2017-01 Design of a Wideband System for Measuring Dielectric Properties
Analysis and Design of A Novel SmallMicrostrip Patch AntennaABSTRACT :Microstrip antennas have been widely used in communication systems.Design and analysis of a wideband U-shaped parasitic Microstrip Patch Antenna which is coupled by the main patch and U-shaped parasitic patches is presented in this paper.Two parasitic elements are incorporated into the radiating edges of a rectangular patch whose length and width are 2/g λand 4/g λ, respectively,in order to achieve wide bandwidth with relatively small size.The proposed antenna is designed and fabricated on a small size ground plane (mm mm 3025⨯) for application of compact transceivers. The measured bandwidth is 1.5 GHz (4.78–6.28 GHz) with two separate resonant frequencies at 5.12 and 6.08 GHz. The measured radiation patterns are similar to those of a conventional patch antenna with slightly higher gains of 6.4 dB and 5.2 dB at each resonant frequency.KEYWORD:Parasitic patch antenna, U-shaped parasitic patches, wide bandwidth.1. INTRODUCTIONIn high-performance aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, and missile applications, where size,weight, cost, performance, ease of installation, and aerodynamic profile are constraints,low-profile antennas may be required. Presently there are many other government and commercial applications, such as mobile radio and wireless communications, that have similar specifications. To meet these requirements, microstrip antennas [1]–[38] can be used. These antennas are low profile, conformable to planar and nonplanar surfaces, simple and inexpensive to manufacture using modern printed-circuit technology,mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces, compatible with MMIC designs,and when the particular patch shape and mode are selected, they are very versatile in terms of resonant frequency, polarization, pattern, and impedance. In addition,by adding loads between the patch and the ground plane, such as pins and varactor diodes, adaptive elements with variable resonant frequency, impedance, polarization,and pattern can be designed [18], [39]–[44].Demand for compact and multifunctional wireless communication systems has spurred the development of multiband and wideband antennas with small size.Microstrip patch antennas are widely used in this regard as they offer compactness, a low profile, light weight, and economical efficiency. However, the microstrip patch antenna is limited by its narrow operating bandwidth.There are numerous and well-known methods to increase the bandwidth of antennas, including increase of the substrate thickness[1] the use of a low dielectric substrate [1],the use of various impedance-matching and feeding techniques[2]the use of multiple resonators[3]–[7], and the use of slot antenna geometry [8].However, the bandwidth and the size of an antenna are generally mutually conflicting properties, that is, improvement of one of the characteristics normally results in degradation of the other.Recently, several techniques have been proposed to enhance the bandwidth. In [9]–[11], utilizing the shorting pins or shorting walls on the unequal arms of a U-shaped patch, U-slot patch, or L-probe feed patch antennas, wideband and dual-band impedance bandwidth have been achieved with electrically small size.In this work, a wideband microstrip patch antenna employing parasitic elements is investigated. Two U-shaped parasitic elements are incorporated along the radiating edges of a probe fed rectangular patch antenna so as to obtain wideband operating frequency. In addition, the antenna is relatively small in comparison with the conventional parasitic patch antenna described in [4], [5]. Performance of the proposed antenna is calculated and measured. The methods of analysis for microstrip antennas is given in Section 2. The proposed antenna geometry is described in Section 3. The fabricated antenna and experimental validations are presented in Section 4.2.METHODS OF ANALYSISThere are many methods of analysis for microstrip antennas. The most popular models are the transmission-line [16],[35], cavity [12], [16], [18],[35], and full wave(which include primarily integral equations/Moment Method) [22], [26], [71]–[74].The transmission-line model is the easiest of all, it gives good physical insight, but is less accurate and it is more difficult to model coupling [75]. Compared to the transmission-line model, the cavity model is more accurate but at the same time more complex. However, it also gives good physical insight and is rather difficult to model coupling, although it has been used successfully [8], [76], [77]. In general when applied properly, the full-wave models are very accurate, very versatile, and can treat single elements, finite and infinite arrays, stacked elements, arbitrary shaped elements, and coupling. However they are the most complex models and usually giveless physical insight. In this chapter we will cover the transmission-line and cavity models only.However results and design curves from full-wave models will also be included. Since they are the most popular and practical, in this chapter the only two patch configurations that will be considered are the rectangular and circular. Representative radiation characteristics of some other configurations will be included.3. ANTENNA DESIGNFig. 1. Geometry of the proposed microstrippatch antenna with U-shaped parasitic elements.Fig. 1 depicts the top and side views of the proposed antenna. The proposed antenna consists of a probe fed half-wavelength rectangular patch and two U-shaped parasitic elements incorporated around the radiating edges of the rectangular patch. In general, the length and width of the rectangular patch antenna are close to half-wavelength. However, the length (R L )and width (R W ) of the main patch vary from the proposed design. In order to maintain the inherent resonant length with smaller size, R W is reduced to 4/g λand R L is defined as about 2/g λ,where g λis the guided wavelength.Probe feeding is accomplished by a vertical via hole through the substrate material.The proposed antenna has two parasitic elements to obtain wide impedancebandwidth. Using the geometrical feature of the U-shaped patch, the size of the antenna can be miniaturized. Notable, although two parasitic patches are positioned in the proximity of the radiating edges of the main patch, all of the radiating and nonradiating edges of the main patch are surrounded by U-shaped parasitic elements. Electromagnetic coupling between the main patch and parasitic patches is realized across either horizontal (H G ) or vertical gaps (V G ). In addition, the resonant length of the U-shaped patches can be controlled by adjusting its length (U L ) and width (U W ).The proposed antenna is designed to operate in the 5 to 6 GHz region. The length and width of main patch are close to 2/g λ and 4/g λat a center frequency of5.5 GHz.The distance between bottom radiating edge of main patch and center of feed via is 0.084g λand the total length of the U-shaped parasitic patch(d) is 1.05g λThe geometrical parameters of the proposed antennas are mm W R 8.5=,mm L R 1.13=,mm W G 25=,mm L G 30=,mm W U 18=,mm L G 8=,mm G H 7.0=,mm G V 2.1=,and mm G U 5.1=.An FR4 substrate, whose permittivity is4.3 with a thickness (h) of 4mm, has been used in this work. . The radius of the feed via is 0.4 mm and the length is same as the substrate thickness. The ground and substrate size of the proposed antenna is defined as mm mm 3025⨯for compact transceiver application.4. CALCULATION AND MEASUREMENTThe resonant properties of the proposed antenna have been predicted and optimized using a frequency domain three- dimensional full wave electromagnetic field solver (Ansoft HFSS) and the characteristics of the fabricated antenna have been measured with a vector network analyzer and a far field measurement system.Fig. 2 shows a photograph of the fabricated antenna on a FR4 substrate, and Fig. 3 compares the calculated and measured return loss characteristics of the proposed antenna. The specific values of the resonant frequency and relative bandwidth are summarized in Table I,where l f and h f represent the first and second resonant frequencies, respectively.The calculated result shows two neighboring resonant frequencies (5.32and 6.11 GHz), and the frequency band ranges from 4.84 to 6.28GHz(1.44 GHz).The bandwidth is 26.2% at 5.5 GHz. The measured bandwidth is 1.5 GHz (4.78–6.28 GHz) with two separate resonant frequencies at 5.12 and 6.08 GHz. The measured as predicted antenna performance show excellent agreement. Fig. 4 presents the calculated currents distributions at each resonant frequency. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the amplitudes of the currents around non-radiating edges of main patch are strong, and the effect of the parasitic patches is not significant at 5.32 GHz. Therefore, the low resonant frequency is determined by the length of main patch (LR). In addition, there are strong currents flowing around gaps between the main patch and U-shaped parasitic elements at 6.11 GHz as shown in Fig. 4(b). It means that the radiation at high resonant frequency is mainly contributed by strong electromagnetic coupling between three patches. Therefore, the width of horizontal and vertical gaps (GH, GV) and the total length of U-shaped parasitic element(d) are directly related to the wideband impedance matching performance. This shows the reason how U-shaped parasitic patches can extend the bandwidth. The calculated and measured normalized radiation patterns at the first and second resonant frequencies are plotted in Fig. 5, where the ―Co (C),‖ ―Co (M),‖ ―Cross (C),‖ and ―Cross (M)‖ indicate calculated co-polarization, measured co-polarization, calculated cross-polarization, and measured cross-polarization, respectively. As shown in Fig. 5, the designed antenna displays good broadside radiation patterns in the E-plane (XZ plane) and H-plane (YZ plane) at each resonant frequency. It can be seen that the beam peaks of the E-plane are slightly shifted in a right direction due to the feeding position on the main patch, which means that they experience phase difference at each radiating edge of main patch.The measured co-polarization radiation patterns are almost identical to the calculated radiation patterns, while the cross polarization level is somewhat higher than that of the calculated results due to various error mechanisms in measurement, such as multipath in the chamber, positioning error between standard gain horn antenna and antenna under test (AUT). In addition, the higher cross polarization levelf is caused by y-directed currents flowing on the U-shaped parasitic in H-plane athpatches as shown in Fig. 4(b). Notable, the radiation characteristics of the proposed antenna are nearly identical to those of the conventional patch antenna. The measured maximum gains of the fabricated antenna are 6.4 and 5.2 dB at 5.12 and 6.08 GHz, respectively.Fig. 2. Three-dimensional view of the fabricated antenna.Fig. 3. Comparison of calculated and measured results.Table 1.Calculated and measured c haracteristic of the proposed antennaFig. 4. Calculated currents distribution: at (a) 5.32 GHz and (b) 6.11 GHz.5. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, a novel wideband microstrip parasitic patch antenna has been proposed, where U-shaped parasitic elements are incorporated close to the radiating edges of a reduced size main patch so as to achieve wideband characteristics, and those two parasitic patches are excited by proximity coupling from the main patch. The wideband impedance matching can be achieved by adjusting either horizontal or vertical gaps between the main patch and parasitic elements. The size of the radiatingelements including parasitic elements is mm1718⨯, and the overall dimensionsmm6.of the designed antenna with ground plane and substrate are mm25⨯30⨯.mmmm4 The measured resonant frequencies are 5.12 and 6.08 GHz, and the bandwidth is 1.5 GHz,which is 27.3% at 5.5 GHz (center frequency). In addition, the radiation patterns of the fabricated antenna are almost identical to those of a conventional microstrip patch antenna at each resonant frequency with more than 5 dB gain. From these results, it can be concluded that implementation of the U-shaped parasitic patch on the radiating edges of the reduced main patch is an effective means of realizing a wideband microstrip antenna having a finite substrate and ground plane.REFERENCES[1] D. H. Schaubert, D. M. Pozar, and A. Adrian, ―Effect of microstrip antenna substrate thickness and permittivity: Com parison of theories and experiment,‖ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP-37, pp. 677–682,Jun. 1989.[2] H. F. 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AUTOMOBILE DESIGN | 汽车设计基于毫米波雷达的舱内儿童遗留检测系统设计和验证祁淼盐城工业职业技术学院 江苏省盐城市 224005摘 要: 为了保护儿童避免被单独遗留在舱内,提出了基于毫米波雷达的传感器的检测方法。
关键词:毫米波雷达 LC-KSVD算法 儿童检测 SVM分类1 前言汽车是许多家庭的标配,最近几年车辆设计的趋势之一是大天窗装在越来越多的车型上,2022年销量前十的车型[1]中除了五菱宏光MINIEV外都配有天窗,其中半数配置了全景天窗。
公妍苏[4]等人利用树莓派作为计算平台开发基于Adaptive Boosting的儿童车内遗留检测系统。
一种超宽带穿墙雷达天线单元的设计徐五生;欧阳缮;胡恺【摘要】In view of the highless resolution and the detection of moving targets and other issues of UWB through-wall radar, an ultra wideband antenna array element is designed.The antenna element is a dual linear polarization microstrip patch an-tenna via coaxial feed.A reflection plane on the back makes the antenna foreward half-space radiation.The test results show that the bandwidth of the antenna element is 0.85-2.05 GHz when the antenna element port’s standing-wave ratio is less than2.Polarization isolation is less than -30 dB.And it can be used in UWB through-wall radar for imaging and detecting the moving targets.%针对超宽带穿墙雷达的成像分辨率不高和探测运动目标等问题,设计一种大带宽、多极化的超宽带天线单元。
实际测试表明,天线单元的端口驻波比小于2的带宽为0.85~2.05 GHz,极化隔离度小于-30 dB,可在超宽带穿墙雷达上实现成像和探测运动目标。
2013年第06期,第46卷 通 信 技 术 Vol.46,No.06,2013 总第258期 Communications Technology No.258,Totally一种新颖的超宽带平面等角螺旋天线的设计罗 旺(电子科技大学 物理电子学院,四川 成都 611731)【摘 要】分析了平面螺旋天线的研究方法,并设计了工作于2~12 GHz的新颖的超宽带平面等角螺旋天线,由天线的宽带特性指标和平衡结构特性,天线两臂的辐射部分设计了一种带环状贴片的天线辐射结构,使圆极化轴比带内小于3 dB,天线馈电部分设计了一种阻抗为指数渐变和梯形渐变相结合的双线形式微带线宽带巴伦,并可采用50 Ω同轴探针馈电,使带内反射系数小于-10 dB。
【关键词】宽带巴伦;平面等角螺旋天线;圆极化轴比;反射系数【中图分类号】TN822 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1002-0802(2013)06-0012-03 Design of A Novel Ultra-wideband Planar Equiangular Spiral AntennaLUO Wang(College of Physical Electronics, ESTUC, Sichuan Chengdu 611731, China)【Abstract】The planar spiral antenna research methods are analyzed, and the planar equiangular spiral antenna working in 2~12 GHz novel ultra-wideband is designed. For the balanced structure and broadband characteristics of the antenna, a belt-ring stickers antenna radiating structure for the antenna radiation part is designed, so that the circular polarization axis is less than 3dB than the band, while a two-form microstrip line broadband balun combining the impedance index gradient and trapezoidal grodient is designed for the antenna feed part, and 50Ω coaxial probe feed may also be adopted, so that the reflection coefficient could be less than -10dB band. The measurement results indicate that both the antenna and the balun exhibit good circular polarization and broad-band property.【Key words】broadband balun; planar equiangular spiral antenna; circular polarization axial ratio; reflection coefficient0 引言平面螺旋天线是一种比较常见的超宽带天线,它本身属于非频变天线系列。
超宽带微带带通滤波器的设计袁伟强;宋树祥;程洋;张勇敢【摘要】为了设计小型化、低插入损耗、宽阻带的滤波器,本文基于缺陷微带结构(defected microstrip structure,DMS)提出一种新型H形DMS结构微带滤波器,利用DMS结构与1/4波长终端短路谐振器设计制作一种小型超宽带微带带通滤波器,并用ADS(advanced design system)软件对该滤波器进行分析及仿真验证,且对所设计的滤波器进行实物加工测试.测试结果表明,该滤波器的相对带宽达到了116%,阻带在-20 dB以下的频段为12~19 GHz,其宽度达到了7 GHz,与理论分析基本一致.该滤波器尺寸为13.7 mm×6.8 mm,同时还具有插入损耗小、结构简单紧凑等优点.%Based on the defected microstrip structure (DMS),a new H-shaped DMS microstrip filter is proposed.A small ultra-wideband microstrip bandpass filter is designed and fabricated using the DMS structure and the 1/4 wavelength shorted resonator.The filter is analyzed and simulated by ADS software.The designed filter is tested by physical processing.The test results show that the relative bandwidth of the filter reaches 116%,and the band with -20 dB is 12-19 GHz and its width is 7 GHz, which is consistent with the theoretical analysis.The size of the filter is 13.7 mm× 6.8 mm,with a small insertion loss,simple structure,and other advantages.【期刊名称】《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(035)004【总页数】7页(P32-38)【关键词】带通滤波器;缺陷微带结构(DMS);超宽带;短路枝节;ADS【作者】袁伟强;宋树祥;程洋;张勇敢【作者单位】广西师范大学电子工程学院,广西桂林 541004;广西师范大学电子工程学院,广西桂林 541004;广西师范大学电子工程学院,广西桂林 541004;广西师范大学电子工程学院,广西桂林 541004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN713近些年,超宽带技术蓬勃发展,自2002年美国通信委员会(federal communications commission,FCC)批准超宽带可以商业使用以来,各种超宽带器件的研究逐渐增加。
