



美国大学入学申请书(精选多篇)english namechinese nametoefl1princeton university(nj)普林斯顿大学 (新泽西)y2harvard university(ma)哈佛大学 (马萨诸塞)y3yale university(ct)耶鲁大学 (康涅狄格)600pbt,250cbt or 100 ibt4california institute of technology (ca)加州理工学院y4stanford university(ca)斯坦佛大学 (加州)not required4massachusetts inst. of technology (ma)麻省理工学院y7university of pennsylvania (pa)宾西法尼亚大学y8duke university(nc)杜克大学 (北卡)600pbt/250cbt/100ibt9dartmouth college(nh)达特茅斯学院 (新罕布什尔)y9columbia university(ny)哥伦比亚大学 (纽约)600pbt,250cbt or 100 ibt9university of chicago (il)芝加哥大学 (伊利诺)600pbt,250cbt or 104ibt or 7.0ielts12cornell university(ny)康奈尔 (纽约)y12washington university in st. louis (mo)圣露易斯华盛顿大学 (密苏里)y14northwestern university(il)西北大学 (伊利诺)600pbt/250cbt/100ibt/ielts 15brown university(ri)布朗大学 (罗德岛)600pbt/250cbt16johns hopkins university(md)约翰斯霍普金斯大学 (马里兰)600pbt/250cbt/99ibt17rice university(tx)莱斯大学 (德克萨斯)y18vanderbilt university(tn)范德堡大学 (田纳西)y18emory university(ga)挨默里大学 (乔治亚)600pbt/250cbt20university of notre dame(in)圣母大学 (印第安那)y21carnegie mellon university(pa)卡内基梅隆 (宾西法尼亚)"≥250 on the computer-based(cbt) or ≥600 on the paper-based(pbt)"21university of california—berkeley * (ca)加州大学伯克利分校"≥220 on the computer-based(cbt) or 550 on the paper-based(pbt) or ibt≥83"23georgetown university(dc)乔治城大学 (华盛顿特区)600pbt24university of virginia * (va)弗吉尼亚大学y24university of michigan—ann arbor * (mi)密歇根大学安阿伯分校y26univ. of california—los angeles * (ca)加州大学洛杉矶分校"≥220 on cbt or 550 on pbt or ibt≥83"27u. of north carolina—chapel hill * (nc)北卡大学教堂山分校≥600 on pbt or ≥250 on cbt27univ. of southern california (ca)南加州大学"≥600 on pbt or ≥250 on cbt ibt≥100"27tufts university(ma)塔夫斯大学 (马萨诸塞)≥250 on cbt30wake forest university(nc)维克森林大学 (北卡)y31college of william and mary(va) *威廉玛丽学院 (弗吉尼亚)≥600 on pbt or≥250 on cbt31brandeis university(ma)布兰迪大学 (马萨诸塞)"≥600 on pbt or≥250 on cbtor ≥100 on ibt"33lehigh university(pa)利哈伊大学 (宾西法尼亚)≥570 on pbt or ≥230 on cbt 34univ. of wisconsin—madison * (wi)威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校"≥550 on pbt or≥213 on cbt≥80 on ibt"34boston college (ma)波士顿学院 (马萨诸塞)"600 on pbt or 250 on cbt or 100 on ibt"34new york university (ny)纽约大学y34university of rochester(ny)罗切斯特大学 (纽约)"550 on pbt or 213 on cbt or 85 on ibt"38case western reserve univ.(oh)凯斯西储大学 (俄亥俄)550 pbt,213 cbt or 80 ibt38univ. of california—san diego * (ca)加州大学圣戈迭分校y38georgia institute of technology * (ga)佐治亚理工学院600pbt,250cbt or 100 ibt 41u. of illinois—urbana - champaign * (il)伊利诺大学香槟分校y42university of washington * (wa)华盛顿大学"580pbt or 237cbt or70ibt(without speaking)"42rensselaer polytechnic inst.(ny)伦斯勒理工学院 (纽约)570pbt or230cbt or 88ibt44university of california—irvine * (ca)加州大学欧文分校550pbt or 213cbt 44tulane university(la)杜兰大学 (路易斯安那州)y44yeshiva university(ny)叶史瓦大学 (纽约)563pbt or 225cbt47pennsylvania state u.—university park * (pa)宾州大学帕克分校550pbt or 213cbt or 80ibt47university of texas—austin * (tx)德州大学奥斯汀分校y47university of california—davis * (ca)加州大学戴维斯分校500pbt47univ. of california—santa barbara * (ca)加州大学圣芭芭拉分校550pbt or 213cbt or 79ibt47university of florida * (fl)佛罗里达大学550pbt or 213cbt or 80ibt52george washington university(dc)乔治华盛顿大学 (华盛顿特区)y52syracuse university(ny)雪城大学 (威斯康辛州)y54pepperdine university(ca)佩珀代因大学 (加利福尼亚)550pbt or 220cbt or 80ibt 54university of miami(fl)迈阿密大学 (佛罗里达)y54univ. of maryland—college park * (md)马里兰大学帕克分校y57ohio state university—columbus * (oh)俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校527pbt/197cbt/71ibt57university of pittsburgh * (pa)匹兹堡大学 (宾州)550pbt/213cbt/80ibt 57boston university (ma)波士顿大学 (麻萨诸塞)550pbt/250cbt/60miami university—oxford(oh) *迈阿密大学牛津分校 (俄亥俄)530pbt/200cbt/72ibt60texas a&m univ.—college station * (tx)德克萨斯a&m大学卡城分校550pbt/213cbt/80ibt60university of georgia * (ga)乔治亚大学 (佐治亚)213cbt/80ibt/7.0ielts 60rutgers—new brunswick(nj) *罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区 (新泽西)y64purdue univ.—west lafayette(in) *普渡大学西拉法叶校区 (印第安纳)y 64university of iowa * (ia)爱荷华大学530pbt/197cbt/71ibt64worcester polytechnic inst.(ma)伍斯特理工学院 (马萨诸塞)550pbt/213cbt/6.5ielts67university of connecticut * (ct)康涅狄格大学yuniversity of delaware * (de)德拉华大学550pbt/213cbt/80ibt67univ. of minnesota—twin cities * (mn)明尼苏达大学twin cities分校213cbt/79ibt 70clemson university(sc) *克莱姆森大学 (南卡罗来纳)y70southern methodist university(tx)南卫理工会大学 (德克萨斯)550pbt/213cbt/6.5ielts70brigham young univ.—provo(ut)杨百翰大学 (犹他)500pbt/173cbt/66ibt70indiana university—bloomington * (in)印地安那大学伯明顿分校560pbt/223cbt 70michigan state university * (mi)密歇根州立大学550pbt/213cbt/79ibt70fordham university(ny)福特汉姆大学 (纽约)y76univ. of california—santa cruz * (ca)加州大学圣克鲁兹分校pbt550,gre1600 77virginia tech * (va)维吉尼亚理工大学y77university of colorado—boulder * (co)科罗拉多大学波尔得分校550pbt/173cbt/61ibt77st. louis university (mo)圣路易斯大学 (密苏里)525pbt/194cbt/6.0ielts 77stevens institute of technology(nj)斯蒂文斯理工学院 (新泽西)/81north carolina state u.—raleigh * (nc)北卡罗来纳州立大学550pbt/213cbt/79ibt 81baylor university(tx)贝勒大学 (德克萨斯)540pbt/207cbt/76ibt81marquette university(wi)马凯特大学 (威斯康新)y81iowa state university * (ia)爱荷华州立大学500pbt/173cbt/5.0ielts81clark university(ma)克拉克大学 (马萨诸塞)550-650pbt/213-280cbt86american university(dc)美国大学 (华盛顿特区)550pbt/213cbt/80ibt86suny—binghamton * (ny)纽约州立大学宾汉姆大学550pbt/213cbt/80ibt 88university of tulsa(ok)塔尔萨大学 (俄克拉荷马)500pbt/173cbt88university of tennessee * (tn)田纳西大学523pbt/193cbt/70ibt88university of vermont * (vt)佛蒙特大学550pbt/213cbt/79-80ibt88university of alabama * (al)阿拉巴马大学500pbt/173cbt/61ibt88auburn university(al) *奥本大学 (阿拉巴马)550pbt/213cbt88univ. of california—riverside * (ca)加州大学河滨分校550pbt/213cbt/79ibt/7ielts88university of denver (co)丹佛大学 (科罗多拉)y88howard university(dc)霍华德大学 (华盛顿特区)y88university of kansas * (ks)堪萨斯大学"subscore57pbt/4.5twe/subscore23cbt and 4.5 on the essay /subscore 23 ibt"88univ. of missouri—columbia * (mo)密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校500pbt/173cbt/61ibt 98university of arizona * (az)亚利桑那大学500pbt/173cbt/61ibt98university of the pacific(ca)太平洋大学 (加州)475-550pbt/150-213cbt98northeastern university(ma)美国东北大学 (马萨诸塞)550pbt/213cbt/79-80ibt/6.0ielts98univ. of massachusetts—amherst * (ma)马萨诸塞大学艾姆赫斯特校区550pbt/213cbt98univ. of nebraska—lincoln * (ne)内布拉斯加大学林肯分校525pbt/193cbt98suny col. of envirnmtl sci. & frstry * (ny)美国纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院550pbt/213cbt/79-80ibt/6.0ielts98suny—stony brook * (ny)纽约州立大学石溪分校550pbt/213cbt/6.5ielts y是表示需要成绩,但没有具体数字, 我用压缩文件把excel发上来吧.另外,08年最新版还没有出来第二篇:申请美国大学入学文书范本申请美国大学入学文书范本i guess it was inevitable that i’d be on hockey skates at some point in mylife, but i did not expect that i’d become one of a rare group of female icehockey officials before i even reached high school. being born into a family ofhockey players and figure skaters, it seemed that my destiny had already beendecided.right from the beginning, my two older brothers and my father strapped meup and threw me onto the ice. i loved it and, in my mind, i was on my way tobecoming a female gretzky! but my mom had to think of something fast to drag herlittle girl away from this sport of ruffians. enter my first hot pink figureskating dress! that was allit took to launch fifteen years of competitivefigure skating. even though figure skating soon became my passion, i always hadan unsatisfied yearning for ice hockey. it took a great deal of convincing frommy parents that competitive figure skating and ice hockey didn’t mix. my compromise became refereeing ice hockey;little did i know that i wasbeginning an activity that would influence my character and who i am today. wheni began, i would only work with my dad and brothers. everyone was friendly andaccepting because i had just started. i soon realized though that to getbetteri needed to start refereeing with people i wasn’t related to,and that’s when myexperience drastically changed. an apologeticsmile and an “i’m sorry” wasn’tgoing toget me through games now. as i began officiating higher-level games anddealing with more arrogant coaches, i suddenly entered a new male-dominatedworld, a world i had never experienced before. my confidence was shot, and all iwanted to do was get through each game and be able to leave. sometimes i waseven too scared to skate along the teams’ benches because i would get upset bywhat the coaches would yell to me. “do you have a hot date tonight, ref?” was atypical comment that coaches would spit at me during the course of a game. intheir eyes, i did not belong on that ice, and they were going to do whateverthey could do to make sure no women wanted to officiate their games. i wasdetermined not to let them chase me off the ice.i made the decision to stand up for myself. i never responded rudelyto thecoaches, but i did not let them walk all over me and destroy my confidenceanymore. i started to act and feel more like the 4-year certified atlanticdistrict official that i am. there were still a few situations that scared me.one time i called a penalty in a championship game during the third overtime andthe team i penalized ended up losing because they got scored on. i knew i hadmade theright call, even though i was unnerved when i saw the losingteams’parents waiting for me at my locker room; for the moment i wished i hadn’tcalled that penalty. although it was scary at the time, i stood my ground andovercame my fears. that was an importantstepping-stone in my officiating careerand in my life.after four years of refereein g, i still can’t say it’s easy. every gamehands me something new and i never know what to expect. now ihave theconfidence and preparation to deal with the unexpected, onand off the ice. inow also know to take everything with a grain ofsalt and not let it get to me.i have learned that life is just like being out on the ice; if i am prepared andact with confidence, i will be perceived as confident. these are the littlelessons that i’m grateful to have learned as a woman referee.things to notice about this essay1. the author tells an interesting story about her experiences as areferee.2. a sense of her personality—determination, flexibility, good humor—comesthrough in the narration.3. details like “do you have a hot date tonight, ref?” make the narration memorable (we’d love to hear more of these kinds of details).4. the essay needs a faster start. the first paragraph (three sentences)says the same thing in both the first and third sen(转载请注明来源)tences—and gives away theessay’s surprise in the second! a good revision would delete all of paragraphone and start at paragraph two.5. there’s too much frame here and not enough picture. the essay needsfurther development, especially about the difficulties ofbecoming and being aref, to keep it vivid.6. the author should “dwell” in the meaning of the experience a little moreat the end—“i wonder about…i also think…sometimes i believe….” significantexperiences like this one, woven through many years of the author’s life, don’tmean just one thing—there are more insights and lessons to explore here.第三篇:大学入学申请书尊敬的校领导您好:学习的压力使我放弃了高考,可对理想的追求并没有停止我求知的步伐!在这个知识经济的时代,学历可以成就一个人的未来!人们都说学历只是一块敲门砖,可是如果没有这块敲门砖我们连门都进不了又何谈去施展才华和抱负呢!在得知贵校职业本科正在招生中,我热切希望贵校能给我这个机会!贵校坐落在历史文化古城开封,有悠久的人文历史和文化内涵,学校打破了传统的高分观念,注重学生的综合素质的发展,这是贵校的一大特色!希望贵校能给我这个机会,让我这颗渴望飞翔的心能有一片广阔的天空!在此祝愿您身体健康,工作顺利! 7.26第四篇:日文版大学入学申请书学長閣下拝具:大阪城を築き、百姓から天下人へと至った豊臣秀吉様の逸話は十六歳の際に初めて本で読みました。



