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(内蒙古医科大学附属医院,内 蒙 古 呼 和 浩 特 010030)
[摘 要 ] 目 的 :探讨六和汤对脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠的保护作用。方法:52只大鼠随机选取13只大鼠作为正 常对照组,其余大鼠采用苦寒泻下和游泳力竭法结合无水乙醇、阿司匹林灌胃建立脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠模型, 造模成功后,将存活的30只大鼠随机分为模型组、六和汤高剂量组和六和汤低剂量组,每 组 10只。各给药组进行 灌 胃 给 药 ,正 常 对 照 组 和 模 型 组 灌 胃 冷 开 水 ,连续4 周 。每 天 观 察 记 录 各 组 大 鼠 活 动 状 态 ,大 便 形 态 并 测 肛 温 ,比 较各组大鼠溃疡指数、溃疡抑制率,通过H E 染色法观察各组大鼠胃黏膜组织病理变化,EL1SA试验检测各组大鼠 血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿 瘤 坏 死 因 子 -a (T N F -a )含 量 及 胃 黏 膜 组 织 丙 二 醛 (M D A )、超 氧 化 物 歧 化 酶 (S O D )含 量 ,Western blotting检测各组大鼠胃黏膜组织p-p38 M A P K 、p-J NK蛋白表达水平。结果:正常对照组大 鼠 动 作 反 应 灵 敏 ,大 便 正 常 ,体 质 量 正 常 ,胃 黏 膜 正 常 无 溃 疡 ,无 炎 性 浸 润 。与 正 常 对 照 组 比 较 ,模 型组大鼠反应 迟 钝,易扎堆聚集,大便较稀,体质量下降,肛温下降,胃黏膜受损,出现溃疡并有炎症细胞浸润、充血出血、上皮 细胞脱落等情况,溃疡指数明显上升,丨L- 6 、T NF-c^、M D A 含 量明显增加,S O D 含 量明显降低,p-p3 8 M A P K 、pJ N K 蛋 白 表 达 水 平 明 显 增 加 (P<0.05)。与 模 型 组 比 较 ,六 和 汤 高 、低 剂 量 组 大 鼠 便 稀 、扎 堆 聚 集 状 况 得 到 缓 解 ,体 质量和肛温明显增加,胃黏膜溃疡情况较轻,炎症细胞浸润显著减少,溃疡指数明显下降,丨L- 6 、TNF-ct、M D A 含 量明显降低,S O D 含量明显增加,p-p38 M A P K 、p-JNK蛋 白 表 达 水 平 明 显 降 低 (P<0.05)。与六和汤低剂量组比 较 ,六和汤高剂量组大鼠肛温、S O D 含量明显升高,溃疡指数、T NF-a 含 量 、M D A 含量及p-p38 M A P K 、p-JNK蛋白 表达明显降低(f><0.05)。结论:六和汤能够降低脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠炎症反应和氧化应激,对脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡 大鼠起到保护作用,其机制可能与抑制M A P K 信号通路有关,高剂量六和汤效果更好。
命 fe 4 才-彡霣
2 0 2 1 年 5 月第27卷 第 5 期 May.2021 Vol.27 No.5
引用:李小梅,鹿伟 ,杜锦辉.六和汤对脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠的保护作用[J].中医药导报,2021,27(5):44-48.
李 小 梅 ,虎 伟 ,杜锦辉
[关 键 词 ]胃 溃 疡 ;脾胃虚寒;六和汤;炎症反应;氧化应激;大鼠 [中 图 分 类 号 ]R 285.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号1 1672-951X (2021 )05-0044-05
Protective Effect of Liuhe Decoction (六 和 汤 ) on Rats with Gastric Ulcer with Deficiency-Cold of Spleen and Stomach
*基金项目:内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2018M S 08110) 通 讯 作 者 :杜 锦 辉 ,E - mail:12598919 7 @
2021 年5 月第27卷 第 5 期 May.2021ht, decrease rectal temperature, damage the gastric mucosa, develop ulcers with inflammatory infiltration, congestion and bleeding, and epithelial cell shedding. Compared with the normal control group, the ulcer index of rats in the model group increased significantly, the contents of IL-6, TNF-a , M D A were signifi­ cantly increased, the content of SOD was significantly decreased, and the expression levels of p-p38 M A P K and p-JNK proteins were significantly increased (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, rats in the Liuhe decoc­ tion high and low-dose groups had loose stools and gathered together. The body weight and rectal temperature were significantly increased, the gastric mucosal ulcer was milder, the inflammatory infiltration was significantly reduced, and the ulcer index was significantly decreased. The content of IL-6, T N F -a , and M D A was signifi­ cantly reduced, the content of SOD was significantly increased, and the protein expression levels of p-p38 M A P K and p-JNK were significantly reduced (P<0.05). Compared with the Liuhe decoction low-dose group, rats in the Liuhe decoction high-dose group had significantly increased rectal temperature and SOD content, and signifi­ cantly decreased ulcer index, TNF-a content, M D A content, and p-p38 M A P K and p-JNK protein expression (P <0.05). Conclusion: Liuhe decoction can reduce the inflammatory response and oxidative stress in rats with gastric ulcer of spleen and stomach deficiency-cold syndrome, and protect the rats with gastric ulcer of spleen and stomach deficienc-cold syndrome. The mechanism may be related to the inhibition of M A P K signaling pathway. High-dose Liuhe decoction works better.
LI Xiao-mei, LU Wei, DU Jin-hui (The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical Universityy Hohhot Inner Mongolia 010030, China) [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the protective effect of Liuhe decoction on gastric ulcer rats with spleen and stomach deficiency-cold syndrome. Methods: Thirteen rats were randomly selected from 52 rats as the normal control group. The remaining rats were treated with bitter cold diarrhea and swimming exhaustion combined with anhydrous local alcohol and aspirin to establish a rat model of gastric ulcer with deficiencycold of spleen and stomach. After successful modeling, the 30 surviving rats were randomly divided into model group, Liuhe decoction high-dose group and Liuhe decoction low-dose group, with 10 rats in each group. Each administration group was given intragastric administration, and the normal control group and model group were given intragastric administration with cold boiled water for 4 consecutive weeks. Observe and record the activity status, stool shape and rectal temperature of each group of rats every day. The ulcer index and ulcer inhibition rate of rats in each group were compared. The pathological changes of gastric mucosal tissue of rats in each group were observed by H E staining method. ELISA test detected serum IL-6, TNF-a content and gastric mu­ cosal tissue M D A , SOD content of rats in each group. Western blotting detected the p-p38 M A P K and p-JNK protein expression levels in gastric mucosa tissue of each group. Results: The rats in the normal control group had sensitive actions, normal stools, normal body weight, and normal gastric mucosa without ulcers and inflam­ matory infiltration. Rats in the model group are slow to react, tend to gather together, have loose stools, de-*