













(单选题)A. 推荐航线B. 警戒区C. 避航区D. 双向航路试题答案:B2、根据藤井弥平,在下列有关船舶的总吨与船舶垂线间长的相关关系的描述中正确的是哪一个()。

(单选题)A. 船舶的总吨与船舶的垂线间长成线性关系B. 船舶的总吨与船舶的垂线间长成正比例关系C. 船舶的总吨与船舶的垂线间长的平方成正比D. 船舶的总吨与船舶的垂线间长的三次方成正比试题答案:D3、船舶进船闸时船位摆的很好,吊向点也正确,结果还是擦碰了闸壁的原因可能是:()(单选题)A. 船速过快B. 停车过迟C. 船舶排水量太大D. 没有掌握好漂距试题答案:D4、第一个国际海上避碰规则产生于何时何地()。

(单选题)A. 1912年伦敦B. 1889年华盛顿C. 1863年巴黎D. 1897年伦敦试题答案:B5、一般来说,潮流界以下的河段在转流时,其水面的转流规律是:()(单选题)A. 河心比河岸先转流B. 两岸比河心先转流C. 整个断面同时转流D. 水面比河心先转流试题答案:B6、以下陈述错误的是哪个()。

(单选题)A. 如航道较窄或航道轴线与流向交角较大时,侧面标志可叫交错分布B. 侧面浮标走向尽可能与航道轴线平行C. 侧面标志尽可能沿航道轴线对成等距离布设D. 同侧等距离或非等距离侧面标志均可试题答案:D7、船舶上行过浅滩河段时,最好()3~5cm。

(单选题)A. 艏倾B. 艉倾C. 左倾D. 右倾试题答案:A8、风险评估是指对工程或系统遭受损失或失败的可能性或可能程度的评价,以及对()的评价。

(单选题)A. 危险程度B. 风险可接受性C. 人员伤亡状况D. 经济损失程度试题答案:B9、从水表面至水底的垂直距离称:()(单选题)A. 水深B. 水位C. 高程D. 绘图水深试题答案:A10、1840年英国引航公会在汽船航行规则中纳入()规定。



引航站考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 引航站的主要功能是什么?A. 船舶修理B. 船舶引航C. 货物装卸D. 海事管理答案:B2. 根据国际海事组织的规定,以下哪项不是引航员的基本职责?A. 确保船舶安全航行B. 提供气象信息C. 负责船舶维护D. 协助处理紧急情况答案:C3. 在引航过程中,引航员需要与哪些人员进行沟通?A. 船长和船员B. 海关官员C. 港口管理局D. 所有以上选项答案:D4. 引航站通常位于哪个区域?A. 河流入海口C. 远海区域D. 任何水域答案:A5. 以下哪项不是引航站提供的服务?A. 引航服务B. 船舶定位服务C. 导航设备维护D. 船舶修理服务答案:D6. 引航员在引航过程中需要遵守哪些原则?A. 安全优先B. 效率优先C. 成本优先D. 安全和效率并重答案:D7. 引航站的建立需要考虑哪些因素?A. 地理位置B. 气候条件C. 经济成本D. 所有以上选项答案:D8. 引航站的运营需要哪些机构的批准?B. 海事局C. 船东协会D. 所有以上选项答案:B9. 引航员在引航前需要进行哪些准备工作?A. 了解船舶性能B. 检查导航设备C. 熟悉航道情况D. 所有以上选项答案:D10. 以下哪项不是引航站的运营成本?A. 人员工资B. 设备维护C. 船舶使用费D. 办公耗材答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 引航站的主要职责包括以下哪些方面?(ACD)A. 提供引航服务B. 收取引航费用C. 确保引航安全D. 维护航道秩序12. 引航员在引航过程中需要考虑的因素包括哪些?(ABD)A. 船舶的操纵性能B. 航道的复杂程度C. 船舶的载重吨位D. 当时的气象条件13. 以下哪些属于引航站需要遵守的国际法规?(ABD)A. 国际海上避碰规则B. 国际海上人命安全公约C. 国际船舶载重线公约D. 国际海事卫星通信公约14. 引航站的建立需要考虑的自然条件包括哪些?(ABD)A. 水深B. 潮汐C. 风向D. 海流15. 引航站提供的服务不包括以下哪些内容?(CE)A. 引航服务B. 导航咨询C. 船舶修理E. 货物装卸三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 引航站的建立必须经过国家海事局的批准。



2021引航员考试真题模拟及答案(2)共681道题1、河流中某河段水位站设置多少是根据河段中()大小确定的(单选题)A. 流速B. 比降C. 流量D. 水位试题答案:B2、根据我国有关规范,单个锚位(或泊位)所占的水域范围有哪几种考虑因素()。

(单选题)A. 单锚锚泊,单浮系泊和双浮系泊B. 单锚锚泊,单浮系泊C. 单锚锚泊,双锚锚泊D. 单锚锚泊试题答案:A3、()运动是平原河流推移质运动的一种主要形式。

(单选题)A. 沙波B. 推移质C. 悬移质D. 层移质试题答案:A4、我国通航的湖泊,多为(),它可视为河流的展宽段,故对河流的水位有调节作用(单选题)A. 过流湖B. 内流湖C. 外流湖D. 内陆湖试题答案:A5、根据能见距离的大小,将能见度分为()等级。

(单选题)A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 12试题答案:C6、一般来说,整个明适应过程大约需要()的时间就趋于完成。

(单选题)A. 10MINB. 3SC. 20SD. 1MIN试题答案:D7、落位的标准是:()(单选题)A. 航向与流向的夹角要小B. 离岸距离要适当C. 定向航行距离要拉得长D. 以上都对试题答案:D8、英吉利海峡船舶定线制包含的定线措施包括()。

