
















国际关系举例:☐当今世界224个政区单位(其中193个国家、 30个地区、1个梵蒂冈),最近新独立的国家是南苏丹,巴勒斯坦目前正在积极争取成为加入联合国的第194个国家(2012年12月成为联合国观察员国 ),各个国家和地区之间,在政治、经济、社会、军事、外交、文化、安全等诸多领域间的相互关系。

英国首相托尼布莱尔奥运演讲 英文版Tony Blair-olympic

英国首相托尼布莱尔奥运演讲 英文版Tony Blair-olympic

Tony Blair:(In French)Mr President, IOC members, distinguished guests. I am sorry I can't be with you in person. My responsibility as host of the G8 summit, which starts today, means I must be back in the UK. It is the only reason I am not at your historic session. I was, however, honoured to meet many of you over the last few days, and delighted to renew old friendships.Last year I was privileged to attend the superb Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Athens. And proud to be one of 20,000 Britons, the largest group of overseas spectators.Athens inspired me - and taught me much about the Olympic Movement. Our goal is to witness its power in London.(in English)It is a unique honour to act as Host City. I also understand it is an honour which comes with a great responsibility - and which requires the highest levels of co-operation with the IOC.My promise to you is that we will be your very best partners. All of us who have made guarantees to you are ready to deliver on them now. On security. On finance. On every single undertaking we have given. If you award London the Games, I pledge to you personally we will continue to give the highest level of support to Seb Coe and Keith Mills as they lead the Organising Committee, backed up by our Olympic Minister Tessa Jowell.My entire Government - and the main Opposition parties too - are united behind this bid. It has total political support. It is the nation's bid. It has excited people throughout the country. More than three million have already volunteered their support. And that support goes beyond our shores too. We were honoured to receive the endorsement of the most inspiring statesman of our age: Nelson Mandela. He said this: `I can't think of a better place than London to hold an event that unites the world. London will inspire young people around the world and ensure that the Olympic Games remain the dream for future generations'.Those words remind us that as leaders, in government or sport, we have a duty to reach beyond our own time and borders. To have a vision which serves those who come after us.Our vision is to see millions more young people - in Britain and across the world - participating in sport, and improving their lives as a result of that participation.And London has the power to make that happen. It is a city with a voice that talks to young people. And, with more than 1,000 foreign media correspondents based here, it is a city with a voice that is heard all around the world.It is that unique combination of strengths which London offers - a global platform for the Olympic message to young people. Not just for the 17 days of the competition, but for the years leading up to the Games, and beyond.。





关键词:国际组织外交;联合国;英联邦;欧盟;特点中图分类号:D83 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-2589(2014)05-0024-02国际组织,亦称国际团体或国际机构,是“超越国家边界的正式安排,通过这种安排建立起制度化的结构,促进成员国在安全、经济、社会或相关领域的合作”。














大会规则流程Rules of Procedure 大会流程图解:确定议题Setting the Agenda点名Roll Call产生发言名单Open the Speaker’s List非正式辩论Informal Debate正式辩论Formal Debate 结束辩论形成各种会议文件投票表决“决议草案”文件通过/不通过大会流程简述:一、点名 (Roll Call)点名的作用:确定到场国家总数,由此计算简单多数 (1/2多数) 和三分之二多数。


点名的方式:主席助理按照国家名单上的顺序点名,点到的国家高举国家牌并答“到(Present) ”。


二、正式辩论 (Formal Debate)辩论的概念:不同于平时的辩论比赛,模联中的发言、磋商、游说等均被视为辩论。





追加发言机会 (国家名未在发言名单上或已经完成发言) ,可向主席台传意向条(Page) 要求在发言名单上添加其代表国家,主席会将该国家名加在发言名单最后。


发言时间:每位代表有90秒的初始发言时间 (Speaking Time) ,可通过动议(Motion to Change Speaking Time) 更改。


①让渡给他国代表 (Yield Time to Another Delegate) :让渡国A代表和被让渡国B代表协商一致后 (传意向条,会前游说等) ,B代表在A代表剩余的时间内进行发言。


五 会晤 桌子没有采用西 式长桌 ,因为 方 确定 在 江 泽 民下 榻 的 纽 约 华 尔 英 四 国领 导 人 对 中 国倡 议 举 行 “ 长桌位次尊 卑相对 比较明显 ,而是 道 夫 饭 店 ;另 一 个 是 “ 常 ” 会 常”首脑会晤 表示高度赞赏 ,并 积 五
采用 中式 圆桌 ,但是懂 外交礼仪 的 晤 由谁 主 持 ,美 方 坚 持 由克林 顿 极 评价了这次 会晤 ,认 为其具 有重 五常 ”首脑会晤 人都知道 ,圆桌同样有位次 尊卑之 主 持 , 我 方 认 为 应 该 由 江 泽 民 主 要 的现实意义 。 “ 小 o 持 ,最 后 我 方代 表 为 了会 晤 能 够 持 续 了1 时 l 9 钟 即将结束 时 , 背向门的相对最 差。为 了确保 江泽 圆满 进 行 ,作 出退 让 , 由克 林 顿 戏 剧 性 的 一 幕 发 生 了 。 江泽 民 刚 民可 以 坐 在 最 好 的 面 向 门 的 核 心 座 主 持 , 江 泽 民 发 表 重 要 讲 话 。 适 刚 开 口说 了一 句 这 次 会议 开 得 很 分 ,面 向门的 座次是最好 的座次 , 次 ,而不 被其他四 国首脑 所 占,我 当 的 退 让 非 但 没 有 损 害 中 国 利 成 功 ,就 被 克林 顿打 断 。克 林 顿 外交人 员经 过精心策划 ,最后决定 益 ,反 而 在 美 国 的 烘 托下 使 中 国 说 ,江 主 席 你 先 不 要 宣 布 会 议 结 江泽 民 会晤 前 首 先 占据 最 好 的 座 更具 大 国 风 采 。这 充 分体 现 了我 束 ,我还有一段 话要讲 。接着 ,克
全方面的领导 作用。 中国外 交人员
精湛的公关策 划使 “ 五常 ”首脑齐 聚一 桌 ,共商 国际事务 ,共谋世界 发 展 ,充分显示 了中国外交 的凝聚 力和感召力。






















