























星座验方二:维生素E是保养卵巢的良药,能帮助女性对抗衰老,防止妇科疾患,与维生素C 同服能互相协同作用,具有白嫩细致皮肤,养颜抗衰老的功效,亦可作为日常美容保健之需。



福特金牛座使用技巧福特金牛座使用技巧包括以下几点:1. 善用驾驶模式选择:福特金牛座配备了不同的驾驶模式,包括智能模式、运动模式、雪地/雨天模式等。


2. 注意节能驾驶:福特金牛座作为一款燃油车型,节能驾驶对于减少油耗和保护环境非常重要。


3. 合理使用巡航控制系统:福特金牛座配备了巡航控制系统,可以帮助驾驶者在高速公路上保持恒定的速度。


4. 熟悉悬挂系统调节:福特金牛座的悬挂系统可以根据驾驶者的需求进行调节,包括舒适模式和运动模式。


5. 合理使用多媒体系统:福特金牛座配备了多媒体系统,可以实现音乐播放、导航、蓝牙连接等功能。


6. 定期保养和检查:福特金牛座作为一款高性能车型,需要定期进行保养和检查,以确保车辆的性能和安全。


7. 高速驾驶时保持安全距离:福特金牛座具有出色的加速性能,但高速驾驶时需要注意保持安全距离。








































处女座天秤座射手座摩羯座十二星座设置用表格May 14-June 21July 21-August 10September 17-October 30T aurusAries VirgoLeoCancerGemini5月14日-6月21日7月21日-8月10日9月17日-10月30日白羊座金牛座双子座巨蟹座狮子座处女座November 21-December 18 January 21-February 16March 12-April 18PiscesAquariusCapricornSagittariusScorpioLibra11月21日-12月18日1月21日-2月16日3月12日-4月18日天秤座天蝎座射手座摩羯座水瓶座双鱼座设置装置设置装置采用了一种由GP 芝柏表研发部门自主研制的独特系统。




















2017款福特金牛座SYNC 3代语音娱乐系统
支持多点触控 导航支持手写输入 USB接口支持苹果CarPlay,AppLink车载应用,手机映射等等功能 便利性升级
目前全球超过1千多万辆福特汽车正在使用SYNC技术,在新 一代SYNC开发过程中,福特从超过两千多名消费者,各研 究机构等方面获取信息,以全面提高SYNC3系统的用户体验。 SYNC3将于明年正式搭载在福特新车型上。
除了语言操控, SYNC3还可以提供类 似智能手机的使用体 验,不仅会提供史无 前例的流畅触控体验, 还可以任性地捏拉、 缩放、抚屏……让操 作更容易上手!
而显示屏会自动切 换至暗色背景,有效 减轻视觉疲劳,最大 程度减少屏幕光反射 到车窗的情况。
让人印象最深刻的是,福特这次换了操作系统——抛弃旧 爱微软,转投黑莓怀抱。之前的SYNC、SYNC2基于微软车 载系统,而SYNC3基于全新QNX操作系统的,在“快”这 点上,使用体验绝对是秒杀前两代。
福特汽车SYNC 包含汽车行业首款可以通过语音控制 智能手机的技术,新一代系统让音乐播放更简单,无 需为歌曲分门别类。只要说“播放(歌名、演唱者、 专辑或类型)”就能让系统播放指定歌曲、演唱者、 列表或专辑的歌,无需再为歌曲分门别类。想要听电 台,只需直接说出数字电台名称或相应电台的频率就 可以便捷切换。
模糊地名搜索能力更强。和前一代SYNC相比, SYNC3的模糊地名搜索能力明显增强,照顾到记不 住官方地名的人——无需具体名称也可进行搜索!比 如,搜索“浦东机场”时无需说出其官方名称—— “上海浦东国际机场”。搜索街道号时,我们也不用 说“一千一百二十五号大街”,可以简单说 “一一 二五号大街”。







比如你安装到d:\astrolog32在这里就要把c:\Program Files\astrolog32替换成d:\astrolog32 ,然后在文件菜单中选择保存当前设置。




这有两项,第一个是计算宫位本身的守护星,另一个是计算宫主星(lord of a house)。



占星学中,星体在黄道上的座标也就是黄经(celestial longitude)是使用星座来表示的。



































比如你安装到d:\astrolog32在这里就要把c:\Program Files\astrolog32替换成d:\astrolog32 ,然后在文件菜单中选择保存当前设置。




这有两项,第一个是计算宫位本身的守护星,另一个是计算宫主星(lord of a house)。



占星学中,星体在黄道上的座标也就是黄经(celestial longitude)是使用星座来表示的。

“20Ari40”代表白羊座20度40分,也就是黄经20度40分,而“20Tau40”代表金牛座20度 40分,也就是黄经50度40分,因为每个星座占据了30度黄经。



To learn more about the features on this vehicle, go to SERIES/EQUIPMENT GROUP AVAILABILITY●Series Line up; Base (Fleet Only), XLT, Limited/Limited Hybrid,ST and PlatinumMECHANICAL★ New— Engine – 2.3L EcoBoost® I-4 has Auto Start-Stop Technology (99H). Standard on Base, XLT and Limited300A.— Engine – 3.0L EcoBoost® V6 with Auto Start-Stop Technology (99C). Standard on ST and Platinum.— Engine – 3.3L Ti-VCT, Fleet Only (99B). Optional on Base and requires 4WD.— Engine – 3.3L Hybrid (99W). Standard on Limited Hybrid 310A.— Transmission – 10-Speed Automatic with SelectShift® Capability (44T with Gas Engine; 44B with Hybrid Engine) — Auto Hold is standard on all series— Electric Parking Brake is standard on all series— RWD (Rear-Wheel Drive) is standard on Base, XLT and INTERIOR/COMFORT★ New— ActiveX™ Seating Material is included in XLT 202A— Rotary Gear Shift Dial is standard on all series— Second Row Sunblinds are standard on Limited, ST and Platinum.— The Instrument Panel screen on XLT and Limited is a 6.5”Color LCD and 12.3” Digital on ST and Platinum.●Changed— 10-Way Power Passenger Seats are no longer available on XLT.— Tri-Zone Electronic Temperature Control is standard on all series. Previously standard on XLT and above and referredto as “Dual-Zone Electronic Automatic Temperature Control(DEATC)”.— Second Row Captain’s Chairs with E-Z Entry, Armrests and Center Console are standard on XLT and above. Previouslyoptional on XLT and above.— Base Series standard Second Row Seats are 40/20/40.Previously 60/40.DRIVER ASSIST TECHNOLOGY★ New— A 10.1” LCD Capacitive Portrait Touchscreen in Center Stack with Swipe and Pinch-to-Zoom Capability is available. Referto the Premium Technology Package.— Ford Co-Pilot360™ is standard on Base and XLT○Auto High-Beam Headlamps○BLIS® (Blind Spot Information System) with Cross-Traffic Alert2○Lane-Keeping System (includes Lane-Keeping Assist, Lane-Keeping Alert and Driver Alert)○Pre-Collision Assist with Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) (Pedestrian Detection, Forward Collision Warning,Dynamic Brake Support)○Rear View Camera3— Ford Co-Pilot360™ Assist+ (65S). Optional on XLT 202A and standard on Limited, ST and Platinum. Includes the standardFord Co-Pilot360™ features, plus;○Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control★ with;■Stop-and-Go■Lane Centering■Speed Sign Recognition○Evasive Steering Assist★○Voice-Activated Touchscreen Navigation System with Pinch-to-Zoom Capability, SiriusXM Traffic and TravelLink®— Active Park Assist 2.0 is standard on ST and Platinum— Post-Collision Braking is standard on all series— Reverse Brake Assist is standard on ST and Platinum●Changed— FordPass Connect™, SiriusXM® Radio and SYNC® 3 are standard on all series. Refer to the Base series StandardEquipment page for more information.●Deleted— Enhanced Active Park Assist with Parallel Park, Park Out Assist, Reverse Perpendicular Parking, Forward andReverse and Side Sensing Systems (47P) is no loneravailable. Previously available on Limited and Platinum.FUNCTIONAL●New— EcoCoach (efficient driving assistant)●Changed— B&O Sound System by Bang & Olufsen with 12 Speakers is standard on Limited, ST and Platinum (previously Sony®Audio)— Dual Second Row Smart-Charging USB Ports are standard on XLT and above. Previously standard on Limited andabove.— Engine Oil Cooler is standard on all series— Forward Sensing System is no longer available on XLT. It is standard on Limited, ST and Platinum.— Reverse Sensing is standard on all series— SiriusXM® Radio is no longer available on Base series●Deleted— CD Player— Sony® Audio2 When the Class III Trailer Tow Package (52T) is selected, the Trailer Coverage feature is included in the BLIS mirror.3 With Backup Assist Grid Lines and Camera WasherPACKAGES★ New— Premium Technology Package (65P). Optional on ST and Platinum.○Multicontour Seats with Active Motion® (Front Only)○10.1” LCD Capacitive Portrait Touchscreen in Center Stack with Swipe and Pinch-to-Zoom Capability○B&O Sound System by Bang & Olufsen with 14 Speakers — ST Street Pack (68S). Optional on ST.○21” Aluminum Wheels (275/45R21 All-Season (A/S) BSW Tires)○Performance Brakes○Red Painted Brake Calipers— ST Track Pack (68T). Optional on ST.○21” Aluminum Wheels (275/45R21 All-Season (A/S) BSW Tires○High-Performance Brakes○Red Painted Brake Calipers●Changed— None●Deleted— Class II Trailer Tow Package— Driver Connect Package— Ford Safe and Smart™ Package— Limited Luxury Package— Desert Copper Package— XLT Appearance Package— XLT Sport Appearance Package— XLT Technology Feature Bundle2020 EXPLORER ORDER COMBINATIONS●Explorer Base (Fleet Only) (RWD★)— Body Code: K7B— Equipment Group: 100A●Explorer Base (Fleet Only) (4WD)— Body Code: K8B— Equipment Group: 100A●Explorer XLT (RWD★)— Body Code: K7D— Equipment Groups: 200A, 202A●Explorer XLT (4WD)— Body Code: K8D— Equipment Groups: 200A, 202A●Explorer Limited / Limited Hybrid (RWD★)— Body Code: K7F— Equipment Groups: 300A, 310A4●Explorer Limited / Limited Hybrid (4WD)— Body Code: K8F— Equipment Groups: 300A, 310A4●Explorer ST (4WD)— Body Code: K8G— Equipment Groups: 400A●Explorer Platinum (4WD)— Body Code: K8H— Equipment Group: 600A4 3.3L Hybrid EngineProduct Changes and Features Availability Features, options and package content subject to change.2020 EXPLORERMAJOR PRODUCT CHANGESLATE AVAILABILITY – Subject to Change●No offerings are Late Availability at this timeLATEST ORDER GUIDE UPDATES●Revised: Base Series availability to be Fleet Only●Revised: The Platinum Standard Equipment page to walk fromLimited 300A rather than ST 400A●Revised: Lucid Red Metallic Tinted Clearcoat to Rapid RedMetallic Tinted Clearcoat●Revised: Dual-Zone Electronic Automatic Temperature Control(DEATC) to Tri-Zone Electronic Temperature Control●Revised: Second row seat descriptions for XLT and higher toinclude “E-Z Entry”●Revised: The reference in first and second row seat descriptionsas “Bucket” to “Captain’s Chairs”●Revised: P255/55R20 All-Season (A/S) SS Tires to Self-SealingP255/55R20 All-Season (A/S) Tires●Revised: Cold Weather Package to Comfort PackageProduct Changes and Features Availability Features, options and package content subject to change.。



