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4.Inaugural Address
(January 20, 1961)
John F. Kennedy
1.To know how to make good conversation
2.T o trace the history of the King’s English
3.T o learn the methods in developing an expository writing,esp. the use of examples
4.T o analyse the features of spoken English
5.T o appreciate the language features
Teaching Contents
1. Exposition
2. History of Britain
3. Detailed study of the text
4. Organizational pattern
5. Language features
6. The characteristics of spoken English
Time allocation
1. Exposition and history (15 min.)
2. Detailed study of the text (105 min.)
3. Structure analysis (15 min.)
4. Language appreciation (15 min.)
5. The characteristics of spoken English (30 min)
4. Inaugural Address
(January 20, 1961)
John F. Kennedy
1 We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.
2 The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe, the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.
3 We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of these human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
4 Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or i11, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
5 This much we pledge--and more.
6 To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of co-operative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.
7 To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom, and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.
8 To those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required, not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
9 To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge: to convert our good words into good deeds, in a new alliance for progress, to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.
10 To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support: to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective, to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak, and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
11 Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.
12 We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.
13 But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.
14 So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.
15 Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.
16 Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.
17 Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce.
18 Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah to "undo the heavy burdens...(and) let the oppressed go free".
19 And if a beachhead of co-operation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.
20 All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.
21 In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
22 Now the trumpet summons us again--not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation," a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.
23 Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in the historic effort?
24 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility; I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
25 And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
26 My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
27 Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
(from A Treasury of the World's Great Speeches, 1965)
1. inaugural address: since 1937, Inauguration Day has been changed to Jan. 20. On this day every four years the newly elected president of the United States faces the people for the first time, takes the presidential oath of office and delivers his inaugural address.
2. solemn oath: the presidential oath, traditionally administered by the Chief Justice, is prescribed in Article II, section 1 of the Constitution of the United States. The oath runs as follows: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. "
3. The belief that the rights of man.., hand of God: refers to a passage in the American Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. "
4. command of Isaiah: one of the greatest Hebrew prophets whose writings are extant (late 8th century B. C. ) ; venerated by rabbis as 2nd only to Moses. The Book of Isaiah, a book in the Old Testament of the Bible of the Christian, is believed to be a work of two authors of different periods; chapters 1--39 relate to the history of the Israelites; chapters 40--66 foretell the coming of the Messiah. The quotation in the text is taken from chapter 58, verse 6: "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?"
: of an inauguration就职(典礼)的
: be a sign or indication of;mean表明;意味
: having unlimited power;all—powerful有无限权力的;全能的
: an ancester 祖先,祖宗
: set down as a rule or direction;order;ordain;direct命令;指示;规定,订立
: the quality of being generous慷慨;宽宏大量
: person who appears to get some trait from a predecessor or seems to carry on in his tradition继承者;后嗣
: enemy;opponent敌人
: the act of bringing to ruin,disgrace,or destruction毁灭;破坏
: in disagreement;quarreling意见不一致;有争执
: into parts or pieces分成碎片;分散
: a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something牺牲品;掠夺品
: a subverting or being subverted.ruin 颠覆(活动);破坏
: independent of all others独立自主的
: surpass;exceed在速度上超过;胜过
: a violent verbal attack.strong criticism,insults, curses, etc.; vituperation 抨击;辱骂,谩骂
: any person or thing that guards,protects,or defends; protection保护人;防护物;保护
: a formal legal document ordering or prohibiting some action命令;律令;文书;传票
: a person who opposes or fights against another; opponent;enemy对手,反对者;敌手,敌方
: again重新,再
: release from or as from a leash(解开皮带以)释放
: swallow up;overwhelm 吞没,淹没,压倒
: politeness.esp. in a merely formal way 礼貌,客气
: talk about at unnecessary length唠唠叨叨地反复讲
: put together and express (a theory.plan ,etc.)a systematic way系统地阐述(或提出)(理论、计划等)
: draw upon;make use of开发、发掘
: pay close attention to;take careful notice of注意, 留神,留心
: a position established by invading troops on an enemy shore;a position gained as a secare starting point for any action;foothold滩头堡,登陆场;立足点
: an earnest attempt or effort努力,尽力
: any form of evidence,indication. etc.;proof证明,证据
: [常用于被动语态]prepare,array,or set in line for battle使准备战斗,使严阵以待
: great misery or distress, as from oppression;deep sorrow苦难;困苦;忧伤
: move forward steadily,as if against difficulties; form;produce(似乎迎着困难)稳步前进;形成;结成
: a close association for a common objective as of nations,political parties,etc.联盟,联合,同盟
: in dispute;to be decided;at variance;in disagreement意见不一致例:What is at issue is the extent to which exam results reflect a student’s ability.意见的分歧之处在于考试对于学生能力的影响程度。
: in disagreement;quarrelling;antagonistic意见不一致,有争执例:IHe was at odds with his colleagues.他与同事意见不合。
: to discard;abandon;disown丢弃,摆脱
例:A haven of tranquility where you can cast off the strains and stress of life.一个可以摆脱生活重负的宁静港湾
: certainly毫无疑问
例:She was beyond doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school.毫无疑问,她在学校里游泳游得最棒。
I. Write short notes on 1) John F. Kennedy's family background 2) his political career and election as president 3) his assassination.