清朝的西太后、北洋政府的袁世凯、 国民党的蒋介石,哪一个不是跪在 地上办外交的? ——《周恩来传》上卷
1953年12月31日,周恩来在会见印度政府代表团时第 一次提出和平共处五项原则。这是1954年6月下旬, 应邀访问印度时,和印度总统拉金德拉· 普拉沙德 (右一)、副总统萨瓦帕利· 拉达克里希南(右三)、 总理贾瓦哈拉尔· 尼赫鲁合影。
1、提出: 1953年中印谈判--内容-2、实践(发扬光大)
西方舆论极力贬低这 (1)日内瓦会议:1954年,第一次以五大国身 次会议:“将在愈混 份参加国际会议,起积极作用 乱和犹豫不决的状态 中结束”。美蒋特务 还在会议前夕制造了 (2)亚非国际会议(万隆会议): 1955 年, “克什米尔公主号” 客机爆炸事件。 第一次没有西方殖民者参加,促成会议圆
(3)尼克松访华:1972年上海签署《联合公报》,终于 重新走到合作得起点。 (4)中美建交:1978《建交公报》,1979正式建交 2、中日邦交正常化 (1)历史背景 (2)田中角荣访华,1972年,签定《联合声明》
请举出至少三个实例, •第三时期:改革开放新时期(1978 年以来)的外交 说明中国在改革开放以 (一)国际交流与合作 来,加强与世界各国更 广泛的交流与合作,在 1、多边外交 国际舞台上发挥了越来 越重要作用。 2、四项原则:平等互利、形式多样、讲求实效、 共同发展
中日《联合声明》 谈定后,周恩来 总理对田中首相 说:“我们重建 邦交,首先要讲 信义,这是最重 要的。”接着周 总理题下:“言 必信,行必果” 六个大字赠给田 中首相。 田中首相高兴接 受后,也挥笔题 了“信为万事之 本”回赠周恩来 总理。
1972年9月,周恩来同日本内阁 总理大臣田中角荣会谈


“UK breathe again!”2014 年9月19日,苏格兰公投结 果揭晓,“反独”阵营胜出, 苏格兰继续留在英国。人们 说苏格兰公投上演了现实版 的《勇敢的心》
第7节 英国君主立宪制的建立
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(英语:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)。英 国为英联邦元首国、欧盟(欧洲联盟)成员国、北约(北 大西洋公约)创始会员国、,为联合国安理会(联合国安 全理事会)五大常任理事国之一,对安理会议案拥有否决 权。简称联合王国(UK)、不列颠
b、限制王权的机构: 议会(征税权),王在法下
上院(贵族院):由大贵族组 成。任命。掌握着英国的最高 司法权。 下院(平民院):17世纪初,许多 资产阶级和新贵族成为下院议员, 增加限制王权的力量。选举。掌握 立法权。

(1)经济上:资本主义经济发展 (2)阶级上:资产阶级和新贵族形成。
新航路开辟后,英国利用地处大西洋沿岸的优势, 积极开展海外贸易。圈地运动为英国资本主义发 展提供原始积累和劳动力,促使新贵族崛起。
詹姆士一世 (1603—1625) 查理一世 (1625—1649)
• 英国:完成专制向宪政的转变 • 法国:君主专制正蒸蒸日上 • 俄国:彼得大帝刚游历欧洲,开始了他的半吊 子改革 • 德国、意大利:正四分五裂,还在期待专制王 权的出现 • 日本:正被封建幕府制束缚 • 中国:刚完成一次周而复始的王朝更替


" 赵洲+ ) $ 保护的责任% 与国家主权* ! 载 ) 中国国际法年刊 '"$#&( * ! 法律出版社 "$#- 年版! 第 #-' 页# # 黄瑶+ ) 从使用武力法看保护的责任理论* ! 载 ) 法学研究* "$#" 年第 & 期! 第 #,' 页#
பைடு நூலகம்&%"&
联合国框架下 保护的责任 新发展及实践困境
中国人民大学国际关系学院硕士生# ! N5192.7Y1:.9F)69F! )891;: P83>2>.;:! TA].;;.1/ g153/19! 5(.$%$'9"#3&7K$7-("7'>')'#3+ +(":)'8#<&"&9$,$"#'" B:%'8&! ' ]17>.9F389 )\+ =588I.9F7T973.3C3.89 [5677! #,,+(! 0A#"A " c8O.JAJ9919! d$#;$T$(-)$7+ E;$K()$(:#;$V"'#$* P&#'("7'" #;$R^7#+$"#2%3! LM! "$$$! 00A-* D-,A
联合国框架下 $保护的责任% 新发展及实践困境
摘!要 保护的责任 被写入 "$$' 年世界首脑会议成果文件以来 已经有了比较丰富的内 涵 原则与实施标准 但在具体实践中仍然面临诸多困境和被滥用的风险 联合国不断呼吁推动 保护的责任 将其纳入联合国的人权议程 并在联合国框架下形成了一定的共识 但现行的 保护的责任 只是一项脆弱的共识 不具备国际法约束力 不同的国家对于 保护的责任 的内 涵理解和实践期待还存在分歧 尤其是 保护的责任 在军事干预行动中的选择性和不确定性 对 以 联合国宪章 为基础的国际法原则造成了较大冲击 未来亟需对 保护的责任 的实践进行 更具体和合理的法理规制 推动在联合国框架下建立更加规范的国际人权保护新秩序
























