



Coding: 00014 WSC 12345
25 - IMMOBILIZER(因为该车无电子防盗实际上这是17仪表抢答的)
Controller: Bitte Adress
Component: e 17 eingeben
46-J393(T23+T12C)舒适系统 6Q0 959 433 G 4W
Komfortgera 0002
• 56 - 收放机 6QD 035 152 Radio 5GD
Coding: 00001 WSC 12345
09 - 电源与继电器管理 6Q1 937 049 C 00 BN-
SG. 1S33
Coding: 25612 Code: WSC
44 - 转向助力 6Q0 423 156
Coding: 00064 WSC 12345 (coding 为00264 可多控制
J386(T12d+T8h+t12e)左前门: 6Q2959802A 4W Tusteuer.FS KLO
J387(T8i +T6p+T12f)右前门: 6Q2959801A 4W Tusteuer.BF KLO

polo 波罗 1.4L MT 全车电脑版本号
• 01-ENGINE //01-10-d 188 (含 EPC 电子油门控制)
036 906 034 DM MARELLI 4MV 4837 Coding: 00071 WSC 12345 VIN: LSVFA49J732012842 IMMO ID:VWZ7Z0C6831585 03 - ABS 6Q0 907 379 L ABS FRONT MK60 0101



数据表PCF8575远程16位I 2 C总线I/O扩展器内容简介1.特征2.一般描述3.订货信息4.框图5.引脚6.I 2 C总线的特点6.1.位传输6.2.启停条件6.3.系统配置6.4.应答7.功能描述7.1.双向I/O7.2.寻址7.3.读取端口(输入模式)7.4.写入端口(输出模式)7.5.中断8.极限值9.处理10.特点11.I 2 C总线的时序特性12.设备的保护13.封装外形14.焊接14.1焊接表面贴装封装介绍14.2回流焊接14.3波动焊接14.4手工焊接14.5表面安装IC封装的波动和回流焊接方法的适用性15.定义16.支持应用程序17.购买飞利浦I 2 C组件1.特征工作电源电压2.5至5.5 V最大低待机电流消耗10µI 2 C总线并行端口扩展器快至400 kbits/s的I 2 C总线开漏中断输出16位远程I/O端口的I 2 C总线兼容大多数微控制器具有高电流锁存输出驱动能力可直接驱动LED地址由3个硬件地址引脚使用多达8个设备ssop24包装2.一般描述PCF8575是硅CMOS电路。

它提供了通用的远程I/O 扩展对于大多数的微控制器的家庭通过两线双向总线(I 2 C 总线)。

该设备有一个双向16位的接口和一个I 2 C总线接口。



通过在这条线上发送中断信号,远程I / O可以通知单片机如果有接口输入的数据而不必通过I 2 C总线通信。

这意味着,PCF8575是I 2 C总线从发送器/接收器。





惠致 制冰机 MC045 系列 MCS045A MCM045A 零件手册

惠致 制冰机 MC045 系列 MCS045A MCM045A 零件手册

制冰机零件手册MC045系列MCS045AMCM045AMC45 控制部分描述零件号1控制板........................................................................0400006292控制板支撑....................................................................43-0225-33功能开关......................................................................0400005104时间调节器....................................................................0400006325箱体传感器....................................................................0400006316冷凝器传感器..................................................................0400006307水温传感器....................................................................0400006318线束(机器内部,未显示) (040000333)2MC45蒸发盘组件描述零件号1蒸发盘a.标准型......................................................................7602353b.迷你型......................................................................30064832蒸发盘支架.....................................................................0400007633喷淋管a.芯子(单只)................................................................4008771b.喷嘴帽(单只)..............................................................4008761c.O 型密封圈..................................................................5004633d.喷管(中间部分)............................................................040000440e.喷管(两端部分)............................................................040000442f.喷管(扩展部分)............................................................0400004654导冰板.........................................................................0400004765溢流管组件a.竖管........................................................................4010379b.橡皮塞......................................................................040000096c.过滤网......................................................................0400004626水帘板组件a.水帘片......................................................................040000472b.杆..........................................................................3004559c.悬架........................................................................0400004757箱体感温管.....................................................................3004591杂件 – 支架、螺钉等8水管(水泵到喷淋管)...........................................................0400005589紧固夹.........................................................................56506492MC45 制冷部件-通用部件描述零件号1压缩机 (040000411)a.启动继电器 (040000421)b.启动电容 (040000239)c.运行电容 (040000423)2热气阀套件 (7602393)a.热气阀线圈 (000001144)3毛细管组件 (7602403)4干燥过滤器 (8252169)5水泵a.220V/50 Hz (000000661)b.支架 (040000949)6蒸发盘进水口a.弯头 (4011169)b.分流器 (6072481)7冷凝水托盘 (040000471)8进水阀 (000001801)9电源线(未显示) (000001788)10电源线衬套 (2512043)杂件–支架、螺钉等11水管a.水泵到喷淋管 (040000558)b.水槽到水泵 (040000577)12排水管a.箱体与水槽,机器内部 (040000286)b.整机,机器外部 (040000561)13排水管接头 (4011289)14支脚 (5005253)MC45制冷部件 – 风冷描述零件号1压缩机(参见通用件页).........................................................MC25-4页2风冷冷凝器 (040000410)3风扇电机 (040000406)4风扇叶片 (040000401)杂件–支架、螺钉等5风扇电机支架 (040000408)6支架螺钉 (5004859)MC45面板描述零件号1右导轨 (040000463)2左导轨 (040000464)3门框 (040000478)4门板 (040000479)5格栅 (040000473)6格栅螺钉 (000001718)7顶盖 (040000466)8后背板 (040000291)9后功能板 (040000289)10冰铲 (4011743)。

AHB 直流变换器的 ZVS 原理分析与控制

AHB 直流变换器的 ZVS 原理分析与控制

AHB 直流变换器的ZVS 原理分析与控制Z"#$%&’(&$)*+’,)-.&.,’/01’2%1)31%+456076001’8*%2*%张友军(苏州大学机电工程学院,苏州215021)摘要针对一种小功率的不对称半桥AHB 直流变换器。

利用其变压器励磁电流实现开关管零电压开关ZVS ,采用同步整流控制和突发模式控制技术,可以有效地提高变频器的效率和减少待机功耗。

关键词变换器零电压开关同步整流突发模式控制待机功率AbstractFor a kind of Asymmetrical Half Bridge(AHB )DC/DC converter ,the operation principle and its control method are analyzed and studied in this pa-per.By using the magnetizing current of the transformer ,Zero Voltage Switching(ZVS )is realized for the switches of the converter ,which suits low power situ-ation.A 150W prototype was manufactured.Its experiment and test results show that the efficiency can be improved and the standby power loss decreased by adopting synchronous rectifying and burst mode control.Keywords ConverterZero Voltage Switching (ZVS )Synchronous rectifyingBurst mode controlStandby power0引言各种电子电子变换器在对电能进行处理的时候,存在多种能量损耗。



耐矿物油 用
耐动植物 用油
硬度 类型 A硬度计
A90±5 A70±5

常态 伸长(%) 最小
拉力应力 (MPa)最小


(100%伸 长的时候)
23℃ × 70hr


硬度变化 (Hs)

变化率(%) -25

伸长变化 率(%)

体积变化 率(%)

低温 弯曲 试验
温度以及 时间
度变化 率(%)最




D 4054BD 4054B 线性锂离子电池充电器描述FD4054B 是一款完整的单节锂离子电池采用恒定电流/恒定电压线性充电器。

其 SOT 封装与较少的外部元件数目使得 FD4054B 成为便携式应用的理想选择。

FD4054B 可以适合 USB 电源和适配器电源工作。

由于采用了内部 P MOSFET 架构,加上防倒充电路,所以不需要外部检测电阻器和 隔离二极管。

热反馈可对充电电流进行调节,以便在大功率操作或高环境温度条件下对 芯片温度加以限制。

充电电压固定于 4.2V ,而充电电流可通过一个电阻器进行外部设置 当充电电流在达到最终浮充电压之后降至设定值 1/10 时,FD4054B 将自动终止充电循环。

当输入电压(交流适配器或 U SB 电源)被拿掉时,FD4054B 自动进入一个低电流状态,将电池漏电流降至 2uA 以下。

也可将 F D4054B 置于停机模式,以而将供电电流降至45uA 。

FD4054B 的其他特点包括充电电流监控器、欠压闭锁、自动再充电和一个用于指 示充电结束和输入电压接入的状态引脚。

特点1:高达 800mA 的可编程充电电流;2:无需 MOSFET、检测电阻器或隔离二极管;3:用于单节锂离子电池、采用 SOT23-5 封装的完整线性充电器; 4:恒定电流/恒定电压操作,并具有热调节功能; 5:直接从 USB 端口给单节锂离子电池充电; 6:4.2V 预设充电电压;7:用于电池电量检测的充电电流监控器输出; 8:C/10 充电终止;自动再充电; 9:充电状态输出引脚10:待机模式下的供电电流为 45uA; 11:2.9V涓流充电器件版本; 12:软启动限制了浪涌电流; 特点13:单灯使用时,充满后灯全灭。

典型应用:500mA 单节锂离子电池充电器 Rprog电阻和充电电流Ibat对应表RprogIbatI bat =1000/R prog 10K 100mA 5K 200mA 3.3K 300mA 2.5K 400mA 2K500mA 1.65K600mA引脚分布引脚功能绝对最大额定值输入电源电压4.5V~6V PROG -0.3V~VCC+0.3V BAT -0.3V~7V CHRG-0.3V~10VBAT 短路持续时间 连续 BAT 引脚电流 800mA PROG 引脚电流800uA 最大结温 145℃ 工作环境温度范围 0℃~85℃ 贮存温度范围 -65℃~125℃引脚温度(焊接时间10s)260℃CHRG(引脚1) 漏极开路充电状态输出。



