第10课Before and After September 11知识点归纳
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CEB5 L10:Before and After September 11
1. Rip Van Winkle讲了什么故事?作者为什么要在本文中提及?
(1)It is a short story by Washington Irving which tells of a kindhearted farmer Rip Van Winkle who helped a stranger distribute wine on a mountain slope. He drank a little and soon fell asleep. When he woke and went back to the village, it was 20 years later. Everything had changed. The most important change was the War of Independence had been won and the portrait of King George of Britain was replaced by American President George Washington
(2)故事与本文有相似之处,9/11也是一夜之间使世界发生了巨大变化:“The events of 9/11 divided our world into two radically different eras.”
2. “Anthrax panic sends Congress running from its chambers.”一句中,“Congress”代表什么?本句中用到了哪种修辞手法?
(1)“Congress”stands for its members.
3. 解释“The post 9/11 era looms like an unmapped wilderness.”
How the post 9/11 era will develop(or the prospect of the post 9/11 era)appears unclear and full of uncertainties, like an uncultivated, wild region that has not been explored.
4. 文中“the struggle for the soul”和“the spoil of war”分别是指什么?(1)the struggle for the soul:the battle for hearts and minds
(2)the spoil of war: some of our most cherished values and liberties taken in the struggle based on values and beliefs
6. 解释“A battalion of securitycrats and generals who are attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda.”
(1)A group of soldiers working in the office of home security and the generals who are attempting to dominate/colonize other countries with their plans that will use force to control the way of life of the people.
(2)主体:those who advocate national security over civil liberties, those in the Department of Defense and the generals in the armed forces(包括FBI,Department of Homeland Security, generals and American armed forces)
对内----expand the power of law enforcement agencies at home (Patriot Act)
对外----strike at the "axis of evil" so as to extend American domination abroad
即the co lonization of the future
7. 解释“the men in…”
(1)the men in turbans----the Taliban
(2)the men in hiding ----Osama Bin Laden and other leaders of al Qaeda who were said to hide in Afghanistan
8. 9/11产生的psychological impact是什么?(most serious)
(1)The shattering of the sense of invulnerability
(2)The emergence of national paranoia
--Pundits wrote that the country had lost its innocence
9. 文中用来形容“近在咫尺的恐惧”的英文典故是?
Sword of Damocles
10. 解释“We too are mired near the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid, struggling to regain our lost sense of security.”
This is a further discussion of what are in common. The terrorist attacks put the Americans at the bottom of the pyramid, trying to regain their sense of physical safety, the lowest type of safety.
11. 解释“But the now inescapable presence of the flag, supposedly a symbol of American pride and unity, sometimes looks suspiciously like overcompensation for a wounded ego.”具体理解“overcompensation”和“a wounded ego”
(1)The presence of the flag everywhere seems to serve as an exaggerated effort to make up for the harm done to self-esteem.
(2)overcompensation for a wounded ego:
--overcompensation:describes the action that in order to demonstrate their determination to rally round the government and the spirit of unity, the Americans turned to the buying and displaying of the national flag
--a wounded ego:9/11 greatly hurt American pride and was a blow to American arrogance. This was a blow to the myth of American invulnerability
12.什么是“a hardening of outlook”?
People no longer tolerate difference. Their ideas to the world, to themselves and to other peoples and cultures are fixed and not adaptable, thus, the war on terrorism.
--outlook: your general attitude towards life
--harden: ideas or attitudes become fixed and you become more determined than ever that you will not change them. Less sympathetic.
*The result of the national paranoia is the hardening of outlook
---The U.S has refused to change its fixed ideas about the world structure and is becoming unsympathetic.
--Their hardening of outlook takes the form of war against terrorism.
13. 什么是“dystopia”?试举三例。
(1)”dystopia”反乌托邦means an imaginary community or society where people live an extremely difficult life
(2)imprisonment without trial
public executions
torture to extract confessions
14. 什么是“Frankensteinian creation”?它的影响?
(1)Economic patriotism经济爱国主义
(2)It discourages national introspection反思at a time when it would be most valuable.
15. 解释“History is a gallery of unspeakable crimes.”
History records many crimes committed by human beings which are so horrible that they defy description.
16. 解释“We tend these images like poisonous flowers in a nightmare garden, we return to them obsessively.”
