英语阅读(1)一、单选题1. On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ________ a day.A.customersB.clientsC.guests正确答案: B2.Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses __________.A.in betweenB.fall apartC.among them正确答案: A3.With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased ________ he was a man of action.A.whichB.thatC.what正确答案: B4.It is said that _______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.A.quite a littleB.quite a lotC.quite a few正确答案: C5. The new order means _______ overtime.A.workingB.to workC.works正确答案: A6.Neither John _______ his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.A.orB.butC.nor正确答案: C7. Today's weather is ________ worse than yesterday's.A.veryB.very muchC.much正确答案: C8.The atmosphere ________ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.pose ofB.is made upC.consists of正确答案: C9.They have learned about __________ in recent years.A.hundreds of English wordsB.hundred of English wordsC.several hundreds English words正确答案: A10.Nancy is ________ girl.A.an eighteen-year-oldB.a eighteen-years-oldC.an eighteen-years-old正确答案: A11.Harry, who had failed in the final exam, had a great worry ________ his mind.A.inB.onC.with正确答案: B12. I don't know the park, but it's _________ to be quite beautiful.A.toldB.saidC.spoken正确答案: B13.You shouldn't ________ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.A.killB.doC.cut正确答案: A14._________ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A.BeforeB.InC.At正确答案: A15.No matter _________, the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.A.it was snowingB.how hard it was snowingC.hard it was snowing正确答案: B16.The student were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brian's ________.A.moneyB.payC.expense正确答案: C17.Had you come five minutes earlier, you _________ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.A.would have caughtB.would catchC.could catch正确答案: A18.Every year thousands of lives ________ in road accidents because of careless driving.A.are lostB.lostC.have lost正确答案: A19. Professor Smith promised to look ________ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.A.afterB.onC.over正确答案: C20.John's father _________ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University.A.teachesB.has taughtC.taught正确答案: B二、判断题1.We invite qualified, highly motivated and self-driven individuals who are looking for long-term career opportunities to join our dynamic team.译文:我们诚邀有能力、有上进心和自我激励的人士加入我们充满活力的团队,共谋发展。
a. 社会分工
b. 要承担一定的职责并得到社会的承认
c. 劳动者
d. 劳动报酬
a. 有固定的报酬收入
b. 劳动者
c. 劳动
d. 要承担一定的职责并得到社会的承认
a. 劳动
b. 有固定的报酬收入
c. 要承担一定的职责并得到社会的承认
d. 劳动者
4.职业具有的特点包括技术性、时代性、多样性、层次性和( )。
a. 个体性
b. 知识性
c. 社会性
d. 区域性
5.职业具有的特点不包括( )。
a. 区域性
b. 时代性
c. 社会性
d. 技术性
1. 个人定位:个人定位是指职业生涯规划中明确自己的个人优势、价值观和目标。
答案可能因人而异,但以下是一些常见的个人定位答案示例:a) 我喜欢与人打交道,具备良好的沟通能力,适合从事销售相关的职业。
b) 我对科学和技术非常感兴趣,拥有良好的逻辑思维能力,适合从事工程师或科研人员的职业。
2. 职业研究:在进行职业研究时,学生需要对他们感兴趣的职业进行深入了解,并找到相关的资源来支持自己的研究。
以下是可能的答案示例:a) 我对医学领域很感兴趣,因此我在课余时间阅读了相关的医学书籍,并咨询了一位医生朋友的意见。
b) 作为对戏剧领域的热爱,我观看了许多与表演和导演相关的电影,并参加了几个戏剧课程。
3. 职业规划实施:这一阶段是将个人定位和职业研究结合起来,制定实际的职业规划和行动计划。
以下是可能的答案示例:a) 我计划在大学期间参加相关的实习或志愿者工作,以获取与销售相关的经验。
b) 我计划在高中毕业后进入一所著名的戏剧学校,深造表演和导演技巧。
4. 职业发展:职业发展是指在职业路径上持续学习和进步的过程。
以下是可能的答案示例:a) 我打算在大学毕业后继续深造,获得市场营销方面的硕士学位,以提升自己的专业技能。
b) 我打算不断参加各种表演和导演培训课程,扩展自己的戏剧技能和认识更多的导演。
职业生涯规划考试题一、简答题1. 为什么说制定职业生涯规划对个人发展至关重要?职业生涯规划能够帮助个人明确自己的职业目标,了解自己的能力和兴趣,以及制定实现目标的具体计划。
2. 什么是SWOT分析,该分析在职业生涯规划中的作用是什么?SWOT分析是指对个人的优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats)进行全面评估和分析。
3. 请简要介绍SMART原则在职业生涯规划中的应用。
A.知识B.经验C.操作技能D.态度正确答案: C2.职业能力发展到“会”的阶段,能够按照预定的工作方法和步骤,完成()。
A.特定职业领域的专业活动B.特定职业领域的基本活动C.特定职业领域的特殊活动D.特定职业领域的学习活动正确答案: B3.以下不是个人职业生涯设计的目的的是()。
A.准确评价个人特点和强项B.评估个人目标和现状的差距C.自己资历条件找一份工作D.准确定位职业方向正确答案: C4.是组织用来帮助员工获取目前及将来工作所需的技能、知识的一种方法。
A.职业训练B.职业培训D.职业发展正确答案: D5.以下()不是职业发展的负责者。
A.组织B.员工C.直接管理者D.高层管理者正确答案: D6.一个能否正确认识自己,能否正确理解、对待自己和他人,往往和()有关。
A.修养B.情绪控制力C.能力D.性格正确答案: B7.()不是美国心理学家丹尼尔·戈尔曼概括的情商能力。
A.认识自身和他人的情绪能力B.妥善管理自己的情绪能力C.自我激励和人际关系管理能力D.妥善管理他人的情绪能力正确答案: D8.如果你是部门中多余的人,你最有可能的选择是()。
A.改变境遇B.改变自己D.离开正确答案: D9.一管理人员希望成为一个优秀的部门经理的同时得到MBA证书,就要在这两个目标之间要进行()。
A.互补作用组合B.因果关系组合C.并进组合D.连续组合正确答案: A10.以下()不是终身学习的意义。
A.学习是一种生存方式B.学习方式、学习意愿的自主性C.学习是一个贯穿一生的过程D.学习目的是为了找个好工作正确答案: D11.以下不性属于管理者时间支配方式的是()。
A.受上司支配的时间B.受组织支配的时间C.受家人支配支配时间D.由个人支配的时间正确答案: C12.制定时间计划时,首先应该确定的是()。
2023年国家开放大学职业生涯规划(2)形考任务二1.关于事业单位奖励制度的特点,下列说法错误的是单选题(4 分) 4分. A.奖励是依法进行的. B.奖励的条件是有显著程序和贡献. C.奖励的主体是各级财政部门. D.奖励的对象是工作人员或者集体正确答案: C2.世界上最早的关于社会保障的法律法规是单选题(4 分) 4分. A.德国《劳工疾病保险法》. B.中国的《社会保险法》. C.美国的《社会保陣法》. D.国际劳工组织的《社会保障公约》正确答案: A3.下列目标抉择原则中,错误的是单选题(4 分) 4分. A.不可衡量性原则. B.清晰性原则. C.挑战性原则. D.可行性原则正确答案: A4.下面哪一项不属于职业自我认知的内容范畴单选题(4 分) 4分. A.职业兴趣. B.职业价值观. C.职业技能. D.职业类型正确答案: D5.关于旅游业的基本特征,以下说法错误的是单选题(4 分) 4分. A.市场存在着巨大的潜在需求. B.旅游资源存在一定的垄断性. C.是劳动力密集的产业,产业成本相对较高. D.无污染,有利于可持续发展正确答案: C6.不同的社会环境给予个人的职业信息是不同的。
