English Grammar(关系词)

Idon’t knowwhat you are doing.
What you are doing.
I like flowers.
I don’t know where you live
Where you live=your place
I don’t know your place.
但是说your place往往费劲,不好表达,但是从句好表达,所以从句就流行啦!
a.名词,例如The book, My teachers, Datong, Tom等。
b.代词。例如He,I, They, This, That, those, these, Mine等。

(完整word版)常用英语语法术语表English Grammar Glossary—常用英语语法术语表一语法:grammar句法:syntax词法:morphology结构:structure层次:rank句子:sentence从句:clause词组:phrase词类:part of speech单词:word实词:notional word虚词:structural word单纯词:simple word派生词:derivative复合词:compound词性:part of speech名词:noun专有名词:proper noun普通名词:common noun可数名词:countable noun不可数名词:uncountable noun抽象名词:abstract noun具体名词:concret noun物质名词:material noun集体名词:collective noun个体名词:individual noun介词:preposition连词:conjunction动词:verb主动词:main verb及物动词:transitive verb不及物动词:intransitive verb系动词:link verb助动词:auxiliary verb情态动词:modal verb规则动词:regular verb不规则动词:irregular verb短语动词:phrasal verb限定动词:finite verb非限定动词:infinite verb使役动词:causative verb感官动词:verb of senses动态动词:event verb静态动词:state verb感叹词:exclamation 形容词:adjective副词:adverb方式副词:adverb of manner程度副词:adverb of degree时间副词:adverb of time地点副词:adverb of place修饰性副词:adjunct连接性副词:conjunct疑问副词:interogative adverb关系副词:relative adverb代词:pronoun人称代词:personal pronoun物主代词:possesive pronoun反身代词:reflexive pronoun相互代词:reciprocal pronoun指示代词:demonstrative pronoun疑问代词:interrogative pronoun关系代词:relative pronoun不定代词:indefinite pronoun物主代词:possecive pronoun名词性物主代词:nominal possesivepronoun形容词性物主代词:adjectivalpossesive pronoun冠词:article定冠词:definite article不定冠词:indefinite article数词:numeral基数词:cardinal numeral序数词:ordinal numeral分数词:fractional numeral形式:form单数形式:singular form复数形式:plural form限定动词:finite verb form非限定动词:non—finite verb form原形:base form从句:clause从属句:subordinate clause并列句:coordinate clause名词从句:nominal clause定语从句:attributive clause状语从句:adverbial clause宾语从句:object clause主语从句:subject clause同位语从句:appositive clause时间状语从句:adverbial clause oftime地点状语从句:adverbial clause ofplace方式状语从句:adverbial clause ofmanner让步状语从句:adverbial clause ofconcession原因状语从句:adverbial clause ofcause结果状语从句:adverbial clause ofresult目的状语从句:adverbial clause ofpurpose条件状语从句:adverbial clause ofcondition真实条件状语从句:adverbial clauseof real condition非真实条件状语从句:adverbial clauseof unreal condition含蓄条件句:adverbial clause ofimplied condition错综条件句:adverbial clause of mixedcondition句子:sentence简单句:simple sentence并列句:compound sentence复合句:complex sentence并列复合句:compound complexsentence陈述句:declarative sentence疑问句:interrogative sentence一般疑问句:general question特殊疑问句:special question选择疑问句:alternative question附加疑问句:tag question反义疑问句:disjunctive question修辞疑问句:rhetorical question感叹疑问句:exclamatory question存在句:existential sentence肯定句:positive sentence基本句型:basic sentence pattern否定句:negative sentence祈使句:imperative sentence省略句:elliptical sentence感叹句:exclamatory sentence句子成分:members of sentences主语:subject谓语:predicate宾语:object(完整word版)常用英语语法术语表双宾语:dual object直接宾语:direct object间接宾语:indirect object复合宾语:complex object同源宾语:cognate object补语:complement主补:subject complement宾补:object complement表语:predicative定语:attribute同位语:appositive状语:adverbialEnglish Grammar Glossary-常用英语语法术语表二句法关系:syntatic relationship并列:coordinate从属:subordination修饰:modification前置修饰:pre—modification后置修饰:post-modification限制:restriction双重限制:double—restriction非限制:non-restriction数:number单数形式:singular form复数形式:plural form规则形式:regular form不规则形式:irregular form格:case普通格:common case所有格:possessive case主格:nominative case宾格:objective case性:gender阳性:masculine阴性:feminine通性:common中性:neuter人称:person第一人称:first person第二人称:second person第三人称:third person时态:tense过去将来时:past future tense过去将来进行时:past future continuous tense过去将来完成时:past future perfect tense一般现在时:present simple tense一般过去时:past simple tense一般将来时:future simple tense现在完成时:past perfect tense过去完成时:present perfect tense将来完成时:future perfect tense现在进行时:present continuous tense过去进行时:past continuous tense将来进行时:future continuous tense过去将来进行时:past futurecontinuous tense现在完成进行时:present perfectcontinuous tense过去完成进行时:past perfectcontinuous tense语态:voice主动语态:active voice被动语态:passive voice语气:mood陈述语气:indicative mood祈使语气:imperative mood虚拟语气:subjunctive mood否定:negation否定范围:scope of negation全部否定:full negation局部否定:partial negation转移否定:shift of negation语序:order自然语序:natural order倒装语序:inversion全部倒装:full inversion部分倒装:partial inversion引语:citation直接引语:direct speech间接引语:indirect speech自由直接引语:free direct speech自由间接引语:free indirect speech一致:agreement主谓一致:subject-predicateagreement语法一致:grammatical agreement概念一致:notional agreement就近原则:principle of proximity强调:emphasis重复:repetition语音:pronunciation语调:tone升调:rising tone降调:falling tone降升调:falling—rising tone文体:style正式文体:formal非正式文体:informal口语:spoken/oral English套语:formulistic expression英国英语:British English美国英语:American English用法:usage感情色彩:emotional coloring褒义:commendatory贬义:derogatory幽默:humorous讽刺:sarcastic挖苦:ironic。

时间状语 关系副词
The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a
very difficult period of my life.
第一次见到纳尔逊· 曼德拉的时候是在
先行词 关系副词
The school where I studied only two years
The room is not far from here.
My grandfather once lived there.
The room where my grandfather once lived
关系副词 先行词
is not far from here.
代词、分数词、数词等。 e.g. 1. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single D person _____she could turn for help.
A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom turn to sb.for help 向某人寻求帮助
1.You saw the museum the other day. 2.We saw an exhibition in the museum the other day.
where= in which 3.He has left for Beijing,__________a meeting
will be held. which 4.He has left for Beijing,_________is the capital of China.

