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【摘 要】针对传统高频合成孔径雷达(SAR)天线质量大,而轻量化的薄膜微带阵天线因热变形大无法应用于高频段的问题,
维热膨胀系数为负的特性,将 Kevlar 索网附加在薄膜上从而降低天线热变形。利用 Patran/Nastran 软件分析了天线结构在极端
Abstract: The weight of traditional synthetic aperture radar 渊SAR冤antennas is high, however the light-weight thinmembrane micro-strip array antennas cannot be applied to high frequency band antennas due to the large thermal deformation. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, a ultra-light cable-membrane micro-strip phase array anten鄄 na structure is proposed in this work. This antenna structure include top layer尧ground尧Kevlar woven-strip尧foam column and feed network. The negative thermal expansion coefficient of Kevlar fiber was utilized to reduce the thermal deformation by attaching the Kevlar cable to the membrane. The thermal deformation of the antenna struc鄄 ture in extreme high and low temperature environments were analyzed by using Patran/Nastran袁and moreover, some geometric parameters of the structure were optimally selected, including diameter of foam column, cable layout and section size, film thickness. The electrical performance of the antenna was checked by ANASYS. Finally, the opti鄄 mal parameters with minimum mass and thermal deformation for the antenna structure were obtained. With the merits of light weight and high precision, this antenna structure can be applied to a SAR antenna in high frequency band. Key words: cable-membrane micro-strip phase array antenna; structure optimization;thermal deformation; lightweight
DOI院10.13905/j. cnki. dwjz. 2019. 10. 020
星载超轻索膜 SAR 天线结构设计与分析
李岩咏 1, 韦娟芳 1, 冯勃 2, 刘宇飞 3 (1.浙江大学空间结构研究中心,杭州 310058;2.西安交通大学机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室,西安 710049; 3.中国空间技术研究院钱学森空间技术实验室,北京 100094) LI Yanyong1, WEI Juanfang1, FENG Bo2, LIU Yufei3 (1.Spatial Structure Research Center, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; 2.State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China; 3.Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China)
高、低温环境下的热变形,并且对泡沫柱尺寸、索网布置形式及截面尺寸、膜厚度等结构参数进行优化分析;利用 ANSYS 软件
高频段 SAR 天线。
它 可 全 天 时 、全 天 候 地 提 供 地 球 表 面 的 图 像 ,可 实 现 对地球表面资源及气象状态的连续观测[ 1 ]。SAR 天线 是星载 SAR 的主要设备之一,也是其关键技术之一。 在未来地球观测领域有发展集群分布式 SAR、多频多 极化 SAR 和立体成像干涉 SAR 的需求,这些都要求 小卫星组群或者一颗卫星搭载多副 SAR 天线。国外 2000 年以前已经发射的 SAR 卫星,除了加拿大高分 辨率商用雷达卫星 -1(Radarsat-1)是 C 频段外,其余 SAR 的工作频段都是低频段(L、S 频段)[2,3]。2000 年以