



绑定地址时:对于从设备, 如果已经记忆地址,则不能被查询和配对,只能被它记忆的 设备连接;对于主设备,如果已经记忆地址,则一直试着连接它记忆的设备;所以当绑定地
2.ERROR=<Error_Code>—— 3---4800
注意:波特率更改以后,如果不是默认的 9600,在以后参数设置或进行数据通信时, 需使用所设置的波特率。
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+BIND=11:22:33:44:55:66 OK
下行命令 16:清除记忆地址

码(非绑定模式), 或者绑定的蓝牙地址码(绑定模式)。
Check if the command terminal work normally
Software reboot
下行命令 4:查询/设置——名称





T2的控制寄存器的功能描述如下:T2CON(T2的控制寄存器),字节地址0C8H:位地址 0CFH 0CEH 0CDH 0CCH 0CBH 0CAH 0C9H 0C8H符号 TF2 EXF2 RCLK TCLK EXEN2 TR2 C/T2 CP/RT2各位的定义如下:TF2:定时/计数器2溢出标志,T2溢出时置位,并申请中断。











ch02国际经济学课后答案与习题(萨尔⽡多)*CHAPTER 2Chapter) (CoreCOMPARATIVE ADVANTAGEOUTLINE2.1 Introduction2.2 Mercantilists’ Views on TradeCase Study 2-1 Mercantilism Is Alive and Well in the Twenty-First Century2.3 Trade Based on Absolute Advantage: Adam Smith2.4 Trade Based on Comparative Advantage: David Ricardo2.5 Gains from Trade with Comparative Advantage2.6 Comparative Advantage with MoneyCase Study 2-2 The Petition of the Candlemakers2.7 Comparative Advantage and Opportunity CostsCase Study 2-3 Labor Productivities and Comparative Advantage2.8 Production Possibility Frontier with Constant Costs2.9 Opportunity Costs and Relative Commodity Prices2.10 Basis and Gains from Trade Under Constant CostsAppendix: Comparative Advantage with More than Two Commodities and NationsA2.1 Comparative Advantage with More than Two CommoditiesA2.2 Comparative Advantage with More than Two NationsKey TermstheoryofvalueLabortradeBasisfortheorytrade OpportunitycostGainsfromtrade Production possibility frontierofPatterncostopportunityConstantMercantilismcommodityRelativeprices advantageAbsolutespecializationCompleteLaissez-faireLaw of comparative advantage Small-country case-7-Lecture Guide1. This is a long and crucial core chapter and may require four classes to cover adequately. In thefirst lecture, I would present Sections 1-4 and assign review questions 1-3.2. In the second lecture of Chapter 2, I would concentrate on Sections 5-6 and carefully explain the law of comparative advantage using simple numerical examples, as in the text. Both sections are crucial. Section 5 explains the law of comparative advantage and Section 6 establishes the link between trade theory and international finance. I find that the numerical explanations before the graphical analysis really helps the student to truly understand the law. The simple lawyer-secretary example should also render the law more immediately relevant to the student. I would also assign Problems 4-7.3. In the third lecture, I would cover Sections 7-9 and assign Problems 8-10.4. In the fourth lecture, I would Section 10 and go over problems 4-10. The appendixes could bemade optional for the more enterprising students in the class.Answer to Review Questions and Problems1. The mercantilists believed that the way for a nation to become rich and powerful was toexport more than it imported. The resulting export surplus would then be settled by an inflow of gold and silver and the more gold and silver a nation had, the richer and more powerful it was. Thus, the government had to do all in its power to stimulate the nation’s exports and discourage and restrict imports. However, since all nations could not simultaneously have an export surplus and the amount of gold and silver was fixed at any particular point in time, one nation could gain only at the expense of other nations. The mercantilists thus preached economic nationalism, believing that national interests were basically in conflict.Adam Smith, on the other hand, believed that free trade would make all nations better off.All of this is relevant today because many of the arguments made in favor of restrictinginternational trade to protect domestic jobs are very similar to the mercantilists argumentsmade three or four centuries ago. That is why we can say that “mercantilism is alive and well in the twenty-first century”. Thus we have to be prepared to answer and demonstrate thatthese arguments are basically wrong.2. According to Adam Smith, the basis for trade was absolute advantage, or one country being more productive or efficient in the production of some commodities and other countriesbeing more productive in the production of other commodities.The gains from trade arise as each country specialized in the production of the commodities in which it had an absolute advantage and importing those commodities in which the nation had an absolute disadvantage.Adam Smith believed in free trade and laissez-faire, or as little government interference with the economic system as possible. There were to be only a few exceptions to this policy of laissez-faire and free trade. One of these was the protection of industries important for national defense.3. Ricardo’s law of comparative advantage is superior to Smith’s theory of absolute advantage inthat it showed that even if a nation is less efficient than or has an absolute disadvantage in theproduction of all commodities with respect to the other nations, there is still a basis for beneficial trade for all nations.The gains from trade arise from the increased production of all commodities that arises wheneach country specializes in the production of and exports the commodities of its comparativeadvantage and imports the other commodities.A nation that is less efficient than others will be able to export the commodities of its compara-tive advantage by having its wages and other costs sufficiently lower than in other nations so asto make the commodities of its comparative advantage cheaper in terms of the same currencywith respect to the other nations.4. a. In case A, the United States has an absolute and a comparative advantage in wheat and theUnited Kingdom in cloth.In case B, the United States has an absolute advantage (so that the United Kingdom has anabsolute disadvantage) in both commodities.In case C, the United States has an absolute advantage in wheat but has neither an absoluteadvantage nor disadvantage in cloth.In case D, the United States has an absolute advantage over the United Kingdom in bothcommodities.b. In case A, the United States has a comparative advantage in wheat and the United Kingdomin cloth.In case B, the United States has a comparative advantage in wheat and the United Kingdomin cloth.In case C, the United States has a comparative advantage in wheat and the United Kingdomin cloth.In case D, the United States and the United Kingdom have a comparative advantage in neither commodities.5. a. The United States gains 1C.b. The United Kingdom gains 4C.c. 3C < 4W < 8C.d. The United States would gain 3C while the United Kingdom would gain 2C.6. a. The cost in terms of labor content of producing wheat is 1/4 in the United States and 1 in the United Kingdom, while the cost in terms of labor content of producing cloth is 1/3 in theUnited States and 1/2 in the United Kingdom.b. In the United States, Pw=$1.50 and Pc=$2.00.c. In the United Kingdom, Pw=£1.00 and Pc=£0.50.7. The United States has a comparative disadvantage in the production of textiles. Restrictingtextile imports would keep U.S. workers from eventually moving into industries in which the United States has a comparative advantage and in which wages are higher.8. Ricardo’s explanation of the law of comparative is unacceptable because it is based on the labor theory of value, which is not an acceptable theory of value.The explanation of the law of comparative advantage can be based on the opportunity costdoctrine, which is an acceptable theory of value.9. The production possibilities frontier reflects the opportunity costs of producing bothcommodities in the nation.The production possibilities frontier under constant costs is a (negatively sloped) straight line. The absolute slope of the production possibilities frontier reflects or gives the price of thecommodity plotted along the horizontal axis in relation to the commodity plotted along thevertical axis.10. a. See Figure 1.b. In the United States Pw/Pc=3/4, while in the United Kingdom, Pw/Pc=2.c. In the United States Pc/Pw=4/3, while in the United Kingdom Pc/Pw=1/2.d. See Figure 2.The autarky points are A and A' in the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively. The points of production with trade are B and B' in the United States and the UnitedKingdom, respectively.The points of consumption are E and E' in the United States and the United Kingdom,respectively. The gains from trade are shown by E > A for the U.S. and E' > A' for the U.K.Fig 1.1aU.K. Fig 1.1bFigure1Fig 1.2aFig 1.2bFigure2Multiple-Choice Questions1. The Mercantilists did not advocated:*a. free tradeb. stimulating the nation's exportsc. restricting the nations' importsd. the accumulation of gold by the nation2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on:*a. absolute advantageb. comparative advantagec. both absolute and comparative advantaged. neither absolute nor comparative advantage3. What proportion of international trade is based on absolute advantage?a. allb. most*c. somed. none4. The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodityof its:a. absolute disadvantageb. absolute advantagec. comparative disadvantaged. comparative advantage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established that nationA has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nationB must have:a. an absolute advantage in commodity Yb. an absolute disadvantage in commodity Yc. a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*d. a comparative advantage in commodity Y6. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B canproduce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):a. nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Xb. nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*c. nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity Xd. nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:a. Px/Py=1 in nation Ab. Px/Py=3 in nation Bc. Py/Px=1/3 in nation B*d. all of the above8. With reference to the statement in Question 6, if 3X is exchanged for 3Y:a. nation A gains 2X*b. nation B gains 6Yc. nation A gains 3Yd. nation B gains 3Y9. With reference to the statement of Question 6, the range of mutually beneficial trade between nation A and B is:a. 3Y < 3X < 5Yb. 5Y < 3X < 9Y*c. 3Y < 3X < 9Yd. 1Y < 3X < 3Y10. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:a. there will be no trade between the two nationsb. the relative price of X is the same in both nationsc. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations*d. all of the above11. Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of:*a. the labor theory of valueb. the opportunity cost theoryc. the law of diminishing returnsd. all of the above12. The Ricardian trade model has been empirically*a. verifiedb. rejectedc. not testedd. tested but the results were inconclusive13. The Ricardian model was tested empirically in terms of differences ina. relative labor productivities costs in various industries among nationsb. relative labor costs in various industries among nations*c. relative labor productivities and costs in various industries among nationsd. none of the above14. A difference in relative commodity prices between two nations can be based upon a difference in:a. factor endowmentsb. technologyc. tastes*d. all of the above15. In the trade between a small and a large nation:a. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade*b. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradec. the gains from trade are likely to be equally sharedd. we cannot say。



