Concave-convex bar gel extinguishant
鱼糜凝胶 英文ppt
![鱼糜凝胶 英文ppt](
Surimi-gelating in medium temperature Placed for 18h in 15-20℃
Placed for 30-90min in 3540℃ Surimigelating Surimi-gelating in low temperature
Placed for 18-42h in 5-10℃
I am most indebted to my professor Tao, who has spent much of her precious time in offering valuable advice and guidance in my writing, and whose intellectual insights have contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis. My special thanks also go to all my teachers whose inspiring lectures have had an undoubted influence on much of the content of my thesis. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the authors whose words I have cited or quoted, and to the scholars upon whose ideas I have freely drawn.I would like to thank my classmates.They also help me a lot.
ElettrologiaCircuiti a corrente continua e alternataCarica e scarica di un condensatoreMISURAZIONE DEI TEMPI DI CARICA E SCARICAUE3050105 09/16 JöS/UDFig. 1: Apparecchio di carica e scarica in funzione con coppia condensatore/resistenza esterna (sinistra) e interna (destra)BASI GENERALIIn un circuito a corrente continua, attraverso un conden-satore passa corrente solo durante l'accensione o lo spe-gnimento. Tramite la corrente, il condensatore viene cari-cato all'accensione, fino al raggiungimento della tensione applicata, e scaricato allo spegnimento, finché la tensione non ha raggiunto lo zero.Per un circuito a corrente continua con capacità C , resistenza R e tensione continua U 0 vale all'accensione(1) 0()(1)t U t U e -τ=⋅- e allo spegnimento(2) 0()t U t U e-τ=⋅con la costante di tempo(3) R C τ=⋅.Per verificare tale correlazione, nell'esperimento vengono mi-surati i tempi necessari al raggiungimento delle tensioni di con-fronto predefinite. Il cronometro viene pertanto avviato con la fase di carica o scarica e successivamente arrestato per mezzo di un comparatore non appena la tensione di confronto risulta raggiunta. La misurazione di diverse tensioni di confronto con-sente di analizzare punto per punto la curva di carica e scarica. Interessante dal punto di vista pratico è anche il tempo(4) 5%ln(5%)3t R C R C =-⋅⋅≈⋅⋅,in cui la tensione del condensatore in fase di scarica raggiungeil 5% del valore di default U0 e in fase di carica raggiunge il 95% del valore finale U0. Tramite la misurazione di t5% è possibile monitorare ad es. i parametri R e C.ELENCO DEGLI STRUMENTI1 Apparecchio di carica e di scarica@230V 1017781 (U10800-230) o1 Apparecchio di carica e di scarica@115V 1017780 (U10800-115) 1 Condensatore 1000 µF, 16 V,P2W191009957 1017806 (U333106)1 Resistenza 10 kΩ, 0,5 W,P2W19 1012922 (U333030) Ulteriormente consigliato:1 Multimetro digitale P1035 1002781 (U11806)MESSA IN FUNZIONE∙Collegare l'apparecchio di carica e scarica alla rete tramite l'alimentatore a spina fornito in dotazione.AVVERTENZE GENERALINelle posizioni INTERN 1, INTERN 2 o INTERN 3 il condensa-tore interno è collegato ai jack di ingresso per la capacità esterna. I condensatori interno ed esterno sono in questo caso collegati in parallelo.∙Per le misurazioni sulle coppie RC interne non collegare capacità esterne.Il tempo di carica e scarica misurato è influenzato da tempi di rimbalzo, amplificati da una mano insicura nel ruotare il com-mutatore di funzione.∙Ruotare il commutatore di funzione in maniera spedita.∙Per una determinazione più precisa del tempo, ripetere ciascuna misurazione almeno tre volte e ricavare il valore medio.∙Scegliere coppie R/C esterne con costante di tempo 4sR C⋅>.ESECUZIONEMisurazione su coppie condensatore/resistenza interne∙Rimuovere resistenze e condensatori esterni.∙Portare il selettore su INTERN 1, INTERN 2 o INTERN 3. Misurazione su coppie condensatore/resistenza esterne ∙Inserire resistenza e condensatore esterni.∙Portare il selettore su EXTERN.Misurazione del tempo di carica t C∙Portare il commutatore di funzione in posizione CHARGE – STOP. ∙Impostare l'interruttore passo-passo sul valore desiderato. ∙Premere brevemente il tasto RESET per azzerare il conta-tore digitale.∙Portare il commutatore di funzione in posizione CHARGE – START per avviare la carica e la misurazione del tempo. ∙Prendere nota del tempo misurato non appena il contatore si arresta.Misurazione del tempo di scarica t DC∙Procedere come per la curva di carica portando tuttavia il commutatore di funzione rispettivamente in posizione DI-SCHARGE – STOP e DISCHARGE – START. Determinazione del tempo t5%Il tempo t5% può essere determinato con una misurazione sia della carica sia della scarica (v. spiegazioni in merito all'equa-zione (4)). Una maggiore precisione è ottenibile mediante la determinazione della media delle due misurazioni:∙Misurare il tempo di carica t C, 5% per 9,5 V.∙Misurare il tempo di scarica t CC, 5% per 0,5 V.∙Calcolare la media (t C, 5% + t CC, 5%) / 2 = t5% .Registrazione della curva di carica∙Regolare l'interruttore passo-passo per tensione di con-fronto su 0,5 V e determinare il tempo di carica come indi-cato in "Misurazione del tempo di carica".∙Per misurare il valore successivo, girare l'interruttore passo-passo avanti di un livello e ripetere tutte le opera-zioni.Registrazione della curva di scarica∙Regolare l'interruttore passo-passo per tensione di con-fronto su 9,5 V e determinare il tempo di scarica come in-dicato in "Misurazione del tempo di scarica".∙Per misurare il valore successivo, girare l'interruttore passo-passo avanti di un livello e ripetere tutte le opera-zioni.Determinazione della capacità esterna/interna e delle resi-stenze interne∙Portare il selettore per coppia R/C in successione su IN-TERN 1, INTERN 2 e INTERN 3 e misurare rispettiva-mente tre volte i tempi t C, 5% e t CC, 5%, come descritto sopra.Riportare i valori nella Tab. 5 e determinare il tempo t5%. ∙Inserire il condensatore esterno. Portare il selettore per coppia R/C ad es. su INTERN 3 e misurare rispettiva-mente tre volte i tempi t C, 5% e t CC, 5%, come descritto sopra.Riportare i valori nella Tab. 5 e determinare il tempo t5%. ∙Inserire inoltre la resistenza esterna. Portare il selettore per coppia R/C su EXTERN e misurare rispettivamente tre volte i tempi t C, 5% e t CC, 5%, come descritto sopra. Riportarei valori nella Tab. 5 e determinare il tempo t5%.ESEMPIO DI MISURAZIONETab. 1: Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C interna 1.Tab. 2:Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C interna 2.Tab. 3: Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C interna 3.Tab. 4:Tempi di carica e scarica della coppia R/C esterna.Tab. 5: T empi di carica e scarica t C,5% e t CC,5% delle tre coppie R/C interne, della coppia R/C interna 3 con collegamento in paral-lelo al condensatore esterno, della coppia R/C esterna e tempi t 5% derivanti dalla determinazione della media.3B Scientific GmbH, Rudorffweg 8, 21031 Amburgo, Germania,ANALISIRegistrazione delle curve di carica e scarica ∙Registrare graficamente le tensioni impostate U C rispetto ai tempi di carica e scarica misurati t C e t CC (Tab. 1 – 4).Le Figg. 2 e 3 mostrano in modo esemplare le curve di carica e scarica relative alla coppia R/C interna 3. L'andamento espo-nenziale previsto in base alle equazioni (1) e (2) risulta confer-mato.Determinazione della capacità esterna/interna e delle resi-stenze interneCon resistenza esterna nota R ext = 10 k Ω (tolleranza 5%), la capacità esterna C ext viene calcolata in base a (4) dal tempo t 5% = t 5%, ext (Tab. 5):(5) 5%,ext ext ext35,4s1180F 3310k t C R ===μ⋅⋅Ω.Tale valore corrisponde, nell'ambito di tolleranza specificato pari a 20%, con il valore nominale 1000 μF.Per i tempi t 5% determinati per la coppia R/C interne 3 con e senza collegamento al condensatore esterno, vale in base all'equazione (4):(6) 5%,3int,3int 3t R C =⋅⋅ e(7) ()5%,3ext int,3int ext 3t R C C =⋅⋅+.Fig. 2: Curva di carica della coppia RC interna 3 La divisione dell'equazione (7) per l'equazione (6) e l'inseri-mento dei tempi da Tab. 5 dà:(8)5%,3int ext 5%,3ext 5%,364,1s1180F 98,5s 64,1s 2199Ft C C t t =⋅=μ⋅--=μ.Tale valore corrisponde, nell'ambito di tolleranza specificato pari a 10%, con il valore nominale 2000 μF.Infine, le tre resistenze interne ancora ignote R int, i si ottengono dai rispettivi tempi di carica e scarica (Tab. 5) e dalla capacità interna determinata in precedenza C int :(9) 5%,int, i int3i t R C =⋅ mit i = 1, 2, 3Ne deriva:(10) int, 114,0s212232199FR ==Ω⋅μ.(11) int, 232,4s491132199FR ==Ω⋅μ.(12) int, 364,1s971732199FR ==Ω⋅μ.I valori coincidono con i valori nominali 2,2 k Ω, 5,1 k Ω e 10 k Ω.Fig. 3: Curva di scarica della coppia RC interna 3U / V t/ sU / V t / s。
Naddo等合成了4个咔唑乙炔撑所围成的 环状分子, 60s内对TNT和DNT的荧光淬灭 效率分别达到83%和90% ,该材料所取得
的优良性能与薄膜中存在较多的孔状结构 有关。
Naddo T, Che Y K, ZhangW,et al. Detection of explosives with a fluorescent nanofibril film[J].J Am Chem Soc,2007,129(22):6978 - 6979.
贺庆国,程建功,封松林.一种对硝基化合物有传感功能的荧光共轭聚合物及应用[P].中国专利:2. X, 2008-10-15. Nguyen H H, Li X Z,Wang N, et al. Fiber2op tic detection of explosives using readily available fluorescent polymers[J].Macromolecules, 2009, 42 (4) : 921-926.
蝶烯是由多个苯环组成的 具有蝴蝶状三维刚性结构 的分子。
Yang J S, Swager, TM. Fluorescent porous polymer films as TNT chemosensors: electronic and structural effects [J]. J Am Chem Soc, 1998, 120 (46) : 11864-11873.
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2.4 芳炔类聚合物
Swager小组合成出用于爆炸 物检测的苯炔撑类聚合物,其 薄膜(厚度3nm,检测时间60s) 对TNT、DNT的荧光淬灭效 率分别为20%和60%,相比其 他聚合物要低一些,这与其分 子结构缺少多孔性有关,且缺
2021年3月第42卷第5期应用技术貪品研究与开发131 —DOI : 10.12161Zj.issn.1005-6521.2021.05.022扣囊复膜酵母在红枣酒中的应用雷炎1,刘梦琦1,易秦振1,单春会2,侯强川1,郭壮“(1.湖北文理学院食品科学技术学院鄂西北传统发酵食品研究所,湖北襄阳441053;2.石河子大学食品学院,新疆石河子832000)摘要:采用纯培养技术对10个采集自大竹县东柳乡的米酒曲样品蕴金的酵母菌进行分离鉴定,结果表明,24株酵 母菌中16株被鉴定为Saccharomycopsis fibuligera (扣囊复膜酵母),S.fibuligera 为米酒曲中的优势酵母菌。
选取S. fibuligera 分离株制备红枣酒并对其品质进行评价,结果发现红枣酒酒精度在8.1%vol ~11.9%vol ,可溶性固形物含量在7.59%~17.21%O 色度仪结果表明,红枣酒颜色整体偏红偏黄。
电子鼻结果表明,乙醇为红枣酒挥发性化合物的主要 成分。
主成分分析结果表明f S.fibuligera HBUAS61136酿造的红枣酒具有较好的风味品质和较高的酒精度。
关键词:扣囊复膜酵母;红枣酒;电子鼻;电子舌;品质Application of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera in Jujube WineLEI Yan 1, LIU Meng-qi 1, YI Qin-zhen 1, SHAN Chun-hui 2, HOU Qiang-chuan 1, GUO Zhuang 1 * *基金项目:南疆重点产业支撑计划项目(2018DB002)作者简介:雷炎(1999—),女(汉),本科,研究方向:食品生物技术。
(1 .Northwest Hubei Research Institute of Traditional Fermented Food, School of Food Science and Technology ,Hubei University of Arts and Science , Xiangyang 441053, Hubei , China; 2. Food College of ShiheziUniversity , Shihezi 832000, Xinjiang, China)Abstract : Ten rice wine koji samples were collected from Dongliu Township , Dazhu County , and yeast strainswere isolated and classified by pure culture techniques. The result indicated that 16 isolates out of the whole 24 isolates were identified as Saccharomyc o ps i s fibuligera, and S. fibuligera was the domain yeast strains in ricewine koji. The qualities of jujube wine samples which were fermented by S. fibuligera isolates were evaluated , and the results showed that the alcohol content of jujube wine ranged from 8.1% v ol to 11.9% v ol, and solublesolids content ranged from 7.59% to 17.21%. The result of colorimeter indicated that color of j ujube wine tended to red and yellow. The results of electronic nose and electronic tongue indicated that ethanol was the domaincomponent of volatile compounds , and there was greatest difference in sourness index with range value ofrelative abundance of 4.4& Principal component analysis showed that the jujube wine fermented by S, fibuligeraHBUAS61136 with better flavor quality and higher content of alcohol.Key words : Saccharomycopsis f ibuligera.;jujube wine ;electronic nose;electronic tongue;quality 引文格式:雷炎,刘梦琦,易秦振,等.扣囊复膜酵母在红枣酒中的应用[J].食品研究与开发,2021,42(5):131-136.LEI Yan,LIU Mengqi , YI Qinzhen,et al. Application of Saccharomyc o ps i s fibuligera in Jujube Wine [J]. F ood Research and Development , 2021, 42(5): 131-136.扣囊复膜酵母(Saccharomyc o ps i s fib u lige r a )又称扣囊复膜抱酵母,隶属于子囊菌HCAscomycota 冲的酵 母科(Saccharomycopsidaceae ),通过多极出芽和形成菌 丝体进行增殖,是一类产子囊抱子的二形态酵母叫由 于具有高产淀粉酶⑵、酸性蛋白酶⑶和葡萄糖昔酶⑷ 的^,S.fibuligera 可利用蔗糖、纤维二糖和可溶性淀2021年3月第42卷第5期食品硏究与开发应用技术—132粉等碳水化合物产酒精,加之具有一定的产酯能力叫因而被认为在酿酒工业中具有较大的应用潜力。
X2 高档蓝牙耳机用户指南说明书
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X2GUIDE UTILISATEURFRANÇAISBOÎTIER DE RANGEMENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DÉTAILLÉESLE BOÎTIER DE RANGEMENTle côté opposé pour l’insérer.3À L’INTÉRIEUR DU BOÎTIERDE RANGEMENTPochette d’accessoiresCâble de chargement2 x S2 x L2 x MAttaches-Fils(pour plus tard)4par dessousl’oreille5ORIENTATION G-DG DINSTALLATION SOUS OREILLE:DROIT6CHOISIR LA BONNE TAILLE D’EMBOUTS AURICULAIRES AMÉLIORE L’ÉCOUTE78Ti Inm Glissez l'embout en mousse Comply™sur la monture de l'écouteur X2.12Compressez l'embout en mousse Comply™ en le roulant avec les PLY TM34Tirez votre oreille vers l'arrière. Insérez la totalité de l'embout en mousse dans votre oreille.Maintenez-le en place pendant 15 à30 sec. pour permettre à la mousse de se dilater et de créer un joint.15à30secondests.Premium Ear TipsMaintien sécurisé: Se dilate pour vous offrir un ajustement personnalisé et un maintien intraauriculaire remarquable. Vos écouteurs sontsécurisés que vous soyez à la salle de sport, surles pistes ou à l’extérieur.Confort souple: Cette mousse unique à mémoirede forme offre un confort pour toute la journée,tout en éliminant l’irritation et la fatigue intraauriculaire.Bloque le bruit: Vous permet d’écouter votremusique dans des environnements bruyants sans augmenter le volume.Audio optimisé: Maximise l’étanchéité et dirigele son directement dans votre conduit auditif,pour optimiser l’écoute.9MAINTENEZ VOS X2 GRÂCE AUX AILETTES DE MAINTIEN.1011MAINTIEN SÉCURISÉG D12ENMODE PAR DESSOUSL‘OREILLE, LA COMMANDE EST SOUS L’OREILLE DROITE PLACEZ L’EMBOUT DEL’AILETTE SUR LE HAUTDU CREUX DE L’OREILLE COMME INDIQUÉL’ailette doit être bienajustée sur les partiesinférieures, arrièreset supérieures ducreux de l’oreille.13VÉRIFICATION DU SONBESOIN D’AIDE POUR LE COUPLAGE?MESSAGE VOCAL:« SEARCHING ... »ON14APPRÉCIEZ LA QUALITÉ15SUR OREILLE/manuals16PORT SUR OREILLE:GAUCHEG D1718MAINTIEN SÉCURISÉIMPORTANT:G DATTACHES-FILSLE MODE SUR OREILLE NÉCESSITE UN CORDON MOINSLONG. POUR UN MAINTIEN OPTIMAL, INSTALLEZ LESATTACHES-FILS (ICI EN VERT) POUR REGLER LA LONGUEUR.1920212223APPRÉCIEZ LA QUALITÉ2425CONTENU RECHARGE32627MESSAGE VOCAL« BATTERY LOW » ÉTAT DE LA DEL RECHARGEMICRO USB LES ÉCOUTEURS SONT-ILS SOUS TENSION ? L A PILE EST-ELLE DÉCHARGÉE?Rouge: En chargeVert (avec le câble USB branché): ChargéRouge+vert en alternance: Mode de couplageAucune lumière: En veille/Mode lecture/Hors tensionVert = Sous tension et bonne chargeRouge = Pile faibleAucune lumière = Hors tension* Mode veille: Sous tension mais aucun b ranchement à un appareilCOUPLAGE (INSTALLATION) DES ÉCOUTEURSAVEC LE TÉLÉPHONE/LECTEUR DE MUSIQUE1.2.28MAINTENEZ 4 S POUR COUPLER MODE COUPLAGE:Alternance rouge/vertMESSAGE VOCAL:YOUR MUSIC DEVICE ...»29COUPLAGE AVEC UN ADAPTATEUR BLUETOOTH30COUPLAGE AVEC PLUSIEURS APPAREILS BLUETOOTH3132ONCOMMANDES Répondre 2e appel,terminer appel.RecomposerDU BOUTON CENTRALOFFSPECIFICATIONS33GARANTIE, SOINS ET ENTRETIEN34PRENEZ QUELQUES INSTANTS POUR ENREGISTRER VOTRE GARANTIE À VIECONTRE LA TRANSPIRATION35Évitez les niveaux sonores trop élevés et lestemps d’écoute prolongés.N’utilisez pas les X2 en conduisant.36。