1. 进入车辆并坐到驾驶座位上,确保车辆处于停止状态,并将车辆钥匙插入点火孔中。

2. 调整座椅和后视镜,确保你能够清楚地看到车辆前方和后方。

3. 踩下离合器(如果是手动挡车型)或踩下刹车(如果是自动挡车型)。

4. 转动钥匙,启动发动机。


5. 释放离合器或刹车,慢慢地将车辆加速,让它逐渐行驶起来。

6. 调整车速和方向盘,确保你能够平稳地驾驶车辆。


7. 如果需要变换挡位,根据需要使用换挡杆或换挡拨片进行操作。


8. 在行驶过程中,记得使用刹车和油门控制车速,并将方向盘保持稳定。

9. 在需要停车或减速时,使用刹车踏板逐渐减速,慢慢地停下车辆。

10. 当你需要停车时,将车辆摆放在合适的位置,并拉上手刹。














三.操作指南1. 产品按键定义:开机键 MENU:菜单键 (双摄像头版本为M键长按2秒进入菜单键) MODE / M:模式转换键 (视频/拍照/回放)▲:上翻键▼:下翻键 OK / REC:手动录像键/确认键插口:USB:供电/数据连接口 TF:TF卡槽 AV:视频输出 AV-IN:双摄像头版本,后置摄像头连接口 2. 系统设置在开始使用QINQ行车记录仪前,必须进行一些基本设置,如日期和时间、语言、自动关机、重设系统等。

