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As the year 2025 approaches, many hopeful students are gearing up to take the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) in hopes of advancing their academic careers. One of the most daunting aspects of the exam is the English vocabulary portion, which requires test takers to demonstrate their knowledge of a wide range of words and their meanings. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the key vocabulary words that are likely to appear on the 2025 GRE exam.
1. Ambivalent (adjective): having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
Usage: Sarah felt ambivalent about accepting the job offer, as it would require her to move to a new city.
2. Cacophony (noun): a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Usage: The cacophony of car horns and shouting outside made it difficult to concentrate.
3. Dichotomy (noun): a division or contrast between two things that are represented as being opposed or entirely different
Usage: The dichotomy between good and evil is a common theme in many works of literature.
4. Epitome (noun): a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type
Usage: James was the epitome of professionalism, always arriving early and dressed impeccably.
5. Frivolous (adjective): not having any serious purpose or value
Usage: His frivolous spending habits quickly depleted his savings.
6. Gregarious (adjective): fond of company; sociable
Usage: Emily was a gregarious individual who could strike up a conversation with anyone.
7. Hapless (adjective): unfortunate
Usage: The hapless victim of the crime was left shaken but thankfully unharmed.
8. Inundate (verb): overwhelm someone with things or people to be dealt with
Usage: The office was inundated with client requests after the new product launch.
9. Juxtapose (verb): place or deal with close together for contrasting effect
Usage: The director juxtaposed scenes of stark poverty with opulent wealth to highlight social inequality.
10. Kowtow (verb): act in an excessively subservient manner
Usage: The intern was constantly kowtowing to his boss in hopes of receiving a promotion.
11. Lament (noun): a passionate expression of grief or sorrow
Usage: The widow's lament at her husband's funeral brought many attendees to tears.
12. Maverick (noun): an unorthodox or independent-minded person
Usage: The artist was known as a maverick in the art world for his experimental techniques.
13. Nadir (noun): the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization
Usage: The company reached its nadir when it filed for bankruptcy.
14. Obliterate (verb): destroy utterly
Usage: The tornado obliterated the small town, leaving nothing but rubble in its wake.
15. Pernicious (adjective): having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way
Usage: The pernicious effects of smoking on one's health are well-documented.
16. Quixotic (adjective): exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
Usage: Sarah's quixotic plan to save the environment by recycling all of her waste fell short of its ambitious goals.
17. Resplendent (adjective): attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous
Usage: The bride looked resplendent in her white gown on her wedding day.
18. Serendipity (noun): the occurrence of events by chance in
a happy or beneficial way
Usage: It was serendipity that led Tim to meet his future business partner at a coffee shop.
19. Tumultuous (adjective): making a loud, confused noise; uproarious
Usage: The tumultuous protest outside the government building could be heard from miles away.
20. Umbrage (noun): offense or annoyance
Usage: Sarah took umbrage at her colleague's comment and decided to file a formal complaint.
These are just a few examples of the types of vocabulary words that students should be prepared to encounter on the 2025 GRE exam. Studying and practicing these words regularly can help test takers improve their scores and increase their chances of success. Good luck to all those preparing for the exam!
The 2025 Postgraduate English Exam Outline lists a range of English vocabulary words that students are expected to be
familiar with in order to successfully pass the exam. These words cover a wide variety of topics and are essential for candidates to have a good grasp of in order to excel in the exam. In this document, we will explore some of the key words that are included in the 2025 exam outline and discuss why they are important for students to know.
One of the first categories of vocabulary words that students will need to be familiar with is words related to academic study. These include words such as analyze, evaluate, compare, and contrast. These words are important for students to be familiar with as they will be required to use them in their essays and other written work in order to demonstrate a high level of academic proficiency. Understanding the meanings of these words and how to use them correctly will be crucial for students to do well in this section of the exam.
Another important category of vocabulary words that students will need to know are words related to specific subject areas. For example, students may need to be familiar with words related to economics, politics, or literature, depending on their area of study. It is important for students to have a good understanding of these words as they may be required to answer questions or write essays on these topics in the exam.
Additionally, having a good grasp of subject-specific vocabulary will help students to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in their chosen field.
