medela pump in style吸奶器说明书(中文)

新安怡吸奶器使用方法以及技巧中文说明新安怡吸奶器组件说明吸奶器部分a 漏斗盖(同i )b 按摩护垫c 泵盖d 硅胶隔膜e 把手f 泵身g 白色阀门奶瓶部分:h 瓶身i 底座(同a)j 圆顶帽k 特软新生儿奶嘴l 螺环m 密封底座n 密封盘这一部分最好对照说明书看,因为有些部件翻译过来的名称不一样。
美樂 Medela Pump in Style Advanced 使用說

美樂 Medela Pump in Style Advanced 使用說明書美樂 Pump in Style Advanced 擠奶器 (吸奶器) 提供兩階段吸乳頻率,第一階段快速且短促的頻率密集地刺激噴乳反射,第二階段轉為較緩慢的吸-放-停的吸乳節奏。
第一個月是奶量建立的關鍵期,媽咪們一定要加油喔!I. 安全提示A. 使用前請務必詳細閱讀此說明書,並依照本說明書指示的方法使用本產品。
B. 使用完畢請立刻拔掉電源變壓器,請從變壓器接頭拔下,不可直接拉電線。
C. 請勿將馬達主機放在水裡或其他液體中。
D. 馬達主機若不小心掉落水裡,請先拔掉電源再拿起。
E. 請確認電源符合變壓器的電壓。
F. 如果有租用電池盒,請確認電池正負極方向正確。
G. 請勿使用非原廠變壓器或電池盒。
H. 請先將變壓器插在馬達主機上,再插入電源插座。
I. 收藏變壓器時,請勿將電線纏繞過緊,以免電線斷裂。
J. 請勿使用非原廠配件。
K. 請勿讓幼兒玩弄電線、變壓器、軟管及其他配件,以免發生危險。
L. 機件故障或是吸乳會疼痛時,請詢問母乳諮詢人員,或來電聯絡我們。
II. 使用方法將喇叭罩與接頭接好,如果是一體成型的喇叭罩,則可跳過此步驟。
美德乐 丝蕴翼 swing maxi 电动吸奶器说明书

This symbol indicates the temperature limitation for operation, transport and storage.
This symbol indicates the humidity limitation for operation, transport and storage.
4. Product description
5. Cleaning
5.1 Before using for the first time and after every use
5.2 Before using for the first time and once a day
5.3 C leaning the motor unit
スイング・マキシ電動さく乳器をご購入いただき、ありがとうございます。赤ちゃんに母乳を与えること は自然な選択ですが、状況により、直接授乳が難しいお母さまもいらっしゃいます。メデラは 50 年以上 にわたりお母さまと赤ちゃんをサポートするため、研究開発を進めてきました。母乳育児をサポートする マーケットリーダーとして、母乳育児の専門家と密接に協力し、母乳育児を望むお母さま方のニーズにお 応えするさく乳器を研究・開発しています。お母さまと赤ちゃんにとって最高の母乳育児を支援していく ことがメデラの使命です。メデラはお母さまの思いやりにお応えします。

(2)请不要与发热物品或花焰放在一起(3)请不要摔落物品(4)已有损伤的物品请绝对不要使用4.用电安全(1)连接适配器和分开适配器时请注意保持双手的干爽(2)请只使用本物品提供的适配器(3)如果被水沾湿时,请接受检查后再使用(4)请不要在泡澡或淋浴是使用5. 应中断母乳哺乳时(1)患有威胁生命的疾病时(2)慢性疾病或自身身体受到限制时(3)产后患有忧郁症并在服药期间时@如有以上相同情况时,请不要进行母乳哺乳,并尽快接受医生的诊断或商谈6. 图一,周围温度范围图二,相对湿度范围图三,大气压范围7. 吸奶器的用途(1)让小孩能更方便地吃到母乳(2)以防母乳的不足,可提前挤奶进行保管(3)因乳房淤血(乳腺炎) 应尽快挤出母乳时(4)因需要工作或与小孩长时间分开的情况时(5)因乳头下陷而导致无法给小孩亲自喂乳时8. 乳嘴使用时的注意事项(1)这里包含的奶嘴行为新生儿s阶段(0~3)使用可能(2)初次使用时请用沸水进行5分钟以上的消毒,晾干后使用。

质量是最放心的,但是有一点因为中美的生活用电压不同,所以电源也不同,此款吸奶器是美国适用的电压为120V适用的,有以下几个解决办法:1.可以直接用4节5号电池,SWING设计了这个功能非常方便;2.可以配一个电压转换器(即:变压器或适配器)将220V电压转为120即可,这个电器商场都有卖的,跟电源说美国小家电用的即可(功率不大于30W);使用方法是:先将变压器插在国内插座上,然后再将美德乐的120V电源插在变压器上即可;3.可以直接配一个国内可以直接用的电源,请注意输出必须为:4.8V 800MA的才行,另外建议不要买开关电源,选择质量稍微好一些的;2.3的电源和电压转换器本店也有出售,请联系莱莱妈。
【使用方法】1.按ON开启电源,开机即为刺激奶阵的模式,整个过程约为2分钟左右2.通过- +可以调整适合自己的吸力3.乳汁开始有流出,可以按水滴按扭进入吸奶模式4.吸奶过程中可以通过- +可以调整适合自己的吸力5.吸奶结束按扭关闭电源【Swing使用建议】1.初次使用请将主机、软管、软罩口(新款为硬罩口可以消毒)以外的塑料配件消毒后使用,可以蒸汽消毒,微波炉消毒(专用微波炉消毒锅),煮沸消毒(建议不要离锅底太近),时间不要超过3分钟,也可以热水烫10-15分钟。
2. 吸奶时软管不进奶水的,一周只需清洗2次左右,甩干后使用,如有水气,可以让马达空转3-15分钟排水气。

User’s Manual(K2017)1st Edition (4 Apr 17)本机器为医疗器械。
( )1. 产品介绍1.1 产品介绍DermaShine® PRO(得玛莎三代)是创新数字注射器系统(带吸螺杆多针)利用Dermashine 吸气。
多螺杆针由 9 根针组成,更容易嵌入硬注射部位。
DermaShine® PRO的优点DermaShine® PRO注射器会在您所需的深度注入等量的药品。
(0-2 毫米)的注入点均匀分布。
①在1~2mm注射部位有效率地注入药品的DDS (Drug Delivery System)医疗器械。
花费更少的时间 & 精力。
④缩短恢复时间 & 减轻疼痛,使病人的满意度最大化。
(取得专利)1.2 使用时注意事项1.使用前请仔细阅读说明书后使用2.药品注射器与灭菌注射器相连时,如果连接太紧,在注射过程中可能发生灭菌注射器与药品注射器分离或药品液体渗漏的情况3.使用抽吸器(Aspirator)时,因药物损失和 breeding 致使药物通过吸管进入注射器内,此情况可能导致本品出现故障,请在使用过程中或使用后随时检查液压阻尼器。
4.如将注射器向上方注射,其损失药品会流入至装置中,可能导致本品出现故障5.拔出电源线时,请握住电源插头将其拔出请勿直接拽拉电源线6.一次注射结束提示音-在 Auto-sensing(自动感应)/Auto-dose(自动剂量)/dose(剂量)等模式下结束药物注射时,注射器自身将会发出声响并停止注射。