关于阿朗CDMA的IPBH基站的整合步骤主要目的:因目前新局使用的基站使用IPBH和以前的frame relay方式不同,添加了阿朗的路由交换机7750设备代替了5E同基站连接。


步骤简介:根据IPBH基站的特点,主要三个部分步骤:一,基站硬件安装调测二,基站和7750确认传输路由的配合步骤三,基站的数据添加一,基站硬件安装调测1)基站硬件安装完毕2) 基站用RMT调测基站背板参数,把Frame 转为PPP模式,主要是在RMT/boot memory parameter窗口中/trunk group controller parameter简称TGCP和initial link configuration parameter简称ILCP/ recall成RMT自带的配置文件/自己电脑中的RMT目录/config/1bts/IEH/BMP/中根据URC功能配置分1X和EVDO两种:1X的URC是/Voice/URC-URCII/E1/IPBH-Voice/CDM has its owner E1s/TGCP-CDM(1-5-9-13)-IPBH-E1-v4和/Voice/URC-URCII/E1/IPBH-Voice/CDM has its owner E1s/ILCP-CDM(1-5-9-13)-IPBH-E1-v4EVDO的URCII是EVDO/URC-URCII/E1/PPP-EVDO/CDM has its owner E1s/TGCP-CDM(2-6-10-14)-PPP-E1-v4和EVDO/URC-URCII/E1/PPP-EVDO/CDM has its owner E1s/ILCP-CDM(2-6-10-14)-PPP-E1-v4二,基站和7750确认传输路由的配合步骤1,7750加数据需要的条件:1)基站RCS号2)基站传输编号,主要基站每条传输E1是第几个155M(7750连接40条155M)的第几个时隙(每条155M有63个时隙),需要电信客户传输部门提供3)基站现场的E1先自环并和7750工程师配合断开测试确认E1正常2,在基站现场确认得到IP地址,网线连接到基站,telnet第一块URC)或192.168.168.32(第二块URC),执行下面的命令:用户名:lucent 密码:password自动出现背板参数击入:mlpppShow检查是否有MY IP和Primary DNS IP及Secondary DNS IP,这三个IP是7750配置的数据,必须全部是有IP地址的,如为0.0.0.0则基站信令不会起来的,需要联系7750工程师确认或添加数据。