In spite of the fact that these images are horrible images, images of large-scale atrocity, we still take care to keep alive these images.
17. 翻译“But many of us define our personal safety and our national character by the very civil liberties that are being compromised in the name of state security.”以及“the very civil liberties”的具体内容。
(2)the very civil liberties: the values/principles/liberties embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
1.paranoia: intense suspicion, fear, and distrust of other people
2.The State of the Union address: 总统对国会所作的《国情咨文》
Congress----The House of Representatives & the Senate
3.The Two Approaches towards the 911 Terrorist Attacks:
(1)The overwhelming approach:
----The existence of an axis of evil
----Americans will do what is necessary to ensure our nation’s security
----restriction on civil liberties
(2)dissenting voices:
all the more necessary to strengthen, not to weaken, freedom and democracy at home
4.解释“If someone had slept through September 11 and awakened, Rip Van Winkle-like today, he would open his eyes on an astonishing new landscape.”: If someone fell asleep before September 11, like the hero in the story Rip van Winkle by Washington Irving, and then woke up after September 11, he would find that great changes had taken place in the United States.
5.解析“Anthrax panic sends Congress running from its chambers.”:
(1) refers to the discovery of anthrax in a letter to a leading member of the Senate----leading to the sealing off of the building and evacuation of members of Congress.
(2) produces a comic effect
"send"、"running" ----members of Congress were frightened and ran for life. (3) uses "Congress" to stand for its members(metonymy借代)"Chambers" are in plural form because the House and the Senate have their respective chamber.
6.解释“We watch wistfully as the pre-9/11 world drifts away on its raft of memory, cast in Technicolor shades of nostalgia.”:
We watch sadly as the pre-9/11 world drifts away in our stream of memory, as if it is on a raft. We watch it with a sense of nostalgia, in a dark shade.
7.解释“We still remember that assassinated world as idyllic, secure(never mind that it was neither), we will still speak of it in the reverent tones reserved for the dead.”:
In our memory, the pre-September 11 world was peaceful, happy and safe (overlooking the fact that this was not the case) and we will talk about those days with a feeling of deep respect and love which can only be found in talking about dead people.
8.Psychic, political and material capital: Mental, political and material benefits
9.解释“The spoils of war include some of our most cherished values and liberties.”:
(1) spoils: goods, territory, etc. taken by force in war 战利品
(2) The war will take away some of our most cherished values and liberties. 10.解释“A battalion of securitycrats and generals who are attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda.”:
A group of soldiers working in the office of home security and the generals who are attempting to dominate/colonize other countries with their plans that will use force to control the way of life of the people.
11.thinking in red, white and blue: thinking simply and uniformly, in new patriotism
12.contrast between "the struggle for the soul" and the loss of "most cherished values and liberties":
(1)If the spoils of war include some of our most cherished values and liberties, how can we win the struggle for the soul then?
(2)In order to win the war, we might have to give up some of the basic values and liberties we treasure most. This might be the cost we have to pay.
13.解析“Leading the change are the warriors of the Bush Administration, a battalion of securitycrats and generals who are attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda.”:
(1)战争先锋:those who advocate national security over civil liberties, those in the Department of Defense and the generals in the armed forces.
对内----carry out the plan of expanding the power of law enforcement agencies at home (Patriot Act)
对外----strike at the "axis of evil" abroad so as to extend American domination into areas originally beyond American reach, such as Central Asia.
即the colonization of the future.
14.解释“But there is a brighter side, a growing chorus of dissenting voices who reject paranoia and hubris and question the rush toward becoming a security state.”:
(1)hubris: arrogant pride or presumption
(2)question: to dispute; challenge
(3)chorus: a simultaneous utterance by any
(4)a growing chorus of dissenting voices:more and more people join in expressing their opposition
15.question the rush toward becoming a security state:
challenge the wisdom of taking hasty, not well-thought-out measures to put homeland defense over everything else 对这种匆忙的安全高于一切的做法提出质疑
19.解释“There is a dialectic afoot in the country.”:
(1) afoot: in operation
(2) Some people in the country begin to examine the validity of the argument of security state.