In addition to academic and subject-specific vocabulary, students will also need to be familiar with words related to everyday communication. This includes words related to greetings, introducing oneself, and asking for directions. While these words may seem basic, they are essential for students to know in order to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. Being able to use these words correctly will not only help students in their day-to-day interactions but will also be important for demonstrating their overall language proficiency in the exam.
Furthermore, students will need to be familiar with words related to professional communication. This includes words related to writing emails, giving presentations, and participating in meetings. Knowing how to use these words correctly will be important for students who are planning to pursue careers in fields that require strong communication skills. Being able to demonstrate a good understanding of professional communication vocabulary will help students to stand out to potential employers and excel in their future careers.
Overall, the vocabulary words included in the 2025 Postgraduate English Exam Outline are essential for students to know in order to succeed in the exam and in their future academic and professional pursuits. By familiarizing themselves with these words and practicing using them in a variety of contexts, students can improve their language skills and increase their chances of success. It is important for students to not only memorize the meanings of these words but also to understand how to use them correctly in order to effectively communicate their ideas and demonstrate their knowledge and expertise.
2025 Postgraduate Entrance Examination English Vocabulary List
As the 2025 Postgraduate Entrance Examination approaches, many aspiring graduate students are busy preparing for the rigorous English exam. One of the key components of the exam is the vocabulary section, whi ch tests candidates’ ability to understand and use a wide range of English words. To help students effectively study for this section, the following is a list of essential English vocabulary words that are likely to appear on the exam:
1. Abandon – to give up
2. Accurate – correct in all details; exact
3. Ambitious – having a strong desire for success or achievement
4. Analyze – to examine in detail
5. Assert – to state with confidence
6. Attain – to achieve or accomplish
7. Coherent – logical and consistent
8. Concede – to admit as true
9. Constitute – to make up; to form
10. Controversial – causing disagreement or debate
11. Correlate – to have a mutual relationship
12. Credible – believable
13. Deficient – lacking in some aspect or quality
14. Differentiate – to recognize as distinct or different
15. Discern – to perceive or recognize
16. Diversify – to make more varied or diverse
17. Elaborate – detailed and intricate
18. Emerge – to come into view; to appear
19. Emphasize – to give special importance or attention to
20. Enhance – to improve or increase in value
21. Evaluate – to judge or assess
22. Evoke – to bring to mind or recall
23. Exemplify – to serve as an example of
24. Exploit – to use for one's own benefit
25. Flourish – to thrive or prosper
26. Formulate – to create or devise
27. Implement – to put into effect
28. Incline – to lean or tend towards
29. Innovate – to introduce something new or make changes
30. Integrate – to combine into a whole
31. Justify – to show to be right or valid
32. Manipulate – to control or influence unfairly
33. Mediate – to intervene in order to resolve a conflict
34. Mobilize – to prepare for action
35. Nuance – a subtle difference or distinction
36. Perceive – to become aware of or understand
37. Postulate – to suggest or assume
38. Predominant – having great influence or control
39. Prohibit – to forbid by law
40. Redundant – exceeding what is necessary or normal
41. Reinforce – to strengthen or support
42. Resilient – able to recover quickly from difficulties
43. Retain – to keep or hold onto
44. Skeptical – doubtful or questioning
45. Stimulate – to encourage or excite
46. Substantiate – to provide evidence or support
47. Suppress – to put an end to
48. Sustain – to maintain or support
49. Synthesize – to combine different elements into a coherent whole
50. Undermine – to weaken or damage
51. Validate – to confirm or prove the truth of
52. Verify – to confirm the accuracy of
53. Vigorous – strong, active, or robust
54. Vulnerable – susceptible to harm or damage
55. Withstand – to resist or endure
This list is by no means exhaustive, but it covers a wide range of vocabulary words that are commonly found on English proficiency exams. To effectively prepare for the vocabulary section of the 2025 Postgraduate Entrance Examination, students should make use of flashcards, vocabulary lists, and practice tests. By dedicating time and effort to studying these essential words, aspirants can improve their English language skills and increase their chances of success on the exam. Good luck to all those preparing for the 2025 Postgraduate Entrance Examination!。