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 习题答案chapter 2

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 习题答案chapter 2
Page S-13 ntt 102:WHQY028:Solutions Manual:Ch-02:
Answer Ethanol is polar; ethane is not. The ethanol —OH group can hydrogen-bond with water. Answer Using pH log [H ]: 5 (a) log (1.75 10 ) 4.76; (b) (d) log (1.50 10 5) 4.82. log (6.50 10
0.072 M gastric HCl
log [H ] and that HCl is a strong acid, pH log (7.2 10
5. Calculation of the pH of a Strong Acid or Base (a) Write out the acid dissociation reaction for hydrochloric acid. (b) Calculate the pH of a solution of 5.0 10 4 M HCl. (c) Write out the acid dissociation reaction for sodium hydroxide. (d) Calculate the pH of a solution of 7.0 10 5 M NaOH.
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Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·1.Description ..........................................................................................................12.Product Components and Storage Conditions ............................................23.General Considerations (3)A.siCHECK™ Vector Features...............................................................................3B.How the siCHECK™ Vectors Work..................................................................4C.Sample Experiments Using the siCHECK™ Vectors.. (6)4.siCHECK™ Vector Maps .................................................................................95.siCHECK™ Vector Restriction Enzyme Tables . (11)A.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-1 Vector..............................11B.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-2 Vector (13)6.siCHECK™ Vector Backbones and Components .....................................157.References .........................................................................................................168.Related Products ..............................................................................................181.DescriptionThe psiCHECK™-1 Vector (a–d)(Cat.# C8011) and psiCHECK™-2 Vector (a–f)(Cat.# C8021) are designed to provide a quantitative and rapid approach for optimization of RNA interference (RNAi). The vectors enable the monitoring of changes in expression of a target gene fused to the reporter gene. In both vectors, Renilla luciferase is used as a primary reporter gene, and the gene of interest can be cloned into the multiple cloning region located downstream of the Renilla luciferase translational stop codon. Initiation of the RNAi process toward a gene of interest results in cleavage and subsequent degradation of fusion mRNA. Measurement of decreased Renilla luciferase activity is a convenient indicator of RNAi effect (1).RNAi is a phenomenon by which double-stranded RNA complementary to a target mRNA can specifically inactivate gene function by stimulating the degradation of the target mRNA (2–4). Because of the ability to inactivate genes, RNAi has emerged as a powerful tool for analyzing gene function.siCHECK™ VectorsAll technical literature is available on the Internet at: /tbs Please visit the web site to verify that you are using the most current version of this Technical Bulletin. Please contact Promega Technical Services if you have questions on useof this system. E-mail: techserv@In mammalian systems, including cultured mammalian cells, chemicallysynthesized double-stranded short interfering RNA molecules (<30 nucleotides;siRNA) or endogenously expressed short hairpin RNA molecules (shRNA) result in dsRNA duplexes <30 base pairs in length that induce RNAi (5–10). RNAiduplexes >30bp induce the interferon response and nonspecific degradation ofmRNA and cannot be used as tools for specific gene silencing (11,12).Interestingly, a significant percentage of the siRNA or shRNA designed for aspecific gene are not effective (5,13–16). On average only 1 in 5 of thesiRNA/shRNAs selected for targeting a specific region show efficient genesilencing (16,17). Possible causes for the failure of a particular siRNA/shRNAmay be instability of an siRNA probe in vivo, inability to interact withcomponents of the RNAi machinery or the inaccessibility of the target mRNAdue to local secondary structural constraints. Analysis of nucleotide sequences,melting temperatures and secondary structures have not revealed any obviousdifference between effective and ineffective siRNA/shRNA (18).At present, one of the most serious limitations for the RNAi technology is thelack of a rapid, reliable, quantitative target-site screening method. Variousalgorithm programs exist that aid in the design of potential siRNA targets.However, an experimental method is needed to screen these siRNAs. Currentscreening technologies include such semi-quantitative, time-consuming methods as fluorescence change for GFP-target fusions, Western blot analysis, monitoringphenotypic changes or RT-PCR. In addition, the current screening technologiesare not easily modified for the rapid, simultaneous screening of multiplesiRNA/shRNA.2.Product Components and Storage ConditionsProduct Size Cat.# psiCHECK™-1 Vector20μg C8011 psiCHECK™-2 Vector20μg C8021 Storage Conditions:Store the psiCHECK™-1 and psiCHECK™-2 Vectors at–20°C.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·3.General Considerations3.A. siCHECK™ Vector FeaturesCurrent methods to monitor changes in gene expression as the result of RNAi are either semi-quantitative, time-consuming or not applicable to high-throughput screening. The siCHECK™ Vectors are easier to use than currently available methods, allow optimal quantitative target site selection and can be adapted for use in high-throughput methodologies.There are two siCHECK™ Vectors, the psiCHECK™-1 Vector and thepsiCHECK™-2 Vector. Both vectors contain as the primary reporter gene the synthetic version of Renilla luciferase, hRluc , which is used to monitor changes in expression as the result of RNAi induction. This synthetic gene is engineered for more efficient expression in mammalian cells and for reduced anomalous transcription.To aid in fusion of the target gene to the synthetic Renilla luciferase reporter gene, a region of restriction sites (i.e., the multiple cloning region) has been added 3´ to the Renilla translational stop. The restriction sites present in the multiple cloning region can be used to create genetic fusions between the gene of interest and the Renilla reporter gene. Because no fusion protein isexpressed, there is no need to be concerned about whether you have cloned into a proper translational reading frame.The multiple cloning region of the psiCHECK™-1 Vector contains unique restriction sites SgfI, XhoI, SmaI, EcoRI, PmeI and NotI. Due to the presence of the firefly expression cassette, the psiCHECK™-2 Vector contains fewer unique restriction sites. The restriction sites in the psiCHECK™-2 Vector multiple cloning region are SgfI, XhoI, PmeI and NotI.The promoter used for Renilla luciferase expression in the siCHECK™ Vectors is the SV40 promoter. Experimental results (data not shown) demonstrate that the SV40 promoter results in the best balance between Renilla luciferaseexpression and the detection of RNAi activity when used with siRNA or vectors expressing shRNA.The difference between the two siCHECK™ Vectors is that the psiCHECK™-2Vector possesses a secondary firefly reporter expression cassette. The firefly expression cassette consists of an HSV-TK promoter, a synthetic firefly luciferase gene and an SV40 late poly(A) signal. To reduce the potential for recombination events, the Renilla luciferase reporter gene in the psiCHECK™-2Vector uses a synthetic poly(A). This firefly reporter cassette has beenspecifically designed to be an intraplasmid transfection normalization reporter;thus when using the psiCHECK™-2 Vector, the Renilla luciferase signal can be normalized to the firefly luciferase signal.If no transfection normalization is required or one would prefer to have the transfection normalization reporter on a second plasmid, the psiCHECK™-1Vector is the vector of choice.3.A. siCHECK™ Vector Features (continued)The psiCHECK™-1 Vector is recommended for use in monitoring RNAieffects in live cells. The changes in Renilla luciferase activity are measuredwith EnduRen™ Live Cell Substrate (Cat.# E6481), which allows continuousmonitoring of intracellular Renilla luminescence (19; Figure 2). EnduRen™ LiveCell Substrate is for use only with Renilla luciferase.Promega offers several reagents that can be used in conjunction with thesiCHECK™ Vectors to monitor Renilla and/or firefly luciferase signals. For thepsiCHECK™-1 Vector, which only contains the Renilla luciferase reporter gene,the Renilla Luciferase Assay System (Cat.# E2810, E2820) can be used. ThepsiCHECK™-2 Vector, which contains Renilla and firefly luciferase reportergenes, requires the use of either the Dual-Luciferase®Reporter Assay System(Cat.# E1910) or the Dual-Glo™ Luciferase Assay System (Cat.# E2920) togenerate the firefly and Renilla luciferase signals.3.B. How the siCHECK™ Vectors WorkFigure 1 provides a basic description of how the siCHECK™ Vectors work.Using the unique restriction sites, the gene of interest is cloned into themultiple cloning region located 3´ to the synthetic Renilla luciferase gene andits translational stop codon. After cloning, the vector is transfected into themammalian cell line of choice, and a fusion of the Renilla luciferase gene andthe gene of interest is transcribed. Vectors expressing potential shRNA orsiRNA can be cotransfected simultaneously or sequentially, depending onyour experimental design. If a specific shRNA/siRNA binds to the targetmRNA and initiates the RNAi process, the fused Renilla luciferase:gene ofinterest mRNA will be cleaved and subsequently degraded, decreasing theRenilla luciferase signal.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·translation stopcleavage of mRNAlight mRNA5´3´5´3´4339M A 10_3A5´3´hRlucgene of interesthRluc Figure 1. Mechanism of action of the siCHECK™ Vectors.3.C. Sample Experiments Using the siCHECK™ VectorsTo demonstrate the utility of the siCHECK™ Vectors, two experiments are detailed in this Technical Bulletin. In the first experiment, human p53 cDNA was subcloned into the psiCHECK™-1 and the psiCHECK™-2 Vectors using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites located in the multiple cloning region of both vectors. Note the SgfI and NotI restriction sites are located 3´ to the Renilla luciferase translational stop codon. As shown in Figure 2, the psiCHECK™-1Vector containing the human p53 cDNA was cotransfected into HEK-293T cells with the psiLentGene™ Basic Vector expressing either a Renilla luciferase (hRluc ) or p53 shRNA. The negative control was the psiLentGene™ Basic Vector with a nonspecific 19bp insert. (A BLAST search using this 19bp sequence and a threshold >90% revealed no homology to any knownmammalian gene or to the synthetic Renilla luciferase gene.) This nonspecificsequence was used for all RNAi experiments in this Technical Bulletin.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·4398M A 11_3AR e n i l l a L u m i n e s c e n c e (R L U )Time Post-Transfection (hours)Negative Control Renilla p53Figure 2. Inhibition of Renilla luciferase expression by targeting either the Renilla luciferase or p53 gene.The human p53 cDNA was subcloned into the psiCHECK™-1Vector using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites located 3´ to the Renilla luciferase translational stop codon. To begin the transfection assay, HEK-293T cells were plated in a 96-well plate at 3,000 cells/well. After an overnight incubation, the cells were treated with a transfection mixture consisting of 35μl of serum-free medium,0.3μl of TransFast™ Transfection Reagent (Cat.# E2431), 0.02μg of psiCHECK™-1:p53vector and 0.08μg of psiLentGene™ Basic Vector per well. For this experiment, the psiLentGene™ Vector expressed shRNAs directed against human p53, Renilla luciferase or the nonspecific 19bp sequence, which serves as a negative control,(Section 3.C). After a one-hour incubation, 100μl of serum-containing medium was added to the wells. At 21 hours post-transfection, EnduRen™ Live Cell Substrate (Cat.# E6481) was added to a final concentration of 60μM, and Renilla luciferase activity was monitored. Renilla luciferase activities were normalized to the number of viable cells using the CellTiter-Glo ®Luminescent Cell Viability Assay (Cat.#G7573; 20).At 21 hours post-transfection, nonlytic EnduRen™ Live Cell Substrate wasadded to the wells; luminescence was monitored for the next 27 hours until48 hours post-transfection. The data in Figure 2 show that the psiLentGene™Basic Vector expressing either Renilla luciferase or p53 shRNA inhibits theexpression of the Renilla luciferase reporter gene from the psiCHECK™-1:p53vector. Interestingly, using either Renilla luciferase or p53 shRNA results invirtually identical inhibition of Renilla luciferase expression.In a second experiment, the human p53 cDNA used in Figure 2 was subclonedinto the psiCHECK™-2 Vector using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites. Fivepotential p53 shRNAs designed to bind to five different target sites were clonedinto the psiLentGene™ Basic Vector; the resulting vectors were named Site 1through Site 5. The control is a psiLentGene™ Vector containing the nonspecific19bp sequence. The psiCHECK™-2 Vector containing the p53 cDNA wascotransfected with the psiLentGene™ Vector expressing either a p53 shRNA(Figure 3, Sites 1–5) or the nonspecific shRNA into HEK-293T cells as describedin Figure 3. Forty-eight hours after transfection, the medium was removed andcells were lysed in Passive Lysis Buffer (Cat.