林菲尔德学院(Linfield College)成立于1858年,是美国西海岸最古老的大学之一,是一所本科类私立院校。






《美国新闻与世界报道》( US News & World Report)连续六年将林菲尔德学院评为美国西部地区本科教育院校排名第一名。

2011年《普林斯顿评论》(The Princeton Review)将林菲尔德学院评为美国西部地区最优秀院校(the Best Colleges in the Western Region)之一;
2012年美国《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志美国最佳院校 (American Best College) 综合排名,在650所院校中位居第325名;
2010年美国《高等教育年鉴》(Chronicle of Higher Education)将林菲尔德学院评为“富布莱特学者优秀培养院校”之一。







谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Sheffield Hallam University)建校于1843年,前身为谢菲尔德设计学院,在工业革命中享有近一个世纪的盛名,从建校伊始,谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学就和工业产业界紧密相连。


由Professor the Lord Winston和Professor Philip Jones分别担任校监和副校监。




Ab t a t Ai ng t t p e e st a in a f au e o S n h a Ri e man sr a sr c : mi o he r s nt iu to nd e t r s f o g u v r i te m t rio y by e rtr , s r e i g he u v y n t wae r s u c s e n a s p y e tma i g h q lt a d n lzng h f n t n,t s t r e o r e d ma d nd u pl, si tn t e uaiy n a a y i t e u c i o hi pa e t fr r t e c me o t r f ci n fr t c a s o n o n h Ri e i sr a t ri r . p r pu s o wa d h s he f wae un t s- l s z ni g f So g an o i v r man te m e rt y o Ke W or : S ng ua y ds o h Rie t r e o r e ;man te m wa e u to ;frt l s z n n v r wae r s u c s i sr a tr f nci n i s-ca s o i g
建设 旅游 设施 , 为 沿 江旅 游 的重 要 景观 。但 考虑 成
到下游 哈尔滨 市 的用水需 求 , 该河 段划 为缓 冲 区 , 将
出境水质 控制 标准 定为 Ⅲ类 。 ( ) 林河 为吉林 、 2拉 黑 龙江 两省 界河 , 头 河 、 石 细鳞 河 、 伦 河 和牡 丹 江为 霍 两省 跨 省 界 河 流 , 因此 , 拉 林 河 的伊 家 店 至河 口 将





2. “三明治”课程全英前10 (HESA DATA 2006/07)
3. 2013年英国卫报排名48,泰晤士报排名57.
4. 2011,2012年英国教育排名全英第二,仅次于剑桥大学。

5. 音乐类全英前30强
6. 艺术类全英前40强
7. 毕业生在全球前500强企业任CEO人数全球排名第89(MINIES PARIS TECH 2009)
8. 2007年英女皇亲自剪裁艺术学院新院落成
10. 电子电气工程专业全英排名第4位,精密技术研究中心全英排名第一,同时位于欧洲前三,国际会计师协会(ACCA)认证中心。



得条件:a) 期末考试: 包括 3 项考试:TOEIC 考试;口语理解测试(用法
语或者英语完成,内容关于 Technology Management);以 Cross Cultural Management 为主题的第二外语测试(对留学生可以是法语)b) 所学课
程学分要求:在 Grenoble 学习期间,每年所学课程的平均成绩至少为 10
Mechanics 飞行器制造工程
Manufacturing Engineering of
法国国立高等工程 技术大学校 (ENSAM)
法国 France
硕士 Master
双向 bilate
Flight Vehicle
化学系 应用化学
Department of Chemistry
Applied Chemistry
法国 France
同济学 士+外方
(3+2) Tongji bachelor
双向 bilate
+foreign master
Management or Economy Major(外 方) 本科工商管理专业
Audencia Nantes Ecole de Management 法国南特商学院
法国 France
硕士 (3+2) Tongji
双向 bilate
在同济大学学习 5 年:4 年本科+1 年研究生(期间:学生自行获得硕士 研究生资格+中法学院 2 年法语学习);1.5 在法国合作院校学习;返回中 2 国在同济完成硕士阶段最后环节的培养:包括用中文撰写硕士论文(附法 语或英语摘要),并通过由中法联合论文答辩;同济大学硕士和法国工程 师文凭将在完成中法两地学业后同时颁发。


二、省级项目 (一)校际交换项目 6 江苏—安省大学生交流项目 ..................................................12 (二)海外学习项目 7 江苏大学本科生境外学习政府奖学金项目............................15 8 江苏大学生暑期学分课程学习项目.......................................21 9 江苏大学生赴美国 25 所大学学年交流项目..........................24 10 江苏大学生赴美国转学及申请硕士研究生项目 ..................26 (三)海外实习项目 11 江苏大学生暑期赴美专业实习项目 .....................................32 (四)文化交流项目
30 赴加州大学圣地亚哥分校短期访学项目 .............................76 31 赴加州大学河滨分校短期访学项目.....................................79 (六)海外研修项目 32 寒假赴日本动漫游戏领域研修项目.....................................82 33 翔飞日本短期留学项目........................................................84 34 加州大学圣地亚哥分校暑期海外课堂项目..........................90 35 利物浦大学暑期医学见习项目 ............................................93 36 赴德国开姆尼茨 F+U 教育学院暑期研修项目.....................94 37 德比大学暑期夏令营 ...........................................................97 四、附录 附录 1:江苏大学本科生赴境外交流申请表.............................99 附录 2:江苏大学研究生赴境外交流申请表...........................101 附录 3:江苏大学交流学生学习计划安排表...........................102 附录 4:江苏大学中德联合培养硕士研究生报名表 ...............104 附录 5:江苏高校学生境外学习政府奖学金项目学生申请及学 校推荐表 ................................................................................... 105 附录 6:江苏大学交流生成绩认定与学分转换申请表............106