质量是最放心的,但是有一点因为中美的生活用电压不同,所以电源也不同,此款吸奶器是美国适用的电压为120V 适用的,有以下几个解决办法:1.可以直接用4节5号电池,SWING设计了这个功能非常方便;2.可以配一个电压转换器(即:变压器或适配器)将220V电压转为120即可,这个电器商场都有卖的,跟电源说美国小家电用的即可(功率不大于30W);使用方法是:先将变压器插在国内插座上,然后再将美德乐的120V电源插在变压器上即可;3.可以直接配一个国内可以直接用的电源,请注意输出必须为:4.8V 800MA 的才行,另外建议不要买开关电源,选择质量稍微好一些的;2.3的电源和电压转换器本店也有出售,请联系莱莱妈。
【使用方法】1.按ON开启电源,开机即为刺激奶阵的模式,整个过程约为2分钟左右2.通过- +可以调整适合自己的吸力3.乳汁开始有流出,可以按水滴按扭进入吸奶模式4.吸奶过程中可以通过- +可以调整适合自己的吸力5.吸奶结束按扭关闭电源【Swing使用建议】1.初次使用请将主机、软管、软罩口(新款为硬罩口可以消毒)以外的塑料配件消毒后使用,可以蒸汽消毒,微波炉消毒(专用微波炉消毒锅),煮沸消毒(建议不要离锅底太近),时间不要超过3分钟,也可以热水烫10-15分钟。
2. 吸奶时软管不进奶水的,一周只需清洗2次左右,甩干后使用,如有水气,可以让马达空转3-15分钟排水气。

(2)请不要与发热物品或花焰放在一起(3)请不要摔落物品(4)已有损伤的物品请绝对不要使用4.用电安全(1)连接适配器和分开适配器时请注意保持双手的干爽(2)请只使用本物品提供的适配器(3)如果被水沾湿时,请接受检查后再使用(4)请不要在泡澡或淋浴是使用5. 应中断母乳哺乳时(1)患有威胁生命的疾病时(2)慢性疾病或自身身体受到限制时(3)产后患有忧郁症并在服药期间时@如有以上相同情况时,请不要进行母乳哺乳,并尽快接受医生的诊断或商谈6. 图一,周围温度范围图二,相对湿度范围图三,大气压范围7. 吸奶器的用途(1)让小孩能更方便地吃到母乳(2)以防母乳的不足,可提前挤奶进行保管(3)因乳房淤血(乳腺炎) 应尽快挤出母乳时(4)因需要工作或与小孩长时间分开的情况时(5)因乳头下陷而导致无法给小孩亲自喂乳时8. 乳嘴使用时的注意事项(1)这里包含的奶嘴行为新生儿s阶段(0~3)使用可能(2)初次使用时请用沸水进行5分钟以上的消毒,晾干后使用。

质量是最放心的,但是有一点因为中美的生活用电压不同,所以电源也不同,此款吸奶器是美国适用的电压为120V适用的,有以下几个解决办法:1.可以直接用4节5号电池,SWING设计了这个功能非常方便;2.可以配一个电压转换器(即:变压器或适配器)将220V电压转为120即可,这个电器商场都有卖的,跟电源说美国小家电用的即可(功率不大于30W);使用方法是:先将变压器插在国内插座上,然后再将美德乐的120V电源插在变压器上即可;3.可以直接配一个国内可以直接用的电源,请注意输出必须为:4.8V 800MA的才行,另外建议不要买开关电源,选择质量稍微好一些的;2.3的电源和电压转换器本店也有出售,请联系莱莱妈。
【使用方法】1.按ON开启电源,开机即为刺激奶阵的模式,整个过程约为2分钟左右2.通过- +可以调整适合自己的吸力3.乳汁开始有流出,可以按水滴按扭进入吸奶模式4.吸奶过程中可以通过- +可以调整适合自己的吸力5.吸奶结束按扭关闭电源【Swing使用建议】1.初次使用请将主机、软管、软罩口(新款为硬罩口可以消毒)以外的塑料配件消毒后使用,可以蒸汽消毒,微波炉消毒(专用微波炉消毒锅),煮沸消毒(建议不要离锅底太近),时间不要超过3分钟,也可以热水烫10-15分钟。
2. 吸奶时软管不进奶水的,一周只需清洗2次左右,甩干后使用,如有水气,可以让马达空转3-15分钟排水气。