TO-220FG SDNotes:1. Repetitive Rating : Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature2. L = 1.1mH, I AS = 32.6A, V DD = 25V, R G = 25 Ω, Starting T J = 25°C3. I SD ≤ 52.4A, di/dt ≤ 300A/µs, V DD ≤ BV DSS, Starting T J = 25°C4. Pulse Test : Pulse width ≤300µs, Duty cycle ≤2%5. Essentially independent of operating temperature/ ∆T J CoefficientD I DSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current V DS = 60 V, V GS = 0 V ----1µA V DS = 48 V, T C = 150°C ----10µA I GSSF Gate-Body Leakage Current, Forward V GS = 20 V, V DS = 0 V ----100nA I GSSRGate-Body Leakage Current, ReverseV GS = -20 V, V DS = 0 V-----100nAOn CharacteristicsV GS(th)Gate Threshold Voltage V DS = V GS , I D = 250 µA1.0--2.5V R DS(on)Static Drain-Source On-ResistanceV GS = 10 V, I D = 16.3 AV GS = 5 V, I D =16.3 A ----0.0170.0200.0210.025Ωg FSForward TransconductanceV DS = 25 V, I D = 16.3 A --35--SDynamic CharacteristicsC iss Input Capacitance V DS = 25 V, V GS = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz--12501630pF C oss Output Capacitance--445580pF C rssReverse Transfer Capacitance--90120pFSwitching Characteristicst d(on)Turn-On Delay Time V DD = 30 V, I D = 26.2 A,R G = 25 Ω--2050ns t r Turn-On Rise Time --380770ns t d(off)Turn-Off Delay Time --80170ns t f Turn-Off Fall Time --145300ns Q g Total Gate Charge V DS = 48 V, I D = 52.4 A,V GS = 5 V--24.532nC Q gs Gate-Source Charge --6--nC Q gdGate-Drain Charge--14.5--nCDrain-Source Diode Characteristics and Maximum RatingsI S Maximum Continuous Drain-Source Diode Forward Current ----32.6A I SM Maximum Pulsed Drain-Source Diode Forward Current----130A V SD Drain-Source Diode Forward Voltage V GS = 0 V, I S = 32.6 A ---- 1.5V t rr Reverse Recovery Time V GS = 0 V, I S = 52.4 A,dI F / dt = 100 A/µs --65--ns Q rrReverse Recovery Charge--125--nC(Note 4)(Note 4, 5)(Note 4, 5)(Note 4)TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN;NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of TermsDatasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance InformationFormative or In Design This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.PreliminaryFirst ProductionThis datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.No Identification Needed Full ProductionThis datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.Obsolete Not In ProductionThis datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.ACEx™Bottomless™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT™DenseTrench™DOME™EcoSPARK™E 2CMOS™EnSigna™FACT™FACT Quiet Series™FAST ®FASTr™FRFET™GlobalOptoisolator™GTO™HiSeC™ISOPLANAR™LittleFET™MicroFET™MICROWIRE™OPTOLOGIC™OPTOPLANAR™PACMAN ™POP™PowerTrench ®QFET™QS™QT Optoelectronics™Quiet Series™SLIENT SWITCHER ®SMART START™Stealth™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8SyncFET™TinyLogic™UHC™UltraFET ®VCX™。

VFA Series Butterfly Valves Instruction Manual

VFA Series Butterfly Valves Instruction Manual

VFA SeriesInstruction Manual D103670X012January 2015 - Rev. 00TMVFA Series Butterfly ValvesSummaryIntroduction ........................................................................ 1P .E.D. Categories and Fluid Group ................................... 1Characteristics ................................................................... 2Labelling ............................................................................ 2Overpressure Protection .................................................... 2Transport and Handling ..................................................... 2Atex Requirements ............................................................ 2Dimensions and Weights ................................................... 3Installation ......................................................................... 4Shutdown ........................................................................... 4Maintenance ...................................................................... 4Spare Parts ........................................................................ 5Parts Lists .......................................................................... 6Schematic Assemblies . (7)INTrODuCTION Scope of ManualThis manual provides instructions for installation, shutdown, maintenance and spare parts ordering for the VFA series butterfly valves.Product DescriptionThe butterfly valves series VFA are "wafer" flangeless type and are used typically in gas reducing stations for a on-off service.This series of butterfly valves is designed basically for trans-mission/distribution grids of the natural gas and for industrial/commercial applications.This product has been designed to be used with fuel gases of 1st and 2nd family according to EN 437, and with other non aggressive and non fuel gases. For any other gases, other than natural gas, please contact your local sales agent.Figure 1. Type VFA-MR Butterfly ValveThe following versions are available:VFa : Lever operated VFa-mr : Gear operatedVFa-mrO : Gear operated for use with absorbingodorizing systemsP .E.D. CaTEGOrIES aND FLuID GrOuPThis product is Pressure Equipment classified in the following categories in according to Directive 97/23/EC PED.Table 1. P.E.D. Categories And Fluid GroupTypeCaTEGOryFLuID GrOuPDN 50 PN 16 - ANSI 150I 1DN 65 ÷ 150 PN 16 - ANSI 150II DN 200 PN 16II DN 250 PN 16III DN 200 ÷ 250 ANSI 150IIIVFA Series2CharaCTErISTICSBody Sizes and End Connection StylesVFa • VFa-mr • VFa-mrODN 50 - 65 - 80 - 100 - 125 - 150 - 200 - 250PN 16 - ANSI 150 flangedThe pressure/temperature limits indicated in this instruction manual or any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.Maximum Operating Inlet PressurePN 16: 16 bar ANSI 150: 19 barAt average ambient temperature.Minimum/Maximum Allowable Temperature (TS)See labelTemperatureStandard Version:Working -10° to 60°CLow Temperature Version: Working -20° to 60°CMaterialsBody: Steel Disk: Pressed steel Shaft:Stainless steelGaskets: Nitrile NBR rubber (FKM on request)LabELLINGFigure 2. Label for VFA SeriesNote 1: See “Characteristics” Note 2: Year of manufacture Note 3: Temperature class -10°/60°C or -20°/60°C Note 4: PN 16 PS: 16 bar ANSI 150 PS: 19.3 barThe Category I pressure equipments will not have on label any Notified Body reference.OVErPrESSurE PrOTECTIONThe recommended safety pressure limitations are stamped on the valve nameplate (PS). Some type of overpressure protec-tion is needed if the actual inlet pressure exceeds this limits.Personal injury, equipment damage, or leakage due to es-caping fluid or bursting of pressure-containing parts may re-sult if this relief valve is over-pressured or is installed where service conditions could exceed the design operative limits.Valves operation below the maximum pressure limitations does not preclude the possibility of damage from external sources or debris in the line.The valves should be inspected for damage after any over-pressure condition..TraNSPOrT aND haNDLINGEstablished transport and handling procedures shall be fol -lowed to avoid any damage on the pressure containing parts (valve body) by shocks or anomalous stresses.In case of necessity of a harness, a nylon harness will have to be used in order to protect the surface and possible valve accessories.aTEX rEquIrEmENTSIf the provisions of EN 12186 & EN 12279, national regulations, if any, and specific manufacturer recommendations are not put into practice before installation and if purge by inert gas is not carried out before equip -ment’s start-up and shut-down operations, a potential external and internal explosive atmosphere can be present in equipment & gas pressure regulating/measuring stations/installations.VFA Series3If a presence of foreign material in the pipelines is foreseen and purge by inert gas is not carried out, the following procedure is recommended to avoid any possible external ignition source inside the equipment due to mechanical generated sparks :• drainage to safe area via drain lines of foreign materials, if any, by inflow of fuel gas with low velocity in the pipe-work ( 5m/sec)In any case,• provisions of Directive 1999/92/EC and 89/655/EC shall be enforced by gas pressure regulating/measuring station/installation’s end user • with a view to preventing and providing protection against explosions, technical and/or organizational measuresappropriate to the nature of the operation shall be taken (e.g. : filling/exhausting of fuel gas of internal volume of the isolated part/entire installation with vent lines to safe area - 7.5.2 of EN 12186 & 7.4 of EN 12279 ; monitoring of settings with further exhaust of fuel gas to safe area ; connection of isolated part/entire installation to downstream pipeline; ….)• provision in 9.3 of EN 12186 & 12279 shall be enforced by pressure regulating/measuring station/installation’s end user • external tightness test shall be carried out after each reassembly at installation site using testing pressure in accordance with national rules • periodical check/maintenance for surveillance shall be carried out complying with national regulations, if any, andspecific manufacturer recommendations.VFA SERIESVFA-MR AND VFA-MRO SERIESTable 2. VFA Series Dimensions (mm) and Weights (kg)Figure 3. VFA Series DimensionsDImENSIONS aND WEIGhTSVFA Series4INSTaLLaTIONOnly qualified personnel should install or service a butterfly valve.Butterfly valves should be installed, oper -ated, and maintained in accordance with international and applicable codes and regu -lations, and Emerson instructions.Clean out all pipelines before installation of the regulator and check to be sure the regu -lator has not been damaged or has collected foreign material during shipping.Possible fails that cause the shutdown of the valve can create hazard conditions.Personal injury, equipment damage, orleakage due to escaping fluid or bursting of pressure-containing parts may result if this valve is over pressured or is installed where service conditions could exceed the limits given in the Specifications section, or where conditions exceed any ratings of the adja -cent piping or piping connections.Additionally, physical damage to the valve could result in personal injury and property damage due to escaping fluid. To avoid such injury and damage, install the regulator in a safe location..To avoid this, install the butterfly valve:• In a safe area where the is protected from exposure to physical damage and/or corrosive substances • service conditions are within valve capabilities Don’t exceed any ratings of the adjacent flanges or piping connections.Install the valve in any position desired, unless otherwise specified, but be sure flow through the body is in the direction indicated by the arrow on the body.If using a VFA series butterfly valve on hazardous or flam-mable gas service, personal injury and property damage could occur due to fire or explosion of vented gas that may have accumulated.To prevent such injury or damage, provide piping or tubing to vent the gas to a safe, well-ventilated area in accordance also with international and applicable codes and regulations. In particular, when venting a hazardous gas, the piping or tubing should be located far enough away from any buildings or win-dows so to not create a further hazard, and the vent opening should be protected against anything that could clog it.For outdoor installations, the butterfly valve should be located away from vehicular traffic.In order to avoid damaging of the valve disc, special care has to be done in carrying out accurate measurements to assess that it can rotate in the flange of connection and in the pipe without difficulties.Furthermore, center correctly the valve on the connection flanges.A suggested bolt tightening sequence is to process “three o’clock, nine o’clock, twelve o’clock, six o’clock, etc.”. Not ap-ply never the pressure to only partially installed valve.Further the ENs 12186 & 12279, where this product is used : • provide the cathodic protection and electrical isolation to avoid any corrosionShuTDOWNTo avoid personal injury resulting from sud -den release of pressure, isolate the valve from all pressure before attempting disas -sembly and release trapped pressure from the equipment and pressure line.In case of disassembly of main pressure retaining parts for checks and maintenance procedures, external and internal tightness tests have to be done according to appli -cable codes.maINTENaNCE(See Figure 4 and 5)All maintenance procedures must be carried out only by qualified personnel.If necessary, contact our technical support representatives or our authorized dealers.Butterfly valve and its pressure accessories are subject to normal wear and must be inspected periodically and replaced as necessary.VFA Series5The frequency of inspection/checks and replacementdepends upon the severity of service conditions and upon applicable codes and national standards/rules .In accordance with applicable National or Industry codes, standards and regulations/recommendations, all hazards covered by specific tests after final assembling beforeapplying the CE marking, shall be covered also after every subsequent reassembly at installation site, in order to ensure that the equipment will be safe throughout its intended life.Before proceeding with any maintenance work, shutoff the gas upstream and downstream from the regulator, also ensure that there is no gas under pressure inside the body by loosening the upstream and downstream connections.Upon completion, check for leaks using suds.General Maintenancea. Turn valve to “close” position and remove “open” control. Servicing mode will depend on the type of valve control.b. Remove screws (key 23 for sizes DN 50 to DN 200 and key 27 for DN 250), slide off valve body from pipe and replace O-ring (key 7). Note: It may sometimes be neces-sary to widen counterflanges so as to remove valve.c. Remove screws (key 12), hub (key 1) and upper bushing (key 9), and replace O-ring (key 13 and 14).d. On sizes DN 50 to DN 200: Remove dowels (key 6).On size DN 250: Remove bush (key 22), pin (key 6) and replace O-ring (key 20 and 21) if worn.e. Remove shaft (key 4).f. Remove disk (key 8).g. Remove screws (key 11) and plate (key 5).h. Replace gasket unit (key 3) and O-ring (key 6) if worn.i. On sizes DN 125 to DN 200: remove screws (key 17), plug (key 19) and replace O-ring (key 18 and 24).On size DN 250: remove screws (key 19), plug (key 17) and replace O-ring (key 18, 23 and 7).ReassemblyLubricates all seals with “MOLYKOTE 55 M” molybdenum grease.Use the greatest care to avoid damage to seals.Reassemble by reversing the above steps.Tighten all screws uniformly to ensure proper sealing.SParE ParTSSpare parts storage shall be done by proper procedures according to national standard/rules to avoid over aging or any damage.VFA Series6ParTS LISTSVFa Series DN 50 to DN 200 (See Figure 4)Key Description 1 Hub 2 Body 3* Gasket unit 4 Shaft 5 Plate 6 Dowel 7* O-ring 8 Disk9 Upper bushing 10 Lower bushing 11 Screw 12 Screw 13* O-ring 14* O-ring 15 Label 16 Rivet 17 Screw 18* O-ring 19 Plug 20* Gasket 21 Flange 22 Washer 23ScrewVFa Series DN 250 (See Figure 5)Key Description 1 Hub 2 Body 3* Gasket unit 4 Shaft 5 Plate 6 Pin 7* O-ring 8 Disk9 Upper bushing 10 Lower bushing 11 Screw 12 Screw 13* O-ring 14* O-ring 15 Label 16 Rivet 17 Plug 18* O-ring 19 Screw 20* O-ring 21* O-ring 22 Bush 24* Gasket 25 Flange 26 Washer 27ScrewRubber parts marked with (*) are supplied in the “spare parts kit”, recommended as stock.To order the kit it is necessary to communicate to us the type of the valve and its serial number.VFA Series SChEmaTIC aSSEmbLIESLM/7124Figure 4. VFA Butterfly Valve DN 50 to DN 2007VFA SeriesThe Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their prospective owners. Tartarini is a mark of O.M.T. Officina Meccanica Tartarini s.r.l., a business of Emerson Process Management.The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., product remains solely with the purchaser.©Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., 2015; All Rights ReservedIndustrial RegulatorsEmerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, A - HeadquartersMcKinney, Texas 75070, USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574Asia-PacificShanghai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9000EuropeBologna 40013, Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611Middle East and AfricaDubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4811 8100For further information visit /regulatorsNatural Gas Technologies Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, A - HeadquartersMcKinney, Texas 75070, USA Tel: +1 800 558 5853Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574Asia-PacificSingapore 128461, Singapore Tel: +65 6777 8337EuropeO.M.T. Tartarini s.r.l. Via P . Fabbri 1, I-40013 Castel Maggiore (Bologna), Italy Tel: +39 051 419 0611Francel SAS, 3 ave Victor Hugo, CS 80125 - Chartres 28008, France Tel: +33 2 37 33 47 00Middle East and AfricaDubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4811 8100TESCOMEmerson Process ManagementTescom CorporationUSA - HeadquartersElk River, Minnesota 55330-2445, USA Tels: +1 763 241 3238 +1 800 447 1250Asia-PacificShangai 201206, China Tel: +86 21 2892 9499EuropeSelmsdorf 23923, Germany Tel: +49 38823 31 287O.M.T. Officina Meccanica Tartarini S.R.L., R.E.A 184221 BO Cod. Fisc. 00623720372 Part. IVA 00519501209 N° IVA CEE IT 00519501209, Cap. Soc. 1.548 000 Euro i.v. R.I. 00623720372 - M BO 020330Francel SAS , SIRET 552 068 637 00057 APE 2651B, N° TVA : FR84552068637, RCS Chartres B 552 068 637, SAS capital 534 400 Euro Figure 5. VFA Butterfly Valve DN 250LM/7125。



