
外国语学校小升初入学考试中英文奥数试题库Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998外国语学校小升初英语奥数训练题第一部分1、三个素数的倒数之和是20061155,则这三个素数中最大的是多少 1. The sum of the reciprocals of three prime numbers is 20061155, so what is the greatest one among the three prime numbers2、有一个分数,它的分子加2,可以约简为74;它的分母减2,可以约简为2514。
这个分数是多少 2. There is a fraction. If its numerator adds 2, it can be reduced to be 74; if its denominator subtracts 2, it can be reduced to be 2514. So what is this fraction 3、一个数分别除以1411,2110,4920,所得的商都是自然数。
这个数最小是多少 3. A number is divided by 1411, 2110 and 4920 respectively and the quotients are all natural numbers. So what is the minimum value of this number 4、一片竹林,去年不开花的竹子比开花的2倍还多55棵,今年又多了100棵开花,这时开花的竹子恰好是不开花的4倍,这片竹林有多少棵竹子4. There is a bamboo forest. Last year, the non-blooming bamboos were two times and 55 more than the blooming bamboos. With another 100 bamboos blooming this year, the blooming bamboos are four times as many as the non-blooming bamboos. So, how many bamboos are there in this forest(红色的地方我有点不确定,葛老师您看看应该怎么翻)5、从12110181614121+++++中去掉两个分数,余下的分数之和为1。

外国语学校小升初英语奥数训练题第一部分1、三个素数旳倒数之和是20061155,则这三个素数中最大旳是多少? 1. The sum of the reciprocals of three prime numbers is 20061155, so what is the greatestone among the three prime numbers?2、有一种分数,它旳分子加2,可以约简为74;它旳分母减2,可以约简为2514。
这个分数是多少?2. There is a fraction. If its numerator adds 2, it can be reduced to be 74; if itsdenominator subtracts 2, it can be reduced to be 2514. So what is this fraction?3、一种数分别除以1411,2110,4920,所得旳商都是自然数。
这个数最小是多少?3. A number is divided by 1411, 2110 and 4920respectively and the quotients are allnatural numbers. So what is the minimum value of this number?4、一片竹林,去年不开花旳竹子比开花旳2倍还多55棵,今年又多了100棵开花,这时开花旳竹子恰好是不开花旳4倍,这片竹林有多少棵竹子? 4. There is a bamboo forest. Last year, the non-blooming bamboos were two times and 55 more than the blooming bamboos. With another 100 bamboos blooming this year, the blooming bamboos are four times as many as the non-blooming bamboos. So, how many bamboos are there in this forest?(红色旳地方我有点不确定,葛老师您看看应当怎么翻)5、从12110181614121+++++中去掉两个分数,余下旳分数之和为1。

外国语考试题一、填空(每题 4 分,共 40 分)1、2 3用循环小数表示,小数点后第2012 位上的数字是。
72、有一个数,被 3 除余 2,被 4 除余 1,那么这个数除以 12 余。
3、一个真分数的分子和分母相差102,若这个分数的分子和分母都加上 23,所得的新分数约分后得1,这个真分数是。
44、4 时 10 分,时针和分针的夹角是度。
5、从 1 开始 2012 个连续自然数的积的末尾有个连续的零。
57、一个三角形的三个内角之比为 1 : 2 : 3 ,则这个三角形是三角形。
8、蕾蕾读一本252 页的书,已读的页数等于还没有读过页数的 2 12倍,蕾蕾读过页。
9、2 个篮球的价钱可以买 6 个排球,6 个足球的价钱可以买 3 个篮球,买排球、足球、网球各 1 个的价钱可以买 1 个篮球,那么,买 1 个篮球的价钱可以买个网球。
10、某班有 60 人,他们着装白色或黑色上衣,黑色或蓝色裤子,其中有 12 人穿白色上衣蓝裤子,有34 人穿黑裤子, 29 人穿黑上衣,那么穿黑上衣黑裤子的有人?二、计算题(每题 5 分,共 20 分)1、0.125 ×7.37+ 1× 3.63 -12.5 ×0.182、1 4 ×( 2 2 - 3 )+11÷1717 3 4 12 213、7 13 13 143453453453454162674 、 2468 16123123123123三、应用题(每题 8 分,共 40 分)1、果果和妈妈一起去超市,买洗漱用品花了总钱数的1多 100 元,5买小食品花了余下的 1少 20 元,又买了一个600 元的饮水机,正好3花完所带的钱,果果妈妈一共带了多少钱?2、甲、乙两人同时从山脚开始爬山,到达山顶后就立即下山,他们两人的下山的速度是各自上山速度的1.5 倍。
武汉外校小升初的试题 共(13页)