Basic English GrammarA. General terms:1. morphology 词法2. syntax 句法3. word 单词4. phrase 词组5. sentence 句子6. clause 从句7. main clause 主句8. part of speech 词性9. structure 结构B. Tenses 时态1. past future tense 过去将来时: would do2. past future continuous tense 过去将来进行时: would be doing3. past future perfect tense 过去将来完成时: would have done4. present simple tense 一般现在时: do (does)5. past simple tense 一般过去时: did6. future simple tense 一般将来时: will do7. present perfect tense 现在完成时: have done8. past perfect tense 过去完成时: had done9. future perfect tense 将来完成时: will have done10. present continuous tense 现在进行时: is (am, are) doing11. past continuous tense 过去进行时: was (were) doing12. future continuous tense 将来进行时: will be doing13. past future continuous tense 过去将来进行时: would be doing14. present perfect continuous tense 现在完成进行时: have been doing15. past perfect continuous tense 过去完成进行时: had been doingC. Part of speech 词性1. notional word 实词(n. a. num. pro. v. ad.)2. structural word 虚词(prep. conj. art.)3. noun名词:proper noun 专有名词, common noun 普通名词, countable noun 可数名词, uncountable noun 不可数名词, abstract noun抽象名词, concrete noun 具体名词, material noun物质名词, collective noun集体名词4. verb动词:transitive verb及物动词, intransitive verb不及物动词, linking verb系动词, auxiliary verb助动词, modal verb情态动词, regular verb规则动词, irregular verb 不规则动词, phrasal verb短语动词5. preposition 介词6. conjunction连词7. adverb副词8. pronoun代词:personal pronoun人称代词, possessive pronoun物主代词, reflexive pronoun反身代词, demonstrative pronoun指示代词, interrogative pronoun疑问代词, relative pronoun关系代词, indefinite pronoun不定代词(all, each, every, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no)9. article冠词:definite article定冠词, indefinite article不定冠词10. numeral数词:cardinal numeral基数词ordinal numeral序数词D. Forms形式1. singular form单数形式2. plural form复数形式3. non-finite verb forms非限定动词: infinitive不定式, participle分词(present participle, past participle), gerund 动名词E. Sentence句子1. simple sentence简单句2. compound sentence并列句3. complex sentence复合句4. declarative sentence陈述句5. interrogative sentence疑问句6.general question一般疑问句7. special question特殊疑问句8. alternative question选择疑问句9. tag question附加疑问句10. rhetorical question修辞疑问句11. existential sentence存在句12. positive sentence肯定句13. negative sentence否定句14. imperative sentence祈使句15. elliptical sentence省略句16. exclamatory sentence感叹句F. Elements of sentences句子成分1. subject主语2. predicate谓语3. object宾语4. dual object双宾语5. direct object直接宾语6. indirect object间接宾语7. complex object复合宾语8. complement补语9. subject complement主补10. object complement宾补11. predicative表语12. attribute定语13. appositive同位语14. adverbial状语G. Subordinate clause从属句1. nominal clause名词从句2. attributive clause定语从句3. object clause宾语从句 5. subject clause主语从句 6. appositive clause同位语从句adverbial clause状语从句10. adverbial clause of time时间状语从句11. adverbial clause of place地点状语从句12. adverbial clause of manner方式状语从句13. adverbial clause of concession让步状语从句14. adverbial clause of cause原因状语从句15. adverbial clause of result结果状语从句16. adverbial clause of purpose目的状语从句17. adverbial clause of condition条件状语从句18. adverbial clause of real condition真实条件状语从句19. adverbial clause of unreal condition非真实条件状语从句H. Syntactic relationship句法关系1. coordinate并列2. subordinate从属3. modification修饰4. 前置修饰pre-modification5. 后置修饰post-modification 7. 限制restriction 8. 非限制non-restrictionI. Number数1. singular form单数形式2. plural form复数形式3. regular form规则形式4. irregular form不规则形式J. Case格1. possessive case所有格2. nominative case主格3. objective case宾格K. Gender性1. masculine阳性2. feminine阴性3. neuter中性L. Person人称1. first person第一人称2. second person第二人称3. third person第三人称M. Voice语态1. active voice主动语态2. passive voice被动语态N. Mood语气1. indicative mood陈述语气2. imperative mood祈使语气3. subjunctive mood 虚拟语气O. Negation否定1. full negation全部否定2. partial negation局部否定P. Order语序1. natural order自然语序2. inversion倒装语序: full inversion全部倒装, partial inversion部分倒装Q. Speech引语1. direct speech直接引语2. indirect speech间接引语R. Agreement一致1. subject-predicate agreement主谓一致2. principle of proximity就近原则S. Emphasis强调1. repetition重复2. pronunciation语音3. tone语调4. rising tone升调5. falling tone降调6. falling-rising tone降升调T. Style文体1. formal正式文体2. informal非正式文体3. spoken/oral English口语4. British English英国英语5. American English美国英语6. usage用法U. Emotional coloring感情色彩1. commendatory褒义2. derogatory贬义3. humorous幽默4. sarcastic讽刺5. ironic挖苦。