AO4459中⽂资料SymbolTyp Max 33406275R θJL 1824Maximum Junction-to-Lead CSteady-State°C/WThermal Characteristics ParameterUnits Maximum Junction-to-AmbientAt ≤ 10s R θJA °C/W Maximum Junction-to-Ambient ASteady-State °C/W AO4459AO4459SymbolMin TypMaxUnits BV DSS -30V -1T J =55°C-5I GSS ±100nA V GS(th)-1.5-1.85-2.5V I D(ON)-30A 3846T J =125°C53685872m ?g FS 11S V SD -0.78-1V I S-3.5A C iss 668830pF C oss 126pF C rss 92pF R g69?Q g (10V)12.716nC Q g (4.5V) 6.4nC Q gs 2nC Q gd 4nC t D(on)7.7ns t r 6.8ns t D(off)20ns t f 10ns t rr 2230ns Q rr15nCTHIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND QUALIFIED FOR THE CONSUMER MARKET. APPLICATIONS OR USES AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED. AOS DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF SUCH APPLICATIONS OR USES OF ITS PRODUCTS. AOS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPROVE PRODUCT DESIGN,FUNCTIONS AND RELIABILITY WITHOUT NOTICE.DYNAMIC PARAMETERS Maximum Body-Diode Continuous CurrentGate resistanceV GS =0V, V DS =0V, f=1MHzV GS =0V, V DS =-15V, f=1MHz Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Turn-On Rise Time Turn-Off DelayTime V GS =-10V, V DS =-15V, R L =2.5?, R GEN =3?Turn-Off Fall TimeTurn-On DelayTime SWITCHING PARAMETERSTotal Gate Charge (4.5V)Gate Source Charge Gate Drain Charge Total Gate Charge (10V)V GS =-10V, V DS =-15V, I D =-6.5Am ?V GS =-4.5V, I D =-5AI S =-1A,V GS =0V V DS =-5V, I D =-6.5AR DS(ON)Static Drain-Source On-ResistanceForward TransconductanceDiode Forward VoltageI DSS µA Gate Threshold Voltage V DS =V GS I D =-250µA V DS =-24V, V GS =0VV DS =0V, V GS =±20V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Gate-Body leakage current Electrical Characteristics (T J =25°C unless otherwise noted)STATIC PARAMETERS ParameterConditions Body Diode Reverse Recovery Time Body Diode Reverse Recovery ChargeI F =-6.5A, dI/dt=100A/µsDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage On state drain currentI D =-250µA, V GS =0V V GS =-10V, V DS =-5V V GS =-10V, I D =-6.5AReverse Transfer Capacitance I F =-6.5A, dI/dt=100A/µs A: The value of R θJA is measured with the device mounted on 1in 2FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T A =25°C. The value in any a given application depends on the user's specific board design. The current rating is based on the t ≤ 10s thermal resistance rating.B: Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by junction temperature.C. The R θJA is the sum of the thermal impedence from junction to lead R θJL and lead to ambient.D. The static characteristics in Figures 1 to 6 are obtained using < 300µs pulses, duty cycle 0.5% max.E. These tests are performed with the device mounted on 1 in 2FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T A =25°C. The SOA curve provides a single pulse rating. Rev0 Sept 2006AO4459AO4459。


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2012-2013 菲亚特500 掀背/两箱/500C
2008- 博锐 1.4
2004-2007 E87/E81 116i/118i/120i
2007- E87/E81 120i/130i
1989-1998 E36 所有车款
1998-2005 E46 所有车款
2005-2007 E90 318i 320i
2006- 速腾 1.8T (Sagitar)
2005- 新甲壳虫
(Beetle) 进口车
一汽大众 2006-
迈腾 1.6 迈腾 2.0
2004- 辉腾 3.0/4.2 (Phaeton) 进口车
2002- 辉腾 6.0 (Phaeton) 进口车
2002-2006 途锐 02款
2008- 奥迪 A5 1.8T 2.0TDI 3.0T 3.2FSI
1994-1997 奥迪 A6 老款 C4 旧款6缸
1997-1998 奥迪 A6 2.7(8片)
2005- 奥迪 A6 2.7T/3.7/4.2quattro
1997-2005 奥迪 A6 C5 1.8L/1.8T/2.4/2.8
2008- CC 1.8T 2.0T
2008- CC 3.6
2009-2012 CC VR6
2013- CC VR6 新款
2010-2012 CC
奥迪 80
1990-1994 奥迪 100
2003- 奥迪 A3
2001-2008 奥迪 A4
2008- 奥迪 A4L
2008- 奥迪 A4L 2.0T 3.0
1995-2002 W210 E200/220/230/250



Inner circuit
(1) Drain (2) Drain (3) Gate (4) Source (5) Drain (6) Drain
Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C)
Parameter Drain-source voltage Gate-source voltage Drain current
Source current (Body diode)
Continuous Pulsed Continuous Pulsed
Total power dissipation Channel temperature Range of storage temperature
Unit V V A A A A W °C °C
Thermal resistance
Parameter Channel to ambient
∗ Mounted on a ceramic board
Symbol Rth(ch-a) ∗
Limits 100
Unit °C/W
Features 1) Low On-resistance. 2) Space saving, small surface mount package (TSMT6). 3) Low voltage drive (4V drive).
Static drain-source on-state resistance Forward transfer admittance Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance Turn-on delay time Rise time Turn-off delay time Fall time Total gate charge Gate-source charge Gate-drain charge