conce开头的单词 -回复
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conce开头的单词-回复Concentration, the Key to Achieving Success in LifeIntroduction:Concentration, often regarded as a cornerstone of success, is the ability to direct one's attention, thoughts, and efforts towards a particular task or goal. It is the state of complete focus and unwavering attention that enables individuals to maximize their productivity and achieve their objectives. In this article, we will delve into the topic of concentration and explore its significance in various aspects of life, including education, career, and personal development.I. Understanding Concentration:To comprehend the power of concentration, it is crucial to examine its underlying principles. Concentration involves deliberately channeling one's cognitive resources and mental energy towards a specific target. It requires blocking out distractions, maintaining sustained attention, and resisting the temptations of divergent ideas or tasks that may arise. Developing concentration skillsinvolves discipline, practice, and cultivating a mindset that values focus and single-mindedness.II. Concentration in Education:Concentration plays an indispensable role in the realm of education. Whether it is studying for an exam, conducting research, or completing assignments, students who possess strong concentration abilities are better equipped to absorb information, comprehend complex concepts, and retain knowledge effectively. The ability to block out external stimuli and immerse oneself fully in the subject matter leads to increased understanding and improved academic performance.III. Concentration in Career:In the professional sphere, concentration is an invaluable asset. The ability to concentrate enables employees to tackle complex projects, make sound decisions, and meet deadlines effectively. Individuals who can maintain focus amidst a flurry of distractions are more likely to produce high-quality work and achieve their professional goals. Furthermore, concentration enhances creativityand problem-solving abilities, enabling individuals to think critically and develop innovative solutions to challenges encountered in the workplace.IV. Concentration for Personal Development:Concentration is not limited to the domains of education and career; it also plays a crucial role in personal development. Engaging in activities that require intense focus, such as practicing meditation, learning a musical instrument, or engaging in a sport, can significantly improve concentration skills. Furthermore, cultivating concentration can enhance mindfulness andself-awareness, enabling individuals to better understand their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.V. Strategies for Enhancing Concentration:Concentration is a skill that can be honed through deliberate practice and the adoption of various strategies. Some effective techniques for enhancing concentration include:1. Creating a conducive environment: Minimizing distractions, suchas turning off electronic devices, working in a quiet space, and organizing one's workspace, can significantly improve concentration.2. Prioritizing tasks: Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable components and focusing on them in a sequential manner can enhance concentration and prevent overwhelm.3. Practicing mindfulness: Engaging in mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help calm the mind, improve focus, and enhance concentration levels.4. Taking regular breaks: Engaging in short breaks between concentrated work sessions can prevent mental fatigue and rejuvenate the mind, improving overall concentration.Conclusion:In a world full of distractions and constant stimulation, concentration has become increasingly vital for achieving success in various facets of life. From education to career advancement andpersonal growth, the ability to hone and nurture concentration skills is indispensable. By adopting strategies to enhance concentration and committing to disciplined practice, individuals can unlock their full potential, improve productivity, and ultimately achieve their goals. Concentration is the key to realizing one's dreams and aspirations, enabling individuals to lead a fulfilled and successful life.。
专业英语翻译:分子生物学词汇convalescent phase serum 恢复期血清convallamarin 铃兰苦苷convallaria cardiac glycoside 铃兰(类)强心苷convallarin 铃兰苷convective mass transfer 对流传质convective transfer 对流传递conventional mouse 常规小鼠convergence 会聚[用于神经系统];趋同convergent evolution 趋同进化convergent synthesis 汇集合成conversion (基因)转变cooked meat medium 庖肉培养基cooling 冷却cooling air 冷却空气cooling bath 冷却水浴cooling coil 冷却旋管cooling jacket 冷却套管,冷却夹套cooling system 冷却系统cooling tower 冷却塔cooling tube 冷却管cooling water 冷却水cooling water circulation 冷却水循环coomassie blue [商]考马斯蓝coomassie brilliant blue [商]考马斯亮蓝cooperation 协同(作用)cooperative 协同的cooperative effect 协同效应,合作效应cooperative feedback inhibition 协同反馈抑制cooperative site 协同部位,协同位点cooperativity 协同性coordinate 坐标coordinate axis 坐标轴coordinate bond 配位键coordinate regulation 协同调节coordination 配位(作用);协同(作用),协调(作用)coordination agent 配位剂coordination anion 配(位)阴离子coordination bond 配位键coordination catalysis 配位催化coordination cation 配(位)阳离子coordination compound 配位化合物,配合物coordination ion 配离子coordination isomerism 配位异构coordination number 配位数coordination site 配位点coordination sphere 配位层copolycondensation 共缩聚copolymer (二元)共聚物copolymerization 共聚合(反应)copper grid 铜载网copper protein 铜蛋白[共包括i,ii、iii型,i型即铜蓝蛋白] coprecipitation 共沉淀coprinin 鬼伞菌素coproporphyrin 粪卟啉coproprophyrinogen 粪卟啉原coprosterol 粪固醇,粪甾醇copurification 共纯化copy error 复制错误copy number 拷贝数cord factor 索状因子[如见于白喉杆菌]cordycepin 3'-脱氧腺苷;蛹虫草菌素。
扩展巴科斯范式(转⾃维基)https:///wiki/%E6%89%A9%E5%B1%95%E5%B7%B4%E7%A7%91%E6%96%AF%E8%8C%83%E5%BC%8F扩展巴科斯范式[]维基百科,⾃由的百科全书扩展巴科斯-瑙尔范式(EBNF, Extended Backus–Naur Form)是表达作为描述计算机和的正规⽅式的的(metalanguage)符号表⽰法。
它最初由开发,最常⽤的 EBNF 变体由标准,特别是 ISO-14977 所定义。
EBNF 定义了把各符号序列分别指派到的:digit excluding zero = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;digit = "0" | digit excluding zero ;这个产⽣规则定义了在这个指派的左端的⾮终结符digit。
所以digit是⼀个 "0"或可以是 "1或2或3直到9的⼀个digit excluding zero"。
产⽣规则还可以包括由逗号分隔的⼀序列终结符或⾮终结符:twelve = "1" , "2" ;two hundred one = "2" , "0" , "1" ;three hundred twelve = "3" , twelve ;twelve thousand two hundred one = twelve , two hundred one ;可以省略或重复的表达式可以通过花括号 { ... } 表⽰:natural number = digit excluding zero , { digit } ;在这种情况下,字符串1, 2, ...,10,...,12345,... 都是正确的表达式。
NETGEAR WiFi Extender连接指南说明书
![NETGEAR WiFi Extender连接指南说明书](
Inicio rápidoConexión del extensor de rango a la red inalámbricaPuede conectarse mediante WPS o utilizar el asistente de instalación de NETGEAR desde un navegador web.Conexión con WPSWi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) permite conectarse a una red WiFi segura sin tener que introducir el nombre ni la contraseña de la red.1. Pulse el botón WPS del extensor de rango hasta que elindicador de WPS parpadee.2. Antes de que transcurran dos minutos, pulse el botónWPS del router o del punto de acceso.Cuando el extensor de rango se conecta a la red WiFi existente, el indicador WPS del extensor de rango se ilumina en verde fijo y el indicador del router se ilumina.Si el indicador del router no se enciende, vuelva aintentarlo. Si aun así no se enciende, consulte Conexión con el asistente de instalación de NETGEAR en el reverso de esta guía de inicio rápido.3. Si el router WiFi es compatible con la banda de 5 GHz,repita los pasos 1 y 2 para conectar el extensor de rango a esa banda.4. Desenchufe el extensor de rango y colóquelo en unanueva ubicación a igual distancia entre el router y la zona con una mala señal WiFi.La ubicación elegida debe estar dentro del alcance de la red del router WiFi existente.Descripción de los indicadoresIndicador DescripciónAlimentación• Ámbar fijo . El extensor de rango se está iniciando.• Verde fijo . El extensor de rango está encendido.• Apagado . El extensor de rango está apagado.RouterEste indicador indica el estado de laconexión de red entre el extensor de rango y el router o el punto de acceso.• Verde fijo . Conexión óptima.• Ámbar fijo . Conexión buena.• Rojo fijo . Mala conexión.• Apagado . No existe ninguna conexión.DispositivoEste indicador indica el estado de laconexión de red entre el extensor de rango y el equipo o dispositivo móvil.• Verde fijo . Conexión óptima.• Ámbar fijo . Conexión buena.• Rojo fijo . Mala conexión.• Apagado . No existe ninguna conexión.WPS• Verde fijo . La seguridad WiFi está activada (WPA o WPA2).• Verde intermitente . Se estáestableciendo una conexión WPS.• Apagado . La seguridad WiFi no está activada.Colocación y encendido del extensor de rango1. Coloque el extensor de rango en la misma habitaciónque el router WiFi.Solo es necesario que esté cerca del router WiFi durante el proceso de configuración inicial.2. Enchufe el extensor de rango a una toma de corriente.Espere hasta que el indicador de alimentación se ilumine en verde. Si el indicador de alimentación no se ilumina, pulse el botón de encendido/apagado en el lateral del extensor de rango.5. Enchufe el extensor de rango a una toma de corriente yespere a que el indicador de alimentación se ilumine en verde. 6. Utilice el indicador del router para ayudarle a elegirun lugar en el que la calidad de la conexión entre el extensor de rango y el router sea óptima.7. Si el indicador del router no se ilumina en ámbar o enverde, enchufe el extensor de rango a una toma de corriente más cercana al router y vuelva a intentarlo.Siga moviendo el extensor de rango a enchufes más cercanos al router hasta que el indicador del router se ilumine en color ámbar o verde.8. En el equipo o dispositivo móvil, localice y conéctese a lanueva red WiFi del extensor de rango.El extensor de rango crea dos nuevas redes WiFi. Los nombres de las nuevas redes WiFi del extensor de rango están basados en el de la red WiFi existente, pero se le añaden los sufijos _2GEXT y _5GEXT al final del nombre.Por ejemplo:• Nombre de la red WiFi existente . NombreDeMiRed•Nuevos nombres de las redes WiFi deextensor de rango . NombreDeMiRed_2GEXT y NombreDeMiRed_5GEXTUtilice la misma contraseña WiFi que utiliza en su router WiFi.9. Para probar la nueva cobertura WiFi del extensor derango, acerque el equipo o dispositivo móvil a la zona con una mala señal inalámbrica del router:a. Deje el equipo o dispositivo móvil en el área conuna mala señal WiFi del router y vuelva al extensor de rango.b. Compruebe en el indicador del router en elextensor de rango:• Si el indicador del dispositivo se ilumina enverde o ámbar fijo, la nueva red WiFi del extensor de rango alcanza el área con mala señal inalámbrica del router y la red está configurada.•Si el indicador del dispositivo se ilumina en rojo, la nueva red WiFi del extensor de rango no alcanza el área con mala señal inalámbrica del router.Debe acercar el equipo o dispositivo móvil al extensor de rango hasta que el indicador del dispositivose ilumine en verde o ámbar fijo.Octubre de 2021Extensor de rango WiFi NOTA: WPS no admite seguridad de red WEP . Si utiliza la seguridad WEP , siga las instrucciones de la sección Conexión con el asistente de instalación de NETGEAR que aparece en el reverso de esta guía de inicio rápido.CORRECTOINCORRECTOConexión con el asistente de instalación de NETGEAR1. En un equipo o dispositivo móvil compatible, abrael administrador de conexiones WiFi, localice la redNETGEAR_EXT del extensor de rango y conéctese a ella.Cuando esté conectado al extensor de rango, el indicador del dispositivo se ilumina.2. Abra un navegador web.3. Visite .Aparecerá el asistente de instalación de NETGEAR.4. Siga las instrucciones para conectar el extensor de rangoa la red WiFi existente.5. Desenchufe el extensor de rango y colóquelo en unanueva ubicación a igual distancia del router y la zona con una mala señal WiFi.La ubicación elegida debe estar dentro del alcance de la red del router WiFi existente.6. Enchufe el extensor de rango a una toma de corriente yespere a que el indicador de alimentación se ilumine en verde. 7. Utilice el indicador del router para ayudarle a elegirun lugar en el que la calidad de la conexión entre el extensor de rango y el router sea óptima.8. Si el indicador del router no se ilumina en ámbar o enverde, enchufe el extensor de rango a una toma de corriente más cercana al router y vuelva a intentarlo.Siga moviendo el extensor de rango a enchufes más cercanos al router hasta que el indicador del router se ilumine en color ámbar o verde.9. Vuelva a conectar el equipo o dispositivo a la nueva redWiFi del extensor de rango.10. Para probar la nueva cobertura WiFi ampliada, acerqueel equipo o dispositivo móvil a la zona con una mala señal inalámbrica del router:a. Deje el equipo o dispositivo móvil en el área conuna mala señal WiFi del router y vuelva al extensor de rango.b. Compruebe en el indicador del router en elextensor de rango:•Si el indicador del dispositivo se ilumina en verde o ámbar fijo, la nueva red WiFi del extensor de rango alcanza el área con mala señal inalámbrica del router y la red está configurada.