mobile and cellular radio移动和细胞广播in comparison to the relative stability and modest technical developments which are occurring in long haul wideband microwave communication systems there is rapid development and expanding deployment of new mobile personal communication system. These rang from wide coverage area pagers,for simple data message transmission,which employ common standards and hence achieve contiguous coverage over large geographical areas,such as all the major urban centres and transport routes in Europe,Asia or the continental USA.This chapter discusses the special channel characteristics of mobile systems and examines the typical cellular clusters adopted to achieve continuous communication with the mobile user.It then highlights the important properties of current,and emerging,TDMA and code division multiple access(CDMA), mobile digital cellular communication systems.Private mobile radioTerrestrial mobile radio works best at around 250 MHz as lower frequencies than this suffer from noise and interference while higher frequencies experience multipath propagation from buildings,etc,section 15.2.In practice modest frequency bands are allocated between 60MHz and 2GHz. Private mobile radio(PMR) is the system which is used by taxi companies,county councils,health authorities,ambulance services,fire services,the utility industries,etc,for mobile communications.PMR has three spectral at VHF,one just below the 88 to 108 MHz FM broadcast band and one just above this band with another allocation at approximately 170MHz.There are also two allocations at UHF around 450MHz. all these spectral allocations provide a total of just over 1000 radio channels with the channels placed at 12KHz channel spacings or centre frequency offsets. Within the 12khz wide channal the analogue modulation in PMR typically allows 7khz of bandwidth for the signal transmission.when further allowance is made for the frequency drift in the oscillators of these systems a peak deviation of only 2 to 3 khz is available for the speech traffic. Traffic is normally impressed on these systems by amplitude modulation or frequency modulation and again the receiver is of the ubiquitous superheterodyne design,Figure 1.4. A double conversion receiver with two separate local oscillator stages is usually required to achieve the required gain and rejection of adjacent channel signals.One of the problems with PMR receiver is that they are requiredto detect very small signals,typically—120dBm at the antenna output,corresponding to 0.2 uV,and,after demodulating this signal,produce ann output with perhaps 1W of audio equipment, the first IF is normally at10.7MHz and the second IF is very orten at 455KHz . unfortunately,with just over 1000 available channels for the whole of the UK and between 20000and30000issued licences for these systems,it is inevitable that the average busuness user will have to share the allocated channel with other companies in their same geographical area.There are various modes of operation for mobile radio communications networks, the simplest of which is singal frequency simplex. In simplex communication, traffic is broadcast, or one way. PMR uses half duplex(see later Table 15.3) where, at the end of each transmission period, there is a handover of the single channel to the user previously receiving, in order to permit them to reply over the same channel. This is efficient in that it requires only one frequency allocation for the communication link but it has the disadvantage that all units canhear all transmissions provided they are within rage of the mobile and frequencies are allocated for the transmissions. One frequency is used for the forward or downlink, namely base-to-mobile communications. This permits simultaneous two-way communication and greatly reduces the level of interference, but it halves other’s transmissions, which can lead to contention with two mobiles attempting to initiate a call, at the same time, on the uplink in a busy syetem.Although PMR employs relatively simple techniques with analogue speech transmission there have been many enhancements to these systems over the years . Data transmission is now in widespread use in PMR systems using FSK modulation. Data transmission also allows the possibility of hard copy graphics output and it gives direct access to computer services such as databases, etc. Data prembles can also be used, in a selective calling mode, when initiating a transmission to address a special receiver and thus obtain more privacy within the system.15.4.5 Trunked radio for paramilitary use集群无线电的军事使用Another related TDMA mobile radio standard is the European trunked radio(TETRA)network which has been developed as part of the public safety radio communications service(PSRCS) for use by police, utilities, customs office, etc. TETRA in fact is part of wider international collaborations for paramilitary radio use.In these portable radios there is a need for frequency hopping (FH) to give an antieavesdropping capability and encryption for security of transmission to extend military mobile radio capabilities to paramilitary use, i.e. for police, customs and excise offices, etc. these capabilities are included in the multiband interteam radio for the associated public safety communications office in the USA while Europe has adopted the TETRA standard.TETRA is essentially the digital TDMA replacement of the analogue PMR systems. The TETRA standard has spectrum allocations of 380 to 400 and 410 to 430MHz, with the lower band used for mobile transmissions and the upper band for base station use. TETRA mobile have 1 W output power and the base stations 25 W using error with the data throughput rate varying, to meet the required quality of service. TETRA can accommodate up to four users each with a basic speech or data rate of 7.2kbit/s. with coding and signaling overheads, the final transmission rate for the four-user slot is 36 kbit/s. this equipment is large and more sophisticated than a commercial cell phone, and it sells for a very much higher price becase the production runs are much small. However, its advanced capabilities are essential for achieving paramilitary communications which are secure from eavesdropping.15.5 Code division multiple accessAnalogue communication systems predominantly adopt frequency division multiple access (FDMA), where each subscriber is allocated a narrow frequency slot within the available channel. The alternative TDMA(GSM) technique allocates the entire channel bandwidth to a subscriber but constrains the subscriber but constrains the subscriber to transmit only regular short bursts of wideband signal. Both these accessing techniques are well established for long haulterrestrial, satellite and mobile communications as they offer very good utilization of the available bandwidth.15.5.1The inflexibility of these coordinated accessing techniques has resulted in the development of new systems based on the uncoordinated spread spectrum concept. In these systems the bits of slow speed data traffic from each subscriber are deliberately multiplied by a high chip rate spreading code, forcing the low rate (narrowband data signal) to fill a wide channel bandwidth.15.7.2 3G systemsThe evolution of the third generation (3G)system began when the ITU produce the initial recommendations for a new universal mobile telecommunications system(UMTS)[www.] The 3G mobile radio service provides higher data rate services ,with a maximum data rate in excess of 2Mbit/s, but the achievable bit rate is linked to mobility. Multimedia applications encompass services such as voice, audio/video, graphics, data, Internet access and e-mail. These packet and circuit switched services have to be supported by the radio interface and the network subsystem.Several radio transmission technologies(RTT) were evaluated by the ITU and adopted into the new standard, IMT-2000. the European standardization body for 3G, the ETSI Special Mobile Group, agreed on a radio access scheme for 3G UMTS universal terrestrial radio access(UTRA) as an evolution of GSM. UTRA consists of two modes : frequency division duplex(FDD) where the uplink and downlink are transmitted on different frequencies; and time division duplex(TDD) where the uplink and downlink are time multiplexed onto the same carrier frequency. The agreement assigned the unpaired bands (i.e. for UTRA TDD ). TD-CDMA is a pure CDMA based system. Both modes of UTRA have been harmonised with respect to basic system parameters such as carrier spacing, chip rate and frame length to ensure the interworking of UTRA with GSM.The 3G proposal were predominantly based wideband CDMA(WCDMA) and a mix of FDD and TDD access techniques. WCDMA is favoured for 3G in poor propagation environments with a mix of high modest speed data traffic. It is generally accepted that CDMA is the preferred accesstechnique and, with the increase in the data rate, then the spreading modulation needs to increase to wideband transmission.WCDMA is based on 3.84Mchip/s spreading codes with spreading ratio, i.e. , K values, of 4-256 giving corresponging data ratas of 960-15 kbit/s. the upper FDD uplink band I from 1920-1980 MHz is paired with a 2110-2170 MHz downlink. In addition uplink bands II & III at 1850-1910 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz are also paired, respectively, with 1930-1990 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz allocations. the system is configured on a 10 ms frame with 15 individual slots to facilitate TDD as well as FDD transmissions. TDD is more flexible as time-slots can be dynamically reassigned to uplink and downlink functions, as required for asymmetric transfer of large files or video on demand traffic. 3G WCDMA systems use an adaptive multirate speech coder with encoded rates of 4.75-12.2 kbit/s. receivers commonly use the easily integrated direct conversion design, in place of the superheterodyne design . receiver sensitivities are typically -155dBm.The 3GPP2 standard aims to achieve a wide area mobile wireless packet switched capability with CDMA2000 1×EV DO revision A (sometimes called IS-856A). Here 1×refers to the single carrier 1.25 Mchip/s system. It achieves a 3.1 Mbit/s downlink and a delay sensitive services. The 3GPP standard has gone through many release with R4 in 2001 which introduced packet data services and R6 in 2005 to further increase the available data transmission rate . R6 pioneers the use of high-speed downlink packet access and multimedia broadcast multicast services which offer reduced delays and increased uplink data rates approaching 6 Mbit/s.In parallel with the European activities extensive work on 3G mobile radio was also performed in Japan. The Japanese standardisation body also chose WCDMA, so that the Japanese and European proposals for the FDD mode were already aligned closely. Very similar concepts have also been adopted by the North American standardization body.In order to work towards a global 3G mobile radio standard, the third generation partnership project(3GPP), consisting of members of the standardization bodies in Europe, the USA, Japan, Korea and China, was formed. It has merged the already well harmonized proposals of the regional standardization bodies to work on a common 3G international mobile radio standard, still called UTRA. The 3GPP Project 2(3GPP2), on the other hand, works towards a 3G mobile radio standard based on cdmaOne/IS-95 evolution, originally called CDMA2000.比起相对稳定、适度的技术发展是发生在宽带微波通信系统,有长期快速发展和扩大部署的新的移动个人通讯系统。
SIMULATION OF A CELLULAR RADIO SYSTEM———taken from《Prentice Hall - Principles Of Communication SystemsSimulation With Wireless Aplications》page672-6761 . IntroductionA wide variety of wireless communication systems have been developed to provide access to the communications infrastructure for mobile or fixed users in a myriad of operating environments. Most of today’s wireless systems are based on the cellular radio concept. Cellular communication systems allow a large number of mobile users to seamlessly and simultaneously communicate to wireless modems at fixed base stations using a limited amount of radio frequency (RF) spectrum. The RF transmissions received at the base stations from each mobile are translated to baseband, or to a wideband microwave link, and relayed to mobile switching centers (MSC), which connect the mobile transmissions with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Similarly, communications from the PSTN are sent to the base station, where they are transmitted to the mobile. Cellular systems employ either frequency division multiple access (FDMA), time division multiple access (TDMA), code division multiple access (CDMA), or spatial division multiple access (SDMA) .Wireless communication links experience hostile physical channel characteristics, such as time-varying multipath and shadowing due to large objects in the propagation path. In addition, the performance of wireless cellular systems tends to be limited by interference from other users, and for that reason, it is important to have accurate techniques for modeling interference. These complex channel conditions are difficult to describe with a simple analytical model, although several models do provide analytical tractability with reasonable agreement to measured channel data . However, even when the channel is modeled in an analytically elegant manner, in the vast majority of situations it is still difficult or impossible to construct analytical solutions for link performance when error control coding, equalization, diversity, and network models are factored into the link model. Simulation approaches, therefore, are usually required when analyzing the performance of cellular communication links.Like wireless links, the system performance of a cellular radio system is most effectively modeled using simulation, due to the difficulty in modeling a large number of random events over time and space. These random events, such as the location of users, the number of simultaneous users in the system, the propagation conditions, interference and power level settings of each user, and the traffic demands of each user,combine together to impact the overall performance seen by a typical user in the cellular system. The aforementioned variables are just a small sampling of the many key physical mechanisms that dictate the instantaneous performance of a particular user at any time within the system. The term cellular radio system,therefore, refers to the entire population of mobile users and base stations throughout the geographic service area, as opposed to a single link that connects a single mobile user to a single base station. To design for a particular system-level performance, such as the likelihood of a particular user having acceptable service throughout the system, it is necessary to consider the complexity of multiple users that are simultaneously using the system throughout the coverage area. Thus, simulation is needed to consider the multi-user effects upon any of the individual links between the mobile and the base station.The link performance is a small-scale phenomenon, which deals with the instantaneous changes in the channel over a small local area, or small time duration, over which the average received power is assumed constant . Such assumptions are sensible in the design of error control codes, equalizers, and other components that serve to mitigate the transient effects created by the channel. However, in order to determine the overall system performance of a large number of users spread over a wide geographic area, it is necessary to incorporate large-scale effects such as the statistical behavior of interference and signal levels experienced by individual users over large distances, while ignoring the transient channel characteristics. One may think of link-level simulation as being a vernier adjustment on the performance of a communication system, and the system-level simulation as being a coarse, yet important, approximation of the overall level of quality that any user could expect atany time.Cellular systems achieve high capacity (e.g., serve a large number of users) by allowing the mobile stations to share, or reuse a communication channel in different regions of the geographic service area. Channel reuse leads to co-channel interference among users sharing the same channel, which is recognized as one of the major limiting factors of performance and capacity of a cellular system. An appropriate understanding of the effects of co-channel interference on the capacity and performance is therefore required when deploying cellular systems, or when analyzing and designing system methodologies that mitigate the undesired effects of co-channel interference. These effects are strongly dependent on system aspects of the communication system, such as the number of users sharing the channel and their locations. Other aspects, more related to the propagation channel, such as path loss, shadow fading (or shadowing), and antenna radiation patterns are also important in the context of system performance, since these effects also vary with the locations of particular users. In this chapter, we will discuss the application of system-level simulation in the analysis of the performance of a cellular communication system under the effects of co-channel interference. We will analyze a simple multiple-user cellular system, including the antenna and propagation effects of a typical system. Despite the simplicity of the example system considered in this chapter, the analysis presented can easily be extended to include other features of a cellular system.2 Cellular Radio SystemSystem-Level Description:Cellular systems provide wireless coverage over a geographic service area by dividing the geographic area into segments called cells as shown in Figure 17.1. The available frequency spectrum is also divided into a number of channels with a group of channels assigned to each cell. Base stations located in each cell are equipped with wireless modems that can communicate with mobile users. Radio frequency channels used in the transmission direction from the base station to the mobile are referred to asforward channels, while channels