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Unit 1
That’s what frie nd s are fo r!
Chris: Do you have a date for the party yet?
Kim: Actually, I don’t ……Do you think you could help me find one?
Chris: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like?
Kim: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense of hu m o r. Yo u kn o w ... like yo u.
Chris: OK. What else?
Kim: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with – who I can talk to e asily.
Chris: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him?
Kim: No, I don’t thi nk so.
Chris: Le t m e arran g e fo r yo u to m e e t him, an d yo u can te ll m e what yo u thin k.
Dave: Hello?
Jim: Hi. My name’s Jim Hunt. I’m calling about the ad for a roommate.
Dave: Oh, right.
Jim: Are you still looking for someone?
Dave: Ye s, we are.
Jim: Oh, good. I’m really interested.
Dave: We ll, there are four o f us, and it’s a fairly small house, so we want so m e o ne who’s e asy to g e t alo ng with.
Jim: I’m pretty easygoing.
Dave: Great! So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself?
Jim: No problem. I like it when people are direct.
Unit 2
Career moves
Tim: Wow! There are so many jobs to choose from! What do you think?
Diane: Wo rking in the media could be fun –th e re’s TV, newspapers, the internet….
T: We ll, le t’s look. Hmm. How about this? You could be a TV news director.
D: Are you kidding? Directing the news would be nerve-racking!
T: Well, writing for a magazine must be exciting. How about that?
D: No. I’m really more interested in working with computers. Hey, look. Designing interactive media. I’d like that!
T: Designing interactive media? It sounds interesting, but what is it?
Tracy: Good news! I’ve found a summer job!
Mark: That’s great! Anything interesting?
T: Yes, working at an amusement park. Do esn’t that sound fantastic?
M: Sure, it does.
T: So, have you found anything?
M: No thin g ye t, b u t I’ve g o t a co u p le o f le ad s. On e is wo rkin g as an in te rn fo r
a record company – mostly answering
phones. Or I can get a landscaping job again.
T: Being an intern sounds m o re interesting than landscaping. And it’s probably not as hard!
M: Y eah, but a land scaper earns m ore m oney than an intern. And you g et a
great tan!
Unit 3
Could you do me a favor?
Jack: Hi, Rod. This is Jack.
Rod: Oh, hi, Jack. Wh at’s u p?
J: I’m going to my best frie n d’s wedding this weekend. I’d lo ve to videotape it. Would you mind if I borrowed you video camera?
R: Um, yeah. That’s OK, I guess. I don’t think I’ll need it for anything.
J: Thanks a million.
R: Sure. Have you us e d a vid e o cam e ra b e fo re? It’s p re tty e asy.
J: Yeah, a couple of times. Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night?
R: Fine. No problem.
Amy: Hello?
Jeff: Hello. May I speak to Sophia, please?
A: I’m so rry, she’s no t in rig ht no w. Wo uld yo u l ike to leave a message?
J: Y es, please. This is Jeff. Would you tell her that Tony is having a party on
Saturd ay?
A: Un-huh.
J: And would you ask her if she’d like to go with me?
A: All rig ht, Pe te r. I’ll g ive he r the m e ssag e.
J: No, this is Je ff, no t Pe te r.
A: Oh, I’m sorry.
J: By th e way, wh o’s Pe te r?
Unit 4
What a story!
Jake: What an awful story! A couple was sailing their yacht fro m Hawaii to Mexico. While they were crossing the Pacific, their boat hit a whale and sank!
Anne: Is that true? What happened to the whale?
J: It doesn’t say! Oh and h e re’s another one. A guy in Los Angles was robbing a bank. But as he was escaping, he got caught in the revolving door.
A: I guess it was his first bank robbery!
J: Ye ah. On an d liste n to th is. So m e g u y g o t lo cke d o u t o f h is h o u se, so h e trie d
to g e t in thro ug h the chim ne y.
A: Don’t tell me! He got stuck in the chimney!
J: Exactly. And he was still trying to get out two days later when the police rescued him.
Brian: Someone stole my wallet last night!
Kate: Oh no! What happened?
B: We ll, I was wo rkin g o u t, an d I h ad p u t m y stu ff in m y lo cke r, ju st like I always
d o. When I cam
e b ack, som eone had stolen m y wallet. I g uess I’d forg otten to
lo ck the lo cke r.
K: I’m sorry. That’s terrible! Did you lose much money?
B: Only ab o ut $20. But I lo st m y cred it card and m y d river’s license. What a
Unit 5
Crossing cultures
Fred: I hear Maggie is going to work in India.
Pam: India! Wow! I hear it’s a beautiful place, but I don’t think I cou ld ever live there.
F: Why not?
P: We ll, it’s to o far fro m ho m e. I’d m iss m y fam ily.
