



《黑暗的心》的生态批评解读作者:范晓娜来源:《文教资料》2010年第04期摘要: 作为康拉德的代表作之一,《黑暗的心》是一部备受读者争议的小说。


关键词: 《黑暗的心》生态批评生态问题约瑟夫·康拉德是一位波兰裔英国作家,也是爱德华时代最伟大的小说家。
















3#--》 < 曾经被认为是英国文学史上的第一部真正的 现代小说。此书不仅在文学上有重要作用,同时也 是一篇具有重要历史意义的宣言。《黑暗的心》 中,把一位欧洲人在非洲殖民地的经历描写得非常 生动,虽然这本书也是一个传奇的冒险故事,但它 与《格里弗游记》《鲁滨逊漂流记》不同,它真正 的焦点不在于对外界土地的征服,而是对英国殖民 者的行为和心里的征服。其主人公马洛在非洲的经 历,无论从身体上还是精神上,作者康拉德都有与 此相同的经历, 正是在非洲的经历才使得康拉德写 出如此犀利的作品, 就像曾经有人指出的那样, 对于 塞罗那到马德里, 但马德里也解决不了争吵。 姑娘和 她的男人之间一切都错了, 而看起来一切都没有错。 生活本身就是如此, 整个世界也是如此。 这篇小说写 的是恋人的纠葛, 揭示的却是人类生存的一个状态。
一、 起

船去刚果。 同时, 他又给他的一个远房的但是联系很 紧密的亲戚写了信, 请求得到一个能够去刚果的机 会。 就这样, 康拉德在一八九〇年四月得到了公司总 部的任命。 刚果之行改变了康拉德的思想。 从他八年后写 《 黑暗的心 》 的作品 中我们可以发现这个转变。 就连 “ 完全是一 康拉德自己也曾经说过他在去刚果前他 ( 7ABCD) 个动物 ” 。 他被自己在非洲所看见的惊吓 住 了, 如果在他的作品中有体现的话, 这种惊吓是心理 上的、 精神上的甚至是抽象的, 超自然的、 形而上学 的。 批评家爱德华・加奈特, 后来他成了康拉德作 品的编辑并对康拉德有着深入的研究, 和康拉德的 第一位生平传记作家格拉德・简・欧比利 E 认为是 非洲的经历使康拉德最后成为了一名作家。 在康拉 《奥迈耶 德回到欧洲时, 他继续酝酿他的第一部小说 的痴梦 》 E 这时也是他长达三十年写作事业的开始。 一八九一年十一月康拉德在等待了一段时间后, 他 接受了 FB<<@G7 号作为大副的工作, 这是一艘从伦敦 ( 澳大利亚 ) 到阿德莱德 的客运船。 一八九一年至一 八九二年两次到澳大利亚的航程是康拉德作为商务 海员的最后航行。 一八九三年七月, 他离开了 FB<H 他最后一次去看了他的叔叔, 在等待下一艘 <@G7 号, 《奥迈耶的痴梦 》 船的时候, 他又继续写 。 虽然康拉德 已经做了几年的海员, 但是, 他的传记作者 I4<J 却 说康拉德在海上的知识是不完全的, 他也通过阅读 一些著名作家的作品来丰富自己的知识。 康拉德曾 经阅读过从法国象征主义诗人波德莱尔和马拉美 到福楼拜 E 莫泊桑 和屠格涅夫等人的作品。 同时, 他 还阅读了叶芝的一些作品。 一八九四年初, 他的久病 《奥迈耶的痴梦 》 的叔叔终于去世了。 此时, 已经断断 续续写了四年的时间。 《 奥迈耶的痴梦 》 一八九五年四月, 康拉德发表 一书。 至此, 一个非英语母语的波兰人用英语发表了 小说, 而他的风格却十分偏激和尖锐, 这和他的海员 《 “ 水仙号 ” 生活密不可分。 到一八九七年, 他发表了 《 》 8 !$+ 8799+, %3 1$+‘ 8*,27--0-’ 9, 上的黑家伙 》 就连 “ 将凭借这部小说在文坛上立住 康拉德自己都说他



论《黑暗的心》中的反殖民主义主题徐 平(青岛大学师范学院英语系,山东青岛266071)摘 要:十九世纪末是帝国主义殖民扩张的鼎盛时期,在当时的一些英国作家笔下,殖民者是肩负伟大历史使命的英雄,而同时代的康拉德在写这类题材时,却具有其他作家所没有的超前意识。


关键词:殖民扩张;康拉德;超前意识;本质中图分类号:I561.064 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100624133(2003)0320033203 康拉德(Joseph Conrad ,1857—1924)是英国著名小说家,他有四部作品入选1998年英国“蓝登书屋”评出的本世纪一百大英文小说。





当时的某些英国作家如吉卜林(Joseph Rudyard K ipling ,1865—1933)等就大肆宣扬大英帝国的殖民意识和种族优越感,在他们的笔下,殖民者成了肩负伟大使命的英雄。





Li ChiIntroduction to English Literature29 November 2014A New Historicist Reading of Joseph Conrad’s Heart ofDarkness约瑟夫·康拉德《黑暗的心》的新历史主义解读AbstractJoseph Conrad’s classical work Heart of Darkness is regarded as the first real modern novel in English literature, the most influential novella in the twentieth century. In the past thirty years, there have been arguments on Conrad’s political orientations reflected in the novella. In this thesis, the author applies the strategy of new historicism to analyze how Heart of Darkness interweaves with history, how it circulates with the thought of imperialism and how it subverts the thought.Key words: Joseph Conrad; Heart of Darkness; New Historicism; Circulation; Subversion摘要约瑟夫·康拉德经典之作《黑暗的心》曾被认为是英国文学史上第一部真正的现代小说,二十世纪最具影响力的中篇小说。





















康拉德《黑暗的心》之精神空间的表征杨佩佩;李文军【摘要】康拉德短篇小说《黑暗的心》是错综复杂叙事的典范,通过所构建的文本以及描述对象,作者的具体认知和意识转变成不同形态空间的表征意象,其中精神空间是构建文本人文意识的内核.精神空间亦可以在心理空间、行为空间、他者空间中得到具体实现.3种空间的相互影响和作用使小说《黑暗的心》的主题意义得到了升华,形成了一种空间维度和人文意识的交叉.空间维度是由不同领域空间构成且包含差异的统一体,它既包含心理空间、行为空间和他者空间,又是一个独立存在包含差异的统一体.【期刊名称】《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(034)005【总页数】6页(P42-47)【关键词】《黑暗的心》;精神空间;表征【作者】杨佩佩;李文军【作者单位】宁夏大学外国语学院宁夏银川 750021;宁夏大学外国语学院宁夏银川 750021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I106.4康拉德短篇小说《黑暗的心》在航海人员马洛的叙述下,以错综复杂的叙事文本而闻名,并吸引了诸多研究者对“黑暗的心”象征意义的探究。






