福特汽车公司产品说明书:JBL 奢华音频系统与 CD DJ 兼容

福特汽车公司产品说明书:JBL 奢华音频系统与 CD DJ 兼容

Index29All rights reserved.Reproduction by any means,electronic or mechanical including photocopying,recording or by any information storageand retrieval system or translation in whole or part is not permitted without written authorization from Ford Motor Company.Copyright ௠1997Ford Motor CompanyTable of contents1PREMIUM STEREO CASSETTE WITH CD DJ COMPATIBILITYShown with CD/DJ controls.Models with AM/FM Search Radio only or AM/FM Premium Cassette with external power amplifier are also available.Controls on these models are comparable.uno_cd_cassetteuno_lux_audioAudio systems2Audio systemsJBL LUXURY AUDIO SYSTEMWITH CD/DJ COMPATIBILITY3AUDIO SYSTEM FEATURESJ B L L u x u r y A u d i o S y s t e m w i t h C D /D J C o m p a t a b i l i t yE S C w i t h C D /D J C o m p a t a b i l i t y (C o m p a c t D i s c C h a n g e r )= Feature included on audio systemAudio System Feature Audio SystemAudio systems4B L L u x u r y u d i o S y s t e m i t nCD /D J o m p a t a b i l i t yS C w i t h C D /D J o m p a t a b i l i t y C o m p a c t D i s c h a n g e r )= Feature included on audio systemAudio System FeatureAudio SystemAudio systems5AUDIO SYSTEM CONTROLS The controls shown are from the Premium Stereo Cassette withCD/DJ compatibility and the JBL Luxury Audio System with CD/DJ compatibility.If your vehicle is equipped with the AM/FM Search Radio or the AM/FM Premium Stereo Cassette with External Power Amplifier, your controls will appear the same as with the illustrated Premium Stereo Cassette with CD/DJ compatibility,but without the “DISCS”designation seen here.If you did not purchase a CD DJ with your vehicle,these functions will not operate.If you decide to upgrade your vehicle with a CD DJ,your radio can be used to operate all CD DJ functions. Volume/power controlPress the control to turn the audio system on or off.uno_featurescom_power-volume_control.01Controls and features 6Turn control to raise or lower volume.If you turn off the ignition before turning off the audio system,the audio system will come back on at a preset medium level volume when the ignition switch is turned back on.If you wish to maintain your preset volume level,turn the audio system off with the power control before switching off the ignition.AM/FM selectThe AM/FM select control works in radio,tape and CD modes(if equipped).AM/FM select in radio mode This control allows you to select AM or FM frequency bands.Press the control to switch between AM, FM1or FM2memory preset stations.VOL – PUSH ONuno_am-fm_selectuno_am-fm_select_radiocom_am-fm_select_tape.01 Controls and features7AM/FM select in tape mode Press this control to stop tape play and begin radio play.AM/FM select in CD mode Press this control to stop CD play and begin radio play.You can switch from CD play to tape play be simply inserting a tape into the cassette deck.Tune adjustThe tune button works in radio or CD mode(if equipped).Tune adjust in radio mode •Press the to move to the next frequency down the band(whether or not a listenablestation is located there).Holdthe control to move through the frequencies quickly.•Press the right side of thecontrol to move to the nextfrequency up the band(whether or not a listenable station islocated there).Hold for quickmovement.Tune adjust for CD mode •Press the to select theprevious disc in the CD changer.com_am-fm_select_cd.01 uno_tune_adjustuno_tune_adjust_radio uno_tune_adjust_cdControls and features 8(Play will begin on the firsttrack of the disc unless the CDchanger is in shuffle mode.Refer to Shuffle feature formore information.Hold thecontrol to continue reversingthrough the disc.•Press to select the next disc in the CD changer.Hold thecontrol to fast-forward throughthe remaining discs.Seek functionThe seek function control works in radio,tape or CD mode(if equipped).Seek function in radio mode •Press to find the nextlistenable station down thefrequency band.•Press to find the next listenable station up thefrequency band.Seek function in tape mode •Press to listen to theprevious selection on the tape.•Press to listen to the next selection on the tape.com_seek_function.01uno_seek_function_radiocom_seek_function_tape.01uno_scan_function Controls and features9Scan functionThe scan function works in radio,tape or CD mode(if equipped).Scan function in radio mode Press the SCAN control to hear a brief sampling of all listenable stations on the frequency band. Press the control again to stop the scan mode.Scan function in tape mode Press the SCAN control to hear a short sampling of all selections on the tape.(The tape scans in a forward direction.At the end of the tape’s first side,direction automatically reverses to the opposite side of the tape.)To stop on a particular selection,press the control again.Scan function in CD mode Press the SCAN control to hear a short sampling of all selections on the CD.(The CD scans in a forward direction,wrapping back to the first track at the end of the CD.)To stop on a particular selection,press the control again.com_scan_function_radio.01com_scan_function_tape.01 com_scan_function_cd.01com_station_memory_preset.01Controls and features 10Radio station memory preset The radio is equipped with six station memory preset controls. These controls can be used to select up to six preset AM stations and twelve FM stations(six in FM1 and six in FM2).Setting memory preset stations1.Select the frequency band with the AM/FM select control.2.Select a station.Refer to Tune adjust or Seek function for more information on selecting a station.3.Press and hold a memory preset control until the sound returns, indicating the station is held in memory on the control you selected.com_setting_memory_preset.01uno_starting_autoset Controls and features11Starting autoset memory preset (if equipped)1.Select a frequency using theAM/FM select controls.2.Press the AUTOSET control.3.When the first six strong stations are filled,the station stored in memory preset control1 will start playing.If there are less than six strong stations available on the frequency band,the remaining memory preset controls will all store the last strong station available. Deactivating autoset memory presetTo deactivate autoset and return to your audio system’s manually set memory stations,press the AUTOSET control again.com_deactivating_autoset.01 uno_bass_adjustControls and features 12Bass adjustThe bass adjust control allows you to increase or decrease the audio system’s bass output.Treble adjustThe treble adjust control allows you to increase or decrease the audio system’s treble output.Speaker balance adjust Speaker sound distribution can be adjusted between the right and left speakers.uno_treble_adjustuno_balance_adjustuno_fade_adjust Controls and features13Speaker fade adjustSpeaker sound distribution can be adjusted between the front and rear speakers.Tape play selectPress the TAPE control to begin tape play(with a tape loaded in the audio system while in radio or CD mode[if equipped]). Pressing the control during rewinding and fast-forwarding stops the rewind or fast-forward function.CD play selectPress the CD control to begin CD play(if CDs are loaded in the CD changer).The first track of the first disc will begin playing.uno_tape_play_selectuno_cd_play_select com_rewind.01Controls and features 14RewindThe rewind control(REW)works in tape and CD modes(if equipped).Rewind function in tape mode After pressing REW,the radio plays until rewind is stopped(with the tape control)or the beginning of the tape is reached.Rewind function in CD mode Pressing the REW control for less than three seconds results in slow rewind.Pressing the REW control more than three seconds results in fast rewind.Fast forward functionThe fast forward control(FF) works in tape and CD modes(if equipped).FF2FF2uno_rewind_tapecom_rewind_cd.01com_fast_forward.01uno_fast_forward_tape Controls and features15Fast forward function in tape modeAfter pressing FF,the radio plays until the fast forward function is stopped(with the tape play select control or the fast forward control)or the end of the tape is reached. At the end of the first side of the tape,direction automatically reverses and the opposite side of the tape plays.Fast forward function in the CD modePressing FF for less than three seconds results in slow forward action.Pressing FF for more than three seconds results in fast forward action.Tape direction selectPress SIDE1–2to play the alternate side of a tape.REW1REW1FF2com_fast_forward_cd.01uno_tape_direction_selectuno_tape_ejectControls and features 16Tape ejectPress EJ to stop and eject acassette tape.Dolbyாnoise reductionDolby௡noise reduction operates only in tape mode.Dolby௡reduces the amount of hiss and static during tape playback.Pressthe button to activate (and Dolby௡noise reduction.The noise reduction system is manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.Compression adjust(if equipped)Compression adjust brings soft and loud CD passages together for a more consistent listening level. Press the COMP control to activate and deactivate compression adjust.SHUFFLE6SHUFFLE6uno_dolby_reductionuno_compression_adjustuno_shuffle_feature Controls and features17Shuffle feature(if equipped) The shuffle feature works while inCD play mode and allows you to listen to randomly selected tracks on one or all CDs loaded in the changer.Press the Shuffle control to listen to the tracks on the current CD(s) in random order.Random order play continues until the control is pressed again.ClockPress the CLK control to display the time on the audio system display.Time is displayed:•until an audio function control is pressed.•approximately ten seconds after each audio system change.•when the audio system is off and the ignition is ON.To remove the clock display,press the CLK control again.uno_clockuno_setting_clockControls and features 18Setting the clockTo set the hour,hold the CLK control and press:to increase hour andto decrease hours.To set the minute,hold the CLK control and press:to increase minutes andto decrease minutes.Blank skip functionPress this control to toggle the BLANK SKIP function on and off. When the function is activated,the audio system will automatically skip over any blank(silent) passages in the playing cassette tape.When the function is deactivated,the audio system will play the blank portion of the cassette tape.DSP function(if equipped) Press the DSP control to activate the DSP effect.To scroll through the available DSP effects,press .Select these available DSPuno_blank_skipuno_dsp_function Controls and features19effects according to your listening preference.•STAD—simulated“Outdoor Stadium”type sound•JAZZ—simulated“Jazz Club”type sound•CHUR—simulated“Church”type sound•HALL—simulated“Concert Hall”type sound •NEWS—simulated“Voice Only”type soundFORD CD CHANGER(IF EQUIPPED)Slide the door to access the CD changer magazine.Press to eject themagazine.com_ford_cd_changer.02Controls and features 20Make sure only one disc is insertedin each slot.Each disc must beinserted with the label surface upward.You may insert up to six CDs.The magazine does not need to be full for the changer to operate. Radio power must be turned on to play the CDs in the changer.The magazine may be stored in theglove box when not being used. The CD magazine may be inserted or ejected with the radio power off.com_rear_seat_controls.02 Controls and features21REAR SEAT CONTROLS(IF EQUIPPED)The rear seat controls allow the rear seat passengers to operate theradio and use headphones.Adjusting volumePress the+control to increase volume.Press the—control to decrease volume.From the rear seat controls, volume control can be set no higher than the current radio setting unless the speakers are turned off.Refer to Turning speakers on and off.com_rear_adjusting_volume.01 com_rear_speakers.01Controls and features 22Turning the speakers on and off Press to turn the speakers on or off.Using headphonesPlug a3.5mm(notincluded)into the jack to operate speakers turned off.Plug headphone jack into thejack to operate headphones with the speakers turned on.AM or FM selectPush the BAND control to change the frequency band between AM, FM1and FM2.Memory preset buttonPush the MEMORY control to access the station you have set into memory preset1.com_rear_using_headphones.01com_rear_am-fm_select.01com_rear_memory_preset.01 Controls and features23Push the MEMORY control successively to access stations1–6. Seek functionPress the side of the SEEK control to seek the next highestradio station.Press the side of the SEEK control the next lower radio station.In tape mode,use the SEEK function to access the next or previous selection.In CD mode(if equipped),use the SEEK function to access the next or previous selection. DISPLAYThe display screen gives information on the status of the audio system.com_rear_seek_function.01 com_display.01Display 24AUDIO SYSTEM CARE AND CLEANINGTroubleshooting the CDchangerIf sound skips:•You may be traveling on a rough road,playing badly scratcheddiscs or the disc may be dirty.Skipping will not scratch thediscs or damage the player.If changer does not work:•A disc is already loaded where you want to insert disc.•The disc is inserted with the label surface downward.•The disc is dusty or defective.•The player’s internaltemperature is above75°C(167°F).Allow the player tocool down before operating.•A disc with format anddimensions not within industrystandards is inserted.Cleaning compact discsInspect all discs for contamination before playing.If necessary,clean discs only with an approved CD cleaner and wipe the center out to the edge.Do not use circular motion.uno_care_clean_titlecom_troubleshooting_cd.01com_cleaning_cds.01com_cd_and_changer_care.01 Care and cleaning25CD and CD changer care •Handle discs by their edges only.Never touch the playing surface.•Do not expose discs to direct sunlight or heat sources forextended periods of time.•Do not insert more than one disc into each slot of the CDchanger magazine.Cleaning cassette playerClean the tape player head with a cassette cleaning cartridge after ten to twelve hours of play to maintain the best sound and operation.Cassette and cassette player care•Use only cassettes that are90 minutes long or less.•Do not expose tapes to direct sunlight,high humidity,extreme heat or extreme cold.Allowtapes that may have beenexposed to extremetemperatures to reach amoderate temperature beforeplaying.•Tighten very loose tapes by inserting a finger or pencil intothe hole and turning the hub.•Remove loose labels before inserting tapes.•Do not leave tapes in thecassette player for a long timewhen not being _cleaning_cassette.01 com_cassette_and_player.01com_radio_frequency_info.01Radio frequency information 26RADIO FREQUENCY INFORMATIONThe Federal Communications Commission(FCC)and the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Communications(CRTC)establish the frequencies AM and FM stations may use for their broadcasts.Allowable frequencies are:AM530,540–1600,1610kHz steps FM87.9,88.1–107.1,107.9Mhz stepsNot all frequencies are used in a given area.RADIO RECEPTION FACTORS Three factors can affect radio reception:•Distance/strength.The further an FM station travels,theweaker it is.The listenablerange of the average FM station is approximately40km(24miles).This range can beaffected by“signal modulation.”Signal modulation is a processradio stations use to increasetheir strength/volume relative to other stations.•Terrain.Hills,mountains and tall buildings between your vehicle’s antenna and the radio stationsignal can cause FM receptionproblems.Static can be causedon AM stations by power lines,electric fences,traffic lights,driving under bridges and com_radio_reception_factors.01Radio frequency information27thunderstorms.Moving awayfrom an interfering structure(out of its“shadow”)returnsyour reception to normal.•Station overload.Weak stationsare sometimes captured bystronger stations when you passa broadcast tower.A strongerstation may temporarilyovertake a weaker station andplay while the weak stationfrequency is displayed.The audio system automatically switches to single channel reception if it will improve thereception of a station normally received in stereo. WARRANTIES AND SERVICE Refer to the“Warranty Guide”for audio system warranty information. If service is necessary,see your dealer or a qualified _warranties_and_service.01Warranties and service 28AM/FM select (7)Audio power (6)Bass adjust (13)CD select (14)Clock (18)Compact disc changer care (26)operation (20)troubleshooting (25)Compression adjust (17)Display (24)Dolby௡noise reduction (17)Electronic sound system...........2,4 Fast forward function.................15Radio frequency information.. (27)reception (27)Rewind function (15)Scan function (10)Seek function (9)Speaker balance adjust (13)Stations selecting (11)Tape direction select (16)Tape select (14)Treble adjust (13)Tune adjust (8)Warranties radio (28)Index29。