口译现场 史上最全的口译场景分析 视频等等

口译现场 史上最全的口译场景分析 视频等等

口译现场口译资料英语采访美剧天下欧美影视英语视频口译现场(视频+文本)————经典口译视频资料伦敦20国峰会英国首相布朗记者招待会(视频+文本)伦敦20国峰会奥巴马记者招待会(视频+文本)口译现场:09两会-杨洁篪答中外记者全程交传视频口译现场:2月21日希拉里与杨洁篪(视频+文本)口译现场:十一届人大二次会议就扩内需促就业保增长举行记者会090310口译现场:李肇星十一届全国人大二次会议首场新闻发布会同传现场:商务部人保部发布会(一个半小时)口译现场:李毅中在人大两会中发言(只有记者提问时才有口译,其他部分无口译)同传现场:2009温家宝政府工作报告(英文同传版+中文温家宝版+中英文档)口译现场:09.3.13温家宝答记者问(全程口译视频)(视频+中英对照)口译资料:温家宝在剑桥大学的演讲(视频1小时13分钟)2009世界经济论坛年会开幕式(世界经济论坛主席施瓦布致辞+瑞士联邦主席默茨致辞+俄罗斯总理普京演讲)(视频+中英文本)口译资料:温家宝在世界经济论坛2009年年会上的讲话视频口译资料:奥巴马总统就职典礼前林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)演讲视频口译资料:世界经济论坛2009年会--会前记者招待会奥巴马就职典礼庆祝音乐会(2小时)(视频22分钟+中英文本)口译资料:奥巴马就职演说(视频演讲--附9个视频+幻灯片)口译资料:Subtle Art of Doing Business with the Chinese同传现场:(视频+文本)胡锦涛在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话同传现场:(视频+文本)第七届亚欧首脑会议记者招待会胡锦涛主席在日本早稻田大学的演讲2007博鳌论坛2005年世界经济论坛年会黄菊汉英同传国务院新闻办——中国就业政策和状况国务院新闻办——国家安全生产监督管理局副局长报告李肇星就国际形势和我国外交工作答中外记者问口译:9月2日布什参与古斯塔夫飓风会商并谈及能源问题奥巴马在阵亡将士纪念日的演讲(中英对照+视频)布什总统在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲八国峰会胡锦涛主席与布什总统会晤现场翻译(附音频)妮可基德曼“口译”面试NBC版本的2008北京奥运会开幕式下载,口译资料:看看白宫里面什么样(54分钟视频)(英文字幕)视频口译资料:奥巴马经济顾问委员会主任Christina Romer谈论一份关于就业机会的报告口译资料:国际货币基金组织懂事总经理2008年12月15日西班牙讲话(视频+译文)口译资料:奥巴马首次发表网络视频讲话经典名人演讲(含视频)比尔盖茨在上海交大的演讲比尔盖茨CES2008演讲比尔盖茨斯坦福大学的演讲Tom Brokaw在斯坦福大学06毕业典礼上的演讲Dana Gioia 在斯坦福大学07毕业典礼上的演讲Oprah Winfrey在斯坦福大学08毕业典礼上的演讲布什总统在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲布莱尔在清华大学的演讲沃伦·巴菲特:巴菲特在佛罗里达大学的演讲北大教授朱苏力在美国大学的演讲克林顿演讲时全场像明星演唱会一样美国优秀教师莱福•艾斯奎斯演讲理查安利十周年庆典晚会上演讲克林顿在清华就艾滋病等问题发表演讲(实录)布什介绍椭圆形办公室林毅夫《剑桥马歇尔讲座》马云在英国演讲视频(英文)比尔盖茨北大演讲比尔·盖茨博鳌亚洲论坛发表演讲比尔盖茨在清华大学的演讲J·K·罗琳在哈佛大学08年毕业典礼上的演讲第十一届21世纪全国英语演讲比赛前十名选手的精彩视频(视频+中英文本)口译资料:布什2009告别演说(视频演讲)口译资料:Speech by a school girl in UN conference on environment(视频+文本)2008美国总统大选汇总帖(总统辩论及分析+民主党大会各演讲+共和党大会各演讲)总统辩论及分析:《2008年美国总统第一场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第一场辩论》分析《2008年美国总统第二场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第二场辩论》分析《2008年美国总统第三场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第三场辩论》分析 The Grand Finale《2008年美国副总统辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国副总统辩论》分析民主党大会各演讲:《奥巴马8月28日在民主党大会接受总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《Joseph R. Biden民主党大会接受副总统候选人提名演讲》在线观看+文本《比尔·克林顿8月27日在民主党大会上声援奥巴马演说》在线观看+文本《希拉里8月26日在民主党大会上声援奥巴马演说》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Michelle Obama演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Edward Kennedy演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Al Gore演讲》在线观看+文本共和党大会各演讲:《麦凯恩共和党大会接受总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《佩林9月3号在共和党大会接受副总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上Rudy Giuliani 演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上Joe Lieberman 演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上布什演讲》在线观看+文本颁奖典礼《第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》完整版 175分钟第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼红地毯2009年全英音乐奖颁奖典礼全场完整呈现2009第51届格莱美颁奖典礼149分钟完整版(中文字幕)35届人民选择奖颁奖典礼(35th People's Choice