34.上海师范大学与美国犹他大学合作举办旅游管理专业本科教育项目● 35.上海师范大学与美国戴顿大学合作举办电子信息工程专业本科教育项目● 36.上海师范大学与美国戴顿大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目● 37.上海师范大学与法国柏莱斯?帕斯卡尔大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目● 38.上海师范大学与法国柏莱斯?帕斯卡尔大学合作举办经济学专业本科教育项目● 39.上海师范大学与法国柏莱斯?帕斯卡尔大学合作举办广告学专业本科教育项目● 40.上海工程技术大学与韩国东西大学合作举办艺术设计专业本科教育项目● 41.上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办自动化专业本科教育项目● 42.上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目● 43.上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办交通运输专业本科教育项目● 44.上海对外贸易学院与英国中兰卡郡大学合作举办英语专业本科教育项目● 45.上海对外贸易学院与澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学合作举办物流管理专业本科教育项目● 46.上海对外贸易学院与澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目● 47.上海对外贸易学院与德国奥斯纳布吕克应用技术大学合作举办会展经济与管理专业本科教育项目● 48.上海对外贸易学院与加拿大道格拉斯学院合作举办金融学专业本科教育项目● 49.上海对外贸易学院与加拿大道格拉斯学院合作举办财务管理专业本科教育项目● 50.上海中医药大学与英国伦敦都市大学合作举办药学专业本科教育项目● 51.上海海事大学与荷兰泽兰德大学合作举办电气工程与智能控制专业本科教育项目▲ 52.上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办电子信息工程专业本科教育项目▲ 1.中国民航大学中欧航空工程师学院(Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering, CAUC)▲ 1.天津科技大学与美国库克学院合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 2.天津科技大学与美国库克学院合作举办国际企业管理专业本科教育项目● 3.天津科技大学与澳大利亚南十字星大学合作举办财务管理专业本科教育项目● 4.天津理工大学与日本大阪产业大学合作举办工业工程专业本科教育项目● 5.天津理工大学与加拿大魁北克大学席库提米分校合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目● 6.天津理工大学与加拿大汤姆逊大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 7.天津师范大学与日本国立三重大学合作举办日语专业本科教育项目▲ 8.天津商业大学与美国佛罗里达国际大学合作举办酒店管理和旅游管理专业本科教育项目● 9.南开大学与加拿大注册会计师协会合作举办国际会计专业本科教育项目● 1.重庆工商大学现代国际设计艺术学院● 2.重庆大学美视电影学院● 3.重庆工商大学国际商学院● 1.西交利物浦大学( Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University )▲ 2.江南大学莱姆顿学院● 1.江苏科技大学与澳大利亚拉筹伯大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 2.江苏科技大学与法国巴黎高等计算机学院合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目● 3.江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办环境工程专业本科教育项目● 4.江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办机械设计及其自动化专业本科教育项目● 5.江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办应用化学专业本科教育项目● 6.江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办市场营销专业本科教育项目● 7.江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目● 8.江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 9.江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办化学工程与工艺专业本科教育项目● 10.江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办信息管理与信息系统专业本科教育项目● 11.扬州大学与澳大利亚查理?斯窦大学合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目● 12.南京师范大学与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办通讯与电子工程专业本科教育项目● 13.南京师范大学与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办电气与电子工程专业本科教育项目● 14.南京工程学院与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办经济管理专业本科教育项目● 15.南京工程学院与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办电力工程专业本科教育项目● 16.南京中医药大学与澳大利亚西悉尼大学合作举办电子商务专业本科教育项目● 1.宁波诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham-Ningbo)▲ 1.温州医学院与美国托马斯大学合作举办护理学专业本科教育项目▲ 2.浙江农林大学与澳大利亚南昆士兰大学合作举办旅游管理专业本科教育项目▲