language 语言interjection 感叹词grammar 语法head (headword) 中心词sentence 句子noun phrase 名词词组clause 分句verb phrase 动词词组phrase 词组adjective phrase 形容词词组word 词adverb phrase 副词词组morpheme 词素prepositional phrase 介词词组segmentation 切分法simple verb phrase 简单动词词组free morpheme 自由词素complex verb phrase 复杂动词词组simple word(morphemeword)简单词(单词素词)finite verb phrase 限定动词词组compound word 复合词tense 时compound noun 复合名词person 人称compound adjective 复合形容词number 数compound verb 复合动词non-finite verb phrase 非限定动词词组compound adverb 复合副词premodifier 前置修饰语compound pronoun 复合代词postmodifier 后置修饰语compound conjunction 复合连词complementation 补足成分compound preposition 复合介词independent clause 独立分句inflectional affix 屈折词缀dependent clause 从属分句derivational affix 派生词缀simple clause 简单分句prefix 前缀simple sentece 简单句infix 中缀complex clause 复杂分句suffix 后缀complex sentece 复杂句allomorph 词素变体main clause 主句closed class 封闭词类subordinate clause 分句function word 功能词finite clause 限定分句preposition 介词non-finite clause 非限定分句pronoun 代词verbless clause 无动词分句determiner 限定词full sentence 完全句conjunction 连词minor sentece 不完全句auxiliary 助动词compound sentence 并列句open class 开放词类compound-complex sentence 并列复杂句content word 实义词clause element 分句成分noun 名词basic clause type 分句基本类型adjective 形容词subject(compound subject)主语(并列主语)adverb 副词predicate(compound predicate)谓语(并列谓语)main verb 主动词predicate verb 谓语动词cardinal numeral 基数词object(direct object/indirect object)宾语(直宾/间宾)ordinal numeral 序数词complement(subject/object complement)补语(主补/宾补)adverbial 状语indefinite article 不定冠词SVC, SV, SVO, SV oO, SVOC,SV A, SVOA zero article 零冠词concord/agreement 一致possessive determiner 物主限定词subject-verb agreement 主动一致/主谓一致genitive noun 名词属格grammatical concord 语法一致原则demonstrative determiner 指示限定词notional concord 意义一致原则relative determiner 关系限定词principle of proximity 就近原则interrogative determiner 疑问限定词coordinate subject 并列结构作主语indefinite determiner 不定限定词noun phrase of amount or quality 表示数量概念的名词词组multiplicative numeral 倍数词relative clause 关系分句fractional numeral 分数词relative pronoun 关系代词quantifier 量词antecedent 先行项specific reference 特指cleft sentence 分裂句generic reference 类指focus element 中心成分definite specific reference 确定特指existential sentence 存在句anaphoric specific reference 前照应特指notional subject 实义主语cataphoric specific reference 后照应特指coordinate construction 并列结构situational reference 语境照应(特指)coordinate element 并列成分definite quantity 确定数量simple noun 简单名词indefinite quantity 非确定数量compound noun 复合名词referential meaning 所指意义derivative noun 派生名词predeterminer 前位限定词common noun 普通名词central determiner 中位限定词individual noun 个体名词postdeterminer 后位限定词collective noun 集体名词person pronoun 人称代词material noun 物质名词subjective case 主格abstract noun 抽象名词objective case 宾格proper noun 专有名词genitive case 属格countable/count noun 可数名词possessive pronoun (genitive pronoun)物主代词(属格代词) uncountable/non-count noun 不可数名词nominal genitive pronoun 名词性属格代词number 数possessive genitive pronoun 限定词属格代词singular number 单数reflexive pronoun 反身代词plural number 复数reciprocal pronoun 相互代词regular plural 规则复数demonstrative pronoun 指示代词irregular plural 不规则复数indefinite pronoun 不定代词partitive/unit noun 单位词/单位名词interrogative pronoun 疑问代词case 格relative pronoun 关系代词common case 通格gender 性possessive case/genitive case 所有格/(名词)属格masculine gender 阳性independent genitive 独立属格feminine gender 阴性double genitive 双重属格neuter gender 中性determiner 限定词common gender 通性definite airicle 定冠词noun of common gender 通性名词person 人称complementation 补足成分first person 第一人称transitive verb 及物动词second person 第二人称intransitive verb 不及物动词third person 第三人称linking verb 连系动词Reflexive form 反身形式dynamic verb 动态动词emphatic use 强调用法stative verb 静态动词unemphatic use 非强调用法single-word verb 单词动词reference 照应,所指phrasal verb 词组动词pronoun reference 代词照应finite verb (finite form)限定动词(限定形式)anaphoric reference 前照应non-finite verb(non-finite form)非限定动词(非限定形式)cataphoric reference 后照应base form 原形situational reference 语境照应grammatical form 语法形式person reference 人称照应simple tense 一般现在时demonstrative reference 指示照应simple past 一般过去时tense 时present progressive 现在进行时present tense 现在时past progressive 过去进行时past tense 过去时present perfective 现在完成时aspect 体past perfective 过去完成时progressive aspect 进行体present perfective progressive 现在完成进行时perfective aspect 完成体past perfective progressive 过去完成进行时voice 态future tense 将来时active voice 主动态operator 操作词passive voice(be-passive/get-passive/passi ve infinitive)被动态(be型/get型被动态/不定式被动态)predication 述谓成分mood 式Old English 古英语indicative mood 陈述式prediction 预见statement(declarative sentence)陈述句willingness 意愿question(interrogative sentence)疑问句intention 意图imperative mood 祈使式infinitive(to-infinitive/bare-infinitive)不定式(带to/不带to不定式) subjunctive mood 虚拟式-ing participle ing分词hypothetical meaning 假设意义-ed participle ed分词non-factual meanig 非事实意义conditional 条件句Be-subjunctive Be型虚拟式implied conditional 含蓄条件句Were-subjunctive Were型虚拟式ability 能力auxiliary 助动词possibility 可能primary auxiliary 基本助动词permission 许可modal auxiliary 情态助动词obligation 义务(必须,应该)semi-auxiliary 半助动词necessity 必然simple verb phrase 简单动词词组determination 决心complex verb phrase 复杂动词词组epistemic 推测性notional verb 实义动词non-epistemic 非推测性deep structure 深层结构emphasizer 强调词surface structure 表层结构reinforcement tag 强调附加结构dynamic adjective 动态形容词double negative 双重否定stative adjective 静态形容词rhetorical question 修辞疑问句present participle 现在分词partial negation 局部否定past participle 过去分词question(interrogative sentence)疑问句gerund 动名词general question(yes-no question)一般疑问句(是非疑问句)dangling participle (unattached participle) 悬垂分词(无依着分词)special question (wh-question)特殊疑问句(wh-问句)attachment rule 依着规则alternative question 选择疑问句logical suject 逻辑主语tag question 附加疑问句one-word adjective 单词形容词non-assertive word 非肯定词compound adjective 复合形容词command (imperative sentence) 祈使句central adjective 中心形容词existential sentence 存在句peripheral adjective 外围形容词notional subject 实义主语gradable ajective 等级形容词real subject 真主语non-gradable ajective 非等级形容词locative adverbial 地点状语causative construction 使役结构temporal adverbial 时间状语simple adverb 简单副词nonreferring it 非指代性it derivative adverb 派生副词empty it 虚义it adverb of manner 方式副词anticipatory it 先行it adverb of degree 程度副词pseudo-clef sentence 拟似分裂句adverb of time 时间副词coordinator 并列(连)词adverb of frequency 频率副词correlative coordinator 关联并列连词adverb of place 地点副词coordinate construction 并列结构conjunctive adverb 连接副词subordination 从属explanatory adverb 解说副词subordinator 从属连词adjunct 修饰/结合性状语simple subordinator 简单从属连词dsjunct 评注/分离性状语complex subordinator 复杂从属连词conjunct 连接性状语correlative subordinator 关联从属连词positive/absolute degree 原级marginal subordinator 边际从属连词comparative degree 比较级one-word subordinator 单词从属连词superlative degree 最高级adverbial clause of time 时间状语分句synthetic form 综合形式adverbial clause of place 地点状语分句analytic form 分析形式adverbial clause of manner 方式状语分句comparative constructure 比较结构adverbial clause of cause 原因状语分句analytic language 分析性语言adverbial clause of result 结果状语分句simple preposition 简单介词adverbial clause of purpose 目的状语分句complex preposition 复杂介词adverbial clause of condition 条件状语分句two-word preposition 双词介词adverbial clause of concession 让步状语分句three-word preposition 三词介词Infinitive clause 不定式分句four-word preposition 四词介词-ing participle clause -ing分词分句exclamation(exclamatory sentence)感叹句-ed participle clause -ed分词分句quasi-coordinator 近似并列连词end weight 句尾重心absolute construction 独立结构information focus 信息焦点relative word 关系词information unit 信息单位relative pronoun 关系代词old information (given information) 旧信息(已知信息)relative adverb 关系副词new information 新信息relative determiner 关系限定词full inversion 全部倒装attributive clause (relative clause) 定语从句(关系分句)partial inversion 部分倒装restrictive relative clause 限定性关系分句cohesion 粘着性non-restrictive relative clause 非限定性关系分句coherence 连贯性double relative clause 双重关系分句unity 统一性embedded relative clause 嵌入式关系分句redundancy 累赘conditional 条件句correctness 正确性real conditional 真实条件句communicative pfunction 交际功能unreal conditional 非真实条件句transitional words/phrases 过渡词语basic form 基本形式logical connectors 逻辑纽带variant form 变体形式grammatical connectors 语法纽带alternative form 替换形式coreference pro-form 指代词direct speech 直接引语comparative reference 对比照应indirect speech 间接引语parallel construction 平行结构reporting verb 引述动词key word 关键词modification 修饰语synonym (near-synonym) 同义词(近义词)restrictive modifier 限制性修饰语sentence group 句群(语段)non-restrictive modifier 非限制性修饰语text 语篇discontinuous modification 分隔修饰single-sentence group text 单语段语篇appositive 同位语multi-sentence group text 多语段语篇restrictive appositive 限制性同位语top sentence 主题句non-restrictive appositive 非限制同位语topic sentence group 主题语段substitute 替代词supporting sentence 辅助句nominal substitute 名词性替代词supporting sentence group 辅助语段verbal substitute 动词性替代词clausal substitute 分句性替代词substitution 替代nominal substitution 名词性替代verbal substitution 动词性替代clausal substitution 分句性替代ellipsis 省略word order 词序normal order 正常词序natural order 自然词序postponement 后置fronting 前置end focus 句尾焦点。
English Grammar-subordinate clause