下列四项中,哪一项不是社会环境所包含的因素单选题(4 分) 4分. A.社会文化环境. B.人口环境. C.企业文化. D.社会价值观念正确答案: C7.关于我国就业结构变化的趋势,以下说法正确的是单选题(4 分) 4分. A.第一产业就业份额和就业人数持续下降,第二、第三产业就业构成逐年增加,尤其是第三产业增速较快. B.发展第三产业,可以创造大量的各种类型的就业岗位,满足不同层次的就业需求. C.加大产业结构的调整力度,深化企业改革,推动第三产业中劳动密集型行业的发展,是今后一个时期增加就业的主要领域. D.以上说法都正确正确答案: D8.人才是企业宝贵的智力资源。
下列选项中,不是企业衡量人才的标准的是单选题(4 分) 4分. A.知识水平. B.工作能力. C.家庭背景. D.工作业绩正确答案: C9.关于事业单位人员培训的下列说法中,错误的是单选题(4 分) 4分. A.阅历从性质上看,它是一种继续教育. B.从目的来看,是提高素质和工作能力. C.从形式上看,固定单一,不够灵话. D.从内容上看,突出实用性正确答案: C10.不同企业对优秀人才有不同的定义标准,但是高素质的人才除了专业上的优势外,还有着一定的共同点,这些共同点不包括单选题(4 分) 4分. A.团队合作能力. B.创新能力. C.沟通交际能力. D.数学计算能力正确答案: D11.新员工在早期工作中逐渐加深认识,得出更为清晰的职业自我观,这种职业自我观的组成包括多选题(4 分) 4分. A.自省的态度和价值. B.自省的原因和结果. C.自省的动机和需要. D.自省的才干和能力正确答案: A C D12.职业生涯规划是一个过程,这个过程包括哪些内容多选题(4 分) 4分. A.设置目标. B.绘制具体实施图. C.设计方案. D.研究可行性正确答案: A B C D13.自我分析有助于职业锚的选择,自我分析包含的内容有哪些多选题(4 分) 4分. A.心理自我. B.生理自我. C.社会自我. D.他人分析正确答案: A B C14.事业单位工作人员的正常的工资调整方法有哪些多选题(4 分) 4分. A.正常增加薪级工资. B.调整津贴补贴标准. C.岗位変动人员工资调整. D.调整基本工资标准正确答案: A B C D15.作为一名职员,应当如何进行职业锚的自我开发多选题(4 分) 4分. A.培养提高抉择能力. B.提高取业适应性. C.制定人力资源发展规划制. D.借助组织职位表,迭择职业目标正确答案: A B D16.目前,我国的基本养老保险基金仍没有实现国家统筹判断题(4 分) 4分. A.对. B.错正确答案: A17.职业锚有多种类型,技术智能型强调实际技术,拒绝全面管理;安全与稳定性追求稳定与安全,缺少主动判断题(4 分) 4分. B.错正确答案: A18.组织的人事计划和职工的职业选择可以通过招聘、培训、配罝等进行匹配判断题(4 分) 4分. A.对. B.错正确答案: A19.在人生道路上,人们通过职业活动改善物质条件,实现自我价值,得到社会对自己的认同判断题(4 分) 4分. A.对. B.错正确答案: A20.职业生涯规划有明确的方向和可操作性,要求目标要明确,阶段要清晰,至于措施则不必要太具体判断题(4 分) 4分. A.对. B.错正确答案: B21.方法能力是指从业者对从事职业活动所需要的专业知识、技能的掌握和运用水平,强调应用性、针对性。
A.自律、善于沟通、具有一定的软件技能B.编程速度快C.熟悉众多的软件环境D.语言天赋正确答案: A2.根据软件工程的7条基本原理判断下面正确的选项是()。
A.软件错误发现的时机不重要,重要的是错误的严重程度B.软件错误只能通过运行代码才能发现C.软件错误发现的越早改正的成本越低D.需求阶段一般不会引入错误正确答案: C3.美国著名软件工程专家B.W.Boehm于1983年提出了软件工程的()条基本原理。
A.7B.5C.3D.12正确答案: A4.软件、程序和代码是()。
A.相同的软件概念B.程序语言写的代码C.计算机代码和数据D.三个不同的概念正确答案: D5.软件对硬件和环境有着不同程度的依赖性,这导致了软件()问题。
A.复杂性B.升级和移植C.通用性D.脆弱性正确答案: B6.软件工程的出现是由于()。
A.软件危机B.计算机硬件技术的发展C.软件社会化的需要D.计算机软件技术的发展正确答案: A7.软件工程四个层次由下至上是(),它们的顺序不能互换。
A.质量层、过程层、方法层、工具层B.过程层、方法层、质量层、工具层C.方法层、过程层、质量层、工具层D.方法层、质量层、过程层、工具层正确答案: A8.软件可行性研究一般不考虑()A.是否有足够的人员和相关的技术来支持系统开发B.是否有足够的工具和相关的技术来支持系统开发C.待开发软件是否有市场、经济上是否合算D.待开发的软件是否会有质量问题正确答案: D9.软件与程序的区别是()。
A.程序价格便宜,软件价格昂贵B.程序是用户自己编写的,而软件是由厂家提供的C.程序是用高级语言编写的,而软件是由机器语言编写的D.软件包括程序、相关数据及其文档,程序是软件的一部分正确答案: D10.在软件生产的程序系统时代由于软件规模扩大和软件复杂性提高等原因导致了()。
A.软件危机B.软件工程C.程序设计革命D.结构化程序设计正确答案: A11.软件工程学科出现的主要原因是()。
()选择一项:a. 国家开放大学是基于信息技术的特殊的大学b. 国家开放大学可以为学习者提供多终端数字化的学习资源c. 国家开放大学是一所与普通高校学习方式完全相同的d. 国家开放大学是一所在教与学的方式上有别与普通高校的新型大学题目2请将不能客观地描述国家开放大学学习方式的选项选择出来。
()选择一项:a. 在课程平台上进行与老师与同学们的交流讨论b. 只有在面对面教学的课堂上才能完成学习任务c. 利用pad、手机等设备随时随地学习d. 在网络上阅读和学习课程教学资源二、判断题(每题2分,共计10分)题目3制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。
()选择一项:a. 8b. 10c. 3d. 5题目2题干不是专业学位授予的必备条件。
()选择一项:a. 毕业论文成绩达到学位授予相关要求b. 被评为优秀毕业生c. 通过学位英语考试d. 课程学习成绩达到学位授予的相关要求题目3是专业学习后期需要完成的环节。
综合英语(1)(科目代码:01878)1.After he finished his homework, he his pen and stretched himself.A. put downB. put offC. put upD. put in正确答案:A2.He the technical skill in computer while working in the company.A.brought upB.picked upC. made upD.took up正确答案:B3.The plane at 10:45. There is still an hour to go.A.takes overB.takes offC.takes downD. takes up正确答案:B4.The student always an excuse for his being late.A.made upB.set upC.put upD.took up正确答案:A5.I've got to going now,otherwise I will miss the opening of the show.A.getB.putC.cutD.Set正确答案:D6.The research center a new plan and decided to carry it out immediately.A.came outB.put outC.worked outD.stood out正确答案:C7.On their way to school they a high wind.A.broken intoB.put ine intoD.run into正确答案:D8.We haven't got any news from you.Tell me what in the world you areA.away withB.across asC.up toD.far from正确答案:C9.When he moved to Canada,the children to the change very well.A.adjustedB.adheredC.adoptedD.Appeared正确答案:A10.The result of the experiment was quite from what I expected.A.differentB.awayC.sameD.Similar正确答案:A11.These new products will before long.A.make oute outC.set outD.take out正确答案:B12.All the children listened to his with eager attention.A.advantageB.advertisementC.advanceD.Adventures正确答案:D13.This dance is with young people all over the region.A.sameB.popularC.welcomeD.Favorite正确答案:Bnguages,English and French,are not difficult to learn for him.A.such asB.as well asC.in addition toD.in spite of正确答案:A15.He is the European for many Japanese companies.A.actorC.agentD.Waiter正确答案:C16.I hope we will a business relationship to benefit both of our companies.A.stick upB.strike upC.make upD.bring up正确答案:B17.It was really very good you to help me that heavy suitcase.A.to...forB.for...byC.of...withD.for...with正确答案:C18.There were many people outside the building,in line for the concert ticketsA.waitingB.waitedC.waitD.to wait正确答案:AGrammarChoose the best answer for each of the following items.19.That woman had some difficulties her heavy luggage.A.to carryB.carriedC.carryD.Carrying正确答案:D20.The government spent a lot of money make this land better.A.to helpB.helpingC.helpedD.help正确答案:B21.They enjoyed a ride on horseback and spent the day in the mountains.A.to takeB.tookC.takingD.take正确答案:C22.Do you still remember the Great Barrier Reef?You were so scared.A.to diveC.divingD.dive正确答案:C23.Make a list of different places you've to.A.goingB.wentC.goneD.Been正确答案:D24.When talking about the trip,he was very.A.tiring…excitedB.tired…excitingC.tiring…excitingD.tired…excited正确答案:A25.There a lot of trees around our village,but now they are all gone.ed to beinged to beC.would beD.had been正确答案:B26.I went to London business last year.A.onB.forC.byD.To正确答案:A27.