Reinforcement Learning Based Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Underwater VehiclePrashant Bhopale 1&Faruk Kazi 1&Navdeep Singh 1Received:24September 2017/Accepted:19March 2018/Published online:8April 2019#Harbin Engineering University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany,part of Springer Nature 2019AbstractObstacle avoidance becomes a very challenging task for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)in an unknown underwater environment during exploration process.Successful control in such case may be achieved using the model-based classical control techniques like PID and MPC but it required an accurate mathematical model of AUV and may fail due to parametric uncer-tainties,disturbance,or plant model mismatch.On the other hand,model-free reinforcement learning (RL)algorithm can be designed using actual behavior of AUV plant in an unknown environment and the learned control may not get affected by model uncertainties like a classical control approach.Unlike model-based control model-free RL based controller does not require to manually tune controller with the changing environment.A standard RL based one-step Q-learning based control can be utilized for obstacle avoidance but it has tendency to explore all possible actions at given state which may increase number of collision.Hence a modified Q-learning based control approach is proposed to deal with these problems in unknown environment.Furthermore,function approximation is utilized using neural network (NN)to overcome the continuous states and large state-space problems which arise in RL-based controller design.The proposed modified Q-learning algorithm is validated using MATLAB simulations by comparing it with standard Q-learning algorithm for single obstacle avoidance.Also,the same algorithm is utilized to deal with multiple obstacle avoidance problems.Keywords Obstacleavoidance .Autonomousunderwatervehicle .Reinforcementlearning .Q-learning .Functionapproximation1IntroductionThe ocean is the central energy source of energy,minerals,food,etc.for human being hence understanding and exploring the ocean area becomes an important task (Council 1996).Such exploration can be carried out by humans themselves using different manned and unmanned vehicles.Butsometimes,it is not possible for human being to personally visit some hostile areas like radioactive environments or higher depth;in such cases,autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)plays a vital role for achieving such tasks.AUVs are unmanned type underwater vehicles which are used in the commercial,military,scientific,and private sectors which are designed to explore underwater areas and perform differ-ent missions like pipeline monitoring,etc.(Russell et al.2014).AUVs are the most suitable candidate for exploration of extreme environments due to their ability to operate auton-omously (Fossen 2011).In such operations,AUVs are sup-posed to maneuver on their own as per programmed mission,but such missions are prone to fail due to unknown obstacles in AUV ’s programmed path.Hence,obstacle avoidance be-comes a necessary task for AUV .Obstacle detection and avoidance can be carried out by de-signing proper feedback control for AUV .The controller design-ing process can be classified into two types,namely model-based control and model-free control.Model-based control requires precise computation;the typical classical controller design pro-cedure requires derivation of an exact mathematical model byArticle Highlights•In order to complete the given task in unknown environment,AUV must avoid collisions with obstacles.•A modified Q-learning-based control is proposed to reduce number of collisions and compared with standard one-step Q-learning-based control.•Function approximation is utilized along with RL to deal with continu-ous states and large state-space problem.•Proposed RL-based control is utilized for multiple obstacle avoidance.*Prashant Bhopalepsbhopale_p14@el.vjti.ac.in1Electrical Engineering Department,Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute,Mumbai 400019,IndiaJournal of Marine Science and Application (2019)18:228–238https:///10.1007/s11804-019-00089-3careful analysis of process dynamics;by using this mathematical model,control law has to be derived to meet certain design criteria(Su et al.2013;Qu et al.2017).Sometimes,reduced order models are used to design controller(Bhopale et al. 2017)but it again requires an abstract mathematical model of the plant.Construction of the abstract model may be carried out by system identification approach but it may increase the param-eter dependency(Hafner and Riedmiller2014)and if the behav-ior of plant in real time is different from the abstract model due to parametric uncertainties then,the controller designed using that model may fail.In such scenario,robust controller is proposed for AUVin Cheng et al.(2010)and Bhopale et al.(2016),but the performance of robust control is again limited due to assump-tions of bounded uncertainties.All these methods mentioned above are usually based on specific environment and plant’s abstract mathematical model and depend on more prior knowl-edge like experience and rules.Also,they lack self-learning property to adapt to various unknown environments.Once there is any change in the task or environment,the corresponding designed model-based controller need to be updated manually. Hence,it is better to incorporate model-free self-learning ap-proach in designing feedback control for AUV since dependency on the mathematical model,and uncertainties will vanish and the controller will be developed depending entirely on plant’s(AUV in our case)behavior in the unknown environments.Different model-free control approaches have been pro-posed in literature;where the controller learns plant behavior using neural network(NN).Reinforcement learning(RL)can be considered as a suitable candidate for both self-learning model-based and model-free control approach.Kober (Kober et al.2013)contains a detailed survey regarding the application of RL in the area of robotics,where AUVapplica-tions are also listed.Model-based RL approach utilizes the kinematic model of AUV or sometimes the behavior can be summarized into Gaussian process(GP)model and this model will be used for long-term prediction.Many researchers have combined other controllers with RL where the predicted con-trol of classical control is used as known policy and this policy is modified using actor-critic approach;this particular ap-proach is known as on-policy approach where predefined pol-icy is available but it increases the dependency on model available or derived using NN or GP(Paula and Acosta 2015).On the other hand,the off-policy approach does not require knowledge of AUV’s kinetics or dynamics and the agent learn entire control law by itself.Q-learning is one of the off-policy RL algorithms which can learn from actual plant behavior and can decide its own control command depending on previous experience (Phanthong et al.2014).The Q-learning process executes in the following sequence:for present state,agent selects action depending on policy(random policy or greedy policy)from Q-table which is a storage of state-action value pairs as per previous experience,this selected action is then executed on plant and generated output is measured,depending on how good or bad the output is,the agent receives reward or pun-ishment and using this reward or punishment the Q-value for particular state-action pair is updated and stored as an experi-ence in the Q-table.For next step,the same process is execut-ed and Q-table is updated.In this way,the Q-table is updated iteratively with different state-action pair for the entire state and action space.At the end of the process,Q-learning policy learns the entire control law by itself for defined state-action space from the scratch,without knowing the kinetics or dy-namics of the plant.This self-learning policy can be applied for AUV set-point tracking problem,where AUV can explore entire state space by trying each and every state-action pair (exploration process)to reach the set-point with the objective of maximizing cumulative reward.But in such exploration process if AUV comes across an obstacle and takes any ran-dom action in order to explore,it is possible that collision may occur with obstacle causing damage to AUV.In such case, some researchers have proposed auxiliary controller strategy to switch controller to avoid obstacle but again this controller has to be designed from the mathematical model of AUV which as stated above is prone to uncertainties.Also,curse of dimensionality and continuous state problem are some oth-er drawbacks being faced while standard one-step Q-learning algorithm which is being utilized for AUV.Hence,as a remedy,a modified Q-algorithm is proposed in this paper which does not require auxiliary control or mathemat-ical model of AUV.In the proposed method force exploitation is carried out to deal with this obstacle avoidance problem when AUV is in the unsafe region.This method is entirely model-free and furthermore,NN-based function approximation is utilized to deal with the curse of dimensionality and continuous state prob-lem.Together proposed method removes the dependency of plant model and deals with the curse of dimensionality and con-tinuous state space problem while designing self-learning con-troller for AUV set point tracking and obstacle avoidance.Remaining of the paper is organized as follows:In Section2,a brief introduction to RL and the standard one-step Q-learning algorithm is presented.Then in Section3,the main idea of obstacle avoidance for AUV using RL is pro-posed with a modified Q-learning algorithm.Also for the same problem,issues with continuous state space and curse of dimensionality are highlighted and utilization of function approximation method using the NN is proposed.In Section4,the proposed approach is illustrated using simula-tion results.Finally,Section5concludes the paper by discussing the overall results of the proposed approach.2Reinforcement Learning(RL)RL is a standard machine learning method which is used to solve sequential decision problems modeled in the form ofP.Bhopale et al.:Reinforcement Learning Based Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle229Markov decision processes (MDPs)(Powell 2007).The dy-namic programming assumes deterministic system;on the other hand,RL is approximate dynamic programming obtaining an optimal control policy when the perfect mathe-matical model is not available.Hence,we can say that RL can be utilized as a model-free approach.In the RL problem,the agent which is interacting with the environment has to observe a present state s ∈S of the envi-ronment and,depending on policy an action,a ∈A is selected,where state space S and action space A can be either discrete or continuous set,and can be single or multi-dimensional.It is assumed that state s t at any time instant t contains all relevant information about the plant ’s current situation.As shown in Fig.1below,at time instant t agent observe the state s t ,selects an action a t from A using policy decided,this action a t which is used to control states of the system is executed on the en-vironment,then the environment reacts to the action and next state s t +1is generated by the system using action a t .Now depending on the state s t +1,a reward r t is generated for state-action pair (s t ,a t )this reward can be designed as a sca-lar value or a function of the error between the present state and destination/target state or combination of both.The main goal of RL is to find a policy πby maximizing cumulative expected reward for the action a in given state s .The desired policy πcan be deterministic or stochastic.We can say that a is a sample over actions distribution over new state en-countered as a ~π(s ,a )=P (a |s ).The reward functions are com-monly designed as function of present state,i.e.,r =r (s t );current state and action pair,i.e.,r =r (s t ,a t );or it can be a function of the transitions from one state to new state,i.e.,r =r (s t ,a t ,s t +1).The RL agent is expected to find out the relations between available states,available actions,and earned rewards depend-ing on experience or best available choices.Hence,knowledge of exploration and exploitation is necessary to design RL agent.2.1Exploration vs ExploitationFrom the agent point of view,the environment may be static or dynamic;hence,agent has to try different actions randomly,receive a reward,and keep learning on trial and error basis,this process is known as exploration.When the agent chooses the best action from learned experience and minimizes the cost of learning,it is called exploitation.If the agent has very less expe-rience in large dimensional spaces,then agent selecting best actions based on current learned experience (which is not suffi-cient)is not preferable,because better alternative actions may be available which were potentially never been explored,hence sufficient exploration has to be done for learning the global op-timal solution.Now a question arises that how much and when to explore,and how much and when to exploit.However,too much exploration can cost more in terms of performance and stability when the online implementation is necessary.The greedy policy can be used in such case where the exploration rate is more when the agent starts learning,as experience is gained and exploitation rate increases and exploration rate de-creases gradually to reach the optimal solution.This method can be used to deal with exploration and exploitation trade-off.2.2Q-learningThe Q-learning algorithm is model-free,off-policy RL tech-nique,which uses temporal difference learning approach.It is possible to prove that if sufficient training and experience is given to RL agent under any soft-policy,then the algorithm will converge to close approximation of the action-value func-tion for arbitrary target policy with probability 1.Optimal policy can be learned by Q-learning in both more exploration and random policy case.The state-action value is updated in Q-learning as,Q s t ;a t ðÞ≔Q s t ;a t ðÞþαr t þ1þγmax aQ s t þ1;a t ðÞ−Q s t ;a t ðÞh ið1ÞThe following are parameters in the Q-value update process:&αis a learning rate parameter;it can be set between 0and 1value.If αis set to 0,then,no learning process is carried out and Q-values will never be updated.If αis set to 0.9,then,learning can occur very quickly.&γis a discount factor;this parameter can take any value between 0and 1.This factor is used to ensure that the future rewards are not worth.