Bar 2.0 ALL-IN-ONE (MK2) 用户手册说明书

Bar 2.0 ALL-IN-ONE (MK2) 用户手册说明书

Bar 2.0 ALL-IN-ONE (MK2)OWNER’S MANUALIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Verify Line Voltage Before UseThe JBL Bar 2.0 (soundbar) has been designed for use with 100-240 volt, 50/60 Hz AC current. Connection to a line voltage other than that for which your product is intended can create a safety and fire hazard and may damage the unit. If you have any questions about the voltage requirements for your specific model or about the line voltage in your area, contact your retailer or customer service representative before plugging the unit into a wall outlet.Do Not Use Extension CordsTo avoid safety hazards, use only the power cord supplied with your unit. We do not recommend that extension cords be used with this product. As with all electrical devices, do not run power cords under rugs or carpets, or place heavy objects on them. Damaged power cords should be replaced immediately by an authorized service center with a cord that meets factory specifications.Handle the AC Power Cord GentlyWhen disconnecting the power cord from an AC outlet, always pull the plug; never pull the cord. If you do not intend to use this speaker for any considerable length of time, disconnect the plug from the AC outlet.Do Not Open the CabinetThere are no user-serviceable components inside this product. Opening the cabinet may present a shock hazard, and any modification to the product will void your warranty. If water accidentally falls inside the unit, disconnect it from the AC power source immediately, and consult an authorized service center.TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 21 INT R ODUCTION 42 WHAT’S IN THE BOX 53 PRODUCT OVERVIEW 63.1 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 63.2 CONNECTORS 63.3 REMOTE CONTROL 64 PLACE 74.1 DESKTOP PLACEMENT 74.2 WALL-MOUNTING 75 CONNECT 85.1 TV CONNECTION 85.2 BLUETOOTH CONNECTION 86 PLAY 96.1 POWER-ON/AUTO STANDBY/AUTO WAKEUP 96.2 PLA Y FROM THE TV SOURCE 106.3 PLA Y FROM THE BLUETOOTH SOURCE 107 SOUND SETTINGS 118 RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS 119 SOFTWARE UPDATE 1210 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 1211 TR OUBLESHOOTING 1312 TR ADEMAR KS 1413 OPEN SOURCE LICENSE NOTICE 141 INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing the JBL Bar 2.0 All-in-One (soundbar) which is designed to bring an extraordinary sound experience to your home entertainment system. We encourage you to take a few minutes to read through this manual, which describes the product and includes step-by-step instructions for setting up and getting started.To make the most of product features and support, you may need to update the product software through the USB connector in the future. Refer to the software update section in this manual to ensure that your product has the latest software.Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions about the soundbar, installation or operation, please contact your retailer or customer service representative, or visit our website: . 2 WHAT’S IN THE BOXUnpack the box carefully and ensure that the following parts are included. If any part is damaged or missing, do not use it and contact your retailer or customer service representative.Main unitRemote control (with 2 AAA batteries)Power cord** Power cord quantity and plug type vary by region.HDMI cableWall-mounting kitProduct information & wall-mounting template3 PRODUCT OVERVIEW3.1 Controls and indicators1. (Power)• Switch on or to standby2. -/+ (Volume)• Decrease or increase the volume• Press and hold to decrease or increase the volume continuously• Press the two buttons together to mute or unmute.3. (Source)• Select a sound source: TV (default) or Bluetooth 4.Status indicators3.2 Connectors1. POWER• Connect to power2. OPTICAL• Connect to the optical output on your TV or digital device 3. USB• USB connector for software update• Connect to a USB storage device for audio play (for the US version only)4. HDMI OUT (TV ARC)• Connect to the HDMI ARC input on your TV 3.3 Remote Control1.• Switch on or to standby2. TV• Select the TV source3. (Bluetooth)• Select the Bluetooth source• Press and hold to connect another Bluetooth device 4. + / -• Increase or decrease the volume• Press and hold to increase or decrease the volume continuously.5. (Mute)• Mute/unmute4 PLACE4.1 Desktop placementPlace the soundbar on a flat and stable surface.TVNOTES:−The power cord shall be properly connected to power. −Do not place any objects on the top of the soundbar.4.2Wall-mounting1. Preparation:a) With a minimum distance of 2” (50mm) from your TV , stickthe supplied wall-mounting template to a wall by using adhesive tapes.b) Use your ballpen tip to mark the screw holder location.Remove the template. c) On the marked location, drill a 4 mm/0.16” hole. Refer toFigure 1 for the screw size.2. Install the wall-mounting bracket.3. Fasten the screw onto the back of the soundbar.4. Mount the soundbar.NOTES:−Make sure that the wall can support the weight of the soundbar. −Install on a vertical wall only.−Avoid a location under high temperature or humidity.−Before wall-mounting, make sure that cables can be properly connected between the soundbar and external devices.−Before wall-mounting, make sure that the soundbar is unpluggedfrom power. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock.HDMI cable.2. On your TV , check that HDMI-CEC and HDMI ARC have beenenabled. Refer to the owner’s manual of your TV for more information.NOTES:−Full compatibility with all HDMI-CEC devices is not guaranteed.−Contact your TV manufacturer if you have problems with the HDMI-CEC compatibility of your TV.Through an optical cable• Connect the soundbar with your TV by using an optical cable(sold separately).Connect a Bluetooth device1. Press to switch on (See “Power-on/Auto standby/Autowakeup” in the “PLA Y” chapter).2. To select the Bluetooth source, press on the soundbar oron the remote control.→Ready for pairing: The status indicator flashes blue.3. On your Bluetooth device, enable Bluetooth and search for“JBL Bar 2.0” within three minutes.→Connected: The status indicator lights up solid blue. Aconfirmation tone is heard. To reconnect the last paired deviceYour Bluetooth device is retained as a paired device when the soundbar goes to standby mode. Next time you switch to the Bluetooth source, the soundbar reconnects the last paired device automatically.To connect to another Bluetooth device3S1. In the Bluetooth source, press and hold on the soundbar oron the remote control until the status indicator flashes blue.→The previously paired device is cleared from the soundbar. →The soundbar enters the Bluetooth pairing mode. Thestatus indicator flashes blue.2. Follow Step 3 under “Connect a Bluetooth device”.• If the device has ever been paired with the soundbar, first unpair “JBL Bar 2.0” on the device.NOTES:−The Bluetooth connection will be lost if the distance between the soundbar and Bluetooth device exceeds 33 ft (10 m).−Electronic devices may cause radio interference. Devices that generate electromagnetic waves must be kept away from the soundbar, such as microwaves and wireless LAN devices. 6 PLAY6.1Power-on/Auto standby/Auto wakeupSwitch on1. Connect the soundbar to power by using the supplied powercord.2. Press to switch on.NOTES:−Use the supplied power cord only.−Before switching on the soundbar, make sure that you have completed all other connections (See “TV connection” in the “Connect” chapter).Auto standbyIf the soundbar is inactive for more than 10 minutes, it will switch to standby mode automatically. Next time you switch on the soundbar, it returns to the last selected source.Auto wakeupIn standby mode, the soundbar will wake up automatically when • the soundbar is connected to your TV through the HDMI ARC connection and your TV is switched on;• the soundbar is connected to your TV through an optical cable and audio signals are detected from the optical cable.1. Make sure that your TV is set to support external speakersand the built-in TV speakers are disabled. Refer to the owner’s manual of your TV for more information.2. Make sure that the soundbar has been properly connectedto your TV (See “TV connection” in the “CONNECT” chapter).3. To select the TV source, press on the soundbar or TV onthe remote control.→The status indicator turns solid white.• In the factory settings, the TV source is selected by default.NOTES:−If the soundbar is connected to your TV through both an HDMI cable and an optical cable, the HDMI cable is selected for the TV connection.6.2.1 TV remote control setupTo use your TV remote control for both your TV and the soundbar, check that your TV supports HDMI-CEC. If your TV does not support HDMI-CEC, follow the steps under “TV remote control learning”.HDMI-CECIf your TV supports HDMI-CEC, enable the functions as instructed in your TV user manual. You can control the volume +/-, mute/ unmute, and power on/standby functions on your soundbar through the TV remote control.6.3 Play from the Bluetooth sourceThrough Bluetooth, stream audio from your Bluetooth device to the soundbar.1. Check that the soundbar has been properly connected toyour Bluetooth device (See “Bluetooth connection” in the “CONNECT” chapter).2. To select the Bluetooth source, press on the soundbar oron the remote control.3. Start audio play on your Bluetooth device.4. Adjust the volume on the soundbar or your Bluetooth device.7 SOUND SETTINGSAudio syncWith the audio sync function, you can synchronize audio and video to make sure that no delay is heard from your video content.1. On the remote control, press and hold TV.→Ready for audio sync: The status indicator scrolls white.2. Within five seconds, press + or -on the remote control toadjust the audio delay and match with video.→The status indicator scrolls to show the change range. Smart modeWith the smart mode enabled by default, you can enjoy TV programs with rich sound effects. For TV programs such as news and weather forecasts, you can reduce sound effects by disabling the smart mode and switching to the standard mode. Smart mode: EQ settings and JBL Surround Sound are applied for rich sound effects.Standard mode: The preset EQ settings are applied for standard sound effects.To disable the smart mode, do the following:• On the remote control, press and hold until the status indicator scrolls white. Press +.→When the smart mode is disabled, the status indicator scrolls white twice.→Next time you switch on the soundbar, the smart mode is enabled again automatically.8 RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGSBy restoring the default settings defined at factories, you remove all your personalized settings from the soundbar.• On the soundbar, press and hold and for more than 10 seconds.9 SOFTWARE UPDATEFor optimal product performance and your best user experience, JBL may offer software updates for the soundbar system in the future. Please visit or contact JBL call center to receive more information about downloading update files.1. Check that you have saved the software update file to the rootdirectory of a USB storage device. Connect the USB deviceto the soundbar.2. To enter the software update mode, press and hold and -on the soundbar for more than 10 seconds.→When software updating is complete, you will hear aconfirmation tone.→The soundbar returns to the last selected source.NOTES:−Keep the soundbar powered on and the USB storage devicemounted before software updating is complete.10 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSGeneral specification:• Power supply: 100 - 240 VAC, ~ 50/60 Hz • Total speaker power output (Max. @THD 1%): 80 W • Soundbar output power (Max. @THD 1%): 2 x 40 W • Soundbar transducer: 2 x racetrack drivers • Soundbar standby power: <0.5 W • Operating temperature: 0°C - 45 °CVideo specification:• HDMI Video output (With Audio return channel): 1Audio specification:• Frequency response: 70 Hz - 20 KHz• Audio inputs: 1 Optical, Bluetooth, USB (USB playback isavailable in US version. For other versions, USB is for Service only.)USB specification (Audio playback is for US version only):• USB port: Type A• USB rating: 5 V DC / 0.5 A • Supporting file format: mp3, wav• MP3 Codec: MPEG 1 Layer 2/3, MPEG 2 Layer 3, MPEG2.5 Layer 3• MP3 sampling rate: 16 KHz - 48 KHz • MP3 bitrate: 80 kbps - 320 kbps • WAV sample rate: 16 KHz - 48 KHz • WAV bitrate: Up to 3000 kbps Wireless specification:• Bluetooth version: 4.2• Bluetooth profile: A2DP V1.3, AVRCP V1.5• Bluetooth frequency range: 2402 MHz - 2480 MHz • Bluetooth Max. transmitting power: <10 dbm (EIRP)• Modulation type: GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK Dimensions:• Soundbar dimensions (W x H x D):614 x 56 x 90 mm / 24.2” x 2.2” x 3.5”• Soundbar weight: 1.6 kg• Packaging dimensions (W x H x D): 855 x 125 x 145 mm • Packaging weight (Gross weight): 2.6 kg11 TROUBLESHOOTINGNever try to repair the product yourself. If you have problems using this product, check the following before you request services.SystemThe unit will not turn on.• Check if the power cord is plugged into power and the soundbar.The soundbar has no response to button pressing.• Restore the soundbar to factory settings (See the “RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS” chapter).SoundNo sound from the soundbar• Make sure that the soundbar is not muted.• Select the correct audio input source on the remote control.• Connect the soundbar to your TV or other devices properly.• Restore the soundbar to its factory settings by pressing and holding and on the soundbar for more than 10seconds.Distorted sound or echo• If you play audio from your TV through the soundbar, make sure that your TV is muted or the built-in TV speaker isdisabled.Audio and video are not synchronized.• Enable the audio sync function to synchronize audio and video (See “Audio sync” in the “SOUND SETTINGS” chapter). BluetoothA device cannot be connected with the soundbar.• Check if you have enabled Bluetooth on the device.• If the soundbar has been paired with another Bluetooth device, reset Bluetooth (see “To connect to another device”under “Bluetooth connection” in the “CONNECT” chapter).• If your Bluetooth device has ever been paired with the soundbar, reset Bluetooth on the soundbar, unpair thesoundbar on the Bluetooth device, and then, pair theBluetooth device with the soundbar again (see “To connectto another device” under “Bluetooth connection” in the“CONNECT” chapter).Poor audio quality from a connected Bluetooth device• The Bluetooth reception is poor. Move the source device closer to the soundbar, or remove any obstacle between the source device and the soundbar.The connected Bluetooth device connects and disconnects constantly.• The Bluetooth reception is poor. Move the source device closer to the soundbar, or remove any obstacle between the source device and the soundbar.• For some Bluetooth devices, the Bluetooth connection can be deactivated automatically to save power. This does notindicate any malfunction of the soundbar.Remote controlThe remote control does not work.• Check if the batteries are drained. If so, replace them with new ones.• Reduce the distance and angle between the remote control and the main unit.12 TRADEMARKSThe Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby Audio, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.13 OPEN SOURCE LICENSE NOTICE This product contains open source software licensed under GPL. For your convenience, the source code and relevant build instruction are also available at /opensource.html. Please feel free to contact us at:Harman Deutschland GmbHA TT: Open Source, Gregor Krapf-Gunther, Parkring 385748 Garching bei Munchen, Germanyor ****************************if you have additional question regarding the open source software in the product.HARMAN International I ndustries, Incorporated 8500 Balboa Boulevard, N orthridge, CA 91329 USA © 2022 HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated.All rights reserved.JBL is a trademark of HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated, registered in the U nited States and/or other countries. Features, specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.。