20.解释“…the mainstream media, which assumes the public is thinking in red, white and blue, when actually the spectrum of emotions, ideas and opinions is, like America itself, multihued.”:
assume: take it for granted
21.四个“the men in”——parody (comic imitation)嘲弄性模仿:
(1)the men in suits----officials
(2)the men in uniforms----military officers
(3)the men in turbans----the Taliban
(4)the men in hiding ----bin Laden and other leaders of al Qaeda who were said
to hide in Afghanistan
22.the nature of the war: a war between the traditional pattern of power politics and a way of the weak trying to strike back, an asymmetrical war不对称的战争23.the brutal, aggressively male way things had always been: the brutal, oppressive forces of the major powers in the world. In such a world, power, especially military power, had the final say.
24.the timorous and fragile way things might begin to be: the weak, the oppressed could not openly challenge the superpower but they were working out ways to strike back, to impose losses on the superpower.
timorous: not fight openly, nor above board
25.feared that terrorism might become a way "things might begin to be":so hoped that the future should be constructed on a model of "mutual cooperation, trust and rational thinking".
26.assassinated world: the pre-September 11 world
27.The post 9/11 era: how the post 9/11 era will develop appears unclear and full of uncertainties
28.unmapped wilderness: an uncultivated, wild region that has not been explored
29.the mainstream media: refers to the major print papers such as the New York Tries, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and major TV stations such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN
30.理解小标题“No longer Invulnerable”:
The most serious impact ----psychological:
(1)The shattering of the sense of invulnerability
(2)The emergence of national paranoia
31. the sense of invulnerability:cannot be harmed, defeated; sense of safety and security
32.9/11前美国自认坚不可摧的原因:----American Century
(1)no invasion on continental America
(2)the disintegration of the Soviet Union
(3)the end of cold war
33.9/11后美国不再自认坚不可摧的原因:great psychological shock
34.the sword of Damocles: a bad thing that might happen at any time
allusion典故, to show that people fear that terrorist attacks may fall upon them any time so they live in constant fear, the same as Damocles sitting under a sword
suspended by a hair
35.Op-Eds报纸专栏的想法:declared that if one more American was killed by Muslim terrorists, the American government was entitled to using nuclear weapons against Muslin countries.
Op-Ed:An opinion editorial, is more in depth than a letter to the editor
(1)The advocacy of the use of nuclear weapons is appalling.
The destructive power of nuclear weapons and their indiscriminate killing have made rational and responsible statesmen oppose the use of nuclear weapons. Now some of the American elites were proposing the use of such weapons against Muslim countries without nuclear weapons. This is immoral, irrational and irresponsible.
(2)The disproportionate response is appalling.
The killing of one more American and the killing of millions in Muslin countries by nuclear weapons are totally disproportionate.
The work of an individual terrorist or a terrorist group and the destruction of Muslin countries alleged to be harboring terrorists are also totally disproportionate. The people killed in those countries by nuclear weapons are also innocent people.
(3)The singling out of Muslin countries also smacks of (suggests; indicates) the tendency of targeting on certain religion or civilization.
37.the American people have sth in common with other people after Sept. II: the sense of insecurity.
For the first time, the Americans had a taste of what it meant to be living in constant fear of terrorist attack and loss of life. This put them in common with people in regions where "armed conflict or terrorism take innocent lives daily".
38.safety v. security:
(1)safety: freedom from danger, injury or damage
(2)security: freedom from fear, anxiety, doubt, etc;
protection or defense against attack
39.解释“We too are mired near the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid, struggling to regain our lost sense of security.”:
This is a further discussion of what are in common. The terrorists attacks put the Americans at the bottom of the pyramid, trying to regain their sense of physical safety, the lowest type of safety.
food-shelter-personal safety
40.to register: to show as by facial expression
41.inescapable presence (of the flag):the display of the flag everywhere
42.a zealous new patriotism:The most visible symptom of our profound psychological trauma
45.superhero cape:超级英雄的斗篷,此处形容星条旗在9/11后在人们心中期望起到的作用——seek solace寻求慰藉
46.overcompensation for a wounded ego:the presence of the flag everywhere seems to serve as an exaggerated effort to make up for the harm done to self-esteem(American pride and unity)
a wounded ego: 9/11 greatly hurt American pride and was a blow to American arrogance. This was a blow to the myth of American invulnerability.
