can help you. 这些人可以帮你They say they can. Please let them. 他们说可以让他们帮你吧Please...help us. 求你帮帮我们Well, we got him. Them. 我们找到了他他们Now what? 接下来呢Well, Stein clearly thinks 斯泰因显然认为he can separate himself from Ronnie's body 他可以使用核裂变从罗尼的身体中using nuclear fission. 分离出来What do you think? 你怎么认为What do I think? 我怎么认为Is it possible? Theoretically. 有可能吗理论上来说可能But splitting an atom and splitting a man 但是分裂一个原子和分裂一个人are two very different things. 是两回事I don't suppose it's necessary to point out you're all staring? 我想不用我说你们都知道自己在盯着我看吧Our apologies. 我们很抱歉It is remarkable. 真是不可思议I feel clearer than I have since the accident. 从事故过后我就没这么清醒过了What did you give me? 你给了我什么A cocktail of anti-psychotics, depressants, 混合了抗精神病镇静剂还有and mood stabilizers. 情绪稳定剂的鸡尾酒The same formula used to treat dissociative identity disorders. 和治疗解离性人格识别障碍的药方相同I assume this was your idea? 我想这是你的主意吧Very clever, Cait. 很聪明凯特Don't call me that. Please. 别那么叫我谢谢I apologize. 抱歉We'd like to run some tests on you, 我们想在你身上做些测试if you don't mind. 如果你不介意的话Of course, Dr. Snow. 当然可以斯诺博士Hey, I'm so sorry I had to run out like that again. 抱歉像那样突然的离开Uh, police business. 是警方的事情That's funny, because I just called the station, 真有趣因为我刚给警局打了电话and they said that you had taken some personal time. 他们说你在处理私人事务I'm not mad, Barry, I swear. 我没生气巴里真的But I do think that we should call it. 但是我觉得我们还是算了吧W-wait, can we talk about this? What do you mean? 等下我们能谈谈吗你在说什么Look, I know how hard and weird it is 你看我知道在没有放下trying to date someone new 另外一个人的时候when you're still not over someone. 去和别人约会有多困难What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢You and Iris. 你和爱瑞丝Me and Iris, we're not-- 我和爱瑞丝我们没有Who told you that I was hung up on Iris? 谁跟你说我喜欢爱瑞丝的事的Hey, what's up? 怎么啦Why would you tell Linda that I had feelings for you? 你干嘛要告诉琳达我对你有感觉I did not say that. 我没那么说啊Wait, did I? 什么我说了吗Okay, Iris, this isn't funny. 好吧爱瑞丝这一点也不好玩I mean, I like this girl. 我是说我喜欢这女孩I know, and I am happy for you. 我知道我为你感到高兴Really? Because I don't-- I mean, right now 真的因为我不觉得我是说现在it sort of feels like you don't want to be with me 感觉就像是你不想和我在一起and you don't want anyone else to be with me either. 也不想让别人和我在一起I have wanted nothing more than for you to meet someone 我比谁都想让你遇到一位who is amazing. 合适的人选And I did! And you went out of your way 我遇到了而你却过去to convince her that I was unavailable. 告诉她我现在心里有别人Look, I'm really sorry. 我真的很抱歉- Great. - Wait, do You want me to talk to her? -真好 -等下你想让我和她谈谈吗No, no, no. Absolutely not. 不不不绝对不要Don't talk to her. I'll figure this out on my own. 别和她谈我自己想办法解决I just need you to know that 我只是想让你知道I don't have those feelings for you anymore. 我对你已经没有那种感觉了Yeah, I know. 是我知道I'll see you later. 回头见{\an8}分析结果检测到两种基因对比中Yes, yes, yes! 好的好的好的See? We got two different blood samples. 看到没我们找到了两种不同的血样One is A-positive, 一个是A型阳性and the other one's AB-negative--super rare. 而另一个是AB型阴性超级少见I'm gonna run them both through the CCPD criminal database 我去将两种血型与中城警局犯罪库比对to see if I get any matches. 看有没有符合的Can you run them against a specific person? 你能匹配某个单独的人吗Yeah, sure, if we have something to match it to. 当然可以如果有对比样品就行Who are we looking at? 你想查谁Dr. Harrison Wells. 查查哈里森·威尔斯博士I thought we were trying to solve Barry's mom's murder. 我们不是在调查巴里妈妈的凶案吗We are. 没错And I'm asking you to keep this between us. 我要你将此事保守秘密You think Dr. Wells killed Barry's mom? 你认为威尔斯博士杀了巴里的妈妈吗。
目录1 Βιβλιοθήκη 3 4 介绍: 在 Flash 和 GFx 中使用 Scale9Grid.............................................................................. 1 转换........................................................................................................................................... 2 处理位图 ................................................................................................................................... 2 交互式窗口 ................................................................................................................................ 5 4.1 4.2 Flash 兼容的例子 ................................................................................................................ 5 高级的 GFx 举例 ................................................................................................................. 9
flash是什么意思flash 本意是:闪光, 闪现, 一瞬间 ; 闪光的, 火速的;使闪光, 反射后来用为Macromedia公司著名计算机多媒体产品: Macromedia 公司开发的动画编辑工具. 简单说,就是网页上的动画(片).具体说就是: Flash的前身是Future Wave公司开发的FutureSplash Animator,是一个基于矢量的动画制作软件。
由于该软件得到良好的反响,于是被Macromedia收归旗下,定名为Macromedia FLASH 2。
由于Macromedia的大力宣扬和FLASH 2本身的独特本领,很快成为网络的宠儿。
Macromedia Flash作为矢量化的交互式web动画制作工具,它结合macromedia公司的“流”技术--SHOCKWAVE,在web上用于发布交互式的动画。
用它制作的作品可以声情并茂加上基于javascript脚本而设计的flash action脚本,我们有理由相信,flash将颠覆现在的网页设计方法.。
闪电侠英文The FlashThe Flash is a superhero comic book character, created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Harry Lampert in 1940. The character is one of DC Comics' most iconic superheroes, and has been featured in various comic book series, television shows, and movies.The original Flash, Jay Garrick, gained his powers in a lab accident involving hard water. He used his super speed to fight crime and defend the innocent, becoming a member of the Justice Society of America. He was known for his winged helmet and red shirt with lightning bolt symbol.In the 1950s, a reboot of the character was introduced. This new version, Barry Allen, gained his powers when he was struck by lightning while working with chemicals in his lab. He became the Flash and joined the Justice League, eventually becoming one of the most popular superheroes of all time.Barry Allen had a tragic backstory, with his mother being murdered and his father being falsely accused and convicted of the crime. This motivated him to run faster and become the Flash, in order to seek justice and clear his father's name.The Flash's super speed allows him to run at incredible speeds, faster than the speed of light. He can also vibrate his molecules, allowing him to phase through objects or vibrate his hand to create a devastating force. He is a skilled fighter, able