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_Japanese Ceremonies.
Festivals in Japan are occasions to celebrate with families and to wear traditional styles of clothing. They are an important part of life in Japan and can be enjoyed in cities and towns throughout the country.
美国人还善于用最简练的缩写形式表示比较复杂的概念。如: O.K.→all correct (很好) P.D.Q→pretty damn quick (立刻) VIP→very important person (大人物) WASP→White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (白人盎格鲁—萨克逊新教徒) 美国人也有专门的词汇来表达他们对开拓创新精神的推崇。expansion(扩 张)、frontier(拓荒者)、pioneering spirit(开拓精神)等词是对这种精神的精 确描写。美国人的开拓求新的性格还表现在他们流动性极大的生活方式上 。以下的习惯表达法体现了他们“流动的”(mobile)性格: jobs with upward mobility (有提升机会的工作) have a change (或shift) in one’s residence or job (换个住所或工作) move about(或around) (不断搬家或换工作) throw up one’s job (放弃原有的工作) take up a new job (开始新的工作) transfer to another residence (搬家) try a country life (尝试田园生活) try a new job (尝试一个全新的工作)
Yukata>> <<Kimono.
_ Buildings & Gardens: In Japan there are many different buildings and gardens, that are a big part of its culture. They do not actually come from Japan, their ideas come from China. Here are some pictures.
主流文化二:开拓创新勇气和积极进取的精神。美国人因此 形成了一种不愿受条条框框束缚、不断求变的性格。这种追求新奇和勇于 冒险开拓的精神使得美国对新鲜事物的创造和流传之快是世界上别的国家 所无法相比的。这首先体现为新词汇的大量快速的出现和语言形式的独创 。美国人结合时代创造的新词数不胜数,其中90年代的就有:Bushnism(布 什主义)、Clintonism (克林顿主义)、Clintonize(克林顿化)、 Clintonmania(克林顿狂)、Bushnomics(布什经济政策)、wigger (white +nigger)(接受黑人文化的白人)等。
-Shogi. -Sumo. -Reversi.
< Board games.>
<< Sumo.
- Japanese
These are watercolors paintings ,were done in a Western watercolor technique, they were drawn in 1890.
美国文化以个体为本位,个人主义在美国发展到登峰造极的地步,是美国价值 观的核心。它的主要内容是通过自力更生达到自我实现。与它联系最紧密 的是自由平等竞争。机会均等和个人自由是实现自我价值的基本保障,而竞 争是实现个人价值的根本途径。美国人有较强的个人奋斗意识和竞争意识, 他们普遍接受这样的生活信条: Every man for himself, and God for us all.(人人为自己,上帝为大家) Every man is the architect of his own fortune.(自己的命运自己设计) 美国人在创造自己文化的同时,也创造了许多表现个人主义的词汇。 最有代表性的如: self-absorption (自我专注)、self-limitation(自我制约)、self-cultivate(自 我修养)、self-conquest(自我战胜)、self-admiration (自我赞赏)、selfcontrol (自我控制)、self-dependence (自立)、self-reliance (自我依靠) 、self-responsibility (自我负责)、self-advancement(自我发展)、selfsalesmanship (自我宣传)、self-fulfilling(自我实现)、egodefence(自我 防御)、self-awareness (自我意识)、self-disciplined (自律的)、selfcentered (自我中心的)、self-protection (自我保护)等。
Japanese people used their traditional clothing in the past, now they wear it just in special occasions. e.g. Yukata “for men”, Kimono “for women”, Zori “sandals” etc.
Japan is known by its amazing arts that are used till now, painting, games and martial arts are the most remarkable arts in Japan.
Martial arts:
For a long time Japan was governed by Samurai class, some methods that were used to train warriors were developed into martial arts.
- Japanese
美国人惜时如金的处世态度还体现在他们快节奏的生活方式和高效率的工 作作风中。一系列词汇也就因此而诞生。如:Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)(肯塔基炸鸡)、Hot Dog(热狗)、McDonald’s (麦当劳快餐店)、 Pizza Hut(比萨饼屋)、King (馅饼大王快餐店)、Takeouts(外卖店)等。
-Japanese cultural festival.
-Japanese tea ceremony.
- Hinamatsuri: Japanese doll festival. Japanese Festivals are colorful celebrations that reflect the countries ancient religious beliefs, this celebration for girls. people believed the dolls possessed the power to conceal bad spirits in their bodies and will save the owner from dangerous encounters.
_ Japanese Styles. _ Japanese Arts. _ Japanese Ceremonies
Japan known now as a developed country, which is famous because of its inventions, companies and arts. Here we are going to reveal some Japanese cultures, and some of their heritage that have a great effect on their culture.
Japan has its own traditional games as well. E.g. -Shiritori: (in which the players are required
to say a word that begins with the final kana of the previous word).
Japan consist of 3,000 islands. The largest islands are Honshu, which includes Tokyo the capital, and Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku.
Japanese style.
Japan as a country has a past with its styles in its own tradition, in clothing, building and foods.
个体主义价值观特别重视对个人空间和私生活的保护和尊重。“privacy”(隐私)一 词在美国人的意识中占有异常重要的位置。无论是在生活空间还是在情感处理上, 哪怕是对一个未成年的孩子,都会尊重对方的选择和隐私。美国英语中有专门的词 句来形容那些喜欢打听别人隐私的令人讨厌的人。如: poke one’s nose into other people’s business (探听别人的私事) meddle in other people’s affairs (干预别人的私事) Keep your big nose out of my business. (我的事不用你管) Mind your own business. (MYOB) (多管闲事) 在以自我利益、自我自由、自我支配和自我约束为中心的个体主义价值观中,时间 概念是很强的。美国人以守时著称,做事有计划、遵守期限是他们的习惯。 “deadline”(最后期限)一词最能体现美国人的时间概念。它的构词意思是“死亡线 ”。他们的时间观念还在以下的谚语中得到体现。如: Time is money. (时间就是金钱) Make hay while the sun shines. (机不可失) Take time by the forelock. (抓住时机) Time and tide wait for no man. (时光如水,光阴似箭) Better early than late. (宜早不宜迟) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (今天的事情今天做) Tomorrow never comes. (切莫依赖明天) One today is worth two tomorrows. (一个今天抵得上两个明天)
-Shichigosan: Traditional festival
day in Japan for children.
Japan has a great heritage which gave it its own culture. Throughout what is shown here we can study and learn so many useful things from their culture. and we can communicate with them to get the best of their culture