(单选题)A. 分道通航制和沿岸通航带B. 分道通航制、深水航路和避航区C. 分道通航制、警戒区和深水航路D. 分道通航制、沿岸通航带、深水航路和避航区试题答案:D9、一般般地说,浅滩上的横流常分布在()①鞍槽上端;②鞍槽中部;③鞍槽下端。

(单选题)A. ①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ①②③试题答案:D10、通航水域具有适合船舶航行的条件,这些条件涉及()。

(单选题)A. 水面和水上空间B. 水深C. 水文D. 气象E. 地形F. 地质G. 以上都是试题答案:G11、若某处的绝对水位为M米,该处的当地零点高程为N米,则该处的当地水位应为()米(单选题)A. M+NB. MD. M-N试题答案:D12、水库按水位变化可分为常年回水段和()两个区段(单选题)A. 回水变动段B. 拦河建筑物C. 闸坝D. 渠化河段试题答案:A13、()建立的海上浮标制度(MBS)将浮标系统分为A,B二个区域。






A.审查竞聘人员资格条件B.在本单位公布竞聘岗位,资格条件,聘期等信息C.制定竞聘上岗方案D.考评【答案】:C4.一种认识是不是真理,要看它()A.能否付诸实践B.能否被多数人认可C.能否满足人的需要D.能否在实践中最终取得预期的效果【答案】:D1/ 165.下列三部著作成书的先后顺序是()。









助理引航员报考条件-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述助理引航员是航空领域中的一个重要职位,承担着指导飞机起降和巡航航行的任务。




- 首先,助理引航员需要取得合格的航空学士学位。



- 其次,助理引航员需要具备一定的身体条件。



- 第三,助理引航员还需要具备一定的英语水平。







1.2 文章结构文章结构部分主要介绍了本文的组织结构和各个章节的内容。


本文按照以下结构进行组织:2.正文2.1 第一要点- 介绍第一要点的背景和重要性- 分析第一要点的具体内容和要求- 提供相关的参考资料和实例2.2 第二要点- 介绍第二要点的背景和重要性- 分析第二要点的具体内容和要求- 提供相关的参考资料和实例2.3 第三要点- 介绍第三要点的背景和重要性- 分析第三要点的具体内容和要求- 提供相关的参考资料和实例3.结论3.1 总结要点- 对前面章节的要点进行简单总结- 强调助理引航员报考条件的重要性和合理性3.2 对未来影响- 分析助理引航员的未来发展前景和职业发展路径- 探讨助理引航员报考条件的对个人未来的影响3.3 建议和展望- 提出对助理引航员报考条件的改进建议- 展望未来助理引航员行业的发展趋势和可能的变化通过上述文章结构,读者能够清晰地了解文章的内容组织,并能在不同章节中获得相关的信息和知识。






三、考试内容(一)理论知识考试1. 船舶操纵原理;2. 港口交通流组织;3. 航海仪器使用与维护;4. 应急处置与安全操作;5. 法律法规与职业道德。

(二)实践技能考试1. 船舶进出港引航操作;2. 港口危险货物运输管理;3. 应急救援与消防演练;4. 现场指挥与协作。
























单选题() [单选题] *A. ①②③④(正确答案)B. ②③④C. ①③④D. ①②④2.根据《关于控制与管理船舶压载水减少有害水生物和病原体传播的指南》,当船位位于__时,应尽量减少或避免加装压载水。


单选题() [单选题] *A. ①②③④(正确答案)B. ①②③C. ②③④D. ①③④3.以下____不是船舶组织应急演习的目的。

单选题() [单选题] *A. 满足 PSC 及 FSC 检查要求(正确答案)B. 使船员熟悉应变岗位及职责C. 使船员熟练掌握应急设备的操作技能D. 检查试验应急器材设备的技术状态4.根据《1966年国际载重线公约》的规定,对证书的延期应在证书上签署,并只有在影响船舶干舷尺度的__无变动的情况下才能准许。


单选题() [单选题] *A.①②③④(正确答案)B. ①②③C. ①③④D. ①②④5.根据船舶安全监督规则,__船舶应当建立开航前自查制度,在离泊前应当对船舶安全技术状况和货物装载情况进行自查。

单选题() [单选题] *A. 检查中被发现缺陷的船舶B. 外国籍C. 任何国际航行的客船和 500 总吨以上货船D. 中国籍(正确答案)6.根据 SOLAS 公约对客船上的消防巡逻的规定,以下说法不正确的是__。

单选题() [单选题] *A. 在载客超过 36 人的客船上应保持有效的巡逻制度,以便迅速探知火灾的发生B. 应对每名消防巡逻员进行培训C.每名消防巡逻员应熟悉船舶的布置以及可能需要由他使用的任何设备的位置和操作方法D. 应为每名消防巡逻员配备一套消防员装备(正确答案)7.根据《1966年国际船舶载重线公约》的规定,我国国际航行船舶热带淡水干舷用___来表示。