—Let me help you get the books back.—A.Yes.I can get them myselfB.I’m all set.But thanks anyway.C.Really?Could you tell me why?正确答案:B28.—I hear you've been to Tokyo.—A.Yes.I've gone there many times.B.No.I enjoyed it a lot.C.Yes.I went there last month.正确答案:C29.—How long have you worked at New Wave?—A.For about5years.B.Since about5years.C.In about5years正确答案:A30.—How do you like the film on TV last night?—A.I really enjoyed it.B.Yes.I heard about itNo,I didn't go to the cinema.正确答案:A31.—Have you been to Sydney?—.A.No,I didn't go there last year.B.No,but I hope to go there sometime next year.C.No,I wouldn't go with them.正确答案:BReading Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.Passage 1Successful Language LearnersIf we take a close look at successful language learners we may discover a few techniques which make language learning easier for them.First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on books or teachers; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain everything, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to collect them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word. Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn a language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.32.What is the purpose of this passage?A.To explain the importance of language learning.B.To teach people to speak English.C.To introduce some useful techniques of language learning.D.To compare language learning with language teaching.正确答案:C33.Which one of the following statements is true about successful language.A.They are more intelligent than others.B.They use special techniques.C.They have good teachers and good books.D.They spend much more time learning than others.正确答案:B34.According to the passage, when successful language learners meet some new words, they usually.A.pay no attention to themB.look them up in tile dictionary at onceC.ask their teachersD.try to guess their meanings正确答案:D35.Successful language learning is active,so successful learners.A.look for a chance to use the languageB.wait for a chance to use the languageC.try to avoid using the languageD.only use the language in class正确答案:A36.Successful language learners want to learn the language because.A.they have to pass the examinationB.they have interest in the languageC.they think it's very easy to learn the languageD.they want to find better jobs正确答案:B二1.He graduated from the university 10 years ago and still kept in with several classmates.A.touchB.trackC.searchD.line正确答案是:A第2题2.Please john that my house is not about to fall down.A.make sureB.sureC.ensureD.assure正确答案是:D3.I have been waiting for him for the last twenty minutes,but he hasn't yet.A.shown offB.shown upC. shown throughD.shown around正确答案是:B4. today's newspaper,we shall have cold weather next week.A.With regard toB.In spite ofC.According toD.In sight of正确答案是:C5.I was riding my bicycle along the road when a car me.A.overloadedB.overlookedC.overtookD.overheard正确答案是:C6.Some people use their superior to gain an advantage.A.ranksB.conditionsC.termsD.situations正确答案是:A7.Hold the ladder while I stand on it,or I'll fall off.A.stuckB.steadyC.smoothD.slow正确答案是:B8.Their earnings are in to their skill.A.rankB.shareC.touchD.Proportion正确答案是:D9.The standard of people's life shows that their economy is.A.sinkingB.droppingC.fallingD.declining正确答案是:D10.,more than70percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water.A.OverallB.GenerallyC.EntirelyD.Ordinarily正确答案是:A11.M y shirt has so much after washing that I can't wear it any more.B.decreasedC.shrunkD.fallen正确答案是:C12.T he old man was retired and became bored for lack of.A.proportionB.occupationC.qualificationcation正确答案是:B13.The house gives no of having been occupied.A.evidenceB.sightC.chanceD.share正确答案是:A14.The museum had several paintings the artist's early style.A.respectingB.standingC.meaningD.representing正确答案是:De your seat belt to the danger of injury in an accident.A.enlargeB.shrinkC.decreaseD.increase正确答案是:C16.The new book was the biggest cultural of the year.A.thingB.eventC.matterD.fact正确答案是:B17.My older sister has taken on the of wife and mother.A.workB.jobC.occupationD.role正确答案是:D18.You will not make a good teacher,unless you feel