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床面形态 Bed form
床沙质(造床质) bed material load
垂线观测坐标仪(垂线观测仪) coordinatograph for plummet observation
垂线平均流速 mean velocity at a vertical
垂直度 perpendicularity
垂直度盘指标差(指标差,竖盘指标差) index error of vertical circle
垂直升船机 vertical ship lift
垂直收缩系数 vena-contracta coefficient
垂直位移工作点 operative mark of vertical displacement
垂直位移观测(沉陷观测,沉降观测) vertical displacement observation
垂直位移基点 datum mark of vertical displacement
磁法勘探 magnetic prospecting
磁方位角 magnetic azimuth
磁极 fieid pole
磁子午线 magnetic meridian
次固结(次压缩) secondary consolidation(secondary compression)
次固结沉降 secondary consolidation settlement
次生曲流 submeander
次生盐碱化 secondary salinization
次要建筑物 secondary structure
凑合节 adjuster of steel pipe
粗骨料 coarse aggregate
粗碎 primary crushing
粗制螺栓 bolt,rough bolt
错缝 staggered joint
搭接 lap joint
达西渗流定律Darcy′s law of seepage
大坝变形观测 dam deformation observation
大坝水泥 dam cement
大暴雨 large rainstorm
大潮(朔望潮) spring tide
大地构造 geotectonics
大地控制点(大地点) geodetic control point
大地水准面 geoid
大地原点(大地基准点) geodetic datum
大气窗口 atmospheric window
大气折光差 atmospheric refraction error
大体积混凝土 mass concrete
大头坝 massive-head dam (massive-buttress dam)
大修理费 overhauling cost
代表性露点 representative dew point
带喉管的圆筒式调压室 throttled surge chamber
带舌瓣闸门 gate with flap
带速饱和变流器差动保护 longitudinal differential protection employing quickly-saturable transformer
带状间作 strip cropping
带状淤积 belt deposit
贷款偿还年限 pay back period of loan
单层布置 single storey layout
单调节调速器 single-regulation governor
单回线 single-circuit line
单机调节 independent regulation
单级单吸悬臂式离心泵 single-stageend-suction centrifugal pump
单级双吸式离心泵 single-stagedouble-suction centrifugal pump
单极高压直流系统 monopolar/unipolar HVDC system
单价合同(固定单价合同) unit-price contract
单价和总价混合合同 lump-sum and unit-price combined contract
单列布置 single row layout
单母线接线 single-bus connection
单曲拱坝 single curvature arch dam
单位弹性抗力系数 coefficient of unit elastic resistance
单位电能投资 cost per kilowatt-hour
单位工程 unit project
单位耗药量 powder factor
单位容量投资(单位千瓦投资) cost per kilowatt
单位水力矩 unit hydraulic torque
单位水推力 unithydraulic thrust
单位线(单位过程线) unit hydrograph
单位线(时段单位线) unit hydrograph
单位转速[流量][出力] unit speed[discharge][power]
单吸式离心泵 single-suction pump
单相变压器 single-phase transformer
单相重合闸 one-phase ARC
单向变形 one directional deformation
单向波 one-direction wave
单斜岩层 monocline
单因子试验 experiment of single factor
单元接线(发电机—变压器组接线) generator-transformer unit connection
弹簧常数 spring constant
弹性 elasticity
弹性极限 limit of elasticity
弹性抗力系数 coefficient of elastic resistance
弹性模量(弹性系数,杨氏模数) modulus of elasticity
弹性屈曲 elastic buckling
弹性释水系数(弹性给水度) elastic storavity
弹性支承 elastic support
当地加速度(时变加速度) local acceleration
挡潮闸(防潮闸) tide barrage
挡水建筑物 water retaining structure
挡水面板 water retaining deck
挡水墙 head wall
挡土墙 retaining wall
导爆索(传爆索) primacord (detonatin fuse)
导洞掘进法 heading and cut method
导航建筑物(导航架) guide structure (approachtrestle) 导火索 safety fuse
导流 River diversion
导流堤取水 intake with diversion dike
导流方案 diversion scheme
导流方式(导流方法) diversion procedure
导流孔(洞)封堵 plugging of the diversion opening
导流流量标准(导流标准) diversion discharge frequency 导流时段 diversion period