象,渲染出一种无比压抑、阴森恐怖、神秘和悬念感。 一方面是掠夺者给非洲带来的灾难,饥饿、疾病、痛楚、 奴役肆虐这片土地,死神随时光临。另一方面是掠夺 者之间尔虞我诈、钩心斗角,面对屠杀黑人时的沉重 罪孽感和对权利、金钱绝望追求下精神分裂和异化成 魔。它们如同传统哥特小说中的颓败的古堡、墓穴、地 下室、月光、荒原等场景一样,给读者留下了刻骨铭心 的印象,它催促人们思考,精神救赎之路在哪里?
夺象牙的非洲时,”或者叫做“拜伦式 引,惊人地堕落并且展示出原始的凶残本性。极度膨
哥特小说醉心于创造暴君式的人物形象,多为恶 棍或拜伦式的英雄。这个人物集善恶于一身,具有超
成为了行尸走肉,成为“干瘪的骷髅......到处流浪,受 尽折磨的幽灵”。[2] 库尔茨是典型的哥特式的暴君,同
哥特小说伊始于 18 世纪中后期,辉煌于 19 世纪 常出色的人物”“前程远大,非常远大”“最好的以为 上半期,它承先启后,历久弥新。哥特小说与各个阶段 代理人,是一位非同一般的人物,对整个公司具有无
社会思潮和文艺理论融合,通过描写反理性、鬼怪、神 秘的超验力量,摆脱精神桎梏,挑战主流意识形态,表 达内心诉求———哥特独具恐惧的场景、心理描写调动
险和好奇心的驱使,决定去非洲腹地,大展自己的才 让人倍感压抑。迪福式的漂流到荒岛,依靠自己的努
华,成就一番事业。从他离开伦敦乘船向非洲驶时,在 力生存而成为自己命运的主宰的故事在《黑暗的心》
安徽 文学
2018 年 3 期 总第 416 期
中成为彻底的谎言。年轻人马洛的朝圣之旅,到了最 后却成为了一生的梦魇。殖民的血腥掠夺带来财富的



1997年第2期杭州师范学院学报1997年3月N o.2.1997JOURNAL OF HANGZHOU TEACHERS COLL EGE M ar.1997论《黑暗的心脏》的叙事结构及其审美价值高伟利 殷企平约瑟夫・康拉德的中篇小说《黑暗的心脏》在内容、风格和语言形式上都体现出作者的创作思想。





纵观全文,小说的结构框架可以图示为: 第一个层次即小说的外部框架,由“我”与“马洛”构成。














《黑暗中的人性:约瑟夫·康拉德的《黑暗之心》中的道德困境》1. 引言1.1 概述约瑟夫·康拉德的小说《黑暗之心》以其深沉的人性探索和道德困境为主题,引起了广泛的关注和讨论。



1.2 文章结构本文将由以下几个部分组成来进行辩证分析:引言、约瑟夫·康拉德及其作品《黑暗之心》;道德困境的定义与理论背景;在《黑暗之心》中表现出来的道德困境分析;最后通过总结文章内容和观点,对于人性中的道德困境进行思考和展望。

1.3 目的本文旨在通过对约瑟夫·康拉德《黑暗之心》中所描绘的人性暴露和道德困境的深入分析,探讨人性在黑暗环境中的反应,并研究这些道德困境对于个体以及整个社会所带来的影响。




2.约瑟夫·康拉德及其作品《黑暗之心》2.1 约瑟夫·康拉德简介约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad)是一位19世纪末20世纪初的波兰裔英国作家。

他出生于1857年,原名Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski,后改为Joseph Conrad。


2.2 《黑暗之心》概述《黑暗之心》是康拉德于1899年出版的小说,也是他最具影响力的作品之一。



通过《黑暗的心》,康拉德向我们揭示了人性中的黑暗 面,但也让我们看到人性的光明面。他提醒我们,面对 黑暗,我们不能放弃对光明的追求。
将《黑暗的心》与其他同时代或具有类似主题的作品进行比较研 究,以更全面地了解其文学价值和影响。
运用跨学科的方法,如心理学、社会学和历史学等,对作品进行 更深入的研究,以更全面地揭示其内涵和意义。
故事中的不同角色代表不同类型的人 ,如库尔兹代表道德败坏、马洛代表 良知未泯。
康拉德通过描述非洲大陆的荒凉与神 秘,象征人性的黑暗面和无法逃避的 命运。
康拉德以客观冷静的叙述方式展现故 事,使读者对故事产生距离感,更深 刻地思考人性和命运等主题。
康拉德的作品突破了传统现实主义的写作手法,具有鲜明的现代主义特征,为后来的现代 主义文学创作提供了借鉴。
康拉德的作品深入挖掘人性的复杂性和心理的复杂性,为后来的心理小说创作提供了启示 。
两部作品都是探险小说,但康拉德的《黑暗的心》更加深入地探讨了人性的复杂性和心理的复杂性,具有更高 的文学价值。
康拉德在海上生活了很长时间,对于 人类的生存状态和人性有着深入的思 考和观察。
康拉德深受19世纪末的英国文学的影 响,特别是对于现实主义文学有着深 厚的兴趣。
这部作品展现了康拉德对于青春、爱情和人生意 义的思考。




















征服、欲望与人性——解读约瑟夫·康拉德小说《黑暗的心》中的人性内涵李 妍人性在失去道德准则、社会规则的约束后会变成什么样呢?原本生活在文明社会的殖民者来到殖民地,是否又能保持文明的做法呢?约瑟夫·康拉德是现代主义潮流的引领者之一,他的中篇小说《黑暗的心》对人性进行了深入的剖析。


















[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2013)-26-0-02约瑟夫·康拉德是一位波兰裔英国小说家,被誉为英国现代八大作家之一。