E. 避免奶水回流到导管及马达里,请使用的时候注意一下几点:1.吸奶的时候奶瓶不能倾斜,奶瓶保持比较竖直。
elvie 吸乳器 说明书

Instructions for Use 说明手册使用說明Instrucciones de uso Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d’instructions Handleiding ManualMake sure you charge Elvie Pump and download the app. 请确认在下载app前给吸乳器充电請確保Elvie Pump已充電,並且已下載APP。
Asegúrate de cargar Elvie Pump y de instalar la aplicación.Bitte laden Sie Elvie Pump auf und laden Sie die App herunter.Prenez soin de charger Elvie Pump et téléchargez l’application.Zorg ervoor dat je Elvie Pump oplaadt en de app downloadt.Kom ihåg att ladda Elvie Pump och ladda ned appen.Page 4183246607488102LanguageEnglish 简体中文繁體中文EspañolDeutschFrançaisNederlandsSvenskaBattery low4. WarrantyElvie Pump is backed by a limited manufacturer’s warranty against any defects in materials and/or workmanship: the Hub for two (2) years and the washable components for 90 days from the date of original purchase. Defects discovered within the warranty period should be reported to Chiaro Technology Limited, “Chiaro”.This warranty is provided free of charge and is separate to any rights provided under consumer laws or regulations in the country of purchase. It does not exclude, limit or affect any consumer rights or legal claims arising from national laws on the sale of consumer products. This warranty is governed by and constructed under the laws in which the product purchase took place.Chiaro reserves the right to a period of investigation to establish the cause of the defect and may exercise its discretion in determining whether or not to replace free of charge.This warranty does not cover cosmetic deterioration or damage caused by general wear and tear, physical or natural destruction, accident, misuse, neglect or other external causes. Any attempt to take the Hub apart will invalidate this warranty.The warranty does not cover purchases from non-authorized resellers.Any warranty claims must be supported with reasonable evidence, including proof of date of purchase, alongside these warranty conditions. Chiaro must be notified of any defects. We will then provide you with a Return Merchandise Authorization number, which must be displayed on the outside packaging. In the event that Chiaro decides to provide a replacement, any replacement will not extend the life of this warranty.This is a single-user product. Use by more than one person may present a health risk and voidsthe warranty.Please keep your proof of purchase in the event that you need to contact customer care.5.Product specificationsVacuum range:Power:Battery capacity and type: Size:Weight:Bluetooth info:Operation temperature: Transport/storage temperature: Operation humidity: Transport/storage humidity: Ambient pressure:Infrared details:40 to 220 mmHg5v DC, 3A max1460mAh Lithium polymer128mm x 110mm x 68mm / 5in x 4.3in x 2.7in225g / 7.9ozBluetooth v5 (Bluetooth Low Energy). Range up to 10m +5 to +30°C / +41 to +86°F-20 to +60°C / -4 to +140°F15 to 90%15 to 90%90 to 106 kPaPeak frequency: 319THz, Radiant power: 55mW5.1 Technical specifications5.2 Transport, storage and disposalTransportWhile traveling, use the Charging Cable provided and pair with the appropriate power source for your current location. Please check with the airline prior to travel for advice on carrying and using Elvie Pump while flying.Temperature: -20 to +60°C / -4 to +140°FRelative humidity: 15 to 90%StorageTemperature: -20 to +60°C / -4 to +140°FRelative humidity: 15 to 90%Ambient pressure: 90 to 106 kPaDisposalElvie Pump contains a rechargeable lithium polymer battery. Please dispose of the Hub at a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.The appropriate disposal of Elvie Pump will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more information about where you can drop off your waste for recycling, please contact your local authority or where you purchased your product.5. Product specifications5.3 EMC adviceDeclaration for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): For information use only.FCC Statement: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpStacking: This device should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment. And if adjacent or stacked use is necessary, this device should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in which it will be used.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Caution: The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Manufactured and Distributed by Chiaro T echnology LimitedModel number: EP01Document number: EP-S-0005Revision number: 106. Safety6.1 Warnings• This is a single-user product. Use by more than one person may present a health risk and voids the warranty• It is recommended you consult with a licensed healthcare professional before using Elvie Pump if you have an active implanted device that would be affected by a magnetic field(e.g. pacemaker, implantable cardioverter defibrillator)• Inspect for damage, clean and sterilize washable components that come into contact with your breast and breast milk prior to first use• Clean all parts that come into contact with your breast and breast milk, and inspect for damage after every use• During normal use, areas of the Elvie Pump may warm up. If your pumping environment is at the upper operating temperature limit (+30°C / +86°F) for the maximum session time (40 minutes), the temperature of the Breast Shield may reach up to +43°C / +109°F• The black semicircle on the base of the Hub uses infrared (IR) energy to monitor the milk volume in the bottle when Elvie Pump is pumping. Ensure the black semicircle does not come into direct contact with skin while Elvie Pump is pumping• Do not store wet or damp parts, as mold may develop• Do not immerse the Hub in water or other liquids. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth• This product contains small parts and a cable that may present a hazard. Keep out of reach of children• Only use Elvie manufactured parts with Elvie Pump, including the Charging Cable• It is recommended to use an adaptor compatible with both IEC 60601-1 and your regional power source• Do not drop or insert any foreign object into any openings on the Hub and always close the Charging Cap after charging• Never operate an Elvie Pump if it has been damaged, is not working properly, or has been dropped into water. If damage is found, immediately discontinue use• If the package appears damaged or tampered with before use, do not use and contact our Customer Care team• Elvie Pump and its components are not heat-resistant. Keep away from heat sources• Do not use flammable materials while using Elvie Pump or connecting Elvie Pump to a charger • Elvie Pump should not be used while lying down or engaging in strenuous exercise or activities with risk of harm• Do not use Elvie Pump while sleeping or overly drowsy• Do not wear Elvie Pump when not pumping• Do not attempt to reset Elvie Pump during use• Do not use Elvie Pump when driving or operating heavy machinery• Elvie Pump uses Bluetooth technology. Please follow airline rules for the use of portable electronic devices when flying. Furthermore, high altitudes, including while in a pressurized aircraft cabin, will affect the performance of Elvie Pump• Always break the seal around your nipple before removing Elvie Pump from your breast• Do not pump until after giving birth as breast pumping can induce labor• Portable and mobile frequency communications equipment can affect the breast pump• Only use Elvie Pump for its intended use as described in this manual6.2 Precautions• Elvie Pump will not work when connected to the charger; always disconnect Elvie Pump from the charger and close port• Always ensure all parts are completely dry before assembling• Do not place the Hub in the fridge or freezer• Contact your healthcare professional if you express minimal or no milk, or if expression is painful • For assistance with correct Breast Shield sizing and comfort, please see section 2.4 or talk to a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist• Discontinue use if you notice a loss of power or if the fully charged battery lasts for less than two hours of continuous use. The battery is not replaceable• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching Elvie Pump, its components or your breasts, and avoid touching the inside of the Bottle or Lid• Only use drinking-quality tap water or bottled water for cleaning components that come into contact with milk• Do not use harsh chemicals to clean the Breast Shield, Bottle, Valve, Spout or Seal• If stored at minimum or maximum storage temperatures (see section 5.2), when removing from storage, please allow 24 hours for the pump to reach normal operating temperatures before use• Do not expose Elvie Pump or its components to direct sunlightNote: Please visit for the full list of troubleshooting including Alerts, warnings and factory reset for Elvie Pump电量低4. 保修Elvie Pump对任何材料/工艺损坏提供有限的制造商保修:自购买之日起,泵结构可享两 (2) 年保修,可清洗零部件可享 90 天保修。

今天试了下,效果还可以,速度和吸力的调节范围比较大,可以找到适合自己的,和美德乐相比,有这些不同:1. 美德乐的特点是韵动,比较柔和,ameda只是机械式的吸。
2. 美德乐开始有2分钟的按摩时间,ameda没有。
3. ameda的双边体积不大,可以用6节5号电池,而美德乐的swing就要8节。
4. ameda的吸管那不会进水,有个保护罩,美德乐会进水,而且吸管的接头容易掉。
5. ameda吸力大的一档较美德乐稍微大些,速度大的档也稍微快些。
就最终吸取的效果而言,还得自己熟悉吸奶器,并能掌握奶阵技巧才行,英文说明书上提到的:milk release. 试验后,2个奶阵可以有,但第三个就出不来了。
再其次AMEDA的双头,那个PUREL Y YOURS还是啥的。
如果是AMEDA的双头电动和美德乐的单头电动之间选择,那就肯定选双头电动啊!我之前是在AMEDA的Purely Yours和美德乐PIS之间纠结了很久,后来选了PIS,在亚马逊看了评价,PIS吸力比较大,好评更多吸奶器所谓的刺激奶阵,其实就是快速轻嘬。