•Si el indicador del dispositivo se ilumina enrojo, la nueva red WiFi del extensor de rango no alcanza el área con mala señal inalámbrica del router.Debe acercar el equipo o dispositivo móvil al extensor de rango hasta que el indicador del dispositivo se ilumine en verde o ámbar fijo.11. Enchufe el extensor de rango a una toma de corriente yespere a que el indicador de alimentación se ilumine en verde.Si el indicador de alimentación no se ilumina, pulse el botón de encendido y apagado .Acceso a la configuración del extensor de rangoDespués de la instalación, puede iniciar sesión en el extensor de rango para ver o cambiar los ajustes del mismo.1. Abra un navegador web en un equipo o dispositivomóvil que esté conectado a la red del extensor de rango.Cuando esté conectado al extensor de rango, el indicador de conexión al dispositivo se ilumina.2. Inicie sesión en el extensor de rango:•Si el extensor de rango y el router utilizan nombres de red WiFi (SSID) diferentes, visite .•Si el extensor de rango y el router utilizan el mismo nombre de red WiFi (SSID), introduzca http://<dirección IP del extensor de rango> (por ejemplo, saber la dirección IP del extensor de rango, realice lo siguiente:a. Inicie sesión en el router.b. Busque la página en la interfaz web del routerque muestra una lista de los dispositivos conectados al router.c. Busque su extensor de rango en la lista y anotesu dirección IP .d. Introduzca la dirección IP del extensor derango en el campo de dirección del navegador web.Se abrirá la página de inicio de sesión.3. Escriba su dirección de correo electrónico deadministrador y contraseña, y haga clic en el botón LOG IN (Iniciar sesión).Se mostrará la página de estado.CORRECTOINCORRECTO© NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR y el logotipo de NETGEAR son marcascomerciales registradas de NETGEAR, Inc. Cualquier marca comercial distinta a NETGEAR que se utilice, se usa únicamente a modo de referencia.NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134 (EE. UU.)NETGEAR INTERNATIONAL LTD Floor 1, Building 3University Technology Centre Curraheen Road, Cork, T12EF21, IrlandaAsistencia técnica y comunidadReglamentario y legalPara consultar la declaración de conformidad de la UE, visite https:///about/regulatory/.Consulte el documento de cumplimiento normativo antes de conectar la fuente de alimentación.Visite /support para obtener todas las respuestas a sus preguntas y acceder a las descargas más recientes. También podrá echar un vistazo a los útilesconsejos de nuestra comunidad de NETGEAR en .。
The concave-convex procedure (CCCP
![The concave-convex procedure (CCCP](
A.L.Yuille and Anand Rangarajan∗Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute,2318Fillmore Street,San Francisco,CA94115,USA.Tel.(415)345-2144.Fax.(415)345-8455.Email yuille@∗Prof.Anand Rangarajan.Dept.of CISE,Univ.of Florida Room301,CSE Building Gainesville,FL32611-6120Phone:(352)3921507Fax:(352)3921220 e-mail:anand@cise.ufl.eduAbstractWe introduce the Concave-Convex procedure(CCCP)which con-structs discrete time iterative dynamical systems which are guar-anteed to monotonically decrease global optimization/energy func-tions.It can be applied to(almost)any optimization problem andmany existing algorithms can be interpreted in terms of CCCP.Inparticular,we prove relationships to some applications of Legendretransform techniques.We then illustrate CCCP by applications toPotts models,linear assignment,EM algorithms,and GeneralizedIterative Scaling(GIS).CCCP can be used both as a new way tounderstand existing optimization algorithms and as a procedure forgenerating new algorithms.1IntroductionThere is a lot of interest in designing discrete time dynamical systems for inference and learning(see,for example,[10],[3],[7],[13]).This paper describes a simple geometrical Concave-Convex procedure(CCCP)for constructing discrete time dynamical systems which can be guaranteed to decrease almost any global optimization/energy function(see technical conditions in sec-tion(2)).We prove that there is a relationship between CCCP and optimization techniques based on introducing auxiliary variables using Legendre transforms.We distinguish between Legendre min-max and Legendre minimization.In the former,see[6],the introduction of auxiliary variables converts the problem to a min-max problem where the goal is tofind a saddle point.By contrast,in Legendre minimization,see [8],the problem remains a minimization one(and so it becomes easier to analyzeconvergence).CCCP relates to Legendre minimization only and gives a geometrical perspective which complements the algebraic manipulations presented in[8]. CCCP can be used both as a new way to understand existing optimization algo-rithms and as a procedure for generating new algorithms.We illustrate this by giving examples from Potts models,EM,linear assignment,and Generalized It-erative Scaling.Recently,CCCP has also been used to construct algorithms to minimize the Bethe/Kikuchi free energy[13].We introduce CCCP in section(2)and relate it to Legendre transforms in sec-tion(3).Then we give examples in section(4).2The Concave-Convex Procedure(CCCP)The key results of CCCP are summarized by Theorems1,2,and3.Theorem1shows that any function,subject to weak conditions,can be expressed as the sum of a convex and concave part(this decomposition is not unique).This implies that CCCP can be applied to(almost)any optimization problem. Theorem1.Let E( x)be an energy function with bounded Hessian∂2E( x)/∂ x∂ x. Then we can always decompose it into the sum of a convex function and a concave function.Proof.Select any convex function F( x)with positive definite Hessian with eigen-values bounded below by >0.Then there exists a positive constantλsuch that the Hessian of E( x)+λF( x)is positive definite and hence E( x)+λF( x)is con-vex.Hence we can express E( x)as the sum of a convex part,E( x)+λF( x),and a concave part−λF( x).Figure1:Decomposing a function into convex and concave parts.The original func-tion(Left Panel)can be expressed as the sum of a convex function(Centre Panel) and a concave function(Right Panel).(Figure courtesy of James M.Coughlan). Our main result is given by Theorem2which defines the CCCP procedure and proves that it converges to a minimum or saddle point of the energy.Theorem2.Consider an energy function E( x)(bounded below)of form E( x)= E vex( x)+E cave( x)where E vex( x),E cave( x)are convex and concave functions of x respectively.Then the discrete iterative CCCP algorithm x t→ x t+1given by:∇E( x t+1)=− ∇E cave( x t),(1)vexis guaranteed to monotonically decrease the energy E( x)as a function of time and hence to converge to a minimum or saddle point of E( x).Proof.The convexity and concavity of E vex(.)and E cave(.)means that E vex( x2)≥E vex( x1)+( x2− x1)· ∇E vex( x1)and E cave( x4)≤E cave( x3)+( x4− x3)· ∇E cave( x3), for all x1, x2, x3, x4.Now set x1= x t+1, x2= x t, x3= x t, x4= x t+ing the algorithm definition(i.e. ∇E vex( x t+1)=− ∇E cave( x t))wefind that E vex( x t+1)+ E cave( x t+1)≤E vex( x t)+E cave( x t),which proves the claim.We can get a graphical illustration of this algorithm by the reformulation shown in figure(2)(suggested by James M.Coughlan).Think of decomposing the energy function E( x)into E1( x)−E2( x)where both E1( x)and E2( x)are convex.(This is equivalent to decomposing E( x)into a a convex term E1( x)plus a concave term −E2( x)).The algorithm proceeds by matching points on the two terms which have the same tangents.For an input x0we calculate the gradient ∇E2( x0)andfind the point x1such that ∇E1( x1)= ∇E2( x0).We next determine the point x2such that ∇E( x2)= ∇E2( x1),and repeat.1Figure2:A CCCP algorithm illustrated for Convex minus Convex.We want to minimize the function in the Left Panel.We decompose it(Right Panel)into a convex part(top curve)minus a convex term(bottom curve).The algorithm iterates by matching points on the two curves which have the same tangent vectors, see text for more details.The algorithm rapidly converges to the solution at x=5.0.We can extend Theorem2to allow for linear constraints on the variables x,for example i cµi x i=αµwhere the{cµi},{αµ}are constants.This follows directly because properties such as convexity and concavity are preserved when linear con-straints are imposed.We can change to new coordinates defined on the hyperplane defined by the linear constraints.Then we apply Theorem1in this coordinate system.Observe that Theorem2defines the update as an implicit function of x t+1.In many cases,as we will show,it is possible to solve for x t+1directly.In other cases we may need an algorithm,or inner loop,to determine x t+1from ∇E vex( x t+1).In these cases we will need the following theorem where we re-express CCCP in terms of minimizing a time sequence of convex update energy functions E t+1( x t+1)to obtain the updates x t+1( the t th iteration of CCCP we need to minimize the energy E t+1( x t+1)).We include linear constraints in Theorem3.Theorem3.Let E( x)=E vex( x)+E cave( x)where x is required to satisfy the linear constraints i cµi x i=αµ,where the{cµi},{αµ}are constants.Then the update rule for x t+1can be formulated as minimizing a time sequence of convex update energyfunctions E t+1( x t+1):E t+1( x t+1)=E vex( x t+1)+ i x t+1i∂E con∂ y ( y)={∂F∂ x( x)={∂F∗∂ y}−1( x)we mean the value y such that∂F∗∂ x ( x t+1)=−∂g4Examples of CCCPWe now illustrate CCCP by giving four examples:(i)discrete time dynamical systems for the mean field Potts model,(ii)an EM algorithm for the elastic net,(iii)a discrete (Sinkhorn)algorithm for solving the linear assignment problem,and (iv)the Generalized Iterative Scaling (GIS)algorithm for parameter estimation.Example 1.Discrete Time Dynamical Systems for the Mean Field Potts Model.These attempt to minimize discrete energy functions of form E [V ]= i,j,a,b ˆT ijab V ia V jb + ia θia V ia ,where the {V ia }take discrete values {0,1}with linear constraints i V ia =1,∀a .Discussion.Mean field algorithms minimize a continuous effective energy E ef f [S ;T ]to obtain a minimum of the discrete energy E [V ]in the limit as T →0.The {S ia }are continuous variables in the range [0,1]and correspond to (approximate)estimates of the mean states of the {V ia }.As described in [12],to ensure that the minima of E [V ]and E ef f [S ;T ]all coincide (as T →0)it is sufficient that ˆT ijab be negative definite.Moreover,this can be attained by adding a term −K ia V 2ia to E [V ](for sufficiently large K )without altering the structure of the minima of E [V ].Hence,without loss of generality we can consider i,j,a,b ˆT ijab V ia V jb to be a concave function.We impose the linear constraints by adding a Lagrange multiplier term a p a { i V ia −1}to the energy where the {p a }are the Lagrange multipliers.The effective energy becomes:E ef f [S ]= i,j,a,b ˆT ijab S ia S jb + ia θia S ia +T ia S ia log S ia + a p a { iS ia −1}.(3)We can then incorporate the Lagrange multiplier term into the convex part.This gives:E vex [S ]=T ia S ia log S ia + a p a { i S ia −1}and E cave [S ]= i,j,a,b ˆT ijab S ia S jb + ia θia S ia .Taking derivatives yields:∂∂S ia E cave [S ]=2 j,b ˆT ijab S jb +θia .Applying CCCP by setting ∂E vex ∂S ia (S t )gives T {1+log S ia (t +1)}+p a =−2 j,b ˆT ijab S jb (t )−θia .We solve for the Lagrange multipliers {p a }by imposing the constraints i S ia (t +1)=1,∀a .This gives a discrete update rule:S ia (t +1)=e (−1/T ){2 j,b ˆT ijab S jb (t )+θia }β l ˆP (l )log P (f,l )+1variable and obtain a convex concave decomposition in the remaining variable(cf. Theorem4).We illustrate(b)for the elastic net[2].(See Yuille and Rangarajan, in preparation,for an illustration of(a)).Example2.The elastic net attempts to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)byfinding the shortest tour through a set of cities at positions{ x i}.The elastic net is represented by a set of nodes at positions{ y a}with variables{S ia} that determine the correspondence between the cities and the nodes of the net.Let E ef f[S, y]be the effective energy for the elastic net,then the{ y}variables can be eliminated and the resulting E S[S]can be minimized using CCCP.(Note that the standard elastic net only enforces the second set of linear constraints). Discussion.The elastic net energy function can be expressed as[11]:E ef f[S, y]= ia S ia( x i− y a)2+γ a,b y a A ab y b+T i,a S ia log S ia,(5) where we impose the conditions a S ia=1,∀i and i S ia=1,∀a.The EM algorithm can be applied to estimate the{ y a}.Alternatively we can solve for the{ y a}variables to obtain y b= i,a P ab S ia x i where{P ab}={δab+2γA ab}−1. We substitute this back into E ef f[S, y]to get a new energy E S[S]given by:E S[S]=− i,j,a,b S ia S jb{P ba x i· x j}+T i,a S ia log S ia.(6)Once again this is a sum of a concave and a convex part(thefirst term is concave because of the minus sign and the fact that{P ba}and x i· x j are both positive semi-definite.)We can now apply CCCP and obtain the standard EM algorithm for this problem.(See Yuille and Rangarajan,in preparation,for more details).Ourfinal example is a discrete iterative algorithm to solve the linear assignment problem.This algorithm was reported by Kosowsky and Yuille in[5]where it was also shown to correspond to the well-known Sinkhorn algorithm[9].We now show that both Kosowsky and Yuille’s linear assignment algorithm,and hence Sinkhorn’s algorithm are examples of CCCP(after a change of variables).Example3.The linear assignment problem seeks tofind the permutation matrix { ia}which minimizes the energy E[ ]= ia ia A ia,where{A ia}is a set of assignment values.As shown in[5]this is equivalent to minimizing the(convex) E P[P]energy given by E P[P]= a p a+1b e−β(A ib+p t b),(7)and can be re-expressed as CCCP.Discussion.By performing the change of coordinatesβp a=−log r a∀a(for r a>0,∀a)we can re-express the E P[P]energy as:E r[r]=−1βilog a r a e−βA ia.(8)Observe that thefirst term of E r[r]is convex and the second term is concave(this can be verified by calculating the Hessian).Applying CCCP gives the update rule:1b e−βA ib r tb,(9)which corresponds to equation(7).Example4.The Generalized Iterative Scaling(GIS)Algorithm[1]for estimating parameters in parallel.Discussion.The GIS algorithm is designed to estimate the parameter λof a distri-bution P( x: λ)=e λ· φ( x)/Z[ λ]so that x P( x; λ) φ( x)= h,where h are observa-tion data(with components indexed byµ).It is assumed thatφµ( x)≥0,∀µ, x, hµ≥0,∀µ,and µφµ( x)=1,∀ x and µhµ=1.