80SQ Units
0.53 0.60 0.44 0.55
2 15 900 10.0 10000
V V V V mA mA pF nH V/ µs
@ 8A @ 16A
TJ = 25 °C
@ 8A @ 16A
TJ = 125 °C
TJ = 25 °C TJ = 125 °C
VR = rated VR
Visit us at for sales contact information. 12/01

035 = 35V
4 - Voltage Rating
040 = 40V
045 = 45V
Data and specifications subject to change without notice. This product has been designed and qualified for Industrial Level.
Vs. Average Forward Current
D = 0.08
D = 0.17 D = 0.25
D = 0.33
4 D=0.50
RMS Limit 2
0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
AverageForwardCurrent -IF(AV) (A) Fig. 6 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics
Bulletin PD-2.047 rev. E 12/01
8 Amp
Major Ratings and Characteristics



OPERATIONThe ASHCROFT ®pressure control is a precision device which features a snap action switch.Fixed deadband is available with single or dual SPDT independently adjustable switches with various electrical ratings.Adjustable deadband is available with SPDT switch with various electrical ratings.Several wettedmaterial constructions for compatibility with pressure media may be obtained.Series LP-S switches have a fixed deadband which will be within the limits noted on the nameplate.Series LP-D switches may be set to operate simultaneously or up to 85 percent of the range apart.The deadband of each switch will be within the limits noted on the nameplate.Series LP-A switches may be set to operate with any deadband within the limits shown on the nameplate.MOUNTINGThe “L ”Series ASHCROFT snap action pressure switch has a NEMA-4 enclosure which is an epoxy coated aluminum casting.T wo holes in the integral bracket are used to surface mount the control.Location of these holes is shown on the general dimension drawings.An optional pipe mounting bracket is also available.Mount on a vibration free surface or pipe in any orien-tation.When tightening control to pressure line, always use the wrench flats or hex on the pressure connection.NEVER TIGHTEN BY TWISTING THE CASE.CONDUIT CONNECTIONSOne 3⁄4NPT hole fitted with a shipping plug, and two additional knock outs are provided.The knockouts may be removed by placing a screwdriver in the slot and rapping sharply with a hammer It is recommended that T eflon tape or other sealant be used on conduit bushings or plug threads to ensure integrity of the enclosure.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONRemove cover, held in place by two screws.On all units except one with terminal blocks – wire directly to the switch according to circuit requirements.Units with terminal blocks – wire directly to terminal blocks as required.T erminals are marked common (C), normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC).4.126.091/2NPT MALE &1/4NPT FEMALE8psi Rangesin.H 2O RangesLEFT SWITCH RIGHT SWITCH TERMINAL BLOCKSERVICE LEADS TO THESE TERMINALSSTANDARD RANGES15, 30, 60, 100, 200, 400, 600 psi *1000, 2000, 3000 psi 30˝Hg vac.-0 psiSTANDARD RANGES 30, 60, 100, 150 in.H 2O 15 in.H 2O-15 in.H 2O2.7 lbs.3.4 lbs.SETPOINT ADJUSTMENTSSetpoints are changed by means of the setpoint adjusters The LP-S single switch has one adjuster and the LP-A adjustable deadband and LP-D dual switch each have two adjusters.On switches with two adjusters, the one on the left is referred to as “A”and the right one is referred to as “B”;see illustration.Setpoints can be adjusted from 15 to 100 percent of full range on increasing pressure.SERIES LP-S SINGLE SWITCHRemove cover.For setpoint adjustment on either increasing or decreasing pressure to within ±1% of nominal range, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such as an ASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Pressurize the system to the required set-point pressure.If setpoint is on increasing pressure, turn adjuster so that switch operates (if common – normally closed circuit is being monitored light goes off).If setpoint is on decreasing pressure, turn adjuster so that switch resets (if common – normally closed circuit is being monitored light comes on).When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the pressure to ensure that the setpoint is correct.The deadband (difference between the operate and resetpressures) may be verified at this time to be between the values noted on the nameplate label.SERIES LP-D DUAL SWITCHRemove cover.For setpoint adjustment on either increasing or decreasing pressure to within ±1% of nominal range, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such as an ASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Pressurize the system to the required higher setpoint pressure and turn adjuster “B”until the switch operates or resets as required.See discussion of increasing or decreasing pressure setpoints and deadband verification under Series LP-S Single Switch.When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the pressure to ensure that the setpoint is correct.Then reduce system pressure to the required lower setpoint pressure and turn adjuster “A”until the switch operates or resets as required.Verify this setpoint by raising and lowering pressure.Now increase system pressure to higher setpoint and make final adjustment on “B.”AB02040600204060SERIES LP-A ADJUSTABLE DEADBAND SWITCHRemove cover.Adjuster “B”controls the operating point of the switch on increasing pressure.Adjuster “A”controls the re-setpoint of the switch on decreasing pressure.For accurate setpoint adjustment, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such as an ASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Pressurize the system to the required setpoint pressure.T urn adjuster “B”until switch operates.Then lower pressure to the re-setpoint, turn adjuster “A”until the switch resets.Now increase pressure to the operating point and make final adjustment on “B”.Raise and lower pressure to ensure that the setpoint and re-setpoint are correct.SOME PRECAUTIONS TO OBSERVEDo not loosen the screws holding the precision switch element(s)or mounting bracket in place.Nameplate PROOF pressure should not be exceeded.Inter-mittent operation up to proof pressure is permissible, however,some change of setpoint may be noted.Operation and correct setpoint actuation should be routinely tested.Note –Since vacuum models are already above setpoint atatmosphere, the Normally Open (NO) circuit will be closed as received.。