Note:在名词doubt“怀疑”后的同位语从句用whether连接;在no doubt“不 怀疑”之后的同位语从句用that连接 eg: We have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time.
There is no doubt that Zhang Wei will keep his promise.
主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况: (1) if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。
(2) It is said , (reported) …结构中的主语从句不可提前。 eg:It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week. (right) That President Jiango will visit our school next week is said. (wrong) (3) It happens…, It occurs… 结构中的主语从句不可提前。 eg:It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. (right) That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (wrong) (4) It doesn‟t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前。 eg:It doesn‟t matter whether he is wrong or not. (right) Whether he is wrong or not doesn‟t matter. (wrong) (5) 含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前。 eg:Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? (right) Is that will rain in the evening likely? (当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、 同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可 分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 eg: It is quite clear that the crime was done deliberately. (主语从句) What caused the fire is still a mystery. (主语从句) She suggested that he do it at once. (宾语从句) Please explain why this is impossible. (宾语从句) My opinion is that you should not go alone. (表语从句) The question is why he likes the place so much. (表语从句) The fact that the earth is round is true. (同位语从句) She told us her hope that she would become a pianist. (同位语从句)
初中英语语法 English Grammar

初中英语语法English Grammar目录构词法(word-formation)名词(Nouns)冠词(Articles)代词(Pronouns)数词(Numerals)形容词(Adjectives)副词(Adverbs)介词(Prepositions)动词(Verbs)动词的时态(Tenses)动词的语态(Voices)限定动词与非限定动词(Finite and Non-finite Verbs)简单句(The simple sentences)It的用法(The use of “it”)并列句(The compound sentences)主从复合句(The complex sentences)构词法(word-formation)构词法(word-formation)——分为转换、派生、合成转换:常用于动词和名词之间的转换1)不改变读音、重度音节,只转换单词词性e.g.2)有些双音节词,作名词时,第一个音节重度;作动词时,第二个音节重度e.g. 名词动词’increase /’inkri:s/ 增加in’crease /in’kri:s/增加3)有些词可以用读音变化改变词性e.g. excuse /iks’kju:s/(名)歉意;道歉;借口excuse /iks’kju:z/(动)原谅4)有些形容词可以转化为动词e.g. He slowed down at the crossroad./ Please warm up the cold meat.派生前缀:加前缀一般不改变词类,而只是改变原词的词义构成反义词的前缀dis- disagree disappear dislikeim- impolite impossibleun- unable uncertain unhappy一些表示特定意思的前缀down 往下downloadkilo 千kilometreman 人,由人man-mademis 错误地mistake misunderstandre 重新,再次rebuild retell可以改变词性的前缀加在名词前构成形容词或副词asleep aboard asideen- 加在名词或形容词前构成动词encourage enable enrich后缀:加后缀一般改变词性名词后缀-an African American -er dancer driver reporter -ing feeling reading -ion action decision-ment development government -ness happiness sadness-or actor visitor -tion invention pronunciation-ure failure pleasure②形容词后缀-an American African -en golden wooden-ese Chinese Japanese -ful beautiful hopeful useful-ive active expensive -less careless endless useless-ly friendly -ous nervous dangerous-y dirty rainy③副词后缀-ly carefully happily clearly④数词后缀-teen thirteen -ty twenty -th fifth合成合成名词词加名词basketball形容词加名词blackboard动词-ing形式+另一词dining-room合成形容词形容词+动词-ing形式hard-working形容词+过去分词kind-hearted名词+过去分词man-made名词+动词-ing形式man-eating peace-loving合成动词词+动词water-ski副词+动词overeat overcome③ 形容词/副词+动词white-wash合成副词、代词合成副词upstairs beforehand合成代词myself everything其他构词法1)缩短法telephone—phone2)前后各截部分refrigerator—fridge3)缩写法名词(Nouns)一、名词的数:名词复数的构成规则规则复数变化多数在词尾加-s以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词加-es e.g. match—matches以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,改y为i,再加-es e.g. story—stories以f,fe结尾的名词,一般把f,fe改为v,再加-es e.g. leaf—leaves但也有只加-s e.g. roof—roofs④以o结尾的名词,多数加-es e.g. hero—heroes但也有只加-s e.g. piano—pianos注:以o 结尾的名词,我们可按下面一条规律来记住它们的复数形式:指人和农作物的加-es、其他的加-s.(或者是有生命的加-es,无生命的加-s)不规则变化①名词单复数同形 e.g. sheep, deer, fish②单词拼写中变化元音字母 e.g. man—men tooth—teeth③有些是用-en做词尾构成复数形式 e.g. child—children ox—oxen④表示某国人的单词,单复数形式分为三种:A.单复数相同 a Chinese—five ChineseB.词尾加-s an American—seven AmericansC.变-man为-men an Englishman—ten Englishmen复合名词的复数形式1.将复合名词中的主题名词变为复数形式 e.g. new-comer—new-comers2.没有主题名词的,则在词尾加-s e.g. grown-up—grown-ups3.以man或woman开头的复合词,名词都要变为复数形式 e.g. man-doctor—men-doctors4.其他合成的词,只把最后一个词变为复数eg.boy friend—boy friends5.由两部分组成的物体名词和其他一些名词常用复数形式 e.g. trousers,clothes,scissors6.专有名词一般为不可数名词,但是表示某姓一家或夫妇和同名同姓若干时,用复数e.g. The Browns have gone to the cinema.7.在做定语的合成词中,名词要用单数形式e.g. an eighty-three-year-old grandpa8.以-s结尾的专有名词有两种情况A.表示国家、报纸等名词看做单数 e.g. the United StatesB. 表示群岛、山脉、瀑布、奥运会等专有名词看做复数,谓语也用复数形式e.g. The Alps are in Europe.名词复数词尾加-s或-es的读音规则如下表二、名词的种类:普通名词——个体名词,集体名词(可数)物质名词,抽象名词(不可数)专有名词普通名词是某一类人、某一类事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名词个体名词:表示单个的人或物e.g. tree树doctor医生cup杯子apple苹果表示一群人或一些事物的总称e.g. crowd人群army军队class班级family家庭group小组,团队police警方team队public公众物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质e.g. tea茶paper纸snow雪cloth布wood木头sugar糖meat肉sand沙ink墨水coffee咖啡抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质、感情等方面的抽象概念e.g. happiness幸福work工作music音乐experience经历pride骄傲failure失败protection保护专有名词3)可数名词和不可数名词①可数名词:其所表示的事物可以用数来计算,前面可用不定冠词a,an和数词,有复数形式②不可数名词:其所表示的事物不可以用数来计算,前面不能用不定冠词a,an和数词,没有复数形式。