小升初英语逻辑推理单选题50题1. Tom says, "I'm very hungry." His mom asks, "Do you want a pizza or a hamburger?" Tom replies, "I don't like hamburgers." What will Tom have?A. A pizzaB. A hamburgerC. BothD. None答案:A。
解析:Tom 说不喜欢汉堡,所以他会选择披萨。
2. Lily and Lucy are at the zoo. Lily sees a monkey and says, "It's so cute!" Lucy sees a lion and says, "It's very strong!" Then they see a giraffe. Lily says, "It's tall. But I like monkeys better." Lucy says, "I like lions best." What animal do they see now?A. A monkeyB. A lionC. A giraffeD. A bear答案:C。
3. Jack is playing with his friends. They are talking about their favorite sports. Tom likes football. Lily likes swimming. Amy likes running. Jack says, "I don't like football or swimming." What sport does Jack like?A. FootballB. SwimmingC. RunningD. None of the above答案:C。

精心整理外国语学校小升初英语奥数训练题第一部分1155,则这三个素数中最大的是多少?1、三个素数的倒数之和是20061155, so what is 1. The sum of the reciprocals of three prime numbers is20064. There is a bamboo forest. Last year, the non-blooming bamboos were two times and 55 more than the blooming bamboos. With another 100 bamboos blooming this year, the blooming bamboos are four times as many as the non-blooming bamboos. So, how many bamboos are there in this forest?(红色的地方我有点不确定,葛老师您看看应该怎么翻)5、 从12110181614121+++++中去掉两个分数,余下的分数之和为1。
这两个分数是哪两个分数? 5. Take out two fractions from 12110181614121+++++ to make the sum of remaining fractions to be 1. So what are these two fractions?多少?9. There is a prime number p, which can make p+2 and p+4 to be prime numbers as well. So what is the result of 41211++++p p p ? 10、 彼此不等且大于0的偶数a ,b ,c ,d 满足a+b+c+d=20,这样的偶数组(a,b,c,d)共有多少组?10. There are four different even numbers a, b, c and d, which are all greater than 0. If they should satisfy the equation of a+b+c+d=20, how many groups of such even numbers (a, b, c, d) are there?11、在一个两位数的中间加上一个0,得到的新数比原来大8倍,原来的两from A to B? (One can only walk up or towards left)13、小马虎在考试中做一道计算题时,将一个数乘9错算成除以9,接着又将加上30错算成减去30,结果得18,如果按正确的运算顺序,所得的结果是多少?13. When doing a calculation in an exam, a careless student madesome mistakes. Rather than multiplying a number by 9 and then adding 30, he divided the number by 9 and then subtracted 30, so that the result was 18. If he did the calculation correctly, what would the result be?5,后来又往袋里放了6个红球,这时红14、袋里有若干个球,其中红球占12speak “I’m” twice?第二部分1、一条船顺水航行48千米,再逆水航行16千米,共用了5小时;这条船顺水航行32千米,再逆水航行24千米,也用了5小时。

小升初数学思维训练英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>There is a fun math puzzle. Tom has some apples. He gives half of his apples to his friend Lily. Then Lily gives one-third of the apples she now has to her brother Ben. If Tom started with 12 apples, how many apples does Lily have after Tom gives her some?First, we know Tom has 12 apples. He gives half of them to Lily. Half of 12 is 6. So Lily now has 6 apples.Now, let's find out how many apples Lily gives to Ben. One-third of 6 is 2. So Lily gives 2 apples to Ben.After giving some apples to Ben, Lily still has 6 - 2 = 4 apples.1. How many apples does Tom start with?A. 10B. 12C. 14D. 16答案:B。
解析:文章中明确提到Tom started with 12 apples.2. How many apples does Tom give to Lily?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 10答案:B。
解析:Half of 12 is 6, so Tom gives 6 apples to Lily.3. One-third of the apples Lily has is given to Ben. How many apples does Lily give to Ben?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案:B。