used in the direction from the mobile to the base station are referred to as reverse channels. The forward and reverse channels together identify a duplex cellular channel. When frequency division duplex (FDD) is used, the forward and reverse channels are split in frequency. Alternatively, when time division duplex (TDD) is used, the forward and reverse channels are on the same frequency, but use different time slots for transmission.High-capacity cellular systems employ frequency reuse among cells. This requires that co-channel cells (cells sharing the same frequency) are sufficiently far apart from each other to mitigate co-channel interference. Channel reuse is implemented by covering the geographic service area with clusters of N cells, as shown in Figure 17.2, where N is known as the cluster size.The RF spectrum available for the geographic service area is assigned to each cluster, such that cells within a cluster do not share any channel . If M channels make up the entire spectrum available for the service area, and if the distribution of users is uniform over the service area, then each cell is assigned M/N channels. As the clusters are replicated over the service area, the reuse of channels leads to tiers of co-channel cells, and co-channel interference will result from the propagation of RF energy between co-channel base stations and mobile users. Co-channel interference in a cellular system occurs when, for example, a mobile simultaneously receives signals from the base station in its own cell, as well as from co-channel base stations in nearby cells from adjacent tiers. In this instance, one co-channel forward link (base station to mobile transmission) is the desired signal, and the other co-channel signals received by the mobile form the total co-channel interference at the receiver. The power level of the co-channel interference is closely related to the separation distances among co-channel cells. If we model the cells with a hexagonal shape, as in Figure 17.2, the minimum distance between the center of two co-channel cells, called the reuse distance ND, isR3(17.1)D N Nwhere R is the maximum radius of the cell (the hexagon is inscribed within the radius). Therefore, we can immediately see from Figure 17.2 that a small cluster size (small reuse distance ND), leads to high interference among co-channel cells.The level of co-channel interference received within a given cell is also dependent on the number of active co-channel cells at any instant of time. As mentioned before, co-channel cells are grouped into tiers with respect to a particular cell of interest. The number of co-channel cells in a given tier depends on the tier order and the geometry adopted to represent the shape of a cell (e.g., the coverage area of an individual base station). For the classic hexagonal shape, the closest co-channel cells are located in the first tier and there are six co-channel cells. The second tier consists of 12 co-channel cells, the third, 18, and so on. The totalco-channel interference is, therefore, the sum of the co-channel interference signals transmitted from all co-channel cells of all tiers. However, co-channel cells belonging to the first tier have a stronger influence on the total interference, since they are closer to the cell where the interference is measured.Co-channel interference is recognized as one of the major factors that limits the capacity and link quality of a wireless communications system and plays an important role in the tradeoff between system capacity (large-scale system issue) and link quality (small-scale issue). For example, one approach for achieving high capacity (large number of users), without increasing the bandwidth of the RF spectrum allocated to the system, is to reduce the channel reuse distance by reducing the cluster size N of a cellular system . However, reduction in the cluster sizeincreases co-channel interference, which degrades the link quality.The level of interference within a cellular system at any time is random and must be simulated by modeling both the RF propagation environment between cells and the position location of the mobile users. In addition, the traffic statistics of each user and the type of channel allocation scheme at the base stations determine the instantaneous interference level and the capacity of the system.The effects of co-channel interference can be estimated by the signal-tointerference ratio (SIR) of the communication link, defined as the ratio of the power of the desired signal S, to the power of the total interference signal, I. Since both power levels S and I are random variables due to RF propagation effects, user mobility and traffic variation, the SIR is also a random variable. Consequently, the severity of the effects of co-channel interference on system performance is frequently analyzed in terms of the system outage probability, defined in this particular case as the probability that SIR is below a given threshold 0SIR . This isdx p ]SIR Pr[SIR P )x 0SIR 0SIR 0outpage (⎰=<= (17.2)Where is the probability density function (pdf) of the SIR. Note the distinction between the definition of a link outage probability, that classifies an outage SIR(x)pbased on a particular bit error rate (BER) or Eb/N0 threshold for acceptable voice performance, and the system outage probability that considers a particular SIR threshold for acceptable mobile performance of a typical user.Analytical approaches for estimating the outage probability in a cellular system, as discussed in Chapter 11, require tractable models for the RF propagation effects, user mobility, and traffic variation, in order to obtain an expression for . Unfortunately, it is very difficult to use analytical models for these effects, due to their complex relationship to the received signal level. Therefore, the estimation of the outage probability in a cellular system usually relies on simulation, which offers flexibility in the analysis. In this chapter, we present a simple example of a simulation of a cellular communication system, with the emphasis on the system aspects of the communication system, including multi-user performance, traffic engineering, and channel reuse. In order to conduct a system-level simulation, a number of aspects of the individual communication links must be considered. These include the channel model, the antenna radiation pattern, and the relationship between Eb/N0 (e.g., the SIR) and the acceptable performance.SIR(x)p蜂窝无线通信系统的仿真——摘自《通信系统仿真原理与无线应用》第672页-676页1 、概述人们开发出了许多无线通信系统,为不同的运行环境中的固定用户或移动用户提供了接入到通信基础设施的手段。
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C e n t r u m v o o r W i s k u n d e e n I n f o r m a t i c aPNAProbability, Networks and AlgorithmsProbability, Networks and AlgorithmsAn image retrieval system based on adaptive waveletliftingP.J. Oonincx, P.M. de ZeeuwR EPORT PNA-R0208 M ARCH 31, 2002CWI is the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science. It is sponsored by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).CWI is a founding member of ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. CWI's research has a theme-oriented structure and is grouped into four clusters. Listed below are the names of the clusters and in parentheses their acronyms.Probability, Networks and Algorithms (PNA)Software Engineering (SEN)Modelling, Analysis and Simulation (MAS)Information Systems (INS)Copyright © 2001, Stichting Centrum voor Wiskunde en InformaticaP.O. Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam (NL)Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam (NL)Telephone +31 20 592 9333Telefax +31 20 592 4199ISSN 1386-3711CWIP.O.Box94079,1090GB Amsterdam,The NetherlandsPatrick.Oonincx,Paul.de.Zeeuw@cwi.nl1.I NTRODUCTIONContent-based image retrieval(CBIR)is a widely used term to indicate the process of retrieving desired images from a large collection on the basis of features.The extraction process should be automatic(i.e. no human interference)and the features used for retrieval can be either primitive(color,shape,texture) or semantic(involving identity and meaning).In this paper we confine ourselves to grayscale images of objects against a background of texture.This class of images occurs for example in various databases created for the combat of crime:stolen objects[21],tyre tracks and shoe sole impressions[1].In this report we restrict ourselves to the following problem.Given an image of an object(a so-called query)we want to identify all images in a database which contain the same object irrespective of translation,rotation or re-sizing of the object,lighting conditions and the background texture.One of the most classical approaches to the problem of recognition of similar images is by the use of moment invariants[11].This method is based on calculating moments in both the-and-direction of the image density function up to a certain order.Hu[11]has shown that certain homogeneous polynomials of these moments can be used as statistical quantities that attain the same values for images that are of the same class,i.e.,that can be obtained by transforming one single original image(affine transforms and scaling).However,this method uses the fact that such images consists of a crisp object against a neutral background.If the background contains‘information’(noise,environment in a picture)the background should be the same for all images in one class and should also be obtained from one background using the same transformations.In general this will not be the case.The kind of databases we consider in this paper consists of classes of different objects pasted on different background textures.To deal with the problem of different backgrounds one may use somefiltering process as a preprocessing step.In Do et al.[7]the wavelet transform modulus maxima is used as such preprocessing step.To measure the(dis)similarity between images,moments of the set of maxima points are determined(per scale)and subsequently Hu’s invariants are computed.Thus,each image is indexed by a vector in the wavelet maxima moment space.By its construction,this vector predominantly represents shapes.In this report we propose to bring in adaptivity by using different waveletfilters for smooth and unsmooth parts of the image.Thefilters are used in the context of the(redundant)lifting scheme[18].The degree2of”smoothness”is determined by measuring the relative local variance(RLV),which indicates whether locally an image behaves smoothly or not.Near edges low order predictionfilters are activated which lead to large lifting detail coefficients along thin curves.At backgrounds of texture high order predictionfilters are activated which lead to negligible detail coefficients.Moments and subsequently moment invariants are computed with respect to these wavelet detail coefficients.With the computation of the detail coefficients a certain preprocessing is required to make the method robust for shifts over a non-integer number of gridpoints.Further we introduce the homogeneity condition which means that we demand a homogeneous change in the elements of a feature vector if the image seen as a density distribution is multiplied by a scalar.The report is organized as follows.In Sections2and3we discuss the lifting scheme and its adaptive version.Section4is devoted to the topic of affine invariances of the coefficients obtained from the lifting scheme.In Section5the method of moment invariants is recapitulated.The homogeneity condition is in-troduced which leads to a normalization.Furthermore,the mathematical consequences for the computation of moments of functions represented byfields of wavelet(detail)coefficients are investigated.Section6 discusses various aspects of thefinal retrieval algorithm,including possible metrics.Numerical results of the algorithm for a synthetic database are presented in Section7.Finally,some conclusions are drawn in Section8.2.T HE L IFTING S CHEMEThe lifting scheme as introduced by Sweldens in1997,see[18],is a method for constructing wavelet transforms that are not necessarily based on dilates and translates of one function.In fact the construction does not rely on the Fourier transform which makes it also suitable for functions on irregular grids.The transform also allows a fully in-place calculation,which means that no auxiliary memory is needed for the computations.The idea of lifting is based on splitting a given set of data into two subsets.In the one-dimensional case this can mean that starting with a signal the even and odd samples are collected into two new signals,i.e.,,where and,for all.The next step of the lifting scheme is to predict the value of given the sequence.This prediction uses a prediction operator acting on.The predicted value is subtracted from yielding a ‘detail’signal.An update of the odd samples is needed to avoid aliassing problems.This update is performed by adding to the sequence,with the update operator.The lifting procedure can also be seen as a2-bandfilter bank.This idea has been depicted in Figure1.The inverse lifting scheme can/.-,()*+/.-,()*+/.-,()*+/.-,()*+/.-,()*+Figure1:The lifting scheme:splitting,predicting,updating.immediately be found by undoing the prediction and update operators.In practice,this comes down in Figure1to simply changing each into a and vice versa.Compared to the traditional wavelet transform the sequence can be regarded as detail coefficients of the signal.The updated sequence can be regarded as the approximation of at a coarse ing again as input for the lifting scheme yields detail and approximation signals at lower resolution levels.We observe that every discrete wavelet transform can also be decomposed into a finite sequence of lifting steps[6].To understand the notion of vanishing moments in terms of the prediction and update operators,we com-pare the lifting scheme with a two-channelfilter bank with analysisfilters(lowpass)and(highpass) and synthesisfilters and.Such afilter bank has been depicted in Figure2.Traditionally we say that a389:;?>=<89:;?>=</.-,()*+89:;?>=<89:;?>=<Figure2:Classical2-band analysis/synthesisfilter bank.filter bank has primal and vanishing moments ifandwhere denotes the space of all polynomial sequences of order.Given thefilter operators and, the correspondingfilters and can be computed by(2.1)(2.2)where and denote thefilter sequences of the operators and respectively.In[12]Kovacevic and Sweldens showed that we can always use lifting schemes with primal vanishing moments and dual vanishing moments by taking for a Nevillefilter of order with a shift and for half the adjoint of a Nevillefilter of order and shift,see[17].Example2.1We take and.With these operators we getThefilter bank has only one vanishing moment.The lifting transform corresponds in this example to the Haar wavelet transform.Example2.2For more vanishing moments,i.e.,smoother approximation signals,we takeThese Nevillefilters give rise to a2-channelfilter bank with2primal and4dual vanishing moments. The lifting scheme can also be used for higher dimensional signals.For these signals the lifting scheme consists of channels,where denotes the absolute value of the determinant of the dilation matrix,that is used in the corresponding discrete wavelet transform.In each channel the signal is translated along one of the coset representatives from the unit cell of the corresponding lattice,see[12]. The signal in thefirst channel is then used for predicting the data in all other channels by using possible different prediction operators.Thereafter thefirst channel is updated using update operators on the other channels.Let us consider an image as a two-dimensional signal.An important example of the lifting scheme applied to such a signal is one that involves channels().We subdivide the lattice on which the signal has been defined into two sets on quincunx grids,see Figure3.This division is also called ”checkerboard”or”red-black”division.The pixels on the red spots()are used to predict the samples on the black spots(),while updating of the red spots is performed by using the detailed data on the black spots.An example of a lifting transform with second order prediction and updatefilters is given by4Figure3:A rectangular grid composed of two quincunx grids.order200000040000060008Table1:Quincunx Nevillefilter coefficientsThe algorithm using the quincunx lattice is also known as the red-black wavelet transform by Uytterhoeven and Bultheel,see[20].In general can be written as(2.3) with a subset of mod and,a set of coefficients in. In this case a general formula for reads(2.4)with depending on the number of required primal vanishing moments.For several elements in the coefficients attain the same values.Therefore we take these elements together in subsets of, i.e.,(2.5)Table1indicates the values of all,for different values of(2through8)when using quincunx Nevillefilters,see[12],which are thefilters we use in our approach.We observe that and so a44tapsfilter is used as prediction/update if the requiredfilter order is8.For an illustration of the Nevillefilter of order see Figure4.Here the numbers,correspond to the values of thefilter coefficients as given in and respectively at that position.The left-handfilter can be used to transform a signal defined on a quincunx grid into a signal defined on a rectangular grid,the right-hand filter is the degrees rotated version of the left-handfilter and can be used to transform a signal from a rectangular grid towards a quincunx grid.We observe that the quincunx lattice yields a non separable2D-wavelet transform,which is also sym-metric in both horizontal and vertical direction.Furthermore,we only need one prediction and one update operator for this2D-lifting scheme,which reduces the number of computations.The prediction and update operators for the quincunx lattice do also appear in schemes for other lattices, like the standard2D-separable lattice and the hexagonal lattice[12].The algorithm for the quincunx lattice can be extended in a rather straightforward way for these two other well-known lattices.5111122222222111122222222Figure 4:Neville filter of order :rectangular (left)and quincunx (right)Figure 5illustrates the possibility of the use of more than channels in the lifting scheme.Herechannels are employed,using a four-colour division of the 2D-lattice.It involves (interchange-able)prediction steps.Each of the subsets with colours ,and respectively,is predicted by application of a prediction filter on the subset with colour .Figure 5:Separable grid (four-colour division).3.A DAPTIVE L IFTINGWhen using the lifting scheme or a classical wavelet approach,the prediction/update filters or wavelet/scaling functions are chosen in a fixed fashion.Generally they can be chosen in such way that a signal is approximated with very high accuracy using only a limited number of coefficients.Discontinuities mostly give rise to large detail coefficients which is undesirable for applications like compression.For our purpose large detail coefficients near edges in an images are desirable,since they can be identified with the shape of objects we want to detect.However,they are undesirable if such large coefficients are related to the background of the image.This situation occurs if a small filter is used on a background of texture that contains irregularities locally.In this case a large smoothing filter gives rise to small coefficients for the background.These considerations lead to the idea of using different prediction filters for different parts of the signal.The signal itself should indicate (for example by means of local behavior information)whether a high or low order prediction filter should be used.Such an approach is commonly referred to as an adaptive approach.Many of these adaptive approaches have been described already thoroughly in the literature,e.g.