(All estimation problems of this type can be transformed into this form[1]).Darroch and Ratcliff[1]prove that the following GIS algorithm is guaranteed to converge to value λ∗that minimizes the(convex)cost function E( λ)=log Z[ λ]− λ· h and hence satisfies x P( x; λ∗) φ( x)= h.The GIS algorithms is given by:λt+1= λt−log h t+log h,(10) where h t= x P( x; λt) φ( x)(evaluate log h componentwise:(log h)µ=log hµ.)To show that GIS can be reformulated as CCCP,we introduce a new variable β=e λ(componentwise).We reformulate the problem in terms of minimizing the cost function Eβ[ β]=log Z[log( β)]− h·(log β).A straightforward calcula-tion shows that− h·(log β)is a convex function of βwithfirst derivative being − h/ β(where the division is componentwise).Thefirst derivative of log Z[log( β)]is (1/ β) x φ( x)P( x:logβ)(evaluated componentwise).To show that log Z[log( β)]is concave requires computing its Hessian and applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality using the fact that µφµ( x)=1,∀ x and thatφµ( x)≥0,∀µ, x.We can there-fore apply CCCP to Eβ[ β]which yields1/ βt+1=1/ βt×1/ h× h t(componentwise), which is GIS(by taking logs and using logβ= λ).5ConclusionCCCP is a general principle which can be used to construct discrete time iterative dynamical systems for almost any energy minimization problem.It gives a geomet-ric perspective on Legendre minimization(though not on Legendre min-max).We have illustrated that several existing discrete time iterative algorithms can be re-interpreted in terms of CCCP(see Yuille and Rangarajan,in preparation,for otherexamples).Therefore CCCP gives a novel way of thinking about and classifying ex-isting algorithms.Moreover,CCCP can also be used to construct novel algorithms. See,for example,recent work[13]where CCCP was used to construct a double loop algorithm to minimize the Bethe/Kikuchi free energy(which are generalizations of the meanfield free energy).There are interesting connections between our results and those known to mathe-maticians.After this work was completed we found that a result similar to Theorem 2had appeared in an unpublished technical report by D.Geman.There also are similarities to the work of Hoang Tuy who has shown that any arbitrary closed set is the projection of a difference of two convex sets in a space with one more dimension.(See AcknowledgementsWe thank James Coughlan and Yair Weiss for helpful conversations.Max Welling gave useful feedback on this manuscript.We thank the National Institute of Health (NEI)for grant number RO1-EY12691-01.References[1]J.N.Darroch and D.Ratcliff.“Generalized Iterative Scaling for Log-Linear Models”.The Annals of Mathematical Statistics.Vol.43.No.5,pp1470-1480.1972.[2]R.Durbin,R.Szeliski and A.L.Yuille.“An Analysis of an Elastic net Approach tothe Traveling Salesman Problem”.Neural Computation.1,pp348-358.1989.[3]I.M.Elfadel“Convex potentials and their conjugates in analog mean-field optimiza-tion”.Neural Computation.Volume7.Number5.pp.1079-1104.1995.[4]R.Hathaway.“Another Interpretation of the EM Algorithm for Mixture Distribu-tions”.Statistics and Probability Letters.Vol.4,pp53-56.1986.[5]J.Kosowsky and A.L.Yuille.“The Invisible Hand Algorithm:Solving the AssignmentProblem with Statistical Physics”.Neural Networks.,Vol.7,No.3,pp477-490.1994.[6] E.Mjolsness and C.Garrett.“Algebraic Transformations of Objective Functions”.Neural Networks.Vol.3,pp651-669.[7] A.Rangarajan,S.Gold,and E.Mjolsness.“A Novel Optimizing Network Architec-ture with Applications”.Neural Computation,8(5),pp1041-1060.1996.[8] A.Rangarajan,A.L.Yuille,S.Gold.and E.Mjolsness.”A Convergence Proof forthe Softassign Quadratic assignment Problem”.In Proceedings of NIPS’96.Denver.Colorado.1996.[9]R.Sinkhorn.“A Relationship Between Arbitrary Positive Matrices and DoublyStochastic Matrices”.Ann.Math.Statist..35,pp876-879.1964.[10] F.R.Waugh and R.M.Westervelt.“Analog neural networks with local competition:I.Dynamics and stability”.Physical Review E,47(6),pp4524-4536.1993.[11] A.L.Yuille.“Generalized Deformable Models,Statistical Physics and Matching Prob-lems,”Neural Computation,2pp1-24.1990.[12] A.L.Yuille and J.J.Kosowsky.“Statistical Physics Algorithms that Converge.”Neu-ral Computation.6,pp341-356.1994.[13] A.L.Yuille.“A Double-Loop Algorithm to Minimize the Bethe and Kikuchi FreeEnergies”.Neural Computation.In press.2002.。
Removing Old Cone or VaneSee Figure 2 for identification of all items referenced.For Fan Arrangements 1, 4, 9 and 10:1. Shut off fan and lock out electrical power.2. Remove inlet screens if applicable.3a. For Removing Old Inlet Cone — Loosen fasteners atperiphery of inlet cone and remove old cone.3b. For Pre-1981 Style Inlet Vane Removal — Removehardware from old vane which attaches it to the housing. Remove control link and old inlet vane.3c. For Post-1981 Style Inlet Vane Removal — Removenut (item 14) and pull connecting arm out of the way. Loosen fasteners which hold inlet vane to the fan housing, and remove old inlet vane.For Arrangements 3 and 7:1. Shut off fan and lock out electric power.2. Remove inlet screens if applicable. Release belttension.3. Clean and remove rust from sections of fan shaftwhich extend through fan inlet bearings. File smooth any burrs. Remove bearing bolts and raise shaft enough to take weight off bearing.4. Working through fan outlet or through access door,block under periphery of fan wheel so that fan housing supports the fan wheel.5a. For Fan With Setscrew Locking Collars — Loosensetscrews in fan inlet bearing. Using wedges or pry bars, slide bearing off end of shaft. If it is necessary to force bearing, use a brass rod to drive against inner race of bearing only.5b. For Fans With Split Type Bearing — Remove bearingcap, bearing housing and bearing insert off end of shaft. If the bearing insert must be removed by inexperienced personnel, it is recommended that the bearing manufacturer be contacted to provide instructions for dismounting.6a. For New Installation — Loosen fasteners which holdinlet cone and bearing support frame to the fan housing side. Remove old inlet cone and bearing support frame.6b. For Pre-1981 Style Replacement — Removehardware from old vane which attaches it to the housing side. Remove control arm (or drive link). Loosen fasteners which hold the inlet cone and bearing support frame to the housing side, then remove old inlet vane and bearing support frame.6c. For Post-1981 Style Replacement — Remove nut(item 14) and pull connecting arm out of the way. Loosen fasteners which hold the inlet vane and bearing support frame to the housing side, and remove the inlet vane and bearing support frame.Assembling Nested Inlet VaneFor Fan Arrangements 1, 4, 9 & 10:1. Using Figure 2 as a guide, assemble items 5through 15 to the inlet vane. Threaded linkage rod (item 6) may have to be cut to required length.2. Center inlet vane in location of old vane or cone, and rotate until inlet vane control ring is approximately in the same position as shown in Figure3. If old control linkage is being reused, locate control ring clip so that connecting link can be reattached. Be sure that when vane is partially closed the entering air will be spun in the direction of wheel rotation.3. For installation of new quadrant, using the dimensions in Figure 4, position quadrant (item 2 or 2A) to the housing side. Drill a hole in the fan housing side to match outside diameter of control rod housing (item 4).4. Weld quadrant (item 2 or 2A) to housing frame (or housing side).5. Assemble the remaining parts of control system according to Figure 2. Adjust position of connecting links as required to allow the vane to open and close smoothly.6. Weld threaded linkage housing to hex nuts (item 12). Spot weld the control rod to vane handle and controllinkage bar.©1998 – 2018 Twin City Fan Companies, Ltd.Figure 1. BC, BAF, BCS Fan With Nested Inlet2 Twin City Engineering Supplement ES-394For Arrangements 3 & 7:1. Using Figure 2 as a guide, assemble items 5 through 15 to the inlet vane. Threaded linkage rod (item 6) may have to be cut to required length.2. Center inlet vane in location of old vane or cone, and rotate until inlet vane control ring is approximately in the same position as shown in Figure3. If old control linkage is being reused, locate control ring clip so that connecting link can be reattached.3. For installation of new quadrant, using the dimensions in Figure 4, position quadrant (item 2 or 2A) to the housing side. Drill a hole in the fan housing side to match outside diameter of control rod housing (item 4).4. Weld quadrant (item 2 or 2A) to housing frame (or housing side).5. Reassemble bearing support frame and bolt it to the fan housing as shown in Figure 5.6. Reassemble bearing and tighten bearing fasteners7. Remove blocking under wheel and check to be sure wheel turns freely. Adjust bearing position or inlet vane position as required.8. Assemble the remaining parts of control system according to Figure 2. Adjust position of connecting links as required to allow the vane to open and close smoothly.9. Weld threaded linkage housing to hex nuts (item 12). Spot weld the control rod to vane handle and control linkage bar.Figure 2. Nested Inlet Vane Control System for SWSI BC, BAF, BCS FansNOTES:Twin City Engineering Supplement ES-394 3Figure 3. Control Ring PositionFigure 4. Nested Inlet Vane Handle Location For Non-rotatable FansNOTES:1. For POS. R: CW fan handledown is open. CCW fan handledown is closed. For POS L:CW fan handle down is closed.CCW fan handle down is open.2. Handle location oninlet side of fan.3. Reference ofAS-13460.Figure 5. Nested Inlet Vane Handle Location For Rotatable FansFAN SIZE 165 182 200 222 245 270 300 330 365 A 11.25 12.25 13.50 14.62 15.88 17.50 19.06 20.44 22.88B1.691.691.692. CITY FAN & BLOWER | 5959 Trenton Lane N | Minneapolis, MN 55442 | Phone: 763-551-7600 | Fax: 763-551-7601。
Artificial leather and synthetic leather prod-ucts have more than 60 years of development history, because the cost of artificial leather is lower than real leather, the manufacturing pro-cess is relatively simple, widely used in textile, automotive and furniture decoration fields. How-ever, the raw materials used in artificial leather are mostly polyurethane and polyvinylchloride synthetic chemical raw materials, which are easy to release formaldehyde and other harmful gases in the process of preparation or use, pol-luting the environment and damaging human health. In recent years, influenced by the concept of environmental protection and animal protec-tionism, consumers are more inclined to choose leather products made of high-performance and bio-based materials.Modern Meadow on April, 2023 announced its Bio-Alloy™ proprietary protein-based technology is coming to the Tory Burch runway as the American fashion brand debuts its first-ever plant-based leather alternative tote, the Ella Bio, an evolution of the iconic Ella tote.The Ella Bio features an outer shell crafted in Bio-Tex™. It has a greenhouse-gas-emission footprint that’s 90 percent lower than tradi-tional, chrome-tanned cow leather. Unlike most materials marketed as “vegan” leather, which are made with plastic derived from fossil fuels, Bio-Tex is mostly made from plant protein. The material’s foundation is a bio-based polyurethane plastic coated in Modern Meadow’s “Bio-Alloy", an innovation also made from plant proteins and bio-based polymers that helps mix unlike proteins to create particular characteristics—durability, smoothness, colour, breathability, warmth, etc.It follows other brands that have launched bags made from different biological bases. French luxury house Hermès has partnered with biomateri-als company MycoWorks to reimagine its Victoria shopper bag in a leather alternative grown from mycelium. According to the company enables it to grow into a dense, intertwined structure that is naturally more homogenous and hard-wearing.Edited by Zhao Xinhua10China TextileSpecial ReportCopyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.Desserto, a Mexican biomaterials company, devel-oped a new material with cacti to replace leather and named it Desserto ®. It takes approximately 3 leaves of cactus to create one linear meter of Desserto. They only cut the mature leaves of the plant without dam-aging the plant itself, enabling repeat harvest every 6-8 months from the same plants. Desserto ® offers high resistance to abrasion, rubbing, tearing, tensile and a great durability.Copenhagen-based Beyond Leather has combined leftovers from apple juice and cider production with natural rubber to create a plant-based leather alternative called Leap. Beyond Leather's apple-based version emits 85 percent less CO 2 in its production than traditional leather, according to the company's estimates, as well as requiring one percent of the amount of water. At the mo-ment, Leap uses a twill backing woven from certified or-ganic cotton and Tencel, a kind of fibre made from wood pulp. And, like many plant-based leather alternatives such as Piñatex, Leap's durability is currently ensured with the help of a protective plastic coating, which is em-bossed for texture and also contains the pigments that give the leather alternative its colour. The coating was made half from traditional petroleum-based polyure-thane and polyether, and half bioplastic. Beyond Leatherhopes to make the material completely bio-based and biodegradable by 2024.Whether it's palm leather from Dutch designer Tjeerd Veenhoven, Pinatex plant-based leather from British materials company Ananas Anam (one ingredi-ent is pineapple leaf fiber), or the alternative Tomtex leather (made of waste coffee grounds and biopolymer chitin) from Vietnamese designer Uyen Tran. This kind of leather is made of natural bio-based materials and has little or no impact on the environment and human health. While addressing the need for low-carbon envi-ronmental protection, it also meets the diversified con-sumer needs of the market. It has become a new choice in the current era of carbon neutrality.China Textile 11Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