F: I d o n’t think I’d m ind m o ving to a fo reig n co untry. The lang uag e is the
only thing that I’d be worried about.
P: Yeah, but wouldn’t you miss your friends?
F: Sure, for a while, but I’d make new ones.
P: You certainly sound very confident.
F: Yo u kno w, actually, the re is o ne thing I’d m iss.
P: What’s that?
F: My dog!
Marta: Guess what! I just got invited to my teacher’s house for dinner!
Karen: Oh, how nice.
M: Y e s, b ut what d o yo u d o whe n yo u’re invite d to so m e o ne’s ho use he re?
K: Well, it’s the custom to bring a small gift.
M: Re ally? Like what?
K: Oh, maybe some flowers or dessert.
M: And is it all right to bring a friend along?
K: Well, if you want to bring someone, you’re expected to call first and ask if it’s OK.
Unit 6
What’s wro ng with it?
Clerk: Can I help you?
He le n: Ye s, I’d like to re turn this jacke t.
C: Is there something the matter with it?
H: Yes. I didn’t notice when I bought it, but there are a few problems. First, it has a tear in the lining.
C: Hmm, actually, it’s torn in several places.
H: And some o f the buttons are very loose, this one came o ff, in fact. And the re’s a stain o n the co llar.
C: I’m really sorry about this. Would you like to exchange it for another one?
H: Well, to b e ho nest, I d o n’t think this jacket is very well m ad e. I’d rather
get a refund.
C: I understand. Do you have the receipt?
Ms. Lock: Hello?
Mr. Burr: Hello, Ms. Lock. This is Jack Burr.
L: Uh, Mr. Burr… in Ap artm e nt 205?
B: No, in Apartment 305.
L: Oh, yes. What can I do for you? Does your refrigerator need fixing again?
B: No, it’s the oven this time.
L: Oh, so what’s wro ng with it?
B: Well, I think the tem p erature co ntro l need s to b e checked. Everything I try
to cook gets burned.
L: Really? OK, I’ll have someone look at it right away.
B: Thanks a lot, Ms. Lock.
L: Uh, b y the way, Mr. Burr, are yo u sure it’s the o ve n and no t yo ur co o king?
Unit 7
The word we live in
Andy: Excuse me. Would you like to make a contribution to Greener World?
Carla: Sure. What are you working on right now?
A: We ll, we’re developing educational programs for schools. We want to sho w child re n ho w the o ce ans are b e ing p o llute d b y ind ustrial waste. And we want
to tell them about how fish supplies have been depleted through overfishing.
C: I think what you’re doing is terrific. I wish I could do more to help.
A: So, have you ever thought about becoming a member of Greener World?
C: No, but tell me a little more about it.
And y: Y o u kno w, there’s a facto ry o utsid e to wn that’s p um p ing chem icals
into the rive r.
Carla: How can they do that? Isn’t that against the law?
A: Yes, it is. But a lot of companies ignore those laws.
C: That’s te rrib le! Wha t can Greener World do?
A: Well, on thing to do about it is to talk to the management.
C: What if that doesn’t work?
A: Well, then another way to stop them is to get a TV station to run a story on
C: Y es! Com p anies hate b ad p ub licity. By the way, w hat’s the nam e of this co m p any?
A: It’s called Apex Industries.
C: Oh no! My uncle is one of their top executives!
Unit 8
Learning to learn
Paula: Do you want to take a class with me at the community college?
Jason: Maybe. What are they offering?
P: Well, here’s the course catalog. T ake a look.
J: Hmm. They’ve got a lot of language classes – Chinese, German, Japanese. Would you rather learn an Asian language or a European one?
P: Um, actually, I think I’d rather take an art class. They have one o n landscape photography and another on making videos.
J: That sounds OK. But I think I’d prefer studying video to learning about p ho to g rap hy.
P: OH, wait. It says here that you need to provide your own video equipment.
J: Oh, I’d rather not spend a lot o f m o n e y. Le t’s see what else they’re offering.
W: So, how’s your French class going?
J: Not bad, but I’m finding the pronunciation difficult.
W: We ll, it takes a while to get it right. Yo u could im p ro ve your accent by listening to tapes.
J: That’s a g o o d id e a. Bu t h o w d o yo u le arn n e w vo cab u lary? I always se e m to
forget new words.
W: I le arn ne w wo rd s b y writing the m o n p ie ce s o f p ap e r and sticking the m o n
my bedroom wall. I look at them every night before I go to sleep.
J: Maybe I should try something like that!
Unit 9
Se lf-im p ro ve m e nt
Ken: you know, I’ve always wanted to have my fortune told.
Lisa: Really? Do you know where you can get it done?
K: I’m not sure. But maybe there are some fortunetellers listed in the phone book. Let’s take a look.