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●1)●●●●●●●●5 – 7891112 – 17Stand-by pumpOperation mode DrivePage12/24 V D C12/24 V D C L C m o t o r230 V A C100 V /50-60 H zS t e p p e r m o t o rS h o r t t i m e o p e r a t i o nI P 54I P 54, a d j u s t a b l eC o n t i n u o u s o p e r a t i o n115 V A CFlow (ml/min)SR10/30SR10/50SR10/100SR18SR25MotorBracketLidTubingRollers Pump bodyMotor with gear boxroller carrier with spring Tubing with connectorsRolling bandClampr a w i n g 2018K A 01-05-0•Speed reduction through frictional connection from the motor shaft to the rollers.•Very simple construction with the use of few parts only.•Easy change of the cassette.•Generally 3 rollers.•For short time operation only.•If the pump is stored longer than three months, we recommend to take the cassette off the motor shaft and store it separately.•Different motors available(DC, low cost DC, AC and stepper motor).•Peristaltic pump with QuiXchange system •Tube exchange without tooling within seconds •Spring loaded roller carrier with two rollers for extre-mely long durability •Optional …sequencer“ for flow adjustment •AC-motorSeries SR18•Protection of the tubing due to spring loaded rollers and guiding side rollers.•Quick and easy change of the tubing.•Roller carrier with two rollers.•Also suitable for continuous operation, depending on the drive.•If stored longer than three months, we recommend to remove the tubing.•Different gear motors available (DC, AC and stepper motor).Series SR25Pump body1) We recommend to roughen the shaft in axial direction when changing the cassette(sand paper grit size 150).Norprene ®, PharMed BPT ®Norton Co. Reg. TM’sSR10SR18SR25Flow16 – 55 ml/min2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 30%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times andSR10/30 DC angled fixing(straight without drawing)Interference suppression according to EN 55011B (CE-conform)SR10/30 ACI n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )W e i g h t 0,11 k gWeight 0,39 kgFixingInner tubingØFlow 230/50 Hz mm ml/minstraight 1,0 20300561angledCurrent consumption depending on the tubing diameter, at free flow and nominal voltage 12 V DC: 180 – 300 mA24V DC: 90 – 150 mA 230 V/50 Hz: 190 mA2030...Stock programme230 V/50 Hz, 12/24 V low cost DC For short time operation only D r a w i n g 11236I n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 30%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and SR10/30 DC Angled flangeSR10/30 DC Straight flangew i n g 2030K A 04-04-00Weight 0,16 kgWeight 0,16 kgFixingInner tubing ØFlow 2)mm ml/minstraight 1,0 20angled straight 1,537angled straight 2.055angled straight 2,580angledCurrent consumption depending on the tubing diameter, at free flow and nominal voltage 12 V DC: 160 – 260 mA24 V DC: 80 – 130 mAFlow20 – 80 ml/min12/24 V Direct current motor For short time operation only 1) other tubing materials on request2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 30%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and D r a w i n g 2030K A 02-04-00I n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )Weight 0,08 kg1) Option: 14-pole connecting cable with plug,rocker switch for clockwise and lefthanded runningPotentiometer and speed-push-button, part number 29000702Flow0,5 – 20 ml/min24 V DC with stepper motor For short time operation only Circuit board recommended for test purposes4 possible operating methods • internal speed selection via jumper –option with wiring set 1)• external speed selection • analog input via pc• digital input (clocked pulse)Features• speed pre-selection• clockwise-, counter clockwise operation • instant priming• selective operating method80 (3,15)50 (2)42 (1,65)72 (2,8)ɂ3,6(0,14)* Delay fuse to be used.1) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 30%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and Flow 52 – 220 ml/minSR10/50 ACSR10/50 DCCurrent consumption depending on the tubing diameter, at free flow and nominal voltage 12 V DC: 0,4 – 0,54 A24 V DC: 0,2 – 0,27 A 230 V/50 Hz: 0,35 AOption:Straight flange for flush mounting part number 20501 ...Recommended inference suppression according to EN 55011 B (CE-conform)12/24 V DC – with additional circuit board (on request)2050...Stock programme2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 30%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and Flow 1300 – 3000 ml/minSR10/100 DC With bracketCurrent consumption at free flow and nominal voltage12 V DC: 3,0 A 24 V DC: 1,5 A 230 V/50 Hz: 0,4 AOption:Recommended inference suppression according to EN 55011 B (CE-conform)12/24 V DC – with additional circuit board (on request)1) other tubing material on requestSR10/100 ACPeristaltic Pumps Series SR101) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 10%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and general data.Flow5 – 50 ml/min230 V/50 Hz 2), synchronous gear motor Suitable for continuous running Peristaltic Pumps SR18 with QuiXchange SystemFeaturesSequencer to adjust on/off-time (0% –100%)Nominal speedQuiXchange ml/minTubing only 9201855192018551920185529201855292018553920185539201855492018554ml/minTubing only 92018502920185022018...Stock programmeOptions: mounting clip Art. Nr. 29027360threaded tubing connector Art. Nr. 29027298Tubing QuiXchange2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 10%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and Flow2 – 287 ml/min12/24 V, Direct current motor D r a w i n g 2025K A 04-04-00I n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )D r a w i n g 2025K A 05-04-00I n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )Bore pattern to fit in a housing see page 14.SR25, 10 to 80 rpm Direct current motorSR25–170 rpm 1)Direct current motorMaterial of tubing connectors:Tubing Silicon: for all Ø PVCTubing Novoprene:Ø 1,6/3,2 mm – PVCØ 4,1/4,8 mm – PPOption:Recommended inference suppression according to EN 55011 B (CE-conform)2025...Stock programme1) Pump with counter bearing2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 10%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and Flow6 – 746 ml/minFor short time operation onlyMaterial of tubing connectors:Tubing Silicon: for all Ø PVCTubing Novoprene:Ø 1,6/3,2 mm – PVC2025...Stock programmeD r a w i n g 2025K A 03-04-00I n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )D r a w i n g 2025K A 02-04-00I n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )Bore pattern to fit in a housing see page 14.SR25–500 rpm shaded pole motor 1)SR25, 30 to 170 rpm shaded pole motor1) Pump with counter bearing 3) Fan2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 10%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times andBore pattern to fit in a housing(not illustrated)SR25, 1to 10 rpm Synchronous motorElectrical wiring:Option:Flow0,2 – 14 ml/minSuitable for continuous operation Material of tubing connectors:Tubing Novoprene:Ø 1,6/3,2 mm – PVCØ 4,1/4,8 mm – PP2025...Stock programme2) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 10%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and I n c h e s a r e s h o w n i n ( )1) Option: 200 mm 14-pole connecting cable with plug,rocker switch for clockwise and lefthanded runningPotentiometer and speed-push-button, part number 29000702Flow0,1 – 430 ml/min24 V DC with stepper motorCircuit board recommended for test purposes II III IV1,6 – 40 rpm 6 – 150 rpm12 – 300 rpmMax. flow 2) ml/min 0,3 – 7 1 – 262 – 5520252200202521001 – 30 4 – 1109 – 21020252201202521012 – 609 – 21520 – 430Peristaltic Pumps SR25-S3004 possible operating methods • internal speed selection via jumper –option with wiring set 1)• external speed selection • analog input via pc• digital input (clocked pulse)Features• speed pre-selection• clockwise-, counter clockwise operation • instant priming• selective operating method1600384pin assignment X3X1+/--/+X2J1J2X380 (3,15)50 (2)42(1,65)72 (2,8)ɂ3,6(0,14)1) Note:The indicated values are average measured with water.The actual values depend on different parameters like quality and age of tubing, pressure of tubing beds, pressure ratios, viscosity, etc. (max deviation ± 10%)Please see page 4 for recommended running times and general data.Synchronous motor SR25 – adjustable plastic housingwith synchronous motor (for wall fastening)Synchronous motor Voltage:230 V/50 Hz Power consumption:7,5 WTubing:Novoprene Pressure height:max. 10 m H 2O Suction height:max. 8 m H 2OEMC guide lineInterference resistance according to EN 50082-1Emitted interference according to EN 55011 BFlow0,2 – 21 ml/minPeristaltic Pumps SR25 - AdjustableD r a w i n g 16894I n c h es a r e s h o w n i n ( )Test-set with all tubings 92025857500 rpm 920258011)–––Rolling bandPart number29008965ClampPart number29020480SiliconNovoprenePharMed BPT ®Peristaltic Pumps SR251) Clockwise directionTubing PropertiesN = Novoprene Nor = Norprene ®Ph = PharMed BPT ®S = SiliconV = Viton ®The material resistance is influenced by temperature and concentration of the medium.The data have to be seen as indications and do not guarantee the material properties.A =small or no effectB =minor or moderate effectC =severe effectD =no reliable data, please test before use -=no available dataNorprene ®, PharMed BPT ®, Viton ® Du Pont, Norton Co. Reg. TM’s,。
新蕾普NMI e500诊断式呼吸机说明书