47.George Orwell-<1984>: describe a society that is too strictly controlled
so many similarities between the practices in the novel and practices today in the U. S:
(1) imprisonment without trial
(2) public execution
(3) torture to extract confessions
(4) practices tolerated, even defended
48.理解小标题“A hardening of Outlook”:
The result of the national paranoia is the hardening of outlook
---- The U.S has refused to change its fixed ideas about the world structure and is becoming unsympathetic.
----Their hardening of outlook takes the form of war against terrorism.
(1)People no longer tolerate difference. Their ideas to the world, to themselves and to other peoples and cultures are fixed and not adaptable, thus, the war on terrorism.
(2)outlook: your general attitude towards life
(3)harden: when ideas or attitudes harden, they become fixed and you become more determined than ever that you will not change them. Less sympathetic 49. contrast between "never gave much thought" and "suddenly, passionately patriotic":
People who never bothered about the national flag except on national day, who never thought about the flag, suddenly became intensely patriotic. The implied meaning is that this is a kind of irrational emotion.
50.two kinds of patriotism:
One is the upholding of the principles embodied in the Constitution. The other is the display of the flag everywhere, using the flag as an icon, as overcompensation
American people any actual, physical protection.
52. public execution:
53.(a war’s) motives, methods and mentality:
54. national character:
55. repressive regime: 镇压政权,其鼓吹为合法的行为包括;
(1)imprisonment without trial
(2)public executions
(3) torture to extract confessions
56.participatory democracies:
57. the nation’s integrity:
58.adhere to one’s ideals and values:
59.call into question:
60.enlightened: sensible, modern views and treating people fairly and kindly
61.理解小标题“Must We Shop ‘til We Drop?”:
criticizes the Bush Administration and big business for advocating economic patriotism, and regards national introspection as most valuable after the attacks. “Economic patriotism” directs the nation’s attention and thinking towards not policy and practice, but material things, towards buying more goods. Such an
72.理解小标题“History’s Lessons”:
“History is a gallery of unspeakable crimes.” 9/11 is the America’s flashpoint, but it is only one of the many flashpoints in history. We need to learn lessons from history and take messages from 9/11, and keep in mind that the pursuit of peace is the noblest of vocations.
9/11 is both unique and not unique. The attack is unique but the suffering is not
75.理解小标题“True Courage”:
uses what happened on Flight 93 and Thomas Burnet as examples to show what the real American values are, and calls for the Americans to act in each other’s best interests and try to create a better, safer world.
True courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of fear.
82.解释“There was a relaxing of the rampant materialism, along with its ugly stepsisters isolation and compulsion, that has been the undoing of community in this country.”:
People began to put less emphasis on the pursuit of wealth and possession of worldly goods. And the other two dangerous symptoms that went with
materialism, that is physical separation from others and irrational behavior as a result of impulse, also became less serious. Materialism, together with the accompanying symptoms of separation and compulsion, had been the cause of the ruin of community in this country.
(2)In spite of the fact that these images are horrible images, images of large-scale atrocity, we still take care to keep alive these images.
it is against such tragic background that a new age of anxiety was born.
1.Why does the writer call it "a new age of anxiety"?
Because the September 11 attacks were not considered as single, individual actions but part o{ a well-coordinated, well-organized plan of a terrorist group with global reach. Terrible things or even more terrible things may follow.
September 11 was a demarcation line, dividing the world into two entirely different periods.
An intense battle is being fought for the capturing of the psyche, political and materialbenefits of the new era. Battles of this kind had been common in the past for the grabbing of territories which had not been colonized.
Pundits wrote ... superpower nation.
He does not think the loss of innocence is a bad thing. Besides, he does not think this is the main consequence of the attack.
Why does the writer mention the remarks of Ally McBeal and a detective on NYPD Blue?
show that the impact of the attacks is widespread.
In order to demonstrate their determination to rally round the government and the spirit of unity, the American
s turned to the buying and displaying of the national flag. The writer uses the
word "overcompensation" to describe such action.
this attitude of becoming unsympathetic takes the form of war on terrorism They consider the civil liberties embodied in the Bill of Rights and in the Constitution as the most important guarantee of personal safety,
in the name of:by the authority of; invoking
the liberties listed in the Bill of Rights are the Constitutional protection of individual freedom. These are the basic rights enjoyed by the American people. Now the American people are asked to give up some of these basic rights so that certain measures could be put into force to protect the country.
once the American people accept the deprivation of certain ights, a preced~\lcS.would be established and the consequence would be greater than the loss of property'and human lives in the September 11 attacks.