导流隧洞 diversion tunnel
导沙槽 sand-guide channel
导沙坎(拦沙坎,挡沙坎) sand-guide sill
导水机构 gate operating mechanism
导水系数 coefficient of transmissivity
导水锥 hydrocone
导线测量 traverse survey
导线点 traverse point
导线网 traverse network
导线网平差 adjustment of traverse network
导向坡度 guide slope
导向装置 guiding device
导叶分布圆 gate circle,wicket gate circle
导叶高度 guide vane height
导叶开口 guide vane opening
导叶限位块 gate stop
导轴承 guide bearing
导轴瓦间隙 guide bearing clearance
倒锤线观测(倒锤法) inverse plumb line observation
倒虹吸管 inverted siphon
稻田适宜水深 suitable water depth in paddy field
灯泡式水轮发电机 bulb hydraulic generator
灯泡式水轮机 bulb turbine
等高耕作(横坡耕作) contour tillage
等高截流 contour interception
等高距(等高线间隔) contour interval
等高线 contour
等径流深图 runoff isopleth map
等流时线 isochrone
等密图 contour diagram
等面积定则 equal-area criterion
等容粒径 volume equivalent diameter
等水位线图 water table contour map
等速流 homogeneous flow
等效网络 equivalent network
等压面 equi-pressure surface
等雨量线图 isohyetal map
等值线图 isoline map
低坝 low dam
低电压保护 under voltage protection
低电压闭锁(起动)过电流保护 under voltage-started over current protection 低流态混凝土 low-slump concrete
低频起动 low frequency starting
低型布置 low-type layout
低压(低电压) low voltage (L.V.)
低压配电屏 low voltage distribution panel/board
低压配电装置 Low voltage switchgear installation
低压配电装置 low voltage switchgear installation
低扬程泵站 low-head pumping station
堤 dike (embankment,levee)
堤后式泵房 pump house at levee-toe
堤身式泵房 water retaining pump house
滴灌 drip irrigation
滴灌系统 system of drip irrigation
底环 bottom ring
底槛 embedded sill (ground sill)
底孔导流 bottom outlet diversion
底栏栅式取水 bottom-grating intake
底流消能(水跃消能) energy dissipation by hydraulic jump
底枢 bottom pintle
底缘 bottom edge
抵偿年限 payment period
抵偿年限法 payment period method
地表径流 surface runoff
地基沉降 ground settlement
地基处理 Foundation treatment
地基处理 Treatment of foundation
地基稳定分析 Stability analysis of foundation
地脚螺栓 foundation bolt
地壳 earth crust
地壳形变观测(大坝库区地壳形变观测) observation of earth crust deformation 地幔 earth mantle
地貌 geomorphy
地貌综合 cartographic generalization of relief
地面分辨力 ground resolution
地面灌溉系统 Surface irrigation system
地面立体摄影测量 terrestrial stereo photogrammetry
地面露点 dew point at earth surface
地面排水系统 Surface drainage system
地球弯曲差 error due to curvature of earth
地球物理勘探(物探) geophysical prospection
地图 map
地图编绘 Map Compilation
地图编绘(原图编绘) map compilation
地图编绘与制印 Map Compilation and Reproduction
地图分幅 Sheet line system
地图复照 map photography
地图清绘 map fair drawing
地图投影 map projection
地图投影变换 map projection transfromation
地图投影变形 distortion of map projection
地图图号(图号) map numbering
地图图式(图式) cartographic symbol
地图印刷 map printing
地图整饰 map appearance
地图制版 map printing plate making
地图制印 map reproduction
地图制印与仪器 Map reproduction and instrument
地物 planimetric feature
地物和地貌的表示 representation of planimetric feature and geomorphy
地下暗管灌溉 irrigation by buried pipes
地下工程施工 Under ground works construction
地下浸润灌溉 subsurface irrigation by groundwater
地下径流 groundwater runoff
地下轮廓线 underground configuration
地下埋管 underground penstock
地下排水 subsurface drainage
地下排水系统 Subsurface drainage system
地下热水 hot groundwater