S ,★L A R AO RN T ★M T EO GY I N★★Y★★Soma Technology Inc. • 166 Highland Park Drive • Bloomfield, CT 06002 • USARevised 10/30/2012Compensation, Violation Message Log.• N on-invasive Ventilation, Compatible with mask ventilation for continuous or short term use.• O2 Calibration • P re-Silence Alarm, suspends ventilation while delivering continuous flow after a planned disconnect.• Events History LogNote: The technical data given in this publication is for general information and is subject to change without notice. Actual configuration on the unit may vary. Contact our sales representatives for a complete list of details.Controls Patient Selection:Pediatric/Infant - AdultBreath Type:Volume Control (VC), Pressure Control (PC), or Volume Target Pressure Control (VTPC)Modes (in each Breath Type):Assist/Control Mandatory Ventilation (A/CMV)Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)Spontaneous (SPONT)Spontaneous Breath Choices:Pressure Support (Psupport) or none in VC or PC, Volume Target Pressure Support (VTPsupport using Plimit) in VTPC Back Up Ventilation: All modesSlope/Rise:1-19 (PC, VTPC, Psupport and VTPsupport)Pressure Support (Psupport):Pediatric/Infant: 0 to 50 cmH2O/mbar Adult: 0 to 60 cmH2O/mbar Expirtory Threshold5-50% (Psupport and VTPsupport)VT (Tidal Volume):(BTPS compensated)Pediatric/Infant: 20 to 1000mL Adult: 100 to 3000mLƒ(Frequency/Rate)Pediatric/Infant: 1 to 120 b/min Adult: 1 to 80 b/min⌄(Inspiratory Flow)Pediatric/Infant: 1 to 100 L/min Adult: 1 to 180 L/min ⌄(Flow) Pattern Square Descending Ramp Pause:Off, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 secSigh ø (off) or On:Delivers one sigh breath every 100 breaths, where sigh VT =1.5* VT SettingPlimit (Pressure Limit)(PC, VTPC & VTPsupport)Pediatric/Infant: 0 to 70 cmH2O/mbar Adult: 0 to 80 cmH2O/mbar tI (Inspiratory Time)Pediatric/Infant: 0.1 to 3.0 sec Adult: 0.1 to 5.0 sec I:E Ratiomax. inverse 4:1trig (sensitivity) type: P-Pressure Trigger:0 to -5 cmH2O/mbar⌄-Flow Trigger:Pediatric/Infant: 0.1 to 2.0 L/min Adult: 0.6 to 2.0 L/min FIO2 (oxygen Concentration)21 to 1.00PEEP/CPAP (Pbase)Pediatric/Infant: 0 to 30 cm H2O/mbar Adult: 0 to 45 cm H2O/mbar Leak Compensation:(on/off)Pediatric/Infant: 8 L/min max Adult: 15L/min max Bias Flow: 3 L/min Manual Inflation: 5 seconds maxExp. Hold:20 seconds max100% O2Delivers 100% oxygen for 3 minAlarmsAdjustable Alarms Low E (Exp. Minute Volume)High E (Exp. Minute Volume)Low Paw (Airway Pressure)High Paw (Airway Pressure) Automatic AlarmsPatient Alarms:O2 Variability ±0.07 of settingApneaProximal Line DisconnectLow Baseline PressureHigh Baseline PressureSustianed High Baseline Pressure Operator Alarms:Insp. Time Too LongInsp. Time Too ShortI:E Ratio inverse ViolationPlimit below PbaseLow Paw below PbaseVol Target Not Met(Alarm or Setting) Out of RangeBack Up VentGas Supply AlarmsPower Fail AlarmsPower Down AlarmDevice AlertDimensionsGas Delivery UnitWidth9.8″ (24.8cm)Depth:21.5″ (54.6cm) (includes all fittings) Height:9.5″ (24.1cm)Weight:41.3 lbs. (18.7kg)Control Panel ModuleWidth:13.9″ (35.3cm)Depth: 1.5″ (3.8cm)Height:12.1″ (30.7cm)Weight: 6.5lbs (2.9kg)e500 Custom CartWidth:20.5″ (52cm) at baseDepth:26″ (66cm)Height:48″ (121.9cm)Weight:81lbs (36.8kg) ship weightTotal Height:62.5″ (158.7cm) e500 and GDM mounted.Soma Technology Inc.166 Highland Park DriveBloomfield, CT 06002 • USA1.800.438.7662。

