固相支撑液液萃取-气相色谱质谱法测定血液中 5 种镇静安眠类药物
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作者简介:李文海(1974-) ꎬ男ꎬ高级工程师ꎬ主要从事毒物毒品分析ꎬE-mail: liwenhai1217@ 163.com.
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
LI Wen -haiꎬLI Xiu -yunꎬLIN Da -weiꎬSUN Hong -leiꎬSHAO Kai
( Taian Public Secutriy BureauꎬTaian 271000ꎬShandong China)
Abstract: To establish a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry( GC / MS) method with supported liquid extraction( SLE)
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
第 24 卷第 1 期
Volume 24 Number 1
Mar. 2018
mLꎬthe average recoveries were 70.1% ~ 90.8%ꎬand the coefficient of variation was less than 5. 3%. The method is simpleꎬ
rapidꎬ with a high recoveryꎬ and it can be used in the determination of common sedative hypnotic drugs in blood.
Key words: forensic toxicology analysisꎻ sedative hypnotic drugsꎻ supported liquid extractionꎻ GC-MS
( SLE) 以比表面积高、化学惰性好的多孔硅藻土为
回收率在 70.1% ~ 90.8%之间ꎬ变异系数均小于 5.3%. 方法操作简便、快捷、回收率高ꎬ可用于常见镇静安眠类药物
中图分类号: O657.32
文章编号:1006 ̄3757(2018)01 ̄0034 ̄05
extraction solvent. The results showed a good linearity among the concentrations of 0.5 ~ 20 μg / mL of the five drugs and the
peak areas with correlation coefficients of 0.998 1 ~ 0.999 5ꎬthe limits of quantification( LOQ) were approximately 0.5 μg /
分析测试新方法(034 ~ 038)
固相支撑液液萃取 - 气相色谱质谱法
测定血液中 5 种镇静安眠类药物
李文海ꎬ李秀云ꎬ蔺大伟ꎬ孙红雷ꎬ邵 凯
( 山东省泰安市公安局刑警支队ꎬ山东 泰安 271000)
摘要: 建立了固相支撑液液萃取( SLE) -气相色谱质谱法( GC / MS) 提取检验血液中阿米替林、舒乐安定、咪达唑
仑、异丙嗪和氯丙嗪 5 种镇静安眠类药物的方法ꎬ对提取条件进行优化ꎬ浓缩后的样品溶液使用气相色谱-质谱联
用仪分析. 5 种镇静安眠类药物的最佳提取条件:在 pH 10 下用 5. 0 mL 乙酸乙酯提取ꎬ5 种安眠镇静类药物在
0.5 ~ 20 μg / mL范围内线性关系良好ꎬ相关系数在 0.998 1 ~ 0.999 5 之间ꎬ最低检出限为 0.5 μg / mLꎬ在血液中的添加
for the determination of common sedative hypnotic drugs in blood. Five sedative hypnotic drugsꎬ amitriptylineꎬ
estazolamumꎬ midazolamꎬ promethazine and chlorpromazineꎬ were determined by GC / MS after being processed with SLEꎬ
and experimental conditions were optimized. After adding five sedative hypnotic drugs in the blank bloodꎬ they were
separated and determined by SLE-GC / MS. Optimal experimental conditions were: pH 10 and 5.0 mL of ethyl acetate as the
低表面活性等特点ꎬ实现萃取、快速溶剂萃取等方法. 但这些方
点ꎬ具 有 一 定 的 局 限 性
. 固相支撑液液萃取
收稿日期:2017-11-24ꎻ 修订日期:2018-02-26.
DOI:10.16495 / j.1006-3757.2018.01.006
Analysis of Five Hypnotic Sedative Drugs in Blood
by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry with
Supported Liquid Extraction
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
LI Wen -haiꎬLI Xiu -yunꎬLIN Da -weiꎬSUN Hong -leiꎬSHAO Kai
( Taian Public Secutriy BureauꎬTaian 271000ꎬShandong China)
Abstract: To establish a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry( GC / MS) method with supported liquid extraction( SLE)
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
第 24 卷第 1 期
Volume 24 Number 1
Mar. 2018
mLꎬthe average recoveries were 70.1% ~ 90.8%ꎬand the coefficient of variation was less than 5. 3%. The method is simpleꎬ
rapidꎬ with a high recoveryꎬ and it can be used in the determination of common sedative hypnotic drugs in blood.
Key words: forensic toxicology analysisꎻ sedative hypnotic drugsꎻ supported liquid extractionꎻ GC-MS
( SLE) 以比表面积高、化学惰性好的多孔硅藻土为
回收率在 70.1% ~ 90.8%之间ꎬ变异系数均小于 5.3%. 方法操作简便、快捷、回收率高ꎬ可用于常见镇静安眠类药物
中图分类号: O657.32
文章编号:1006 ̄3757(2018)01 ̄0034 ̄05
extraction solvent. The results showed a good linearity among the concentrations of 0.5 ~ 20 μg / mL of the five drugs and the
peak areas with correlation coefficients of 0.998 1 ~ 0.999 5ꎬthe limits of quantification( LOQ) were approximately 0.5 μg /
分析测试新方法(034 ~ 038)
固相支撑液液萃取 - 气相色谱质谱法
测定血液中 5 种镇静安眠类药物
李文海ꎬ李秀云ꎬ蔺大伟ꎬ孙红雷ꎬ邵 凯
( 山东省泰安市公安局刑警支队ꎬ山东 泰安 271000)
摘要: 建立了固相支撑液液萃取( SLE) -气相色谱质谱法( GC / MS) 提取检验血液中阿米替林、舒乐安定、咪达唑
仑、异丙嗪和氯丙嗪 5 种镇静安眠类药物的方法ꎬ对提取条件进行优化ꎬ浓缩后的样品溶液使用气相色谱-质谱联
用仪分析. 5 种镇静安眠类药物的最佳提取条件:在 pH 10 下用 5. 0 mL 乙酸乙酯提取ꎬ5 种安眠镇静类药物在
0.5 ~ 20 μg / mL范围内线性关系良好ꎬ相关系数在 0.998 1 ~ 0.999 5 之间ꎬ最低检出限为 0.5 μg / mLꎬ在血液中的添加
for the determination of common sedative hypnotic drugs in blood. Five sedative hypnotic drugsꎬ amitriptylineꎬ
estazolamumꎬ midazolamꎬ promethazine and chlorpromazineꎬ were determined by GC / MS after being processed with SLEꎬ
and experimental conditions were optimized. After adding five sedative hypnotic drugs in the blank bloodꎬ they were
separated and determined by SLE-GC / MS. Optimal experimental conditions were: pH 10 and 5.0 mL of ethyl acetate as the
低表面活性等特点ꎬ实现萃取、快速溶剂萃取等方法. 但这些方
点ꎬ具 有 一 定 的 局 限 性
. 固相支撑液液萃取
收稿日期:2017-11-24ꎻ 修订日期:2018-02-26.
DOI:10.16495 / j.1006-3757.2018.01.006
Analysis of Five Hypnotic Sedative Drugs in Blood
by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry with
Supported Liquid Extraction