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【摘要】搜集了四川地震台网的波形资料,采用全波形反演2017年8月8日九寨沟M7.0地震序列震源机制解.反演结果显示,九寨沟主震矩震级为Mw6.36,震源深度为22 km,节面Ⅰ走向为150°,倾角为80°,滑动角为-20°;节面Ⅱ走向为244°,倾角为70°,滑动角为-169°.余震主要分布在14~22 km深度范围内,震源机制以走滑型为主,其中正断型地震2个,逆冲型地震2个,走滑型地震24个,混合型地震8个.断层面优势方向为SSE向,与塔藏断裂和虎牙断裂走向基本一致,但与塔藏断裂最南段存在明显差异.倾角变化集中在60°~80°,滑动角主要分布在0°附近,表明九寨沟地震序列主要受SSE走向、近似直立的左旋走滑断层控制.P轴优势方位为SEE向,仰角主要分布在30°以内,与区域应力场基本一致.震源区的机制类型和应力状态均存在空间分段差异.本文推测此次九寨沟M7.0地震序列可能发生在虎牙断裂向北延伸的隐伏断裂上,但不排除地震引起了塔藏断裂南段和虎牙断裂以北隐伏断裂同时破裂的可能.%In this paper,we apply the full waveform inversion to determine the focal mechanisms of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou M7.0 earthquake sequence using near-field waveforms from Sichuan Seismic Network.Focal mechanism solutions show that the Jiuzhaigou M7.0 mainshock's moment magnitude is 6.36 and the depth is about 22 km.The two nodal planes' parameters are..strike=150°,dip=80°,rake=-20°;and
strike=244°,dip=70°,and rake=-169°.The aftershock sequences are located
in the depth range of 14~22 km,and focal mechanisms of the Jiuzhaigou event sequence are dominated by strike-slip faulting,of which 2 are normal,2 are thrust,24 are strike-slip,and 8 are mixed faulting.Strikes of fault planes are mostly in SSE direction,consistent with the trend of the Tazang fault and Huya fault,but different from the strike of southernmost part of the Tazang fault.The dip angles are in the range of 60°~80°,and rake angles are largely close to 0°,indicating the Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence is under the control of the SEE-striking,approximately vertical left-lateral strike-slip fault.The azimuths of P-axes are mostly in SEE direction,and the plunges of P-axes are mostly less than 30°,generally coincide with the regional tectonic stress field.Focal mechanisms and stresses vary between various segments in the space.We infer that the seismogenic fault of the Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence is a blind fault extending northward from the Huya fault.However,we can not rule out the possibility that the rupture of the southern segment of the Tazang fault and the blind fault to the north of Huya fault may both contributed to the Jiuzhaigou earthquake.
1.2017年8月8日九寨沟M7.0地震及余震震源机制解与发震构造分析 [J], 易桂喜;宫悦;乔惠珍;汪智;邱桂兰;苏金蓉;龙锋;梁明剑;张会平;赵敏;叶有清;张致伟;祁玉萍;王思维
2.2017年8月九寨沟M7.0地震序列的断层结构及应力场特征 [J], 李君;王勤彩;崔子健;刘庚;周琳
3.2017年九寨沟7.0级地震序列震源机制解和构造应力场特征 [J], 祁玉萍;龙锋;肖本夫;路茜;江鹏
4.2017年8月8日四川九寨沟M7.0和9日新疆精河M6.6地震震源机制解 [J], 郭志;陈立春;李通;高星
5.2017年8月九寨沟M7.0地震序列断层结构及构造应力场特征 [J], 李君;王勤彩;崔子健;刘庚;周琳;路珍;周辉