
11. 学生在校期间离校应当请假,请假2天以内,由___批准;请3到5天,由___批准;请假6到10天,由___签署意见报___批准;请假10天以上者,须报___批准。
12. 不履行请假手续,一学期累计旷课学时达到1~12学时给予___处分;13~14学时给予___处分;25~36学时给予___处分;超过60学时给予___处分。
自动退学 3. B级教务处 4. 20 2/3 5. 2 6. 所在学校7. 退役后一年8. 警告严重警告记过留校察看勒令退学开除学籍9。
0 1 2 3 4 11.辅导员、系(院)主管领导、系、学生处、主管院长12.警告或严重警告、严重警告或记过、记过或留校察看、自动退学二.单选(每题1.5分,共30分)1.实行学分制的学生未能取得当年规定的学分(B)着,予以退学处分。

系统按单道方式运行且采用短作业优先算法,则平均周转时间是()(本题2.0分)A.T1+T2+T3B.(T1+T2+T3)/ 3C.(3T1+2T2+T3)/ 3D.(T1+2T2+3T3)/ 3答案:C.解析:无.3.(单选题)临界区是指并发进程中访问共享变量的( )段。
(本题2.0分)A.管理信息B.信息存储C.数据D.程序答案:D.解析:无.4.(单选题)使系统中所有的用户都能得到及时的响应的操作系统应该是( )。
(本题2.0分)A.操作员B.系统程序员C.用户D.操作系统答案:D.解析:无.6.(单选题)电子数字计算机的运算对象是( )。
(本题2.0分)A.模拟量B.混合量C.脉冲D.不连续量答案:D.解析:无.7.(单选题)如果系统中有n个进程,则就绪队列中进程的个数最多为()(本题2.0分)A.n+1B.nC.n-1D.1答案:C.解析:无.8.(单选题)支持程序浮动的地址转换机制是( )(本题2.0分)A.页式地址转换B.段式地址转换C.静态重定位D.动态重定位答案:D.解析:无.9.(单选题)当()时,进程从执行态转变为就绪状态.(本题2.0分)A.进程被调度程序选中B.时间片到C.等待某一事件D.等待的事件发生答案:B.解析:无.10.(单选题)产生死锁的四个必要条件是:互斥、()、循环等待和不剥夺(本题2.0分)A.请求与阻塞B.请求与保持C.请求与释放D.释放与阻塞答案:B.11.(单选题)把用户作业的相对地址转换成绝对地址的工作称为: ( )(本题2.0分)A.地址逻辑话B.地址重定位C.地址绝对化D.地址相对化答案:B.解析:无.12.(单选题)(若P、V操作的信号量S初值为2,当前值为-3,则表示有( )个等待进程。

⋯⋯⋯⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯__⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯_名⋯⋯姓⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯__⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯__⋯_⋯__题__⋯_⋯号答学⋯__⋯_准__⋯__⋯_不__⋯__⋯_内__⋯__⋯__线_⋯_⋯级订班⋯试⋯考装_⋯_⋯__⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯__⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯__⋯_⋯__⋯部⋯系⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯桂林理工大学学生手册考试试卷(2012 年)考试时间: 90 分钟考试形式:闭卷题号一二三四五六七八九十总分应得分20302030实得分评卷人一、选择题:(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、《桂林理工大学学生学习管理规定》规定,学生外出请假者,需报学工部批准。
学生请假期满, 必须按时向所在系办理手续,未办理有效手续者,按旷课处理。
A、3 天,销假B、3天以上1周以内,销假C、3 天以上 1 周以内,销假或续假D、1周以上,销假或续假2、《桂林理工大学学生违纪处分条例》规定,未经批准擅自缺课,一学期内旷课累计达到 43~54学时,应给予处分。
A、自动退学处分 B 、严重警告处分C、记过处分D、留校察看处分3、《桂林理工大学家庭经济困难学生认定和资助办法》规定,家庭经济特别困难学生(简称特困生)原则上按在校生的认定 , 家庭经济一般困难学生原则上按在校生的 ______认定。
A、 8%—10%,10%—15%B、10%— 15%,20%— 22%C、15%—20%,20%—22%D 、8%—10%,20%—22%4、《桂林理工大学学生住宿管理规定》规定,一个学期内宿舍卫生、安全检查不达标的个人,不得参与当年的各类评奖评优。
A、两次以上,三次以上(含三次) B 、三次以上(含三次),五次以上(含五次)C、四次以上,五次以上(含五次)D、五次以上(含五次),七次以上(含七次)5、《桂林理工大学学生转换专业实施办法》规定,学生在籍期间能转换次专业。