[3,4,8,13,19].In this paper we follow the approach proposed by Baraniuk et al.in [2],called the space-adaptive approach.This approach follows the scheme as shown in Figure 6.After splitting all pixels of a given image into two complementary groups and (red/black),thepixels inare used to predict the values in .This is done by means of a prediction filter acting on ,i.e.,.In the adaptive lifting case this prediction filter depends on local information of the image pixels .Choices for may vary from high to low order filters,depending on the regularity of the image locally.For the update operator,we choose the update filter that corresponds to the prediction filter with lowest order from all possible to be chosen .The order of the update filter should be lower or equal to the order of the prediction filter as a condition to provide a perfect reconstruction filter bank.As with the classical wavelet filter bank approach,the order of the prediction filter equals the number of dual vanishing6/.-,()*+/.-,()*+Figure6:Generating coefficients via adaptive liftingmoments while the order of the updatefilter equals the number of primal vanishing moments,see[12].The above leads us to use a second order Nevillefilter for the update step and an th order Nevillefilter for the prediction step,where.In our application the reconstruction part of the lifting scheme is not needed.In[2],Baraniuk et al.choose to start the lifting scheme with an update operator followed by an adaptively chosen prediction operator.The reason for interchanging the prediction and update operator is that this solves stability and synchronization problems in lossy coding applications.We will not discuss this topic in further detail,but only mention that they took for thefilters of and the branch of the Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau(CDF)filter family[5].The order of the predictionfilter was chosen to be,,or,depending on the local behavior of the signal.Thefilter orders of the CDFfilters in their paper correspond to thefilter orders of the Nevillefilters we are using in our approach.Relative local variance We propose a measure on which the decision operator in the2D adaptive lifting scheme can be based on,namely the relative local variance of an image.This relative local variance(RLV) of an image is given byrlv var(3.1) with(3.2) For the window size we take,since with this choice all that are used for the prediction of contribute to the RLV for,even for the8th order Nevillefilter.When the RLV is used at higher resolution levels wefirst have to down sample the image appropriately.Thefirst time the predictionfilter is applied(to the upper left pixel)we use the8th order Nevillefil-ter on the quincunx lattice as given in Table1.For all other subsequent pixels to be predicted,we first compute rlv.Then quantizing the values of the RLV yields a decisionmap indicating which predictionfilter should be used at which positions.Values above the highest quantizing level induce a 2nd order Nevillefilter,while values below the lowest quantizing levels induce an8th order Nevillefil-ter.For the quantizing levels we take multiples of the mean of the RLV.Test results have shown that rlv rlv rlv are quantizing levels that yield a good performance in our application.In Figure7we have depicted an image(left)and its decision map based on the RLV(right).4.A FFINE I NVARIANT L IFTINGAlthough both traditional wavelet analysis and the lifting scheme yield detail and approximation coeffi-cients that are localised in scale and space,they are both not translation invariant.This means that if a signal or image is translated along the grid,its lifting coefficients may not be just be given by a translation of the original coefficients.Moreover,in general the coefficients will attain values in the same range of the original values(after translation),but they will be totally different.7a) original image b) decision map (RLV)Figure7:An object on a wooden background and its rel.local variance(decision map):white=8th order, black=2nd order.For studying lifting coefficients of images a desirable property would also be invariance under reflections and rotations.However,for these two transformations we have to assumefirst that the values of the image on the grid points is not affected a rotation or reflection.In practice,this means that we only consider reflections in the horizontal,the vertical and the diagonal axis and rotations over multiples of.4.1Redundant LiftingFor the classical wavelet transform a solution for translation invariance is given by the redundant wavelet transform[15],which is a non-decimated wavelet(at all scales)transform.This means that one gets rid of the decimation step.As a consequence the data in all subbands have the same size as the size as the input data of the transform.Furthermore,at each scaling level,we have to use zero padding to thefilters in order to keep the multiresolution analysis consistent.Not only more memory is used by the redundant transform,also the computing complexity of the fast transform increases.For the non-decimated transform computing complexity is instead of for the fast wavelet transform.Whether the described redundant transform is also invariant under reflections and rotations depends strongly on thefilters(wavelets)themselves.Symmetry of thefilters is necessary to guarantee certain rotation and reflection invariances.This is a condition that is not satisfied by many well-known wavelet filters.The redundant wavelet transform can also be translated into a redundant lifting scheme.In one dimension this works out as follows.Instead of partitioning a signal into and we copy to both and.The next step of the lifting scheme is to predict by(4.1) The predictionfilter is the samefilter as used for the non-redundant case,however now it depends on the resolution level,since at each level zero padding is applied to.This holds also for the updatefilters .So,the update step reads(4.2)For higher dimensional signals we copy the data in all channels of the usedfilter bank. Next the-channel lifting scheme is applied on the data,using zero padding for thefilters at each resolu-8................ ........Figure8:Tree structure of the-channel lifting scheme.tion level.Remark,that for each lifting step in the redundant-channel lifting scheme we have to store at each scaling level times as much data as in the non-redundant scheme,see Figure8.We observe that in our approach Nevillefilters on a quincunx lattice are used.Due to their symmetry properties,see Table1,the redundant scheme does not only guarantee translation invariance,but also invariance under rotations over multiples of and reflections in the horizontal,vertical and diagonal axis is assured.Invariance under other rotations and reflections can not be guaranteed by any prediction and updatefilter pair,since the quincunx lattice is not invariant under these transformations.4.2An Attempt to Avoid Redundancy:Fixed Point LiftingAs we have seen the redundant scheme provides a way offinding detail and approximation coefficients that are invariant under translations,reflections and rotations,under which the lattice is also invariant.Due to its redundancy this scheme is stable in the sense that it treats all samples of a given signal in the same way.However redundancy also means additional computational costs and perhaps even worse additional memory to store the coefficients.Therefore we started searching for alternative schemes that are also invariant under the described class of affine transformation.Although we did not yet manage to come up with an efficient stable scheme,we would like to stretch the principal idea behind the building blocks of such approach.In the sequel we will only use the redundant lifting scheme as described in the preceding section.Before we start looking for possible alternative schemes we examine why the lifting scheme is not translation invariant.Assume we have a signal that is analysed with an-band lifting scheme. Then after one lifting step we have approximation data and detail data.Whether one sample,is determined to become either a sample of or a sample ofdepends only on its position on the lattice and the way we partition the lattice into groups.Of course, this partitioning is rather arbitrary.The more channels we use the higher the probability is that for afixed partitioning one sample that was determined to be used for predicting other samples,will become a sample of after translating.Following Figure8it is clear that any sample,can end up after lifting steps in ways,either in approximation data at level or in detail data at some level.The idea of the alternative scheme we propose here is to partition a signal not upon its position on the lattice but upon its structure.This means that for each individual signal we indicate afixed point for which we demand that it will end up in the approximation data after lifting steps.If this point can be chosen independent of its coordinates on the lattice,the lifting scheme based on this partitioning will then translation invariant.For higher dimensional signals we can also achieve invariance under the other discussed affine transformations,however then we have tofix more points,depending on the number ofchannels.In our approach the quincunx lattice is used and thereforefixing one approximation sample on scales will immediatelyfix the partitioning of all other samples on the quincunx lattice at scale. As a result thefixed point lifting scheme is invariant under translations,rotations and reflections that leave the quincunx lattice invariant.In the sequel of this chapter we will only discuss the lifting scheme for for the quincunx lattice.Although the proposedfixed point lifting scheme may seem to be a powerful tool for affine invariant lifting,it will be hard to deal with in practice.The problem we will have to face is how to choose afixed point in every image.In other words we have tofind a suitable decision operator that adds to every a unique,itsfixed point,i.e.,If we demand to depend only on and not on the lattice(coordinate free)it will be hard tofind such that is well defined.This independence of the coordinates is necessary for rotation invariances.However, this is not the only difficulty we have to face.Stability of the scheme is an other problem.If for some reason afixed point has been wrongly indicated,for example due to truncation errors,the whole scheme might collapse down.Although we cannot easily solve the problem of determining incorrectfixed points we can increase the stability of the scheme by not imposing that at each scale should be an index number of the coarse scale data after zero padding.Instead of this procedure we rather determine afixed point for both the original signal()and for the coarse scale data(at each scale.Then we impose that should be used for prediction in the th lifting step,for and with.Furthermore,stability may be increased by using decision operators that generate a set offixed points.However,since no stable method (uniform decision operator)is available yet,we will use the redundant lifting scheme in our approach and do not work out the idea offixed point lifting here at this moment.5.M OMENT I NVARIANTSAt the outset of this section we give a brief introduction into the theory of statistical invariants for imag-ing purposes,based on centralized moments.Traditionally,these features have been widely used in pat-tern recognition applications to recognize the geometrical shapes of different objects[11].Here,we will compute invariants with respect to the detail coefficients as produced by the wavelet lifting schemes of Sections2–4.We use invariants based on moments of the coefficients up to third order.We show how to construct a feature vector from the obtained wavelet coefficients at several scales It is followed by proposals for normalization of the moments to keep them in comparable range.5.1Introduction and recapitulationWe regard an image as a density distribution function,the Schwartz class.In order to obtain translation invariant statistics of such we use central moments of for our features.The order central moment of is given by(5.1) with the center of massand(5.2)Computing the centers of mass and of yieldsand bining this with(5.1)showsi.e.,the central moments are translation invariant.We also require that the features should be invariant under orthogonal transformations(rotations).For deriving these features we follow[11]using a method with homogeneous polynomials of order.These are given by(5.3) Now assume that the variables are obtained from other variables under some linear transformation,i.e.,then is an algebraic invariant of weight if(5.4) with the new coefficients obtained after transforming by.For orthogonal transformations we have and therefore is invariant under rotations ifParticularly we have from[11],that if is an algebraic invariant,then also the moments of order have the same invariant,i.e.,(5.5) From this equation2functions of second order can be derived that are invariant under rotations,see[11]. For we have the invariantsandIt was also shown that these two functions are also invariant under reflections,which can be a useful property for identifying reflected images.Since the way of deriving these invariants may seem a bit technical and artificial,we illustrate with straightforward calculus that and are indeed invariant under rotations.The invariance under reflections is left to the reader,since showing this follows the same calculations.We consider the rotated distribution functionand the corresponding invariants and,which are and but now based on moments calculated from.So what we have to show is that and.It follows from(5.1)and(5.2)that if and only ifwith and.Obviously this holds true,considering the trigonometric rule .To do the same for we also have to introduce and.Because we have to take products of integrals that define,we cannot use and in both integrals.As for we can now derive from(5.1)and(5.2)that if and only ifWe simplify the right-hand side term by term.Thefirst term,that is related to becomes The second term(related to)becomesAdding these two terms gives uswhich demonstrates that indeed also is invariant under rotations.Similar calculus shows that invariance under reflections also holds.From Equation(5.5)four functions of third order and one function of both second and third order can be derived that are invariant under both rotations and reflecting,namelyandwithThe last polynomial that is invariant under both rotations and reflections consists of both second and third order moments and is given bywith and as above.To these six invariants we can add a seventh one,which is only invariant under rotations and changes sign under reflections.It is given bySince we want to include reflections as well in our set of invariant transformations we will use instead of in our approach.From now on,we will identify with.We observe that all possible linear combinations of these invariants are invariant under proper orthogonal transformations and translations.Therefore we can call these seven invariants also invariant generators.。
CommScope High Speed Migration平台说明书