teaching is your.A.vocationB.vacationD.vigor正确答案是:A19.Many of the students are working to help their college tuition.A.charge forB.pay forC.bargain forD.sale for正确答案是:B20.In the countryside I had some interesting that are memorable for me.A.expressionsB.expansionC.experiencesD.expenses正确答案是:C1.They want a house,we would rather live in a flat.A.as thoughB.althoughC.asD.whereas正确答案是:C2.A number of occupations the rise are lawyers,computer analysts and psycholog ists.A.atB.onC.inD.by正确答案是:B3.We were surprised at the news that Paul was married Lucy.A.toB.byC.atD.with正确答案是:A4.Bill has much experience sales,so he has a qualification the job.A.on…forB.in…atC.in…forD.for…in正确答案是:C5.He has much experience an engineer.A.asB.atC.byD.for正确答案是:A6.The job gave me a chance with the scientists in their research.A.livingB.liveC.to liveD.lived正确答案是:C7.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to.A.the otherB.AnotherC.any otherD.other正确答案是:A8.I did not choose any of the offerings,because I found of them satisfactory.A.neitherB.no oneC.ratherD.none正确答案是:D9.They be sleeping because the lights are out.A.canB.mustC.shouldD.need正确答案是:B10.Ray's been in the hairstyling business20years he graduated.A.since…forB.for…sinceC.since…sinceD.for…for正确答案是:BIII.Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation.11.—Why don't you come with us?—A.Yes,I really can't go with you.B.I'd love to,but I need to go pick up the kids.C.When did you go to that restaurant?正确答案是:B12.—How did you miss your train?—A.Well,I was caught in the traffic jam.B.What's your opinion?C.Don't worry about that.正确答案是:A13.—What do you do in Seattle?—A.I did nothing but stayed at home.B.I'll visit a friend of mine.C.I'm a tour guide in a travel agency.正确答案是:C14.—Are you free this weekend?—A. No, it costs about 200 yuan.B.It shouldn't be that expensive.C.I'm not sure yet.Maybe not.正确答案是:C15.—Have you visited Hong Kong?—A.Sorry,I'm planning to go to New YorkB.No,but I've heard it's an exciting city.C.Yes,it's a long way to my hometown正确答案是:BReadingRead the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.Passage1How to Present Business CardsBusiness cards are less important in American culture than they are in Asian culture. But knowing the right way to handle business cards is a useful skill wherever you are.Requesting someone's business card is a straightforward(直截了当的、坦率的)process. You need only say: "Do you have a business card?" or "May I have your business card?"When you want to present your own card, you can say, "Here's my card. Feel free to call me if you have any other questions." Or, you might say, "Please send the information to this address. I look forward to hearing from you soon."It's not polite to directly refuse a request from someone for your business card. Instead, you can say, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I'm all out at the moment." or "l forgot to bring them with me."When you do receive a card, say "Thank you" and examine it briefly before puttingit away.16.In America,.A.one does not use business cardsB.one uses business cards everywhereC.one uses business cards but not as often as one does in AsiaD.one uses business cards much more often than one does in Asia正确答案是:C17.If you know how to handle business cards,you will.A.be absolutely successfulB.get help from othersC.make everybody happyD.find the knowledge helpful正确答案是:D18.To politely refuse a request for business cards,you may say the following except .A."Sorry,but I can't satisfy you."B."Sorry,but I'm afraid I’m all out at the moment."C."I forgot to bring them with me."D."Sorry,but I don't have a business card."正确答案是:A19.From the passage we can infer that.A.business cards are the key to successB.business cards should be beautifully designedC.you should always carry your business cardsD.handling business cards skillfully is important正确答案是:D20.The word“examine”(Line1,Para.5)is closest in meaning to.A.search forB.testC.look atD.research正确答案是:C三1.I have heard two of the accident,which are different from yours.A.versionsB.translationsC.directionsD.techniques正确答案是:A2.The young man lives in a world of and refuses the real facts.A.appearanceC.mindD.exhibit正确答案是:B3.,I like his literary works,but many people do not.A.GenerallyB.PubliclyC.PersonallyD.Considerably正确答案是:C4.There was a in the shop when a fire started.A.fantasyB.soundexcitementD.panic正确答案是:D5.Buying so big a house will a fortune.A.takeB.spendC.makeD.cost正确答案是:D6.David has a new for cooking delicious meat and fish.A.techniqueB.agentC.influenceD.experience正确答案是:A7.They waited in to hear the end of the story.A.realismB.suspenseC.dreamD.trouble正确答案是:B8.Can you provide any evidence that he was of the crime?A.typicalB.possibleC.innocentD.probable正确答案是:C9.All the people in the country have the serious accident.A.heard fromB.heard