《学生手册》考试试卷及答案共 2 页,第 1 页19、( T )学生经提起校内申诉后仍对申诉处理决定有异议的,可以在接到申诉处理XXX大学《学生手册》考试试卷决定书之日起十五日内向广东省教育厅提出书面申诉。
20、(T )学生应随身携带学生证,凡出入规定要检查证件的场所,应主动出示学生证,接受有关人员检查。
学院(系) ______ 专业班级__________ 姓名_________学号_______ 二、单项选择题(20小题,每小题2分共40分) 1、普通高等学校学生管理规定适用于普通高等学校、承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机一、判断题(20小题,每小题1分共20分,正确的打“?”,错误的打“X”) 构对接受普通高等学历教育的D) 1、( F )学生请假一天以内由区队长批准,一天以上三天以内由中队长批准。
A、本科、专科(高职)学生的管理 2、( F )学生因学校安排公事活动而不能上课的可以不用请假。
B、研究生和本科学生的管理 3、( T )在期末考试过程中有“由他人代替考试”的作弊行为且在替考作弊中受益的C、专科(高职)学生的管理。
4、( F )学生学习成绩优秀,各门功课的考核成绩都在80分以上就能够被评为“三好2、学生在校期间的学习年限、学习标准和成绩评定标准由(D )确定。
A、教育部 B、教育厅 C、学校 D、学工部5、( F )学生休学一般以一年为期(因病经学校批准,可连续休学两年),累计不超过3、学生有下列情形之一,应予退学。
错误的是( C ) 两年。
A、学业成绩未达到学校要求或者在学校规定年限内(含休学)未完成学业的; 6、( T )学校在对学生做出处分决定之前,应当听取学生或者其代理人的陈述和申辩。
B、未请假离校连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动的; 7、( T )对学生的处分材料,学校应当真实完整地归入学校档案和本人档案。

桂林理工大学《基础英语(1)》2020-2021学年第一学期期末试卷课程名称:基础英语(1)专业:英语班级:英语 2020 级考试形式:闭卷考试满分:100 分---注意事项:1. 本试卷共四部分,总分 100 分。
考试时间为 120 分钟。
2. 请将答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上的答案无效。
3. 所有题目必须回答,选择题请将正确答案的字母填在答题纸上,其余题目请将答案写清楚。
---第一部分选择题(共 20 题,每题 2 分,共 40 分)1. 下面哪个单词的发音与其他三个不同()A. catB. hatC. matD. bat2. 选择正确的时态:She _______ to the market yesterday. ( )A. goB. goesC. wentD. gone3. “Thank you”的合适回复是()A. You’re welcomeB. Yes, pleaseC. No, thank youD. Maybe4. 在以下句子中,哪一个是正确的()A. He don’t like ice cream.B. He doesn’t likes ice cream.C. He doesn’t like ice cream.D. He not like ice cream.5. 选择正确的词填空:This is the book _______ I bought last week. ( )A. whoB. whichC. whatD. whose6. 下面哪个单词的拼写是错误的()A. beautifulB. receiveC. occurrD. definitely7. 选择正确的短语:I am interested _______ learning languages. ( )A. atB. onC. inD. to8. 下面哪个句子是疑问句()A. She is going to school.B. Is she going to school?C. She goes to school.D. She went to school.9. 选择适当的连词:I like coffee, _______ I don’t like tea. ( )A. butB. andC. soD. or10. 选择正确的介词:He will arrive _______ 5 o’clock. ( )A. inB. onC. atD. by11. 下面哪个句子是被动语态()A. The cake was eaten by John.B. John ate the cake.C. John is eating the cake.D. John will eat the cake.12. 选择合适的形容词:She is the _______ girl in the class. ( )A. clevererB. cleverestC. more cleverD. most clever13. 选择正确的形式:If it _______ tomorrow, we will stay at home. ( )A. rainB. rainsC. rainedD. raining14. 下面哪个句子是正确的()A. I have seen him yesterday.B. I saw him yesterday.C. I seen him yesterday.D. I see him yesterday.15. 选择正确的动词形式:She _______ her homework every day. ( )A. doB. doesC. didD. doing16. 选择适当的词:He is _______ than his brother. ( )A. tallerB. tallC. more tallD. tallest17. 下面哪个句子是过去时()A. I am happy.B. I was happy.C. I will be happy.D. I have been happy.18. 选择正确的词:My father usually _______ a newspaper in the morning. ( )A. readB. readsC. readingD. to read19. 下面哪个单词是名词()A. runB. quicklyC. happinessD. to swim20. 选择适当的副词:She sings _______. ( )A. beautifulB. beautifullyC. more beautifulD. most beautiful---第二部分填空题(共 10 题,每题 2 分,共 20 分)1. I _______ (like) to play basketball on weekends.2. She _______ (not/go) to the party last night.3. They _______ (study) English for three years.4. Can you help me _______ (find) my keys?5. He is _______ (tall) than his sister.6. The weather is _______ (nice) today than yesterday.7. I _______ (eat) lunch when she called me.8. He always _______ (watch) TV after dinner.9. This book is _______ (interesting) than that one.10. We _______ (be) friends since childhood.---第三部分简答题(共 4 题,每题 5 分,共 20 分)1. 请简述你的一天,包括你通常的活动和作息时间。

7、偷窃、勒索、诈骗、冒领、侵A公私财物者,除追回赃款、赃物或赔偿损失外,给予_记过以上 _处分。
9、人学生社会实践活动主要内容包括:_社会考察和社会调査活动_、_科技服务活动__________ 、文化服务活动、公益活动和文明建设活动。
12、毕业牛.就业实行_双向选择_、_自主择业_的制度,择业期为两年,从毕业当年7月1日始至第三年6月30 H止。