Überraschende DufterlebnisseNeue und ungewöhnlicheNaturstoffe faszinierenderBlütendüfteR OMAN K AISER| P HILIP K RAFTEs gibt Blütendüfte, die sichnicht einfach wie viele an-dere rekonstituieren lassen,weil sie neue und ungewöhn-liche Riechstoffe in teilweisebeachtlichen Konzentratio-nen enthalten. Diese Natur-stoffe, die häufig Folge einergerichteten Ko-Evolution vonBlume und Bestäuber sind,können den Parfümeur zuneuen Akkorden und denChemiker zu neuen Derivateninspirieren.Der in China hochgeschätzte Blütenduftvon Osmanthus fragrans Lour. zeichnetsich durch eine extreme Vielfalt vonCarotinoid-Metaboliten aus. Unter denrund 100 Vertretern dieser Verbin-dungsklasse befanden sich viele neu-artige Strukturen.N AT U R S T O F F C H E M I E|FASZINIERENDE BLÜTENDÜF TEB lütendüfte nahmen seit jeher eine zentrale Stellung inder Parfümerie ein [1].Ungeachtet des Erfolges des Köl-nisch Wassers waren die weitaus meisten Parfüms des 18.,19.und frühen 20.Jahrhunderts Soliflores,parfümistischeNachbildungen und Interpretationen einzelner Blumendüf-te,wie etwa »Lily of the valley« (Floris,ca.1750),»Rose« (Mo-linard,1860),»Jasmin« (Molinard,1860),»Rose Jacqueminot«(Coty,1904),»Jasmin de Corse« (Coty,1906),»Violette Pour-pre« (Houbigant,1907),»Narcisse Noir« (Caron,1912),»Gar-dénia« (Chanel,1925) und »Le Muguet des Bois« (Coty,1942),um nur einige besonders wichtige zu nennen [2].Die besondere Kunst des Parfümeurs war es,Parfümsvon Blumen,aus denen man kein etherisches Öl gewinnenkonnte,etwa Maiglöckchen,durch Kombination etherischerÖle und Naturprodukte anderer Pflanzen zu kreieren.Mitder chemischen Analyse dieser natürlichen Parfümrohstof-fe,mit der in-dustriellen Syn-these ihrer rie-chenden Prinzi-pien und neuerDerivate andererDuftrichtungenbekam der Parfü-meur mit derZeit immer grö-ßere Kreationsfreiheiten,und die Blumendüfte verloren bald ihre Unschuld.Etwa die Hälfte aller Parfüms auf dem heu-tigen Markt basiert jedoch noch immer überwiegend auf floralen Akkorden,und so erstaunt es nicht,dass das Studi-um der Blütendüfte in der Parfümeurausbildung an erster Stelle steht.Faszinierend ist,mit wie wenig Duftbausteinen man Akkorde der unterschiedlichsten Blumen-Noten auf-bauen kann.Aus den gleichen 8 Duftbausteinen in Abbil-dung 1 – 2-Phenylethanol 1,7-Hydroxydihydrocitronellal 2, Benzylacetat 3,Phenylacetaldehyd 4,Citronellol 5,2-Hexyl-zimtaldehyd 6,α-Terpineol 7und Indol 8– kann man je nach Zusammensetzung den Duft einer Rose,eines Mai-glöckchens,einer Jasminblüte,einer Hyazinthe oder auch den des Flieders aufbauen.Es gibt allerdings auch Blütendüfte,die sich nicht so ein-fach rekonstituieren lassen,weil sie neue und ungewöhnli-che Riechstoffe in teilweise beachtlichen Konzentrationen enthalten.Diese Naturstoffe,um die es im Folgenden ge-hen soll,können den Parfümeur zu neuen Akkorden und den Chemiker zu neuen Derivaten inspirieren.Häufig sind diese Naturstoffe die Folge einer gerichteten Ko-Evolution von Blume und Bestäuber.Olfaktorische Unterteilung von Blütendüften Ganz allgemein kann man Blütendüfte geruchlich in fünf große aber dennoch relativ gut definierte Duftgruppen ein-Die floralen Duft-eckpfeiler der mo-dernen Parfüme-rie: Aus den 8Duftbausteinen 2-Phenylethanol 11,7-Hydroxydihy-drocitronellal 22,Benzylacetat 33,Phenylacetal-dehyd 44, Citronel-lol 55, 2-Hexylzimt-aldehyd 66, α-Ter-pineol 77und Indol8kann man jenach Zusammen-setzung den Dufteiner Rose, einesMaiglöckchens,einer Jasminblüte,einer Hyazintheoder auch den desFlieders aufbauen.<< Abb. 2Das chemische Grundgerüstweiß-blumigerz.B. die Blüten des Jasmins, der Tubero-se, der Orangenblüte und des Geißblat-tes gehören.< Abb. 3Das chemische Grundgerüstrosig-blumigerz.B. die Blüten von Duftrosen, der Cycla-me, des Maiglöckchens und der Garten-wicke gehören.-BLUMIGteilen.Diese Gruppen umfas-sen die verschiedenartigstenbotanischen Familien,zeigenaber trotzdem eine gewisseÜbereinstimmung mit derökologischen Unterteilungder Blütentypen [3].Die Gruppe der weiß-blu-migen Blütendüfte umfasstunter anderem die in der Par-fümerie beliebten Duftnotendes Jasmins (Jasminum gran-diflorum L.),der Tuberose(Polianthes tuberosa L.),derOrangenblüte (Citrus auran-tium L.),des Geißblattes (Lo-nicera japonica Thunb.) usw.In den meisten Fällen sind dieBlüten dieser Blumen tatsäch-lich weiß gefärbt und duftenam stärksten in den spätenAbendstunden oder in derNacht.Sie repräsentieren et-wa 10% der duftenden Blütenpflanzen,und die meisten von ihnen werden von Nachtfaltern bestäubt,die den Duft und die weiße Blütenfarbe als Wegweiser benutzen.Ihr Duft ba-siert in den überwiegenden Fällen auf einem Grundgerüst aus acyclischen Terpenalkoholen,wie Linalool 9und Nero-lidol 11/ Farnesol 12,begleitet von einfachen aromatischen Alkoholen,wie Benzylalkohol 10und 2-Phenylethanol 1, sowie Estern der von ihnen abgeleiteten Säuren und ent-sprechenden Salicylaten (Abbildung 2).Artspezifische Ver-bindungen,wie etwa Methyljasmonat und Jasmon für die zu den Oleaceae gehörenden Jasminarten,charakterisieren die jeweilige Species genauer.Die nächste Gruppe umfasst Blütendüfte mit rosig-blu-migem Charakter,die sich von den Duftrosen Rosa centi-folia L.,Rosa x damascena Mill.und Rosa gallica L.ablei-ten.In diese Gruppe,die nicht mehr so homogen wie die weiß-blumigen erscheint,fallen aber auch die vertrauten Düfte der Cyclame (Cyclamen purpurascens Mill.),des Maiglöckchens (Convallaria majalis L.) und der Garten-wicke (Lathyrus odoratus L.).Wie man an diesen Beispie-len schon sieht,variiert die Blütenfarbe in dieser Gruppe zwischen Weiß und Rot,im Gegensatz zu den weiß-blumi-gen Blütendüften entfalten die Blumen der rosig-blumigen Duftrichtung ihren Duft aber bis auf wenige Ausnahmen vor allem in der Wärme des Sonnenlichtes.Charakteristisch für diesen Dufttyp ist neben 2-Phenylethanol 1,Terpineol 7, Benzylalkohol 10,Farnesol 12,(6E)-Dihydrofarnesol 14, (3Z)-Hex-3-en-1-ol 15,Rosenoxid 16,Citral/Citronellal 17 und Methylgeranat 18der hohe Gehalt an Citronellol 5,Ne-rol (2Z)-13und Geraniol (2E)-13(Abbildung 3).Nicht alle Rosen gehören aber in die Gruppe der Blü-tendüfte mit rosig-blumigem Charakter,so etwa China-Ro-sen,besonders die Kreuzungen zwischen Rosa chinensis Jacq.und Rosa gigantea Collett ex Crep.,die oft sehr große Mengen an Jononkörpern enthalten.Sie fallen daher in die Gruppe der jononartig-blumigen Düfte,die reich an Caro-tinoid-Abbauprodukten sind.Die Carotinoide – besonders das β,β-Carotin – sind es auch,die die häufig zwischen oran-ge-gelb und gelb-braun liegende Blütenfärbung dieser Blu-men hervorrufen.Diese Färbung ist jedoch allein noch kein Indiz dafür,dass die Blüte jononartig duftet,müssen doch auch die für den Abbau der Carotinoide nötigen Enzyme vorhanden sein.Neben dem Veilchen (Viola odorata L.) und den wohlbekannten Freesien (Freesia refracta Klatt) zählen zu dieser Duftfamilie die auf den Philippinen und in Indonesien beheimatete Michelia champaca L.,der chine-sische Osmanthus fragrans Lour.und die in Westaustralien anzutreffende Boronia megastigma Nees.Die für die Duftfamilie der jononartig-blumigen Blü-tendüfte charakteristischen Carotinoid-Abbauprodukte mit ihren maximal anzutreffenden Gehalten sind in Abbildung 4 zusammengestellt.β-Jonon 23stellt entsprechend der Häu-figkeit des β,β-Carotins in den meisten Fällen die Haupt-ABB. 4|JONONARTIG-BLUMIGN AT U R S T O F F C H E M I E|FASZINIERENDE BLÜTENDÜF TEkomponente dar.Mit 8,2% ist β-Jonon auch eine Haupt-komponente der eher unscheinbaren Commelinaceae Pa-lisota sp.GHS 006,die wir während unseres …ScentTreks“(vgl.Seite 23) im Regenwald der La LopéRegion in Gabon antrafen.Der schlanke Blütenstand trägt kleine weißlich-purpurfarbene Blüten von etwa 5 mm Durchmesser,die einen angenehmen jononartig-blumigen Duft verbreiten. Die GC/MS-Analyse diese Duftes ergab jedoch eine Über-raschung:0,2% β-Safranylacetat 32,das einen fruchtig-hol-zigen,tabakartigen Geruch mit Anklängen an β-Jonon 23 und β-Damascenon 29besitzt und bislang noch nie zuvor in der Natur gefunden wurde.Kurz danach fanden wir β-Saf-ranylacetat auch im Headspace (Infokasten Seite 21) von Anthurium salvadorense Croat.,einer seltenen neotropi-schen Pflanze der Gattung Araceae,die einen sehr fruchtig-esterartigen Duft verbreitet.Wie in Abbildung 5 gezeigt,wird 32dort begleitet von β-Safranal 30und β-Safrol 31,die man als biochemische Vorstufen vermuten kann.Das Beispiel zeigt,dass man selbst in der bestens bekannten Chemie der Carotinoid-Abbauprodukte noch neue Entdeckungen ma-chen kann!Die Gruppe der würzig-blumigen Blütendüfte ist die he-terogenste unter den bisher besprochenen Duftgruppen, und Übergänge zu den anderen Blütendüften treten sehr häufig auf.Charakteristisch für die würzig-blumigen Düfte ist ein Komplex von Phenol-Derivaten,der häufig p-Kresol 33,4-Vinylguajacol 34,Chavicol 35,Eugenol 36,Isoeugenol 37und Vanillin 38enthält (Abbildung 7).Als Prototyp der Familie kann die Gartennelke (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) gelten,deren Duft besonders reich an diesen Phenol-Deri-vaten ist.Die verbleibende fünfte Gruppe umfasst als Sammel-gruppe die Vielzahl parfümistisch weniger interessanter Duftnoten,wie sie z.B.von Blüten abgegeben werden,die von Fliegen (fruchtige,spermatische,aminoide und fäka-lische Düfte),Käfern (fruchtige und aminoide Düfte) oder Fledermäusen (fruchtige,pilzige und gemüseartige Düfte) bestäubt werden.Spezifische Bestäuber oder ungewöhlicheAbb. 5Neue Ca-rotinoid-Metabo-liten im Duft von Anthurium salva-dorense Croat. Abb. 6Anthuri-um salvadorense Croat.Bestäubungs-Syndrome sind häufig ein wichtiger Hinweis auf das Vorkommen von neuen und ungewöhnlichen Na-turstoffen in Blütendüften – eine Folge der Ko-Evolution von Blüte und Bestäuber.Im Verlauf unserer langjährigen Su-che nach neuen Duftmolekülen hat sich gezeigt,dass die Chancen,neue Verbindungen zu finden,bei hochkompli-zierten und/oder hochspezifischen Syndromen am höchs-ten sind.Um dem Rechnung zu tragen,werden wir bei der folgenden Besprechung von neuen und ungewöhnlichen Naturstoffen in Blütendüften nach Bestäubergruppen vor-gehen,also nach einer blütenökologischen Einteilung.Nachtfalter-BlütenEines der eindrucksvollsten Beispiele für die Ko-Evolution von Blüte und Bestäuber stammt aus der Gruppe der von Nachtfaltern bestäubten Blüten:Die aus Madagaskar stam-mende Angraecum sesquipedale Thou.Die Bezeichnung ‚sesquipedale‘ bezieht sich auf den Blütensporn,der eine erstaunliche Länge von 21–35 cm erreicht.Bereits 1862 sag-te Charles Darwin die Existenz eines Insektes voraus,des-sen Rüssel lang genug ist,um an den Nektar am Ende die-ses extrem langen Sporns zu gelangen.Erst 40 Jahre später jedoch entdeckte man im Urwald von Madagaskar den be-treffenden Bestäuber,den Nachtfalter Xanthopan morga-ni,und es dauerte weitere 90 Jahre,bis Prof.Wasserthal den Blütenbesuch fotographisch dokumentieren konnte (Abbil-dung 8).Der Duft von Angraecum sesquipedale Thou.ent-hält große Mengen von 3-Methylbutyraldoxim,neben Phenylacetaldoxim sowie Spuren von Isobutyraldoxim undAbb. 8Angrae-cum sesquipedaleThou. mit seinemBestäuber Xan-thopan morgani,dessen ExistenzCharles Darwinbereits 1862 vo-rausgesagt hatte,der jedoch erst 40Jahre später ent-deckte wurde.41424344N AT U R S T O F F C H E M I E|FASZINIERENDE BLÜTENDÜF TE2-Methylbutyraldoxim.Diese Oxime,die als Abbauproduk-te der entsprechenden Aminosäuren Leucin,Phenylalanin, Valin und Isoleucin aufzufassen sind,sind jedoch nicht artspezifisch,sondern wurden bislang in unserem Labor in 50 verschiedenen Blütendüften identifiziert,die mehrheit-lich von Nachtfaltern bestäubt werden.Nur in zwei Orchideenarten der afrikanischen Tropen, Aerangis confusa (Abbildung 12) J.Steward und Aerangis kirkii(Rolfe) Schltr.,findet sich hingegen der (3S)-3-Me-thylcaprylsäuremethylester 39und das (4S,5S)-cis-4-Me-thyldecan-5-olid 40,das so genannte Aerangis-Lacton.Beide Arten zeigen nach Sonnenuntergang einen intensiven,weiß-blumigen Duft,der an Tuberose und Gardenia erinnert.Für diese Aspekte nach Tuberose und Gardenia ist das Aerangis-Lacton 40verantwortlich,das im Headspace von Aerangis confusa J.Steward zu ca.3%,im Headspace von A.kirkii (Rolfe) Schltr.gar zu ca.26% vorkommt und damit die ge-ruchsbestimmende Komponente ausmacht.Der ebenfalls nur in diesen beiden Orchideendüften nachgewiesene 3-Methylcaprylsäuremethylester 39ist in 2–3% im Headspa-ce vorhanden und erinnert geruchlich an überreife Früch-te und auch etwas an Weinhefe.Beide Verbindungen 39 und 40 liegen enantiomerenrein all-S-konfiguriert vor [4,5] (Ab-bildung 11).Die dort angegebenen Prozentzahlen beziehen sich auf Aerangis kirkii(Rolfe) Schltr.Eine andere Orchidee der gleichen Gattung,die auf Ma-dagaskar beheimatete Aerangis modesta(Hook.f.) Schltr., fiel uns durch eine interessante,frisch-grüne Nuance ihres ansonsten typischen weiß-blumigen Geruchsprofils auf.Wie die GS/MS-Analyse ergab,war diese grüne,krautartige Note auf den ungewöhnlichen Epoxyester 42(Abbildung 9) zurückzuführen,eine Verbindung,die zuvor von uns nur im Jasminium sambac(L.) Ait.[6] gefunden worden war.Mit 14,1% ist 42sogar ein Hauptbestandteil im Headspace von Aerangis modesta (Hook.f.) Schltr.Begleitet wird 42von dem cyclischen Orthoester 43(0,2%) und dem trans-2-Ethyl-3-acetoxytetrahydrofuran 44 (0,1%),die beide durch säurekatalysierte Umlagerung aus 42 entstehen und eben-falls in Jasminium sambac(L.) Ait.vor-kommen.In vitro sind diese Verbin-dungen wie in Abbildung 9 dargestelltdurch Epoxidierung von (3Z)-Hex-3-en-1-ylacetat 41und anschließendeCyclisierung in Gegenwart von Bortri-fluorid in der Kälte bzw.bei Raum-temp.synthetisch leicht zugänglich [7].Die große Überraschung bei einemunserer ersten Flüge mit einem steuerbaren Heißluftballon (vgl.Seite 23) über das Blätterdach des Regenwaldes von Französisch Guayana war der außergewöhnliche milchig,jo-ghurtartige Duft von Macoubea guianensis Aubl.,einer re-lativ häufig anzutreffenden nachtaktiven Apocynaceae,die im September und Oktober in Blütendolden aus kleinen sternenförmigen weißen Blüten blüht.Beim näheren He-rangehen schlug der Duft allerdings ins Unangenehme um und erinnerte eher an Algen und Kalmusöl (Acorus calamusAerangis confusa duftet auf Abb. 12.L.).Die GC/MS-Analyse ergab die Erklärung für diese außer-gewöhnlichen Duftcharakteristika:Das Vorkommen der un-gewöhnlichen C10-Fettsäuremetaboliten 46 und 48,letzte-res in der ungeheuren Menge von 10%.Wie in Abbildung 13 gezeigt,sind die C10-Fettsäuremetaboliten 46–48vermut-lich oxidative Abbauprodukte von Linolensäure 45,mit (2E,4Z,7Z)-Deca-2,4,7-trienal 46als zentraler Zwischen-stufe.Das Dienal 48fanden wir zusammen mit dem entspre-chenden Alkohol kürzlich auch als Hauptkomponente im Blütenduft von Brassavola flagillaris Barb.Rodr.