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【摘要】Objective To observe the effect of sodium cantharindinate and vitamin B6 injection combined with TACE for liver cancer complicated with cirrhosis of HBV.Methods 98 patients diagnosed with liver cancer complicated with liver cirrhosis were randomly divided into a sodium cantharindinate and vitamin B6 treatment group and a control group.The treatment group were treated with 50 ml disodium cantharindinate and vitamin B6 injection and 250-500 ml normal saline on day 1-10 once per day by intravenous drip and received TACE treatment after intravenous infusion day 2 for 10 days as a treatment course.2 treatment courses were a treatment period.Besides disodium cantharindinate and vitamin B6 injection,the control group administrated some other drug protecting liver and improving immunity and received transcatheter interventional chemotherapy and embolization.The short-term efficacies,toxicity,liver function,and indexes of hepatic fibrosis were evaluated after two treatment courses.Results After two treatment courses,there were statistical differences in efficacy,toxicity,liver function and indexes of hepatic fibrosis between the 2 groups.Conclusions Sodium cantharindinate and vitamin B6
injection combined with TACE for liver cancer complicated with cirrhosis of HBV is effective and safe.%目的观察斑蝥酸钠维生素B6注射液联合介入化疗栓塞治疗肝癌伴乙肝肝硬化的作用.方法将98例确诊为肝癌伴乙肝肝硬化的患者随机分为斑蝥酸钠维生素B6治疗组与对照组.治疗组给予斑蝥酸钠维生素B6注射液50 ml,加入生理盐水250~500 ml第1~10天,静脉滴注,1天1次,并于第2天行静脉滴注前行肝介入化疗栓塞.10天为1个疗程,以2个疗程为1个周期.对照组除了斑蝥酸钠维生素B6注射液外,其他护肝、提高免疫力等药物应用,行肝介入化疗栓塞.2个疗程后评价近期疗效、毒副反应、肝功能和肝纤维化指标.结果 2个疗程后,近期疗效、毒副反应、肝功能和肝纤维化指标,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论斑蝥酸钠维生素B6与介入化疗栓塞联合应用治疗肝癌伴乙肝硬化有效且安全.
【作者单位】510060 广州市第八人民医院肝胆外科
1.洛铂联合碘油介入治疗老年原发性肝癌临床疗效观察 [J], 侯毅斌;汤日杰
2.介入治疗和放疗联合热疗治疗原发性肝癌的临床疗效观察 [J], 陈斌;周小祥;陈海燕;朱海文;王汉华
3.原发性肝癌手术治疗联合介入治疗临床疗效观察分析 [J], 刘强
4.原发性肝癌手术治疗联合介入治疗临床疗效观察分析 [J], 屈小勇;王毅;刘艳萍
5.阿德福韦酯联合TACE介入治疗原发性肝癌临床疗效观察 [J], 韩恒昌;乔现伟