地下式厂房 underground power house
地下式水电站 underground hydroelectric station
地下水侧向补给 recharge by ground water
地下水超量开采 excessive mining of ground water
地下水动态 ground water regime
地下水降深 drawdown of groundwater
地下水开采 Ground water mining
地下水矿化度 mineralization of ground water
地下水利用量 ground water supplement to the crop root zone
地下水临界深度 critical depth of ground water
地下水平衡(地下水均衡) ground water balance
地下水人工补给(人工回灌) artificial recharge of ground water
地下水水文地质特性 Hydro geological characteristics of groundwater 地下水下降漏斗 depression cone of ground water
地下水越层补给 recharge through weak permeable layer
地下水资源 Ground water resources
地下水资源开发利用 Development of ground water resources
地形 landform
地形测量 topographic survey
地形图 topographic map
地性线(地貌结构线,地貌特征线) orographic character line
地震 earthquake
地震动水压力 earthquake hydrodynamic pressure
地震惯性力 earthquake inertia force
地震勘探 seismic prospecting
地震烈度 earthquake intensity
地震前兆 premonitory symptom
地震区划 seismic zoning
地震水波 water wave by earthquake
地震震级 earthquake magnitude
地质编录 geological record
地质点 geological observation point
地质点测量 geololgical point survey
地质构造 geologic structure
地质基础 Basicgeology
地质勘探 geological exploration
地质雷达 geological radar
地质力学 geomechanics
地质剖面 geological section
地质素描 geological sketch
典型暴雨 typical rainstorm
点法测量 point wise
点荷载强度 point load strength
点位中误差 mean square error of position
点污染源 point-source of pollution
点雨量 point precipitation(point rainfall)
电测探法 electrical sounding
电磁波测距误差 error in electromagnetic wave distance measurement
电磁波测距仪 Electromagnetic wave distance measuring instrument(EDMI)
电磁波测距仪(物理测距仪) electromagnetic wave distance measuring instrument(EDMI)电动发电机组 motor-generator set
电动机 Motor
电动机的额定转矩 rated load torque of motor
电动机的起动转矩 starting torque of motor
电动潜水泵 submersible motor pump
电法勘探 electrical prospecting
电机 Electrical machine
电价 electricity price
电抗器 Reactor
电抗器 reactor (shunt reactor)
电缆夹层 cable interlayer
电雷管 electric blasting cap
电力不足时间期望值 loss of load expectation (LOLE)
电力弹性系数(电力超前系统) elastic coefficient of electric energy
电力电缆 power cable
电力负荷 Electric power load
电力负荷(电力负载) electric power load
电力负荷图 electric load diagram
电力工程二次部分 Electrotechnical Secondary Circuit
电力工程一次部分 Electrotechnical Primary Circuit
电力系统 Electrical power system
电力系统的集中控制 centralized control of power system
电力系统调度 Power system dispatch
电力系统计算 Calculation of electric power system
电力系统可靠性 Reliability of electric power system
电力系统容量 Installed capacity of electric system
电力系统运行 Operation of electric power system
电力系统状态估计 state estimation in power system
电力线载波通信 power line carrier communication
电量不足期望值 expected energy not served (EENS)
电流差动保护 current differential protection
电流互感器 current transformer (CT)
电流互感器的精确等级 accurate degree of current transformer
电流密度 current density
电流平衡保护 current balance protection
电路图 circuit diagram
电气缓冲单元 electric damper
电气设备选择 Electric equipment selection
电气液压式调速器 electro-hydraulic governor
电气制动 braking resistance (BR)
电气主接线 main electrical connection
电容式电压互感器 capacitor voltage transformer
电视测井 television logging
电压变化率保护 voltage change rate protection