[7],einer im brasilianischen Minas Gerais beheimateten Orchidee. Die rekordverdächtige Menge von 85% eines C10-Fettsäure-metaboliten,nämlich des (2E,4Z)-Deca-2,4-dienals 47,al-lerdings war im Headspace der venezuelanischen Orchidee Rodriquezia refracta Rchb.f.anwesend [8],zusammen mit 2,4% (2E,4Z,7Z)-Deca-2,4,7-trienal 46,seiner biochemi-schen Vorstufe.Daraus ergibt sich ein extrem ungewöhnlicher Blütenduft,der eher an Lebertran als an Blumen erinnert.(4Z,7Z)-Deca-4,7-dienal 48war zuvorN AT U R S T O F F C H E M I E|FASZINIERENDE BLÜTENDÜF TE lediglich als Spurenbestandteil von Acorus calamus L.[9] beschrieben worden,(2E,4Z,7Z)-Deca-2,4,7-trienal 46als Fehlaroma stark autoxidierter Öle [10] sowie alsLipoxygenase-Spaltprodukt der Kieselalge Melosira vari-ans[11].Fliegen-BlütenDie eben erwähnten ungewöhnlichen Blütendüfte mit Le-bertran-Note führen uns zur Gruppe der Blüten,die vonFliegen,Mücken und Moskitos bestäubt werden und nochausgefallenere Duftnoten zeigen.Sie erinnern in der Mehr-heit der Fälle an Aas,Algen,Krustentiere,Pilze oder Sperma,können aber auch olfaktorische Erinnerungen an nassenHund,Ziegenbock,überreifen Appenzeller Käse oder sogarangenehme Duftblumen heraufbeschwören.Besonders ein-drucksvoll ist das Mimikry der in den kolumbianischen An-den beheimateten Dracula chestertonii (Rchb.f.) Luer.(Ab-bildung 15),welche einen pilzartigen Duft als semioche-mische Botschaft aussendet und damit eine weibliche Pilz-mückenart anlockt.Die ungewöhnlich große Lippe siehtzudem den Fruchtkörpern der im gleichen Biotop vor-kommenden Ständerpilze so täuschend ähnlich,dass diePilzmücken ein Opfer dieser Mimikry werden,ihre Eier aufdem vermeintlichen Pilzhut ablegen und schlussendlich die-se Dracula Art bestäuben.Der Duft dieser außergewöhnli-chen Orchidee,reich an Oct-1-en-3-ol (46%),Octan-3-on(14%) und Oct-1-en-3-on (7%),passt perfekt ins Schauspielund könnte auch ein von einem Aromatiker kreiertes Pilz-aroma sein.Mit einem ungewöhnlichen krautig-holzigen,campher-und spermaartigen Geruch lockt Chimonanthus nitens Oli-vier ihren Bestäuber,eine kleine schwarze Moskito-Art,an. In der Headspace-Probe dieses seltenen im Südwesten Chinas beheimateten Vertreters der kleinen Familie der Ca-lycanthaceae fanden wir eine ganze Serie neuer Monoter-pene vom Molekulargewicht 150 u und 152 u,die zusam-men 35% der flüchtigen Verbindungen ausmachten.Die Hauptverbindung,die zu rund 12% vorkam,zeigte im Mas-senspektrum ein fast deckungsgleiches Fragmentierungs-muster wie p-Menth-1-en-9-al 49,was uns auf die Idee brach-te,mit 49biomimetische Reaktionen durchzuführen [7]. Bei der Behandlung von 49mit Salzsäure in wässrigem Di-oxan (50 ºC,1h) erhielten wir tatsächlich als Hauptprodukt eine Verbindung,die sich bei der Koinjektion im Gaschro-matogramm als identisch mit der Hauptkomponente der Headspace-Probe erwies,auch die Synthesenebenprodukte fanden sich in der Headspace-Probe wieder.Die Isolierung und Strukturaufklärung der Syntheseprodukte mit zweidi-Abb. 15Dracula chestertonii (Rchb.f.) Luer lockt mit beein-druckender Mi-mikry und pilz-artigem Duft eine Pilzmückenart zur Bestäubung an.mensionaler NMR-Spektroskopie ergab die in Abbildung 16aufgeführten Strukturen 50–53,wobei die Werte in Klam-mern den Gehalt in der Headspace-Probe,die darunterste-henden Zahlen die Ausbeuten der biomimetischen Reakti-on angeben.Sowohl in der Headspace-Probe von Chimo-nanthus nitens Olivier als auch bei der säurekatalysiertenCyclisierung von p -Menth-1-en-9-al 49dominiert das Isomer 50,was sich durch den in Abbildung 16 dargestellten be-vorzugten Übergangszustand erklärt.50besitzt einen süßen,campherartigen Geruch mit einer krautigen und animali-schen Nuance,die bei 51fehlt.In den beiden exo -Alkoho-len 52und 53 dominieren hingegen die campherartigen Geruchscharakteristika.Die Verbindungen der Headspace-Probe mit m /z = 150 konnten als die analogen 4,7-Dime-thylbicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-en-6-one und 7-Methyl-4-methylen-bicyclo[3.2.1]octan-6-one identifiziert werden.Sie lassen sich biomimetisch aus der 2-(4-Methylcyclohex-3-enyl)pro-pionsäure herstellen.Bienen-BlütenParfümistisch interessanter als die Fliegen-Blüten sind die von Bienen bestäubten Blumenarten.Hier verspricht der Duft der Blüten für die Bienen Nahrung in Form von Nek-tar.Allerdings nicht immer,denn rund 20% der Blüten-pflanzen,die von Bienen bestäubt werden,wie etwa die Ar-ten der Orchideengattungen Coryanthes ,Gongora ,Stan-hopea oder Catasetum ,produzieren gar keinen Nektar.Letz-tere werden von männlichen Prachtbienen direkt wegen ihres intensiven Blütenduftes aufgesucht,der von diesen ge-sammelt und schließlich in der eigenen Reproduktionsbio-logie eingesetzt wird.Einer der Hypothesen zufolge dient der gesammelte Duft als männliches Aggregationsphero-mon,das verbreitet wird,um männliche Prachtbienen in Schwärmen zu sammeln,die durch ihre blinkende Pracht Weibchen anlocken.Eine andere Hypothese besagt hinge-gen,dass die gesammelten Duftstoffe biochemisch in ein Se-xualpheromon umgewandelt werden,das die Weibchen di-rekt anlockt.Abb. 18Die un-gewöhnlichen Hauptkomponen-ten von Coryan-thes mastersiana Lehm. (Abb. 19)und Coryanthes vieirae Gerlach.||CORYANTHESAbb. 19Coryan-thes mastersiana Lehm.N AT U R S T O F F C H E M I E|FASZINIERENDE BLÜTENDÜF TEJedenfalls scheinen diese Orchideendüfte nicht nur für die Orchidee selber,sondern auch für ihre Bestäuber von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung bei der Arterhaltung zu sein. Diese Orchideen-Prachtbienen-Beziehung ist oft hochspe-zifisch,Blütenduft und –form einer Orchideenart sind also häufig nur auf eine oder wenige der rund 180 Prachtbie-nenarten ausgerichtet.Um diese hohe Selektivität zu errei-chen,enthalten die Düfte dieser Orchideen-Arten oft unge-wöhnliche Duftstoffe,in häufig ungewöhnlich großen Men-gen.So fanden wir 2-N-Methylaminobenzaldehyd 54(Abbil-dung 18) zu 91% im staubig-ledrigen Duft von Coryanthes mastersiana Lehm.(Abbildung 19) und 2-Methyl-6-methy-lenocta-2,7-dien-4-ol 55zu 80% im blumig-holzigen Duft von Coryanthes vieirae Gerlach,beides in Kolumbien behei-matete Arten,die von Prachtbienen besucht werden [3,28]. Interessanterweise enthalten viele Coryanthes-Arten (3E,5Z)-Undeca-1,3,5-trien 60(Abbildung 20),bisweilen so-gar in Mengen über 50% und fast immer beinahe isome-renrein,während die (3E,5Z)- und (3E,5E)-Isomere im Gal-banumöl im Verhältnis 3:1 vorkommen [13].Fast immer aber war 60in diesen Coryanthes-Arten von einer sauer-stoffhaltigen Verbindung mit m/z= 194 begleitet,die im Gaschromatogramm eine viel höhere Retentionszeit zeigte. Aufklären konnten wir diese Verbindung allerdings erst,als wir sie im Headspace von Coryanthes elegantium(Abbil-dung 21) zu fast 50% fanden,so dass wir durch präparative Kapillargaschromatographie eine 20 µg-Probe isolieren konnten.NMR-Spektroskopie ergab die Strukturformel 58, das (6Z)-2,6-Dodecadien-5-olid oder Argenti-Lacton,das 1976 von Priestap,Bonafede und Rúveda aus Aristolochia argentina isoliert [14] und 1981 von Fehr,Galindo und Ohloff auf dem in Abbildung 20 skizzierten Weg durch Wit-tig-Reaktion und Photooxygenierung synthetisiert worden war [15].Es besitzt einen grünen Geruch,allerdings viel schwächer als das extrem intensiv grün-metallisch,galba-numartig riechende (3E,5Z)-Undeca-1,3,5-trien 60,ist aber als mögliche Zwischenstufe beim Abbau der Linolsäure 59zum (3E,5Z)-Undeca-1,3,5-trien 60bio-chemisch sehr interessant (Abbildung20).Neue oder ungewöhnliche Natur-stoffe kann man aber natürlich auchbei den Blumen finden,die Bienen mitihrem Duft zum Nektar locken,unddies kann bisweilen zeitlich sehr ge-zielt erfolgen.Während nur 30–40 min.verströmt Masdevallia laucheana Kraenzl.beim Einbruch der Dämmerung ihren intensiven,rosig- und jononartig-blu-migen Duft mit hesperidischen Elementen.Hauptkompo-nenten sind (E)-Ocimen (60%),Geraniol (2E)-13,(20,6%), Geranial (6,0%),Neral (1,0%),Citronellol 5,(2,5%),Pheny-lacetonitril (0,9%) und β-Jonon 23.Außerdem enthält der Blütenduft der Masdevallia laucheana Kraenzl.aber zuMasdevallia laucheanaduftet auf Abb. 23.1,3% auch ein ungewöhnliches Carotinoid-Abbauprodukt, das (7E)-3-Oxomegastigma-7-en-9-on 61,zusammen mit Spu-ren des entsprechenden Hydroxyketons 63 (Abbildung 22). Beide Verbindungen hatten wir zusammen mit dem Diaste-reomer 62erstmals 1988 im kostbaren etherischen Öl von Boronia megastigma Nees.(zuammen ca.1%,61:62:63 ≈1:7:1) entdeckt[16].Weyerstahl und Mitarbeiter [17] konn-ten das Vorkommen dieser Verbindungen im Öl von Boro-nia megastigma Nees.1994 bestätigen und darüber hinaus auch das (7Z)-3-Hydroxymegastima-7-en-9-on 64identifi-zieren.Leider besaßen die neuen Carotinoid-Metaboliten 61–64aber für die menschliche Nase nur einen sehr schwa-chen,uncharakteristischen Geruch.Gewissermaßen das Pendant zu Masdevallia lauchea-na Kraenzl.unter den Orchideen ist die kleinwüchsige, außerordentlich grazile,gelbblühende Cattleya luteola Lindl.,die im Amazonasbecken und den angrenzenden Ge-bieten Perus und Ecuadors zu Hause ist.Während Masde-vallia laucheana Kraenzl.ihren Duft nur in der Abend-dämmerung verbreitet,duftet Cattleya luteola Lindl.nur kurz vor Sonnenaufgang während etwa 40–60 min.und wird zwischen 5:30 – 5:45 Uhr von dämmerlichtaktiven Bie-nen besucht und bestäubt [3].Ihr transparenter,frisch-blu-miger Duft besteht zu 85–95% aus sehr schwach riechen-den Sesquiterpen-Kohlenwasserstoffen,wobei Caryophyl-len die dominierende Hauptkomponente darstellt.Ge-ruchsbestimmend sind hingegen (3Z)-Hex-3-en-1-ol 15,No-nanal,Decanal,2-Phenylethanol 1,Jasmon und Caryophyl-lenepoxid,für die nur noch wenige Prozentbruchteile übrig bleiben.Käfer-BlütenBlüten,die von Käfern bestäubt werden,findet man in der jungen Familie der Orchideen nicht.Aller Wahrscheinlich-keit nach waren Käfer die ersten Blumengäste in der Erd-geschichte,und Käferblüten haben daher fast immer eine etwas archaische Blütenform von scheiben- oder schalen-förmiger Gestalt und weißer bis schmutzig gelber,grüner oder brauner Farbe.Ihre durchweg starken Düfte werden häufig von fruchtigen oder aminoiden Noten dominiert.Die in der Gegend von Manaus verbreitete Victoria amazonica ist ein besonders eindrucksvolles Beispiel für diese Art der Bestäubung.Zwischen 17.30 und 18.30 Uhr öffnet sie ihre großen weißen Blüten und verbreitet dann einen intensiven fruchtigen Duft,der hauptsächlich 2-Me-thylbuttersäuremethylester und Methyltiglat enthält und ei-ne Käferart der Gattung Cyclocephala anlockt.Im Innern der Blüte befindet sich ein Kreis von kleinen Höckern,die mit Zucker und Stärke gefüllt sind,und während sich die Kä-fer diesem Mahl hingeben,schließt sich die Blüte und wird für die Gäste zum Gefängnis.Im Verlauf der Nacht reifen die Staubgefäße und die Käfer werden mit Pollen imprägniert. Dabei verfärbt sich die Blüte durch Bildung von Anthocya-ninen von weiß nach karminrot.Kurz vor Sonnenuntergang des nächsten Tages öffnet sich die Blüte wieder und die mit Pollen beladenen Käfer können entfliehen und zu anderen noch jungfräulichen,weißen Blüten fliegen.Ein neues C11-Homoterpen,tatsächlich eigentlich ein Tetranorsesquiterpen,fanden wir zu 86% im intensiven sta-chelbeer- und kräuterteeartigen Duft des in Equador be-heimateten Cyclanthus bipartitus Poit.Mit präparativer Gaschromatographie konnte eine Mikroprobe isoliert wer-den,der NMR-spektroskopisch die Strukur 69zugeordnet wurde.Eine von Isovaleraldehyd ausgehende Synthese (Ab-bildung 24) bestätigte die Strukturzuordnung [18].Refor-Syn-these von (E)-Cy-Dimethyl-nona-der Hauptkom-ponente im Duft von Cyclanthus bipartitus Poit.Cyclanthus bipar-。
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Gaska Tape V700系列低密度低密闭细胞PVC胶带说明书
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DescriptionGaska Tape's V700 Series product is a light density closed-cell Polyvinyl Chloride foam. This economical, general-purpose foam tape is manufactured for use in applications requiring positive seals on irregular surfaces or when flex and conformability to seal tight radius curves are critical considerations.Characteristics common to all closed-cell vinyl foam products include the ability to make a long life seal against air, moisture, light and dust penetration. Closed-cell vinyl foam completely seals out air, moisture, light and dust when compressed 30% or more.Performance Characteristics• Light density foam iseasy to compress andconformable, it is stillstrong and resilient.• Black color standard.• Other colors available upon request.Industry Applications• Automotive• Construction• H.V.A.C.• Industrial• Leisure• Transportation• Retail • V715 with a tough polyester filmreduces wear, prevents anytendency to stick to surfaces, andeliminates the possibility ofstretching foam.• Available with A3 adhesive, anaggressive acrylic that provides anexcellent combination of tack andholding power. Bonds quickly tomost surfaces that are kept clean,dry and free from contamination.• Formulated to meet automotiveindustry specifications: GeneralMotors GMW15473 Type 2, FordESB M3G 102-A, and Chrysler MSAY500 Types A3, B3 and C3.• Inherently resistant to fire,ultraviolet rays, most chemicals,acids and solvents.V710V715• Absorbs shocks, cushions, deadens sound and eliminates excess vibration.• Provides an excellent buffer betweencontact surfaces.• V700 Series is a self-extinguishingformulation and meets FMVSS 302A • V710 is cast-on a 7 mil clay coated paper. • V715 is cast-on a 2 mil polyester film to provide dimensional stability, and isa self-wound product.• Die or kiss cutting material is available on 84# polycoated release paper or 12pt. release board.• V710 is available up to 2" thick as atri-lamination.Roll SizesCharacteristics common to all Gaska Tape closed-cell vinyl foam products include the ability to make a long life seal against air, moisture, light and dust penetration. They cushion and absorb vibration and shock. They also insulate in thermal, electrical and sound applications.Benefits & FeaturesAvailable Thicknesses:V710 .079" - 1.00" (2.0mm - 25.4mm) V715 .125" - .500" (3.2mm - 12.7mm)Available Widths:.250" - 57" (6.4mm - 1448mm)Available Lengths: 10' - 302' (3M - 92M)Typical Physical Properties*Test MethodV700ASTM D-1667Density(lbs./cu.ft.)(kg/m 3)7 112ASTM D-2240Hardness(shore 00)14ASTM D-1667Compression Deflection @ 25% (psi) kPa0.8 6ASTM D-1667Compression Set @ 25%4GTP (1)Water Absorption (% by volume) 1.1ASTM D-412Tensile Strength (psi)kPa25 173ASTM D-412Percent Elongation150ASTM C-518Thermal Conductivity (k factor)(btu-in.)/(hr.sq.ft.) ('F)w/mK0.27 0.039Recommended Service Temperature ('F)('C)-40 - 180 -40 - 82Recommended Application Temperature ('F)('C)50 - 110 10 - 45Fungi Resistance Excellent Oxidation Resistance Excellent Weather ResistanceExcellentGaska Tape Inc. warrants its product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months beginning on the date of purchase, provided the purchaser installs and uses the products according to any instructions provided by Gaska Tape Inc. Any product which fails during the warranty period due to a defect will be replaced.Upon request, Gaska Tape Inc. will be pleased to provide a copy of its written Limited Warranty with complete details of coverage, conditions and limitations.Gaska Tape Inc. makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, and specifically disclaims and disavows any implied warranty of merchantability and of fitness for a particular use.Notes:The length of the rolls vary depending on the thickness of the material. Gaska Tape offers standard length logs, master logs are double the standard length plus 2' and available upon request for quote. (1) Gaska Tape ProcedureTypical performance properties and characteristics are based on samples tested and are not guaranteed for all samples of this product.Data is intended as a guide only and is presented without guarantees and without assumption of liabilities resultant from the use of information provided. This data is not to be used for specification purposes.Warranty1810 W. Lusher P.O. Box 1968 Elkhart, IN 46515-1968International Inquiries: Phone: 00-574-294-5431Phone: 574-294-5431 Fax: 574-293-4504 Toll free: 800-423-1571 email:***************。