outC.heard of正确答案是:C10.Are you to do homework every day?A.supposedB.believedC.thoughtD.ought正确答案是:A11.I don't know the number–I'll look in the telephone book.A.make sureB.as sureC.of sureD.for sure正确答案是:D12.She made up her to start her own company.A.brainB.mindC.ideaD.thought正确答案是:B13.The boy will be punished if he gets into at school.A.influenceB.appearanceC.societyD.trouble正确答案是:D14.He knew he did something wrong.As he waited,his fearsA.heightenedB.raisedC.influencedbined正确答案是:A15.If you don't want to get into difficult situation,you'd better some money.A.riseB.ariseC.raiseD.steal正确答案是:C16.The story in today's newspaper is told from different points ofA.wayB.viewC.thoughtD.mind17.Though he was dressed in working clothes,I him at once.A.realizedB.spottedC.understoodD.considered正确答案是:B18.This town is for its beautiful buildings.A.famousB.unknownC.innocentD.different正确答案是:A19.What children read in books and see on TV their thinking and behaviors.binesB.raisesC.heightensD.influences正确答案是:D20.I have seen all his films,the last.A.containingbiningC.includingD.having正确答案是:CII.Structure:(1) It is better to ask him______he should refuse.A. even thoughB.ifC.in caseD. until正确答案是:A(2)He mentioned the film, the title______is memorable for all of us.A. of itB. of whichC. whichD. whose正确答案是:B(3)When______, the TV set will be immediately sent to your house.A. buyingB. to buyC. boughtD. buy(4) Not______his, they couldn't get in touch with him.A. knownB. knewC. to knowD. knowing正确答案是:D(5) I______the Picasso exhibit yet. How about you?A. didn't visitB. wasn't visitingC. hadn't visitedD. haven't visited正确答案是:C(6)I wrote down his , so that I______remember it.A. needB. had toC. mightD. must正确答案是:C(7)My friends in Boston invited me______them.A.visitingB. to visitC. visitD. visited正确答案是:B(8) Is there any good film______Channel 8 tonight?A. onB. inC. byD. for正确答案是:A(9)The film soon became known______the world.A. betweenB. amongC. duringD. throughout正确答案是:D(10)It is a wonderful show based______traditional Mexican dances.A. onB. byC. withD.at正确答案是:AIII.Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation.11.—Have a good time on your holiday!—________________________A.Thank you,and you too.B.That's all right.C.Good.Why not?正确答案是:A12.—I've always wanted to swim in that lake.—________________________A.What do you think of the coach?B.Really?Could you tell me why?C.The weather forecast says it is going to rain soon.正确答案是:B13.—I hear you've got a new house.—________________________A.No news is good news.B.Please tell me where it is.C.Yes.I just bought it last month.正确答案是:C14.—Hi,Peter!How was your tour?—________________________A.Why didn't you come with me?B.It took me a whole week.C.Oh,it was really a lot of fun.正确答案是:C15.—Let me help you open that bottle.—________________________A.Never mind.I have no idea about it.B.Thanks.I really appreciate it.C.Thank you for telling me about it正确答案是:BReadingRead the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.Passage 1MannersLearning the language of a country isn't enough. If you know the manners of your foreign friends, you will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own.A visitor to India should remember it is impolite there to use the left hand for passing food at the table. The left hand is for washing yourself. Also in India, you mightsee a man shaking his head at another to show that he is disagreeing. But in many parts of India a side-to-side movement of the head is to show agreement. In Bulgaria you shake your head to show "yes"—a nod shows "no".In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs while sitting and talking to someone, even at an important meeting. But doing this could cause offence to a Thailander. Touching the head of a grown-up is also not done in Thailand.Knowing about manners is useful when you are traveling, and you also need to know the language used to express the customs.16.If you are staying in India,you'd better______.A.not use your left hand to pass food at the tablee your left hand to pass food at the tableC.not use your left hand to wash yourselfe your left hand at all times正确答案是:A17.To shake your head means“Yes”______.A.in IndiaB.in EuropeC.in BulgariaD.in Thailand正确答案是:C18.You can easily make a Thailander angry by______.A.touching his headB.crossing your legs while talking to himC.shaking your headD.nodding your head正确答案是:B19.The writer thinks that to know about a country well one must______.A.know the language of the countryB.know the manners of the countryC.know the manners better than the languageD.know both the language and the manners正确答案是:D20.We can learn from the passage that______.A.different countries have different mannersB.the manners in Thailand are the same as those in IndiaC.one should be careful not to cross legs in EuropeD.one