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收稿日期:2005206206; 定稿日期:2005208219基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划资助项目(G2000036508);国家自然科学基金资助项目(60236020);国家高技术研究发展(863)计划资助项目一种应用于超宽带系统的宽带L NA 的设计桑泽华,李永明(清华大学微电子学研究所,北京 100084)摘 要: 结合切比雪夫滤波器,可以实现宽带输入匹配的特性和片上集成窄带低噪声放大器(L NA )的噪声优化方法。
提出一套完整的基于CMOS 工艺的宽带L NA 的设计流程,并设计了一个应用于超宽带(U WB )系统的3~5GHz 宽带LNA 电路。
该电路采用SM IC 0.18μm CMOS 工艺进行模拟仿真。
结果表明,该L NA 带宽为3~5GHz ,功率增益为5.6dB ,带内增益波动1.2dB ,带内噪声系数为3.3~4.3dB ,IIP3为-0.5dBm ;在1.8V 电源电压下,主体电路电流消耗只有9mA ,跟随器电流消耗2mA ,可以驱动1.2p F 容性负载。
关键词: 低噪声放大器;切比雪夫滤波器;超宽带;无线局域网中图分类号: TN722.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号:100423365(2006)0120114204A Wideband Low Noise Amplif ier for U ltra WideB and SystemSAN G Ze 2hua ,L I Y ong 2ming(I nstit ute of Microelect ronics ,Tsinghua Uni versit y ,B ei j ing 100084,P.R.China )Abstract : A new design flow is presented by combining the wideband match network theory with the low noise design technique for integrated narrowband low noise amplifier (L NA ).As a demonstration ,a wideband L NA is de 2signed based on this design flow ,which is validated by simulation using SMIC ’s 0.18μm technology.Results from the simulation show that the L NA circuit has achieved an operating f requency ranging f rom 3GHz to 5GHz ,a pow 2er gain between 4.4dB and 5.6dB ,a noise figure f rom 3.3dB to 4.3dB and an IIP3of -0.5dBm.The circuit dis 2sipates 11mA current f rom a single 1.8V power supply ,and it is capable of driving 1.2p F capacitive load.K ey w ords : Low noise amplifier ;Chebyshev filter ;Ultra wide band ;WL AN EEACC : 1220 1 引 言IEEE 802.15.3是一种无线个人域网(WPAN ,Wireless Personal Area Network )标准,包含MAC和P H Y 两部分。
the VCO tuning range is 2.38GHz-2.52GHz, and the phase noise is -124.8dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset. It draws 2.5mA for VCO core and 13mA for output impedance matching from 1.8-V supply. The Shut-Down mode is integrated in this design and it only needs 8nA current. Key words: Noise Filtering Technology; VCO; AMOS
包括工艺偏差、温度变化等,均能正常工作,设计中有效跨导值取为(2)中需求值的 2 倍。
gNm gPm 2 gm min
2 RT
2rs (0 L)2
在该设计中,输出阻抗匹配通过片内集成的 Bias-T 结构实现,其输出源跟随器的 NMOS
管通过交流耦合连接于振荡节点中,且加入VDD 2 的直流偏置以保证其直流工作点满足较
Abstract- A 2.4-GHz LC VCO for Bluetooth/ZigBee application is presented in this paper. The VCO exploits the symmetrical noise filtering technology to reduce the impact of the tail-current source to the phase noise performance and accumulation MOS (AMOS) varactors which have a big Cmax / Cmin ratio to get a flat VCO tuning gain within the whole tuning range. The 50 output impedance matching is done with a Bias-T circuit on
Ultra-Wideband Microstripe Antenna Design陳建宏Chien-Hung Chen摘要近十年來由於微帶天線具有體積小、重量輕、製作容易、價格低廉、可信度高,同時可附著於任何物體之表面上的特性,在無線通訊的應用上扮演著重要的角色。
關鍵詞:微帶天線、單極、超寬頻、簡介美國聯邦通信委員會(Federal Communication Commission,FCC)在西元2002年2月14日允許超寬頻技術使用於消費性電子產品上,並公佈了初步規格,FCC開放3.1GHz~10.6GHz提供超寬頻通信及測試使用。
傳統的寬頻天線[2]中有行進波線天線(Traveling-Wave Wire Antenna)、螺旋形天線(Helical Antenna)、偶極圓錐形天線(Biconical Antenna)、單極圓錐形天線(Monoconical Antenna)、盤錐形天線(Discone Antenna)、袖子形天線(Sleeve Antenna)、渦狀天線(Spiral Antenna)和對數週期天線(Log-Periodic Antenna),不過其中適用於超寬頻系統的只有偶極圓錐形天線、單極圓錐形天線和盤錐形天線[3]。
因為其不僅有大的輸入阻抗頻寬(Large Input Impedance Bandwidth)、其輻射場形(Radiation Pattern)也能控制在一定的頻寬中。
利用虛像法(Method of Image)[4]及接地面(Ground Plane)來使偶極天線變成單極天線,從早期的線型單極天線-窄頻(Narrowband),演化成單極圓錐形天線-中頻寬(Intermediate),到最後的火山煙狀天線(V olcano Smoke Antenna)-寬頻(Broadband)[5]。
ExercisesⅠ. Please translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.Exercises1. sample function 样本函数2. ensemble average 总体均值3. physical significance 物理意义4. a Fourier transform pair 傅里叶变换对5. deterministic waveform 确定性波形6. in the limit 在极限情况下7. time invariant 时不变的8. an upper frequency limit 频率上限9. Parseval’s theorem 巴塞瓦尔定理10. random pulses 随机脉冲Exercises1. physical system 物理系统,实际系统2. rise time 上升时间3. amount of information 信息量4. in principle 理论上,原则上5. gaussian channel 高斯信道6. probability density 概率密度7. root mean square 均方根值,均方根,8. trade off 交替换位,折衷选择9. lower bound 下限,下界1. equalizer 均衡器11. vice versa 反之亦然12. upper limit 上限Exercises1.overall performance 总性能2. crest factor 振幅(波峰)因数(振幅与有效值之比)3. nonlinear operation 非线性运算4. inverse operation 逆操作5. rms 均方根(值)6. PAM 振幅调制7. PDM 脉宽调制8. PPM 脉冲相位调制9. maximum magnitude 最大幅值10. error intervals 误差间隔11. Entropy 熵,平均信息量12. round off 舍入,用四舍五入化为整数13. quantum level 量化电平14. DPCM 差分脉冲编码调制Exercises1. channel coding 信道编码2. transmission bandwidth 传输带宽3. Single sided noise power density 单边带噪声功率密度4. orthogonal signaling 正交信号5. FEC 前向纠错6. logic table 逻辑表7. systematic code 系统码8. AWGN 加性高斯白噪声9. BER 误码率,误比特率(bit error ratio)10. trellis diagram 网格图11. constraint length 制约长度12. vector array 向量数组13. algebraic function 代数函数14. state diagram 状态图15. cyclic shift 循环移位16. generator matrix 生成矩阵Exercises1. AM 幅度调制(amplitude modulation)2. DPSK 差分相位键控(differential PSK)3. PAM 脉冲振幅调制(pulse amplitude modulation)4. PDM 脉宽调制(pulse duration modulation)5. PPM 脉冲相位调制(pulse phase modulation)6. PCM 脉冲编码调制(pulse code modulation)7. DPCM 差分脉冲编码调制(differential pulse codemodulation)8. ASK 振幅键控(amplitude shift keying)9. FSK 频移键控(frequency shift keying)10. FDM 频分多路复用(frequency division multiplexing)11. TDM 时分多路复用(time division multiplexing)12. coded modulation 编码调制13. suppressed carrier 抑制载波14. modulated signal 已调信号Exercises1. copper wire 铜线2. speech recognition 语音识别3. adaptive differential PCM 自适应差分脉码调制4. infinite impulse response (IIR) 无限脉冲响应5. real time conversation 实时交换6. digital signal processing 数字信号处理7. CELP 码激励线性预测(code excited linearprediction)8. VAD 话音激活检测器(voice activity detector)9. MPE 多脉冲激励(multipulse excitation)10. ADPCM 自适应差分脉码调制(adaptivedifferential PCM)11. direct quantization 直接量化12. log pulse PCM quantizer 对数脉冲PCM量化器ExercisesⅡ. Please translate the following words and phrases into English.1. 随机过程random process2. 统计平均 statistical average3. 随机变量random variable4. 自相关函数 autocorrelation function5. 傅里叶变换Fourier transform6. 功率谱密度 power spectral density7. 概率密度函数probability density function8. 高斯过程 gaussian process9. 平稳过程 a stationary process10. 统计独立 statistically independent11. 时间平均(值) time average12. 统计特性 statistical characteristic13. 各态历经过程ergodic process14. 狄拉克函数 delta functionExercises1. 通信理论communication theory(theory ofcommunications)2. 香农定理 Shannon’s theorem3. 信道带宽channal bandwidth4. 信号波形 signal waveform5. 理想低通滤波器ideal lowpass filter6. 自相关函数 autocorrelation function7. 无噪声高斯信道noiseless gaussian channel8. 通信信道 communication channel9. 信息速率information rate10. 信噪比 signal to noise ratio (SNR,S/N)11. 信道容量channal capacity12. 双边功率谱密度 Two sided power spectraldensity13. 误码率error probability(probability fo error )14. 奈奎斯特采样速率 Nyquist sampling rate15. 限带高斯信道band limited gaussian channel16. 高斯白噪声 white Gaussian noiseExercises1.正脉冲positive pulse2. 脉冲编码调制 pulse code modulation3. 解码器decoder4. 编码器 encoder5. 量化步长quantum step size6. 峰值 peak magnitudes7. 线性函数linear function8. 脉冲序列 pulse train9. 均匀量化器uniform quanizer10. 预测编码 predictive coding11. 压扩器compandor12. 压缩比 compression ratioExercises1. 检错码error detection code2. 信道容量 channel capacity3. 分组码block code4. 卷积码 convolutional code5. 移位寄存器shift register6. 汉明距离 Hamming distance7. 码重code weight(weight of code)8. 树形图 tree diagram9. 编码增益coding gain10. 平均比特能量 average bit energy11. 码距code distance(distance of code)12. 纠错码 error correction code13. 带宽效率bandwidth efficiency14. 模2加法器 modulo 2 adder15. 原始数据raw data16. 编码率 code rate17. 生成多项式generator polynomial18. 循环码 cyclic codeExercises1. 带通信号bandpass signal2. 脉冲调制 pulse modulation3. 角度调制angle modulation4. 残留边带抑制载波调制 vestigial side band suppressedcarrier modulation5. 绝对带宽absolute bandwidth6. 脉冲宽度 pulse duration7. 线性函数linear function8. 载波频率 carrier frequency9. 模拟调制analog modulation10. 移相键控 PSK(phase shift keying)11. 连续波调制 continuous wave (CW) modulation12. 同轴电缆 coaxial cableExercises1. 共振峰跟踪滤波器formant tracking filter2. 国际电信联盟 International Telecommunications Union(ITU)3. 背景噪声background noise4. 双向通信 two-way communication5. 基音跟踪滤波器pitch tracking filter6. 长时预测 long-term prediction7. 语音编码speech coding8. 声码器 vocoder9. 语音增强speech enhancement10. 波形跟随编码器 waveform following coder11. 参数编码器 parametric coder12. 频域编码器 frequency domain codeExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. The ensemble averages will be identical with thestatistical averagesand may be represented by the same symbols.2. The averages determined by measurements on asingle sampleFunction at successive times will yield a time average, which werepresent as n2(t1).3. Suppose, for example, that the statistical characteristics ofthe sampleFunctions in the ensemble were changing with time.4. For it may happen that while each sample function isstationary the individual sample functions may differ statistically from one another.5. As an extension of that result we shall define the powerspectral density of a random process in the same way.6. It is of interest to inquire whether G(f) definedin Eq. (1.2)for a random process has a physical significancewhichcorresponds to thephysical significance of G(f) for deterministic waveforms. 8. Hence, if we should select some sample function, aknowledge of thevalue of n(t) at time t would be of no assistance in improvingour ability to predict the value attained by that same sample function attime t+τ.9. Hence,whenever we make an observation or measurementof the pulsewaveform which extends over a duration longenough so that theaverage observed pulse shape,such as theiramplitudes,widths,andspacings are representative of the waveform generally,we shall find thatEq.(1.12)applies.10. Let us select a section of this waveform which extendsfrom -T/2 to -T/2.11. Since we have assumed an ergodic process,we are atliberty toperform (perform, performing) the averaging over any samplefunction of the ensemble, since every sample function will yield the sameresult.Exercises1.There is a negative statement associated withonShannon’s theorem.2. the purpose of transmission over the channel, themessagesare represented by fixed voltage levels.3. Since the transmission of any of the M messages is equally likely,H=log2M,thus our channel is transferring information at arate R=rH.4. For a fixed signal power and in the presence ofwhitegaussian noise the channel capacity approaches an upper limit with increasing bandwidth.5. It is of great interest to recognize that thetradeoffbetween bandwidth and signal to noise ratio is not limited by a lower limit in bandwidth.6. The signal is transmitted in a channel which canbe representedas a lowpass RC circuit with cutoff at 1 Hz.7. If there is no noise, then we are entirely free to make asforthe attenuation by the use of an amplifier and to correct the frequencydistortion by the use of an equalizer.8. That is, we need to estimate the interval T which should beassignedto each message to allow the transmitted levels to be recognizedIndividually over the receiver, even though the bandwidth B of thechannel is limited.9. Therefore, the 25 percent reduction inbandwidth requires a 60percent increase of signal power.10. While we have used the term communication channelin manyoccasions, it is well to emphasize at this point, that the term, which isSomething as an abstraction, is intended to encompass all thefeatures and componentparts of the transmission system which introducenoise or limit the bandwidth.11. The probability of error is close to unity for everypossible setof M transmitter signals.12. It turns out that the results obtained for agaussian channeloften provide a lower bound in the performance ofa systemOperating in a nongaussian channel.ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. PCM is a widely different form of modulation compared withthe analogpulse types such as PAM, PDM, and PPM.2. The characteristics of the pulse group are related tothe messagesample through operations called quantization and coding.3. The term symbol coder distingnishes this coding operationfrom theoverall source encoding process. In most cases,a variable length code isused to represent the mapped and quantized data set.It assigns theshortest codewords to the most frequently occuring (occurring,occure,occurred) output values and thus reduces coding redundancy.4. Thus, a quantization error exists in PCM and, as willbe seen, is theBasic limitation in performance.5. Quantization and sampling produce the same result assampling andquantizing.6. For equal peak magnitudes, signals with large crest factorsgive poorerperformance than those with small Kcr.7. In the receiver the inverse operation is implemented byan expandorto restore the original message.8. The digital data is fed serially into the decoder.9. as the rate drops, samples are made lessfrequently and step sizesincrease.10. The actual compression ratio resulting from thismethod is no morethan an order of 4∶1.11. In an attempt to reduce (reduce,reducing)thenumber of codes sentby a PCM system, a slight variance on samplingmethod is used by asystem known as Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM).ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. Channel coding protects digital data from errors byselectively introducing redundancies in the transmitted data.2. By proper encoding of the information, errors induced byanoisy channel can be reduced to any desired level withoutsacrificing the rate of information transfer.3. Error control coding waveforms, on the other hand,havebandwidth expansion factors that grow only linearly with the codeblock length.4. In a block encoder, k information bits are encoded intoncode bits.5. The block code is referred to as an (n,k)code, andthe rate of thecode is defined as Rc=k/n and is equal to the rate of informationdivided by the raw channel rate.6. Convolutional codes are fundamentally different fromnblock codes in thatinformation sequences are not grouped into distinct blocks and encoded.7. The tree diagram shows the structure of the encoder inthe form of atree with the branches representing(represent,represented,representing)the various states and the outputs of the coder.8. This reduces the bandwidth efficiency of the link inhigh SNRconditions, but provides excellent BER performance at low SNR values.9. A systematic code is one in which the parity bits areappended tothe end of the information bits.10. A channel coder operates on digital message (orsource) data byencoding the source information into a code sequence for transmissionthrough the channel.ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. The method involves first sampling the information signal,quantizingthe sample by rounding off to the closest of a number of discrete levels,and finally generating a prescribed number of pulses according to a coderelated to the nearest discrete level.2. Coded modulation will also be referred to as digitalmodulation.It isone of the most modern and useful methods of modulation available today.3. In PPM pulse position is proportional to theamplitude of the message signal4. Time division multiplexing (TDM) uses pulse modulation toput samples ofdifferent signals in nonoverlapping time slots. For instance, the gaps betweenpulses could be filled with samples from other signals.5. It is often necessary to use modulation to translate theuseful band offrequencies up to a large carrier frequency so thatefficientelectromagnetic radiation is possible from an antenna having reason able size.6. The design of a communication system may be constrainedby the costand availability of hardware, whose performance often depends on thefrequencies involved7. Fractional bandwidth considerations account for thefact thatmodulation units are found in receivers as well as in transmitters.8. These methods may be characterized as continuouswave (cw)modulation.9. Since each station has a different assigned carrierfrequency, thedesired signal can be separated from the others by filtering.10. PCM may be either binary, where pulses have only twovoltage levels,or μ-ary, where pulses may take on μpossible levels.11. By exploiting the frequency translation property ofcw modulation,message information can be impressed on a carrier whosefrequency has been selected for the desired transmission method.ExercisesⅢ. Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1. Speech coding is a fundamental technology that has existedformore than 60 years, beginning in the 1930s with Dudley’s originalvocoder.2. Speech coding is distinct from the more generalproblem of audiocoding in that the primary signal of interest is the speech itself.3. Virtually all existing telecommunications applications beginwithspeech coded by this standard.4. The selection of appropriate excitation pulses is carried outin a perceptually weighted domain, ratherthan just minimizing the mse in thewaveform domain so that the quantization noise is less audible to thelistener.5. Signal delay is a measure of the duration of the speechsignal usedto estimate coder parameters reliably for both the encoder and thedecoder, plus any delay inherent in the transmission channel.6. If the round trip delay is held (holds, is held, held) below300 ms andthere is sufficient echo cancellation, the quality is quite acceptable.7. If the number of bits provided by the coder over time isalways thesame, the rate is fixed.8. Voice activity detectors (VAD) that attempt to determinewhetherspeech is actually present so as to utilize the channel more efficientlywhen speech is absent and to avoid trying (to try, try, trying) to codebackground signals as speech.9. Instead, this class attempts to produce a signal that soundslike theoriginal by using a parametric model of speech, analying (analyzing,analyze, analyzed) the speech to estimate these parameters, and thenquantizing only the parameters.10. Frequency domain coders have been selected(select, havebeenselected, are selecting) as the basis for a new wideband codingrecommendation by the ITU-T.。