2.为增强学生的成才意识,培养学生自我管理、自我教育的行为习惯,并为学院评定荣誉称号和奖学金提供基本依据,学院从、、体育艺术、等四个方面进行量化评分,分别按、、10% 、的比例进行折算。
桂林理工大学《基础英语(3)》2020-2021学年第二学期期末试卷 (1)

桂林理工大学《基础英语(3)》2020-2021学年第二学期期末试卷课程名称:基础英语(3)专业:英语班级:英语2020级考试形式:闭卷考试满分:100分---Part I Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. The little girl is very _____ . She is quick to learn new things.A. abundantB. essentialC. intelligentD. fortunate2. The old friends had a very _____ conversation and talked for hours.A. occasionalB. animatedC. consciousD. aggressive3. A balanced _____ is important for maintaining good health.A. basketB. ticketC. blanketD. diet4. These two countries have a close _____ relationship and often help each other.A. allyB. alienC. alarmD. album5. The conference will _____ experts from different fields to share their knowledge.A. bring outB. bring togetherC. bring aboutD. bring forward6. Tom likes to _____ his younger brother because he thinks it's funny.A. estimateB. establishC. teaseD. treasure7. The company's financial problems are having a major _____ on employee morale.A. impactB. visionC. passionD. motion8. After a long day of hiking, the group was _____ and needed to rest.A. greedyB. exhaustedC. crowdedD. excited9. The police are still searching for the _____ of the crime.A. definitionB. descriptionC. destinationD. suspect10. Jack decided to _____ smoking because it was bad for his health.A. quitB. qualifyC. quoteD. questionPart II Cloze (30 points, 2 points for each)Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.The Internet has become an essential part of our daily lives. We use it for communication, entertainment, shopping, and much more. __1__ the Internet has brought many benefits, it has also __2__ some challenges and concerns.One of the main concerns is __3__ to personal information. When we use the Internet, we often __4__ personal data such as our name, address, and credit card details. This information can be __5__ by hackers or criminals who can then use it for __6__ purposes.Another challenge is the spread of __7__ information and fake news. With so much information available online, it can be __8__ to distinguish between what is true and what is false. This can __9__ to confusion and misunderstandings.__10__, the Internet has also had an impact on social interactions and relationships. While social media can help us stay connected with friends andfamily, it can also __11__ to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Some people may __12__ more time online than interacting with people in real life.Despite these challenges, the Internet has also brought many __13__. It has made communication and access to information much easier and more __14__. It has also created new opportunities for learning, business, and __15__.In conclusion, while the Internet has brought both benefits and challenges, it is clear that it has become an integral part of modern life.1. A. Unless B. Since C. Although D. Until2. A. created B. reduced C. predicted D. ignored3. A. right B. threat C. access D. guide4. A. hide B. forget C. provide D. remove5. A. stolen B. found C. created D. shared6. A. specific B. personal C. general D. illegal7. A. real B. useful C. misleading D. interesting8. A. sufficient B. surprising C. disappointing D. difficult9. A. move B. add C. lead D. listen10. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Instead11. A. turn B. lead C. refuse D. pretend12. A. cost B. spend C. enjoy D. save13. A. benefits B. methods C. skills D. products14. A. convenient B. expensive C. popular D. dangerous15. A. crime B. innovation C. pollution D. competitionPart III Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each)Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage 1In recent years, there has been growing interest in the concept of emotional intelligence (EI). EI refers to the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. Research suggests that people with high EI tend to be more successful in both their personal and professional lives.One key aspect of EI is self-awareness. This involves being able to recognize and understand one's own emotions and how they impact behavior. People with high self-awareness are better able to manage their emotions and respond appropriately to different situations.Another important component of EI is empathy. This refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. People with high empathy are able to build strong relationships and communicate effectively with others.EI also involves the ability to motivate oneself and persevere in the face of challenges. People with high EI are often more resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks. They are also skilled at managing stress and maintaining a positive outlook.Developing EI requires practice and self-reflection. Some strategies for improving EI include practicing mindfulness, setting goals, and seeking feedback from others. By developing their EI, individuals can improve their relationships, increase their resilience, and achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The definition of successB. The importance of professional skillsC. The concept of emotional intelligenceD. The impact of stress on behavior2. According to the passage, what is one benefit of having high self-awareness?A. Being able to recognize others' emotionsB. Responding appropriately to different situationsC. Communicating effectively with othersD. Maintaining a positive outlook3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a component of emotional intelligence?A. Self-awarenessB. Physical fitnessC. EmpathyD. Motivation4. What does the word "resilient" in the fourth paragraph most likely mean?A. IntelligentB. AdaptableC. AmbitiousD. Sympathetic5. According to the passage, how can individuals improve their emotional intelligence?A. By focusing on their physical healthB. By avoiding challenging situationsC. By seeking feedback from othersD. By ignoring their own emotionsPassage 2In the modern world, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for education. It provides students with access to a wealth of information and resources that were previously unavailable. However, the use of the Internet in education also presents some challenges that need to be addressed.One of the main advantages of using the Internet in education is that it allows for more personalized learning. Students can access materials that are tailored to their individual needs and learning styles. They can also work at their own pace and review content as needed.Another benefit is that the Internet facilitates collaboration and communication. Students can work together on projects and assignments, even if they are not in the same physical location. They can also communicate with their teachers and peers through various online platforms.However, there are also some drawbacks to using the Internet in education. Oneconcern is that students may become too reliant on technology and may not develop important skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving. There is also a risk of students accessing inappropriate or inaccurate information online.To address these challenges, it is important for educators to provide guidance and support to students as they navigate the online world. This may involve teaching students how to evaluate the credibility of online sources and how to use technology responsibly. By doing so, educators can help students make the most of the opportunities provided by the Internet while also mitigating the potential risks.6. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The Internet is an essential tool for modern education.B. The Internet should be avoided in educational settings.C. The Internet is more effective than traditional teaching methods.D. The Internet can be both beneficial and challenging when used in education.7. According to the passage, what is one advantage of using the Internet in education?A. It eliminates the need for teachers.B. It ensures that all students learn at the same pace.C. It allows for more personalized learning.D. It prevents students from collaborating with each other.8. What does the word "facilitates" in the third paragraph most likely mean?A. PreventsB. ComplicatesC. Slows downD. Makes easier9. According to the passage, what is one potential drawback of using the Internet in education?A. Students may become too reliant on technology.B. Students may develop stronger critical thinking skills.C. Students may prefer to work independently.D. Students may communicate too much with their teachers.10. What does the passage suggest educators should do to help students use the Internet effectively?A. Limit students' access to online resources.B. Encourage students to access inappropriate information.C. Provide guidance and support to students.D. Allow students to navigate the online world independently.Passage 3In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to take a step back and appreciate the simple things in life. However, research suggests that taking the time to practice gratitude can have a significant impact on our overall well-being and happiness.Gratitude is the practice of recognizing and appreciating the good things in our lives. It involves shifting our focus from what we lack to what we have. By doing so, we can cultivate a more positive outlook and improve our mental health.One way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal. This involves writing down a few things that you are thankful for each day. These can be big things, like a supportive family or a fulfilling career, or small things, like a delicious meal or a beautiful sunset.Another way to cultivate gratitude is to express it to others. This can involve thanking someone for their help or kindness, or simply letting them know that you appreciate them. By expressing gratitude, we can strengthen our relationships and spread positivity to those around us.Practicing gratitude has been shown to have numerous benefits for mentalhealth. It can reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and boost self-esteem. It can also help us build resilience and cope with difficult situations more effectively.In a world that often focuses on negativity and stress, practicing gratitude can be a simple yet powerful way to improve our well-being and find greater happiness in our daily lives.11. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Expressing gratitude can be challenging in today's world.B. Keeping a gratitude journal is the most effective way to practice gratitude.C. Practicing gratitude can improve mental health and well-being.D. Gratitude is a natural human emotion that requires no effort.12. According to the passage, what does practicing gratitude involve?A. Focusing on what we lack in lifeB. Ignoring the simple things in lifeC. Recognizing and appreciating the good things in lifeD. Comparing ourselves to others13. What is one way to practice gratitude mentioned in the passage?A. Keeping a diary of negative experiencesB. Expressing frustration to othersC. Writing down things you are thankful for each dayD. Avoiding relationships with others14. According to the passage, what is one benefit of expressing gratitude to others?A. It can weaken relationships.B. It can lead to increased stress and anxiety.C. It can create a sense of obligation.D. It can spread positivity and strengthen relationships.15. What does the word "resilience" in the fifth paragraph most likely mean?A. The ability to resist changeB. The ability to recover from difficultiesC. The ability to avoid challengesD. The ability to maintain perfectionPart IV Translation (10 points, 2 points for each)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.1. 随着科技的进步,人工智能正在改变我们的生活方式。