英语词性包括:1).Noun名词n. :描述一个人、一个地点、一个东西或者一种想法的词。
2).Pronoun代词pron. :用来指代一个名词的词。
共四大类:人称代词:表示各类人称的代词如:I, we, they等。
物主代词:表示人或事物归属的代词如:your, mine.指示代词: 如:this, that, those these等。
疑问代词:如:which, who, whose, what。
3).Adjective形容词adj. :一个用来描述一个名词或者代词的词。
4).Verb动词v. :一个表示动作进行或者存在的状态的词。
5).Adverb副词adv. :副词是用来描述一个动作怎样完成、在哪里完成或者什么时间完成的词。
如:very, so, slowly, finally等。
6).Conjunction连词conj. :一个用来连接几个词或者几组词的词7).Preposition前置词,汉语中多叫介词prep. :一个用来表明一个名词或代词和另一个词的关系的词。

English grammar terms often used 英语语法常用词语1.Parts of speech 词类noun 名词pronoun 代词numeral 数词adjective 形容词verb 动词adverb副词article 冠词preposition介词conjunction连词interjection感叹词particle 小品词2. Word building 构词法conversion 转化derivation 派生affixation词缀法prefix前缀suffix后缀compound words 合成词3.Classification of nouns 名词的分类common nouns普通名词proper nouns 专有名词individual nouns个体名词collective nouns 集合名词material nouns 物质名词abstract nouns 抽象名词countable nouns 可数名词uncountable nouns不可数名词the singular form 单数形式the plural form 复数形式the common case 普通格the possessive case 所有格the subjective case 主格the objective case 宾格person 人称third person singular 第三人称单数4. Classification of pronouns 代词的分类personal pronouns 人称代词possessive pronouns 物主代词self pronouns 反身代词demonstrative pronouns 指示代词interrogative pronouns 疑问代词conjunctive pronouns 连接代词relative pronouns 关系代词reciprocal pronouns 相互代词indefinite pronouns 不定代词5.数词、形容词、冠词cardinal numerals 基数词ordinal numerals 序数词fractional numerals 分数词the comparative degree 比较级the superlative degree 最高级The definite article 定冠词the indefinite article 不定冠词6.Classification of verbs 动词的分类national verbs 实义动词link-verbs系动词auxiliary verbs助动词modal verbs 情态动词transitive verbs 及物动词intransitive verbs 不及物动词regular verbs 规则动词irregular verbs 不规则动词the present forms 现在式the past forms 过去式the participle 分词the present participle现在分词the past participle 过去分词the infinitive 不定式the gerund 动名词bare infinitive 不带to的不定式7.Tense 时态the present tense 一般现在时the past tense 一般过去时the future tense一般将来时the past future tense一般过去将来时the present continuous现在进行时the past continuous 过去进行时the future continuous 将来进行时the past future continuous过去将来进行时the present perfect 现在完成时the past perfect过去完成时the future perfect 将来完成时the past future perfect 过去将来完成时the present perfect continuous现在完成进行时the future perfect continuous 将来完成进行时the past future perfect continuous 过去将来完成进行时8.Voice 语态、Mood 语气the passive voice 被动语态the active voice 主动语态the indicative mood 陈述语气the imperative mood 祈使语气the subjunctive mood 虚拟语气9.Classification of adverbs 副词的分类adverbs of place 地点副词adverbs of time 时间副词adverbs of degree程度副词adverbs of manner 方式副词adverbs of frequency频度副词relative adverbs 关系副词interrogative adverbs 疑问副词conjunctive adverbs连接副词10.Members of the sentence 句子成分the subject 主语the predicate 谓语the predicative 表语the object 宾语the attribute 定语the adverbial 状语the appositive 同位语independent elements 独立成分the direct object 直接宾语the indirect object 间接宾语parenthesis 插入语the double possessive 双重所有格the formal subject/object 形式主语/宾语subject complement 主语补足语object complement 宾语补足语11.Classification of sentences句子的分类declarative sentences 陈述句imperative sentences 祈使句exclamatory sentences感叹句interrogative sentences 疑问句general questions 一般疑问句special questions 特殊疑问句alternative questions选择疑问句disjunctive questions 反意疑问句tap questions 附加疑问句simple sentences 简单句compound sentences 复合句complex sentences 并列句elliptical sentences 省略句phrase 短语preposition phrases 介词短语infinitive phrases 不定式短语the question word 疑问词12.Clauses 从句main clauses 主句subject clauses 主语从句object clauses宾语从句direct speech 直接引语indirect speech 间接引语predicate clauses 谓语从句predicative clauses 表语从句attributive clauses定语从句restrictive attributive clauses 限定性定语从句the antecedent 先行词non-restrictive attributive clauses 非限定性定语从句appositive clauses同位语从句adverbial clauses状语从句adverbial clauses oftime/ place / cause / condition / degree / result / concession / purpose / comparison /manner 时间/地点/原因/条件/程度/结果/让步/目的/比较/方式状语从句sentences of real condition真实条件句sentences of unreal condition 虚拟条件句natural word-order 自然语序inverted word-order 倒装语序full inversion 完全倒装partial inversion 部分倒装ellipsis 省略transformation of sentences 句型转换analysis of sentences 句子分析13. Punctuation 标点符号period/full stop 句号comma 逗号semicolon分号colon 冒号dash 破折号hyphen连字号brackets 括号question mark 问号quotation marks 引号apostrophe 省略号14.The pronunciation of English 英语发音international phonetic国际音标the sounds of English 英语语音vowels 元音pure vowels 单元音diphthongs 双元音semi-vowel 半元音consonants 辅音nasal 鼻音plosive 爆破音fricative磨擦音affricate 破擦音voiced sounds浊音voiceless 清音length mark 长音符号stress 重读main stress 主重读音节secondary stress 次重读音节unstressed 非重读音节rhythm 节奏intonation 语调 a level pitch 平调rising tune 升调falling tune 降调。

