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Careful reading
Task 2: Read Paragraphs 2 & 3 carefully and find information to complete the sentences orally.
1.Everything began to _s_h_a_k_e_.
2.One third of the nation __fe_l_t _ it. happening 3.A huge crack _c_u_t_a_c_r_o_ss_ houses,roads
Careful reading
Listen to the tape and fill the blanks with the first given letter:
Before July 28,1976 , There were signs for an e_a_r_th_q_u__ak__e. But people in Tangshan thought l_it_t_le_ of these. At 3:42am that day, the earth began to s_h_a_k_e_, which de_s_t_r_o_y_e_d the city. Many people, in__cl_u_d_i_ng workers and doctors, came to re_s_c_u_e_ those trapped under the ruins. Later an_o_t_h_e_r_ earthquake happened in Tangshan, which left more people killed or i_n_ju__re_d__ . Soldiers were sent to help the rescue workers. Teams were organized to dig out the t_ra_p__p_ed and bu_r_y__ the dead. Slowly,the city began to breathe again .
2 Everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at an end.
3 Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.
4 All hope was not lost.
Fast reading
Task 1: Read Paragraph 1 carefully and find information to complete the chart orally.
Main idea
Signs before the earthquake
Paragraph 1
The water in the wells The well walls A smelly gas The chickens and the pigs
Life is beautiful. We must love our lives. In an earthquake SPEED IS LIFE.
1. Write a story about the Tangshan Earthquake according to the reading.
F happened while they were working.
4. Rescue workers built brick houses for survivors whose
F homes had been destroyed. T 5. Water was needed because dams and wells were useless.
3.Two dams and most of the bridges __f_e_ll__. 4.The railway tracks were _u_s_e_l_es_s_ pieces of steel.
5.Cows would never ___g_iv_e_ __m_i_lk__again.
Can you describe how terrible an earthquake is?
The earth sh__a_k_es__ ; ( move quickly from side to side or up and down )
Building will cr_a_c_k___ and fall down; ( develop lines along which sth. has broken, but noty people will be killed or i_n_ju_r_e_d_ ; ( wounded; hurt )
The whole city might be ____in_____ __r_u_in_s____ . ( in a badly damaged condition )
2. Discover some useful expressions and structures.
Mice Fish In the sky
The water pipes
Details rose and fell had deep cracks in them came out of the cracks
were too nervous to eat ran out of the fields jumped out of bowls and ponds some people saw bright lights cracked and burst
6.Pigs and chickens were _d_e_a_d__.
Careful reading
Task 3: Read Paragraph 4 carefully and find information to complete the chart orally.
Main idea
sandstorm Flood
Natural Disasters
typhoon / Hurrican
volcano eruption Lead-in
Can you describe how terrible an earthquake is?
Discuss the following open question in group of four
Suppose the earth begins to shake what will you do to protect yourself?
If at school : ·Hide under a desk or table. ·Face away from windows. If at home: ·Hide under a heavy table or bed. ·Sit in a corner, away from doors, windows, ect.
built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed
was taken to the city by train, truck and plane
Careful reading
Task 3: True or false questions:
Water pipes will b_u_rs_t___ ; ( break open or apart; explode )
Roads will be d_es_t_r_o_ye_d_ ; ( damage so badly that it no longer works )
Some people will be tr_a_p_p_e_d_ ; ( keep sb. in a place from which he cannot move or escape )
Task 2: What is the topic sentence of each paragraph?
Parag raph
Topic sentence
durin g
durin g
1 Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.
Rescue work after the earthquake
The army
Paragraph 4
Fresh water
sent soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers
organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead
In TangsQhauniz, in 1976.
Do you know when and where the biggest earthquake happened in China in the 20th century?
Task 1: What does the passage mainly talk about? An earthquake which happened in Tangshan in 1976.
F 1. The chickens didn’t eat because they were full.
2. One third of the people died or were injured during
F the earthquake.
3. Such a great number of people died because the quake
and canals.
4.Steam _b_u_r_s_t from holes in the ground.
1.Two thirds of the people died or _i_n_ju__re_d_.
2.Hospitals, factories and buildings were _g_o_n__e_.