SCF330/60More comfort, more milk, naturally Breast pump with soft massage cushionWhen you are comfortable and relaxed, your milk flows more easily. That is why we created our most comfortable breast pump yet: sit comfortably with no need to lean forward and let our soft massage cushion gently stimulate your milk flow.Sit more comfortably with no need to lean forwardMore comfortable pumping position due to unique designGently stimulates let-down and milk flowSoft massage cushion with warm feelEasy to combine breast and bottle feedingIncludes our Natural bottle and teat for natural latch-onEasy to use, store and transportCompact lightweight designOther benefitsIntuitive assembly. Easy visual matching of partsCompatible with other Philips Avent feeding productsEasy cleaning thanks to the small number of separate partsEasy manual operationHighlightsSoft massage cushionOur massage cushion has a new soft, velvety texture that gives the skin a warm feeling for comfortable, gentle stimulation of your milk flow. The cushion is designed to gently mimic your baby's suckling to help stimulate let-down.Includes our Natural teatThe wide, breast-shaped teat promotes natural latch-on similar to the breast, making it easy for your baby to combine breast and bottle feeding.Intuitive assemblyEasy visual matching of parts for intuitive assembly.Fully compatible rangeThis breast pump can be used in combination with other feeding products in the Philips Avent range, including our Classic bottles and milk storage containers. Philips Avent also provides a range of breast care accessories to help you breastfeed for longer and enhance your comfort.Easy cleaningCleaning is easy, thanks to the small number of separate parts. All parts are dishwasher proof.Easy manual operationThe manual breast pump is ideal if you express milk occasionally and valuecompactness. Easily operated with one hand.Compact designThe breast pump has a compact design, which makes it easy to position. Its ergonomically-shaped handle offers a comfortable hold and full control when expressing milk. Being smalland lightweight means it is easy to store and transport, making pumping on-the-go more discreet.More comfortable positionThe breast pump has a unique design, so your milk flows directly from your breast into the bottle, even when you are sitting up straight.This means that you can sit more comfortably when pumping: no need for you to lean forward to make sure all your milk ends up in the bottle. Sitting comfortably and being relaxed when pumping, naturally helps your milk toflow more easily.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.SpecificationsCountry of originEnglandMaterialBreast pump: Polypropylene, BPA-free* Bottle: Polypropylene, BPA-free* Teat: Silicone, BPA-free*What is includedBreast pump body with handle: 1 pcs Standard-size cushion: 1 pcsNatural bottle 125 ml/4 oz: 1 pcsExtra-soft newborn flow teat: 1 pcs Travel cover: 1 pcs Sealing disc for milk storage: 1 pcsBreast pad sample packs: 2 (2 Day pads and 2Night pads) pcsBreast pumpMaterial: BPA-free*DesignBreast pump design: Compact designBottle design: Ergonomic shape, Wide neckEase of useBreast pump use: Intuitive assembly, Easycleaning, Fully compatible rangeDevelopment stagesStages: 0–6 monthsFunctionsNo leaning forward: Sit in a comfortablepositionSoft massage cushion: Gentle stimulationIncludes Natural bottle: Combine breast andbottle feeding* 0% BPA, following EU regulation 10/2011© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2019‑06‑03 Version: 19.1.1EAN: 08 71010 35657 96 。
美德拉 Symphony 个性化适应性乳腺泵说明书

INITIATION1. Intended use / population / contraindication 5Intended useThe Symphony breast pump is intended to be used by lactating women in the hospital or home environment for expressing breast milk.Indications for useThe Symphony breast pump is indicated to initiate, build and maintain a lactating woman’s milk supply. It is also indicated tol a lleviate the symptoms of engorgement and milk stasis by expressing milk.l s upport the healing process in case of mastitis by removing breastmilk from the affected breast.l r elieve sore and cracked nipples.l b ring out flat or inverted nipples.l p rovide breast milk for infants which are not able to directly breastfeed (e.g. latch-on problems, cleft palate and premature infants).ContraindicationsThere are no known contraindications for the Symphony breast pump and pump sets.Product descriptionThe Symphony multi-user breast pump is provided with the Symphony PLUS program card, which generates the pump suction patterns. The program card contains two pump programs. The goal of the INITIATE program is to initiate milk production with Medela’s initiation technology. The MAINTAIN program is designed to build and maintain milk production with the 2-Phase Expression technology.In some cases, the Symphony breast pump is provided with the Standard program card to generate the pump suction patterns. This program is designed to build and maintain milk production with 2-Phase Expression technology. While the Standard card can be used to initiate lactation, Medela recommends using the INITIATE program of the Symphony PLUS program card.The 2-Phase Expression technology mimics the baby’s natural sucking rhythm. Short, stimulating cycles in the stimulation phase are followed by longer ones in the expression phase.* Symphony is a trademark of Medela AGSymbols on the deviceCouncil Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices.9l T he Symphony breast pump should never be left unattended when plugged into a power source.l S eparation from the mains is only assured by disconnecting the power cord from the wall socket.l P osition the pump unit such that it is easy to disconnect the power cord from the wall socket.l K eep the power cord away from heated surfaces.WARNING: To avoid health risks and reduce risk of injury:I C lean all reusable parts that come in contact with the breast and breast milk prior to first use as shown in chapter 5.I C lean parts that come in contact with the breast and breast milk immediately after use.I T he pump sets are personal care items intended for use by a single user only. They should not be shared between mothers.I D o not continue pumping for more than two consecutive pumping sessions if no results are achieved.I I f problems or pain occur, consult a lactation specialist.I N ever use the pump during pregnancy, unless prescribed/advised by a physician, as pumping can induce labour.I F or mothers who are infected with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or Human Immuno- deficiency Virus (HIV): Pumping breast milk will not reduce or remove the risk of transmitting the virus to the baby through breast milk.I I nspect all components of the Symphony breast pump as well as all parts of the pump set(s) before each use.l N ever use a device, components or parts that are damaged.l N ever use a device, components or parts if dirt, mould or other contamination is visible.l R eplace mouldy, damaged or worn parts.l T here are no user-serviceable parts inside the Symphony pump unit. Repairs must be performed only by an authorised service agency. Do not repair the parts your-self! No modifications to the device are permitted.l U se the Symphony breast pump only for its intended use as described in this manual.detergent.Avoid shaking or stirring the milk.* More information at the accessories is two years.42©M e d e l a A G /201.0316/2018-06/CMedela AGLättichstrasse 4b6341 Baar, Switzerland International Sales Medela AGLättichstrasse 4b 6341 Baar SwitzerlandPhone +41 41 562 51 51 Subject to modifications – Not intended for distribution in the USA。

医疗保健专业人士和世界卫生组织建议将母乳作为出生第一年的主要营养来源,并在出生后的前6 个月辅以固体食物。
如果母乳喂养进展顺利,建议(除非您的医疗保健专业人员另有建议)等到您的乳汁供应和母乳喂养时间表确定后(通常在分娩后至少2 至4 周)再开始挤奶。
请注意:双吸乳器随附图B 和C 所示的两件物品。
产品说明(图A)•A1 电机单元•A2 吸奶器套件•A3瓶•A4 适配器•A5 双吸奶器吸奶器套件(图B)•B1 硅胶管和帽•B2 硅胶膜片•B3 泵体•B4 封面•B5 靠垫•B6 白色阀门xxx新安怡天然奶瓶(图C)•C1 瓶盖•C4 密封盘•C2 螺丝环•C5瓶•C3 奶嘴配件此吸奶器套装有多个版本,均配有以下xxx新安怡配件的不同组合:•乳房垫•母乳储存袋*•旅行包•xxx新安怡天然奶瓶•清洁刷•热垫*•带适配器的储物杯*•吸奶器腰带** 对于这些附件,提供了单独的用户手册。

EN Bottle JA 母乳ボトル KO 젖병 TW 貯奶瓶 ZH 奶瓶 ID Botol
h 810.0462 EN Bottle stand JA ボトルスタンド KO 젖병 스탠드 TW 奶瓶座 ZH 奶瓶座 ID Kaki botol i 200.2714 EN Calma Multi-Lid JA マルチ蓋 KO Calma 다용도 덮개 TW Calma 多功能奶瓶蓋 ZH 卡玛 Calma 多功能盖 ID Calma Multi-Lid j 800.0838 EN Swing storing bag JA Swing 専用袋 KO Swing 보관 주머니 TW Swing 收藏袋 ZH Swing 存储袋 ID Tas wadah Swing k 800.0734
l 920.0044 (EURO) / 920.0046 (UK) 920.0043 (US/JP) / 920.0045 (AUS/NZ) EN Mains adapter JA AC アダプター KO 전원 어댑터 TW Swing 變壓器 ZH 电源适配器 ID Adaptor
I I I I Use the product only for its intended use as described in this instruction manual. Pump only with the device in an upright position. Use Medela original accessories only. Never operate an electrical device if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water. The product should never be left unattended when plugged into a power source. Do not use outdoors. Do not use while bathing or showering. Do not use while sleeping or overly drowsy. Supervision is necessary when this product is used in the vicinity of children. If problems or pain occur, consult your lactation consultant or physician. Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of explosive atmospheres. Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anaesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide.