Such encroachment侵犯on civil liberties not only weakens the country's sound moral principles at home but would certainly harm the country's reputation abroad, making people abroad think that the United States is not reliable, is not practicing what it preaches.
casting doubt on some of the basic principles concerning the founding of the Republic Or then we are raising the question whether we will still uphold those basic principles laid down by our Founding Fathers, in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
gas-guzzlers and for the first time ever, emphasizing the ridiculousness and danger of the situation.
right after the attacks, the American people demonstrated a strong sense of conunity solidarity.Many rediscovered the value of family, of community.
There was a relaxing . .. in this country.Explain the meaning in your own words.
People began to put less emphasis on the pursuit of wealth and possession of worldly goods. And the other two dangerous symptoms that went with materialism, that is physical separation from others and irrational behavior as a result of impulse, also became less serious.
In the face of such attraction or motivation corrunity stands no chance in the competition.
The concept of "economic patriotism", an invention of the Bush Administration and big business, emphasizes the point that Americans regard consumption as a virtue, praises the curing power of the dollar
At a time when it is highly important for Americans to look into ourselves and ask ourselves why"they hate us", this concept directs our attention and thinking towards not our policy and practice, but material things, towards buying more goods.
unspeakable crimes:so horrible that they defy description.
why are the images compared to poisonous flowers in a nightmare garden?
simile明喻The a~n~-bomb produces poisonous fallout. Carbon_monoxjde in Pompeii was also poisonous. The final scene in Hiroshima or in Pompeii was a nightmare. Hence the comparison.
They have not yet grasped the real lesson of Sept. 11.
peace,not war, should be the goal.
although the attack is unique, the suffering is not and there have been sufferings of larger scale brought about by Americans,
A country is only . . . to make it over,
The quality of the people determines the strength of a country. If the people are free and purposeful this will become the strong soft power for a country.the people determine the direction of the development of a country
the root cause of terrorism.
There will be no true security for the U. S. unless there is true security in the rest of the world. In other words, war on terrorism should aim at dealing with the root cause: conflict, insecurity, poverty all over the world. If we can not solve these issues, we will not have lasting security no matter how we strengthen Homeland Defense.
Vhy does the writer say "it came out of the tradition of democracy"?
Because the choice is not imposed on the passengers but is made out of their own free will.And the choice is motivated by their education and experience in the tradition of democracy.
the battle cry was "we'll do something about it".
The writer uses what happened on Flight 93 and Thomas Burnett as shining examples to show that this is real American value. The spirit of selflessness, the courage, the democratic iecision all point to the qualities that make Americans American. In this way the article ends in a positive note, pointing out what Americans should do.
1. the World Trade Towers: symbol of economy
the Pentagon: symbol of defense/military power
2. WMD: weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器
NBC: nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons核生化武器
3. 政府提倡“经济爱国主义”的背景原因:
(1)The American economy was given a heavy blow by 9/11
(2)The nation is in recession
(3)to revitalize American economy(通过扩大消费的方式,还能冲淡人们因9/11感到的冲击和痛苦)
4.Rip Van Winkle:
a short story by Washington Irving (1783一1859) which tells of a kindhearted farmer Rip Van Winkle who helped a stranger distribute wine on a mountain slope. He drank a little and soon fell asleep. When he woke and went back to the village, it was 20 years later. Everything had changed. The most important change was the War of Independence had been won and the portrait of King George of Britain was replaced by American President George Washington.
5.Sword of Damocles:
impending evil or danger; Damocles, a courtier of King of Syracuse (4th Century B. C. ) thought that the life of a king was wonderful. One day he was invited to a sumptuous banquet by the king and was made to sit under a sword suspended by a hair. Damocles was afraid to stir, and the banquet was a tantalizing torment to
him. The king, by this, wanted to show Damocles the precariousness of a king's fortune.
a novel written by George Orwell describing scenes in a country called Oceania in the future year 1984. The main character Winston Smith was fearful of the Thought Police who patrolled people for heretical thoughts and made people disappear if they thought poorly about the Party and its leader, Big Brother. Later Smith was arrested and subject to endless torture. As a result his thoughts changed from hatred of the Party to undying love to the organization.。