本文尝试从后殖民主义理论中“他者”角度,从“地理他者” 和“种族他者”两个维度解读《黑暗的心》,展现作者康拉德的虽然有反殖民主义的倾向,但作为西方殖民鼎盛时期作家又不能完全摆脱西方殖民主义的影响,他对非洲和非洲黑人形象的他者化显示出欧洲白人的优越感和殖民意识。




第28卷 第4期大庆师范学院学报Vol.28 No.4 2008年7月JOURNAL OF DAQ I N G NOR MAL UN I V ERSI TY July,2008从《黑暗的心》的结构分析看康拉德对人性的探索李 旭,孙建华,王忠民(大庆师范学院外国语学院,黑龙江大庆163712)摘 要:英国19世纪末的伟大作家康拉德在小说创作《黑暗的心》中采用独特的叙述结构,给读者留下了深刻印象。



中图分类号:I3/706 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-2165(2008)04-0080-03 收稿日期:2007-12-28 约瑟夫・康拉德是英国20世纪具有广泛和深刻影响的小说家之一。





一 《黑暗的心》采用了嵌入式叙述结构,它是类似于俄罗斯套娃的一种结构,即故事套故事的结构。








关键词:阿尔都塞,意识形态理论,欧洲中心论,白人优秀的种族主义意识形态《黑暗的心》(Heart of Darkness) 是英国著名小说家约瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924)最著名的小说之一。













收稿日期:2011 12 05 作者简介:李晶然(1986-),女,满族,河北承德人,河北师范大学文学院在读硕士研究生,研究方向为比较文学与世界文学。

谈康拉德《黑暗的心》中人物的狂欢化功能李晶然(河北师范大学文学院,河北石家庄050024) 摘要:从狂欢化理论入手,分析了康拉德在《黑暗的心》中塑造的诸多具有狂欢化特征的人物,在此基础上进一步论述这些人物在主题方面体现出的平等自由和交替变更的精神,在形式两方面通过语言的运用和场景的设置达到讽刺性模拟和时空并置的效果。

关键词:康拉德;《黑暗的心》;巴赫金;人物;狂欢化;功能中图分类号:I 106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9951(2012)02-0033-04网络出版地址:http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/13.1354.C.20120409.1137.012.html网络出版时间:2012-04-09 11:37 约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad,1857-1924)是最杰出的英语作家之一,是西方现代主义文学的重要作家,他的作品为19世纪的现实主义文学和20世纪的现代主义文学架起了一座桥梁,影响了大批20世纪的作家。











从生态主义视角解读《黑暗的心》摘要:约瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924)是19世纪末20世纪初世界最著名的小说家之一,其最为熟知的代表作有小说《吉姆爷》(Lord Jim),《台风》(Typhoon),《黑暗的心》(Heart of Darkness)等。