第 32 卷第 3 期2024 年 2 月Vol.32 No.3Feb. 2024光学精密工程Optics and Precision Engineering应用于运动平台光电跟瞄系统的惯性参考单元研究综述李醒飞1,2,何梦洁1,拓卫晓1,2*,王天宇1,韩佳欣1,王信用1(1.天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室,天津 300072;2.深海技术科学太湖实验室,江苏无锡 214000)摘要:目标的变化和任务的拓展对光电跟瞄系统提出了快速机动的要求,从地基平台到车载、船载、机载、星载等运动平台是光电跟瞄系统的重要发展趋势。
基于惯性参考单元(Inertial Reference Unit,IRU)的视轴稳定方式是克服运动平台高频扰动,实现光电跟瞄系统微弧度甚至亚微弧度级跟瞄的主要技术手段。
关键词:惯性参考单元;运动平台;光电跟瞄系统;视轴稳定;扰动抑制中图分类号:V19 文献标识码:A doi:10.37188/OPE.20243203.0401Review on inertial reference unit applied to photoelectric tracking and pointing system of moving platform LI Xingfei1,2,HE Mengjie1,TUO Weixiao1,2*,WANG Tianyu1,HAN Jiaxin1,WANG Xinyong1(1.State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072, China;2.Taihu Laboratory of Deepsea Technological Science, Wuxi 214000, China)* Corresponding author, E-mail: tuoweixiao@Abstract: The evolution of objectives and the broadening of tasks have heightened the need for swift ma⁃neuverability in the photoelectric tracking and pointing system. Shifting from ground⁃based to diverse mo⁃bile platforms such as vehicles, ships, aircraft, and spacecraft marks a significant trend in the development of photoelectric tracking and pointing systems. The stabilization of the line of sight using an inertial refer⁃ence unit (IRU) is essential to counteract the high⁃frequency disturbances encountered on these mobile plat⁃forms, enabling the system to achieve tracking accuracy at the micro⁃radian or even sub⁃micro⁃radian level. 文章编号1004-924X(2024)03-0401-21收稿日期:2023-06-30;修订日期:2020-08-10.基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.62203322);中国博士后科学基金资助项目(No.2022M712372);深海技术科学太湖实验室“揭榜挂帅”项目资助项目(No.2022JBGS03001)第 32 卷光学精密工程This paper delves into various IRU implementation strategies to mitigate disturbances from the carriers, ensuring precise aiming of the photoelectric tracking and pointing system on moving platforms. It highlights a system design that employs low noise and wideband inertial sensors for angle disturbance detection and achieves line of sight stabilization via feedback control. The document details the system's operational modes, functional features, constructs its mathematical model, and reviews both domestic and internation⁃al research advancements and future directions in IRU technology. It emphasizes that inertial sensing, sup⁃port structures, and control systems are critical to IRU's stabilization performance, and it organizes the lat⁃est research trends in these three vital areas. Conclusively, the paper outlines the spaceborne applications of IRU and explores potential future application domains, considering current demands.Key words: inertial reference unit;moving platform;photoelectric tracking and targeting system;line-of-sight stabilization; disturbance suppression1 引言在天文观测[1]、激光通信[2]和量子通信[3]等领域,目标的变化和任务拓展对光电跟瞄系统提出了快速机动的要求,从地基平台到车载、船载、机载、星载等运动平台拓展是光电跟瞄系统的重要发展趋势。
微带耦合器的中英文对照翻译Design and Analysis of Wideband Nonuniform Branch Line Coupler and Its Application in a Wideband Butler MatrixYuli K. Ningsih,1,2 M. Asvial,1 and E. T. RahardjoAntenna Propagation and Microwave Research Group (AMRG), Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, New Campus UI, West Java, Depok 16424, Indonesia Department of Electrical Engineering, Trisakti University, Kyai Tapa, Grogol, West Jakarta 11440, IndonesiaReceived 10 August 2011; Accepted 2 December 2011Academic Editor: Tayeb A. DenwdnyCopyright ? 2012 Yuli K. Ningsih et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.AbstractThis paper presents a novel wideband nonuniform branch line coupler. An exponential impedance taper is inserted, at the series arms of the branch line coupler, to enhance the bandwidth. The behavior of the nonuniform coupler was mathematically analyzed, and its design of scattering matrix was derived. For a return loss better than 10?dB, itachieved 61.1% bandwidth centered at 9GHz. Measured coupling magnitudes and phase exhibit good dispersive characteristic. For the 1dB magnitude difference and phase error within 3°, it achieved 22.2% bandwidth centered at 9GHz. Furthermore, the novel branch line coupler was implemented for a wideband crossover. Crossover was constructed by cascading two wideband nonuniform branch line couplers. These components were employed to design a wideband Butler Matrix working at 9.4GHz. The measurement results show that the reflection coefficient between the output ports is better than 18dB across 8.0GHz–9.6GHz, and the overall phase error is less than 7.1. IntroductionRecently, a switched-beam antenna system has been widely used in numerous applications, such as in mobile communication system, satellite system, and modern multifunction radar. This is due to the ability of the switched-beam antenna to decrease the interference and to improve the quality of transmission and also to increase gain and diversity.The switched-beam system consists of a multibeam switching network and antenna array. The principle of a switched-beam is based on feeding a signal into an array of antenna with equal power and phase difference. Different structures of multibeam switching networks have been proposed, such as the Blass Matrix, the Nolen Matrix, the RotmanLens, and the Butler Matrix .One of the most widely known multibeam switching networks with a linear antenna is the Butler Matrix. Indeed, it seems to be the most attractive option due to its design simplicity and low power loss .In general, the Butler Matrix is an N × N passive feeding network, composed of branch line coupler, crossover, and phase shifter. The bandwidth of the Butler Matrix is greatly dependent on the performance of the components. However, the Butler Matrix has a narrow bandwidth characteristic due to branch line coupler and crossover has a limited bandwidth. As there is an increased demand to provide high data throughput , it is essential that the Butler Matrix has to operate over a wide frequency band when used for angle diversity. Therefore, many papers have reported for the bandwidth enhancement of branch line coupler . In reference , design and realization of branch line coupler on multilayer microstrip structure was reported. These designs can achieve a wideband characteristic. However, the disadvantages of these designs are large in dimension and bulk.Reference introduces a compact coupler in an N-sectiontandem-connected structure. The design resulted in a wide bandwidth. Another design, two elliptically shaped microstrip lines which are broadside coupled through an elliptically shaped slot, was employed in . This design was used in a UWB coupler with high return loss andisolation. However, these designs require a more complex manufacturing.In this paper, nonuniform branch line coupler using exponential impedance taper is proposed which can enhance bandwidth and can be implemented for Butler Matrix, as shown in Figure1. Moreover, it is a simple design without needs of using multilayer technology. This will lead in cost reduction and in design simplification.Figure 1:Geometry structure of a new nonuniform branch line coupler design with exponential impedance taper at the series arm.To design the new branch line coupler, firstly, the series arm’s impedance is modified. The shunt arm remains unchanged. Reduced of the width of the transmission line at this arm is desired by modifying the series arm. Next, by exponential impedance taper at the series arm, a good match over a high frequency can be achieved.2. Mathematical Analysis of Nonuniform Branch Line CouplerThe proposed nonuniform branch line coupler use λ/4 branches with impedance of 50Ω at the shunt arms and use the exponential impedance taper at the series arms, as shown in Figure1. Since branch line coupler has a symmetric structure, theeven-odd mode theory can be employed to analyze the nonuniform characteristics. The four ports can be simplified to a two-port problem in which the even and odd mode signals are fed to two collinear inputs [22].Figure 2 shows the schematic of circuit the nonuniform branch line coupiers.Figure 2:Circuit of the nonuniform branch line coupler.The circuit of Figure 2 can be decomposed into the superposition of an even-mode excitation and an odd-mode excitation is shown in Figures and .Figure 3:Decomposition of the nonuniform branch line coupler into even and odd modes of excitation.The ABCD matrices of each mode can be expressed following . In the case of nonuniform branch line coupler, the matrices for the even and odd modes become:A branch line coupler has been designed based on the theory of small reflection, by the continuously tapered line with exponential tapers , as indicated in Figure 1, wherewhich determines the constant as:Useful conversions for two-port network parameters for the even and odd modes of S11 and S21 can be defined as follows :whereSince the amplitude of the incident waves for these two ports are ±1/2, the amplitudes of the emerging wave at each port of the nonuniform branch line coupler can be expressed asParameters even and odd modes of S11 nonuniform branch linecoupler can be expressed as and as follows:An ideal branch line coupler is designedto have zero reflection power and splits the input power in port 1 (P1) into equal powers in port 3 (P3) and port 4 (P4). Considering to , a number of properties of the ideal branch line coupler maybe deduced from the symmetry and unitary properties of its scattering matrix. If the series and shunt arm are one-quarter wavelength, by using , resulted in S11 = 0.As both the even and odd modes of S11 are 0, the values of S11 and S21 are also 0. The magnitude of the signal at the coupled port is then the same as that of the input port.Calculating and under the same , the even and odd modes ofS21 nonuniform branch line coupler will be expressed as follows in Based on ,S11 can be expressed as follows Following ,S41 nonuniform branch line coupler can be calculating as followsFrom this result, both S31 and S41 nonuniform branch line couplers have equal magnitudes of ?3dB. Therefore, due to symmetry property, we also have thatS11=S22=S33=S44=0,S13=S31,S14=S41,S21=S34, and . Therefore, the nonuniform branch line coupler has the following scattering matrix in3. Fabrication and Measurement Result of Wideband Nonuniform Branch Line CouplerTo verify the equation, the nonuniform branch line coupler was implemented and its -parameter was measured. It was integrated on TLY substrate, which has a thickness of 1.57mm. Figure 4 shows a photograph of a wideband nonuniform branch line coupler. Each branch at the series arm comprises an exponentially tapered microstrip line which transforms the impedance from ohms to ohms. This impedance transformation has been designed across a discrete step length mm.Figure 4:Photograph of a proposed nonuniform branch line coupler.Figure 5 shows the measured result frequency response of the novel nonuniform branch line coupler. For a return loss and isolation better than 10dB, it has a bandwidth of about 61.1%; it extends from 7 to 12.5GHz. In this bandwidth, the coupling ratio varies between 2.6?dB up to 5.1dB. If the coupling ratio is supposed approximately 3 ± 1dB, the bandwidth of about 22.2% centered at 9GHz.Figure 5:Measurement result for nonuniform branch line coupler.As expected, the phase difference between port 3 (P3) and port 4 (P4) is 90°. At 9?GHz, the phases of and are 85.54° and 171°, respectively. These values differ from ideal value by4.54°. The average phase error or phase unbalance between two branch line coupler outputs is about 3°. But even the phase varies with frequency; the phase difference is almost constant and very close toideal value of 90° as shown in Figure 6.Figure 6:Phase characteristic of nonuniform branch line coupler.4. Design and Fabrication of the Wideband Butler MatrixFigure 7 shows the basic schematic of the Butler Matrix . Crossover also known as 0dB couplers is a four-port device and must provide for a very good matching and isolation, while the transmitted signal should not be affected. In order to achieve wideband characteristic crossover, this paper proposes the cascade of two nonuniform branch line couplers.Figure 7:Basic schematic of the Butler Matrix .Figure 8 shows the microstrip layout of the optimized crossover. The crossover has a frequency bandwidth of 1.3GHz with VSWR = 2, which is about 22.2% of its centre frequency at 9?GHz. Thus, it is clear from these results that a nonuniform crossover fulfills most of the required specifications, as shown in Figure 9.Figure 8:Photograph of microstrip nonuniform crossover.Figure 9:Measurement result for nonuniform crossover.Figure 10 shows the layout of the proposed wideband Butler Matrix. This matrix uses wideband nonuniform branch line coupler, wideband nonuniform crossover, and phase-shift transmission lines.Figure 10:Final layout of the proposed wideband Butler Matrix .The wideband Butler Matrix was measured using Network Analyzer.Figure 11 shows thesimulation and measurement results of insertion loss when a signal was fed into port 1, port 2, port 3, and port 4, respectively. The insertion loss are varies between 5dB up to 10dB. For the ideal Butler matrix, it should be better than 6dB. Imperfection of fabrication could contribute to reduction of the insertion loss.Figure 11:Insertion loss of the proposed Butler Matrix when different ports are fed. The simulated and measured results of the return loss at each port of the widedend Butler Matrix is shown in Figure 12. For a return loss better than 10dB, it has a bandwidth about 17% centered at 9.4GHz.Figure 12:Return loss of the proposed Butler Matrix when different ports are fed.Figure 13 shows the phase difference of measured results when a signal was fed into port 1, port 2, port 3, and port 4, respectively. The overall phase error was less than 7°. There are several possible reasons for this phase error. A lot of bends in high frequency can produce phase error. Moreover, the imperfection of soldering, etching, alignment, and fastening also could contribute to deviation of the phase error.Figure 13:Phase difference of the proposed Butler Matrix when different ports are fed. Table 1 shows that each input port was resulted a specific linear phase at the output ports. The phase differences eachbetween the output ports are of the same value. The phase difference can generate a different beam ( θ). 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View at Publisher ·View at Google Scholar宽带非均匀支线耦合器及其应用在宽带巴特勒矩阵的设计与分析协作院校:印尼大学新校区电机工程学系天线传播和微波研究小组(AMRG)。
Pulse modulation does not involve a carrier. The resulting modulated signal is still baseband but is no longer the original information signal. Both cw and pulse modulation may be classed as analog modulation which involves varying the modulated parameter continuously as a linear function of the information signal [1].
These methods may be characterized as continuous wave (cw) modulation. The result of cw modulation is usually a bandpass signal because the carrier frequency is often much higher than the largest significant frequency component in f(t).
Unit 5 Modulation
categorize amplitude cosine argument quantize disperse vestigial prescribe impress 分类 幅度 余弦 变量 量化 分散,散开 残留的,剩余的 指定,规定 施加,外加
Finally, there are types of modulation that correspond to continuous wave modulation of a carrier by either pulse or digital informationbearing signals, the latter being more representative of modem systems. In the digital case amplitudeshift keying (ASK), Frequency-shift keying (FSK), and phase-shift keying (PSK) correspond to modulating amplitude, frequency, and phase of a carrier wave, resቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱectively. Differential PSK (DPSK) is a variation of PSK which allows simplifications in receiving equipment.
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• Allegro PCB PI • Prepare board for and run Allegro PCB PI frequency domain simulations
Using Allegro PCB SI to Analyze a Board’s Power Delivery System from Power Source to
Die Pad
International Cadence Usergroup Conference September 15 – 17, 2019 Juergen Flamm, Cadence
He holds 5 patents in the areas of performance electronics for fiber optic and MEMS sensors.
Design of a wideband 10W GaN power
Preface Abstract Figures Tables Abbreviations 1 2 Introduction Theory 2.1 RF amplifier …………………………………………………………………… 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 Transistor ……………………………………………………………... Matching networks …………………………………………………… Biasing network and stability ………………………………………… Important parameters in PA design …………………………………… i iii vii ix x 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 12 13 16 …………………………………………………… 16
This master's thesis has been prepared by Muhammed Hakan Yilmaz during the spring of 2011 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The assignment was given by the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications. The work has been interesting and challenging. I would like to thank my supervisor Associate Professor Morten Olavsbråten at Department of Electronics and Telecommunications with NTNU for all his invaluable assistance and guidance during this master’s thesis. Further I would like to thank his Phd student Dragan Mitrevski for his continuous help during design and measurement in the laboratory. Also I am grateful for the guidance in ADS from Terje Mathiesen at the beginning of this thesis work.