should not touch a grown-up's head in India正确答案是:A四(1)The sign X______an unknown number.A. stands forB. takes place ofC. stands byD. looks up正确答案是:A(2)He likes the picture at the first sight, though it is not______ .A.faithfulB. fluentC. fatefulD. famous正确答案是:D(3)He______with the view around as soon as he was at the top of the hill.A. fell uponB. fell in loveC. fell behindD. fell in正确答案是:B(4)The performance was so boring that some of the audience______asleep.A. hadB. tookC. fellD. got正确答案是:C(5)The dog went in the water and now it's wet______.A. all thereB. all outC. all overD. all through正确答案是:C(6)Have you______what job you are going to do?A. thought aboutB. believed inC. taken careD. considered about正确答案是:A(7)She could not______a decision about what to wear in the party.A. doB. makeC. arriveD. decide正确答案是:B(8)Perhaps this sweater will fit you if you______it a bit.A. expandB. increaseC. enlargeD.stretch正确答案是:D(9)The letters were sent to him______a big parcel.A. along withB. all alongC. after allD. all over正确答案是:A(10)My new way to solve the problem is not exactly same, but______ the one you have.A. likeB. alikeC. similar toD. same to正确答案是:C(11) This scientist has been______this problem for about ten years.A. working outB. working onC. working offD. working up正确答案是:B(12)The statue in the small town______back to 1870s.A. catchesB. getsC. returnsD. dates正确答案是:D(13)While standing in line for the football match tickets we______a conversation.A. worked upB. made upC. struck upD. picked up正确答案是:C(14)They______him stealing the public property.A. discoveredB. recoveredC. uncoveredD. covered正确答案是:A(15)We can______meat in tins so that it does not go bad.A. pressB. preserveC. presentD. pray正确答案是:B(16)The______among the two parties was blown up by the newspapers.A. controversyB. settlementC. controlD. decision正确答案是:A(17)This is a good copy of the painting. The______is in the National Gallery.A. earlierB. previousC. formerD. original正确答案是:D(18) The idea to travel by bike began to______in his mind.A. moldB. formC. makeD. build正确答案是:B(19)Have you______all the expenses of moving house?A. took outB. put outC. figured outD. turned out正确答案是:C(20) It is John who first______with the good idea of going to visit the museum.A. came acrossB. came afterC. came downD. came up正确答案是:DGrammarChoose the best answer for each of the following items.(1)It's hard to get a word out______them.A.fromB.inC.atD.of正确答案是:D(2)We don't doubt______he can do a good job of it.A.thatB.whetherC.ifD.about正确答案是:A(3)I have heard both teachers and students______well of him.A.to speakB.spokenC.to have spokenD.speak正确答案是:D(4)At first he found______what he wanted to.A.that it hard to doB.it hard to doC.hard to doD.to do it正确答案是:B(5)He moved away from his parents, and missed them enjoy the exciting life in New York.A.too much toB.enough toC.very much toD.much so as to正确答案是:A(6)He is the man______I suppose was capable of doing such a thing.A.whoB.to whomC.of themD.whom正确答案是:A(7)______might be expected,the response to the question was very mixedA.ItB.ThatC.AsD.What正确答案是:C(8)Some members of the staff couldn't handle the condition,hard______they tried.A.whenB.enough toC.very much toD.much so as to正确答案是:C(6)He is the man______I suppose was capable of doing such a thing.A.whoB.to whomC.of themD.whom正确答案是:A(7)______might be expected,the response to the question was very mixedA.ItB.ThatC.AsD.What正确答案是:C(8)Some members of the staff couldn't handle the condition,hard______they tried.A.whenB.althoughC.asD.even if正确答案是:C(9)I bought a new house last year,but I______my old house yet.A.did not sellB.have not soldC.had not soldD.do not sell正确答案是:B(10)It was not until he arrived at the station______he realized that he had forgotten hi s ticket.A.beforeB.thatC.whenD.after正确答案是:BIII.Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation.11.—I've started my own computer company.—________________________A.No kidding!Congratulations!B.If I had the money,I'd buy itC.Could you tell me who owns it?正确答案是:A12.—Do you live in Chicago now?—________________________A.Chicago is a busy and noisy city.B.Chicago is far away from here.C.Well,I'm thinking of moving here.正确答案是:C13.—Tell me,what's new with you?—________________________A.I've bought a new car.B.It's on the film channel at20:30.C.Yes,it's really interesting.正确答案是:A14.—May I give you a hand?—________________________A.How many hands do you have?B.Thank you.You are so kind.C.I don't need a lift nowadays.正确答案是:B15.—I've got2tickets for the match.Would you like to go with me?—________________________A.How about the match last night?B.The match must be exciting.C.Why not?Let's go together.