大学生学生手册考试试题要求90分及格低于90分补考考试时间一小时一·单项选择题(每题1.5分,共30分)1. 优秀学生奖分哪几四个等级?()A. 特等奖一等奖二等奖和三等奖B. 一等奖二等奖三等奖和优秀奖C. 一等奖二等奖三等奖和进步奖2. 一学期内无故旷课累计学时达到节者,给予严重警告处分。
A. 10~20 51 B。
21~25 50C.21~25 51D.26~35 503. 擅自离校天,给予警告、严重警告处分;擅自离校达14天以上的,给予处分或按放弃学籍,自动退学处理。
A. 1~7 留校察看B. 1~7 开除学籍C. 1~3 开除学籍4. 在一学期内,在学分绩排名较上一学期提升12位的学生或在同年级同专业学分绩排名提升位者,可获学习进步奖,奖励100元。
A. 班内10B. 班内12 C。
年级10 D。
A 100 90 80 70 60 B.95 85 75 65 40C.90 80 70 60 405. 学生在规定的学习年限内,修完教育教学计划和培养方案规定的内容,但成绩未达到规定的要求,不及格学分数少于学分的,可申请结业,发给结业证书。
A. 25B.30C.35D.406. 获得学院科技活动竞赛三等奖以上者,分别奖励元、元、元;获得团体奖者,分别奖励元、元、元。
A. 150 120 80 200 150 100B. 200 150 100 250 200 150C.150 100 80 200 150 80D. 200 150 80 200 150 1207. 学生在校学习期间,经过补考后不及格课程(体育课除外,下同)学分累计超过学分者,学院对其进行黄牌警示, ;累计不及格课程学分超过学分者,学院对其进行红牌警示,并限制其选择新课。

