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肿瘤大小(HR:1.28,95%CI: 1.199-1.365,P<0.05)、浸润深度(HR: 1.252,95%CI: 1.159〜1.352,Pv0.05)、局部淋巴结转移(HR:
0.862,95%CI:0.810-0.918,P<0.05)、远处转移(HR: 1.369,95%CI: 1.069〜1.753,Pv0.05)、TNM 分期(HR: 1.342,95%CI: 1.155〜
辅助化疗组,应用Kaplan-Meier法绘制生存曲线,生存分析采用Log-Rank检验。 结果2组胃癌患者性别、年龄、人种、原发
0.05) □多因素 Cox 回归分析显示,年龄(HR:1.417,95%CI: 1.273~1.57&PvO.05)、人种(HR:0.91,95%CI:0.825~0.998,P<0.05)、
Methods Clinical data of 5193 patients who were diagnosed with
作者单位:450000郑州,郑州大学第一附属医院胃肠外科 [王 震(医学硕士)、赵春临、孙 阳、李育林、 毛浩勋]
WANG Zhen, ZHAO Chun-lin, SUN Yang, LI Yu-lin, MAO Hao-xun (Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou Universut/y, Zhengzhou 450000, Henan, China)
医学研究生学报2019年12月 第32卷第12期 J MedPost^ra, Vol.32, No.12, 2019
• 1301 •

基于SEER数据库的胃印戒细胞癌临床病理特征 及预后分析
王 震,赵春临,孙 卩日,李育林,毛浩勋
[摘要]目的 晚期胃印戒细胞癌(SRCC)预后相比其他类型胃癌较差。文中借助SEER数据库探讨胃SRCC与胃非
SRCC患者临床病理特征及预后,并分析不同治疗方式下1期胃SRCC患者生存差异。 方法 通过监测、流行病学和结果数
2754)。比较组间性别、年龄、人种、原发部位、分化程度、肿瘤大小、浸润深度、局部淋巴结转移、远处转移、TNM分期、手术治 疗、化疗等差异;采用Cox回归模型分析预后的影响因素。根据治疗方式不同,将胃SRCC和胃非SRCC患者分为手术组和手术
0.05)0 结论 胃SRCC患者具有独特的临床病理特征。早发现、早治疗可改善胃SRCC患者预后。
[Abstract ] Objective Prognoses of late stage signet-ring cell carcinoma ( SRCC ) is usually worse than that in other gastrie carcinoma .In the current study , SEER database were adopted to analyze the clinicopathologic features and prognoses of SRCC and non-signet-ring cell carcinoma (non SRCC) , and to compare the differences in survival rate under different ear年12月 第32卷第12期 JMedPostgra, Vol.32, No.12, 2019
vasion, local lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) staging, operative treatment and chemother­ apy were compared. Cox regression model was used to analyze prognostic factors. According to different operative treatment, patients in SRCC and non SRCC groups were divided into surgery group and surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy group , respectively. Kaplanmeier method was used to draw the survival curve, and Log-Rank test was adopted for survival analysis. Results Significant statisti­ cal difference (P<0.05) were found in the two gastric carcinoma groups regarding gender, age, race, primary site, degree of differenti­ ation ,tumor size, depth of invasion, local lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, TNM staging, operative treatment and chemo­ therapy. The multivariate Cox regression analysis indicated that age (HR: 1.417; 95%CI: 1.273-1.578; P<0.05) , race (HR: 0.91; 95%CI: 0.825-0.998; P<0.05) , tumor size (HR: 1.28; 95%CI: 1.199-1.365; P<0.05) , depth of invasion (HR: 1.252: 95%CI: 1.159-1.352; P<0.05) , local lymph node metastasis (HR: 0.862; 95%CI: 0.81-0.918; P<0.05), distant metastasis (HR: 1.369: 95%CI: 1.069-1.753; P<0.05) , TNM stage (HR: 1.342; 95%CI: 1.155-1.559; P<0.05) , and surgical treatment (HR: 0.245; 95%CI: 0.228-0.284; Pv0.05) are independent risk factors affecting the prognosis of SRCC patients. The overall five-year survival rate of SRCC patients is 27.6% , which is lower than that of non SRCC patients (43.0%). Therefore, there is significant difference in statistics (P<0.05). Significant statistical difference was also found in stratification analysis of the five-year survival rates among SRCC surgery group, SRCC surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy group, non SRCC surgery group and non SRCC surgery with adjuvant che­ motherapy group. The results indicated that the five-year survival rates of SRCC surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy group at stage TIN 1M0 and stage T2N0M0 are both superior to that in the surgery group with statistical difference (P<0.05). In addition, the fiveyear survival rate of SRCC surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy group at T2N0M0 is superior to that in the non SRCC patients, with sta­ tistical difference (P<0.05). Conclusion SRCC patients present with unique clinicopathologic features. Early detection and treat­ ment could improve the prognosis of SRCC patients.
gastric carcinoma from 2010 to 2015 are collected from SEER. Patients are divided into two groups SRCC(71=2439) and non SRCC (n= 2754) based on their histologic type. Differences in Gender, age, race, primary site, degree of differentiation, tumor size, depth of in­
[DOI] 10.16571/ki. 1008-8199.2019.12.014
Clinicopathlogic features and prognosis of the gastric signet ring cell carcinoma: a SEER database analysis