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【英文摘要】Traditional network security solution is mainly a defensive-oriented security policy, which strengthens the network of protection through the firewall, antivirus software, installing system patches and other means in order to achieve the purpose of protecting network from the attacker’s aim. With the need of higher performance of network security requirement, gradually there come out the network attack detection system and honeypot technology and so on, most of which are based on active defense network security tools, but in actual application, none of them forms a complete system whose function for network attack prevention and treatment is limited when accident happens.On the basis of the study of the theory and technology of network security monitoring, network attack prevention, network data recovery and backing up, this paragraph both researches on network security incident response strategy model and achieves the various applications of the model with using the theory and methods of software
engineering combined with programming language. Different from network attack prevention and protecting, the main content of network security incident response strategy are with situation happened how to restore the network, how to ensure data security, and how to enhance network data backup and recovery; also at the same time, attack defense system can record form the attacker the information, change the security policy which was always protecting but failed all the time into active defense response and information recording to make network strong enough to recover by itself. This model consists of three components, first of which is namely the attack of information recording technique, who mainly takes advantages of attack detection and network security monitoring technology to capture and save the network attacker relevant information by examining network traffic and network link that can provide a reliable basis for attack defense systems, data backup and recovery system, also play an important role in both the analysis of network attack and study of countermeasures.The second one, attack defense techniques, mainly based on the information recording system to obtain information about the attack, embedded both the honeypot technology and system vulnerability scanning technology into attack detection and
prevention system, in order to build a three-dimensional attack defense system that can achieve protection of network attacks and resist. The last one, network of data backup and recovery techniques, whose goal is to be a backing up and recovery systems that can achieve a low-cost, high performance, be able to work with other network security devices and deal with more data backup. In this passage, the writer did the work on the analysis, design of the structure and its overall workflow, to achieve large-scale multi-point data file backing up, rapid recovery and strategy for synchronization of large distance data with a high efficiency.
【英文关键词】Network Security Incidents Vulnerability Scanning Network data backupy Attack defense
3-4Abstract4-5第1章绪论8-14 1.1 课题研究的背景
与意义8-9 1.2 国内外发展现状9-12 1.2.1 网络行为信息记录9-10 1.2.2 攻击防御技术的国内外研究现状10-11 1.2.3
数据备份恢复的国内外研究现状11-12 1.3 论文研究的主要内容与结构12-14第2章相关理论基础与技术14-20 2.1 网络安全事故及应对策略理论14-15 2.2 网络监察与取证技术
15-17 2.3 攻击防御技术17-18 2.4 数据备份恢复技术
18-19 2.5 本章小结19-20第3章网络安全事故应对策略模型20-26 3.1 关键系统的关键任务20-23 3.1.1 关键系统及任务的需求分析20-21 3.1.2 过程能力分析21 3.1.3 关键系统的可靠性要求21-23 3.2 模型设计的原则与目标23-24 3.3 网络安全事故应对策略模型24-25 3.4 本章小结25-26第4章网络安全应对系统的设计与实现26-50 4.1 系统的总体设计
26-28 4.2 安全信息提取与分析子系统的设计与实现
28-38 4.2.1 网络监控及处理的设计与实现28-31 4.2.2 具体实现过程31-38 4.3 主动防御子系统的设计与实现
38-44 4.3.1 主动防御子系统的设计原则39 4.3.2 蜜罐功能设计39-42 4.3.3 安全漏洞扫描功能设计42 4.3.4 具体实现过程42-44 4.4 数据备份与恢复子系统的设计与实现
44-49 4.5 本章小结49-50第5章系统测试50-56 5.1 测试实验环境的搭建50-51 5.2 测试具体过程及结果
51-54 5.2.1 内网整体安全性测试51-52 5.2.2 服务端口扫描测试52-53 5.2.3 数据备份功能的测试53-54 5.3 本章小结54-56总结与展望56-58致谢58-59参考文献59-63。
