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成形术: -plasty: surgical reshaping valvoplasty: 瓣膜成形术; valv/o: valve瓣膜 osteplasty骨成形术; myoplasty 肌成形术 my/o: muscle肌 整形术:ortho-: straight; orthopedic 整形外科的; orthopod整形外科医生; orthotherapy整形疗法
上: upper//superior; epi-; supraepithelium上皮组织; supracostal上肋的; cost/o: rib肋骨 epicondyle上髁; condyle:髁 supercerebellar小脑上的; cerebell/o: cerebellum 下:lower//inferior; infra-; subsubcutaneous 皮下的; cutane/o: skin infratracheal气管下的; trachea=windpipe
skelalgia腿痛; skel/o: skelos, leg sternodynia胸骨痛; stern/o:sternum, breat bone xiphoidalgia, xiphodynia剑突痛; xiphoid/o: xiph/o: xiphoid
3..…术 …operation of….
间:inter-; between; intermuscular肌肉间的; intercostal肋间的 interchondral软骨间的; chondr/o: chartilage软骨
副,旁: on the side of; para-; parathyroid甲状旁腺 pararenal肾旁的 ren/o: kidney parenteral肠胃外的; enter/o: intestine, small intestine
结扎术: -desis: binding together aneurysmodesis: 动脉瘤结扎
切器,切刀-tome: instrument for cutting thoracotome开胸刀; thorac/o: thorax, chest胸 碎石术:-tripsy:crushing lithotripsy:碎石术 ; lith/o: stone :结石
外:outer//external//ex-; exo-; ultra-; extra-; extract抽出; exhale呼出 excretion排泄物; exocardial心外的 ultraviolet紫外线; ultra-: beyond 腹膜外的:extraperitoneal; peritoneum腹膜
折(骨)术: -clasia:fracture, breaking osteoclasia:折骨术 oste/o: bone
灌洗术: -clysis:washing bronchoclysis:支气管灌洗术; bronch/o:bronchus支气管
造影术: -graphy: process of recording arteriography: 动脉造影;arteri/o: artery phlebography: 静脉造影 phleb/o ven/o:vein angiography: 血管造影 angi/o: vessel vas/o: vessel 血管,输精管 nephrography: 肾造影 nephr/o: kidney
反; 对立: opposite; conter-; contra-; counterpart对等物或人; countershock抗休克 contraindication禁忌症
全: pan-: whole, all pancarditis全心肌炎; pancolectomy泛结肠切除;col/o:colon结肠 panmyelosis全骨髓增生 中:mid; midabdomen中腹部 中心:central; centri-, centra-; centrocentrifugation离心; centralize v. centronucleus中心核
hepatitis肝炎; hepat/o: liver arteritis动脉炎; arter/o: artery tonsillitis扁桃体炎; tonsill/o: tosil vasculitis血管炎; vascul/o: vas/o: vessel nephritis肾炎; nephr/o: kidney
缝合术, 固定术, 切除术, 切开术,造 口术,穿刺术,碎石术,折骨术, 灌洗术, 成形术,结扎术, 造影术
缝合术:-orraphy aneurysmorraphy (suture) ;动脉瘤缝术 aneurysm:动脉瘤 切除术: ectomy: removal pharyngectomy咽切除 pharyng/o: pharynx;
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
folliculitis毛囊炎; follicul/o: follicle colitis=colonitis结肠炎; col/o: colon prostatitis前列腺炎; prostat/o: prostate cystitis膀胱炎; cyst/o: bladder, cyst poliomyelitis脊髓灰质炎; poli-: grey; myel/o: bone marrow, spinal cord(骨髓)
2. …痛…
headache, stomachache ….the pain of ; ache, -algia; -agra; -dynia神经 痛,胸痛,乳突痛,乳痛,心痛, 足痛风, 胃痛,关节痛, 头痛,腹痛,腿痛,胸骨 痛,剑突痛