L: Hm m. He re’s o n e. Yo u co u ld h ave yo u r p alm re ad b y Mad am e Zara fo r $70.
K: That’s really expensive.
L: What ab o ut this o ne? Yo u can g e t yo ur fo rtune to ld o ve r the p ho ne fo r o nly
$3.75a minute.
K: That’s reasonable. Come on. Try it with me!
Jam es: This has g o t to sto p! Ano ther Frid ay nig ht witho ut a d ate! What can I
Mike: Wh at ab o u t lo o kin g th ro u g h th e p e rso n al ad s in th e n e wsp ap e r? Th at’s
how I met Stephanie.
J: Actually, I’ve tried that. But the people you meet are always differ ent from what you expect.
M: Well, why d o n’t yo u jo in a d ating service? A friend o f m ine m et his wife
that way.
J: That’s no t a b ad id e a.
M: Also, it m ig ht b e a g o o d id e a to che ck o ut sing le s’ nig ht at the b o o ksto re.
J: Yeah. If I don’t find a date, at least I might find a good book!
Unit 10
The past and the future
Emma: Look. Here’s a quiz on events of the twentieth century.
Steve: Oh, let me give it a try. I’m good at history.
E: All right. First question: When did World War I begin?
S: I think it began in 1917.
E: OK. And how long has the United Nations been in existence?
S: Uh, since Kennedy became president in 1961.
E: Hmm. Next question: How long was the Berlin Wall up?
S: Well, they b uilt it rig ht after Wo rld War II, and it cam e d o wn in 1989, so it
was up for 44 years. Uh, how am I doing so far?
E: Not very well. None of your answers is correct!
Kathy: Have you heard about the new com puter they’re com ing out with?
It’ll b e ab le to re co g n ize an y vo ice co m m an d, so yo u wo n’t e ve r n e e d to u se th e ke yb o ard.
John: Yeah, and soon everyone will be using computers that fit into the palm of your hand.
K: Within 20 years, I bet all our news and information will be coming through computers.
J: By then, maybe even newspapers will have disappeared!
K: Wow! Computers are going to take over our lives one of these days.
J: Ye ah! Isn’t g re at!
Unit 11
Life’s little lessons
Alan: So what were you like as a kid?
Carol: When I was a kid, I was kind of rebellious.
A: Yo u? Re ally? What was the turning p o int?
C: When I graduated from high school.
A: What do you mean?
C: Until yo u g rad uate, yo u d o n’t und e rstand that life is just Be g inning. Afte r I finished high school, I realized that I still had a lot to learn.
A: I know what you mean. I was really immature when I was a kid.
C: What changed?
A: I think I became more mature after I got my first job. Once you have a job, you learn to be more independent.
C: That’s true. Where did you work?
A: In my father’s bank.
Peter: I’m thinking of g oing b ack to school to g et another d eg ree. It’s so
hard to find a job with a degree in literature.
Kay: Y e ah, I kno w what yo u m e an.
P: I sh o u ld h ave stu d ie d so m e th in g m o re p ractical. If I’d b e e n m o re se n sib le, I
would have majored in economics.
K: Why did you major in literature?
P: I don’t know! I should have listened to my m o th e r. She wanted me to major in business.
K: Oh? What does she do?
P: Mo m? She’s a lite rature p ro fe sso r.
Unit 12
The right stuff
Kelly: I hear you’re going to open you r own restaurant.
Joe: Yeah, I’ve always wanted my own place.
K: But isn’t it a little risky?
J: Sure, but in o rd e r to succeed in business, you need to take a few risks –calculated risks, o f course. Th at’s what they taught me in business school, anyway!
K: So what d o yo u have to d o in o rd e r fo r a re stau ran t to su cce e d in this to wn?
I mean, don’t you need some sort of gimmick?
J: Well, I’ve come up with a concept that I think will work very well.
Alice: What’s your favorite club, Eric?
Eric: The Downtown Club. They have g reat m usic, and one nice thing is that
it’s ne ve r cro wd e d.
A: That’s funny. There’s always a lo ng wait o utsid e m y favo rite club. And I
like it because it’s absolutely packed most nights.
E: Why do you think it’s so popular?
A: Well, it just o p ened a co up le o f m o nths ag o, everything is b rand new and modern, and the re are lots o f “h ip”people who go there. It’s called The Casablanca.
E: Oh, right. It’s the newest “in” place. I hear the reason people go there is just to be seen.
A: Exactly! Do you want to go some night?
E: I tho ug ht yo u’d ne ve r ask!
Unite 13
That’s a p o ssib ility
Jackie: Yo u aske d Be th to b e he re aro und se ve n o’clo ck, d id n’t yo u?
Bill: Yes. What time is it now?
Jackie: It’s nearly a quarter to eight. I wo nder what happened.