电压调整率 voltage regulationrate
电压互感器 potential transformer (PT) (voltage transformer)
电压互感器的精确等级 accurate degree of potential transformer
电压降 voltage drop (potential drop)
电压控制母线(PV母线) voltage control busbar
电压偏移 voltage deviation
电液转换器(电液伺服阀) electro-hydraulic transducer,electro-hydraulic servo-valve
电液转换器失灵 maladjustment of electro-hydraulic transducer
电源 Power source
电站气蚀系数 plant cavitation factor
电制动 electromagnetic braking
电子速测仪(全站式电子速测仪,自动电子速测仪) electronic tacheometer
电子印像机 electronic printer
电阻率剖面法(电剖面法) resistivity profiling
凋萎系数 wilting coefficient, withering coefficient
吊车轨道 crane rail
吊车梁 crane runway girder
吊耳 hoist eye (hook eye)
吊杆 hanger (gate stem)
吊罐 bucket
吊距 centre distance between two hoist eyes
调度端 control end (dispatching end)
调度通信 dispatching communication
调洪库容 flood control storage
调绘像片 identified photograph
调节流量 regulated flow
调节年度 regulation year
调节容积 adjustable volume
调节系数 regulation coefficient
调节周期 period of regulation
调速器结构与部件 Components of governor
调速器静特性试验 static characteristic test of governor
调速器类型 Types of governor
调速器失灵 maladjustment of governor
调速系统 governing system
调速系统静态特性(永态转差系数图) static characteristics of governing system (speed droop graph)
调相容量 compensator capacity (condensator capacity)
调相压水 bear on water for phase modulation (bear on water for condenser operation) 调蓄容积 storage capacity
调压阀(空放阀) pressure regulator
调压阀关闭时间 closing time for pressure regulator
调压阀开启时间 opening time for pressure regulator
调压阀滞后时间 dead time for pressure regulator
调压井 surge shaft
调压室 surge chamber
调压塔 surge tank
跌水 drop
叠梁闸门 stoplog
丁坝 spur dike (groin)
顶盖 top cover (head cover)
顶盖排水 head cover drainage
顶管法 pipe jacking method
顶枢 upper gudgeon (top pintle)
定床河流模型(定床河工模型) fixed bed model
定点定面关系 precipitation relationship between fixed point and fixed area
定电流控制(定电流调节) constant current control/regulation
定电压控制(定电压调节) constant voltage control
定功率控制 constant power control
定量评价 quantitative evaluation
定轮闸门 fixed roller gate (fixed wheel gate)
定期保养 periodical maintenance, regular maintenance
定倾半径 metacentric radius
定倾中心 metacenter
定时限电流保护 definite time-lag current protection
定向爆破 directional throw blasting
定向取心 directional coring
定性评价 qualitative evaluation
定裕度角控制(定裕度角调节) constant margin angle control
定子 stator
定子短路时间常数 stator short-circuit time constant
定子接地保护 earthing fault protection for generator stator
定子匝间短路保护 stator inter-turn fault protection
冬、雨季施工增加费 additional cost in winter-rainy season
动床河流模型(动床河工模型) movable bed model
动点动面关系(暴雨中心点面关系) precipitation relationship between center point and variable area
动断触点(常闭接点) break contact (normally-closed contact)
动合触点(常开接点) make contact (normally-open contact)
动荷载 dynamic load
动静弹模比 ratio of static-dynamic moduli
动库容 dynamical storage
动力触探试验 dynamic cone penetration test
动力弹性模量 dynamic modulus of elasticity
动力控制箱 power control box
动力配电箱 power distributing box
动力系数 dynamic factor
动力相似 dynamic similarity
动力粘滞系数 dynamic viscosity coefficient
动力装备率(动力装备系数) powered equipment rate
动量改正系数 momentum coefficient
动量损失厚度 momentum loss thickness
