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王俊帝 | Wang Jundi 刘志强 | Liu Zhiqiang 洪亘伟 | Hong Genwei 邵大伟 | Shao Dawei
中图分类号 TU986 文献标识码 A
文章编号 1003-739X(2019)07-0018-04
收稿日期 2018-04-03
摘 要 城市绿地建设水平区域差异研究是改善人居环境、统筹区域发展的一个重要研究领域,分析总结国内外已有研究,可为拓展和深化我国该领域研究思 路及内容提供参考。基于文献统计分析视角,以CNKI和WOS数据库为检索平台,分析文献量演变及期刊分布,进而针对研究内容、尺度、方法等进行综述并提 出展望。研究表明:①国内外研究均快速增多,且属于风景园林学、生态学、地理学等多学科交叉领域。②研究内容方面,个案分析多而一般性规律研究少,且偏 重格局及演变特征揭示,机理挖掘及对策制定仍处于深化阶段;研究尺度方面,由静态中小尺度空间向长时序宏观空间拓展,尺度效应及尺度间关系的探索逐 渐受到关注;研究方法方面,数理统计与空间形态展示已较成熟,而在多学科方法融合、定量与理论分析结合等方面有待完善。③未来研究应广泛结合时代背 景,着力构建系统分析框架,注重拓展多尺度研究视角,集成空间分析及大数据应用等方法,增强研究的系统性和应用性。 关键词 城市绿地建设水平 区域差异 格局 机制 国内外 研其建设水平在一定程度上代表了人们 的生活品质,也反映城市可持续发展潜力。然 而,我国不同区域间自然条 件及经济社会发 展的差异势必造成城市绿地建设水平的空间 分异,进而阻碍绿地提升整体人居环境、增强 社会公平正义等效益的充分发挥[1-3]。面对上 述 问 题,国内 学 者已 就 城 市绿 地 建 设 水平区 域 差 异 的 表 象 特 征 [4 - 5]、影 响 机 理 [6]、优 化 路 径[ 等 7-8] 开展了研究,并总结了国内外相关成 果[9-10]。
Progress and Prospect of Studies on Regional Differences of Urban Green Construction
Abstract The study on regional differences of urban green construction is an important research field to improve the living environment and regional development. The analysis and summary of domestic and foreign researches can provide references for deepening the ideas and contents in this field. Based on the perspective of literature statistics and analysis, using CNKI and WOS database as the retrieval platform, we analyze the evolution and distribution of research papers, and summarize the research contents, scales and methods, then put forward the prospect. The result shows: ①Both domestic and foreign researches are rapidly increasing, and belong to the cross fields of landscape architecture, ecology and other disciplines. ②Most of the research content are the analysis of cases, but less general rules, and more attention to the characteristics of pattern and evolution, but lack of mechanism and countermeasures research. The study scales change from small to large, and scale effects have been paid more attention. The research methods of mathematical statistics and spatial display have been widely used, but there are shortcomings in the combination of multidisciplinary methods. ③Future research should be combined with the background of the times, focus on building a system analysis framework, expand the multi-scale research perspective, integrate spatial analysis and big data application methods, and enhance the systematicness and applicability of the study. Keywords Construction level of urban green, Regional difference, Pattern, Mechanism, Domestic and foreign, Review