1 2 3 − 1 2 5 1 2 4、 10 分 )求向量组:α 1 = ,α 2 = ,α 3 = ,α 4 = 的一个极大线性无关组, 、 ( − 1 − 6 1 − 7 − 2 − 5 1 − 3
r1 − r2 r3 − r2
1 3 0 3、 8 分)求方阵 A= 1 1 − 1 的逆矩阵. 、 ( 0 − 2 2 1 3 0 ( AM E ) = 1 1 − 1 0 − 2 2 1 1 −1 0 − 3 4 → 0 1 − 2 1/ 2 0 1 A = 1 − 3 − 2 . 1 − 3 − 3 / 2
0 1 1 2 r2 − 2r11 2 1 → 0 1 − 2 0 1 −1 3 − 2 1 − 1 r −4r 1 0 0 12 + 3 0 1 r2 r3 → 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 − 3
0 0 1 3 − 2
2 第 2 页
( 五、 8 分 )已知向量组 a1 , a 2 , a 3 线性无关 b1 = a1 + a 2 , 证明:向量组 b1 , b2 , b3 线性无关. 证: 设一组数 k 1 , k 2 , k 3 使得 k1 b1 + k 2 b2 + k 3 b3 = 0 ,
b2 = a 2 − 2 a 3 , b1 = a 3 − a1 ,
1 0 −1 七、 10 分)求方阵 A = 0 1 0 的特征值与特征向量. ( −1 0 1
即 k1 (a1 + a 2 ) + k 2 (a 2 − 2a3 ) + k3 (a3 − a1 ) = (k1 − k 3 )a1 + (k1 + k 2 )a 2 + (− 2 k 2 + k 3 )a 3 = 0 解:

(102页)9、无故不参加集体活动者,每次2次扣0.5学分,上课出勤率或早操出勤率低于85%,宿舍卫生值日不合格次数超过_三___次者,扣0.5 学分,不合格次数每增加三次,增扣 0.5学分;对于学校按学计划规定的集体劳动、实习、军训等,学生无故不参加者,每一天按旷课四学时计。
104页 25页10、凡因课程考试不及格,按学籍管理规定劝退或退学的学生,希望继续学习者,在下达劝退文件后 30天内,由本人及家人提出申请,所在学院同意并签订合同后,列入在校旁听。
(19页)11、学校每学年进行1 次学籍处理,以本学年度所修课程应取得学分数作年11月2009为学籍处理的依据。

2010级新生《学生手册》考试试卷班级_______ __ 学号_____ 姓名_________ 得分_______一、填空题(每空1分,共100分):1、纪律处分包括:_________、_________、________、_________、_________;2、桂林理工大学校训是:_________、_________、________、_________。

学生手册测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共30分)1.广东技术师范学院的校训是(D)A.以德为行,以学为上B.自强不息,厚德载物C.学为人师,行为世范D.厚德博学,唯实求新2.留校察看期限一般为(B)A.半年B一年C一年半D两年3.学生应征参加中国人民解放军(含中国人民武装警察部队),学校应当保留其学籍至退役后(D)A6个月B8个月C10个月D12个月4.我校实行一学年两学期制,每学期一般为(B)周(含考试两周)A19 B20 C21 D225.我校实行弹性学制。
(D)A1 2 1 2 B2 3 1 2 C2 4 2 3 D0 4 0 36.理论教学环节是如何计算学分的(A)A18学时记1学分B36学时记1学分C12学时1学分D1周记1学分7.学习成绩80-89分折合(B)绩点2.0-2.9 B3.0-.3.9 C4.0-4.9 D5.0-5.98.四年制本科学生的毕业学分要求,理工类总学分为(A)A160-170 B170-180 C180-190 D150-1609 下列哪个行为不会加重一级处理(C)A制造障碍,妨碍调查取证的B因同一违纪行为受过处分的C过失违纪的D胁迫他人参加违纪行为的10损坏公物的学生,给予(B)处分,并对造成的损失给予经济赔偿A警告 B 记过 C 留校察看D开除学籍11.隐匿、毁弃或私拆他人邮件的,给予一下处分(C)A警告B严重警告C记过D留校察看12学生不允许在学校打麻将,违者,给予以下处分(B)A警告B严重警告C记过D留校察看13.擅自在学生宿舍留宿他人,并由此引起不良后果的(A)A严重警告B记过C留校察看D开除学籍14一学期旷课累计(B)节给予记过处分A20-29 B30-39 C40-49 D 50-5915在测验、考察、考试中,以下哪种行为为考场作弊(C)A未在规定的座位参加考试的B将试卷、答案等考试用纸带出考场的C携带与考试内容相关的文字资料或储存有与考试内容相关资料的电子设备参加考试的D在考试过程中旁窥、交头接耳、互打暗号或手势经警示仍不改的16学生对学校或二级学院所作出的处理决定不服,必须在收到处理决定或公告之日起(A)个工作日内以书面方式向学生申述处理委员会提出申述。



