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1.The chemical symbol for cobalt is ______.
2. A dilute solution contains a small amount of ______.
3. A cactus can survive in very _______ places.
4.The __________ (大萧条) affected economies around the world in the 1930s.
5.The __________ (历史的总结) can inspire action.
6.I can ______ (灵活应变) to new challenges.
7.We have ______ (很多) plants in our house.
8.My sister is learning to be a ____ (firefighter).
9.My _____ (亲戚) are coming for dinner.
10.The ____ has soft fur and likes to hide in bushes.
11.An electrolyte conducts ______ when dissolved in water.
12.She is a friendly ________.
13.The chemical symbol for cadmium is ______.
14. A __________ is a place where magma reaches the earth's surface.
15.__________ are used in water treatment processes.
16.What is the capital of the Cayman Islands?
A. George Town
B. West Bay
C. Bodden Town
D. North Side答案:a
17.The main gas in helium balloons is ______.
18. A catalyst helps a reaction occur at a ________ rate.
19.The chemical formula for potassium sulfate is _______.
20.He is very ___. (talented)
21.What do you call a person who plays music?
A. Artist
B. Musician
C. Writer
D. Actor答案:B
22.I enjoy __________ in the snow.
23.I like to _______ my own lunch.
24. A _______ change alters the appearance but not the chemical composition.

26.What time of day do you usually eat dinner?
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Evening
D. Night答案:C Evening
27.The first photograph was taken in the ______ (19世纪).
28.I saw a _______ flying in the sky (我看到一只_______在天空飞).
29.The _______ (蜥蜴) is a quick mover.
30.My family goes camping in the ________ (森林) every summer. We roast ________ (棉花糖) by the fire.
31.The term "solubility" describes how well a solute can _______ in a solvent.
32. A ____ is a curious animal that explores new places.
33.My teacher is very __________ (友善).
34. A homogeneous mixture is also known as a _______.
35. A cow's milk is an important source of ________________ (营养).
36.The ancient Egyptians constructed ________ as burial sites.
37. A _______ is a chemical process that involves rearranging atoms.
38.The Hubble Space Telescope has provided many stunning images of _______.
39.I find it exciting to go on ________ (旅行).
40.The __________ is a major river that flows through South America. (亚马逊河)
41.What is the term for a baby kangaroo?
A. Joey
B. Calf
C. Kit
D. Cub答案:A
42.My sister is a ______. She loves to share recipes.
43.The ________ (气候变化应对) is essential for future generations.
44.The __________ forecast says it may snow tomorrow. (天气)
45.In Canada, the official languages are English and ________ (在加拿大,官方语言是英语和________).
46.The capital of Afghanistan is __________.
47.What color is grass?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Red
D. Blue答案:B Green
48.Goldfish are often kept in ______ (鱼缸) as pets.
49.Listen and colour.(听录音、标号并涂色.)
50.After the rain, the grass looks __________. (湿润的)
51.The _____ (garden) brings joy and relaxation.
52.ts can ______ (帮助) stabilize sandy soils. Some pla
53.The __________ (历史的探索者) uncover stories long forgotten.
54.The sky is ______ with stars at night. (filled)
55.The chemical symbol for hafnium is ______.
56.What is the weather phenomenon characterized by strong winds and rain?
A. Drought
B. Hurricane
C. Earthquake
D. Flood答案: B
57.Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and _______.
58.His name is Tom. He is a ________.
59.What do you call the person who leads an orchestra?
A. Composer
B. Conductor
C. Pianist
D. Violinist答案:B
60. A __________ is a popular destination for winter sports.
61.The Drake Equation estimates the number of active extraterrestrial ______.
62.The __________ (历史的声音) is powerful.
63. A _______ is a type of bond that occurs between a metal and a nonmetal.
64.The panda eats _____ bamboo. (lots of)
65.Certain plants can be used to create natural ______ against pests. (某些植物可以用来创建自然屏障,抵御害虫。

66.She loves to play the __________.
67.The chemical symbol for silver is ________.
68.My aunt loves to do ____ (photography).
69.The hedgehog rolls into a _________. (球)
70.What is the sum of 1 and 1?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4答案:b
71.My _____ (宠物猫) loves to chase strings.
72.n Rainforest is often called the ________ (亚马逊雨林常被称为________) of the Earth. The Amaz
73.My aunt enjoys attending ____ (concerts).
74.The Earth's ______ is a dynamic and ever-changing environment.
75.My favorite fish is a ______ (金鱼) because it is pretty.
76.What do we call the area of land that is known for its unique climate and vegetation?
A. Biome
B. Ecosystem
C. Habitat
D. Region答案: A. Biome
77.My mom loves __________ (探索新的思想).
78.What do frogs eat?
A. Meat
B. Plants
C. Insects
D. Fruits答案:C.Insects
79.The chemical formula for carbon monoxide is ______.
80. A snake moves by __________ its body.
81. A ______ is a geographical feature that can influence climate.
82.The baby is ______ with a teddy bear. (playing)
83.The seahorse is unique because the males carry the ________________ (幼崽).
84.What is the name of the famous Italian dish made with dough and toppings?
A. Pasta
B. Pizza
C. Salad
D. Soup答案: B
85.The ________ lives in a cozy home.
86. A windmill converts wind energy into ______.
87.The chemical formula for lead(IV) oxide is _____.
88.I have _____ (ten/twenty) fingers.
89.I have a _____ (笔记本) where I write stories about animals. 我有一个笔记本,写关于动物的故事。

90.The bird is ________ in the tree.
91.My favorite _____ is a stuffed elephant.
92.The __________ is responsible for shaping the earth's surface.
93. A wheel helps reduce ______.
94.The __________ (历史的演变过程) reveals societal changes.
95. A chemical that can conduct electricity is called an ______.
96.My brother loves to __________ (做实验) with science.
97.What do you call the first page of a book?
A. Cover
B. Title page
C. Index
D. Chapter答案: B
98.I can draw inspiration from my ________ (玩具).
99.My ________ (玩具) is a source of laughter.
100.My cousin, ______ (我的表妹), loves to act in school plays.。