SCF330/30More comfort, more milk, easy to take on-the-go*Manual breast pump with large massage cushionSit comfortably without leaning forward as our soft massage cushion gentlystimulates your milk flow. The Avent manual breast pump has few parts, is easy to assemble, use & clean. Lightweight & compact, it's ideal for expressing on-the-go.Clinically proven less leaning forward*Relaxing position, thanks to its special design Soft massage cushion with massaging petalsSoft massage cushion gently stimulates milk flow Easy to set up, express and clean Compact lightweight designFew separate parts and intuitive designEasy to combine breast and bottle feedingIncludes our Natural bottle and nipple for natural latch onManual breast pump with bottleSCF330/30HighlightsSpecificationsRelaxing positionThe breast pump has a unique design, so your milk flows directly from your breast into the bottle, even when you are sitting up straight.This means you can sit more comfortably when pumping: no need for you to lean forward to make sure all your milk ends up in the bottle. Sitting comfortably and being relaxed when pumping, helps your milk to flow more easily.Soft massage cushionOur massage cushion has a soft velvety texture that gives a warm feel to the skin forcomfortable, gentle stimulation of your milk flow. The iconic petal cushion is designed to mimic baby suckling, intended to gently help stimulate let down.Easy on-the-goThe breast pump is small and lightweight, which means it is easy to store and transport, making pumping on-the-go more discreet.Easy set up, express and cleanFew separate parts and intuitive design. Easily express milk for your baby, anytime.Includes our Natural bottleThe wide breast shaped nipple promotes natural latch on similar to the breast, making it easy for your baby to combine breast and bottle feeding.MaterialBreast pump: BPA free* (food contact parts only)Bottle: BPA free*, Polypropylene Nipple: BPA free*, SiliconeWhat is includedBreast pump body with handle: 1 pcs Large massage cushion (25mm): 1 pcs (A smaller size cushion is available separately)Natural bottle 4oz: 1 pcsExtra soft newborn flow nipple: 1 pcs Travel cover: 1 pcsSealing disc for milk storage: 1 pcsBreast pad sample packs: 1 pack (2pcs)DesignBreast pump design: Compact designBottle design: Ergonomic shape, Wide neck Ease of useBreast pump use: Easy cleaning, Fully compatible range, Intuitive assemblyDevelopment stages Stages: 0 - 6 monthsFunctionsNo leaning forward: Sit in a comfortable positionSoft massage cushion:Gentle stimulationPhilips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.* Clinically proven comfort: Tests carried out on 110mothers showed a significant preference for Philips Avent vs a leading competitor* More Comfort: 73% out of 73 UK breastfeeding mothers agreed that this breast pump was more comfortable than their current pump (main market brands).* Independent research has shown that there may be a link between stress levels and milk production. See /avent* BPA Free breast pump: Only associated with the bottle,and other parts that come into contact with breast milk.Following EU regulation, 10/2011© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V .All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V . or their respective owners.Issue date 2020‑07‑12Version: 6.2.1EAN: 00 07502 0072993。