【英语论文】康拉德《黑暗之心》中柯兹的人性分析Kurtz’s Nature In the Darkness

【英语论文】康拉德《黑暗之心》中柯兹的人性分析Kurtz’s Nature In the Darkness

康拉德《黑暗之心》中柯兹的人性分析Kurtz’s Nature In the Darkness摘要在英国现代文学史上,康拉德是个特殊的人物。
















关键词:康拉德;柯兹;人性AbstractIn English literature, Conrad is a special man. As a young man, he is fond of sailing. He is not engaged in the literature until the 90’s in 19th century. However, he writes many novels and gets the world prestige. His representative works are Lord Jim,Nostromo and Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness is one of Joseph Conrad's celebrated novels. It was first serialized in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine in 1899. Since its publication, Heart of Darkness has become progressively more influential during the following decades. Heart of Darkness itself is a complicated novel, since it is a mixture of adventure story, psychological case study, political satire, black humor comedy, and skeptical meditation. In the paper, I try to present Kurtz 's nature in the darkness, using Freudian psycho analysis and multi-angles analysis. With those approaches, I try to show an intact Kurtz. My paper can be divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction to Joseph Conrad and his novel Heart of Darkness. In the second part, this thesis borrows the three layers' division of "I'' in psycho analytics. This thesis indicates that the degeneration of Kurtz lies in his wantonly expanded ego while as his superego (social moral and regulation) lost binding force and his ego was mined. In the third part, we find a lost, cruel and greedy Kurtz. The fourth part presents a versatile idealist who stands between Western civilization and African culture. By analyzing Kurtz 's nature, we can find the mystery of human nature and the conflict of social civilization and individual moral. The fifth part is conclusion.Key Words: Conrad; Kurtz; natureIntroductionJoseph Conrad did not begin to learn English until he was 21 years old. He was born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski on December 3, 1857, in Polish Ukraine. When Conrad was quite young, his father was exiled to Siberia on suspicion of plotting against the Russian government. After the death of the boy’s mother, Conrad’s father sent him to his mother’s brother in Kraków to be educated, and Conrad never again saw his father. He traveled to Marseilles when he was seventeen and spent the next twenty years as a sailor. He went to an English ship in 1878, and eight years later he became a British subject. In 1889, he began his first novel, Almayer’s Folly,and began actively searching for a way to fulfill his boyhood dream of traveling to the Congo. He took command of a steamship in the Belgian Congo in 1890, and his experiences in the Congo came to provide the outline for Heart of Darkness. Conrad’s time in Africa wreaked havoc on his health, however, and he returned to England to recover. He returned to sea twice before finishing Almayer’s Folly in 1894 and wrote several other books, including one about Marlow called Youth: A Narrative before beginning Heart of Darkness in 1898. He wrote most of his other major works—including Lord Jim, which also features Marlow, Nostromo, and The Secret Agent, as well as several collaborations with Ford Madox Ford—during the following two decades. Conrad died in 1924.Heart of Darkness, one of the most famous jungle novels, is created on the basis of C onrad’s diary in 1890 when he was on the journey to Congo. On a cruising yawl at rest on Thames, the narrator, Marlow is telling his story about his travel along another river and the legend of an agent down in the jungle. He is appointed by a company that gathers ivory in Congo. Even though the journey seems quite arduous and somewhat elusive, Marlow, who has always had a passion for travel and exploration, sets out his adventure. From beginning to end, what he sees and hears are the dark Africa where the trade agents are greedily gathering ivory, seizing and grabbing the natives brutally. Especially when he witnesses the fable about Kurtz. As a well-educated white, Kurtz, who has the talent of eloquence as his trump card, is arbitrarily ruling his empire but blindly worshipped by the natives as a saint. The works provides a bridge between Victorian values and the ideals of modernism. Like much of the best modernist literature produced in the early decades of the twentieth century, Heart of Darkness is as much about alienation, confusion, and profound doubt as it is about imperialism. Imperialism is nevertheless at the center of Heart of Darkness.By the 1890s,and the major European powers were stretched thin, trying to administer and protect massive, far-flung empires. Cracks were beginning to appear in the system: riots, wars, and the wholesale abandonment of commercial enterprises all threatened the white men living in the distant corners of empires. Things were clearly falling apart. Heart of Darkness suggests that this is the natural result when men are allowed to operate outside a social system of checks and balances: power, especially power over other human beings, inevitably corrupts. At the same time, this begs the question of whether it is possible to call an individual insane or wrong when he is part of a system that is so thoroughly corrupted and corrupting. Heart of Darkness, thus, at its most abstract level, is a narrative about the difficulty of understanding the world beyond the self, about the ability of one man to judge another.Darkness is the theme of this story. It is the clue to find out the context of the story. Conrad makes an integral connection between mind, body and nature by this application. Darkness is also the color of the places where explores and colonialists settled, and the color of the black’s skin. In contrast to the darkness, the white seems extremely outstanding. But inside their white skin, the colonists have a heart of profound darkness, evil and dread.1 Id, superego, ego of Kurtz by psycho analysis1.1 Definitions of termsThis thesis intends to make a Freudian psycho analysis of Kurtz’ s nature in the darkness in terms of Sigmund Freud's theory---the structures of mind. Therefore, it is necessary to make clear two definitions: Freudian and psychoanalysis first of all. Freud, is the recognized founder of modern psychoanalysis, who has exerted an influence far beyond his own field. His theory of the workings of human mind and its descriptive terminology find application in almost all branches of humanities and social sciences. Psychoanalysis is a systematic structure of theories concerning the relation of conscious psychological processes. Or it is a technical procedure for investigating unconscious mental processes. Psychoanalytic theory is Freud's theory that the origin of personality lies in the balance between the id, the ego, and the superego. One's personality is the total sum of all of the ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that are typical for that person and make that person different from all other individuals.1.2 Three structures of mind---the id, the ego, and the superegoThe 1926 edition of The Encyclopedia Britannica described Freud's concept of the elements of personality as follows:The mental apparatus is composed of the "id," which is the reservoir of the instructive impulses, of the "ego" which is the most superficial portion of the id and the one which is modified by the influences of the external world, and of the "super-ego," which develops out of the id, dominates the ego and represents the inhibition of instinct characteristic of man.The id, according to Freud, is the inborn part of the unconscious mind that uses the primary process to satisfy its needs and that acts according to the pleasure principle. Someone further explains that the id is a cauldron of seething excitement. In the id, there is nothing corresponding to the idea of time, no recognition of the passage of time. The id knows no values, no good and evil, no morality, and blindly strives to gratify its instincts in complete disregard of the superior strength of outside forces.In his essay "The Ego and the Id", Freud presents the id as follows: an individual is looked upon as a psychical id, unknown and unconscious. The id attracts all kinds of instinctive forces in order to find their mental representation. The instincts in the id press for immediate satisfaction, regardless of all else, and in this way either fail of achievement or actually do damage. From the point of view of instinctive control, of morality, it may be saidas the "self' or "I," which perceives, remembers, evaluates, plans, and in other ways is responsive to and acts in the surrounding physical and social world. The 1974 edition of Encyclopedic World Dictionary defines it as "that part of the psychic apparatus which experiences the outside world and reacts to it, thus mediating between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment." While someone points out why the ego is formed, that's because the id has to find realistic ways of meeting its needs and avoiding trouble caused by selfish and aggressive behavior. The ego operates according to the reality principle. The ego can be thought of as the executive of the personality because it uses its cognitive abilities to manage and control the id and balance its desires against the restrictions of reality and the superego.According to Freud, the ego is that part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world. It seeks to bring the influence of the external world to bear upon the id and its tendencies, and endeavors to substitute the reality principle for the pleasure principle which reigns unrestrictedly in the