小升初英语逻辑思维单选题50题1. Tom was very hungry, so he ate a big pizza. But he still felt hungry, because _____.A. the pizza wasn't deliciousB. he ate too slowlyC. he needed more foodD. his stomach was too big答案:C。
A选项“the pizza wasn't delicious”意思是披萨不好吃,若不好吃一开始就不会吃,逻辑不符;B选项“he ate too slowly”吃得慢不是仍然感到饿的原因;C选项“he needed more food”他需要更多食物,符合他吃了一个大披萨还饿的情况;D选项“his stomach was too big”他的胃太大,不是感到饿的合理原因。
2. Lucy likes apples and bananas. But she doesn't like oranges, _____.A. soB. andC. orD. because答案:D。
3. Mike was playing football. Suddenly, it started to rain. He had tostop, _____.A. butB. orC. andD. so答案:D。
4. Lily wanted to go to the park. Her friend wanted to go to the zoo. Finally, they went to the zoo, _____.A. because Lily changed her mindB. because her friend was very stubbornC. because the zoo was closerD. because they couldn't decide答案:C。

小升初英语逻辑推理单选题50题1. You are at a party. There is a big cake on the table. You are very hungry. But the cake is not for you. What should you do?A. Take a piece of the cake.B. Ask the host if you can have some.C. Wait until someone offers you some.D. Complain about not having the cake.答案:C。
解析:在这种情况下,直接拿蛋糕(选项A)是不礼貌的;未经允许就询问主人( 选项B)也不太恰当;抱怨没有蛋糕( 选项D)更是不合适的。
等待别人给你( 选项C)是最礼貌和恰当的做法。
2. Your friend invites you to play football outside. But you have a lot of homework to do. What should you do?A. Go and play football and do the homework later.B. Refuse your friend and do the homework first.C. Ask your friend to wait until you finish the homework.D. Tell your friend to do the homework with you.答案:B。
解析:先去踢足球再做作业(选项A)可能导致作业无法按时完成;让朋友等( 选项C)可能会让朋友感到不耐烦;让朋友一起做作业( 选项D)也许朋友不愿意。
拒绝朋友先完成作业( 选项B)是对学习负责的表现。
3. You see a classmate crying in the classroom. What would you do?A. Ignore him/her and continue doing your own things.B. Laugh at him/her.C. Go and ask what happened and try to help.D. Pretend not to see and leave the classroom.答案:C。

小升初英语数字规律单选题60题(答案解析)1.There are ____ apples on the table.A.fiveB.sixC.sevenD.eight答案:A。
选项A“five”是个位数字为5 的数字。
题干中提到物品数量与个位数字规律相关,本题强调个位数字为5 的规律,所以选择A。
2.I have ____ pencils in my pencil case.A.threeB.fourC.nineD.ten答案:B。
本题考查个位数字为4 的规律,所以选择B。
3.There are ____ books on the shelf.A.oneB.twoC.eight答案:A。
本题强调个位数字为1 的规律,所以选择A。
4.My sister has ____ stickers.A.fourB.fiveC.sixD.seven答案:C。
本题考查个位数字为6 的规律,所以选择C。
5.There are ____ balls in the box.A.twoB.threeC.sevenD.eight答案:B。
本题强调个位数字为3 的规律,所以选择B。
6.I have ____ erasers.A.oneC.sevenD.eight答案:D。