1. The New Book of Knowledge
2. Encyclopedia Americana
3. Encyclopaedia Britannica
4. any history of the United States covering the 1960's
5. any biography or biographical sketch of John F. Kennedy
Ⅱ Questions on content:
1. Do you agree with Kennedy that the world is very different now? What differences does he have in mind? Do you agree with him?
2. What belief is still at issue around the globe? Do you agree with him?
3. Whom does Kennedy consider as friends and whom as foes?
4. Name some old allies of the United States whose cultural and spiritual origins the United States share.
5. Name some of the new states whom Kennedy welcomes (para 7). What does he pledge to them?
6. Who are those peoples in huts and villages? Why does Kennedy want to help them?
7. What is his stated policy towards Latin America?
8. Sum up the policy Kennedy says he intends to pursue towards those nations whom he considers to be " our adversary".
9. What is his message to his fellow citizens? What does he mean by "a long twilight struggle"?
10. Do you agree that freedom was in its hour of maximum danger when Kennedy assumed office? Give your reasons.
Ill. Questions on appreciation:
1. Speeches are generally highly rhetorical. Point out some of the different rhetorical devices Kennedy employs to make his inaugural address as forceful and impressive as possible.
2. Is the address well organized? Comment on the order in which he addressed the different groups of nations and people.
3. Cite examples to show that Kennedy is very particular and careful in his choice and use of words.
4. Is his tone and message suited to the different groups he addresses? Give your reasons.
5. This inaugural address is regarded by many in the United States as a classical speech, and many passages are often quoted. Could you pick out some passages likely to be quoted by Americans? Give reasons for your choice.
6. Is Kennedy' s argument and persuasion based mainly on facts and logic or on an appeal to emotions? Would this type of speech be successful on all occasions?
IV. Paraphrase:
1. And yet the same revolutionary beliet for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe (para 2)
2. This much we pledge--and more. (para 5)
3. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. (para 5)
4. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. (para 9)
5. our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace (para 10)
6. to enlarge the area in which its writ may run (para 10)
7. before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction (para 11)
8. yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war (para 13)
9. So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness (para 14)
10. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. (para 17)
11. each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty (para 21 )
12. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love (para 27)
V Translate paras 23--26 into Chinese.
Ⅵ. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words:
1. the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago (para 1)
2. for man holds in his mortal hands the power (para 2)
3. is still at issue around the globe (para 3)
4. disciplined by a hard and bitter peace (para 3)
5. to which we are committed today (para 3)
6. to witness or permit the slow undoing of these human rights (para 3)
7. we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder (para 6)
8, to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny (para 7 )
9. struggling to break the bonds of mass misery (para 8)
10. to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective (para 10)
11. to enlarge the area in which its writ may run (paralO)
12. that stays the hand of mankind's final war (para 13)
13. tap the ocean depths (para 17)
14. not as a call to bear arms.., but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle (para 22)
Ⅶ. Discriminate the following groups of synonyms:
1. mortal, fatal, deadly, lethal
2. faithful, loyal, constant, staunch, resolute
Ⅷ. Give ten synonymous and/or related words of the word tyranny. Give words of the same part of speech.
1 . Rogers International Thesaurus
2. Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus
Ⅸ. Give ten antonymous and/or contrasted words of the word poverty. Give words of the same part of speech.
1. Roget's International Thesaurus
2. Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus
X. Match the verbs and nouns in the two columns.
pay the arts
bear foes
pledge friends
explore a (great) alliance
conquer (one' s) word
eradicate disease
tap proposals
encourage the stars
forge the (ocean) depths
support a price
oppose the deserts
formulate a burden
Ⅺ.Pick out as many antitheses as you can from the speech.
Ⅻ. The speaker employs repetition and parallel structures to gait force. Pick out at least ten places where repetition or parallelism occurs.
Models: 1. We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change.
2. To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge: to convert our good words into good deeds, in new alliance for progress, to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. (repetition)
ⅩⅢ. The following sentences all contain metaphors. Explain their meaning in plain, non-figurative language:
1. But we shall not always expect .. to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.
2. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.