id. It strives to be moral, representing what may be called reason and common sense, in contrast to the id, which contains the passions. The ego is placing itself at the service of the opposing instinctual impulses. It is the representative of the external world to the id. And it tries to mediate between the world and the id. When the ego finds itself in an excessive real danger, where it believes itself unable to overcome by its own strength, it sees itself deserted by all protecting forces and makes itself die.The superego holds up certain norms of behavior, and does not regard to any difficulties coming from the id and the external world. It is the part of the mind that opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions and by striving to attain a goal of "ideal" perfection. The Encyclopedic World Dictionary defines it as "that part of the psychic apparatus which mediates between ego drives and social ideals, acting as a conscience, which may be partly conscious and partly unconscious." In other’s angle, the superego represents the internalization of parental standards and authority. In the normal male child, it replaces the Oedipal desire for the mother. The developing superego thus absorbs the traditions of the family and the surrounding society, serving chiefly to control sexual and aggressive impulses that threaten social structures.In his "The Ego and the Id", Freud assumes the existence of a grade in the ego, a differentiation within the ego, which may be called the "ego ideal" or "superego". The superego derives from the first object of the id, from the Oedipus complex. The ego ideal has the task of repressing the Oedipus wishes. Therefore, the superego "retains the character of the father." Freud points out that the ego ideal is the heir of the Oedipus complex, that it is also the expression of the most powerful impulses and most important libidinal vicissitudes of the id, and that it exercises the moral censorship in the form of conscience. It can besuper-moral and then become as cruel as only the id can be. Then how is it that the superego develops such extraordinary harshness and seve rity towards the ego? Freud proposes, “The excessively strong superego which has obtained a hold upon consciousness rages against the ego with merciless violence. The destructive component had entrenched itself in the superego and turned against the ego.”What is the relationship between the id, the ego and the superego? "The ego is a poor creature owning service to three masters and consequently menaced by three dangers: from the external world, from the libido of the id, and from the severity of the superego." It has to reconcile between the id and the external world, to make the id pliable to the world and to make the world fall in with the wishes of the id. Whenever possible, it tries to remain on good terms with the id; it pretends that the id is showing obedience to the admonitions of reality, even when in fact it is remaining obstinate and unyielding; it disguises the id's conflicts with reality and, if possible, its conflicts with the superego too.In my thesis, I will apply the theories of the id, the ego, and the superego to the psycho analysis of Kurtz’ s nature.1.3 The application of the psycho analysisIn civilized society, on the basis of the superego, the ego harmonizes the relationship between the id and society, so people's id can only be satisfied to a certain extent. In Europe, Kurtz lives in the civilized society. Everything is set in a formed way which assumes the implement of civilization. He grows up in the atmosphere and acts according to the accepted yardstick. When he has no money, his id drove him to get money. But he will not rob from others because of the existence of the superego. In such condition, the ego can deal with the relationship between the id and the superego well. In Africa, when people are far away from the civilized s ociety, in order to meet the id’s demand, they will act by any kind of means. Colonists can do anything they want to do. They ignored the superego and did things at will. There also existed the conflict between white colonists apart from the contradiction between the black and the white. Kurtz was a great man in the Congo River. After being far away from the ethic of the civilized society, the function of the id was greater and greater .As we know, the desire of the id is limitless and he was totally controlled by the id in the end. The following state is that Kurtz regarded himself as the dominator and the desire of going in for the ivory was more endless. In order to take the ivory, he put the local’s heads on the guardrail to warn the public after massacring the local in large quantities. Marlow wrote: " I have no opinion on that point, but I want you clearly to understand that there was nothing exactly profitable in these heads being there. They only showed that Mr. Kurtz lackedhim—some small matter which, when the pressing need arose, could not be found under his magnificent eloquence. Whether he knew of this deficiency himself I can't say."1The description displays Kurtz’s miserliness along with the expansion of the id. From his last words “the horror, the horror”2, I think the knowledge came to him at last—only at the very last. But the wilderness had found him out early, and had carried out a terrible vengeance for the fantastic invasion. I think that it had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know and the whisper had proved irresistibly to be fascinating. It echoed loudly within him because he was hollow at the core. A follower of Kurtz said " This man suffered too much. He hated all this, and somehow he couldn't get away. When I had a chance I begged him to try and leave while there was time; I offered to go back with him. And he would say yes, and then he would remain; go off on another ivory hunt; disappear for weeks; forget himself amongst these people—forget himself—you know." 3Kurtz forgot himself, which means he lost himself and the ego didn’t work any more. Though he wanted to return to the civilized society very much, he cannot get rid of the control of the id. In the end, he was unable to flee from Africa. Appearance of Marlow wanted to draw Kurtz back to the civilized society, though within short time. His desperate cry expressed that he had already understood the evil completely, but he was unable to change his own destiny. His final result of destiny was the inevitable consequence, which was caused by the expansion of the id in the human natural instincts. Without doubt, another reason is the depletion of the superego.In the novel, Conrad did not make us know the destructive effect of the id, but show us the existence of the ego. We will explore the ego of Kurtz in Marlow’s view. Marlow was described as another Kurtz. They understood and trusted each other. Marlow’s road to Kurtz can also be thought to be the road to finding himself. Apart from the dark side, Conrad wants to express a positive view of life by portraying Marlow. From beginning to end, Marlow put the ego in the right place, so he kept himself under the control of reason and never lost himself. Marlow realised that the Congo River had ineluctable magic power, which brought the enlargement of the id. From Kurtz, Marlow knows the effect of the id and brings the ego into play. He never lost himself in the remote uncivilized forest. Marlow got regeneration after going through one shake, but Kurtz moved towards extinction under the control of the id.1/toc/modeng/public/ConDark.html2/toc/modeng/public/ConDark.html2 Kurtz in the center of darkness2.1 Helpless man in the indifferent worldIt is said that each person is alone and without assistance in a monstrous silence, and his presence is simply an accident in the universe where everything is superfluous. As a common person, we have to face the inevitability of death, the necessity of working for a living, and everything known and unknown. With the development of the modern sciences, man possesses more and more advanced technologies and knows more and more about the universe. Yet he sees more and more his own limitation as well. He sees now clearly how small and powerless and of no importance he himself is, compared with the vastness of the universe and all kinds of powerful instruments that man himself invents. The idea that man is the primate of the highest order and God has created everything in the world just for the service of man appears false and could not support itself any more. Thus man feels lost and has to study himself once again and tries to find out his own position in the universe and his own identity. Industrialism, science, new philosophy of life based upon science, social problems, and the wars between European countries made people feel the world was out of order and in chaos. Living in a cold, indifferent, and essentially Godless world, man was no longer free in any sense of the word. He was completely thrown upon himself for survival. People cannot hope to fall back on divine help and guide, and feel irretrievably lost. Life just became a struggle for survival. Thus a self-conscious movement with its belief that the world is absurd and life is meaningless came into being. Heart of Darkness reveals to the author of this thesis that Conrad observes the relationship between man and the world just in the same way as the twentieth-century existentialists do. In this novella he has Kurtz describe an existential world, “the earth … is a place … where we must put up with sights, with sounds, with smells … —breathe dead hippo, so to speak, and not be contaminated”1. Nature usually appears as an opposite force which fights against man constantly in the novel. To