小升初英语数字运算单选题50题及答案1.There are 20 apples. Tom eats 5 apples. How many apples are left?A.10B.15C.25D.30答案:B。
一共有20 个苹果,汤姆吃了5 个,用减法,20 - 5 = 15。
A 选项10 是错误的,因为20 - 10 = 10 与题目不符;C 选项25 是错误的,20 + 5 = 25,题目是求剩下的苹果,不是增加后的数量;D 选项30 是错误的,20 + 10 = 30,同样与题目不符。
2.Mary has 12 pencils. She gives 4 pencils to her friend. How many pencils does Mary have now?A.8B.16C.20D.24答案:A。
玛丽有12 支铅笔,给了朋友4 支,用减法,12 - 4 = 8。
B 选项16 是错误的,12 + 4 = 16,题目是求剩下的铅笔数量不是增加后的数量;C 选项20 和D 选项24 都与题目不符,12 加上一个数不等于20 或24。
3.There are 30 students in a class. 15 students are boys. How many girls are there?B.15C.20D.25答案:B。
班级里有30 个学生,15 个是男生,那么女生数量是30 - 15 = 15。
A 选项10 是错误的,30 - 20 = 10,与题目不符;C 选项20 和D 选项25 也都与题目不符。
4.Jack has 8 candies. He gets 4 more candies. How many candies does he have now?A.4B.12C.16D.20答案:B。
杰克有8 颗糖,又得到4 颗,用加法,8 + 4 = 12。
A 选项4 是错误的,8 - 4 = 4,题目是求现在一共有多少糖不是减少后的数量;C 选项16 和D 选项20 都与题目不符,8 加上4 不等于16 或20。

小升初英语数字规律单选题50题1. There are 10 apples. If 3 apples are eaten, how many apples are left?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9答案:B。
10 个苹果,吃掉3 个,用减法,10 - 3 = 7,所以选B。
A 选项6 是错误的计算结果;C 选项8 与正确结果不符;D 选项9 也是错误的计算结果。
2. Tom has 20 stickers. He gives 5 stickers to his friend. How many stickers does Tom have now?A. 15B. 16C. 17D. 18答案:A。
原本有20 张贴纸,给了朋友5 张,20 - 5 = 15,所以选A。
B 选项16 计算错误;C 选项17 计算错误;D 选项18 计算错误。
3. The number after 12 is ___.A. 11B. 13C. 14D. 15答案:B。
12 之后的数字是13,所以选B。
A 选项11 在12 之前;C 选项14 不是紧挨着12 的数字;D 选项15 也不是12 之后紧邻的数字。
4. There are 8 dogs in the park. 3 more dogs come. How many dogs are there in total?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 13答案:B。
原本有8 只狗,又来3 只,8 + 3 = 11,所以选B。
A 选项10 计算错误;C 选项12 计算错误;D 选项13 计算错误。
5. The number before 18 is ___.A. 16B. 17C. 19D. 20答案:B。
18 之前的数字是17,所以选B。
A 选项16 不是18 之前紧邻的数字;C 选项19 在18 之后;D 选项20 也在18 之后。
6. In the supermarket, a pen costs 2.5 yuan. How much do two pens cost?A. 4 yuanB. 5 yuanC. 5.5 yuanD. 6 yuan答案:B。

小升初数学思维拓展英语阅读理解30题1<背景文章>A Fun Math GameMath can be fun! Let's talk about a really interesting math game. In this game, you need some number cards. The numbers on the cards can be from 1 to 10. The game is played by two or more people.The rules are simple. First, all the players shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table. Then, each player takes turns to pick a card. After picking a card, the player has to say a math problem using the number on the card. For example, if a player picks a card with the number 5, he or she could say "What is 5 plus 3?" or "What is 10 minus 5?". The other players have to answer the question as quickly as possible. The player who answers correctly gets a point. The game continues until all the cards are used up.This game is not only fun but also helps you improve your math skills. It makes you think quickly and helps you practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can also play this game with your friends and family and have a great time together.1. How many people can play this game?A. Only one person.B. Two people.C. Two or more people.D. Three people.答案:C。

小升初英语逻辑思维拓展训练单选题40道1. The little monkey is very cute, but it can't jump ____ the tree.A. onB. inC. intoD. at答案:C。
“jump into”表示“跳进”,猴子是跳进树里,A 选项“on”表示“在……上面”,B 选项“in”表示“在……里面”,强调状态,D 选项“at”表示“在(小地点)”,都不符合语境,所以选C。
2. There ____ some milk and apples in the fridge.A. isB. areC. haveD. has答案:A。
本题考查“there be”句型的就近原则。
“milk”是不可数名词,离“there be”更近,所以用“is”,B 选项“are”用于复数名词,C 选项“have”和D 选项“has”表示“拥有”,不符合“there be”句型,故选A。
3. I don't like math. It's too ____ for me.A. easyB. difficultC. interestingD. funny答案:B。
根据“I don't like math.”可知,数学对“我”来说太难了,A 选项“easy”表示“容易的”,C 选项“interesting”表示“有趣的”,D 选项“funny”表示“滑稽的”,都不符合语境,所以选B。
4. Tom and Jerry ____ good friends.A. isB. amC. areD. be答案:C。
“Tom and Jerry”是两个人,是复数,所以用“are”,A 选项“is”用于第三人称单数,B 选项“am”用于第一人称“I”,D 选项“be”是动词原形,故选C。
5. --____ do you go to school? --By bike.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Where答案:B。

