Unit 3 The art of painting 单词过关斩课件-高二英语选择性必修第一册

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3. Even though I had admired them hundreds of times on my computer screen, nothing could have prepared me for the wonder I felt when I finally laid eyes on the real thing. 译文: _____ 我曾在电脑屏幕上无数次地欣赏过它们, 但当我最终看到真正的东 西时, _____________________________________。 4. It is尽am管azing that every time Monet studied this simple scene, he brought the p译o文nd:’s_b我_e_a所_u_t感y__t受o__t到h_e_的_c_a惊n_v_奇a_s_之_in_情_a_还u_n_是i_q_u让_e_我w_a_毫y_._无__准__备_______, 他都以一种独特的方式 把池塘的美带到了画布上。
(表示对比)而, 相对于 期待 漫步穿过 关注 给……留下印象 _在__过__去__三__十__年__里__ _更__喜__欢__做__某__事__ _靠__近__ _每__次__ _值__得__做__某__事__
Ⅲ. 必备句式: 翻译课文原句, 并观察黑体部分 1. As a huge art fan, I knew exactly what I was looking forward to most about my trip to Paris: visiting the Musée d’Orsay. 译文: 作为一个超级艺术迷, 我确切地知道我的巴黎之行 _最__期__待__的__是__什__么__: 参观 奥赛博物馆。 2. Housed in an old railway building, this world-famous art museum features some of the best-known paintings from the Impressionist movement of the 19th century. 译文: _这__座__举__世__闻__名__的__艺__术__博__物__馆__设__于__一__座__古__老__的__铁__路__建__筑__中__,_重__点__展__出__十九 世纪印象派运动中最著名的一些画作。
→requireotphpeoesmedployment (n. )of many people需要雇用好多人
Ⅱ. 必备短语: 英汉双译 1. _a_s_o_p_p_o_s_e_d__to_ 2. _lo_o_k__f_o_r_w_a_r_d_t_o_ 3. _w_a_n_d_e_r__th_r_o_u_g_h_ 4. _la_y__e_y_e_s_o_n_ 5. _m_a_k_e__a_n_i_m__p_r_e_ss_i_o_n_o_n_ 6. in the last three decades 7. prefer to do sth. 8. up close 9. every time 10. be worthy of being done sth.
9. give sb. an idea of. . . 10. thanks to 11. at first sight 12. a wide range of
各行各业, 社会各界 忙于做某事, 继续做某事 由……引起(造成) 凭自身的资格(努力) 充分说明, 清楚表明 _由__…__…__组__成__ _充__满__ _从__两__个__方__向__
中国士兵 经济危机 衰退中 推翻以前的理论 一个优秀的士兵 事业巅峰 政治原因 具有历史意义的建筑物 稀有金属
18. _a_p_p_a_r_e_n_tchanges
→be happy apparently (adv. )
19. a skilled and _p_r_e_c_is_e_worker 一位熟练而认真的工人→more precisely (adv. )更确切地说
20. an _a_m_b__it_io_u_s_engineering project 一个宏大的工程计划→achieve one’s ambition (n. )实
21. _e_n_o_r_m_o_u_s_quantity 巨大的数量
→benefit enormously (adv. ) from sth. 深深得益于
一幅风景画 漫步在印象派画廊 在他生命的最后30年 同一个睡莲池塘 在一个繁忙的社区 被她的善良深深打动 志同道合的艺术家们 支配着欧洲艺术
9. employ free _b_r_u_s_h_w_o_r_k_ 10. far less _______ 11. the ____r_e_a_liostfitche Impressionist view of art 12. ____e_ssceonlocuers and light 13. the Impressionists’ ______ 14. _v_iv_i_d___the works 15. be _______of attentivoinsion
令人惊奇的是, 每次莫奈研究这个简单的场景时
Ⅰ. 必备单词: 根据提示填写单词 【词块记忆】 1. offer an important _in_s_i_g_h_tinto life in China 2. _cr_o_p_fields 3. _w_i_n_d_through the landscape 4. _sa_i_lin and out of Bianjing 5. _c_iv_i_l_ia_n_s_all of the world 6. the old _te_m__p_l_e 7. the government _st_r_u_c_t_u_r_e 8. the _o_v_er_a_l_lscene of life