Awards)欧美影视:第66届美国金球奖颁奖典礼(CCTV-6,中文字幕)口译文本资料————演讲文稿(中英对照)口译资料:中国政府白皮书《中国的减灾行动》(中英对照)口译资料:杨洁篪在外交部五四青年节开放日上的致辞(中英对照)口译资料:大学生公众代表在外交部“五四”青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:中欧应扩大合作共同反对贸易保护主义(王岐山撰文)(中英对照)口译资料:曾培炎在博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会午餐会上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:郑新立在博鳌亚洲论坛年会上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:刘结一部长助理在联合国亚太经社会第65届会议一般性辩论中的发言(中英对照)(原稿+译稿)温家宝在2009博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式上的演讲口译资料:精诚携手共克时艰——驻悉尼总领事胡山谈中国与新州合作关系(原稿+译文)口译资料:上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别会议中方讲话(中英对照)胡锦涛在G20国金融峰会上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:4月1日《中法新闻公报》全文(中英对照)口译资料:上海合作组织成员国和阿富汗伊斯兰共和国关于打击恐怖主义、毒品走私和有组织犯罪的声明(中英对照)口译资料:2009年2月27日中国商务部长陈德铭在中英经贸合作研讨会致辞(中英对照)口译资料:09.3.12杨洁篪在美国战略与国际问题研究中心演讲(中英对照)口译资料:杨洁篪部长第十八届世界公共关系大会上做主旨发言(中英对照)口译资料:戴秉国在美国布鲁金斯学会发表纪念中美建交30周年演讲(中英对照)口译资料:何亚非副部长在安理会索马里海盗问题部长级会议上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:2008诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼开幕辞口译资料:英国首相布朗、法国总统萨科齐和欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐8日在伦敦的新闻发布会口译资料:第五次中美战略经济对话成果情况说明口译资料:加拿大总理电视演-讲抨击反对党结盟口译资料:奥巴马感恩节发表讲话鼓励国人挺过难关口译资料:胡锦涛在APEC第16次领导人非正式会议上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:欧盟主席巴罗佐国家行政学院讲话口译资料:胡锦涛在APEC工商领导人峰会上的演讲(中英对照)口译资料:适应时代的需要,发挥建设性作用--前中国央行行长戴相龙二十国集团成立十周年感想(中英对照)口译资料:美国《新闻周刊》独家专访温家宝:我们应携手合作(中英对照)口译资料:刘振民大使在联大审议联合国建设和平委员会报告及秘书长关于建设和平基金报告时的发言(中英对照)温家宝出席美国友好团体欢迎午宴就中美关系发表演讲(中英对照)温家宝在联合国千年发展目标高级别会议上的讲话(中英对照)温家宝在2008年世界经济论坛(夏季达沃斯论坛)上的讲话(中英对照)王光亚大使在联合国发起支持中国汶川地震灾区早期恢复呼吁会议上的讲话(中英对照)杨洁篪外长在联合国非洲发展高级别会议上的讲话(中英对照)温家宝在第63届联大一般性辩论上的发言(中英对照)2008年刘淇在北京奥运会闭幕式上的致辞(中英对照)2008年残奥委会主席克雷文在北京残奥会开幕式的致辞(中英对照)2008年刘淇在北京残奥会开幕式上的致辞(中英对照)2008年胡锦涛在欢迎出席残奥会贵宾宴会上的祝酒词(中英对照)2008年残奥委会主席克雷文在北京残奥会闭幕式的致辞(中英对照)口译:2008年罗格在国际奥委会第120次全会开幕式上的讲话(中英对照)口译:2008年胡锦涛在北京奥运会欢迎宴会上的祝酒词(中英对照)口译:奥巴马在阵亡将士纪念日的演讲(中英对照)口译:胡锦涛博鳌亚洲论坛2008年年会开幕式上演讲【中英对照】罗格在奥运开幕式+闭幕式发言(中英对照)其他资料资料下载:美国19家银行测试报告概述(PDF,38页)英国政府发布的《流感信息宣传手册》(中英Pdf版本)口译资料:崇泉部长助理在中欧知识产权高层论坛上的演讲(中英对照)口译资料:博鳌亚洲论坛简介(全文)National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2009-2010)口译资料:全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告(中英对照)(中英对照)经典口译资料:中美能源与气候变化合作路线图(PDF报告58页英文+54页中文+新闻发布会信息)口译资料:比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)2009年度报告(附视频)口译资料:英方首次公开发表对华战略文件《英中合作框架》--(The UK and China: A framework for engagement )口译资料:中日韩领导人会议发表《中日韩合作行动计划》(中英对照)口译资料:中日韩《三国伙伴关系联合声明》(中英对照)口译资料:中美战略经济对话介绍-China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue 口译资料:20国集团通过应对当前金融危机的《华盛顿声明》口译资料:20国集团介绍口译资料:20国集团财政部长与央行行长会议公报口译资料:中越联合声明口译资料:G20领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会——专题整理口译资料:二十国集团金融市场和世界经济峰会的宣言(音频+文本)口译资料:11月14日布什在G20金融市场和世界经济峰会前宴会上的讲话(音频+文本)口译资料:11月15日布什在G20金融市场和世界经济峰会结束记者招待会上的讲话口译资料:20国集团财政部长与央行行长会议公报口译资料:胡锦涛在二十国集团领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会上的讲话口译资料:适应时代的需要,发挥建设性作用--前中国央行行长戴相龙二十国集团成立十周年感想口译资料:20国集团通过应对当前金融危机的《华盛顿声明》口译资料:20国集团介绍口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议汇总贴(胡锦涛温家宝演讲+开幕式+记者招待会+三份文件)同传现场:同传现场:(视频+文本)胡锦涛在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话同传现场:第七届亚欧首脑会议开幕式同传现场:(视频+文本)第七届亚欧首脑会议记者招待会口译资料:温家宝在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议关于国际金融形势的声明(中英对照)口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议主席声明(中文+英文)口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议-可持续发展北京宣言(中文+英文)中高口二阶段练习素材系列中高口二阶段练习素材:金融危机与亚洲中高口二阶段练习素材:危机中的中英合作中高口二阶段练习素材:庆祝和展望中高口二阶段练习素材:知识产权中高口二阶段练习素材:回顾2008成就中高口二阶段练习素材:加强中美经济关系的四点建议奥巴马+希拉里——近期演讲系列(视频+文本)奥巴马:奥巴马演讲:应对甲型H1N1流感(视频下载+文本)希拉里阐述奥巴马政府外交政策(视频+文本)奥巴马访弱势群体学校发表演讲(视频+文本)奥巴马+副总统演讲:美国复苏与再投资法案奥巴马复活节演讲(视频下载+文本)奥巴马访问土耳其兜售新战略(视频+文本)奥巴马就美国汽车业形势发表讲话(音频+文本)奥巴马阿富汗巴基斯坦新战略(音频+文本)3月24日奥巴马新闻发布会(音频+文本)奥巴马:美国伊朗能有新开始(视频+文本)奥巴马演讲:小企业救助计划(视频+文本)希拉里:希拉里International Roma Day演讲(视频+文本)希拉里美洲开发银行会议演讲(视频+文本)希拉里阐述奥巴马政府外交政策(视频+文本)希拉里演讲:领跑世界能源环境合作(视频+文本)。