Designs for wide band antennas with parasitic elem
专利名称:Designs for wide band antennas withparasitic elements and a method to optimizetheir design using a genetic algorithm andfast integral equation technique发明人:Chalmers M. Butler,Shawn D. Rogers申请号:US09894870申请日:20010628公开号:US07133810B2公开日:20061107专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method for applying an algorithm to facilitate the design of widebandomnidirectional antennas, and the design of sleeve cage monopole and sleeve helix units includes rapid resolution of a complex relationship among antenna components to yield an optimal system. A genetic algorithm is used with fitness values for design factorsexpressed in terms to yield optimum combinations. Cage antennas are optimized via a genetic algorithm for operation over a wide band with low VSWR. Genetic algorithms and an integral equation solver are employed to determine the position and lengths of parasitic wires around a cage antenna in order to minimize VSWR over a band. The cage may be replaced by a normal mode quadrifilar helix for height reduction and with re-optimized parasites.申请人:Chalmers M. Butler,Shawn D. Rogers地址:Clemson SC US,Laurel MD US国籍:US,US代理机构:Dority & Manning, P.A.更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,Vol.41,217–226,2013A WIDEBAND MAGNETO-ELECTRIC DIPOLE ANTENNA USING CPW STRUCTUREJiao-Jiao Xie*,Sheng-Liang Deng,and Ying-Zeng Yin National Laboratory of Antennas and Microwave Technology,Xidian University,Xi’an,Shaanxi710071,ChinaAbstract—A new wideband magneto-electric dipole antenna using coplanar waveguide(CPW)structure is proposed in this paper.The proposed antenna consists of a pair of horizontal triangular patches and two vertically oriented L-shaped strips.By introducing triangular patches working as an electric dipole,the antenna can operate in a wide band.With the use of L-shaped strips equivalent to a magnetic dipole, the antenna is low in profile.A microstrip feed line is located between the two L-shaped strips to form a coplanar waveguide structure and excite the antenna.By carefully adjusting the gap between the feed line and the strips,the impedance bandwidth can be improved largely.A parametric study is performed to provide information for designing and optimizing such an antenna.A prototype is fabricated and measured.The simulated and measured results show that the impedance bandwidth for SWR less than2of the proposed antenna is58.7%(1.95–3.57GHz).Due to the complementary nature of the antenna,the proposed antenna has a unidirectional radiation pattern with low-polarization and low back-lobe radiation over the whole operating band.Furthermore,the gain of the antenna is stable across the entire bandwidth.1.INTRODUCTIONWith the rapid development of wireless communication,there is an increasing demand for wideband antennas.Many wideband antennas have been presented in the literatures[1–6].However,most of them are bi-directional radiation types.For this,several methods have been proposed to achieve a wideband antenna with unidirectional characteristics.The simple method is to introduce a cavity-backed Received3May2013,Accepted6July2013,Scheduled9July2013*Corresponding author:Jiao-Jiao Xie(************************).218Xie,Deng,and Yin structure located below a dipole antenna.A composite cavity was placed below the elliptical bowtie dipole to realize the unidirectional radiation in[7].By locating a cylindrical cavity on the crossed bowtie dipoles,unidirectional radiation patterns have been achieved with the impedance bandwidth of50%[8].Another common method is to employ a plane reflector or a metallic cavity box located the slot antenna.A slot antenna was located above a plane reflector for one quarter of a wavelength[9].In[10,11],different cavities and apertures were studied for stable unidirectional radiation and wide impedance matching.Notwithstanding,these methods have the disadvantages of bulky structures and large variations in beam width over the operating band.Due to its various advantages including the low profile,light weight and easy fabrication,patch antenna has also been widely studied and used to achieve unidirectional radiation pattern[12,13].However,the patch antenna is narrow in bandwidth.To improve the bandwidth of the patch antenna,two rectangular patches and U-shaped elements were added as the parasitic resonators in[14].With the use of a pair of parasitic L-wires placed above the triangular patches,a wide impedance bandwidth and directional radiation patterns have been achieved[15].Nevertheless,this antenna is complex in structure.In this paper,a new wideband magneto-electric dipole antenna is proposed.A pair of horizontal triangular patches are employed as an electric dipole for their wideband properties.Two vertically oriented L-shaped strips are used as a magnetic dipole and reduce the profile of the antenna.A microstrip feed line is placed between the two L-shaped strips to form a CPW structure,which can excite the electric dipole and magnetic dipole simultaneously and improve the impedance bandwidth.Due to the combination of a magnetic dipole and an electric dipole,good electrical characteristics such as unidirectional radiation pattern,low cross polarization,and stable gain can be achieved.Details of the antenna design and experimental results are presented and analyzed.2.ANTENNA DESIGNThe configuration of the proposed antenna and its detailed dimensions are shown in Figure1.The antenna consists of a pair of triangular patches,two L-shaped strips,a microstrip feed line and a ground plane.The pair of triangular patches which operate as an electric dipole are printed on a1-mm-thick horizontal FR4substrate with the dielectric constant(εr)of4.4and the loss tangent(tanδ)of0.02.Each patch separated by a small gap has a length of0.245λ0whereλ0is theProgress In Electromagnetics Research C,Vol.41,2013219(a)(b)Figure 1.Antenna configuration and detailed dimensions.(a)3d view;(b)side view.free space wavelength at the center frequency.These two horizontal triangular patches are attached at the top of the two L-shaped strips act like a magnetic dipole.Each vertically oriented L-shaped strip is printed on the vertical substrate and shorted to the ground plane.The overall length of a shorted L-shaped strip is about0.258λ0close to that of the horizontal triangular patch.Due to the introduction of the L-shaped strips,the antenna only has a height of0.13λ0.To excite the electric dipole and magnetic dipole simultaneously,a microstrip feed line is located between the two L-shaped strips.This feed structure has the advantage of forming the CPW structure,which can improve the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna.With the aid of simulation by electromagnetic simulation software Ansoft HFSS, all geometrical parameters of the proposed magneto-electric dipole antenna are optimized.The optimum design parameters are shown in Table1.To demonstrate the mechanism of the proposed antenna,the current distributions of the proposed antenna at different times are presented in Figure2.As depicted in Figure2(a),the current is mainly220Xie,Deng,and Yin Table1.Optimal geometrical parameters of the proposed antenna.Parameters W W1L1G1W2Unit(mm)513624.7124.8Parameters L2G2W3L3W4Unit(mm)12.90.1 3.514.3 1.3Parameters L4W f L f G f hUnit(mm)14.25 2.50.5 1.614.5(a)(b)(c)(d)Figure2.Current distributions of the proposed antenna at different times.(a)t=0;(b)t=T/4;(c)t=T/2;(d)t=3T/4. concentrated at the horizontal triangular patches at time t=0,and the vertical current is minimized.So the electric dipole is strongly excited at time t=0.As shown in Figure2(b),the current is strong along the vertical L-shaped strips and minimized on the horizontal patches at time t=T/4,which demonstrates the magnetic dipole is excited at time t=T/4.It is also observed from Figures2(c)and2(d)that the electric dipole is excited again at time t=T/2,and the magnetic dipole is excited at time t=3T/4.Therefore,it can be concluded that the electric dipole and the magnetic dipole are excited.Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,Vol.41,2013221 3.PARAMETRIC STUDYTo analyze the effects of the key structure parameters on the antenna performance,a parametric study has been performed with HFSS. When one parameter is studied,the others are kept constant.The parametric study provides a useful information for designing and optimizing such an antenna.3.1.Parameters for the Triangular Patch:L1,W1In this section,the functions of the triangular patch are studied in Figure3.Figure3(a)shows the simulated reflection coefficient of the proposed antenna for various L1.As L1increases from24.7mm to 30.7mm,it is observed that the lower resonant frequency shifts down dramatically,while the higher resonant frequency changes slightly. Additionally,a larger L1worsens the impedance matching in the whole operating band.Thus,L1=24.7mm was chosen as the length of the horizontal triangular dipole for good impedance matching.From the results given in Figure3(b),it can be seen that the width of the triangular patch has a significant effect on the antenna performance. The increasing of W1from30mm to36mm causes a lower resonant frequency in the higher band and good impedance matching in the lower band.Therefore,W1was selected to be36mm for wide impedance bandwidth.(a)(b)Figure3.Effect of the triangular patch on the antenna performance.(a)Length of the patch(L1).(b)Width of the patch(W1).222Xie,Deng,and Yin3.2.Parameters for the L-shaped Strip:L3,L4To illustrate the effect of the L-shaped strip on the performance of the antenna,Figure4(a)shows the reflection coefficient of the proposed antenna for various L3.From the graph,it is clearly visible that the bandwidth is very sensitive to the length of the vertical portion of the L-shaped strip.When L3increases from11.3mm to14.3mm,both the lower and higher resonant frequencies decreases.In addition,wider impedance bandwidth can be achieved when L3increases.Thus,L3 can be set to be14.3mm for wide operating band.Figure4(b)gives the simulated reflection coefficient versus L4.It can be found that,a larger L4produces better impedance matching at the lower resonant frequency.However,over increasing the length of the horizontal portion of the L-shaped strip will cause poorer impedance matching at the higher resonant frequency.Therefore,L4=14.25mm was selected for good matching in the whole operating band and a low profile structure.(a)(b)Figure4.Effect of the L-shaped strip on the antenna performance.(a)Length of the vertical portion(L3).(b)Length of the horizontal portion(L4).3.3.Parameters for the CPW Structure G2In order to demonstrate the function of the CPW structure,the simulated reflection coefficient of the proposed antenna for various gap width G2is given in Figure5.As depicted in the graph,the impedance matching is largely influenced by G2.A smaller gap G2gives better matching in the higher band.In other words,due to the coupling between the microstrip feed line and the two vertically oriented L-Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,Vol.41,2013223Figure 5.Effect of the CPW structure on the antenna perfor-mance.Figure 6.Measured and simu-lated reflection coefficient of the antenna.shaped strips,a new resonant frequency can be excited in the higher band.Thus,a small gap G2=0.1mm was chosen for wide impedance bandwidth.4.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA prototype of the proposed antenna is fabricated according to the optimum dimensions shown in Table1.The antenna is measured with WILTRON37269A vector network analyzer and a fully automated anechoic chamber.Figure6shows the measured and simulated reflection coefficient of the proposed antenna.Good agreement between the measured and simulated results is obtained.The measured impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna is58.7%from1.95to3.57GHz.Figure7gives the measured and simulated gain oftheFigure7.Measured and simulated gain of the proposed antenna.224Xie,Deng,and Yin(a)(b)(c)x -z plane y -z planex -z plane y -z planex -z plane y -zplaneFigure 8.Measured and simulated radiation patterns at (a)2.2GHz,(b)2.7GHz,and (c)3.1GHz.Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,Vol.41,2013225 proposed antenna.As can be seen,stable gain is obtained over the whole operating band.A slight difference between simulated and measured results is mainly contributed from material losses.The measured and simulated x-z plane and y-z plane radiation patterns at2.2,2.7,and3.1GHz are plotted in Figure8.As shown in thefigures,the antenna has good unidirectional radiation patterns in the E-plane and H-plane.It is caused by the combination of electric dipole and magnetic dipole,which can reinforce the radiating power in the broadside direction and suppress it in the back side.In addition, the measured cross-polarization level is below−20dB over the whole operating band.And the broadside radiation patterns are symmetric and stable in both the E-plane and H-plane.5.CONCLUSIONIn this paper,a wideband magnetoelectric dipole antenna composed of a pair of horizontal triangular patches and two vertically oriented L-shaped strips is proposed.By using the two triangular patches as an electric dipole,the impedance bandwidth of the antenna can be improved.With the use of two L-shaped strips working as a magnetic dipole,the profile of the antenna can be reduced.The proposed antenna is excited by a coplanar waveguide structure formed by a microstrip feed line located between the two L-shaped strips.The parametric study is performed to provide information for designing and optimizing such an antenna.Moreover,the proposed antenna has the advantages of unidirectional radiation pattern,low cross polarization, and stable gain.REFERENCES1.Qu,S.-W.and K. 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Design of a Wideband System for MeasuringDielectric PropertiesXiangzhen Wang and Wen GeyiAbstract—A dielectric object placed in the near-field region of an antenna produces a scatteredfield,which alters the input impedance of the antenna.This property can be used to measure the electric parameters of dielectric materials.A wideband system for measuring the dielectric properties in the frequency range from1.1to3.5GHz is designed and prototyped.The system consists of a wideband directional antenna,a wideband radio frequency circuit,and a data processing unit and has been tested by using different dielectric samples across the frequency band, and good measurement results have been obtained.Index Terms—Dielectric materials,dielectric measurements, input impedance,loss tangent,permittivity.I.I NTRODUCTIONW ITH the rapid development of microwave circuit technology,the study of dielectric materials by the computer optimization design has attracted more and more attention[1].The accuracy of predicting dielectric mater-ial properties depends on the measurement accuracy of the electromagnetic parameters of the dielectric materials.Many methods for measuring the electromagnetic parameters of dielectric materials have been proposed[2]–[6],and they can roughly be classified as the nonresonance methods[7]–[14] and the resonance methods[15]–[20].The nonresonance methods primarily include the transmission/reflection method[7]–[9],the free-space method[10]–[12],and the time-domain method[13],[14]. For the transmission/reflection method,the dielectric sample is placed in a coaxial line or a rectangular wave guide, and the permittivity of the dielectric sample can then be computed by solving a scattering equation.It can accurately measure high-loss to medium-loss dielectric materials.But, the measurement accuracy is relatively low for low-loss materials.For the free-space method,two antennas are used to receive the electromagnetic energy reflected and refracted from the dielectric sample,so that the relative permittivity of the sample can be determined.It is suitable for the broadband measurement.Especially for high-loss to medium-loss dielectric samples,it has a higher measured accuracy.But,the measured accuracy becomes worse for Manuscript received November22,2015;revised August8,2016;accepted August11,2016.Date of publication November1,2016;date of current version December7,2016.This work was supported in part by the Jiangsu Innovation&Entrepreneurship Group Talents Plan and in part by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process was Dr.Sasan Bakhtiari. The authors are with the Research Center of Applied Electromagnetics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing210044, China(e-mail:1002291879@;wgy@).Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TIM.2016.2619019the low frequency and the drawback of the method is that it requires a largeflat parallel-faced sample of homogeneous materials.All the methods discussed earlier are conducted in the frequency domain,and they can also be applied in the time-domain measurement.But,they are restricted by rapid sampling technology,and the frequency cannot be too high. The resonance methods primarily contain resonator meth-ods[15]–[17]and resonant perturbation methods[18]–[20]. In the resonator methods,the sample under measurement is excited as a resonator in the measurement circuit,and its permittivity can be obtained from its resonant properties. The resonant perturbation methods are based on the fact that a dielectric sample placed in a resonant cavity will affect its resonance frequency and quality factor Q.The permittivity of dielectric sample can be deduced from the change of the resonance frequency and the quality factor Q of the cavity.The resonance methods have higher measure-ment accuracy,especially for the low-loss dielectric mate-rials.But,they are not suitable for wideband measurement and for high-loss materials the measurement accuracy is relatively low.Another method for measuring dielectric properties is based on the perturbation of antenna input impedance.A dielectric sample placed in the neighborhood of an antenna will alter the input impedance of the antenna,from which the permittivity and the loss of the dielectric sample can be derived[21]. The feasibility of this method has been demonstrated by using the network analyzer as the receiver[22]and by a prototype system working at a single frequency of 2.45GHz[23]. In this paper,we report a new design of a wideband system for measuring the properties of dielectric materials in the frequency range from1.1to3.5GHz based on the method of perturbation of antenna input pared with the previous publications[22],[23],a more accurate calibra-tion process,including how to eliminate the leaked waves, and a new design for a wideband directional antenna have been included in this paper.The new wideband measurement system consists of three parts:a wideband monopole antenna, a radio frequency(RF)transceiver,and a data processing unit. We have discussed the design procedure of each part,the elimination of the leaked wave,and the calibration process in detail.The measurement system has been tested by using different dielectric samples,and good measurement results have been obtained.II.T HEORY OF THE M EASUREMENT M ETHOD Fig.1shows a homogeneous region V p located in front of a transmitting antenna.Two scenarios will be considered[21].0018-9456©2016IEEE.Personal use is permitted,but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See /publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.Fig.1.Dielectric sample in front of antenna.1)Scenario 1:The region V p is free space (without the dielectric sample),and the antenna input impedance can be expressed asZ =−1I 2V 0E ·J dV +Z internal .