Bill: Hmm. She m ight have forgotten the time. Why don’t I call and see if she’s o n he r way?
A few minutes later
Bill: I got her answering machine, so I guess she must have left already.
Jackie: I hope she didn’t have a p ro b lem o n th e ro ad. Her car co uld have broken down or something.
Bill: Of course she may have simply forgotten o ur invitation and done so m e thing e lse to d ay.
Jackie: No, she couldn’t have forgotten. I talked to her only yesterday. Let’s just start without her.
rent: How was your dinner party?
Adam: I think it went pretty well. People really seemed to enjoy themselves.
B: That’s g o o d.
A: Yeah, but we shouldn’t have invited my wife’s boss again. We can never get him to leave!
B: Really? How late did he stay this time?
A: Un til two o’clo ck in th e m o rn in g! An d we b o th h ad to g e t u p e arly th e n e xt
d a y.
B: Oh, he should n’t have stayed so late. That was really inconsid erate. Y ou
sho uld have aske d him to le ave e arlie r.
A: Well, it’s pretty difficult to do that to your wife’s boss!
Unit 14
Behind the scenes
Ryan: Working on movies must be really exciting.
Nina: Oh, ye ah, b ut it’s also ve ry hard wo rk. A o ne-m inute sce ne in a film can take days to shoot.
R: Why is that?
N: Well, each scene isn’t filmed just o nce. Lots of different shouts have to be done. only the best ones are used in the film.
R: So, how any shots are taken?
N: It d e p e nd s, b ut so m e tim e s as m any as 20. One sce ne m ay b e sho t fro m five
or six different angles.
R: Wow! I didn’t realize that.
N: Why don’t you come visit the studio? You can see how the special effects are done.
R: Gre at, I’d lo ve to!
Liz: Where are you working now, Bob?
Bob: The Daily Advertiser. I have two jobs, actually. My main job is working as an assistant e d ito r.
L: What does an assistant editor do?
B: Well, an assistant editor, who is often relatively new to journalism, gets the sto rie s re ad y fo r the e d ito r.
L: That sounds kind of interesting.
B: It’s OK. But my other job is more interesting.
L: And what’s that?
B: I’m the movie critic, too. It’s terrific. And I get to see all the latest movies for free.
L: So yo u’re the one who writes those sarcastic reviews. Yo u don’t like anything!
B: That’s m e!
Unit 15
There should be a law!
April: Rich, you look exhausted!
Rich: I know. I didn’t get much sleep last night.
A: What happened?
R: Remember those guys I told you about?
A: The ones that just moved in next door?
R: Yeah. They had another party, and the noise kept me awake all night.
A: We ll, something has got to be done. This has happened every we e ke nd since they moved in!
R: Y e ah. Te ll m e ab o ut it. I finally had to call the p o lice.
A: I wo uld have d o ne the sam e thing. They sho uld n’t b e allo wed to d isturb
people like that. And anyway, they should have at least inverted you to the party!
Sarah: Health insurance bills, child-care bills, rent! Now that I’m going to school and only working part time, I have a hard time making ends meet.
Todd: Health insurance is so expensive, isn’t it?
S: Yeah! My company used to pay for it when I was working full time.
T: And child care isn’t che e p e ithe r, is it?
S: No, it’s n o t. Afte r I p ay fo r re n t an d g ro ce rie s, alm o st all m y m o n e y g o e s to
p ay fo r m y so n’s d ay care.
T: Your college should provide free day care for students with children.
S: I think so, too. But they don’t have any services like that.
Unit 16
Challenges and accomplishments
Kurt: So, how long have you been in the Peace Corps?
Brenda: For about a year now.
K: Do you enjoy it?
B: Most of the time. The work can be extremely difficult, but it has its rewards.
K: What’s the most challenging thing about being in the Peace Corps?
B: For m e, it’s finding a way to fit into a com m unity that’s very d iffe re nt from my own. It can be frustrating!
K: And what’s the most rewarding thing?
B: That’s easy. The m o st reward ing thing ab o ut b eing in the Peace Co rp s is learning about another culture.
Grandfather: Happy birthday, Alison. So how does it feel to be 21?
Aliso n: Kind o f strang e. I sud d en ly feel a little anxious, like I’m not m oving ahead fast enough.
G: Bu t d o n’t yo u thin k yo u’ve acco m p lishe d q u ite a b it in the last fe w ye ars?
A: Oh, I’ve m anag e d to g e t g o o d g rad e s in all m y co urse s, b ut I still have n’t
b e e n ab le to d e cid e o n a care e r.
G: Well, what do you hope you’ll have achieved by the time you’re 30?
A: Fo r o ne thing, I ho p e I’ll have se e n m o re o f the wo rld. But m o re im p o rtant
than that, I’d like to have made a good start on my career by then.。