正确答案是:CReadingRead the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.How man first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that man, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to stand for those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then lies in their association which the things they bring up before our minds. Words became filled with meanings for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them exactly, or they will make our speech silly and impolite.16.The origin of language is______.A.clearly explained in this passageB.a matter that can not be or has not been explained or understoodC.a question that was difficult to answerD.a problem already solved正确答案是:B17.One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actio ns was that they could______.A.agree with certain signsB.write them downC.make themselves understand each otherbine them正确答案是:C18.What is true about the words?A.They are used to express feeling onlyB.They can't be written downC.They are spoken or written soundsD.They are soundless signs正确答案是:C19.A great writer is one who______.A.has great thoughtsB.is good at deeply impressing us with the power of correct wordsC.is careful in choosing correct wordsE.both A and B正确答案是:D20.It is necessary to choose our words carefully when we speak or write in order____ __.A.to show that we are politeB.to show that we are good at using themC.to express exactly what we meanD.to prove that we are not silly正确答案是:C五(1)Can you tell me which place you?A.have in mindB.think overC.have out of mindD.have in the mind正确答案是:D(2)Don’t try to do everything at once; take it a bitA.at timesB.at a timeC.at other timesD.at the time正确答案是:B(3)I saw her walking in the courtyard.A.back and forthB.down and upC.in and outD.back and front正确答案是:A。
A. 主导作用B. 决定作用C. 不起作用D. 生理前提作用正确答案: D2.决定教育性质的根本因素是()。
A. 社会生产力B. 政治经济制度C. 上层建筑D. 科学技术E. 人口质量正确答案: B3.在人的发展的关键期,施以相应的教育,这是遵循了人的发展的()。
A. 稳定性B. 顺序性C. 阶段性D. 不平衡性E. 个别差异性正确答案: D4.“近朱者赤、近墨者黑”这句话反映了下列哪种因素对人的发展的影响()。
A. 环境B. 遗传C. 教育正确答案: A5.心理学理论为我们认识人的发展及其规律作出了巨大的贡献,被誉为“20世纪发展心理学上最权威的理论”是()。
A. 弗洛伊德的发展心理学理论B. 华生的发展心理学理论C. 皮亚杰的认知发展理论D. 维果茨基的“最近发展区”理论E. 赞科夫的“一般发展”理论正确答案: C6.受教育权利是受()制约的。
A. 社会生产力B. 社会政治经济制度C. 时代D. 社会历史形态E. 社会文化正确答案: B7.在教育工作中我们要“一把钥匙开一把锁”,这是遵循了人的发展的()。
A. 稳定性B. 顺序性C. 阶段性D. 不平衡性E. 个别差异性正确答案: E8.人类历史上的“狼孩”事例,说明了()。
A. 遗传素质在人的身心发展中起决定作用B. 遗传素质在人的身心发展中不起决定作用C. 遗传素质在人的身心发展中不起作用D. 自然环境在人的身心发展中起决定作用正确答案: B9.规定一个国家教育发展性质、总方向、总目标的是()。
A. 教育方针B. 教育目的C. 培养目标D. 教育目标E. 教学目标正确答案: A10.1993年,美国政府在()中,确定了美国国家的八大教育目标。
A. 《国家处在危险之中》B. 《普及科学2061计划》C. 《美国2000年:教育战略》D. 《2000年目标:美国教育法》正确答案: D11.规定培养各级各类人才的总的要求或共同标准的是()。
A.处于裸机之上的第一层软件B.处于硬件之下的低层软件C.处于应用软件之上的系统软件D.处于系统软件之上的用户软件正确答案: A2.为了使系统中所有的用户都能得到及时的响应,该操作系统应该是()。
A.多道批处理系统B.分时系统C.实时系统D.网络系统正确答案: B3.操作系统对缓冲区的管理属于()的功能。
A.处理器管理B.设备管理C.文件管理D.存储器管理正确答案: B4.在下列操作系统中,强调吞吐能力的是()。
A.分时系统B.多道批处理系统C.实时系统D.网络系统正确答案: B5.实时操作系统追求的目标是()。
A.高吞吐率B.充分利用内存C.快速响应D.减少系统开销正确答案: C6.在分时系统中,时间片一定,则(),响应时间越长。
A.内存越大B.用户数越多C.后备队列越短D.用户数越少正确答案: B7.工业过程控制系统中运行的操作系统最好是()。
A.CPU的利用率不高B.失去了交互性C.不具备并行性D.系统吞吐量小正确答案: B9.进程与程序之间有密切联系,但又是不同的概念。
A.程序是静态概念,进程是动态概念B.程序是动态概念,进程是静态概念C.程序保存在文件中,进程存放在内存中D.程序顺序执行,进程并发执行正确答案: A10.现代操作系统中引入线程以后,进程()。
A.只是资源分配的单位B.只是调度运行的单位C.既是资源分配的单位,又是调度运行的单位D.失去作用正确答案: A11.在一段时间内,只允许一个进程访问的资源称为()。
A.共享资源B.临界区C.临界资源D.共享区正确答案: C12.一个进程被唤醒意味着()。
回答错误A.该进程重新占有了CPUB.进程状态变为就绪C.它的优先权变为最大D.其PCB移至就绪队列的队首正确答案: B13.有9个生产者,6个消费者,共享容量为8的缓冲区。
2023年国家开放大学职业生涯规划(2)形考任务一1.我们最好在什么时候开始考虑个人的职业生涯发展问题单选题(4 分). A.大学毕业前. B.刚进大学时. C.上大学之前. D.尽早正确答案: D2.在大学二年级开始至二年级结束前两个月的生涯发展阶段中,生涯规划准备工作不包括单选题(4 分). A.建立合理的价值体系和认知结构. B.围绕职业生涯规划制定相应的成长计划. C.学习并运用生涯目标建立方法和生涯抉择方法,完成生涯决策. D.参加专项行为训练,提升实现目标的行动力正确答案: C3.生涯是个人依据他的人生理想,为了自我实现而逐渐展开的一种独特的生命历程,不同的个体有不同的生涯。
这里指出了生涯的什么特点单选题(4 分). A.综合性. B.终身性. C.发展性. D.独特性正确答案: D4.以性别、年龄、社会地位等印象来选择职业目标,如女性较适合从事服务业。
这种生涯规划方法,我们称之为单选题(4 分). A.自然发生法. B.目前趋势法. C.刻板印象法. D.橱窗游走法正确答案: C5.职业生涯规划是指一个人对其一生中所有与( )相关的活动与任务的计划或预期性安排单选题(4 分). A.理想. B.职业. C.家庭. D.生活正确答案: B6.( )是指值得个人投入一生心力,以获得最大人生价值的生涯目标单选题(4 分). A.工作. B.职业. C.事业. D.生涯正确答案: C7.( )是生活中各种事件的演进方向与历程,统合了个人一生中各种职业与生活角色,有此表现出个人独特的自我发展形态单选题(4 分). A.工作. B.职业. C.事业. D.生涯正确答案: D8.职业生涯规划的重要环节和流程是单选题(4 分). A.知己、知彼、计划、评估. B.知己、知彼、决策、行动. C.知己、知彼、评估、决策. D.知己、知彼、行动、评估正确答案: B9.个人职业生涯发展中,终身从事某一专业领域,在一种线性等级结构中,从低级不断走向高级,取得更大的权力、责任和更多的报酬的职业生涯发展模式称为单选题(4 分). A.上升型. B.直线型. C.螺旋型. D.渐进型正确答案: B10.生涯的特点不包括单选题(4 分). A.独特性. B.复杂性. C.终身性. D.综合性正确答案: B11.作为一名职员,应当如何进行职业锚的自我开发多选题(4 分). A.培养提高抉择能力. B.提高取业适应性. C.制定人力资源发展规划制. D.借助组织职位表,迭择职业目标正确答案: A B D12.新员工在早期工作中逐渐加深认识,得出更为清晰的职业自我观,这种职业自我观的组成包括多选题(4 分). A.自省的态度和价值. B.自省的原因和结果. C.自省的动机和需要. D.自省的才干和能力正确答案: A C D13.下列情形中,可以认定为工伤的有多选题(4 分). A.在工作期间自杀、自残或故意犯罪. B.因工外出期间,甶于工作原因受到伤害或者发生事故下落不明. C.在工作时间和工作场所内,因工作原因受到事故伤害. D.在上下班途中,受到非本人主要责任的交通事故或者城市轨道交通、火车事故伤害正确答案: B C D14.目前,我国基本医疗保险面对的挑战有多选题(4 分). A.保障可持续性不足. B.人群待遇差距较大. C.适应流动性不足. D.保障水平总体过高正确答案: A B C15.自我分析有助于职业锚的选择,自我分析包含的内容有哪些多选题(4 分). A.心理自我. B.生理自我. C.社会自我. D.他人分析正确答案: A B C16.制度型组织具有组织复杂程度高、组织变革程度快的特点判断题(4 分). A.对. B.错正确答案: B17.一个人在目标抉择时应该选择的目标是一步到位的长期目标而不能是短期目标判断题(4 分). A.对. B.错正确答案: B18.在基本医疗保险制度中,起付标准以下的医疗费用,由统筹基金支付判断题(4 分). A.对. B.错正确答案: B19.聘用制适合多数事业单位的大多数工作岗位判断题(4 分). A.对. B.错正确答案: A20.职工基本养老保险的缴费由职工和企业共同承担,企业缴存部分全部纳入社会统筹基金判断题(4 分). A.对. B.错正确答案: A21.一个人职业生涯的发展程度,决定着人生需求,特别是高级需求的满足程度判断题(4 分). A.对. B.错正确答案: A22.职业生涯由三个维度组成,即时间、广度和深度判断题(4 分). A.对. B.错正确答案: A23.只要有报酬有收入的劳动就是职业。