neuralgia神经痛; neur/o: nerve; thoracalgia=pectoralgia胸痛; pector/o: thorac/o: chest mastoidalgia乳突痛; mastoid:乳突 mastalgia乳痛; mast/o: breast algometer测痛仪
1. …..炎: the inflammation of …// -itis
肝炎,动脉炎,扁桃体炎, 血管炎,肾炎,喉气 管支气管炎,胰腺炎,盲肠炎, 卵巢炎,毛囊炎, 结肠炎,前列腺炎,膀胱炎,脊髓灰质炎,脑炎, 心内膜炎,胸膜炎,滑膜炎,全关节炎,肺炎。
disease is developing or that an attack is about to occur
后:back//posterior// post-; retropostheptical肝后的; heptic/o: liver; postprandial餐后的; prand/o:meals retrocardiac心后的;cardi/o:heart postpharyngeal咽后的 ; pharyng/o: pharynx咽
切开术: -tomy: process of cutting tracheotomy:气管切开; trache/o: trachea;windpipe 气管 hysterotomy: 子宫切开; craniotomy: 颅骨切开; crani/o: cranium, skull
nephrotomy:肾切开术; nephr/o: ren/o: kidney celiotomy 剖腹术celi/o: abdomen; belly
穿刺术: -centesis:surgical puncture to withdraw fluid; 或者 –nyxis: pricking穿刺 amniocentesis :羊膜穿刺术 amni/o:amnion羊膜 hyalnyxis: 玻璃体穿刺术; hyal/o:glass, glasslike, transparent玻片样的;
前:front//anterior//prior// fore-; ante-; pre-; anteroforehead前额 anteroposterior [æntərə'pəʊsterɪər前后的 precirrhosis [prɪsɪ‘rəʊsɪs]前期肝硬化;cirrhosis [sə’rəʊsɪs] 肝硬变 antepartal产前的; part/o: give birth prodroma//prodrome前驱症状: an early symptom that a
造口/吻合术: ostomy: process of making an
opening or a connection between…)
gastrostomy胃造口术 esophagogastrostomy;食管胃吻合术 esophagus:食管(aɪsɔfəgəs) duodenoenterostomy: 十二指肠吻合术 duoden/o: duodenum十二指肠; enter/o:intestine; small intestine 肠,小肠
cephalitis脑炎; cephal/o: head
endocarditis心内膜炎; cardi/o: heart pleuritis胸膜炎; pleur/o:pleura synovitis滑膜炎; synov/o: synovia panarthritis全关节炎;pan-: all; arthr/o: joint pneumonia肺炎
laryngeotracheobronchitis喉气管支气管炎; (larynx) ( trachea) (bronchus) pancreatitis胰腺炎; pancreat/o: pancreas cecitis盲肠炎; cec/o: cecum,ceca ovaritis; oophoritis卵巢炎; ovary=oophron
固定术: -pexy: fixing hysteropexy(fixing); hysteropexia(fixing)
hyster, uterus, womb (子宫) rectopexy直肠固定术 rect/o: rectum
appendectomy: 阑尾切除术 append/o: appendic/o: appendix阑尾 gastrectomy: 胃切除术; gastr/o: gaster; stomach splenectomy: 脾切除术; splen/o:spleen
cardiodynia心痛 podagra or podalgia足痛风; pod/o:foot; gastralgia胃痛 ; gastr/o: gaster, stomach arthralgia关节痛; arthr/o: joint cephalodynia头痛; cephal/o: head abdominalgia腹痛; abdomin/o: abdomen
内:inner//internal// in-; endo-; ento-; entro-; intro-; inhale, inhalation吸入 endoscopy内窥镜检; -scopy:visual exam entocranial颅内的;crani/o: skull, cranium intra-arachnoid [ə'ræknɔɪd] 珠网膜内的 encelitis内脏炎; celi/o: abdomen腹腔
周:around; peri-; perioperative手术期间的, peritoneum腹膜 periadenitis腺周炎; aden/o: gland pericarditis心包炎