3. 句子(sentence) = 主语(subject) + 谓语(predicate) + (表(predicative)、宾(object)、定(attributive)、 状(adverbial)、同位(appositive)、独立成分 (independent element) – 句中可有可无)。 主语:是句子主体,表示谓语陈述和说明的是谁、 是什么的成分。即是谓语动词的执行者。可用 代词、名词、数词、名词短语、不定时短语动 名词短语、主语从句、形式主语it等表示(举 例)。
表语:由联系动词引导的、说明主语身份、性质、状态的 成分。用名、代、数、形、名短、代短、形短、不定短、 介短、表从等表示(举例)。
He is a writer. (名表)他是作家。 He appears a most plain man. (名短表)他看起来是一个很普通的人。 This is mine. (代表)这是我的。 The task is one of great importance. (代短表)这是一项很重要的任务。
I’m forty. (数表)我四十岁。 It is very hot today. (形表)今天很热。 To see is to believe. (不定短表)眼见为实。 Our greatest happiness is serving the people. (动名短表)我们最大的幸福是为人民服务。 He is at rest now. (介短表)他现在在休息。 My idea is that we should do it at once. (表从)我的意思是我们马上干。

English grammar terms often used英语语法常用词语1.Parts of speech noun 名词verb动词conjunction 连词词类pronoun 代词adverb 副词interjection 惋惜词numeral 数词article冠词particle 小品词adjective 形容词preposition介词2. Word building conversion 转变suffix 后缀构词法derivation派生compound words 合成词affixation词缀法prefix前缀3. Classification of nouns名词的分类common nouns一般名词individual nouns 个体名词material nouns 物质名词countable nouns 可数名词the singular form 单数形式the common case一般格the subjective case主格person 人称proper nouns 专有名词collective nouns 会集名词abstract nouns 抽象名词uncountable nouns不可以数名词the plural form 复数形式the possessive case所有格the objective case 宾格third person singular 第三人称单数4. Classification of pronouns代词的分类personal pronouns 人称代词self pronouns 反身代词interrogative pronouns 疑问代词relative pronouns 关系代词indefinite pronouns 不定代词possessive pronouns物主代词demonstrative pronouns 指示代词conjunctive pronouns 连接代词reciprocal pronouns 相互代词5.数词、形容词、冠词cardinal numerals 基数词fractional numerals 分数词the superlative degree最高等the indefinite article不定冠词ordinal numerals 序数词the comparative degree比较级The definite article 定冠词6.Classification of verbs动词的分类national verbs 实义动词auxiliary verbs 助动词transitive verbs 及物动词regular verbs 规则动词the present forms 现在式the participle 分词the past participle 过去分词the gerund 动名词link-verbs 系动词modal verbs神情动词intransitive verbs 不及物动词irregular verbs 不规则动词the past forms 过去式the present participle现在分词the infinitive 不定式bare infinitive 不带 to 的不定式7.Tense 时态the present tense一般现在时the future tense一般将来时the present continuous现在进行时the future continuous 将来进行时the present perfect 现在完成时the future perfect 将来完成时the past tense 一般过去时the past future tense一般过去将来时the past continuous 过去进行时the past future continuous过去将来进行时the past perfect过去完成时the past future perfect 过去将来完成时the present perfect continuous现在完成进行时the future perfect continuous 将来完成进行时the past future perfect continuous 过去将来完成进行时8.Voice 语态、 Mood 语气the passive voice 被动语态the indicative mood 陈述语气the subjunctive mood 虚假语气the active voice 主动语态the imperative mood 祈使语气9.Classification of adverbs副词的分类adverbs of place 地点副词adverbs of time 时间副词adverbs of degree程度副词adverbs of manner 方式副词adverbs of frequency频度副词relative adverbs 关系副词interrogative adverbs 疑问副词conjunctive adverbs连接副词10. Members of the sentence 句子成分the subject 主语the predicate 谓语the predicative 表语the object the attribute 定语the adverbial 状语the appositive 同位语independent elements独立成分the direct object 直接宾语the indirect object 间接宾语parenthesis 插入语the double possessive 双重所有格the formal subject/object 形式主语subject complement 主语补足语object complement宾语补足语宾语/宾语11. Classification of sentences句子的分类declarative sentences陈述句exclamatory sentences惋惜句general questions 一般疑问句alternative questions选择疑问句 tap questions 附加疑问句compound sentences复合句elliptical sentences 省略句infinitive phrases 不定式短语imperative sentences 祈使句interrogative sentences 疑问句special questions 特别疑问句disjunctive questions 反意疑问句simple sentences简单句complex sentences并列句phrase 短语preposition phrases 介词短语the question word 疑问词12.Clauses 从句 mainclauses 主句 object clauses宾语从句subject clauses 主语从句direct speech 直接引语indirect speech 间接引语predicate clauses谓语从句predicative clauses 表语从句attributive clauses定语从句restrictive attributive clauses 限定性定语从句the antecedent 先行词non-restrictive attributive clauses 非限制性定语从句appositive clauses同位语从句adverbial clauses状语从句adverbial clauses oftime/ place / cause / condition / degree/ result / concession / purpose / comparison /manner 时间 / 地点 / 原因 / 条件 / 程度 / 结果 / 退步 / 目的 / 比较 / 方式状语从句sentences of real condition 真实条件句sentences of unreal condition 虚假条件句natural word-order 自然语序inverted word-order 倒装语序full inversion 完满倒装partial inversion 部分倒装ellipsis 省略transformation of sentences句型变换analysis of sentences句子解析13. Punctuation标点符号period/full stop 句号comma逗号semicolon 分号colon 冒号dash 破折号hyphen 连字号brackets 括号question mark问号quotation marks引号apostrophe 省略号14.The pronunciation of English英语发音international phonetic 国际音标the sounds of English 英语语音vowels 元音pure vowels 单元音diphthongs 双元音semi-vowel 半元音consonants 辅音nasal 鼻音plosive 爆破音fricative 磨擦音affricate 破擦音voiced sounds浊音voiceless 清音length mark 长音符号stress 重读main stress 主重读音节secondary stress次重读音节unstressed 非重读音节rhythm 节奏rising tune 升调intonationfalling tune语调降调a level pitch平调。

