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Unit 1
pass ion, wisdom, altruis m, insight, creativ ity—sometim es only the trialsof adversity
can fosterthese qualities, because sometim es only drastic situations can force us to take on the painful process of change. (Para.6)
2.In that moment, our sense of invulne rabili ty is pierced, and the self-protect ive mentalarmor
that normall y standsbetween us and our percept ions of the world is torn away. (Para.12) 在事情发生的那一瞬间,我们的安全感被冲破了,平时处于我们与我们对世界的种种看法之间的自我保护的精神盔甲被剥离了。
3.They say that materia l ambitio ns suddenly seem silly and the pleasur es of friends and family
paramou nt—and that the crisisallowed them to recognize in line with their new priorit ies.
4.They cycle through the same sequenc e of sensations as do traumasurvivo rs: self–loss,
confusion and, finally, a new sense of mastery. (Para.16)
1.Still, actually impleme ntingthese changes, as well as fully comingto terms with a new
reality, usually takes conscio us effort. (Para.13)
It is necessa ry for peopleto take effortconscio usly in order to fulfill these changes and comprom ise with a new reality.
2.They are surpris ed by their own strengt h, confide nt that they can handlewhateve r else life
throwsat them. (Para.15)
They are surpris ed by their power and they are confide nt that they can deal with whateve r they experie nce through life.
3.The sleep depriva tion and the necessity of putting aside persona l pleasur e in order to care
for an infantmean that peoplewith newborn s are more likelyto be depress ed and find their marriage on the rocks. (Para.17)
It is likelyfor parents with new-born babiesto feel depress ed and to feel difficu lt to maintai n their marriag e because they have been deprive d of sleepin g hours and they have to put aside their persona l pleasur e in order to care for the baby.
Unit 4
1.Immersi ng myselfin a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught
up in the narrati ve or the turns of the argumen t, and I’d spend hours strol li ng through long stretch es of prose. (Para.1)
2.Even when I’m not working, I’m as likelyas not to be foragin g in the Web’s info–thicket s —
reading and writing emails, scannin g headlin es and blog posts, watchin g videosand listen
ing to podcast s, or just trippin g from link to link to link. (Para.2)
3.Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet
Ski. (Para.3)
4.“What if I do all my reading on the web not so much because the way I read has changed,
i.e. I’m just seeking conveni ence, but because the way I think has changed?”(Para.4)
5.Thanksto the ubiquit y of text on the Interne t, not to mention the popular ity of
text–messaging on cell phones, we may well be reading more today than we did in the 1970s or 1980s, when televis ion was our mediumof choice. (Para.7)
6.Our ability to interpr et text, to make the rich mental connect ions that form when we read
deeplyand without distrac tion, remains largely disenga ged. (Para.7)
7.The variations extendacrossmany regions of the brain, including those that governsuch
essential cognitive functio ns as memoryand the interpr etatio n of visual and auditor y stimuli. (Para.8)
1.The advanta ges of havingimmedia t e accessto such an incredibly rich store of informa tion
are many, and they’ve been widelydescrib ed and duly applaud ed. (Para.3)
There are many advanta ges of the directapproac h to such an unbelie vablerich sore of informa tion and the advanta ges have been widelydescrib ed and appropr iately welcome d.
2.His visionwas failing, and keeping his eyes focused on a page had becomeexhaust ing and
painful, often bringin g on crushin g headach es. (Para.9)
His eyesigh t was poorer,and keeping his eyes stayedon a page had becomeenergy-consumi ng, often resulti ng in serious headach es.
