The Early Middle AgesThe Dark Ages FCPS中世纪早期黑暗时代系
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• Settlement of Germanic Peoples
• European Geography
For the entireperiod ofthe MiddleAges Europewas anenormousgame board for ambitious leaders oftribesand nationsfromeverycorner of
C a r o l i n g i a n “God”onChristianside= establishesa hostileviewtowardtheMuslimworld
Islamic Empires victoriousthroughoutthe MiddleEasternRegion Musliminvasionsseriousconflict inthe EasternRomanEmpire Islamic ruleinSpain
Pepinthe Short = sonwhotookonthe kingship
I n d i v i d u a l s who s u c c e s s f u l l y Charlemagne=grandson=CharlestheGreat
6+ feettall(verytallfor the timeperiod)
the Europeancontinentand beyond. Some ofthe manyentitiesstrugglingfor eithera foothold onthecontinentor expansionoftheirexisting territories were:(see map at right)Vikings(A), Huns, Avars&Slavs (B), Persians, Magyars &Hungarians(C), Visoths, Basques, Umayyads, Murabits&Suevs(D) justto namea few. Therewere perhaps twice thisnumber sweepinginand, almost as quickly, beingswept back out. WithinEuropeat the contractionofthe WesternRomanEmpirewere manyGermanic factionsor tribessuchas the Frisians, Angles, Saxons, Franks, Lombards, Thuringians, Burgundians, Alemanni, Marcomanni, Quadi, Gepids, Rugians, Visogoths, Ostrogoths, Asdingand Siling Vandals andmore. Mostnames are nowbut footnotesofthe MiddleAges. Withso manyaggressorswanderingthe continentplunderingandlootingand demandingfealtyto totallyforeignsystems, powers and beliefsit was incumbentonpeople to take a suspiciousand defensive stance withallpassingthroughtheir districts. Eventuallyeachofthese peoples would havea turnat beingthe wanderingnationseekingmore room, food, power or just plunder. Thesewere devastatingcenturies and, withthe additionalravagesofhungerand disease, it would be reasonable to wonderhowcivilizationmanaged to advance at all.
explosiveexpansionofthe Germans there was another, similarsuccessionofadvances bythe Arab nations. Theyhad succeeded inconquering muchofthe landsofthe former RomanEmpireand hadexpanded across northernAfrica, crossed over intoSpainand hadpenetrated Gaul (France). It seemed anunstoppableadvance ofArabs was drivinghardintothe heart ofEuropeuntilthe thenleader ofthe Franks, Charles Marteldefeated themat Poitiers. CLOVIS = 481 CEKingofthe Franks Frankishcustomwith Roman Gaulinfluence
Overtimelostpowerto theMayorsofthe Palace = King’schiefofficers
“ D o - Nothing” Kings
• Incompetent descendants of Clovis damages kingdom
• Recurrent outbreaks of civil war i n Europe
Germanic Tribes = farmersand herders = smallcommunities withno writtenlaws 400-700CEcarved lands intosmallfarmingcommunities
• Western Roman Decline
• Germanic Invasions
TheHunswere stillontheirrampage westward and it wasn"tuntil451 thattheywere turned aroundafter threateningGaulwhich, for the most part, is present dayFrance. ShortlythereafterClovis, Kingofthe Franks, the tribe thathad breached the Romanlinesat the Rhine, succeeded in capturingthe northwesternarea ofGaul. Fromthis pointonthe Franks suffered fewsetbacks intheirpushto conquerallofEurope. Clovisand, onhisdeath, hissonChlotar, oneofthe foursonsto inheritthe MerovingiandynastyofClovisbeganthe workofunifyingthe Germans underone
Created by C l o v i s ( f i r s t CovertstoChristianity=supportofthepeopleandRCC
Refusedwife’s plea to adoptChristianityuntilbattle – wins= conversion! SupportoftheRCC andPope Charismatic leader who conquered Gaul
g o v e r n e d 46 year reign
Successful conqueror
western Europe between the 8th and
Europe= smallarea withnewculturethat hasa BIGimpact
F a l l o f Rome… Geography= Northernforests,blacksoil= goodfor crops withrichmaterials;sea = goodfor trade, travel,food,water
• Control of government passed into the hands of powerful nobles = separate rulers
CharlesMartel= Frankishleader/Mayorofthe Palace
732CEBattleofTourswhichdefeats the Islamic advancement
Germanic r u l e r t o c o n v e r t t o GermanicSociety=Familymostimportant/blendedRomanandGerman C h r i s t i a n i t y ) who sought t o Wergild=$$forlossoflifebasedonsocialstatus
King– Nobility– Knights– serfs Trade prly Middle Ages
(The Dark Ages?)
5th to 10th centuries
EarlyMiddleAges = 500-1000CE Invaders wipingout Romancivilization
and beganallyingthemselveswithlocallords inexchangefor protectionfromthe barbarians. Inthisway, the feudalsocietythatwould characterizeso muchofthe MedievalAge beganto emerge. ChristianityinFrance receiveda boostwhenClovis, Kingofthe Franks, converted to Christianity. Insome ways Clovis"reignbroughtstabilityand unityto France, but insome ways it also contributedto fragmentation, because Clovisdividedup the territoryas giftsandrewards.
