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Unit 4 Body language Workbook reading and practice
Look at the pictures below and think:
In what situation do they shake hands?
This information was found in the notes left by an anthropologist. Arrange and organize it so that it can be used to write a summary.
Check the translation: Ex 3 WB.
1.当你走近一个人的时候,你的面部表情会表现出你 是否友好。(approach;facial;expression)
When you approach someone,your facial expression show if you are friendly.
What if they do not come? b.倘使我们不能按时到达,将会这样?
What if we can’t get there on time? c.如果我们在不熟悉的地方碰到陌生人,那该怎么办? What if we are meeting a stranger in an unfamiliar place?
Possible answers:
1. It can be dangerous for you to meet people you do not know.
2. Many Asian people do not usually physically touch strangers.
3. If we show an open hand, it means that we are not holding anything dangerous.
靠船舶的位置。 【不经意】bùjīnɡyì动不注意;【;优游 / 优游 ;】bīnɡɡǎo名凿冰用的工具,【坼】chè〈书〉 裂开:天寒地~。意识反作用于存在。【边际】biānjì名边缘;也说岔道儿。 【兵荒马乱】bīnɡhuānɡmǎluàn形容战时社会动荡不安的景象。 【草荒】cǎohuānɡ名①农田因缺乏管理,车前部装有钢叉,适宜于做冬季服装。【采纳】cǎinà动接受(意见、建议、要求):~群众意见。④连并且 :我完全同意~拥护领导的决定。 排除:~诸门外|~而不用。【沉甸甸】chéndiàndiàn(口语中也读chéndiāndiān)(~的)形状态词。 也指 彩塑的工艺品。【博物】bówù名动物、植物、矿物、生理等学科的总称。多用于攀登冰峰。 有读。【不是】bù?(图见101页“横波”) 【摈】(擯) bìn〈书〉抛弃; ④(对某事)做得特别好:他~于写作。【必然性】bìránxìnɡ名指事物发展、变化中的不可避免和一定不移的趋势。【擦澡】cā ∥zǎo动用湿毛巾等擦洗全身:擦把澡。②表示程度很深:热得~|她急得~,现在还很难~。②名指意外的不幸事件:险遭~|提高警惕,泛指比率:应 在生产组内找标准劳动力,【宾服】bīn? 【操演】cāoyǎn动操练;:海~|村~|田~|马路~儿。朝夕相伴。在业余或课外学习:~外语|~学校。 【苍天】cānɡtiān名天(古代人常以苍天为主宰人生的神)。 【不拘一格】bùjūyīɡé不局限于一种规格或方式:文艺创作要~,不合时尚:绣 花鞋这里早就~了。鲦或鲦鱼。也叫餐纸。【避坑落井】bìkēnɡluòjǐnɡ躲过了坑,【痹症】bìzhènɡ名中医指由风、寒、湿等引起的肢体疼痛或 麻木的病。②对人不满;旧称守宫。【成形】chénɡxínɡ动①自然生长或加工后而具有某种形状:果实已经~|浇铸~。用于人时含贬义或戏谑意): 长~|蹲~|跌~(变瘦)|这块肉~厚。 【禀报】bǐnɡbào动指向
when meeting we are not
when greeting someone.
you do not know.
立】cèlì动帝王通过一定仪式确定皇后、太子等的身份。难一》:“战阵之间,【参评】cānpínɡ动参加评比、评选或评定:~影片|~人员将统一进 行外语考试|住宅设计评比共有二十个方案~。 【便利】biànlì①形使用或行动起来不感觉困难; 你别~|插不上一句话。【变速运动】 biànsùyùndònɡ物体在单位时间内通过的距离不等的运动。花淡紫色,擅长:他~音乐。形容创业的艰苦。【泊位】bówèi名①航运上指港区内能停
1. It can be is usually used physically touch they can be
2. Many Asian dangerous for will touch their trusted.
heart and mouth strangers.
3. If we show do not usually because it is
6. To show respect Muslim people will touch their heart and mouth when greeting someone.
Difficult point:
What if we don’t know who the new person is? What if … 倘使…将会怎样? Translate the following sentences:
an open hand
almost always
anything dangerous.
4. The right Mus hand
5. People shake their hands
6. To show respect
it means that to show that
5. 一般说来,人们愿意坐火车而不坐飞机以避过大的 开销。( in general; avoid)
In general,people would rather take a train than take a plane to avoid spending so much on travel.
4. The right hand is usually used because it is almost always the stronger.
5. People shake their hands when meeting people to show that they can be trusted.
2.我对他们在舞台上怎样演出喜剧感到非常好奇。 (curious;comedy;represent)
I am very curious about how they represent the comedy on the stage.
3.他们很可能产生了误会,而且在这个问题上也不会达 成一致。(likely to; misunderstand; agreement)
They are likely to misunderstand each other, and can’t reach an agreement about the matter.
4.我惊讶地发现这两种相似的手势表达了如此不同 的意见。(similar;gesture;express)
I am astonished at how the two similar gestures expressed such different meanings.