Kurtz ,the universe is purposeless and indifferent to human wish to which all his experience points to. Kurtz was described as a man that was not rich enough, so his engagement with a girl was disapproved by her parents. The hurt man tried to realize his own value in a remote and hostile environment. During the struggle against the wilderness, he exhausted himself. Before death, he was left alone and only the laugh of wilderness existed around him. In the heart of a conquering darkness, “It was a moment of triumph for the wildern ess, an invading and vengeful rush which, it seemed to me, I would have to keep back alone for the salvation ofanother soul. And the memory of what I had heard him say afar there, with the horned shapes stirring at my back, in the glow of fires, within the patient woods, those broken phrases came back to me, were heard again in their ominous and terrifying simplicity.”1And in this indifferent world, human actions to Kurtz are always restricted, frustrated and stopped right in the air. Apart from his own restriction, like poverty and physical health, he had to go into the forest and communicated with the local people. In the meantime, Kurtz had to deal with his companions. It is no wonder that Marlow comments in the story “we live, as we dream-alone.”22.2 Degeneration“I could see the cage of his ribs all astir, the bones of his arm waving. It was as though an animated image of death carved out of old ivory had been shaking its hand with menaces at a motionless crowd of men made of dark and glittering bronze. I saw him open his mouth wide—it gave him a weirdly voracious aspect, as though he had wanted to swallow all the air, all the earth, all the men before him. You should have heard him say, `My ivory.’ Oh, yes, I heard him. `My Intended, my ivory, my station, river, my---’everything belonged to him." 3 Here Marlow is talking about a voracious and weird Kurtz, a man driven by a hunger to engorge the universe. The fiction displays the conqueror who despoils the planet he craves to possess, and points to his fate as victim of its terrible vengeance for the fantastic invasion.In the descriptive paragraphs related to Kurtz, we find him a real mysterious, cruel, greedy figure. When Marlow first caught sight of Kurtz's surroundings through his glasses, he sees the slope of a hill interspersed with rare trees and perfectly free from undergrowth. A long decaying building on the summit is half buried in the high grass. And near the house half-a-dozen slim posts remains in a row, roughly trimmed, and with their upper ends ornamented with round carved balls. When getting nearer Kurtz, Marlow takes up his binoculars again, looks at the shore and had a clear view of the ornamented upper ends of the posts: "They would have been even more impressive, those heads on the stakes, if their faces had not been turned to the house. Only one, the first I had made out, was facing my way. I was not so shocked as you may think. The start back I had given was really nothing but a movement of surprise. I had expected to see a knob of wood there, you know. I returned deliberately to the first I had seen---- and there it was, black, dried, sunken, with closed eyelids-a head that seemed to sleep at the top of that pole, and with the shrunken dry lips showing a narrow white line of the teeth, was smiling, too, smiling continuously at some1/toc/modeng/public/ConDark.html2/toc/modeng/public/ConDark.htmlendless and jocose dream of that eternal slumber."1From these descriptions, we obtain a clear vision of a cruel and totally corrupted Kurtz like the decaying building and ruined house. For more ivory he could do anything as the harlequin Russian, the man of patches says: “Nothing on earth to prevent him killing whom and there was he jolly well pleased. And it was true, too.” These heads are the heads of the "rebels" who stand in the way of his ivory obtaining. This is the Kurtz, an ivory-stricken demoniac Kurtz. The opening paragraph of his report about the "suppression of savage customs" is most representative to show his white supremacy. He began with the argument that “We white, from the point of development we had arrived at, must appear to them savages. In the nature of supernatural beings, we approach them with the might as of a deity. By the simple exercise of our will, we can exert a power for good practically unbounded, etc.” 2What we read from Kurtz are very complicated feelings of the author. Like what we have read from Marlow, Kurtz is another evidence of Conrad's conflicting visions, because he is both marvelous for all his good qualities as a white man, and malicious for his lack of restraint in an alien culture.3 A desolate messenger3.1 A talent.In the works, Kurtz is described as a perfect talent, which can be reflected in many aspects. His mother is half-English and his father is half-French. Advanced European civilization provides well educational situation for him. “All Europe contributed to the making of K urtz.”1He is a remarkable politician with outstanding eloquence. “The point was in his being a gifted creature, and that of all his gifts the one that stood out pre-eminently, that carried with it a sense of real presence, was his ability to talk, his words—the gift of expression, the bewildering, the illuminating, the most exalted and the most contemptible, the pulsating stream of light, or the deceitful flow from the heart of an imp enetrable darkness.”2 Kurtz is also very good at trade. With the great moral crusade of bringing lights to the backward people of the world, he became a first-class agent, who was in charge of a very important trading post. The ivory he sent in is as much as all the others put together.In contrast with Kurtz, the manager is described as a fool. The manager got his position just because he was never ill in the remote and hos tile environment. “He had served three terms of three years out there . . . Because triumphant health in the general route of constitutions is a kind of power in itself. When he went home on leave he rioted on a large scale—pompously. Jack ashore—with a difference—in externals only. This one could gather from his casual talk. He originated nothing, he could keep the routine going—that's all of.”3 Conrad doesn’t show us a clear and overall impression of Kurtz. For K urtz’s cousin, Kurtz is a great musician. For Marlow, Kurtz is an artist. For the journalist, he is a journalist who could paint or a paint who wrote for the papers. Kurtz is regarded as a representative of all the highest aspiration of nineteenth-century individualism. Above all, Kurtz is a universal genius.3.2 An idealistA majority of Western colonists went to Africa for gold or fame. Those men’s ideal was to pursue wealth and power. “To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe.”4 A funny Dane hammered the chief of a village because he thought himself wronged in the1/toc/modeng/public/ConDark.html2/toc/modeng/public/ConDark.htmlbargain, when he bought two black hens. His life and the whole village disappeared because of the two black hens. Different from the above guy, Kurtz has his own ideal that is "Each station should be like a beacon on the road towards better things, a center for trade of course, but also for humanizing, improving, instructing."1Of course, Kurtz’s ideal seems reasonable. According to Marlow’s narration, the Congo River is so similar with the old Thames. The Romans first came to the Thames, nineteen hundred years ago. “Light came out of the river since—you say Knights? Yes; but it is like a running blaze on a plain, like a flash of lightning in the clouds. We live in the flicker—may it last as long as the old earth keeps rolling! But darkness was here yesterday. Imagine the feelings of a commander of a fine—what d'ye call 'em?—trireme in the Mediterranean, ordered suddenly to the north; run overland across the Gauls in a hurry; put in charge of one of these craft the legionaries,—a wonderful lot of handy men they must have been too—used to build, apparently by the hundred, in a month or two, if we may believe what we read. Imagine him here—the very end of the world, a sea the color of lead, a sky the color of smoke, a kind of ship about as rigid as a concertina—and going up this river with stores, or orders, or what you like. Sandbanks, marshes, forests and savages,—precious little to eat fit for a civilized man, nothing but Thames water to drink. No Falernian wine here, no going ashore. Here and there a military camp lost in a wilderness, like a needle in a bundle of hay—cold, fog, tempests, disease.”2However, the Thames has changed a lot and the Congo River is still there.From the Russian, we can know that Kurtz surely wanted nothing from the wilderness. He wanted to prove his own value and realize his ideal. Kurtz had grown out of the lower stage, which can conclude that all that was necessary to raise up the people of Africa was to introduce European culture and technology to them. This perceived responsibility to lift up the nations of Africa came to be known as the “white man’s burden”. This feeling of responsibility gave rise to the fervor to bring Christianity and commerce to Africa. However, in reality, his ideal is so uncalculating and unpractical, though absolutely pure. After all, a man can’t change the whole tendency of society. Facing the indifferent society, the only thing he can do is to stick to his own ideal and be an idealist.3.3 A man in the edge, who strives to struggle3.3.1 A man, abandoned by European civilizationAs we know, Kurtz receives European civilization. Inspired by the “noble and impartial”occasion, the European went to the centre of Africa. But Kurtz had instinct differences from。