Equinox Giga Bar用户手册说明书

Equinox Giga Bar用户手册说明书

h t.c o.u kWARNINGFOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE READ THIS USER MANUAL CAREFULLYBEFORE YOUR INITIAL START-UP!SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSEvery person involved with the installation, operation & maintenance of thisequipment should:- Be competent- Follow the instructions of this manualBefore your initial start-up, please make sure that there is no damage caused during transportation. Should there be any, consult your dealer and do not use theequipment.To maintain the equipment in good working condition and to ensure safe operation, it is necessary for the user to follow the safety instructions and warning notes written in this manual.Please note that damages caused by user modifications to this equipment are notsubject to warranty.IMPORTANT:The manufacturer will not accept liability for any resulting damages causedby the non-observance of this manual or any unauthorised modification to the equipment.• Never let the power-cable come into contact with other cables. Handle the power-cable and all mains voltage connections with particular caution!• Never remove warning or informative labels from the equipment.• Do not open the equipment and do not modify the equipment.• Do not connect this equipment to a dimmer-pack.• Do not switch the equipment on and off in short intervals, as this will reduce thesystem’s life.• Only use the equipment indoors.• Do not expose to flammable sources, liquids or gases.• Always disconnect the power from the mains when equipment is not in use or beforecleaning! Only handle the power-cable by the plug. Never pull out the plug by pulling the power-cable.• Make sure that the available voltage is between 100V/240V.• Make sure that the power-cable is never crimped or damaged. Check the equipment and the power-cable periodically.• If the equipment is dropped or damaged, disconnect the mains power supply immediately.Have a qualified engineer inspect the equipment before operating again.• If the equipment has been exposed to drastic temperature fluctuation (e.g. aftertransportation), do not switch it on immediately. The arising condensation might damage the equipment. Leave the equipment switched off until it has reached room temperature.• If your product fails to function correctly, discontinue use immediately. Pack the unitsecurely (preferably in the original packing material), and return it to your Prolight dealer for service.• Only use fuses of same type and rating.• Repairs, servicing and power connection must only be carried out by a qualifiedtechnician. THIS UNIT CONTAINS NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS.• WARRANTY; One year from date of purchase.OPERATING DETERMINATIONSIf this equipment is operated in any other way, than those described in this manual,the product may suffer damage and the warranty becomes void.Incorrect operation may lead to danger e.g.: short-circuit, burns, electric shocks,lamp failure etc.Do not endanger your own safety and the safety of others!Incorrect installation or use can cause serious damage to people and property.You should find inside the carton the following items:1, Equinox Giga Bar and bag 2, Power cable 3, User manual 4, Stand and bag 5, I.R remote 6, GB-1 foot controller 7, 4 pcs 25 degree lense kitTechnical Specifications:4 x 30W Tri-colour RGB COB LEDsBeam angle: 25/90 degrees0-100% dimming and variable strobe (via DMX)DMX channels: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 17 selectableOperating modes: 1, Sound activated2, Built-in programmes3, Auto Run4, DMX5, SlaveInfra-red operation (remote included)14 built-in programmes4 push button menu with LCD digital display3-pin XLR In/Out sockets for DMX5-pin socket for foot controller (GB-1)Powercon in/out sockets2 x IEC power out sockets (switchable via I.R remote)Power consumption: 120WPower supply: 100V-240V AC~60Hz-50HzDimensions: 1000 x 82 x 320mmWeight: 7.6kgFuse: F2A 250V (3A 125V)2, Mode button 3, Enter button 4, Up button5, Down button 6, IEC Power out 1 8, DMX in9, DMX out10, 5-pin footswitch socket11, LCD display12, Output to lights14, I.R sensor15, Powercon in16, Powercon outSetup:1, Setting dimmer curvesTo set the dimmer curves, press the “MODE” button to show “DIM CURVE” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to select LED or halogen.2, Setting static colour for each LED panelTo set the static colour for each LED panel, press the “MODE” button to show “DIMMER” inthe LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN”buttons to select the LED panel from 01-04. Now press the “ENTER” button to set the brightness of the selected LED panel. Using the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons set the LED panel to the desired brightness (R: 0-99, G: 0-99, B: 0-99).3, Setting master dimmerTo set the master dimmer, press the “MODE” button to show “MASTER DIMMER” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to set the master dimmer from 0-99. This will effect all the modes except DMX and I.R remote.4, Setting flow invertTo set the flow invert, press the “MODE” button to show “FLOW INVERT” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to set the flow invert to on or off.5, Setting I.R remoteTo set the I.R remote, press the “MODE” button to show “IR ACTIVE” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to set the I.R remote to on or off.Operation modes:1, Sound active modeTo select the sound active mode, press the “MODE” button to show “SOUND MODE” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to adjust the sound sensitivity level (SENS00-31) and press the “ENTER” button again to adjust the frequency level (FQN01-99). Finally press the “ENTER” button to confirm your setting.2, Built-in programmes modeTo access the built-in programme mode, press the “MODE” button to show “01.STATIC” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to choose one of the 14 built-in programmes (01-14) (see table overleaf).To choose one of the seven colours in the “STATIC” mode, press the set “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to choose one of the following 15 colours.To adjust the speed level in the remaining 13 built-in programmes, press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to set the desired speed level (00-99).To adjust the flash speed press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to set the desired flash speed level (00-99). Finally press the “ENTER” button to confirmyour setting.3, Auto Run modeTo select the Auto run mode, press the “MODE” button to show “AUTO RUN” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button to adjust the frequency level (FQN01-99). Finally press the “ENTER” button to confirm your setting. The unit will now run all 15 built-in programmes one after another.4, DMX modeTo select the DMX mode, press the “MODE” button to show “DMX MODE” in the LCD display window. Press the “ENTER” button and use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to set a DMX address from 001-512. Now press the “ENTER” button again and use the “UP” and “DOWN”buttons to choose one of the 8 DMX channel settings (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, or 17) Finally press the “ENTER” button to confirm your setting (see DMX chart). The starting address for this fixtureis 001.DMX Charts3 channel mode:Channel Value Function1000-255Red (0-100%)2000-255Green (0-100%)3000-255Blue (0-100%)4 channel mode:CH1CH2CH3CH4000-036R000-036R000-036R000-036R 037-073G037-073G037-073G037-073G 074-110B074-110B074-110B074-110B 111-147RG111-147RG111-147RG111-147RG 148-184RB148-184RB148-184RB148-184RB 185-221GB185-221GB185-221GB185-221GB 222-255RGB222-255RGB222-255RGB222-255RGB5 channel mode:CH1R0-255Dimming 0-100%CH2G0-255Dimming 0-100%CH3B0-255Dimming 0-100%CH40-127: Light 1 OFF (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)128-255: Light 1 ON (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar) CH50-127: Light 2 OFF (add light to aux power out 2 on top of the bar)128-255: Light 2 ON (add light to aux power out 2 on top of the bar)6 channel mode:CH1R1, R20-255Dimming 0-100%CH2G1, G20-255Dimming 0-100%CH3B1, B20-255Dimming 0-100%CH4R3, R40-255Dimming 0-100%CH5G3, G40-255Dimming 0-100%CH6B3, B40-255Dimming 0-100%7 channel mode:CH1R0-255Dimming 0-100%CH2G0-255Dimming 0-100%CH3B0-255Dimming 0-100%CH4DIMMER0-255Dimming 0-100%CH50No function1-5Sound sensitivity fromlow to high6-10No function11-255Strobe from slow tofast CH60-127: Light 1 OFF (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)128-255: Light 1 ON (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar) CH70-127: Light 1 OFF (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)128-255: Light 1 ON (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)8 channel mode:CH1CH2CH3CH4CH5CH6CH7CH80-15MasterDimmer(0-255)Flash (0-255) from slow to fastR (0-255)G (0-255)B (0-255)0-127:Light1 OFF (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)128-255:Light 1 ON (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)0-127: Light 2 OFF (add light to aux power out 2 on top of thebar)128-255: Light 2 ON (add light to aux power out 2 on top of the bar16-23 R 24-31 G 32-39 B 40-47 RG 48-55 GB 56-63 RB 64-71 RGB72-79Colour180-87 Colour288-95 Colour396-103 Colour4104-111 Colour5112-119 Colour6120-127 Colour7128-135 Colour8136-143 Dream Speed (0-255)from slow tofast144-151Meteor152-159 Fade160-167Change 168-175 Flow1176-183 Flow2 184-191 Flow3 192-199 Flow4 200-207 Flow5 208-215 Flow6 216-223 Flow7224-231 Flow80-255Select 8colours0-255Select 8colours232-239 Flow9240-255 Sound Active Sensitivity (0-255)12 channel mode:CH1CH2CH3CH4CH5CH6CH7CH8CH9CH10CH11CH12 R1G1B1R2G2B2R3G3B3R4G4B417 