&ε-if ε=1then pure exploration is carried out and if ε=0then pure exploitation.Hence εis normally set to small positive value between 0and 1.It is a probability fordeciding the policy selection factor ^B,when ^B =1exploi-tation is carried out,else exploration continues.In a scenario when each action is executed on every state in a huge number of times,and if learning rate αis decayed appropriately with increasing number of trials,the Q-values will converge optimal value Q *with probability 1seeFig.1Reinforcement learning mechanism where learning agent interacts with an environment230Journal of Marine Science and Application(Watkins and Dayan1992).In this case,Q directly approxi-mates to optimal value Q*,independent of the policy being followed.This approximation simplifies algorithm analysis and enabled early convergence proofs.But this policy still depends on which state-action pairs are visited and which value functions are updated hence it becomes mandatory to visit all state action pair.If proper exploration-exploitation is carried out then under this assumption Q t converges to Q*with probability1,this one-step Q-learning algorithm(Sutton and Barto1998)is shown below:Algorithm1One-step Q-learning algorithmInitialize (,)arbitrailyrepeat(for each episode):Initialize;repeat(for each step of episode):Choose for using policy derived from ;Take action , observe and ;update(,)(,)+[+max(,)−(,)]until is terminaluntil all episodes end.2.3Q-learning in an Unknown EnvironmentSince Q-learning is a type of RL,it can directly interact with the unknown environment and develop self-learning control without any prior knowledge of the environment.When the environment is unknown,the obstacle avoidance problem of an AUV can be considered as a behavior selection task.In this task,the AUV can automatically produce a correct action of reaching the destination without collision according to the environment information perceived by the sensors equipped on the AUV.The task of finding the optimal path for AUV in an unknown environment is shown in Fig.2.It is assumed that AUV’s sensor system collects information regarding its own position[x t,y t,ψt]and information of nearby obstacle’s(rep-resented by gray circles)position with its dimension at every time instant t.The black point is initial position of AUV rep-resented by[x o,y o,ψo]and the green point is the destination point fed to AUV which is represented by[x d,y d,ψd].The linear distance between AUV and destination point is calculated byΔd¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffix d−x tðÞ2þy d−y tðÞ2 qAnd the angular difference between AUV’s current orienta-tion and the destination expected orientation at time t is given by Δψ¼ψd−ψt;Δψ∈−π;þπ½In order to navigate the AUV to its destination point, it is assumed that these variables are always known at each time instant t.Therefore,an obstacle avoidance task is to obtain these variables,Δd andΔψat each time step t,and based on them determine a state-action mapping process until the goal is achieved.As stated in above section Q-learning is a self-learning approach which learns optimal value function(1)with sufficient train-ing using trial and error approach.Q-learning learns control policy for what to do and how to do,to maximize the reward value as stated in Algorithm1.According to this algorithm, AUV first checks its current state s t(position and orientation) in current environment,then pick up random action a t.The random action will result in next state s t+1and,depending on next state,the reward value r t is generated as reinforcement signal depending onΔd,Δψand whether target achived or collision occored.This reward value indicates the conse-quences or advantages of a t at s t.The information s t,a t,s t+1and r t are fed to Q-value function and Q-value,Q(s t,a t)is updated.This process is repeated for next state and taking random action at that state until the destination point is reached or AUV collide with some obstacle.If in this process,AUV find out4paths namely A,B,C and D as shown in Fig.2 then the path A is decided as optimal path at the time of exploitation because Q-learning policy attempts to maximize the cumulative reward value which agent re-ceives in progressive transition of states from its present state.But as we can see,there is no provision to avoid or reduce collision with obstacles in this standardQ-Fig.2Q-learning to find optimal path for AUVP.Bhopale et al.:Reinforcement Learning Based Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle231learning algorithm,all it can learn is from experience, also there is no provision to deal with curse of dimen-sionality,hence a modified Q algorithm is proposed which can reduce the number of collision with obstacles in learning process and can deal with curse of dimen-sionality along with continuous state space problem.3Modified Q-learningTraditionally,AUV consists3subsystems namely guidance system,navigation system,and control system.Guidance system designs an optimal path depending on vehicle dy-namics and obstacles,control system executes the path, and navigation system estimates the states/trajectory in presence of noise or disturbances.Together this guidance, navigation,and control(GNC)systems strongly require the mathematical model of AUV which is againparameter-dependent and may fail due to parametric uncer-tainties,plant-model mismatch or change in the environ-ment.Hence,to replace the GNC system,a behavior adaptive self-learning controller is required to be designed in such scenario which does not depend on plant’s math-ematical model.The self-learning standard one-step Q-learning algorithm stated in Algorithm1can be utilized for this task as stated in Section2.3but it has a tendency to explore all possible actions at given state which may be dangerous in presence of obstacle,as controller may try random action as stated in step4of Algorithm1in order to explore and end up in colliding with obstacle many more times, e.g.,as Path C and Path D shown in Fig. 2.This random action exploration at all time is a drawback of present one-step Q-learning algorithm.Also, standard Q-learning requires a large amount of storage to save all discretized state and action space,this particular problem is known as the curse of dimensionality.Hence, to reduce the collision with an obstacle and to deal with the curse of dimensionality,a modified version of Q-learning algorithm is proposed in Section2.3by augment-ing obstacle with an imaginary unsafe region around the obstacle,force exploitation when the unsafe region is de-tected and utilizing NN.This modified algorithm ensures that when the obstacle is detected AUV will not perform exploration(will not try new or random action)and force exploitation is carried out to get out of the unsafe region to reduce the number of collisions.Static obstacles represent hard constraints that must be taken into account in the development of approxi-mately optimal path planner.To facilitate the develop-ment of obstacle avoiding modified Q-learning control, we assume that AUV receives full knowledge about nearby obstacle,initial point and current state(position and orientation)using sensor mounted on AUV,then obstacles are augmented with an imaginary perimeterin the received database that extends from their bordersdenoting an unsafe region as illustrated in Fig.3.It is also possible to use auxiliary controller alongwith optimal Q control for obstacle avoidance,andswitch in between auxiliary and Q control in case ofthe obstacle detected but it again increases model depen-dency.Hence,a new approach to deal with this problemby updating next values in Q matrix for upcoming ob-stacle and force exploitation in the process is proposed inthis paper.Normally,exploration and exploitation is a trade-offbetween deciding whether to take action which issafe(exploit),try well-known previously updated actionwhich is having high rewards or dare to try new action(explore)in order to discover new strategies with aneven higher or lower reward.But in presence of anobstacle,trying exploration is not a good idea since arandom new action may result in collision with the ob-stacle,hence in the modified Q-learning algorithm,forceexploitation is carried out whenever the AUV goes intothe unsafe region around an obstacle to avoid the pos-sibility of a collision.Theεis probability which is setbetween0and1to decide how much to exploit andhow much to explore as stated in Section 2.1above. The policy factor^B is random value with(1−ε)exploi-tation and(ε)exploration probability.When^B becomes 1then pure exploitation is carried out else pure explo-ration(process randomly choosing an action a t at states t)will be continued as,Action a t¼argmaxa∈AQ if^B^¼1rand a t∈AðÞotherwise&Fig.3i th obstacle with(radius r obs)is augmented with the unsafe region (with radius r pen)232Journal of Marine Science and ApplicationAs stated in Algorithm2,if the AUV enters in theunsafe region then future Q-values is updated to avoid the collision and^B will be set to1for pure exploita-tion irrespective ofεvalue.Until AUV is in the unsaferegion this process repeated to move AUV into the saferegion and avoid collision with obstacles.Proposedmodified Q-learning algorithm is stated in Algorithm2below,Algorithm2Modified one-step Q-learning algorithm Initialize (,)arbitrailyInitialize desired staterepeat (for each episode):Initialize;Initialize exploration or exploitation policy factor and store it asrepeat (for each episode):if ==1then =max(,): choose action with maximum ;else=datasam ple(action space): random ly choose action;endTake action , and observe ;Decide reward (,,)using Algorithm 3;update(,)(,)+[+max(,)−(,)] if unsafe region is detected(,)=maximum(): give m inim umvalue for next step and same action to not to go closer to the obstacle or to avoid collision.=1: m ake pure exploitation to avoid next action in same directionelse=: load saved factor for episode.end ifuntil is terminaluntil all episodes end.To explain the importance of policy factor^B in Algorithm2,the procedure in this algorithm is shown as flowchart in Fig.4.The reward r can be designed as a function of the error between desired state s d and new state s t+1for the transition using action a t,also the reward value will be depending on the current state of AUV that whether present action a t made the transition from safe to unssafe resion,unsafe to safe resion or collision oc-curred.The short schematic for the same is stated in Algorithm3below,Algorith3Reward function for obstacle avoidanceif transition from safe region to unsafe region,then=−10;elseif transition from unsafe region to unsafe region, then =−20;elseif transition from unsafe region to safe region,then =+10;elseif collision with obstacle,then =−100and restart the exploration;else it's transition from safe region to safe region,then (,)=tanh(|_−|end ifThe second last step in algorithm3is reward func-tion as a function of error.This algorithm ensures that if the AUV is entered in the unsafe region,it will try not to go closer to the obstacle avoiding the collision andget out of the unsafe region by taking adifferent action. If the AUV in a safe region it will try to take greedy action towards the desired set-point.Fig.4Flowchart for modified Q algorithmP.Bhopale et al.:Reinforcement Learning Based Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle2333.1Issues with Continuous State Space and Curseof DimensionalityRL algorithms can be modeled as MDPs;hence,we are re-quired to define state space S and action space A.Q-learning is executed in order to learn the mapping from present state input (s t)to the highest value of tried action(max(Q(s t,a t)).In a navigation problem,the AUV receives the state information from environment using its internal measurement units (IMUs),and this state is used to decide which action is to be taken in order to achieve desired setpoint/goal.For AUV action space,A is defined by the span of rudder plane[minδr maxδr]and stern plane[minδs maxδs].Since the maximum span is[−20+20]in degrees for AUV the action space for each control plane can have m user-defined discrete values.This will help AUV in taking other decision and avoiding the previous decision in case if AUV is in unsafe region near the obstacle.It is assumed that,when sensor system detects a nearby obstacle,the AUV will receive this information from vector U∈R,as an indicator of upcoming obstacle’s position and it is unsafe region.Therefore,a state space is augmented with U to define two groups of features,and is expressed as,S t¼s t U !ð2ÞBut as we discretized the states,it is not always possible to be precise and optimal at the same time.Choosing to be more precise will make increase the computation cost;hence,there is a trade-off between the smoothness of the output trajectory and computational efficiency.In such case output,will not remain smooth.(Yoo and Kim2016)used path smoothing to deal with the smoothness of the output trajectory but compu-tation cost is still high.Also,if the state space discretized coarsely then the dimension of Q matrix increases to high extend increasing storage space,this particular problem is known as the curse of dimensionality.Hence,we propose to use function approximation to deal with continuous state problem and curse of dimensionality.3.2Function Approximation Using Neural Network Traditional Q-learning can be designed directly for AUV but on the cost of discretization of states and actions. However,in AUV navigation task,the states are continu-ous due to continuous motion and sensory inputs;hence, it is required to have large memory space to store all the state-action pair value for Q-table and learning speed may decrease as it required to precise state space.This is typ-ically known as the curse of dimensionality.In order to solve this problem,function approximation using the neu-ral network(NN)can be used,since it provides a good generalization as a universal function approximation also it has strong ability to deal with large-scale state spaces.NN basically have three layers namely input layer where input data is loaded,output layer where output data is loaded for training or output is generated for testing,and the interme-diate layer is known as hidden layer where different function (e.g.,Sigmoid)is used for function approximation,these hid-den layers are connected to input and output layer via links and these links have weights assigned.NN can be classified into two types:feed-forward neural network(FFNN)where the weights are fixed and not changed and back-propagation neural network(BPNN)where weights are updated using var-ious methods like back-propagation to train the NN.In order to propose the NN based Q-learning,the tradition-al Q-table is replaced by function approximation using three layers NN as shown in Fig.5.The input layer of NN has4inputs,where3inputs are AUV positions in the surge,sway,and yaw direction,and fourth input is obstacle position.The action space is divided into21discrete states for convenience and represented as m number of Q-values at the output layer.A NN with fully trained weights is utilized in AUV’s navigation problem.For every state transition from s t to s t+1,the inputs are passed through input layer as shown in Fig.5and predicted output is generated by NN.The weights are updated on the basis of networks error,which is a difference between itspredicted Fig.5Neural network(NN)for modified Q algorithmTable1Parameters for AUVInitial poistion x=1,y=1,ψ=0°Desired set point x=100,y=100,ψ=45°State space x∈0:110meters,y∈0:110meters,ψ∈0:359°Action space[0,±5°,±10°,±15°,±20°] 234Journal of Marine Science and Application。