桂林理工大学函授学位英语考试真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Wow, I can't believe it's time for the Guangxi University of Science and Technology Correspondence Degree English Exam! I'm so excited to show off all the English I've been learning. Let's get started!The first part of the exam is a listening section. The teacher will play some recordings and we have to listen carefully and answer questions about them. It's important to pay attention and not get distracted by any noise in the room. I always try to sit in the front row to make sure I can hear everything clearly.Next, we have a reading comprehension section. We'll have to read some passages and answer questions about them. I always make sure to read the questions first so I know what to look for in the passage. And if there are any words I don't understand, I ask the teacher for help. It's better to ask questions than to guess and get it wrong.After that, we have a writing section where we have to write an essay. I like to start by making an outline to organize mythoughts. Then I write my introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. I make sure to check my grammar and spelling before I finish. And of course, I always try to write neatly so the teacher can read it easily.Finally, we have a speaking section where we have to talk about a topic for a few minutes. I like to practice talking about different topics with my friends to get more comfortable speaking in English. It's important to speak clearly and confidently, even if you make a mistake.I hope I do well on the exam and can't wait to see my results.I know I've been studying hard and I'm ready to show off all the English I've learned. Good luck to everyone taking the exam!篇2Hey guys! Today I'm gonna share with you the questions from the correspondence degree English exam of Guilin University of Technology. It was super challenging but I had a lot of fun answering them. Let's see how many you can get right!1. Describe your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it.2. What are the benefits of studying abroad and how can it improve your future career?3. Discuss the impact of technology on our daily lives and how it has changed the way we communicate.4. Write a letter to your future self, setting goals and aspirations for the next five years.5. Explain the importance of preserving the environment and what actions individuals can take to make a difference.6. Compare and contrast rural and urban living, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each.7. Share a memorable travel experience and describe the cultural differences you encountered.8. Reflect on a personal challenge you have overcome and how it has shaped you as a person.9. Discuss the role of social media in modern society and its influence on relationships.10. Imagine you are a superhero with unique powers and abilities. What would you do to make the world a better place?I hope you guys have as much fun answering these questions as I did. Good luck and happy writing!篇3Oh wow! So, I got this super cool test from Guilin University of Technology for distance learning English degree program. It was so exciting, and I was like, "I got this!"The first question was about my favorite holiday. I wrote all about how much I love Christmas and why it's the best time of the year. I described how I decorate the tree with my family and bake cookies for Santa. It was so much fun to write about!Next, there was a question about my dream job. I wrote about how I want to be a vet and help animals all over the world.I even drew a picture of me in a white coat taking care of a fluffy puppy. I hope the examiner likes it!The last question was a bit tricky. It asked me to write a story about a magical adventure. I came up with a story about a unicorn who goes on a quest to find the lost rainbow. It was full of twists and turns, and I had so much fun writing it!After finishing the test, I felt proud of myself for trying my best. I hope I did well, and I can't wait to see my results. Maybe one day, I'll have my own degree in English from Guilin University of Technology. How cool would that be?篇4Yo guys, today I wanna share with you the questions from the correspondence degree English exam at Guilin University of Technology. It was super tough, but I managed to power through it!First up, we had to write an essay about the impact of technology on our daily lives. I talked about how smartphones and social media have changed the way we communicate, but also how they can be addicting and distracting. It was pretty interesting to think about how technology has both pros and cons, ya know?Then, we had some reading comprehension questions. We had to read a passage about climate change and answer questions about it. It was kinda tricky, but I tried my best to understand the main ideas and details.Next, we had a listening section where we had to listen to a conversation between two people talking about their favorite hobbies. It was cool to hear different perspectives and I even learned some new vocabulary words!Finally, we had a grammar section where we had to fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense. That was a bit challenging, but I took my time and tried to remember all the rules I learned in class.Overall, the exam was pretty tough, but I know I did my best.I hope I pass so I can move on to the next level of my studies. Wish me luck, guys! Thanks for reading about my experience with the Guilin University of Technology correspondence degree English exam. Peace out!篇5Hi everybody, do you remember the time when we took the correspondence degree English exam at Guilin University of Technology? It was super fun! Let me tell you all about it!The exam was in the form of multiple-choice questions and short essays. We had to read passages and answer questions about them. It was a bit challenging, but we all did our best. Remember how we studied together and helped each other out?I remember one question asked us to write a short essay about our favorite holiday. I wrote about Christmas because I love decorating the tree and spending time with my family. What did you guys write about? I bet it was something super cool!The best part of the exam was when we had a break and got to eat snacks and chat with our friends. Remember how we all shared our snacks and stories? It was like a mini party!After the exam, we were all tired but happy that we had finished. I can't wait to see the results and get our certificates. It will be so exciting to see our hard work pay off!I'm so grateful for all the memories we made during the exam. I can't wait for the next one! Let's keep studying and improving together. We are all superstars!That's all for now, friends. Let's keep shining bright and reaching for the stars!