SECTION I CHOICES(76%)1. Every chart is liable to be incomplete __________________.A.the final judge of the reliance the mariner can place on the information givenB.its immediate importance cannot always be verified before promulgationC.through imperfections in the survey on which it is based, or subsequent alterations tothe topography or sea floorD.deferring the promulgation of certain less important information2. Your ship is dead in the water with the rudder amidships. As the right-handed screw starts to turn ahead,the bow will tend to go ________.A. to starbaordB. to portC. straight aheadD. as influenced by the tide and sea3. MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines__________________.A. Dredging (of anchor)B. Dragging (of anchor)C. Weighing anchorD. Walking out anchor4. An alternating light ______.A. shows a light with varying lengths of the lighted periodB. shows a light that changes colorC. marks an alternate lesser-used channelD. is used as a replacement for another light5. All echo-sounders can measure the ______.A. actual depth of waterB. actual depth of water below keelC. average depth from waterline to hard bottomD. average depth of water to soft bottom6. A vessel moored with two anchors, sometimes, at an exposed roadstead to______.A. aid turning the shipB. obtain a fine bearingC. increase ship swings to wind or tideD. lighten the stress of anchor chains7.If there is any doubt as to the proper operation of a radar, which statement is true?_________________A. Only a radar expert can determine if the radar is operatingB. All radars have indicator lights and alarms to signal improper operationC. A radar range compared to the actual range of a known object can be used to cheek theoperation of the radarD. The radar resolution detector must be energized to check the radar8. A security level, at which the ship or port facility normally operates, and for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times is defined as ______________ in maritime security.A.Security level 1B. Security level 2C. Security level 3D. Security level 49. Your vessel is port side to a pier with a spring line led aft from the bow. In calm weather,putting the engines ahead with the rudder hard left should bring _______.A. the bow in and the stern outB. both the bow and stern inC. the bow out and the stern inD. both the bow and stern out10. Your vessel is listing 4° to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefightingwater in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by the head with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take FIRST?A. Press up the slack NO.1 starboard double bottom tankB. Pump out the forepeak tankC. Eliminate the water in the tween-decks aftD. Jettison stores out of the paint locker in the forecastle11. In international code of signal, the letter signifying “you are running into danger” is ____.A.PB. UC. QD. R12. The principal advantage of a rhumb line is that _____________.A.It is the shortest wayB.It is longest wayC.It maintains constant true directionD.It maintains variable true direction13. Pilot ladder, accommodation ladder, hoist, etc., necessary for a safe transfer of the pilot areknown as______________A. riggingsB. gearsC. boarding arrangementsD. fittings14. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information givenin the Admiralty charts and other publications,since they ______.A. may always be complete and up-to-dateB. may not always be complete and up-to-dateC. may sometimes be complete and up-to-dateD. may not sometimes be complete and up-to-date15. During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course.A. movedB. laboredC. drivedD. went16. When stopped and thr usting, a ship’s pivot point is likely to be _____________.A. forwardB. left-wardC. right-wardD. afterward17. All vessels should be cautious__________ to anchor ,trawl ,lay cables,________ to conductany other similar type of operation because of residual danger from mines at the bottom.A. either/orB. not/norC. not only / but alsoD. neither/nor18. In light characteristics expression, “Oc (2+3)” means:A.OccultingB. Occasional flashingC. group-occultingD. Composite group-occulting19. Every vessel shall have due regard to the _____________ of restricted visibility when complying with the Rules.A.prevailed circumstances and conditionsB.circumstances and conditions which are prevailing at the momentC.prevailing circumstances and conditionsD.circumstances and conditions prevailed20. In international code of signal, the letter signifying “ keep well of me: I am on fire andhave dangerous cargo onboard” is ____.A.JB. DC. PD. T21.”Do you require any further assistance?” “my s hip is safe now and no assistance is necessary.”This VHF communication generally takes place during _________________.A.salvage operationB. cargo dischargingC. bunkeringD. towing operation22. One of the lifeboat’s crew managed to pick up a trailing rop e and with great difficulty and come damage the ship’s boat was drawn from a position under the flare of the lifeboat’s bow until off her starboard quarter. This means that ____.A.the lifeboat was taken to the starboard quarter of the ship’s boatB.the lifebo at is the same boat as the ship’s boatC.it was very difficult to savage the boat in distress, but it was doneD.the ship’s boat was assisting the life boat to survive23. _____________ is the average height of all low waters at a given place.A. MLWB. MLLWC. ISLWD. TCLLW24. On a twin-screw,twin-rudder vessel,the most effective way to turn in your own water,with no way on,is to put ______.A. one engine ahead and one engine astern,with full rudderB. one engine ahead and one engine astern,with rudders amidshipsC. both engines ahead,with full rudderD. both engines astern,with full rudder25. The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the ______.A. range of tideB. height of tideC. charted depthD. actual water depth26. A twin screw vessel, making headway with both engines turning ahead, will turn morereadily to starboard if you ______.A. reverse port engine, apply right rudderB. reverse port engine, rudder amidshipsC. reverse starboard engine, apply right rudderD. reverse starboard engine, rudder amidships27. NORTHEAST TAIWAN RYUKYU PARTLY CLOUDY SKIES WITH ISOLATED SHOWERS WIND NORTHEASTLY ZERO FIVE TO ONE FIVE KNOTS SEA MAINLY SLIGHT. The weather in this area is ____________.A. CLOUDYB. PARTLY CLOUDYC. CLEARD. OVERCAST28. Your vessel has anchored in a channel known to have strong tidal currents.To checkyour position you take a round of bearings,one of which is a range in line.One hour later the bearing on the lights in range opens up.This indicates ________.① The ship is swinging.② The ship is dragging her anchor.A. ① onlyB. ② onlyC. Either ① or ②D. Neither① nor ②29. Gradient currents caused indirectly _______________.A.by the windB.by the wind or by density differences in adjacent areasC.coriolis forceD.by ships sailing in the ocean30. The height of high water above chart datum is ________?A. The range of the tideB. The height of the tideC. The rise of the tideD. The vertical distance31. Two vessels are abreast of each other and passing port to port in a confined waterway. What should you expect as your bow approaches the screws of the other vessel?A. Your speed will significantly increase.B. Your draft will significantly decrease.C. Your bow will sheer towards the other vessel.D. Your bow will sheer away from the other vessel.32. Which statement is correct regarding the difference between currents and tidal streams?A.A current is seasonal and flows in the same direction for the season. The rate of flowmay change with the season.B.Tidal streams flood and ebb, that is they flow in two directions while flooding and inmost cases, though not necessarily, the opposite while ebbing.C.Tidal streams are seasonal and flow in the same direction for the season. The rate offlow may change with the season.D.A current flows in two directions. The rate of flow may change with the season.33. _______________ automatically provides the ship’s nautical officers with important information about nearby vessels or other relevant objects within VHF range.A. AISB. ECDISC. GPSD. VDR34. _______________ is an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one vhf coast station in which continuous Digital Selective Calling is available.A. Sea Area A1B. Sea Area A2C. Sea Area A3D. Sea Area A435. A red pillar light-buoy, Fl(2) 5s, is to be substituted for the green conical light-buoy close S. W. of the stranded wreck. The above sentence mainly refers to_________________A. a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoyB. a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoyC. either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replacedD. neither a red buy nor a green buoy is to be replaced36. Place names used on board ships should be those ______.A. specified by international authoritiesB. specified by national authoritiesC. on standard mapD. on the chart or Sailing Directions in use船上用的地名应是在海图和航路指南里使用的。