channel mode:CH1CH2CH3CH4CH5CH6CH15CH16CH170-15MasterDimmer(0-255)Flash (0-255) from slow to fastR1(0-255)G1(0-255)B1(0-255)B4(0-255)0-127:Light1 OFF (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)128-255:Light 1 ON (add light to aux power out 1 on top of the bar)0-127: Light 2 OFF (add light to aux power out 2 on top of thebar)128-255: Light 2 ON (add light to aux power out 2 on top of the bar16-23 R 24-31 G 32-39 B 40-47 RG 48-55 GB 56-63 RB 64-71 RGB72-79Colour180-87 Colour288-95 Colour396-103 Colour4104-111 Colour5112-119 Colour6120-127 Colour7128-135 Colour8136-143 Dream Speed (0-255)from slow tofast144-151Meteor152-159 Fade160-167Change 168-175 Flow1176-183 Flow2 184-191 Flow3 192-199 Flow4 200-207 Flow5 208-215 Flow6 216-223 Flow7224-231 Flow80-255Select 8colours0-255Select 8colours232-239 Flow9240-255 Sound Active Sensitivity (0-255)5, Slave modeTo select Slave mode, first link the units together via 3-Pin XLR cable(s), press the “MODE”button to show “SLAVE MODE” on all of the slave units. Now the slave units will follow in conjunction with the master unit.6, IEC socket power on/off modeTo turn the IEC Power Out 1 Socket on or off, press the “MODE” button to show “LIGHT 1” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button to turn the IEC Power Out 1 Socket on or off. To turn the IEC Power Out 2 Socket on or off, press the “MODE” button to show “LIGHT 2” in the LCD display window. Now press the “ENTER” button to turn the IEC Power Out 2 Socket on or off.NOTE: If the Giga bar is used on continental 110V mains supply the voltage output will also be 110V. NOTE: If the Giga bar is being used in conjunction with the GB-1 foot controller any number of Giga bars can be controlled via the foot controller by setting all bar systems into “SLAVE” mode.NOTE: The frequency level (FQN01-99) adjusts how many times the programme repeats before moving to the next programme.Built-in programme chartStatic ColourCL:RGB Flash00-99 DreamSpeed00-99 Flash00-99 MeteorSpeed00-99 Flash00-99 FadeSpeed00-99 Flash00-99 ChangeSpeed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 1Speed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 2Speed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 3Speed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 4Speed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 5Speed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 6Speed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 7Speed00-99 Flash00-99 Flow 8Speed00-99 Flash00-99 C1: RGB C2: RGBFlow 9Speed00-99 Flash00-99 C1: RGB C2: RGB Red, Greeen, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Purple, White Flash speed adjustable7 colour dreamingSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour flowSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour fadeSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour changeSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustable7 colour chaseSpeed & Flash adjustableI.R. remote function To control the Giga Bar via the I.R remote, first please make sure that the Giga Bar has been switched into wireless mode. Press “MODE” until the LCD display shows “IR ACTIVE”, press “ENTER” and the display will blink, use “UP/DOWN” to select “IR ACTIVE ON” or “IR ACTIVE OFF”. Now press “ENTER” to confirm.Note: When multiple fixtures are being linked, the slave units must be set into slave mode via the LCD display on the Giga Bar(s).Functions:“BL” button: Use this button to turn the unit on and off.“SP” button: Use this button to increase or decrease the speed of the programme(Press 1 for 50%, 2 for 75%, 3 for 100% and 4 for off)“FL” button: Use this button to add strobe to any of the shows.(Press 1 for slow, 2 for medium, 3 for fast and 4 for off)“RGBW” buttons: Use these buttons to increase or decrease the brightness ofeach individual colour. Note: “W” will adjust R,G and B LED’s.(Press 1 for 50%, 2 for 75%, 3 for 100% and 4 for off)“PR” buttons: Use these buttons to select one the built-in colour change programmes.“D” buttons: Use these buttons to select one the built-in colour fade programmes.“SA” buttons: Use the buttons to select one of the sound active programmes.“ON1/OFF1” button: Use this button to power up and power down the Power out 1 socket.“ON2/OFF2” button: Use this button to power up and power down the Power out 2 socket.Further DMX cables can be purchased from all good sound and lighting suppliers or Prolight dealers.Please quote: CABL10 – 2m CABL11 – 5m CABL12 – 10mDMX Control Mode Operating in a DMX control mode environment gives the user the greatest flexibility when it comes to customising or creating a show. In this mode you will be able to control each individual trait of the fixture and each fixture independently.Setting the DMX address The DMX mode enables the use of a universal DMX controller. Each fixture requires a“start address” from 1- 511. A fixture requiring one or more channels for control begins to read the data on the channel indicated by the start address. For example, a fixture that occupies or uses 7 channels of DMX and was addressed to start on DMX channel 100, would read data fromchannels: 100,101,102,103,104,105 and 106. Choose a start address so that the channels used do not overlap. E.g. the next unit in the chain starts at 107.DMX-512: • DMX (Digital Multiplex) is a universal protocol used as a form of communication between intelligent fixtures and controllers. A DMX controller sends DMX data instructions form thecontroller to the fixture. DMX data is sent as serial data that travels from fixture to fixture via the DATA “IN” and DATA “OUT” XLR terminals located on all DMX fixtures (most controllers only have a data “out” terminal).DMX Linking: • DMX is a language allowing all makes and models of different manufactures to be linked together and operate from a single controller, as long as all fixtures and the controller are DMX compliant. To ensure proper DMX data transmission, when using several DMX fixtures try to use theshortest cable path possible. The order in which fixtures are connected in a DMX line does not influence the DMX addressing. For example; a fixture assigned to a DMX address of 1 may be placed anywhere in a DMX line, at the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in the middle. When a fixture is assigned a DMX address of 1, the DMX controller knows to send DATA assigned to address 1 to that unit, no matter where it is located in the DMX chain.DATA Cable (DMX cable) requirements (for DMX operation):• The Equinox Mighty Bar can be controlled via DMX-512 protocol. The DMX address is set on the back of the unit. Your unit and your DMX controller require a standard 3-pin XLR connector fordata input/output (figure 1).Figure 1Also remember that DMX cable must be daisy chained and cannot be split.Notice: • Be sure to follow figures 2 & 3 when making your own cables. Do not connect the cable’s shield conductor to the ground lug or allow the shield conductor to come in contact with the XLR’s outer casing. Grounding the shield could cause a short circuit and erratic behaviour.Special Note: Line termination: • When longer runs of cable are used, you may need to use a terminator on the last unit to avoid erratic behaviour.Using a cable terminator (part number CABL90) will decrease the possibilities of erratic behaviour.5-Pin XLR DMX Connectors: • Some manufactures use 5-pin XLR connectors for data transmission in place of 3-pin. 5-Pin XLR fixtures may be implemented in a 3-pin XLR DMX line. When inserting standard 5-pin XLR connectors in to a 3-pin line a cable adaptor must be used. The Chart below details thecorrect cable conversion.Termination reduces signal transmission problems and interferance. it is always advisable to connect aDMX terminal, (resistance 120 Ohm 1/4 W) betweenpin 2 (DMX-) and pin 3 (DMX+) of the last fixture.OperationsThis foot controller is made specially for the Giga Bar system. Many of the built-in programmes can be accessed via the 4 foot switches. To control the Mighty Bar using the foot switch controller, you must first set the bar systems into “SLAVE” mode.Static colour selection mode:To activate this mode, press the “MODE” foot switch to “STATIC”, the red LED indicator is lit, now use the “UP” and “DOWN” foot switches to select the desired colour. To blackout the unit, press the “BLACKOUT” foot switch and press it again to return it to the previous setting.Sound active mode:To activate this mode, press the “MODE” foot switch to “SOUND”, the green LED indicator is lit, now the unit will work to the music. If you require to blackout the unit at any point, press the “BLACKOUT” foot switch and press it again to return it to the previous setting.Note: To activate the IEC Power Out 1 & 2 sockets on the Giga Bar via the footswitch controller while it is in the Sound active mode, press the “UP” pedal to turn the “IEC Power Out 1” socket on and press it again to turn it off. To turn the “IEC Power Out 2” socket on, press the “DOWN”pedal and press again to turn it off.Note: The IEC Power Out 1 & 2 sockets can only be operated in this mode via the footswitch. Built-in programmes:To activate this mode, press the “MODE” foot switch to “PROG”, the yellow LED indicator is lit, now use the “UP” and “DOWN” foot switches to select the desired built-in programme. To black-out the unit, press the “BLACKOUT” foot switch and press it again to return it to the previous setting.Full on mode:To set the unit to Full On you can press and hold down for 3 seconds any of the four foot switches, this will give Full ON “WHITE”. To return to the previous setting press the “MODE” foot switch. When Full On is activated you can still use the “BLACKOUT” foot switch.。