# E1941). The firefly and Renillaluciferase signals were generated using the Dual-Luciferase®Reporter 1000Assay System (21).Figure 3, Panel A, displays the Renilla luciferase signal, while Figure 3, Panel B,shows the Renilla luciferase signal normalized (corrected for transfectionefficiency to the firefly luciferase signal). The data in Figure 3, Panel A, isdifficult to interpret due to transfection variations. The Renilla luciferasepositive control, which should demonstrate inhibition of reporter expression, isnot statistically different (i.e., overlapping error bars) from the negative control(no effect on reporter expression was detected). The inability to distinguishbetween the positive and negative controls renders any conclusion regardingthe effectiveness of potential shRNAs suspect.However, when the Renilla luciferase signals are normalized (see Figure 3,Panel B) to the internal firefly luciferase transfection control, the datainterpretation is different, as the Renilla luciferase positive control isstatistically different from the negative control. In addition, the normalizeddata allow the ability to distinguish the effectiveness of the various target siteshRNAs.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Figure 3. Target site selection using the psiCHECK™-2 Vector. HEK-293T cells were seeded into a 96-well plate at a density of 3,000 cells/well. Human p53 cDNA was subcloned into the psiCHECK™-2 Vector using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites. After an overnight incubation, the cells were treated with a transfection mixture consisting of 35μl of serum-free medium, 0.3μl of TransFast™ Transfection Reagent (Cat.# E2431), 0.02μg of psiCHECK™-2 Vector:p53 and 0.08μg of psiLentGene™Basic Vector per well. The psiLentGene™ Basic Vector expressed one of five different shRNAs directed against human p53, Renilla luciferase or a nonspecific 19bp sequence (Section 3.C) as a negative control. After a one-hour incubation, 100μl of serum-containing medium was added to the wells. Forty-eight hours post-transfection Renilla and firefly luciferase activities were measured using the Dual-Luciferase ®Reporter 1000 Assay System (Cat.# E1980; 21). Panel A displays the raw Renilla luciferase data, while in Panel B , the Renilla luciferase data has beennormalized to firefly luciferase data. The data represent the mean of 12 wells plus or minus the standard deviation. Note that in other experiments the ability of different shRNAs to inhibit gene expression might vary more dramatically.4399M A 11_3AA.B.S i t e1S i t e2S i t e3S i t e 4 S i t e5 R e ni l l a P o s it i ve C o n t r o l Ne g a t i v e C o n t r o l R e n i l l a L u m i n e s c e n c e (R L U )S i t e 1S i t e 2S i t e 3 S i t e 4 S i t e 5 R e n i l l a Po s i t i v e C o nt r o l N e g a t i v e C o n t r o lN o r m a l i z e d R e n i l l a L u m i n e s c e n c e (R L U )4.siCHECK™ Vector MapspsiCHECK™-1 Vector sequence reference points: SV40 early enhancer/promoter 7–425Chimeric intron489–621T7 RNA polymerase promoter666–684Synthetic Renilla luciferase gene (hRluc )694–1629Multiple cloning region 1636–1680Synthetic poly(A)1688–1736β-lactamase (Amp r ) coding region1874–2734Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·4343M A 10_3ABglII 1Figure 4. psiCHECK™-1 Vector map. –^– denotes the intron.Synthetic poly(A) signal4342M A 10_3ACCCGGGAATTCGTTTAAACCTAGAGCGGCCGCTGGCCGC AATAAAATA . . . 3′5′ . . . GAGCAGTAA TTCTAGGCGATCGCTCGAG XhoISmaINotIEcoRIPmeISgfIhRlucFigure 5. psiCHECK™-1 Vector multiple cloning region.psiCHECK™-2 Vector sequence reference points:SV40 early enhancer/promoter 7–425Chimeric intron489–621T7 RNA polymerase promoter666–684Synthetic Renilla luciferase gene (hRluc )694–1629Multiple cloning region 1636–1680Synthetic poly(A)1688–1736HSV-TK promoter1744–2496Synthetic firefly luciferase gene (hluc +)2532–4184SV40 late poly(A)4219–4440β-lactamase (Amp r ) coding region4587–5447Figure 6. psiCHECK™-2 Vector map.–^– denotes the intron.4345M A 10_3ABglII 1Synthetic poly(A) signal4344M A 10_3ACCCGGGAATTCGTTTAAACCTAGAGCGGCCGCTGGCCGC AATAAAATA . . . 3′5′ . . . GAGCAGTAA TTCTAGGCGATCGCTCGAGXhoINotIPmeISgfIhRlucFigure 7. psiCHECK™-2 Vector multiple cloning region.5.siCHECK™ Vector Restriction Enzyme Tables5.A.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-1 VectorThe following restriction enzyme tables were constructed using DNASTAR ®sequence analysis software. Please note that we have not verified this information by restriction digestion with each enzyme listed. The location given specifies the 3´-end of the cut DNA (the base to the left of the cut site).For more information on the cut sites of these enzymes, or to report adiscrepancy, please contact your local Promega Branch or Distributor. In the U.S., contact Promega Technical Services at 800-356-9526. Vector sequences are available from the GenBank ®database (GenBank ®/EMBL accession number AY535006) and online at:/vectors/Enzyme # of Sites Location AatII 11391Acc65I 154AcyI 21388, 2121AflII 2452, 649Alw44I 21989, 3235AlwNI 13140AspHI 41091, 1993, 2078,3239AvaI 3715, 1643, 1649AvaII 22297, 2519AvrII 1404BamHI 11738BanI 354, 575, 2708BanII 3759, 899, 1650BbsI 1560BbuI 2152, 224BclI 2734, 1187BglI 3357, 694, 2543BglII 11BsaI 3514, 1234, 2595BsaOI51640, 1677, 2143,2292, 3215BsaBI 11453BsaHI 21388, 2121BspHI 21821, 2829BspMI 1476BssSI 21992, 3376Bst98I 2452, 649BstZI 11280Cfr10I 12576Enzyme # of Sites LocationDraI 41663, 2083, 2775,2794DraII 11539DraIII 1882DrdI 2441, 3447DsaI 415, 311, 692, 899EaeI 31674, 1681, 2268EagI 11674EarI 21193, 1862EclHKI 12661Eco52I 11674Eco81I 11280EcoRI 11654EcoRV 11179FspI 28, 2438HaeII 13309HgaI 41570, 2129, 2859,3437HindIII 1420Hsp92I 21388, 2121KpnI 158MspA1I 580, 1679, 2025,2966, 3211NciI 51650, 1651, 2125, 2476, 3172NcoI 315, 311, 692NheI 1684NotI 11674NruI 11355NsiI3154, 226, 913Table 1. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFax 608-277-2516 ·5.A.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-1 Vector (continued)Table 2. Restriction Enzymes That Do Not Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector.A ccB7I AccI AccIII AflIII AgeI ApaI AscI BalI BbeI BbrPI BlpI Bpu1102IBsaAI BsaMI BsmI Bsp120I BsrGI BssHII Bst1107I BstEII BstXI ClaI CspI Csp45IEco47III Eco72I EcoICRI EcoNI EheI FseI HincII HindII HpaI I-PpoI KasI MluINaeI NarI NdeI NgoMIV PacI PflMI PinAI PmlI PpuMI PshAI Psp5II RsrIISacI SacII SalI SgrAI SnaBI SpeI SplI SrfI Sse8387I SwaI XbaI XcmITable 3. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector 6 or More Times. AciI AluI Alw26I BbvI BsaJI Bsp1286I BsrI BsrSI Bst71IBstOI BstUI CfoI DdeI DpnI DpnII Fnu4HI FokI HaeIIIHhaI HinfI HpaII HphI Hsp92II MaeI MaeII MaeIII MboIMboII MnlI MseI MspI NdeII NlaIII NlaIV PleI RsaISau3AI Sau96I ScrFI SfaNI TaqI Tru9I XhoIINote:The enzymes listed in boldface type are available from Promega.Enzyme # of Sites LocationNspI 2152, 224PaeR7I 11643PmeI 11663Ppu10I 3150, 222, 909PspAI 11649PstI 1462PvuI 21640, 2292PvuII 180ScaI 2662, 2180SfiI 1357SgfI 11640SinI 22297, 2519Enzyme # of Sites Location SmaI 11651SphI 2152, 224SspI 11856StuI 1403StyI 515, 311, 404, 692,701TfiI 2426, 805Tth111I 11390VspI 12486XhoI 11643XmaI 11649XmnI21228, 2061Table 1. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times (continued).5.B.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-2 VectorThe following restriction enzyme tables were constructed using DNASTAR ®sequence analysis software. Please note that we have not verified this information by restriction digestion with each enzyme listed. The location given specifies the 3´-end of the cut DNA (the base to the left of the cut site).For more information on the cut sites of these enzymes, or to report adiscrepancy, please contact your local Promega Branch or Distributor. In the U.S., contact Promega Technical Services at 800-356-9526. Vector sequences are available from the GenBank ®database (GenBank ®/EMBL accession number AY535007) and online at:/vectors/Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFax 608-277-2516 ·Enzyme # of Sites Location AatII 11391AccI 22079, 3132Acc65I 154AflII 4452, 649 , 1773,1897AflIII 12450Alw44I 24702, 5948AlwNI 22094, 5853ApaI 12562AvrII 2404, 2059BalI 31865, 3513, 4038BamHI 14451BanII 5759, 899, 1650,2050, 2562BbeI 42030, 2815, 3481,3613BbsI 2560, 1743BbuI 2152, 224BclI 5734, 1187, 3112,3853, 4147BglII 11BsaI 4514, 1234, 2123,5308BsaAI 22083, 3734BsaBI 41453, 2979, 4146,4450BsaMI 32504, 4270, 4363BsmI 32504, 4270, 4363Bsp120I 12558BspHI 33115, 4534, 5542BspMI2476, 3463Enzyme # of Sites Location BsrGI 13022BssHII 11978BssSI 33459, 4705, 6089Bst1107I 12080Bst98I 4452, 649, 1773, 1897BstXI 13650BstZI 31674, 4202, 4206Bsu36I 3 1280, 3145, 3745ClaI 14444Csp45I 12390DraI 51663, 4410, 4796,5488, 5507DraIII 1882DrdI 2441, 6160EagI 31674, 4202, 4206EarI 51193, 1874, 2616,2727, 4575EclHKI 15374Eco47III 13519Eco52I 31674, 4202, 4206Eco81I 31280, 3145, 3745EcoNI 32721, 3144, 4149EcoRI 21654, 2386EcoRV 11179EheI 42028, 2813, 3479,3611FseI 23943, 4208FspI 38, 3354, 5151HincII 14349HindII14349Table 4. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times.5.B.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-2 Vector (continued)Table 5. Restriction Enzymes That Do Not Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector.AccB7I AccIII AgeI AscI BbrPI BlpIBpu1102I BstEII CspI Eco72I EcoICRI I-PpoINdeI PacI PflMI PinAI PmlI PshAIRsrII SacI SalI SgrAI SnaBI SpeISplI SrfI Sse8387I SwaI XcmIEnzyme # of Sites Location HindIII 2420, 2497HpaI 14349KasI 42026, 2811, 3477,3609KpnI 158MluI 12450NaeI 33941, 3962, 4206NarI 42027, 2812, 3478,3610NcoI 515, 311, 692, 2067, 2530NgoMIV 33939, 3960, 4204NheI 1684NotI 11674NruI 11355NsiI 3154, 226, 913NspI 5152, 224, 2336, 3023, 3278PaeR7I 11643PmeI 11663Ppu10I3150, 222, 909Enzyme # of Sites LocationPpuMI 12056Psp5II 12056PspAI 21649, 2019PvuI 21640, 5005PvuII 380, 2268, 2606SacII 12036ScaI 3662, 2697 ,4893SfiI 1357SgfI 11640SmaI 21651, 2021SphI 2152, 224SspI 14569StuI 1403TfiI 2426, 805Tth111I 11390VspI 15199XbaI 14189XhoI 11643XmaI 21649, 2019XmnI 21228, 4774Table 4. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times (continued).6.siCHECK™ Vector Backbones and ComponentsThe vector backbones of the psiCHECK™-1 and psiCHECK™-2 Vectors are based on the phRL-SV40 Vector (Cat.# E6261). Both the psiCHECK™-1 Vector and psiCHECK™-2 Vector contain the synthetic Renilla luciferase reporter gene.The psiCHECK™-2 Vector also contains a synthetic firefly luciferase gene.These synthetic luciferase genes have been codon optimized for more efficient mammalian expression and have been designed with a greatly reduced number of consensus transcription factor binding sites for reduced risk of anomalous transcriptional behavior.SV40 Early Enhancer/PromoterThe psiCHECK™-1 Vector and psiCHECK™-2 Vector contain the SV40 early enhancer/promoter region, which provides strong, constitutive expression of Renilla luciferase in a variety of cell types.Chimeric IntronDownstream of the SV40 enhancer/promoter region is a chimeric introncomposed of the 5´-donor site from the first intron of the human β-globin and the branch and 3´-acceptor site from the intron that is between the leader and the body of an immunoglobin gene heavy chain variable region (22). The sequences of the donor and acceptor sites, along with the branch point site,have been changed to match the consensus sequence for splicing (23).Transfection studies have demonstrated that the presence of an intron flankingthe cDNA insert frequently increases the level of gene expression (24–27).Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFax 608-277-2516 ·Table 6. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector 6 or More Times. AciI AcyI AluI Alw26I AspHI AvaI AvaII BanI BbvI BglI BsaOI BsaHI BsaJIBsp1286I BsrI Bsr SI Bst71I BstOI BstUI CfoI Cfr10I DdeI DpnI DpnII DraII DsaIEaeI Fnu4HI FokI HaeII HaeIII HgaI HhaI HinfI HpaII HphI Hsp92I Hsp92II MaeIMaeII MaeIII MboI MboII MnlI MseI MspI MspA1I NciI NdeII NlaIII NlaIV PleIPstI RsaI Sau3AI Sau96I ScrFI SfaNI SinI StyI TaqI Tru9I XhoIINote:The enzymes listed in boldface type are available from Promega.T7 PromoterA T7 RNA polymerase promoter is located downstream of the chimeric intron and immediately precedes the synthetic Renilla luciferase reporter gene. This promoter can be used to synthesize RNA transcripts in vitro using T7 RNA Polymerase (Cat.# P2075). Note that the T7 promoter has been verified by sequence only; there has been no functional testing of the T7 promoter. Polyadenylation Signals (SV40 Late and Synthetic)Polyadenylation signals are coupled to the termination of transcription by RNA polymerase II and signal the addition of approximately 200–250 adenosine residues to the 3´-end of the RNA transcript (28). Polyadenylation has been shown to enhance RNA stability and translation (29,30). The late SV40 polyadenylation signal is extremely efficient and has been shown to increase the steady-state level of RNA to approximately fivefold more than that of the early SV40 polyadenylation signal (31). The synthetic poly(A) was cloned from our pCI-neo Vector (Cat.# E1841). The synthetic poly(A) signal is based on the highly efficient polyadenylation signal of the rabbit β-globin gene (32).7.References1.Kumar, R., Conklin, D.S. and Mittal, V. (2003) High-throughput selection of effectiveRNAi probes for gene silencing. Genome Res.13, 2333–40.2.Bass, B.L. (2000) Double-stranded RNA as a template for gene silencing. Cell101, 235–8.3.Zamore, P.D. (2001) RNA interference: Listening to the sound of silence. Nature Struct.Biol.8, 746–50.4.Sharp, P.A. (2001) RNA interference—2001. Genes Dev.15, 485–90.5.Gil, J. and Esteban, M. (2000) Induction of apoptosis by the dsRNA-dependentprotein kinase (PKR): Mechanism of action. Apoptosis5, 107–14.6.Marcus, P.I. and Sekellick, M.J. (1985) Interferon induction by viruses. XIII. Detectionand assay of interferon induction-suppressing particles. Virology142, 411–5.7.Elbashir, S.M. et al.(2001) Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interferencein cultured mammalian cells. Nature411, 494–8.8.Brummelkamp, T.R., Bernards, R. and Agami, R. (2002) A system for stableexpression of short interfering RNAs in mammalian cell. Science296, 550–3.9.Elbashir, S.M. et al. (2002) Analysis of gene function in somatic mammalian cellsusing small interfering RNAs. Methods26, 199–213.10.Paddison, P.J. et al. (2002) Short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) induce sequence-specificsilencing in mammalian cells. Genes Dev.16, 948–58.11.Paul, C.P. et al.(2002) Effective expression of small interfering RNA in human cells.Nature Biotechnol. 20, 505–8.。

