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1、The museum is _______ in the northeast of Changsha. [单选题] *

A. sit

B. located(正确答案)

C. lies

D. stand

2、I will _______ at the school gate. [单选题] *

A. pick you up(正确答案)

B. pick up you

C. pick you out

D. pick out you

3、______this story, and you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. [单选题] *

A. Reading

B. Read

C. To read

D.Being read(正确答案)

4、Sam is going to have the party ______ Saturday evening. ()[单选题] *

A. in

B. on(正确答案)

C. at

D. to

5、Marie is a _______ girl.She always smiles and says hello to others. [单选题] *

A. shy

B. friendly(正确答案)

C. healthy

D. crazy

6、The city is famous _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *

A. for(正确答案)

B. of

C. as

D. to

7、Every year Carl _______ most of his time swimming, camping and traveling with his parents. [单选题] *

A. is spending

B. spent

C. will spend

D. spends(正确答案)

8、Mary is interested ______ hiking. [单选题] *

A. on

B. by

C. in(正确答案)

D. at

9、I was astonished when I heard that Louise was getting married. [单选题] *

A. 惊讶(正确答案)

B. 气愤

C. 高兴

D. 想念

10、81.Some birds are flying ________ the lake. What a beautiful picture! [单选题] * A.for




11、You needn’t _______ me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. [单选题] *

A. worry about(正确答案)

B. write down

C. put away

D. wake up

12、( ) The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example______us in learning English. [单选题] *

A. to(正确答案)

B. for

C. with

D. on

13、The news is?_______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *

A. exciting;?excited(正确答案)

B. excited;?exciting

C. exciting;?exciting

D. excited;?excited

14、Have you done something _______ on the weekends? [单选题] *

A. special(正确答案)

B. sore

C. convenient

D. slim

15、Mary _____ be in Paris. I saw her just now on campus. [单选题] *

A. mustn't

B. can't(正确答案)

C. need not

D. may not

16、It seems slow for children to become _____ ,while adults often feel time flies. [单选题] *

A. growns-ups

B. growns-up

C. grown ups

D. grown-ups(正确答案)

17、8.Turn right ________ Danba Road and walk ________ the road, then you will findMeilong Middle school. [单选题] *


B.into...along (正确答案)



18、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] *

A. 由…引发的

B. 与…有牵连

C. 给…带来麻烦

D. 与…不相干(正确答案)

19、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *

A. as(正确答案)

B. in

C. with

D. on

20、Two()in our school were sent to a remote village to teach for a month. [单选题] *

A. women teachers(正确答案)

B. woman teachers

C. women teacher