to use his speed to deliver lightning-fast punches and kicks.The Flash has an extensive rogues gallery of villains, including the likes of the Reverse-Flash, Captain Cold, and Gorilla Grodd. He is also known for his time-travel adventures, alternate earths, and team-ups with other DC superheroes like Superman and Batman.In addition to his comic book appearances, the Flash has also been the subject of several live-action adaptations. In the 1990s, a television series starring John Wesley Shipp as the Flash aired for one season. In 2014, a new television series, also called The Flash, premiered on The CW network. The show stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash, and has been highly acclaimed for its humor, heart, and action-packed storytelling.Overall, The Flash is a beloved superhero character with a rich history in comics and pop culture. He represents the unshakable will to do good and fight for justice, even in the face of tragedy and adversity.。
闪电侠观后感英文After watching the movie "The Flash", I was left with a sense of awe and inspiration. The film revolves around the life of Barry Allen, a young forensic scientist who gains superhuman speed after being struck by lightning. This transformation turns him into the superhero known as The Flash.First and foremost, I was captivated by the stunning visual effects in the film. The scenes where The Flash dashes across the screen at lightning speed were absolutely mind-blowing. The way his lightning-fast movements were depicted on screen was truly remarkable. It was as if time itself was standing still, allowing us to witness Barry's incredible abilities.The storyline was also incredibly engaging. From the moment Barry Allen becomes The Flash, we are drawn into a world filled with danger, adventure, and excitement. The film explores Barry's journey of self-discovery as he learns to control his powers and fight against evil forces. His motivation to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who deserve it is both relatable and inspiring.What struck me the most about the film was its portrayal of the human side of The Flash. Unlike some other superheroes who are seemingly invincible, The Flash is shown to be vulnerable and plagued by self-doubt. Barry Allen is not just a superhero, but a regular guy who struggles to balance his personal life with his duties as a crime-fighter. This added depth to his character made him more relatable and allowed me to connect with him on a deeper level.The film also explores the concept of time travel, which adds an extra layer of complexity to the story. Through his speed, The Flash is able to travel through time and alter events in the past, present, and future. This leads to some thought-provoking moments, as Barry grapples with the ethical implications of changing history. It raises questions about fate, destiny, and the consequences of our actions.The cast of "The Flash" was outstanding. Grant Gustin delivered a phenomenal performance as Barry Allen, perfectly capturing his charm, wit, and determination. His chemistry with the supporting cast, including Candice Patton as Iris West and Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon, added depth and authenticity to the relationships portrayed on screen.The film's soundtrack also deserves a special mention. The exhilarating and pulsating music perfectly complemented the fast-paced action sequences, enhancing the overall viewing experience. It added an extra layer of excitement and suspense, making the audience feel as though they were right there in the midst of the action.In conclusion, "The Flash" is an exceptional film that combines breathtaking visuals, a compelling storyline, and relatable characters. It goes beyond the typical superhero narrative and delves into themes of self-discovery, morality, and the power of human connection. Watching Barry Allen transform into The Flash was not only entertainment, but an inspiring reminder that anyone can be a hero, regardless of their abilities.。
闪电侠英语作文The Flash is a superhero who possesses the power ofincredible speed. His real name is Barry Allen, a forensic scientist who, after being struck by lightning, gains the ability to move at superhuman velocities. This transformation allows him to run faster than the speed of sound, and even time travel under certain conditions.In the world of DC Comics, Barry Allen is a member of the Justice League, where he is known for his quick thinking and lightning-fast reflexes. The Flash uses his powers to fight crime and protect the innocent in his hometown of Central City. He is also a symbol of hope and justice, alwaysstriving to make the world a better place.One of the most fascinating aspects of The Flash's character is his connection to the Speed Force, a mystical energy that grants him his powers. This connection allows him to perform incredible feats, such as phasing through solid objects, creating whirlwinds, and even running on water.The Flash's costume is iconic, featuring a red suit with a lightning bolt emblem on the chest, symbolizing his speed and power. His mask covers his eyes, giving him a mysterious and heroic presence.Despite his superpowers, Barry Allen is also a relatable character. He faces personal challenges and struggles withhis responsibilities as a superhero and a friend. His storyis one of growth and self-discovery, as he learns to balance his life with his heroic duties.In conclusion, The Flash is a beloved superhero who embodies the power of speed and the spirit of heroism. His adventures are thrilling and inspiring, reminding us that with great power comes great responsibility. Whether he's saving the world or just having a friendly chat with his fellow heroes, The Flash is a character who continues to captivate audiences with his incredible abilities and endearing personality.。
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