IBM zEnterprise系统集成规划和配置指南说明书

IBM zEnterprise系统集成规划和配置指南说明书
Checklist Status
Create the Ensemble
Performed through the System z hardware manager console
Define INMN and IEDN Networks
Involves a few relatively simple updates to the TCP definitions in z/OS
CNTLUNIT CUNUMBR=0A00, PATH=((CSS(0),10)“,O(SCMS”S(1),10),(CSS(2),10)), UNIT=OSM
PARTITION=((CSS(2),(TOSP21,TOSPI2E2D,NTCOHSPPI2D4d)e,fi(ni=ti)o)n)s ,
for actual system
with some good information on the process
© 2011 IBM Corporation
IBM Washington Systems Center
Ensemble Creation Process

H-CELL 2.0 安装指南说明书

H-CELL 2.0 安装指南说明书

*Although we recommend TRF416/416X/417 from TAMIYA and our aluminum support plate is designed around this model, the H-cell 2.0 kit could be adapted to various RC vehicles and boats with some additional engineering.
A. Purchase all the necessary parts (see Recommended RC Vehicle Part list)
B. Follow the TRF416/416X/417 chassis assembly manual, but adjust with the following steps:
*See recommended parts list (Horizon recommends the TAMIYA TBLE-01 speed controller for this assembly)
(K) (K)
Page 8 of 44
STEP 4: Use black double-sided tape to attach the speed controller* (O) to the chassis (N).
Paste speed controller On/Off switch onto outer side of speed controller (O)
Page 10 of 44
STEP 6: Insert the red plug and grey plug from speed controller (O) into socket “B” of signal received (Q) and black plug from the servo motor (P) into socket “1”.

财务会计英语 练习及答案ch02

财务会计英语 练习及答案ch02
20.Journalizing transactions using the double-entry bookkeeping systemwill eliminatefraud.
21.Liability accounts are increased by debits.
48.Posting a part of a transaction to the wrong account will cause the trial balance totals to be unequal.
49.Horizontal analysis is used to compare financial statements from different periods.
36.When a business receives a bill from the utility company, no entry should be made until the invoice is paid.
37.When an owner invests assets in the business, the capital account increases due to revenue being earned.
14.The double-entry accounting system records each transaction twice.
15.The increase side of all accounts is the normal balance.


15. 串行口 ...............................................................................................................................55 15.1 模式 0....................................................................................................................56 15.2 模式 1....................................................................................................................56 15.3 模式 2....................................................................................................................58 15.4 模式3.....................................................................................................................59 15.5 贞错误检测............................................................................................................59 15.6 多机通信 ...............................................................................................................60



crc_2_pentest_8_phpwind解题思路题目描述:在PHPWind 论坛中,存在一个叫做crc_2_pentest_8 的PHP 文件。





攻击者可以利用该漏洞来获取其他文件的内容,主要是通过在URL 中传递参数来触发该漏洞。

2.为了防止攻击者利用该漏洞获取其他文件的内容,我们需要对URL 参数进行验证和过滤。

我们可以使用PHP 的过滤函数来验证参数是否为预期的值,例如使用filter_input() 函数来验证参数是否存在且为预期的类型。

3.在PHPWind 论坛中,存在一个函数叫做include_once($filename)。




4.在自定义的include_once() 函数中,我们可以首先验证参数是否为预期的值。




我们可以使用安全的编程实践,例如避免使用eval() 函数、对用户输入进行验证和过滤、使用安全的数据库查询语句等。

总结:要修复crc_2_pentest_8 文件的漏洞,我们需要对URL 参数进行验证和过滤,并将include_once() 函数重写为一个自定义函数,在其中添加验证和过滤逻辑。