洞悉中国的生活 庄稼地 蜿蜒穿过风景 进出汴京 世界各地的平民 古老的庙宇 政府建筑物 生活的总体场景
9. Chinese _s_o_ld_i_e_rs_ 10. economy _c_r_i_si_s 11. in _d__ec_l_in__e 12. _o_v_e_r_th__ro_w_previous theory 13. an _o_u__ts_t_a_n_d_in__gsoldier 14. at the top of __c_a_r_ee_r 15.p_o_l_it_ic_a_l_reasons 16. a _h_is_t_o_r_ic_building 17. r_a_r_e_metal
采用自由绘画 不那么逼真 印象派艺术观点的精髓 鲜艳的色彩和光芒 印象派画家视觉 陈列作品 值得注意
16. different _______
→set (v. )an esxeatmtinplges
17. seek _________from the rules of the old style寻求从旧风格的规则中解放出来
→liberate(v. )prisoners
18. two _li_b_e_r_a_t_io_nviews
→oppose (v. )having classes
19. _______oneself in protecting the endangered animals致力于保护濒危动物
22. do a _c_o_m_p_r_e_h_e_n_s_i_v_ereview 做一个综合复习
→beyond one’s comprehension (n. )超出某人理解
→ comprehensively (adv. )understand the reason 全面了解原因
23. a hard _c_r_it_ic_一个严厉的批评家 →be highly critical (adj. ) of sth. 强烈地批评…… → criticize (v. ) the boy 批评男孩 24. give the room an _in_s_p_e_c_t_io_n_对房间进行检查 → inspect (v. ) the work 检查工作 →a considerate inspector (n. )一个体贴的检查员 25. _e_x_p_o_se_oneself to the gas 接触气体 → double exposure (n. ) 两次曝光 26. on _e_x_h_ib_i_t_io_n_展出 → exhibit (v. )the art 展览艺术
Ⅱ. 必备短语: 英汉双译 1. _a_ll_w__a_lk_s__o_f _li_f_e 2. _g_o_a_b_o_u_t_s_t_h_. 3. _b_e_d_o_w__n_t_o_s_t_h_. 4. _i_n_o_n_e_’_s_o_w__n_r_i_g_h_t 5. _sp_e_a_k__v_o_l_u_m_e_s_a_b__o_u_t 6. consist of 7. be alive with 8. in both directions
(present-day Kaifeng), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. 译文: 人__们__通__常__认__为___, 画中描绘的城市是汴京(今天的开封), 即北宋的都城。 2. The first section presents a peaceful scene of rural life near Bianjing, featuring
__使__某__人__了__解_ __幸__亏__,_由__于_
__乍__一__看_ __各__种__各__样__的_
Ⅲ. 必备句式: 翻译课文原句, 并观察黑体部分 1. It is commonly believed that the city described in the painting is Bianjing
XB1 Unit 3 The art of painting
Ⅰ. 必备单词: 根据提示填写单词
1. a _________painting
2. __l_a_n_d_s_ctahproeugh the Impressionist ______ 3. in the last three _______of his life
4. twheansadmere water lily _____
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
5. in a busy ______d_e_c_a_d_e_s 6. be ______by her kindness
7. other ___________aprotinstds
8. ________nEeuirgohpbeoarnhaorot d
crop fields, a river winding through the landscape, and farmers hard at work. 译文: 第一部分展现了汴京近郊恬静的乡村生活, __重__点__描__绘__了__农__田__、__蜿__蜒__而__过__的_ __河__流__和__辛__勤__劳__作__的__农__民_。
3. Here, hundreds of people from all walks of life, including butchers, hairdressers
and government officials, can be seen going about their daily business. 译文: 我们能看到数以百计各行各业的人, 包括肉贩、理发匠、官差, _都__在__忙__着__ _各__自__的__营__生__。 4. Such is its worth that several later emperors even asked the most talented artists