Furukawa OFS 200

Furukawa OFS 200

For Use With:200 µm ST and SMA Factory5 Termination Kits200 µm HCS ® Factory5 Fiber-Optic Cable ST and SMA Factory5 Crimp & Cleave ConnectorsCrimp & Cleave Termination Instructionsfor 200 µm Factory5 Cable with ST and SMA ConnectorsPlease Read FirstPlease make sure to READ and understand t ermination in-structions completely. Improper a ssembly will cause poor termination results and cause damage to termination kit com-ponents.Make sure you WEAR eye protection during the c leaving process. The bare fiber is sharp and may s plinter; handle very carefully. Make sure fiber is d isposed of properly, in a hard-sided container.OFS WARRANTS this t ermination kit to be free of defects for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Each kit is q ualified at our factory prior to shipment. OFS will, at their discretion, repair or replace any tools found to be defec-tive due to workmanship within the stated warranty period. (Excludes damage to the fiber stripper, cleave tool, and/or d iamond blade due to m isuse.)OFS recommends that all replacements or repairs be made at our manufacturing facility, except where specifically out-lined. Please C ONTACT the sales representative in your re-gion or call the factory for technical support:Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm EST.888-438-9936 [Toll free in the US and Canada]860-678-0371[International]Important Safety and Warranty Information888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | iContent Page Factory5 ST and SMA Termination Kit Contents (1)Related Products and Accessories......................2-3 Factory5 ST and SMA Connectors (4)Termination InstructionsStep 1: Install strain relief boot (5)Step 2: Strip cable outer jacket ......................6-7 Step 3: Strip sub-unit outer jacket ....................8-9 Step 4: Strip fiber buffer..........................10-11 Step 5: Install cable anchor .. (12)Step 6: Install crimp sleeve .......................13-14 Step 7: Install ferrule . (15)Step 8: Crimp ferrule ............................16-18 Step 9: Cleave fiber .............................19-21 Step 10: Position strain relief boot ..................22-23 Diamond Cleave Tool Diagram .........................19Content Page Maintenance & Trouble Shooting GuideImportance of Cleave Tool Cleaning and Maintenance (24)Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit (24)Diamond Blade Replacement Kit (24)Trouble Shooting Guide (25)Termination and Test Kits Available (26)Trademark Information.........................Back Cover Table of ContentsFinal AssemblyFiber StripperBrushProng ToolScissorsCrimp ToolCable StripperDiamond CleaveToolFactory5 ST and SMA Termination Kit Contents888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 12 ST and SMA Termination Kit Contents continuedCP01229-02...........200 µm Fiber Stripper (White Blade Insert)with Cleaning Brush and Prong ToolAP01225.........................................ScissorsK16248.....................Booklet: Importance of Cleave ToolCleaning and MaintenanceOther Items Required (not included in kit): Safety Glasses, Marker3888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | Termination kit contentscontinues onto the next pagePart Numbers DescriptionBT01827...............................SMA Positioner Plate (use to convert an ST kit to an SMA kit)BT01900................................ST Positioner Plate (use to convert an SMA kit to an ST kit)P10188-03 ........................Insertion Loss Test Kit for 200 µm ST Connectors P10188-05 ........................Insertion Loss Test Kit for 200 µm SMA Connectors P10188-08 ........................Insertion Loss Test Kit for 200 µm ST, SMA, V-Pin, and F07 Connectors P16247 ...........................Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit (Includes cleaning fluid and safe cleaning swabs)AT03290 ....................Diamond Blade Replacement KitNOTE:Only one component part replacement isrequired to convert an ST Termination Kit to its same size equivalent SMA TerminationKit and vice versa.Factory5 ST and SMA ConnectorsDescription Part NumbersSMA Connectors ..................................P18241ST Connectors ....................................P18242ST ConnectorBoot AnchorCrimp SleeveFerruleCapSMA ConnectorTermination InstructionsInstall Strain Relief Boot• S lide STRAIN RELIEF BOOT onto cable and move up andout of the way for easystripping.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 56 Termination InstructionsSTEP2Strip Cable Outer Jacket• M ark cable outer jacket 3/4 inchesfrom the end with a marker.• S elect the 3.2 hole on the Cable Jacket Strip Toolto strip Cable Outer Jacket31/4”888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 7• V erify proper strip length against the strip template shown below.• C arefully unravel the aramid braid with a pointed instrument.• W hen the yarns are unravelled,cut them as closely to the cable outer jacket as possible.Slide scissors or other pointed object in this direction, carefully unravelling as many yarns at a time as is manageable withoutc reating a knot.88 Termination Instructions• S trip jacket using the 1.6 hole using the CABLEJACKET STRIP TOOL, apply a quick-but-partialsqueezing action (fully compressing the handles willcause the tool to incorrectly snap onto the fiber, possiblybreaking it), release and removethe outer jacket.3/4”• V erify proper strip length against thestrip template shown on page 7.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 9Termination Instructions10NOTE:Be careful not to touch the HCS fiber coating once the fiber has been stripped. The coating will retain finger oils which can transfer to and damage the gripper pads in the cleaver during Step 9 in the termination process.STEP4Strip Fiber Buffer B efore you start:B e careful while handling the FIBER STRIPPER. Handle as a p recision device and do not strike on hard surfaces or drop.B e sure to clean blades frequently using small bristle brush sup-plied.IMPORTANT: Pull straight when stripping the fiber buffer. The HCS fiber cladding can be damaged if fiber is not pulled straight.• S eparate buffered fiber from yellow aramid yarn by pulling yarn back along the cable.NOTE:If unable to insert buffered fiber throughguide tube, trim tip of the fiber using scis-sors.NOTE:If a short length of cable is being termi-nated, wrap the cable around your hand to prevent fiber and aramid yarn from pulling out of cable.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 11• I nsert the buffered fiber through the guide tube of the fiber stripper until the sub unit outer jacket b ottoms out inside the tube.• H olding cable securely, squeeze handles to cut buffer and PULL STRAIGHT to remove buffer.• I nspect HCS cladding for damage from improper buffer stripping. (i.e. white dusty stripe)• V erify proper buffer strip length against the strip template shown on page 7.NOTE:If damage is visible cut off the damagedfiber and repeat the procedure from Step 2: Strip Cable Outer Jacket.A p p r o x ima t e ly 1/8”M a x im u m 1/4”Termination Instructions12Install Cable Anchor• P ull aramid yarn strands back over stripped fiber.• H olding aramid yarn and fiber at very top. Feed the fiber and the aramid yarn through the CABLE ANCHOR. Bottom out the anchor on the cable sub-unit outer jacket using a clockwise turning motion. (i.e. screw the anchor onto the cable outer jacket, if n ecessary)• P osition anchor in CRIMP TOOL,centering the rear end of the anchor in the crimp nest.• S queeze crimp tool handles together until it clicks, then releases.STEP5NOTE:Be careful not to touch the HCS fiber coat-ing once the fiber has been stripped. The coating will retain finger oils which can transfer to and damage the gripper pads in the cleaver during Step 9 in the terminationprocess.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 136Install Crimp Sleeve• D ivide the aramid yarn into approximately two equal halves.• F old both halves of the aramid yarn back over the cable an-chor. Be sure the fiber is centered in the cable anchor.• S lide the CRIMP SLEEVE over the cable anchor and aramid yarn until it bottoms out on the cable anchor.Step 6 continues onto the next pageCrimp from Step 5: Note position of aramid yarns in relation to this crimp. Maintain this position here and in Step 7.Termination Instructions14Install Crimp Sleeve continued• P osition the crimp sleeve in the CRIMP TOOL such that:• Squeeze crimp tool handles together.~ T he back edge of the crimp sleeve is aligned with the edge of the crimp nest.~ T he aramid yarn halves are positioned over thejaws.Crimp from Step 5: Note that the orientation of ar-amid yarns is maintained in relation to the jaws ofthe crimp tool.7Install Ferrule• F eed fiber through hole in rear of FERRULE.• S lide the ferrule for either SMA or ST connector down thefiber and into the crimp sleeve. Rotate to the o rientationshown below. Push the ferrule firmly until it bottoms out inthe crimp sleeve.SMA shown in illustrationKeyST shown in illustration888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 1516 Termination InstructionsSTEP8Crimp FerruleB efore you start:Make sure the ferrule is fully seated in the crimp sleeve.C heck to make sure the crimp die set is stamped properly for theconnector type, ‘SMA’ on one side and ‘ST’ on the other.P roper positioning of the connector in the die set is critical for aproper crimp location. Failure to crimp in the prescribed locationwill result in poor connector retention strength.C rimp dies can be reversed at the factory for left-handed opera-tors.SMA Connector• P osition the back of the SMA COUPLING NUT against the side of the crimp die set stamped‘SMA’ as shown.• R otate the SMA connector so that its l ocation dimple is oriented in the crimpdie set as shown.• S queeze CRIMP TOOL handles togetheruntil the tool releases.Step 8 continuesonto the next page17888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | Termination Instructions18Crimp Ferrule continuedST Connector• P osition the back of the ST COUPLING NUT against the side of the crimp die set stamped ‘ST’.• R otate the ST connector so that its keyis oriented in the crimp die set as shown.• S queeze CRIMP TOOL handles together untilthe tool releases.KeywayKeywayTension SpringGripper PadsDiamond Blade & Anvil HousingPositioner PlateTrigger9Cleave Fiber B efore you start:Make sure the appropriate cleave tool positioner plate is beingused: SMA or STM ake sure the appropriate colored tension spring is being used: 200 µm = GREENR efer to diagram of the Cleave Tool.C areful while handling the Cleave Tool. Handle as a p recision de-vice and do not strike on hard surfaces or drop.K eep the cleave tool clean and free from oils, including naturally oc-curing finger oils. Gripper pads, diamond blade and anvil should be cleaned after every 50 cleaves. Use the OFS Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit — Part #P16247 - available separately.D o not use alcohol to clean the diamond blade or the gripper pads. Al-cohol will chemically react with the gripper pads and ruin them.D o not insert metal tools near the diamond blade, as it is fragile andmay chip.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | Step 9 continues onto the next page19Termination Instructions20NOTE:It is critical to fully insert the connector into the positioner plate. Failure to do so, may cause poor cleave quality and/or damage to the diamond blade.NOTE:Do not hold onto the connector during thecleave process. Doing so may cause poor cleave quality.STEP9Cleave Fiber continued• H olding the CLEAVING TOOL in a horizontal position, grip the handle while leaving your index finger free to actuate trig-ger.• P lace the ferrule into the hole of the positioner plate until it is fully inserted.• R elease the connector in the tool.• U sing index finger, slowly and gently depress trigger to perform the cleaveprocess. The cleave process is complete when the fiber snaps away from theconnector. Do not release trigger!• B efore releasing the trigger, remove the connector from the cleave tool andgrasp the top of the scrap fiber while releasing the trigger. Gently remove thescrap fiber while keeping it away from the diamond blade.• D ispose of scrap fiber safely in a hard-sided container.• I nstall protective cap onto connector to protect cleaved fiber surface.21888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 22 Termination InstructionsSTEP10Position Strain Relief Boot• U sing scissors, trim exposed aramid yarn as close to crimpsleeve as possible.• S lide strain relief boot onto connector (up to rear of couplingnut) to complete termination.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 23Maintenance & Trouble Shooting GuideImportance of Cleave Tool Cleaningand MaintenanceThe Cleave Tool supplied with OFS’s Termination Kits con-tains movable parts, wear items, and a diamond blade that require regular maintenance, care, or replacement after useful life in order to perform satisfactorily. Damage and parts re-placement expense can result if recommended procedures are not followed.~T he diamond blade must be cleaned; the gripper pads must be cleaned, kept oil-free, and replaced after wear.~ The cleave-tool trigger must be depressed slowly.Cleave Tool Cleaning KitFor cleaning your cleave tool, please order the OFS Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit (part #P16247) which includes recom-mended cleaning fluid, swabs, and c omplete instructions. Diamond Blade Replacement KitFor replacing the diamond blade/anvil assembly, please order the Diamond Blade Replacement Kit (Part #AT03290.)The kit includes a new diamond blade, anvil, replacement screws, and complete instructions for performing this simple proce-dure at your facility.24Trouble Shooting Guide888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 2526 Termination and Test Kits AvailableOFS offers a specialized Termination Kit—and a ssociatedInsertion Loss Test Kit—for each type of Crimp &Cleave connector we support. These kits are availablein various combinations of sizes and/or connector types.Customer Relations at our factory can help you select thecorrect kit for your purposes.This document is for informational purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any OFS warranties or specifications relating to any of its products and services.Copyright © 2014 OFS Fitel, LLC.All Rights Reserved.081455 Darling Drive, Avon, CT 06001To learn more, please call or visit our website. Phone: 186****0371Toll Free: 188****9936Web: P18225 Rev. E Trademark Information:Manufactured in the USA by OFS.HCS is a registered trademark in the USA of OFS Fitel, LLC.。