Pico RH-02手册说明书

Pico RH-02手册说明书

RH-02 Manual v1.01. Introduction2. Connecting to PC3. Principles of Operation4. Specifications5. Technical Information6. Using USB portsWriting you own software overviewTrade MarksBorland, Delphi and Turbo Pascal are trade marks or registered trade marks of Borland International, Inc.Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, Visual C++, Visual Basic are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countriesNational Instruments and LabVIEW are trademarks or National Instruments Corporation, registered in the United States and other countriesPico Technology Limited, PicoScope, PicoLog and DrDAQ are trademarks of Pico Technology Limited, registered in the United Kingdom and other countries.IntroductionThe PICO RH-02 is a complete temperature and humidity input device for use with IBM compatible computers. It connects to the serial port of the computer, and has built in sensors that are calibrated to give highly accurate readings.It can be used with the PicoLog data logging program: alternatively, you can use the RH-02 driver software to develop your own programs to collect and analyse data from the unit.PicoLog and the drivers support up to four RH-02 units under DOS, and nine RH-02 units under Windows.This file describes the physical and electrical properties of the RH-02, and explains how to use the software drivers.For more information about using the RH-02 with PicoLog, please consult the following files:PicoLog for Windows PLW044.HLP (Windows help file)PicoLog for DOS PL.TXTPrinciples of operationThe RH-02 takes a reading every two seconds from each of two sensors- a humidity sensor and a precision thermistor. These sensors are built into the RH-02. The driver software contains everything necessary to convert the sensor readings into temperature and humidity.FilteringThe RH-02 software includes a filter which eliminates errors caused by electrical noise. You can use either the measured or the filtered value: the filtered value is much less prone to electrical noise, but it tends to lag behind if the measured value changes quickly.SpecificationsConversion Time 2 seconds (for both humidity & temp)Resolution0.0025%Humidity Range0 to 100% (non condensing)Accuracy±2% (5% to 95%)Response time Approx 1 minuteTemperature Range0 to 70°CAccuracy±0.2C (0 to 70°C)10 SecondsConnector D9 female to computerEnclosure Dimensions130x60x30mmMaterial Black ABSNOT waterproofConnecting the RH-02To use the RH-02, you should connect the D-connector on the RH-02 to the serial port on your computer using the cable provided. If you have a 25-way serial port, use the 9 to 25 way adaptor supplied.To check that the unit is working:1. start up PicoLog for Windows2. Select File3. Select New Settings4. At the Recording dialog, press OK5. At the Sampling dialog, press OK6. Set the converter type to RH027. Select the COM port that you have connected the RH02 to8. Press OK9. At the RH02 channels dialog, double-click on Temp unused10. A t the Edit RH02 channel dialog, press OK11. B ack to the RH02 channels dialog, double_click on Humidity unused12. A t the Edit RH02 channel dialog, press OK13. B ack to the RH02 channels dialog, press OK14. T he recorder view should now display the temperature and humidity.Driver summaryThe RH-02 is supplied with driver routines that you can build short into your own programs. Drivers are supplied for use with the following operating systems:DOSWindows 3.1Windows 95/98Windows NT/2000LinuxOnce you have installed the software, the DRIVERS directory contains the drivers and a selection of examples of how to use the drivers. It also contains a copy of this manual as a text file. If you installed under Windows, the Pico Technology group contains a help file for the drivers.The driver routine is supplied as object files for DOS and protected mode, and as a Dynamic Link Library for Windows.The object files use Pascal linkage conventions and do not require any compiler run-time routines: they can therefore be used with most real-mode and some protected-mode C and Pascal compilers.The Windows DLL can be used with C, Delphi and Visual Basic programs: it can also be used with programs like Microsoft Excel, where the macro language is a form of Visual Basic. More than one application can access the Windows DLL at the same time, as long as the applications do not change the settings for channels that they are not using.The following table specifies the function of each of the routines in the driver:Routine Functionrh02_open_unit Open the driver to use a specified serial port(s)rh02_close_unit Close the port (Warning! failure to do this under DOS could cause yourcomputer to malfunction)rh02_get_cycle Find out when the driver has taken a new set of readingsrh02_get_value Get the most recent temperature or humidity readingrh02_get_version get the version number of this RH-02The normal calling sequence for these routines is as follows:Open driverWhile you want to measure temperatures,Get temperature and/or humidityEnd WhileClose Driverrh02_open_unitDOS version:short int rh02_open_unit (short int port,short int base,short int irq);Windows version:short int rh02_open_unit (short int port);This routine specifies the serial port number with an RH-02 unit. If you wish to use more than one RH-02, you should call the routine once for each RH-02.The port must be 1 for COM1, 2 for COM2, etc.Under DOS, this routine has extra parameters to specify the base address an short interrupt number for the COM port. These can be set to zero for the default base address and IRQ. See Serial port settings for more informationUnder Windows, the base address and IRQ information is defined within Windows, so it is not necessary to specify a value.This routine returns TRUE if the driver successfully opens the RH-02.rh02_close_unitvoid rh02_close_unit (unsigned short int port);This routine disconnects the driver from the specified serial port.If you successfully open any serial ports, you MUST call rh02_close_unit for each port before you exit from your program. If you do not, your computer may misbehave until you next reboot it.rh02_get_cycleshort int rh02_get_cycle(long *cycle,short int port);This routine returns the number of complete cycles of readings taken from a particular RH-02.When you call rh02_get_value, it returns immediately with the most recent reading for the specified channel. If you call it repeatedly, it will return the same reading repeatedly, until the driver takes the next reading from that channel.If you wish to record values only when the driver has taken a new reading, you can use this routine to find out how many complete cycles of readings the driver has taken, then you can call rh02_get_value only when a cycle has completed. Note: each RH-02 is polled independently, so the cycle numbers for multiple RH-02s may not keep in step.rh02_get_valueshort int rh02_get_value (long * value,short int port,short int channel,short int filtered);Once you open the driver, the driver constantly takes readings from the RH-02. When you call this routine, it immediately sets value to the most recent reading for the specified channel. The temperature is in hundredths of a degree Celsius, and the humidity in hundredths of a percent.If a reading is available, it returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE. It will normally return FALSE for a few seconds after you open the driver, until the driver has taken a reading from the specified should be 1 for channel temperature, 2 for humidity.If you set filtered to TRUE, the driver returns a low-pass filtered value of the temperature. The time constant of the filter depends on the value of filter_factor for this channel, and on how many channels are active.rh02_get_versionshort int rh02_get_version (short int *version,short int port);This routine sets version to version number of the specified RH-02.The upper byte of the version is always 8 for a RH-02: the lower byte is the two hex digits of the version and release. It provides a useful check that the link to the RH-02 is working correctly.DOS DriverThe DOS driver is supplied in two object files, rh02drv.obj and commdrv.obj. It can be used in both C and Pascal programs.Windows 16-bit DriverThe windows 16-bit driver is the file RH0216.DLL: it is installed in the drivers\win directory. If an application is unable to find the DLL, try moving the DLL to \windows\system.It has been tested under Windows 3.11 and under Windows 95 with the following 16-bit applications:• Borland C 4.5• Delphi 1• Visual Basic 3• Excel 5Windows 95/98Windows 95 and 98 can run both 16-bit and 32-bit applications. For 16-bit applications, see Windows 3.1.The windows 32-bit driver is the file RH0232.DLL: it is installed in the drivers\win32 directory. If an application is unable to find the DLL, try moving the DLL to \windows\system.Windows NT/2000Most applications running under Windows NT are 32-bit applications. The windows 32-bit driver is the file RH0232.DLL: it is installed in the drivers\win32 directory. If an application is unable to find the DLL, try moving the DLL to \windows\system.LinuxA Linux driver is under development: please check the drivers section of the Pico Technology web site (/drivers.html ) for availability.CDOSTo link the driver into you program, you should take the following steps:#include the header file rh02.h into your programIf you are using an IDE, include the file rh02drv.obj and commdrv.obj in you project.If you are using a command-line compiler, include the file rh02drv.obj and commdrv.obj in you linkfile.C / C++WindowsThe C example program is a generic windows application- ie it does not use Borland AppExpert or Microsoft AppWizard. To compile the program, create a new project for an Application containing the following files:rh02tes.crh02tes.rceither rh0216.lib (All 16-bit applications)or rh0232.lib (Borland 32-bit applications)or rh02ms.lib (Microsoft Visual C 32-bit applications)The following files must be in the same directory:rh02tes.rchrh02w.heither rh0216.dll (All 16-bit applications)or rh0232.dll (All 32-bit applicaitons)C++C++ programs can access all versions of the driver. If adc11.h or adc11w.h are included in a C++ program, the PREF1 macro expands to extern “C”: this disables name-mangling (or decoration, as Microsoft call it), and enables C++ routines to make calls to the driver routines using C headers.PascalThe program rh02pas.pas can be compiled either as a stand-alone program {$DEFINE MAIN} or as a unit which can be linked short into other programs {$UNDEF MAIN}.rh02pas.pas includes the driver using the {$L rh02drv.obj} and {$L commdrv.obj} commands: it also provides pascal prototypes for each of the routine in the driver.This program has been tested with Borland Turbo Pascal V6.0.DelphiThe WIN sub-directory contains a simple program rh02.dpr which opens the drivers and reads temperatures from the three channels. You will need the following files to build a complete program.• rh02fm.dfm• rh02fm.pas• rh02.incThe file contains procedure prototypes for the driver routines: you can include this file in your application.This example has been tested with Delphi versions 1, 2 and 3.ExcelThe easiest way to get data into Excel is to use PicoLog for Windows.If, however, you need to do something that is not possible using PicoLog, you can write an Excel macro which calls the driver to read in a set of data values. The Excel Macro language is similar to Visual Basic.Excel 5The example RH0216.XLS reads in 20 values of the channel 1 temperature, one per second, and assigns them to cells A1..A20.Excel 7The example RH0232.XLS reads in 20 values of the channel 1 temperature, one per second, and assigns them to cells A1..A20.Visual BasicVersion 3 (16 bits)The DRIVERS\WIN16 sub-directory contains a simple Visual Basic program, rh0216.mak.rh0216.MAKrh0216.FRMNote that it is usually necessary to copy the .DLL file to your \windows\system directory.Version 4 and 5 (32 bits)The DRIVERS\WIN32 sub-directory contains the following files:rh0232.VBPrh0232.BASrh0232.FRMLabviewThe routines described here were tested using Labview for Windows 95 version 4.0.While it is possible to access all of the driver routines described earlier, it is easier to use the special Labview access routine. The rh02.llb library in the DRIVERS\WIN32 sub-directory shows how to access this routine.To use this routine, copy rh02.llb and rh0232.dll to your labview user.lib directory.You the rh02 sub-vi will now appear in the user libraries box. You can load the rh02_example sub-vi which demonstrate how to use it. The sub-vi accepts the port (1 for COM1) and, optionally, whether to filter the data. It returns the temperature in degrees Celsius and the relative humidity in percent.HP-VeeThe example program rh02.vee is in the drivers\win32 directory. It was tested using HP-Vee version 5 under Windows 95. The example shows how to collect readings continuously from the rh02.Serial port settingsThe following table shows the standard serial port settings for COM ports.Port Base address Interrupt Standard?COM13F84YesCOM22F83YesCOM33E84de factoCOM42E83de factoCOM5...NoNote that, on most computers, it is not possible to use the same interrupt for two serial Ports at the same time. If, for example, you wish to use COM1 and COM3 at the same time, it is necessary to use a serial port card which can be set to an interrupt other than 4. These can be obtained either from Pico Technology or your computer supplier.ConnectionsThe information presented here is necessary only if you wish to connect the RH02 to the PC in some unusual way (for example, via a radio modem).The RH-02 uses the following RS232 data lines (pin connections as on RH-02)Pin Name Usage3TX Data from the PC to the RH-022RX Data from the RH-02 to the PC7RTS Held at a positive voltage (>7V) to power the RH-025GND0V line4 DTR Held at a negative voltage (<-7V) to power the RH-02The driver powers up the RH-02 by enabling RTS and disabling DTR to provide the correct polarity power supply. If these are set incorrectly no damage will occur to either PC or RH-02.ProtocolThe RH-02 operates at 2400 baud with 1 stop bit and no parity.The driver controls the RH-02 using the following sequence1. Switch RTS on and DTR off to provide power.2. Wait for more than 1 second for the RH02 to settle3. Send an single control byte to the RH024. Wait for a response from the RH02Steps 3 and 4 are repeated for each measurement.The RH02 signals the end of conversion by sending a block of bytes. No data should be sent to the RH02 during the conversion, as it may be lost or corrupted.The RH02 accepts the following commands:Command Function Response length Response0x012RH02 Version0x0232RH02_INFO (see below)0x042Temperature reading0x052Humidity readingThe RH02 version response is made up of a 2 (for RH02) followed by the version number (currently 1).The RH02_INFO block contains the following information:typedef struct{unsigned short checksum;unsigned char version;unsigned char spare1;unsigned short ref_low;unsigned short ref_high;char batch [6];unsigned short unit;char cal_date [8];char spare2 [8];} RH02_INFO;The Temperature reading is converted to a temperature using the following table: static unsigned short humtemp_table [] ={/* 0000 */ 14522U,/* 0001 */ 15142U,/* 0002 */ 15776U,/* 0003 */ 16425U,/* 0004 */ 17087U,/* 0005 */ 17754U,/* 0006 */ 18441U,/* 0007 */ 19139U,/* 0008 */ 19849U,/* 0009 */ 20569U,/* 0010 */ 21290U,/* 0011 */ 22028U,/* 0012 */ 22774U,/* 0013 */ 23527U,/* 0014 */ 24287U,/* 0015 */ 25042U,/* 0016 */ 25811U,/* 0017 */ 26584U,/* 0018 */ 27360U,/* 0019 */ 28138U,/* 0020 */ 28905U,/* 0021 */ 29684U,/* 0022 */ 30461U,/* 0023 */ 31236U,/* 0024 */ 32009U,/* 0025 */ 32768U,/* 0026 */ 33532U,/* 0027 */ 34292U,/* 0028 */ 35046U,/* 0029 */ 35794U,/* 0030 */ 36523U,/* 0031 */ 37255U,/* 0032 */ 37979U,/* 0033 */ 38693U,/* 0034 */ 39398U,/* 0035 */ 40082U,/* 0036 */ 40766U,/* 0037 */ 41439U,/* 0038 */ 42101U,/* 0039 */ 42751U,/* 0040 */ 43379U,/* 0041 */ 44005U,/* 0042 */ 44618U,/* 0043 */ 45219U,/* 0044 */ 45808U,/* 0045 */ 46373U,/* 0046 */ 46936U,/* 0047 */ 47485U,/* 0048 */ 48022U,/* 0049 */ 48545U,/* 0050 */ 49047U};The humidity reading is converted to a relative humidity using the following procedure:humidity = (value - rh02_info.ref_low) * 100 / (rh02_info.ref_high - rh02_info.ref_low);temp_correction = (temp - 25) * 0.00216;humidity = humidity / (1 - temp_correction);Modem operationThe RH-02 is normally connected directly to the computer, but it is also possible to access the RH-02 via a modem using the Windows driver.It is necessary to provide power to the RH-02, either by instructing the modem to provide power or by connecting a power supply directly to the RH02. See serial connections for information.For some radio modems, there is a delay between sending text to the modem and its arrival at the other end, and a similar delay for the response from the RH02. If, for example, the maximum possible delay is 150ms each way, 300ms total, the following text should be added to Win.INI so that the driver waits longer for each response.[RH02]Turnround=300。