2015年Ford Taurus产品说明书快速参考指南

2015年Ford Taurus产品说明书快速参考指南

November 2015First Printing Quick Reference GuideTaurusLitho in U.S.A.GG1J 19G217 AAQUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 2016T aurusCommonly UsedSYNC 3 Voice Commands 3Instrument Panel 4 - 5SYNC 6 - 7SYNC 3 8 - 10Comfort11 - 13Convenience 14 - 15Function16 - 17Essential Information18 - 19WARNINGDriving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, crash and injury. We strongly recommend that you use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure you are aware of all applicable local laws that may affect the use of electronic devices while driving.LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR NEW VEHICLE Scan the country-appropriate QR code with your smartphone (make sure you have a scanner app installed) and you can access even more information about your vehicle.ford.caTable of ContentsC RUISE CONTROLT o set your cruise control speed:A.P ress and release ON.B.D rive to the desired speed.C.P ress and release SET + or SET -, then takeyour foot off the accelerator pedal.A fter you set your speed, you can press and holdSET + or SET � to adjust cruise speed incrementally.Release the control when you reach the desiredspeed. T o disable, press down and release OFF.A DAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL*W hen your cruise control is active, press the GAP controlup or down to select a proper distance between youand the vehicle in front of you in the same lane. Selectfrom one of four gap settings. Refer to the Cruise Controlchapter in your Owner’s Manual for more information.P OWER TILT and TELESCOPE STEERINGCOLUMN* and ADJUSTABLE PEDALS*T wo separate controls allow you to tilt and telescopethe steering column, and adjust the acceleratorand brake pedals to your desired position.L EFT VEHICLE INFORMA TION DISPLAY*U se the left-hand, 5-way controls located onyour steering wheel to scroll through importantvehicle information. You can also personalizevarious vehicle settings to match your preferences.Refer to the Information Displays chapter inyour Owner’s Manual for more information.ERVICE ENGINE SOON LIGHTLights briefly when you switch on the ignition. Ifit remains on or is blinking after you start the engine,the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD-II) system hasdetected a problem. Drive in a moderate fashion(avoid heavy acceleration and deceleration) andcontact your authorized dealer as soon as possible.TEERING WHEEL CONTROLSress VOL + or � to adjust volume levels.Press SEEK or to access the next or previous radiostation preset, CD track or preset satellite radio channel*.P ress to access SYNC® phone features.P ress to access voice recognition.IGHT VEHICLE INFORMATION DISPLAY*isplays various information about your vehicle systems.Use the right-hand, 5-way controls located on yoursteering wheel to scroll through, highlight and makeminor adjustments within a selected menu. Referto your SYNC Supplement for more information.USH BUTTON START*llows you to start your vehicle by pressing the STARTSTOP button, while fully pressing down on the brakepedal. Press the button again to switch the engine off.N ote:Your intelligent access transmitter* mustbe inside the vehicle for the engine to start.AZARD WARNING CONTROL Instrument Panel15827463SYNC is a hands-free, voice recognition system used for entertainment, information and communication. SYNC. SAY THE WORD.BEFORE YOU GET ST ARTED1)S et up your owner account at (U.S.) or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada). Registerby following the on-screen instructions. Afterregistering, you can see what services you areeligible for.2)S YNC uses a wireless connection calledBluetooth® to communicate with your phone.Switch on Bluetooth mode in your phone’s menu options. This lets SYNC find your phone. If youneed more details, visit (U.S.)or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada) or your phonemanufacturer’s website.Why Do Y ou Need a SYNC Owner Account?A SYNC owner account gives you the latest software updates; and if you have questions, you’ll get free customer support. For additional support, refer to your Owner’s Manual, visit the website or call the toll-free number. See the inside front cover of this guide for details.PAIRING YOUR PHONE WITH SYNCIn order to use the many features of SYNC, such asmaking a phone call or receiving a text, you must firstconnect or pair your phone with SYNC.N ote: If you have SYNC 3*, see the pairing instructions on page 8.To Pair Y our Phone for the First Time1)M ake sure that your vehicle is in park (P), thenswitch on your ignition.2)P ress the phone button . When the displayindicates no phone is paired, press OK.3) When Find SYNC appears in the display, press OK.4)P ut your phone into Bluetooth discovery mode. Seeyour device’s manual, if necessary.5)W hen prompted on your phone’s display, enter thePIN provided by SYNC into your phone.6)The display indicates when the pairing is successful.The System May Prompt Y ou to:• S et your phone as primary or favorite (the primaryphone receives messages and voicemail).• D ownload your phone book (a requirementto use the full set of voice commands).Tips• Myour phone.• TPhones in the SYNC.N ote:Making a Phone Call.”. SYNCN ote:Answering Incoming Callsbutton.Using Voice Commands to Play Music1)P2)P“USB”,SYNC®A revolutionary way to connect with your vehicle.GETTING STARTED, UNDERSTANDING SYNC 3Use the touchscreen to explore and interact with your vehicle. The touchscreen works the same way traditional controls, knobs and buttons do. Press the various areas on your touchscreen to personalize the many features and settings of your vehicle all in one place. The system provides easy interaction with your audio, climate, phone, navigation*, apps and settings.Pairing Y our Cell Phone with SYNC 3Pair your phone before using SYNC 3. Make sure that your vehicle is in park (P) and you switch on your ignition. 1) M ake sure you switch Bluetooth on and that yourdevice is discoverable through Bluetooth.2) T ouch Add Phone on your touchscreen. 3) S elect SYNC on your device. A six-digit PINappears on your device.4) I f your device prompts you to enter a PIN, enterthe PIN displayed on the touchscreen. Skip the next step. 5) W hen prompted on your phone’s display, confirmthat the PIN provided by SYNC matches the PIN displayed on your cellular phone.6) T he display indicates when the pairingis successful.SYNC ® 3*CLIMA TET ouch the climate button on the touchscreen to access your climate control features.Set Y our Temperature • T ouch the Climate icon on the touchscreen.• S et your exact, desired temperature by using the or icons.• U se voice commands to change your settings, like “Climate set temperature to 72 degrees” and SYNC 3 makes that adjustment.AUDIOPress the Audio icon on the touchscreen, and from here, you can easily go between AM/FM, SiriusXM and other media sources. Set Y our Radio Presets • T une to the station and then press and hold one of the memory preset buttons. The audio mutes briefly while the system saves the station, and then the audio returns.• T wo preset banks are available for AM and three banks for FM. T o access additional presets, tap the preset button. The indicator on the preset button shows which bank of presets you are currently viewing. Bring in Y our Own MusicUse SYNC 3 to play all of your favorite music from phones, flash drives and other devices.Plug your device into a USB port,select Sources and then choose USB. Wait for the system to finish indexing your music to begin listening.You can even create random playlists by using the Shuffle function.APPSour Smartphone AppsThe system supports the use of certain types of apps, such as Pandora ® and iHeartRadio ® (U.S. only), Spotify ® andGlympse ® through a USB or Bluetooth -enabled devices. Each app gives youdifferent on-screen options depending on the app’s content. T o find new apps, use the voice command, “Find new apps”.For more information, refer to the SYNCSupplement . For support, visit the website or call the toll-free number. See the inside front cover of this guide for details.FRONT SEA TS *Touch the heated seat symbol to cycle through the various heat settings and off. More indicator lights indicate warmer settings.Touch the cooled seat symbol to cycle through the various cooling settings and off. More indicator or the maximum heated seat control . The indicator light illuminates when the heated seats are on. Press the control again to switch the feature off. You must switch the RESTRAINTS *The front head restraints tilt for SYNC ® 