3. And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.
4. we renew our pledge of support: to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective, to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak
5.And if a beachhead of co-operation may push back the jungle of suspicion
6.The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
ⅩⅣ. Read the following "catalogue" of transitional words and expressions. Explain what relationship each group brings out.
1. additionally, again, also, and also, and then, as well, besides, beyond that, equally important, first (second, third, finally, last, lastly, etc. ), for one thing, further, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, next, now, on top of that, over and above that
2. in the same way, likewise, similarly
3. after all, although this may be true, and yet, be that as it may, but even so, for all that, however, in contrast, in other circumstances, in spite of that, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the other hand, otherwise, still, yet, on the contrary, whereas, conversely
4. above all, certainly, especially, in any event, in fact, in particular, indeed, most important, surely
5. as an example, as an illustration, for example, for instance, in other words, in particular, that is, especially, namely, to illustrate
6. above that, at this point, below that, beyond that, here, near by, next to that, on the other side, outside, within
7. for this purpose, for this reason, to this end
8. accordingly, as a consequence, as a result, consequently, for that reason, hence, inevitably, necessarily, that being the case, then, therefore, thus, so
9.as has been noted, as I have said, finally, in brief, in other words, in short, in sum, lastly, on the whole, to be sure, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion
10 after a while, afterward, at last, at length, at once, briefly, by degrees, eventually, finally, first (second, third, etc. ), gradually, immediately, in a short time, in the future, in the meantime, instantaneously, later, meanwhile, prompt/y, soon, suddenly
ⅩⅤ. In the following paragraphs, list an appropriate transitional word or expression for each blank space. (Note: the bracketed word after the blank space indicates the relationship conveyed by the transitional expression. )
1. There are at least three reasons why a girl should have a college education: it can give her greater financial gain, a better family life, and richer personal resources.
(Enumeration), the girl who has a college education is likely to find a better job and make more money. A typist, ( Exemplification ), may earn only $ 300 a month. A research chemist, (Contrast), may earn more than $15, 000 a year. (Enumeration), the college-educated girl is likely to have a better family life. (Exemplification), she'll be able to communicate with her husband, since she knows more about ideas and about life than the woman who drops out of school in the tenth grade and spends most of her time washing diapers and watching television. (Exemplification), the college-educated woman can influence her children's education by taking an intelligent, informed interest in it. (Enumeration)--and perhaps most important of all--is the fact that a college education gives a woman richer personal resources than she would otherwise have. It gives her a taste for ideas and a knowledge of history, art, philosophy, music, science, and so on. (Reason)--greater financial gain, a better family life, and richer personal resources--every woman should try to get a college education.
2. In his poetry, W.B. Yeats often praised ritual and ceremony as civilized qualities, without which real civilization, (Emphasis), could not exist. Strangely, even as a child in a small town in Texas--where Yeats himself was quite unknown, I' m sure--I (Addition) was given to ritual and ceremony, as this small incident reveals. I had a dog, a red cocker named Irma, who had come to us as a bitch in heat, pursued by a pack of mongrels--and (Result) acquired by serendipity, just as I had acquired other strays, including my three greyhounds. That first day I sheltered her in my barn (Time) she gave birth to five black hounds, whose tails we duly severed with sharp scissors, as befitted even factitious cockers. (Contrast) one summer day, when I must have been all of twelve, Irma met a sad fate: I started up the '47 Studebaker, popped forward--and over something. It was Irma. Irma was dead .(Result) we needed a funeral befitting her status and dignity. (Time) I had rounded up my brothers and two of my cousins, and we had neatly boxed Irma, made a wooden cross, and left-with a shovel, a Bible, and my battered old trumpet—for Hidden Valley, a few miles out of town. Our Studebake stuttered down dirt roads, until we came (Time to our destination. (Time) we hacked out a hol under the cottonwood trees on the bank of a dry creek (Time) we gently lowered Irma's box, and with dignified ceremony passed the shovel as each of us, tearless but solemn, sprinkled dirt over the old box. Bible in hand, I turned to Ecclesiastes to read of the generation that passéaway and the generation that comes in its place. Then, (Time), trembling, I brought the trumpet to m: lips.
A thin, quivering, off-key tune sounded over Irma' grave as the cross was driven home. We knew, with childish certainty, that Irma rested at peace in Hidden Valley (Time)
ⅩⅥ. Topics for oral work:
1. To what, do you think, is the United States committed a home and around the world?
2. Comment on U.S. policies as laid down by Kennedy in hi, inaugural address
ⅩⅦ Write a sentence outline of the Address.