40 目前现网中,LTE同频切换主要是通过 事件进行触发。
41 42 43
广在播 LTiEnt单ra-播fre系qu统en中cy采邻用区重的选子关载系波的间系隔统,消相息应是的符。号长度为 (不包括CP) 。LTE中资源分配所属RB的频域大小为 个子载波,即 kHz。
109 SIB1中广播的Cell ID为
110 用来传输RRCConnectionSetup消息的逻辑信道为

111 在ASN.1的注释中,Need ON代表的意思是

112 在无线链路失败检测中,UE检测到物理层问题的的标志是 。
113 4G鉴权参数中用于加密的参数是(英文缩写) 。
TPDDS-LCTHE信支道持的8天TM线3的模T式M在3与信T道M质量之好间的的时自候适为应,,来信增道强质边量缘差覆的盖时。候回落到 。LTE组网中,如果采用室外D频段组网,一般使用的上下行时隙配比为 ,特 殊时隙配比为 。
137 协议规定,一个子帧的时长为 ,一个无线帧的时长为 。
138 R9版本中,提出了一种新的MIMO技术 。
139 S1-MME接口存在于MME和 之间。
140 S3接口是MME和 之间的接口。
141 EPC中 网元产生PGW-CDR话单。 142 EPC中 网元产生SGW-CDR话单。 143 HLR与SGSN之间的接口协议是MAP,EPC HSS与MME之间的接口协议是 。



Physical Channel Reconfiguration Complete(via new cell) 主叫信令 rrcConnectionRequest(UL_CCCH) rrcConnectionSetup(DL_CCCH) rrcConnectionSetupComplete(UL_DCCH) CM Service Request Authentication Request Authentication Response securityModeCommand(DL_DCCH) securityModeCommand(UL_DCCH) Setup Identity Request Identity Response Call Proceeding radioBearerSetup(DL_DCCH) radioBearerSetupComplete(UL_DCCH) measurementControl(DL_DCCH) Alerting Connect Connect Acknowledge Disconnect Release Release Complete rrcConnectionRelease(DL_DCCH) rrcConnectionReleaseComplete(UL_DCCH)
PLMN标识及SB(schedule block)/SIB(system infoblock)的调度信息 SIB的调度信息 NAS层的系统信息和UE定时器/计数器 URA的信息 用于小区选择和重选的参数 连接模式下用于小区选择和重选的参数 用于小区公共物理信道配置的参数 连接模式下用于小区公共物理信道配置的参数 上行链路干扰和动态持续电平等信息 用于WCDMA系统 测量控制信息,即邻区列表 连接模式下的测量控制信息,即邻区列表 用于WCDMA系统 用于定位业务的信息 GSM——TD-SCDMA系统间切换所需要的预配置信息 连接模式下共享物理信道的配置信息(TDD) 邻近小区PLMN信息,用于运营商网络共享 RRC连接请求 RRC连接建立 RRC连接建立完成 RRC连接释放 RRC连接释放完成 位置更新请求 位置更新确认 临时移动台标识符重配置完成 位置更新请求 位置更新确认 临时移动台标识符重配置完成 位置更新请求 位置更新确认 临时移动台标识符重配置完成 业务请求 鉴权请求 鉴权应答 加密 加密 呼叫建立 呼叫 振铃 连接 连接确认 断开 释放 释放完成 寻呼 寻呼应答 鉴权请求