• 能接同位词从句的名词有:belief(信仰), fact,idea,doubt,rumor(谣言), evidence(证据),conclusion(结论), suggestion(建议),problem,order, answer,discovery(发 现)explanation (解释),principle(原则),possibility (可能性),truth,promise(承诺), report(报告),statement(声明), knowledge(知识),opinion(观点), likelihood(可能性)
关系 代词
关系 副词
பைடு நூலகம் 经典句型记忆
1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy.
English Grammar (英语语法)

• 3. Tidings (has, have) come that
the British warship was sunk.
答案及分析 答案has和have都可以。tidings既可作复 数也可作单数,前后需保持主谓一致,所 以谓语动词has和have都可以。
• 4. Your suspenders (is, are) not
(剪子), shorts(短裤), suspenders
(吊裤带), trousers, sugar-tongs(方
• 单位词的单、复数形式决定动词的单、
• 例如:One pair of scissors isn’t
Two pairs of pliers, one large
• 例如:Ham and eggs is a good breakfast.
由and / both…and连接的并列主语形似单 数,意义为复数,谓语动词用复数。
• 例如:Good and bad taste are inculcated by example. • What I say and think are no business of yours.
• 3)以-s结尾的地理名称
• 作单数的地理名称:the United States,the
Netherlands,the Nations。
• 作复数的地理名称:the West Indies
( 西印度群岛),the Bahamas(巴哈
马群岛),the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山
English Grammar
第二讲 主谓一致(一)
英语语法体系(English Grammar)

导论:英语语法体系(English Grammar)英语语法课程体系基本概念1.词性 2. 语法层次 3. 词类的功能(常规/非常规)4. 分句成分(常规/非常规)4. 词类与成分对应关系 5. 基本句型英语句子常态结构一、句内关系模块1. 支配关系(动词概述)2. 一致关系二、非限定动词模块3. 动名词4. 动词不定式5. 分词三、从句模块6. 名词性从句7. 状语从句8. 定语从句四、限定动词模块9. 动词的时与体10. 将来时间表示法11. 虚拟语气12. 情态助动词五、名词模块13. 名词及其属格14. 限定词六、修饰语模块15. 形容词16. 副词17. 介词七、英汉对比模块18. 英汉句型比较19. 英汉句子结构比较20. 英汉词汇搭配、词义对比21. 英汉表达法比较22. 英汉连贯与衔接对比英语句子的非常态结构1.(反意疑问句)2. It 句型与There be 句型3.强调句4. 倒装5.分隔(前置与后置)6. 省略7.替代综合练习1.句型判断2. 联句3.语法手段判断4. 长难句结构分析Language possess grammatical systems not, as some learners might be inclined to think, simply to make the learning of the language more difficult, but to express meanings. The grammatical devices of a language are not to be learned as an end in themselves. It is the capacity to express meaning that is the end. The grammatical system provides the necessary means.第一讲语法的内容总论英语的基本结构单位有词和句两个,因而词的构造规则和句的构造规则就成为英语语法的基本内容,分别由词法和句法去研究。
英语语法大全 English Grammar

如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。
词类(parts of speech)英语的词通常分为十大类:1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。
Unit 2 重点语法Grammar定语从句之关系代词-高一英语必修一单元重难点易错题精练北师大

Unit 2 重点语法Grammar定语从句之关系代词-高一英语必修一单元重难点易错题精练北师大Unit 2 单元重点语法专项练习定语从句之关系代词一、单项选择1.Have you seen the sunflowers________ are bought as presents for your Mother’s Day. A.who B.which C.whose D./2.They rushed over to help the man_______car had broken down.A.when B.the C.whose D.because3.Tik Tok is an invention ______ can help people share photos, ideas and feelings easily. A.whose B.what C.which D.it4.The house ______windows face south is mine.A.which B.where C.that D.whose5.When people talk about the cities of the U.S., the first________comes into mind is New York.A.one B.that C.which D.of them6.They rushed over to help the man ________ car had broken down.A.that B.who C.which D.whose7.Who doesn’t hate him________knows how cruel he is?A.whom B.who C.that D.as8.The Battle at Lake Chang jin (《长津湖》) is the most inspiring movie _______ I have ever seen.A.when B.which C.what D.that9.In China, many modern cities have excellent subway systems ______ can take people everywhere in the city.A.what B.where C.which D.who二、用单词的适当形式完成句子定语从句专练习: 用恰当的关系词填空。
English Grammar