3. 将下列句子改为双重否定句我知道这件事你错在哪里。



4. 将下列句子改为肯定句科学发展至今天,谁也不会否认地球围绕太阳转这个简单的事实。


5. 将下列句子改成反问句:这种主观主义的作风,还在许多同志中间存在着。






8. 将下面的句子改为主动句他的一生就这样被毒品毁掉了。

9. 将下面的散句变成整句。






”这个肯定句变成否定句,最恰当的一项是( )A.当前的状况,你不知道才怪呢!B.当前的状况,你怎么会不知道呢C.当前的状况,你不是不知道的。

高三历史: 专题14 二战后世界政治格局的演变和经济全球化的趋势名校测试(教师版)

高三历史: 专题14 二战后世界政治格局的演变和经济全球化的趋势名校测试(教师版)

2013年高考历史二轮复习精品资料专题14 二战后世界政治格局的演变和经济全球化的趋势名校测试(教师版)1. 1948年4月3日,杜鲁门批准设立了经济合作总署来负责马歇尔计划的实施。



从上面的叙述中可以看出马歇尔计划( )①将西欧纳入美国全球称霸的战略轨道②是“冷战”政策在经济上的继续③扩大了美国海外市场④进一步加强了美国和西欧之间的经济联系A.①②③B.①②C.②④ D.①②③④2.二战后美国总统杜鲁门指出:“世界已分为‘极权政体’和‘自由国家’两个敌对堡垒。

”他把世界分成“两个敌对堡垒”的标准是( )A.社会制度的性质B.社会经济发展水平C.在国际舞台上的作用D.是否推行霸权政策【试题出处】2012-2013海淀区模拟【解析】材料中杜鲁门所说的“极权政体”是指以苏联为首的社会主义国家;“自由国家”是指资本主义国家。




”这项“一箭双雕”的举措是( )A.建立布雷顿森林体系B.提出“杜鲁门主义”C.实施马歇尔计划D.建立“北约”组织【试题出处】2012-2013重庆巴蜀中学模拟【解析】本题考查学生获取和解读信息、调动和运用知识证明历史观点的能力。



【答案】C【考点定位】二战后世界政治格局的演变和经济全球化的趋势4.下列素材中,不能直接用于探究“‘冷战’局面形成”这一课题的是( )A.丘吉尔铁幕演说录音B.马歇尔计划援助状况报告C.“华约”成员国分布示意图D.“欧洲原子能共同体条约”文本【试题出处】2012-2013银川一中模拟【解析】本题考查学生对美苏“冷战”与多极化格局关系的准确理解。



























一切全靠我亲约骸?祝大家新年快乐!THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S VIDEO MESSAGEFOR THE NEW MILLENNIUMMy dear friends all over the world,Today we celebrate a special New Year with a momentous number: the Year TwoThousand.As we move into a new Millennium, many of us have much to be thankful for. Most of the world is at peace. Most of us are better educated than our parents or grandparents, and can expect to live longer lives, with greater freedom and a wider range of choices.A new century brings new hope, but can also bring new dangers - or old ones in a new and alarming form.Some of us fear seeing our jobs and our way of life destroyed by economic change. Others fear the spread of bigotry, violence or disease. Others still are more worried that human activities may be ruining the global environment on which our life depends.No one knows for sure how serious each of these dangers will be. But one thing they have in common: they do not respect state frontiers.Even the strongest state, acting alone, may not be able to protect its citizens against them.More than ever before in human history, we all share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together.And that, my friends, is why we have the United Nations.Through the United Nations, we are working together to preserve peace; to outlaw weapons that kill and maim indiscriminately; to bring mass murderers and war criminals to justice.Through the United Nations, we are working together to defeat AIDS and other epidemics; to control climate change; to make clean air and water available to everyone.Through the United Nations, we are working together to ensure that the global market benefits all of us, freeing the poor to lift themselves out of poverty.Through the United Nations, we are working together to make human rights a reality for everyone ?to give all human beings real choices in life, and a real say in decisions that affect their lives.In all these areas and more, the United Nations is working for you. But it can do little without you. After all, it belongs to you the peoples of the world. And therefore it can work much better with your help and your ideas.My friends, the new millennium need not be a time of fear or anxiety. If we work together and have faith in our own abilities, it can be a time of hope and opportunity. It's up to us to make it so.Politics and World Affairs1. The two leaders stated that both countries would develop good-neighborly and friendly relations on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence.两位领导人声明,两国将在互相尊重主权和领土完整,互不侵犯,互不干涉内政,平等互利与和平共处的基础上发展睦邻友好关系。








我们给予他们的献词应当以此方式来概括: 向他们和他们的家人证实,他们的奋斗和牺牲不是无谓的。





(热烈掌声)议长先生,先生们,我为获此奖而受宠若惊的心情稍有淡化,唯一原因,是被告知第一个国会金质奖章授予了乔治. 华盛顿。




(笑声,掌声,笑声)事实上,你们知道,我的二儿子曾经学习18世纪历史和美国独立战争史,他对我说,“你知道,诺斯勋爵(Lord North, 十八世纪下半叶中期英国首相,美国独立战争的对手。




9 月11日不是一个孤立的事件,而是一个悲剧的序言。

在伊拉克的另一行动和许多未来的争斗将在悲剧结束之前, 呈现在这个舞台上。


或者说, 在普通常识之外,历史的研究没有象今天这样为当前提供如此少的指引。

































1. 加强反恐合作。


2. 改善情报共享。


3. 完善反恐法律。



1. 推动民族和解。


2. 保障民族权益。


3. 改善民生。




1. 推广清洁能源。


2. 生态修复。


3. 提高民众环保意识。




1. 加强南南合作。










(教材229页)答案:《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》期末综合复习题不定项选择题1966年联合国大会通过的两个有重大影响的国际公约是( )。


(一)个人人权(234-235页)(二)集体人权(236-237页)(三)关于“和平权”、“环境权”和“发展权”【非重点】(237-238页)期末综合复习题不定项选择题人权的含义是指( )。