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虽然哈勒大学的某些办学主张并没有形成系统的理论, 也未真正贯彻到大学实践中去,但它改变了文学系依 附于神学等其他专业系的传统,在课程中引进适合于 当时世俗王公贵族的绅士教育和近代法律知识,而且 还首次提出教学与科研相结合的主张,标志着德国大 学的历史步入新的发展阶段。
早期德国高等教育机构虽类型单一、职能单一、 规模较小,但初步确立了德国高等教育体系, 为德国多层次、多类型、多职能的现代高等教 育体系奠定了基础。 形成了初步的学科划分和学位制度、大学组织 形式和管理模式以及大学内部组织结构,为后 来德国大学制度与体制的进一步发展完善做了 铺垫。
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米兰语言与传播自由大学的讲师Manuela De Carlo解释了原因。




排名大学1麻省理工学院(MIT)2斯坦福大学3哈佛大学4加州理工学院(Caltech)5剑桥大学6牛津大学7伦敦大学学院(University College London)8伦敦帝国理工学院9芝加哥大学10瑞士联邦理工学院苏黎世ETH -11南洋理工大学,新加坡(南大)12Ecole Polytechnique Fãdãrale de Lausanne (EPFL)13普林斯顿大学14康奈尔大学15新加坡国立大学(NUS)16耶鲁大学17约翰霍普金斯大学18哥伦比亚大学19宾夕法尼亚大学20澳大利亚国立大学21杜克大学21密歇根大学23伦敦国王学院23爱丁堡大学的25清华大学26香港大学27加州大学伯克利分校(UCB)28西北大学28东京大学30香港科技大学31多伦多大学32麦吉尔大学33加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)34曼彻斯特大学的35伦敦经济和政治科学学院(伦敦)36京都大学36首尔国立大学38北京大学38加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)40复旦大学41墨尔本大学的41韩科院-韩国先进科学研究所的43Ecole normale supãrieure, Paris44布里斯托大学45新南威尔士大学(悉尼新南威尔士大学)46香港中文大学(中大)47卡内基梅隆大学47昆士兰大学的49香港城市大学50悉尼大学的51英属哥伦比亚大学52纽约大学(NYU)53布朗大学54代尔夫特理工大学55威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校56东京技术学院的57英国华威大学的58阿姆斯特丹大学的59巴黎综合理工学院60莫纳什大学61华盛顿大学62上海交通大学63大阪大学64慕尼黑工业大学65格拉斯哥大学66Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 67德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校68Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg 69伊利诺伊大学香槟分校70乔治亚理工学院71KU鲁汶71浦项市科技大学(POSTECH)73哥本哈根大学73苏黎世大学75Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)76国立台湾大学(南大)76日本东北大学78英国杜伦大学78隆德大学80北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校81波士顿大学82谢菲尔德大学的82奥克兰大学84诺丁汉大学的84伯明翰大学86美国俄亥俄州立大学87浙江大学88都柏林三一学院、都柏林大学的89莱斯大学90阿尔伯塔大学90高丽大学92圣安德鲁斯大学93宾夕法尼亚州立大学93西澳大利亚大学95罗蒙诺索夫莫斯科国立大学95香港理工大学97中国科学技术大学98瑞士日内瓦大学98皇家理工学院的k100圣路易斯华盛顿大学101利兹大学102赫尔辛基大学102南安普顿大学104埃因霍温科技大学105普渡大学106延世大学107装备,卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院108韩国成均馆大学(SKKU)109莱顿大学109阿德莱德大学的109乌得勒支大学112乌普萨拉大学113格罗宁根大学114马来亚大学(嗯)114南京大学116名古屋大学116丹麦技术大学118加州大学戴维斯分校119奥尔胡斯大学120Humboldt-Universitat祖茂堂柏林121Universidade de São Paulo122Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mãxico (UNAM) 122北海道大学124瓦赫宁根大学125Freie Universitaet Berlin125根特大学127伦敦大学玛丽皇后128九州大学129马里兰大学学院公园130Universitã de Montrãal131Universitã Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)132南加州大学133查尔莫斯理工大学134加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(UCSB)135兰开斯特大学135约克大学137卡迪夫大学137Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) 137阿尔托大学140麦克马斯特大学141亚琛工业大学142奥斯陆大学的142匹兹堡大学144Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)145耶路撒冷的希伯来大学146瑞士洛桑大学147埃默里大学147鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学149密歇根州立大学149巴塞尔大学151奥塔哥大学152滑铁卢大学153Universitã catholique de Louvain (UCL)154维也纳大学155汉阳大学156Universitat de Barcelona157École Normale Supãrieure de Lyon158阿伯丁大学158埃克塞特大学的160英国巴斯大学161纽卡斯尔大学161国立清华大学163明尼苏达大学164埃伯哈德卡尔大学图164卑尔根大学164加州大学欧文分校167伯尔尼大学168都柏林大学学院169达特茅斯学院170Politecnico di Milano171Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg172德里印度理工学院(IITD)173法赫德国王大学的石油173利物浦大学173维吉尼亚大学176悉尼科技大学177CentraleSupelec178佛罗里达大学179印度孟买理工学院(IITB)179特文特大学181哥廷根大学182维也纳技术大学182Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)182科罗拉多大学博尔德182Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)186罗彻斯特大学187Universidad Autónoma de Madrid188母校Studiorum——博洛尼亚大学188雷丁大学190印度科学研究所(印度的)班加罗尔191开普敦大学192师范学校Superiore比萨圣迪以某Universitari e di Perfezionamento 192庆应义塾大学192师范学校Superiore di比萨195斯德哥尔摩大学195德累斯顿技术大学195德克萨斯州的一个195Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona199Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey 200马斯特里赫特大学201Universidad de Chile202贝尔法斯特女王大学203早稻田大学204内梅亨大学205特拉维夫大学205Universite libre de Bruxelles207国立交通大学207芝加哥伊利诺斯州大学(UIC)209亚利桑那州立大学210安特卫普大学210西安大略大学212范德比尔特大学213凯斯西储大学214坎特伯雷大学215Sapienza大学罗马216University of Notre Dame217卡尔加里大学218sccp阿姆斯特丹219惠灵顿维多利亚大学的220科学博221沙特国王大学222国立成功大学(国立)223汉堡大学224Technion——以色列理工学院224澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学(时续订)224在金斯顿皇后大学227乔治敦大学228苏塞克斯大学229马来西亚Putra大学(其)230马来西亚Kebangsaan大学(UKM)230亚利桑那大学的232伍伦贡大学233马德里大学马德里234拉夫堡大学235贝鲁特美国大学(AUB)236Universitã Grenoble-Alpes236阿尔法拉比哈萨克斯坦国立大学238莱斯特大学239莱茵Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat波恩240澳大利亚麦考瑞大学240圣彼得堡国立大学242Universitã Paris-Sud243爱尔兰高威国立大学243塔夫斯大学245朱拉隆功大学245西蒙弗雷泽大学247昆士兰科技大学的昆士兰科技大学()247皇家墨尔本理工大学249马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特250新西伯利亚州立大学250筑波大学252迈阿密大学253马来西亚各种大学254Universidad Nacional de Colombia254大学法兰克福256北京师范大学256庆熙大学256Universidad de los Andes259斯图加特大学259挪威科技大学259伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院262科廷大学263北卡州立大学264印度理工学院的马德拉斯(IITM)264国立台湾科技大学科技(台湾)264马来西亚理科大学()267邓迪大学267King Abdulaziz University (KAU)269Universitã Paris 1 Panthãon-Sorbonne270Ecole des Ponts ParisTech270西班牙纳瓦拉大学272Technische Universität Darmstadt272萨里大学274东安格利亚大学(UEA)275Universitat Politâcnica de Catalunya276图尔库大学277印尼277斯特拉思克莱德大学279达尔豪斯大学279南澳大利亚大学281Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 282武汉大学283科克大学283瑞典哥德堡大学283罗格斯大学新布伦瑞克286因斯布鲁克大学287林雪平大学287Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat埃289国立台湾师范大学289渥太华大学291莫斯科国立鲍曼技术大学292怀卡托大学293迪肯大学293印度理工学院的坎普尔(IITK)293Universitã Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)296soa伦敦大学296Università di Padova296Universitat Pompeu Fabra299香港浸会大学299梨花女子大学301加州大学圣克鲁斯301波尔图大学303Universitã de Strasbourg304印第安纳大学布卢明顿305Universitã Paris Diderot - Paris 7305里斯本大学307Politecnico di Torino308伦敦大学伯克贝克308印度理工学院Kharagpur(IIT-KGP)308Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 311Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro312赫瑞瓦特大学313塔斯马尼亚大学314查尔斯大学314塔尔图大学316梅西大学316同济大学318大学布法罗纽约州立大学319林肯大学319中山大学319Universitã de Liâge322广岛大学323加州大学河滨分校的323托木斯克州立大学325格里菲斯大学325哈尔滨工业大学325米兰大学325叶史瓦大学卡兹学校329国立阳明大学330Ecole Normale Supãrieure de Cachan331万隆理工学院(招标)331大学南国331科隆大学334白俄罗斯国立大学334玛希隆大学336L.N. Gumilyov欧亚国立大学(ENU表示)337Universidad de Belgrano338于默奥大学339波士顿学院339光州科学与技术研究院(要点)341大学耶拿341夏威夷马诺大学343城市,伦敦大学344南开大学344西安交通大学346东北大学346维多利亚大学346伦敦布鲁内尔大学349卡塔尔大学349文莱达鲁萨兰国大学(钻井)351神户大学352本古里安大学的352乔治华盛顿大学352埃塞克斯大学355莫斯科理工学院物理与(初期/莫斯科Phystech)355Universitã Paris Dauphine357蒂尔堡大学357乌尔姆大学357Jyvaskyla大学360拉筹伯大学361Universidade Nova de Lisboa361牛津布鲁克斯大学361斯坦陵布什大学364Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires (UC 364伦斯勒理工学院364威特沃特斯兰德大学367弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学367詹姆斯库克大学367东京医疗和牙科大学(TMDU)367菲律宾大学367大学大学Tromsø北极挪威372圣加仑大学(HSG)373阿斯顿大学373莫斯科国立国际关系学院(MGIMO大学)373国家研究核大学MEPhI(莫斯科工程物理研究所)373Universitat Politâcnica de Valância373肯特大学的378拉瓦尔大学379Aalborg大学380坦佩雷理工大学381Universitã de Montpellier382国家研究大学高等经济学院(HSE,莫斯科)382石溪大学,纽约州立大学384南丹麦大学385大学康斯坦茨386美国堪萨斯大学386国家研究托木斯克理工大学388国立中山大学388曼海姆大学390阿拉伯联合酋长国大学391都柏林城市大学391国立中央大学391犹他大学394科罗拉多大学丹佛395在开罗美国大学395伊利诺斯理工学院397霍夫——Hankuk外国语大学(韩国)398伦敦大学金斯密斯学院398美因茨大学398台北医学大学401-401.Leibniz Universität Hannover401-401.雅典国立技术大学的401-401.彼得大帝圣彼得堡理工大学401-401.Ruhr-Universitat波鸿401-401.Universidad Externado de Colombia 401-401.Gadjah马达思班大学401-401.Coimbra的大学401-401.v . n . Karazin哈尔科夫国立大学401-401.