2021引航员考试真题模拟及答案(5)共681道题1、下行船舶因操作不当,致使船位偏离正常航线,称为()(单选题)A. 背脑B. 過向C. 输向D. 落弯试题答案:C2、根据IMO有关文件,下列哪个未列为船舶定线制()。

(单选题)A. 分道通航制B. 避航区C. 禁锚区D. 船舶掉头区试题答案:D3、关于船舶报告制度,下列说法中错误的是哪一个()。

(单选题)A. 报告系统的目的应清楚指明B. 报告应简单,并使用国际标准报告格式C. 报告的次数应保持最少D. 各种船舶报告都应在规定的时间或地点严格执行,不得延误试题答案:D4、在内河中,驾驶员做引航工作的基础是正确()。

(单选题)A. 判断船位B. 选择航向C. 选择航路D. 掌握本船操纵性能试题答案:A5、平弯河段凹岸水势扫弯,但扫弯水力量(),凸岸一侧水势平缓,流态平稳,流线圆顺。

(单选题)A. 强B. 弱C. 时强时弱D. 逐渐增增强试题答案:B6、了阻止船舶通过河口的双向通航水域,可以重点考虑使用下列哪种定线措施()。

(多选题)A. 双向航路B. 避航区C. 分道通航制D. 警戒区试题答案:A,C7、无论是三角洲河口或三角港河口,都有碍航的浅滩,在三角洲河口,浅滩多在口门,形成()。

(单选题)A. 拦拦门沙B. 岛屿C. 江心洲洲D. 沙坎试题答案:A8、下行过桥水流将使船位偏移,这种偏移与水位、流速、流舷角、船舶浸水面积、()与重心的相对位置及船舶的航速等有关。

①风压中心;②流压中心;③流向(单选题)A. ①B. ②C. ①③D. ①②试题答案:D9、上行船过急流滩,在河心乱水中,遇()_应绕避躲开。

(单选题)A. 泡水B. 漩水C. 卧槽水D. 披头水试题答案:C10、从水表面至水底的垂直距离称:()(单选题)A. 水深B. 水位C. 高程D. 绘图水深试题答案:A11、世界上第一个用以船舶交通服务的雷达站建于何时何地()。

(单选题)A. 1948伦敦B. 1932旧金山C. 1948鹿特丹D. 1948道格拉斯试题答案:D12、在5号浮标和6号浮标之间增加一浮标时,该呢局我国有关规定,新增浮标的编号可以是()。




(单选题)A. 甲板部船员B. 驾驶台值班人员C. 参与船舶驾驶的船员和引航员D. 船长、引航员和驾驶员试题答案:C2、内河航标的()是指船舶航行时必须离开航标的最小安全横距。

(单选题)A. 作用距离B. 设置距离C. 连线距离D. 左右距离试题答案:A3、关于AIS,下列说法中错误的是哪个()。

(单选题)A. 船载AIS的显示器上,船舶的船首向和航向改变可即使显现B. AIS抗雨雪干扰和海浪干扰的能力比雷达强C. 在船载AIS的图形显示器上,AIS可提供CPA和TCPA的信息D. AIS在电子航海系统中具有举足轻重的作用,可以代替雷达目标的跟试题答案:D4、天气预报中的风力等级是按()确定的(单选题)A. 阵风风速B. 瞬时风速C. 平均风速D. 最大风速试题答案:C5、根据交通部《水上交通事故统计办法》(2002年),船舶因()引起的全损按自沉事故统计。

I、漏水II、超载III、码头装货中IV、触礁V、原因不明VI、火灾(单选题)A. Ⅰ~III,VB. II~VC. I~IIID. I~IV,VI试题答案:A6、下列说法哪个不正确?()(单选题)A. 航道弯曲半径越大越好B. 航道弯曲半径越小越好C. 航道弯曲中心角越大越好D. 航道弯曲系数越小越好试题答案:B7、6级风风速为()m/s(单选题)A. 5.5~7.9B. 8.0~10.7C. 10.8~13.8D. 13.9~17.1试题答案:C8、有些较顺直的双滑梁河段,因水面背流水底对流的双向环流作用,河心呈现(),是上、下行船舶航行要抓的重点水势(单选题)A. 拦马泡C. 漩水D. 夹堰水试题答案:B9、水道中的交通达到最佳船舶密度时的交通量称为()。

(单选题)A. 最佳交通量B. 最大交通量C. 自由交通量D. 阻塞交通量试题答案:B10、漩水的旋转方向有一定的规律性,下列说法正确的是:()(单选题)A. 主流左侧的漩水逆时针旋转,主流右侧的漩水顺时针旋转B. 主流左侧的漩水顺时针旋转,主流右侧的漩水逆时针旋转C. 主流左、右侧的漩水均顺时针旋转D. 主流左、右侧的漩水均逆时针旋转试题答案:A11、导标的颜色是:()(单选题)A. 背景明亮处为红色B. 背景明亮处为黑色C. 背景深暗处均为白色D. 以上都对试题答案:D12、使船首尾线与沙脊棱线处于()状态通过沙脊不仅可以减小后坡回波而引起的偏航,还可以保证船舶以最小的航迹带通过鞍槽。