Difficulties for whole genome sequencing
Tandem repeats Genome-wide repeats
Genetic mapping
2.1 Approaches to genome sequencing 2.2 Distinguish between the terms ‘genetic map’ and ‘physical map’ 2.3 DNA markers for genetic mapping 2.4 Linkage analysis with different types of organism
Chapter 2 Genetic mapping
Genome Mapping
人类的单倍体基因组分布在22条常染色体和X、Y 性染色体上,最大的1号染色体有263 Mb,最小 的21号染色体也有50 Mb,平均130Mb。人类基 因组计划的首要目标是测定全部DNA序列,但由 于人的染色体不能直接用于测序,因此人类基因 组计划的第一阶段是要将基因组这一巨大的研究 对象进行分解,将其分为容易操作的小的结构区 域,这个过程简称为基因组作图(Mapping)。
1) Allele Specific Hybridization
Also known as ASO (allele specific oligonucleotide hybridization), this protocol relies on distinguishing between two DNA molecules differing by one base by hybridization. Fluorescence labeled PCR fragments are applied to immobilized oligonucleotides representing SNP sequences. After stringent hybridization and washing conditions, fluorescence intensity is measured for each SNP oligonucleotide.

cyclictest编译 -回复

cyclictest编译 -回复





可以通过以下命令检查是否已经安装这些工具:shellgcc versionmake versionldd version如果没有安装,可以使用以下命令安装它们:shellsudo apt-get install build-essentialsudo apt-get install libnuma-dev第二步:获取cyclictest源代码在开始编译之前,我们需要获取cyclictest的源代码。

可以通过以下命令从Git存储库中获取最新版本:shellgit clone如果您没有安装Git,可以使用以下命令进行安装:shellsudo apt-get install git第三步:编译cyclictest在获得cyclictest的源代码后,我们可以进入源代码目录并执行make命令来编译cyclictest:shellcd rt-testsmake cyclictest这将编译cyclictest并生成可执行文件"cyclictest"。

第四步:运行cyclictest现在,编译完成后,我们可以使用以下命令运行cyclictest并测试系统的实时性能:shellsudo ./cyclictest -t1 -p99 -n -i 10000这将运行cyclictest工具,并使用实时优先级1进行测试。



参数“-i 10000”表示执行10000次测试循环。




ABSTY02_ALERT_1_C An _exptl_absorpt_correction_type has been given without a literature citation. This should be contained in the _exptl_absorpt_process_details field. Absorption correction given as multi-scan.警告原因:采用了吸收校正,但是没有给出吸收校正细节和参考文献。



CHEMW03_ALERT_2_A ALERT: The ratio of given/expected molecular weight as calculated from the _atom_site* data lies outside。



CRYSC01_ALERT_1_C The word below has not been recognised as a standard identifier.警告原因:cif中使用的单词无法被识别。


CRYSC01_ALERT_1_C No recognised colour has been given for crystal colour.警告原因:晶体颜色描述无法被cif识别。




3 信号量机制
3.1 信号量的概念 3.2 信号量的应用
3.3 生产者—消费者问题
3.4 读者—写者问题
3.5 哲学家进餐问题
3.6 理发师理发问题

是一个记录型数据结构 定义如下: struc semaphore { int value; pointer_PCB queue; } 信号量说明: semaphore s;
1.3 临界区与进程互斥
A进入临界区 进程A: A离开临界区
B试图进 入临界区 进程B: B被阻塞 T1 T2 时间 T3
B进入 临界区
B离开 临界区
1.3 临界区与进程互斥
独占临界区 前进速度不确定 区内进程不受干扰
2 实现互斥的硬件方法
1 并发的原理
1.1 与时间有关的错误 1.2 互斥与同步的概念 1.3 临界区与进程互斥 1.4 软硬件支持互斥的方法
1.1 与时间有关的错误
在多道程序并发执行中,由于并发执行的程 序共享资源或者相互协作,因其执行速度的 不确定性以及多道程序之间缺乏控制所带来 的错误称为“与时间有关的错误”。
Process B begin P(s1); x=x+1; V(s2); end; coend; end;
并发执行的各个进程之间,既有独立性, 又有制约性。 独立性:各进程可独立地向前推进 制约性:一个进程会受到其他进程的影 响,这种影响关系可能有:
互斥 同步 通信


– – – – Reverse direction Extend Match curves Bridge curves 2-6
• • • • • • • • • • From Curves Curve Driven Sweep Surface Surface of Revolution Offset Surface Midsurface Adjust varying thickness Loft Surface Over Several Curves Curtain Surface
July 2009 Inventory #002664
Geometry Import
CAD from just about any source • Direct CAD Interfaces
Training Manual
– Set up ICEMCFD/AI*E meshing requirements within CAD environment • Saved within CAD part • Retained for parametric geometry changes – Directly write out ICEM formatted geometry (tetin file) • No 3rd party exchange (clean!) – ProE – Catia V4 – Unigraphics – IDEAS – SolidWorks
Trai• • • •
• • •
Build Diagnostic Topology Close Holes Remove Holes Stitch/Match Edges Surface extension Un-trim surface Split by curvature Modify surface normals Bolt hole detection Button detection Fillet detection
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F.2Chapter2Solutions2.1The answer is2n2.2For26characters,we need at least5bits.For52characters,we need at least6bits.2.3(a)For400students,we need at least9bits.(b)29=512,so112more students could enter.2.42n integers can be represented.The range would be0to(2n)-1.2.5If each number is represented with5bits,7=00111in all three systems-7=11000(1’s complement)=10111(signed magnitude)=11001(2’s complement)2.6100000.2.7Refer the following table:000010010301005011071000-71010-51100-31110-12.8The answers are:(a)127in decimal,01111111in binary.(b)-128in decimal,10000000in binary.(c)(2n−1)-1(d)-(2n−1)122.9Avogadro’s number(6.02x1023)requires80bits to be represented in two’s complementbinary representation.2.10The answers are:(a)-6(b)90(c)-2(d)148032.11(a)01100110(b)01000000(c)00100001(d)10000000(e)011111112.12It is a multiple of4.2.13(a)11111010(b)00011001(c)11111000(d)000000012.14(a)1100(b)1010(c)1111(d)01011(e)100002.15Dividing the number by two.2.16(a)11111111(binary)or-0(decimal)(b)10001110(binary)or-14(decimal)(c)00000000(binary)or0(decimal)2.17(a)1100(binary)or-4(decimal)(b)01010100(binary)or84(decimal)(c)0011(binary)or3(decimal)(d)11(binary)or-1(decimal)2.18The answers are:(a)1100(binary)or12(decimal)F.2.CHAPTER2SOLUTIONS3(b)1011000(binary)or88(decimal)(c)1011(binary)or11(decimal)(d)11(binary)or3(decimal)2.1911100101,1111111111100101,11111111111111111111111111100101.Sign extensiondoes not affect the value represented.2.20(a)1100+0011=1111-4+3=-1(b)1100+0100=0000-4+4=0(c)0111+0001=1000OVERFLOW!7+1=-8(d)1000-0001=1000+1111=0111OVERFLOW!-8-1=-8+(-1)=7(e)0111+1001=00007+-7=02.21Overflow has occurred if both operands are positive and the result is negative,or if bothoperands are negative and the result is positive.2.22Any two16-bit2’s complement numbers that add to more than+32767or less than-32768would be correct.2.23Overflow has occurred in an unsigned addition when you get a carry out of the leftmost bits.2.24Any two16-bit unsigned numbers that add to more than65535would be correct.2.25Because their sum will be a number which if positive,will have a lower magnitude(lesspositive)than the original postive number(because a negative number is being added to it), and vice versa.2.26(a)7bits.(b)63in decimal(0111111in binary)(c)127in decimal(1111111in binary)2.27The problem here is that overflow has occurred as adding2positive numbers has resulted ina negative number.2.28When all of the inputs are1.2.29Refer to the following table:X1142.30(a)01010111(b)100(c)10100000(d)00010100(e)0000(f)00002.31When atleast one of the inputs is1.2.32Refer to the following table:X11F.2.CHAPTER2SOLUTIONS52.39(a)01000000011100000000000000000000(b)11000010010111010111000000000000(c)01000000010010010000111111011011(d)010001110111101000000000000000002.40(a)2(b)-17(c)Positive infinity.NOTE:This was not explained in the text.(d)-3.1252.41(a)127(b)-1262.42The ASCII values are being added,rather than the integer values.(ASCII”5”is53in decimal,and ASCII”8”is56in decimal,adding to109,which is ASCII”m”.)2.43(a)Hello!(b)hELLO!(c)Computers!(d)LC-22.44Add00110000(binary)or x30.2.45(a)xD1AF(b)x1F(c)x1(d)xEDB22.46(a)00010000(b)100000000001(c)1111011100110001(d)000011110001111000101101(e)10111100101011012.47(a)-16(b)2047(c)22(d)-327682.48(a)x100(b)x6F(c)x75BCD156(d)xD42.49(a)x2939(b)x6E36(c)x46F4(d)xF1A8(e)The results must be wrong.In(3),the sum of two negative numbers produced a positiveresult.In(4),the sum of two positive numbers produced a negative result.We call suchadditions OVERFLOW.2.50(a)x5468(b)xBBFD(c)xFFFF(d)x32A32.51(a)x644B(b)x4428E800(c)x48656C6C6F2.52Refer to the table below.x555445521,129,270,6081’s Complement1,431,586,1301,129,270,608IEEE754floating point14,587,137,097,728COMPQ1Q210011111Q1Q201001010111110111111F.2.CHAPTER2SOLUTIONS72.55(a)63(b)4n-1(c)310(d)222(e)11011.11(f)01000001110111100000000000000000(g)44m2.56-1.101x2(12−7)=-52。