维尔纽斯大学401-401.华盛顿州立大学411-411.美国大学的沙迦411-411.阿拉伯海湾大学411-411.布兰代斯大学411-411.哈萨克斯坦国立技术大学K.I.Satpaev命名411-411.塔拉斯舍甫琴科基辅国立大学411-411.Universidad de Costa Rica411-411.Aix-Marseille University411-411.大学的奥卢411-411.华沙大学411-411.维克森林大学421-421.肯特大学421-421.桥大学421-421.上海大学421-421.斯文本科技大学421-421.佐治亚大学421-421.比萨大学421-421.康涅狄格大学421-421.特拉华大学421-421.爱荷华大学421-421.德克萨斯大学达拉斯431-431.邦德大学431-431.Christian-Albrechts-University祖茂堂基尔431-431.康科迪亚大学431-431.佛罗里达州立大学431-431.印度理工学院Roorkee(IITR)431-431.Koc大学431-431.国立大学的科学和技术(社交)伊斯兰堡431-431.Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú431-431.斯旺西大学431-431.Universidad de Palermo (UP)431-431.厦门大学441-441.奥克兰理工大学的(AUT)441-441.班戈大学441-441.喀山联邦大学(伏尔加地区)441-441.俄勒冈州立大学441-441.新加坡管理大学441-441.西江大学441-441.特兰托大学441-441.Universitã Paris Descartes441-441.约克大学451-451.北京理工学院451-451.Institut National des Sciences Appliquães de Lyon (INSA) 451-451.哈利法塔大学451-451.苏丹卡布斯大学451-451.杜兰大学451-451.Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH)451-451.东芬兰大学451-451.萨斯喀彻温省大学451-451.斯特灵大学451-451.田纳西大学诺克斯维尔461-461.安大学461-461.Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg461-461.Pontificia Universidad Javeriana461-461.萨班吉大学461-461.Universidad de Zaragoza461-461.佛罗伦萨大学461-461.罗马大学罗马大学“Tor Vergata”461-461.大学波茨坦461-461.新墨西哥大学461-461.韦恩州立大学471-471.美国大学471-471.东国大学471-471.华中科技大学471-471.爱荷华州立大学471-471.约翰尼斯·开普勒大学林茨471-471.Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz471-471.哈立德国王大学471-471.中东技术大学471-471.沙里夫理工大学的471-471.天津大学481-481.阿伯雷斯威斯大学即481-481.开罗大学481-481.长庚大学481-481.科罗拉多州立大学481-481.Julius-Maximilians-Universitat维尔茨堡481-481.中国人民大学(人民)481-481.Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore481-481.那不勒斯大学——费德里科•II481-481.大学不莱梅481-481.德里大学481-481.马里兰大学巴尔的摩县491-491.Bogazici Universitesi491-491.在布拉格捷克技术大学491-491.吉林大学491-491.哈萨克斯坦国立师范大学阿拜的名字命名的491-491.Politãcnica de Madrid491-491.釜山国立大学491-491.UNESP491-491.圣约瑟夫大学贝鲁特(USJ)491-491.圭尔夫大学491-491.乌拉尔联邦大学501-501.Amirkabir科技大学501-501.亚里士多德大学塞萨洛尼基501-501.千叶大学501-501.全北国立大学501-501.纽约城市大学的501-501.克拉克大学501-501.德雷塞尔大学501-501.华东师范大学501-501.印度理工学院(IITG)古瓦哈蒂501-501.金斯顿大学、伦敦ppeenranta科技大学501-501.利哈伊大学501-501.Auezov南哈萨克斯坦州立大学(SKSU)501-501.默多克大学501-501.乌克兰国立技术大学的乌克兰国立技术大学的“伊戈尔·西科斯基公司基辅理工学院”501-501.斯国立大学的科学和技术501-501.日本冈山大学501-501.RUDN大学501-501.Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo501-501.Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro501-501.东南大学501-501.锡拉丘兹大学501-501.布伦瑞克技术大学501-501.格拉茨科技大学的501-501.韩国天主教大学501-501.格拉纳达大学501-501.Universidad de Montevideo (UM)501-501.Universidade Federal de São Paulo501-501.Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul501-501.Universität des Saarlandes501-501.豪恩海姆大学501-501.莱比锡大学501-501.大学雷根斯堡501-501.Universitã Claude Bernard Lyon 1501-501.波尔多大学501-501.Universitã de Fribourg501-501.Universitã du Quãbec501-501.Universitã Paul Sabatier Toulouse III501-501.辛辛那提大学501-501.利默里克大学501-501.澳门大学501-501.布拉斯加-林肯大学501-501.奥克拉荷马大学501-501.比勒陀利亚大学501-501.南佛罗里达大学501-501.塞格德大学501-501.横滨市立大学551-551.Abo血型学会大学551-551.马尼拉雅典耀大学551-551.巴伊兰大学551-551.北京航空航天大学(原北航)551-551.清迈大学551-551.威廉姆学院551-551.考文垂大学551-551.大连理工大学551-551.华东科技大学551-551.弗林德斯大学551-551.霍华德大学551-551.Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) 551-551.伊朗科技大学551-551.Justus-Liebig-University吉森551-551.金泽大学551-551.熊本大学551-551.岭南大学、香港551-551.马萨里克大学551-551.密西根科技大学551-551.长崎大学551-551.国家研究萨拉托夫州立大学551-551.大阪市立大学551-551.Philipps-Universität Marburg551-551.世宗大学551-551.山东大学551-551.四川大学551-551.华南理工大学551-551.南部联邦大学551-551.东京大学农业和技术551-551.嗯Al-Qura大学551-551.Universidad de Alcalá551-551.Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)551-551.Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 551-551.Università degli Studi di Pavia551-551.都灵大学551-551.拜罗伊特大学551-551.Universitat de Valencia551-551.Universitã Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies 551-551.Universitã Panthãon-Assas (Paris 2)551-551.堪培拉大学551-551.约旦大学551-551.北京科技大学551-551.坦佩雷大学551-551.韩国蔚山大学551-551.佛蒙特大学551-551.威斯敏斯特大学551-551.维尔纽斯Gediminas技术大学551-551.西悉尼大学601-601.美国大学在迪拜601-601.布尔诺科技大学601-601.中央昆士兰大学601-601.Chonnam国立大学601-601.远东联邦大学601-601.印第安纳州立大学普渡大学601-601.韩国仁荷大学601-601.伊斯坦布尔技术大学601-601.ITMO大学601-601.Jadavpur大学601-601.约旦大学的科学601-601.英国基尔大学601-601.兰州大学601-601.黎巴嫩美国大学601-601.国立政治大学601-601.国立中兴大学601-601.国立台北科技大学601-601.新学校601-601.塔林理工大学601-601.TU Dortmund University601-601.法政大学601-601.大学Anahuac601-601.Universidad de Antioquia601-601.Universidad de la Habana601-601.萨拉曼卡大学601-601.Universidad de San Andrãs - UdeSA601-601.Universidad de Sevilla601-601.Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA)601-601.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 601-601.大学Duisburg-Essen601-601.Universitã de Sherbrooke601-601.Universitã Nice Sophia Antipolis601-601.各种大学马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas) 601-601.布拉德福德大学601-601.海法大学601-601.休斯顿大学601-601.赫尔大学601-601.大学的海德拉巴601-601.约翰内斯堡大学601-601.镇的大学601-601.马萨诸塞大学波士顿601-601.密苏里大学哥伦比亚601-601.朴茨茅斯大学601-601.阿尔斯特大学601-601.萨格勒布大学601-601.华沙理工大学651-651.亚州大学651-651.安娜大学651-651.北京外国语大学651-651.卡尔顿大学651-651.查尔斯达尔文大学651-651.克拉克森大学651-651.都柏林理工学院651-651.卡拉干达州立大学院士E.A.Buketov命名的651-651.Eötvös Lorànd University651-651.岐阜大学651-651.Hallym大学651-651.Instituto Politãcnico Nacional (IPN)651-651.Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mãxico (ITAM) 651-651.鹿儿岛大学651-651.Kazakh-British技术大学651-651.建国大学651-651.科威特大学651-651.路易斯安那州立大学651-651.密苏里科技大学651-651.国家和大学Kapodistrian雅典651-651.真纳大学651-651.里加技术大学651-651.罗格斯新泽西州州立大学,纽瓦克651-651.上海外国语大学651-651.史蒂文斯理工学院651-651.天普大学651-651.东京城市大学651-651.Universidad Adolfo Ibàñez651-651.Universidad Católica Andres Bello651-651.Universidad Central de Venezuela651-651.Universidad de Concepción651-651.Universidad del Pais Vasco651-651.Universidad Torcuato Di Tella651-651.Universidade Católica Portuguesa - UCP651-651.Universidade de Brasília651-651.Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)651-651.大学比勒费尔德651-651.杜塞尔多夫大学651-651.Universitã de Rennes 1651-651.大学奥尔巴尼纽约州立大学651-651.阿拉巴马大学651-651.克里特大学651-651.德布勒森大学651-651.卢布尔雅那大学ano-Bicocca大学651-651.米尼奥大学651-651.首尔大学651-651.温莎大学651-651.弗吉尼亚联邦大学701-701.Airlangga大学701-701.北京交通大学701-701.北京科技大学的701-701.伯恩茅斯大学701-701.中国农业大学701-701.克莱姆森大学701-701.在布拉迪斯拉发Comenius大学701-701.Dankook大学701-701.De La Salle University701-701.湖南大学701-701.马来西亚国际伊斯兰大学(IIUM)701-701.考纳斯科技大学701-701.Khazar大学701-701.庆北国立大学701-701.拉合尔大学管理科学(亮度)701-701.Lobachevsky大学701-701.伦敦城市大学701-701.印度麦利普高等教育学院701-701.埃里克西大学701-701.纽芬兰纪念大学的701-701.密德萨斯大学701-701.国立技术大学“哈尔科夫国立技术大学理工学院”701-701.新泻大学701-701.大阪府立大学701-701.深造大学的奥701-701.Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso 701-701.罗兹大学701-701.史密斯学院701-701.索菲亚大学圣Kliment Ohridski701-701.索菲亚大学701-701.南卫理公会大学701-701.德州理工大学701-701.东京理科大学701-701.Universidad de la República (UdelaR)701-701.Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ)701-701.Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - UNC701-701.Ca的威尼斯Foscari大学701-701.热那亚大学701-701.摩德纳大学701-701.的里雅斯特大学701-701.马来西亚公民大学(UUM)701-701.布莱顿大学701-701.布加勒斯特大学701-701.佛罗里达中央大学701-701.丹佛大学701-701.达卡大学701-701.夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学的701-701.