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1.The _____ (果仁) is a part of some plants.
2.What is the name of the famous bear who loves honey?
A. Paddington
B. Winnie the Pooh
C. Yogi Bear
D. Smokey Bear
3.The zebra has a unique _________. (图案)
4.What do we call a young female seal?
A. Pup
B. Calf
C. Kit
D. KidA
5.The chemical symbol for aluminum is ______.
6.小马) gallops across the field. The ___
7.What is the largest desert in the world?
A. Sahara
B. Arabian Desert
C. Gobi Desert
D. Antarctic DesertD
8.The ________ was a famous route for traders in the Middle Ages.
9. A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of solute that can ______.
10.I can ______ (自我提升) through feedback.
11. A dilute solution contains a ______ concentration of solute.
12.The ______ is known for his scientific discoveries.
13.What is the name of the famous giant in the children's story?
A. Jack
B. Beanstalk
C. Giant
D. CloudC
14.The sun is ______ (hot) in the summer.
15.An acid is a substance that donates _____ (protons) in a solution.
16.The bear has thick _______ for warmth.
17.The _______ of a comet can be seen when it approaches the sun.
18.The _______ (小长颈鹿) reaches up for leaves in the trees.
19.The chemical formula for ethylene glycol is ______.
20.I carry a water bottle on hot ______ (日子).
21.What do we call a baby sheep?
A. Calf
B. Kid
C. Lamb
D. Foal
22.The dolphin plays in the ______ (波浪).
23. A lunar eclipse can only occur during a ______ Moon.
24.The ____ is known for its bright colors and beautiful plumage.
25.What do you call the study of the mind and behavior?
A. Sociology
B. Psychology
C. Anthropology
D. PsychiatryB
26. A dragonfly has beautiful ______ (翅膀).
27. A ferret can scurry through tight ______ (空间).
28. A ____ is a friendly animal that enjoys being around other pets.
29.What is the name of the famous volcano in Italy?
A. Mount Vesuvius
B. Mount Etna
C. Stromboli
D. Mount Fuji
30.The ancient Persians built a vast ________.
31.What do you use to cut paper?
A. Pencil
B. Scissors
C. Ruler
D. Glue
32.The boy likes to play ________.
33.What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. HydrogenC
34.The __________ (历史的启示) can guide future actions.
35.How many teeth does an adult human have?
A. 20
B. 28
C. 32
D. 36C
36.What is the largest organ in the human body?
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Skin
D. Brain
37.What is the process of plants making food called?
A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Digestion
D. AbsorptionB
38.I like to ___ (write) stories.
39.My brother is a ______. He loves sports.
40.My aunt loves __________ (参与新项目).
41.Plants can adapt to their ______ (环境).
42.My dad is an _____ (工程师) who builds roads.
43. A ______ (土地恢复) project can rejuvenate ecosystems.
44.I like to collect ________ (玩具名称) from my favorite shows.
45.What is the main ingredient in peanut butter?
A. Peanuts
B. Almonds
C. Cashews
D. Walnuts
46.The __________ (历史的想象力) inspires creativity.
47.I like to ______ at the library. (read)
48.What is 7 x 3?
A. 21
B. 24
C. 18
D. 27A
49. (Gutenberg) press revolutionized the way books were made. The ____
50.I decorated my ________ (书包) with stickers of my favorite ________ (卡通人物).
51.An ant is a small _______ that works hard.
52.The __________ is a famous river that flows through London. (泰晤士河)
53. A ______ is a small animal that is often kept in aquariums.
54.What do you call the action of helping someone in need?
A. Assisting
B. Supporting
C. Aiding
D. CaringA
55.What do we call the season when leaves fall from trees?
A. Winter
B. Spring
C. Summer
D. FallD
56.What is the capital city of Argentina?
A. Buenos Aires
B. Santiago
C. Montevideo
D. Lima
57.What is the name of the planet closest to the sun?
A. Venus
B. Earth
C. Mercury
D. Mars
58.The hamburger is ____(tasty/bland).
59.The __________ (历史资料) are essential for research.
60. A candle burning is an example of a _______ reaction.
61.What do we call the act of collecting stamps?
A. Philately
B. Numismatics
C. Collecting
D. Antiques
62.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
A. Big Ben
B. Eiffel Tower
C. Leaning Tower
D. ColosseumA
63.Plants can help improve _______ by absorbing carbon dioxide.
64.The stars shine at _______ (night).
65.The weather is ________ today.
66.The lemonade is very _______ (refreshing).
67.What do you call a small, round fruit that is usually sour?
A. Kiwi
B. Lemon
C. Lime
D. All of the aboveD
68.The Amazon Rainforest is located in _______.
69.Our garden has many ________.
70.The _____ (泡泡) maker is so cool.
71.I have a . (我有一个。

72.The _______ of an object can change when it is moved.
73.What do we call the act of engaging in discussions?
A. Dialogue
B. Conversation
C. Debate
D. All of the AboveD
74. A reaction that absorbs heat is called an _______ reaction.
75.What is the name of the famous English playwright known for his tragic plays?
A. Charles Dickens
B. William Shakespeare
C. George Orwell
D. J.K. RowlingB
76.My ________ (玩具名称) is very realistic and looks real.
77.The _______ of a wave can be affected by its amplitude.
78.What is the term for a baby goat?
A. Calf
B. Kid
C. Foal
D. LambB
79.I have a toy ________ that can soar through the air.
80.The capital of Bosnia is __________.
81.I want to _____ (learn/forget) new things.
82.I have a new _____ (玩具).
83.What do we call a person who collects stamps?
A. Philatelist
B. Numismatist
C. Collector
D. Archivist
84.We can _____ (preserve) rare plant species.
85.I like to _____ (jump/run) in the park.
86.My ______ enjoys playing with his friends.
87.The sun is shining _____ (brightly/darkly).
88.中国的________ (historical) 文化深深植根于传统和信仰中。

89.I want to _______ (学习)做饭。

90.My mom grows ______ (草莓) in the garden. They taste very ______ (甜).
91.The ____ has a thick coat to protect it from the cold.
92.I can foster friendships through my ________ (玩具类型).
93.The ________ is a small animal that hops around.
94.What do you call a collection of written works?
A. Library
B. Anthology
C. Archive
D. All of the aboveD
95.The _____ (蝴蝶) is colorful.
96.I enjoy _______ (培养兴趣) in different subjects.
97.What do we call a baby kangaroo?
A. Calf
B. Joey
C. Kitten
D. CubB
98.In science class, we learn about _______ (主题). It’s f ascinating to explore the _______ (世界).
99.The first successful vaccine was developed for ________ (天花).
100.She has a cute ___. (puppy)。
