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We should grasp the principal contradiction in problem solving. Shoot at his horse before the horseman,catch bandits first catch the king, grasp the main contradiction ,use the good strength in the blade, then the problem is so easy.
The Intelligence of Chinese Chess 中国象棋的智慧
• Introduce the background of Chinese Chess • Analyse the Intelligence of Chinese Chess • what are we learning?
Cannons (C)
一、the complex rules
It maybe need a long time to explain how to play Chinese chess, because different piece has a different rule and the opening is protean. There is no doubt that Chinese chess is the most complicated of all chess.
Chess is a small world and the word is a big chess, from this we can associate that the complex rule and the complex pieces are a reflection of the complex society.
Society is complex, different from person to person, so as to the group and the class. Different things have different rules. The law to regulate social relationships is also not easy, it has many terms and a lot of details.
此局名为“车马闹宫”,又 叫“五搜紫禁”,着法要求 是黑方车马不能走出九宫, 但要步步将军,五步成杀。 正确解法如下: 1. 车6平5 帅五平六 2. 车4退1 帅六进一 3. 车5平6 帅六平五 4. 车6进2 帅五平六 5. 车4平6或车4进1 黑方胜。
Danger can never be overcome without taking risks!!! 舍不得孩子套不住狼
Move after you yea; More haste, less speed!!! 谋定而后动、欲速则不达
what are we learning?
Do things don‘t haggle over every ounce, “red first black after” does not mean a disadvantage; A career like “Pawns”, although the walk slowly, never shy; Encounter opportunities like “Rooks”, decisive and agile, never timid; Do things like the “Elephants”, there is always a line insurmountable, even if the scenery beautiful enough; Faced with challenges like “king”, a life and death crisis , face leisurely; In the face of difficulties like the “horse”, know to avoid the trap and the disadvantages and last achieve success; Business like the “Cannons ", know to create opportunities for themselves and achieve leapfrog development; Thinking like " Mandarins " , do not head into a blind alley and know how to make a detour .
二、Method to determine the outcome
The method that determine the outcome of Chinese chess also has certain philosophical sense.
But what is the method? Placing the opponent in check so that he has no legal move to get out of the check. then, you are the winner. When neither side can capture the opposing king, the game is a draw. It also reflects some social and natural law.
Like western chess, Chinese chess descends from the game of Chaturanga, from India. From India it spread throughout Asia and also to Medieval Euroupe. In China, the game reached its current form during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD).
As the fruit of Chinese ancient wisdom, the chess culture is a valuable cultural heritage of China. Together with playing musical instruments, calligraphy and painting, playing chess is considered as one of the four essential skills for a learned scholar. They all are good exercise to temper one's character and cultivate one's taste. Among various kinds of chess, Chinese chess is invented by Chinese people, and enjoys great popularity in the country.
Rooks (R) (or chariots)
Knights (N) (or horses)
King (K) (or generals)
Paants (M) (or bishops or ministers)
Mandarins (G) (or advisors or assistants or guards)