1989 Nov 8 WeMargaret ThatcherSpeech to United Nations General Assembly (GlobalEnvironment)Document type: public statementDocument kind: SpeechVenue: United Nations Building, New YorkSource: Thatcher ArchiveJournalist: -Editorial comments: Text as printed and released by the No.10 Press Office.Importance ranking: MajorWord count: 4051Themes: Foreign policy (International organisations), Environment, Foreign policy (general discussions), Energetc)Mr President, it gives me great pleasure to return to the Podium of this assembly. When Ilast spoke here four years ago, on the 40th anniversary of the United Nations, themessage that I and others like me gave was one of encouragement to the organisation toplay the great role allotted to it.Of all the challenges faced by the world community in those four years, one has grownclearer than any other in both urgency and importance—I refer to the threat to our globalenvironment. I shall take the opportunity of addressing the general assembly to speak onthat subject alone.During his historic voyage through the south seas on the Beagle, Charles Darwin landedone November morning in 1835 on the shore of Western Tahiti.After breakfast he climbed a nearby hill to find advantage point to survey the surroundingPacific. The sight seemed to him like "a framed engraving", with blue sky, blue lagoon,and white breakers crashing against the encircling Coral Reef.As he looked out from that hillside, he began to form his theory of the evolution of coral;154 years after Darwin's visit to Tahiti we have added little to what he discovered then.What if Charles Darwin had been able, not just to climb a foothill, but to soar through theheavens in one of the orbiting space shuttles?What would he have learned as he surveyed our planet from that altitude? From a moon's eye view of that strange and beautiful anomaly in our solar system that is the earth?Of course, we have learned much detail about our environment as we have looked back at it from space, but nothing has made a more profound impact on us than these two facts.First, as the British scientist Fred Hoyle wrote long before space travel was a reality, he said "once a photograph of the earth, taken from the outside is available ... a new idea as powerful as any other in history will be let loose".That powerful idea is the recognition of our shared inheritance on this planet. We know more clearly than ever[fo 1] before that we carry common burdens, face common problems, and must respond with common action.And second, as we travel through space, as we pass one dead planet after another, we look back on our earth, a speck of life in an infinite void. It is life itself, incomparably precious, that distinguishes us from the other planets.It is life itself—human life, the innumerable species of our planet—that we wantonly destroy. It is life itself that we must battle to preserve.For over forty years, that has been the main task of this United Nations.To bring peace where there was war.Comfort where there was misery.Life where there was death.The struggle has not always been successful. There have been years of failure.But recent events have brought the promise of a new dawn, of new hope. Relations between the Western nations and the Soviet Union and her allies, long frozen in suspicion and hostility, have begun to thaw.In Europe, this year, freedom has been on the march.In Southern Africa—Namibia and Angola—the United Nations has succeeded in holding out better prospects for an end to war and for the beginning of prosperity.And in South East Asia, too, we can dare to hope for the restoration of peace after decades of fighting.While the conventional, political dangers—the threat of global annihilation, the fact of regional war—appear to be receding, we have all recently become aware of another insidious danger.It is as menacing in its way as those more accustomed perils with which international diplomacy has concerned itself for centuries.It is the prospect of irretrievable damage to the atmosphere, to the oceans, to earth itself.Of course major changes in the earth's climate and the[fo 2] environment have taken place in earlier centuries when the world's population was a fraction of its present size.The causes are to be found in nature itself—changes in the earth's orbit: changes in the amount of radiation given off by the sun: the consequential effects on the plankton in the ocean: and in volcanic processes.All these we can observe and some we may be able to predict. But we do not have the power to prevent or control them.What we are now doing to the world, by degrading the land surfaces, by polluting the waters and by adding greenhouse gases to the air at an unprecedented rate—all this is new in the experience of the earth. It is mankind and his activities which are changing the environment of our planet in damaging and dangerous ways.We can find examples in the past. Indeed we may well conclude that it was the silting up of the River Euphrates which drove man out of the Garden of Eden.We also have the example of the tragedy of Easter Island, where people arrived by boat to find a primeval forest. In time the population increased to over 9,000 souls and the demand placed upon the environment resulted in its eventual destruction as people cut down the trees. This in turn led to warfare over the scarce remaining resources and the population crashed to a few hundred people without even enough wood to make boats to escape.The difference now is in the scale of the damage we are doing.We are seeing a vast increase in the amount of carbon dioxide reaching the atmosphere. The annual increase is three billion tonnes: and half the carbon emitted since the Industrial Revolution still remains in the atmosphere.At the same time as this is happening, we are seeing the destruction on a vast scale of tropical forests which are uniquely able to remove carbon dioxide from the air.Every year an area of forest equal to the whole surface of the United Kingdom is destroyed. At present rates of clearance we shall, by the year 2000, have removed 65 per cent of forests in the humid tropical zones.[fo 3]The consequences of this become clearer when one remembers that tropical forests fix more than ten times as much carbon as do forests in the temperate zones.We now know, too, that great damage is being done to the Ozone Layer by the production of halons and chlorofluorocarbons. But at least we have recognised that reducing and eventually stopping the emission of CFCs is one positive thing we can do about the menacing accumulation of greenhouse gases.It is of course true that none of us would be here but for the greenhouse effect. It gives us the moist atmosphere which sustains life on earth. We need the greenhouse effect—but only in the right proportions.More than anything, our environment is threatened by the sheer numbers of people and the plants and animals which go with them. When I was born the world's population was some 2 billion people. My [ Michael Thatcher] grandson will grow up in a world of more than 6 billion people.Put in its bluntest form: the main threat to our environment is more and more people, and their activities: • The land they cultivate ever more intensively; • The forests they cut down and burn; • The mountain sides they lay bare; • The fossil fuels they burn; • The rivers and the seas they pollute.The result is that change in future is likely to be more fundamental and more widespread than anything we have known hitherto. Change to the sea around us, change to the atmosphere above, leading in turn to change in the world's climate, which could alter the way we live in the most fundamental way of all.That prospect is a new factor in human affairs. It is comparable in its implications to the discovery of how to split the atom. Indeed, its results could be even more far-reaching.We are constantly learning more about these changes affecting our environment, and scientists from the Polar Institute in Cambridge and The British Antarctic Survey have been at the leading edge of research in both the Arctic and the Antarctic, warning us of the greater dangers that lie ahead.[fo 4]Let me quote from a letter I received only two weeks ago, from a British scientist on board a ship in the Antarctic Ocean: he wrote, "In the Polar Regions today, we are seeing what may be early signs of man-induced climatic change. Data coming in from Halley Bay and from instruments aboard the ship on which I am sailing show that we are entering a Spring Ozone depletion which is as deep as, if not deeper, than the depletion in the worst year to date. It completely reverses the recovery observed in 1988. The lowest recording aboard this ship is only 150 Dobson units for Ozone total content during September, compared with 300 for the same season in a normal year." That of course is a very severe depletion.He also reports on a significant thinning of the sea ice, and he writes that, in the Antarctic, "Our data confirm that the first-year ice, which forms the bulk of sea ice cover, isremarkably thin and so is probably unable to sustain significant atmospheric warming without melting. Sea ice, separates the ocean from the atmosphere over an area of more than 30 million square kilometres. It reflects most of the solar radiation falling on it, helping to cool the earth's surface. If this area were reduced, the warming of earth would be accelerated due to the extra absorption of radiation by the ocean.""The lesson of these Polar processes," he goes on, "is that an environmental or climatic change produced by man may take on a self-sustaining or ‘runaway’ quality ... and may be irreversible." That is from the scientists who are doing work on the ship that is presently considering these matters.These are sobering indications of what may happen and they led my correspondent to put forward the interesting idea of a World Polar Watch, amongst other initiatives, which will observe the world's climate system and allow us to understand how it works.We also have new scientific evidence from an entirely different area, the Tropical Forests. Through their capacity to evaporate vast volumes of water vapour, and of gases and particles which assist the formation of clouds, the forests serve to keep their regions cool and moist by weaving a sunshade of white reflecting clouds and by bringing the rain that sustains them.A recent study by our British Meteorological Office on the Amazon rainforest shows that large-scale deforestation may reduce rainfall and thus affect the climate directly. Past experience shows us that without trees there is no rain, and without rain there are no trees.[fo 5]Mr President, the evidence is there. The damage is being done. What do we, the International Community, do about it?In some areas, the action required is primarily for individual nations or groups of nations to take.I am thinking for example of action to deal with pollution of rivers—and many of us now see the fish back in rivers from which they had disappeared.I am thinking of action to improve agricultural methods—good husbandry which ploughs back nourishment into the soil rather than the cut-and-burn which has damaged and degraded so much land in some parts of the world.And I am thinking of the use of nuclear power which—despite the attitude of so-called greens—is the most environmentally safe form of energy.But the problem of global climate change is one that affects us all and action will only be effective if it is taken at the international level.It is no good squabbling over who is responsible or who should pay. Whole areas of our planet could be subject to drought and starvation if the pattern of rains and monsoons were to change as a result of the destruction of forests and the accumulation of greenhouse gases.We have to look forward not backward and we shall only succeed in dealing with the problems through a vast international, co-operative effort.Before we act, we need the best possible scientific assessment: otherwise we risk making matters worse. We must use science to cast a light ahead, so that we can move step by step in the right direction.The United Kingdom has agreed to take on the task of co-ordinating such an assessment within the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, an assessment which will be available to everyone by the time of the Second World Climate Conference next year.But that will take us only so far. The report will not be able to tell us where the hurricanes will be striking; who will be flooded; or how often and how severe the droughts will be. Yet we will need to know these things if we are to adapt to future climate change, and that[fo 6] means we must expand