3* (cont’d)MULTI-CONTOUR ACTIVE MOTION™ FRONT SEA T*Use the controlson the outsideof the driver seatto adjust theposition, massageand supportsettings. You canalso control theintensity of themassage, increaseor decrease thelumbar bolsterand cushionsupport, andadjust the heightof the bolster.Note: The massage system turns off after 20 minutes. The engine mustbe running or the vehicle must be in accessory mode to use the feature.Allow a few seconds for any selection to activate. The seatback andcushion massage cannot function at the same time.MOONROOF*The moonroof controls are on the overhead console andhave a one-touch open and close feature. T o stop it duringone-touch operation, press the control a second time.Your moonroof includes an automatic, one-touch, expressopening, closing and venting feature.T o open, press and release the SLIDE control. The moonroofstops short of the fully opened position. This position helpsto reduce wind noise. Press and release the control again tofully open the moonroof. T o close, pull and release theSLIDE control.T o vent the moonroof, press and release the TILT control.T o close from a vented position, pull and hold the TIL T control.Comfort (cont’d)DUAL ZONE AUTOMA TIC CLIMA TE CONTROLMYKEYAMBIENT LIGHTING*When activated, ambient lightingINTELLIGENT ACCESS Note: Your intelligent access transmitter must be within 3 feet (1 meter) of your vehicle.T o unlock and open a front door, pull a frontexterior door handle. Once you unlock your vehicle, you and hold the door handle lock sensor.contains a mechanical key blade. You can use it to unlock the driver door or lock the glove box, if necessary (if your vehicle has a locking glove box).See the Locks chapter in your Owner’s Manual for more details.SECURICODE ™KEYLESS ENTRY KEYPAD *It illuminates when touched. T o get started, you need your 5-digit factory code found on your owner’s wallet card (located in the glove box). Entering thiscode unlocks the driver’s door. T olock all of the doors, press and hold 7•8 and 9•0 at the same time. You do not need to use the five-digit code first.T o unlock all doors, enter the five-digit code, and then press and hold 3•4 within five seconds.For complete information, refer to the SecuriCode Keyless Entry Keypad section in the Locks chapter of your Owner’s Manual .REMOTE ST ART *Remote start allows you to start the engine from outside. T o start, press and then press twice within three seconds. The exterior lamps flash twice. Your vehicle runs for 5, 10, or 15minutes, depending on the setting. See the Information Displays chapter to select the duration of the remote start system.Once inside, apply the brake while pressing the START STOP button. If you have an integrated keyhead transmitter, insert the key into the ignition and switch on the ignition as you normally would before driving.Convenience2AUTOLAMPS When the lighting control is in the POWER ADJUST ABLE FOOT PEDALS You can find the control onBLIND SPOT INFORMA TION SYSTEM (BLIS ®) and detecting vehicles that may have entered the blind spot zone. Cross Traffic Alert is designed to warn you of vehicles approaching from the sides when the transmission is in also sounds an audible alarm and displays messages to warn you from which direction vehicles are approaching. Refer to the Driving Aids chapter in your Owner’s Manual for more information.COLLISION WARNING SYSTEM *the driver of certain collision risks. Radar sensors detect if vehicles ahead of you, moving in the same direction, may be a collision risk. The system alerts you with an collision increases, the system then increases brake support to help reduce collision speed. Refer to the Driving Aids chapter in your Owner’s Manual for more information.LANE KEEPING SYSTEM *The system notifies you to stay in your lane through the steeringdisplay when the front camera detects an unintentional drift out of your lane is likely to occur. The system automatically detects and tracks the road lane markings using a camera mounted behind the interior rear view mirror.See the Driving Aids section in your Owner’s Manual for details.Note: Driving and visibility aids do not replace the need to watch where the vehicle is moving and brake when necessary. The driver is always responsible for controlling the vehicle, supervising the system and intervening, if required. Refer to your Owner’s Manual for safety information, more details and limitations.FunctionREAR PARKING SYSTEM *This system sounds a warning 12FUEL T ANK CAPACITY AND FUEL INFOYour vehicle has a 19.0 gallon (71.9L) fuel tank capacity. If your vehicle has a yellow ring around the fuel inlet, you have a flex fuel vehicle. You can use either regular unleaded fuel, E85 ethanol fuel or any mixture of the two.It is best not to alternate repeatedly between gasoline and E85. If you do switch fuels, we recommend that you add as much fuel aspossible or a minimum of a half a tank. Do not add less than 5 gallons (18.9L) when refueling. You should drive the vehicle immediately after refueling for at least 5 miles (8 km) to allow the vehicle to adapt to the change in ethanol concentration. If you use E85 fuel exclusively, we recommend filling the fuel tank with regular unleaded gasoline at each scheduled oil change. If the fuel inlet includes this symbol , then your vehicle uses only “Regular” unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher. Do not use E85 fuels because your vehicle was not designed to run on fuels with more than 15% ethanol.Refer to the Fuel and Refueling chapter of your Owner’s Manual for more details.EASY FUEL ® SYSTEMWhen refueling your vehicle 1) S witch the engine off.2) P ush the center-rear edgeof the fuel door to open.3)S lowly insert thefuel filler nozzle and begin fueling. 4) W hen finished pumpingfuel, wait approximately 5-10 seconds before removing the fuel filler nozzle. This allows the residual fuel to drain into the tank.Note: When using a portable fuel container, use the fuel funnel, located in the spare wheel storage tray. Slowly insert the fuel funnel into the fuel system and then pour the fuel into the funnel. Do not use aftermarketfunnels as they do not work with the Easy Fuel system and may cause damage. Properly clean or dispose of the funnel after each use.TOWING YOUR VEHICLE T owing your vehicle behind an RV or any other vehicle may be limited. Refer to T owing the Vehicle on Four Wheels section in the T owing chapter of your Owner’s Manual .Essential InformationTIRE SEALANTAND INFLA TOR KIT *The kit is under the load floor of the luggage compartment. It includes an air compressor to inflate the tire and a sealing compound in a canister, effectively sealing most punctures caused by nails or similar objects. This kit provides a temporary tire repair allowing you to drive your vehicle up to 120 miles (200 km) at a maximum speed of 50 mph (80 km/h) to reach a tire service location.Note: The temporary mobility kit canister contains enough sealant compound for one tire repair only. See your authorized Ford dealer for additionalreplacement sealant canisters For vehicles with a spare wheel and tire assembly, refer to the Wheels and Tires chapter of your Owner’s Manual.TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM (TPMS)Your vehicle has a tirepressure monitoring system that shows a low tire pressure warning light in your information display when one or more of your tires are significantly under-inflated. If this happens, stop and check your tires as soon as possible. Inflate them to the proper pressure. Refer to the Wheels and Tires chapter of your Owner’s Manual for more information.ROADSIDE ASSIST ANCEYour new Ford vehicle comes with the assurance and support of 24-hour emergency roadside assistance. To receive roadside assistance in the United States, call 1-800-241-3673. In Canada, call 1-800-665-2006.REAR WINDOW BUFFETINGYou may hear a pulsing noise when only one of the windows is open. Lower the opposite window slightlyto reduce this noise.。



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塔罗牌塔罗牌是一种针对人、事、物进行分析、预测和提供建议的工具。该定义准确、直接,受到塔罗界普 及认可。
塔罗牌可以针对爱情、人际关系、工作(学业)等不同。有学者将塔罗牌占卜用作心理咨询中,但一般仅仅 使用到了塔罗的分析功能。
18世纪,法国神秘学家杰柏林(Court de Geblin)提出,塔罗一词,是取自埃及语的tar(道)和ro(王) 两词,含有“王道”的意思。因此,“塔罗”本身也就是指身为王者,他应该具备的正确决断力,这也是这种占 卜方式的起“叨忒”是埃及月神,乃文化教育之神,《叨忒之书》是专门用来传达天神旨意的神秘之书,法老们 根据它进行各种决断。埃及王朝惨遭消灭之时,为了不让异族得到此书,于是将其绘成卡片,交于神官手中。后 来经亚历山大之手传入欧洲,在中世纪形成了现代塔罗牌。但是同世纪的1799年,罗塞塔石碑(RosettaStone) 的发现使得埃及的象形文字得到破译,随即也就推翻了“王道”的说法。
伟特(韦特)塔罗牌是由著名的黄金黎明协会成员亚瑟·爱德华·伟特(Arthur·Edward·Waite,18571942)创立架构及帕梅拉·寇门·史密斯(Pamela·Coleman·Smith)绘图,所共同创作出这副影响后世最深、发 行量最大的塔罗牌。
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