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The Formation of the “Other ”Image :DeconstructiveReading of J.Conrad ’s Heart of Darkness○Liu Yanshi(Department of Foreign Languages ,Sichuan University of Arts and Science ,Dazhou ,Sichuan ,635000)[Abstract ]In the postmodernist context of stressing the difference and opposing singularity ,the “Oriental ”as the“other ”,the object of being gazed ,is the opposite to the “Occidental ”.This article analyzes Conrad ’s Heart of Darkness ,by means of deconstructive reading with a set of postcolonial discourse ,and the “other ”image is fully revealed and formed through detailed descriptions of colonial violence and plundering in the Third Worlds.[Key words ]“other ”,colonial discourse ,Orient ,Occident ,the colonized [中图分类号]I106.4[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-8610(2012)01-0044-03I.About Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad (1857-1924)is an important British author in the late19th and early 20th century.An American well -known writer Henry L.Mengken regards him as the greatest nov-elist.[1]1His novelette Heart of Darkness is famed as one of six classics in the world.[2]98Conrad was born in Poland governed by Russia in 1857.Later he was exiled to the north of Russia for one or another reason.He became an orphan at the age of 12.When he was seventeen years old ,he began to learn sailing in Marseilles ,France ,so he had been to many colonies such as Malay Peninsula ,Africa and South America with the British fleet.He started to learn English at over twenty.In 1886he got his British nationality and soon he began to take up letters in English.In his lifetime ,he wrote many works including novels ,plays ,and essays.For his early voyage life ,relying on his sail-ing experience and he wrote plenty of enchanting stories and pio-neered new fields and broadened threads of creative writing.Ⅱ.About the “Other ”The western culture since the old Greek has emphasized the subject ’s separation from the object.The set of analytical logic system based upon it perfectly presents the feature of binary op-position.The dualistic discourse for the westerner to understand and explain the world is prominent by “self ”and “other ”,gen-erality and individuality ,entirety and segment ,subject and ob-ject ,assimilation and identification ,presence and absence.If modern literary criticism places emphasis on the generality ,ne-cessity and objectivity of knowledge ,what postmodernists such as M.Foucault ,J.Derrida and R.Rorty pursue is to deconstruct “logocentrism ”,to abandon the model of dualistic thinking ,toregard the epistemological object as a text to be interpreted andrecognition as a process of multiple meanings or interpretations.From the different angels they enrich and develop the logic of postmodernist cultural thinking :stressing the difference and op-posing singularity.Therefore ,literary critics and theoreticians increasingly take into consideration the “other ”as a representa-tive of margin and difference.With the elaborate observation of the Orient “other ”con-structed on the European discourse knowledge ,the long -term images ,stereotypes and general ideology about the “other ”are myths about the laziness ,deceit and irrationality.[3]By Foucau-lt ’s analysis of discourse as power ,Said elucidates the function of cultural representations in the construction and maintenance of “First /Third -World ”relations.He calls for a critical “decen-tered consciousness ”and the aim of dismantling systems of domi-nation.[4]224The “Orient ”as the “other ”is the opposite to the “Occi-dent ”,the object of being gazed.J.Conrad with near twenty -year life on the sea like other western writers gazes the colony in the eyes of westerners.All the colonies exist as the “other ”op-posite to the metropolitans.Their role not only shows the differ-ence between colonies and metropolitans ,and the opposition be-tween the colony and the colonized ,but also provides a new epis-temological perspective.A French scholar Daniel -Henri Pageaux ever argues ,“the so -called ‘other ’is a thing which may set us thinking in another way ”.[5]123Ⅲ.The Western Colonizer ’s “Mission ”At the beginning of the west ’s colonization process ,a set of colonial discourse system was gradually constructed in the west-ern countries.According to the above concepts by the discourse—44—语文学刊·外语教育教学2012年第1期system,the westerners believe that to open up the colony on the “barbarian”non-western land is the civilized people’s duty and right,that it is a sacred task to transmit civilization on the lands and that what the colonizer creates is achievements of “bringing brightness,belief and trade into colony as the back places of the earth”[6]8.The colony as the“other”is a com-pletely strange world for the colonizer who is the first to come,but the colonizer through embellishing this colonial discourse sets up a heroic model,including risky and pioneering spirit,resolute will,plentiful vigour,strong ability of adoption and down-to-earth attitude.Kurtz in the novel Heart of Darkness is relatively a first-class colonizer.As an agent of a trading company,he is in charge of a trading post in the interior heart of Africa,and lives far in the depths of the forest alone.He dares to take risks and have a persistent will and bear hardships.He is believed to“a very remarkable person”because he“sends in as much as all the others put together…”For this reason,“the Council in Europe means him to be some body in the Administration.”[6]50-52It is apparent that Kurtz is exactly needed by the course of western co-lonialism”.Indeed,Kurtz as an agent did not do any trading at all.He came to the interior to seek ivory.At that time he did not barter but armed with fearful weapons he swindled or stolen ivory.To the aboriginal,“he came to them with thunder and light night,you know—and they had never seen anything like it—and very terrible”.[6]168Using the weapons for conquest was what Kurtz did to the aboriginal in the so-called trade.It was what the west colonizer did to the colonized all the time.Of course,there is on occasion resistance.However,Kurtz worked out his own solu-tions.He made a report entrusted by the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs,in which the last page read “Exterminate all the brutes”.It was said that heads on the pole of the fence at the station were“the heads of rebels”.[6]176He possessed heaps of ivory and also conquered those tribes in the forest with the horror of weapons.“He had the power to charm or frighten rudimentary souls into an aggravated witch—dance in his honour”.[6]150Hence,Kurtz’s achievement and further develop-ment of colonialism were as such based upon the bones of the black.