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【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical features,diagnostic process and outcomes of tumor—induced osteomalacia
(TIO).Methods A retrospective analysis of f ifteen patients with TIO was performed,involving pre—and post—operative clinical features and biochemical changes.Results Among the f if teen patients,there were two cases of recurrence(13.3% )and one case of metastases (6% )after recurrence.The average age was(42.8±10.7 )years,and the mea n duration of disease was(3.5±2.8 )years.Serum phosphor us concentrations were low in all these patients(0.41±O.10)mmol/L.The rena l phosphate threshold (RTPC)decreased in all the patients with an average of(0.33±0.10)mmol/L.These patients were treated surgica lly nineteen times.Nine tumors were found in sof t tissues and ten tumors in bones.Thir teen of these cases f 86.7% )were cured through primary operation and serum phosphorus con— centrations returned to normal in (3.7±1.6 )days.A1l the nineteen tumors were phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors of the mixed connee—
武 警 医学 2o18年 6月 第 29卷 第 6期 Med J Chin PAP,Vo1.29,No.6,June, ol8
肿 瘤 性 骨 软 化 症 特 征 及 诊 治
李 伟 ,】 目的 通过对肿瘤性骨软化症 (tumor—induced osteomalacia,TIO)患者 临床 特点 、诊断过程及 术后疗效 随访 的分 析 ,提高对 TIO的认 识及临床诊治水平 。方法 回顾性分析 l5例 TIO确诊患者 的临床 特点 及手 术前 后临床及 生化指标变化 。 结果 15例年龄 (42.8±10.7)岁 ,病 程为 (3.5±2.8)年 ;其 中 2例 复发 (13.3%),1例复 发后 恶变 (6.7%)。血磷 (0.41 4- 0.10)mmol/L、肾磷酸根 阈值 (RTPC)(0.33±0.10)mmol/L,均低于正常值 。15例共住 院手术 19人 次 ,肿瘤位于骨组织 l0人 次 ,软组织 9人次 ,13例手术一次性治愈 (86.7% )。19次术后病理 结果 均为磷酸盐尿性 间叶细胞瘤混 合结缔组 织型 (PMTM— CT)。分 析显 示 :肿瘤位 于软组织患 者较 肿瘤 位于骨组织患者血磷 及 RTPC均更 低 (t=2.264,P=0.041);血磷主要 受 RTPC 影响(标准 系数 0.836,t=3.862,P:0.005);RTPC受肿瘤体积 、肿瘤 组织来源相关影 响 (标 准系数 0.405、0.546,t=一2.635、 3.925,P=0.030、0.004)。 结 论 对 于 TIO 的患 者 应 警 惕 恶 性 及 复 发 的可 能 ;RTPC能 较 24 h尿 磷 更 好 地 反 映 肾 小 管 重 吸 收 磷的受损情况 ;肿瘤 位于软组织患者较肿瘤位于骨组织病情更 为严重 。
【关键 词】 肿瘤性骨软化症 ;低磷 血症 ;恶性 ;复发 ;磷 酸盐尿性 间叶细胞瘤 【中国图书分类号】 R589.5;R730.5
Treatm ent and clinical features of tum or-induced osteom alacia:a retrospective review of
fifteen patients LI Wei ,WANG Xiangdang ,ZUO Qingyao ,WANG Hong ,HUANG Yanhong ,SONG Hui ,and DENG Wei .1.Department of
Endocrinology,3.Department of Rheumatology,Jishuitan Hospita l,Beijing 100035,China;2.Department of Pharmacy,General Hospi· tal of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force.Beijing 100039.China
tive tissue variant. One case wa s found to be malig n ant during the follow—up. Compa r ed with tumors in bones,tumors in sof t tissues
caused a lower ser um phosphorus concentration and lower RTPC (t=2.26 4 ,P =0.041).Regression analysis showed that the blood phosphor us concentration was influenced primarily by RTPC (sta ndardized beta coef icient=0.836,t=3.862,P=0.005),and that RT— PC was inf luenced by tumor volume a nd tumor tissue origin(standa rdized beta coefficient=0.405、0.546,t= 一2.635、3.925,P=0.030、 0.0O4,respectively).Conclusions The chance of recurrence and metastasis of TIO is high.Compa red with 24一hour urine phosphorus