our capacity to model and predict climate change. We can test our skills and methods by seeing whether they would have successfully predicted past climate change for which historical records exist.Britain has some of the leading experts in this field and I am pleased to be able to tell you that the United Kingdom will be establishing a new centre for the prediction of climate change, which will lead the effort to improve our prophetic capacity.It will also provide the advanced computing facilities that scientists need. And it will be open to experts from all over the world, especially from the developing countries, who can come to the United Kingdom and contribute to this vital work.But as well as the science, we need to get the economics right. That means first we must have continued economic growth in order to generate the wealth required to pay for the protection of the environment. But it must be growth which does not plunder the planet today and leave our children to deal with the consequences tomorrow.And second, we must resist the simplistic tendency to blame modern multinational industry for the damage which is being done to the environment. Far from being the villains, it is on them that we rely to do the research and find the solutions.It is industry which will develop safe alternative chemicals for refrigerators andair-conditioning. It is industry which will devise bio-degradable plastics. It is industry which will find the means to treat pollutants and make nuclear waste safe—and many companies as you know already have massive research programmes.The multinationals have to take the long view. There will be no profit or satisfaction for anyone if pollution continues to destroy our planet.As people's consciousness of environmental needs rises, they are turning increasingly to ozone-friendly and other environmentally safe products. The market itself acts as a corrective the new products sell and those which caused environmental damage are disappearing from the shelves.And by making these new products widely available, industry will make it possible for developing countries to[fo 7] avoid many of the mistakes which we older industrialised countries have made.We should always remember that free markets are a means to an end. They would defeat their object if by their output they did more damage to the quality of life through pollution than the well-being they achieve by the production of goods and services.On the basis then of sound science and sound economics, we need to build a strong framework for international action.It is not new institutions that we need. Rather we need to strengthen and improve those which already exist: in particular the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme.The United Kingdom has recently more than doubled its contribution to UNEP and we urge others, who have not done so and who can afford it, to do the same.And the central organs of the United Nations, like this General Assembly, must also be seized of a problem which reaches into virtually all aspects of their work and will do so still more in the future.The most pressing task which faces us at the international level is to negotiate a framework convention on climate change—a sort of good conduct guide for all nations.Fortunately we have a model in the action already taken to protect the ozone layer. The Vienna Convention in 1985 and the Montreal Protocol in 1987 established landmarks in international law. They aim to prevent rather than just cure a global environmental problem.I believe we should aim to have a convention on global climate change ready by the time the World Conference on Environment and Development meets in 1992. That will be among the most important conferences the United Nations has ever held. I hope that we shall all accept a responsibility to meet this timetable.The 1992 Conference is indeed already being discussed among many countries in many places. And I draw particular attention to the very valuable discussion which members of the Commonwealth had under the [ Mahathir bin Mohamad] Prime Minister ofMalaysia's chairmanship at our recent Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Kuala Lumpur.[fo 8]But a framework is not enough. It will need to be filled out with specific undertakings, or protocols in diplomatic language, on the different aspects of climate change.These protocols must be binding and there must be effective regimes to supervise and monitor their application. Otherwise those nations which accept and abide by environmental agreements, thus adding to their industrial costs, will lose out competitively to those who do not.The negotiation of some of these protocols will undoubtedly be difficult. And no issue will be more contentious than the need to control emissions of carbon dioxide, the major contributor—apart from water vapour—to the greenhouse effect.We can't just do nothing. But the measures we take must be based on sound scientific analysis of the effect of the different gases and the ways in which these can be reduced. In the past there has been a tendency to solve one problem at the expense of making others worse.The United Kingdom therefore proposes that we prolong the role of theInter-governmental Panel on Climate Change after it submits its report next year, so that it can provide an authoritative scientific base for the negotiation of this and other protocols.We can then agree to targets to reduce the greenhouse gases, and how much individual countries should contribute to their achievement. We think it important that this should be done in a way which enables all our economies to continue to grow and develop.The challenge for our negotiators on matters like this is as great as for any disarmament treaty. The Inter-governmental Panel's work must remain on target, and we must not allow ourselves to be diverted into fruitless and divisive argument. Time is too short for that.Before leaving the area where international action is needed, I would make a plea for a further global convention, one to conserve the infinite variety of species—of plant and animal life—which inhabit our planet.The tropical forests contain a half of the species in the world, so their disappearance is doubly damaging, and it is astonishing but true that our civilisation, whose imagination has reached the boundaries of the universe, does not know, to within a factor of ten, how many species the earth[fo 9] supports.What we do know is that we are losing them at a reckless rate—between three and fifty each day on some estimates—species which could perhaps be helping us to advance the frontiers of medical science. We should act together to conserve this precious heritage.Every nation will need to make its contribution to the world effort, so I want to tell you how Britain intends to contribute, either by improving our own national performance in protecting the environment, or through the help that we give to others, and I shall tell you under four headings.First, we shall be introducing over the coming months a comprehensive system of pollution control to deal with all kinds of industrial pollution whether to air, water or land.We are encouraging British industry to develop new technologies to clean up the environment and minimise the amount of waste it produces—and we aim to recycle 50 per cent of our household waste by the end of the century.Secondly, we will be drawing up over the coming year our own environmental agenda for the decade ahead. That will cover energy, transport, agriculture, industry—everything which affects the environment.With regard to energy, we already have a £2 billion programme of improvements to reduce acid rain emissions from our power stations. We shall be looking more closely at the role of non-fossil fuel sources, including nuclear, in generating energy. And our latest legislation requires companies which supply electricity positively to promote energy efficiency.On transport, we shall look for ways to strengthen controls over vehicle emissions and to develop the lean-burn engine, which offers a far better long-term solution than thethree-way catalyst, in terms of carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect.We have already reduced the tax on lead-free petrol to encourage its use. That is an example of using market-based incentives to promote good environmental practice and we shall see whether there are other areas where this same principle can be applied.With regard to agriculture, we recognise that farmers not[fo 10] only produce food—which they do with great efficiency—they need to conserve the beauty of the priceless heritage of our countryside. So we are therefore encouraging them to reduce the intensity of their methods and to conserve wild-life habitats.We are planting new woods and forests—indeed there has been a 50 per cent increase in tree planting in Britain in the last ten years.We also aim to reduce chemical inputs to the soil and we are bringing forward measures to deal with the complex problem of nitrates in water. All that is part of our own ten-year programme coming up to the end of the century.Third, we are increasing our investment in research into global environmental problems.I have already mentioned the climate change centre that we are establishing.In addition we are supporting our own scientists', and in particular the British Antarctic Survey's crucial contribution to the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, as well as the voyages of our aptly-named research ship, the ‘Charles Darwin’.We have also provided more money for the Climate and Environment Satellite Monitoring Programmes of the European Space Agency.Fourth, we help poorer countries to cope with their environmental problems through our Aid Programme.We shall give special help to manage and preserve the tropical forests. We are already assisting in twenty countries and have recently signed agreements with India and Brazil.And as a new pledge, I can announce today that we aim to commit a further £100 million bilaterally to tropical forestry activities over the next three years, mostly within the framework of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan. That is what we are doing in Britain under those four headings. All of those things.Mr President, the environmental challenge which confronts the whole world demands an equivalent response from the whole world. Every country will be affected and no one can opt out.[fo 11]We should work through this great organisation and its agencies to secure world-wide agreements on ways to cope with the effects of climate change, the thinning of the Ozone Layer, and the loss of precious species.We need a realistic programme of action and an equally realistic timetable.Each country has to contribute, and those countries who are industrialised must contribute more to help those who are not.The work ahead will be long and exacting. We should embark on it hopeful of success, not fearful of failure.I began with Charles Darwin and his work on the theory of evolution and the origin of species. Darwin's voyages were among the high-points of scientific discovery. They were undertaken at a time when men and women felt growing confidence that we could not only understand the natural world but we could master it, too.Today, we have learned rather more humility and respect for the balance of nature. But another of the beliefs of Darwin's era should help to see us through—the belief in reason and the scientific method.Reason is humanity's special gift. It allows us to understand the structure of the nucleus. It enables us to explore the heavens. It helps us to conquer disease. Now we must use our reason to find a way in which we can live with nature, and not dominate nature.At the end of a book which has helped many young people to shape their own sense of stewardship for our planet, its American author quotes one of our greatest English poems, Milton's "Paradise Lost".When Adam in that poem asks about the movements of the heavens, Raphael the Archangel refuses to answer. "Let it speak", he says,"The Maker's high magnificence, who builtSo spacious, and his line stretcht out so far,That Man may know he dwells not in his own; An edifice too large for him to fill,Lodg'd in a small partition, and the restOrdain'd for uses to his Lord best known."We need our reason to teach us today that we are not, that[fo 12] we must not try to be, the lords of all we survey.We are not the lords, we are the Lord's creatures, the trustees of this planet, charged today with preserving life itself—preserving life with all its mystery and all its wonder.May we all be equal to that task.Thank you Mr President.。


