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职业生涯规划(1)一、单选题1、一名教师职业生涯之初从事教学工作,以后转到行政岗位上从事教学管理工作属于()A. 传统职业生涯B. 易变性职业生涯C. 外职业生涯正确答案: B2.一名教师职业生涯之初从事教学工作,以后转到行政岗位上从事教学管理工作属于()A. 传统职业生涯B. 易变性职业生涯C. 内职业生涯D. 外职业生涯正确答案: B3.以下()不属于职业生涯发展A. 工作的扩大与丰富化B. 责任的加重C. 教育与训练D. 评估生涯的发展正确答案: D4.()的优点是有实际性,参与者能够从真实管理中学习互动的方法A. 人际关系培训B. 课堂学习和学位C. 模仿D. 案例研究正确答案:D5.以下()属于能力的个别差异表现在质方面的差异A. 能力发展的水平B. 年龄差异C. 能力的类型差异D. 不同的普通能力之外正确答案: C6. 智力活动的产物中,最复杂的结果是()A. 类别B. 转换C. 蕴涵D. 认识一个系统的关系正确答案:C7.智商110~120属于()A. 中才B. 聪颖C. 上智D. 天才正确答案:B8.以下()不属于胜任力的六个层次。
A. 知识B. 自我概念C. 动机与需要D. 智力正确答案:D9.()沉着冷静,情绪发生慢而弱,思维言语动作迟缓。
A. 胆汁质B. 多血质C. 粘液质D. 抑郁质正确答案:C10.出现“分裂人格”属于()A. 独特性B. 稳定性C. 复杂性D. 统合性正确答案:D11.()纬度是对信誉的测量A. 经验的开放性B. 责任C. 随和性D. 外倾性正确答案:B12.现实型对应CISS兴趣问卷的()A. 冒险B. 帮助C. 影响D. 组织正确答案:A13.( )是准确地对自己进行评价的一个重要方面。
A. 公开我B. 私隐我C. 潜在我D. 背脊我正确答案:D14.()即目标必须是以普通人能理解的口头语言或书面语言表达。
A. 可行的B. 明确的C. 可界定的D. 可量化的正确答案:C正确答案:15.()是指同时着手实现两个现行的工作目标或建立和实现与目前内容不相关的预备职业生涯目标。
A. 并进目标B. 连续目标C. 因果关系组合D. 互补作用组合正确答案:A16.“人生没有轮回的季节”属于()A. 正确面对困难B. 寻找个人在企业中的位置C. 找准目标D. 要接受企业现实的人际关系正确答案:C17.新员工进行自我测试以及使自己的职业锚更加具体化的一个最好的办法,就是去()A. 开展职业生涯规划B. 尝试各种具有挑战性的工作C. 提供未来工作的描述D. 提供阶段性工作轮换正确答案:B18.()高是其归属感强烈的明显表现,也是员工接纳组织的重要标志。
A. 参与意识B. 创造性C. 内激励水平D. 工作积极性正确答案:C19.内部晋升计划应得到以()为基础的雇佣制度的支持A. 员工发展B. 改善工作环境C. 职业生涯开发D. 价值观正确答案:D20.为了评估员工的潜力,许多有名的国际公司都设立和使用()来直接测评员工将来从事某种职业的能力。
A. 评估中心B. 能力测试C. 绩效评估结果D. 环境分析正确答案:A21.组织职业生涯规划的第三个步骤是()A. 帮助员工制订职业生涯目标B. 职业生涯规划的评估与修正C. 帮助员工制订职业生涯策略正确答案:C二.多选题1、职业的特性()A. 经济性B. 技术性C. 社会性D. 伦理性E. 连续性正确答案: ABCDE2.个人职业生涯规划的五大要素包括()A. 知己B. 知彼C. 选择D. 目标E. 行动正确答案: ABCDE3.组织内部的角色包括()A. 职业生涯指导顾问B. 职业生涯委员会C. 人力资源部门D. 最高领导者E. 平级正确答案: ABCDE4、组织可以通过()对员工进行评估A. 环境分析B. 分析自身条件C. 利用招聘筛选时获得的信息D. 利用当前的工作情况E. 利用员工个人评估的结果正确答案:CDE5.以下关于职业生涯通道模式表述正确的是()。
A. 传统职业通道基于晋升而涉及的职业通道B. 横向职业通道可以增加员工的职业生活多样性C. 双重职业通道可以保证员工在适合自己的岗位上发展D. 多重职业通道为专业技术人员的职业发展提供了更大的空间E. 行为职业通道首先要进行工作分析来确定各个岗位上的职业行为需要正确答案:ABCDE6.在职开发包括()A. 课堂学习B. 案例研究C. 指导D. 工作轮换制E. 委员会任命正确答案:CDE7.离职开发包括()A. 人际关系培训B. 案例研究C. 户外培训D. 商业游戏E. 角色扮演正确答案:ABCDE8.组织以()等方式,表明对新员工及其工作的承认。
A. 贡献B. 薪资报酬C. 挑战性工作D. 组织奖励与晋升E. 组织文化正确答案:BCD9.相互接纳的期限长短受()等因素的影响。
A. 工作性质B. 部门类型C. 上司风格D. 组织文化E. 新员工的实绩正确答案:ABCDE10.职业锚包括()内容组成。
A. 自省的才干和能力B. 自省的动机和需要C. 自省的个性与学习D.自省的态度和价值观E. 自省的学习与动机正确答案:ABD11.有效的职业生涯管理的特征()A. 需要对自我和环境有深入且准确的把握B. 制定现实的目标,且符合个人的价值观、兴趣、能力及向往的生活方式C. 制定并执行适当的职业生涯战略D. 是一个斗争的过程E. 是一个持续解决问题的过程正确答案:ABCD12. 以下()都是一般能力。
A. 观察能力B. 注意能力C. 思维能力D. 想象能力E. 操作能力正确答案:ABCDE13. 从事数学研究要求具有()能力。
A. 空间判断能力B. 空间想象能力C. 逻辑思维能力D. 写作能力E. 计算能力正确答案:BCE14.需要具有形态知觉能力的相应职业是()A.无线电修理工B. 工业药剂师C. 木工D. 兽医E. 画家正确答案:ADE15.目前已经形成并且在实践中广泛应用的特殊能力测试主要有()A. 文字能力测试B. 心理运动能力测试C. 创造力测试D. 推理测试E. 空间判断能力测试正确答案:ABC16.以下()属于成就特征。
A. 自信B. 组织承诺C. 成就欲D. 主动性E. 关注秩序正确答案:CDE17.()称为活泼型。
A. 强B. 不平衡C. 灵活型D. 反应灵敏E. 易兴奋正确答案:ACD18.自我调控系统是以自我意识为核心的人格调控系统包括()A. 自我认识B. 自我体验C. 自我控制D. 自我评价E. 自我激发正确答案:ABC19.ESFP的工作环境偏好是( )A. 善于合作B. 以人为本C. 工作具有灵活性D. 适应性强E. 注重现实正确答案:BDE20.生活特性问卷测验是从()描述应试者的动机模式和强弱程度。
A. 风险动机B. 权力动机C. 亲和动机D. 社会动机E. 成就动机正确答案:ABCE21.以下关于职业生涯通道模式表述正确的是()。
A. 传统职业通道基于晋升而涉及的职业通道B. 横向职业通道可以增加员工的职业生活多样性C. 双重职业通道可以保证员工在适合自己的岗位上发展D. 多重职业通道为专业技术人员的职业发展提供了更大的空间E. 行为职业通道首先要进行工作分析来确定各个岗位上的职业行为需要正确答案:ABCDE22.事业分析主要分析()A. 休闲管理B. 财富所得C. 社会阶层D. 自我实现E. 生活品质正确答案:BCD23.以下()属于过度压力的心里症状后果。
A. 绩效下降B. 愤怒C. 焦虑D. 情绪低落E. 离职正确答案:BCD24.职业工作能力的开发策略主要有()A. 选择自己的态度B. 增强实力C. 获取新能力D. 适应职业需要发展个人能力E. 做表现杰出的突出人物正确答案:BCDE25.职业社会资本的开发主要可以从()方面入手A. 服饰与仪表B. 对权力关系的把握C. 争取领导的注意D. 树立效率观念E. 树立国际化观念正确答案:ABC26.离职开发包括()A. 人际关系培训B. 案例研究C. 户外培训D. 商业游戏E. 角色扮演正确答案:ABCDE27.EAP内容包括()。
A. 职业心理健康B. 灾难性时间C. 减肥D. 健康生活方式E. 法律纠纷正确答案:ABCDE28、职业生涯中期个人的心理特征()A. 家庭结构和内部关系改变B. 感到职业机会有限C. 家庭结构和内部关系改变D. 生命短暂产生心里变化E. 缺乏明确的组织认同正确答案:ABCD29.组织以()等方式,表明对新员工及其工作的承认。
A. 贡献B. 薪资报酬C. 挑战性工作D. 组织奖励与晋升E. 组织文化正确答案:BCD30.工作家庭冲突对组织的影响包括()方面。
A. 管理者的两难境地B. 组织的角色变化C. 时间的分配D. 生产率的下降E. 员工的士气正确答案:CDE31.职业生涯中期,每个人都面临()问题。
A. 组织生物周期B. 职业生涯周期C. 家庭周期D. 生命周期E. 个人生物周期正确答案:BCE32.相互接纳的期限长短受()等因素的影响。
A. 工作性质B. 部门类型C. 上司风格D. 组织文化E. 新员工的实绩正确答案:ABCDE33. 以下()都是一般能力。
A. 观察能力B. 注意能力C. 思维能力D. 想象能力E. 操作能力正确答案:ABCDE34. 从事数学研究要求具有()能力。
A. 空间判断能力B. 空间想象能力C. 逻辑思维能力D. 写作能力E. 计算能力正确答案:BCE35.需要具有形态知觉能力的相应职业是()A. 无线电修理工B. 工业药剂师C. 木工D. 兽医E. 画家正确答案:ADE36.目前已经形成并且在实践中广泛应用的特殊能力测试主要有()A. 文字能力测试B. 心理运动能力测试C. 创造力测试D. 推理测试E. 空间判断能力测试正确答案:ABC37.以下()属于成就特征。
A. 自信B. 组织承诺C. 成就欲D. 主动性E. 关注秩序正确答案:CDE38.()称为活泼型。
A. 强B. 不平衡C. 灵活型D. 反应灵敏E. 易兴奋正确答案:ACD39.自我调控系统是以自我意识为核心的人格调控系统包括()A. 自我认识B. 自我体验C. 自我控制D. 自我评价E. 自我激发正确答案:ABC40.ESFP的工作环境偏好是( )A. 善于合作B. 以人为本C. 工作具有灵活性D. 适应性强E. 注重现实正确答案:BDE41.生活特性问卷测验是从()描述应试者的动机模式和强弱程度。
A. 风险动机B. 权力动机C. 亲和动机D. 社会动机E. 成就动机正确答案:ABCE三、判断题1.职业生涯目标越具体,制定有效战略以达到目标的可能性就越大。
A. 对B. 错正确答案:A2.艺术性向的人格特点是喜欢冒险的、乐观的、自信的。