拉脱维亚大学701-701.佩特雷大学701-701.普利茅斯大学701-701.沙迦大学701-701.怀俄明大学751-751.亚历山大大学751-751.Al-Imam穆罕默德•伊本•沙特生育了众多伊斯兰大学751-751.Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt751-751.白俄罗斯国立技术大学751-751.茂物农业大学751-751.杨百翰大学751-751.布达佩斯大学技术和经济学751-751.伊迪丝·考恩大学751-751.佛罗里达国际大学751-751.乔治亚州立大学751-751.群马县大学751-751.Hacettepe大学751-751.堪萨斯州立大学751-751.Kasetsart大学751-751.费萨尔国王大学751-751.芝加哥洛约拉大学751-751.名古屋理工学院(NIT)751-751.纽卡斯尔诺森比亚大学751-751.巴黎Lodron萨尔茨堡大学751-751.Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM)751-751.Universidad de La Sabana751-751.Universidad Diego Portales (UDP)751-751.Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)751-751.Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina751-751.Universita' degli Studi di Ferrara751-751.Università degli Studi di Perugia751-751.Università degli studi Roma Tre751-751.洛林大学751-751.Universitã de Nantes751-751.Universitã Lumiâre Lyon 2751-751.Universitã Toulouse 1 Capitole751-751.Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM751-751.布雷西亚大学751-751.加尔各答大学751-751.科伦坡大学751-751.赫特福德郡大学751-751.哈德斯菲尔德大学751-751.新罕布什尔大学751-751.佩奇大学751-751.索尔福德大学751-751.南昆士兰大学751-751.塔尔萨大学751-751.山口大学751-751.Yeungnam大学751-751.横滨国立大学801-801.亚当密茨凯维支以及大学801-801.哎呀科技大学801-801.阿拉扎大学801-801.宰苦撒Alexandru Ioan大学801-801.阿里格尔穆斯林大学(12),阿里格尔801-801.安卡拉Universitesi801-801.青山学院大学801-801.澳大利亚天主教大学801-801.Babes-Bolyai University801-801.巴库州立大学801-801.贝拿勒斯印度教大学801-801.贝勒大学801-801.Benemãrita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla801-801.纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿大学801-801.贝拉科技研究所Pilani801-801.勃菜特大学801-801.中南大学801-801.查尔斯特大学801-801.重庆大学801-801.忠南国立大学801-801.科大学的布达佩斯801-801.Cukurova大学801-801.Diponegoro大学801-801.瓦西里是核电站的学生顿涅茨克国立大学801-801.同志社大学801-801.爱丁堡纳皮尔大学801-801.大学801-801.福特汉姆大学801-801.天主教辅仁大学801-801.Gazi Universitesi801-801.乔治梅森大学801-801.伊斯坦布尔大学801-801.哈萨克斯坦Ablai汗大学国际关系和世界语言801-801.肯特州立大学801-801.Khon Kaen University801-801.蒙国王科技大学吞武里801-801.九州理工学院801-801.罗兹大学801-801.伦敦南岸大学801-801.Makerere大学801-801.曼彻斯特城市大学801-801.马凯特大学801-801.明治大学801-801.迈阿密大学801-801.新泽西理工学院(新泽西理工大学)801-801.Nicolaus Copernicus University801-801.西北大学801-801.诺丁汉特伦特大学801-801.新西伯利亚国立技术大学801-801.Ochanomizu大学801-801.俄亥俄大学801-801.俄克拉荷马州立大学801-801.旁遮普大学801-801.他俄罗斯大学的经济学801-801.Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE)801-801.Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) 801-801.王子Songkla大学801-801.立命馆大学801-801.瑞尔森大学801-801.圣地亚哥州立大学801-801.首尔国立大学的科学和技术801-801.理工学院Sepuluh Nopember801-801.Shahid Beheshti University (SBU)801-801.信州大学801-801.南十字星大学801-801.苏梅州立大学801-801.罗伯特戈登大学801-801.东海大学801-801.Universidad Austral de Chile801-801.Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León801-801.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mãxico (UAEMex) 801-801.Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha801-801.Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG)801-801.Universidad de las Amãricas Puebla (UDLAP)801-801.Universidad de los Andes - (ULA) Mãrida801-801.Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM)801-801.穆尔西亚大学801-801.Universidad de Oviedo801-801.Universidad de Puerto Rico801-801.Universidad de Talca801-801.Universidad de Valparaíso (UV)801-801.Universidad del Norte801-801.Universidad del Rosario801-801.Universidad del Valle801-801.Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS801-801.大学Metropolitana801-801.Universidad Nacional Costa Rica801-801.Universidad Nacional de Cuyo801-801.Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata801-801.Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR)801-801.Universidad Nacional de Tucumà¡n801-801.Universidad Nacional del Sur801-801.Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos801-801.Universidad Panamericana (UP)801-801.Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)801-801.大学Rey Juan Carlos801-801.Universidad Tãcnica Federico Santa María (USM)801-801.Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN)801-801.Universidade da Coruña801-801.Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) 801-801.Universidade Estadual de Londrina801-801.Universidade Federal da Bahia801-801.Universidade Federal de Santa Maria801-801.Universidade Federal de Viçosa-UFV801-801.Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)801-801.Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR801-801.Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)801-801.大学联邦弗洛米嫩塞801-801.卡塔尼亚大学801-801.锡耶纳大学801-801.巴勒莫大学801-801.Universitã Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3801-801.Universitã de Caen Basse-Normandie801-801.Universitã de Cergy-Pontoise801-801.Universitã de Poitiers801-801.Universitã Jean Moulin Lyon 3801-801.Universitã Lille 2 Droit et Santã801-801.Universitã Mohammed V de Rabat801-801.Universitã Paris Ouest Nanterre La Dãfense801-801.Universit Paul-Valery Montpellier 3801-801.阿肯色大学801-801.大学的巴林801-801.大学的巴里801-801.贝尔格莱德大学801-801.Brawijaya大学801-801.中央兰开夏大学801-801.东伦敦大学801-801.工程大学801-801.加纳大学801-801.格林威治大学801-801.卡拉奇大学801-801.拉合尔大学801-801.马里博尔大学801-801.密西西比大学801-801.蒙大拿大学密苏拉801-801.孟买大学801-801.内罗毕大学801-801.澳大利亚新英格兰大学801-801.普纳大学801-801.圣地亚哥大学801-801.旧金山大学801-801.圣托马斯大学801-801.太平洋大学801-801.阳光海岸大学801-801.西开普大学801-801.弗罗茨瓦夫大学801-801.Universitã de Toulouse II-Le Mirail801-801.犹他州州立大学801-801.维罗纳大学801-801.沃罗涅日国立大学801-801.Vytautas马格努斯大学801-801.Universitatea de背心din蒂米什瓦拉/西蒂米什瓦拉大学801-801.弗罗茨瓦夫理工大学美国美国英国英国英国英国美国瑞士新加坡瑞士美国美国新加坡美国美国美国美国澳大利亚美国美国英国英国中国香港美国美国日本香港加拿大加拿大美国英国英国日本韩国中国美国中国澳大利亚韩国法国英国澳大利亚香港美国澳大利亚香港澳大利亚加拿大英国荷兰法国澳大利亚美国中国日本德国英国德国美国德国美国美国比利时韩国丹麦瑞士阿根廷台湾日本英国瑞典美国美国英国新西兰英国英国美国中国爱尔兰美国加拿大韩国英国美国澳大利亚俄罗斯香港中国瑞士瑞典美国英国芬兰英国荷兰美国澳大利亚荷兰瑞典荷兰马来西亚中国日本丹麦美国丹麦德国巴西墨西哥日本荷兰德国比利时英国日本美国加拿大法国美国瑞典美国英国英国英国智利芬兰加拿大德国挪威美国德国以色列瑞士美国荷兰美国瑞士新西兰加拿大比利时奥地利韩国西班牙法国英国英国挪威美国瑞士爱尔兰美国意大利德国印度沙特阿拉伯英国美国澳大利亚法国美国印度荷兰德国奥地利巴西美国比利时美国西班牙意大利英国印度南非意大利日本意大利瑞典德国美国西班牙墨西哥荷兰智利英国日本荷兰以色列比利时台湾美国美国比利时加拿大美国美国新西兰法国沙特阿拉伯台湾德国以色列澳大利亚加拿大美国英国马来西亚马来西亚美国澳大利亚西班牙英国黎巴嫩法国哈萨克斯坦英国德国澳大利亚俄罗斯法国爱尔兰美国泰国加拿大澳大利亚澳大利亚美国俄罗斯日本美国马来西亚哥伦比亚德国中国韩国哥伦比亚德国挪威英国澳大利亚美国印度台湾马来西亚英国英国英国西班牙芬兰印尼英国加拿大澳大利亚西班牙中国爱尔兰瑞典美国奥地利瑞典德国台湾加拿大俄罗斯新西兰澳大利亚印度法国英国意大利西班牙香港韩国美国葡萄牙法国美国法国葡萄牙意大利英国印度德国巴西英国澳大利亚捷克共和国爱沙尼亚新西兰中国美国新西兰中国比利时意大利美国台湾法国印尼阿根廷德国白俄罗斯泰国哈萨克斯坦阿根廷瑞典美国韩国德国美国英国中国中国美国加拿大英国卡塔尔文莱日本以色列美国英国俄罗斯法国荷兰德国芬兰澳大利亚葡萄牙英国南非阿根廷美国南非美国澳大利亚日本菲律宾挪威瑞士英国俄罗斯俄罗斯法国俄罗斯美国丹麦德国美国俄罗斯台湾德国阿拉伯联合酋长国爱尔兰台湾美国美国埃及美国韩国英国德国台湾德国希腊俄罗斯德国哥伦比亚印尼葡萄牙乌克兰立陶宛美国阿拉伯联合酋长国巴林美国哈萨克斯坦乌克兰哥斯达黎加法国芬兰波兰美国土耳其日本中国澳大利亚美国意大利美国美国美国印度土耳其巴基斯坦秘鲁英国阿根廷中国新西兰英国俄罗斯美国新加坡韩国意大利法国加拿大中国法国阿拉伯联合酋长国阿曼美国智利芬兰加拿大英国美国波兰德国哥伦比亚土耳其西班牙意大利意大利德国美国美国美国韩国中国美国奥地利奥地利沙特阿拉伯土耳其伊朗伊斯兰共和国中国英国埃及台湾德国印度美国土耳其捷克共和国中国哈萨克斯坦西班牙韩国巴西黎巴嫩加拿大俄罗斯#VALUE!希腊日本韩国美国美国美国中国印度英国芬兰美国哈萨克斯坦澳大利亚乌克兰俄罗斯日本俄罗斯巴西巴西中国美国德国奥地利韩国西班牙乌拉圭巴西巴西德国德国德国德国法国法国瑞士爱尔兰澳门重点,中国美国美国南非美国匈牙利日本芬兰菲律宾以色列中国泰国美国英国中国中国澳大利亚美国阿根廷#VALUE!德国日本日本香港捷克共和国美国日本俄罗斯日本德国韩国中国中国中国俄罗斯日本沙特阿拉伯西班牙阿根廷巴西意大利意大利德国西班牙法国法国澳大利亚约旦芬兰韩国美国英国立陶宛澳大利亚阿拉伯联合酋长国捷克共和国澳大利亚韩国俄罗斯美国韩国土耳其俄罗斯印度约旦英国中国黎巴嫩台湾台湾台湾美国爱沙尼亚德国泰国墨西哥哥伦比亚古巴西班牙阿根廷西班牙墨西哥西班牙德国加拿大法国马来西亚英国以色列美国英国印度南非伊拉克美国美国英国。

2018 物理诺贝尔奖师徒 故事

2018 物理诺贝尔奖师徒 故事

2018 物理诺贝尔奖师徒故事2018年,由于物理学的突破性发现,三位物理学家荣获诺贝尔物理学奖。
























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