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本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对 本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标 明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。
The conclusion part is a summary of this article, also made some suggestions for Chinese language teachers, and the author's own research limitations make a note perfect to clarify the future research direction: Central Asian students; cultural conflict; class conflict. Key Words: Central Asian students; Cross-Cultural Conflict; Class Conflict
The thinking part of the author from the perspective of empathy, the empathy to understand each other's cultural differences and be able to do mutual tolerance and understanding. I also seek common ground while reserving differences, and fully prepared to maintaining the status quo strategy, foreign language teachers in the culture should not be too preoccupied with, and fully prepared to take a proactive approach.
结语部分就是对整篇文章的小结。 关键词:中亚留学生;跨文化冲突;课堂冲突
Iቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Since 1984, Xinjiang has welcomed the first foreign-student and then Xinjiang began the foreign language of education. More than 20 years regardless of enrollment of students on the quality of teaching has achieved some remarkable results. Xinjiang's geographical advantage and the similarity of the national language, makes the students come to Xinjiang, especially the students of the five Central Asian countries the main. Such environment makes Xinjiang's foreign language teachers provide the convenience of the study of Central Asian students. To students of the five Central Asian countries as a research object, literature, case law and interviews, to show an instance of class conflict in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, and the use of Hofstadter’s theories for these class conflicts. analyze the reasons. The article consists of the Introduction, Introduction to the theory, case analysis, thinking, the conclusion of four parts.
日期: 年 月 日
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The Introduction section includes: the research background, the purpose and significance of the study, research questions, ideas and methods. The relevant theoretical introduction section includes the main cultural conflict, class conflict, domestic and cross-cultural communication and foreign language classes Teaching Research Introduction and Summary of research.
引言部分包括:研究背景、研究的目的和意义、研究问题的提出、研究思 路和方法。相关理论简介部分,主要就文化冲突研究、课堂冲突研究以及跨文 化冲突相关理论研究现状进行介绍。
案例部分主要是笔者在新疆师范大学实习的这一年中通过课堂观察和访 谈收集的关于课堂冲突的案例。这些案例大都选用在课堂教学中经常发生的冲 突事件。笔者又将这些案例分为基于价值观的理解不同而引发的课堂冲突、表 现在非言语交际方面的跨文化冲突、基于课堂纪律观念不同引发的课堂冲突、 基于教学方式不同引发的课堂冲突、基于对教学内容的理解不同引发的课堂冲 突。
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日期: 日期:
自 1984 年新疆迎来了第一位外国留学生起,新疆就开始了对外汉语教育事 业。20 多年来无论是在留学生的入学人数还是在教学质量上,都取得了一定的 显著成效。由于新疆的地缘优势以及人文优势,使得来疆的留学生当中,又以 中亚五国的学生为主。这样的环境,给新疆的对外汉语教师们提供了研究中亚 留学生的便捷。本文就以中亚五国的留学生作为研究对象,采用文献法、案例 法和访谈法,展现了对外汉语教学中课堂冲突的实例,并且运用霍夫斯泰德的 相关理论对产生这些课堂冲突的原因进行分析。文章由引言、案例、文化归因、 思考、结论五部分组成。
文化归因部分主要以霍夫斯泰德文化的四个维度作为理论基础。分别从个 体主义——集体主义理论、权力距离、男性化社会——女性化社会、不确定性 规避这四个角度对先前的案例进行文化归因,并且笔者还借鉴了霍尔的高情境 理论与低情境理论对本文的案例进行分析。
思考部分笔者主要从移情的角度,通过换位思考来了解彼此间文化的差异 性。笔者还提出采用间性策略,主张师生之间相互尊重与信任,共创和谐的教 学环境。同时还提出要求同存异、充分准备,以不变应万变的策略,希望对外 汉语教师与中亚留学生们能够主动了解对方的文化,相同的文化,可以帮助他 们较快地适应当地文化;相异的文化,要及早发现并且采取积极主动的态度去 调适。
Case part of the practice by the author in Xinjiang Normal University this year through classroom observation and interviews collected in the case of class conflict. These cases mostly use the well-known typical examples of foreign language teachers. I in turn divided into these cases based on the understanding of the interests of the class conflict, the performance of cross-cultural conflict in the non-verbal communication, based on classroom discipline caused by class conflict, class conflict caused by different teaching methods based on different class conflict caused by the understanding of the teaching content.
Analyze some of the major five Hofstadter cultural dimensions as a theoretical basis. , Respectively, from the theory of individualism - collectivism, power distance, and masculine society - the feminization of society, uncertainty avoidance, and time orientation of the five angles of the case before cultural factors were analyzed, and the author also draws on the Huo Doll's situational theory and low situational theory of this case.
1.2.1 理论意义 .............................................................................................1 1.2.2 实践意义 .............................................................................................2 1.3 研究问题的提出 ...........................................................................................2 1.4 研究过程与方法 ............................................................................................2
1 引言 ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景 ........................................................................................................1 1.2 研究的目的和意义 ........................................................................................1