Ordeal= divineintervention/ physicaltrialto determine innocence or guilt
r u l e Gaul
Germanic Society
The fourthcenturystarted withBarbarianinvadersfromthe East suchas the Franks, the Vandals and the Visigoths. People feared for theirsafety
The F r a n k i s h Kingdom rule.Theywere followedbya successionofremarkable leaders thatcontinuedtheexpansionandsolidifyingoftheGermannation. Duringthis
• European Geography
For the entireperiod ofthe MiddleAges Europewas anenormousgame board for ambitious leaders oftribesand nationsfromeverycorner of
C a r o l i n g i a n “God”onChristianside= establishesa hostileviewtowardtheMuslimworld
Islamic Empires victoriousthroughoutthe MiddleEasternRegion Musliminvasionsseriousconflict inthe EasternRomanEmpire Islamic ruleinSpain
Pepinthe Short = sonwhotookonthe kingship
I n d i v i d u a l s who s u c c e s s f u l l y Charlemagne=grandson=CharlestheGreat
6+ feettall(verytallfor the timeperiod)
the Europeancontinentand beyond. Some ofthe manyentitiesstrugglingfor eithera foothold onthecontinentor expansionoftheirexisting territories were:(see map at right)Vikings(A), Huns, Avars&Slavs (B), Persians, Magyars &Hungarians(C), Visoths, Basques, Umayyads, Murabits&Suevs(D) justto namea few. Therewere perhaps twice thisnumber sweepinginand, almost as quickly, beingswept back out. WithinEuropeat the contractionofthe WesternRomanEmpirewere manyGermanic factionsor tribessuchas the Frisians, Angles, Saxons, Franks, Lombards, Thuringians, Burgundians, Alemanni, Marcomanni, Quadi, Gepids, Rugians, Visogoths, Ostrogoths, Asdingand Siling Vandals andmore. Mostnames are nowbut footnotesofthe MiddleAges. Withso manyaggressorswanderingthe continentplunderingandlootingand demandingfealtyto totallyforeignsystems, powers and beliefsit was incumbentonpeople to take a suspiciousand defensive stance withallpassingthroughtheir districts. Eventuallyeachofthese peoples would havea turnat beingthe wanderingnationseekingmore room, food, power or just plunder. Thesewere devastatingcenturies and, withthe additionalravagesofhungerand disease, it would be reasonable to wonderhowcivilizationmanaged to advance at all.
explosiveexpansionofthe Germans there was another, similarsuccessionofadvances bythe Arab nations. Theyhad succeeded inconquering muchofthe landsofthe former RomanEmpireand hadexpanded across northernAfrica, crossed over intoSpainand hadpenetrated Gaul (France). It seemed anunstoppableadvance ofArabs was drivinghardintothe heart ofEuropeuntilthe thenleader ofthe Franks, Charles Marteldefeated themat Poitiers. CLOVIS = 481 CEKingofthe Franks Frankishcustomwith Roman Gaulinfluence
Overtimelostpowerto theMayorsofthe Palace = King’schiefofficers
“ D o - Nothing” Kings
• Incompetent descendants of Clovis damages kingdom
• Recurrent outbreaks of civil war i n Europe
Germanic Tribes = farmersand herders = smallcommunities withno writtenlaws 400-700CEcarved lands intosmallfarmingcommunities
• Western Roman Decline
• Germanic Invasions
TheHunswere stillontheirrampage westward and it wasn"tuntil451 thattheywere turned aroundafter threateningGaulwhich, for the most part, is present dayFrance. ShortlythereafterClovis, Kingofthe Franks, the tribe thathad breached the Romanlinesat the Rhine, succeeded in capturingthe northwesternarea ofGaul. Fromthis pointonthe Franks suffered fewsetbacks intheirpushto conquerallofEurope. Clovisand, onhisdeath, hissonChlotar, oneofthe foursonsto inheritthe MerovingiandynastyofClovisbeganthe workofunifyingthe Germans underone
Created by C l o v i s ( f i r s t CovertstoChristianity=supportofthepeopleandRCC
Refusedwife’s plea to adoptChristianityuntilbattle – wins= conversion! SupportoftheRCC andPope Charismatic leader who conquered Gaul
g o v e r n e d 46 year reign
Successful conqueror
western Europe between the 8th and
Europe= smallarea withnewculturethat hasa BIGimpact
F a l l o f Rome… Geography= Northernforests,blacksoil= goodfor crops withrichmaterials;sea = goodfor trade, travel,food,water
• Control of government passed into the hands of powerful nobles = separate rulers
CharlesMartel= Frankishleader/Mayorofthe Palace
732CEBattleofTourswhichdefeats the Islamic advancement
Germanic r u l e r t o c o n v e r t t o GermanicSociety=Familymostimportant/blendedRomanandGerman C h r i s t i a n i t y ) who sought t o Wergild=$$forlossoflifebasedonsocialstatus
King– Nobility– Knights– serfs Trade prly Middle Ages
(The Dark Ages?)
5th to 10th centuries
EarlyMiddleAges = 500-1000CE Invaders wipingout Romancivilization
and beganallyingthemselveswithlocallords inexchangefor protectionfromthe barbarians. Inthisway, the feudalsocietythatwould characterizeso muchofthe MedievalAge beganto emerge. ChristianityinFrance receiveda boostwhenClovis, Kingofthe Franks, converted to Christianity. Insome ways Clovis"reignbroughtstabilityand unityto France, but insome ways it also contributedto fragmentation, because Clovisdividedup the territoryas giftsandrewards.
Ordeal= divineintervention/ physicaltrialto determine innocence or guilt
r u l e Gaul
Germanic Society
The fourthcenturystarted withBarbarianinvadersfromthe East suchas the Franks, the Vandals and the Visigoths. People feared for theirsafety
The F r a n k i s h Kingdom rule.Theywere followedbya successionofremarkable leaders thatcontinuedtheexpansionandsolidifyingoftheGermannation. Duringthis