饲料学2-8章英文注释Stover(秸秆)Hulls(谷壳,豆荚)Shells(壳)Green Forages (青绿饲料)galactolipids(半乳糖脂) Grass(禾本科牧草)Legume(豆科牧草)Alfalfa(苜蓿)Clovers(三叶草) raffinose(棉子糖)Pasture(牧场)Browse(枝叶饲料)Forbs(杂草) pentosans(戊聚糖)Pectin(果胶)fructosans (果聚糖)hexosans (己聚糖) xylans(木聚糖) mannans(甘露聚糖) sucrose(蔗糖)succulent(多汁的)phospholipids(磷脂)Linolenic acid(亚麻酸)linoleic acid(亚油酸)Legumes(豆科牧草)white clover(白三叶草)Sudangrass(苏丹草)Timothy(猫尾草)Orchardgrass(鸡脚草,鸭茅)Smooth Brome grass(无芒雀麦)Ryegrass(黑麦草)Beet (甜菜) Aquatic plants(水生饲料)Water hyacinth (水葫芦) Green chop(青刈饲料)hardware disease(尖锐异物所致的疾病)DDM(可消化干物质)lignification(木质化作用)photosynthesis(光合作用)Silage(青贮饲料)low-moisture silage(半干青贮) proteolytic(蛋白质分解的)prodigious(惊人的)acetic(乙酸)formic(甲酸)ethyl alcohol(乙醇)amines(胺)amides(酰胺)tryptamine(色胺)putrescine(腐胺)histidine(组氨酸)phenylethylamine(苯基乙醇胺)dented(凹痕)glazed(光滑明亮)putrid(腐烂的) butyric(丁酸)seepage(渗流)clostridia(梭菌) proteolysis(蛋白质水解)preservative(防腐剂)limp(柔软的)propionic acid(丙酸)Mineral acid(无机酸)Bacillus subtilis(枯草芽孢杆菌)Torulopsis sp(球拟酵母)Lactobacillus acidophilus(乳杆菌)leaching(雨水冲洗)bleaching(日晒)shucks(苞皮)monsoon(雨季)sharp(酸涩)caramelized(黑色的)charred (烧黑的)Silo(青贮容器)Silage tower(青贮塔)Roughages (粗饲料)Hay(干草) Crop Residues (藁秕饲料) bale(草捆)displaced abomasum(真胃变位)Shattering(散落)Leaching (汁液泄漏)Bleaching (脱色)Undue(不适当的)boot(孕穗)seed-head(种穗) “Conditioning” (压裂草茎)sappy(汁液多的)shed (流下)Sodium diacetate(双乙酸钠)desiccants(干燥剂)cuticle layer(角质层)thermophilic bacteria(嗜热细菌)stack(堆积)Weathering(风化)fragrance(具有芳香的气味)brittle(脆性的)pliable(柔软的)Straws (稻草)Chaff (谷壳)Stover(秸秆)Corn cobs(玉米芯)Cottonseed hulls(棉壳)Solubilizes lignin(溶解木质素)Ammoniation(氨化)niacin(烟酸)High-Energy Feeds(能量饲料)feed grains(饲料谷物) Aleurone(糊粉层)Phytic acid(植酸)Starchy endosperm(淀粉胚乳)Starch granules(淀粉粒)Germ(胚)dextrins(糊精)amylose (直链淀粉) hemicellulose(半纤维素)amylopectin(支链淀粉) niocytin(烟酰胺)thiamin(硫胺素,vitB1)riboflavin(核黄素,vitB2)pantothenic acid (泛酸)Corn/Maize(玉米)pasty(糊状的)Shelled corn(玉米粒)zein (玉米醇溶蛋白) Glutelin(玉米谷蛋白)tryptophan(色氨酸)oleic acid(油酸)stearic acid(硬脂酸)arachidonic(花生油酸)fair(中等的)lutein(叶黄素)cryptoxanthin (玉米黄质)Ground ear corn(粉碎玉米穗)Wheat grain (小麦)doughy (柔软的)consistency(连结)upsets(消化紊乱)Barley grain(大麦)beta- glucans ( -葡聚糖)Oats grain(燕麦)crimped(压扁)The firmer, leaner, carcasses produced than with corn(比饲喂玉米生产出的胴体更坚实和更瘦)Pulse (豆类)Oat groats(去壳燕麦粒)Sorghum grain(高梁)steam rolling(蒸汽压扁)Rice bran(米糠)Grain milling by-products (谷物磨粉的副产品)wheat middlings and shorts(麦麸和次粉)Rice bran(米糠)rice polishings (细米糠)rice mill feed(粗糠,统糠)Dried bakery product(干面包屑)Wheat bran(麦麸)brood sows(种母猪)feedlot steers (肥育阉牛)Wheat middling(次粉) offal(废弃物)Shorts (次麦粉) creep diets(幼畜补料)Hominy feed(玉米麸)hominy(玉米片)hominy grits(玉米粗粉)non-ruminants(非反刍动物)Roots and Tubers(块根和块茎)paunchy(大肚子的)percentage(屠宰率)Alkaloids(生物碱)solanine(龙葵碱)scours(腹泻)Dried beet pulps(甜菜渣)appetizer(开胃剂)cell-wall constituents(细胞壁成分)laxative(轻泻剂)binder(黏结剂) pellet(制粒) clumping(结块)Dried whey(乳清粉)spray-dried whey(喷雾干燥)unsaponifiable(非皂化的)glossiness(光泽)Pulse (豆类)Soybeans(大豆)trypsin(胰蛋白酶)chymotrypsin(糜蛋白酶)Trypsin Inhibitor(TI, 胰蛋白酶抑制因子)Soybean antigen(大豆抗原蛋白)Glycinin(大豆球蛋白)conglycinin(伴大豆球蛋白)Urease(脲酶)Haemogglutinins(红细胞凝集素)Soybean Meal (SBM, 豆粕)anticoagulant(抗凝血剂) Rapeseed Meal(菜籽粕)hyperplasia(增生)Glucosinolates (硫葡萄糖甙)thioglucosidase(硫葡糖苷酶)Thiocyanates(硫氰酸盐) Nitriles(腈) Isothiocyanates (ITC, 异硫氰酸盐) Oxyzolidinethiones(OZT,噁唑烷硫酮)conception(受胎)hypertrophy (肥大)erucic acid(芥酸)Cottonseed Meal(CSM,棉籽粕)cystine(胱氨酸)Free gossypol (游离棉酚)Cyclopropenoid fatty acid(环丙烯脂肪酸)Cheeseflower acid(锦葵酸)Sterculic acid (苹婆酸)polyphenolic(多酚)Cyclopropene Fatty Acid(环丙烯类脂肪酸)pink discoloration(粉红色变) Peanut Meal (花生粕)aflatoxin(黄曲霉毒素)enterotoxemia (肠毒血症) Linseed Meal (亚麻籽饼粕) lubricating (润滑)constipation (便秘)linamarin(亚麻苦苷)linase(酵素) Corn Gluten Meal(玉米蛋白粉)gluten(谷蛋白)xanthophyll(叶黄素)Dried brewers grains(啤酒糟)Corn Distillers Dried Grains with solubles ( Corn DDGS, 玉米酒精糟) sow gestation(母猪妊娠期)nursery(保育期)lactation(泌乳期)syrup(糖浆)leucine(亮氨酸) offal(废弃)trimmings(切修)Corn Gluten Feed (玉米面筋饲料;玉米麸质饲料;玉米淀粉渣) Feeds of Animal Origin(动物性蛋白质饲料)Fish meal (鱼粉)Meat and bone meal (肉骨粉)Products from the blood(血液制品)Feather meal (羽毛粉)Silkworm pupa meal(蚕蛹粉和蚕蛹粕)choline(胆碱)carcasses(废弃屠体)trimmings(皮渣)insulated(绝热的)chilled vats(冷冻大桶)immuno-competencen(免疫活性)Dried whole milk (全脂奶粉)Dried skimmed milk(脱脂奶粉)Single-Cell Protein(SCP,单细胞蛋白)Nonprotein Nitrogen(非蛋白氮饲料)Urea fermentation potential (UFP, 尿素发酵潜力)staggering(蹒跚)tetany(手足搐搦)骨粉(Bone meal)石粉(Limestone)贝壳粉(Oyster shell meal)蛋壳粉(Egg shell meal)烟酸(nicotinic acid)。
TABLET●Filler、Diluent(填充劑●sucroseactose●sucrose●Glidant、Lubricant、Antiadherent●sodium lauryl sulphate●硬脂酸鎂(鈣)●Flavour(矯味劑)●make the tablet taste better●Colourant(色素)●recognize the tablet●Take medicine correctly ReasonsProtect the●Help identify a●Improve the appearanceCoated●Uncoated tablets(●Sustained-release ●Film coated tablets(●gastric coated●entric coated●colored sugar coated●Sustained-release ●Hard gelatin type●contains the drug as●come in many●completely sealed●Sustained-release●sustained-release,slow●releases very slowly●distributed over a long●micro-encapsulationafter the name●Enteric Coatings(EC)●enteric coatings delaythrough the stomach and●drug may be damaged●may irritate the lining of●usually have the letters●capsule form in whichballs ●此類藥品不可剝半、不可嚼碎、不可磨粉。
supersix evo 126884 产品说明书补充
![supersix evo 126884 产品说明书补充](
126884 (05/11)UPERSIX EVO.WNER’S MANUAL SUPPLEMENT.126884.PDF105/11SAFETY INFORMATIONAbout This SupplementCannondale Owner’s Manual Supplements provide important model specific safety, maintenance, and technical information. They are not replacements for your Cannondale Bicycle Owner’s Manual.This supplement may be one of several for your bike. Be sure to obtain and read all of them.If you need a manual or supplement, or have a question about your bike, please contact your Cannondale Dealer immediately, or call us at one of the telephone numbers listed on the back cover of this manual. You can download Adobe Acrobat PDF versions of any Cannondale Owner’s Manuals or Supplements from our website: /.■ This manual is not a comprehensive safety or service manual for your bike.■ This manual does not include assembly instructions for your bike.■ All Cannondale bikes must be completelyassembled and inspected for proper operation bya Cannondale Dealer before delivery to the owner.Important Composites MessageIntended Use2Inspection & Crash Damage OfCarbon Frames/ForksRepainting Or RefinishingBicycle Repair / Work StandsThe clamping jaws of a bike stand can generate a crushing force strong enough to seriously damage yourframe.Tightening TorquesCorrect tightening torque for the fasteners (bolts, screws, nuts) on your bicycle is very important to your safety. Correct tightening torque for the fasteners is also important for the durability and performance of your bicycle. We urge you to have your Dealer correctly torque all fasteners using a torque wrench. If you decide to torque fasteners yourself always use a torque wrench.Find Tightening Torque InformationThe wide range of bicycle models and components used means that a listing of tightening torque would be out of date by the time it was published. Many fasteners should be installed with a thread locking adhesive such as Loctite®.To determine correct tightening torque and any adhesive application for a fastener we ask you to check:• Markings on the component. Many components aremarked. On-product marking is becoming common.•Torque specs in the component manufacturers instructions shipped with your bicycle.• Torque specs listed on the websites of componentmanufacturers.•With your Dealer. Dealers have access to current data and have experience with correct torque for most fasteners.3126884.PDFTrainersIf you ride a trainer that requires removal of the front wheel and clamps the fork dropouts: Be sure your fork quick release is tight! Relative movement will wear parts, weaken and damage your bike.If you ride a trainer that holds the bike up by clamping the rear quick release between two cones: Take off the nice, lightweight quick release that came with your bike. Substitute a heavy, classic all steel quick release and clamp it tight! Relative movement will wear parts, weaken and damage your bike. Note that many modern quick releases will not fit the clamping cones in this kind of trainer because their shapes are incompatible. Be particularly cautious with a carbon frame or fork. Carbon is relatively soft, not abrasion resistant. If there is any relative movement, carbon will wear quickly. If you ride a trainer a lot, consider using an old bike: Corrosion from sweat will take it’s toll. Weight is irrelevant. Save wear on your expensive components.Ask you dealer for help with trainers, the right one andthe correct way to use it.Water BottlesSide impacts to a water bottle or cage can result in damage threaded inserts due to the leverage on a very small area. In a crash, certainly the last thing you should be worried about is saving the threaded inserts in your frame. However, when you are storing or transporting your bike, take steps to prevent situations where a water bottle may be hit or bumped by a strong force that would cause damage. Remove bottle and cage when you are packing your bike for travel.Periodically check the attachment of the bottle cage; tighten the cage bolts if necessary. Don’t ride with a loose bottle cage. Riding with loose cage bolts can produce a rocking motion or vibration of the attached cage. A loose cage will damage the insert and possibly lead to the inserts to pull out. It may be possible to repair a loose insert, or install another insert only if the frame is undamaged. Replacement requires the use of a special tool. If you notice damage to the threaded insert, please ask your Cannondale Dealer for help.Building Up A FramesetBefore building up a frameset, consult with your Cannondale Dealer and the component manufacturers, and discuss your riding style, ability, weight, and interest in and patience for maintenance.Make sure the components chosen are compatible with your bike and intended for your weight and riding style. Generally speaking, lighter weight components have shorter lives. In selecting lightweight components, you are making a trade-off, favoring the higher performance that comes with less weight over longevity. If you choose more lightweight components, you must inspect them more frequently. If you are a heavier rider or have a rough, abusive or “go for it” riding style, buy heavy duty components.Read and follow the component manufacturers warnings and instructions.GEOMETRY & SPECIFICATIONSSizes (cm)4850525456586063A Horizontal Top Tube Length (cm)51.552.553.554.55657.55960B Measured Size (cm)*4648505254565861C Seat Tube Angle (degrees)74.5 °74.5 °74 °73.5 °73.5 °73 °72.5 °72 °D Head Tube Angle (degrees)71.5 °72.0 °72.5 °73 °73 °73.5 °73.5 °73.5 °E Chain Stay Length (cm)40.5H H H H H40.840.8F Fork Rake (cm) 4.5H H H H H H HG Bottom Bracket Height (cm)26.526.526.526.826.8272727H Wheelbase (cm)96.196.797.397.599.199.6100.8101.2I Trail (cm) 6.6 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.7 5.4 5.4 5.4J Standover at Top Tube Midpoint (cm)74.275.576.778.880.482.584.386.9 K Bottom Bracket Drop (cm) 6.9 6.9 6.7 6.7 6.7 L Front Center Distance (cm)56.356.957.557.659.159.760.660.9 M Head Tube Length (cm)1111.5121415.517.519.522 N Stack (cm)**51.351.952.654.455.857.759.662.0 O Reach (cm)36.837.638.438.439.539.940.239.9 Intended Use Condition 1, High-Performance RoadBottom Bracket PRESSFIT 30, 68mmHeadset Upper 1 1/8” Campagnolo Hiddenset, Lower 1 1/4” Cannondale - KP044/Headset Compression Assembly Cannondale SI - KP017/Seatpost Diameter27.2mmSeat Binder30.0 mm, Maximum torque: 6.8 Nm, 60.0 In LbsDropout Spacing Front 100 mm, Rear 130 mmFront Derailleur Clamp DiameterMaximum Weight Limit Rider (275lbs/125kg), Luggage1 (10lbs/4.5kg), Total(285/129kg) * The measured size is from the center of the bottom bracket to the top of the top tube, measured along the seat tube axis. All sizes have a slightly sloping top tube.