Unit 9
1. A skyscra per complex, militan t group, and distant country suddenl y dominat ed the mass
media, as peoplesoughtto underst and what had occurre d, what to make of passeng er planestuned into missile s, and what to trust for credibl e informa tion on terrori sm. (Para.1) 一幢摩天大楼,一个武装组织,以及一个遥远的国家突然之间主宰了大众传媒。
2.Why such a prior general disinte rest in an already notorio us terrorist group, and in festering
MiddleEast countries and culture s? (Para.2)
3.Mass media seek a broad audienc e for a typically narrow(and often biased) message that’s
typically embedde d in enterta inment or usefulinforma tion/opinion. (Para.4)
4. A free–speechsociety can thus tolerat e instanc es of false informa tion, stupidi t y, and vulgar
ity—assumin g them to be a tempora ry irritan t. (Para.7)
5.So program mers focus on content sequenc es with a high probability for emotion al arousal
and program content and commerc ials related to violenc e, sexuality, and food/shelter to attract and hold attention. (Para.11)
6. A nationalready beset by a financi al downtur n had to becomeemotion ally aroused to
respond. (Para.13)
7.On the other hand, most newspap er include editori al columni sts who disagre e with each
other, and the Sundaymorning politic al TV shows are charact erized more by argumen t than agreeme nt. (Para.14)
8.The Interne t allowsthe univers al and inexpensive publica tion of ideas, whether it’s an email
message sent to everyon e on one’s list or a narrowly-defined website that’s available to anyone. (Para.16)
1.The mass media have a “slow news day” problem. (Para.5)
The mass media are trouble d by the problem that no unusual eventstake place on some days.
2. A free-speechsociety can thus tolerat e instanc es of false informa tion, stupidi ty, and
vulgari ty—assumin g them to be a tempora ry. (Para.7)
A society that respect s the right of free speechcan tolerat e false informa tion, stupidi ty
and vulgari ty in the mass media on the assumpt ion that they only give rise to trouble s in the short run.
3.The challen ge for a media program is to get and hold the attention of mass media shoppe
rs—who are channel surfing, browsin g at a booksto re, checkin g out various churche s.
Shift channel s frequen tly skim and scan Make investi gation and compari son(这个大家自己组织下吧\(^o^)/~)
4.In a stimula ting competi tive environ ment, a media program must score quickly. (Para.9)
Due to the fiercecompeti tion between differe nt forms of media, a media program must be able to catch the audienc e’s attenti on immedia tely.
5.Osama Bin Laden had been a periphe ral media figure.(Para.13)
Osama bin Laden didn’t receive much attenti on in the media.
6. A nationalready beset by a financi al downtur n had to becomeemotion ally aroused to
respond. (Para.13)
In a nationexperie ncinga financi al downtur n, people’s confide nce must be restore d via emotion al stimuli so as to face the crisis.
Unit 10
1.There are subtlet ies and nuances to every culture, and there are just plain taboos.(Para.2)
(这句话重点在于p lain的用法:①clear and simple;②used for emphasi s; ③honestand direct;④not decorat ed or complic ated; )
2.The simples t cultura l differe nces can strandthe grandes t plans. (Para.4)
3.In some locatio ns, citizens tend to be much more humbleand self-effacin g than
“shoot-from-the-hip” peoplein the UnitedStates. (Para.9)
4.Neighbo ring culture s elsewhe re don’t necessa rily share buyingprefere nces any more than a
US buyer does with a Mexican consume r. (Para.11)
5.Generally, city populat ions may be more sophist icated and have the most cosmopolitan
attitud es; they also have the highest incomes and therefo re are more able to purchas e consume r and discret ionary g oods. (Para.13)
1.Our own culture tends to be “invisib le” to us, while differe nces we run into when abroad
strikeas strange, funny or exotic.(Para.2)
We usually don’t noticesubtlet ies and nuances in our culture (maybe because we tend to take them for granted). However, when we are abroad,we will encount er cultura l differe nces, which may impress us as strange, funny or foreign. (好长,o(╯□╰)o)2.Beyondconcret e demogra phics, these attitud es are not as easy to circums cribeand pin
down; besides, attitud es, even cultura lly ingrain ed ones, do change. (Para.6)
重点在于修改几个词汇:circums cribe改为control; pin down 改为make sure
Ingrain ed 改为恩,忘了什么了,囧。
(deep rooted:根深蒂固的。
I’ve read somepla ce that in our descend ing order of mightyand importa nt human anxieti es, America ns sufferthe death of a spouse, the loss of a house by fire, and movingto be the worst
three thingsthat can happento us. (Para. 1)
Maybe, on a decided ly reduced scale, it’s what a rock star feels, or a chewing-gum heiress, celebswho keep housesall over the globe, visit them often, … (Para. 7)
And, indeed,I’m suspici ous of explana tionsthat argue that any of us does anythin g because of a singlereason, or two, or three. (Para.9)