小升初英语逻辑推理单选题50题1.Jack is very happy today. He must have got a good grade in the exam. Because he is always sad when he doesn't do well in exams.A.He must be happy.B.He must have a good grade.C.He must be sad.D.He must have a bad grade.答案:B。
本题根据上下文逻辑,前面说Jack 今天很开心,后面解释了他开心的原因是考试考得好的时候才会开心,所以可以推断出他一定是考了好成绩,答案是B。
A 选项表述重复,C 和D 与上下文逻辑不符。
2.Mary is reading a book. There are many pictures in the book. She likes reading books with pictures. So this book must be interesting for her.A.This book must be boring.B.This book must be difficult.C.This book must be interesting.D.This book must be easy.答案:C。
上文提到Mary 在看一本有很多图片的书,并且她喜欢有图片的书,所以可以推断出这本书对她来说一定很有趣,答案是C。
A 选项与上文逻辑相悖,B 和D 选项在上下文中没有依据。
3.Tom is in the park. There are many people playing football. Tom loves football. He will probably join them.A.He will definitely not join them.B.He will probably join them.C.He will never join them.D.He will surely not join them.答案:B。

小升初英语逻辑推理挑战单选题50题答案解析版1.There is a lot of snow outside. What can we do?A.go swimmingB.play footballC.make a snowmanD.play basketball答案:C。
选项 A 去游泳不适合下雪天;选项 B 踢足球在雪地里不太方便;选项 D 打篮球也不适合雪天。
2.It's a sunny day. What should we take when we go out?A.an umbrellaB.a raincoatC.sunglassesD.a scarf答案:C。
选项 A 雨伞是下雨天用的;选项 B 雨衣也是下雨天用的;选项 D 围巾一般在冷天用。
3.It's very hot. What's the best drink?A.hot coffeeB.hot teaC.cold waterD.warm milk答案:C。
选项 A 热咖啡、选项 B 热茶和选项D 温牛奶都不适合炎热的天气。
4.It's raining. What can't we do?A.go for a walkB.read a book at homeC.watch TV at homeD.play games indoors答案:A。
选项B 在家看书、选项C 在家看电视和选项D 在室内玩游戏都可以在下雨天进行。
5.It's windy. What should we wear?A.a T-shirtB.a skirtC.a coatD.shorts答案:C。