动能改正系数 kinetic energy coefficient
动平床 moving flat bed
动平衡 dynamic balancing
动水压强 hydrodynamic pressure
动态经济分析 dynamic economic analysis
动态稳定 dynamic-state stability
动态相似(运动相似) kinematic similarity
冻结基面 stationary datum
冻胀力 frost heave pressure
冻胀量 frost-heave capacity
洞蚀 cave and hole erosion
洞室爆破 coyote blasting
陡槽(泄槽) chute
陡槽式溢洪道 chute spillway
陡坡 chute
陡坡 steep slope
独立坐标系 independent coordinate system
渡槽 aqueduct (flume)
渡槽导流 aqueduct flume diversion
端电池 end cell
端面承压应力 bearing stress
端子(接线端子,引出端子) terminal
端子接线图 terminal connection diagram
短管 short pipe
短路 short circuit
短路比 short-circuit ratio (SCR)
短路电流 short circuit current
短路电流非周期分量 aperiodic component of short circuit current 短路电流周期分量 periodic component of short circuit current
短路计算 Short circuit calculation
短路容量 short-circuit capacity
短路校验计算 short-circuit check calculation
短期水文预报 short date hydrologic forecasting
断层 fault
断层擦痕 slicken side
断层角砾岩 fault breccia
断层泥 fault gouge
断层破碎带 shatterred fault zone
断层破碎带处理 treatment of fault and fracture zone
断层破碎带处理 treatment of fault-fracture zone
断层上盘 hanging wall
断层下盘 heading wall
断口 fracture
断裂韧性 toughness of fracture
断流围堰导流(拦断河床导流,全断面导流) full river by-pass diversion
断路器 circuit breaker
断路器失灵保护(后备接线保护) breaker failure protection
断面比力 specific force
断面比能 specific energy
断面测量 section survey
断面模型 sectional model
断面平均流速 average velocity of cros ssection
断面平均流速 mean velocity at across-section(over all mean velocity)
断水保护 water supply cut-off protection
堆焊 pad welding
堆积阶地 construction alter race
堆石 rock filling
堆石坝 rock fill dam
对称电压 symmetric voltage
对接 butt joint
对流层散射通信 tropospheric scatter communication
对数螺线形拱坝 logarithmic spiral arch dam
对外交通 site access
盾构法 shielding method
多波段扫描仪(多光谱扫描仪) multi band scanner
多端高压直流输电系统 multi-terminal HVDC transmission system
多阀单元 multiplevalve unit
多级泵 multi-stage pump
多级泵站 multistage pumping station
多级船闸 multi-stage lock (flight locks)
多年调节 over year regulation(carry over regulation)
多年平均年发电量 average annual energy output
多年平均年径流量 mean annual runoff
多首制取水 multi-head water intake
多线船闸 multi-line lock (multiple lock)
多相流 multi-phase flow
多油式断路器 bulk oil circuit breaker
额定变比 rated transformation ratio
额定电流 rated current
额定电压 rated voltage
额定动稳定电流(额定极限通过电流) rated dynamic current (rated limit through-current)
额定工况 rated condition
额定工况(满载工况) rated condition
额定关合电流 rated making current
额定开断电流 rated breaking current
额定频率 rated frequency
额定容量 rated capacity
额定水头 rated head
额定油压 rated oil pressure
额定值 rated value
额定值 rated value (rating)
额定转速 rated speed
二[三]段式电流保护 two[three]-step current protection
二倍照准差互差(2c互差,2c较差) discrepancy between twice collimation errors
二次电流[电压] secondary current[voltage]
二次回路 secondary circuit
二次接线图 secondary connection diagram
二次筛分(最终筛分) finish screening
二端高压直流输电系统 two-terminal HVDC transimission system
二期冷却 second stage cooling
二维流(二元流) two-dimensional flow
发包设计 bid design
发电电动机 generator-motor
发电机-变压器组保护 protection for generator-transformer unit
发电机[电力变压器、调相机、电动机、母线、电抗器]保护 protection of synchronous generator [power transformer,condenser,motor,bus-bar,reactor]。