Ⅳ.Cultural Hegemony and the“Other”ImageWhat the colonizers have intentionally done is violent con-quest,which is an indisputable event.The question is that the action of Kurtz is absolutely forbidden in the western countries but why does the“civilized”westerners become so barbarian and brutal when entering the colonies?For centuries,the western colonizers are advocating a theo-ry:the westerners are superior to the non-westerners,that is to say,Occidentals are superior to Orientals.Clearly cultural he-gemony(put by A.Gramsci),an indispensable concept for any understanding of cultural life in the industrial West,is reflected in their ideas.The major component in European culture is pre-cisely what made that culture hegemonic both inside and outside Europe:the idea of European identity as a superior one in com-parison with all the non-European ideas about the Orient.The westerners innately have racial superiority and think the white are the top people.Such values and behaviours are what they are holding.Kurtz is very typical.When he first comes to Africa,he thinks he is a missionary of European civilization,representing the superior white people and advanced science and culture.As a result,Kurtz is the murderer of colonial plunder and its victim as well.In the novel,“the Company’s chief accountant”keeps his graceful and delicate clothing,though he is out three years.What is the reason?For he forces one of the native women about the station to do ironing for him.Although she accomplishes something,as a matter of fact,“she had a distaste for the work”.As discussed above,Kurtz is declared to be“King of the Forests”and dominates the life of the native,wins their humble worship like God and owns the beautiful native woman.Above all,they only take advantage of the black native to prove their competence and superiority.With the imposition of the western culture and values,the colonized will certainly believe they are inferior and they worship the colonizers like God so they lose“self”.The colonial condi-tion in the heart is worse than the slave and affliction on the body.Conrad,through the novel,states that only the British col-onizer can do some practical jobs.In his writing,the British Em-pire is the world for the man.Marlow says that the women should not be present in the story of men.In his narration,a few women that Marlow mentions are in the marginalized position of the “other”.Women in the colonies are not only in the subalterns of the“other”but also the source of the calamity.Conrad in this novel reveals the hypocrisy,greed brutaliza-tion of the colonizers.To a certain extent,he defends the west ideology espousing colonialism.Conrad’s perspective of descri-bing the colony and the colonizers pertains to Eurocentrism or ethnocentrism.In his accounts,Africa is a primitive,uncultivat-ed,degraded black belt,“black hills”and“black forests”eve-rywhere,and also Africa is always related to the plague.Almost all the European coming to African land suffered the pestilence.The survivors,even having no learning and no intelligence,would come to the key position by virtue of their strong build,“because triumphant health in the general rout of constitutions is a kind of power in itself”.[6]60Such descriptions objectively pro-duce an effect serving the colonialist expansion.European colo-nizers claim that they will save African people from the black-ness.The image of Africa must be blackened so that it turns out the necessity of colonialism,in the meantime,it may vindicate the European colonizers.The native African people are inferior and uncultivated,without the image of entire person.They are“simple”people like savages or beasts.For example,when Marlow goes to seek Kurtz,on the way he sees“a black figure stood up,strode on long black legs,waving long black arms,across the glow.It had horns—antelope horns…it looked fiendlike enough”.[6]198The sound from the African,to Marlow’s mind,is not voice of hu-man language at all.They have no thought and judgment.They are servants to the European colonizers.Belief and ethic of the colonized races are imbued with wickedness,inducing the be-witching power to the white people.When Kurtz was beyond cure by the bewitching power,his companies would like to take him to the central station but he silently climbed back to attend the reli-—54—LITERATURE Liu Yanshi/The Formation of the“Other”Image:DeconstructiveReading of J.Conrad’s Heart of Darknessgious ritual held by the black.When in control of the infinite power,Kurtz by himself pro-duces an evidence of the extreme degradation of human nature and the blackest depth of heart.Such depth is so black that Kurtz himself feels horrible.“I saw on that ivory face the expres-sion of somber pride,of ruthless power,of craven terror—of an intense and hopeless despair”.[6]210He cried out twice on the edge of death,“The horror!The horror!”which shows Kurtz’s response to himself and the blackness of the colonizer’s heart.The colonizers come to Asia and Africa to colonize the native there in the name of“to help them promote the civiliza-tion”,however,they always judge everything from the European eyes and their outlook of values.All the native residents are the embodiment of barbarousness and ignorance,and thus they can-not truly become the civilized by“education”.The process of “civilization”is simply one history of the brutal plundering to the uncultivated underdeveloped areas for the European colonizers in virtue of their material superiority.In Hear of Darkness,the Eu-ropean colonizers are situated in Africa with guns and canons but they come out with plentiful ivory.In the novel,the black people are closely in harmony with the nature but the white people are the inharmonious“alternative”.The British adventurous story like Heart of Darkness trans-fers to the young men in the Victorian period information:they are expected to gain rights,wealth and position from the British colonies.Thus they are input with an image of self-confident male colonizer to preserve the concept of“the excellent white race”and called to maintain the ideal of“serving the people”combining the honour of Christianity with patriotism.In context of such times,most of the British people are crazy“patriots”.In lines of this sort of adventurous story,for instance,Heart of Darkness,Conrad at times exposes his self-arrogance as a British citizen,which is the case of point.Conrad consciously or unconsciously shows his idea and atti-tude towards the colonizer’s violence in this novel,Heart of Darkness,but he is a westerner above all.His growth and educa-tion cause him inevitably influenced by the West colonial dis-course.He has no choice but to gaze the colony from the aspect of the westerner.In Conrad’s heart,for the Oriental far behind the Occidental in social and economical development,he pro-duces superiority universally acknowledged in the westerners.But he isn’t aware that he is suspected to have delineation of ra-cial discrimination or disdain[7]222.Conrad is referred to as“a genius writer”by Albe,when uttering the“other”,he utters “self”as well.Ⅴ.ConclusionThe novelette,Heart of Darkness,on the one hand,refers to Conrad himself,on the other hand,alludes to the deficiency of human nature.The western civilization can be clearly gazed outside the West.When Marlow points to the land on both sides of the Thames River,he says,“this also has been one of the black places of the earth”.[6]8At first we may not understand his meaning,but when the colonies as the“other”is used to test the western civilization,its“blackness”all of a sudden appears.In fact,Conrad makes the most of the“other”to shed light on the westerners themselves and secrets in their hearts.When he takes advantage of the“other”,“self”of the colonizer is prominent to the audiences.Just as Pageaux said,“I gaze the“other”,the image of the“other”also transmit some image of“I”,a person of gazing,uttering and writing”[5]4.【References】[1]赵启光.康拉德小说选———译本序[M].袁家骅,译.上海译文出版社,1985.[2]Poupard,Dennis.1984.Twentieth-Century Literary Criti-cism(Vol.13)[M].Detroit:Gale Research Company.[3]Said,Edward W.1978.Orientalism[M].London and Henley:Routledge&Kegan Paul Ltd.[4]Selden,R.et al.A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Liter-ary Theory(4th 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