武汉外校小升初历年英语试题一. 单项选择( )1. -----______ is your schoolbag?-----The brown schoolbag.A. What colourB. WhatC. WhichD. Where( )2. -----______?----- It sounds good. It’s so hot today.A. Would you like to go for a swimB. Do you like swimmingC. Will you like to go for a swimD. Do you enjoy swimming( )3. The apples are very nice. May I have ______ two? A.other B. others C. another D. any other( )4. Howmany rings are there in the Olympic Gamessymbol?A. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. Six( )5. -----Do you know Mr. Smith’s telephone number?-----Sorry, I don ’t know. But you can look it up in the______.A. dictionaryB. guidebookC. yellow pagesD. newspaper( )6. We are so happy that mother has given us the ______light to go camping this summer.A. shiningB. greenC. redD. blue二.读下边几个句子,依据方格中的提示,把相应的单词写在句子中的横线上。
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小升初外校考试英语测试数字推理精选例题集500之一(精选题)1. 256 ,269 ,286 ,302 ,()A.254B.307C.294D.316解析:2+5+6=13256+13=2692+6+9=17269+17=2862+8+6=16286+16=302=302+3+2=3072. 72 , 36 , 24 , 18 , ( )A.12B.16C.14.4D.16.4解析:(方法一)相邻两项相除,72 36 24 18\ / \ / \ /2/1 3/2 4/3(分子与分母相差1 且前一项的分子是后一项的分母) 接下来貌似该轮到5/4,而18/14.4=5/4. 选C(方法二)6×12=72,6×6=36,6×4=24,6×3 =18,6×X 现在转化为求X12,6,4,3,X12/6 ,6/4 ,4/3 ,3/X 化简得2/1,3/2,4/3,3/X,注意前三项有规律,即分子比分母大一,则3/X=5/4可解得:X=12/5再用6×12/5=14.43. 5 ,6 ,19 ,17 ,(),-55A.15B.344C.343D.11解析:前一项的平方减后一项等于第三项5^2 - 6 = 196^2 - 19 = 1719^2 - 17 = 34417^2 - 344 = -554. 3 , 11 , 13 , 29 , 31 ,()A.52B.53C.54D.55解析:奇偶项分别相差11-3=8,29-13=16=8×2,?-31=24=8×3;?=>55,选D5. -2/5,1/5,-8/750,()。
A 11/375B 9/375C 7/375D 8/375解析:-2/5,1/5,-8/750,11/375=>4/(-10),1/5,8/(-750),11/375=>分子4、1、8、11=>头尾相减=>7、7分母-10、5、-750、375=>分2 组(-10,5)、(-750,375)=>每组第二项除以第一项=>-1/2,-1/2所以答案为A6. 16 , 8 , 8 , 12 , 24 , 60 , ( )A.90B.120C.180D.240解析:后项÷前项,得相邻两项的商为0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,所以选1807. 2 ,3 ,6 ,9 ,17 ,()A.18B.23C.36D.45解析:6+9=15=3×5;3+17=20=4×5那么2+?=5×5=25;所以?=238.3 ,2 ,5/3 ,3/2 ,()A.7/5B.5/6C.3/5D.3/4解析:通分3/1 4/2 5/3 6/4 ----7/59. 1,13,45,169,( )A.443B.889C.365D.701解析:将每项的自有数字加和为:1,4,9,16,(25)889==》8+8+9=2510. 9/2,14,65/2, ( ), 217/2A.62B.63C.64D.65解析:14=28/2分母不变,分子9=2^3+1,28=3^3+1,65=4^3+1,()=5^3+1=126,217=6^3+1 所以括号内的数为126/2=63,选B11. 15,16,25,9,81,()A.36B.39C.49D.54解析:每项各位相加=>6,7,7,9,9,12 分3 组=>(6,7),(7,9),(9,12)每组差为1,2,3 等差12. 3 ,10 ,11 ,( ) ,127A.44B.52C.66D.78解析:3=1^3+210=2^3+211=3^2+266=4^3+2127=5^3+2其中指数成3、3、2、3、3 规律13. 1913 ,1616 ,1319 ,1022 ,()A.724B.725C.526D.726解析:1913,1616,1319,1022 每个数字的前半部分和后半部分分开。
即:将1913 分成19,13。