April 2002FDP047AN08A0FDP047AN08A0N-Channel UltraFET® Trench MOSFET75V, 80A, 4.7mΩFeatures•r DS(ON) = 4.0mΩ (T yp.), V GS = 10V, I D = 80A•Q g(tot) = 92nC (Typ.), V GS = 10V•Low Miller Charge•Low Qrr Body Diode•UIS Capability (Single Pulse and Repetitive Pulse)•Qualified to AEC Q101Formerly developmental type 82684Applications•42V Automotive Load Control•Starter / Alternator Systems•Electronic Power Steering Systems•Electronic Valve T rain Systems•DC-DC converters and Off-line UPS•Distributed Power Architectures and VRMs•Primary Switch for 24V and 48V systemsMOSFET Maximum Ratings TC= 25°C unless otherwise notedThermal CharacteristicsThis product has been designed to meet the extreme test conditions and environment demanded by the automotive industry. For acopy of the requirements, see AEC Q101 at: /Reliability data can be found at: /products/discrete/reliability/index.html.All Fairchild Semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 and QS9000 quality systemscertification.Symbol Parameter Ratings UnitsV DSS Drain to Source Voltage75VV GS Gate to Source Voltage±20VI DDrain Current80AContinuous (T C < 144o C, V GS = 10V)Continuous (T C = 25o C, V GS = 10V, with RθJA = 62o C/W)15APulsed Figure 4AE AS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy (Note 1)600mJP DPower dissipation310WDerate above 25o C 2.0W/o C T J, T STG Operating and Storage T emperature-55 to 175o CRθJC Thermal Resistance Junction to Case TO-2200.48o C/WRθJA Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient TO-220 (Note 2)62o C/WDGSTO-220ABFDP SERIESDRAINDRAINGATESOURCE(FLANGE)查询FDP047AN08供应商On CharacteristicsDynamic CharacteristicsSwitching Characteristics (V GS = 10V)Drain-Source Diode CharacteristicsNotes:1:Starting T J = 25°C, L = 0.48mH, I AS = 50A.2:Pulse Width = 100sB VDSS Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage I D = 250µA, V GS = 0V 75--V I DSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current V DS = 60V --1µA V GS = 0V TC = 150o C--250I GSSGate to Source Leakage CurrentV GS = ±20V--±100nAV GS(TH)Gate to Source Threshold VoltageV GS = V DS , I D = 250µA 2-4Vr DS(ON)Drain to Source On ResistanceI D = 80A, V GS = 10V-0.00400.0047ΩI D = 37A, V GS = 6V -0.00580.0087I D = 80A, V GS = 10V , T J = 175o C-0.00820.011C ISS Input Capacitance V DS = 25V, V GS = 0V,f = 1MHz -6600-pF C OSS Output Capacitance-1000-pF C RSS Reverse T ransfer Capacitance -240-pF Q g(TOT)T otal Gate Charge at 10V V GS = 0V to 10V V DD = 40V I D = 80A I g = 1.0mA92138nC Q g(TH)Threshold Gate Charge V GS = 0V to 2V-1117nC Q gs Gate to Source Gate Charge -27-nC Q gs2Gate Charge Threshold to Plateau -16-nC Q gdGate to Drain “Miller” Charge-21-nCt ON T urn-On Time V DD = 40V , I D = 80A V GS = 10V, R GS = 3.3Ω--160ns t d(ON)T urn-On Delay Time -18-ns t r Rise Time-88-ns t d(OFF)T urn-Off Delay Time -40-ns t f Fall Time -45-ns t OFFT urn-Off Time--128nsV SD Source to Drain Diode Voltage I SD = 80A -- 1.25V I SD = 40A-- 1.0V t rr Reverse Recovery Time I SD = 75A, dI SD /dt = 100A/µs --53ns Q RRReverse Recovered ChargeI SD = 75A, dI SD /dt = 100A/µs--54nCFigure 1. Normalized Power Dissipation vsAmbient TemperatureFigure 2. Maximum Continuous Drain Current vsCase TemperatureFigure 3. Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal ImpedanceFigure 4. Peak Current CapabilityT C , CASE TEMPERATURE (o C)P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O 002550751001750.20.40.612515004080255075100125150175I D , D R A I N C U T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (oC)0.1110-510-410-310-210-11001010.012t, RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (s)Z θJ C , N O R M A L I Z E D T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C ENOTES:DUTY FACTOR: D = t 1/t 2PEAK T J = P DM x Z θJC x R θJC + T CP DMt 1t CYCLE - DESCENDING ORDER SINGLE PULSE1001000200050I D M , P E A K C U R R E N T (A )t, PULSE WIDTH (s)10-510-410-310-210-1100101TRANSCONDUCTANCE MA Y LIMIT CURRENT IN THIS REGIONV GS = 10VT C = 25o CI = I 25175 - T C 150FOR TEMPERATURESABOVE 25o C DERATE PEAK CURRENT AS FOLLOWS:Figure 5. Forward Bias Safe Operating AreaNOTE:Refer to Fairchild Application Notes AN7514and AN7515Figure 6. Unclamped Inductive SwitchingCapabilityFigure 7. Transfer CharacteristicsFigure 8. Saturation CharacteristicsFigure 9. Drain to Source On Resistance vs DrainCurrent Figure 10. Normalized Drain to Source On Resistance vs Junction Temperature0.11100.1110100V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)I D , D R A I N C U T J = MAX RATED T C = 25o CSINGLE PULSE LIMITED BY r DS(ON)AREA MA Y BE OPERATION IN THIS10msDC110.010.1110100I A S , A V A L A N C H E t AV , TIME IN AVALANCHE (ms)STARTING T J = 150o C03060901201504.04.55.0 5.56.0I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )V GS , GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)PULSE DURATION = 80µs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAX V DD = 15VT J = 175o CT J = 25o CT J = -55o C3060901201500.5 1.01.5I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V GS = 6VPULSE DURATION = 80µs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXV GS = 5VT C = 25o CV GS = 10VV GS = 7V34567020406080I D , DRAIN CURRENT (A)V GS = 6VV GS = 10VD R A I N T O S O U R CE O N R E S I S T A N C E (m Ω) O R M A L I Z E D D R A I N T O S O U R C E T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (o C)O N R E S I S T A N C EV GS = 10V , I D = 80APULSE DURATION = 80µs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXFigure 11. Normalized Gate Threshold Voltage vsJunction TemperatureFigure 12. Normalized Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage vs Junction TemperatureFigure 13. Capacitance vs Drain to SourceVoltage Figure 14. Gate Charge Waveforms for ConstantGate Currents0.40.60.8-80-4004080120160200N O R M A L I Z T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (o C)T H R E S H O L D 0.900.951.00-80-4004080120160200T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (o C)N O R M A L I Z E D D R A B R E A K D O W N 1001000100000.111075C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V GS = 0V , f = 1MHzC ISS = C GS + C GDC OSS ≅ C DS + C GDC RSS = C GD2468100255075100V G S , G A T E T O S O U R C E V O L T A G E (V )Q g , GA TE CHARGE (nC)V DD = 40VI D = 80A I D = 10AWAVEFORMS INDESCENDING ORDER:EBREAK 11 7 17 18 82.3EDS 14 8 5 8 1EGS 13 8 6 8 1ESG 6 10 6 8 1EVTHRES 6 21 19 8 1EVTEMP 20 6 18 22 1IT 8 17 1LDRAIN 2 5 1e-9LGATE 1 9 4.81e-9LSOURCE 3 7 4.63e-9MMED 16 6 8 8 MMEDMOD MSTRO 16 6 8 8 MSTROMOD MWEAK 16 21 8 8 MWEAKMOD RBREAK 17 18 RBREAKMOD 1RDRAIN 50 16 RDRAINMOD 9e-4RGATE 9 20 1.36RLDRAIN 2 5 10RLGATE 1 9 48.1RLSOURCE 3 7 46.3RSLC1 5 51 RSLCMOD 1e-6RSLC2 5 50 1e3RSOURCE 8 7 RSOURCEMOD 2.3e-3RVTHRES 22 8 RVTHRESMOD 1RVTEMP 18 19 RVTEMPMOD 1S1A 6 12 13 8 S1AMOD S1B 13 12 13 8 S1BMOD S2A 6 15 14 13 S2AMOD S2B 13 15 14 13 S2BMOD VBAT 22 19 DC 1ESLC 51 50 VALUE={(V(5,51)/ABS(V(5,51)))*(PWR(V(5,51)/(1e-6*250),10))}.MODEL DBODYMOD D (IS = 2.4e-11 N = 1.04RS = 1.76e-3TRS1 = 2.7e-3TRS2 = 2e-7 XTI=3.9CJO = 4.35e-9TT = 1e-8 M = 5.4e-1).MODEL DBREAKMOD D (RS = 1.5e-1TRS1 = 1e-3TRS2 = -8.9e-6).MODEL DPLCAPMOD D (CJO = 1.35e-9IS = 1e-30N = 10 M = 0.53).MODEL MMEDMOD NMOS (VTO = 3.7 KP = 9 IS =1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u RG = 1.36).MODEL MSTROMOD NMOS (VTO = 4.4 KP = 250 IS = 1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u).MODEL MWEAKMOD NMOS (VTO = 3.05 KP = 0.03 IS = 1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u RG = 1.36e1 RS = 0.1).MODEL RBREAKMOD RES (TC1 = 1.05e-3TC2 = -9e-7).MODEL RDRAINMOD RES (TC1 = 1.9e-2TC2 = 4e-5).MODEL RSLCMOD RES (TC1 = 1.3e-3 TC2 = 1e-5).MODEL RSOURCEMOD RES (TC1 = 1e-3 TC2 = 1e-6).MODEL RVTHRESMOD RES (TC1 = -6e-3 TC2 = -1.9e-5).MODEL RVTEMPMOD RES (TC1 = -2.4e-3TC2 = 1e-6).MODEL S1AMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = -4.0VOFF= -1.5).MODEL S1BMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = -1.5VOFF= -4.0).MODEL S2AMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = -1.0VOFF= 0.5).MODEL S2BMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5ROFF = 0.1VON = 0.5VOFF= -1.0).ENDSNote: For further discussion of the PSPICE model, consult A New PSPICE Sub-Circuit for the Power MOSFET Featuring Global Temperature Options ; IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference Records, 1991, written by William J. Hepp and C. Frank Wheatley.1822+-68+-51-198+-171868+-58+-RBREAKRVTEMP VBAT RVTHRESIT17181922121315S1AS1BS2A S2BCACB EGSEDS1481381413MWEAKEBREAK DBODYRSOURCESOURCE1173LSOURCERLSOURCECINRDRAINEVTHRES 16218MMEDMSTROESLC 501GATE RGATE EVTEMP9ESGLGATERLGATE20+-+-6m..model mstrongmod = (type=_n, vto = 4.4, kp = 250, is = 1e-30, tox = 1)m..model mweakmod = (type=_n, vto = 3.05, kp = 0.03, is = 1e-30, tox = 1, rs=0.1)sw_vcsp..model s1amod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -4.0, voff = -1.5)sw_vcsp..model s1bmod = (ron =1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -1.5, voff = -4.0)sw_vcsp..model s2amod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = -1.0, voff = 0.5)sw_vcsp..model s2bmod = (ron = 1e-5, roff = 0.1, von = 0.5, voff = -1.0)c.ca n12 n8 = 1.5e-9c.cb n15 n14 = 1.5e-9c.cin n6 n8 = 6.4e-9dp.dbody n7 n5 = model=dbodymod dp.dbreak n5 n11 = model=dbreakmod dp.dplcap n10 n5 = model=dplcapmod i.it n8 n17 = 1l.ldrain n2 n5 = 1e-9l.lgate n1 n9 = 4.81e-9l.lsource n3 n7 = 4.63e-9m.mmed n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mmedmod, l=1u, w=1u m.mstrong n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mstrongmod, l=1u, w=1u m.mweak n16 n21 n8 n8 = model=mweakmod, l=1u, w=1u res.rbreak n17 n18 = 1, tc1 = 1.05e-3, tc2 = -9e-7res.rdrain n50 n16 = 9e-4, tc1 = 1.9e-2, tc2 = 4e-5res.rgate n9 n20 = 1.36res.rldrain n2 n5 = 10res.rlgate n1 n9 = 48.1res.rlsource n3 n7 = 46.3res.rslc1 n5 n51= 1e-6, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 =1e-5res.rslc2 n5 n50 = 1e3res.rsource n8 n7 = 2.3e-3, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 =1e-6res.rvtemp n18 n19 = 1, tc1 = -2.4e-3, tc2 = 1e-6res.rvthres n22 n8 = 1, tc1 = -6e-3, tc2 = -1.9e-5spe.ebreak n11 n7 n17 n18 = 82.3spe.eds n14 n8 n5 n8 = 1spe.egs n13 n8 n6 n8 = 1spe.esg n6 n10 n6 n8 = 1spe.evtemp n20 n6 n18 n22 = 1spe.evthres n6 n21 n19 n8 = 1sw_vcsp.s1a n6 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1amod sw_vcsp.s1b n13 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1bmod sw_vcsp.s2a n6 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2amod sw_vcsp.s2b n13 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2bmod v.vbat n22 n19 = dc=1equations {i (n51->n50) +=iscliscl: v(n51,n50) = ((v(n5,n51)/(1e-9+abs(v(n5,n51))))*((abs(v(n5,n51)*1e6/250))** 10))}}1822+-68+-198+-17186858+-RBREAK RVTEMPVBAT RVTHRESIT17181922121315S1AS1BS2A S2BCACB EGSEDS1481381413MWEAKEBREAKDBODYRSOURCESOURCE1173LSOURCE RLSOURCE CINRDRAIN EVTHRES 16218MMEDMSTRO DRAIN 2LDRAINRLDRAINDBREAKDPLCAPISCLRSLC11055150RSLC21GATE RGA TE EVTEMP9ESGLGATERLGATE20+-+-+-6CTHERM6 2 tl 1e-1RTHERM1 th 6 3.24e-3RTHERM2 6 5 8.08e-3RTHERM3 5 4 2.28e-2RTHERM4 4 3 1e-1RTHERM5 3 2 1.1e-1RTHERM6 2 tl 1.4e-1SABER Thermal ModelSABER thermal model FDP047AN08A0T template thermal_model th tl thermal_c th, tl {ctherm.ctherm1 th 6 = 6.45e-3ctherm.ctherm2 6 5 = 3e-2ctherm.ctherm3 5 4 = 1.4e-2ctherm.ctherm4 4 3 = 1.65e-2ctherm.ctherm5 3 2 = 4.85e-2ctherm.ctherm6 2 tl = 1e-1rtherm.rtherm1 th 6 = 3.24e-3rtherm.rtherm2 6 5 = 8.08e-3rtherm.rtherm3 5 4 = 2.28e-2rtherm.rtherm4 4 3 = 1e-1rtherm.rtherm5 3 2 = 1.1e-1rtherm.rtherm6 2 tl = 1.4e-1}RTHERM4RTHERM6RTHERM5RTHERM3RTHERM2CTHERM4CTHERM6CTHERM5CTHERM3CTHERM2tl 23456CASETRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.ACEx™Bottomless™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT™DenseTrench™DOME™EcoSPARK™E2CMOS™EnSigna™FACT™FACT Quiet Series™FAST®FASTr™FRFET™GlobalOptoisolator™GTO™HiSeC™I2C™ISOPLANAR™LittleFET™MicroFET™MicroPak™MICROWIRE™OPTOLOGIC®OPTOPLANAR™PACMAN™POP™Power247™PowerTrench®QFET™QS™QT Optoelectronics™Quiet Series™SILENT SWITCHER®SMART START™SPM™STAR*POWER™Stealth™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8SyncFET™TinyLogic™TruTranslation™UHC™UltraFET®VCX™DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONSDefinition of TermsDatasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance Information Formative or InDesign This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.Preliminary First Production This datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to makechanges at any time without notice in order to improvedesign.No Identification Needed Full Production This datasheet contains final specifications. FairchildSemiconductor reserves the right to make changes atany time without notice in order to improve design. Obsolete Not In Production This datasheet contains specifications on a productthat has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only. STAR*POWER is used under license。