** Stack is measured vertically from the center of the BB to the top of the head tube, reach is measured horizontally from the center of the BB to the top of the head tube.1. Seat Bag /Handlebar Bag Only4126884.PDF SERIAL NUMBER Array Array The serial number locatded on the bottombracket. It is a 7-character barcode. Use thisserial number to registration your bike. See yourCannondale Bicycle Owner’s Manual for moreinformation on warranty registration.Other codes on the BB shell are related toproduction including model year , frame type,frame size, and color coding. The same productcode may appear on many bikes and does notuniquely identify your frame.SEAT POSTUse a high-quality carbon gel to install andmaintain the seat post. Cannondale kit KF115/is a small quantity, enough for two or threeapplications.1. Clean the inside of the seat tube. Wipe it outwith a dry clean towel.2. Apply a generous amount carbon gel to theKF115/ inside of the clean seat tube and to theseat post. A small nylon brush works well forspreading inside the seat tube.3. Apply small amount of bicycle bearing greaseto the area under the binder on the seat tubeand reinstall the seat binder.4. Insert the seat post, set saddle height,and tighten the binder bolt to the specifiedtorque.TIP: When tightening the seat binder, also checkthe specified tightening torques of the saddle toseat post clamp bolts.TIP: Its a good idea to periodically remove thebinder bolt, from the binder, clean it threads andlightly grease the threads.534PF30 BB a1. Bottom bracket shell2. Pressfit 30 bearing unit(2)3. Park tool HHP-24. Park tool RT-15. Hollowgram BB30 spindle6. 0.5mm shim(s)7. Wave washera. Pressfit surfaceb. Pressfit cupc. Pressfit bearingd. Pressfit bearing shielde. Cup flangef. BB shell edge6126884.PDFCompatabilityPressFit 30 compatible frames have a 46 mm I.D. bottom bracket bearing system press interface. PressFit 30 compatible frames may have a shell width of 68 mm or 73mm depending on the frame type. PressFit 30 bottom bracket bearing systems from various manufacturers enable the installation of BB30 cranksets. ThePressFit 30 bearing system on your bike may differ from the one shown.MaintenanceIn general, you should inspect the condition of the bearings annually (at a minimum) or anytime the crankset assembly is disassembled , serviced, or if a problem is indicated.To inspect, when the crankset is removed, rotate the inner bearing race of both bearings; rotation should be smooth, and quiet. Execesssive play, roughness or corrossion indicates a damaged bearing.RemovalTo avoid serious damage to the frame, it is important to remove bearing systems very carefully using proper tools indicated by the manufacture’s service instructions. For the PressFit 30 system shown, push out bearing units from opposite sides using a head cup remover such as Park Tool RT-1. See /product/head-cup-remover-RT-1 Make sure the bearings(cup or adpater parts) are driven out squarely and evenly from inside the shell Do not pry compoenents from shell.ReplacementPressFit 30 bearings are not removable from the adapters or cup systems that are pressed into the frame bottom bracket shell. Therefore, damaged bearings must be removed and replaced as new entire sets. Before installing any new bearing units into the shell, thoroughly clean the inside surface of the bottom bracket shell with a clean dry shop towel. Also, make use both bearing units and the BB shell surfaces are clean and dry. Do not apply grease to either.Follow the manufacture’s instruction for assembly and installtion of the bearing system. Bearing units should both be pressed at the same time with slow even pressure. This will help ensure bearing unit enter squarely and they do not become tilted. Use a headset press such as Park Tool HHP-2. See /product/ bearing-cup-press-HHP-2 Select appropriate press adapters to ensure that force is only applied to the cup (arrows in illustration) and not the bearing inside. Press until the both cup flanges are mated to the BB shell edge.78to ensure the right curvature in the approaches the brake caliper.The rear top tube brake guide KP063/ brake cable tension. Make sure seated properly in the top tube to use a ferrule on the housing end.KP093/opening by the brake cable tension.11127. Insert a 8mm Allen key through part 2 and into part 1.Hold the crankarm with your hand and turn the the 8 mm hex counter-clockwise until the crankarm can be removed from the spindleend.8. Hold the crankarm with your hand and turn the the 8 mm hex counter-clockwise until the crankarm can be removed from the spindleend.R H C R A N K A RMS P I D E RB E A RI N G SH I E L D0.5m mS H I M SW A V EW A S HE R13EVO 110 BCD HOLLOWGRAM SPIDER & LOCKRING1415126884.PDFSI COMPRESSION ASSEMBLY KP017/ INSTRUCTIONSSTEM48 mmTop cap at upper stem bolt Expander at lower stem boltINSTALLED CORRECTLYThe following procedure should only be completed by a professional bike mechanic.1. Assemble the fork, headset, spacers, and stem without tightening the stem bolts onto the head tube. When the system is assembled, the carbon steerer tube should be 2-3 mm below the top stem. All spacers must be located below the stem and within the maximum stack height as shown. No spacers may be used above the stem.2. Set-up the compression assembly before inserting it. Adjust the length so that the expander is located at lower stem bolt. The top cap and the expander end provides critical support to the carbon steerer when tightening the stem bolts. Adjust the length by threading the top cap on the expander parts.3. When the assembly is the correct length, insert it into the steerer tube. It is designed to fit snugly inside the steerer. Insert a 5 mm Allen key through the access hole in the TOP CAP and into the EXPANDER BOLT. Tighten the expanding parts by turning clockwise to 6.8Nm, 5 ftLbs.4. Now, to set bearing preload, insert a 6mm allen key into the hex shape in the TOP CAP itself. Turn the entire top cap clockwise to increase preload. Turning it counter-clockwise will decrease the preload. When the headset preload feels correct, turn the stem to align the handlebar and tighten the stem fork clamp bolts to the torque specified for the stem. Consult the stem manufacturer’s instructions. The torque values for components are often marked on the part.16KF103/KP158/KF115/KP195/KP194/KP196/GRN KP196/BBQKP193/KP063/KP197/KP156/KP017/KP203/12.5mm“PRESSFIT 30”QC617/QC618/“EVO”KP022/AQC612/KT012/KT013/KP157/BQC693/QC694/CKP021/ 1 1/8 Camapgnolo Hiddenset1 1/4130 BCD 110 BCDThe following replacement part kits are available through a Cannondale Dealer:REPLACEMENT PARTSWARNING READ THIS SUPPLEMENT AND YOUR CANNONDALE BICYCLE OWNER’S MANUAL.Both contain important safety information. Keep both for future reference.CANNONDALE USACycling Sports Group, Inc.172 Friendship Road,Bedford, Pennsylvania, 15522-6600, USA (Voice): 1-800-BIKE-USA (Fax): 814-623-6173******************************* CANNONDALE AUSTRALIA Cycling Sports GroupUnit 8, 31-41 Bridge Road Stanmore NSW 2048Phone: +61 (0)2 8595 4444Fax: +61 (0) 8595 4499****************************.au CANNONDALE EUROPECycling Sports Group Europe, B.V.mail: Postbus 5100visits: Hanzepoort 277570 GC, Oldenzaal, Netherlands(Voice): +41 61.4879380(Fax): 31-5415-14240****************************************CANNONDALE JAPANNamba Sumiso Building 9F,4-19, Minami Horie 1-chome,Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0015, Japan(Voice): 06-6110-9390(Fax): 06-6110-9361*************************CANNONDALE UKCycling Sports GroupVantage Way, The Fulcrum,Poole, Dorset, BH12 4NU(Voice): +44 (0)1202 732288(Fax): +44 (0)1202 723366***************************.uk© 2011 Cycling Sports Group126884 (05/11)UPERSIX EVO.WNER’S MANUAL SUPPLEMENT.。
Continental Girbau E-Series Washer-Extractors说明书
![Continental Girbau E-Series Washer-Extractors说明书](
C a r W a s h L a u n d r y S o l u t i o n sGIRBAUA Better Laundry Solution The Difference is in the DetailsPremier-service car washes strive to deliver unrivaledservice and customer care in a fast-paced environment. But, they often struggle to find an environmentally friendly way to clean towels without constant washer monitoring. Continental Girbau E-Series Washer-Extractors, however, don’t require monitoring thanks to superior programmability and automatic chemical injection. Operators load, enter a program number, press start and walk away. T owels are consistently and automatically cleaned — with the perfect moisture retention — so they can be immediately used on vehicles. Car washes with E-Series washers not only improve productivity and eliminate washer monitoring, they eliminate the use of costly disposable towels, which ultimately end up in landfills.E-Series Washers offer rugged, commercial-gradeperformance and factory-backed warranties.U nr i va le d, F a c t o r y -Ba c k ed COMMERCIALWARRANTIESB u ywi thC om p l e t e C onfi de nc eProgrammability• A llows perfect percentage of moisture retention in towels for high-quality finishing of vehicles • Automatic, consistent clean every time • A llows programmability of shorter cycle times for quicker wash Extended Linen Life• A utomatic injection prevents damage to towels caused from manually loading detergents • T owels last longer Environmentally Friendly• W ashing of towels is environmentally friendly • Eliminates the use of costly disposable towels • Smaller carbon footprint• Reduced chemical/detergent use and costs • Superior wash quality using less water Employees Spend Less Time Doing Laundry • S imple operation — load, enter program, press start• Machines completely unattended after start • Fast machine cycles• A utomatic chemical injection saves time and consistently cleans towelsSpace-Saving Configurations • S tack and compact washer options • Installation in unconventional locations • No need for reinforced concrete foundations Sanitization• Employees and customers feel safe and secure • W ashers compatible with sanitizing chemicals or ozone Reliability• Constructed for constant, commercial use • Backed by industry-leading warranties • Local, expert technician support Productivity• S uperior moisture removal — washer extract speeds greater than 400 G-force• T owels come out of washer slightly damp and ready to use• Machines sized to fit carwash production goalsCar Wash Laundry SolutionsE-Series Washer-Extractors are engineered for constant use — offering superior efficiency and automatic chemical injection to ensure towels are consistently cleaned without damage. T owels last longer and superior programmability ensures they retain the perfect percentage of moisture for immediate use on vehicles.Operators simply load, enter a program number, and press start. No babysitting required!© 2021 Girbau North America B-OA-CARW ASH 10/21Continental Girbau is a brand of Girbau North America (GNA), an industry-leading provider of comprehensive laundry solutions &support services for the vended, commercial, industrial, multi-housing & textile care markets. GNA delivers quality laundry products in concert with local distributor expertise & business support services to clients throughout North America. At GNA, our proven, best-in-class equipment offering — including high-performance, open-pocket washers & dryers, continuous batch tunnel washing systems, feeders, ironers, folders & conveyor systems — are built for longevity, superior efficiency & unrivaled flexibility. Our slogan — Laundry Beyond Laundry — compliments our objective to add value, through innovation, high-performance equipment, solutions & services. GNA stands strong in its commitment to sustainability, adaptation to customer needs & providing clients with personalized laundry solutions that deliver success.Commercial Every laundry is unique insize, scope & goals. At GNA we specialize in improving commercial on-premise laundries at hotels, vet clinics, salons, dairies, fire departments, correctional facilities, & more. We work to cut energy & labor costs, while boosting laundry production & quality.Industrial Equipment flexibility & automation are key ways to boost production & quality while lowering overhead costs. GNA specializes in developing industrial laundries fromscratch, as well as simply improving them with quick Returns on Investment (ROI). T extile Care Our advanced wet cleaning technologies deliver exceptionalprogramming flexibility for improved textile restoration results & a greaterpercentage of wet cleaned to dry cleaned items. Eco-friendly & a fraction of the cost of dry cleaning equipment.Vended We help vended laundries get into business the right way, with exclusive products & expertise that help you stand apart from the competition.Multi-Housing Apartment complexes, dormitories & residential facilities require durable, simple-to-use washers & dryers available in space-saving configurations. At GNA, we offer the equipment & local distributor support — often with creative lease & share options — to reduce management hassles while boostingrevenue.BrandsContinental Girbau ® Our flagship brand providing equipment & service solutions to vended & on-premise/commercial laundry markets.Express Laundry Center ® Innovators of the “60-minutewash/dry/fold,” the trademarked Express Laundry Center brand is a turnkey vended laundry solution encompassing high-speed equipment, multiple store services & marketing/management support.Girbau Industrial ® GNA’s industrial laundry equipment brand encompassing everything from open-pocket washers & dryers to high-volume continuous batch washing systems, ironers, folders & stackers.Poseidon Textile Care Systems ® GNA’s eco-friendly wet cleaning brand for textile care businesses, including textile restoration & dry cleaning.Sports Laundry Systems ® Our dedicated brand for athletic laundries with specialized disinfection capabilities.OnePress Ironers ® Our highly productive brand ofironing systems engineered for quality results & medium- to high-volume productivity.GIRBAUINDUSTRIALLAUNDRY SYSTEMS•**************************800-256-1073• I ndustry’s most comprehensive equipment offering • Local, expert distributor support • Industry-best warranties• Laundry design & layout• Business proformas & financing • P arts & ongoing local, technical serviceAt GNA, we cater to a number of markets with equipment & brand offerings designed to improve our clients’ businesses.Market ChannelsSELECT F I N A N C I N GGNA Subsidiary CompaniesCustom Select Financing Provider of financing solutions to GNA customers. Continental Creative Services Provider of marketing, advertising & public relations services to GNA customers & distributors.More About UsGIRBAU。