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双头吸奶器说明书目录安全注意事项…………………………………………………………….….4-5 产品介绍/部件……………………………………………………………….6-7 1.清洁方法…………………...…………………………………………….8-151.1首次使用前 (8)1.2每次使用后……………………………………………………………8-91.3每天消毒…………………………………………………………….10-111.4管子、面板、隔膜清洁……………………………………………12-152.组装………………………………………………………………………16-222.1组装泵套件…………………………………………………………16-192.2护罩尺寸选择 (20)2.3供电…………………………………………………………………21-222.3.1电源适配器注意事项 (21)2.3.2在美国以外的地区使用 (22)3.吸奶………………………………………………………………………24-273.1 设备操作…………………………………………………………...24-274.母乳保存 (28)5.母乳准备和喂养 (29)6.故障处理 (30)7.补充信息 (31)8.废物处置 (32)9.售后服务 (33)2首次使用前请通读本手册请保存本手册除非保健专家另有建议,否则最好自然母乳喂养近4周后再用吸奶器设计用途自然母乳喂养的补充如因治疗或其它原因需要特殊吸奶器,建议用医疗级吸奶器产品简介Pump In Style® Advanced (PNSA)双边吸奶器为个人电动吸奶器,使用2-Phase Expression®技术,可单边、双边吸奶。
3安全注意事项遵守常规电器使用事项,尤其有儿童在时使用前阅读所有介绍危险:避免触电的事项·使用完毕后立即拔插头·洗澡时不用·不要将产品放在高处或可能掉入水中的地方·不要掉入水中或其它液体中·如果掉入水中先拔插头警告:避免失火、触电或其它严重烧伤的事项·通电后产品不要处于无人监视的状态·注意儿童和残疾人·不要用于其它用途·电线、插头损坏时,工作不正常时,跌落或损坏后、进水后勿用·电线远离热源·睡觉或犯困时勿用·管路中不要掉入异物·有喷雾、充氧的场合不使用·使用前检查电源适配器或电池盒,看是否有损坏、暴露的电线4警告:避免健康威胁及降低受伤风险的事项·一次仅供一人使用·开车时勿用·怀孕时勿用,可能导致分娩·首次使用前,清洁消毒会接触乳房和母乳的所有部件·每次使用后清洗所有与入行和母乳接触的部件·每次使用前,检查所有泵组件是否都就位·如果连续2次吸奶无效,不要再吸奶·不要在微波炉和沸水中解冻母乳·管子发霉后勿用·如果要储奶,下次使用前必须清洁管子、面板和隔膜小心:避免轻伤的事项·电线勿缠绕插头·使用适用Pump In Style® Advanced吸奶器的电源适配器·使用时泵正立·不要剪短管子·确保电源适配器电压正确·电源适配器先连接泵再通电·不要用抗菌和腐蚀性清洁剂清洗泵及组件·电机绝对不能进水或放入消毒器中,可能导致电机永久损坏·吸奶时不要拿开护罩,先关闭泵,再取护罩·如果不适或感觉疼痛,关闭泵,取下护罩重要事项·塑料奶瓶及其部件在冷冻后可能掉落时易碎·奶瓶及其部件处理不当会损坏,如跌落、拧得过紧、打翻·操作奶瓶及其部件时适当注意·奶瓶及其部件如有损坏,勿用其中存储的母乳5产品描述2个护罩M(24mm)其它护罩尺寸见2.2节20页870732个护罩连接器87071或81072642个阀门870892个薄膜870882个奶瓶61000502个盖子81071831个9V电源适配器920710替代产品680306开关调节真空度/速度端口端口端口插销Let-down 按钮电源接口1个面板600713271.清洁1.1首次使用前首次使用前清洁消毒如下部件, 步骤见1.2(从第4步起)和1.3·仅用饮用水或瓶装水清洗 ·使用后立即拆开和清洗所有与 乳房和母乳接触的部件,避免残留的母乳干结及滋生细菌。
8小心分离护罩和连接器冷水漂洗与乳房和母乳接触过的部件,去除残留的母乳9所需工具:·温和的肥皂·干净的洗碗巾或软毛刷·干净的水槽或容器 ·饮用水从黄色阀门上分离白色的薄膜其它清洁选项在水槽中清洗在洗碗器中清洗·温肥皂液中浸泡5分钟 ·用干净的洗碗巾或软毛刷 清洗 ·用干净的水漂洗 ·让所有部件在干净的地方 风干 ·不用时将干燥的部件保存 好·美德乐 quick clean 母乳清洁剂 ·在顶部支架上清洗拆开的 部件·在干净区域风干 ·不用时将干燥的部件保存 好从吸乳护罩连接器上扭动、拉出黄色的阀门1.清洁(续)10注意·每次使用后清洗泵组件·每日消毒一次泵组件·泵组件无需维护·注意清洁时不要损坏泵组件·在洗碗机中清洗可能会被食用色素染色,不影响功能·在干净的袋子、容器中存储泵组件,直至下次使用1.3每天消毒洗手等水冷却后用钳子取出拆除与乳房和母乳接触的部件·在容器中注水,没过所有部件·煮沸·在沸水中呆10分钟·将部件放在干净的表面或毛巾上美德乐消毒袋·风干Quick Clean™ Micro-Steam™·不用时保存干燥的部件,勿保存不可用于消毒管子潮湿的部件111.清洁(续)12小心·不保存潮湿部件,防止发霉 ·管子如果发霉,更换 ·联系方式 m或1-800-435-8316·内有脏物和奶时应清洗管子,步骤见1.4节。
·有母乳凝结物时应清洗管子 ·如果冷凝物是上次清洗或空气条件造成的,则不用清洗管子注意1.3管子、面板和薄膜清洁每月清洁面板,每次吸奶后检查管子。
关闭泵从吸乳护罩上拔出管子拔掉电源笔直地拔出管子,勿以扭动方式或倾斜拔出管子冷水漂洗管子,·在温肥皂水中清洗管子去除残留母乳·在净水中清洗管子·风干131.清洁(续)14注意·确保面板和隔膜重新安装前完全干燥·面板必须正确安放,并与所有接触点卡合,以确保泵有足够的真空度及实现最佳性能1.4管子、面板和薄膜清洁(续)用拇指掀开面板关闭泵3个接触点在面板背面,在泵上15·在温肥皂水中浸泡5分钟 ·用干净的洗碗巾或软毛刷清洁 ·清水漂洗·在干净区域风干比对接触点,一手按住面板推入,直至卡合。
·某些吸奶器型号隔膜与上图不 一致·仔细擦拭隔膜整个表面,包括中间的盖子,这里可能有颗粒 和液体积聚,如有,用干净的 湿布(勿沾肥皂)擦拭·在重新安装面板前整体完全风干2.组装该步骤可能需要的部件2.1组装泵组件16·吸乳护罩·薄膜·奶瓶 ·主电机洗手,不要接触容器或盖子内侧·阀门卡住薄膜和阀门,直至薄膜在阀门上完全平整注意· 检查阀门是否有裂纹或碎片,检查薄膜是否有洞、撕裂或翘曲,如有破损,立即更换。
17将吸奶器放在稳固、干净、干燥的平台上,保证不会倾斜或倒下将组装好的黄色阀门和白色薄膜安装到吸乳护罩连接器上牢固地组装护罩和连接器在连接器上拧紧奶瓶2.组装(续)2.3.2将介绍在美国以外地区使用方法18警告·使用与PIS 吸奶器匹配的电源适配器·检查电源适配器和电池盒的电线,防止坏的、扭结的、膨胀的、暴露的电线 扭结膨胀 暴露注意将管子的黄色适配器插入护罩连接器后面的洞中连接电源适配器19双侧吸乳,连2根管子 单侧吸乳,堵住一个出口 插入插头2.组装(续)2.2护罩尺寸选择1.PersonalFit :为实现最佳舒适度和吸乳效率,提供5种护罩尺寸访问 查找完整指导如何选择最佳尺寸 2.选择护罩尺寸 a.从配送的24mm 开始测试或通过测量选择;b.乳头居中,轻轻地用护罩罩住;c.寻找舒适的最大真空度TM ,找到最佳吸力;d.参考图片3.尝试新尺寸·乳头与管道的摩擦是否已导致不适? ·是否看到过多的乳晕被吸入管道? ·是否发现有任何发红? ·乳头或乳晕是否发白? ·吸完后是否觉得没吸干净?上述有任何答案为“是”,则考虑用新尺寸,测试方法如上 如果不确定是否选择了合适的尺寸,向哺乳顾问、专家咨询意见或访问 寻求帮助。
虽然首次使用可能会有不适感,但不应感到疼痛,如果不确定尺寸,向医疗机构或专家咨询意见20小心乳头与管道摩擦 尝试更大的尺寸乳头乳头乳头乳晕乳晕乳晕乳头和过多乳晕被吸入 尝试更小的尺寸合适2.3 供电2.3.1电源适配器注意事项遵循以下保存指南电线勿缠绕插头正确做法勿通过扯电线拔出插头正确做法212.组装(续)2.3供电(续) 2.3.2美国以外地区使用方法2种选择PIS 电池组 9V 车载电源适配器也推荐通用插头,更多信息访问22注意233.吸奶·每次使用前检查护罩、护罩连接器、 白色薄膜、黄色阀门、管子是否干 净。
如果不干净,见1.2节 ·如果吸奶是有疼痛或其它症状,寻 求医疗机构或哺乳专家的意见,更 多信息见第7节·不要尝试过高的真空度和不适度 (疼痛)。
疼痛以及可能的乳房、乳 头外伤将降低出奶量·吸乳时确保管子未扭结或被挤压 ·如果吸奶疼痛或吸不出、量少,联系 哺乳专家·研究表明,在舒适的最大真空度TM 下吸奶效率更高:吸奶量更大、时间 更短·根据自身感觉调整舒适的最大真空度,因不同哺乳期内这个值会变。
根据3.1节 的5个步骤确定舒适的最大真空度·吸奶时容器不要倾斜或溢出24小心信息洗手,避免接触容器和 盖子内侧2分钟后,泵将自动切换为Expression 阶段。
a.如果2分钟内就开出奶,按下let-down 按钮 b.如果在Stimulation 阶段未出奶,而泵已经切换为Expression 阶段,按下let-down 按钮一次,使其切换回Stimulation 阶段。