1. 系统概论C8051 F04X 系列单片机是集成在一块芯片上的混合信号系统级单片机,分64个I/O端口管脚(如C8051F040/2)或者32个I/O端口管脚(如C8051F041/3)两类,同时有一个CAN2.0B 集成控制器。

其最突出的特征见下表,涉及的主要设备特征在1.1中详解.. 25MIPS高速流水线式CIP-51控制器内核. CAN2.0B 控制对应的有32个信息对象,且每一个都有它自己的屏蔽位。

在系统,全速,非插入式调试接口. 有12位的ADC(C8051F040/1)或10位的ADC(C8051F042/3),带有PGA和模拟复用开关. 对于12位的ADC(峰峰值为60伏)的高压差分放大输入可通过编程得到. 有8位的多通道DAC,带有PGA和模拟复用开关。

有两个12位DAC,通过编程更新时序. 64KB的可编程FLASH存储器. RAM可存储4352(4096+256)字节。

外部内存接口可寻址64K字节. SPI,SMBus/I2C和(2)UART串行接口通过硬件实现。


可编程计数/定时阵列有6个捕捉/比较模块. 片内有看门狗定时器,VDD监视器,温度传感器由于有片内VDD监视器,看门狗定时器和时钟震荡器,C8051F04X系列单片机称得上是真正独立的片上系统。






