Peppa Pig - The playground原文及感想
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Peppa Pig - The playground原文及感想
多个动作:play, go, stick((在某物中)卡住,陷住,动不了), do, push, fly, bounce(弹起), hold, swing, pull
三个主要玩乐设施:swing(秋千), climbing frame(攀爬架), slide(滑梯)
器械上的装备:tyre(轮胎), step(阶梯)
抽象名词:turn(次序), height(高度)
多个介词:across(sway across), up(up the steps), down(go down the slide), on(bounce on Daddy’s tummy, play on the slide), at(at the playground), in(in the tyre), like(fly like a bird), with(play with their friends, slide down with you)
状态形容词:high(高的), wrong(错的), proper(合适的), funny(好玩的), ready(准备好的), steady((动作过程中)稳住的), scared(害怕的), afraid(害怕的), big(大的), silly(傻的)
状态副词:gently(温柔地), tight(紧紧地), anymore(更多地), out(get out, pull out)
程度副词:too, a bit, really, all, quite, just
情态动词或者短语:I like, I love, I want to, we have to, This is,
括,秋千是承受大重量安全的for heavy duty和strong enough的,是易安装的easy-to-install,是安全的safe,防止挤手的pinch-free,是耐用的durable,金属metal配件们accessories是抗锈rust的。
绳子一般是防滑的no-slip 并且光滑不扎手的smooth。
秋千的一套配件是swing set。
关于攀岩架climbing frame,其实秋千也是挂在一个框架上swing frame上的或者说是swing stand上的,攀岩架climbing frame上有时也可以装上秋千,做成多功能的multi-use娱乐场设施equipment。
整个钢架frame一般能拆成多个独立钢管tubes并配上连接器件connectors和螺丝screws,方便大件运输shipping或者递送dilivery,到达游乐场之后再组装assemble到一起,组装的过程主要是连接connect各个钢管steel tubes。
关于滑滑梯slide,你在滑滑梯上滑下来(you slide down the slide),就像用拖把拖地(you mop the floor with the mop)。
梯staircase一个一个台阶step地走到高处的等待区waiting area上,走的时候是走在pedal上的,然后从等待区开始ready, steady, go滑下来。
阶梯可能会带有扶杆handrail,防止爬梯时摔下来fall down,扶杆一般是容易抓住的easy-grip。
从滑梯坡度steepness角度来讲,滑梯可以分为等待区waiting area,加速区accelerating area,减速区decelerating area和缓冲区bufferring area。
等待区waiting area是滑梯slide的开始点start,bufferring area是结束点end。
现在的滑滑梯往往是多功能的娱乐组合playset,可以额外包括篮筐basketball hoop等等。
Narrator: Peppa and George are at the playground with their friends.
Narrator: Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the climbing frame.
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Narrator: Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide.
Danny Dog: Whee!
Rebecca Rabbit: Whee!
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Danny Dog: Whee!
Rebecca Rabbit: Whee!
Narrator: Peppa is playing on the swing.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Mummy, push me please.
Mummy Pig: Are you ready?
Peppa Pig: Yes, I want to go really high.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Peppa Pig: Higher, Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Narrator: George wants to play on the swing.
Peppa Pig: Now it’s your turn, George.
Mummy Pig: Hold tight.
Peppa Pig: I want to push George.
Mummy Pig: Push George gently, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Hold tight, George.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Narrator: Oh, dear. Peppa has pushed George too high. Narrator: George does not like being up high.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, you know George is a bit scared of heights. Peppa Pig: Sorry, George.
Peppa Pig: Let’s play on the climbing frame.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Suzy. Hello, Danny.
Suzy Sheep and Danny Dog: Hello, Peppa.
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Danny Dog: Whee!
Peppa Pig: You are doing it all wrong. This is the proper way to swing across.
Peppa Pig: Stand back.
Peppa Pig: Ready, steady, go!
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Peppa Pig: Look at me. I’m flying like a bird.
Peppa Pig: Oh, I can’t get out.
Narrator: Peppa is stuck in the tyre.
Peppa Pig: It’s not funny.
Daddy Pig: Well it does look a bit funny.
Daddy Pig: We’ll have to pull you out.
Narrator: Peppa’s friends are helping to free her.
Peppa’s friends: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: Thank you, everyone.
Daddy Pig: George, do you want to play on the climbing frame?
Narrator: The climbing frame is quite high. George does not like being up high.
Daddy Pig: Sorry, George. Let’s play on the slide.
Peppa Pig: Yes, the slide.
Narrator: Peppa loves the slide. Everyone loves the slide. Peppa Pig: Mummy, Daddy, look at me.
Peppa Pig: Ready, steady, go.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Danny Dog: Whee!
Candy Cat: Whee!
Rebecca Rabbit: Whee!
Pedro Pony: Whee!
Narrator: George wants to play on the slide.
Daddy Pig: Are you sure, George? It is a bit high. Daddy Pig: All right. I’ll help you up the steps. Narrator: Oh, dear. It is a bit too high for George.
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry, George. I’ll slide down with you. Peppa Pig: Daddy, you’re too big to go down the slide. Daddy Pig: Don’t be silly, Peppa. I’m not too big. Daddy Pig: Stand back. Ready, steady, go.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is stuck.
Daddy Pig: It’s not funny.
Peppa Pig: It looks very funny, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Hmmm. I suppose it is a bit funny.
Peppa Pig: We’ll have to push you down.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Peppa Pig: Daddy’s tummy is just like a bouncy castle. Narrator: George loves bouncing on Daddy’s tummy. Narrator: George isn’t afraid of heights anymore.。