一级引航员考试题库答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 引航员在船舶进出港时,必须遵循的首要原则是什么?A. 船舶安全B. 经济利益C. 环境保护D. 个人荣誉答案:A2. 根据国际海事组织的规定,引航员在执行任务时,应持有哪种证书?A. 船舶驾驶证B. 引航员证书C. 船长证书D. 轮机长证书答案:B3. 在能见度不良的情况下,引航员应采取哪些措施以确保航行安全?A. 增加航速B. 保持航速不变C. 减速并使用雷达D. 立即停航答案:C4. 引航员在进行引航作业时,应如何与船长沟通?A. 通过无线电B. 通过手势C. 面对面交流D. 通过书面文件答案:C5. 引航员在船舶靠泊时,应如何判断船舶与码头的距离?A. 依靠经验B. 使用声纳设备C. 观察水面波纹D. 使用激光测距仪答案:D6. 引航员在船舶离港时,应如何确保船舶安全?A. 快速驶离B. 缓慢驶离C. 保持航速不变D. 根据潮汐情况调整航速答案:D7. 引航员在遇到紧急情况时,应如何处置?A. 立即通知船长B. 等待船长指示C. 独立作出决策D. 放弃引航答案:A8. 引航员在船舶通过狭窄水道时,应如何操作?A. 增加航速B. 保持航速不变C. 减速并密切注意周围环境D. 立即停航答案:C9. 引航员在船舶进入港口时,应如何判断船舶的航向?A. 依靠经验B. 使用罗盘C. 观察周围地标D. 使用GPS设备答案:D10. 引航员在船舶离开港口后,应如何确保船舶的航向正确?A. 依靠经验B. 使用罗盘C. 观察周围地标D. 使用GPS设备答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)11. 引航员在执行任务时,需要考虑的因素包括哪些?A. 船舶的尺寸和类型B. 港口的设施和规定C. 当地的气候和海况D. 船长的个人偏好答案:A, B, C12. 引航员在船舶靠泊过程中,需要与哪些人员协作?A. 船长B. 码头工作人员C. 引航船员D. 港口管理局人员答案:A, B, C, D13. 引航员在船舶离港时,需要考虑的因素包括哪些?A. 潮汐和水流B. 船舶的载重情况C. 港口的交通状况D. 船长的个人偏好答案:A, B, C14. 引航员在船舶通过狭窄水道时,需要采取哪些措施?A. 减速B. 密切注意周围环境C. 使用雷达和声纳设备D. 保持航速不变答案:A, B, C15. 引航员在船舶进入港口时,需要考虑的因素包括哪些?A. 船舶的尺寸和类型B. 港口的设施和规定C. 当地的气候和海况D. 船长的个人偏好答案:A, B, C三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 引航员在船舶进出港时,应始终将船舶安全放在首位。