7伏到3.6V 的工作电压,端口I/O,/RST和JTAM引脚允许5V的输入信号电压。

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tmMay 2006FDB045AN08A0 N-Channel PowerTrench ® MOSFETFDB045AN08A0N-Channel PowerTrench ® MOSFET 75V, 80A, 4.5m ΩFeatures•r DS(ON) = 3.9m Ω (Typ.), V GS = 10V, I D = 80A •Q g (tot) = 92nC (Typ.), V GS = 10V •Low Miller Charge •Low Q RR Body Diode•UIS Capability (Single Pulse and Repetitive Pulse)•Qualified to AEC Q101Formerly developmental type 82684Applications•42V Automotive Load Control •Starter / Alternator Systems •Electronic Power Steering Systems •Electronic Valve Train Systems •DC-DC converters and Off-line UPS •Distributed Power Architectures and VRMs •Primary Switch for 24V and 48V systemsMOSFET Maximum Ratings T C = 25°C unless otherwise notedSymbol ParameterRatings Units V DSS Drain to Source Voltage 75V V GS Gate to Source Voltage ±20V I D Drain Current90A Continuous (T C < 137o C, V GS = 10V) Continuous (T amb = 25o C, V GS = 10V, with R θJA = 43o C/W)19A PulsedFigure 4A E AS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy (Note 1)600mJ P D Power dissipation 310W Derate above 25oC2.0W/o CT J , T STGOperating and Storage Temperature-55 to 175oCThermal CharacteristicsR θJC Thermal Resistance Junction to Case TO-2630.48o C/W R θJA Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient TO-263 (Note 2)62o C/W R θJAThermal Resistance Junction to Ambient TO-263, 1in 2copper pad area43oC/WThis product has been designed to meet the extreme test conditions and environment demanded by the automotive industry. For acopy of the requirements, see AEC Q101 at: /Reliability data can be found at: /products/discrete/reliability/index.html.All Fairchild Semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 and QS9000 quality systemscertification.DGSTO-263AB FDB SERIESGATESOURCEDRAIN (FLANGE)FDB045AN08A0 N-Channel PowerTrench ® MOSFEPackage Marking and Ordering InformationDevice Marking DevicePackage Reel Size Tape Width Quantity FDB045AN08A0FDB045AN08A0TO-263AB330mm24mm800 unitsElectrical Characteristics T C = 25°C unless otherwise notedSymbolParameterTest ConditionsMinTypMaxUnitsOff CharacteristicsB VDSS Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage I D = 250μA, V GS = 0V 75--V I DSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current V DS = 60V --1μA V GS = 0V TC = 150o C--250I GSSGate to Source Leakage CurrentV GS = ±20V--±100nAOn CharacteristicsV GS(TH)Gate to Source Threshold Voltage V GS = V DS , I D = 250μA 2-4Vr DS(ON)Drain to Source On ResistanceI D = 80A, V GS = 10V -0.00390.0045ΩI D = 37A, V GS = 6V -0.00560.0084I D = 80A, V GS = 10V, T J = 175o C-0.0080.011Dynamic CharacteristicsC ISS Input Capacitance V DS = 25V, V GS = 0V,f = 1MHz -6600-pF C OSS Output Capacitance-1000-pF C RSS Reverse Transfer Capacitance -240-pF Q g(TOT)Total Gate Charge at 10V V GS = 0V to 10V V DD = 40V I D = 80A I g = 1.0mA92138nC Q g(TH)Threshold Gate Charge V GS = 0V to 2V-1117nC Q gs Gate to Source Gate Charge -27-nC Q gs2Gate Charge Threshold to Plateau -16-nC Q gdGate to Drain “Miller” Charge-21-nCSwitching Characteristics (V GS = 10V)t ON Turn-On Time V DD = 40V, I D = 80A V GS = 10V, R GS = 3.3Ω--160ns t d(ON)Turn-On Delay Time -18-ns t r Rise Time-88-ns t d(OFF)Turn-Off Delay Time -40-ns t f Fall Time -45-ns t OFFTurn-Off Time--128nsDrain-Source Diode CharacteristicsV SD Source to Drain Diode Voltage I SD = 80A -- 1.25V I SD = 40A-- 1.0V t rr Reverse Recovery Time I SD = 75A, dI SD /dt = 100A/μs --53ns Q RRReverse Recovered ChargeI SD = 75A, dI SD /dt = 100A/μs--54nCNotes:1:Starting T J = 25°C, L = 0.48mH, I AS = 50A.2:Pulse Width = 100sFDB045AN08A0 N-Channel PowerTrench ® MOSFETypical Characteristics T C = 25°C unless otherwise notedFigure 1. T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (o C)P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N M U L T I P L I E R002550751001750. Power Dissipation vsAmbient TemperatureFigure 2. 04080120160200255075100125150175I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (oC)CURRENT LIMITED BY PACKAGEMaximum Continuous Drain Current vsCase TemperatureFigure 3. 0.1110-510-410-310-210-11001010.012t, RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (s)Z θJ C , N O R M A L I Z E D T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C ENOTES:DUTY FACTOR: D = t 1/t 2PEAK T J = P DM x Z θJC x R θJC + T CP DMt 1t CYCLE - DESCENDING ORDER SINGLE PULSENormalized Maximum Transient Thermal ImpedanceFigure 4. 1001000200050I D M , P E A K C U R R E N T (A )t, PULSE WIDTH (s)10-510-410-310-210-1100101TRANSCONDUCTANCE MAY LIMIT CURRENT IN THIS REGIONV GS = 10VT C = 25o CI = I 25175 - T C 150FOR TEMPERATURESABOVE 25o C DERATE PEAK CURRENT AS FOLLOWS:Peak Current Capability® MOSFEFigure 7. 03060901204.04.55.0 5.56.0I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )V GS , GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V DD = 15VT J = 175o CT J = 25o CT J = -55o CTransfer CharacteristicsFigure 8. Saturation Characteristics3060901200.5 1.01.5I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V GS = 6VPULSE DURATION = 80μs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXV GS = 5VT C = 25o CGS GS Figure 9. 34567020406080I D , DRAIN CURRENT (A)V GS = 6VV GS = 10VD R A I N T O S O U R CE O N R E S I S T A N C E (m Ω)PULSE DURATION = 80μs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAXDrain to Source On Resistance vs DrainCurrent Figure 10. O R M A L I Z E D D R A I N T O S O U R C E T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (o C)O N R E S I S T A N C EV GS = 10V, I D =80APULSE DURATION = 80μs DUTY CYCLE = 0.5% MAX Normalized Drain to Source On Resistance vs Junction Temperature® MOSFEFigure 13. 10010000.111075C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V DS , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V GS = 0V, f = 1MHzC OSS ≅ C DS + C GDC RSS = C GDCapacitance vs Drain to SourceVoltage Figure 14. 02468255075100V G S , G A T E T O S O U R C E V O L T A G Q g , GATE CHARGE (nC)I D = 80A I D = 10AWAVEFORMS INDESCENDING ORDER:Gate Charge Waveforms for ConstantGate CurrentsMOSFEFDB045AN08A0 N-Channel PowerTrench ® MOSFEThermal Resistance vs. Mounting Pad AreaThe maximum rated junction temperature, T JM , and the thermal resistance of the heat dissipating path determines the maximum allowable device power dissipation, P DM , in an application. Therefore the application’s ambient temperature, T A (o C), and thermal resistance R θJA (o C/W) must be reviewed to ensure that T JM is never exceeded. Equation 1 mathematically represents the relationship and serves as the basis for establishing the rating of the part.(EQ. 1)P DM T JM T A –()R θJA--------------------------=In using surface mount devices such as the TO-263 package, the environment in which it is applied will have a significant influence on the part’s current and maximum power dissipation ratings. Precise determination of P DM is complex and influenced by many factors:1. Mounting pad area onto which the device is attached and whether there is copper on one side or both sides of the board.2. The number of copper layers and the thickness of the board.3. The use of external heat sinks.4. The use of thermal vias.5. Air flow and board orientation.6. For non steady state applications, the pulse width, the duty cycle and the transient thermal response of the part, the board and the environment they are in.Fairchild provides thermal information to assist the designer’s preliminary application evaluation. Figure 21 defines the R θJA for the device as a function of the top copper (component side) area. This is for a horizontally positioned FR-4 board with 1oz copper after 1000 seconds of steady state power with no air flow. This graph provides the necessary information for calculation of the steady state junction temperature or power dissipation. Pulse applications can be evaluated using the Fairchild device Spice thermal model or manually utilizing the normalized maximum transient thermal impedance curve.Thermal resistances corresponding to other copper areas can be obtained from Figure 21 or by calculation using Equation 2 or 3. Equation 2 is used for copper area defined in inches square and equation 3 is for area in centimeters square. The area, in square inches or square centimeters is the top copper area including the gate and source pads.Area in Inches Squared(EQ. 2)R θJA 26.5119.840.262Area +()--------------------------------------+=(EQ. 3)R θJA 26.511281.69Area +()-----------------------------------+=Area in Centimeter SquaredFigure 21. Thermal Resistance vs MountingPad Area204060801100.1R θJA = 26.51+ 19.84/(0.262+Area) EQ.2R θJ A (o C /W )AREA, TOP COPPER AREA in 2 (cm 2)(0.645)(6.45)(64.5)R θJA = 26.51+ 128/(1.69+Area) EQ.3® MOSFE68-58+VBAT RVTHRES22EGSEDS8-RLDRAIN 2 5 10RLGATE 1 9 48.1 RLSOURCE 3 7 46.3RSLC1 5 51 RSLCMOD 1e-6RSLC2 5 50 1e3RSOURCE 8 7 RSOURCEMOD 2.3e-3 RVTHRES 22 8 RVTHRESMOD 1RVTEMP 18 19 RVTEMPMOD 1S1A 6 12 13 8 S1AMOD S1B 13 12 13 8 S1BMOD S2A 6 15 14 13 S2AMOD S2B 13 15 14 13 S2BMOD VBAT 22 19 DC 1ESLC 51 50 VALUE={(V(5,51)/ABS(V(5,51)))*(PWR(V(5,51)/(1e-6*250),10))}.MODEL DBODYMOD D (IS = 2.4e-11 N = 1.04 RS = 1.76e-3 TRS1 = 2.7e-3 TRS2 = 2e-7 XTI=3.9 CJO = 4.35e-9 TT = 1e-8 M = 5.4e-1).MODEL DBREAKMOD D (RS = 1.5e-1 TRS1 = 1e-3 TRS2 = -8.9e-6).MODEL DPLCAPMOD D (CJO = 1.35e-9 IS = 1e-30 N = 10 M = 0.53).MODEL MMEDMOD NMOS (VTO = 3.7 KP = 9 IS =1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u RG = 1.36).MODEL MSTROMOD NMOS (VTO = 4.4 KP = 250 IS = 1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u).MODEL MWEAKMOD NMOS (VTO = 3.05 KP = 0.03 IS = 1e-30 N = 10 TOX = 1 L = 1u W = 1u RG = 1.36e1 RS = 0.1).MODEL RBREAKMOD RES (TC1 = 1.05e-3 TC2 = -9e-7) .MODEL RDRAINMOD RES (TC1 = 1.9e-2 TC2 = 4e-5).MODEL RSLCMOD RES (TC1 = 1.3e-3 TC2 = 1e-5).MODEL RSOURCEMOD RES (TC1 = 1e-3 TC2 = 1e-6).MODEL RVTHRESMOD RES (TC1 = -6e-3 TC2 = -1.9e-5) .MODEL RVTEMPMOD RES (TC1 = -2.4e-3 TC2 = 1e-6).MODEL S1AMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5 ROFF = 0.1 VON = -4.0 VOFF= -1.5) .MODEL S1BMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5 ROFF = 0.1 VON = -1.5 VOFF= -4.0) .MODEL S2AMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5 ROFF = 0.1 VON = -1.0 VOFF= 0.5) .MODEL S2BMOD VSWITCH (RON = 1e-5 ROFF = 0.1 VON = 0.5 VOFF= -1.0) .ENDSNote: For further discussion of the PSPICE model, consult A New PSPICE Sub-Circuit for the Power MOSFET Featuring Global Temperature Options ; IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference Records, 1991, written by William J. Hepp and C. Frank Wheatley.® MOSFE22171868+-58+-RBREAK RVTEMPVBAT RVTHRESIT17181922121315S1AS1BS2A S2BCACB EGSEDS1481381413RSOURCESOURCE73LSOURCE RLSOURCE CIN8MSTRO 19RLGATE20+-+-l.lsource n3 n7 = 4.63e-9m.mmed n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mmedmod, l=1u, w=1u m.mstrong n16 n6 n8 n8 = model=mstrongmod, l=1u, w=1u m.mweak n16 n21 n8 n8 = model=mweakmod, l=1u, w=1u res.rbreak n17 n18 = 1, tc1 = 1.05e-3, tc2 = -9e-7res.rdrain n50 n16 = 9e-4, tc1 = 1.9e-2, tc2 = 4e-5res.rgate n9 n20 = 1.36res.rldrain n2 n5 = 10res.rlgate n1 n9 = 48.1res.rlsource n3 n7 = 46.3res.rslc1 n5 n51= 1e-6, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 =1e-5res.rslc2 n5 n50 = 1e3res.rsource n8 n7 = 2.3e-3, tc1 = 1e-3, tc2 =1e-6res.rvtemp n18 n19 = 1, tc1 = -2.4e-3, tc2 = 1e-6res.rvthres n22 n8 = 1, tc1 = -6e-3, tc2 = -1.9e-5spe.ebreak n11 n7 n17 n18 = 82.3spe.eds n14 n8 n5 n8 = 1spe.egs n13 n8 n6 n8 = 1spe.esg n6 n10 n6 n8 = 1spe.evtemp n20 n6 n18 n22 = 1spe.evthres n6 n21 n19 n8 = 1sw_vcsp.s1a n6 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1amod sw_vcsp.s1b n13 n12 n13 n8 = model=s1bmod sw_vcsp.s2a n6 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2amod sw_vcsp.s2b n13 n15 n14 n13 = model=s2bmod v.vbat n22 n19 = dc=1equations {i (n51->n50) +=iscliscl: v(n51,n50) = ((v(n5,n51)/(1e-9+abs(v(n5,n51))))*((abs(v(n5,n51)*1e6/250))** 10))}}® MOSFEctherm.ctherm6 2 tl = 1e-1rtherm.rtherm1 th 6 = 3.24e-3rtherm.rtherm2 6 5 = 8.08e-3rtherm.rtherm3 5 4 = 2.28e-2rtherm.rtherm4 4 3 = 1e-1rtherm.rtherm5 3 2 = 1.1e-1rtherm.rtherm6 2 tl = 1.4e-1}RTHERM6RTHERM5CTHERM6CTHERM5tl 23CASEFDB045AN08A0 Rev. A1Rev. I19TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. THESE SPECIFICATIONS DO NOT EXPAND THE TERMS OF FAIRCHILD’S WORLDWIDE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SPECIFICALLY THE WARRANTY THEREIN, WHICH COVERS THESE PRODUCTS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, or (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of TermsACEx™ActiveArray™Bottomless™Build it Now™CoolFET™CROSSVOLT ™DOME™EcoSPARK™E 2CMOS™EnSigna™FACT™FACT Quiet Series™FAST ®FASTr™FPS™FRFET™GlobalOptoisolator™GTO™HiSeC™I 2C™i-Lo ™ImpliedDisconnect ™IntelliMAX™ISOPLANAR™LittleFET™MICROCOUPLER™MicroFET™MicroPak™MICROWIRE™MSX ™MSXPro ™OCX ™OCXPro ™OPTOLOGIC ®OPTOPLANAR™PACMAN™POP™Power247™PowerEdge™PowerSaver™PowerTrench ®QFET™QS™QT Optoelectronics™Quiet Series™RapidConfigure ™RapidConnect ™µSerDes ™ScalarPump ™SILENT SWITCHER ®SMART START™SPM™Stealth™SuperFET™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8SyncFET™TCM™TinyLogic ®TINYOPTO™TruTranslation™UHC™UltraFET ®UniFET™VCX™Wire™Across the board. Around the world.™The Power Franchise ®Programmable Active Droop™Datasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance InformationFormative or In Design This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.PreliminaryFirst ProductionThis datasheet contains preliminary data, andsupplementary data will be published at a later date.Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design.No Identification Needed Full ProductionThis datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design. Obsolete Not In ProductionThis datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor.The datasheet is printed for reference information only.FDB045AN08A0 N-Channel PowerTrench ® MOSFET元器件交易网。