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PM Tony Blair Addresses TO United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
New York, New York
September 14, 2005
Mr. President and Colleagues,
The UN must come of age. It must become the visible and credible expression of the globalisation of politics. The modern world insists we are dependent on each other. We work with each other or we suffer in isolation.
The principles of the UN have always had a moral force. Today they receive the sharper impulse of self-interest.
The terrorist attacks in Britain on 7 July have their origins in an ideology born thousands of miles from our shores.
The proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
will never be halted outside of an international consensus to do so.
Failed states, as we know to our cost, fail us all. The
protection of the environment, the promotion of international trade: we can do nothing without effective action together.
And when we look with revulsion, as we should, at the misery of the millions who die in Africa and elsewhere through preventable famine, disease and conflict, the urgency to act is driven not just by conscience but by an inner sense that one day, if we refuse to act, we will reap a dire reward from our refusal.
What's more, humanity today is confident of its common values. Give people the chance and they always vote for freedom; always
prefer tolerance to prejudice, will never willingly accept the suppression of human rights and governance by extremism.
So the challenge is clear; the values clear; the self-interest in upholding them together also clear.
What must now be clear is that the UN can be the instrument of achieving the global will of the people.
It must give leadership on terrorism. There is not and never can be any justification, any excuse, any cause that accepts the random slaughter of th innocent. Wherever it happens, whoever is responsible, we stand united I condemn。