中华人民共和国海事局2005年第1期一级引航员适任证书全国统考试题科目:航海英语(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为60分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑.第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至80题每题5分.一.单项选择题1. your nessel is approaching a bend. Y ou hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. Y oushould______.A. back your enginesB. stop your engines and driftC. answer with one prolonged blastD. sound the danger signal2. you hear the fog signal of another vessel forward of your beam. Risk of collision may exist. you______.A. begin a radar plotB. stop your enginesC. take all way off, if necessaryD. all of the above3. Deep draught vessels may have to make use of the height of tide in order to have a safe under keelclearance in areas where depths are ______.A. sufficientB. normalC. abnormalD. critical4.Buoys are generally described in detail only when they have special navigational ______, or wherethe scale of the chart is too small to show all the details clearly.A. dangerB. aidsC. significanceD. appropriateness5. Y our radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will NOT appear to move acrossthe PPI scope?A.Echoes from a buoyB.Own ship's markerC. Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speedD. Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed6. The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry Collision A voidance System means _______.A. plan position indicatorB. plain position indicatorC. plane position indicationD. policy proof of interest7. Y our vessel is anchored in an open roadstead with three shackles of chain out on the port anchor.The wind freshens considerably and the anchor begins to drag. Which action should you takeFIRST?A. Drop the starboard anchor short with about one shot of chainB. Sheer out to starboard using the rudder,then drop the starboard anchor with about four shots ofchainC. Put the engines slow ahead to help the anchorD. V eer out more chain on the port anchor8. which vessel should not impede the navigation of a power-driven vessel?A. a vessel not under commandB. a vessel engaged in fishingC. a sailing vesselD. a seaplane 9. A plane that cuts the Earth's surface and passes through the poles will always form ______.A. the equatorB. a meridianC. a small circleD. a loxodromic curve10. Y ou are attempting to locate your position with reference to a hurricane center in the NorthernHemisphere.If the wind direction remains steady but velocity diminishes with time,you are most likely ______.A. in the right semicircleB. in the left semicircleC. on the storm track ahead of the centerD. on the storm track behind the center11. A coastal current ______.A. is generated by waves striking the beachB. flows outside the surf zoneC. flows in a circular patternD. is also known as a longshore current12. If you must pump bilges while a vessel is in port,you should pump only ______.A. if discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeB. during the hours of darknessC. on the outgoing tideD. as much as is necessary13. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given in theAdmiralty charts and other publications,since they ______.A. may always be complete and up-to-dateB. may not always be complete and up-to-dateC. may sometimes be complete and up-to-dateD. may not sometimes be complete and up-to-date14. On a twin-screw,twin-rudder vessel,the most effective way to turn in your own water,with noway on,is to put ______.A. one engine ahead and one engine astern,with full rudderB. one engine ahead and one engine astern,with rudders amidshipsC. both engines ahead,with full rudderD. both engines astern,with full rudder15. Y ou must shore up the collision bulkhead due to solid flooding forward. The bulkheadapproximates a triangle. The center of pressure of the shores on the bulkhead should be located ______.A. evenly over the surface of the bulkheadB. approximately one-half the height of the bulkheadC. approximately one-third the height of the bulkheadD. at the bottom of the bulkhead16. Whenever a new method of work is introduced,experts will ______ thoroughly what new risksmay arise.A. look atB. look forC. look intoD. look on17. When using distress frequencies to call a station via the radiotelephone you shall ______ . ① Call astation for a period of not more than 30 seconds in each instance.② Wait an interval of at least 2 minutes between calls to a station.③ Cease calling for at least 15 minutes when a station does not reply to your call sent three times.A. ① and ② onlyB. ② and ③ onlyC. ① and ③ onlyD. ①② and ③18. “Full speed ahead” and “Full speed astern” are ________,which given by the officers or thepilots.A. sailing ordersB. speed ordersC. wheel ordersD. telegraph orders19. It is good practice to use long towlines for ocean tows because the ______.A. wear on the towline is equalizedB. weight of the towline increases the towing forceC. dip in the towline absorbs shock loadsD. danger of overriding is reduced20. A swift current occurring in a narrow passage connecting two large bodies of water which isproduced by the continuously changing difference in height of tide at the two ends of the passage is called a(n) ______.A. hydraulic currentB. rectilinear currentC. rotary currentD. harmonic current21. A snag or other underwater obstruction may form a ______.A. V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing upstreamB. V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing downstreamC. small patch of smooth water on a windy dayD. smoothing out of the vessel's wake22. How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear?A. Light blue hazeB. Light brown hazeC. Light gray hazeD. Perfectly clear23. As the propeller turns,voids are formed on the trailing and leading edges of the propeller bladescausing a loss of propulsive efficiency,______,and vibration. These voids are known ascavitation.A. deformation of the bladesB. crack of the bladesC. crispation of the bladesD. pitting of the blades24. Y ou notice that your speed has decreased,the stern of your vessel has settled into the water,andyour rudder is sluggish in responding. The MOST likely cause is ______.A. mechanical problems with the steering gearB. shallow waterC. loss of lubricating oil in the engineD. current t25. In stopping distances of vessels,head reach can best be described as the ______.A. difference between the vessel's speed through the water at any instant and the new speedordered on the telegraphB. distance the vessel has actually run through the water since a change of speed was orderedC. distance the vessel will run between taking action to stop her and being stationary in thewaterD. speed at which a vessel should proceed to ensure that she will run a predetermined distance,once her engines have been stopped26. Y ou are upbound approaching a lock and dam and see two green lights in a vertical line. Thisindicates ______.A. the downstream end of an intermediate wallB. that a double lockage is in progressC. the downstream end of the land wallD. the navigable pass of a fixed weir dam27. Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of trafficseparation schemes?(1)A vessel shall,so far as practicable,avoid crossing traffic lanes (2)If obliged to cross traffic lanes,she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.A. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. Both(1) and (2)D. Neither (1) nor (2)28. The officer on duty looked down into the sea for inspection but no ______ of any floating objectwas seen.A. signB. remarkC. traceD. acknowledgement29. Several merchant ships are arriving at the scene of a distress incident. One of the them mustassume the duties of the Coordinator Surface Search (CSS). Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. CSS duties are always assumed by passenger vessels,dry cargo vessels,or tankers in thatorder of precedenceB. The CSS must be established by mutual agreement between the ships concernedC. A tank vessel should never be assigned CSS duties unless only tank vessels are presentD. The first vessel to arrive at the distress incident is designated as the CSS30. Following a collision or accident,the Master of each vessel involved must render assistance topersons affected by the collision or accident ______.A. if he can do so without any risk to his vesselB. if he can do so without undue delayC. if he can do so without serious danger to his vessel or to individuals on boardD. without regard to any danger to his vessel31. Y ou are proceeding to a distress site and expect large numbers of people in the water. Whichstatement is TRUE?A. Y ou should stop to windward of the survivors in the water and only use the ship's boats torecover the survivorsB. If the survivors are in inflatable rafts you should approach from windward to create a lee forthe survivorsC. An inflatable life raft secured alongside can be an effective boarding station for transfer ofsurvivors from the boatsD. Survivors in the water should never be permitted alongside due to the possibility of injuryfrom the vessel32. Y our ship is dead in the water with the rudder amidships. As the right-handed screw starts to turnahead,the bow will tend to go ________.A. to starbaordB. to portC. straight aheadD. as influenced by the tide and sea33. OWING TROPICAL STORM9706 CROSSING OUR/COURSE PLSPERMIT SHELTERINGKAGOSHIMA KAIWAN. This cable indicates that ______.A. she requested shelter permissionB. she intended to berth at port of KAGOSHIMAC. she intended to change her courseD. she was reporting to the port that a tropical storm is coming34. the continuing boom in the transportation of oil and the increasing scale of oil pollution incidentsresulted in serious international concern for the marine environment, not only as a result ofaccidents but also through______, such as the cleaning of cargo tanks.A. routine tanker pollutionB. routine tanker operationsC.routine oil disposalD. routine oil carriage35. Which of the following is a natural calamities?A. mutinyB. barratryC. blockadeD. sink36. A synthetic mooring line is being heaved on a capstan.There is moderate strain on the line.Theline begins to slip.Which of the following should be done? ① Stop the capstan and take extra turns.② Have more than one seaman keep a substantial strain on the line and continue heavingeasy.A. ① onlyB. ② onlyC. Both ① and ②D. Neither ① nor ②37. Y our vessel is port side to a pier with a spring line led aft from the bow. In calm weather,puttingthe engines ahead with the rudder hard left should bring _______.A. the bow in and the stern outB. both the bow and stern inC. the bow out and the stern inD. both the bow and stern out38. Y ou are using the anchor to steady the bow while maneuvering. Y ou have the proper scope ofanchor cable when the ______.A. bow is held in position with the engines coming slowly aheadB. anchor is just touching the bottomC. scope is not more than 5 times the depth of the waterD. cable enters the water at an angle between 60° and 85° from the horizontal39. Prior to boarding from a vessel, a davit-launched life raft should be well ventilated of excess______.A. hydrocarbon gasB. carbon monoxide gasC. carbon dioxide gasD. freon gas40. Each vessel in ocean and coastwise service must have an approved EPIRB. An EPIRB ______.A. must be stowed in a manner so that it will float free if the vessel sinksB. must be stowed where it is readily accessible for testing and useC. is a devise that transmits a radio signalD. All of the above41. Radiation spreads a fire by ______.A. transferring heat across an unobstructed spaceB. heated gases flowing through ventilation systemsC. burning liquids flowing into another spaceD. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship's metal42. Making water rapidly in all holds,all passengers and crew were ordered on deck ______ and allboats were lowered to rail.A. in life jacketsB. with life jacketsC. with life jackets onD. putting on life jackets43. Y our vessel is listing 4° to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water inthe hull. The ship is trimmed down by the head with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Whichaction should you take FIRST?A. Press up the slack NO.1 starboard double bottom tankB. Pump out the forepeak tankC. Eliminate the water in the tween decks aftD. Jettison stores out of the paint locker in the fo'c'sle44. ______ the visibility to reduce to one mile by heavy rain,it ______ be impossible to rescue thevessel in distress.A. Was/wouldB. Were/wouldC. Is/willD. Is/is to45. Every state ,whether coastal or not,______ to sail ships under its flag on the high seas.A. has no rightB. has the rightC. has partial rightD. has not any right46. MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OFTHE VESSEL defines ______.A. Dredging (of anchor)B. Dragging (of anchor)C. Weighing anchorD. Walking out anchor47. Safety of navigation is dealt with in chapter V of the SOLAS Convention which identifies certainnavigation safety services which should be provided by Contracting Governments and sets forth provisions of an operational nature applicable in general to all ships on all voyages. This is ______ the Convention as a whole, which only applies to certain classes of ship engaged on international voyages.A. in contrast toB. in compliance withC. the essence ofD. representing48. What does MBDD mean on the load waterline mark?A. Timber tropical load waterlineB. Timber summer load waterlineC. Timber winter load waterlineD. Timber winter North Atlantic load waterline49. All echo-sounders can measure the ______.A. actual depth of waterB. actual depth of water below keelC. average depth from waterline to hard bottomD. average depth of water to soft bottom50. When a vessel violates an oil pollution act,who may be held responsible?A. Master onlyB. Owners onlyC. Licensed officer on watchD. Any individual connected with the vessel51. a vessel moored with two anchors, sometimes, at an exposed roadstead to______.A. aid turning the shipB. obtain a fine bearingC. increase ship swings to wind or tideD. lighten the stress of anchor chains52. A twin screw vessel, making headway with both engines turning ahead, will turn more readily tostarboard if you ______.A. reverse port engine, apply right rudderB. reverse port engine, rudder amidshipsC. reverse starboard engine, apply right rudderD. reverse starboard engine, rudder amidships53. A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall ________.A. avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the schemeB. avoid crossing traffic lanes,but if obliged to do so,shall cross on as small an angle as ispracticalC. only anchor in the separation zoneD. use the separation zone for navigating through the scheme if she is hindering other traffic dueto her slower speed54. According to the Rules,a vessel's length is her ________.A. length between the perpendicularsB. length along the waterlineC. length overallD. registered length55. At sea you sight two red lights.This would indicate ________.A. A vessel engaged in laying cable.B. A vessel not under command.C. A vessel launching and recovering aircraft.D. All of the above.56. Concerning the identification signal for a pilot vessel,in fog,which statement is TRUE?A. When at anchor,the pilot vessel is only required to sound anchor signals.B. The identification signal must be sounded any time the pilot vessel is underway.C. The pilot vessel may only sound the identity signal when making way.D. All of the above57. Five or more short blasts on a vessel's whistle indicates that she is ________.A. in doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collisionB. altering course to starboardC. altering course to portD. the stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed58. If a sailing vessel with the wind on the port side sees a sailing vessel to windward and cannot tellwhether the other vessel has the wind on the port or starboard side,she shall ________.A. hold course and speedB. sound the danger signalC. keep out of the way of the other vesselD. turn to port and come into the wind59. In a narrow channel,a signal of intent which must be answered by the other vessel,is sounded bya vessel ________.A. meeting another head-onB. crossing the course of anotherC. overtaking anotherD. Any of the above60. In order for a stand-on vessel to take action in a situation,she must determine that the other vessel________.A. is restricted in her ability to maneuverB. has sounded the danger signalC. is not taking appropriate actionD. has not changed course since risk of collision was determined61. The Navigation Rules state that a vessel shall be operated at a safe speed at all times so that she canbe stopped within ________.A. the distance of visibilityB. 