人教高中英语必修4Unit1Using Language(共19张PPT)

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• I will study at medical school like Lin, carry on her good work, improve my studies and prepare for the university entrance examination, and...
Step 3 Reading for method
Step 2 Reading for knowledge
• Task 1 Skimming
Why not carry on her good work?
A suggestion for whom? Who does "her" refer to? What does "good work" mean?
fire fighter
பைடு நூலகம்
Everyone has a dream of their future career.
• What's your dream career?
• I have made up my mind to be....., because... • My dream is to be ....,

(to echo the question in Part 1 首尾呼应)
writing pattern
Step 4 Writing for application
• 请以“我想从事的职业”为话题写一篇文 章
• 要求:题目自拟

• First, tell the readers the job that you want to do. (You had better develop the part by asking questions.)
She made sure
t_5h_0a_,0t_kci0a_onbnd0_s-_ohiduebeatraratbetedies were ssaelffelelsys _d_e_li_v_ed_er_veo_dt_e_dto their mothers.
good work
Part 3
• What is the author's conclusion?
• What method does the author use to find out about Lin?
by asking questions?
by making comparison? by analyzing reasons?
• How many questions does the writer ask himself ?
I know you can reach the top. Make sure that you won't stop. You can be just the one you wanna be.
Correct your writing, try to use the latest words and expressions you have learned and lengthen it to a100-word composition.
• Second, give some details and the reasons why you want to do this job. (You can take a great person as an example.)
• Third, make a conclusion
Lin Qiaozhi (林巧稚)
Education: a medical school
Occupation: a specialist in women’s diseases
Write down three of Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements after reading the passaWgeh. at qualities should a great person have?
5.Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry onParhagerarpgh o4 od work?
Reading for method
•Part 1

•Part 2
QIunterosdtuioctnion1(raise Na qoueasntiosnw) er
(to arouse the readers' interest)
Question 2 Answer 2 Question 3Body Answer 3
give reasons and details
Question 4 Answer 4
•Part 3 CQouneclusstiioonn(a5nswer the question)
• You never know what life will be, because nothing lasts forever. Just hold on to the dream.
• Focus on every little thing. That's what does really matter.
Listening for information Reading for knowledge Reading for method Writing for application
Step 1 Listening for information
• Listen to the music and find out the jobs mentioned in the song.
Three achievements of Lin Qiaozhi
Shkneobwelecdagmeaeble _a_s_dp_ee_te_crm_ia_inl_eis_d tin wopmroefens’ssional disea专se业s.的
She got __mh_a_erd_d-_wic_or_ak_lin_g_ _tr_a_i_nd_iilni_g_gen_t for her c勤a奋re的er.
Task 2 Detailed reading
• Part 1
• What is the writer's puzzle(困惑)?
Why does the author use the question?
to arouse the readers' interest
Part 2
奋斗的路上,时间总是过得很快,目前的困难和麻烦是很多,但是只要不忘初心,脚踏实地一步一步的朝着目标前进,最后的结局交给时间 来定夺。 竹根即使被埋在地下无人得见,也决然不会停止探索而力争冒出新笋。 不如意的时候不要尽往悲伤里钻,想想有笑声的日子吧! 竹根即使被埋在地下无人得见,也决然不会停止探索而力争冒出新笋。 汗水是成功的润滑剂。 让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。 不要让追求之舟停泊在幻想的港湾,而应扬起奋斗的风帆,驶向现实生活的大海。 并非神仙才能烧陶器,有志的人总可以学得精手艺。 快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。 我在奋斗在坚持在拼搏在努力你要等。 抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 只要更好,不求最好!奋斗是成功之父。 人,最大的敌人是自己。 任何朋友都是暂时的,只有利益是永恒的。敌人变成朋友多半是为了金钱,朋友变成敌人多半还是为了金钱。 不要太在乎自己的长相,因为能力不会写在脸上。 只有坚持才能获得最后的成功。 不去耕耘,不去播种,再肥的沃土也长不出庄稼,不去奋斗,不去创造,再美的青春也结不出硕果。 能克服困难的人,可使困难化为良机。 鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。 哪怕是最没有希望的事情,只要有一个勇敢者去坚持做,到最后就会拥有希望。
1.Which one shouldPIarasgtraupdh y1 at university?
2.Why did she write that? 3. Who were the women that Lin Qiaozhi thought needed thisPaaradgrvapiche2-?3 4.Was she so much cleverer than anyone else?