篇6Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the distance learning degree English exam at Guilin University of Technology. It's super important for us to study hard and do our best on this test!First of all, let's talk about the exam format. There are multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and essay questions. So we need to be ready for anything! Make sure to review all of our notes and practice as much as we can.Next, let's talk about the topics we might see on the exam. We could be asked about our favorite hobbies, our future goals,or even what we did last summer. So let's think about what we want to say in advance!Also, it's super important to use proper grammar and vocabulary. We want to make a good impression on the examiners, so let's double check our work and make sure it's the best it can be.Lastly, let's remember to stay calm and focused during the exam. We can do this, guys! Let's show everyone how smart and capable we are!In conclusion, the distance learning degree English exam at Guilin University of Technology is a big deal, but we can totally handle it. Let's study hard, stay positive, and do our best on the exam. Good luck, everyone!篇7Hey guys, today I'm gonna share with you a super fun experience - the Guilin University of Technology Distance Learning Degree English Exam! It was so exciting and a little challenging, but I had a blast doing it.First off, let me tell you a little bit about Guilin University of Technology. It's a really cool place in China where students canstudy all kinds of awesome stuff. And the best part is, you can even get your degree through distance learning, which means you can study from home!So, for the exam, we had to answer a bunch of questions about English. We had to show off our skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It was a little nerve-wracking at first, but once I got into it, I felt like a real English pro!The reading section was super interesting. We had to read some passages and answer questions about them. Some of the topics were really cool, like travel, science, and history. I felt like I learned a lot just by reading those passages!Next up was the writing section. We had to write an essay about a topic they gave us. I wrote about my favorite season, summer, and why I love it so much. It was so much fun to write about something I'm passionate about!The listening section was a bit tricky because we had to listen to some recordings and answer questions about them. But I think I did pretty well because I practiced listening to English every day.And finally, the speaking section was the most fun! We had to have a conversation with the examiner about a topic. I talkedabout my favorite hobby, playing soccer. It was so cool to chat with someone in English and show off my speaking skills.Overall, the Guilin University of Technology Distance Learning Degree English Exam was an amazing experience. I had so much fun and learned a lot. I can't wait to see my results and continue improving my English skills. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even study at Guilin University of Technology in person!篇8Hey guys! Today I wanna share with you some questions from the Guilin University of Technology correspondence degree English exam. Are you ready to test your English skills? Let’s go!Question 1: Write a short essay (about 200 words) about your favorite place in Guilin and why you love it.Question 2: Describe your dream job and why you are passionate about it.Question 3: Write a dialogue between you and a foreign friend discussing the benefits of learning a second language.Question 4: Write a letter to a pen pal in another country introducing yourself and telling them about your hobbies and interests.Question 5: Write a short story (about 300 words) using the following words: adventure, friendship, and magic.Remember to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling in your answers. Good luck and have fun with the exam! Don't forget to express your thoughts clearly and creatively in English. Let's rock this test!篇9Hello everybody! Today I wanna talk to you about the Guangxi Guilin University of Technology correspondence degree English exam questions. It's super interesting, so stay with me!The exam has a lot of questions and you gotta be super smart to pass it. There are questions about reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You gotta be good at all of them to get your degree.In the reading part, you gotta read a passage and answer questions about it. You gotta understand what the passage is about and pick the right answers. It's kinda like a puzzle, but with words!The writing part is where you gotta show off your skills. You gotta write an essay about a topic they give you. You gotta becreative and use good grammar. Make sure to spell everything right too!In the listening part, you gotta listen to some people talking and answer questions. You gotta be quick and understand what they are saying. It's like a game of catch, but with words instead of a ball!And finally, the speaking part is where you gotta talk to a computer. The computer asks you questions and you gotta answer them. You gotta speak clearly and confidently. Don't be shy, just talk like you're talking to a friend!So that's the Guangxi Guilin University of Technology correspondence degree English exam in a nutshell. It's super fun and challenging, but if you study hard, you can totally pass it! Good luck!篇10Oh my goodness, guys! Today I wanna tell you about the exam I took at Guilin University of Technology through distance learning! It was like a super big deal!First, they gave us some reading passages. I had to read them carefully and answer a bunch of questions about them.Some were about history, some were about science, and some were just plain tricky! But I tried my best and answered them all.Then came the writing part. I had to write an essay about a given topic. I wrote about my dream job and what I want to achieve in the future. It was really fun to imagine all the cool things I could do!After that, there was a listening test. They played some recordings and we had to answer questions based on what we heard. It was a bit tough because sometimes the speakers talked really fast, but I managed to get most of the answers right.Lastly, we had a speaking test. We had to talk about a topic for a few minutes and answer some questions from the examiner.I talked about my favorite hobby - playing soccer - and why I love it so much. The examiner was really nice and made me feel comfortable.Overall, the exam was challenging but also exciting. I'm proud of myself for giving it my best shot. I can't wait to see the results and hopefully pass with flying colors! Yay, go me!。