(1)2)Scenario 2:The region V p is occupied by the dielec-tric sample,and the antenna input impedance can be expressed asZ=−1I 2V 0E’·J dV +Z internal .(2)Here,V 0is the source region bounded by ∂V 0,Z internal stands for the internal impedance of the antenna,I is the terminal current at the reference plane,and E (E )is the electric field generated by the antenna without (with)the dielectric sample.Both the impressed source current J (this is not the induced current on the antenna surface)and the internal impedance Z internal are assumed to be constant.Subtracting (1)from (2),and using the compensation theorem and the frequency-domain reciprocity theorem,we obtainZ−Z =1I 2V p {−[σ −σ+j ω(ε −ε)]E ·E’}dV .(3)where V p is the region occupied by the dielectric sample.The field E in (3)is assumed to be known,and the field E’in (3)can be determined from E by quasi-static methods [24].From (3),we can obtain the relative permittivity and the loss tangent of the dielectric sample as follows [22],[23]:εr =ImI 2(Z −Z )ωε0 V p E ·E’dV +1(4)tan δ=ReI 2(Z −Z )ωε0εr V p E ·E’dV(5)for a homogeneous dielectric sample.These are the basic formulas that we use to measure the electric properties of the dielectric samples.The input impedance Z and the electric field E can be obtained before measuring and are presaved in the data processing unit.An RF circuit will be designed to measure the input impedance Z when the dielectric sample is placed in front of the antenna.III.D ESIGN OF THE S YSTEMFigs.2and 3are the block diagram of the wideband measurement system and the photograph of the prototype system,respectively.The wideband measurement system is divided into three main parts:the wideband antennaunit,Fig.2.Block diagram of the measurementsystem.Fig.3.Photograph of the measurement system.the wideband RF transceiver unit,and the data processing unit.The antenna input impedance will change if a dielectric sample is introduced in front of the antenna.The RF circuit is designed to measure the antenna input impedance in the frequency range from 1.1to 3.5GHz.The magnitude and phase of the antenna input impedance are converted to direct-current (dc)voltage as the output of the RF circuit unit,and they can be readily measured by the data processing unit.The relative permittivity and the loss tangent can be determined from (4)and (5),and displayed on the light-emitting diode screen.A.Design of Wideband Directional AntennaPlanar printed monopole antenna has been investigated extensively in recent years for ultra wide band (UWB)sys-tems due to its attractive features,such as low cost,simple structure,and wide bandwidth [25],[26].The geometry of the wideband planar monopole antenna used in the paper is shown in Fig.4,and the detail dimensions are listed in Table I.The fabricated antenna is shown in Fig.5,which is built on an FR4substrate of the size 100mm ×100mm ×1mm with relative permittivity εr =4.4and loss tangent tan δ=0.02.The design uses a trapezoidlike patch with curved bottom as the main radiating element,which is fed by a tapered strip line.In order to obtain a directional radiation pattern,a rectangu-lar conducting reflector with the same size of the substrate is placed behind the planar antenna,as shown in Fig. 6.The spacing h 2between the antenna and the reflector is aWANG AND GEYI:DESIGN OF A WIDEBAND SYSTEM FOR MEASURING DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES71Fig.4.Antenna geometry.(a)Top view.(b)Side view.TABLE IA NTENNA PARAMETERSFig.5.Fabricated antenna.(a)Top view.(b)Bottom view.variable to be optimized with Ansys HFSS with the goal of maximizing the product of gain and bandwidth,and the optimized value is h 2=40mm.An inverted trapezoidlike ground is introduced to ensure that the antenna is long enough in electrical length to cover the lower frequency.Fig.7shows the measured reflection coefficient for the antenna with the reflector.Fig.8shows the radiation patterns for the antenna with the reflector at typical frequencies across the band.All the radiation patterns are directional along the positive z-direction where the dielectric sample is placed.It is noted that the high directivity of the antenna would enhance the impact of the dielectric sample on the antenna input impedance andreduceFig.6.Rectangular reflector is placed behind theantenna.Fig.7.Measured reflection coefficient (a)amplitude and (b)phase.the disturbances caused by the surrounding environments,and thus increase the accuracy of the measurement system.Fig.9shows the transverse field distributions of the antenna at r =20mm for different frequencies with r being the vertical distance to the antenna.It can be seen that the field energy is well centralized across the frequency band.This provides a guide as to where the dielectric samples should be placed.Fig.10shows the measured antenna gain in the positive z -direction across the frequency band.B.RF Circuit DesignThe RF circuit consists of two paths.Path 1detects the phase of antenna reflection coefficient and path 2delivers the magnitude of antenna reflection coefficient.The directional coupler is used to separate the incident wave and the reflected wave at the antenna port.It makes the two paths contain only72IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,VOL.66,NO.1,JANUARY2017 Fig.8.Measured radiation patterns at different frequencies.(a)1.5GHz.(b)3GHz.Fig.9.Simulated electricfield distribution at XOY plane at r=20mm.(a)1.5GHz.(b)3GHz.Fig.10.Measured antenna gain against frequency on the z-axis.the reflected wave from the antenna.The low passfilters areused tofilter all high-frequency components from the mixer.In path2,two low noise amplifiers are used in the mixerlocal oscillator(LO)input branch in order to satisfy therequirements that LO input power should be greater than theRF input power,as well as the maximum and minimum LOinput power ratings.In order to simplify the system design,theantenna input and LO input of the mixer share the same source,which makes IF output(dc voltage)easier to be measured bydata processingunit.Fig.11.RF circuit with ideal directional coupler.The measurement system must be calibrated before it canbe used to measure the dielectric properties.All the calibrationresults are saved in the data processing unit,which is a one-time effort.This process is essentially the determination of thepath losses and phase delays of the two paths shown in Fig.11.In antenna input reference plane1(the orange dashed-dottedline in Fig.11),the input voltage V in and reflected voltage V refmay be expressed as V in=ae jαand V ref=be jβ,wherea andb are the magnitudes;αandβare the phases.Thereflection coefficient at the antenna input can be written asS11=V refV in=bae j(β−α).(6)Note that the antenna input impedance is given by Z=Z0(1+S11)/(1−S11),where Z0is the characteristic impedanceof the feeding line.If the frequencies of the two inputs ofthe frequency mixer are the same,the downconversion outputbecomes the dc voltage.The output of the mixer will changealong with the phase difference θof the two inputs as shownin the following:V=A cos( θ).(7)Here,A is the magnitude of the output of the mixer.In practice,the directional coupler is not an ideal compo-nent.The coupled port of the directional coupler(see Figs.2and11)not only contains the reflected wave from the antennabut also contains the leaked wave from the source.The powerof leaked wave may be greater than that of the reflected wavefrom the antenna and this would degrade the accuracy of themeasurement results.For this reason,wefirst need to eliminatethe leaked wave in the calibration process.First,we discuss the calibration process for path1when thedielectric sample is absent.Fig.12(a)and(b)shows theflowof the reflected wave and leaked wave in path1,respectively.At the mixer IF output,we haveV1=A cos( θ)+A1cos( θ1).(8)Here,A and A1are,respectively,the magnitudes at the outputof the mixer corresponding to the reflected wave and the leakedwave; θand θ1are the phase difference of the two inputsWANG AND GEYI:DESIGN OF A WIDEBAND SYSTEM FOR MEASURING DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES73Fig.12.Path 1in the layout of the RF circuit.(a)Flow of antenna reflected wave.(b)Flow of leaked wave of directional coupler.of the mixer corresponding to Fig.12(a)and (b),respectively.V 1is a known quantity during the calibration process.Once the antenna is replaced by a 50- matching load,the first term on the right-hand side of (8)vanishes and only the second term remains.We denote this term as V match .ThusV match =A 1cos ( θ1).(9)When the RF circuit is finalized,the leaked signal is then fixed.Thus,V match is also fixed and can be measured.Then,the first term of the right-hand side of (8)can be expressed asV ph =A cos ( θ)=V 1−V match .(10)Thus,the measuring error caused by leaked wave has been eliminated.Let the loss of path 1in Fig.11be denoted by L 1(dB ),the power of the source be P (dBm ),and the path loss between the source and the antenna input be L (dB ).Then,we haveP (dBm )+L (dB )+|S 11|(dB )+L 1(dB )=A (dBm ).(11)In Fig.12(a),θ0represents the phase difference between antenna input and RF input of the mixer,α1stands for the phase difference between antenna input and the source output,and α2is the phase difference between the LO input of the mixer and the output of the source.Thus,the phase difference θmay be determined as follows:θ=β+θ0−(α−α1+α2)=β−α+θ0+α1−α2.(12)Fig.13.Path 2in the layout of the RF circuit.Here,(β−α)is the phase of the antenna reflection coefficient,which can be measured with the dielectric sample being absent;(θ0+α1−α2)is the phase delay,which can be esti-mated by the S-parameters of the components and the length of microstrip line.Finally,from (10)–(12),the loss L 1(dB )in path 1can be derived as follows:L 1(dB )=V 1−V matchcos (β−α+θ0+α1−α2)(dBm )−P (dBm )−|S 11|(dB )−L (dB ).Next,we discuss the calibration process for path 2.Simi-larly,we should rule out the inaccuracy caused by the direc-tional coupler leaked wave first.Fig.13shows that both the LO input and the RF input of mixer contain reflected wave and leaked wave in path 2,which is different from path 1where only the RF input involves antenna reflected wave and leaked wave.Thus,the calibration process for path 2is different from that of path 1.At the output of the mixer,we haveV 2=A 3cos ( θ3)=A 3(13)where θ3=0by design of path 2(see Fig.13).A 3is the magnitude at the output of the mixer corresponding to the sum of the reflected wave and the leaked wave.Note that V 2is a known quantity in the process of calibration.As shown in Fig.13,the path loss of path 2can be broken down into two parts:L 2(dB )=L 21(dB )+L 22(dB ),where L 21(dB )is the path loss between antenna input and reference plane 2and L 22(dB )is the path loss between reference plane 2and IF output of the mixer.The wave V t at reference plane 2,as shown in Fig.14,is the superposition of the reflected waveV 4=A 4cos (ωt +β+θ1)and the leaked waveV 5=A 5cos (ωt +α−α1+α4).Thus,we haveV t =V 4+V 5=A t cos (ωt + θ4)(14)74IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,VOL.66,NO.1,JANUARY2017Fig.14.Superposition of reflected wave and leaked wave at reference plane2.Fig.15.Dielectric samples illuminated by antenna.(a)Dielectric slab illuminated by antenna.(b)Dielectric column illuminated by antenna.whereA t =A 24+A 25+2A 4A 5cos (α−β−α1+α4−θ1)tan ( θ4)=A 5sin (α−α1+α4)+A 4sin (β+θ1)A 5cos (α−α1+α4)+A 4cos (β+θ1).Note that (β−α)is a known quantity;and also note that (−α1+α4−θ1)and A 5do not change when the dielectric sample is placed in front of the antenna.Then,we haveA 4(dBm )=P (dBm )+L (dB )+|S 11|(dB )+L 21(dB )(15)A 3(dBm )=A t (dBm )+L 22(dB ).(16)Finally from (13)–(16),the total loss L 2(dB )in path 2can be determined as follows:L 2(dB )=L 21(dB )+V 2(dBm )−A 24+A 25+2A 4A 5cos (α−β−α1+α4−θ1)(dBm ).Now,we have obtained several calibration curves,whichshow how the calibration parameters change within the frequency range from 1.1to 3.5GHz.These calibration parameters include the path loss L 1(dB ),the phase delay (θ0+α1−α2),the output voltage V match when a 50- matching load is selected to replace the antenna at the antenna input port,the magnitude of leaked wave A 5at reference plane 2,the path loss L 2(dB ),and the phase difference (−α1+α4−θ1).TABLE IIM EASURED R ESULTS FOR D IELECTRIC S LAB FR4When a dielectric sample is placed in front of the antenna,the reflection coefficient and the related quantities will change,and they will be denoted by primed ing (11)and (16),we obtainP (dBm )+L (dB )+|S11|(dB )+L 1(dB )=V 1−V matchcos [(β−α) +θ0+α1−α2](dBm )(17)V 2(dBm )=sqrt {A 24+A 25+2A4A 5·cos [(α−β) −α1+α4−θ1]}(dBm )+L 22(dB )(18)whereA 4(dBm )=P (dBm )+L (dB )+|S11|(dB )+L 21(dB )where V 1and V 2are dc voltages readily measured by the data processing unit.Other quantities can be retrieved from thecalibration curves.Finally,reflection coefficient |S 11|and the phase (β−α) can be obtained from (17)and (18).IV.R ESULTS OF THE M EASUREMENT S YSTEMThe prototype system has been tested by using different dielectric samples.The center of the antenna is selected as the origin of the rectangular system (x ,y ,z ),and the center of the dielectric sample is assumed to be on the positive z -axis.As shown in Fig.15,a dielectric FR4slab of dimensions 50mm ×50mm ×3mm with εr =4.4and tan δ=0.02at 2.45GHz,a dielectric column TP-2of dimensions 55mm ×5mm ×5mm with εr =16and tan δ=0.001at 2.45GHz,and a dielectric cylinder K21of length 55mm and a radius 2.5mm with εr =21and tan δ=1.5×10−5at 10GHz are selected as the testing samples.All the values mentioned earlier are relatively stable across the frequency band investigated.Tables II–IV list the measurement results from (4)and (5)for the three dielectric samples at different separation dis-tances r across the frequency range from 1.1to 3.5GHz.It isWANG AND GEYI:DESIGN OF A WIDEBAND SYSTEM FOR MEASURING DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES75TABLE IIIM EASURED R ESULTS FOR D IELECTRIC C OLUMN TP-2TABLE IVM EASURED R ESULTS FOR D IELECTRIC C YLINDER K21seen that the measured results for relative permittivity are in good agreement with the known values across the frequency band when the loss tangent is not extremely low.Note that the accuracy depends on a number of factors,such as the frequency,the sample,the separation between the antenna and the sample,and the calibration process.It also depends on the method used to predict the perturbedfield E’.In the present design,the quasi-static method is used tofind the electricfield E’,which places a limitation on the measuring accuracy when the permittivity(loss tangent)of the dielectric sample becomes very high(low).Experiments indicate that the effects of the size of the dielectric sample are not critical when it is fully illuminated by the radiatedfield from the antenna.There is an optimal range for the separation between antenna and the sample,in which the measuring results are relatively stable.For the frequency band from1.1to3.5GHz, the optimal range is found to be from20to25mm,as shown in Fig.16.When the distance from the antenna to the dielectric sample is very small,the interaction between the radiatedfields from the antenna and the dielectric material will be strong and the prediction of thefields close to the antennabecomes Fig.16.Relative permittivity against distance r at2GHz.a challenge.When the distance is very large,on the other hand,the dielectric material will have negligible impact on the antenna input impedance.In both cases,the measurement results become worse.In order to improve the measuring accuracy for samples with extraordinarily high permittivity or low loss tangent,we need a better solution to determine the perturbedfield E .V.C ONCLUSIONA wideband system for measuring the electrical parame-ters of dielectric materials in the frequency range from1.1 to3.5GHz is designed,prototyped,and tested.The system consists of a newly designed wideband directional antenna,a wideband RF circuit,and a data processing unit.Its working principle is based on the fact that the introduction of a dielec-tric sample into the near-field region will alter the antenna input impedance,from which the properties of the dielectric sample can be determined.Measurement results from the prototype system indicate that the system works very well and the measuring method is very pared with other measuring systems,our system is cost-effective and easy to use.In addition,the sample preparation is relatively simple.R EFERENCES[1]S.Cui and D.S.Weile,“Robust design of absorbers usinggenetic algorithms and thefinite element-boundary integral method,”IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag.,vol.51,no.12,pp.3249–3258, Dec.2003.[2]L.F.Chen,C.K.Ong,C.P.Neo,V.V.Varadan,and V.K.Vardan,Microwave Electronics:Measurement and Materials Characterization.New York,NY,USA:Wiley,2004.[3]M.S.Venkatesh,and G.S.V.Raghavan,“An overview of dielectricproperties measuring techniques,”Can.Biosyst.Eng.,vol.47,pp.7.15–7.30,2005.[4]T.Yilmaz,T.Karacolak,and E.Topsakal,“Characterization and testingof a skin mimicking material for implantable antennas operating at ISM band(2.4GHz–2.48GHz),”IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag.Lett., vol.7,pp.418–420,2008.[5] D. 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