1/2 the distance of visibilityC. a distance appropriate to the existing circumstances and conditionsD. the distance that it would require for the propeller to go from full ahead to full astern62. Traffic separation schemes established by the International Maritime Organization ________.A. provide routing and scheduling procedures to reduce shipping delaysB. provide traffic patterns in congested areas,so that vessels can operate without having aseparate lookoutC. provide inbound and outbound lanes to promote the safe flow of vessel trafficD. prohibit vessels carrying hazardous cargoes from entering waters that are environmentallysensitive63. Y ou are underway in restricted visibility. Y ou hear the fog signal of another vessel about22°onyour starboard bow. If danger of collision exists you must ________.A. reduce your speed to bare steeragewayB. slow your engines and let the other vessel pass ahead of youC. alter the course to starboard to pass around the other vessel's sternD. alter course to port to pass the other vessel on its port side64. Y our 15-meter tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow channel. A large container vessel isoff your port bow on a steady bearing. Which statement is TRUE concerning this situation?A. Y ou should maintain course and speedB. The container vessel is the stand-on as it is the larger vesselC. Y ou are not to impede the safe passage of the container vessel in the channelD. None of the above65. The meaning of SLACKEN HER SPEED is ________.A. increase ship's speedB. slow down ship's speedC. make up ship's speedD. fix up ship's speed66. Y our vessel has anchored in a channel known to have strong tidal currents.To check your positionyou take a round of bearings,one of which is a range in line.One hour later the bearing on the lights in range opens up.This indicates ________.① The ship is swinging.② The ship is dragging her anchor.A. ① onlyB. ② onlyC. Either ① or ②D. Neither ① nor ②67. While underway,in fog,you hear a whistle signal of one prolonged blast followed by two shortblasts. This signal is sounded by a vessel ________.A. not under commandB. being towedC. on pilotage dutyD. aground68. Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision?A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vesselB. Systematic observation of objects detected by radarC. Long-range radar scanningD. All of the above二.关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:When SEA EMPRESS was two or three cables from the Channel entrance,the pilot saw from the changing aspect of the Outer Leading Lights that there was a set to the east. He ordered a course change of 5° to port. The vessel,which was now closing with the Mid Channel Rocks Light Buoy,started to turn to port. The pilot saw the Outer Leading Lights close and then open to the east as the bows entered the channel. The Buoy was very close to starboard and the pilot now saw that the fixed red and fixed white lights of the Outer Leading Lights,the ones indicating the east side of the deepest water in the Channel entrance,were also open to the east.After the bows had passed the Middle Channel Rocks Light to starboard there was a shuddering vibration,then a sound from the deck below of liquid being forced under pressure,accompanied by a strong smell of oil. The helmsman reported that the vessel was not steering and the pilot ordered 'full astern'. The Chief Officer recorded this order and the vessel's position,which was 1.4 cables northwest of Middle Channel Rocks Light. SEA EMPRESS,which was trimming by the head and taking a starboard list,continued to run ahead as the main engine was on full astern. There were further main engine movements and the vessel finally lost all way after she grounded again in a position about 3.3 cables south-by-west of the Mill Bay Buoy. The main engine was put to 'stop'. SEA EMPRESS was by this time significantly trimmed by the head and had taken an 18°list to starboard with the starboard fore part of the deck awash and was heading in a northwesterly direction.69. The course of SEA EMPRESS,when entering the Channel entrance,was most likely in a directionof ______.A. NorthB. EastC. SouthD. West70. “The pilot saw the Outer Leading Lights close and then open to the east as the bows entered thechannel”. This indica tes that ______.A. the front Leading Light appeared to move to the left of the rear Leading LightB. the rear Leading Light appeared to move to the right of the front Leading LightC. the front Leading Light appeared to move to the east of the rear Leading LightD. the rear Leading Light appeared to move to the east of the front Leading Light71. When SEA EMPRESS was grounded the second time,her smallest freeboard was on her ______.A. port side before mid sectionB. port side after mid sectionC. starboard side before mid sectionD. starboard side after mid section72. A conclusion can be drawn from this passage that SEA EMPRESS was grounded at about ______hours (LT).A. 0200B. 0900C. 1900D. 2200第二组:The Channel Navigation Information Service (CNIS) provides a radio safety service by scheduled broadcasts or on request, to individual vessels on passage through the Dover Strait. The area covered by the service extends from the Greenwich Light-house (50-24.5N, 0-00.0) to the latitude of Noord Hinder Light-buoy (52-00N, 2-51E) all vessels within the area should listen to the appropriate VHF broadcasts. Radar surveillance is provided by stations at Saint Margaret’s Bay (51-09N, 1-24E) and Cap Gris-Nez (50-52N, 1-35E) and covers some 110 miles of the Dover Strait with Cap Gris-Nez a few miles NE of the center point of the area. V essels participating in the MAREP scheme are tracked by Radar as are those, which contravene the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions. The limits of area surveyed by radar are shown on the chart.Broadcasts are made by Dover Strait Coastguard and Cap Gris-Nez (CROSSMA) and comprise navigational and traffic information of immediate interest together with the movements of vessels which appear to be acting in contravention of the rules governing the scheme. The latter may be identified by aircraft, helicopters or surface vessels and subsequently reported to Flag States.Dover Coastguard also provide assistance to establish the position of vessels through a combination of Radar, DF and VHF, but caution must be exercised due to the inherent uncertainty in establishing the identity of any particular radar echo.73. The CNIS service covers an area______.A. from 50°24′.5N, 00°00′.0 to 52°00′N, 2°51′EB. from 50°52′N, 1°35′E to 51°09′NC. from 50°24′.5N, 00°00′.0 to 52°00′ND. from 50°52′N, 1°35′E to 51°09′N, 1°24′E74. ______may be identified by aircraft.A. vessels participating in the MAREP schemeB. vessels contravening the governing rulesC. any vessel whose position is established through combination of radar, DF and VHFD. any vessel proceeding within the area covered by the Channel Navigation Information Service75. Assistance to establish the position of vessels through a combination of radar, DF and VHF isprovided by .A. Dover CoastguardB. CROSSNAC. Radar surveillance provided by stations at Saint Margaret’s Bay and Cap Gris-NezD. the Channel Navigation Information Service76. A radio safety service to individual vessels on passage through the Dover Strait can be providedby .A. a radar surveillance station at Saint Margaret’s BayB. Dover Strait CoastguardC.CROSSMAD. The CNIS三.中译英(共4题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.所有商船,不论其吨位如何,当进港、离港或在港界内运动、改变和移动泊位时,必须接受强制引航。

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