int x=20,y=5;
int add(int a,int b)
int s=a+b;
return s;
Comment [S1]: 拷贝构造函数功能:用一 个已有的对象来初始化一个被创建的同类对 象是一种特殊的构造函数。 拷贝构造函数 有深拷贝浅拷贝:默认的拷贝构造函数是浅 拷贝,只复制对象空间不复制对象资源。深 拷贝需要同时复制对象空间和资源。 这个 可能也是重点
B. int a[2]={{1},{3},{4},{5}};
C. int c[2][]={{1,2},{3,4}};
D. int d[3][2]={{1,2},{3,4}}; 8、下列给字符数组进行的初始化中,不正确的是 D
A. char s1[]="abcd";
B. char s2[3]={'x','y','\0'};
则表达式 w*x+y-z 的结果类型是

• A. 退学• B. 留校察看• C. 开除学籍• D. 记过2、[1分]在校园内饲养或牵带猫、狗、蛇等具有攻击性的宠物,经劝阻不改者应给予————以上处分。
• A. 记过• B. 严重警告• C. 警告• D. 留校察看3、[1分]评选“优秀学生干部”,要求学习态度端正,评比学年每个学期综合测评排名均在本年级本专业前——————。
• A. 0.2• B. 0.05• C. 0.1• D. 0.34、[1分]通过盗窃、购买、欺诈等不正当手段获取试卷、试题或答案用于作弊的给予——————处分。
• A. 记过• B. 留校察看• C. 开除学籍• D. 严重警告5、[4分]学校实行学分制管理和弹性修业年限制度,学生的修业年限=学制+两年,即调整后四年制本科专业学生的最长修业年限为————年,五年制本科专业学生的最长修业年限为————年。
• A. 7 8• B. 5 6• C. 6 7• D. 8 86、[1分]在宿舍内炒菜做饭的,给予————以上处分。
• A. 留校察看• B. 警告• C. 记过• D. 严重警告7、[1分]学校建立健全——————制度,为学生会、研究生会等开展活动提供必要条件,支持其在学生管理中发挥作用。
• A. 学生团体代表大会• B. 学生代表大会• C. 学生大会• D. 学生团体大会8、[2分]学生因伤因病等突发性紧急情况导致没有能力到场完成考核的,如确实无法考前办结缓考申请,必须通过电话等形式事先通报任课教师、班主任和学院教学管理人员,并在考试结束后————天内备齐相关材料进行补办或委托办理。
• A. 4• B. 2• C. 3• D. 59、[1分]未经他人许可,使用他人身份信息或身份证件,导致他人权益受损的应给予————以上处分。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(2012 年)
考试时间: 90 分钟考试形式:闭卷
一、选择题:(每题 2 分,共 20 分)
学生请假期满, 必须按时向所在系办理手续,未办理有效手续者,按旷课处理。
A、3 天,销假
C、3 天以上 1 周以内,销假或续假
累计达到 43~54学时,应给予处分。
A、自动退学处分 B 、严重警告处分C、记过处分D、留校察看处分
学生(简称特困生)原则上按在校生的认定 , 家庭经济一般困难学生原则上按在校生的 ______认定。
A、 8%—10%,10%—15%
B、10%— 15%,20%— 22%
C、15%—20%,20%—22%D 、8%—10%,20%—22%
A、两次以上,三次以上(含三次) B 、三次以上(含三次),五次以上(含五次)
7、《桂林理工大学学生评优奖励办法》规定,“三好学生”评选条件需满足在本学年综合素质测评排名在所在年级专业的前以内;“优秀团员” 评选条件需满足在本学年综合素质测评排名在所在年级专业的前以内。
A、15%,30% B 、 20%,35% C 、20%, 40% D 、 35%,40%
A 、AM6:00,PM11:00B、AM6:20,PM11:00______。
二、填空题:(每空 1 分,共 30 分)
1、学生上课迟到或早退 _____分钟以内者,以迟到早退论处,迟到、早退(或迟到加早退) 2 次按旷课 ______学时计,迟到或早退超过10 分钟以 _______论处。
2、在学生宿舍使用电炉、热得快等大功率电器或使用酒精炉、煤气炉等危险用品、私接电线者,给予_______处分;引发火灾险情的,给予_______ 处分,并追究相关责任。
3、学生必须通过 _______ 门公共选修课程方可毕业。
4、综合素质测评包括德育、智育、体育、能力四个方面的内容,各项满分为100分,分别按 _______、_______、5%、_______的权重进行折算。
6 学校设立以下个人奖项:1、 _______ 2 、_______ 3 、_______ 4 、 ______ 5、_______ 6 、优秀毕业生
7、非毕业班奖学金设 _______、 _______、 _______、 _______等四个等级。
特等奖学金评奖比例不超过同年级同专业学生数的_______%,奖金为每人 _______元一年;一等奖学金比例不超过同年级同专业学生数的 4%,奖金为每人 1000 元一年;二等奖学金比例不超过同年级同专业学生数的 7%,奖金为每人 _______元一年;三
等奖学金比例不超过同年级同专业学生数的_____%,奖金为每人 ______元一年;
8、学生请假必须由本人_______ ,确因事情紧急来不及办理手续者,应事先电
话请假并委托他人办理 _______ 。
及时通知所在系的 _______。
三、简答题( 20 分)
(每问至少答四点)(8 分)
中断资助并收回资助资金?( 12 分)
四、论述题( 30 分)