• 下面通过英汉语法的对比来看英语语法的特 点
• 一、 汉语中有很多无主语句子或省略主语的 句子,在用英语表达时,须补出主语(祈使 句的情形例外)。如:
• 1、暑假过得很开心 The summer vacation is happy. (F) We/They had a good time in the summer vacation. (T)
• ①并列句(并列连词连接) • ②复合句(从句引导词引导)
• 复杂结构充当句子成分
• 简单句子中的成分一般由简单的词或词组充当,而随 着句子变长变难,句中的一个成分可能就会由长而且 复杂的结构充当,如从句、非谓语动词短语、动词短 语、形容词短语、介词短语等等。 • 如: Feeling upset and not wanting to try, I left the city which I loved. (分词短语作状语、从句作定语)
• 语法知识与语言技能
• 语法知识如何转化为语言技能,要做到下面两点: • 首先,要“多思考”(think much),要认真领 悟书中所讲到的语法规则。认真思考语法规则背 后的合乎情理的思维规律,把“课本上的语法” (a textbook grammar)变为“头脑中的语法” (a mental grammar)——即逐渐培养自己运 用英语思维的能力。
(上面的这个汉语句子实际上没有主语,“暑假”在 句中是状语。译成英语时须加主语We/They/He/I 等。)
• 2、天气糟透了。整天刮大风下大雨的。 The weather was so bad. It blew hard and rained heavily all the day. (翻译时必须补出主语It。)

Download tips: English grammar is a series of language rules that are systematically summarized after studying the English language. The essence of English grammar lies in mastering the use of language. Moreover, English grammar is a complete language knowledge system. If you want English to go further, English grammar is the main link.正文内容英语定语从句关系词的用法与区别定语从句即指在主从复合句用作定语的从句。
关系代词主要有 that, who, whom, whose, which, as 等,其中who 等,其中whowhom 只用于指人,which和as 只用于指事物,whose 和 that既可于指人也可用于指物,它们在定语从句可用作主语、宾语、表语或定语;关系副词主要有when, where 和why,其中when表示时间,whenwhere表地点,why表原因,它们在定语从句中均用作状语:The dog which [that] was lost has been found. 丢失的狗找到了。
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They hurry to office building where they work. A garage is a place where cars are stored or repaired. This is the house which my brother lives in. Can you remember the time when we first met? This is the reason why I don’t help him.
<1>複合關代=先行詞+關代 1. Whoever = anyone+ who+ V. 2. Whomever = anyone+ whom+ S+ V. 3. Whosever = anyone+ whose + N. 4. What = all that = the thing which. <2>使用 what 和 that 引導名詞子句. 1. S + V + that+完整子句. 2. S + V + what+不完整子句. 要領: (1)複合關代沒有先行詞. (2)複合關代引導名詞子句,在句中做主詞、受詞或補語. (3)複合關代的格,判斷方式與簡單關代相同.
s v
o I live . s v
This is the house + in which +
(2) I wait for the boy .
s v
This is the boy + for whom + I wait.
(3)This is the chair + on which + he sat . N(物) 介 o s v (4) I have no friend + to whom I can talk. N(人) 介 o s v 基本觀念:
副詞子句(連接詞+S+V)可修飾動詞,形容詞,副詞. <1> whatever = No matter what (無論什麼……) whichever = No matter which (無論那一個......) whoever = No matter who (無論誰……) whomever = No matter whom (無論誰……) <2> whenever = No matter when (無論何時……) wherever = No matter where (無論何處……) however = No matter how (無論多麼……)
暨大網路多媒體英語教室 .tw/ FREE On-Line English! /mkt/leadform/password2.php 英文動畫文法 /tw/ FiFi英文學習翻譯網 / kelly的英文文法補給站 /boring0706/
先行詞前若有以下單字出現時,關代y(3)the first(4)the same (5)the last(6)the very(7)all(8)every(9)any(10)no (11)人又有動物時。 例:This is the most interesting book that I have ever read. 例:All that is needed is a little extra effort to make the catching-up faster.
與 the same, such, as , not so,一起用時
與否定詞形成雙重否定句或 用於反問句.
2. 3. 4.
David gave the girl more money than she asked for. I know no such person as you have mentioned. Tony gave the girl as much money as she asked for . There is no mother but loves her children.
1. the same ----+ as 指類似的人或物. the same ----+that 指同一個人或物. 2. such ----+as+不完整句子 (像……..的). such ----+that+完整句子 (如此……..以致於).
關係副詞:兼具連接詞和副詞的功用,前有先行詞,引導本身結構完整形 容詞子句.
An accountant is a person whose work is to keep and examine business accounts. The little girl who was killed last week lived next door to us. She lives with her husband and two children in a house which is twenty-three years old. Smoking, which is a bad habit, is nevertheless very popular. Is that the man whom you are waiting for. Unfortunately he didn’t see the sign to which he should have paid attention.
先行詞的種類 關係副詞
1. 表”地方”的名詞(the place/house/room,……)
2. 表”時間”的名詞(the time/day/year,……) 3.表”原因”或”理由”的名詞(the reason,……)
Where=in which
when why
2. 3.
2. 3.
Sam bring Judy flowers whenever he comes to see her. No matter what you do ,I still respect you. No matter what you say , I don’t want to listen.
高中英文學習加油網 .tw/senior/english/tp_tt/main.htm 學習英文一上就靈 /free/index.html 高苑英文學習站 .tw/mika/ 傑克的英文之家 /life/ishope/index.htm Easy Talk http://www.eztalk.to/ ALE /flash/index.html
好站連結 ICRT / 語言家教學網 / 大家說英語 / 空中英語教室 / 英語遊樂場 /foot/playground/
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English Grammar
90404067吳明倫 90404013林祺峰
---人 事物
who which that
whose( of which )
whom which that
這次的文法報告,我覺得我做的很用心.我跟其他同學一起收 集資料.我也從製作文法報告中,得到了許多英語知識,收穫不 少啊!!雖然我製作這份報告時,有時常常熬夜編排,打字.不過 完成後的報告,卻是我一大的成就感.我選擇關係詞是因為它 在一般的文章和對話,常常用到.我覺得學習關係詞,有助於閱 讀的能力.所以我選擇了它.
4. 5.
You may do whatever you like. This strategy is universally effective at reminding us what is most important in our lives. The prize will be given to whoever answers the questions correctly. I am glad to do whatever you want me to do. I love what is beautiful.
出處 : 賀氏英文法全書,Kelly的英文文法補給站, 高苑英文學習站,建功英文文法書,建宏英文 文法書.
製作者: 穆裕名 設計者: 穆裕民 資料提供者: 穆裕民 吳明倫 林祺峰
(1)簡單關係代名詞兼有連接詞和代名詞的雙重功用. (2)簡單關係代名詞所引導的子句當形容子句用,修飾前面的先行詞,其時態和主 要子句時態無關. (3)簡單關係代名詞所代替名詞或代名詞稱為先行詞. (4)關係代名詞的「格」視其在所引導的子句中擔任的功能而定.