所以新的数组为,(19,13),(16,16),(13,19),(10,22),可以看出19,16,13,10,7 递减3,而13,16,19,22,25 递增3,所以为725。
14. 1 ,2/3 ,5/9 ,( 1/2 ) ,7/15 ,4/9 ,4/9A.1/2B.3/4C.2/13D.3/7解析:1/1 、2/3 、5/9、1/2 、7/15、4/9、4/9=>规律以1/2 为对称=>在1/2 左侧,分子的2 倍-1=分母;在1/2 时,分子的2 倍=分母;在1/2 右侧,分子的2 倍+1=分母15. 5 ,5 ,14 ,38 ,87 ,()A.167B.168C.169D.170解析:(方法一)前三项相加再加一个常数×变量(即:N1 是常数;N2 是变量,a+b+c+N1×N2)5+5+14+14×1=3838+87+14+14×2=167(方法二)后项减前项得:0 9 24 49 801^2-1=03^2=95^2-1=247^2=499^2-1=804 页2007-3-30 86- 4 -(方法三)5+1^2-1=55+3^2=1414+5^2-1=3838+7^2=8787+9^2-1=16716. (),36 ,19 ,10 ,5 ,2A.77B.69C.54D.48解析:5-2=3;10-5=5;19-10=9;36-19=17;5-3=2;9-5=4;17-9=8所以X-17 应该=16;16+17=33 为最后的数跟36 的差36+33=69;所以答案是6917. 1 ,2 ,5 ,29 ,()A.34B.846C.866D.37解析:5=2^2+1^229=5^2+2^2( )=29^2+5^2所以( )=866,选c18. 1/3 ,1/6 ,1/2 ,2/3 ,()解析:1/3+1/6=1/21/6+1/2=2/31/2+2/3=7/619. 3 , 8 , 11 , 9 , 10 , ()A.10B.18C.16D.14解析:答案是A 3, 8, 11, 9, 10, 10=>3(第一项)×1+5=8(第二项)3×1+8=113×1+6=93×1+7=103×1+10=10其中5、8、6、7、7=>5+8=6+78+6=7+720. 4 ,3 ,1 ,12 ,9 ,3 ,17 ,5 ,( )A.12B.13C.14D.155 页2007-3-30 86- 5 -解析:本题初看较难,亦乱,但仔细分析,便不难发现,这是一道三个数字为一组的题,在每组数字中,第一个数字是后两个数字之和,即4=3+1,12=9+3,那么依此规律,( )内的数字就是17-5=12。
21. 19,4,18,3,16,1,17,( )A.5B.4C.3D.2解析:本题初看较难,亦乱,但仔细分析便可发现,这是一道两个数字为一组的减法规律的题,19-4=15,18-3=15,16-1=15,那么,依此规律,( )内的数为17-2=15。
22. 49/800 , 47/400 , 9/40 , ( )A.13/200B.41/100C.1/100D.43/100解析:(方法一)49/800, 47/400, 9/40, 43/100=>49/800、94/800、180/800、344/800=>分子49、94、180、34449×2-4=9494×2-8=180180×2-16=344其中4、8、16 等比(方法二)令9/40 通分=45/200分子49,47,45,43分母800,400,200,10023. 6 ,14 ,30 ,62 ,( )A.85B.92C.126D.250解析:本题仔细分析后可知,后一个数是前一个数的2 倍加2,14=6×2+2,30=14×2+2,62=30×2+2,依此规律,( )内之数为62×2+2=126。
24. 12,2,2,3,14,2,7,1,18,3,2,3,40,10,( ),4A.4B.3C.2D.1解析:本题初看很乱,数字也多,但仔细分析后便可看出,这道题每组有四个数字,且第一个数字被第二、三个数字连除之后得第四个数字,即12÷2÷2=3,14÷2÷7=1,18÷3÷2=3,依此规律,( )内的数字应是40÷10÷4=1。
6 页2007-3-30 86- 6 -25. 2 ,3 ,10 ,15 ,26 ,35 ,( )A.40B.45C.50D.55解析:本题是道初看不易找到规律的题,可试着用平方与加减法规律去解答,即2=1^2+1,3=2^2-1,10=3^2+1,15=4^2-1,26=5^2+1,35=6^2-1,依此规律,( )内之数应为7 2+1=50。
26. 3 ,7 ,47 ,2207 ,( )A.4414 B 6621 C.8828 D.4870847解析:本题可用前一个数的平方减2 得出后一个数,这就是本题的规律。
即7=3 2-2,47=7 2-2,2207 2-2=4870847,本题可直接选D,因为A、B、C 只是四位数,可排除。
而四位数的平方是7 位数。
27. 4 ,11 ,30 ,67 ,( )A.126B.127C.128D.129解析:这道题有点难,初看不知是何种规律,但仔细观之,可分析出来,4=1^3+3,11=2^3+3,30=3^3+3,67=4^3+3,这是一个自然数列的立方分别加3 而得。
依此规律,( )内之数应为5^3+3=128。
28. 5 , 6 , 6/5 , 1/5 , ()A.6B.1/6C.1/30D.6/25解析:(方法一)头尾相乘=>6/5、6/5、6/5=>选D(方法二)后项除以前项:6/5=6/51/5=(6/5)/6 ;( )=(1/5)/(6/5) ;所以( )=1/6,选b29. 22 ,24 ,27 ,32 ,39 ,( )A.40B.42C.50D.52解析:本题初看不知是何规律,可试用减法,后一个数减去前一个数后得出:24-22=2,27-24=3,32-27=5,39-32=7,它们的差就成了一个质数数列,依此规律,( )内之数应为11+39=50。